Lesson 10 – Multiplying Multidigit Numbers

Lesson 10 – Multiplying Multidigit Numbers
1. Solve:
a. 3(2a + 4) =
b. 9(4a +2) =
2. Write each product from memory:
a. 8  7 
b. 5  9 
c. 6  5 
f. 8 8 
g. 6  9 
h. 7  6 
c. 8(4 + 3a) =
d. 7a(2 + 6)
d. 8  9 
e. 7  3 
i. 4 8 
j. 7  7 
3. Write two multiplication equations and two division equations that each diagram represents.
4. Use any method to calculate 3 37 .
5. Calculate each product using mental strategies.
a. 10  6 
b. 4  20 
c. 90  7 
d. 80  40 
e. 100  2 
6. Keesha worked 12 hours last week selling bottled water at a basketball tournament. She earned
$10.75 per hour. How much did she earn last week?
7. Calculate 67.8  0.79 .
8. Given that 724  96  69,504 solve these equations:
a. 7.24  0.096 
b. 0.0724  0.96 
9. Chen is designing the front cover for a book that is 18.4 cm by 13.1 cm. What is the area of the
front cover?