Hindawi Publishing Corporation Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2011, Article ID 361525, 16 pages doi:10.1155/2011/361525 Research Article Nonsquareness in Musielak-Orlicz-Bochner Function Spaces Shaoqiang Shang,1 Yunan Cui,2 and Yongqiang Fu1 1 2 Department of Mathematics, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China Department of Mathematics, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin 150080, China Correspondence should be addressed to Shaoqiang Shang, sqshang@163.com Received 20 October 2010; Revised 3 January 2011; Accepted 14 February 2011 Academic Editor: Paul Eloe Copyright q 2011 Shaoqiang Shang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The criteria for nonsquareness in the classical Orlicz function spaces have been given already. However, because of the complication of Musielak-Orlicz-Bochner function spaces, at present the criteria for nonsquareness have not been discussed yet. In the paper, the criteria for nonsquareness of Musielak-Orlicz-Bochner function spaces are given. As a corollary, the criteria for nonsquareness of Musielak-Orlicz function spaces are given. 1. Introduction A lot of nonsquareness concepts in Banach spaces are known. Nonsquareness are the important notion in geometry of Banach space. One of reasons is that the property is strongly related to the fixed point property see 1. The criteria for nonsquareness in the classical Orlicz function spaces have been given in 2 already. However, because of the complication of Musielak-Orlicz-Bochner function spaces, at present the criteria for nonsquareness have not been discussed yet. The aim of this paper is to give criteria nonsquareness of MusielakOrlicz-Bochner function spaces. As a corollary, the criteria for nonsquareness of MusielakOrlicz function spaces are given. The topic of this paper is related to the topic of 3–8. Let X, · be a real Banach space. SX and BX denote the unit sphere and unit ball, respectively. By X ∗ , denote the dual space of X. Let N, R, and R denote the set natural number, reals, and nonnegative reals, respectively. Let us recall some geometrical notions concerning nonsquareness. A Banach space X is said to be nonsquare space if for any x, y ∈ SX we have min{1/2x y, 1/2x − y} < 1. A Banach space X is said to be uniformly nonsquare space if for any x, y ∈ SX, there exists δ > 0 such that min{1/2x y, 1/2x − y} < 1 − δ. 2 Abstract and Applied Analysis Let T, , μ be nonatomic measure space. Suppose that a function M : T × 0, ∞ → 0, ∞ satisfies the following conditions: 1 for μ-a.e, t ∈ T, Mt, 0 0, limu → ∞ Mt, u ∞ and Mt, u < ∞ for some u > 0, 2 for μ-a.e, t ∈ T, Mt, u is convex on 0, ∞ with respect to u, 3 for each u ∈ 0, ∞, Mt, u is a μ-measurable function of t on T. Let et sup{u > 0 : Mt, u 0}. It is well known that et is μ-measurable see 2. Moreover, for a given Banach space X, · , we denote by XT , the set of all strongly μ-measurable function from T to X, and for each u ∈ XT , define the modular of u by ρM u Mt, utdt. 1.1 T Put LM X u ∈ XT : ρM λu < ∞ for some λ > 0 . 1.2 It is well known that Musielak-Orlicz-Bochner function space LM X is Banach spaces equipped with the Luxemburg norm u ≤1 u inf λ > 0 : ρM λ 1.3 or Orlicz’s norm u0 inf 1 k>0 k 1 ρM ku . 1.4 In particular, LM R and L0M R are said to be Musielak-Orlicz function space. Set supp u {t ∈ T : ut / 0}, Ku k>0: 1 1 ρM ku u0 . k 1.5 In particular, the set Ku can be nonempty. To show that, we give a proposition. Proposition 1.1 see 9. If limu → ∞ Mt, u/u ∞ μ-a.e. t ∈ T, then Ku / φ for any u ∈ L0M X. We define a function 1 1 σt sup u ≥ 0 : M t, u Mt, u . 2 2 1.6 Function σt will be used in the further part of the paper. Moreover, σt is μ-measurable. To show that, we give a proposition. Abstract and Applied Analysis 3 Proposition 1.2. Function σt is μ-measurable. Proof. Pick a dense set {ri }∞ i1 in 0, ∞ and set Bk 1 1 t ∈ T : M t, rk Mt, rk , 2 2 qk t rk χBk t k ∈ N. 1.7 It is easy to see that for all k ∈ N, σt ≥ qk t μ-a.e on T. Hence, supk≥1 qk t ≤ σt. For μ-a.e t ∈ T, arbitrarily choose ε ∈ 0, σt. Then, there exists rk ∈ σt − ε, σt such that Mt, 1/2rk 1/2Mt, rk , that is, qk t ≥ rk > σt − ε. Since ε is arbitrary, we find supk≥1 qk t ≥ σt. Thus, supk≥1 qk t σt. It is easy to prove the following proposition. Proposition 1.3. For any α ∈ 0, 1, if ut ≤ σt, then Mt, αut αMt, ut. Proposition 1.4. For any α ∈ 0, 1, if ut < σt < vt, then Mt, αut 1 − αvt < αMt, ut 1 − αMt, vt. Proposition 1.5. For any α ∈ 0, 1, if σt < vt, then Mt, αvt < αMt, vt. Definition 1.6 see 2. We say that Mt, u satisfies condition ΔM ∈ Δ if there exist K ≥ 1 and a measureable nonnegative function δt on T such that T Mt, δtdt < ∞ and Mt, 2u ≤ KMt, u for almost all t ∈ T and all u ≥ δt. First, we give some results that will used in the further part of the paper. Lemma 1.7 see 2. Suppose M ∈ Δ. Then ρM u 1 ⇔ u 1. Lemma 1.8 see 9. Let L0M X be Musielak-Orlicz-Bochner function spaces, then, if Ku φ, one has u0 T At · utdt, where At limu → ∞ Mt, u/u. 2. Main Results Theorem 2.1. LM X is nonsquare space if and only if a M ∈ Δ, b for any u, v ∈ SLM X, one has μ{t ∈ supp u ∩ supp v : ut vt > 2et} > 0 or μ{t ∈ T : ut > σt} ∪ {t ∈ T : vt > σt} > 0, c X is nonsquare space. In order to prove the theorem, we give a lemma. Lemma 2.2. Let X be nonsquare space, then for any x, y / 0, one has x y − min x y, x − y > 0. 