THE MEASUREM ENT OF INTERREGIONAL REDISTRIBUTION G. C. RUGGERI AND WEIQIU YU* Department of Economics University of New Brunswick Abstract This paper develops two indices, both local and global, to measure interregional redistribution. The local indices proposed involve a comparison between federal revenues and expenditures assigned to various regions and the pattern of income disparities among regions. They are developed by relating these comparisons under a given regional distribution of federal fiscal activity to three special cases under known degrees of redistribution, namely, (a) no redistribution, and (b) the degree of redistribution that would be delivered solely through equal per capita federal spending in each region, and (c) the maximum degree of redistribution that would equalize per capita income in all regions . Global indices are then developed as weighted averages of the local indices. A major benefit of the proposed indices is the direct measurement of how much interregional redistribution is generated by the federal fisc compared to these known degrees of redistribution. We calculate the proposed indices using Canadian data for 1996. Our results show that the federal fiscal system in 1996 delivered a degree of interregional redistribution 1.8 times what would have been generated under equal per capita federal expenditures in each region and nearly half of the maximum redistribution that could have been delivered by the federal fisc. J.E.L Classification: H00, H77, H5, H6 ______________________ *Department of Economics, University of New Brunswick, P.O. Box 4400/Fredericton, N.B. E3B 5A3. Tel: (506) 447-3211, Fax: (506) 453-4514, E-mail: <>, and <>. We thank an anonymous referee and Vaughan Dickson for helpful comments. 1. INTRODUCTION The fiscal activity of government generates a variety of redistributional effects. It may alter the relative economic position of individuals with different income levels and it may also influence the relative position of individuals with equal income, but different non-economic characteristics. The first effect may be called vertical redistribution as it involves vertical equity, while the second effect may be called horizontal redistribution. In a federal state, the central government may also affect the relative economic situation of regions with different levels of average income. We call this effect interregional redistribution, where “region” refers to a state or a province. Economists have developed a variety of indices to measure the degree of vertical redistribution and horizontal redistribution. Example of measuring the degree of vertical redistribution are Musgrave and Thin (1948), Kakwani’s (1976), Reynolds and Smolensky (1977), Baum (1987), and Cassady, Ruggeri and Van Wart (1996). Examples of measuring the degree of horizontal redistribution are Plotnick (1982) and Musgrave (1991). Less attention in the literature on fiscal redistribution has been paid to redistribution among regions generated by the fiscal activity of the federal government in a federation. When the redistributional effect of federal fiscal activity is evaluated, the analysis is usually confined to the calculation of what are commonly called federal fiscal balances. Calculated by assigning to each region a portion of both federal revenues and expenditures on the basis of a selected methodology, these balances can be transformed into indices for interregional redistribution. For example, if we represent the economic position of a province by its per capita income and list the provinces in ascending order of per capita income, we can treat the resulting series in the same manner as a distribution of average income by 2 income class and apply the indices of vertical redistribution. We can use such series to calculate the selected Gini values and derive any of the global progressivity measures identified above. In our view, this approach to the measurement of interregional redistribution fails to capture the defining fiscal characteristics of a federation. A major policy issue in fiscal federalism is the extent to which federal fiscal activity affects the degree of regional disparities. In order to capture not only this effect, but also the channels through which it is delivered, we need indices specifically designed for interregional redistribution which take into account directly the information incorporated in the federal fiscal balances. This paper develops a set of new indices, both local and global, designed explicitly to measure interregional