Hindawi Publishing Corporation Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2008, Article ID 893409, 250 pages doi:10.1155/2008/893409 Research Article A Theory of Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin Spaces on Metric Measure Spaces Modeled on Carnot-Carathéodory Spaces Yongsheng Han,1 Detlef Müller,2 and Dachun Yang3 1 Department of Mathematics, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849-5310, USA Mathematisches Seminar, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Ludewig-Meyn Strasse 4, 24098 Kiel, Germany 3 School of Mathematical Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Laboratory of Mathematics and Complex Systems, Ministry of Education, Beijing 100875, China 2 Correspondence should be addressed to Dachun Yang, dcyang@bnu.edu.cn Received 13 February 2008; Accepted 23 May 2008 Recommended by Stephen Clark We work on RD-spaces X, namely, spaces of homogeneous type in the sense of Coifman and Weiss with the additional property that a reverse doubling property holds in X. An important example is the Carnot-Carathéodory space with doubling measure. By constructing an approximation of the identity with bounded support of Coifman type, we develop a theory of Besov and TriebelLizorkin spaces on the underlying spaces. In particular, this includes a theory of Hardy spaces H p X and local Hardy spaces hp X on RD-spaces, which appears to be new in this setting. Among other things, we give frame characterization of these function spaces, study interpolation of such spaces by the real method, and determine their dual spaces when p ≥ 1. The relations among homogeneous Besov spaces and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces, inhomogeneous Besov spaces and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces, Hardy spaces, and BMO are also presented. Moreover, we prove boundedness results on these Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces for classes of singular integral operators, which include non-isotropic smoothing operators of order zero in the sense of Nagel and Stein that appear in estimates for solutions of the Kohn-Laplacian on certain classes of model domains in CN . Our theory applies in a wide range of settings. Copyright q 2008 Yongsheng Han et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 1. Introduction s s and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces Fp,q on Rn , respectively, domains in The scales of Besov spaces Bp,q n R for the full range of parameters, s ∈ R and 0 < p, q ≤ ∞, were introduced between 1959 and 1975. They cover many well-known classical concrete function spaces such as Hölder-Zygmund spaces, Sobolev spaces, fractional Sobolev spaces also often referred to as Bessel-potential spaces, local Hardy spaces, and bmo, which have their own history. 2 Abstract and Applied Analysis A comprehensive treatment of these function spaces and their history can be found in Triebel’s monographs 1, 2. For further developments, including analogous theories of function spaces on fractals, we refer to 3–6. Metric spaces play a prominent role in many fields of mathematics. In particular, they constitute natural generalizations of manifolds admitting all kinds of singularities and still providing rich geometric structure; see 7–9. Analysis on metric measure spaces has been studied quite intensively in recent years; see, for example, Semmes’s survey 10 for a more detailed discussion and references. Of particular interest is the study of functional inequalities, like Sobolev and Poincaré inequalities, on metric measure spaces; see, for example, 11–16. Also the theory of function spaces on metric measure spaces has seen a rapid development in recent years. Since Hajłasz in 17 introduced Sobolev spaces on any metric measure spaces, a series of papers has been devoted to the construction and investigation of Sobolev spaces of various types on metric measure spaces; see, for example, 12, 13, 18–27. It is well known that Calderón-Zygmund operators are in general not bounded on L1 Rn , and the Hardy space H 1 Rn is a good substitute for L1 Rn . Coifman and Weiss p 28 introduced atomic Hardy spaces Hat X for p ∈ 0, 1 when X is a general space of homogeneous type in the sense of Coifman and Weiss 29, that is, μ is known only to be doubling. Moreover, under the assumption that the measure of any ball in X is equivalent to its radius i.e., if X is essentially a so-called Ahlfors 1-regular metric measure space, Coifman 1 X, and if p ∈ 1/2, 1, and Weiss 28 further established a molecular characterization of Hat p Macı́as and Segovia 30 gave a maximal function characterization of Hat X. For p in this p range, a Lusin-area characterization for Hat X was given in 31, and Duong and Yan in 32 characterized these atomic Hardy spaces in terms of Lusin-area functions associated with certain Poisson semigroups. However, the results in 28, 30, 32 require that X is an Ahlfors 1-regular metric measure space, and the methods do not extend to arbitrary spaces of homogeneous type, even though Macı́as and Segovia 33 proved that any space of homogeneous type is topologically equivalent to an Ahlfors 1-regular metric measure space. On the other hand, via Littlewood-Paley theory, a theory of Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces on Ahlfors n-regular metric measure spaces was established in 34, which was further completed in 2, 31, 35–37, and it turns out that some ideas from 31, 34, 35 still work on general metric measure spaces considered in this paper. In this paper, we work on RD-spaces X, that is, spaces of homogeneous type in the sense of Coifman and Weiss with the additional property that a reverse doubling property holds in X, or equivalently, that there exists a constant a0 > 1 such that for all x ∈ X and 0 < r < diamX/a0 , the annulus Bx, a0 r \ Bx, r is nonempty, where and in what follows, diamX denotes the diameter of the metric space X, d. An important class of RD-spaces is provided by Carnot-Carathéodory spaces with a doubling measure, which have been the object of intensive studies for quite a while. A Carnot-Carathéodory or sub-Riemannian space is a connected smooth manifold endowed with a Hörmander system of vectors {X1 , X2 , . . . , Xk }, which span, together with their commutators of order ≤ m, the tangent space at each point, and the distance function d is in this case given by the Carnot-Carathéodory or control distance associated with the Hörmander system. Carnot-Carathéodory spaces arise in many places in mathematics, including control theory, the theory of hypoelliptic differential operators, and several areas of harmonic analysis and complex analysis; see 38–40 for a general discussion and detailed references. Also, this type of metric measure space plays an important role in connection with problems related to snowflaked transforms; see 13, page 99 or 2. Examples Yongsheng Han et al. 3 of noncompact Carnot-Carathéodory spaces naturally arise as boundaries of unbounded model polynomial domains in CN appearing in the work of Nagel and Stein; see 41– 43. Our theory of function spaces on RD-spaces will use Carnot-Carathéodory spaces as a basic model, in particular well-known estimates of heat kernels on such spaces. By constructing an approximation of the identity with bounded support of Coifman type on RD-spaces, we develop a theory of Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces on the underlying spaces. In particular, this includes a theory of Hardy spaces H p X and local Hardy spaces hp X on RD-spaces, which appears to be new in this setting. Among other things, we give frame characterization of these function spaces, study interpolation of such spaces by the real method and determine their dual spaces when p ≥ 1. The relations among homogeneous Besov spaces and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces, inhomogeneous Besov spaces and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces, Hardy spaces, and BMO are also presented. Moreover, we prove boundedness results on these Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces for classes of singular integral operators in 44, which include nonisotropic smoothing operators of order zero in the sense of Nagel and Stein that appear in estimates for solutions of the Kohn-Laplacian on certain classes of model domains in CN ; see 43, 45–47. We point out that a theory of Hardy spaces on RD-spaces was also established in 48 by using spaces of test functions, the theory of distributions, and the boundedness criterion of singular integrals on spaces of test functions, which are all developed in the current paper, and by assuming that there exists a suitable Calderón reproducing formula in L2 X. These Hardy spaces are proved to coincide with some of Triebel-Lizorkin spaces in this paper. Also, some spaces of Lipschitz type on RD-spaces were recently studied in 49. Via Calderón reproducing formulae developed in the current paper, the relations of Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces introduced in the current paper with those spaces of Lipschitz type in 49 and with various known Sobolev spaces as mentioned above were established in 49. As an application, a difference characterization of Besov and TriebelLizorkin on RD-spaces was also obtained in 49. Moreover, it is possible to establish smooth atomic and molecular characterizations and lifting property of these spaces by using fractional integrals and derivatives, and it is also possible to develop a corresponding product theory. However, to limit the length of this paper, we will leave these topics to forthcoming papers. Our setting of RD-spaces includes spaces with a “local” dimension strictly less than the global dimension, such as certain classes of nilpotent Lie groups. In such situations, the Lipschitz classes in the sense of Coifman and Weiss 28 that we consider in this paper do not compare with the usual Hölder classes which are particular Besov spaces, which is why some of our results, for example, about duality of Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces, assume a different form compared to the corresponding “classical” results on Rn , respectively, on Ahlfors n-regular spaces. 1.1. Underlying spaces We first recall the notion of a space of homogeneous type in the sense of Coifman and Weiss 28, 29 and then introduce the so-called RD-spaces, which are particular spaces of homogeneous type. Definition 1.1. Let X, d be a metric space with a regular Borel measure μ, which means that μ is a nonnegative countably subadditive set function defined on all subsets of X, open sets 4 Abstract and Applied Analysis are measurable, and every set is contained in a Borel set with the same measure, such that all balls defined by d have finite and positive measure. For any x ∈ X and r > 0, set Bx, r y ∈ X : dx, y < r . 1.1 i The triple X, d, μ is called a space of homogeneous type if there exists a constant C0 ≥ 1 such that for all x ∈ X and r > 0, μ Bx, 2r ≤ C0 μ Bx, r doubling property. 1.2 ii Let 0 < κ ≤ n. The triple X, d, μ is called a κ, n-space if there exist constants 0 < C1 ≤ 1 and C2 ≥ 1 such that for all x ∈ X, 0 < r < diamX/2, and 1 ≤ λ < diamX/2r, C1 λκ μ Bx, r ≤ μ Bx, λr ≤ C2 λn μ Bx, r , 1.3 where diamX supx,y∈X dx, y. A space of homogeneous type will be called an RD-space if it is a κ, n-space for some 0 < κ ≤ n, that is, if some “reverse” doubling condition holds. Clearly, any Ahlfors n-regular metric measure space X, d, μ, which means that there exists some n > 0 such that μBx, r ∼ r n for all x ∈ X and 0 < r < diamX/2, is an n, n-space. Remark 1.2. i Obviously, any k, n-space is a space of homogeneous type with C0 C2 2n . Conversely, any space of homogeneous type satisfies the second inequality of 1.3 with C2 C0 and n log2 C0 . Comparing with spaces of homogeneous type, the only additional restriction in k, n-spaces is the first inequality of 1.3. If X is a κ, n-space, the first inequality in 1.3 implies that there exist constants a0 > 1/κ 1 C1 aκ > 1 such that for all x ∈ X and 0 < r < diamX/a0 , 1/C1 ≥ 1 and C 0 1 μ Bx, r reverse doubling property, μ B x, a0 r ≥ C 1.4 if a0 2, this is the classical reverse doubling condition, and therefore, B x, a0 r \ Bx, r / ∅. 