Hindawi Publishing Corporation Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2008, Article ID 983132, pages

Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Abstract and Applied Analysis
Volume 2008, Article ID 983132, 10 pages
Research Article
Differences of Composition Operators on the Space
of Bounded Analytic Functions in the Polydisc
Zhong-Shan Fang1 and Ze-Hua Zhou2
Department of Mathematics, Tianjin Polytechnic University, Tianjin 300160, China
Department of Mathematics, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
Correspondence should be addressed to Ze-Hua Zhou, zehuazhou2003@yahoo.com.cn
Received 30 May 2008; Revised 27 August 2008; Accepted 14 November 2008
Recommended by Stevo Stević
This paper gives some estimates of the essential norm for the difference of composition operators
induced by ϕ and ψ acting on the space, H ∞ Dn , of bounded analytic functions on the
unit polydisc Dn , where ϕ and ψ are holomorphic self-maps of Dn . As a consequence, one
obtains conditions in terms of the Carathéodory distance on Dn that characterizes those pairs of
holomorphic self-maps of the polydisc for which the difference of two composition operators on
H ∞ Dn is compact.
Copyright q 2008 Z.-S. Fang and Z.-H. Zhou. This is an open access article distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
1. Introduction
Let Dn be the unit polydisc of Cn with boundary ∂Dn . If n 1, we will denote the unit disk D1
simply by D. The class of allholomorphic functions on Dn will be denoted by HDn , while
by H ∞ Dn , we denote the space of all bounded analytic functions in the unit polydisc with
the norm f∞ supz∈Dn |fz|.
Let ϕz ϕ1 z, . . . , ϕn z and ψz ψ1 z, . . . , ψn z be holomorphic self-maps
of Dn . The composition operator, Cϕ , is defined by
Cϕ fz f ϕz
for any f ∈ HDn and z ∈ Dn .
Let X be a Banach space. Recall that the essential norm of a continuous linear operator
T : X → X is the distance from T to the compact operators, that is,
T e inf T − K; K : X −→ X is compact .
Abstract and Applied Analysis
Notice that T e 0 if and only if T is compact, so that estimates on T e lead to conditions
for T to be compact.
In the past few decades, boundedness, compactness, and essential norms of
composition and closely related operators between various spaces of holomorphic functions
have been studied by many authors see, e.g., the following papers mostly in the settings of
the unit ball and the unit polydisc 1–23 and the references therein. Recently, several papers
focused on studying the mapping properties of the difference of two composition operators,
that is, of an operator of the form
T Cϕ − Cψ .
One of the first results of this type, in the setting of the Hardy space H 2 D, belongs to
Berkson 24. There, it was shown that if ϕ is an analytic self-map of the unit disk D whose
radial limit function ϕ∗ satisfies |ϕ∗ ζ| 1 for ζ ∈ E ⊂ ∂D, meas E > 0, then for any analytic
self-map ψ of the disk, ψ /
Cϕ − Cψ ≥
meas E
where meas denotes the normalized Lebesgue measure on ∂D, which means that Cϕ is
isolated in the operator norm topology. Some other conditions for isolation in the same setting
are obtained in 15.
In 25, MacCluer et al., among other results, characterized the compactness of the
difference of two composition operators on H ∞ D in terms of the Poincaré distance. In 26,
isolated points and essential components of composition operators on H ∞ D are studied. In
27, 28, the authors have independently extended the result to H ∞ Bn space, where Bn is
the unit ball of Cn . In 29, Moorhouse showed that if the pseudohyperbolic distance between
the image values ϕ and ψ converges to zero as z → ζ for every point ζ at which ϕ and ψ have
finite angular derivative, then the difference Cϕ − Cψ yields a compact operator. Differences
of composition operators on the Bloch and the little Bloch space are studied in 30, 31.
Motivated by these results, we give some upper and lower estimates of the essential norm
for the difference of composition operators induced by ϕ and ψ acting on the space H ∞ Dn ,
where ϕ and ψ are analytic self-maps of Dn . As a consequence, one obtains conditions in terms
of the Carthéodory distance on Dn that characterize those pairs of holomorphic self-maps of
the polydisc for which the difference of two composition operators on H ∞ Dn is compact.