redistribution by incorporating elements of federal fiscal activity and the relative income position of regions. The local indices proposed involve a comparison between federal revenues and expenditures assigned to various regions and the pattern of income disparities among regions. They are developed by relating these comparisons under a given regional distribution of federal fiscal activity to three special cases under known degrees of redistribution. Global indices are then developed as weighted averages of the local indices. A major benefit of the proposed indices is the direct measurement of how much interregional redistribution is generated by the federal fisc compared to the cases with no redistribution, the degree of redistribution that would be delivered solely through equal per capita federal spending in each region and the maximum degree of redistribution which would equalize average incomes among regions. We calculate the proposed indices using Canadian data for 1996. Our results show that the federal fiscal system in 1996 delivered a degree of interregional redistribution 1.8 times what would have been generated under equal per capita federal expenditures in each region and nearly half of the maximum redistribution that could have been 3 delivered by the federal fisc. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the proposed indices and explores their properties through simple examples. Section 3 applies those indices to the Canadian situation in two steps: first, it discusses the methodology in calculating the main components of federal fiscal balances and regional income disparities; and then, it estimates the values of the proposed indices. Finally, Section 4 concludes. 2. INDICES OF INTERREGIONAL REDISTRIBUTION IN A FEDERAL SYSTEM The proposed indices of interregional redistribution are based on the relationship between the main components of federal fiscal balances and regional income disparities. They are developed in two steps. The first step develops measures of the relative contribution that each region makes to the financing of the federal expenditures assigned to it compared to its relative economic position, called Relative Share (RS), under the actual pattern of federal revenues and expenditures by region and under selected assumptions. The second step develops indices of interregional redistribution, called Relative Share Indices (RSI), from a comparison of the above relative shares. A. Relative Shares Under Alternative Scenarios Following Mansell and Schlenker (1995), the basic formula for calculating the relative share for region i (RSi) is 4 RSi = [(ri/r)/(ei/e)] / (yi/y) (1) where ri, ei and yi are per capita federal revenues, per capita federal expenditures, and per capita income for region i, respectively, and r,e,y are the corresponding averages for all regions. A value of one indicates that a region’s contribution to the financing of the federal expenditures it receives is commensurate with its share of income. A value greater (less) than one indicates that a region contributes more (less) than in proportion to its income share. Since the population used to derive per capita values is the same for each variable within a region, and for each variable related to the country as a whole, equation (1) can be expressed in terms of total federal revenues received from region i (Ri) and total federal expenditures assigned to the same region (Ei) as follows RSi = [(Ri/Ei) (E/R)] /yi/y (2) where R and E are, respectively, total federal revenues and expenditures. In the case of a balanced federal budget, E = R and the local relative share value is reduced to the ratio of (Ri/Ei) to (yi/y). To develop the indices of interregional redistribution, we consider three special cases: (1) the situation where the federal fiscal system does not generate interregional redistribution, (2) the situation where redistribution is delivered only via the spending side and through equal per capita federal spending in each region, and (3) the situation where the federal fiscal system delivers maximum redistribution by eliminating entirely the existing regional income disparities. 