1.5 Conversely, assume that μ satisfies the second inequality of 1.3 i.e., μ is doubling and 1.5 holds for some a0 > 1 and for all x ∈ X and 0 < r < diamX/a0 . Then, X is a κ, n-space for some κ > 0. To see this, by ideas in 50, pages 11-12 see also 51, pages 269-270, it suffices to 1 > 1 such that for all x ∈ X and 0 < r < show that there exist constants a1 > a0 and C diamX/2a0 , 1 μ Bx, r , μ B x, a1 r ≥ C 1.6 Yongsheng Han et al. 5 which further implies that the first inequality in 1.3 also holds for some κ > 0, that is, X is a κ, n-space. To this end, fix any σ ∈ 0, 1. Then, if 0 < r < diamX/2a0 , we have 1 σr < diamX/a0 . Thus, by the assumption, B x, a0 1 σr \ B x, 1 σr / ∅. 1.7 Choose y ∈ Bx, a0 1 σr \ Bx, 1 σr. It is easy to see that By, σr ∩ Bx, r ∅, 1.8 By, σr ⊂ Bx, σ a0 1 σr, and B x, σ a0 1 σ r ⊂ B y, σ 2a0 1 σ r , 1.9 which together with the second inequality in 1.3 imply μ B x, σ a0 1 σ r ≥ μ Bx, r μ By, σr n σ ≥ μ Bx, r C2−1 μ B y, σ 2a0 1 σ r σ 2a0 1 σ n σ −1 ≥ μ Bx, r C2 μ B x, σ a0 1 σ r . σ 2a0 1 σ 1.10 This implies 1.6 with a1 ≡ σ a0 1 σ > a0 and 1 ≡ 1 − C C2−1 σ σ 2a0 1 σ n −1 > 1. 1.11 Thus, X is a κ, n-space. Therefore, X is an RD-space if and only if X is a space of homogeneous type with the additional property that there exists a constant a0 > 1 such that for all x ∈ X and 0 < r < diamX/a0 , Bx, a0 r \ Bx, r / ∅. ii From i, it is obvious that an RD-space has no isolated points. iii It is proved in 7–9 that some curvature-dimension condition on metric measure spaces implies the doubling property of the considered measure. Remark 1.3. We recall that two metrics d and d are said to be equivalent if d/d is uniformly bounded and uniformly bounded away from zero. In what follows, we always regard two κ, n-spaces or spaces of homogeneous type with equivalent metrics as the same space. 6 Abstract and Applied Analysis Remark 1.4. Let d be a quasimetric, which means that d is a nonnegative and symmetric function on X × X, dx, y 0 if and only if x y, and there exists a constant A0 ≥ 1 such that for all x, y, z ∈ X, dx, y ≤ A0 dx, z dz, y . 1.12 Macı́as and Segovia 33 proved that for any quasimetric d, there exists an equivalent quasimetric d such that all balls corresponding to d are open in the topology induced by and there exist constants A > 0 and θ ∈ 0, 1 such that for all x, y, z ∈ X, d, 0 z − dy, z ≤ A dx, yθ dx, z dy, z 1−θ , dx, 0 1.13 which means d has some regularity; see 33, Theorem 2. Notice that all results below are true if d is a quasimetric and has some regularity, and Remark 1.3 is also true for both such equivalent quasimetrics. From this and the above result of Macı́as and Segovia, it follows that all results in this paper are still true if d on X is only known to be a quasimetric especially, if X is a so-called d-space of Triebel; see 2, page 189, which is another advantage of the results in this paper compared to all known results so far. In what follows, for the simplicity of the presentation, we always assume that d is a metric, which means A0 1 and θ 1. Remark 1.5. If X is a closed subset of Rn and X is a κ, n-space with the additional normalization assumption that μBx, 1 ∼ 1 for all x ∈ X, Jonsson in 52, 53 introduced certain Besov spaces for some special indices on such sets with the aid of difference or local polynomial approximation equivalently by atoms and obtained some trace theorems for restrictions to X. Moreover, Bylund and Gudayol 54 gave out some conditions such that a compact pseudometric space becomes a κ, n-space with μ being a probability measure. Remark 1.6. Under rather general circumstances, regular Borel measures have two useful properties, which are often called inner regularity and outer regularity. More precisely, if μ is a regular Borel measure, then for each Borel set A of finite measure, μA is the supremum of the numbers μC, where C runs through all closed subsets of A; moreover, if the metric balls have finite measure, and A is a Borel set, then μA is the infimum of the numbers μU, where U runs through all open supersets of A; see 55, Theorem 2.2.2 or 13, page 3. These properties are used in establishing Lebesgue’s differentiation theorem; see 13, pages 4–7 for the details. We now recall the definition of Carnot-Carathéodory spaces. Let X be a connected smooth manifold and let {X1 , . . . , Xk } be k given smooth real vector fields on X satisfying Hörmander’s condition of order m, that is, these vector fields together with their commutators of order at most m span the tangent space to X at each point. To develop a theory of Besov and TriebelLizorkin spaces on X, we make use of the notion of control distances associated to the vector fields. One possibility of defining a control distance is as follows: for x, y ∈ X and δ > 0, let ACx, y, δ denote the collection of absolutely continuous mappings ϕ: 0, 1 → X with ϕ0 x and ϕ1 y such that for almost every t ∈ 0, 1, ϕ t kj1 aj Xj ϕt, with Yongsheng Han et al. 7 |aj | ≤ δ. Then, the control metric dx, y from x to y is the infimum of the set of δ > 0 such that ACx, y, δ / ∅. Hörmander’s condition makes sure that dx, y < ∞ for every x, y ∈ X. The following three specific examples of Carnot-Carathéodory spaces which are also κ, n-spaces naturally come from harmonic analysis and several complex variables. a Compact case. If X is a compact n-dimensional Carnot-Carathéodory space and is endowed with any fixed smooth measure μ with strictly positive density, by 56, Theorem 1 or 42, Theorem 2.2.4, we know that X is an n, nm-space; see also 44. b Noncompact case. Let Ω {z, w ∈ C2 : Imw > P z}, where P is a real, subharmonic, nonharmonic polynomial of degree m. Namely, Ω is an unbounded model domain of polynomial type in C2 . Then, X ∂Ω can be identified with C × R {z, t : z ∈ C, t ∈ R}. The basic 0, 1 Levi vector field is then Z ∂/∂z − i∂P/∂z∂/∂t, and we write Z X1 iX2 . The real vector fields {X1 , X2 } and their commutators of orders ≤ m span the tangent space at each point. If we endow C × R with the Lebesgue measure, then by 43, Proposition 3.1.1 we know that X C × R is a 4, m 2-space; see also 42, 44, 56. c Noncompact case Lie groups of polynomial growth see 56–60. Let G be a connected Lie group and fix a left invariant Haar measure μ on G. We assume that G has polynomial volume growth, that is, if U is a compact neighborhood of the identity element e of G, then there is a constant C > 0 such that μUn nC for all n ∈ N see 56. Then G is unimodular. Furthermore, there is a nonnegative integer n∞ such that μUn ∼ nn∞ as n → ∞; see 61 and also 57, 62. Let X1 , . . . , Xn be left invariant vector fields on G that satisfy Hörmander’s condition, that is, they together with their successive Lie brackets Xi1 , Xi2 , . . . , Xik . . . span the tangent space of G at every point of G. Let d be the associated control metric. Then this metric is left invariant and compatible with the topology on G; see 57, 58. Moreover, by the results in 56, 57, we know that there is n0 ∈ N, independent of x, such that μBx, r ∼ r n0 when 0 < r ≤ 1, and μBx, r ∼ r n∞ when r ≥ 1. From this, it is easy to verify that G is a min{n0 , n∞ }, max{n0 , n∞ }-space. 1.2. Outline of some basic methods Let X be a Carnot-Carathéodory space as in Case a with n ≥ 3 or as in Case b, and let {X1 , . . . , Xk } be a family of real vector fields on X, which are of finite-type m. Consider the sub-Laplacian L on X in self-adjoint form, given by L k Xj∗ Xj . 1.14 j1 Here Xj∗ ϕ, ψ ϕ, Xj ψ, where ϕ, ψ X ϕxψxdμx 1.15 and ϕ, ψ ∈ Cc∞ X, the space of C∞ functions on X with compact support. In general, Xj∗ −Xj aj , where aj ∈ C∞ X. The solution of the following initial value problem for the heat 8 Abstract and Applied Analysis equation, ∂u x, s Lx ux, s 0 ∂s 1.16 with ux, 0 fx, is given by us x, s Hs fx, where Hs is the operator given via the spectral theorem by Hs e−sL , and an appropriate self-adjoint extension of the nonnegative operator L initially defined on Cc∞ X. It was proved in 44 that for f ∈ L2 X, Hs fx X Hs, x, yfydμy, 1.17 where x ∈ X. Moreover, Hs, x, y has some nice regularity properties see 44, Proposition 2.3.1 and 63. By abstracting from the properties of heat kernels Hs, x, y, we will introduce notions of approximations of the identity and spaces of test functions and their dual spaces on arbitrary spaces of homogeneous type. These two spaces are, respectively, the substitutes of the space of Schwartz functions and the space of tempered distributions; see, for example, 31, 34. Following Coifman’s idea in 64, we then construct an approximation of the identity with bounded support on metric measure spaces. We will show that our spaces of test functions are invariant under a large class of singular integral operators. The integral kernels associated to these operators satisfy a certain “second difference regularity condition,” which also turns out to be necessary to this result; see 31, 35. This theorem is a main tool for establishing a Calderón reproducing formula. Let {Sk }k∈Z be such an approximation of the identity. Set next Dk Sk − Sk−1 for k ∈ Z. Based on Coifman’s ideas see 64 for the details, on Lp X with p ∈ 1, ∞, we can decompose the identity operator I in the strong sense as I ∞ Dk k−∞ ∞ Dk k−∞ Dk Dj |k−j|≤N ∞ Dj j−∞ 1.18 Dk Dj |k−j|>N TN RN . The error term RN will be small of order 2−δN in norm with δ > 0. Using the abovementioned theorem, we prove that if N is large enough, then RN is bounded on the space of test functions with the operator norm less than 1. Therefore, if N is large enough and DkN |j|≤N Dkj for k ∈ Z, we then obtain the following Calderón-type reproducing formulae: f ∞ −1 N TN Dk Dk f k−∞ ∞ −1 Dk DkN TN f, k−∞ 1.19 Yongsheng Han et al. 9 −1 is the inverse of TN and the series converge in Lp X, 1 < p < ∞, and in the where TN space of test functions and its dual space. We also obtain a corresponding discrete version. The Calderón reproducing formula is another main tool of this paper. As soon as 1.19 is established, we can introduce Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces on X via approximations of the identity and prove that these spaces are independent of the choice of approximations of the identity. The Calderón reproducing formula is also employed to establish the atomic decomposition of these spaces and to prove boundedness results for operators acting on these spaces. Remark 1.7. Let {Sk }k∈Z be an approximation of the identity as constructed in Theorem 2.6 below. An essential difference in the theory occurs when the measure, μX, of the underlying space X is finite versus the case when the measure of the underlying space is infinite. When μX < ∞, it is not true that Sk fLp X → 0 as k → −∞ for all p ∈ 1, ∞ and f ∈ Lp X; see the proof of Proposition 3.1i below. Thus, when μX < ∞, in the Calderón-type reproducing formulae 1.19, we should replace D0 by S0 and Dk for k ∈ {−1, −2, . . .