23. 29. [Probability] [Volume] * * What is the volume of air inside the barn shown? The circle graph shows the main means of transport used by each scientist to travel to a Global Warming Conference. What are the chances that a scientist, selected at random, traveled to the conference by train? 3m 7m 30. [Surface Area] * Find the area of the net below. 24. [Geometry] * Euler's formula, E = V + F - 2, defines the relationship between Edges, Vertices and Faces in any polyhedron. Verify Euler's formula for a pentagonal prism. -2 31. [Pythagorean Theorem / Trigonometry] For which angle isfthe ~ 25. [Angles] * Find the value of xc. 32. [Problem Solving adjacent leg? h 1] Here are two views of one die. Which letter is on the face opposite the D? 26. [Measurement @~ / Time] 33. Change 800 ounces into pounds. [Problem Solving 2] 50lb 27. * On a piano the frequency of the note "middle C" (shown as C4 below) is 440 Hz. If we imagine this key as position 0 on a number line and other keys as 1,2, 3, to the right and -1, -2, -3 to the left as shown, then the frequency of each key can be found using: [Perimeter] * Find the perimeter of the shape below. Fn = 440 x 2(G) Use this to find the value of the ratio: frequency of C4 frequency of C5 1600 m 28. [Area] * A rectangle has an area of 15 fe. If you double the width of the rectangle, what is the area of the wider rectangle? r-- r-- 1 1 -8 -7 -5 -3 -1 C31D3 E3 F3 G3 A.4 B4 ~ ~ t ~~,~ ~5 7 9 11 12 14 16 F4 b4 !A5 B5 C5 D5 £5 Middle C (440 Hz) White 2.4@ page 26 - Copyright. Not to be reproduced without permission. 1 2 J. B. Wright - Echuca 2004