2.1 4 Abstract and Applied Analysis Proof. For any x, y / 0, without loss of generality, we may assume x ≤ y. Since X is nonsquare space, we have x y > min x x x x y x y , x − y x y . y 2.2 Therefore, by 2.2, we obtain x x x y ≤ x · y 1 − · y y y < x x y − x x y 2.3 or x − y ≤ x − x x · y 1 − · y y y < x x y − x x y. 2.4 This implies x y − min{x y, x − y} > 0. This completes the proof. Proof of Theorem 2.1. Necessity. a If LM X is nonsquare space, then LM R is nonsquare space, because LM R is isometrically embedded into LM X. Since LM R is nonsquare space, then M ∈ Δ which follows from the theorem proved in more general case see 10, 11. Namely, if M ∈ / Δ, then LM R contains isometric copy of l∞ . If b is not true, then there exist u, v ∈ SLM X such that μ{t ∈ supp u ∩ supp v : ut vt > 2et} 0 and μ{t ∈ T : ut > σt} ∪ {t ∈ T : vt > σt} 0. Let G supp u ∩ supp v. We have 1 1 ρM u ρM v 2 2 1 1 Mt, utdt Mt, vtdt 2 T 2 T 1 1 Mt, ut Mt, vtdt 2 2 T 1 1 1 1 ≥ M t, ut vt dt M t, ut vt dt 2 2 2 2 G T \G Abstract and Applied Analysis 1 1 ≥ M t, ut vt dt M t, ut vt dt 2 2 G T \G u v ρM . 2 5 2.5 By μ{t ∈ supp u ∩ supp v : ut vt > 2et} 0 and μ{t ∈ T : ut > σt} ∪ {t ∈ T : vt > σt} 0, we obtain that two inequalities of 2.5 are equations. This implies 1/2ρM u 1/2ρM v ρM u v/2. By Lemma 1.7, we have ρM u v/2 1. Thus, 1/2u v 1. Similarly, we have 1/2u − v 1, a contradiction! c Pick ht ∈ SLM X, then there exists d > 0 such that μE > 0, where E {t ∈ T : ht ≥ d}. Put h1 t d ·x0 ·χE t, where x0 ∈ SX. It is easy to see that h1 t ∈ LM X\ {0}. Hence, there exists k > 0 such that k · h1 t ∈ SLM X. By Lemma 1.7, we have 1 Mt, k · h1 tdt T Mt, k · d · x0 dt. 2.6 E Let α k · d. Then, E Mt, αdt 1. The necessity of c follows from the fact that X is isometrically embedded into LM X. Namely, defining the operator I : X → LM X by Ix α · x · χE t, x ∈ X. 2.7 Hence, for any x ∈ X \ {0}, we have ρM Ix x Ix αx dt M t, M t, Mt, αdt 1. dt x x E E E 2.8 By Lemma 1.7, we have Ix/xLM X 1, hence IxLM X x. Sufficiency. The proof requires the consideration of two cases separately. Case 1. μ{t ∈ T : ut > σt} ∪ {t ∈ T : vt > σt} > 0. Without loss of generality, we may assume μ{t ∈ T : ut > σt} > 0. Let F {t ∈ T : ut > σt}. Put F1 {t ∈ F : ut vt > ut vt}, F2 {t ∈ F : ut vt > ut − vt}, F3 {t ∈ F : vt 0}. 