AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Jens C. Lovtang for the degree of Master of Science in Fisheries Science presented on March 17, 2005 Title: Distribution, Habitat Use and Growth of Juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Metolius River Basin, Oregon. Abstract ap roved: Redacted for privacy Hiram W. Li Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) have been absent from their historic spawning and rearing grounds in the Metolius River Basin in central Oregon since 1968, when fish passage was terminated at the Pelton Round Butte Hydroelectric Project on the Deschutes River. Plans have been developed to reestablish passage of anadromous fish through the Project. However, only anecdotal evidence exists on the historic distribution of spring Chinook juveniles in the Basin. A recent approach to characterizing habitat quality for anadromous fishes in the Basin was the development of HabRate (Burke et al. In Press), which presented a relative quality rating of habitat based upon published fish-habitat relationships at the stream reach spatial scale. The present study was initiated to test the predictions of HabRate for summer rearing juvenile Chinook salmon in the Metolius Basin. Chinook salmon fry were released in the winters of 2002 and 2003, and their densities and sizes were quantified via snorkeling and fish collection in six unique study reaches in the upper Metolius River Basin. Each of these stream reaches varied in terms of temperature, habitat availability, invertebrate drift availability, and fish community composition. My observations were not consistent with the qualitative predictions of HabRate. Moreover, habitat utilization was not consistent among study reaches. Similar to other qualitative habitat rating models (e.g. Habitat Suitability Indices (Raleigh et al. 1986) and Instream Flow Incremental Methodology (Bovee 1982)), HabRate's predictions rely solely on physical habitat characteristics, with the assumption that habitat will be used consistently among stream reaches (i.e. a pooi in one reach is of equal importance as a pooi in another reach). My results suggest that the unique ecological setting of each study reach provides the context for understanding the patterns of growth, habitat use, and diurnal activity of juvenile Chinook salmon. The inclusion of ecological components, such as food availability, the bioenergetic constraints of temperature, and the risk of predation can make these models more biologically realistic. Growth of juvenile Chinook salmon among study reaches had a curvilinear relationship to water temperature, and was also positively related to the drift density of invertebrate biomass. In three collection seasons (fall 2002, spring 2003 and fall 2003) 41 to 69% of the variations in fork lengths were explained by a multiple regression model including temperature and invertebrate drift. Based on these findings, I present a conceptual growth capacity model based on the tenets of bioenergetics as a basis for understanding the relative quality of the habitat among stream reaches for juvenile Chinook salmon. Fish community composition can help to explain observed patterns in habitat utilization and die! activity patterns. In the study reaches that had a greater presence of adult trout (potential predators), observations of juvenile Chinook salmon in mid-channel habitat were infrequent to non-existent during the day and abundances were higher in all habitat types at night. In the study reaches with colder water temperatures, observed juvenile Chinook salmon densities were higher at night. I suggest that habitat selection and diurnal activity patterns in some study reaches are reflective of strategies taken by the fish to minimize risks of predation. ©Copyright by Jens C. Lovtang March 17, 2005 All Rights Reserved Distribution, Habitat Use, and Growth of Juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Metolius River Basin, Oregon. by Jens C. Lovtang A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Presented March 17, 2005 Commencement June 2005 Masters of Science thesis of Jens C. Lovtang presented on March 17, 2005. Redacted for privacy Major Professor, representing Fisheries Science Redacted for privacy Head of the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Redacted for privacy Dean of the Graduate School I understand that my thesis will become part of the permanent collection of Oregon State University libraries. My signature below authorizes release of my thesis to any reader upon request. Redacted for privacy Jens C. Lovtang, A4hor ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, I would like to thank Portland General Electric and their partners the confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon for funding this project. I would particularly like to thank Don RatliffofPGE, who encouraged me to pursue graduate education and patiently worked with me on multiple drafts of my proposal before we had one that was acceptable. I would like to extend special thanks to Hiram Li for serving as my major professor and mentor. He took me on as a graduate student almost by accident, when I was in need of a sponsor. I have enjoyed the many hours of "free-association" thinking that have taken place in his office, and look forward to continued collaboration. The process of writing was a struggle for me, and I thank you for your patience. I would also like to thank my graduate committee members Guillermo Giannico and Paul Murtaugh. Many people have directly and indirectly helped to make this project a success. Mike Riehle was my first supervisor when I moved to Central Oregon in 1996, and I thank him for provided a guiding influence over the years. Jack Palmer and the crew at the ODFW Round Butte Hatchery provided the Chinook fry for this study, and Eric Schulz and Rich Madden of PGE helped with fry releases. Jim Stemberg faithfully tended the hatch boxes on Spring Creek in the winter of 2002. I also wish to thank Metolius Basin land owners Mark and Toni Foster, Taj Livingstone, Irwin Holzman, and the Samuel Johnson Foundation for graciously allowing me access to their property. No research is conducted without the collaboration of others. Jeremy Romer served as my field assistant for both years of the study, and I am forever indebted to him for his hard work, his sense of humor (Snorkel-oo! Snorkel-oo!), and his sincere friendship. Additional help in data collection efforts was provided by Scott Cotter, Peter Lickwar, Mike Riehie, Nate Dachtler, Brad Nye and members of the Deschutes Basin Land Trust, Dan Sobota, Lindsay Carison - Frady, Jeremiah Osborne-Gowey, Charles Frady, Alex Farrand, Randy Colvin, Shami Premdas, Tom Tattam, John Dollhausen, Jennifer Bizjak, and Renee Ripley. Toni Foster and the kids from Black Butte School helped with fry releases. I especially would like to thank my family for their love and support. Even though we are separated by many miles, we are, as Dad says, "interconnectedly independent". Without you, there is no me. Mom, Dad, and Kari - thank you. I also look forward to many years of discovery and wonder with my daughters Linnea and Kate. I get to experience the joys of vicariously exploring the world through your eyes. Finally, I would like to thank my wife Sara for all of her love and support through this entire endeavor. When I went back to school at OSU in 2000, we had just gotten married, and life was pretty simple (in retrospect, that is). Now, after more than five years of graduate school, we are trying to establish careers, own a mortgage and a dog, and have the added adventures of raising two girls. No matter what happens at the office or in the field, I always know that it will always be okay when I get home. Thank you for being my best friend, and I look forward to spending the rest of our lives together. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 1 STUDY AREA 10 METHODS 12 Approach 12 Study Reaches and Sites 13 Fry Releases 16 Habitat Inventory 17 Stream Discharge 19 Water Temperature 19 Seasonal Snorkel Surveys 20 Juvenile Chinook Size and Condition 21 Invertebrate Drift 21 Data Analyses 23 RESULTS.... 29 Habitat Inventory 29 Stream Discharge 31 Water Temperature 33 Densities and Habitat Utilization 35 Night vs. Day Snorkeling 41 Fish Communities 42 Juvenile Chinook Size and Condition 43 Invertebrate Drift 48 Size and Condition vs. Invertebrate Drift and Water Temperature 53 Comparisons to HabRate 57 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page DISCUSSION 58 BIBLIOGRAPHY 69 APPENDIX A: Smolt Production Estimates 75 APPENDIX B: Microhabitat Patch Utilization 85 APPENDIX C: Snorkel Observations 88 APPENDIX D: Fish Conmiunities 100 LIST OF FIGURES Figure rage 1. Conceptual model of the Ideal Free Distribution 8 2. Location Map of the Pelton Round Butte Project, Lake Billy Chinook, and the Metolius Basin Study Area, Oregon, U.S.A 11 3. Map of the Metolius River Basin study area 15 4. Representative sketch map of a study site in the Metolius Basin 18 5. Daily maximum water temperatures in six study reaches in the Upper Metolius Basin, May to October, 2002 34 Daily maximum water temperatures in six study reaches in the Upper Metolius Basin, May to October, 2003 34 Box-and-whisker plots ofjuvenile Chinook salmon fork length for a) fall 2002, b) spring 2003, c) fall 2003, and d) cumulative percent rank in six study reaches in the Metolius Basin. 44 Box-and-whisker plots of condition factors from juvenile Chinook salmon collected in a) fall 2002, b) spring 2003, c) fall 2003 and d) All seasons in the Metolius Basin 46 Box-and-whisker plots of Drift Density (counts) of invertebrates in six study reaches in the Metolius Basin, a) fall 2002, b) spring 2003, c) fall 2003, and d) all seasons combined 49 Box-and-whisker plots of drift density (biomass) of invertebrates in six study reaches in the Metolius Basin, a) fall 2002, b) spring 2003, fall 2003, and d) all seasons combined 51 Polynomial regression display of juvenile Chinook salmon fork lengths versus cumulative daily maximum temperature units (MTUs) in a) fall 2002, b) Spring 2003, and c) Fall 2003 55 Regression display ofjuvenile Chinook salmon fork lengths versus average invertebrate drift density biomass in a) fall 2002, b) spring 2003, and c) fall 2003 56 The Scope for Growth (Redrawn from Brett et al. 1969) for juvenile Chinook salmon in the Metolius Basin 61 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. LIST OF TABLES Page Table Physical attributes of study reaches in the upper Metolius Basin 14 Chinook salmon fry released into the Metolius River Basin in 2002 and 2003 16 Response and explanatory variables used in multiple regression analysis of fish measurements vs. invertebrate drift and temperature... 28 Summary of available main channel and side channel habitat surveyed in six study reaches in the Metolius River Basin 30 Comparison of seasonal stream discharge measurements (m3/sec) for study reaches in the Metolius River Basin. 32 Cumulative daily maximum temperature units (MTU's) for each season for study reaches in the Metolius Basin 33 Comparisons of densities of juvenile Chinook salmon in pools and riffles among study reaches in the Metolius basin in 2002 and 2003 sample periods 36 Minimum, maximum, and mean densities (fish / m2) ofjuvenile Chinook salmon in pool and riffle habitat in six study reaches in the Metolius Basin 37 Habitat subunit electivity indices for juvenile Chinook salmon in riffle dominated stream reaches in the Metolius Basin 40 Habitat subunit electivity indices for juvenile Chinook salmon in pool/riffle stream reaches in the Metolius Basin 40 Night vs. day snorkeling survey counts of juvenile Chinook salmon in sites in the Metolius basin in 2002 and 2003 41 Summary of fish species observed in six study reaches in the Metolius Basin, 2002 and 2003 combined 42 Juvenile Chinook salmon collection sample sizes, fork lengths (mm), and Bonferroni's multiple range tests results in 2002 and 2003 collection periods 45 LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Table Page Juvenile Chinook salmon sample sizes, condition factors (K), and Bonferroni's multiple range tests results in 2002 and 2003 collection periods. 47 Number of invertebrate drift samples, count drift density (number of invertebrates drifting / m3 of stream / second), and Tukey's HSD comparisons from six study reaches in the Metolius Basin in 2002 and 2003.. 50 Number of invertebrate drift samples, biomass drift density (grams of invertebrates drifting / m3 of stream / second), and Tukey's HSD comparisons from six study reaches in the Metolius Basin in 2002 and 2003.. 52 Significance results of multiple regression analyses ofjuvenile Chinook fork lengths and conditions versus invertebrate drift density and water temperatures 53 Comparison of HABRATE summer rearing ratings, estimated smolt production, and corresponding ranking and ratings of sampled streams reaches in the Metolius River Basin 57 LIST OF APPENDIX FIGURES Figure Cl. CS. ClO. Dl. Page Day and night counts ofjuvenile Chinook salmon in the Lake Creek study reach, 2002 and 2003 89 Day and night densities ofjuvenile Chinook salmon in the Lake Creek study reach 2002 and 2003 89 Day and night counts of juvenile Chinook salmon in the Metolius Readwaters study reach, 2002 and 2003 90 Day and night densities ofjuvenile Chinook salmon in the Metolius Headwaters study reach, 2002 and 2003 90 Day and night counts ofjuvenile Chinook salmon in the Canyon Creek study reach, 2002 and 2003 91 Day and night densities of juvenile Chinook salmon in the Canyon Creek study reach, 2002 and 2003 91 Day and night counts ofjuvenile Chinook salmon in the Metolius Mainstem study reach, 2002 and 2003 92 Day and night densities of juvenile Chinook salmon in the Metolius Mainstem study reach, 2002 and 2003 92 Daytime numbers and densities ofjuvenile Chinook salmon in the Spring Creek study reach, 2002 and 2003 93 Daytime numbers and densities of juvenile Chinook salmon in the Heising Spring study reach, 2002 and 2003 93 Fish Communities in the Metolius Headwaters study reach in day and night snorkel surveys 2002 and 2003 101 Fish Communities in the Metolius Mainstem study reach in day and night snorkel surveys 2002 and 2003 102 Fish Communities in the Lake Creek study reach in day and night snorkel surveys 2002 and 2003 103 Fish Communities in the Canyon Creek study reach in day and night snorkel surveys 2002 and 2003 104 LIST OF APPENDIX FIGURES (Continued) Figure D5. Page Fish Communities in the Spring Creek and Heising Spring study reaches in day snorkel surveys 2002 and 2003 105 LIST OF APPENDIX TABLES Page Table Al. AS. Bi. B2. Cl. Similarity code assigmnents of streams in the Metolius River Basin.... 75 Habitat in all streams in the Metolius Basin potentially available to anadromous fish 76 Maximum fall juvenile Chinook salmon density estimates (JCS/m2) for habitats in sampled stream sections in the Metolius River Basin 78 Chinook smolt production estimates for the six study reaches in the Metolius River Basin 79 Juvenile Chinook salmon smolt population estimates for pooi, riffle, and side channel habitats in all streams available to anadromous fish in the Metolius River Basin, based on maximum fall density estimates. . 81 Habitat occupation based on the presence or absence of juvenile Chinook salmon (JCS) and other community fishes by formative microhabitat patch types from all observations within the Metolius Basin. ... 86 Habitat occupation based on the presence or absence of juvenile Chinook salmon (JCS) and other community fishes by associated microhabitat patch types from all observations within the Metolius Basin 86 Raw numbers ofjuvenile Chinook salmon observed in habitat subunits during spring snorkel surveys in the Metolius River Basin, 2002 and 2003 93 Densities of juvenile Chinook salmon (fish / m2) observed in all habitat subunits during spring snorkel surveys in the Metolius River Basin, 2002 and 2003 94 Raw numbers ofjuvenile Chinook salmon observed in all habitat subunits during summer snorkel surveys in the Metolius River Basin, 2002 and 2003 95 Densities of juvenile Chinook salmon (fish / m2) observed in all habitat subunits during summer snorkel surveys in the Metolius River Basin, 2002 and 2003 96 LIST OF APPENDIX TABLES (Continued) Page Table Raw numbers ofjuvenile Chinook salmon observed in all habitat subunits during fall snorkel surveys in the Metolius River Basin, 2002 and 2003 97 Densities of juvenile Chinook salmon (fish / m2) observed in all habitat subunits during fall snorkel surveys in the Metolius River Basin, 2002 and 2003 98 Distribution, Habitat Use, and Growth of Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon in the Metolius River Basin, Oregon INTRODUCTION Chinook salmon were historically one of the most abundant and commercially important species of fish on the western coast of North America. The largest of the Pacific salmon, Chinook historically ranged from the Ventura River system in southern California north to Kotzebue Sound, Alaska (Healey 1991). Several factors have contributed to the decline of Chinook salmon populations in the Pacific Northwest, including overharvest, degradation of spawning and rearing habitat, and the construction of hydroelectric dams that blocked access to spawning and rearing grounds (Nehison et al. 1991,Myersetal. 1998). The Metolius River and its tributaries were historically the main spawning area for stream-type (sensu Healey 1991) spring Chinook salmon in the middle Deschutes River Basin (Nehison 1995). Chinook salmon were blocked from these historic spawning and rearing areas when fish passage was terminated at the Pelton Round Butte Hydroelectric Project (PRB Project) in 1968. In conjunction with federal relicensing efforts for the PRB Project, Portland General Electric (PGE) and the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon (Tribes) developed a plan for reestablishing passage of anadromous fish species, with the goal of establishing naturally spawning runs of anadromous spring Chinook salmon, Sockeye salmon (0. ncr/ca), and steelhead (0. mykiss) (PGE and Tribes 2004). 