5 Case (a). Distributionally-Neutral Fiscal System (No Redistribution) Let us consider the case where neither federal revenues nor expenditures affect the interregional distribution of income by assuming that their per capita values are a fixed proportion of per capita income in each region. That is, ei = ayi, where a = e/y = E/Y, and ri = byi, where b = r/y = R/Y. Expanding the terms ri and ei, recognizing that ri/ei = Ri/Ei, we can express the ri/ei ratio as Ri/Ei = byi/ayi = b/a = R/E (3) Substituting (3) for Ri/Ei into (2) yields RSi(N) = y/yi (4) where N stands for distributionally-neutral and RSi(N) distributionally-neutral shares since it is not affected by the allocation of federal revenues and expenditures. Expression (4) indicates that, when the federal fiscal system is distributionally-neutral across regions, the relative share values are the reciprocal of the relative income values. Therefore, RSi(N) turns out to be a measure of regional disparity. For the purpose of clarifying this measure, an illustrative calculation of RSi(N) is shown in panel (a) of Table 1. It is assumed in this example that there are only two regions, each region has only one agent and the federal government has a balanced budget (as shown by expression (4), the RSi(N) values are not affect by unbalanced budgets). In this case, the residents of each region pay the full 6 price of the benefits they receive from federal expenditures, in the sense that they collectively contribute to the federal government exactly as much as the federal government has provided them in public spending. The net positions of each region remain unchanged and so does the pattern of regional income disparities. However, since the resident of region 1 pays 100% of the value of federal expenditures when they have only 80% of the average per capita income, they end up paying 25% more than if the price had been set at 80% of the value of federal expenditures. Therefore, the estimated value of RSi(N) is 1.25 (1/.8). In contrast, the resident of region 2 also pays 100% of the value of federal expenditures but its per capita income is 20% higher than the national average. As a result, the estimated value of RSi(N) is .83 (1/1.2). Therefore, the higher the per capital income in region i, the lower is its RSi(N). Graphically, it is represented by a downward sloping curve in a diagram which has per capita income ranked in ascending order on the horizontal axis and the RSi(N) values on the vertical axis. Case (b) Redistribution Only Through Federal Spending (Standard Redistribution) In the previous case, the government acts as a private firm with no power of price discrimination: it provides bundles of publicly-supplied goods and services to the residents of all regions and then collects from each region an amount of revenue equal to its expenditures assigned to that region. One of the functions of governments in a federation, however, is to reduce regional disparities. In Canada, this commitment is enshrined in the Constitution. What is the degree of interregional redistribution that fulfills this commitment, one may ask? The answer to this question requires a normative answer. For analytical purposes, we propose as a standard degree of redistribution the situation where each 7 province contributes to the financing of the federal expenditures assigned to it in a manner commensurate to its relative income position. Specifically, standard redistribution occurs when the ri/ei ratio equals the yi/y ratio under a balanced budget (i.e., E=R). This happens when, given redistributional neutrality on the revenue side, federal expenditures are distributed on an equal per capita basis among regions. That is, federal revenues per capita are a fixed percentage of per capita income in each region, i.e., ri = byi, as in case (a); and federal expenditures per capita are equal in each region, i.e., ei=e. Accordingly, ri/ei = byi/e = (R/Y)(yi/E/P) = (R/E)yi(Y/P) = (R/E)(yi/y) (5) where P represents the national population. Recognizing that ri/ei = Ri/Ei and substituting this into equation (2) yields the relative share values under the above-defined degree of standard redistribution as follows: RSi(S) = 1 , where S symbolizes standard redistribution. (6) Graphically, it is represented by a horizontal line in a diagram which has per capita income on the horizontal axis and the RSi(S) values on the vertical axis. By comparison, below-standard redistribution is represented by a downward-sloping line such as in case (a) while above-standard redistribution is represented by an upward-sloping line. This particular version of the standard level of redistribution is particularly useful in the context of the Canadian federation. As shown by Ruggeri and Yu (2000) interregional redistribution in 8 Canada is delivered through both federal revenues and expenditures. On the revenue side, the most powerful instrument of redistribution is the personal