} by 0. This means that when μX < ∞, we always have an inhomogeneous term corresponding to S0 , which needs some special care. 1.3. Notation Finally, we introduce some notation and make some conventions. Throughout the paper, A ∼ B means that the ratio A/B is bounded and bounded away from zero by constants that do not depend on the relevant variables in A and B; A B and B A mean that the ratio A/B is bounded by a constant independent of the relevant variables. For any p ∈ 1, ∞, we denote by p its conjugate index, namely, 1/p 1/p 1. We also denote by C a positive constant which is independent of the main parameters, but it may vary from line to line. Constants with subscripts, such as C0 , do not change in different occurrences. If E is a subset of a metric space X, d, we denote by χE the characteristic function of E and define diam E sup dx, y. 1.20 x,y∈E We also set N {1, 2, . . .} and Z N ∪ {0}. For any a, b ∈ R, we denote min{a, b}, max{a, b}, and max{a, 0} by a ∧ b, a ∨ b, and a , respectively. If X, d, μ is a space of homogeneous type, we also introduce the volume functions Vδ x μBx, δ and V x, y μBx, dx, y for all x, y ∈ X and δ > 0. By 1.2, it is easy to see that V x, y ∼ V y, x; see also 44. We will use this fact without further mentioning. Throughout the whole paper, for ∈ 0, 1 and |s| < , we set ps, ≡ max n n , . n ns 1.21 2. Approximations of the identity and spaces of test functions In this section, we will work on spaces of homogeneous type with the constant C0 as in Definition 1.1, X, μ, d, where μX can be finite or infinite. We first present some basic 10 Abstract and Applied Analysis estimates which will be used throughout the whole paper. We then introduce the notion of an approximation of the identity. Following Coifman’s idea in 64, we then construct an approximation of the identity with bounded support on X. We also introduce spaces of test functions and establish the boundedness of singular integrals on these spaces, which are key tools of the whole theory. 2.1. Approximations of the identity Throughout the whole paper, we denote by Mf the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function on X for any f ∈ L1loc X. It is well known that M is bounded on Lp X with p ∈ 1, ∞; see 29, 44. Some basic estimates used throughout the whole paper are stated in the following lemma, whose main part is included in 48, Lemma 2.1, and the remaining statements are obvious. Lemma 2.1. Let δ > 0, a > 0, r > 0, and θ ∈ 0, 1. Then the following hold. i dx,y≤δ dx, ya/V x, ydμy ≤ Cδa and dx,y≥δ 1/V x, yδa /dx, ya dμy ≤ C uniformly in x ∈ X and δ > 0. ii X 1/Vδ x V x, yδa /δ dx, ya dx, yη dμy ≤ Cδη uniformly in x ∈ X and δ > 0, if a > η ≥ 0. iii If x, x , x1 ∈ X satisfy dx, x ≤ θr dx, x1 , then 1/r dx , x1 ≤ C1/r dx, x1 , 1/Vr x1 V x1 , x ≤ C1/Vr x1 V x1 , x, and 1 1 ≤C Vr x V x , x1 Vr x V x, x1 uniformly in r > 0 and x, x , x1 ∈ X. iv For all f ∈ L1loc X and all x ∈ X, dx,y>δ 2.1 1/V x, yδa /dx, ya |fy|dμy ≤ CMfx uniformly in δ > 0, f ∈ L1loc X and x ∈ X. v For any > 0, dy,x≥δ 1/Vr x V y, x1/r dy, x dμy ≤ C1/r δ uniformly in x ∈ X and δ, r > 0. vi For any fixed α > 0, if dx, y ≤ αr, then Vr x ∼ Vαr x ∼ Vαr y ∼ Vr y uniformly in x, y ∈ X and r > 0. vii For all r > 0 and all x, y ∈ X, Vr x V x, y ∼ Vr x Vr y V x, y ∼ Vr y V x, y. Motivated by the properties of the heat kernel defined in 1.17 in the case of CarnotCarathéodory spaces, we introduce the following notion of an approximation of the identity on X. Definition 2.2. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, and 3 > 0. A sequence {Sk }k∈Z of bounded linear integral operators on L2 X is said to be an approximation of the identity of order 1 , 2 , 3 for short, 1 , 2 , 3 -ATI if there exists a constant C3 > 0 such that for all k ∈ Z and all x, x , y, and y ∈ X, Sk x, y, the integral kernel of Sk is a measurable function from X × X into C satisfying 2 i |Sk x, y| ≤ C3 1/V2−k x V2−k y V x, y2−k2 /2−k dx, y ; Yongsheng Han et al. 11 ii |Sk x, y−Sk x , y| ≤ C3 dx, x /2−k dx, y 1 1/V2−k xV2−k yV x, y× 2 2−k2 /2−k dx, y for dx, x ≤ 2−k dx, y/2; iii property ii also holds with x and y interchanged; iv |Sk x, y − Sk x, y − Sk x , y − Sk x , y | ≤ C3 dx, x /2−k dx, y 1 × 3 dy, y /2−k dx, y 1 1/V2−k x V2−k y V x, y2−k3 /2−k dx, y for dx, x ≤ 2−k dx, y/3 and dy, y ≤ 2−k dx, y/3; v X Sk x, ydμy 1; vi X Sk x, ydμx 1. In case the ATI has bounded support, in the sense that Sk x, y 0 when dx, y 2−k , then the conditions i, ii, iii, and iv of Definition 2.2 simplify as follows see Proposition 2.5. Definition 2.3. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1. A sequence {Sk }k∈Z of bounded linear integral operators on L2 X is said to be an approximation of the identity of order 1 with bounded support for short, 1 -ATI with bounded support if there exist constants C4 , C5 > 0 such that for all k ∈ Z and all x, x , y, and y ∈ X, Sk x, y, the integral kernel of Sk is a measurable function from X × X into C satisfying v and vi of Definition 2.2 as above, and i Sk x, y 0 if dx, y ≥ C5 2−k and |Sk x, y| ≤ C4 1/V2−k x V2−k y; ii |Sk x, y − Sk x , y| ≤ C4 2k1 dx, x 1 1/V2−k x V2−k y for dx, x ≤ max {C5 , 1}21−k ; iii property ii also holds with x and y interchanged; iv |Sk x, y − Sk x, y − Sk x , y − Sk x , y | ≤ C4 22k1 dx, x 1 dy, y 1 × 1/V2−k x V2−k y for dx, x ≤ max {C5 , 1}21−k and dy, y ≤ max {C5 , 1}21−k . We call 1 the regularity of 1 , 2 , 3 -ATI {Sk }k∈Z . Remark 2.4. i Assume that X is as in Case a with n ≥ 3 or as in Case b in the introduction, and let Hs, x, y be the heat kernel defined in 1.17. Define Sk x, y H2−2k , x, y for k ∈ Z and x, y ∈ X. Using 44, Proposition 2.3.1, we can verify that {Sk }k∈Z is an 1 , 2 , 3 -ATI for any 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, and 3 > 0. Moreover, in this case, Sk x, y Sk y, x. ii If X is any compact or noncompact Ahlfors n-regular metric measure space or any Lie group with polynomial growth, then one can construct an 1 -ATI with bounded support for any 1 ∈ 0, 1 by following Coifman’s idea in 64. iii We remark that when we consider the existence of ATIs, the condition iv of Definition 2.2 is not essential, in the sense that if there exist {Sk }k∈Z with k ∈ Z satisfying i, ii, iii, v, and vi of Definition 2.2, then {Sk ◦ Sk }k∈Z satisfy i through vi of Definition 2.2. Proposition 2.5. Suppose {Sk }k∈Z is a sequence of bounded linear integral operators on L2 X such that Sk x, y 0 whenever dx, y ≥ C5 2−k . Then {Sk }k∈Z is an ATI if and only if it is an ATI with bounded support. 12 Abstract and Applied Analysis Proof. Obviously, from the assumption that Sk x, y 0 whenever dx, y ≥ C5 2−k , it easily follows that Sk satisfies Definition 2.2i if and only if Sk x, y 1 , V2−k x V2−k y 2.2 which appears in Definition 2.3i. We now establish the equivalence between Definitions 2.2ii and 2.3ii, with the proof for the equivalence between iii of Definitions 2.2 and iii of Definition 2.3 being 0 implies that dx, y < C5 2−k or dx , y < similar. Notice that Sk x, y − Sk x , y / −k 0 together with dx, x ≤ 2 max {C5 , 1}2−k shows C5 2 . Thus, Sk x, y − Sk x , y / −k that dx, y < 3 max {C5 , 1}2 , and hence, 2−k dx, y ∼ 2−k and V2−k x V2−k y V x, y ∼ V2−k xV2−k y. From these estimates, it immediately follows that Definition 2.2ii implies Definition 2.3ii, and conversely Definition 2.3ii implies that Definition 2.2ii holds whenever dx, x ≤ 2 max {C5 , 1}2−k . We still need to prove that Definition 2.3ii also implies that Definition 2.2ii holds when 2 max {C5 , 1}2−k < dx, x ≤ 2−k dx, y/2. However, if 2 max {C5 , 1}2−k < dx, x ≤ 2−k dx, y/2, we have dx, y > 3 max {C5 , 1}2−k and dx , y ≥ dx, x − 2−k > C5 2−k . Thus, in this case, Sk x, y 0 Sk x , y, and therefore, Definition 2.2ii automatically holds. This proves the equivalence between Definitions 2.2ii and 2.3ii. We now establish the equivalence between Definitions 2.2iv and 2.3iv. Notice that Sk x, y − Sk x, y − Sk x , y − Sk x , y / 0 implies that dx, y < C5 2−k or dx , y < C5 2−k or dx, y < C5 2−k or dx , y < C5 2−k . This together with dx, x ≤ max {C5 , 1}21−k and dy, y ≤ max {C5 , 1}21−k further shows that we have dx, y < 5 max {C5 , 1}21−k , and hence, 2−k dx, y ∼ 2−k and V2−k x V2−k y V x, y ∼ V2−k x V2−k y. From these estimates, we see that Definition 2.2iv implies Definition 2.3iv, and conversely, Definition 2.3iv also implies that Definition 2.2iv holds when dx, x ≤ 2 max {C5 , 1}2−k and dy, y ≤ max {C5 , 1}21−k . We still need to prove that Definition 2.3iv also implies that Definition 2.2iv holds in the three cases listed below. Recall that we always assume that dx, x ≤ 2−k dx, y/3 and dy, y ≤ 2−k dx, y/3 in Definition 2.2iv. Case 1. dx, x ≤ 2 max {C5 , 1}2−k and dy, y > 2 max {C5 , 1}2−k . In this case, dx, y ≥ 3dy, y − 2−k ≥ C5 2−k , dx, y ≥ 2dy, y − 2−k > C5 2−k , dx , y > 2dy, y − 2−k > C5 2−k , and dx , y > dy, y − 2−k > C5 2−k . Thus Sk x, y Sk x, y Sk x , y Sk x , y 0 and therefore Definition 2.2iv automatically holds in this case. Case 2. dx, x > 2 max {C5 , 1}2−k and dy, y ≤ 2 max {C5 , 1}2−k . This case is similar to Case 1 by symmetry. Case 3. dx, x > 2 max {C5 , 1}2−k and dy, y > 2 max {C5 , 1}2−k . In this case, similar to Case 1, we have that dx, y ≥ 3dy, y − 2−k > C5 2−k , dx, y ≥ 2dy, y − 2−k > C5 2−k , dx , y ≥ 2dx, x − 2−k > C5 2−k , and dx , y ≥ dx, y − dx, x − dy, y ≥ dx, y − 21−k /3 > dy, y − 2−k > C5 2−k . We also have Sk x, y Sk x, y Sk x , y Sk x , y 0 and therefore iv automatically holds in this case. This establishes the equivalence between iv and iv , and hence completes the proof of Proposition 2.5. Yongsheng Han et al. 13 Following Coifman’s idea in 64, for any 1 ∈ 0, 1, we can construct 1 -ATIs with bounded support on X cf. also 65, Theorem 1.13. Theorem 2.6. Let X, d, μ be a space of homogeneous type as in Definition 1.1 and 1 ∈ 0, 1. Then there exists an approximation of the identity {Sk }k∈Z of order 1 with bounded support on X, with constant C5 4. Moreover, for all k ∈ Z and x, y ∈ X, Sk x, y Sk y, x. Proof. Obviously, we only need to prove the theorem for 1 1. Let h ∈ C1 R, ht 1 if t ∈ 0, 1, ht 0 if t ≥ 2, and 0 ≤ ht ≤ 1 for all t ∈ R. For any k ∈ Z, f ∈ L1loc X and u ∈ X, we then define Tk fu X h 2k du, w fwdμw. 2.3 Obviously, we have V2−k u ≤ Tk 1u ≤ V21−k u. Fix any x ∈ X. By Lemma 2.1vi, for all u ∈ Bx, 25−k , we further have Tk 1u ∼ V2−k x. 2.4 Thus, if z ∈ Bx, 24−k and h2k dz, u / 0, then u ∈ Bx, 25−k , and by 2.4, we further have Tk 1 1 dμu ∼ 1. h 2k dz, u z Tk 1 Tk 1u X 2.5 For all x, y ∈ X, we define Sk x, y 1 Tk 1x X h 2k dx, z 1 1 . h 2k dz, y dμz Tk 1y Tk 1/Tk 1 z 2.6 We now prove that {Sk }k∈Z is a 1-ATI with bounded support and C5 4. It is obvious that for all x, y ∈ X, Sk x, y Sk y, x, and that if dx, y ≥ 22−k , then Sk x, y 0. Also, it is easy to show that X Sk x, ydμy 1. Moreover, if dx, y < 22−k , by 2.4 and 2.5 together with Lemma 2.1vi, we obtain 0 ≤ Sk x, y 1 1 ∼ . V2−k x V2−k x V2−k y 2.7 Thus Sk x, y satisfies i of Definition 2.2 with C5 4. We now show that Sk x, y has the desired regularity in the first variable when 0 implies that dx, y < 24−k , dx, x ≤ 23−k . Notice that in this case, Sk x, y − Sk x , y / and hence, 1 1 ∼ . V2−k x V2−k y V2−k x 2.8 14 Abstract and Applied Analysis By 2.6, we have Sk x, y − Sk x , y k k 1 1 1 1 − h 2 dx, z h 2 dz, y dμz Tk 1x Tk 1 x T 1y Tk 1/Tk 1 z k X k k k 1 1 1 h 2 dx, z − h 2 d x , z h 2 dz, y dμz T 1y Tk 1 x Tk 1/Tk 1 z k X ≡ Z1 Z2 . 