Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Appendix B PART I: Demographics The demographic information tables contain actual percentages except where noted. Table B1 What is your primary status at UW-Stout? (Question 1) Primary status n % Administrator 41 2.2 Non-degree-seeking student 30 1.6 Bachelor-degree-seeking student, entered UWStout as a first-year student 787 41.9 Bachelor-degree-seeking student, entered UWStout as a transfer student 322 17.2 Associate’s degree student 16 0.9 Master’s degree student 96 5.1 Doctoral degree student 0 0.0 Professional degree student 5 0.3 Limited term employee (LTE) 31 1.7 Classified staff – represented 118 6.3 Classified staff – non-represented 37 2.0 Instructor 16 0.9 Assistant professor 72 3.8 Associate professor 56 3.0 Professor 64 3.4 Instructional academic staff 46 2.5 Other academic staff 93 5.0 Post-doctoral researcher/fellow 0 0.0 Other 47 2.5 Note: There are no missing data for this question; all respondents were required to select an answer 133 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B2 What is your gender identity? (Question 26) Gender n % Woman 1086 57.9 Man 770 41.0 Transgender 5 0.3 Other 6 0.3 Missing 10 0.5 134 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B3 What is your race/ethnicity? (Mark all that apply) (Question 27) Race/ethnicity n % African 13 0.7 African American/Black (not Latino/Hispanic) 12 0.6 Alaskan Native 2 0.1 Asian 52 2.8 Asian American 31 1.7 Southeast Asian 14 0.7 Caribbean/West Indian 5 0.3 1699 90.5 Indian Subcontinent 6 0.3 Latino(a)/Hispanic 26 1.4 Middle Eastern 5 0.3 Native American Indian 25 1.3 Pacific Islander/Hawaiian Native 7 0.4 Other 26 1.4 Caucasian/White Note: Percentages may not sum to 100% due to multiple responses. 135 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B4 Which term best describes your sexual orientation? (Question 28) Sexual Identity n % Bisexual 55 2.9 Gay 27 1.4 1677 89.3 Lesbian 20 1.1 Queer 5 0.3 Questioning 14 0.7 Other 25 1.3 Missing 54 2.9 Heterosexual Table B5 What is your age? (Question 29) Age n % 19 or under 330 17.6 20-21 441 23.5 22-25 315 16.8 26-32 186 9.9 33-42 161 8.6 43-51 168 9.0 52-60 198 10.5 61-69 59 3.1 70 and over 1 0.1 Missing 18 1.0 136 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B6 What is your current parental status? (Question 30) Parental Status n % No children 1308 70.8 Single parent 70 3.7 Pregnant 7 0.4 Co-parent with a partner/spouse 439 23.4 Other 24 1.3 Missing 29 1.5 n % Single 878 47.3 Partnered 342 18.4 6 0.3 575 30.6 Separated 7 0.4 Divorced 36 1.9 Remarried 4 0.2 Partner/spouse deceased 10 0.5 Missing 19 1.0 Table B7 What is your current relationship status? (Question 31) Relationship Status Partnered, in civil union Married 137 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B8 Are you active military status or a veteran? (Question 32) Active military/Veteran n % Yes 96 5.1 No 1758 93.7 23 1.2 Missing Table B9 Students Only: What is the highest level of education achieved by your parent(s)/legal guardian(s)? (Question 33) Parent /Legal Guardian 1 n % Parent/Legal Guardian 2 n % No high school 37 2.9 40 3.1 High school 288 22.5 315 24.6 Some college 169 13.2 176 13.8 Business/Technical certificate/degree 136 10.6 132 10.3 Associate’s degree 102 8.0 99 7.7 Bachelor’s degree 296 23.1 300 23.5 Some graduate work 27 2.1 19 1.5 Master’s degree 144 11.3 115 9.0 Doctoral degree 31 2.4 14 1.1 Other professional degree 11 0.9 6 0.5 Unknown 4 0.3 9 0.7 Not applicable 7 0.5 16 1.3 Missing 27 2.1 38 3.0 Level of Education Note: Table includes only those respondents who answered that they were students in Question 1 (n = 1279). 23 respondents who answered “Other” in Question 1 were re-coded as students; they did not answer this question so are included in the “Missing” row. 138 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B10 Faculty/Staff Only: What is your highest completed level of education? (Question 34) n % Did not complete high school 2 0.3 Completed high school 24 4.0 Some college 34 5.7 Some graduate work 14 2.3 Associate’s degree 20 3.3 Bachelor’s degree 89 14.9 Master’s degree 190 31.8 Doctoral degree/ Terminal Professional degree 194 32.4 Business/Technical certificate/degree 11 1.8 Other professional certificate 7 1.2 Other 0 0.0 Missing 13 2.2 Note: Table includes only those respondents who indicated they were faculty or staff in Question 1 (n = 598) 139 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B11 Faculty/Staff Only: With which academic department/work unit/program are you primarily affiliated at this time?(Q 35) Academic department/ work unit/program n % Academic department/ work unit/program n % Apparel & Communication Technologies Human Resources 2 0.3 12 2.0 Learning and Information Technology 22 3.7 Art & Design 20 3.3 Math, Statistics & Computer Science 19 3.2 ASLS Administration 17 2.8 Military Science 5 0.8 Athletics/Rec Complex/University Recreation 13 2.2 Operations Management 20 3.3 Biology 12 2.0 Outreach Services and Research Services 16 2.7 Planning, Assessment, Research and Quality Office 5 0.8 Physical Education 2 0.3 Business 12 2.0 Physical Plant 19 3.2 Business & Financial Services 8 1.3 Physics 5 0.8 CAHSS Administration 3 0.5 Provost's Office 2 0.3 CEHHS Administration 3 0.5 Psychology 10 1.7 Chancellor's Office Admin 5 0.8 Rehabilitation & Counseling 5 0.8 Chemistry 4 0.7 School of Education 38 6.4 COM Administration 2 0.3 Social Science 7 1.2 Construction 7 1.2 Speech, Communication, Foreign Language, Theatre & Music 12 2.0 Engineering & Technology 15 2.5 STEM Administration 5 0.8 English & Philosophy 20 3.3 STTI & related outreach 6 1.0 Enrollment Services 11 1.8 Student Life Services 17 2.8 Equal Opportunity & Affirmative Action 0 0.0 Student Services 40 6.7 Food & Nutrition 8 1.3 SVRI 11 1.8 University Advancement 5 0.8 Graduate College / Honors / Intl. Education 4 0.7 University Communications 1 0.2 Health, Safety and Risk Management 11 1.8 University Dining Services 7 1.2 Hospitality and Tourism 13 2.2 University Library 9 1.5 Housing & Residence Life 7 1.2 Academic and Student Affairs Administration 24 4.0 Missing 69 11.5 Human Development & Family Studies 8 1.3 Note: Table includes only those respondents who indicated they were faculty or staff in Question 1 (n = 598) 140 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B12 Students Only: With which academic department/work unit/program are you primarily affiliated at this time? (Question 35) Academic department/work unit/program n % Academic department/work unit/program n % Apparel Design & Development 20 1.6 Information Technology Mgmt. 18 1.4 Applied Mathematics & Comp Science Management 39 3.0 21 1.6 Manufacturing Engineering 31 2.4 Applied Psychology 10 0.8 Marketing & Business Education 9 0.7 Applied Science 52 4.1 Marriage & Family Therapy 4 0.3 Applied Social Science 19 1.5 Mental Health Counseling 7 0.5 Art 130 10.2 Packaging 35 2.7 Art Education 12 0.9 Plastics Engineering 3 0.2 Business Administration 119 9.3 Property Management 4 0.3 Career & Technical Education 5 0.4 Psychology 52 4.1 Career, Technical Educ. & Trng 4 0.3 Retail Merchandising & Mgmt. 38 3.0 Cognitive Science 1 0.1 Risk Control 4 0.3 Computer Engineering 6 0.5 School Counseling 5 0.4 Construction 26 2.0 School Psychology 1 0.1 Dietetics 25 2.0 Science Education 11 0.9 Early Childhood Education 45 3.5 Service Management 1 0.1 Education 15 1.2 Special Education 11 0.9 Engineering Technology 63 4.9 Supply Chain Management 3 0.2 Family & Consumer Sciences Educ. 18 1.4 Sustainable Management 1 0.1 Family Studies & Human Dev 11 0.9 Technical Communication 10 0.8 Food & Nutritional Sciences 18 1.4 Food Systems & Technology 11 0.9 Technical & Professional Communication 5 0.4 Game Design & Development 14 1.1 Technology Education 14 1.1 Golf Enterprise Management 8 0.6 Technology Education 9 0.7 Graphic Communications Management Technology Management 1 0.1 31 2.4 Technology & Science Education 2 0.2 Hotel, Restaurant & Tourism Mgmt 72 5.6 Training & Development 13 1.0 Human Devel. & Family Studies 73 5.7 Vocational Rehabilitation 42 3.3 Information & Comm. Tech. 11 0.9 Undecided 26 2.0 Missing 17 1.3 Note: Table includes only those respondents who indicated they were students in Question 1 (n = 1279) 141 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B13 Are you full-time or part-time in that primary status? (Question 36) Gender n % Full-time 1646 87.7 Part-time 204 10.9 Missing 27 1.4 Table B14 Do you have a disability that substantially affects a major life activity? (mark all that apply) (Question 37) Disability n % 1583 84.3 Mobility impairment 34 1.8 Sensory impairment 19 1.0 Learning disability 48 2.6 Mental health disorder 103 5.5 Chronic health disorder 28 1.5 Other 45 2.4 Missing 17 0.9 No disability Note: Percentages do not sum to 100% due to multiple responses. 