income taxes with its progressive rate structure. As the federal government reduces personal income taxes, partly in response to international tax competition, the degree of interregional redistribution is likely to fall as the contribution of consumption taxes and payroll taxes to the federal tax mix increases. On the spending side, interregional equity is increasingly being identified with equal per capita federal expenditures in all regions. As an example, the largest federal transfer to provinces, the cash transfer for health case, social services and post-secondary education, has recently been transformed into an equal per capita payment. An illustration of this special case is given in panel (b) of Table 1. We notice that, since each region receives equal amount of federal spending but pays taxes only in proportion to income, the Ri/Ei ratio is equal to the yi/y ratio and the estimated relative share values are one in both regions. In this case, the residents of region 1 pay to the federal government $750 less than they receive in federal spending while the residents of region 2 pay $750 in excess of what they receive. As a result, income is redistributed from region 2 , whose share of post-fisc income falls from 1.2 to 1.16, to region 1, whose share of post-fisc income rises from .8 to .84. Case (c). Maximum Redistribution For analytical purposes, we introduce another special case where the allocation of federal revenues and expenditures produces maximum redistribution by equalizating the post-fisc income of all regions. We calculate the RSi for maximum redistribution by keeping federal revenues distributionally-neutral 9 (i.e., ri = byi as in the previous cases) and assigning federal expenditures to each region in a manner that results in equal post-fisc income per capita for all regions. This is done by choosing ei values that equalize this post-fisc income so that yi + (ei-ri) = y. Accordingly, we need to derive the relative share values on the assumption that ei = y - yi + ri (7) Expression (7) incorporates a balanced budget situation. When the federal budget is not balanced, we must solve yi + (E/R)ei - ri = y for ei. The value of ei for maximum redistribution in this case is ei = (R/E)(y - yi + ri) (8) Substituting expression (8) for ei in expression (1), we can derive the relative share values under maximum redistribution as1 RSi (M) = b/[1 - (1-b)(yi/y)] (9) where M symbolizes maximum redistribution. Since the value of b is common to all regions, the interregional differences in RSi(M) values depend entirely on the degree of regional income disparities. An illustrative example of the calculation of RSi(M) is found in panel (c) of Table 1. Federal revenues per capita are still proportional to per capita income in each region, but in this case almost all federal expenditures are assigned to region 1. As a result, per capita net income is equalized in 10 each region. Since region 1 now pays less than half of the federal expenditures it receives although its per capita income is 80% of the national average, its RSi(M) is substantially less than one. The opposite pattern is found in the case of region 2. The final illustrative example, found in panel (d) of Table 1, shows an intermediate case where the degree of interregional redistribution is higher than the standard but less than the maximum. In our illustrative example, we treat this case as the “actual” situation and call the relative share values RSi(A). In this section, we presented the definition of RS and its calculation under three special cases, namely no redistribution (RSi(N)), maximum redistribution (RSi(M)) and standard redistribution (RSi(S)), namely, redistribution that would be delivered solely through equal per capita federal expenditures in each region, The next section introduces two indices based on the RS defined above. B. Two Indices of Interregional Redistribution To develop the indices, we ask the following two questions: (1) does the existing allocation of federal revenues and expenditures generate more or less than the standard degree of redistribution and by how much? (2) what proportion of maximum redistribution is generated by the existing allocation of federal revenues and expenditures? To address the first question, we propose an index of regional redistribution based on a comparison of the difference between the actual and distributionally-neutral relative shares and the difference between the standard and distributionally-neutral relative shares. Called Relative Share Index (RSIi(S)) with