2 One of the uncertainties to be addressed as part of reintroduction efforts was the productive potential of the habitats in the areas in which the fish are to be reintroduced. Although Chinook salmon are native to the Metolius River Basin, only anecdotal evidence exists about their historic population sizes and distribution. A key component of reintroduction plans is annual releases of hatchery-origin Chinook fry into the waters of the Metolius Basin (PGE and Tribes 2004). Knowledge of the relative quality of the available habitat will allow for distribution of the fry in areas that will provide the best chance for growth, survival, and successful smoltification. A recent approach to characterizing habitat quality in the middle Deschutes Basin for anadromous fish was the development of a qualitative rating model termed HabRate (Burke et al. In Press). HabRate creates a relative quality rating (poor, fair or good) for each stream reach potentially available to anadromous fish based on reach-level habitat characteristics for three phases of the salmonid life cycle: 1) spawning, egg incubation, and fry emergence (combined), 2) juvenile summer rearing, and 3) juvenile winter rearing. HabRate generates its quality ratings based upon compositing published fishhabitat relationships from other river systems. It predicts that juvenile Chinook salmon rearing is limited in the summer by the relative lack ofjuvenile rearing habitat, primarily lack of pool habitat and low pool complexity (Riehle 2001). 88% of the stream reaches in the Basin were designated as "poor" for summer rearing (Riehle 1999). However, this model has not yet been validated by field observations. Like the Habitat Suitability Index (Raleigh et al. 1986) and the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology Models (Bovee 1982), HabRate is a model that is based on the evaluation of physical habitat variables. The relation of these variables to biological 3 interactions and processes are implied, not explicit, and the patterns are stereotyped and contingent shifts in behaviors (e.g., switching prey preferences, changing habitat preferences due to the presence of predators, competitors, or ontogenic needs) are not considered. Unfortunately, this ignores a large body of habitat studies in the literature that indicate that habitat selection is influenced by more than just the physical nature of the habitat itself. Many biological factors influence the selection of habitat by juvenile salmonids, including life stage requirements (Lister and Genoe 1970; Stein, Reimers, and Hall 1972), inter- and intra-specific competitive interactions (Fausch 1984; Bayley and Li 1996), foraging opportunities (Everest and Chapman 1972; Fausch 1988), and the risk of predation (Werner et al 1983). This study had two primary goals. The first goal was to quantitatively assess the distribution, habitat utilization, and size ofjuvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in six selected stream reaches in the Metolius Basin. Habitat utilization was investigated at three spatial scales: study reaches, habitat units, and habitat subunits (edges, mid-channel, or microhabitat patches). The sizes of juvenile Chinook salmon were investigated in relation to water temperature and invertebrate drift among study reaches, with the objective to describe how differences in water temperature, combined with the availability of drifting invertebrates, may function to set the scope for growth of juvenile Chinook salmon. Additionally, data was collected on the composition of fish communities in each study reach. The second goal was to use the collected data to develop an approach to understanding the relative quality of habitat available to Chinook salmon, and to develop a model to estimate smolt production. The main emphasis of my approach was to 4 quantify responses (growth and densities) of juvenile Chinook salmon rearing in ecologically different stream reaches, and use those responses as guides to rating the relative quality of the study reaches. During the freshwater phase of their life history, juvenile salmon face two major challenges: grow large, and survive. The selection of habitat is a reflection of the strategies that are be adopted to face these two challenges. Growing to a larger size confers several advantages for stream dwelling juvenile salmon, as both short-term survival and long-term fitness are often size dependent (Holtby et al. 1990). Fishes that grow larger in their first year of life have lower rates of overwinter mortality (Schindler 1999; Quirm and Peterson 1996), and are less vulnerable to predation (Werner et al. 1993). Larger fishes also have a competitive advantage over smaller conspecifics in selecting prime feeding positions in rearing areas (Fausch 1983). Ultimately, adult size and fecundity are positively related (Healey 1991), meaning that larger size confers higher fitness. Salmonids maximize energy gain (and therefore, growth) by selecting habitats that offer maximum energy input (i.e. foraging opportunities) while minimizing energy expenditures (Fausch 1983). Juvenile salmon feed primarily in the water column or at the surface on drifting larval and adult insects (Chapman and Bjomn 1969). Yet maximum foraging opportunities often increase risk of predation, as those areas in a stream that provide the highest potential for foraging (e.g. mid-channel habitats) also are more likely to present the greatest exposure to predators. The risk of predation has been shown to affect a foraging fish's choice of where and when to feed (Werner et al. 1983), as there is a trade-off between energy intake and security (Lima and Dill 1990). Recent 5 studies of die! activity patterns suggest that in the presence of predators, juveni!e salmon adopt a nocturnal feeding pattern, trading !ess efficient foraging potential for a reduced risk of predation at night (Metcalf et al. 1999; Bradford and Higgins 2001). Juvenile Chinook salmon show a strong preference for pool habitat, and have been observed to aggregate in small schools in pool habitat during all seasons (Everest and Chapman 1972; Hillman et al. 1992; Roper et al. 1994). From an energetic standpoint, pool habitat is less costly to juvenile Chinook salmon, which have deep, slabsided bodies that are better suited to quick movements in slower velocities, as opposed to cylindrically shaped steelhead or rainbow trout, which are better suited to holding position in faster velocities (Bisson et al. 1988). Hiliman et al. (1987) reported that less than 5% of observed juvenile Chinook were located in riffles, however, these fish were typically found behind large boulders, where water velocities were comparable to pools. The presence of both instream structure and overhead cover are important elements of nursery habitat for juvenile salmonids in rivers (Giannico and Healey 1999). The margins of stream habitat also provide important rearing areas for juvenile salmonids, particularly in their first few weeks or months after emergence from the gravel (Moore and Gregory 1988). Habitat at smaller spatial scales may provide cover from predators (Shirvell 1990), refuge from main channel velocity (Fausch 1993) and may potentially decrease aggressive interactions between competitors by increasing visual isolation (Fausch 1993). Note then that change in physical structure of stream habitat affects utilization through changes in interactions among species or in fish behavior. That is why the addition of large wood, in addition to pool formation (Montgomery et al. 6 1995), has been so successful in increasing carrying capacity for salmonid fishes. (Bisson et al. 1987; Bilby and Bisson 1998; Mossop and Bradford 2004; Roni and Quinn 2001). Activity patterns, foraging strategies, and habitat selection are affected by differences in water temperature. Although water temperature is a physical measure, it is independent of habitat and its effects on fish are directly linked to metabolic processes. Growth of juvenile salmon has a parabolic relationship to water temperature, with maximum growth obtained between 15-19° C, depending on ration size (Diana 1994). The potential or "scope" for growth is reduced on either end of the temperature spectrum: at high temperatures, a greater portion of energy ingested is required for metabolic maintenance; at low temperatures, the amount of rations that can be ingested and metabolized is limited (Brett 1952; Brett et al. 1969; 1982). Behavior and distribution of juvenile salmonids is also affected by temperature (Hillman et al. 1987, 1992; Riehle and Griffith 1993; Roper et al. 1994; Shirvell 1994). hi the Umpqua River Basin in southern Oregon, Roper et al. (1994) found that juvenile Chinook salmon were most abundant in reaches with stream temperatures ranging from 100 C to 140 C, even though adjacent reaches with similar habitat but warmer temperatures were available. A study of mid-Columbia river tributaries showed that at temperatures above 140 C, juvenile Chinook salmon were present in the water column at all hours of the day, but between 90 C and 14° C, juvenile Chinook hid during the day and emerged to actively feed at dusk (Hillman et al 1992). Below 9° C, salmonids have been observed to remain concealed at all hours of the day, and often hid in interstitial spaces of the substrate (Hillman et al 1992; Riehle and Griffith 1993). Conversely, as temperatures increase, activity of juvenile salmon also increases. Smith and Li (1983) demonstrated 7 that fish will seek faster, food bearing velocities at higher temperatures, seeking the greatest net profit with respect to feeding locations. For all the above reasons, habitat models can be more biologically realistic by incorporating biological elements of varying stream habitats. The Ideal Free Distribution (IFD) Theory (Fretwell and Lucas 1970; Fretwell 1972) provides a good starting point. The IFD describes a conceptual relationship between the spatial distribution of animals and resource availability and competitive interactions. The IFD describes habitat choice being affected by per capita availability of resources in habitat patches or habitat units of different quality. The IFD in its original form assumes that animals have complete "ideal" knowledge of the available resources, they are "free" to move between patches (and travel time and energy expenditure for movement is negligible), and they are all of equal competitive ability. Based on these assumptions, the IFD predicts that animals should distribute themselves among patches of resources in proportion to the resources available within those patches - this numerical response has been termed "resource-matching". A patch with a greater amount of resources should support a larger number of individuals than a patch with fewer resources, and will be occupied first. Given three habitat patches with varying amounts ofresources, indicated by the solid arrows (Figure 1), we can evaluate their respective carrying capacities, K1, K2, and K3, by tracking the per capita availability of resources as populations increase. As the number of residents increase in a habitat patch, the per capita availability of resources declines, thereby causing density-dependent limits on occupation. Colonizers should fill the best patch first until they hit point A, where resources per capita of the best and next best patch are equal. At this point, colonists begin filling the next best and the best at the 8 same rate. The pattern of movement at point B reflects the same logic. Note that resources per capita are always larger than zero and theoretically reflect the same per capita minimum resource requirements. Best Patch A Next Best Worst Minimum requirement > K' K2 K3 Population Size Figure 1. Conceptual model of the Ideal Free Distribution The IFD presumes that resources per capita eventually become equalized among patches, such that when the habitat is fully seeded, each forager will have the same amount of resources per capita, regardless of whether its patch is rich or poor. Hughes and Grand (2000) found the IFD model incomplete and argued correctly that incorporating the physiological costs of occupation as well as the availability of resources would make the model more realistic. By incorporating the energetic constraints of living at different temperatures, Hughes and Grand displayed that the predictions of the IIFD model would change at different temperatures. My approach was to conduct a field experiment. The concept was to introduce Chinook fry into the waters of the Metoijus Basin and examine their behavior, growth and distribution in relation to ambient levels of invertebrate drift, stream temperatures, and associated fish communities. At the same time I quantified patterns of habitat use in 9 relation to ontogeny while measuring and noting key habitat features. I also planned to examine density-dependent effects by increasing stocking density in the second year of the study year. At a minimum, I wanted to examine which features of individual study reaches helped to explain observed patterns of habitat utilization and growth, and determine whether or not the concept of using the scope for growth as index of habitat quality would be supported. 10 STUDY AREA The Metolius River is a tributary of the Deschutes River, and fonns on the eastern slope of the Cascade Mountains in Central Oregon (Figure 2). The river originates from large springs at the base of Black Butte, and flows north and east approximately 45 km before entering Lake Billy Chinook. Summertime base flows are primarily spring-fed, as several large springs are located in the river and tributaries. Water temperatures in the basin are cold, as the springs range from 4 90 C. There is one major lake in the system, Suttle Lake, which is drained by Lake Creek. The habitat in the mainstem Metolius River is dominated by riffles, with pools representing only about 10% of available habitat. Habitat availability in the tributaries is highly variable, with as little as 0% pools in Heising Spring to as much as 50% pools in one reach in Candle Creek (USFS habitat survey data). The Metolius River basin supports native spawning populations of redband (rainbow) trout (Oncorhynchus my/dss), bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus), mountain whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni), long-nose and speckled dace (Rhinicthys sp), and several species of sculpin (Cottus sp.). Non-native species include brown trout (Salmo trutta) and brook trout (S. fontinalis). The Metolius Basin was also the historic home of one of Oregon's two indigenous populations of sockeye salmon (0. nerka), which once used Suttle Lake as a rearing area. A large population of kokanee salmon (0. nerka) currently resides in both Suttle Lake and Lake Billy Chinook. 11 Reregulating Dam ,. j Rainy Creek Racing Creek Jefferson Creek Candle Creek Martel Creek Round Butte Dam Lake Billy Chinook Abbot Creek Canyon Gre Opal Springs Dam tudy Area (map on page 15) First Cre Suttle Lake I ead of the Metolius 2.4 0 2.4 4.8 7.2 Kilomss '2 ""SteeI head Falls Figure 2. Location Map of the Pelton Round Butte Project, Lake Billy Chinook, and the Metolius Basin Study Area. 12 METHODS Approach The study was designed as a field experiment. The main object was to investigate differences in habitat use and growth of planted juvenile Chinook salmon in ecologically different reaches of the Metolius Basin, with the aim of using the observations of the fish as a means to describing the relative quality of the habitat. The fry were of Deschutes River hatchery origin and reared in hatch boxes in the Metolius Basin in 2002 and at the Round Butte Hatchery in 2003. Since the fish were all of the same size at release, any reach - specific differences in length, weight, or condition can be attributed to ecological conditions of the reaches in which they were rearing. Additionally, no Chinook are currently present in the system, so it could be assumed that if a Chinook was observed it was one that was released in conjunction with this study. A secondary goal was to determine whether or not different density-dependent patterns would emerge after releasing different numbers of juvenile Chinook salmon fry into different tributaries of the Metolius Basin. To approach this secondary goal, different densities of Chinook fry were released at five locations in the Upper Metolius during successive years, with approximately 2 /2 times the number of fry released in the second year of the study. The study was designed hierarchically, in order to investigate distribution of fish at multiple spatial scales. The Metolius Basin comprises tributaries with different characteristics and within each of them are reaches that differ from one another in terms of their geology, topography, hydrology and microclimates and therefore in the availability of habitat and microhabitat features. Field sampling encompassed the following activities with study reaches and their study sites: measurement of available 13 and selected habitat features, repeated day and night snorkel observations through the summer growing season, measuring growth at the end of the summer, and determining the availability of drifting invertebrates. This enabled me to track changes in habitat use through ontogeny and distribution of fry throughout the system. Habitat quality would be measured in terms of standing crops and growth. As discussed in the Introduction, measurements of temperature and drifting invertebrates were used to interpret the patterns for standing crops and growth. Study Reaches and Sites Six study reaches in the Metolius Basin were examined in this study. Two of these study reaches were located in the Metolius River (referred to as Metolius Headwaters and Metolius Mainstem) and four were located in tributaries: Lake Creek, Canyon Creek, Spring Creek, and Heising Spring. These six reaches were chosen for study because they are each unique in terms of habitat availability, flow regime, and water temperature regimes (Table 1). Three study reaches, Lake Creek, Canyon Creek, and the Metolius Mainstem, exhibit a mixture of pool and riffle habitat, while the other three study reaches, Spring Creek, Heising Spring, and the Metolius Headwaters are dominated by riffle habitat. A total of 30 sites in the 6 study reaches were selected for snorkel surveys; three each in Spring Creek and Heising Spring, five each in the Metolius Mainstem and the Metolius Headwaters, and seven each in Lake Creek and Canyon Creek (figure 3). Study sites were evenly distributed along the length of each reach, depending on accessibility. 