MATHIS MATE Name: Parent's Signature: Term 2 - Sheet 2 1. [Decimal Due Date: 15. +, -] [Decimal x, ...] * 13xO.07= 3. 16. 4 9 17. - Expressions] [Algebra- Substitution] * What is the value of cell B2 on the spreadsheet shown? [Fraction x, ...] * 2 2 1- + - = 3 3 5. [Algebra Express 2 xp x q2 + q without using x and + signs [Fraction +, -] 5 1- - = 9 4. Notation] Express 4.72 x 104 in standard notation. 7.8 - 4.75 = 2. [Scientific [Percents]* =A2*(A 1 + 1) Express 27 out of 90 as a percent. 6. [Exploring 18. Number] 5 2 - of 18 < - of 24 6 3 7. [Integer +, -] 19. 9. [Order of = 20. Operations] * 12. 13. 14. * [Algebra - Equations] * Solve the inequality: 5x :::;;x + 16 [Long x, ...] 21. 568 + 5 = 11. [Algebra- Factorization] "" (1 +6)x(4+9)= 10. * Factor, then evaluate 3 3 -x 3-,+-x 47 8 8 [Integer x, ...] (+8) X (+10) [Algebra - Expansion] Expand and simplify b( b + 3) - 2b True or false? (+3) - (+8) = 8. I I [Algebra- Graphs & Functions] * Complete the missing coordinatesgiven that [Number Palterns] A, Band C are on the line of equationy Complete the pattern: 57, 48, 39, 30, A(I, [Rates / Ratios] * 20% of the atoms in methane are carbon atoms, the rest are hydrogen atoms. What is the carbon: hydrogen ratio for methane? 22. C(-.£,l1 FLYING FIRST CLASS .£J 6 .s::: ~5 '0 4 ~§ 3 [Square z Roots] .../100--56=-%4 2 1 o False Quote of the week: Love your enemy Number of passengers - it will drive ) many flights had 20 or more passengers traveling first class? Evaluate (-10)3 page 21 B( -3 , -9) [Statistics] How [Exponents] True or false? .LJ = 4x + 3 him nuts. Eleanor Doan