respect to standard redistribution, where S indicates that the comparison is made with 11 the standard degree of redistribution, it is calculated by RSIi(S) = [RSi(A) - RSi(N)]/[RSi(S) - RSi(N)] (10) Substitution equations (2), (4), and (6) into expression (10) yields, RSIi(S) = [(Ri - Ei)/Ei]/[(yi - y)/y] (11) A comparison between (10) and (11) shows that the proportional difference in actual from standard redistribution is equal to the proportional difference between the percentage deviation in federal revenues from expenditures and the percentage deviation in per capita income. By replacing RSi(A) in (10) with RSi(N) and RSi(M) respectively, the lower and upper limits of this index are 0 and [RSi(M) - RSi(N)]/[RSi(S) - RSi(N)]. When RSI(S)=0, there is no interregional redistribution generated by federal fisc activities; when RSI(S)=1, the federal fiscal system generates a degree of interregional redistribution equal to that under standard distribution; a value greater (smaller) than one indicates that the federal fiscal system generates a degree of interregional redistribution greater (smaller) than that under standard redistribution. To address the second question, we propose a second index called relative share index with respect maximum redistribution, RSIi(M), where M indicates that the comparison is made with respect to maximum redistribution. In this case, RSIi(M) = [RSi(A) - RSi(N)]/[RSi(M) - Rsi(N)] 12 (12) By replacing RSi(A) in (12) with RSi(N) and RSi(M), the lower and upper limits of the index relative to maximum redistribution are simply zero and one. Thus, the value of RSIi(M) represents the proportion of maximum redistribution generated by the existing allocation of federal revenues and expenditures. The two local indices of interregional redistribution can be transformed into the corresponding global indices in the form as weighted averages where the weights are the relative shares of total income in each region (Yi/Y). The global lower and upper limits can also be derived as the weighted average of the local limits using the total income shares as weights. As an illustration, we calculate these indices in Table 2 which is based on the information contained in Table 1. The first three columns of this table show for each region the differences in relative shares between the RS values under actual redistribution, standard redistribution and maximum redistribution and the RS values under no redistribution. The local indices are shown in the last two columns while the last row contains the values of the global indices. The results show that, given the pattern of regional income disparities assumed in Table 1, the regional allocation of federal revenues and expenditures assumed in panel (d) results in a degree of interregional redistribution that is more than three times the standard degree of redistribution and 38% of the degree of redistribution that would have equalized regional levels of per capita income. 13 3. INTERREGIONAL REDISTRIBUTION IN CANADA, 1996 As an application, we use the above indices to derive, in two stages, estimates of interregional redistribution in Canada for 1996. The first stage discusses the methodology used in the calculations of federal expenditures and revenues (Ei and Ri) allocated to each province and the measurement of regional income (Yi). The second stage presents the estimates of the redistributional indices as defined in the previous section. A. Federal Fiscal Balances and Regional Income Disparities In calculating federal expenditures and revenues allocated to each province, we confine our analysis to Canadian residents only because federal revenues collected from non-residents do not impose a burden on the residents of the various regions; similarly, those residents do not benefit from federal spending directed at non-residents. We also focus our analysis on jurisdictions rather than individuals by calculating the contribution that a province makes to the federal coffers through the tax burden borne by its residents and the contribution that federal expenditures make to the economic position of that province. In allocating federal revenues we use the assumptions generally applied in tax incidence studies2. Specifically, personal income taxes were allocated to individual taxpayers based on their residence. Social insurance (payroll) taxes were allocated on the basis of the location of employment. The broad-based consumption tax such as the Goods and Services Tax (GST) was allocated according to the provincial distribution of