14 Sites ranged from 50 120m in length, and included a variety of pool habitat (if available), and riffle habitat. Table 1. Physical attributes of study reaches in the upper Metolius Basin. Temperature MayOctober 2003 Mm-Max (Average) °C Stream Code Metolius Headwaters MH Dominant Habitat riffle Spring Creek SP riffle 8 1°-107°(90°) 66°-110°(91°) Heising Spring HS riffle 53°-68°(58°) Lake Creek LK POOl / riffle 7 0° - 24 9° (16 0°) Metolius Mainstem MM pool / riffle 6 6° - 13 5° (9 3°) Canyon Creek CY pool / riffle 2.7° - 9.20 (5.7°) Figure 3. Map of the Metolius River Basin Study Area. Yellow dots indicate study sites, red dots indicate Chinook fry release sites, and purple dots indicate invertebrate drift sites. Created using ArcView 3.2. 16 Fry Releases The Chinook salmon used in this study were spawned from hatchery origin Deschutes River fish at the ODFW Round Butte hatchery near Madras, Oregon. Approximately 54,300 fry were released in 2002 and approximately 140,000 were released in 2003. These fry were spawned from 177 adult female Chinook salmon in 2002, and from 211 females 2003. In 2002, the Chinook fry were reared in hatch boxes on Spring Creek in the Metolius Basin until release (see Schulz 2002 for description and methods). In 2003, the fry were reared at the Round Butte Hatchery, and transported by truck to the release sites. In each year, the fry were all approximately the same size and weight at release, although they were slightly larger in 2003 (approximately 1600 per pound in 2002 and 1250 per pound in 2003). Table 2. Chinook salmon fry released into the Metolius Basin in 2002 and 2003. Release Metolius Canyon Lake Spring Heising Estimated Sites Headwaters Creek Creek Creek Spring Totals 2002 releases 12,800 10,400 10,400 11,000 10,400 54,300 2003 releases 36,504 36,574 37,213 14,678 14,748 139,217 Percent Increase 185% 251% 257% 33% 42% 158% (+1- 400) In both years, the Chinook fry were released at the same five locations in the Metolius Basin (Table 2, Figure 3). Greater numbers of juvenile Chinook salmon were introduced in all release sites in 2003. Although we did not directly introduce fry into 17 the Metolius Mainstem study reach, the numbers released upstream of this reach were increased from approximately 34,200 in 2002 to approximately 88,400 in 2003. Habitat Inventory Habitat surveys were conducted on each of the selected study sites prior to sampling efforts, in the spring of each year. To keep consistent with U.S. Forest Service Level II survey protocols, we identified main channel habitat units as either riffles or pools. Measurements of lengths, widths, maximum depths, average depths (for riffles) and pooi tail crests (for pools) were taken for each habitat unit. Habitat subunits were defined as the edges or mid-channels of pool, riffle or side channel habitats, and microhabitat patches. Microhabitat patches were defined as areas that provided either refuge from main channel velocity or significant cover, and were identified by one of five major formative features: bank alcove, boulder, emergent vegetation, naturally occurring wood, or placed wood. Any associated habitat types (i.e. those that were not the dominant formative feature) were also recorded. The length, width, maximum and average depths, substrate type, and location (bank, mid-channel, or island) of each subunit was recorded. Sketches were drawn of each site (see Figure 4 for example), noting the location of each of the habitat units and subunits. 18 Section/Siie# ,'i4- fotal Site Length: i Date: 31'S Top: :;s lttM: ;ubttnit types: 3 i3ouder Emergent Veg. Alcove Edge Mid-channel hland .4 L L- Figure 4. Representative sketch diagram of a study site in the Metolius Basin. The large arrows indicate direction of flow and the approximate location of the thalweg. Two main channel habitat units are in this site; a 45m long pooi downstream of a 55m long riffle. Circled numbers indicate microhabitat patches and their formative and associated features; W = natural wood, WP = placed wood, EV = emergent vegetation, A = bank alcove. 19 Stream Discharge Seasonal measurements were taken at the lower end of each of the reaches in each season. Lake Creek has an influx of large spring near its mouth, and therefore two discharge measurements were taken in Lake Creek, one at the mouth of the creek below the springs, and the other in the upper Lake Creek, above the springs. Discharge measurements were taken using a Marsh-McBumey Flo-Mate electronic flow meter, using methods described by Gore (1996). Water Temperature Stream temperatures were recorded by placing temperature data loggers (Optic StowAwaysTM by Onset) into sites in each of the study reaches. Temperatures were recorded every hour from May23 to October 1, 2002, and February 15 to October 10, 2003. The loggers were placed at the time of fish release (March 15) in 2002, but technical difficulties were experienced and no data were recorded for the period of March 15 - May 22, 2002. In both years of the study, all temperature data loggers were pulled at the beginning of October. 20 Seasonal Snorkel Surveys Seasonal daytime snorkeling surveys were conducted on each of the study sites in both years of the study: spring (May), summer (July) and fall (September). Night snorkel surveys were also conducted on a sub-sample of study sites (4 in spring 2002, 8 in summer and fall 2002, 10 in all seasons 2003) to investigate die! differences in densities and I or habitat associations. Night dives were conducted in four of the study reaches: Lake Creek, Canyon Creek, Metolius Headwaters, and Metolius Mainstem. No night surveys were conducted on Spring Creek or Heising Spring, because those reaches were located on private property. Night diving was always conducted at least 48 hours before or after day snorkeling to allow for the fish to resettle. Divers made a single pass at each site, moving upstream from the bottom of each unit to the top. All fish observed were identified by species and size class and their locations were recorded. Fish greater than 8 inches were considered adults and those less than 8 inches were considered juveniles. Locations for the fish were recorded as one of the following habitat subunits: main channel or main channel edge (within 0.25m of the bank) within a riffle, pool, or side channel, or within a microhabitat patch. Each of these habitat subunits were identified and measured during habitat surveys conducted prior to snorkeling efforts. Each diver wrote his observations on a cuff made from 4-inch PVC pipe, which were transferred to a data sheet after the dive was over. The majority of sites were surveyed using two divers, one moving up each bank, but the sites in the Mainstem Metolius study reach were surveyed using three or four divers. Data from all divers was combined on the data sheet at the conclusion of each dive. Therefore, inter-diver variability cannot be determined. Also, due to the presence 21 of bull trout in the system, snorkeling was the only approved method of observing and collecting fish, and no other method can be used for calibrating snorkel counts. Juvenile Chinook Size and Condition Juvenile Chinook salmon were captured from each of the study reaches for measurement during August 26-29, 2002, May 19-22, 2003 and September 22-25, 2003. Fish were captured by either diver hand netting or diver-directed seine netting. After capture, the fish were anesthetized in a solution of 2.5 ml MS-222 to IL of fresh water. The fish were weighed to the nearest 0.1 gram with an OhausTM model C305 digital scale, measured to the nearest mm, and placed in a recovery bucket of clean water. After recovery, fish were returned to the site of capture. Condition factors are often used to indicate the nutritional condition or "well being" of an individual fish (Busacker Ct al. 1990). The formula used for calculating condition factors (K) was: K = (weight / (fork length)3) x 100,000) Invertebrate Drift The invertebrate productivity of a stream influences the patterns and behaviors of foraging fish. The abundance and composition of invertebrate populations in streams has been used as an indicator of the relative quality of stream ecosystems, both in terms of fish production and the ecological "health" of the system (Resh and Grodhaus 1983). 22 Invertebrate drift samples were taken from each of the six study reaches on September 24-25, 2002, and May 30-31 and September 26-27, 2003. Drift samples were taken from the same areas from which juvenile Chinook salmon were collected for measurement. Four samples were taken at each site using 0.3m by 0.3m drift nets placed randomly in the main channel current. Sampling began at dusk (-1900h in fall, and -.21O0h in spring) and each net was set for 20 minutes. Samples were preserved in 95% ETOH in WhirlPakTM bags, and taken to a lab for processing. Processing involved sorting and counting individual invertebrates from the drift samples using a dissecting microscope. For large samples, a sub-sample (1/2 - 1/8, depending on the size of the sample) was taken and processed. Samples were split using a plankton splitter, and the half that was processed (or split further into quarters or eighths) was chosen at random by throwing dice. The resulting counts and biomass estimates for split samples were multiplied by the split, giving an estimate for the total sample. After sorting and enumeration of the samples, biomass was measured by placing the invertebrates into pre-weighed coffee filters in a drying oven for 48 hours at 60°C. In addition to the insect samples, eight test coffee filters were also placed in the oven with no contents, to determine if the filters themselves lost weight during the drying process. All samples were weighed to the nearest thousandth of a gram immediately after removal from the drying oven, and were adjusted for filter weight loss. 23 A drift density calculation was used to account for differences in drift velocity and depth and to allow for comparison among samples. The formula (modified from Smock 1996) is: Drift Density = (N) (t)(W)(H)(V)(3 600 seconds/hour) Where N represents the number or biomass (grams) of invertebrates in the sample, t is the time the net was in the water (in hours), W is net width (m), H is height of water in net (m), V is the velocity of water at the net mouth (mis). Results are expressed as either the number of invertebrates or the biomass (grams) of invertebrates drifting per cubic meter of flowing water per second. Data Analyses Habitat Utilization In this study, data were collected on three spatial scales: study reaches, habitat units (pools and riffles), and habitat subunits (edges, mid-channels, and microhabitat patches). Statistical analyses were performed at the stream reach and habitat unit scales. Density calculations (fish / m2 of habitat) were used for analysis of differences among study reaches and habitat units. Densities were also calculated for habitat subunits, but for purposes of comparison, Ivlev's Electivity Index (ff1) was used. 24 Study reaches - Parametric ANOVA and non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA tests were used to investigate the relative differences in means and medians of densities in pools and riffles among the six study reaches for each sample period. Densities of juvenile Chinook salmon in poois (fish/rn2) were compared among the Lake Creek, Canyon Creek, and Metolius Mainstem study reaches, as these were the only reaches that contained pool habitat, and riffle densities were compared among all six study reaches for daytime observations, and among four study reaches (Lake Creek, Canyon Creek, Metolius Mainstem, and Metolius Headwaters) for nighttime observations. No nighttime surveys were conducted on Spring Creek or Heising Spring. If significant differences at the p <0.05 level were found using both ANOVA analyses, Bonferroni's multiple comparison procedure was used to determine which of the study reaches had significantly higher counts or densities. Bonferroni 's procedure was selected because the number of pools and riffles was not equally represented in each study section. Spring night 2002 observations were not included in this analysis, as sample sizes (3 pools and 2 riffles over four study sections) were insufficient. Habitat Units - Two-sample t-tests were used to investigate the differences in means between densities in pools and densities in riffles. This analysis was performed on the three reaches that had both habitat unit types: Lake Creek, Canyon Creek, and the Metolius Mainstem. Several attempts were made to further analyze data at the habitat unit scale to try and tease out which specific habitat parameters (i.e. depth, area, substrate type, etc.) could help to explain differences in density, particularly in the study reaches that had only riffle habitat. However, several interpretational issues were encountered, 25 including spatial autocorrelation, lack of independence among study sites and pseudo replication that complicate and may potentially invalidate standard statistical tests at this spatial scale. Analysis at this spatial scale is important, but more investigation is needed. Habitat Subunits - Habitat subunit utilization by juvenile Chinook salmon was evaluated using Ivlev's Electivity Index (1961; as described by Peckarsky 1996). This non-parametric index is used to relate the amount of a resource utilized compared to the amount of a resource available in the environment. Selection or avoidance was determined for seven habitat subunits: 1) pool mid-channel, 2) pool edge, 3) riffle midchannel, 4) riffle edge, 5) side channel mid - channel, 6) side channel edges and 7) microhabitat patches. Ivlev's Electivity Index (E1) was adapted as follows: E1 = (r1p,) / (r1 +p). where r is the percentage of juvenile Chinook salmon counted in a particular habitat subunit type, and p is the percentage of that habitat subunit type available. This index returns a value between -1 and 1, with numbers close to -1 indicating a low rate of occurrence in that habitat type (-1 indicates absence), and numbers close to + 1 indicating a high rate of occurrence. Values near zero indicate that a habitat was used in proportion similar to its availability. Index values were generated for each seasonal survey on each stream (e.g. spring 2002 day dives, fall 2003 night dives), and is the result of the pooling of all dives on that stream during each season. 26 Densities were also calculated for each of the study reaches for each sample period. Total edge habitat area was calculated as O.5m of the total bank length (O.25m for both banks) for each habitat type. Mid-channel habitat area was calculated as the total amount of area in each habitat unit (pool, riffle, or side channel) minus the area of edge habitat and subunit habitat. Densities were calculated by dividing the total number of juvenile Chinook salmon observed in each habitat type by the total area of each habitat type surveyed in all dives in each stream in each season. This combined approach (summing totals from all dives in a stream) was used instead of using individual study sites or habitat units because this provided a more reliable estimate for the entire stream, as results would be less likely to be influenced by a large number of fish in one particular habitat unit. The majority of habitat units and subunits had zero fish, and it was important to incorporate these zero counts into density estimates. Fish Size and Condition A non-parametric Kruskal - Wallis ANOVA test was used to investigate differences among study reaches for fork length, weight, and condition factor for each sample season. Due to the fact that different numbers of fish were collected from each study reach, Bonferroni's multiple comparison procedure was used to examine statistical similarities or differences among the study reaches. Cumulative size and condition data for all seasons was summarized using a non-parametric cumulative percent rank method: fish measurements were ranked from 0 to 1 in relation to the smallest (rank = 0) and largest (rank = 1) fish collected in each specific season. 27 Invertebrate Drift Non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance tests were used to compare drift density of invertebrate counts and biomass among study reaches in each collection season. Although a standard one-way ANOVA typically gave the same significance results, a nonparametric ANOVA test was chosen because of the non-equality of variances between study reaches. Heterogeneity among study reaches was examined using Tukey's studentized range HSD (Honest Significant Difference) procedure for means comparisons. Fish Size and Condition vs. Water Temperature and Invertebrate Drift Multiple regression analyses were perfonned on juvenile Chinook salmon measurement data versus invertebrate data and temperature for each season to examine the relationship between these variables (Table 3). Fork lengths were highly related to weights (p <0.001; R2 0.98) and therefore only fork lengths were used in the models. Averages were calculated for each of the invertebrate drift metrics for each of the study reaches in each of the seasons. Since fish growth has been demonstrated to have a curvilinear relationship with temperature (Brett et al 1969; Brett and Groves 1979, Brett et al. 1982), a squared temperature term was added to the models (Ramsey and Schafer 1997). 