2.9 6 Abstract and Applied Analysis Since X is nonsquare space, we have μF1 ∪ F3 > 0 or μF2 ∪ F3 > 0 by Lemma 2.2. Without loss of generality, we may assume μF1 ∪ F3 > 0. Moreover, we have 1 1 1 ρM u ρM v − ρM u v 2 2 2 1 1 1 Mt, utdt Mt, vtdt − M t, ut vt dt 2 T 2 T 2 T 1 1 1 Mt, ut Mt, vt − M t, ut vt dt 2 2 T 2 1 1 1 Mt, ut Mt, vt − M t, ut vt dt ≥ 2 2 F1 ∪F3 2 1 1 1 M t, ut vt − M t, ut vt dt ≥ 2 2 2 F1 ∪F3 2.10 ≥ 0. Let E {t ∈ F1 ∪ F3 : vt ≥ σt}, E1 {t ∈ E : vt σt 0}. Then, μF1 ∪ F3 \ E \ E1 > 0 or μE \ E1 > 0. By F {t ∈ T : ut > σt} ⊃ F1 ∪ F3 ⊃ F1 ∪ F3 \ E \ E1 , we obtain 1 1 1 Mt, ut Mt, vt − M t, ut vt dt 2 2 F1 ∪F3 2 1 1 1 M t, ut vt − M t, ut vt dt, > 2 2 2 F1 ∪F3 2.11 whenever μF1 ∪ F3 \ E \ E1 > 0. By F {t ∈ T : ut > σt} ⊃ F1 ∪ F3 ⊃ E \ E1 , we obtain 1 1 1 M t, ut vt − M t, ut vt dt > 0, 2 2 2 F1 ∪F3 2.12 whenever μE \ E1 > 0. This means that one of three inequalities of 2.10 is strict inequality. By ρM u ρM v 1, we have ρM 1/2u v < 1. By Lemma 1.7, we have 1/2u v < 1. Case 2. μ{t ∈ T : ut > σt} ∪ {t ∈ T : vt > σt} 0. By b, we have μ{t ∈ supp u ∩ supp v : ut vt > 2et} > 0. Let G {t ∈ supp u ∩ supp v : ut vt > 2et}. Put G1 {t ∈ G : ut vt > ut vt}, G2 {t ∈ G : ut vt > ut − vt}. 2.13 Abstract and Applied Analysis 7 Since X is nonsquare space, we have μG1 > 0 or μG2 > 0 by Lemma 2.2. Without loss of generality, we may assume μG1 > 0. Hence, 1 1 1 M t, ut vt dt > M t, ut vt dt. 2 2 2 G1 G1 2.14 Therefore, by 2.14, we have 1 1 ρM u ρM v 2 2 1 1 Mt, ut Mt, vtdt 2 2 T ≥ > 1 1 1 1 M t, ut vt dt M t, ut vt dt 2 2 2 2 G1 T \G1 2.15 1 1 M t, ut vt dt M t, ut vt dt 2 2 G1 T \G1 ρM u v 2 . By ρM u ρM v 1, we have ρM uv/2 < 1. By Lemma 1.7, we have 1/2uv < 1. This completes the proof. Corollary 2.3. LM R is nonsquare space if and only if a M ∈ Δ, b for any u, v ∈ SLM R, one has μ{t ∈ supp u ∩ supp v : |ut| |vt| > 2et} > 0 or μ{t ∈ T : |ut| > σt} ∪ {t ∈ T : |vt| > σt} > 0. Theorem 2.4. Let et 0 μ-a.e on T. Then, LM X is nonsquare space if and only if a M ∈ Δ, b ρM σ < 2, c X is nonsquare space. Proof. Necessity. By Theorem 2.1, a and c are obvious. Suppose that ρM σ ≥ 2. Then, there exists E ∈ Σ such that μE > 0, ρM σ · χT \E 1 and ρM σ · χD 1, where D ⊂ T \ E. Set ut x · σt · χT \E t, vt x · σt · χD t, 2.16 where x ∈ SX. It is easy to see that u v 1, μ{t ∈ supp u ∩ supp v : ut vt > 2et} 0 and μ{t ∈ T : ut > σt} ∪ {t ∈ T : vt > σt} 0. Contradicting Theorem 2.1. 8 Abstract and Applied Analysis Sufficiency. We only need to prove that for any u, v ∈ SLM X, if μsupp u ∩ supp v 0, then μ{t ∈ T : ut > σt} ∪ {t ∈ T : vt > σt} > 0. Suppose that there exist u, v ∈ SLM X such that μsupp u ∩ supp v 0, μ{t ∈ T : ut > σt} ∪ {t ∈ T : vt > σt} 0. By μsupp u ∩ supp v 0, we have ρM u ρM v ρM u v ≤ ρM σ < 2. This implies ρM u < 1 or ρM v < 1. Hence, u < 1 or v < 1, a contradiction! This completes the proof. Theorem 2.5. L0M X is nonsquare space if and only if a for any u ∈ L0M X \ {0}, one has Ku / φ, b at least one of the conditions b1 kl/k l ∈ / Ku v ∩ Ku − v, b2 μ{t ∈ T : kut − σt > 0} ∪ {t ∈ T : lvt − σt > 0} > 0, b3 μ{t ∈ supp u ∩ supp v : kl/k lut vt > et} > 0 is true, where k ∈ Ku, l ∈ Kv and u, v ∈ SL0M X, c X is nonsquare space. Proof. Necessity. a Suppose that there exists u ∈ L0M X \ {0} such that Ku φ, then 0 T At · utdt by Lemma 1.8. Decompose T into disjoint sets T1 and T2 such that u At · utdt At · utdt. Put T1 T2 u1 t 2utχT1 , 2.17 u2 t 2utχT2 . Obviously, u 1/2u1 u2 . Pick sequence {kn }∞ n1 ⊂ R such that kn → ∞ as n → ∞. Let T0 supp u1 . By Levi theorem, we have 1 1 Mt, kn u1 tdt n → ∞ kn T Mt, kn u1 t lim u1 tdt n→∞ T kn u1 t 0 Mt, kn u1 t lim u1 tdt n → ∞ kn u1 t T0 Atu1 tdt u1 0 ≤ lim 2.18 T At2utdt. T1 Therefore, u1 0 ≤ At · 2utdt T1 At · utdt T1 At · utdt T1 At · utdt − T2 At · utdt T2 Abstract and Applied Analysis At · utdt At · utdt T1 9 T2 At · utdt u0 . T 2.19 Similarly, we have u2 0 ≤ u0 . By u 1/2u1 u2 , we obtain u0 u1 0 u2 0 1/2u1 u2 0 . By u1 t − u2 t 2utχT1 −2utχT2 , we have u0 1/2u1 − u2 0 . Therefore, 0 0 1 1 0 u − u u1 0 u2 0 u u 2 2 u . 2 1 2 1 2.20 This implies u1 0 u2 0 min u1 u2 0 , u1 − u2 0 , 2.21 a contradiction! If b is not true, then there exist u, v ∈ SL0M X such that kl/k l ∈ Ku v ∩ Ku − v, μ{t ∈ T : kut − σt > 0} ∪ {t ∈ T : lvt − σt > 0} 0 and μ{t ∈ supp u ∩ supp v : kl/k lut vt > et} 0, where k ∈ Ku, l ∈ Kv. Let E T \ supp u ∩ supp v. It is easy to see that if t ∈ E, then ut · vt 0 on E. This implies kl kl M t, ut vt kl kl kl M t, ut vt kl t ∈ E. 2.22 Therefore, by 2.22, we have kl kl kl M t, M t, ut vt dt ut vt dt. kl kl kl E E 2.23 By μ{t ∈ supp u ∩ supp v : kl/k lut vt > et} 0, we have kl kl M t, ut vt dt kl kl T \E kl M t, vt dt. ut kl T \E 0 2.24 By 2.23 and 2.24, we have kl kl kl M t, M t, ut vt dt ut vt dt. kl kl kl T T 2.25 10 Abstract and Applied Analysis By μ{t ∈ T : kut − σt > 0} ∪ {t ∈ T : lvt − σt > 0} 0, we have T k l Mt, kut Mt, lvt dt kl kl kl kl M t, ut vt dt. kl kl T 2.26 Therefore, by 2.25 and 2.26, we have 1 1 1 ρM ku 1 ρM lv k l kl l k 1 ρM ku ρM lv kl kl kl u0 v0 l k kl 1 Mt, kutdt Mt, lvtdt kl kl T kl T kl k l Mt, kut Mt, lvt dt 1 kl kl T kl kl kl kl 1 M t, ut vt dt kl kl kl T kl kl 1 M t, ut vt dt kl kl T kl kl 1 ρM v u kl kl 2.27 u v0 . Similarly, we have u0 v0 u − v0 . This implies u0 v0 u v0 u − v0 , a contradiction! c Pick ht ∈ SL0M X, then there exists d > 0 such that μE > 0, where E {t ∈ T : ht ≥ d}. Put h1 t d ·x0 ·χE t, where x0 ∈ SX. It is easy to see that h1 t ∈ L0M X\ {0}. Hence, there exists l > 0 such that l · h1 t ∈ SL0M X. The necessity of c follows from the fact that X is isometrically embedded into L0M