2.9 To estimate Z1 , by the choice of h, the mean value theorem, and 2.4 together with Lemma 2.1vi, we first have 1 2k d x, x 1 1 2k d x, x μ B x, 24−k ∼ − , T 1x T 1 x 2 V2−k x k k V2−k x 2.10 which together with 2.4, 2.5, and 2.8 further yields 2k d x, x 2k d x, x Z1 ∼ . V2−k x V2−k x V2−k y 2.11 To estimate Z2 , notice that h2k dx, z − h2k dx , z / 0 implies dx, z < 24−k . By this observation, 2.5, the mean value theorem together with Lemma 2.1vi, we obtain k k k 1 h 2 dx, z − h 2 d x , z h 2 dz, y dμz Tk 1/Tk 1 z X k 4−k 2 d x, x μ B x, 2 2k d x, x V2−k x, 2.12 which together with 2.4 and 2.8 yields 2k d x, x 2k d x, x Z2 ∼ . V2−k x V2−k x V2−k y 2.13 In combination with the estimate for Z1 , this shows that Sk x, y has the desired regularity with respect to the first variable when dx, x ≤ 23−k . Yongsheng Han et al. 15 We finally prove that Sk x, y satisfies the desired second difference condition, when dx, x ≤ 23−k and dy, y ≤ 23−k . Notice that in this case, Sk x, y − Sk x , y − Sk x, y − 5−k Sk x , y / 0 implies that dx, y < 2 . Thus, 2.8 also holds in this case. By 2.6, we have Sk x, y − Sk x , y − Sk x, y − Sk x , y 1 1 1 − h 2k dx, z h 2k dz, y dμz Tk 1x Tk 1 x Tk 1/Tk 1 z X 1 1 1 1 1 − − × Tk 1y Tk 1 y Tk 1x Tk 1 x Tk 1 y k 1 h 2k dx, z × h 2 dz, y − h 2k d z, y dμz Tk 1/Tk 1 z X k 1 h 2 dx, z − h 2k d x , z Tk 1 x X k 1 1 1 × − h 2 dz, y dμz Tk 1y Tk 1 y Tk 1/Tk 1 z k 1 1 h 2 dx, z − h 2k d x , z Tk 1 x Tk 1 y X k 1 × h 2 dz, y − h 2k d z, y dμz Tk 1/Tk 1 z ≡ Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6 . 2.14 The estimates 2.10, 2.5, and 2.8 together with Lemma 2.1vi show that 2k d x, x 2k d y, y 1 3−k Z3 μ B x, 2 ∼ 22k d x, x d y, y . V2−k x V2−k x V2−k x V2−k y 2.15 The estimate for Z4 is similar to the one for Z5 , while the estimate for Z5 can be deduced immediately from the estimates 2.12, 2.10, and 2.4 together with 2.8. Finally, to 0 and dx, x ≤ 23−k implies that z ∈ estimate Z6 , notice that h2k dx, z − h2k dx , z / 4−k Bx, 2 . This observation together with the mean value theorem, 2.5, and Lemma 2.1vi yields k k k k 1 h 2 dx, z − h 2 d x , z dμz h 2 dz, y − h 2 d z, y Tk 1/Tk 1 z X 22k d x, x d y, y V2−k x, 2.16 16 Abstract and Applied Analysis which together with 2.4 and 2.8 further gives Z6 22k d x, x d y, y 1 1 ∼ 22k d x, x d y, y . V2−k x V2−k x V2−k y 2.17 This proves that Sk x, y has the desired second difference property, and hence, completes the proof of Theorem 2.6. In the sequel, for any f ∈ Lp X with p ∈ 1, ∞ and x ∈ X, we set Sk fx X Sk x, yfydμy. 2.18 We also let ∞ L∞ b X f ∈ L X : f has bounded support . 2.19 Some basic properties of ATIs are presented in the next proposition. Proposition 2.7. Let {Sk }k∈Z be an 1 , 2 , 3 -ATI with 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0 and 3 > 0, and let Stk denote the adjoint operator to Sk , whose integral kernel is given by Stk x, y Sk y, x. Then the following hold. i For any k ∈ Z and any x, y ∈ X, X |Sk x, y|dμy ≤ C and X |Sk x, y|dμx ≤ C. ii For any k ∈ Z and any f ∈ L1loc X, |Sk fx| ≤ CMfx. iii For 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞, there exists a constant Cp > 0 such that for all f ∈ Lp X, Sk f p ≤ Cp fLp X . L X 2.20 iv For 1 ≤ p < ∞ and any f ∈ Lp X, Sk f − fLp X → 0 when k → ∞. v Properties (ii) through (iv) also hold for Sk replaced by Stk . Proof. Definition 2.2i together with Lemma 2.1i shows that for any k ∈ Z and any x ∈ X, X Sk x, ydμy dx,y≤2−k 1 Sk x, ydμy −k 2 1 2 dμy dx,y>2−k V x, y dx, y X Sk x, ydμy dx,y>2 −k2 1. A similar argument proves that |Sk x, y|dμx 1. 2.21 Yongsheng Han et al. 17 To prove ii, by Definition 2.2i together with Lemma 2.1iv, we have Sk fx 1 V2−k x dx,y≤2−k fydμy 2−k2 1 fydμy 2 dx,y>2−k V x, y dx, y 2.22 Mfx. From ii and the Lp X-boundedness of M, we obtain iii for p ∈ 1, ∞. For p 1, we obtain iii from i, by Fubini’s theorem. To prove iv, we first recall that Lebesgue’s differentiation theorem holds in X, that is, if f is locally integrable, then for almost all x ∈ X, x is a Lebesgue point which means 1 lim r → 0 μ Bx, r fy − fxdμy 0, 2.23 Bx,r since the measure μ is regular; see 13, page 4 and 66, page 11. For any given f ∈ Lp X with p ∈ 1, ∞, assume that x0 is a Lebesgue point of f, then Mfx0 |fx0 | < ∞. By the conditions v and i of Sk in Definition 2.2, we have Sk f x0 − f x0 Sk x0 , y fy − f x0 dμy X 1 2−k2 2 fy − f x0 dμy −k −k V −k x 2 d x0 , y 0 V2−k y V x0 , y dx0 ,y<2 2 ∞ C3 ··· ≤ C3 l0 2l−1 2−k ≤dx0 ,y<2l 2−k ∞ 1 1 fy − f x0 dμy. ≤ CC3 l 2 l V2l 2−k x0 dx0 ,y<2 2−k l0 2 2.24 For any δ > 0, we choose L0 ∈ N so that ∞ CC3 Mf x0 f x0 1 δ < . l 2 2 lL0 1 2 2.25 Since x0 is a Lebesgue point, by the definition, we know that there exists K ∈ N such that when k > K, L0 1 1 fy − f x0 dμy < δ . CC3 l 2 l 2 V2l 2−k x0 dx0 ,y<2 2−k l0 2 2.26 18 Abstract and Applied Analysis Thus limk → ∞ Sk fx0 fx0 , and therefore for almost everywhere x ∈ X, lim Sk fx fx. 2.27 k→∞ This fact together with |Sk fx| Mfx see ii of this proposition, the Lp Xboundedness of M with p ∈ 1, ∞ again and Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem, gives that limk → ∞ Sk f − fLp X 0 for all f ∈ Lp X. X. Assume that supp f ⊂ By0 , r0 for some When p 1, we first consider f ∈ L∞ b y0 ∈ X and r0 > 0. For some fixed L > 2r0 , by Hölder’s inequality and the conditions i and v of Sk in Definition 2.2 together with Lemma 2.1i, we have Sk f − f 1 L X dx,y0 <L Sk fx − fxdμx 1/2 Sk f − f 2 ≤ μ BL y0 L X fy C3 dx,y0 ≥L Sk fx − fxdμx 2−k2 1 2 dμx dμy dy,y0 <r0 dx,y≥L/2 V x, y dx, y 1/2 Sk f − f 2 CC3 2−k2 L−2 f 1 , ≤ μ BL y0 L X L X 2.28 X ⊂ L2 X and the above proved conclusion for p ∈ 1, ∞ implies which together with L∞ b X. This and the density of L∞ X in L1 X that limk → ∞ Sk f − fL1 X 0 for all f ∈ L∞ b b further yield that limk → ∞ Sk f − fL1 X 0 for all f ∈ L1 X, which verify iv. Property v can be deduced from i through iv together with the symmetry, which completes the proof of Proposition 2.7. We now introduce the space of test functions on X. Definition 2.8. Let x1 ∈ X, r > 0, 0 < β ≤ 1, and γ > 0. A function f on X is said to be a test function of type x1 , r, β, γ if there exists a constant C ≥ 0 such that i |fx| ≤ C1/Vr x1 V x1 , xr/r dx1 , xγ for all x ∈ X; ii |fx − fy| ≤ Cdx, y/r dx1 , xβ 1/Vr x1 V x1 , xr/r dx1 , xγ for all x, y ∈ X satisfying that dx, y ≤ r dx1 , x/2. Moreover, we denote by Gx1 , r, β, γ the set of all test functions of type x1 , r, β, γ, and if f ∈ Gx1 , r, β, γ, we define its norm by fGx1 ,r,β,γ inf {C : i and ii hold}. 2.29 The space Gx1 , r, β, γ is called the space of test functions. This definition of a test function of type x1 , r, β, γ gives a quantified meaning to the notation of a sufficiently “smooth” function which is essentially supported in the ball of radius r centered at x1 in the sense that it decays of sufficiently high order measured by γ at infinity, and is Hölder continuous of order β at the right scale r. Yongsheng Han et al. 19 Obviously, Sk x, · for any fixed k ∈ Z and x ∈ X in Definition 2.2 is a test function of type x, 2−k , 1 , 2 , and Sk ·, y for any fixed k ∈ Z and y ∈ X in Definition 2.2 is a test function of type y, 2−k , 1 , 2 . Moreover, for η ∈ 0, 1, let fĊη X sup x,y∈X x /y fx − fy dx, yη 2.30 and define the homogeneous Hölder space Ċη X f ∈ CX : fĊη X < ∞ ; 2.31 we also consider the inhomogeneous Hölder space Cη X f ∈ CX : fCη X < ∞ , η Cb X f ∈ Cη X : f has bounded support , 2.32 η where fCη X fL∞ X fĊη X . Then any f ∈ Cb X is also a test function of type x1 , r, η, γ for any x1 ∈ X, r > 0, and γ > 0. Now fix x1 ∈ X and let Gβ, γ Gx1 , 1, β, γ. It is easy to see that G x0 , r, β, γ Gβ, γ 2.33 with the equivalent norms for all x0 ∈ X and r > 0. Furthermore, it is easy to check that Gβ, γ is a Banach space with respect to the norm in Gβ, γ. It is well known that even when X Rn , Gβ1 , γ is not dense in Gβ2 , γ if β1 > β2 , which will bring us some inconvenience. To overcome this defect, in what follows, for given ∈ 0, 1, let G0 β, γ be the completion of the space G, in Gβ, γ when 0 < β, γ ≤ . Obviously, G0 , G, . Moreover, f ∈ G0 β, γ if and only if f ∈ Gβ, γ and there exist {fn }n∈N ⊂ G, such that f − fn Gβ,γ → 0 as n → ∞. If f ∈ G0 β, γ, we then define fG β,γ fGβ,γ . Then, obviously, G0 β, γ is a Banach space and we also have 0 fG β,γ limn → ∞ fn Gβ,γ for the above chosen {fn }n∈N . 0 We define the dual space G0 β, γ to be the set of all linear functionals L from G0 β, γ to C with the property that there exists C ≥ 0 such that for all f ∈ G0 β, γ, |Lf| ≤ CfG β,γ . 0 2.34 We denote by h, f the natural pairing of elements h ∈ G0 β, γ and f ∈ G0 β, γ. Clearly, for all h ∈ G0 β, γ , h, f is well defined for all f ∈ G0 x1 , r, β, γ with x1 ∈ X and r > 0. 20 Abstract and Applied Analysis In the sequel, we define G̊ x1 , r, β, γ f ∈ G x1 , r, β, γ : X fxdμx 0 , 2.35 which is called the space of test functions with mean zero. The space G̊0 β, γ is defined to be the completion of the space G̊, in G̊β, γ when 0 < β, γ < . Moreover, if f ∈ G̊0 β, γ, we then define fG̊ β,γ fGβ,γ . 0 By essentially following a procedure similar to that of 44, Lemma 3.5.1, we can establish some kind of decomposition for test functions with mean zero. Proposition 2.9. Let x1 ∈ X, r > 0, 0 < β ≤ 1, and γ > 0, and let f ∈ G̊x1 , r, β, γ. Then for any γ ∈ 0, γ and all x ∈ X, fx ∞ 2−lγ ϕl x, 2.36 l0 where ϕl is an adjusted bump function associated with the ball Bx1 , 2l r, which means that there exists a constant C > 0 independent of r and l such that i supp ϕl ⊂ Bx1 , 2l r; ii |ϕl x| ≤ C1/V2l r x1 for all x ∈ X; −η iii ϕl Ċη X ≤ C2l r 1/V2l r x1 for all 0 < η ≤ β; iv X ϕl xdμx 0. Moreover, the series in 2.36 converges to f pointwise, as well as in Lp X for p ∈ 1, ∞, and in β∧ γ β∧ γ G̊0 β , γ with 0 < β , γ < β ∧ γ and also in G̊0 β , γ with 0 < β , γ ≤ β ∧ γ. Proof. Fix a nonnegative function α ∈ C1 R such that αt 1 if t ≤ 1/2 and αt 0 if t ≥ 1. Let A0 x αdx, x1 /rfx, and for l ∈ N, d x, x1 d x, x1 − α fx. Al x α 2l r 2l−1 r Then fx ∞ l0 2.37 Al x, and for all γ ∈ 0, γ, Al x 2−lγ 1 . V2l r x1 2.38 l l x αdx, x1 /2l r and ηl x Define al X Al xdμx and vl j0 aj . Let η −1 ηl x X ηl zdμz . Finally, if we define l x Al x − al ηl x vl ηl x − ηl1 x A 2.39 Yongsheng Han et al. 21 l x, then it is easy to verify that ϕl satisfies i through iv of the proposition and ϕl x 2lγ A and 2.36 holds pointwise. β∧ γ Obviously, ϕl ∈ G̊β, γ and therefore ϕl ∈ G̊0 β , γ for 0 < β , γ ≤ β ∧ γ . Moreover, if l ∈ N is large enough, then there exists a constant Cr,x1 > 0, which is independent of x, such that for all x ∈ Bx1 , 2l r, 1 dx, x1 ≤ Cr,x1 2l and hence ϕl β∧γ ≤ Cr,x 2lγ . 1 G̊ β ,γ 2.40 0 From this, it follows that if γ < γ , L −l γ 2 ϕl f − l0 Cr,x1 β∧ γ G̊0 β ,γ ∞ 2−lγ −γ ∼ Cr,x1 2−Lγ −γ −→ 0, 2.41 lL1 β∧ γ as L → ∞. This shows that 2.36 holds in G̊0 β , γ with 0 < β , γ < β ∧ γ . By Fatou’s lemma and Minkowski’s inequality, we also obtain that for any p ∈ 1, ∞, L −l γ 2 ϕl f − l0 ≤ ∞ lL1 Lp X 2−lγ ϕl Lp X ∞ 2−lγ lL1 1 1−1/p V2l r x1 2.42 1 −L γ 1−1/p 2 Vr x1 −→ 0, as L → ∞. That is, 2.36 holds in Lp X with p ∈ 1, ∞. β∧γ Finally, for any ψ ∈ G̊0 β , γ with 0 < β , γ ≤ β ∧ γ, from Hölder’s inequality, Fatou lemma and Minkowski’s inequality, it follows that L ∞ −lγ −l γ 2 2 ϕl ϕl , ψ ≤ f, ψ − lL1 l0 ∞ −l γ 2 ψL∞ X L1 X ψL∞ X 2.43 lL1 2−Lγ ψL∞ X −→ 0, as L → ∞. Thus, 2.36 also holds in G̊0 β , γ with 0 < β , γ ≤ β ∧ γ, which completes the proof of Proposition 2.9. β∧γ 22 Abstract and Applied Analysis The following proposition is a slight variant of Proposition 2.9. Proposition 2.10. Let x1 ∈ X, r > 0, 0 < β ≤ 1, and γ > 0, and let f ∈ Gx1 , r, β, γ. Then for any γ ∈ 0, γ and all x ∈ X, fx ∞ 2−lγ ϕl x, 2.44 l0 where ϕl is an adjusted bump function associated with the ball Bx1 , 2l r, which means that there exists a constant C > 0 independent of r and l such that i supp ϕl ⊂ Bx1 , 2l r; ii |ϕl x| ≤ C1/V2l r x1 for all x ∈ X; −η iii ϕl Ċη X ≤ C2l r 1/V2l r x1 for all 0 < η ≤ β. Moreover, the series in 2.44 converges to f pointwise, as well as in Lp X for p ∈ 1, ∞, and in β∧ γ β∧γ G0 β , γ with 0 < β , γ < β ∧ γ and also in G0 β , γ with 0 < β , γ ≤ β ∧ γ. Proof. Let α ∈ C1 R be as in the proof of Proposition 2.9. Let A0 x αdx, x1 /rfx, and for l ∈ N, d x, x1 d x, x1 −α fx. Al x α 2l r 2l−1 r 2.45 Then for l ∈ Z , setting ϕl x 2lγ Al x, we can verify that the {ϕl }l∈Z have all the properties stated in the proposition, which completes the proof of Proposition 2.10. In what follows, for any β ∈ 0, 1, γ > 0, and r > 0, we let G̊b x1 , r, β, γ f ∈ G̊ x1 , r, β, γ : f has bounded support , Gb x1 , r, β, γ f ∈ G x1 , r, β, γ : f has bounded support . 