28 Table 3. Response and explanatory variables used in multiple regression analysis of juvenile Chinook salmon measurements vs. invertebrate drift and temperature. Explanatory Variables Study Period Response Variables in Model Average Drift Density (Counts) Fall 2002 Fork Length (mm) Average Drift Density (Biomass) Condition Factor (K) Max Temperature Units (Max Temperature Units)2 Average Drift Density (Biomass) Spring 2003 and Fall 2003 Fork Length (mm) Condition Factor (K) Max Temperature Units (Max Temperature Units)2 A backward stepwise selection process was used to select the final model for each of these analyses. Simple linear regression analyses indicated that count drift densities and biomass drift densities were significantly correlated in spring 2003 (p = 0.007; Adjusted R2 = 0.47) and fall 2003 (p <0.001; Adj. R2 = 0.70), but were only marginally correlated in fall 2002 (p = 0.052; Adj. R2 =0.17). Because of these correlations, count drift densities were not included in the full models in spring or fall 2003, but were left in the faIl 2002 model. Note: All statistical analyses were conducted using Statgraphics Plus 5.1 TM software. 29 RESULTS Habitat Inventory The composition and dimensions of the available habitats to juvenile Chinook salmon differed among study reaches (Table 4). The number of sites in each study reach varied from 3 to 7. This variation in the numbers of sites in each study reach was due to the differing lengths of the study reaches, some reaches were as short as 0.5 1cm, and others were more than 5 km. In sites in the three pool / riffle sections, the percentage of pooi habitat ranged from 42% in the Metolius Mainstem to 71% in Canyon Creek. Maximum and residual pooi depths were significantly different among the three study sites (ANOVA; d. f. =2, 36, p <0.001 for max depths, p = 0.0 15 for residual depths, Tukey' s HSD), with the Metolius Headwaters the deepest, Lake Creek the shallowest, and Canyon Creek intermediate in depth. Riffle habitat was similar among the study sections in terms of depth in five of the six study reaches, with only the Metolius Mainstem having significantly deeper riffle depths (ANOVA; d. f. =5, 28, p <0.001, Tukey's HSD). Table 4. Summary of selected physical variables gathered from available main channel and side channel habitats surveyed in six study reaches of the Metolius River Basin. Study Reach # Study Sites # Pool Area Pools m2 (%) Metolius 5 5 Mainstem Canyon 7 14 Creek Lake 7 20 Creek Spring 3 Creek Metolius 5 0 Headwaters Heising 3 0 Spring * All depths are in meters Pool Max. Depths (mean) Pool Residual Depths (mean) # Riffles 5210 (42.2%) 4975 (70.9%) 2491 (60.4%) 1.5-2.0(1.8) 0.75 1.45 (1.1) 4 1.05-1.5(1.3) 0.6- 1.3 (0.9) 7 0.5 1.2 (0.9) 0.2 1.35 (0.5) 12 60 (1.9%) 0.7 0.4 3 5 3 Riffle Area m2 (%) 5786 (46.8%) 2025 (28.9%) 1506 (36.6) 2955 (94.8%) 7325 (100%) 3750 (98.4%) Average Riffle Depths (mean) # Side Channels Side Channel Area m2 (%) 0.5-0.7(0.6) 5 1349(11%) 0.25 - 0.5 (0.3) 1 18 (0.2%) 4 123 (3%) 1 102 (3.3%) 0.15-0.4 (0.3) 0.3-0.4 (0.35) 0.25 -0.45 (0.3) 0.25 - 0.35 (0.3) 0 1 60 (0.6%) 31 Stream Discharge Flows were significantly lower in the second year of the study. Spring 2003 measurements were an average 84% of spring 2002 measurements and summer 2003 measurements were an average of 78% of 2002 (Table 5). Fall measurements were similar between years (Table 5). The differences between spring and summer patterns can be explained by greater snowpack and runoff in spring and summer 2002. Snowpack in the High Oregon Cascades was 115% of normal in 2002, but was only 85% of normal in 2003 (Source: National Weather and Climate Center It is interesting to note that even the flows from the Metolius Headwaters, which are spring fed and ostensibly unaffected by snowpack dropped by approximately 10% to 20% in 2003. 32 Table 5. Comparison of seasonal stream discharge measurements (m3/sec) for study reaches in the Metolius River Basin. Spring 2002 and 2003 Study Reach Spring 2002 Spring 2003 2003 as Percent of 2002 Headwaters 3.20 2.56 80% Lake Creek 2.80 2.48 89% S. Fork Lake Cr. 1.30 0.82 63% Spring Creek Mainstem 3.30 2.85 86% 10.52 9.47 90% 4.09 3.56 87% 2.13 1.99 93% Heising Spring Canyon Creek Summer 2002 and 2003 Study Reach Summer 2002 Summer 2003 2003 as Percent of 2002 Headwaters 3.01 2.32 77% Lake Creek 2.28 1.70 75% S. Fork Lake Cr. 0.70 0.32 46% Spring Creek 2.67 2.70 101% Mainstem 9.21 8.51 92% Heising Spring 3.77 3.51 93% Canyon Creek 2.71 1.60 59% Fall 2002 and 2003 Study Reach Fall 02 Fall 03 2003 as Percent of 2002 Headwaters 2.66 2.39 90% Lake Creek 1.80 1.88 104% S. Fork Lake Cr. 0.32 0.35 110% Spring Creek 2.43 2.33 96% Mainstem Heising Spring Canyon Creek 8.21 7.86 96% 3.88 4.26 110% 1.45 1.45 100% 33 Water Temperature Summer (May to October water temperature patterns were similar in study reaches in 2002 (Figure 5) and 2003 (Figure 6). In both years of the study, Lake Creek was the warmest stream, with maximum temperatures of 22.1°C in 2002 and 24.9 °C in 2003. Heising Spring was the coldest stream in both years, with maximum temperatures of 7.5 °C in both years. Cumulative daily maximum temperatures (termed maximum temperature units, or MTU5) were used to compare water temperatures among study reaches for each study season: fall 2002 (May 23 - September 30), spring 2003 (April 30 - May 30) and fall 2003 (May 23 - September 30) (Table 9). Table 6. Cumulative daily maximum temperature units (MTUs) for each season for study reaches in the Metolius Basin. Fall 2003 Fall 2002 Spring 2003 Study Reach (May 23 - Oct 1) (Apr 30 - May 30) (May23 - Oct 1) Lake Creek 2443 400 2538 Metolius Mainstem 1510 347 1585 Metolius Headwaters 1441 322 1353 Spring Creek 1243 313 1331 Canyon Creek 1072 221 1028 Heising Spring 880 209 868 34 2002 Maximum Water Temperatures 0 a, E a) I- Metolius Mainstem - Canyon Creek Spring Creek 0 May-02 June-02 - - Metolius Headwaters - Lake Creek Heising Spring August-02 July-02 September-02 Figure 5. Daily maximum water temperatures in study reaches in the Upper Metolius Basin, May to October, 2002. Ii 2003 Maximum Water Temperatures 25 20- 4 if C.) /'sIJj f\f,'V I a E 10 - V : _.'_4ø -. /_.\# S - * Canyon Creek - - Met Headwaters 0 May-03 Spring Creek June-03 July-03 Lake Creek Met Mainstem Heising Spring August-03 I September-03 Figure 6. Daily maximum water temperatures in six study reaches in the Upper Metolius Basin, May to October, 2003. 35 Densities and Habitat Utilization Study Reaches - Juvenile Chinook salmon densities (fish per square meter) in pools and riffles are compared among study reaches in separate analyses. Densities of juvenile Chinook salmon in poois were significantly higher in Lake Creek than Metolius Mainstem or Canyon Creek in five of six sample periods in 2003, with the one exception being spring 2003 (Table 10; ANOVA, p < 0.02 for all analyses). In two of the three night sampling seasons, densities of juvenile Chinook salmon were significantly higher in the Metolius Mainstem poois than in Canyon Creek pools. There were no significant differences in the densities of juvenile Chinook salmon in riffles among study reaches for any sample season in either year (Table 10; ANOVA, p > 0.05 for all analyses). 36 Table 7. Comparisons of densities of juvenile Chinook salmon in pools and riffles among study reaches in the Metolius basin in 2002 and 2003 sample periods. Bold type indicates significant differences Sample Period Spring Day 2002 Summer Day 2002 Summer Night 2002 Fall Day 2002 Fall Night 2002 Spring Day 2003 Spring Night 2003 Summer Day 2003 Summer Night 2003 Fall Day 2003 Fall Night 2003 Habitat Type (n) ANOVA p-value K-W ANOVA p-value Group Companson* Pools (23) 0.09 0.16 No Differences Riffles (29) 0.11 0.33 No Differences Pools (26) 0.12 0.19 No Differences Riffles (33) 0.18 0.16 No Differences Pools (11) 0.46 0.82 No Differences Riffles (10) 0.94 0.63 No Differences Pools (26) 0.28 0.13 No Differences Riffles (33) 0.57 0.39 No Differences Pools (11) 0.55 0.43 No Differences Riffles (10) 0.85 0.52 No Differences Pools (39) 0.23 0.65 No Differences Riffles (34) 0.86 0.55 No Differences Pools (17) 0.008 0.019 LK>MM>CY Riffles (11) 0.48 0.21 No Differences Pools (39) <0.001 <0.001 LK>CY, MM Riffles (34) 0.24 0.26 No Differences Pools (17) 0.009 0.002 LK>CY, MM Riffles (11) 0.90 0.41 No Differences Pools (39) 0.002 <0.001 LK>CY, MM Riffles (34) 0.18 0.39 No Differences Pools (17) 0.021 0.002 LK>MM>CY Riffles (11) 0.77 0.80 No Differences * Bonferroni's multiple comparison procedure for differences among study reaches. LK = Lake Creek, CY = Canyon Creek, MM = Metolius Mainstem. 37 Habitat Units - Densities were significantly higher in pools than in riffles in Lake Creek (Table 11; t-test, p <0.001). In Canyon Creek, pools had significantly higher mean densities than riffles, and the significance was marginal (Table 11; t-test, p = 0.06 1). In the Metolius Mainstem, densities were not significantly different between pools and riffles (Table 11; t-test, p = 0.153). Table 8. Minimum, maximum, and mean densities (fish / m2) of juvenile Chinook salmon in pool and riffle habitat in six study reaches in the Metolius Basin. Bold type indicates significant differences. Significance Pool Densities Riffle Densities Study Reach (t-test) mm - max (mean) mm - max (mean) Pools > Riffles Lake Creek 0 0.33 (0.03) 0 -1.4 (0.16) p < 0.001 Pools > Riffles? Canyon Creek 0-0.025 (0.004) 0-0.056 (0.007) p = 0.061 Metolius Riffles = Pools 0- 0.02 (0.002) 0-0.008 (0.00 1) Mainstem p=O.l53 0-0.11 (0.01) SpringCreek 0-0.11 (0.09) Metolius Headwaters 0 - 0.1(0.02) NA Heising Spring 0 0.14 (0.04) NA (n = one pool) 38 Habitat Subunits The selection and avoidance habitat subunits by juvenile Chinook salmon varied among study reaches for day and night observations (Tables 12 and 13). For purposes of comparison, habitat subunit utilization was evaluated using Jvlev 's Electivity Index (JET), which relates the amount of habitat utilized compared to the amount of that habitat available. Raw numbers and densities of juvenile Chinook salmon in habitat subunits in each study reach in each season are presented in Appendix Tables C1-C6. Among the three riffle dominated study reaches (Table 12), riffle edge habitat was highly selected for in both day and night in the Metolius Headwaters (lET 0.70 and 0.90) and during the day in Heising Spring (IEI 0.96), but was neither selected nor avoided in Spring Creek (-0.09). Mid channel riffle habitat was strongly avoided in both Spring Creek (lET -0.88) and Heising Spring (lET 0.96), but was only weakly avoided in the Metolius Mainstem (lET -0.31 and -0.29). Microhabitat patches were positively selected in all riffle dominated reaches (lET 0.32 to 0.61). Among study reaches with a mixture of pool and riffle habitat (Table 13), the only subunit habitat type that was strongly avoided in both day and night surveys in all study reaches was mid-channel riffle habitat (lET -0.44 to -1.0). In the Metolius Mainstem, electivity values were similar in day and night observations, with positive selection of pool edge (lET 0.70 and 0.90), riffle edge (TEl 0.89 and 0.70), and microhabitat patch habitat (IEI 0.74 for both night and day). Mid-channel pooi habitat was avoided in the Metolius Mainstem in both day and night observations, but the avoidance was greater at night (lET -0.70) and than during the day (JET -0.22). 39 In Canyon Creek, pooi edge habitat, riffle edge habitat, and microhabitat patch habitats were all positively selected in both day and night observations (Table 10; lET 0.42 to 0.94). However, mid-channel pool habitat in Canyon Creek was selected differently between night and day observations, with strong avoidance during the day (lET -0.82) and strong preference at night (TEl 0.67). In Lake Creek, pooi edge habitat was the only habitat subunit type that was strongly selected in both day and night observations (Table 10; TEl 0.57 and 0.89, respectively). Mid channel riffle and mid channel pooi habitats were used similar to their availability in both day and night observations (TEl 0.12 and -0.13, respectively). Microhabitat patches were avoided in Lake Creek during the day (lET 0.49), but were not strong preferred or avoided at night (lET -0.11). Microhabitat patches - Microhabitat patches were considered a type of habitat subunit for this study. Patches formed by natural wood were the most frequently occupied patch type for juvenile Chinook salmon, as they were occupied in 24.9% of all observations. Patches with the associated cover types of natural wood and overhanging vegetation were the most frequently occupied by juvenile Chinook salmon (25.2% and 26.5%, respectively). For a discussion of the utilization of microhabitat patches, please see Appendix B: Microhabitat Patch Utilization. 40 Table 9. Indices show relative preference (positive values), avoidance (negative values), or neither (values near 0) of habitat subunits in day and night surveys in 2002 and 2003. Metolius Headwaters Spring Creek Heising Spring Habitat Subunit Type Day Night Day* Day* Riffle Mid-Channel -0.31 -0.29 -0.88 -0.96 Riffle Edge 0.70 0.90 -0.09 0.96 Microhabitat Patch 0.50 0.32 0.61 0.59 Side Channel Mid N/A N/A 0.00 -1.0 Side Channel Edge N/A N/A -1.0 -1.0 * No nighttime surveys were conducted on Spring Creek or Heising Spring. Table 10. Habitat subunit electivity indices for juvenile Chinook salmon in pool/riffle stream reaches in the Metolius Basin. Indices show relative preference (positive values) and avoidance (negative values) of habitat subunits in day and night surveys. Values reflect average electivity values from seasonal surveys in 2002 and 2003. Metolius Mainstem Canyon Creek Lake Creek Habitat Subunit Type Day Night Day Night Day Night Pool Mid-Channel -0.22 -0.70 -0.82 0.67 0.12 -0.13 Pool Edge 0.70 0.96 0.94 0.94 0.57 0.89 Riffle Mid-Channel -1.0 -1.0 -0.97 -1.0 -0.44 -0.72 Riffle Edge 0.89 0.70 0.71 0.42 -0.21 0.60 Microhabitat Patch 0.74 0.74 0.71 0.68 -0.49 -0.11 Side Channel Mid -0.5 N/A -1.0 N/A 0.39 -1.0 Side Channel Edge 0.70 N/A 0.91 N/A 0.05 -1.0 41 Night vs. Day Snorkeling Greater numbers of juvenile Chinook salmon were seen at night than during the day in 15 of 20 surveys of 2002 and 27 of 30 surveys in 2003 (Table 11). In several sites, zero fish were seen during the day, yet fish were observed at night. In no cases were juvenile Chinook salmon observed during the day when none were observed at night. Table 11. Night vs. day snorkeling survey counts ofjuvenile Chinook salmon in sites in the Metolius basin in 2002 and 2003. The statistic is expressed as a percentage of day snorkeling counts from the same sites. CY = Canyon Creek, LK Lake Creek, MH = Metolius Headwaters, MM = Metolius Mainstem, and number indicates study site. 2002 Observations Site Spring Night 2002 Summer Night 2002 Fall Night 2002 CY-3 200% 92% 113% CY-1 N/A 0 fish to 1 fish 1000% LK-5 160% 99% 116% LK-2 N/A 200% 0 fish to 1 fish MH-4 50% 200% 88% MR-i N/A 33% 0 fish to 1 fish MM-4 N/A 250% 300% MM-3 167% 550% 0 fish to 5 fish Site Spring Night 2003 Summer Night 2003 Fall Night 2003 CY-4 100% 500% 0 fish to 6 fish CY-3 550% 160% CY-1 0 fish to 7 fish 1100% 0 fish to 9 fish 0 fish to 7 fish LK-7 622% 87% 100% LK-5 Ofishto 78 fish 93% 115% LK-2 113% 171% 141% MH-4 MH-1 MM-4 197% 125% 98% 171% 100% MM-3 0 fish to 14 fish 0 fish to 5 fish 0 fish to 10 fish 0 fish to 19 fish 2003 Observations 138% 0 fish to 2 fish 0 fish to 12 fish 42 Fish Communities The composition of fish communities observed varied among study reaches (Table 12). Bull trout and juvenile Chinook salmon were the only species that were observed in all study reaches, although bull trout counts were low in most reaches. For more details concerning the composition of fish species in the study reaches, please see Appendix D: Fish Communities. Table 12. Summary of fish species observed in six study reaches in the Metolius Basin, 2002 and 2003 combined. Species are listed left to right from most abundant to least abundant. Trout species include bull trout, redband trout, brown trout, and brook trout. % % Juvenile trout Adult trout Study Reach Species Observed Metolius Headwaters RBT, CHK, COT, BRT*, KOK*, BUT*, WHF*, LND* 98 2 Metolius Mainstem WHF, RBT, BRT, BUT, COT, CHK, BKT* 73 27 92 8 80 20 Lake Creek Canyon Creek BRT, CHK, RBT, BUT, WHF, SPD, LND, COT* BUT, CRK, KOK, RBT, BRT, COT, BKT* Heising Spring CHK, BUT, RBT* 100 0 Spnng Creek WHF, CHK, RBT, BRT, COT, BUT, KOK, BKT* 94 6 * Indicates species represented less than 1% of observed fish. Species Codes: CHK = Chinook, BUT = Bull trout, BRT Brown trout, BKT Brook trout, RBT = Redband trout, WHF = Mountain whitefish, LND = long nosed dace, SPD = speckled dace, COT = Cottid spp (Sculpin), KOK = Kokanee salmon (present only in fall surveys) A fish was counted as an adult if it was 8 inches or greater in length. The percentages of adult trout were higher in the Metolius Mainstem and Canyon Creek study sections, with adults representing 27 and 20 percent of all trout observed, respectively. The other four study sections had smaller percentages of adult trout, ranging from 0% in Heising Spring to 8% in Lake Creek. 43 Fish Size and Condition Fork Lengths - Results from K-W ANOVA tests indicate significant differences in the fork lengths of juvenile Chinook salmon among study reaches in all three seasons, as well as for cumulative percent rank data combining all seasons (Figure 7). Mean fork lengths of juvenile Chinook salmon were largest in the Metolius Headwaters and Metolius Mainstem study reaches in all seasons, and were the smallest in Heising Spring in fall 2002 and fall 2003, and Canyon Creek in spring 2003 (Figure 7; Table 13). Weight (g) was positively correlated with fork length in all seasons (p <0.001; R2 = 98.2) and therefore only fork lengths are presented. Condition Factors - Results from K-W ANOVA tests indicate that condition factors were significantly different in all collection seasons (Figure 8a, b, and c). An analysis on combined data from all collection seasons also indicated significant differences among study sections (Figure 8d). Lake Creek had the highest mean condition factor in all collection seasons, and the lowest mean condition factors were found in Heising Spring in fall 2002 and fall 2003 and in Canyon Creek in spring 2003 (Table 14). Fork Length Fall 2002 Fork Length Spring 2003 -1 13 _ 81 E E 103 -c a) K - W ANOVA; )93 C 83 73 U- p<o.001 I I E I d.f. = 5, 83 I I I -r CY HS LK MH MM E E -c 0) C ci) 51 I T CY HS 0 I 0) 0 C MH MM SP d.f.= 5,371 0.8 C LK I I d) K-W ANOVA; CD p<o.00i I Fork Length - All Seasons d.f. = 4, 145 101 I I I 41 C H c)K-WANOVA; I p<o.00l - 121 T d.f.