X. Namely, defining the operator I : X → L0M X by Ix ld · x · χE t, x ∈ X. 2.28 Abstract and Applied Analysis 11 It is easy to see that Ix0 ∈ SL0M X. Hence, for any x ∈ X \ {0}, we have 1 1 ρM k · Ix k>0 k Ix0 inf 1 1 Mt, k · ldxdt k>0 k E inf 1 1 Mt, k · xldx0 dt k>0 k E inf 1 inf 1 ρM k · xIx0 k>0 k 2.29 x · Ix0 0 x · Ix0 0 x. Sufficiency. Suppose that there exists u, v ∈ SL0M X such that u0 v0 1/2u v0 1/2u − v0 1. Let k ∈ Ku, l ∈ Kv. We will derive a contradiction for each of the following two cases. Case 1. μ{t ∈ T : ut / 0} ∪ {t ∈ T : vt / 0} \ {t ∈ T : σt > 0} 0. By Lemma 2.2, we have ut vt > min{ut vt, ut − vt}t ∈ supp u ∩ supp v. Put T1 t ∈ supp u ∩ supp v : ut vt > ut vt , T2 t ∈ supp u ∩ supp v : ut vt > ut − vt . Moreover, we have 1 1 1 ρM ku 1 ρM lv k l l k kl 1 Mt, kutdt Mt, lvtdt kl kl T kl T u0 v0 kl k l 1 Mt, kut Mt, lvt dt kl kl T kl kl kl kl ≥ 1 M t, ut vt dt kl kl kl T 2.30 12 Abstract and Applied Analysis kl kl 1 M t, ≥ ut vt dt kl k l T1 kl kl 1 M t, ut vt dt kl kl T \T1 kl kl 1 ρM u v kl kl ≥ u v0 . 2.31 By u0 v0 u v0 , three inequalities of 2.31 are equation. This implies k kl l Mt, kut Mt, lvt dt 1 kl kl T kl kl kl kl 1 M t, ut vt dt . kl kl kl T 2.32 Next, we will prove μ{t ∈ T : kut − σt > 0} ∪ {t ∈ T : lvt − σt > 0} 0. Suppose that μ{t ∈ T : kut − σt > 0} ∪ {t ∈ T : lvt − σt > 0} > 0. Without loss of generality, we may assume μ{t ∈ T : kut − σt > 0} > 0. Therefore, by 2.32, we have lvt − σt ≥ 0 μ-a.e. on {t ∈ T : kut − σt > 0}. Hence, μ{t ∈ T : kut − σt > 0} ∩ {t ∈ T : lvt − σt ≥ 0} > 0. Since three inequalities of 2.31 are equation, we deduce kl kl kl M t, M t, ut vt dt ut vt dt. kl kl kl T T 2.33 Moreover, it is easy to see kl kl ut vt > σt ≥ et kl kl 2.34 on {t ∈ T : kut − σt > 0} ∩ {t ∈ T : lvt − σt ≥ 0}. Therefore, by 2.33 and 2.34, we have kl kl kl ut vt ut vt kl kl kl 2.35 μ-a.e. on {t ∈ T : kut − σt > 0} ∩ {t ∈ T : lvt − σt ≥ 0}. Since X is nonsquare space, we have kl kl kl kl ut vt > min ut vt, ut − vt kl kl kl kl 2.36 Abstract and Applied Analysis 13 on {t ∈ T : kut − σt > 0} ∩ {t ∈ T : lvt − σt ≥ 0}. Thus, kl kl kl ut vt > ut − vt kl kl kl 2.37 μ-a.e. on {t ∈ T : kut − σt > 0} ∩ {t ∈ T : lvt − σt ≥ 0}. Therefore, by 2.34 and 2.37, we have 1 1 1 ρM ku 1 ρM lv k l kl kl kl ≥ 1 M t, ut vt dt kl kl kl T u0 v0 > kl kl 1 M t, ut − vt dt kl kl T 2.38 kl kl 1 ρM u − v kl kl ≥ u − v0 . This implies u0 v0 > u − v0 , a contradiction! Hence, μ{t ∈ T : kut − σt > 0} ∪ {t ∈ T : lvt − σt > 0} 0. Since three inequalities of 2.31 are equation, we deduce kl/k l ∈ Ku v and μ{t ∈ T1 : kl/k lut vt > et} 0. By b, we have / Ku−v, kl/kl ∈ / Ku−v or μ{t ∈ T2 : kl/klutvt > et} > 0. If kl/kl ∈ then 1 1 1 ρM ku 1 ρM lv k l kl kl kl 1 M t, ≥ ut vt dt kl kl kl T u0 v0 kl kl 1 M t, ≥ ut − vt dt kl kl T kl kl 1 ρM u − v kl kl > u − v0 . 