2.46 Also, for η ∈ 0, 1, let η C̊b X f∈ η Cb X : X fxdμx 0 . 2.47 From Propositions 2.7, 2.9, and 2.10, it is easy to deduce the following useful result; we omit the details. Corollary 2.11. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1 be as in Definition 2.2, 0 < β ≤ 1 and γ > 0. Then, β i both C̊b X and G̊b x1 , r, β, γ for any fixed x1 ∈ X and r > 0 are dense in G̊x1 , r, β, γ; β ii both Cb X and Gb x1 , r, β, γ for any fixed x1 ∈ X and r > 0 are dense in both Gx1 , r, β, γ and Lp X with p ∈ 1, ∞. Yongsheng Han et al. 23 2.2. Boundedness of singular integrals on spaces of test functions with mean zero Let β ∈ 0, 1. In analogy with the topology of the space DRn , in what follows, we endow β β the spaces Cb X resp., C̊b X with the strict inductive limit topology see 30, page 273 or β β 67 arising from the decomposition Cb X n Cβ Bn resp., C̊b X n C̊β Bn , where {Bn }n is any increasing sequence of closed balls with the same center and X n Bn , and the space Cβ Bn resp., C̊β Bn means the set of all functions f ∈ Cβ X resp., f ∈ C̊β X with supp f ⊂ Bn , whose topology is given by the norm ·Cβ X . It is well known that the topology β β of Cb X resp., C̊b X is independent of the choice of closed balls {Bn }n ; see 30, page 273 or 67. Their dual spaces Cb X and C̊b X will be endowed with the weak∗ topology. We first have the following basic facts. β β Proposition 2.12. Let β ∈ 0, 1 and let T be a continuous linear operator from Cb X to Cb X . Assume that T has a distributional kernel K, which is locally integrable away from the diagonal of β X × X, in the sense that for all ϕ, ψ ∈ Cb X with disjoint supports, β β T ϕ, ψ X×X Kx, yϕyψxdμxdμy. 2.48 Assume also that there exists a constant CT > 0 such that for all x, x , y ∈ X with dx, x ≤ dx, y/2 and x / y, Kx, y − K x , y ≤ CT d x, x V x, ydx, y 2.49 . Then T can be extended to a continuous linear operator from Cβ X to C̊b X . β β Proof. For any f ∈ Cβ X and g ∈ C̊b X, suppose supp g ⊂ Bx0 , r for some x0 ∈ X and r > β ∈ Bx0 , 4r. 0. Choose ψ ∈ Cb X such that ψx 1 when x ∈ Bx0 , 2r and ψx 0 when x / β It is easy to see that ψf ∈ Cb X, which shows that T ψf, g is well defined. On the other hand, we define T 1 − ψf , g X×X Kx, y − K x0 , y 1 − ψy fygxdμxdμy. 2.50 By 2.49 and Lemma 2.1i, it is easy to see that the right-hand side of the above equality is finite; furthermore, if f has also bounded support, this equals with X×X Kx, y 1 − ψy fygxdμxdμy, 2.51 which coincides with 2.48. Moreover, it is easy to verify that T ψf, g T 1 − ψf , g 2.52 24 Abstract and Applied Analysis is independent of choice of ψ. Thus we can define T f by letting T f, g T ψf, g T 1 − ψf , g . 2.53 In this sense, we have T f ∈ C̊b X , which completes the proof of Proposition 2.12. β We also need the weak boundedness property and the strong weak boundedness property of operators; see 68 for the definition of the weak boundedness property on Rn and 34 for the definition of the strong weak boundedness property on Ahlfors 1-regular metric measure spaces. β In what follows, for β ∈ 0, 1, we denote by Cb X × X the set of all functions f on X × X with bounded support, which satisfy that for any x ∈ X, both fx, · and f·, x are in Ċβ X. β Definition 2.13. Let β ∈ 0, 1 and let T be a continuous linear mapping from Cb X to Cb X . The operator T is said to have the weak boundedness property of order β for short, β β T ∈ WBPβ if there exists a constant C > 0 such that for all φ, ψ ∈ Cb X with supp φ, supp ψ ⊂ Bz, r for some z ∈ X and r > 0, φĊβ X ≤ r −β and ψĊβ X ≤ r −β , T φ, ψ ≤ Cμ Bz, r . 2.54 The minimal constant C as above is denoted by T WBPβ . Remark 2.14. i Let β ∈ 0, 1 and γ > 0. Let us also endow the space Gb β, γ resp., G̊b β, γ β β with the strict inductive limit topology in a similar way as the space Cb X resp., C̊b X ∗ and its dual space Gb β, γ resp., G̊b β, γ with the weak topology. Then, as topological β β β β spaces, Cb X Gb β, γ and Cb X Gb β, γ resp., C̊b X G̊b β, γ and C̊b X G̊b β, γ . ii We remark that if X is a κ, n-space as in Definition 1.1, then there exists a constant β C > 0 such that for all φ ∈ Ċb X and all x ∈ X, φx ≤ C diam supp φ β φ Ċβ X . 2.55 To see this, assume that supp φ ⊂ Bx0 , r for some x0 ∈ X and r > 0. By Remark 1.2, we can find a y0 ∈ X such that r ≤ dy0 , x0 ≤ 2r. Then φy0 0 and for all x ∈ supp φ, φx φx − φ y0 ≤ d x, y0 β φ Ċβ X ≤ 3rβ φĊβ X , 2.56 which is just 2.55. By this observation, we see that the functions φ and ψ in Definition 2.13 also satisfy φL∞ X 1 and ψL∞ X 1. iii From Hölder’s inequality, it is easy to deduce that if T is bounded on Lp X with p ∈ 1, ∞, then T ∈ WBPβ for any β ∈ 0, 1 and T WBPβ ≤ T Lp X → Lp X , 2.57 Yongsheng Han et al. 25 where and in what follows, T Lp X → Lp X denotes the operator norm of T from Lp X to Lp X. iv Following 34, we can also introduce a slightly stronger property than WBP, called strong weak boundedness property in 34 as follows: let T be as in Definition 2.13. The operator T is said to have the strong weak boundedness property of order β for short, β T ∈ SWBPβ if T has a distributional kernel K ∈ Cb X × X such that 2.48 holds and β there exists a constant C > 0 such that for all f ∈ Cb X × X with supp f ⊂ Bx0 , r × Bx0 , r for some x0 ∈ X and r > 0, f·, yĊβ X ≤ r −β for all y ∈ X and fx, ·Ċβ X ≤ r −β for all x ∈ X, K, f ≤ Cμ B x0 , r . 2.58 The minimal constant C as above is denoted by T SWBPβ . By the observation in ii of this remark, the function f also satisfies that fL∞ X×X 1. β v Let i 1, 2, βi ∈ 0, 1 and let T be a continuous linear mapping from Cb i X to Cb i X with a distributional kernel K as in 2.48 of Proposition 2.12. If K satisfies the size condition that for all x, y ∈ X with x / y, β Kx, y ≤ CT 1 , V x, y 2.59 then T ∈ WBPβ1 if and only if T ∈ WBPβ2 . This fact can be proved by an argument similar to that used in the proof of Proposition 1 in 64 and we omit the details. In what follows, standard notions from distribution theory carry over to continuous β linear functionals on Cb X. For instance, if U ⊂ X is an open subset, the restriction of ω ∈ Cb X to U is defined by ω|U , ϕ ω, ϕ for all ϕ ∈ Cb X supported in U. Using some ideas from Meyer in 69, we can obtain the following useful estimates which play a key role in establishing the boundedness of singular integrals on spaces of test functions with mean zero. β β Lemma 2.15. Fix a bump function θ ∈ Cb1 R with 0 ≤ θx ≤ 1 for all x ∈ supp θ ⊂ {x ∈ R : |x| ≤ 2} and θx 1 on {x ∈ X : |x| ≤ 1}. For any fixed z ∈ X and r > 0, let θz,r y θdz, y/r for β all y ∈ X and put ωz,r 1 − θz,r . Let T be as in Proposition 2.12. If T 1 ∈ C̊b X is 0, then the following hold. i The restriction of the linear functional T θz,r ∈ Cb X to the ball Bz, r/2 is a measurable function, and for a.e. x ∈ Bz, r/2, β T θz,r x Cz,r − X Kx, y − Kz, y ωz,r ydμy, where Cz,r is a constant independent of x. 2.60 26 Abstract and Applied Analysis ii If further assuming that T ∈ WBPβ, then there exists a constant C > 0 such that for a.e. x ∈ Bz, r/2, T θz,r x ≤ C CT T WBPβ . 2.61 Proof. Assume that T 1 0 in C̊b X . For any f ∈ C̊b X with supp f ⊂ Bz, r/2, since fxdμx 0, we have X β 0 T 1, f β T θz,r K·, y − Kz, y ωz,r ydμy, f . X 2.62 Let α ∈ C1 R be as in the proof of Proposition 2.9, and ηz,r y αdy, z/r/2. Set ηz,r y ηz,r y X ηz,r wdμw −1 . 2.63 β Then ηz,r ∈ Cb1 X, supp ηz,r ⊂ Bz, r/2 and X ηz,r ydμy 1. For any f ∈ Cb X with β supp f ⊂ Bz, r/2, we set fy fy − ηz,r y X fydμy; then f ∈ C̊b X with supp f ⊂ Bz, r/2. Applying 2.62 to f and using Corollary 2.11ii in the case p 1 show that the restriction of the linear functional T θz,r ∈ Cb X to the ball Bz, r/2 is a measurable function, and for a.e. x ∈ Bz, r/2, β T θz,r x Kx, y − Kz, y ωz,r ydμy, f X X T θz,r X K·, y − Kz, y ωz,r ydμy, ηz,r fxdμx, 2.64 which implies i with Cz,r T θz,r K·, y − Kz, y ωz,r ydμy, ηz,r , X 2.65 by noticing that Cz,r is a constant independent of x and the choice of ηz,r , but, it may depend on z and r. Yongsheng Han et al. 27 To verify ii, by 2.62 together with the definition of T 1, 2.49 of Proposition 2.12 and Lemma 2.1i, we have T θz,r , f − T ωz,r , f Kx, y − Kz, y ωz,r yfxdμydμx X×X dx, z fxdμx ≤ CT dμy X 2dz,x<dz,y V z, ydz, y 2.66 CT fL1 X , which together with Corollary 2.11ii in the cases r 1 and p 1 again shows that for a.e. x ∈ Bz, r/2, T θz,r x Ωz,r x Cz,r , 2.67 where Ωz,r L∞ X CT and Cz,r is a constant independent of x. We now estimate Cz,r by β using that T ∈ WBPβ. To this end, let g ∈ Cb X with supp g ⊂ Bz, r, gL∞ X ≤ 1, gĊβ X ≤ r −β , and X gxdμx ∼ μBz, r. From 2.67 and T ∈ WBPβ, it follows that Cz,r gxdμx T θz,r , g − Ωz,r xgxdμx X X T WBPβ CT μ Bz, r , 2.68 which implies that |Cz,r | T WBPβ CT , and hence, completes the proof of Lemma 2.15. We recall the notion of the space of functions with bounded mean oscillation, BMOX, which was first introduced by John and Nirenberg in 70, and was proved to be the dual 1 X in 28. space of Hat q Definition 2.16. Let 1 ≤ q < ∞. The space BMOq X is defined to be the set of all f ∈ Lloc X such that fBMOq X sup x∈X, r>0 1 μ Bx, r fy − mBx,r fq dμy 1/q < ∞. 2.69 Bx,r When q 1, one denotes BMO1 X simply by BMOX. It was proved in 28 that for any 1 ≤ q1 , q2 < ∞, BMOq1 X and BMOq2 X are equal as vector spaces and the seminorms ·BMOq X and ·BMOq X are equivalent. Moreover, if 2 1 we let N ≡ C be the subspace of all constant functions on X, then the quotient space BMOX/N becomes a Banach space in a natural way. 28 Abstract and Applied Analysis Remark 2.17. Let β ∈ 0, and γ > 0. It is easy to see that T 1 0 in C̊b X if and β only if T 1 ∈ C̊b X is constant; see also 71, page 22. Moreover, from Corollary 2.11i, β Proposition 5.21, Theorems 5.19i and 6.11 below, it is easy to see that T 1 ∈ C̊b X is constant if and only if T 1 ∈ BMOX is constant, which is also equivalent to T 1 0 in BMOX. β We now establish a basic boundedness result for singular integrals on spaces of test functions with mean zero, which will be a key tool for the whole paper. Theorem 2.18. Let ∈ 0, 1, β ∈ 0, , and let T be as in Proposition 2.12 with the distributional kernel K satisfying the following additional conditions that i for all x, y ∈ X with x / y, |Kx, y| ≤ CT 1/V x, y; ii for all x, y, y ∈ X with dy, y ≤ dx, y/2 and x / y, Kx, y − K x, y ≤ CT d y, y V x, ydx, y ; 2.70 iii for all x, x , y, y ∈ X with dx, x ≤ dx, y/3, dy, y ≤ dx, y/3 and x / y, d x, x d y, y Kx, y − K x , y − K x, y − K x , y ≤ CT . V x, ydx, y2 2.71 If T ∈ WBPβ and T 1 0 in C̊b X , then T extends to a bounded linear operator from G̊x1 , r, β, γ to Gx1 , r, β, γ for all x1 ∈ X, r > 0, and γ ∈ 0, . Moreover, there exists a constant Cβ,γ,C0 > 0 such that for all f ∈ G̊x1 , r, β, γ with any x1 ∈ X, any r > 0, and any γ ∈ 0, , β T fGx1 ,r,β,γ ≤ Cβ,γ,C0 CT T WBPβ fGx1 ,r,β,γ . 2.72 Compared with the corresponding results in 31, 35, Theorem 2.18 has three advantages. 1 Theorem 2.18 is true on spaces of homogeneous type, while the corresponding results in 31, 35 are proved only for Rn or for spaces of homogeneous type with μBx, r ∼ r for all x ∈ X and 0 < r ≤ diam X, respectively. 2 We do not assume that T ∗ 1 0 in Theorem 2.18. Since T ∗ 1 0 was also assumed in 31, 35, by the T 1-theorem in those settings, one knows that T is bounded on L2 X. Thus, for any f ∈ G̊x1 , r, β, γ for some x1 ∈ X, r > 0, β ∈ 0, 1 and γ > 0, T f ∈ L2 X, which makes the proof much easier. 