= 5,132 SP Fork Length Fall 2003 b)K-WANOVA; 71 LL 0 63 = p<0.001 0.6 0.4 0 _J 0.2 71 U- 61 - cy HS LK MH sP LL 0 cy HS LK MH MM sP Figure 7. Box-and-whisker plots ofjuvenile Chinook salmon fork lengths for a) fall 2002, b) spring 2003, c) fall 2003, and d) cumulative percent rank in six study reaches in the Metolius Basin. Note: no fish were observed or collected in the Metolius Mainstem reach (MM) in fall 2003. Study reach codes: CY = Canyon Creek, HS = Heising Spring, LK Lake Creek, MH Metolius Mainstem, MM = Metolius Mainstem, and SP = Spring Creek. 45 Table 13. Juvenile Chinook salmon collection sample sizes, fork lengths (mm), and Bonferroni's multiple range tests results in 2002 and 2003 collection periods. Fall 2002 Fork lengths Bonferroni MRT * Section n Metolius Headwaters 20 mm - max (mean) 86 - 105 (95.9) Spring Creek 22 71 - 96 (83.2) Metolius Mainstem 3 76 92 (85.3) Canyon Creek 17 70-89 (80.3) Lake Creek 21 63-82 (75.6) XX Heising Spring 6 64-73 (68.5) X . . X X XX XX Spring 2003 Fork lengths Section n Metolius Headwaters 17 mm - max (mean) 58 - 75 (68.8) Metolius Mainstem 12 64 - 77 (69.0) Spring Creek 24 49-69 (58.6) Canyon Creek 20 Lake Creek 41 Heising Spring 24 44-54 (48.4) 53-71(60.0) 41 56 (49.4) Bonferroni MRT X X X X X X Fall 2003 Fork lengths Section n Metolius Headwaters 30 mm - max (mean) 94 - 120 (102.7) SpringCreek 15 83-103 (94.6) Canyon Creek 22 73 - 102 (90.0) LakeCreek 73 61-111 (83.2) Heising Spring 10 68 78 (73.7) Metolius Mainstem N/A No Fish Collected Bonferroni MRT X XX X X X N/A *yertical X's signify statistically similar groups, and side-by-side X's indicate statistical similarity. Condition Factors Fall 2002 Condition Factors Spring 2003 1.6 1.6 a) K-W ANOVA; 0 d.f.=5, 83 p=0.003 1.4 C T C1 0 I 0.8 CY T I .4-. 1 -r -D C 0.8 I I CY MH MM SP LK Condition Factors FaIl 2003 I- I I C 00 HS <9.001 CD U- I 0 b) K-W ANOVA; d.f. = 5, 132 0 0 -4-. HS LK 1 -r MH MM T SP Condition Factors - All Seasons 1.6 1.6 0 0 4-. U- U- Co. 0 0Co. d) K-W ANOVA; C T 4-. Cl 0 -o l.2 d.f.=5,371 p<O.01 C 00 0 08 HS LK MH SP -r LK MH I I 0.8 CY I I CY HS MM SP Figure 8. Box-and-whisker plots of condition factors (weight / length3 * 100,000) ofjuvenile Chinook salmon collected in a) fall 2002, b) spring 2003, c) fall 2003 and d) all seasons in six study reaches in the Metolius Basin. Study reach codes: CY = Canyon Creek, HS = Heising Spring, LK Lake Creek, MH = Metolius Mainstem, MM = Metolius Mainstem, and SP = Spring Creek. 47 Table 14. Juvenile Chinook salmon sample sizes, condition factors, and Bonferroni's multiple range tests results in 2002 and 2003 collection periods. Fall 2002 Study Reach n Condition Factors mm - max (mean) Lake Creek 21 0.97-1.42 (1.20) Metolius Headwaters 20 1.06 1.50 (1.18) Canyon Creek 17 1.10 - 1.23 (1.16) Spring Creek 22 1.03 - 1.25 (1.13) Metolius Mainstem 3 1.09 1.12 (1.10) Heising Spring 6 0.84 1.34 (1.02) Study Reach n Condition Factors . mm - max (mean) LakeCreek 41 0.89-1.31 (1.11) Metolius Mainstem 12 1.02 1.18 (1.10) Metolius Headwaters 17 0.92 1.18 (1.10) Spring Creek 24 0.73 - 1.41 (1.05) Heising Spring 24 0.87 1.35 (1.02) CanyonCreek 20 0.81-1.27 (1.01) Study Reach n Condition Factors mm - max (mean) Lake Creek 73 0.97-1.51 (1.25) Spring Creek 15 1.06 - 1.35 (1.17) Metolius Headwaters 30 1.05 - 1.27 (1.16) Canyon Creek 22 1.00-1.27 (1.12) Heising Spring 10 1.00 1.15 (1.08) Metolius Mainstem N/A No Fish Collected . Bonferroni MRT X X X X X X X X X Spring 2003 Bonferroni MRT X X X X X X X X Fall 2003 Bonferroni MRT X X X X X X N/A X's signify statistically similar groups, and side-by-side X's indicate statistical similarity. 48 Invertebrate Drift Drft Density of Invertebrate Counts - Drift densities were significantly different among study reaches in all three sample seasons: fall 2002 (Figure 9a), spring 2003 (Figure 9b) and fall 2003 (Figure 9c). Comparison among all study reaches (all seasons combined) indicate that drift density counts were statistically higher in the Metolius Headwaters study section, and drift densities in the other five study sections were statistically similar (Figure 9d). Results from Tukey's HSD procedure indicate that the study reaches split into two homogenous groups in each study season (Table 15). In fall 2002, the Lake Creek study reach had significantly higher drift densities than Canyon Creek, whereas the other four study reaches were not statistically different from each other. In both spring and fall 2003, the Metolius Headwaters had the highest drift densities, and was in a class by itself. Drift Densities ofInvertebrate Biomass - Biomass drift densities between study reaches were not significantly different in fall 2002 (Figure 1 Oa), but were significantly different in spring 2003 (Figure lOb) and fall 2003 (Figure lOc). The highest mean biomass drift densities in all sample seasons were collected in the Metolius Headwaters study reach (Figure lOd). Results from Tukey's studentized range HSD procedure indicate that the study reaches fall into one of two homogenous groups in spring 2003 and fall 2003 (Table 16). In spring 2003, only the Heising Spring and Metolius Headwaters study reaches differed from each other (the other four study reaches were similar to both), while in fall 2003 the Metolius Headwaters study reach was identified as a significantly different group by itself. Invertebrate Count Drift Density Fall 2002 300 250 a) K-W ANOVA; d.f.=5,17 p=0.004 0 o 200 >, 150 a) a 100 aI- 50 0 cy HS LK MH MM SF CY : C MM SP 250 250 U) MH 300 300 >, LK All Seasons Combined FaIl 2003 200 HS d) K-W ANOVA; c) K-W ANOVA; d.f. = 5, 18 200 > p=0.002 150 150 d.f.=5,64 p<0.001 = C a) a) o 100 0 o 50 _ 0 50 -F 8 0 0 0 CY HS LK MH MM SF CY HS LK I I MH I MM SP Figure 9. Box-and-whisker plots of invertebrate drift density (counts) of in six study reaches in the Metolius Basin, a) fall 2002, b) spring 2003, c) fall 2003, and d) all seasons combined. Y-axis values indicate the number of invertebrates drifting per cubic meter of water per second. Study reach codes: CY = Canyon Creek, HS = Heising Spring, LK = Lake Creek, MH = Metolius Mainstem, MM = Metolius Mainstem, and SP = Spring Creek. 50 Table 15. Number of invertebrate drift samples, count drift density (number of invertebrates drifting / m3 of stream / second), and Tukey's HSD results from six study reaches in the Metolius Basin in 2002 and 2003. Fall 2002 Study Reach n Drift Density Counts mm - max (mean) Lake Creek 4 20.5 - 93.4 (42.7) Metolius Headwaters 4 14.5 - 53.9 (38.3) Metolius Mainstem 4 5.1-15.8(9.9) Spring Creek 3 6.9-12.4 (9.4) Heising Spring 4 Canyon Creek 4 1.5-9.2(6.7) 3.0-4.2 (3.7) Tukey's HSD** x X X X X X X X X X Spring 2003 Study Reach n Drift Density Counts mm - max (mean) Metolius Headwaters 4 40.8-92.1 (73.5) Lake Creek 4 31.6-44.7 (38.8) Metolius Mainstem 4 24.8 - 36.0 (28.4) Spring Creek 4 11.5-57.5 (26.1) Heising Spring 4 3.1 -23.5 (8.0) Canyon Creek 3 7.5-8.6(8.0) Study Reach n Drift Density Counts mm - max (mean) Metolius Headwaters 4 103.8 -255.0 (160.1) Spring Creek 4 46-131.5(75.4) Lake Creek 4 25.7 - 66.0 (49.5) Metolius Mainstem 4 28.9-35.3 (31.5) Canyon Creek 4 9.3 - 50.1 (24.3) Heising Spring 4 1.9- 14.7 (7.8) Tukey's HSD** x x x x x x FaIl 2003 Tukey's HSD** x x x x x x * Indicates one drift sample compromised during sampling (net blown out by current). **Veica1 X's signify statistically similar groups, and side-by-side X's indicate statistical similarity. Invertebrate Biomass Drift Density Spring 2003 FaIl 2002 (0 E 2.5 2.5 a) K-W ANOVA; d.f. = 5,17; E C', E .Q 1 5 p=o.217 0 b) K-W ANOVA; d.f.= 5,17; p = 0.008 clD. >-. >-. C a, C 0 a, 0 0.5 cy HS LK MH MM cy sP FaIl 2003 MH MM sP 3 0) 0 LK Al! Seasons Combined 3 E HS C,, 2.5 2.5 E c) K-W ANOVA; U) (0 0 d.f= 5,18; p=0.032 9- a 0.5 0.5 0 0 0 CY HS LK MH MM SP cy HS LK MH MM sP Figure 10. Box-and-whisker plots of drift density (biomass) of invertebrates in six study reaches in the Metolius Basin, a) fall 2002, b) spring 2003, c) fall 2003, and d) all seasons combined. Y-axis values indicate the biomass of invertebrates (in grams) drifting per cubic meter of stream per second. Study reach codes: CY = Canyon Creek, HS = Heising Spring, LK = Lake Creek, MH = Metolius Mainstem, MM = Metolius Mainstem, and SP = Spring Creek. 52 Table 16. Number of invertebrate drift samples, biomass drift density (grams of invertebrates drifting / m3 of stream / second), and Tukey's HSD comparisons from six study reaches in the Metolius Basin in 2002 and 2003. Fall 2002 Section n Biomass drift density (g) mm - max (mean) Metolius Headwaters 4 0.08 - 0.41 (0.29) Heising Spring 4 0.01 - 0.60 (0.22) No Spring Creek 3* 0.02 - 0.48 (0.21) Significant Lake Creek 4 0.01 - 0.33 (0.13) Differences Metolius Mainstem 4 0.07 - 0.09 (0.08) Canyon Creek 4 0.02 - 0.05 (0.03) Section n Biomass drift density (g) mm - max (mean) Metolius Headwaters 4 1.13-2.85 (1.86) Lake Creek 4 1.04-2.08 (1.38) Spring Creek 4 0.32-2.77 (1.25) Metolius Mainstem 4 0.58 - 0.93 (0.72) Canyon Creek 3* 0.36 - 0.46 (0.41) Heising Spring 4 0.20 - 0.41 (0.28) Section n Biomass drift density (g) mm - max (mean) Metolius Headwaters 4 0.86-1.90 (1.34) Spring Creek 4 0.27 1.07 (0.67) Metolius Mainstem 4 0.36 - 0.54 (0.46) Lake Creek 4 0.27 - 0.61 (0.45) Canyon Creek 4 0.22 - 0.79 (0.41) Heising Spring 4 0.14 0.70 (0.33) Tukey's HSD** Spring 2003 Tukey's HSD** Fall 2003 Tukey's HSD** X * Indicates one drift sample compromised during sampling (net blown out by current). **Veltical X's signify statistically similar groups, and side-by-side X's indicate statistical similarity. 53 Size and Condition vs. Invertebrate Drift and Water Temperature The results of multiple regression analyses of juvenile Chinook salmon fork length and conditions versus cumulative daily maximum temperature units (MTU's; see Table 9) and invertebrate biomass drift densities indicate that model containing invertebrate drift biomass + MTUs - MTUs2 explained 68 and 59% of the variation in fork lengths ofjuvenile Chinook salmon in Fall 2002 and Spring 2003 (Table 17). In fall 2003, the selected model contained only MTUs - MTUs2, and invertebrate drift biomass was not included (Table 17). Addition of the squared temperature term to the multiple regression models increased the R2 value by 0.21, 0.09, and 0.33 in each season (fall 2002, spring 2003, and fall 2003, respectively) indicating a curvilinear relationship with temperature, particularly in fall samples. A polynomial regression of MTU + MTU2 alone explained between 41 and 63 percent of the variation in fork lengths (Figure 11; p <0.001 in all seasons, = 0.63, 0.55, and 0.41). Interestingly, invertebrate drift density biomass was positively related to fork lengths in all seasons (Figure 12, p <0.001 in all seasons, = 0.29, 0.42, and 0.38), yet this variable was not selected in the fall 2003 multiple regression model. For explanation of model variable selection, please see Methods (page 27). Table 17. Significance results of multiple regression analyses ofjuvenile Chinook fork lengths and conditions versus invertebrate drift density and water temperatures. Fall 2002 Fall 2003 Spring 2003 Fork Length Condition Factor = mv DD + MW = mv DD + MW - MTU2 - MTU2 (p <0.001, R2 = 0.68) (p <0.001, R2 = 0.59) = MW = mv DD (p 0.026, R2 0.08) (p <0,001, R2 = 0.11) = MW - MTU2 (P <0.001, R2 0.41) MW (p <0.001, R2 = 0.39) 54 Results of multiple regression analysis of condition factors versus MTUs and invertebrate drift density indicate that only one of the two variables was significantly correlated with condition factor in each season. Condition factors were positively correlated with count drift density in fall 2002 (p = 0.026, R2 = 0.08), and with MTU's in spring 2003 (p <0.001, R2 = 0.11) and fall 2003 (p < 0.001, R2 = 0.39). 55 113 103 - c,) C 93 I.- 83 -Ia) 0 LL .73 63 800 1100 1400 2000 1700 2300 2600 Maximum Temperature Units 81 b) Spring 2003: -c C a) -j p<0.001,R2=0.55 71 61 0 IL 51 Fork Length = -48.445 + 0.664 (MTU) - 0.000 10 (MTU"2) 41 200 240 280 360 320 400 Maximum Temperature Units 121 111 101 91 81 71 61 800 1100 1400 1700 2000 2300 2600 Maximum Temperature Units Figure 11. Polynomial regression display of juvenile Chinook salmon fork lengths versus cumulative daily maximum temperature units (MTUs) in a) fall 2002, b) spring 2003, and c) fall 2003. Lines indicate fitted regression and 95% confidence intervals. 56 115 Fork Length = 73.35 + 56.05 * Avg. DD Biomass a 105 0 Fall 2002 C) p<0.001,R2=0.29 -J 0 LL 85 a a 75 a a a 65 a 0 0.05 0.15 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.25 Average Drift Density Biomass (g) 80 -c Th70 C a) -J b) Spring 2003 :p<o.001,R2 0.42 - B 8 8 B B a a a B 60 0 B U- B B Fork Length = 47.43 + 10.25 * Avg. DD Biomass 40 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 Average Drift Density Biomass (g) 120 : 110 Fork Length= 75.11 + 10.23 * Avg. DD Biomass 100 90 80 70 60 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 Average Drift Density Biomass (g) Figure 12. Regression displays ofjuvenile Chinook salmon fork lengths versus average invertebrate drift density biomass in a) fall 2002, b) spring 2003, and c) fall 2003. Lines indicate fitted regression and 95% confidence intervals. 57 Comparisons to HabRate The qualitative HabRate ratings for each of the six reaches sampled during this study differed from the estimated potentials for juvenile Chinook salmon production and growth for each reach generated by this study (Table 18). Lake Creek and the Metolius Headwaters study reaches are potentially the best for production of Chinook salmon smolts, and the Metolius Headwaters and Mainstem are potentially the best for growth. Table 18. Comparison of HABRATE summer rearing ratings, estimated smolt production, and corresponding ranking and ratings of sampled streams reaches in the Metolius River Basin. Study Rating HABRATE Rating Study Rating Stream Growth Density For Summer Rearing Metolius Good Poor Good Headwaters Lake Creek Poor Poor Good Spring Creek Poor Poor Fair Heising Spring Poor Poor Poor Canyon Creek Fair Poor Poor Metolius Mainstem Poor Poor Good This study and HabRate seem to agree on the limited productive potential of the Mainstem Metolius River, which represents the largest amount of available habitat in the basin, and presents the best temperatures for growth. I estimated production of less than 200 smolts per kilometer of stream from the Mainstem Metolius, and HabRate's ranking for summer rearing was a similar "poor". Please see Appendix A: Smolt Production Estimates for a more detailed discussion. 58 DISCUSSION The field observations made in this study were not consistent with the qualitative predictions of HabRate (Table 17). Canyon Creek was predicted to be the best quality for juvenile Chinook, yet my observations indicated that is was one of the poorest in terms of both density and growth ofjuvenile Chinook salmon (Table 8, figure 7). Lake Creek and the Metolius Headwaters, which were rated as poor by HabRate, were observed to be the best in terms of density and growth, respectively (Table 8, Figure 7). HabRate's approach is based solely upon physical habitat availability, with the assumption that habitat will be used consistently regardless of stream reach (i.e. a pool in one reach is of the same importance as a pool in another reach). The lack of pool habitat was identified as a major limiting factor by HabRate, which is based on the assumption that pools are the most important habitat type for juvenile Chinook salmon. This assumption is well supported by published literature, as several studies have reported that Juvenile Chinook salmon show a strong preference for pool habitat (Everest and Chapman 1972; Hillman et at. 1992; Roper et al. 1994). And while I found that densities of juvenile Chinook salmon were higher in pools than in riffles in Lake Creek and Canyon Creek, utilization of pools and riffles was similar in the Metolius Mainstem study reach (Table 8). Additionally, some of the highest densities were observed in the Metolius Headwaters study section, which consists entirely of riffle habitat (Table 5). These observations indicate that pooi habitat is not the only type of habitat that can be utilized, and there are several factors other than physical habitat that influence habitat choice. 59 HabRate does not account for ecological interactions, such as food availability, competition, or potential risk of predation. My observations indicated that utilization of habitat was not consistent among all study reaches, and the data suggest that the unique ecological conditions among reaches help to explain these inconsistent patterns. Several other habitat quality models (e.g. IFIM (Bovee 1992) and HSI (Raleigh et al. 1986), see Fausch et al. 1988 for a review of models) also depend heavily upon quantitative habitat parameters, but few of them are formal arguments relating ecological or physiological interactions related to a species production. Almost all of them are correlations of physical habitat attributes to standing crops. My observations lead me to believe that the ecological settings of individual streams provide the context of understanding of patterns. My approach to this study was to quantify two major responses of juvenile Chinook salmon: growth and habitat utilization. First, I present a new conceptual model based on growth capacity for evaluating the quality of habitat in the Metolius Basin for juvenile Chinook salmon. Second, I discuss some of the effects of community composition and water temperature on habitat selection, utilization, and diurnal activity patterns. Growth is one of the best indicators of the quality of the habitat in which fish are living, since it is often the last process in the energy equation (Diana 1994). My growth capacity model is based upon the foundations of bioenergetics: all creatures must ingest energy to meet metabolic demands, and have some left over to grow. The basic energy budget, as described by Webb (1978) is: PQR= EQM+QG 60 where Q represents energy in different forms, p denotes the coefficient of assimilation of the ingested ration (QR) which is available for, metabolism (QM) and growth (QG). Metabolic demands (EQM) include costs for standard metabolism, SDA or AHI, and other physiological (e.g., costs of osmoregulation), behavioral (e.g., seasonal migration), and ecological (e.g., ecological) activities, all of which are temperature influenced (F.E.J. Fry 1947, Brett 1952; Warren and Davis 1967; Brett et al 1969). I adapted the concept of the Scope for Growth (Warren and Davis 1967) as an index by which to rate habitat quality for juvenile Chinook salmon. The Scope for Growth was first conceived to describe the fundamental physiological capacity of an organism to grow along a factor gradient (sensu Fry 1947). For the sake of argument, I have redrawn the scope for growth as presented by Brett (1969) (Figure 13). Although Brett's model was created for sockeye salmon, I found it useful as a conceptual tool for describing patterns in the sizes of juvenile Chinook salmon collected in the Metolius Basin in relation to water temperatures and invertebrate drift. As water temperatures increase (the X-axis), the capacity to ingest and metabolize food (the Y-axis) increases and then drops off as appetite wanes, as indicated by the heavy dashed line A in Figure 13. Concomitantly, metabolic costs increase following the Q° principal, as indicated by the heavy solid line B in Figure 13. The difference between the two lines (assimilated ration less metabolic costs), is defined as the Scope for Growth at any specified temperature. 