2.39 14 Abstract and Applied Analysis This implies u0 v0 > u − v0 , a contradiction! If μ{t ∈ T2 : kl/k lut vt > et} > 0, then 1 1 1 ρM ku 1 ρM lv k l kl kl kl 1 M t, ≥ ut vt dt kl kl kl T kl kl 1 M t, > ut − vt dt kl kl T2 kl kl M t, 1 ut − t dt kl kl T \T2 kl kl 1 ρM u − v kl kl u0 v0 ≥ u − v0 . 2.40 This implies u0 v0 > u − v0 , a contradiction! Case 2. μ{t ∈ T : ut / 0} ∪ {t ∈ T : vt / 0} \ {t ∈ T : σt > 0} > 0. Let E {t ∈ T : ut 0} \ {t ∈ T : σt > 0}. Put / 0} ∪ {t ∈ T : vt / E1 {t ∈ E : ut · vt 0}, E2 {t ∈ E : ut · vt > 0}. 2.41 Then, μE1 > 0 or μE2 > 0. If μE1 > 0, then E1 k l Mt, kutdt Mt, lvt dt kl kl kl kl > M t, ut vt dt. kl kl E1 Therefore, by 2.42, we have 1 1 1 ρM ku 1 ρM lv k l k kl l 1 Mt, kut Mt, lvt dt kl kl T kl u0 v0 2.42 Abstract and Applied Analysis kl kl kl 1 M t, > ut vt dt kl kl kl E1 15 kl kl kl 1 M t, ut vt dt kl kl kl T \E1 ≥ kl kl 1 M t, ut vt dt kl kl T kl kl 1 ρM u v kl kl ≥ u v0 . 2.43 This implies u0 v0 > u v0 , a contradiction! If μE2 > 0, then μE21 > 0 or μE22 > 0 by Lemma 2.2, where E21 {t ∈ E2 : ut vt > ut vt}, E22 {t ∈ E2 : ut vt > ut − vt}. Without loss of generality, we may assume μE21 > 0. Hence, kl kl kl M t, M t, ut vt dt > ut vt dt. kl kl kl E21 E21 2.44 2.45 Therefore, by 2.45, we have 1 1 1 ρM ku 1 ρM lv k l kl kl kl 1 M t, ≥ ut vt dt kl kl kl T kl kl 1 > M t, ut vt dt kl kl E21 u0 v0 kl kl 1 M t, ut vt dt kl kl T \E21 kl kl 1 ρM u v kl kl ≥ u v0 . This implies u0 v0 > u v0 , a contradiction! This completes the proof. 2.46 16 Abstract and Applied Analysis Corollary 2.6. L0M R is nonsquare space if and only if φ, a for any u ∈ L0M R, one has Ku / b at least one of the conditions b1 kl/k l ∈ / Ku v ∩ Ku − v, b2 μ{t ∈ T : k|ut| − σt > 0} ∪ {t ∈ T : l|vt| − σt > 0} > 0, b3 μ{t ∈ supp u ∩ supp v : kl/k l|ut| |vt| > et} > 0 is true, where k ∈ Ku, l ∈ Kv and u, v ∈ SL0M R. Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the anonymous referee for the suggestions to improve the manuscript. This work was supported by Academic Leaders Fund of Harbin University of Science and Technology and supported by China Natural Science Fund 11061022. References 1 J. Garcı́a-Falset, E. Llorens-Fuster, and E. M. Mazcuñan-Navarro, “Uniformly nonsquare Banach spaces have the fixed point property for nonexpansive mappings,” Journal of Functional Analysis, vol. 233, no. 2, pp. 494–514, 2006. 2 S. T. Chen, “Geometry of Orlicz spaces,” Dissertationes Math, vol. 356, p. 204, 1996. 3 C. Castaing and R. 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