2. Notation and background
The pseudohyperbolic distance on the unit disk is defined by
z−w ,
βz, w 1 − zw It is easy to see that 0 ≤ βz, w ≤ 1.
z, w ∈ D.
Z.-S. Fang and Z.-H. Zhou
Definition 2.1. The Poincaré distance ρ on D is
ρz, w : tanh−1 βz, w 1 1 βz, w
2 1 − βz, w
for z, w ∈ D.
Definition 2.2. The Carathéodory pseudodistance on a domain G ⊂ Cn is given by
cG z, w : sup ρ fz, fw : f ∈ HG, D
for z, w ∈ G, where HG, D denotes the class of holomorphic mappings from G to D.
If we put
z, w : sup β fz, fw : f ∈ HG, D ,
z, w ∈ G,
then by the monotonicity of the function hx ln1 x/1 − x on 0, 1 and the inequality
hx ≥ 2x, x ∈ 0, 1, we have that
cG tanh−1 cG
≥ cG
Next, we introduce the following pseudodistance on G:
dG z, w : sup fz − fw : f ∈ HG, D .
For the case G D, it is known that see 32
dD z, w 2 − 2 1 − βz, w2
βz, w
Hence, the Poincaré metric on D is
ρz, w tanh−1 βz, w ln
2 dD z, w
2 − dD z, w
It is easy to see that for z, w ∈ G,
dG z, w sup g fz − g fw : g ∈ HD, D, f ∈ HG, D
sup dD fz, fw .
Abstract and Applied Analysis
Since the map t → ln2 t/2 − t is strictly increasing on 0, 2, it follows that
2 dD fz, fw
2 dG
sup ln
2 − dG f∈HG,D 2 − dD fz, fw
sup ρ fz, fw
cG z, w,
or equivalently for any domain G and any z, w ∈ G,
dG z, w have
2 − 2 1 − tanh cG z, w
tanh cG z, w
2 − 2 1 − cG
z, w
z, w
It is well known that cD∗ n z, w max1≤j≤n βzj , wj see 33, Corollary 2.2.4. So we
2 − 2 1 − max1≤j≤n β zj , wj
dDn z, w .
max1≤j≤n β zj , wj
Before formulating and proving the main theorem, we give some notations. For any
δ ∈ 0, 1, define
Eδ : z ∈ Dn : ϕj z ∨ ψj z > 1 − δ ,
and we put Eδ ∪nj1 Eδ , where ∨ means the maximum of two real numbers.
Lemma 2.3 see 34. Let {zn } be a sequence in D with |zn | → 1 as n → ∞. Then, there is a
subsequence {znj } of {zn }, a positive number M, and a sequence of functions fm ∈ H ∞ D such that
i fm znj δm ,
ii m |fm z| ≤ M < ∞ for any z ∈ D,
(the symbol δm is equal to 1 if m j and 0, otherwise.)
Lemma 2.4. Let Ω be a domain in Cn , f ∈ HΩ. If a compact set K and a neighborhood G of K
satisfy K ⊂ G ⊂⊂ Ω (i.e., G is relative compact in Ω) and η dist K, ∂G > 0, then
z ≤
η z∈G
z∈K ∂zj
for each j ∈ {1, . . . , n}.
Z.-S. Fang and Z.-H. Zhou
Proof. Since η dist K, ∂G > 0 for any a ∈ K, the polydisc
Pa η
z1 , . . . , zn ∈ Cn : zj − aj < √ , j 1, . . . , n
is contained in G. Using Cauchy’s inequality, we have
≤ n sup fz ≤ n supfz,
η z∈∂0 Pa
η z∈G
as desired where ∂0 Pa is the distinguished boundary of Pa .
Lemma 2.5. For fixed 0 < δ < 1, let Fδ {z ∈ Dn : max1≤j≤n |zj | > 1 − δ}. Then,
lim sup supfz − frz 0
r → 1 f 1 z∈F c
for any f in the unit ball of H ∞ Dn (where Fδc denotes the complement of Fδ relative to Dn ).