personal consumption expenditures. Excise taxes such as levies on fuels tobacco and alcoholic beverages were allocated on the basis of the provincial 14 distribution of the consumption of the taxed products. On the expenditure side, transfer payments to persons and businesses were allocated on the basis of the residence of the recipients. Interest on the public debt was allocated according to the provincial distribution of interest income. The wage component of federal purchases was allocated on the basis of the location of employment. The nonwage component was assigned on the basis of the provincial distribution of private income from current production, approximated by net national income at factor cost net of the total government component.3 The federal expenditures and revenues by province derived through the above allocation are shown in Table 3 which also contains the federal fiscal balances by province. We notice that, in 1996, the federal fiscal system in Canada generated some redistribution among provinces. The three richest provinces - Alberta, Ontario and British Columbia - paid in federal taxes more than received in federal expenditures while the remaining seven provinces received more in federal spending than they paid in federal taxes. The net loss to the richest provinces ($5.2 billion), however, was much less that the net gain by the other provinces ($23.1 billion) because the federal government run a deficit of $18 billion. To measure regional income disparities, we need an income concept that represents the economic status of each province under the assumption that federal fiscal activity does not redistribute income among provinces. The derivation of this income measure is shown in Table 4. The first component includes the sources of income from current production that are usually found in the National Income and Expenditure Accounts. We then add a number of income sources which are received by persons, but are not generated from current production, and the amount of taxes assigned to labour income. We call the sum of these two components private income. Finally, we include the actual fiscal 15 balances of provincial and local governments and the federal fiscal balances assigned to the various provinces under the assumption that federal revenues and expenditures are allocated in proportion to private income in each province. We call this income measure neutral-fisc income. We notice from Table 4 that neutral-fisc income is not distributed equally among provinces. Three provinces - Alberta, Ontario and British Columbia - have above-average per capita incomes; Quebec, Saskatchewan and Manitoba have per capita incomes about 10% below the national average, while the four Atlantic provinces have per capita incomes substantially lower than the national average. B. Calculation of Interregional Redistribution Indices Given the federal expenditures (Ei) and revenues (Ri) calculated in Table 3 and neutral-fisc per capita income (yi)calculated in Table 4, we first calculate the relative shares (RSi) under the actual and the three special cases (i.e., RSi(A), RSi(N), RSi(S), RSi(M)) using equations (2), (4), (6) and (9) respectively. The results are shown in columns (A) to (D) of Table 5. The actual relative shares in column (A), also graphed in Figure 1 against per capital income ranked in ascending order, show that, with the exception of Nova Scotia, there is a clear demarcation between richer and poorer provinces. The three richer provinces have RSi(A) in excess of one, indicating that they make a contribution to the federal fisc more than commensurate to their level of per capita income relative to the national average. The poorer provinces, with the exception of Nova Scotia, make a less than commensurate contribution. Columns (B)-(D) of Table 5 show the RSi values under fiscal neutrality, standard redistribution and maximum redistribution, respectively. As a comparison, the simple OLS regression lines of RSi(A), RSi(S), RSi(M) against per capital income ranked in ascending order is shown in Figure 2. We know from the above discussion that standard redistribution is represented by a 16 horizontal line at RSi = 1 and that maximum redistribution involves an upward sloping line. Figure 2 shows that the line representing actual redistribution is also upward sloping, but with a flatter slope than the line of maximum redistribution. This indicates that in 1996 the fiscal activity of the federal government in Canada generated a degree of interregional redistribution higher