3 We only require T ∈ WBPβ instead of T ∈ SWBPβ in 35. To prove Theorem 2.18, we first recall the following construction given by Christ in 72, which provides an analogue of the grid of Euclidean dyadic cubes on spaces of homogeneous type. Lemma 2.19. Let X be a space of homogeneous type. Then there exists a collection {Qαk ⊂ X : k ∈ Z, α ∈ Ik } of open subsets, where Ik is some index set, and constants δ ∈ 0, 1 and C6 , C7 > 0 such Yongsheng Han et al. 29 that i μX \ k α Qα 0 for each fixed k and Qαk ∩ Qβk ∅ if α / β; ii for any α, β, k, l with l ≥ k, either Qβl ⊂ Qαk or Qβl ∩ Qαk ∅; iii for each k, α and each l < k there is a unique β such that Qαk ⊂ Qβl ; iv diam Qαk ≤ C6 δk ; v each Qαk contains some ball Bzkα , C7 δk , where zkα ∈ X. In fact, we can think of Qαk as being a dyadic cube with diameter rough δk and centered In what follows, to simplify our presentation, we always suppose δ 1/2; otherwise, at we need to replace 2−k in the definition of ATIs by δk and some other changes are also necessary; see 34, pages 96–98 for more details. To prove Theorem 2.18, we need another technical lemma, where we need Lemma 2.19 and T ∈ WBPβ; see also 69, Lemma 3 and 34, Lemma 3.12. β β In what follows, if T f ∈ Cb X and g ∈ Cb X, we sometimes will write zkα . X T fxgxdμx 2.73 in place of T f, g, in order to indicate more clearly the dependence on the variable x. Lemma 2.20. Let distributional kernel and for any fixed x1 in Lemma 2.15. If T ∈ 0, 1, β ∈ 0, , γ ∈ 0, and let T be as in Proposition 2.12 with the K satisfying the additional size condition 2.59. Let θ be as in Lemma 2.15 ∈ X and r > 0, one defines θ ≡ θx1 ,20r and ω ≡ ωx1 ,20r in the same way as β ∈ WBPβ and T 1 0 in C̊b X , then for any f ∈ Gb x1 , r, β, γ, the restriction of the linear functional T f ∈ Cb X to the ball Bx1 , 10r is a measurable function, and for a.e. x ∈ Bx1 , 10r, β T fx X Kx, y fy − fx θydμy X Kx, yfyωydμy fxT θx, 2.74 where the first two integrals are absolutely convergent. Proof. We make use of some ideas used in the proofs of Lemma 3 in 69 and Lemma 3.12 β in 34. For any fixed f ∈ Gb x1 , r, β, γ and any ψ ∈ Cb X with supp ψ ⊂ Bx1 , 10r, we have T f, ψ T f θ , ψ T f ω ,ψ T θ f − fx xψxdμx T θxfxψxdμx X X X×X Kx, yψxfyωydμxdμy ≡ Y 1 Y2 Y3 , 2.75 30 Abstract and Applied Analysis where the first two integrals have to be interpreted in the sense of “distributions,” whereas the third one is an absolutely convergent integral. is a bounded function in Bx1 , 10r, and we have Actually, by Lemma 2.15ii, T θ Y2 ≤ sup T θ x ψyfydμy X x∈Bx1 ,10r 1 ψL1 X , Vr x1 2.76 which is the desired estimate. ∈ supp ω. Moreover, if we put Notice that if dx, x1 < 10r, then x / Y3,1 x ≡ X Kx, yfyωydμy, 2.77 then for x ∈ Bx1 , 10r, Y3,1 x 1 . Vr x1 V x1 , x 2.78 In fact, we first notice that ωy / 0 implies that dy, x1 ≥ 20r ≥ 2dx, x1 . From this, it follows that V x1 , y ≥ μBx1 , 2dx, x1 ≥ V x1 , x and dy, x1 ≤ 2dx, y, which together with 1.2 shows that V x1 , y ∼ V y, x1 μ B y, d y, x1 ≤ μ B y, 2dx, y V y, x ∼ V x, y. 2.79 These estimates together with Lemma 2.1i and 2.59 imply that Y3,1 x 1 rγ 1 γ dμy r d y, x1 dy,x1 ≥20r V x, y Vr x1 V x1 , y 1 , Vr x1 V x1 , x 2.80 which is just 2.78. Noticing that supp ψ ∩ supp f ω ∅, by the assumption 2.48 of Proposition 2.12 and 2.78, we have Y3 Y3,1 xψxdμx 1 ψL1 X , V x r 1 X 2.81 which is again the desired estimate. Let k ∈ N be large enough, which will be determined later, and let {Sk }k∈Z be an ATI with bounded support as constructed in Theorem 2.6. Let η ∈ C2 R be radial and ηt 1 when t ∈ 0, 23 , ηt 0 when |t| > 24 and 0 ≤ ηt ≤ 1 for all t ∈ R. For any x, y ∈ R, Yongsheng Han et al. 31 we then define λk x, y dx, y ≥ 25−k , and that S x, zη2k dz, ydμz. X k λk x, y X Sk x, zdμz 1, It is easy to see that λk x, y 0 if if dx, y < 2−k . 2.82 For any fixed k ∈ N, choose J ∈ N so large that C6 2−J ≤ 23−k . Put J NJ i ∈ IJ : Qi ∩ B x, 22−k / ∅ for some x ∈ B x1 , 10r , J 2.83 J and for all x ∈ Bx1 , 10r, NJx {i ∈ IJ : Qi ∩ Bx, 22−k / ∅}, where Qi is the dyadic cube as in Lemma 2.19. Let NJ and NJx denote the cardinality of NJ and NJx , respectively. It is J J ∅ for some x ∈ Bx1 , 10r, then Qi ⊂ Bx1 , 24−k 10r and easy to see that if Qi ∩ Bx, 22−k / J Bx1 , 24−k 10r ⊂ BzQJ , 224−k 10r, where zQJ is the center of Qi as in Lemma 2.19. From i i this, and Lemma 2.19i and v, it is easy to see that n NJ 2nJ r 2−k . 2.84 Similarly, NJx 2J−kn . We now claim that for any given k ∈ N and any given x ∈ Bx1 , 10r, λk x, · lim J →∞ 1 − λk x, · lim J →∞ i∈NJ J Sk x, zQJ η 2k d zQJ , · μ Qi , 2.85 J Sk x, zQJ 1 − η 2k d zQJ , · μ Qi 2.86 i i i i∈NJ i hold in Cβ X. We only prove 2.85, the proof of 2.86 being similar. To this end, it is easy to see that λk x, y − J Sk x, zQJ η 2k d zQJ , y μ Qi i i∈NJ i∈NJx J Qi Sk x, z − Sk x, zQJ η 2k dz, y dμz i i∈NJx i Sk x, zQJ η 2k dz, y − η 2k d zQJ , y dμz J Qi ≡ Y4 y Y5 y. i i 2.87 32 Abstract and Applied Analysis J Since z ∈ Qi , by Lemma 2.19iv, we have dz, zQJ ≤ C6 2−J , which together with the i regularity of Sk yields Y4 y i∈NJx 2k−J J 2k−J μ Qi μ B x, 24−k 2k−J −→ 0, V2−k x V2−k x 2.88 as J → ∞. Similarly, by the size condition of Sk and the mean value theorem, we have Y5 y 2k−J J 1 μ Qi 2k−J −→ 0, V2−k x i∈N x 2.89 J as J → ∞. Thus, as J → ∞, J k Sk x, zQJ η 2 d zQJ , · μ Qi λk x, · − i i i∈N J −→ 0. 2.90 L∞ X For any y, y ∈ X, if dy, y ≥ 2k−J , by 2.88, we then have Y4 y − Y4 y 2k−J1−β d y, y β . 2.91 If dy, y < 2k−J , by the regularity of Sk and the mean value theorem, we have k k Y4 y − Y4 y Sk x, z − Sk x, zQJ η 2 dz, y − η 2 d z, y dμz i i∈N x QJ J i 22k−J d y, y μ B x, 24−k V2−k x β 2k3−β−J2−β d y, y . 2.92 Similarly, if dy, y ≥ 2k−J , by 2.89, we then have Y5 y − Y5 y 2k−J1−β d y, y β . 2.93 To estimate Y5 y − Y5 y when dy, y < 2k−J , by the mean value theorem, we first see that k k η 2 dz, y − η 2k d z J , y − η 2 d z, y − η 2k d zQJ , y 2k d z, zQJ , Qi i i k k η 2 dz, y − η 2k d z J , y − η 2 d z, y − η 2k d zQJ , y 2k d y, y . Q i i 2.94 Yongsheng Han et al. 33 Taking a suitable geometric mean of these estimates, we find that k k η 2 dz, y − η 2k d z J , y − η 2 d z, y − η 2k d zQJ , y Q 2 d y, y k β i d z, zQJ 1−β i i 2.95 . Using this estimate and the size condition of Sk , we obtain k Y5 y − Y5 y Sk x, zQJ η 2 dz, y − η 2k d zQJ , y i i i∈N x QJ i J k k − η 2 d z, y − η 2 d zQJ , y dμz i β 2k d y, y 2−J1−β 2.96 J 1 μ Qi V2−k x i∈N x J 2k d y, y β 2−J1−β . Thus, k J Sk x, zQJ η 2 d zQJ , · μ Qi λk x, · − i i i∈N 2k3−β 2−J1−β −→ 0, 2.97 Ċβ X J as J → ∞. This establishes 2.85, and hence also 2.86. We now decompose Y1 into Y1 X T θ f − fx 1 − λk x, · xψxdμx X T θ f − fx λk x, · xψxdμx 2.98 ≡ Y1,1 Y1,2 , where both integrals have to be interpreted in the sense of “distributions.” To estimate Y1,1 , by 2.86 and 2.84, observe that Y1,1 lim J →∞ i∈NJ X J T θ f − fx 1 − η 2k d zQJ , · xSk x, zQJ ψxdμxμ Qi i i 2.99 34 Abstract and Applied Analysis where the integral has to be interpreted in the sense of “distributions.” However, noticing that supp θ·1 − η2k dzQJ , · ∩ supp Sk ·, zQJ ∅, by 2.48, we then further have i i J lim μ Qi Y1,1 J →∞ i∈NJ X×X Kx, yθy fy − fx 1 − η 2k d zQJ , y i 2.100 × Sk x, zQJ ψxdμxdμy. i Notice that J μ Qi i∈NJ X×X Kx, yθy fy−fx 1−η 2k d zQJ , y Sk x, zQJ ψxdμxdμy i μ B x1 , 24−k 10r ψx × X i β dx, y 1 V x, y r d x1 , x dx,y≤rdx1 ,x/2 γ 1 r × dμy Vr x1 V x, x1 r d x1 , x γ 1 r θy dx,y<50r Vr x1 V x1 , y r d x1 , y θy dx,y>rdx,x1 /2 1 dμy dμx × V x, y μ B x1 , 24−k 10r γ r 1 Vr x1 V x1 , x r d x1 , x 1 ψL1 X . Vr x1 2.101 Thus, by Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem, we have Y1,1 X×X Kx, yθy fy−fx ψx X×X X 1−η 2k dz, y Sk x, zdμz dμxdμy Kx, yθy fy − fx ψx 1 − λk x, y dμxdμy, 2.102 where the last integral converges absolutely; and moreover, by 2.82 and an argument similar to 2.101, we further have |Y1,1 | 1/Vr x1 ψL1 X . Yongsheng Han et al. 35 We next prove that lim Y1,2 0, 2.103 k→∞ making use of our assumption that T ∈ WBPβ. To this end, by 2.85 and 2.84, we have Y1,2 J lim μ Qi T θ f − fx η 2k d zQJ , · xSk x, zQJ ψxdμx J →∞ i X i∈NJ i J μ Qi T θ f − f zQJ η 2k d zQJ , · xSk x, zQJ ψxdμx lim J →∞ i X i∈NJ X i i k 2 d z J , · x f z J − fx Sk x, z J ψxdμx . T θη Q Q Q i i i 2.104 Choose k ∈ N such that 2−k ≤ r/25 . We claim that T θ f − f z J η 2k d z J , · xSk x, z J ψxdμx Qi Qi Qi X 2−kβ 1 β fGx1 ,r,β,γ ψCβ X , r Vr x1 k 2 d z J , · x f z J − fx Sk x, z J ψxdμx T θη Qi Qi Qi X 2.105 2.106 2−kβ 1 β fGx1 ,r,β,γ ψCβ X . r Vr x1 We only show 2.105, the proof of 2.106 being similar. To see 2.105, put φy θyfy − fz J η2k dz J , y and Qi Qi gx Sk x, zQJ ψx. 2.107 fhĊβ X fL∞ X hĊβ X fĊβ X hL∞ X . 2.108 i Notice that if f, h ∈ Cβ X, then From this, it follows that φĊβ X fGx1 ,r,β,γ 1 , r β Vr x1 2.109 36 Abstract and Applied Analysis and that gĊβ X ψCβ X 1 2kβ . V2−k zQJ 2.110 i The estimates 2.109 and 2.110 together with T ∈ WBPβ imply the claim 2.105. By 2.105 and 2.106, we know that if 2−k < r/25 , then −kβ J 1 Y1,2 2 μ Qi fGx1 ,r,β,γ ψCβ X lim β J →∞ r Vr x1 i∈NJ −kβ 2.111 2 fGx1 ,r,β,γ ψCβ X , rβ which implies 2.103. β Thus, we have that for any ψ ∈ Cb X with supp ψ ⊂ Bx1 , 10r, |T f, ψ| ψL1 X , ∞ so that T f agrees with L X function on Bx1 , 10r. Moreover, by 2.102 and Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem, we have T f, ψ X×X Kx, yψxθy fy − fx dμydμx X×X X Kx, yψxωyfydμydμx 2.112 T θxfxψxdμx, as was to be proved. Proof of Theorem 2.18. By Corollary 2.11i, we only need to prove Theorem 2.18 for G̊b x1 , r, β, γ. Let f ∈ G̊b x1 , r, β, γ. We first verify that T fx satisfies i of Definition 2.8 for a.e. x ∈ X. To this end, we consider two cases. be as in Lemma 2.20. By Lemma 2.20, for a.e. Case 1 dx, x1 < 10r. In this case, let θ and ω x ∈ Bx1 , 10r, we have T fx X Kx, y fy − fx θydμy X Kx, yfyωydμy fxT θ x ≡ Z1 Z2 Z3 . 2.113 Lemma 2.15ii shows that for a.e. x ∈ Bx1 , 10r, |Z3 | |fx| 1/Vr x1 V x1 , x, which gives the desired estimate. By 2.78, we have |Z2 | 1/Vr x1 V x1 , x. For Z1 , the facts Yongsheng Han et al. 37 that θy 0 and dx, x1 < 10r imply that dx, y < 50r. The size condition on K and the / regularity of f yield that Z1 ≤ dx,y≤rdx,x1 /2 dμy Kx, y fy − fx θy dx,y>rdx,x1 /2 dx,y>rdx,x1 /2 dμy Kx, yfxθy dμy Kx, yfyθy dx, yβ 1 1 dμy r β Vr x1 V x1 , x dx,y≤50r V x, y 1 1 dμy Vr x1 V x1 , x 50r≥dx,y>rdx,x1 /2, V x, y dx1 ,y≤40r 1 1 50r≥dx,y>rdx,x /2, dμy 1 V x, y Vr x1 V x1 , y 2.114 dx1 ,y≤40r ≡ Z1,1 Z1,2 . By Lemma 2.1i and 1.2, we obtain 1 V x, 50r 1 1 , V x, r/2 Vr x1 V x1 , x Vr x1 V x1 , x ⎧ ⎨ 1 1 min dμy , r/2<dx,y≤50r, V x, yV x , y ⎩ Vr x1 1 dx,x1 /5≤r≤dx1 ,y ⎫ ⎬ 1 1 dμy dx,y>dx,x /2, 1 ⎭ V x, y Vr x1 Z1,1 Z1,2 2.115 r>dx1 ,y 1 . Vr x1 V x1 , x Combining the estimates for Z1,1 and Z1,2 yields the desired estimate for Z1 , which verifies that T fx satisfies i of Definition 2.8 when dx, x1 < 10r. Case 2 dx, x1 ≡ R ≥ 10r. In this case, for any m ∈ N, let Bm B x1 , 10m 1r \ B x1 , 10mr . 