61 A) Maximum Energetic Intake High Invertebrate Drift Medium Invertebrate Drift / / / / /SP MW MM Low mv D / LK - V HS B) Minimun Intake for (Metabolic Maintenance) 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Water Temperature - Figure 13. The Scope for Growth for juvenile salmon (Redrawn from Brett et al. 1969). Vertical arrows indicate maximum summer time temperatures observed in each Metolius Basin study reach. Horizontal dashed lines indicate potential levels of invertebrate drift availability. The vertical axis describes energy rate to express both prey availability and metabolic costs. If I plot vertical lines on Figure 13, each corresponding to the maximum temperatures observed in each study reach (Figures 5 and 6), and the length of each of the vertical lines is indicative of the scope for growth at that particular temperature, the relative differences in growth among study reaches correspond well with the scopes for growth indicated by the model (Figure 7, Table 13). Fish rearing in temperatures that are not optimal for metabolic performance (i.e. too warm or too cold) will have less energy available for growth, since all metabolic demands must be met before any growth can take place. Fork lengths of juvenile Chinook salmon 62 among study reaches in the Metolius Basin could be explained by the predicted curvilinear relationship with temperature, with 68%, 61%, and 41% (fall 2002, spring 2003, and fall 2003, respectively) of the variation in fish size explained by an exponential function of temperature plus temperature squared (Figure 10). The Y-axis in Brett's model indicates the ration of food intake, expressed as percent body weight. My version uses invertebrate drift density as an index of energetic intake, and takes into account the ecological consequences of prey availability. In other words, prey may be available at levels below ad libitum ration levels, which would reduce the energy available for growth. If the amount of invertebrate drift was less than the maximum percent body weight that could be ingested (e.g. 4%, as represented by the "low" line in Figure 13), the scope for growth would be limited by available invertebrate drift. This model suggests that habitats can be rated by understanding the effects of temperature on metabolic costs and the constraints of prey availability. This model provides a better explanation for my observations of growth. The Metolius Headwaters reach,. which had the largest fish in all sample periods, has the largest predicted relative scope for growth. Heising Spring, which had the smallest fish in all sample periods, has the smallest relative predicted scope for growth (Figure 13) (see Figure 7, Table 13 for comparison of fish sizes). The similarity of lengths and weights between Canyon Creek and Lake Creek in fall 2002 and fall 2003 can also be explained by the model. These two streams differ greatly in terms of temperature (Figures 5 and 6), and yet the size of the juvenile Chinook salmon rearing in them was not statistically different (Figure 7, Table 13). Assuming 63 that temperature is the only factor influencing metabolic performance (and therefore, growth) conditions in Lake Creek (above the optimum range), and the conditions in Canyon Creek (consistently below the optimum range) resulted in similar sized fish. In warmer temperatures (e.g. Lake Creek) the model predicts that the amount of energy (rations) available has to be greater in order for fish to maximize their growth. The highest densities of juvenile Chinook salmon were observed in Lake Creek (Table 8), which was the study reach with the highest temperatures (Figures 5 and 6). However, the juvenile Chinook in Lake Creek tended to be smaller (Figure 7, Table 13). The density of invertebrate drift counts was among the highest in Lake Creek in all sample seasons, and invertebrate biomass was particularly high in spring (Figures 9 and 10, Tables 15 and 16). The growth capacity model indicates that the scope for growth is limited at high temperatures, i.e. the habitat would produce smaller fish, which is the pattern that was observed. However, greater levels of invertebrate drift (i.e. energy availability) may explain why the fish were able to live at high densities in Lake Creek; the habitat was able to support high densities of small fish. At low temperatures, the growth capacity model predicts that the amount a fish can eat is minimized due to metabolic limitations therefore maximum growth under those conditions will be attained at smaller rations. Densities of juvenile Chinook were relatively low in Canyon Creek (Table 8), yet the fish were statistically the same size as those in Lake Creek (Figure 7, Table 13). Temperatures in Canyon Creek were cold (Figures 5 and 6), and invertebrate drift densities were among the lowest observed (Figures 9 and 10, Tables 15 and 16). Again, this meets the 64 expectations of the growth capacity model, especially as predicted under conditions of low invertebrate prey availability. These interpretations of my observations in Lake Creek and Canyon Creek are by no means definitive. However, the point is that there is not a unique way to obtain the same growth; therefore, there is no unique way to rate habitat. The growth capacity model is more inclusive of other factors. This approach is a hypothesis that appears to fit the facts, but must be tested. It is unknown whether the fish would have grown larger at lower densities, or been smaller at higher densities (i.e. resources were limiting), or if sizes would have remained the same regardless of density (i.e. resources were not limiting). Controlled experiments, either in a closed natural setting or laboratory environment, could aid in the understanding of the relations between invertebrate drift, water temperature, and density-dependent effects. This bioenergetic growth capacity model has links to work of other researchers, and may aid in the understanding of density - dependent population limitations and the concept of carrying capacity of stream habitats. The Ideal Free Distribution Theory (IFD) (Fretwell and Lucas 1970; Fretwell 1972; Fraser and Sise 1980; Gilliam and Fraser 1987; Tyler and Gilliam 1995; Giannico and Healey 1999) predicts that animals should distribute themselves among patches of resources in proportion to the resources available within those patches. IFD models have focused exclusively on foraging resources (i.e. the income side of the equation). Hughes and Grand (2000) modified this concept by incorporating a physiological growth component. Through simulations they demonstrated that the choice of habitat depends not only according to the available resources, but is also affected by the 65 energetic limitations placed on individuals by water temperature. My growth capacity model is an advancement of Hughes and Grand's (2000) in that there are both physiological and ecological constraints on ration size. Fish living in warmer water have a greater capacity for metabolic turnover and their maximum potential ration increases. At cooler temperatures, metabolic turnover is limited, and it will take a lesser amount of food rations for a fish to reach "fullness". Yet the potential for growth in both warm and cold water is reduced, which helps to explain my observations of growth. In addition to the physiological constraints on growth, other ecological factors may influence the suitability of habitat for juvenile Chinook salmon. For instance, an important hypothesis generated from my work is that the risk of predation by adult trout may play a major role in both the habitat selection and diurnal actively patterns of juvenile Chinook salmon. The study reaches with the greatest presence of adult trout were Canyon Creek and the Metolius Mainstem (Table 12). In Canyon Creek, juvenile Chinook salmon avoided mid-channel pool habitats during the day, but preferred them at night (Table 10). In the Metolius Mainstem, juvenile Chinook salmon showed a strong avoidance of mid-channel habitat in both day and night surveys (Table 10). Additionally, the increases in the numbers of juvenile Chinook salmon seen at night were the most dramatic in Canyon Creek and the Metolius Mainstem (Table 11). In summer and fall of 2003, zero juvenile Chinook salmon were observed during daytime dives in 8 of 12 study sites in these two reaches. However, in all cases, Chinook were observed in subsequent night dives. These observations suggest that juvenile Chinook salmon in the Metolius Mainstem may 66 have selected edge habitats closer to cover at all times, and in Canyon Creek adopted a nocturnal feeding regimen as a strategy to minimize the risks of predation. In the case of the Metolius Mainstem, mid-channel habitat was potentially lethal during both day and night, and therefore the most suitable habitat for juvenile Chinook salmon was along the edges, regardless of the habitat unit type. Note then that the potential Scope for Growth (Figure 13) was the highest in the Metolius Mainstem, yet the observed densities of juvenile Chinook salmon were the lowest (Table 8). In Canyon Creek, the nighttime utilization of pooi habitats suggest that nocturnal feeding, although less efficient, minimized the energy expenditure of avoiding predation, which concurs with the results of recent studies (Metcalf et al. 1999; Bradford and Higgins 2001). The point here is that a lethal community interaction (predation) outweighs the potential suitability of the habitat. Cold temperatures may also serve as a plausible explanation for the did activity patterns observed in Canyon Creek. Salmonids have been observed to hide themselves in interstitial spaces during the day, as water temperatures approach 8 °C in the onset on winter (Riehle and Griffith 1993). This behavior has also been observed in the summer and fall (Hillman et al. 1991, Fraser et al 1995). However, none of these researchers noted the presence or absence of predators in their study sustems, and it is debatable whether this hiding behavior at low temperatures is due purely to energetic constraints (i.e. minimization of energy expenditures) or are an artifact of predation avoidance. In summary, I found that the growth and densities of juvenile Chinook salmon in the Metolius Basin varied widely, and I believe potential explanations for these 67 variations must go beyond the physical nature of the habitat itself. Habitat was utilized differently in each of the study reaches, and my observations suggest that the biological uniqueness of each of the reaches helps to explain these variations. A bioenergetic approach including invertebrate drift as an index of energetic income and water temperatures as an index of energetic expense helps to explain patterns of growth among study reaches. Fish community composition, particularly the presence or absence of predators, helps to explain some of the patterns of habitat selection and diel activity ofjuvenile Chinook salmon in the Metolius Basin. Future Research Directions The growth capacity model presented in this discussion provides insight into the roles of invertebrate drift and water temperature. Although this conceptual model does potentially increase the understanding of observed patterns of fish abundance and size, the data collected in this study is insufficient in terms of determining how invertebrate drift can be translated to rations or percent body weight on the Y-axis of Figure 13 (i.e. the low, medium, and high horizontal lines). Further investigation on the energetic equivalents of invertebrate drift (e.g. Cummins and Wuycheck 1971) will be necessary to further refine the model. Additionally, I was unable to examine density-dependence clearly in my study because sufficient numbers of disease free fry could not be obtained. Although the numbers of fry released in the second year of the study were increased (Table 2), I feel that the numbers were insufficient to saturate the habitat. It is possible that there 68 may have been localized density-dependent effects near release locations, but the spatial extent and potential severity of these effects are unknown. The data collected for this study will be available to fisheries managers in the Metolius and Deschutes River Basins. The data can be incorporated into HabRate models of relative habitat quality in the Metolius Basin, and can increase the accuracy of GIS models. The data that I collected will provide future research opportunities for several directions of study that were not specifically addressed in this thesis. I observed annual differences in invertebrate abundance and the condition and growth of juvenile Chinook salmon within study reaches, particularly Lake Creek. Additionally, the ecological conditions within study reaches, particularly stream discharge, were different between years (Table 5). These intra-annual differences pose the question about long-term variation that could not sufficiently be addressed in a two-year study, but suggest the need for long-term monitoring. Data were also collected on the community composition of invertebrate drift samples, and juvenile Chinook salmon were collected and stored for potential stomach content analysis. Hopefully the data collected for this thesis project will provide the basis for future research efforts, both personally and for other fisheries scientists interested in either the ecology of juvenile Chinook salmon or the management of fisheries in the Metolius River Basin. 69 BIBLIOGRAPHY Bilby, R.E. and Bisson, P.A. 1998. 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Maximum densities observed in 2002 or 2003 fall snorkel surveys were used to generate estimates, as I felt that fall was the best indicator of the numbers of juvenile Chinook salmon that have survived through the growing season. Similarity Codes The six study reaches examined in this study represent five of the sixteen streams in the Metolius Basin (two study reaches were located in the Metolius River). Each of the remaining eleven streams in the basin was assigned a similarity code, based on water temperature, habitat availability, and the author's knowledge of the streams in the Metolius Basin (Table Al). Density estimates from the most similar study reach were used to generate population estimates. Canyon Creek and the Metolius Mainstem were typical of the majority of habitat in the Metolius Basin, and therefore were the most commonly used similarity code. Lake Creek was used for the smaller streams in the Basin, including Brush Creek, Abbott Creek, and First Creek. Spring Creek and Heising Spring are unique spring riffle streams, and were not similar to any other streams in the basin. 76 Appendix Table Al. Similarity code assignments of streams in the Metolius River Basin. Similarity Code Assigned Streams Canyon Creek CY Bear Valley Cr., Cabot Cr., Candle Cr., Canyon Cr., Jack Cr., Jefferson Cr., Link Cr., Roaring Cr., Whitewater River Metolius Mainstem MM Metolius River, reaches 1-7 Metolius Headwaters MH Metolius River, reach 8 Lake Creek. LK Abbott Cr., Brush Cr., First Cr., Lake Cr. Spring Creek SP Spring Creek Heising Spring HS Heising Spring Study Stream Habitat Data Habitat data for the sixteen streams potentially available to anadromous fish was compiled from stream surveys collected by the Deschutes National Forest and the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs between 1989 and 2002 (Appendix Table A2). If more than one survey existed for a stream, the most recent data were used. For each reach, data were compiled on the lengths and areas of pool, riffle, and side channel habitats. The amount of available edge habitat was calculated by multiplying the length of available habitat by two, to represent both banks of the streams. Area estimates were generated by multiplying the length of habitat units by their average widths. For purposes of comparison, all habitat data were converted into metric units (meters and square meters). Surveys before 1996 included three categories of main channel habitat: pools, riffles, and glides. For this study, glides were lumped into the riffle category. Data on microhabitat patches (pocket pools) was available only for surveys conducted on the mainstem of the Metolius River. 77 Appendix Table A2. Habitat in all streams in the Metolius Basin potentially available to anadromous fish. Data compiled from habitat surveys by the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon (Whitewater River) and Deschutes National Forest (all other streams). 