than standard redistribution, but less than maximum redistribution. But by how much one may ask? To address this issue, we proceed to the calculation of the two proposed indices using equations (10) and (12). The results are shown in the last two columns of Table 5. Starting with the index that relates actual to standard redistribution (RSI(S)), column (E) shows that with the exception of Nova Scotia, federal fiscal activity generated interregional redistribution in excess of the standard level. The excess over standard redistribution, however, varied considerably among the various provinces. For the country as a whole, by redistributing income from the richer to the poorer provinces through its revenues and expenditures, the federal government generated a degree of redistribution 80% higher than the standard degree of redistribution. The last column of Table 5 shows that, with the exception of Saskatchewan, actual redistribution was a fraction of maximum redistribution and the value of this fraction varied considerably among provinces. Overall, the estimated degree of interregional redistribution in Canada in 1996 was 48% of maximum redistribution. This means that in 1996 federal fiscal system cuts interprovincial income disparities almost in half. The last column of Table 5 also shows that the geographic distribution of economic activity in Canada is favorable to interregional redistribution. With the exception of Quebec, the poorer provinces are also the smaller provinces in terms of population and total value of economic activity. By contrast, the three richer provinces ( Alberta, Ontario and British Columbia) accounted for more than half of the Canadian population and nearly two-thirds of neutral-fisc income in 1996. Therefore, 17 it only takes a relatively small proportion of maximum redistribution in the richer provinces in order to finance a relatively large degree of redistribution in the poorer provinces. For example, although Alberta made the largest per capita net contribution to the federal fisc in 1996, federal balances eroded only a small portion of the income differential from the national average ( RSIi(M) = .20). For the country as a whole, it took on the average 38% of maximum redistribution in the three richest provinces to deliver 68% of maximum redistribution for the remaining seven provinces. 4. CONCLUSION This paper has developed a set of local and global indices of interregional redistribution. Called Relative Share Index (RSI), each index incorporates explicitly the basic components of federal fiscal balances by region and the degree of regional income disparities. To develop the indices, we first introduced the concept of relative shares (RS) under the actual and three special known degrees of redistribution. We showed that, when the federal fiscal system does not generate redistribution among regions, the RS simply reflects the degree of income disparities measured by the reciprocal of the ratio of per capita income in a region to the national average. If redistribution was delivered solely on the expenditure side in the form of equal per capita federal expenditures in each region, the RS has a value of one. When redistribution was delivered to equalize per capita income in all regions (the case of maximum redistribution), the RS value depends on the average federal tax rate and the degree of income disparities. Based on these RS values, we then developed two indices, RSI(S) and RSI(M), to compare the degree of redistribution generated by the federal fiscal system to the standard and the maximum degree of redistribution. 18 As an application, we used these indices to measure the degree of interregional redistribution in Canada for 1996. Our results show that the federal fiscal system in 1996 delivered a degree of interregional redistribution1.8 times what would have been generated under equal per capita expenditures by province and nearly half of the maximum degree of redistribution. 19 REFERENCES Baum, S. R. 1987. On the Measurement of Tax Progressivity, the Relative Share Adjustment. Public Finance Quarterly, 15:166-87. Cassady, K., G.C. Ruggeri and D. Van Wart. 1996. 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No. 67-202. 