2.116 For any fixed x0 ∈ Bm , we put Im y θ10dx0 , y/37mr, Jm y θ4dx1 , y/5mr and define Lm y by Lm y 1 − Im y − Jm y. Notice that if y ∈ supp Im ∩ supp Jm , then 38 Abstract and Applied Analysis dy, x0 < 37mr/5 and dy, x1 < 5mr/2, and hence dx0 , x1 ≤ dx0 , y dy, x1 < 99/10mr < 10mr, which contracts the choice of x0 ∈ Bm . Therefore, Lm y ≥ 0. We also define f1 y fyIm y, f2 y fyJm y and f3 y fyLm y. We first establish some estimates on fi with i 1, 2, 3, when x ∈ Bm . Obviously f1 y / 0 implies that dy, x0 < 37mr/5, and therefore 3 d x1 , y ≥ d x1 , x0 − d x0 , y > R 25 2.117 which together with 1.2 and the size condition of f shows that f1 y γ 1 r , R VR x1 ∀y ∈ X. 2.118 We now claim that f1 y − f1 y β γ d y, y 1 r , β R VR x1 R ∀y, y ∈ X. 2.119 To prove 2.119, we consider two cases. Case 1 dy, y ≤ r dx1 , y/2. In this case, we divide f1 y − f1 y fy − f y Im yχ0 y, y f y Im y − Im y Z4 Z5 , 2.120 where χ0 y, y χ{y∈X: dx0 ,y<37mr/5} y χ{y ∈X: dx0 ,y <37mr/5} y . The regularity of f shows that Z4 β γ d y, y 1 r χ0 y, y . r d x1 , y Vr x1 V x1 , y r d x1 , y 2.121 0, then dx0 , y < 37mr/5 or dx0 , y < 37mr/5. Notice that dy, y ≤ r If χ0 y, y / dx1 , y/2 implies that 3dx1 , y/2 ≥ dx1 , y − r/2. If dx0 , y < 37mr/5, we then further have 3dx1 , y/2 ≥ dx1 , x0 − dx0 , y − r/2 > 21mr/10 > R/10, and hence dx1 , y > R/15. This together with 2.117 implies that if χ0 y, y / 0, then we have R . d y, x1 > 15 2.122 By 2.122 and 1.2, we obtain VR x1 V x1 , y. These estimates prove that |Z4 | 1/VR x1 dy, y /Rβ r/Rγ . The size condition of f implies that Z5 γ 1 r Im y − Im y χ0 y, y . Vr x1 V x1 , y r d x1 , y 2.123 Yongsheng Han et al. 39 We now claim that 1 1 χ0 y, y . Vr x1 V x1 , y VR x1 2.124 To prove 2.124, we consider two subcases. Subcase 1.1 r ≥ dx1 , y . In this case, 1/Vr x1 V x1 , y χ0 y, y 1/Vr x1 χ0 y, y . If dx0 , y < 37mr/5, then dx1 , y ≥ dx1 , x0 − dx0 , y > 13mr/5 > 2r, which contradicts the assumption that r ≥ dx1 , y . Thus, we further have 1 1 χ0 y, y χ{y∈X: dx0 ,y<37mr/5} y. Vr x1 V x1 , y Vr x1 2.125 Since dx0 , y < 37mr/5 and x ∈ Bm , by 2.117, we have dy, x1 > 3R/25. Moreover, from dy, x1 ≤ dy, y dy , x1 and dy, y ≤ r dx1 , y/2, it follows that dy, x1 ≤ r 2dy , x1 ≤ 3r. Thus, in this case, R < 25r and hence VR x1 ≤ Vr x1 . Thus, the claim 2.124 holds in this case. Subcase 1.2 r < dx1 , y . In this case, from r < dx1 , y and dy, y ≤ r dx1 , y/2, it follows that dx1 , y ≤ r 2dx1 , y < 3dx1 , y , which together with 2.122 implies that VR x1 V x1 , y . Thus, 1/Vr x1 V x1 , y χ0 y, y 1/VR x1 . Thus, 2.124 also holds in this case, which completes the proof of claim 2.124. Notice that if dx0 , y < 37mr/5, then dy, x1 ≤ dx1 , x0 dx0 , y R, and if dx0 , y < 37mr/5, since dy, y ≤ r dy, x1 /2, we then have dy, x1 ≤ r 2dy , x1 ≤ r 2dy , x0 dx0 , x1 R. These estimates together with dy, y ≤ r dy, x1 /2 again 0, then dy, y R and r dy, x1 ≤ 2r dx1 , y , which together implies that if χ0 y, y / with 2.122 further yields that r dx1 , y R. All these estimates, 2.124, and the mean value theorem show that for any β ∈ 0, 1, Z5 β γ γ dy, x − d y , x d y, y 1 1 r r . R R R R VR x1 VR x1 2.126 0 implies Case 2 dy, y ≥ r dy, x1 /2. In this case, notice again that f1 y − f1 y / that dx0 , y < 37mr/5 or dx0 , y < 37mr/5. If dx0 , y < 37mr/5, by dy, x1 < 2dy, y , we have 10mr ≤ dx0 , x1 ≤ dx0 , y dy , y dy, x1 < 37mr/5 3dy, y . Thus, by x ∈ Bm , we further have 3R/25 < 13mr/5 < 3dy, y , which together with 2.117 and dy, x1 < 2dy, y again implies that if f1 y − f1 y / 0 and dy, y ≥ r dy, x1 /2, then R < 17dy, y . This estimate together with 2.118 yields that for any β > 0, f1 y − f1 y ≤ f1 y f1 y Thus, 2.119 holds. β γ γ d y, y 1 1 r r . R R R VR x1 VR x1 2.127 40 Abstract and Applied Analysis As for f3 , first observe that obviously, for all y ∈ X, f3 y γ 1 r χ{dx1 ,y>R/16} y. Vr x1 V x1 , y r d y, x1 2.128 From 2.128 and Lemma 2.1i, it follows that X f3 ydμy r γ 1 1 γ dμy dy,x1 >R/16 V x1 , y d y, x1 γ r . R 2.129 Notice that supp f1 ⊂ Bx1 , 137R/50. From this, the estimates 2.118 and 2.129 together with X fxdμx 0 and 1.2, it follows that f2 ydμy f1 ydμy f ydμy 3 X X X γ γ 1 r r V137R/50 x1 R R VR x1 γ r . R 2.130 Since x ∈ Bm , we have 1/Vr x1 V x1 , x ∼ 1/VR x1 . Now, for any m ∈ N and y ∈ X, put Um,r y θdx1 , y/42m 1r. Notice that supp f1 ∩ supp 1 − Um,r ∅. By Lemma 2.20, for a.e. x ∈ Bm , we have T f1 x X Kx, y f1 y − f1 x Um,r ydμy f1 xT Um,r x 2.131 ≡ Z6 x Z7 x. From Lemma 2.15ii and 2.118, it follows that for a.e. x ∈ Bm , Z7 x f1 x γ 1 r . R VR x1 2.132 As for Z6 x, notice that x ∈ Bm together with Um,r y / 0 implies that dx, y < 18R; hence, by 2.119, the size condition on K and Lemma 2.1i, we obtain Z6 x dx, y 1 1 Rβ dx,y<18R V x, y VR x1 β r R γ dμy γ 1 r . R VR x1 2.133 Combining the estimate for Z6 x with Z7 x gives us the desired estimate for T f1 x for a.e. x ∈ Bm . Yongsheng Han et al. 41 Since x / ∈ supp f2 , we can write T f2 x X Kx, y − K x, x1 f2 ydμy K x, x1 X f2 ydμy 2.134 ≡ Z8 x Z9 x. The assumption ii of the theorem, the support condition of f2 , and the fact that γ < together with Lemma 2.1i yield that Z8 x ≤ Kx, y − K x, x1 f2 ydμy dx1 ,y≤R/2 1 V x, x1 d x, x1 γ 1 r . R VR x1 1 rγ d x1 , y dμy V x1 , y d x1 , y γ dx1 ,y≤R/2 2.135 From the size condition on K, and 2.130, it also follows that Z9 x γ γ 1 1 r r , R R V x, x1 VR x1 2.136 which together with the estimate for Z8 x gives the desired estimate for T f2 x for a.e. x ∈ Bm . 0 implies that dx1 , y > R/16 and dx0 , y > 37mr/10. If we now Notice that f3 x / further assume that x ∈ Bm ∩ Bx0 , mr/10, then dx, y ≥ dy, x0 − dx0 , x > 18mr/5 > 9R/50. From this, 1.17, and 1.2, it follows that VR x1 ∼ VR x V x, y. This together with 2.128, the size condition on K and Lemma 2.1i yields that T f3 x dx,y>9R/50, Kx, yf3 ydμy dx ,y>R/16 1 1 1 rγ dx,y>9R/50, dμy V x, y V x1 , y d y, x1 γ dx ,y>R/16 2.137 1 γ 1 r , R VR x1 which is the desired estimate. Thus, we have verified that T fx for a.e. x ∈ Bm ∩ Bx0 , mr/10 satisfies the size condition i of Definition 2.8, with constants independent of m, r, and x1 . By the Besicovitch covering lemma see, e.g., 13, Theorem 1.16, pages 8-9, this implies that for a.e. x ∈ Bm , T fx satisfies the size condition i of Definition 2.8, with constants independent of m, r, and x1 . In combination with Case 1, we thus see that for a.e. x ∈ X, T fx satisfies the size condition i of Definition 2.8. 42 Abstract and Applied Analysis We now turn to verify that T fx for a.e. x ∈ X satisfies the regularity condition ii of Definition 2.8. In what follows, we fix x near x and put δ ≡ dx, x . We first remark that for a.e. x, x ∈ X such that 1/160r R < δ ≤ 1/2r R, by the size condition of T fx and Lemma 2.1iii, we obtain γ γ r r 1 1 Vr x1 V x1 , x r d x, x1 Vr x1 V x1 , x r d x , x1 β γ d x, x 1 r , r d x, x1 Vr x1 V x1 , x r d x, x1 2.138 T fx − T f x which is the desired estimate. In what follows, we only need to estimate |T fx − T fx | for a.e. x, x ∈ X such that δ ≤ 1/160r R by considering two cases. Recall that R ≡ dx, x1 . Case 1 R < 10r. In this case, we divide the ball Bx1 , 10r into the union of annuli Bm1 {x ∈ X : 10r/m1 1 ≤ dx, x1 < 10r/m1 }, where m1 ∈ N. For any fixed x0 ∈ Bm1 and m2 ∈ N, we put um1 ,m2 y θ20m1 m2 dx0 , y/m1 10r and let wm1 ,m2 y 1 − θm1 ,m2 y for all y ∈ X. By Lemmas 2.15 and 2.20, for a.e. x ∈ Bx0 , m1 10r/40m1 m2 , T fx X Kx, y fy − fx um1 ,m2 ydμy X Kx, yfywm1 ,m2 ydμy fxT um1 ,m2 x ≡ Γ1 x Γ2 x, T um ,m x CT T WBPβ, 1 2 T um1 ,m2 x Cm1 ,m2 ,r − Kx, y − K x0 , y wm1 ,m2 ydμy, X 2.139 2.140 2.141 where Cm1 ,m2 ,r is a constant independent of x. For any m1 11 r x ∈ B x0 , , 160 m1 1 m2 1 2.142 we then consider x in the annulus r R/160m2 1 < dx, x ≤ r R/160m2 . It is easy to check x ∈ Bx0 , m1 10r/40m1 m2 . Assume that x, x both satisfy 2.139, 2.140, 0 implies that dy, x0 ≤ m1 10r/10m1 m2 , and hence and 2.141. Notice that um1 ,m2 y / dx, y ≤ dx, x0 dx0 , y < 17m1 11r/160m1 m2 < 68dx, x ≡ 68δ and dx , y ≤ 69δ. Yongsheng Han et al. 43 Therefore, the size condition on K, the regularity of f, and Lemma 2.1i show that Γ1 x Kx, y fy − fx um ,m ydμy 1 2 X Kx, yfy − fxdμy ≤ dx,y≤68δ 2.143 β γ d x, x 1 r , r d x, x1 Vr x1 V x1 , x r d x1 , x and a similar estimate also holds for Γ1 x . Thus, we clearly obtain the desired estimate for Γ1 x − Γ1 x . Now by 2.141, we have Γ2 x − Γ2 x Kx, y − K x , y fy − fx wm1 ,m2 ydμy X fx T um1 ,m2 x Kx, y − K x , y wm1 ,m2 ydμy − f x T um1 ,m2 x X X Kx, y − K x , y fy − fx wm1 ,m2 ydμy fx − f x T um1 ,m2 x ≡ Γ2,1 Γ2,2 . 2.144 The estimate 2.140 and the regularity of f then show that Γ2,2 fx − f x β γ d x, x r 1 . r d x, x1 Vr x1 V x1 , x r d x1 , x 2.145 0 implies that dx, y > 6δ. The regularity 2.49 on K, the regularity Notice that wm1 ,m2 y / and the size condition of f, and Lemma 2.1i together with the fact that β < give Γ2,1 d x, x dx,y>6δ, V x, ydx, y dx,y≤rdx,x1 /2 d x, x γ dx, y β 1 r dμy r d x, x1 Vr x1 V x1 , x r d x1 , x dx,y>6δ, V x, ydx, y dx,y>rdx,x1 /2 γ γ r r 1 1 dμy × Vr x1 V x1 , x r d x1 , x Vr x1 V x1 , y r d x1 , y β γ d x, x 1 r , r d x, x1 Vr x1 V x1 , x r d x1 , x 2.146 44 Abstract and Applied Analysis where, in the last inequality, we used that r dx1 , x ≤ 11r r dx1 , y and 1 1 1 ≤ , Vr x1 V x1 , y Vr x1 Vr x1 V x1 , x 2.147 which follows from V x1 , x ≤ μBx1 , 10r Vr x1 , by 1.2. Thus, for any x0 ∈ Bm1 , and a.e. x ∈ Bx0 , m1 11r/160m1 1m2 1 and a.e. x ∈ X satisfying r R/160m2 1 < dx, x ≤ rR/160m2 , T fx−T fx has the desired regularity with constants independent of m1 and m2 . Again, by the Besicovitch covering lemma, we further see that for a.e. x ∈ Bm1 and a.e. x ∈ X satisfying r R/160m2 1 < dx, x ≤ r R/160m2 , T fx−T fx has the desired regularity with constants independent of m1 and m2 , which implies that there exists a measurable set X1 such that μX1 0 and for all x ∈ Bx1 , 10r \ X1 and all x ∈ X \ X1 with dx, x ≤ 1/160r R, T fx − T fx has the desired regularity. Case 2 R ≥ 10r. In this case, we rename Bm in Case 2 of the proof for the size condition of T f by Bm1 . Namely, for m1 ∈ N, we consider annuli Bm1 B x1 , 10 m1 1 r \ B x1 , 10m1 r . 2.148 For any fixed x0 ∈ Bm1 , we define Im1 , Jm1 , and Lm1 in the same way as in Case 1 with m and x0 replaced, respectively, by m1 and x0 here. Let f1 y fyIm1 y, f2 y fyJm1 y and f3 y fyLm1 y for all y ∈ X. Then the estimates 2.119 and 2.130 still hold for f1 , f2 , and f3 here, when x ∈ Bm1 . m1 ,m2 y θ20m2 dx0 , y/10m1 11r and let w m1 ,m2 y Now, for m2 ∈ N, we put u 1 − θm1 ,m2 y for all y ∈ X. By Lemmas 2.15 and 2.20, for a.e. x ∈ Bx0 , 10m1 11r/40m2 , T f1 x X Kx, y f1 y − f1 x u m1 ,m2 ydμy X Kx, yf1 yw m1 ,m2 ydμy f1 xT u m1 ,m2 x ≡ Γ3 x Γ4 x, T u m1 ,m2 x CT T WBPβ , m1 ,m2 ,r − T u m1 ,m2 x C m1 ,m2 ydμy, Kx, y − K x0 , y w X 2.149 2.150 2.151 m1 ,m2 ,r is a constant independent of x. For any x ∈ Bx0 , 10m1 1r/160m2 1, where C we then consider x in the annulus r R/160m2 1 < dx, x ≤ r R/160m2 . It is easy to check x ∈ Bx0 , 10m1 11r/40m2 . We also restrict x ∈ Bm1 . Assume that x, x both 0 implies that dy, x0 ≤ 10m1 satisfy 2.149, 2.150, and 2.151. Notice that u m1 ,m2 y / 11r/10m2 , which implies dx, y ≤ dx, x0 dx0 , y < 17710m1 1r/160m2 < 354dx, x ≡ 354δ and dx , y ≤ 355δ. Therefore, the size condition on K, 2.119, and Lemma 2.1i show Yongsheng Han et al. 45 that dx, yβ 1 1 |Γ3 x| Rβ dx,y≤354δ V x, y VR x1 β γ d x, x 1 r , R R VR x1 γ r dμy R 2.152 and a similar estimate also holds for Γ4 x . Thus, we obtain the desired estimate for Γ3 x − Γ4 x . Now by 2.151 and some computations similar to Γ2 x − Γ2 x , we have Γ4 x − Γ4 x X m1 ,m2 ydμy Kx, y − K x , y f1 y − f1 x w f1 x − f1 x T u m1 ,m2 x 2.153 ≡ Γ4,1 Γ4,2 . The estimate 2.150 together with 2.119 then yields Γ4,2 f1 x − f1 x β γ d x, x 1 r . R R VR x1 2.154 Notice that w m1 ,m2 y / 0 implies dx, y > 7δ. Then by the regularity 2.49 on K, 2.119, and Lemma 2.1i together with β < , we further have d x, x dx, y β r γ 1 dμy R R dx,y>7δ V x, ydx, y VR x1 β γ d x, x 1 r . R R VR x1 Γ4,1 2.155 Thus, for any x0 ∈ Bm1 , and a.e. x ∈ Bx0 , 10m1 1r/160m2 1 ∩ Bm1 and a.e. x ∈ X satisfying r R/160m2 1 < dx, x ≤ r R/160m2 , T f1 x − T f1 x has the desired regularity with constants independent of m1 and m2 . Notice that f2 x 0 f2 x . We write T f2 x − T f2 x Kx, y − K x , y f2 ydμy X ≤ Kx, y − K x , y − K x, x1 − K x , x1 f2 ydμy X K x, x1 − K x , x1 f2 ydμy X ≡ Γ5 Γ6 . 