Invertebrate Portfolio Essay Options Brief before Essay Day

Invertebrate Portfolio Essay Options Brief before Essay Day
1. Choose TWO and only two of the following essay options.
2. In a thorough and well-developed essay, COMPARE and CONTRAST
each function listed below for both animals in each of the two
3. Complete sentences, paragraphs and correct grammar and spelling are
Options: Pick two from this list (BUT not C & D or B & E)
A. Planarian vs. Roundworm
B. Grasshopper vs. Sea Star
C. Earthworm vs. Clam
D. Earthworm vs. Hydra
E. Sponge vs. Sea Star
Planning suggestions:
1. Discuss all f(x)s of animal A , then all of animal B.
2. Discuss one f(x) of animal A, then same of animal B, then next f(x)
of A, then same of B, etc.
3. Final tips :
 Introduction, main body, & conclusion. (Intro. & conclusion
NOT identical!)
 Complete sentences, paragraphs, correct grammar & spelling.
 Compare AND contrast.
 How are they alike? How different?
 Which is more complex or sophisticated?
 Refer to Graphic organizer guidelines.
Invertebrate Portfolio Essay Options
1. Choose TWO and only two of the following essay options.
2. In a thorough and well-developed essay, COMPARE and CONTRAST
each function listed below for both animals in each of the two
3. Complete sentences, paragraphs and correct grammar and spelling are
Options: Pick two from this list (BUT not 3 & 4 or 2 & 5)
1. Planarian vs. Roundworm
Feeding, movement, response, excretion
2. Grasshopper vs. Sea Star
Respiration, reproduction, internal transport, movement
3. Earthworm vs. Clam
Reproduction, internal transport, movement, feeding
4. Earthworm vs. Hydra
Respiration, movement, excretion, internal transport
5. Sponge vs. Sea Star
Reproduction, feeding, response, respiration
*See graphic organizer guidelines for hints as to what to discuss.