Proof. We have
supfz − frz
n sup
f rz1 , rz2 , . . . , rzj−1 , zj , . . . , zn − f z1 , rz2 , . . . , rzj , zj1 , . . . , zn z∈Fδc j1
n 1 ∂f ≤ sup
zj rz1 , . . . , rzj−1 , tzj , zj1 , . . . , zn dt
z∈Fδc j1 r
n ∂f
≤ 1 − rsup z.
z∈F c j1 ∂zj
Consider Fδ/2
, then Fδc ⊂ Fδ/2
and dist Fδ/2
, ∂Dn δ/2.
From Lemma 2.4, we have that for each j ∈ {1, . . . , n}
2 n
sup fz.
z ≤
δ z∈F c
z∈F c ∂zj
From this and 2.18, it follows that
21 − rn n
supfz − frz ≤
f∞ .
z∈F c
Taking the supremum in 2.20 over the unit ball in H ∞ Dn , then letting r → 1 in
2.20, the lemma follows.
Abstract and Applied Analysis
3. Main theorem
In this section, we will state our main result and give its proof.
Theorem 3.1. Let ϕ, ψ : Dn → Dn and Cϕ − Cψ : H ∞ Dn → H ∞ Dn . Then,
4 − 4 1 − Ψ2
Ψ ≤ Cϕ − Cψ e ≤
where Ψ : max1≤k≤n limδ → 0 supz∈Ek max1≤j≤n βϕj z, ψj z and M is a positive constant.
Proof. First, we consider the upper estimate. For fixed r ∈ 0, 1, it is easy to check that both
Crϕ and Crψ are compact operators. Therefore,
Cϕ − Cψ ≤ Cϕ − Cψ − Crϕ Crψ .
Now, for any 0 < δ < 1,
Cϕ − Cψ − Crϕ Crψ sup Cϕ − Cψ − Crϕ Crψ f ∞
f∞ 1
sup supf ϕz − f ψz − f rϕz f rψz f∞ 1 z∈Dn
≤ sup supf ϕz − f ψz − f rϕz f rψz f∞ 1 z∈Eδ
sup supf ϕz − f ψz − f rϕz f rψz f∞ 1 z∈Eδc
I 1 I2 .
From Lemma 2.5, we can choose r sufficiently close to 1 such that I2 is sufficiently small.
Applying the Schwarz-Pick lemma
√ on the function φz rz, r ∈ 0, 1, and by the
monotony of the function fx 2 − 2 1 − x2 /x, we obtain
I1 ≤ sup sup f ϕz − f ψz − f rϕz f rψz f∞ 1 z∈Eδ
sup sup f ϕz − f ψz − f rϕz f rψz z∈Eδ f∞ 1
≤ sup dDn ϕz, ψz dDn rϕz, rψz
2 1/2
2 − 2 1 − max1≤j≤n β ϕj z, ψj z
≤ 2 sup
max1≤j≤n β ϕj z, ψj z
2 1/2
4 − 4 1 − supz∈Eδ max1≤j≤n β ϕj z, ψj z
supz∈Eδ max1≤j≤n βϕj z, ψj z
2 1/2
4 − 4 1 − max1≤k≤n supz∈Ek max1≤j≤n β ϕj z, ψj z
max1≤k≤n supz∈Ek max1≤j≤n β ϕj z, ψj z
Z.-S. Fang and Z.-H. Zhou
By direct calculation, it is easy to check that
lim max sup max βϕj z, ψj z max lim sup max βϕj z, ψj z.
δ → 0 1≤k≤n z∈Ek 1≤j≤n
1≤k≤n δ → 0 z∈Ek 1≤j≤n
From which, and letting δ → 0 in 3.5, the upper estimate in 3.1 follows.
Now, we turn to the lower estimate.
ak lim sup max β ϕj z, ψj z ,
k 1, . . . , n.