78 Appendix Table A2. Habitat in all streams the Metolius Basin. Pool Length* 362 Pool Area** Riffle Length 4424 2144 Riffle Area 23656 6402 6187 585 28596 7194 7057 28433 21501 22681 4145 5174 Stream Year reach Length 1989 1936 Abbott Creek 1 4960 1989 2 2157 0 Abbott Creek 0 1801 1 1595 Bear Valley Creek 1990 2332 464 156 Bear Valley Creek 1990 2 527 173 648 4596 713 Brush Creek 1989 1 4773 115 1845 Brush Creek 1989 2 0 1986 0 2905 Brush Creek 1989 53 129 3 2959 6491 4932 Cabot Creek 1996 1 7472 980 2091 Candle Creek 1995 1 2537 147 1513 2427 Candle Creek 1995 2 3096 5352 573 1044 993 Candle Creek 1995 3 1290 250 4 478 1383 Candle Creek 1996 1861 1667 1883 815 Candle Creek 1996 138 373 5 953 24033 6112 Canyon Creek 1989 1 14912 4767 3423 3875 10110 1989 2 4623 Canyon Creek 2688 1500 11859 4022 1989 45 139 Canyon Creek 3 2033 8472 1989 2871 7619 Canyon Creek 4 2673 2475 10943 4530 1022 Canyon Creek 1989 5 2464 399 First Creek 1989 1 5853 Reach I of First Creek dries up each summer First Creek 15554 1989 2 8297 11165 4705 3377 4460 First Creek 1989 3 2431 2101 333 707 10897 Heising Spring 1 1047 1997 525.78 0 0 Jack Creek 29102 1995 1 6194 4193 1183 8210 Jack Creek 2001 1428 21514 2 2524 16012 1096 2001 1029 Jack Creek 3 179 91 87 964 1996 Jefferson Creek 1 2130 438 3000 2562 18816 Jefferson Creek 1996 2 174 2615 18899 2792 1293 Jefferson Creek 1996 3 5477 36291 5941 460 3066 11468 Jefferson Creek 1996 4 1677 1677 125 836 Jefferson Creek 1996 5 1850 14385 1957 48 267 Lake Creek 2002 1 1931 1275 5636 2491 11009 Lake Creek 2002 4205 2 1287 1365 997 3071 Lake Creek 2002 3 4345 5892 17432 2451 7243 Lake Creek 2002 4 6079 11632 3862 1375 2636 2002 Lake Creek 5 5964 12631 3862 1692 3571 Lake Creek 2002 6 2092 845 14474 3928 3109 Link Creek 1997 1 5844 888 280 587 3100 Metolius River 1991 1 960884 25339 2793 56043 47885 1991 Metolius River 1.1 16283 215897 8430 576 7638 1989 Metolius River 8472 8142 215897 2 288 7638 Metolius River 2000 2496 1592 23799 3381 50544 2 Metolius River 2000 5699 120416 3 4320 2497 52765 Metolius River 2000 4 80540 3968 25645 5840 1859 Metolius River 2000 43539 5 1899 507 8463 2606 Metolius River 7710 2000 565 981 6 149 1175 Metolius River 2000 1185 13755 72139 7 4051 6218 Metolius River 2000 2377.14 4457 54630 8 110 1356 1995 Roaring Creek 1 1746 1495 18750 59 745 1995 Roaring Creek 2 1301 10 1147 57 6251 Spring Creek 1997 1100 1 596 82 892 12020 * All lengths are in meters. **A11 areas are in square meters Side Chan Length Side Chan Area 174 928 45 232 0 386 0 0 1532 3079 926 194 305 0 2576 1840 150 351 553 15 68 0 62 0 0 864 299 99 46 256 0 1384 1013 20 440 604 224 0 2 811 983 90 363 181 443 149 425 97 214 348 270 70 230 139 102 102 51 18 444 236 686 0 699 187 194 143 6 741 0 NA 5631 2756 197 1060 402 1705 405 1175 430 653 1031 517 142 1070 642 2038 1348 1348 268 9382 3251 11455 0 8113 2292 2431 780 NA 79 Density Estimates for Habitat in Sampled Stream Reaches. Maximum fall density estimates for each of the seven habitat classifications in the six sampled stream reaches are presented in Appendix Table A3. For raw numbers and density calculations for all seasons, see Appendix Tables Cl - C6. Appendix Table A3. Maximum fall juvenile Chinook salmon density estimates (fishlm2) for subunits in sampled stream sections in the Metolius River Basin. Pools Study Reach Side Channels Riffles MicroHab patches Middle Edge Middle Edge Middle Edge Canyon Creek 0.0034 0.3871 0.0005 0.0200 0 0 0.1592 Lake Creek 0.1873 2.0789 0.0388 0.7317 0.7407 0.2264 0.2222 Metolius Headwaters N/A N/A 0.0363 0.0400 N/A N/A 0.0386 Metolius Mainstem 0.0015 0.1481 0 0.0615 0.0051 0 0.0099 0.0250 0 0 0.0050 0.186 0 0 0.0372 Spring Creek 0.1217 0.0017 0 Heising Spring N/A N/A 0.0 * N/A indicates habitat type was not sampled in study reach Study Reach Smolt Production Estimates Data on the available habitat in each study reach (Appendix Table A2) were combined with maximum fall density calculations (Appendix Table A3) to generate smolt population estimates for each study reach (Appendix Table A4). The Metolius Headwaters and Lake Creek are potentially the best reaches in terms of smolt production, each supporting in excess of 2,000 smolts per kilometer of stream. Lake Creek, because it is longer, was estimated to support about 50,000 fish. The Metolius Headwaters is less than a kilometer in length, and could produce an estimated 2240 smolts. Canyon Creek and the Metolius Mainstem, which are indicative of the majority of the habitat in the Metolius Basin, could potentially support and estimated 193 and 139 fish per kilometer, respectively. Spring Creek and Heising Spring, 80 which are each less than a kilometer in length, and were estimated to produce 157 and 195 smolts, respectively. The average weights ofjuvenile Chinook salmon collected in fall 2003 were combined with the estimated numbers to generate an estimated biomass of juvenile Chinook salmon (kg/km) that could be supported in each of the study reaches. The Metolius Headwaters was estimated to support the greatest biomass of juvenile Chinook salmon, at 36.2 kg/km of stream. Lake Creek was second at 18.0 kg/kin, and the other four reaches were estimated to support between 1.6 to 2.8 kg/km. Appendix Table A4. Chinook smolt production estimates for the streams that contained the six study reaches in the Metolius River Basin. Estimated Length of Estimated Study Reach Fall Biomass (mean stream* (km) Fall Numbers (g)**) Metolius Headwaters 0.79 Lake Creek 2 1.1* Heising Spring 0.52 195 (372 fish /km) 1.6 kg/km (4.4) Spring Creek 0.55 157 (282 fish / 1cm) 2.8 kg/km (10.2) Canyon Creek 18.6* 3,593 (193 fish / 1cm) 1.6 kg/lun (8.4) Metolius Mainstem 557* 7,738 (139 fish / kin) 1.8 kg/km (12.75) 2,240 (2841 fish / km) 49,950 (2369 fish / 36.2 kg/km (12.75) 18.0 kg/kin (7.6) * Stream length is greater than study reach length for Canyon Creek, Lake Creek, and Metolius Mainstem ** Mean weights are from fall 2003 fish collection. Basin-Wide Smolt Production Calculations Estimates of the number of smolts that could be potentially produced in each of the streams in the Metolius basin were generated by multiplying the available amount of each habitat type in each stream (Appendix Table A2) by the densities 81 from the corresponding similar study reach (Appendix Table Al). Pool, riffle, and side channel edge densities were multiplied by the length (m) of those habitats in each reach, and multiplied by two to account for habitat on both banks. Pool, riffle, and side channel mid-channel densities were multiplied by the estimated area (m2) of each of those habitats. Numerical population estimates and a percentage breakdown of the total potential contribution of each stream in the entire basin are presented in Appendix Table A5. I estimate that a total ofjust over 128,000 Chinook smolts could be produced by the habitat in the Metolius Basin. Appendix Table A5. Juvenile Chinook salmon smolt population estimates for pooi, riffle, and side channel habitats in all streams available to anadromous fish in the Metolius River Basin, based on maximum fall density estimates. # of Similarity Pool Pool Riffle Riffle Side Side Total Percent Stream Subunit Reaches Code Mid Edge Mid Edge Mid Edge Estimate of total Abbott Creek 2 LK 362.6 1505.5 1166.8 9611.5 721.0 85.4 NA 13452.8 10.5% Bear Valley 2 CY 7.6 493.0 3.4 78.3 0.0 0.0 NA 582.3 0.5 % Creek Brush Creek 3 LK 157.7 697.7 1663.3 13677.4 Candle Creek 5 CY 33.7 1228.3 28.0 Cabot Creek I CY 16.7 758.4 14.4 Canyon Cr First Creek 5 CY 95.9 3035.6 33.1 308.4 259.6 428.2 3 LK 2223.7 15426.4 776.9 Jack Creek Jefferson Creek 3 85.3 1832.4 26.2 28.6 963.7 50.6 8 CY CY HS LK CY MHJMM 2 CY 2.7 1 SP 108.6 3 CY 41.5 Heising Spring Lake Creek Link Creek Metolius River Roaring Creek Spring Creek Whitewater R. Total 5 1 6 1 0.0 4885.9 10.5 289.8 0.0 0.0 17949.2 2771.1 216.6 3.0 1669.5 1981.0 54.0 12.7 0.0 20.6 508.4 77.0 286.0 0.0 28.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9959.1 548.6 101.4 228.5 567.2 195.4 18219.6 23.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2846.0 0.0 278.0 0.0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 194.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NA 5648.6 105.7 27.5 327.4 16510.1 12.9% 1598.4 1.2 % 1049.2 0.8 % 3592.8 29036.3 2.8 % 22.6 % 2172.3 1.7 % 1610.2 1.3 % 195.4 0.2 % 46949.7 36.6 % 253.5 0.2% 195.5 9978.9 7.8 % 175.1 0.0 NA NA 156.7 0.1 % 0.1 % NA NA 954.3 0.7 % 0.0 128268.1 83 Smolt Population Estimates - Discussion The population estimates generated in this study (Appendix Table A5) provide a rough outline for distribution of Chinook fry for future release efforts. However, there are several reasons that the estimated numbers and biomass of juvenile Chinook salmon in this study may potentially underestimate or overestimate the number of Chinook salmon that could be supported by the Metolius Basin. The primary concern was that of saturation: due to limitations in the number of adults that were spawned, I don't think I had enough fish to saturate the habitat. Also, the methods of release most likely did not allow for the maximum use of the habitat. I released fish into only five locations around the basin, and those releases were done in relatively short stretches (-200m) of stream. In future fry release efforts I would recommend the wide dispersal of fry throughout the basin, both in terms of number of streams and the habitats in those streams. I would suggest releasing the fry in small numbers (- 20 to 50 at a time) in slow water over several miles of stream. Because these will be fry produced in a hatchery or hatch box environment, they should be helped as much as possible to locate adequate habitat for rearing, specifically edge habitat habitats with access to cover that provide refuge from velocity. My maximum population estimates (-128,000 juveniles) are based on the observations of fish that were not naturally produced in the Basin. The fish that were used in this study were of hatchery origin, and were released in the basin into unfamiliar habitat, often in fairly quick water. These fry had been reared in a stable hatchery or hatch box environment, and until release, had not been exposed to the harshness of a natural stream environment. Naturally produced Chinook fry may distribute themselves 84 in different patterns or may have dissimilar survival rates. An important direction of future research will be the comparison of my observations of distribution and growth with those of naturally produced juvenile Chinook in the Metolius Basin. It is also important to consider that the estimates generated in this study relate to the number of successful smolts and returning spawners for the Metolius Basin only. Some of the adult fish passed over the Pelton Round Butte Project could potentially migrate up one of the other tributary streams (Crooked River, Deschutes River, or Squaw Creek), or experience mortality before successfully spawning. Incorporating currently available spawning and rearing habitat in the Deschutes River and Squaw Creek would results in more accurate predictions of production capacity, and would undoubtedly increase estimates of run size. Additionally, if passage facilities are successfully implemented at the Opal Springs area in the Crooked River, more spawning and rearing habitat would be made available to migrating salmon, and the numbers that could be supported would increase. 85 APPENDIX B: Microhabitat Patch Utilization Microhabitat Patches - Microhabitat patches, which in this study are considered a type of habitat subunit, were identified by their formative feature and associated cover types. The formative feature is the dominant structure that creates the patch, and typically created a refuge from velocity. Five formative features were identified: natural wood (wood that had fallen naturally into the stream), placed wood (wood that had been physically placed in the stream at part of habitat restoration efforts), bank alcoves (areas of slow velocity along the banks), emergent vegetation, and boulders. Associated cover types were features that provided an element of cover for the microhabitat patch, but were not the primary cause of formation. These cover types included natural wood, placed wood, boulders, emergent vegetation, overhanging vegetation, undercut banks, and bank alcoves. Patches with formative features of natural wood, emergent vegetation, and bank alcove were present in all of the study reaches. Patches formed by placed wood are present in all reaches except Lake Creek, and overhanging vegetation and boulder patches were present only in the Metolius Mainstem study reach. All associated cover types were present in every study reach. The presence or absence of fish was used the basis for analysis of use of microhabitat patches. Natural wood was the most numerous type of formative subunit and had the highest juvenile Chinook salmon occupancy rate of 24.9 % (Appendix Table Bi). Placed wood, which is the formative type that can be directly attributed to habitat restoration efforts, was occupied by juvenile Chinook salmon in only 12.9% of observations. However, 80% of observations of placed wood patches did have at least 86 one fish (which was not necessarily a juvenile Chinook). Among the other patch types, emergent vegetation had juvenile Chinook salmon in 15.5% of observation, and bank alcoves had a juvenile Chinook salmon occupancy rate of 14.1%. Among associated cover types, overhanging vegetation and natural wood were the two most important and were occupied in 26.5% and 25.2% of observations by juvenile Chinook salmon, respectively (Appendix Table B2). Placed wood was very important in terms of all fish, and was occupied in 81.1% of all observations by at least one fish of any species. However, they were only occupied by juvenile Chinook salmon in 13.5% of observations, about half that of natural wood patches. Microhabitat patches formed by boulders or associated with undercut banks appeared to be the least important for juvenile Chinook salmon, as zero fish were observed in these patch types. 87 Appendix Table B 1. Habitat occupation based on the presence or absence ofjuvenile Chinook salmon (JCS) and other community fishes by formative microhabitat patch types from all observations within the Metolius Basin. #with % % Formative # of # with # Obser- # with with with fish, no Patch Type subunits vations no fish JCS fish JCS Natural 55 510 124 75.7 24.9 127 259 Wood Emergent Vegetation 44 348 54 181 113 67.5 15.5 Bank Alcove 29 240 34 67 139 42.0 14.1 Placed Wood 26 210 27 141 42 80.0 12.9 Boulder 2 12 0 1 11 8.3 0.0 Appendix Table B2. Habitat occupation based on the presence or absence of juvenile Chinook salmon (JCS) and other community fishes by associated microhabitat patch types from all observations in the Metolius Basin. % % Associated # Obser# with # with fish, # with with with Patch Type vations JCS no fish no JCS fish JCS Overhanging 204 54 101 49 76.0 26.5 Vegetation Natural Wood 600 151 295 154 74.3 25.2 744 124 351 269 63.8 16.7 480 75 239 166 65.4 15.6 Boulder 42 6 19 17 59.5 14.3 Placed Wood 222 30 150 42 81.1 13.5 Undercut Bank 36 0 10 26 27.8 0.0 Bank Alcove Emergent Vegetation 88 APPENDIX C: Snorkel Observations Figures Cl through ClO display seasonal day and night snorkel data from 2002 and 2003. For each stream, juvenile Chinook counts (total number of juvenile Chinook salmon) and densities (juvenile Chinook salmon I m2) are shown. For all graphs, the direction of stream flow is from left to right. X - axis (study sites) is not to scale. 89 LAKE CREEK LK Day Counts 2002 LK Day Counts 2003 250 250 Spring 200 o FaIl 150 ' 200 Surmr C, 150 C, No Data E 50 2002 rI I 0 LK7 LK6 LK5 100 No Data 2002 50 - LK4 0 LK3 LK2 LK1 LK7 LK6 o o Spring 200 Surmr o Fall 150 100 LK2 LK1 Suniier 100 Data 50 Spring o FaIl 150 No E z LK3 250 200 ' LK4 LK Night Counts 2003 LK Night Counts 2002 250 0 LK5 50 2002 0 0 LK7 LK5 LK2 LK7 LK5 LK2 Appendix Figure Cl. Day and night counts ofjuvenile Chinook salmon in the Lake Creek study reach, 2002 and 2003. LK Day Densities 2002 LK Day Densities 2003 0.5 0.5 E 0.4 o Fall Density 0 ' 0.2 No No Data 2002 Data 2002 a) 0.4 Surr1Tr Density x 0.3 U) Spring Densfty o Spring Density (s 0 LK6 LK7 LK5 LK4 0.3 0.2 -LK3 0.1 0 LK2 LK1 LK Night Densities 2003 LK Night Densities 2002 0.5 0 0.5 o Spring Density 0.4 - U Surrrrr Density 0.4 0.3 -. 0.3 0.2 . U) Surrrrer Density o Fall Density 0 FaIl Densty No 0.2 Data C 0.1 0.1 2002 0 0 LK7 LK5 LK2 Appendix Figure C2. Day and night densities ofjuvenile Chinook salmon in the Lake Creek study reach, 2002 and 2003. 90 METOLIUS HEAD WATERS MH Day Counts 2003 MH Day Counts 2002 200 200 O Spring z 150 Sunimr 0 o Spring Surmr o Fall 150 o Fail 100 100 50 50 0 0 MH5 M-14 M-I1 MH2 Fv}13 LI MH4 MH5 MH Night Counts 2002 MH1 200 o i 150 Spring Surrrrr 0 o Spring 150 Sunir o FaIl 100 E MH2 MH Night Counts 2003 200 z MH3 100 1 No Data 50 50 Spring 2002 0 0 MH4 o Fail MH4 MH1 MH1 Appendix Figure C3. Day and night counts ofjuvenile Chinook salmon in the Metolius Headwaters study reach, 2002 and 2003. MH Day Densities 2002 MH Day Densities 2003 0.12 0.12 o Spring Density Surmr Density o Fall Density 0.1 E = 0.08 0.06 0.1 0.08 0.06 >, 0.04 0.04 C 0.02 rl 0 MH5 MH4 0.02 0 M-13 I-I2 M-l1 M-15 Sumner Density o Fall Density riFLfl, MH3 MH1 v1-t2 0.12 o Spring Density 0.1 Sunrr Density 0.08 > M-14 Spring Density MH Night Densities 2003 MH Night Densities 2002 0.12 ii o o Fall Density - 0.06 No Data Spring 2002 0.04 0.02 0 o 0.1 Spring Density Surriner Density 0.08 o 0.06 FaIl Density 0.04 0.02 0 ryI MH4 MH1 Appendix Figure C4. Day and night densities ofjuvenile Chinook salmon in the Metolius Headwaters study reach, 2002 and 2003. 91 CANYON CREEK CYDayCounts 2002 CYDay Counts 2003 50 0 50 40 o Spring 30 SurrtTer o FaIl 30 C' .0 E No Data 2002 i z No Data 2002 0 0 Spring U Surrtrer 0 Fall 40 20 IL 10 0 CY7 CY6 CY5 CY4 CY3 CY2 Cvi CY7 CY6 CY Night Counts 2002 o Spring O Surrner o Fall 0 .0 20 E z CY2 Cvi 50 40 30 CY3 CY4 CY Night Counts 2003 50 C' CY5 - 40 30 20 Not Surveyed 2002 10 0 0 CY4 CY3 CY4 CY1 CY3 CY1 Appendix Figure C5. Day and night counts ofjuvenile Chinook salmon in the Canyon Creek study reach, 2002 and 2003. CY Day Densities 2002 0.03 - 0.025 E ? CYDay Densities 2003 0.03 0 Spring Density 0.02 o Fall Density !. 0.015 - No Data 2002 0.01 0.005 No Data 2002 0 flr,rl 0.005 0 CY7 CY6 CY Night Densities 2002 0.03 0.025 - a Spring Density : 0.01 C 0.005 CY5 CY4 CY3 CY2 Cvi CY Night Densities 2003 0.03 . 0.015 >' o Fall Density 0.01 CY7 CY6 CY5 CY4 CY3 CY2 CY1 I Sun-rrer Density 0.02 0.015 >.. 0.02 o Spring Density 0.025 Surmr Density U Sunirer Density Surrrrer Density 0.02 a Fall Density -- o Spring Density 0.025 o Fall Density 0.015 Not 0.01 Surveyed 2002 0.005 0 0 CY4 CY3 Cvi CY4 CY3 CY 1 Appendix Figure C6. Day and night densities ofjuvenile Chinook salmon in the Canyon Creek study reach, 2002 and 2003. 