142 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B15 What is your citizenship status? (Question 38) Citizenship status n % U.S. born citizen 1759 93.7 U.S. citizen - naturalized 35 1.9 Dual citizenship 9 0.5 Permanent resident (immigrant) 19 1.0 Permanent resident (refugee) 3 0.2 International (F-1, J-1, or H1-B, or other visa) 30 1.6 Other 6 0.3 Missing 16 0.9 143 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B16 What is your religious or spiritual affiliation? (Question 39) Spiritual Affiliation n % Spiritual Affiliation n % Animist 2 0.1 Native American Traditional Practitioner 2 0.1 Anabaptist 0 0.0 Nondenominational Christian 144 7.7 Agnostic 84 4.5 Pagan 9 0.5 Atheist 90 4.8 Pentecostal 11 0.6 Baha’i 0 0.0 Presbyterian 18 1.0 Baptist 24 1.3 Quaker 1 0.1 Buddhist 7 0.4 387 20.6 Eastern Orthodox 5 0.3 Seventh Day Adventist 2 0.1 Episcopalian 14 0.7 Shamanist 12 0.6 Hindu 18 1.0 Sikh 0 0.0 Jehovah’s Witness 2 0.1 Unitarian Universalist 10 0.5 Jewish 10 0.5 United Church of Christ 51 2.7 Latter Day Saints (Mormon) 3 0.2 Wiccan 5 0.3 446 23.8 Mennonite 1 0.1 Spiritual, but no religious affiliation 140 7.6 Methodist 62 3.3 No affiliation 212 11.3 Moravian 0 0.0 Other 58 3.1 Muslim 6 0.3 Missing 41 2.2 Roman Catholic Lutheran 144 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B17 Faculty/Staff Only: How long have you been employed by UW-Stout? (Question 40) Time n % 1 year or less 64 10.7 2-4 years 144 24.1 5-10 years 147 24.6 11-15 years 72 12.0 16-20 years 41 6.9 21-30 years 84 14.0 31+ years 28 4.7 Missing 18 3.0 Note: Table includes only those respondents who indicated they were faculty or staff in Question 1 (n = 598) Table B18 Faculty/Staff Only: Have you worked at more than one UW System institution/System Administration? (Question 41) Worked at more than one UW Institution n % Yes 96 16.1 No 481 80.4 Missing 21 3.5 Note: Table includes only those respondents who indicated they were employees in Question 28 (n = 598). 145 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B19 Faculty/Staff Only: Please indicate where you have worked and for how many years (Question 42) 1-2 years n 3-4 years n 5-6 years n 7-8 years n 9-10 years n UW – Eau Claire 15 8 6 2 6 UW - Green Bay 2 0 0 1 1 UW – La Crosse 2 0 0 0 1 UW - Madison 7 6 2 2 0 UW - Milwaukee 2 2 0 0 1 UW - Oshkosh 1 0 0 0 1 UW - Parkside 1 0 0 0 0 UW - Platteville 1 1 1 0 0 UW - River Falls 4 4 0 0 0 UW - Stevens Point 2 0 1 0 1 UW - Stout 4 9 4 5 23 UW - Superior 0 1 0 0 0 UW - Whitewater 3 0 0 0 1 UW - Colleges 4 2 0 0 2 UW System Administration 1 0 0 0 0 Institution Note: Table includes only those employees who indicated they have worked at more than one UW System Institution in Question 41. Note: Due to multiple responses, calculating percentages is not possible and there were no “missing” responses. 146 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B20 Students Only: Where are you in your college career? (Question 43) Place in college career n % Non-degree seeking student 5 0.4 First year undergraduate student 262 20.5 Second year undergraduate student 235 18.4 Third year undergraduate student 276 21.6 Fourth year undergraduate student 245 19.2 Fifth year undergraduate student 119 9.3 Master’s degree candidate 87 6.8 Doctoral degree student 0 0.0 Professional degree student 2 0.2 Other 19 1.5 Missing 29 2.3 Note: Table includes only those respondents who answered that they were students in Question 1 (n = 1279). 23 respondents who answered “Other” in Question 1 were re-coded as students; they did not answer this question so are included in the “Missing” row. 147 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B21 Students Only: are you currently dependent (family/guardian is assisting with your living/educational expenses) or independent (you are the sole provider for your living/educational expenses)? (Question 44) Status n % Dependent 779 60.9 Independent 469 36.7 Missing 31 2.4 Note: Table includes only those respondents who answered that they were students in Question 1 (n = 1279). 23 respondents who answered “Other” in Question 1 were re-coded as students; they did not answer this question so are included in the “Missing” row. Table B22 Students Only: What is your best estimate of your family’s yearly income (if partnered, married, or a dependent student) or your yearly income (if single or an independent student)? (Question 45) Income n % Below $29,999 291 22.8 $30,000-$39, 999 93 7.3 $40,000-$49,999 75 5.9 $50,000-$59,999 98 7.7 $60,000 - $69,999 95 7.4 $70,000-$79,999 85 6.6 $80,000 - $89,999 72 5.6 $90,000 - $99,999 62 4.8 $100,000 - $149,999 135 10.6 $150,000 - $199,999 50 3.9 $200,000 - $249,999 19 1.5 $250,000 and above 17 1.3 Don’t know 151 11.8 Missing 35 2.7 Note: Table includes only those respondents who answered that they were students in Question 1 (n = 1279). 23 respondents who answered “Other” in Question 1 were re-coded as students; they did not answer this question so are included in the “Missing” row. 148 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B23 Students Only: Where do you live? (Question 46) Residence n % 509 39.8 Private residence hall 4 0.3 University housing apartment 10 0.8 Fraternity/sorority housing 6 0.5 Off-campus apartment/house 560 43.8 With partner/spouse/children 90 7.0 With parent(s)/family/relative(s) 57 4.5 Other 14 1.1 Missing 29 2.3 University housing residence hall Note: Table includes only those respondents who answered that they were students in Question 1 (n = 1279). 23 respondents who answered “Other” in Question 1 were re-coded as students; they did not answer this question so are included in the “Missing” row. Table B24 Students Only: Are you working 20 or more hours per week? (Question 47) Working more than 20 hrs a week n % Yes 422 33.0 No 827 64.7 Missing 30 2.3 Note: Table includes only those respondents who answered that they were students in Question 1 (n = 1279). 23 respondents who answered “Other” in Question 1 were re-coded as students; they did not answer this question so are included in the “Missing” row. 149 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B25 In what environment did you grow up? (Question 48) Environment n % Farm/ranch 221 11.8 Rural, non-farm 311 16.6 Small-town 591 31.5 Suburban 442 23.5 Urban 177 9.4 International 29 1.5 Combination 85 4.5 Other 9 0.5 Missing 12 0.6 150 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 PART II: Findings **The tables in this section all contain valid percentages except where noted** Table B26 Overall, how comfortable are you with the climate at UW-Stout? (Question 1) Comfort n % Very Comfortable 383 20.4 Comfortable 1010 53.9 Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable 298 15.9 Uncomfortable 146 7.8 Very Uncomfortable 38 2.0 Table B27 Overall, how comfortable are you with the climate in your department/work unit? (Question 2) Comfort n % Very Comfortable 521 27.9 Comfortable 844 45.2 Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable 238 12.7 Uncomfortable 112 6.0 Very Uncomfortable 49 2.6 Not applicable 104 5.6 151 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B28 Faculty/Students Only: Overall, how comfortable are you with the climate in your classes? (Question 5) Comfort n % Very Comfortable 365 24.6 Comfortable 836 56.3 Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable 202 13.6 Uncomfortable 58 3.9 Very Uncomfortable 10 0.7 Not applicable 13 0.9 Note: Table includes only those respondents who answered that they were faculty or students in Question 1 (n =1491). Table B29 Faculty/Staff Only: How satisfied are you with… (Question 5) Highly Satisfied n % Satisfied n % Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied n % Dissatisfied n % Highly dissatisfied n % Your job 146 24.9 295 50.3 59 10.1 71 12.1 16 2.7 The way your career has progressed 117 20.3 243 42.2 93 16.1 92 16.0 31 5.4 Note: Table includes only those respondents who indicated they were faculty/staff in Question 1 (n = 598). 152 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B30 Students Only: how satisfied are you with… (Question 6) Highly Satisfied n % Your education 223 17.9 Satisfied n % 823 65.9 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied n % 143 11.5 Dissatisfied n % Highly dissatisfied n % 56 3 4.5 0.2 Note: Table includes only those respondents who answered that they were students in Question 1 (n = 1279). 23 respondents who answered “Other” in Question 1 were re-coded as students; they did not answer this question so are included in the “Missing” row. Table B31 Have you ever seriously considered leaving UW-Stout? (Question 7) Considered leaving n % Yes 888 47.6 No 978 52.4 Table B32 Within the past two years, have you personally experienced any exclusionary (e.g., shunned, ignored) intimidating, offensive, and/or hostile conduct (harassing behavior) that has interfered with your ability to work or learn at UWStout? (Question 8) Experienced n % Yes 385 20.6 No 1483 79.4 153 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B33 What do you believe this conduct was based upon? (Question 9) Based on: n % My institutional status 101 26.2 My gender 87 22.6 My age 81 21.0 My educational level 54 14.0 My ethnicity 32 8.3 My physical characteristics 31 8.1 My religious/spiritual status 30 7.8 My political views 27 7.0 My race 26 6.8 My sexual orientation 21 5.5 My country of origin 20 5.2 My psychological disability 19 4.9 My socioeconomic status 19 4.9 My English language proficiency/accent 18 4.7 My gender expression 15 3.9 My gender identity 14 3.6 My parental status (e.g., having children) 12 3.1 My learning disability 9 2.3 My physical disability 8 2.1 My immigrant status 6 1.6 My military/veteran status 3 0.8 151 39.2 Other Note: Only answered by respondents who experienced harassment (n = 385). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 154 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B34 How did you experience this conduct? (Question 10) Form n % I was deliberately ignored or excluded 177 46.0 Intimidation/bullying 141 36.6 Stares 68 17.7 Target of derogatory remarks 60 15.6 I felt isolated or left out when working in groups 60 15.6 Derogatory written comments 46 11.9 I received a low performance evaluation 43 11.2 I feared for my physical safety 37 9.6 I felt isolated or left out because of my identity 35 9.1 Derogatory/unsolicited e-mail, text message, Facebook post, Twitter post 32 8.3 I feared getting a poor grade because of hostile classroom environment 28 7.3 Assumption that I was admitted/hired/ promoted due to my identity 19 4.9 I was singled out as the “resident authority” regarding their identity 16 4.2 Derogatory phone calls 15 3.9 Threats of physical violence 15 3.9 Graffiti/vandalism 11 2.9 Victim of a crime 10 2.6 Target of physical violence 8 2.1 I feared for my family’s safety 8 2.1 Target of racial/ethnic profiling 7 1.8 Other 84 21.8 Note: Only answered by respondents who experienced harassment (n = 385). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 155 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B35 Where did this conduct occur? (Question 11) Location n % While working at a campus job 131 34.0 In a class 102 26.5 In a meeting with a group of people 96 24.9 Campus office 75 19.5 University housing residence hall 54 14.0 In a meeting with one other person 52 13.5 While walking on campus 48 12.5 Faculty office 47 12.2 Public space on campus 42 10.9 Campus event 24 6.2 Other off-campus location 23 6.0 Athletic facilities 14 3.6 Off-campus housing 13 3.4 University dining facility 12 3.1 Private residence hall 7 1.8 Fraternity/sorority house 4 1.0 University housing apartment 2 0.5 Other 34 8.8 Note: Only answered by respondents who experienced harassment (n = 385). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 156 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B36 Who was the source of this conduct? (Question 12) Source n % Faculty member 111 28.8 Undergraduate student 98 25.5 Colleague 96 24.9 Staff member 62 16.1 Administrator 57 14.8 Academic administrator (dean, associate dean, assistant dean, etc.) 41 10.6 Supervisor 34 8.8 Department chair 29 7.5 Don’t know source 17 4.4 Community member 13 3.4 Campus media 12 3.1 Center director 12 3.1 Campus visitor(s) 11 2.9 Faculty advisor 11 2.9 Person that I supervise 11 2.9 Graduate student 8 2.1 Campus security 6 1.6 Teaching assistant 4 1.0 Research assistant 0 0.0 Other 43 11.2 Note: Only answered by respondents who experienced harassment (n = 385). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 157 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B37 Please describe your reactions to experiencing this conduct? (Question 13) Reactions Was angry n 212 % 55.1 Felt embarrassed 149 38.7 Avoided the harasser 141 36.6 Told a friend 137 35.6 Ignored it 103 26.8 Made an official complaint to a campus employee/official 79 20.5 Was afraid 70 18.2 Didn’t know who to go to 68 17.7 Didn’t report it for fear of retaliation 64 16.6 Confronted the harasser at the time 55 14.3 Did report it but my complaint was not taken seriously 46 11.9 Felt somehow responsible 44 11.4 Didn’t report it for fear my complaint would not be taken seriously 42 10.9 Left the situation immediately 36 9.4 Confronted the harasser later 29 7.5 Sought support from counseling/advocacy services 21 5.5 Didn’t affect me at the time 14 3.6 Other 41 10.6 Note: Only answered by respondents who experienced harassment (n = 385). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 158 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B38 I have been touched in a sexual manner that has made me feel uncomfortable or fearful at UW-Stout. (Question 15) Touched in a sexual manner that made me uncomfortable n % Never 1725 92.2 Rarely 113 6.0 Sometimes 28 1.5 Often 4 0.2 Very often 1 0.1 Table B39 There are times when I fear being the object of sexual harassment at UW-Stout. (Question 16) Fear being the object of sexual harassment n % Never 1589 85.0 Rarely 210 11.2 Sometimes 65 3.5 Often 3 0.2 Very often 3 0.2 159 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B40 Who is the source of this fear? (Question 17) Source n % Student 140 49.8 Stranger 102 36.3 Acquaintance 32 11.4 Friend 29 10.3 Co-worker 23 8.2 Faculty member 18 6.4 Staff member 18 6.4 Administrator 12 4.3 Department chair 5 1.8 Teaching Assistant 4 1.4 Partner/spouse 3 1.1 Supervisor 3 1.1 Academic advisor 2 0.7 Person that I supervise 2 0.7 Faculty advisor 1 0.4 Post-doctoral researcher/fellow 1 0.4 Research assistant 1 0.4 Other 13 4.6 Note: Only answered by respondents who fear sexual harassment (n = 281). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 160 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B41 Have you ever been a victim of sexual assault while at this campus? (Question 18) Sexually assaulted n % Yes 33 1.8 No 1837 97.9 7 0.4 Missing 161 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B42 Who was the offender(s)? Mark all that apply. (Question 19) Source Student n 14 % 42.4 Stranger 11 33.3 Friend 6 18.2 Acquaintance 5 15.2 Partner/Spouse 2 6.1 Academic Advisor 0 0.0 Administrator 0 0.0 Department Chair 0 0.0 Co-worker 0 0.0 Faculty advisor 0 0.0 Faculty member 0 0.0 Person that I supervise 0 0.0 Post-doctoral researcher/fellow 0 0.0 Research assistant 0 0.0 Staff member 0 0.0 Supervisor 0 0.0 Teaching Assistant 0 0.0 Other 2 6.1 Note: Only answered by respondents who experienced sexual assault (n = 33). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 162 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B43 Where did the incident(s) occur? (Question 20) Location n % Off-campus 18 54.5 On-campus 10 30.3 Other location 2 6.1 Note: Only answered by respondents who experienced sexual assault (n = 33). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. Table B44 Please describe your response to experiencing the incident(s). (Question 21) Response n % Told a friend 20 60.6 Did nothing 9 27.3 Told a family member 7 21.2 Sought support from a campus resource/counseling center(s) 5 15.2 Sought medical services 5 15.2 Contacted my local law enforcement official 5 15.2 Sought support from off-campus hotline/advocacy service 3 9.1 Sought support from a faculty member 3 9.1 Sought information on-line 3 9.1 Contacted Campus Police/Security 2 6.1 Sought support from a staff person 2 6.1 Sought support from a spiritual advisor 1 3.0 Contacted my Union 0 0.0 Reported the incident and it was ignored 0 0.0 Other 1 3.0 Note: Only answered by respondents who experienced sexual assault (n = 33). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 163 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B45 Faculty/Staff Only: As a faculty/staff member… (Question 23) Issues Strongly agree n % Agree n % Neither agree nor disagree n % Disagree n % Strongly disagree n % Not applicable n % I am reluctant to bring up issues that concern me for fear that it will affect my performance evaluation or tenure decision 78 13.2 120 20.3 97 16.4 140 23.7 131 22.2 24 4.1 I am comfortable asking questions about performance expectations with my supervisor 135 22.8 296 50.1 77 13.0 42 7.1 31 5.2 10 1.7 My colleagues/co-workers expect me to represent “the point of view” of my identity 26 4.4 92 15.6 227 38.6 91 15.5 78 13.3 74 12.6 My colleagues/co-workers have lower expectations of me than other faculty/staff 7 1.2 30 5.1 131 22.2 187 31.7 212 25.9 23 3.9 My colleagues/co-workers have higher expectations of me than other faculty/staff 46 7.8 136 23.2 175 29.8 135 23.0 73 12.4 22 3.7 I constantly feel under scrutiny by my colleagues 43 7.3 85 14.4 136 23.1 186 31.6 123 20.9 16 2.7 My research/professional interests are valued by my colleagues 46 7.8 212 36.1 128 21.8 72 12.3 37 6.3 92 15.7 I feel pressured to change my research agenda to make tenure/be promoted 21 3.6 45 7.7 99 16.9 75 12.8 62 10.6 285 48.6 I am reluctant to take leave that I am entitled to for fear that it may affect my career 18 3.1 78 13.3 110 18.8 131 22.4 109 18.6 139 23.8 I have to work harder than I believe my colleagues do in order to be perceived as legitimate 56 9.5 111 18.8 129 21.9 149 25.3 122 20.7 23 3.9 I have to work harder than I believe my colleagues do in order to achieve the same recognition/rewards 69 11.8 109 18.6 106 18.1 157 26.7 117 19.9 29 4.9 164 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Issues Strongly agree n % Agree n % Neither agree nor disagree n % Disagree n % Strongly disagree n % Not applicable n % There are many unwritten rules concerning how one is expected to interact with colleagues in my work unit 82 13.9 131 22.2 140 23.7 132 22.3 82 13.9 24 4.1 Others seem to find it easier that I do to “fit in.” 26 4.4 93 15.7 126 21.3 183 31.0 142 24.0 21 3.6 I feel pressured to change my methods of teaching to achieve tenure/be promoted 31 5.3 36 6.1 87 14.7 80 13.6 71 12.0 285 48.3 Note: Table includes only those respondents who indicated they were faculty or staff in Question 1 (n = 598). 165 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B46 Faculty/Staff Only: As a faculty/staff member… (Question 24) Issues Strongly agree n % Agree n % Neither agree nor disagree n % Disagree n % Strongly disagree n % Not applicable n % I am usually satisfied with the way in which I am able to balance my professional and personal life 74 12.4 299 50.3 62 10.4 96 16.1 56 9.4 8 1.3 I find that UW-Stout is supportive of my family leave 51 8.7 181 30.7 124 21.1 38 6.5 20 3.4 175 29.7 I have to miss out on important things in my personal life because of professional commitments 46 7.7 150 25.2 117 19.7 188 31.6 71 11.9 23 3.9 I feel that faculty/staff who have children are considered less committed to their careers 20 3.4 76 12.9 126 21.3 206 34.9 119 20.1 44 7.4 I feel that faculty/staff who do not have children are often burdened with work responsibilities 30 5.1 67 11.3 159 26.9 188 31.8 97 16.4 50 8.5 I find that UW-Stout is unfair in providing health benefits to unmarried, co-parenting families 14 2.4 25 4.2 182 30.8 109 18.5 121 20.5 139 23.6 I have equitable access to domestic partner benefits 33 5.6 69 11.7 107 18.2 8 1.4 11 1.9 361 61.3 I have equitable access to tuition reimbursement 20 3.4 71 12.0 135 22.9 55 9.3 81 13.7 228 38.6 Note: Table includes only those respondents who indicated they were faculty or staff in Question 1 (n = 598). 