δ → 0 z∈Ek 1≤j≤n
If we set δm 1/m, then δm → 0 as m → ∞, and there exists zm ∈ Eδm and some j such that
lim β ϕj zm , ψj zm ak .
Since zm ∈ Eδm and δm → 0, we have |ϕj zm | → 1 or |φj zm | → 1. Without loss
of generality, we can assume |ϕj zm | → 1. Let wm ϕj zm , by Lemma 2.3, we have that
there is a subsequence of wm we may denote it again by wm , a positive number M, and a
sequence of functions fm ∈ H ∞ D such that
i fm wk δm
ii m |fm z| ≤ M < ∞ for any z ∈ D.
Now, for any z ∈ Dn , we define fm z : fm zj , where zj is the jth component of z,
then m |fm z| ≤ M < ∞.
Next we claim that fm converge weakly to 0. Let λ ∈ H ∞ Dn ∗ . For any natural N,
there exist some unimodular sequences αm such that
λ fm αm λ fm
αm fm
≤ λ αm fm m0
≤ λM.
Thus, λfm → 0 as m → ∞, that is, fm converge weakly to 0.
gm z fm z zj − ψj zm
M 1 − ψ z zj
m ∈ N.
Abstract and Applied Analysis
Then, gm ∞ ≤ 1 and similarly to fm , it is easy to see that gm converge weakly to 0. Thus, for
any compact operator K, we have Kgm ∞ → 0 as m → ∞.
Now, we have
J Cϕ − Cψ − K ≥ lim sup Cϕ − Cψ − K gm ∞
≥ lim sup Cϕ − Cψ gm ∞ − Kgm ∞
lim sup supgm ϕz − gm ψz m→∞
ϕj z − ψj zm
ψj z − ψj zm
lim sup sup
fm ϕz −
fm ψz M m → ∞ z∈Dn 1 − ψ z ϕ z
ϕj zm − ψj zm 1
lim sup M m → ∞ 1 − ψ z ϕ z j
lim β ϕj zm , ψj zm
ak .
Then, we have
Cϕ − Cψ ≥ 1 max lim sup max β ϕj z, ψj z ,
M 1≤k≤n δ → 0 z∈Ek 1≤j≤n
finishing the proof of the theorem.
Corollary 3.2. The operator Cϕ − Cψ is compact if and only if
max lim sup max β ϕj z, ψj z 0.
1≤k≤n δ → 0 z∈Ek 1≤j≤n
Proof. By using the inequality 1 − 1 − x2 /x ≤ x 0 < x ≤ 1 and the fact that T is compact
if and only if T e 0, the corollary follows by Theorem 3.1.
Example 3.3. Let n 2, ϕz z1 , 1/2z2 , and ψz z1 , 1/3z2 . Then, βϕ1 z, ψ1 z 0 and βϕ2 z, ψ2 z 1/6|z2 |/1 − 1/6|z2 |2 . A direct calculation shows that
max lim sup max β ϕj z, ψj z > 0;
1≤k≤2 δ → 0 z∈Ek 1≤j≤2
so by Corollary 3.2, Cϕ − Cψ is not compact.
Z.-S. Fang and Z.-H. Zhou
Example 3.4. Let n 2, p > 1, 0 < c ≤ 1, ϕz z1 1/2, 1/2z2 , and
ψz 1 − z1 p 1
z1 1
, z2 ,
where we choose the usual branch of the logarithm of w1 , Re w1 > 0, in order to
define 1 − z1 /2p . By 35, ψ is a self-map of D2 , whenever c is small. Moreover,
max1≤j≤2 βϕj z, ψj z βϕ1 z, ψ1 z. By Corollary 3.2 and the proof of Example 1 of
25, we have, for these c,
1 if 1 < p ≤ 2, then Cϕ − Cψ is noncompact;
2 if 2 < p < ∞, then Cϕ − Cψ is compact.
The authors would like to express their sincere thanks to the editor S. Stević and referees
for their helpful comments and suggestions which improved the manuscript considerably.
Moreover, this work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of
China Grant nos. 10671141 and 10371091.
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