92 METOLIUS MAINSTEM MM Day Counts 2002 MM Day Counts 2003 30 x 0 0 a, .0 30 O Spring 25 Surmer o FaIl 20 15 E 10 z 5 o Spring 25 Surrner 20 o Fall 15 10 ri-ra fl- 0 MM5 MM4 MM3 M2 5 0 MM5 MM1 MM Night Counts 2002 MM1 30 o Spring o Spring 25 Sunr x0 20 Mtv2 MM3 MM Night Counts 2003 30 25 MM4 o FaIl Surrner 20 :a, 15 o FaIl 15 .0 No E 10 I-i 0 10 I Data Z5 5 0 MM4 MM3 Appendix Figure C7. Day and night counts ofjuvenile Chinook salmon in the Metolius Mainstem study reach, 2002 and 2003. MM Day Densities 2002 MM Day Densities 2003 0.01 0.01 O Spring Density 0.008 I 0.006 o FaIl Density C.) o Spring Density 0.008 SumtEr Density SumTer Density 0.006 0.004 - 0.004 0.002 - 0.002 - o Fall Density U) 0 flflr 0 MM5 MM4 MM3 MM2 MM1 MM5 MM Night Densities 2002 MM4 MM3 MtVQ MM1 MM Night Densities 2003 0.01 o 0.008 0.006 Spring Density Surmer Density o FaIl Density 0.004 0.002 0 MM4 Mv M3 Appendix Figure C8. Day and night densities ofjuvenile Chinook salmon in the Metolius Mainstem study reach, 2002 and 2003. 93 SPRING CREEK SP Day Counts 2003 SP DayCounts 2002 120 I 120 o Spring 100 Surrner C-) 80 o Fall o Fall 60 40 z 20 20 0 0 IT SPI SP2 SP3 SP Day Densities 2002 0.14 o Spring Density 0.12 E Surrrner Density 0.08 [3 Fall Density 0.06 0.04 a 0.02 0 Spi SP2 SP Day Densities 2003 0.14 - C.,' o Spring Density 0.12 - Surrnr Density - 0.1 o Fall Density 0.08 0.06 I SP3 - Suriir 80 U: SP3 0 Spring 100 0.04 0.02 0 SF2 SP3 SP1 SF2 Spi Appendix Figure C9. Daytime counts and densities ofjuvenile Chinook salmon in the Spring Creek study reach, 2002 and 2003. HEISING SPRING HS Day Counts 2002 I C-) '4- 0 E z HS Day Counts 2003 140 140 120 100 80 60 o Spring Surrnr 120 100 80 o FaIl 60 40 20 40 20 0 0 HS3 0.14 C.) (I, HS1 HS3 HS Day Densities 2002 HS2 HS1 HS Day Densities 2003 0.14 0.12 I HS2 D Spring Density Surmer Density 0.1 o 0.08 FaU Density 0.12 0.1 0.08 ' 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.02 0 0 HS3 HS2 HS1 HS3 HS2 HS1 Appendix Figure ClO. Daytime counts and densities ofjuvenile Chinook salmon in the Heising Spring, 2002 and 2003. 94 Appendix Table Cl. Raw numbers of juvenile Chinook salmon observed in habitat subunits during spring snorkel surveys in the Metolius River Basin, 2002 and 2003. Spring Day 2002 MH Pools Stream cy HS LK MH MM SP Totals Middle 0 NA 0 NA 0 0 0 Edge 43 NA Riffles Middle Edge o 0 8 0 NA 0 0 0 0 0 0 51 5 12 5 3 4 0 29 Side Pools Middle Edge Side Riffles Middle Edge 0 0 0 NA NA NA 0 0 0 0 NA NA NA NA 1 NA 0 0 0 NA NA NA 0 NA 0 0 0 1 Patches Pool Riffle 31 7 Total 87 NA 0 NA 80 92 1 99 16 15 NA 47 120 322 14 102 35 120 450 Spring Day 2003 MH Stream cy Pools Middle Edge Riffles Middle Edge Side Pools Middle Edge 0 NA 0 7 0 0 0 0 NA 0 101 NA NA 81 1 0 1 MH MM SP NA NA 0 17 4 NA NA 12 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 12 89 17 0 107 0 Totals 0 HS LK Side Riffles Middle Edge 0 0 NA NA 2 0 NA NA Patches Pool Riffle 15 8 NA 56 23 203 9 14 313 0 NA 1 2 0 0 NA NA NA 1 0 3 17 Total 30 157 108 224 26 14 559 Spring Night 2002 MH Stream cy LK MH MM Totals Pools Middle Edge Riffles Middle Edge 0 0 3 10 0 0 0 NA NA 0 6 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 7 1 Side Pools Middle Edge NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Side Riffles Middle Edge Side Pools Middle Edge NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Side Riffles Middle Edge Patches Pool Riffle 0 0 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA 0 0 Total 0 3 0 7 10 NA 31 37 5 0 34 59 5 5 Spring Nicjht 2003 Stream cy LK MH MM Totals Pools Middle Edge 2 6 0 0 8 Riffles Middle Edge 17 0 1 128 0 13 0 12 16 0 16 66 157 1 81 MH Patches Pool Riffle 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA NA NA 0 0 0 NA 16 16 1 5 101 3 110 Total 21 152 183 32 388 95 Table C2. Densities ofjuvenile Chinook salmon in habitat subunits during spring snorkel surveys in the Metolius River Basin, 2002 and 2003. 2002 SprinQ Day Density Pools Riffles Stream Middle Edge Middle Edge CY 0 0.58 0 0.1 HS NA NA 0 0.32 LK 0 0.1 0 0.12 MH NA NA 0 0.048 MM 0 0 0 0.059 SP 0 0 0 0 Totals 0 0.23 0 0.097 2003 SDrinQ Day Density Pools Riffles Stream Middle Edge Middle Edge cy 0 0.06 0 0 HS NA NA 0 2.693 LK 0 0.78 0 0.018 MI-I NA NA 0.002 0.064 MM 0.002 0.01 0 0.015 SP 0 0 0 0 Totals 1E-03 0.3 7E-04 0.342 Side Pools Middle Edge NA NA NA NA 0 0 NA NA 0 0 0 0 0 0 Side Pools Middle Edge NA NA NA NA 0 0.4444 NA NA 0 0 0 0 0 0.0976 Side Riffles Middle Edge 0 0.6667 0 0 0 0 NA 0 NA 0 NA 0 NA 0.019 Side Riffles Middle Edge 0 0 0 NA 0 NA 0 0 0 0.1509 NA 0.0294 NA 0.0571 MH Patches Pool Riffle 0.15 0.0335 NA 0.1415 0 0.0066 NA 0.0619 0.037 0.0173 NA 0.2017 0.066 0.0808 MH Patches Pool Riffle 0.073 0.0383 NA 0.0991 0 0.1508 NA 0.127 0.005 0.01 04 NA 0.0235 0.024 0.0785 2002 Srinq Niqht Density Pools Middle Edge 0 0.25 Riffles Middle Edge 0 0.1 0 1 NA NA NA 0 0 0 0 NA 0 NA 0.48 NA 0.311 Side Pools Middle Edge NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2003 SDrincl Niciht Density Pools Riffles Stream Middle Edge Middle Edge CY 0.001 0.32 0 0.057 LK 0.007 3.37 0 0.571 MH NA NA 0.006 2.64 MM 0 0.36 0 0.062 Totals 0.002 1.26 0.003 0.994 Side Pools Middle Edge NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Stream CY LK MH MM Totals 0.28 Side Riffles Middle Edge NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Pool NA NA NA 0.032 0.032 Side Riffles Middle Edge NA NA 0 0 NA NA NA NA 0 0 MH Patches Pool Riffle NA 0.0089 NA 0.2273 NA 0.1258 0.079 0.0233 0.079 0.1031 MH Patches Riffle 0.0597 NA 0.0761 NA 0.0743 96 Table C3. Raw numbers of juvenile Chinook salmon observed in all habitat subunits during summer snorkel surveys in the Metolius River Basin, 2002 and 2003. Summer Day 2002 Stream cy HS LK MH MM SP Totals Pools Middle Edge 4 36 NA NA 89 NA NA 4 24 0 0 121 38 2 Riffles Middle Edge Side Pools Middle Edge 0 0 NA NA 0 0 NA NA 0 3 52 3 13 2 9 0 26 0 0 4 68 I NA 45 0 0 NA 0 Side Riffles Middle Edge 0 0 0 NA 0 NA 0 MH Patches Pool Riffle 0 0 0 NA 0 13 2 15 NA NA 43 0 0 0 NA NA 5 0 0 78 0 Total 56 18 160 78 4 34 350 Summer Day 2003 Stream cy HS LK MH MM SP Totals Pools Middle Edge Riffles Middle Edge 0 0 11 15 NA 588 NA 2 32 0 0 0 77 125 0 47 206 0 0 25 624 15 3 2 0 2 0 20 Side Pools Middle Edge NA NA NA NA 23 0 NA NA Side Riffles Middle Edge 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 NA 19 5 13 NA NA NA 0 NA 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 NA 19 30 MH Patches Pool Riffle 0 NA 2 72 0 6 98 Total 30 22 755 199 0 40 1046 Summer Nicjht 2002 Pools Riffles Side Pools Stream Middle Edge Middle Edge cy 0 40 4 26 0 0 0 0 0 41 37 22 0 22 3 1 0 7 LK MH MM Totals 0 3 Middle NA NA NA NA NA Edge NA NA NA NA NA Side Riffles Middle NA Edge NA MH Patches Pool Riffle NA 8 0 0 0 NA NA NA NA 0 NA 0 3 32 Total 12 69 57 3 5 16 3 48 154 Summer Nicht 2003 Pools Stream Middle cy 8 LK MH MM 155 0 5 Totals 168 Riffles Edge 23 87 Side Pools Middle Edge 0 12 0 0 20 82 13 NA 123 102 Side Riffles MH Patches Pool Riffle NA 6 Edge NA NA NA NA Middle NA 0 0 0 NA Middle NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13 0 0 0 0 NA 4 4 1 Edge NA 1 41 7 55 Total 37 275 124 29 465 97 Table C4. Density ofjuvenile Chinook salmon (fish/rn2) observed in all habitat subunits during sunmier snorkel surveys in the Metolius River Basin, 2002 and 2003. 2002 Summer Day Density Stream CY HS LK MH MM SP Totals Pools Middle Edge 0.00107 0.482 NA NA 0.04749 0.026 NA NA 0.00078 0 0.41 739 0 0.0112 0.172 Riffles Middle Edge 0 0.06 0.0008 0.3467 0.0421 0.0482 0.0012 0.416 0 0 0.0014 0.025 0.003 0.1503 Side Pools Middle Edge NA NA NA NA Riffles Middle Edge 0 0 0.0005 0.4 0.0531 0.055 0.01 72 0.032 0 0 0.0007 0 0.0089 0.064 Side Pools Middle Edge NA NA NA NA Side Riffles Middle Edge 0 NA 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA NA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA 0 0 0 0 MH Patches Pool Riffle 0.0623 0 NA 0.0035 0.0984 0 NA 0.0269 0 0 NA 0.0084 0 0.0196 2003 Summer Day Density Stream CY HS LK MH MM SP Totals Pools Middle Edge 0.00227 0.125 NA NA 0.24639 0.308 NA NA 0 0 0.43478 0.05015 0 0.16 0.681 0 NA NA 0 0 0 0.06 0.087 0 Side Riffles Middle Edge 0 0 0 0 0.258 0 NA NA 0 0 NA NA 0.015 0 2002 Summer Niqht Density Pools Riffles Stream Middle Edge Middle Edge CY 0 0.086 0 0 LK 0.07346 1.083 0 0 MH NA NA 0.0082 0.12 MM 0.00038 0.207 0 0 Totals 0.0082 0.355 0.0035 0.0314 Side Pools Middle Edge NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Side Riffles Middle Edge NA NA 2003 Summer NiQht Density Pools Riffles Stream Middle Edge Middle Edge CY 0.00451 0.436 0 0 LK 0.19291 2.289 0.0354 0.5275 MH NA NA 0.0307 0.04 MM 0.0019 0.385 0 0 Totals 0.03226 0.988 0.0181 0.1595 Side Pools Middle Edge NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Side Riffles Middle Edge NA NA 0 NA NA 0 0 NA NA 0 0 0 NA NA NA NA 0 0 MH Patches Pool Riffle 0.01 0.0096 NA 0.0088 0 0.0852 NA 0.045 0 0 NA 0.003 0.0101 0.0246 MH Patches Pool Riffle NA 0.1592 NA 0.1667 NA 0.0399 0.015 0.0388 0.015 0.048 MH Patches Pool Riffle NA 0.0532 NA 0.0455 NA 0.0511 0.02 0.0543 0.02 0.0516 98 Table C5. Raw numbers ofjuvenile Chinook salmon observed in all habitat subunits during fall snorkel surveys in the Metolius River Basin, 2002 and 2003. Fall Day 2002 Stream Pools Middle Edge cv 0 HS LK MH MM SP NA 47 NA 0 15 NA 2 NA 0 0 Totals 48 17 1 Riffles Middle Edge 1 1 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 101 0 7 48 52 Side Pools Middle Edge NA NA NA NA 1 0 NA NA 1 0 NA NA 2 0 Side Riffles Middle Edge 0 0 MH Patches Pool Riffle 0 3 Total 20 0 6 0 0 0 0 NA 0 7 105 NA 0 NA 0 NA 0 NA NA 35 87 0 1 3 NA 3 3 0 0 49 224 Fall Day 2003 Stream Cv HS LK MH MM SP Totals Pools Middle Edge 0 8 NA NA 447 22 NA NA Riffles Middle Edge 0 0 0 7 44 3 0 0 1 167 0 7 0 5 454 31 216 1 1 12 MH Patches Pool Riffle Side Pools Middle Edge NA NA NA NA 25 0 NA NA 0 0 NA NA 25 0 Side Riffles Middle Edge 0 0 Side Pools Middle Edge NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Side Riffles Middle Edge NA NA 0 0 NA NA NA NA 0 0 Patches Pool Riffle NA 8 0 4 NA 13 Side Pools Middle Edge NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Side Riffles Middle Edge NA NA Patches Pool Riffle NA 2 0 0 NA 21 0 0 3 NA NA 0 0 NA NA 0 NA 0 NA 0 3 0 0 Total 4 8 28 548 14 181 1 3 14 41 782 1 Fall Niqht 2002 MH Stream CY LK Pools Middle Edge 0 18 19 21 MH MM NA Totals 19 NA 4 43 0 Riffles Middle Edge 0 15 18 0 33 0 15 0 1 16 Total 26 74 31 2 2 9 2 27 140 Fall Niqht 2003 MH Stream cy LK MH MM Totals Pools Middle Edge 6 121 NA 14 79 NA 4 5 131 98 Riffles Middle Edge 0 0 15 10 97 1 0 112 0 11 0 NA NA NA 0 0 2 Total 22 227 NA NA NA NA 31 129 0 0 2 37 389 11 99 Table C6. Densities of juvenile Chinook salmon (fish/rn2) observed in all habitat subunits during fall snorkel surveys in the Metolius River Basin, 2002 and 2003. 2002 Fall Day Density Pools Stream Middle Edge CY 0 0.2007 HS NA NA LK 0.02508 0.026 MH NA NA MM 0.00019 0 SP 0 0 Totals 0.00444 0.0768 Riffles Middle Edge 5E-04 0.02 0 0.16 0.039 0 0.007 0 0 0 0 0 0.004 0.0234 Side Pools Middle Edge NA NA NA NA 0.02963 0 NA NA 0.0051 0 0 0 0.00578 0 Side Riffles Middle Edge Side Pools Middle Edge NA NA NA NA 0.74074 0 NA NA 0 0 0 0 0.07231 0 Side Riffles Middle Edge 0 0 0 0 0.22642 0 NA NA 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA 0 0 0 NA NA 0 0 MH Patches Riffle Pool 0.01437 0 NA 0 0 0.0459 NA 0.02189 0.00115 0 0.00504 NA 0.01229 0 2003 Fall Day Density Stream CY HS LK MH MM SP Totals Pools Middle Edge 0 0.0668 NA NA 0.1873 0.2115 NA NA 0 0.0149 0.12174 0 0.03649 0.1057 2002 Fall Niqht Density Pools Stream Middle Edge CY 0 0.3871 LK 0.03489 0.875 MH NA NA MM 0 0.1185 Totals 0.0038 0.4125 2003 Fall Niqht Density Pools Stream Middle Edge CY 0.00339 0.2654 LK 0.15059 2.0789 MH NA NA MM 0.00152 0.1481 Totals 0.02516 0.7871 Riffles Middle Edge 0 0 0 0.1867 0.055 0.03 0.023 0 0.002 0.009 0 0.0147 0.025 0.0384 Riffles Middle Edge 0 0 0.029 0.007 0.7317 0 0.0615 0.1675 0.005 0 Riffles Middle Edge 0 0 0.027 0.036 0.4396 0.04 0 0 0.02 0.135 0 0 NA NA 0.05714 0 Side Pools Middle Edge NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Side Riffles Middle Edge NA NA 0 0 NA NA NA NA Side Pools Middle Edge NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Side Riffles Middle Edge NA NA 0 0 0 0 NA NA NA NA 0 0 MH Patches Pool Riffle 0 0 NA 0 NA 0 NA 0.03715 0.02623 0.00876 0.00115 0 0.01029 0.001 68 MH Patches Pool Riffle NA 0.1592 0.22222 0.01619 0.01 0.01 0.01 55 0.02699 MH Patches Pool Riffle NA 0.01774 NA 0.09091 NA 0.03861 0 0.0155 0 0.03468 100 APPENDIX D: Fish Communities Appendix Figures Dl - D6 display the species of fish observed in day and night snorkel surveys in each of the study reaches in 2002 and 2003. Red hues indicate adult fish, and blue hues indicate juvenile fish. Species Codes are as follows: CHK = Chinook, BUT Bull trout, BRT = Brown trout, BKT = Brook trout, RBT = Redband trout, WHF = Mountain whitefish, LND = long nosed dace, SPD = speckled dace, COT = Cottidae species (sculpins), KOK = Kokanee salmon. Kokanee salmon were present only in fall surveys. Metolius Headwaters Day 2002 Adult BRT 3, <1% Adult BUT 1<1% Adult RBT Adult KOK \103,2% 1 5<1% Adult BRT 3, <1% Adult UNK 1, <1% Adult KOK 5<1% Adult RBT 1, 27, 2% Juvenile BRT 4, <1% Juvenile BUT 4, <1% Juvenile BRT 8, <1% Juvenile RBT, 1248, 86% Juvenile RBT 5676, 94% Adult BRT 6, <1% COT 3, <1% WHF Juvenile CHK 125, 9% COT Juvenile BUT 2, <1% Adult 1, <1% LND Juvenile CHK 267, 4% COT 6, <1% Metolius Headwaters Night 2002 Adult BUT 6, <1% Adult RBT 78, 1% Juvenile CHK 604, 10% Adult BRT 3, <1% COT 16, 1% Juvenile BRT 8, <1% Adult BUT 4, <1% Adult RBT 41,2% Adult KOK, 96, 5% Adult WHF 2, <1% Juvenile BUT 12, <1% Juvenile CHK 436, 21% Juvenile BRT <1% Juvenile RBT, Juvenile RBT, 5273, 89% Metolius Headwaters Day 2003 1481,71% - Juvenile BUT <1% Metolius Headwaters Night 2003 Appendix Figure Dl. Fish species observed in the Metolius Headwaters study reach in day and night snorkel surveys, 2002 and 2003. Metolius Mainstem Day 2002 COT Adult BRT 67, 4% 64, 4% / Juvenile UNK 19, 1% Metolius Mainstem Night 2002 Adult BUT 17, 1% Adult BRT 50, 7% COT 19, 3% Adult BUT 2, >1% Adult RBT 187, 10% Adult RBT - 83, 11% Juvenile RBT 530, 30% Adult WHE 77, 10% Juvenile RBT 316, 42% Adult UNK 5, 1% Juvenile BUT 36,2% 22, 1% Juvenile CHK 30, 4% Adult WHF 796, 45% Juvenile BRT, Juvenile CHK 43, 2% Note 2875 juvenile whitefish were also observed in day 2002 surveys. Juvenile BRT Juvenile BUT 120, 16% 46, 6% Note. 948 juvenile whitefish were also observed in night 2002 surveys. Adult BRT Juvenile COTAdult BRT 23, 1% 38, 2% Adult BUT 8, >1% Juvenile UNK Adult RBT 2>1% 101, 5% 764, 41% Odult Juvenile RBT KOK 430, 23% Juvenile BUT Juvenile BRT 100, 5°i' \ Juvenile CHK 28, 1% Adult WHF 415, 22% Adult UNK 2, >1% Metolius Mainstem Day 2003 2896 iuvenile whilefish were also observed in day 2003 Surveys I COT 40, 5% Juvenile RBT 338, 43% 30,4% - Juvenile BUT23, 3% Adult BUT 11,1% Adult RBT 55, 7% Adult KOK -- Adult WI-IF 354% Juvenile CHK 75,9% Juvenile BKT 1, >1% Juvenile BRT 126, 16% Metolius Mainstem Night 2003 1563 iuvenile whilefish were also observed in niaht 2003 surveys Appendix Figure D2. Fish species observed in the Metolius Mainstem study reach in day and night snorkel surveys, 2002 and 2003. Lake Creek Day 2002 Lake Creek Night 2002 Adult BRT Adult BUT Adult RBT 23, 2% 1, <1% [ND 48, 3% 24, 2Ault UNK 8, 1% 6, <1% COT 2, <1% Adult WHF SPD LND 17,2% SPD 9% 73, Adult BUT 1, <1% Adult BRT 45, 5% Adult RBT COT 1, <1% 12, 1% 1, <1% Juvenile WHF 269, 18% Juvenile CHK 248, 16% Juvenile BUT 2, <1% Juvenile UNK 9, 1% Juvenile BRT 542, 35% Juvenile RBT 331, 22% LND COT 7, <1% SPD 361,13% 9, <1% Adult BRT 37, 1% Adult RBT 20, 1% Juvenile UNK 1, >1% Juvenile RBT 103, 12% /Juvenile CHK 271, 32% Juvenile BUT <1% Juvenile UNK <1% Juvenile BRT 283, 34% Adult KOK 1, <1% Adult UNK 4, <1% --Adult UNK WHF- Juvenile 44, 5% SPD [ND 44, 3% Adult BRT Adult BUT 21,2% 1, <1% 179, 13% Adult RBT 8, 1% COT 3, <1% 9, <1% Juvenile WHF 243, 9% Juvenile UNK 1, <1% / Juvenile RBT- Juvenile CHK 1441, 55% 239, 9% Juvenile BUT 1, <1% Juvenile BRT 311, 12% 1 plus CHK 1, <1% Lake Creek Day 2003 Juvenile CHK 556, 42% Juvenile WHF 135, 10% Juvenile RBT 143, 11% Juvenile BUT 1, <1% 1 plus CHK Juvenile BRT 243, 18% 1, <1% Lake Creek Night 2003 Appendix Figure D3. Fish species observed in the Lake Creek study reach in day and night snorkel surveys, 2002 and 2003. Canyon Creek Day 2002 COT 3, 1% Juvenile RBT 3, 1% Canyon Creek Night 2002 Adult BRT 3, 1% Adult BUT 39, 9% COT 3, 1% Adult BRT 2, 1% Adult BUT 12, 5% Juvenile RBT 7, 3% Adult RBT 11,5% Adult RBT 27, 6% Juvenile CHK 45, 18% Juvenile BUT 194, 44% Juvenile BKT 1, <1% Juvenile CHK 163, 37% Juvenile BUT163, 67% Juvenile BRT,-7 5, 1% Juvenile UNK 1, <1% COT 24, 6% Adult BKT 1, <1% Juvenile RBT CT Adult BUT 41, 11% 5,1% Juv. BKT/ BUT Hybrid, 1, <1% Juvenile BUT 143, 39% Al 1 Adult RBT 1, <1% Juvenile BKT 2, <1% Adult UNK 1, <1% Adult KOK 42, 9% Adult BUT 15, 3% Juvenile RBT3, 1% Adult KOK 93, 25% Juvenile CHK 79, 18% Adult UNK 1, <1% Juvenile CHK 68, 18% Canyon Creek Day 2003 Juvenile UNK 1, <1% Adult BUT, 15, 3% Juvenile BUT 263, 60% 1PLUS CHK 1, <1% Canyon Creek Night 2003 Appendix Figure D4. Fish species observed in the Canyon Creek study reach in day and night snorkel surveys, 2002 and 2003. Spring Creek Day 2002 COT Adult BKT,1,<1% Spring Creek Day 2003 Adult Adult BRT, 7, 3% BUT, 1, <1% 14, 6%Juvenile UNK 3, 1% Juvenile RBT 40, 16% Adult RBT, 8, 3% Adult Juvenile UNK KOK,2,1% 1<1% Adult UNK 7, 3% Juvenile BUT 4, 2% Juvenile WHF 12,7% COT 4, 2% Adult BKT 1, <1% Adult BRT 2, 1% Adult BUT 4, 2% Adult RBT 9, 5% Juvenile RBT, 54,32% - Juvenile BRT 8, 3% Juvenile CHK 68, 40% Juvenile CHK 1PLUS CHK 156, 62% 1, <1% Note: 196 juvenile Whitefish were also observed in Spring Creek in Day 2002. Juvenile UNK 6, 4% Juvenile BUT 14, 10% Juvenile BUT 5, 3% Juvenile BRT 9. 5% Juvenile UNK, 2, 1% Juvenile BKT 1, <1% Juvenile BUT, 19,8% Juvenile RBT, 1, <1% Juvenile CHK 116, 86% Heising Spring Day 2002 Juvenile CHK 207, 91% Heising Spring Day 2003 Appendix Figure D5. Fish species observed in the Spring Creek and Heising Spring study reaches in day surveys, 2002 and 2003.