20 TABLE 1: Illustrative Examples of Calculating Relative Shares Under the Three Special Cases yi yi/y Ri Ei Ri/Ei Postfisc yi Postfisc yi/y RSi (A) RSi (N) RSi (S) RSi (M) (a) Redistributionally-Neutral (No Distribution) Region 1 15,000 .8 3,000 3,000 1.0 15,000 .8 1.25 Region 2 22,500 1.2 4,500 4,500 1.0 22,500 1.2 .83 Total 37,500 7,500 7,500 Average 18,750 37,500 18,750 (b) Redistributionally through Equal per capital Expenditures (Standard) Region 1 15,000 .8 3,000 3,750 .8 15,750 .84 1.0 Region 2 22,500 1.2 4,500 3,750 1.2 21,750 1.16 1.0 Total 37,500 7,500 7,500 Average 18,750 37,500 18,750 (c) Maximum Redistribution Region 1 15,000 .8 3,000 6,750 .44 18,750 1.0 .56 Region 2 22,500 1.2 4,500 750 6.00 18,750 1.0 5.00 Total 37,500 7,500 7,500 Average 18,750 37,500 17,750 (d) Intermediate Case (Treated as Actual) Region 1 15,000 .8 3,000 5,000 .60 17,000 .91 .75 Region 2 22,500 1.2 4,500 2,500 1.80 20,500 1.09 1.50 Total 37,500 7,500 7,500 Average 18,750 37,500 18,750 21 TABLE 2: Illustrative Examples of Calculating the Indices of Interregional Redistribution Differences among RS Values Indices RSi(A)-RSi(N) (1) RSi(S)-RSi(N) (2) RSi(M)-RSi(N) (3) RSIi(S) (1)/(2) RSIi(M) (1)/(3) Region 1 -.50 -.25 -.69 2.00 .72 Region 2 .67 .17 4.17 4.00 .16 3.20 .38 Weighted Average Note: The weights are .4 for region 1 and .6 for region 2 because, under the assumption that each region has a single agent, i.e., Yi = yi. 22 TABLE 3: Federal Fiscal Balances by Province in 1996, $ Million Province Federal Expenditures (Ei) Federal Revenues (Ri) Balances (Ei-Ri) Newfoundland 4762 2237 2525 Prince Edward Island 1179 680 499 Nova Scotia 7822 5173 2649 New Brunswick 5819 3712 2107 Quebec 38678 29566 9112 Ontario 67658 69852 -2194 Manitoba 8839 5831 3008 Saskatchewan 8149 4914 3234 Alberta 15884 17619 -1735 British Columbia 22942 24189 -1247 181733 163774 17959 All Provinces 23 TABLE 4: Calculation of Neutral-fisc Income by Province in 1996 $ million NF PEI NS Wages and Salaries and Supplementary Labour 5602 1419 Income Government Components 1778 432 Private Wages and Salaries 3824 987 Accrued Income of Farm Operators 5 18 Net Income of Non-Farm Unincorporated Business 693 213 Interest and Miscellaneous Investment Income 701 144 Profits Retained in Canada 308 122 Current Transfers from Corporations 15 4 Subtotal 5546 1488 Superannuation 376 111 RRSP Withdrawals 81 24 Realized Capital Gains 70 41 CIT Assigned to Capital Income 31 19 Employer Portion of Payroll Taxes 420 97 Private Income 6524 1780 Net Provincial Balances 110 29 Net Local Balances 51 10 Federal Balances Allocated to Private Income 206 56 Neutral-fisc Income 6891 1875 Neutral-fisc Income Per Capita ($) 12283 13786 10539 NB QC ON SK AB BC Total 8859 96885 175317 14336 11443 43952 58450 426802 3147 2327 22530 34104 7392 6532 74355 141213 43 28 774 298 1491 981 10096 19586 1137 1170 11920 18576 623 645 7422 17431 25 20 194 297 10711 9376 104761 197401 1089 669 6016 12210 197 146 1475 3034 224 128 2048 4613 122 73 1084 2264 736 546 8706 12038 13079 10938 124091 231560 -60 177 5499 5748 38 73 2066 1656 412 345 3910 7296 13469 11532 135566 246261 14468 15315 18637 22184 24 MB 3726 10610 557 1830 2627 775 30 16429 1044 269 373 171 976 19262 43 183 607 20095 17721 2894 8549 1399 1579 2744 1679 27 15977 839 221 521 219 697 18474 -554 176 582 18678 18330 7832 36120 844 4708 9146 7229 74 58121 2066 769 1992 940 2289 66176 -2303 508 2085 66467 23900 11679 46771 81 7065 8600 3545 104 66166 3781 1073 2388 1105 3566 78079 1381 1300 2460 83221 21438 90449 336353 4047 48242 56765 39779 790 485976 28201 7289 12398 6029 30071 569964 10070 6061 17959 604054 20427 TABLE 5: Calculated Values of RSi for Canada, 1996, Actual and under Selected Cases RSI(S) RSI(M) RSi(A) RSi(N) RSi(S) RSi(M) (A-B)/(C-B) (A-B)/(D-B) (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Newfoundland 0.86 1.66 1 0.48 1.21 0.68 Prince Edward Island 0.94 1.48 1 0.53 1.13 0.59 Nova Scotia 1.02 1.41 1 0.56 0.95 0.46 New Brusnwick 0.94 1.33 1 0.60 1.18 0.53 Quebec 0.92 1.10 1 0.82 1.80 0.64 Ontario 1.04 0.92 1 1.28 1.50 0.33 Manitoba 0.83 1.15 1 0.73 2.13 0.76 Saskatchewan 0.73 1.11 1 0.79 3.45 1.19 Alberta 1.04 0.85 1 1.80 1.27 0.20 British Columbia 1.10 0.95 1 1.17 3.00 0.68 1.80 0.48 Weighted Average 25 FIGURE 1: The Actual RSi(A) and Neutral-fisc Income Per Capita 26 FIGURE 2: The Regression Lines of Actual Relative Shares and Relative Shares Under Standard and Maximum Redistribution Against Per Capita Income 27 Notes 1. In order to obtain positive values of RSIi(M) it is necessary that, for any region, yi/y > (1-b). A situation of low average tax rates and high regional disparities would yield negative values of RSIi under maximum redistribution. 2. See, for example, Ruggeri, Van Wart and Howard (1996). 3. A more detailed explanation of the allocation procedure is found in Ruggeri and Yu (2000). 28