166 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B47 Faculty/Staff Only: Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about the resources available to you: (Question 25) Agree n % Neither agree nor disagree n % Issues Strongly agree n % Disagree n % Strongly disagree n % Don’t know n % Not applicable n % I have colleagues or peers who give me career advice or guidance when I need it 106 18.1 314 53.6 71 12.1 39 6.7 15 2.6 5 0.9 36 6.1 I have support from decision makers/colleagues who support my career advancement 94 16.1 255 43.7 89 15.3 63 10.8 31 5.3 12 2.1 39 6.7 I have the equipment and supplies I need to adequately perform my work 111 18.9 306 52.2 49 8.4 75 12.8 35 6.0 0 0.0 10 1.7 I receive regular maintenance/upgrades of my equipment compared to my colleagues 83 14.2 226 38.6 140 23.9 67 11.4 35 6.0 8 1.4 27 4.6 I have equitable work space in terms of quantity and quality as compared to my colleagues 114 19.5 298 50.9 68 11.6 55 9.4 29 5.0 2 0.3 19 3.2 I have equitable laboratory space in terms of quantity and quality as compared to my colleagues 28 4.8 135 23.0 68 11.6 30 5.1 21 3.6 3 0.5 301 51.4 I have equitable access to shared space as my colleagues 103 17.6 318 54.3 61 10.4 29 4.9 19 3.2 2 0.3 54 9.2 I have equitable access to shared equipment/technology for research support as my colleagues 72 12.3 204 34.9 75 12.8 26 4.5 17 2.9 5 0.9 185 31.7 I have equitable teaching support (e.g., materials, technology, TAs) 39 6.7 166 28.5 61 10.5 37 6.4 24 4.1 3 0.5 252 43.3 I feel that my compensation is equitable to my peers with a similar level of experience 26 4.5 159 27.4 80 13.8 122 21.0 143 24.6 26 4.5 25 4.3 I have equitable access to health benefits 179 30.9 294 50.7 48 8.3 15 2.6 9 1.6 4 0.7 31 5.3 I feel that my supervisor/manager is receptive to accommodating a telecommuting arrangement 36 6.2 115 19.7 94 Note: Table includes only those respondents who indicated they were faculty or staff in Question 1 (n = 598) 16.1 62 10.6 64 10.9 45 7.7 169 28.9 167 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B48 Within the past two years, have you observed any conduct directed toward a person or group of people on campus that you believe has created an exclusionary (e.g., shunned, ignored), intimidating, offensive and/or or hostile (harassing) working or learning environment? (Question 49) Observed n % Yes 552 29.6 No 1312 70.4 168 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B49 What do you believe were the bases for this conduct? (Question 50) Based on: n % Sexual orientation 259 46.9 Race 175 31.7 Ethnicity 156 28.3 Gender 147 26.6 Gender expression 115 20.8 Gender identity 103 18.7 Age 85 15.4 Country of origin 82 14.9 Educational level 72 13.0 Political views 69 12.5 Religion/spiritual status 69 12.5 Physical characteristics 64 11.6 English language proficiency/accent 58 10.5 Institutional status 54 9.8 Learning disability 48 8.7 Physical disability 47 8.5 Psychological disability (e.g. posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety) 46 8.3 Immigrant status 39 7.1 Socioeconomic status 38 6.9 Parental status (e.g., having children) 28 5.1 Military/veteran status 12 2.2 Other 86 15.6 Note: Only answered by respondents who observed harassment (n = 552). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 169 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B50 What forms of conduct have you observed or personally been made aware of? (Question 51) Form n % Derogatory remarks 183 33.2 Deliberately ignored or excluded 167 30.3 Racial/ethnic profiling 141 25.5 Stares 141 25.5 Intimidation/bullying 140 25.4 Derogatory written comments 136 24.6 Someone isolated or left out because of their identity 107 19.4 Graffiti 101 18.3 Threats of physical violence 92 16.7 Someone receiving a low performance evaluation 81 14.7 Derogatory/unsolicited e-mails, text message, Facebook post, Twitter post 75 13.6 Someone fearing for their physical safety 66 12.0 Someone isolated or left out when working in groups 65 11.8 Assumption that someone was admitted or hired because of their identity 59 10.7 Physical violence 56 10.1 Someone singled out as the “resident authority” regarding their identity 51 9.2 Derogatory phone calls 43 7.8 Someone receiving a poor grade because of hostile classroom environment 40 7.2 Victim of a crime 37 6.7 Someone isolated or left out because of their socioeconomic status 32 5.8 Someone fearing for their family’s safety 7 1.3 Other 39 7.1 Note: Only answered by respondents who observed harassment (n = 552). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 170 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B51 Referring to your answer, "Someone being racially/ethnically profiled" in question #51, where did this conduct occur? (Question 51a) Location n % While walking on campus 65 46.1 Public space on campus 48 34.0 In a class 43 30.5 University housing residence hall 42 29.8 Off- campus location 36 25.5 While working at a campus job 26 18.4 Off-campus housing 16 11.3 Campus event 15 10.6 In a meeting with a group of people 15 10.6 Athletic facilities 13 9.2 University dining facility 10 7.1 Private residence hall 9 6.4 Campus office 9 6.4 Fraternity/sorority house 7 5.0 Faculty office 7 5.0 In a meeting with one other person 7 5.0 University housing apartment 5 3.5 Other 5 3.5 Note: Only answered by respondents who observed or were aware of someone being racially/ethnically profiled (n = 141). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 171 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B52 Referring to your answer, "Graffiti (e.g., event advertisements removed or defaced)" in question #51, where did this conduct occur? (Question 51b) Location n % University housing residence hall 54 53.5 Public space on campus 29 28.7 While walking on campus 25 24.8 Off- campus location 20 19.8 University dining facility 11 10.9 In a class 10 9.9 While working at a campus job 8 7.9 University housing apartment 6 5.9 Campus event 6 5.9 Off-campus housing 6 5.9 Fraternity/sorority house 4 4.0 Faculty office 4 4.0 Athletic facilities 4 4.0 Private residence hall 3 3.0 In a meeting with one other person 3 3.0 Campus office 2 2.0 In a meeting with a group of people 2 2.0 Other 5 5.0 Note: Only answered by respondents who observed or were aware of graffiti (n = 101). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 172 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B53 Referring to your answer, "Someone receiving derogatory written comments because of his/her identity" in question #51, where did this conduct occur? (Question 51c) Location n % University housing residence hall 72 52.9 While walking on campus 27 19.9 Public space on campus 26 19.1 Off- campus location 24 17.6 While working at a campus job 22 16.2 In a class 17 12.5 Campus event 14 10.3 In a meeting with a group of people 14 10.3 Private residence hall 11 8.1 University dining facility 11 8.1 Fraternity/sorority house 10 7.4 University housing apartment 9 6.6 Off-campus housing 9 6.6 In a meeting with one other person 8 5.9 Athletic facilities 7 5.1 Campus office 6 4.4 Faculty office 6 4.4 Other 12 8.8 Note: Only answered by respondents who observed or were aware of someone receiving derogatory written comments (n = 136). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 173 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B54 Referring to your answer, "Someone receiving derogatory phone calls because of his/her identity" in question #51, where did this conduct occur? (Question 51d) Location n % University housing residence hall 16 37.2 Off- campus location 8 18.6 In a meeting with a group of people 7 16.3 While working at a campus job 6 14.0 In a class 5 11.6 While walking on campus 5 11.6 In a meeting with one other person 5 11.6 Off-campus housing 5 11.6 University housing apartment 4 9.3 Campus office 4 9.3 Campus event 4 9.3 Public space on campus 4 9.3 Private residence hall 3 7.0 University dining facility 3 7.0 Faculty office 3 7.0 Fraternity/sorority house 2 4.7 Athletic facilities 1 2.3 Other 3 7.0 Note: Only answered by respondents who observed or were aware of someone receiving derogatory phone calls (n = 43). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 174 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B55 Referring to your answer, "Someone receiving threats of physical violence" in question #51, where did this conduct occur? (Question 51e) Location n % University housing residence hall 35 38.0 While walking on campus 26 28.3 Off- campus location 24 26.1 Public space on campus 16 17.4 While working at a campus job 10 10.9 Campus event 7 7.6 Private residence hall 5 5.4 University housing apartment 5 5.4 Fraternity/sorority house 5 5.4 Off-campus housing 5 5.4 Athletic facilities 5 5.4 In a class 4 4.3 Campus office 4 4.3 In a meeting with one other person 4 4.3 In a meeting with a group of people 4 4.3 University dining facility 3 3.3 Faculty office 0 0.0 Other 7 7.6 Note: Only answered by respondents who observed or were aware of someone receiving threats of physical violence (n = 92). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 175 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B56 Referring to your answer, "Someone receiving derogatory/unsolicited e-mails, text messages, Facebook posts, Twitter posts because of his/her identity" in question #51, where did this conduct occur? (Question 51f) Location n % University housing residence hall 28 37.3 In a class 15 20.0 While working at a campus job 15 20.0 Public space on campus 13 17.3 Off- campus location 12 16.0 Campus office 10 13.3 While walking on campus 9 12.0 Faculty office 7 9.3 Campus event 5 6.7 Private residence hall 4 5.3 In a meeting with a group of people 4 5.3 Off-campus housing 4 5.3 University housing apartment 3 4.0 Fraternity/sorority house 3 4.0 University dining facility 3 4.0 In a meeting with one other person 3 4.0 Athletic facilities 1 1.3 Other 12 16.0 Note: Only answered by respondents who observed or were aware of someone receiving derogatory/unsolicited emails (n = 75). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 176 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B57 Referring to your answer, "Someone being the target of physical violence because of his/her identity" in question #51, where did this conduct occur? (Question 51g) Location n % Off- campus location 27 48.2 University housing residence hall 18 32.1 While walking on campus 10 17.9 Public space on campus 8 14.3 While working at a campus job 6 10.7 Off-campus housing 6 10.7 University housing apartment 5 8.9 Campus event 5 8.9 University dining facility 4 7.1 Athletic facilities 4 7.1 In a class 3 5.4 Private residence hall 3 5.4 Fraternity/sorority house 2 3.6 Campus office 1 1.8 Faculty office 1 1.8 In a meeting with one other person 1 1.8 In a meeting with a group of people 1 1.8 Other 1 1.8 Note: Only answered by respondents who observed or were aware of someone being a target of physical violence (n = 56). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 177 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B58 Referring to your answer, "Someone being stared at because of his/her identity" in question #51, where did this conduct occur? (Question 51h) Location n % While walking on campus 76 53.9 In a class 69 48.9 Public space on campus 47 33.3 University housing residence hall 41 29.1 Off- campus location 37 26.2 University dining facility 36 25.5 Campus event 32 22.7 While working at a campus job 22 15.6 Athletic facilities 19 13.5 In a meeting with a group of people 17 12.1 Campus office 15 10.6 Fraternity/sorority house 10 7.1 Faculty office 9 6.4 In a meeting with one other person 9 6.4 Private residence hall 8 5.7 University housing apartment 8 5.7 Off-campus housing 7 5.0 Other 5 3.5 Note: Only answered by respondents who observed or were aware of someone being stared at (n = 141). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 178 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B59 Referring to your answer, "Someone being deliberately ignored or excluded because of his/her identity" in question #51, where did this conduct occur? (Question 51i) Location n % In a class 66 39.5 While working at a campus job 45 26.9 In a meeting with a group of people 38 22.8 Off- campus location 36 21.6 University housing residence hall 34 20.4 While walking on campus 32 19.2 Public space on campus 26 15.6 Campus office 25 15.0 Campus event 22 13.2 University dining facility 15 9.0 In a meeting with one other person 14 8.4 Faculty office 13 7.8 Off-campus housing 10 6.0 Athletic facilities 10 6.0 Private residence hall 7 4.2 Fraternity/sorority house 7 4.2 University housing apartment 4 2.4 Other 3 1.8 Note: Only answered by respondents who observed or were aware of someone being deliberately ignored or excluded (n = 167). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 179 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B60 Referring to your answer, "Someone being the target of derogatory remarks because of his/her identity" in question #51, where did this conduct occur? (Question 51j) Location n % University housing residence hall 60 52.8 While walking on campus 52 28.4 In a class 46 25.1 Off- campus location 45 25.6 Public space on campus 40 21.9 While working at a campus job 33 18.0 Campus office 24 13.1 Campus event 24 13.1 In a meeting with a group of people 21 11.5 University dining facility 14 7.7 Faculty office 13 7.1 Off-campus housing 13 7.1 In a meeting with one other person 11 6.0 Athletic facilities 9 4.9 Private residence hall 5 2.7 University housing apartment 4 2.2 Fraternity/sorority house 4 2.2 Other 7 3.8 Note: Only answered by respondents who observed or were aware of someone being the target of derogatory remarks (n = 183). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 180 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B61 Referring to your answer, "Someone being intimidated/bullied because of his/her identity" in question #51, where did this conduct occur? (Question 51k) Location n % University housing residence hall 48 34.3 Off- campus location 39 27.9 While working at a campus job 35 25.0 While walking on campus 31 22.1 In a class 29 20.7 Public space on campus 28 20.0 Campus office 20 14.3 In a meeting with a group of people 19 13.6 Campus event 15 10.7 Faculty office 13 9.3 In a meeting with one other person 11 7.9 Off-campus housing 9 6.4 Athletic facilities 7 5.0 University dining facility 6 4.3 Fraternity/sorority house 5 3.6 Private residence hall 4 2.9 University housing apartment 1 0.7 Other 3 2.1 Note: Only answered by respondents who observed or were aware of someone being intimidated or bullied (n = 140). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 181 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B62 Referring to your answer, "Someone fearing for their physical safety because of his/her identity" in question #51, where did this conduct occur? (Question 51l) Location n % University housing residence hall 26 39.4 While walking on campus 23 34.8 Off- campus location 23 34.8 While working at a campus job 9 13.6 Off-campus housing 9 13.6 Public space on campus 8 12.1 Campus event 7 10.6 In a class 6 9.1 Private residence hall 4 6.1 University dining facility 4 6.1 Faculty office 4 6.1 University housing apartment 3 4.5 Campus office 3 4.5 In a meeting with a group of people 3 4.5 Athletic facilities 2 3.0 Fraternity/sorority house 1 1.5 In a meeting with one other person 1 1.5 Other 2 3.0 Note: Only answered by respondents who observed or were aware of someone fearing for their safety (n = 66). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 182 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B63 Referring to your answer, "Someone fearing for their family’s safety because of his/her identity" in question #51, where did this conduct occur? (Question 51m) Location n % While working at a campus job 2 28.6 While walking on campus 2 28.6 In a class 1 14.3 University housing residence hall 1 14.3 Campus office 1 14.3 In a meeting with one other person 1 14.3 Off- campus location 1 14.3 Private residence hall 0 0.0 University housing apartment 0 0.0 Fraternity/sorority house 0 0.0 University dining facility 0 0.0 Campus event 0 0.0 Faculty office 0 0.0 Public space on campus 0 0.0 In a meeting with a group of people 0 0.0 Off-campus housing 0 0.0 Athletic facilities 0 0.0 Other 0 0.0 Note: Only answered by respondents who observed or were aware of someone fearing for their family’s safety (n = 7). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 183 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B64 Referring to your answer, "The assumption that someone was admitted or hired because of his/her identity" in question #51, where did this conduct occur? (Question 51n) Location n % While working at a campus job 28 47.5 Campus office 12 20.3 In a meeting with a group of people 10 16.9 In a class 9 15.3 Faculty office 8 13.6 In a meeting with one other person 6 10.2 Off- campus location 5 8.5 University housing residence hall 4 6.8 Campus event 4 6.8 Public space on campus 4 6.8 While walking on campus 3 5.1 University dining facility 2 3.4 Private residence hall 1 1.7 University housing apartment 1 1.7 Athletic facilities 1 1.7 Fraternity/sorority house 0 0.0 Off-campus housing 0 0.0 Other 2 3.4 Note: Only answered by respondents who observed or were aware of the assumption that someone was admitted or hired because of their identity (n = 59). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 184 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B65 Referring to your answer, "Someone being the victim of a crime because of his/her identity" in question #51, where did this conduct occur? (Question 51o) Location n % Off- campus location 17 45.9 While walking on campus 9 24.3 University housing residence hall 9 24.3 While working at a campus job 5 13.5 Public space on campus 5 13.5 Off-campus housing 5 13.5 In a class 2 5.4 Private residence hall 2 5.4 Campus event 2 5.4 Campus office 1 2.7 Faculty office 1 2.7 In a meeting with one other person 1 2.7 In a meeting with a group of people 1 2.7 Athletic facilities 1 2.7 University housing apartment 0 0.0 Fraternity/sorority house 0 0.0 University dining facility 0 0.0 Other 1 2.7 Note: Only answered by respondents who observed or were aware of someone being the victim of a crime (n = 37). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 185 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B66 Referring to your answer, "Someone receiving a poor grade because of a hostile classroom environment" in question #51, where did this conduct occur? (Question 51p) Location n % In a class 29 72.5 While walking on campus 4 10.0 Faculty office 4 10.0 Off- campus location 4 10.0 While working at a campus job 3 7.5 Campus office 3 7.5 In a meeting with a group of people 3 7.5 University housing residence hall 2 5.0 In a meeting with one other person 2 5.0 Campus event 1 2.5 Private residence hall 0 0.0 University housing apartment 0 0.0 Fraternity/sorority house 0 0.0 University dining facility 0 0.0 Public space on campus 0 0.0 Off-campus housing 0 0.0 Athletic facilities 0 0.0 Other 0 0.0 Note: Only answered by respondents who observed or were aware of someone receiving a poor grade (n = 40). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 186 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B67 Referring to your answer, "Someone receiving a low performance evaluation" in question #51, where did this conduct occur? (Question 51q) Location n % While working at a campus job 36 44.4 In a class 21 25.9 Campus office 16 19.8 In a meeting with a group of people 14 17.3 Faculty office 12 14.8 In a meeting with one other person 11 13.6 Off- campus location 3 3.7 While walking on campus 2 2.5 Public space on campus 2 2.5 University housing residence hall 1 1.2 Fraternity/sorority house 1 1.2 Campus event 1 1.2 Private residence hall 0 0.0 University housing apartment 0 0.0 University dining facility 0 0.0 Off-campus housing 0 0.0 Athletic facilities 0 0.0 Other 4 4.9 Note: Only answered by respondents who observed or were aware of someone receiving a low performance evaluation (n = 81). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 187 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B68 Referring to your answer, "Someone singled out as the 'resident authority' due to his/her identity" in question #51, where did this conduct occur? (Question 51r) Location n % While working at a campus job 23 45.1 In a class 18 35.3 In a meeting with a group of people 16 31.4 University housing residence hall 13 25.5 While walking on campus 9 17.6 Campus office 7 13.7 Campus event 7 13.7 Public space on campus 7 13.7 Off- campus location 7 13.7 Faculty office 5 9.8 University dining facility 4 7.8 In a meeting with one other person 4 7.8 Athletic facilities 3 5.9 University housing apartment 2 3.9 Off-campus housing 2 3.9 Private residence hall 1 2.0 Fraternity/sorority house 1 2.0 Other 1 2.0 Note: Only answered by respondents who observed or were aware of someone singled out as the “resident authority” (n = 51). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 188 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B69 Referring to your answer, "Someone isolated or left out when work was required in groups because of his/her identity" in question #51, where did this conduct occur? (Question 51s) Location n % In a class 32 49.2 In a meeting with a group of people 28 43.1 While working at a campus job 21 32.3 Public space on campus 13 20.0 Campus event 11 16.9 Off- campus location 11 16.9 Campus office 10 15.4 While walking on campus 9 13.8 University housing residence hall 9 13.8 Faculty office 8 12.3 In a meeting with one other person 5 7.7 Off-campus housing 4 6.2 Private residence hall 3 4.6 Fraternity/sorority house 3 4.6 University dining facility 3 4.6 University housing apartment 2 3.1 Athletic facilities 2 3.1 Other 0 0.0 Note: Only answered by respondents who observed or were aware of someone isolated or left out when work was required in groups (n = 65). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 189 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B70 Referring to your answer, "Someone isolated or left out because of his/her identity" in question #51, where did this conduct occur? (Question 51t) Location n % In a class 37 34.6 In a meeting with a group of people 31 29.0 While working at a campus job 25 23.4 University housing residence hall 24 22.4 Public space on campus 18 16.8 Off- campus location 16 15.0 While walking on campus 14 13.1 Campus office 13 12.1 Campus event 12 11.2 University dining facility 7 6.5 In a meeting with one other person 7 6.5 Faculty office 5 4.7 Off-campus housing 5 4.7 Athletic facilities 3 2.8 Fraternity/sorority house 2 1.9 Private residence hall 1 0.9 University housing apartment 1 0.9 Other 2 1.9 Note: Only answered by respondents who observed or were aware of someone isolated or left out (n = 107). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 190 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B71 Referring to your answer, "Someone isolated or left out because of his/her socioeconomic status" in question #51, where did this conduct occur? (Question 51u) Location n % In a class 10 32.0 While walking on campus 9 28.1 Public space on campus 8 25.0 In a meeting with a group of people 8 25.0 Off- campus location 8 25.0 University housing residence hall 7 21.9 While working at a campus job 5 15.6 Campus office 5 15.6 Campus event 3 9.4 Off-campus housing 3 9.4 Fraternity/sorority house 2 6.3 University dining facility 2 6.3 Faculty office 2 6.3 In a meeting with one other person 2 6.3 Private residence hall 1 3.1 Athletic facilities 1 3.1 University housing apartment 0 0.0 Other 0 0.0 Note: Only answered by respondents who observed or were aware of someone isolated or left out because of their socioeconomic status (n = 32). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 191 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B72 Referring to your answer, "Other - Specified" in question #51, where did this conduct occur? (Question 51v) Location n % While working at a campus job 11 28.2 In a meeting with a group of people 10 25.6 Campus office 9 23.1 In a class 6 15.4 While walking on campus 5 12.8 Campus event 4 10.3 Public space on campus 4 10.3 In a meeting with one other person 4 10.3 University housing apartment 1 2.6 University dining facility 1 2.6 Faculty office 1 2.6 Athletic facilities 1 2.6 Off- campus location 1 2.6 University housing residence hall 0 0.0 Private residence hall 0 0.0 Fraternity/sorority house 0 0.0 Off-campus housing 0 0.0 Other 8 20.5 Note: Only answered by respondents who observed or were aware of “Other” (n = 39). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 192 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B73 Who was the source of this conduct? (Question 53) Target n % Undergraduate student 247 44.7 Don’t know source 97 17.6 Faculty member 90 16.3 Colleague 83 15.0 Staff member 63 11.4 Administrator 55 10.0 Academic administrator 36 6.5 Supervisor 31 5.6 Community member 24 4.3 Department chair 23 4.2 Campus visitor(s) 20 3.6 Campus media 14 2.5 Graduate student 14 2.5 Center director 12 2.2 Faculty advisor 12 2.2 Campus security 10 1.8 Person that I supervise 7 1.3 Teaching Assistant 4 0.7 Post-doctoral researcher/fellow 0 0.0 Research assistant 0 0.0 Other 37 6.7 Note: Only answered by respondents who observed harassment (n = 552). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 193 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B74 Please describe your reactions to experiencing this conduct? (Question 54) Reactions n % Was angry 204 37.0 Felt embarrassed 173 31.3 Told a friend 130 23.6 Avoided the person who engaged in the inappropriate conduct 101 18.3 Ignored it 94 17.0 Confronted the person who engaged in the inappropriate conduct at the time 79 14.3 Didn’t know who to go to 56 10.1 Made a complaint to a campus employee/official 53 9.6 Left the situation immediately 52 9.4 Didn’t affect me at the time 49 8.9 Was afraid 48 8.7 Didn’t report it for fear of retaliation 43 7.8 Didn’t report it for fear my complaint would not be taken seriously 41 7.4 Confronted the person who engaged in the inappropriate conduct later 40 10.7 Felt somehow responsible 29 5.3 Sought support from counseling/advocacy services 9 1.6 Other 57 10.3 Note: Only answered by respondents who experienced harassment (n = 552). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 194 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B75 Faculty/Staff only: I have observed unfair and unjust hiring practices at UW-Stout (e.g., hiring supervisor bias, search committee bias, limited recruiting pool, lack of effort in diversifying recruiting pool). (Question 56) Perceived unfair/unjust hiring n % Yes 156 26.8 No 426 73.2 Note: Table includes only those respondents who indicated they were faculty or staff in Question 1 (n = 598). 195 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B76 Employees only: I believe that the unfair and unjust hiring practice was based upon: (Question 57) Based on: n % Gender 36 23.1 Age 22 14.1 Ethnicity 22 14.1 Race 18 11.5 Country of origin 17 10.9 Institutional status 17 10.9 Educational level 15 9.6 Advanced experience level of the job candidate 14 9.0 Physical characteristics 10 6.4 English language proficiency/accent 9 5.8 Gender identity 9 5.8 Political views 9 5.8 Marital/partner status 8 5.1 Physical disability 6 3.8 Immigrant status 5 3.2 Sexual orientation 5 3.2 Gender expression 3 1.9 Socioeconomic status 3 1.9 Learning disability 2 1.3 Military/veteran status 1 0.6 Psychological disability 1 0.6 Parental status (e.g., having children) 0 0.0 Religious/spiritual views 0 0.0 Other 46 29.5 Note: Only answered by employees who observed discriminatory practices (n = 156). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 196 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B77 Faculty/Staff only: I have observed unfair or unjust employment-related disciplinary actions up to and including dismissal at UW-Stout. (Question 59) Perceived unfair/unjust disciplinary actions n % Yes 102 17.3 No 487 82.7 Note: Table includes only those respondents who indicated they were faculty or staff in Question 1 (n = 598). 197 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B78 Faculty/Staff Only: I believe that the unfair or unjust, employment-related disciplinary actions were based upon: (Question 60) Based on: n % Gender 20 19.6 Ethnicity 18 17.6 Educational level 12 11.8 Race 12 11.8 Age 11 10.8 Country of origin 11 10.8 Advanced experience level of the job candidate 9 8.9 Political views 9 8.8 Physical characteristics 7 6.9 English language proficiency/accent 6 5.9 Institutional status 5 4.9 Gender identity 4 3.9 Immigrant status 4 3.9 Sexual orientation 4 3.9 Psychological disability 3 2.9 Physical disability 3 2.9 Socioeconomic status 3 2.9 Gender expression 2 2.0 Parental status (e.g., having children) 2 2.0 Religious/spiritual views 2 2.0 Learning disability 1 1.0 Marital/partner status 0 0.0 Military/veteran status 0 0.0 Other 32 31.4 Note: Only answered by employees who observed discriminatory practices (n = 102). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 198 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B79 Faculty/Staff only: I have observed unfair or unjust behavior, procedures, or employment practices related to promotion at UW-Stout. (Question 62) Perceived unfair/unjust promotion n % Yes 146 25.0 No 439 75.0 Note: Table includes only those respondents who indicated they were faculty or staff in Question 1 (n = 598). 199 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B80 Faculty/Staff Only: I believe that the unfair or unjust behavior, procedures, or employment practices related to promotion/tenure/reappointment/reclassification were based upon: (Question 63) Based on: n % Gender 40 27.4 Educational level 23 15.8 Age 20 13.7 Race 18 12.3 Advanced experience level of the job candidate 15 10.3 Ethnicity 14 9.6 Institutional status 13 8.9 Political views 12 8.2 Country of origin 10 6.8 Physical characteristics 10 6.8 Sexual orientation 7 4.8 Gender identity 6 4.1 English language proficiency/accent 4 2.7 Immigrant status 4 2.7 Learning disability 4 2.7 Gender expression 3 2.1 Parental status (e.g., having children) 3 2.1 Psychological disability 3 2.1 Physical disability 3 2.1 Religious/spiritual views 3 2.1 Socioeconomic status 3 2.1 Marital/partner status 2 1.4 Military/veteran status 1 0.7 Other 47 32.2 Note: Only answered by employees who observed discriminatory practices (n = 146). Percentages do not sum to 100 due to multiple responses. 200 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B81 Using a scale of 1-5, please rate the overall climate on campus on the following dimensions: (Questions 65-66) 1 2 3 4 5 Standard Deviation n n % n % n % n % n % Mean n Friendly/Hostile 678 36.7 811 43.9 285 15.4 65 3.5 8 0.4 1.9 0.8 Concerned/Indifferent 288 15.7 659 35.8 638 34.7 196 10.7 58 3.2 2.5 1.0 Cooperative/Uncooperative 401 21.8 881 47.8 411 22.3 131 7.1 19 1.0 2.2 0.9 Improving/Regressing 350 19.0 753 40.9 534 29.0 156 8.5 48 2.6 2.3 1.0 Accessible for persons with disabilities/Inaccessible for persons with disabilities 522 28.5 756 41.3 401 21.9 131 7.2 20 1.1 2.1 0.9 Positive for people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender/Negative 321 17.6 688 37.7 613 33.6 175 9.6 29 1.6 2.4 0.9 Positive for people of my faith/Negative 394 21.5 639 34.9 663 36.2 105 5.7 32 1.7 2.3 0.9 Positive for non-native English speakers/Negative 256 14.0 600 32.8 717 39.2 218 11.9 40 2.2 2.6 0.9 Positive for people who are immigrants/Negative 280 15.4 610 33.4 737 40.4 171 9.4 26 1.4 2.5 0.9 Positive for International people /Negative 359 19.6 760 41.6 564 30.8 119 6.5 27 1.5 2.3 0.9 Dimension 201 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B81cont. Using a scale of 1-5, please rate the overall climate on campus on the following dimensions: (Questions 65-66) 1 3 2 4 5 n % n % n n % % n % Mean Standard Deviation Welcoming/Non-welcoming 588 32.0 842 45.8 294 16.0 101 5.5 14 0.8 2.0 0.9 Respectful/Disrespectful 469 25.6 836 45.6 368 20.1 134 7.3 28 1.5 2.1 0.9 Positive for people who are raising children/Negative for people who are raising children 409 22.3 710 38.8 574 31.3 115 6.3 23 1.3 2.3 0.9 Positive for people of low socioeconomic status/Negative 324 17.7 672 36.8 675 36.9 126 6.9 31 1.7 2.4 0.9 Non-racist/Racist 464 25.1 670 36.3 427 23.1 259 14.0 28 1.5 2.3 1.0 Non-sexist/Sexist 480 26.0 672 36.4 450 24.4 211 11.4 34 1.8 2.3 1.0 Non-homophobic/ Homophobic 365 19.9 602 32.8 520 28.3 282 15.4 67 3.6 2.5 1.1 Not age biased/Age biased 515 28.0 603 32.7 499 27.1 194 10.5 31 1.7 2.3 1.0 Not classist (socioeconomic status)/ Classist 471 25.6 618 33.6 574 31.2 147 8.0 28 1.5 2.3 1.0 Not classist (position)/Classist 485 26.5 569 31.0 546 29.8 171 9.3 62 3.4 2.3 1.1 Dimension 202 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B82 Faculty/Students Only: The classroom climate is welcoming for students based on their: (Question 67) Characteristic Strongly agree n % Agree n % Neither agree nor disagree n % Disagree n % Strongly disagree n % Don’t Know n % Age 506 34.7 628 43.1 208 14.3 62 4.3 13 0.9 40 2.7 Country of origin 392 26.9 630 43.3 290 19.9 63 4.3 14 1.0 67 4.6 Ethnicity 392 26.9 617 42.4 306 21.0 71 4.9 18 1.2 52 3.6 Mental health status 290 20.0 514 35.5 418 28.9 102 7.0 25 1.7 98 6.8 Gender 492 34.0 631 43.5 219 15.1 48 3.3 14 1.0 45 3.1 Gender identity 332 22.9 580 40.0 334 23.0 93 6.4 27 1.9 84 5.8 Gender expression 318 21.9 554 38.2 356 24.5 105 7.2 32 2.2 86 5.9 Immigrant status 337 23.3 546 37.7 382 26.4 68 4.7 10 0.7 104 7.2 Learning disability status 368 25.4 592 40.9 310 21.4 68 4.7 21 1.5 88 6.1 Marital/partner status 456 31.5 590 40.7 287 19.8 31 2.1 11 0.8 74 5.1 Parental status 439 30.3 597 41.3 281 19.4 46 3.2 14 1.0 70 4.8 Physical characteristics 376 26.0 591 40.8 317 21.9 86 5.9 18 1.2 60 4.1 Physical disability status 360 24.8 591 40.8 344 23.7 61 4.2 21 1.4 72 5.0 Political views 350 24.2 550 38.1 351 34.3 88 6.1 31 2.1 74 5.1 Race 384 26.6 592 41.0 295 20.4 97 6.7 22 1.5 55 3.8 Religious/spiritual views 370 25.6 576 39.9 340 23.5 67 4.6 23 1.6 68 4.7 Sexual orientation 321 22.3 574 39.8 322 22.3 110 7.6 40 2.8 74 5.1 Socioeconomic status 370 25.7 601 41.7 328 22.8 52 3.6 21 1.5 68 4.7 Military/veteran status 522 36.1 579 40.1 238 16.5 27 1.9 11 0.8 67 4.6 Note: Table includes only those respondents who indicated they were faculty or students in Question 1 (n =1491). 203 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B83 Faculty/Staff Only: The workplace climate is welcoming for faculty/staff based on their: (Question 68) Characteristic Strongly agree n % Agree n % Neither agree nor disagree n % Disagree n % Strongly disagree n % Don’t Know n % Age 100 17.6 284 49.9 109 19.2 53 9.3 10 1.8 13 2.3 Country of origin 93 16.3 265 46.5 139 24.4 31 5.4 6 1.1 36 6.3 Ethnicity 98 17.2 264 46.3 136 23.9 42 7.4 7 1.2 23 4.0 Mental health status 60 10.6 173 30.5 195 34.3 51 9.0 12 2.1 77 13.6 Gender 105 18.5 261 46.0 128 22.5 38 6.7 16 2.8 20 3.5 Gender identity 84 14.8 208 36.7 155 27.3 39 6.9 9 1.6 72 12.7 Gender expression 80 14.1 201 35.5 159 28.1 38 6.7 12 2.1 76 13.4 Immigrant status 82 14.4 225 39.5 148 26.0 33 5.8 6 1.1 75 13.2 Learning disability status 81 14.3 194 34.3 167 29.6 29 5.1 7 1.2 87 15.4 Marital/partner status 100 17.7 255 45.1 148 26.1 20 3.5 8 1.4 35 6.2 Parental status 100 17.7 262 46.3 142 25.1 24 4.2 11 1.9 27 4.8 Physical characteristics 91 16.1 244 43.1 157 27.7 31 5.5 9 1.6 34 6.0 Physical disability status 86 15.2 235 41.7 162 28.7 28 5.0 3 0.5 50 8.9 Political views 73 12.9 207 36.6 176 31.2 49 8.7 21 3.7 39 6.9 Race 97 17.2 252 44.6 134 23.7 47 8.3 11 1.9 24 4.2 Religious/spiritual views 81 14.3 228 40.3 167 29.5 41 7.2 9 1.6 40 7.1 Sexual orientation 86 15.2 224 39.5 146 25.7 45 7.9 8 1.4 58 10.2 Socioeconomic status 88 15.5 229 40.3 157 27.6 36 6.3 12 2.1 46 8.1 Military/veteran status 112 20.0 248 44.3 131 23.4 12 2.1 3 0.5 54 9.6 Note: Table includes only those respondents who indicated they were faculty or staff in Question 1 (n = 598). 204 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B84 How would you rate the accessibility on campus for people with physical, learning, psychological, or medical disabilities? (Question 69) Fully Accessible Accessible with assistance or intervention n % n % Bathroom in general 81 45.3 602 Doors and entrances 867 48.5 Elevators 1084 Footbridge Not Accessible Don’t Know n % n % 33.7 78 4.4 297 16.6 589 32.9 73 4.1 259 14.5 60.6 379 21.2 61 3.4 264 14.8 837 47.2 312 17.6 44 2.5 581 32.8 Parking 852 48.0 471 26.5 105 5.9 347 19.5 Walkways and pedestrian paths 919 51.9 474 26.8 77 4.3 301 17.0 Classroom labs and studios 686 38.7 508 28.7 75 4.2 502 28.3 Computer labs 730 41.2 393 22.2 51 2.9 596 33.7 D2L 1015 57.1 273 15.4 17 1.0 472 26.6 In-class instruction 935 52.9 366 20.7 23 1.3 442 25.0 Online and hybrid courses 932 52.6 299 46.9 19 1.1 521 29.4 1015 57.5 282 16.0 34 1.9 433 24.5 Physical Accessibility Course instruction/materials GVSU Website UW-Stout Website 205 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B85 Students Only: Before I enrolled, I expected the campus climate would be welcoming for people who are: (Question 71) Group Strongly agree n % Agree n % Neither agree nor disagree n % Disagree n % Strongly disagree n % From religious affiliations other than Christian 411 35.3 505 43.3 220 18.9 25 2.1 4 0.3 From Christian affiliations 478 41.2 478 41.2 188 16.2 13 1.1 2 0.2 Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender 340 29.3 478 41.2 288 24.8 45 3.9 8 0.7 Immigrants 342 29.5 511 44.1 271 23.4 31 2.7 5 0.4 International students, staff, or faculty 398 34.3 522 45.0 216 18.6 21 1.8 4 0.3 Learning disabled 384 33.1 516 44.5 244 21.0 13 1.1 3 0.3 Men 519 44.6 470 40.4 166 14.3 4 0.3 5 0.4 Affected by mental health disorder 350 30.4 517 44.8 260 22.5 22 1.9 4 0.3 Non-native English speakers 334 28.8 497 42.8 286 24.6 38 3.3 6 0.5 People with children 390 33.7 506 43.7 243 21.0 15 1.3 4 0.3 People who provide care for other than a child 392 33.8 488 42.1 264 22.8 9 0.8 6 0.5 Physically challenged 376 32.4 533 46.0 231 19.9 15 1.3 4 0.3 Racial/ethnic minority 397 34.3 496 42.8 234 20.2 26 2.2 6 0.5 Returning/non-traditional students 428 36.9 507 43.7 200 17.2 20 1.7 5 0.4 206 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B85 (cont’) Strongly agree n % Neither agree nor disagree n % Agree n % Disagree n % Strongly disagree n % Socioeconomically disadvantaged 392 33.9 520 45.0 228 19.7 11 1.0 5 0.4 Women 506 43.7 476 41.1 166 14.3 7 0.6 4 0.3 Veterans/active military 497 42.9 473 40.8 80 15.5 5 0.4 4 0.3 Other 153 30.2 192 37.9 152 30.0 2 0.4 7 1.4 Table B86 Students Only: My access to college is being compromised by: (Question 72) Group Strongly agree n % Agree n % Do not agree nor disagree n % Disagree n % Strongly disagree n % Lack of available financial aid 235 19.4 254 21.0 347 28.6 239 19.7 137 11.3 Concerns regarding financial debt upon graduation 296 24.5 340 28.2 281 23.3 178 14.8 111 9.2 Tuition increases that are not met by corresponding increases in financial aid 309 25.5 333 27.4 336 27.7 147 12.1 89 7.3 Other 76 30.4 33 13.2 114 45.6 9 3.6 18 7.2 207 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B87 How would you rate the climate on campus for persons from the following racial/ethnic backgrounds? (Question 73) Very Respectful Moderately respectful n % Somewhat respectful n % Group n % African 544 31.6 557 32.3 216 African American/Black 545 31.7 573 33.4 Alaskan Native 527 30.7 465 Asian American 589 34.3 Asian 570 Southeast Asian Not at all respectful Don’t know % n % n 12.5 41 2.4 364 21.1 212 12.3 54 3.1 334 19.4 27.1 134 7.8 10 0.6 580 33.8 579 33.8 195 11.4 20 1.2 332 19.4 33.2 583 33.9 212 12.3 27 1.6 326 19.0 541 31.7 560 32.8 198 11.6 24 1.4 384 22.5 Caribbean/West Indian 523 30.7 507 29.8 160 9.4 17 1.0 496 29.1 Caucasian/White 898 52.4 482 28.1 91 5.3 16 0.9 226 13.2 Indian subcontinent 525 30.7 532 31.1 173 10.1 23 1.3 457 26.7 Latino(a)/Hispanic 539 31.5 560 32.8 204 11.9 26 1.5 380 22.2 Middle Eastern 479 28.0 525 30.7 231 13.5 61 3.6 414 24.2 Multiracial, multiethnic, or multicultural persons 533 31.2 561 32.9 177 10.4 18 1.1 418 24.5 Native American Indian 525 30.8 543 31.8 172 10.1 25 1.5 440 25.8 Pacific Islanders/Hawaiian Natives 538 31.5 503 29.5 147 8.6 14 0.8 504 29.5 Other 133 20.6 148 22.9 54 8.4 5 0.8 305 47.3 208 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B88 How would you rate the overall climate on campus for people who are: (Question 74) Very Respectful Group n % Moderately respectful n % Somewhat respectful n % Not at all respectful n % Don’t know n % From religious affiliations other than Christian 527 31.4 566 33.8 219 13.1 40 2.4 325 19.4 From Christian affiliations 732 43.8 517 30.9 131 7.8 21 1.3 270 16.2 Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender 411 24.5 565 33.7 344 20.5 69 4.1 287 17.1 Immigrants 462 27.7 535 32.1 260 15.6 37 2.2 373 22.4 International students, staff, or faculty 553 33.1 575 34.4 241 14.4 29 1.7 272 16.3 Learning disabled 530 31.8 573 34.4 223 13.4 26 1.6 316 18.9 Men 806 48.2 512 30.6 117 7.0 16 1.0 221 13.2 Affected by mental health disorder 460 27.5 555 33.2 226 13.5 48 2.9 384 23.0 Non-native English speakers 452 27.1 524 31.4 296 17.7 81 4.9 315 18.9 People with children 618 37.0 595 35.7 155 9.3 13 0.8 288 17.3 People who provide care for other than a child 872 34.3 531 31.8 148 8.9 20 1.2 398 23.8 Physically disabled 544 32.6 575 34.4 229 13.7 22 1.3 300 18.0 Returning/non-traditional students 636 38.0 587 35.0 183 10.9 20 1.2 249 14.9 Socioeconomically disadvantaged 515 30.9 588 35.3 212 12.7 32 1.9 318 19.1 Women 673 40.3 605 36.2 178 10.7 18 1.1 197 11.8 Veterans/active military 765 45.8 506 30.3 119 7.1 9 0.5 270 16.2 Other 125 23.7 131 24.9 54 10.2 7 1.3 210 39.8 209 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B89 There is visible leadership to foster diversity/inclusion on campus from: (Question 75) Strongly agree n % Agree n % Neither agree nor disagree n % Disagree n % Strongly disagree n % Don’t Know n % Faculty 538 30.3 725 40.9 254 14.3 77 4.3 25 1.4 154 8.7 Senior administration 459 25.9 617 34.9 309 17.5 109 6.2 61 3.4 214 12.1 Students 383 21.6 664 37.5 392 22.1 128 7.2 29 1.6 175 9.9 Support staff 407 23.1 635 36.1 380 21.6 76 4.3 26 1.5 237 13.5 UW System 443 25.2 645 36.7 334 19.0 75 4.3 38 2.2 224 12.7 210 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B90 The courses I have taken or have taught at the UW-Parkside campus include materials, perspectives, and/or experiences of people based on their: (Question 76) Characteristic Strongly agree n % Neither agree or disagree n % Agree n % Disagree n % Strongly disagree n % Don’t Know n % Country of origin 320 24.8 496 38.5 246 19.1 60 4.7 26 2.0 140 10.9 Culture 348 27.0 536 41.6 213 16.5 41 3.2 22 1.7 129 10.0 Ethnicity 328 25.5 494 38.4 252 19.6 54 4.2 23 1.8 136 10.6 Mental health status 250 19.5 376 29.4 339 26.5 104 8.1 42 3.3 169 13.2 Gender 319 24.9 489 38.1 248 19.3 59 4.6 29 2.3 138 10.8 Gender identity 274 21.4 371 29.0 319 25.0 100 7.8 45 3.5 169 13.2 Gender expression 265 20.7 379 29.6 316 24.7 105 8.2 48 3.7 168 13.1 Immigrant status 241 18.9 411 32.2 318 24.9 94 7.4 43 3.4 171 13.4 Learning disability status 255 20.0 378 29.7 325 25.5 106 8.3 41 3.2 169 13.3 Physical characteristics 250 19.6 398 31.1 335 26.2 89 7.0 37 2.9 169 13.2 Physical disability status 257 20.1 397 31.1 320 25.1 93 7.3 41 3.2 169 13.2 Race 307 24.1 471 36.9 255 20.0 64 5.0 27 2.1 152 11.9 Religion/spiritual status 269 21.1 423 33.1 294 23.0 83 6.5 42 3.3 166 13.0 Sexual orientation 252 19.8 374 29.4 324 25.4 102 8.0 48 3.8 174 13.7 Socioeconomic status 274 21.5 438 34.3 301 23.6 69 5.4 37 2.9 157 12.3 Veterans/active military status 239 18.9 397 31.4 314 24.8 101 8.0 48 3.8 167 13.2 Note: Table includes only those respondents who indicated they were students or faculty in Question 28 (n = 1491). 211 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B91 The following factors influence my attendance at diversity initiatives (e.g., cultural training, presentations, and performances). (Question 77) Neither agree or disagree n % Factor Strongly agree n % Agree n % Disagree n % Strongly disagree n % Diversity initiatives are relevant to my work. 358 22.0 558 34.3 524 32.2 120 7.4 67 4.1 Diversity events are well advertised. 262 16.1 626 38.5 521 32.1 167 10.3 49 3.0 Diversity events fit into my schedule. 256 15.8 412 25.4 636 39.2 250 15.4 70 4.3 I am expected to attend these events. 212 13.1 328 20.2 577 35.6 365 22.5 139 8.6 I feel that I am welcome at these events. 350 21.5 585 36.0 554 34.1 93 5.7 43 2.6 I learn from these events. 315 19.5 550 34.0 641 39.6 64 4.0 49 3.0 My work/school load prevents me from attending. 312 19.3 561 34.6 536 33.1 156 9.6 55 3.4 Personal invitation from institutional leadership 234 14.5 520 32.2 580 35.9 197 12.2 86 5.3 Diversity initiatives are not relevant to my role on campus 163 10.1 300 18.6 577 35.7 339 21.0 236 14.6 Other 55 15.4 66 18.4 205 57.3 3 0.8 29 8.1 212 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B92 Employees Only: In your judgment, how strongly would you agree that each of the following positively affect the climate at UW-Stout? (Question 78) Strongly Agree n % Agree n % Neither Agree Nor Disagree n % Strongly Disagree Disagree n % n % Don’t Know n % Providing tenure clock options with more flexibility for promotion/tenure for faculty/staff with families 88 15.8 137 24.6 94 16.9 19 3.4 12 2.2 207 37.2 Providing recognition and rewards for including diversity in course objectives across the curriculum. 65 11.7 156 28.1 122 21.9 55 9.9 29 5.2 129 23.2 Requiring all writing emphasis classes to involve at least one assignment that focuses on issues, research and perspective that involve diverse populations. 68 12.3 153 27.7 109 19.7 62 11.2 31 5.6 129 23.4 Training mentors and leaders within departments to model positive climate behavior. 151 27.3 226 40.8 94 17.0 21 3.8 12 2.2 50 9.0 Offering diversity training/programs as community outreach for members of the public/community. 91 16.5 213 38.7 132 24.0 31 5.6 20 3.6 63 11.5 Rewarding research efforts that evaluate outcomes of diversity training. 67 12.3 141 25.8 157 28.8 49 9.0 33 6.0 99 18.1 Providing immersion experiences for faculty/staff/students to learn a second language. 105 19.1 183 33.3 136 24.7 34 6.2 22 4.0 70 12.7 Providing immersion experiences for faculty/staff/students in service learning projects with lower socioeconomic populations. 102 18.6 192 35.0 141 25.7 24 4.4 14 2.6 75 13.7 Providing immersion experiences for faculty/staff/students with underrepresented/underserved populations. 105 19.3 183 33.6 149 27.3 20 3.7 18 3.3 70 12.8 Providing on-campus child-care services. 150 27.2 214 38.8 89 16.2 12 2.2 18 3.3 68 12.3 Providing gender neutral/family friendly facilities. 110 20.0 179 32.6 146 26.6 14 2.6 17 3.1 83 15.1 Note: Table includes only those respondents who indicated they were employees in Question 28 (n = 598) 213 Rankin & Associates Consulting Wisconsin System Climate Assessment Project UW-Stout Final Report - July 2011 Table B92cont. Employees Only: In your judgment, how strongly would you agree that each of the following positively affect the climate at UW-Stout? (Question 78) Strongly Agree n % Agree n % Do not Agree or Disagree n % Disagree n % Strongly Disagree n % Don’t Know n % Provide, promote and improve access to quality counseling available to faculty/staff/students who experience sexual abuse on campus or in the community 169 30.9 217 39.7 82 15.0 7 1.3 9 1.6 63 11.5 Provide mentors for minority faculty/staff/students new to campus 165 30.3 225 41.4 79 14.5 10 1.8 11 2.0 54 9.9 Providing a clear protocol for responding to hate/hostile incidents process on campus 243 44.3 201 36.7 50 9.1 7 1.3 9 1.6 38 6.9 Providing a clear protocol for responding to hate/hostile incidents process at the departmental level. 236 43.2 197 36.1 60 11.0 7 1.3 8 1.5 38 7.0 Reallocating resources to support inclusive climate changes on campus 98 18.0 150 27.6 156 28.7 40 7.4 35 6.4 64 11.8 Including diversity related activities as one of the criteria for hiring and/or evaluation of staff/faculty and administrators. 75 13.8 102 18.8 166 30.6 66 12.2 75 13.8 58 10.7 Requiring diversity and equity training to every search and screen committee including faculty, staff, and administrators. 81 14.9 166 30.5 146 26.8 46 8.4 54 9.9 52 9.5 Note: Table includes only those respondents who indicated they were employees in Question 28 (n = 598) 214