2.156 46 Abstract and Applied Analysis Since dx, x ≤ 11/1600R, the regularity 2.49 on K, 2.130, and β < prove β γ γ d x, x d x, x r r 1 . Γ6 R R R VR x1 V x1 , x d x1 , x 2.157 Notice that f2 y / 0 implies that dx1 , y ≤ R/4. Then the regularity iii on K together with the size condition of f, the fact that γ < and Lemma 2.1i yields that γ d x, x d x1 , y 1 r dμy 2 Vr x1 V x1 , y r d x1 , y dx1 ,y≤R/4 d x1 , x β γ d x, x 1 r . R R VR x1 2.158 Γ5 1 VR x1 Thus, we have also obtained the desired regularity for T f2 x − T f2 x for all x ∈ Bm1 and dx, x ≤ 1/160r R. Notice that f3 y / 0 implies that dx1 , y > R/16. Moreover, if 10m1 1 r x ∈ B x0 , ∩ Bm1 , 160 m2 1 2.159 then f3 y / 0 also implies that dx, y > 7R/40. Since δ ≤ 11/1600R, we then have δ ≤ 11/280dx, y. Then the regularity 2.49 on K, the size condition of f, and Lemma 2.1i show that T f3 x − T f3 x dx1 ,y>R/16, dx,y>7R/40 Kx, y − K x , y f3 ydμy d x, x 1 rγ γ dμy dx1 ,y>R/16, V x, ydx, y V x r 1 V x1 , y d x1 , y dx,y>7R/40 β γ d x, x 1 r , R R VR x1 2.160 where in the last step, we used the fact that β < and dx, x ≤ 11/1600R, and in the third-to-last inequality, we used the fact that 40dx, y VR x1 ∼ V x, x1 ≤ μ B x, V x, y. 7 2.161 Thus, for all x ∈ Bx0 , 10m1 1r/160m2 1 ∩ Bm1 and dx, x ≤ 1/160r R, we obtain the desired regularity for T f3 x − T f3 x . Yongsheng Han et al. 47 Summarizing the above estimates, we see that for any x0 ∈ Bm1 , and a.e. x ∈ Bm1 ∩ Bx0 , 10m1 1r/160m2 1 and a.e. x ∈ X satisfying r R/160m2 1 < dx, x ≤ r R/160m2 , T fx − T fx has the desired regularity with constants independent of m1 and m2 . By the Besicovitch covering lemma again, similarly to Case 1, we obtain that there exists a measurable set X2 such that μX2 0, and for all x ∈ X \ Bx1 , 10r ∪ X2 and all x ∈ X \ X2 with dx, x ≤ 1/160r R, T fx − T fx has the desired regularity. Thus, there exists a measurable set X3 such that for all x, x ∈ X \ X3 with dx, x ≤ 1/2r dx, x1 , T fx−T fx satisfies the regularity condition ii of Definition 2.8, which implies that for all x, x ∈ X \ X3 with dx, x ≤ r/2, T fx − T f x β 1 β d x, x . Vr x1 r 2.162 Now, for any x ∈ X, we choose {xn }n∈N ⊂ X \ X3 such that dxn , x → 0 as n → ∞. Then {T fxn }n∈N is a Cauchy sequence in C. We then define gx limn → ∞ T fxn . It is easy to show that g is a well-defined continuous function lying in Gx1 , r, β, γ, which agrees with T f almost everywhere. We may thus choose g as a representative of T f, for which we then have T fGx1 ,r,β,γ CT T WBPβ fGx1 ,r,β,γ . 2.163 This completes the proof of Theorem 2.18. Remark 2.21. It was proved in 35 that the condition iii of Theorem 2.18 is also necessary for an operator T with distributional kernel K to be bounded from G̊x1 , r, β, γ to Gx1 , r, β, γ for all x1 ∈ X and r > 0; see 35, Theorem 4 or 31. By Remark 2.14iii, we immediately obtain the following conclusion, which is convenient in applications. Corollary 2.22. Let ∈ 0, 1, β ∈ 0, , and let T be as in Proposition 2.12, with the distributional kernel K satisfying (i), (ii), and (iii) of Theorem 2.18. If T is bounded on Lp X for a certain p ∈ β 1, ∞ and T 1 0 in C̊b X , then T extends to a bounded linear operator from G̊x1 , r, β, γ to Gx1 , r, β, γ for all x1 ∈ X, r > 0 and γ ∈ 0, . Moreover, there exists a constant Cβ,γ,C0 > 0 such that for all f ∈ G̊x1 , r, β, γ with any x1 ∈ X, any r > 0, and any γ ∈ 0, , T fGx1 ,r,β,γ ≤ Cβ,γ,C0 CT T Lp X → Lp X fGx1 ,r,β,γ . 2.164 By an argument similar to the proof of Lemma 2.20, we can easily obtain the following result, which is of independent interest; see also 69, Lemma 2, 71, Lemma 1, page 119 for Rn , and 34, Lemma 3.12 for Ahlfors 1-regular metric measure spaces. Moreover, instead of T ∈ SWBPβ in 34, Lemma 3.12, we only need that T ∈ WBPβ. Corollary 2.23. Let T be as in Lemma 2.20. Then there exists a constant C > 0 such that for all β f ∈ Ċb X, β T fL∞ X ≤ C CT T WBPβ diam supp f fĊβ X . 2.165 48 Abstract and Applied Analysis Proof. Assume that supp f ⊂ Bx0 , r for some x0 ∈ X and r > 0. Let θx0 ,10r be defined in the same way as in Lemma 2.15. An argument similar to the proof of Lemma 2.20 yields that when dx, x0 < 5r, T fx X Kx, y fy − fx θx0 ,10r ydμy fx X Kx, yθx0 ,10r ydμy. 2.166 From this, Lemma 2.1i, and Lemma 2.15ii together with 2.55, it follows that T fx CT f 1 dx, yβ dμy fL∞ X CT T WBPβ dx,y<25r V x, y CT T WBPβ r β fĊβ X . Ċβ X 2.167 If dx, x0 ≥ 5r and dy, x0 < r, then dy, x > 4dx, x0 /5, and by Lemma 2.1i and 2.55, we also have T fx ≤ CT 1 fydμy V x, y dx,y>4dx,x0 /5 1 fL∞ X Vr x0 V x0 , x β CT diam supp f fĊβ X , CT 2.168 which completes the proof of Corollary 2.23. From Theorem 2.18, it is easy to deduce the following result which is convenient in applications. Corollary 2.24. Let T be as in Theorem 2.18 or Corollary 2.22. If ∈ 0, , then T is bounded from G̊0x1 , r, β, γ to G0x1 , r, β, γ for all x1 ∈ X, r > 0, and 0 < β, γ < . Moreover, there exists a constant C > 0 such that for all f ∈ G̊0x1 , r, β, γ with any x1 ∈ X and any r > 0, T fG x1 ,r,β,γ ≤ Cβ,γ,C0 CT T WBPβ fG x1 ,r,β,γ 0 0 2.169 (or resp., T fG x1 ,r,β,γ ≤ Cβ,γ,C0 CT T Lp X → Lp X fG x1 ,r,β,γ . 0 0 Proof. Let f ∈ G̊0x1 , r, β, γ. By the definition of G̊0x1 , r, β, γ, there exists ∞ fn n1 ⊂ G̊x1 , r, , 2.170 lim fn − f Gx1 ,r,β,γ 0. 2.171 such that n→∞ Yongsheng Han et al. 49 By Theorem 2.18 or Corollary 2.22, we have T fn ∈ Gx1 , r, , and T fn − T f f − fn Gx1 ,r,β,γ −→ 0, Gx1 ,r,β,γ 2.172 as n → ∞. Thus, T f ∈ G0x1 , r, β, γ and T fG x1 ,r,β,γ T fGx1 ,r,β,γ fGx1 ,r,β,γ fG x1 ,r,β,γ , 0 0 2.173 which completes the proof of Corollary 2.24. 2.3. Boundedness of singular integrals on spaces of test functions In this subsection, we establish the boundedness on Gx1 , r, β, γ of singular integrals. Since the functions in Gx1 , r, β, γ may have nonvanishing integral, this requires, as usual, some extra size decay conditions on the integral kernels; see, for example, 71, page 123. The following result is an inhomogeneous variant of Proposition 2.12. Proposition 2.25. Let β ∈ 0, 1, σ > 0, r0 > 0, and let T be as in Proposition 2.12 with the distributional kernel K satisfying the following extra size condition that for all x, y ∈ X with dx, y ≥ r0 , Kx, y ≤ CT r0σ 1 . V x, y dx, yσ 2.174 Then T can be extended to a continuous linear operator from Cβ X to Cb X . β β Proof. Let f ∈ Cβ X and g ∈ Cb X, and suppose supp g ⊂ Bx0 , r for some x0 ∈ X and β r > 0. Choose ψ ∈ Cb X such that ψx 1 when x ∈ Bx0 , 2 max{r, r0 } and ψx 0 when β x/ ∈ Bx0 , 4 max{r, r0 }. It is easy to see that ψf ∈ Cb X, which implies that T ψf, g is well defined. On the other hand, we define T 1 − ψf , g X×X Kx, y 1 − ψy fygxdμydμx. 2.175 By the size condition 2.174 and Lemma 2.1i, it is easy to check that the right-hand side of the above equality is finite; furthermore, if f has also bounded support, this coincides with 2.48. Moreover, it is easy to verify that T ψf, gT 1−ψf, g is independent of choice of ψ. Thus we can define T f by T f, g T ψf, g T 1 − ψf , g , 2.176 so that T f ∈ Cb X . It is clear that then T is continuous, which completes the proof of Proposition 2.25. β 50 Abstract and Applied Analysis We now establish an inhomogeneous variant of Lemma 2.15. Here, in contrast to Lemma 2.15, we do not need T ∈ WBPβ. Lemma 2.26. Let θ be as in Lemma 2.15. For any fixed z ∈ X and r > 0, let θz,max{r,r0 } and ωz,max{r,r0 } be defined as in Lemma 2.15. Let T be as in Proposition 2.25. If, for a certain β ∈ 0, , β T 1 ∈ Cb X is a constant CT 1 , then there exists a constant C > 0 such that i for all x ∈ Bz, max{r, r0 }/2, |T ωz,max{r,r0 } x| ≤ CCT ; ii the restriction of the linear functional T θz,max{r,r0 } T ωz,max{r,r0 } ∈ Cb X to the ball Bz, max{r, r0 }/2 is a constant; namely, for all x ∈ Bz, max{r, r0 }/2, β T θz,max{r,r0 } x T ωz,max{r,r0 } x CT 1 ; 2.177 iii for all x ∈ Bz, max{r, r0 }/2, |T θz,max{r,r0 } x| ≤ CCT |CT 1 |. Proof. By the definitions of θz,max{r,r0 } and ωz,max{r,r0 } , we know that 0 ωz,max{r,r0 } y / 2.178 implies that dy, z > max{r, r0 }, which together with dx, z < max{r, r0 }/2 shows that dx, y > max{r, r0 }/2. Therefore, by 2.174 and Lemma 2.1i, for all x ∈ X with dx, z < max{r, r0 }/2, we have T ωz,max{r,r } x 0 dx,y>max{r,r0 }/2 ≤ CT Kx, yωz,max{r,r0 } ydμy r0σ 1 σ dμy dx,y>max{r,r0 }/2 V x, y dx, y 2.179 ≤ CCT , which is i. To see ii, for any f ∈ Gb β, γ with supp f ⊂ Bz, max{r, r0 }/2, by the definition of β T 1 CT 1 in Cb X , we have CT 1 X fxdμx T θz,max{r,r0 } , f T ωz,max{r,r0 } , f , 2.180 which together with Corollary 2.11ii gives the conclusion ii of this lemma. The conclusion iii can be deduced from the conclusion i and the conclusion ii, which completes the proof of Lemma 2.26. We recall the notion of the space bmoX, which, when X Rn and μ is the ndimensional Lebesgue measure, was first introduced by Goldberg 73. A variant in the setting of spaces of homogeneous type can be found in 74. Yongsheng Han et al. 51 q Definition 2.27. Let 1 ≤ q < ∞. The space bmoq X is defined to be the set of all f ∈ Lloc X such that fbmoq X sup x∈X, 0<r<1 sup x∈X, r≥1 1 μ Bx, r 1 μ Bx, r fy − mBx,r fq dμy 1/q Bx,r fyq dμy 1/q 2.181 Bx,r is finite. When q 1, one denotes bmo1 X simply by bmoX. It was proved in 74 that for any 1 ≤ q1 , q2 < ∞, bmoq1 X bmoq2 X with equivalent norms. Remark 2.28. From Corollary 2.11ii, Proposition 5.46, Theorems 5.44i and 6.28 below, it is β easy to see that T 1 CT 1 in Cb X if and only if T 1 CT 1 in bmoX. We can now present the inhomogeneous variant of Theorem 2.18 as follows. Theorem 2.29. Let ∈ 0, 1, σ > 0, r0 > 0, and let T be as in Proposition 2.25 with the distributional kernel K also satisfying the conditions (i) through (iii) in Theorem 2.18 and the following additional regularity condition: for all x, x , y ∈ X with dx, x ≤ dx, y/2 and dx, y ≥ r0 , Kx, y − K x , y ≤ CT σ d x, x 1 r0 . V x, y dx, y dx, y 2.182 If T ∈ WBPβ for a certain β ∈ 0, and T 1 CT 1 in Cb X , then T extends to a bounded linear operator from Gx1 , r0 , β, γ to itself for any x1 ∈ X and any γ ∈ 0, σ ∩ 0, . Moreover, there is a constant Cβ,γ,σ,C0 > 0 such that for all f ∈ Gx1 , r0 , β, γ with any x1 ∈ X and any γ ∈ 0, σ ∩ 0, , β T fGx1 ,r0 ,β,γ ≤ Cβ,γ,σ,C0 CT CT 1 fGx1 ,r0 ,β,γ . 2.183 Proof. We prove Theorem 2.29 by essentially following the same argument as the proof of Theorem 2.18, and we only give an outline. We use the notations as in the proof of Theorem 2.18. By Corollary 2.11ii, we only need to prove Theorem 2.29 for Gb x1 , r0 , β, γ. Let f ∈ Gb x1 , r0 , β, γ. We first verify that T fx for a.e. x ∈ X satisfies Definition 2.8i by considering two cases. Case 1 dx, x1 < 10r0 . In this case, let θx1 ,20r0 and ωx1 ,20r0 be defined in the same way as in Lemma 2.15. Instead of Lemma 2.15ii by Lemma 2.26iii, following the procedure of Lemma 2.20 here we need T ∈ WBPβ, for a.e. x0 ∈ Bx1 10r0 , we have T fx X Kx, y fy − fx θx1 ,20r0 ydμy X Kx, yfyωx1 ,20r0 ydμy fxT θx1 ,20r0 x. 2.184 52 Abstract and Applied Analysis Using Lemma 2.26iii to replace Lemma 2.15ii and following the same proof as that of Theorem 2.18 give the desired estimate of this case. Case 2 dx, x1 ≡ R ≥ 10r0 . In this case, we use all the notation as in the proof of Theorem 2.18, but with r replaced by r0 . The estimates 2.118, 2.119, 2.128, and 2.129 with r replaced by r0 hold in the current setting. Instead of 2.130, by Lemma 2.1ii, we now have f2 ydμy 1. 2.185 X Replacing Lemma 2.15ii by Lemma 2.26iii and using T ∈ WBPβ, by following the proof of Lemma 2.20, for a.e. x ∈ Bm , we have T f1 x X Kx, y f1 y − f1 x Um,r0 ydμy f1 xT Um,r0 x. 2.186 Then Lemma 2.26iii together with an argument similar to the proof of Theorem 2.18 gives the desired estimate for T f1 x in this case. Since x / ∈ supp f2 , we can write T f2 x X Kx, y − K x, x1 f2 ydμy K x, x1 X f2 ydμy 2.187 ≡ Z8 x Z9 x. The estimate for Z8 x is as in the proof of Theorem 2.18. Since R ≥ 10r0 and γ ≤ σ, by 2.174 and 2.185, we have Z9 x σ γ 1 1 r0 r0 , R R VR x1 VR x1 2.188 which is the desired estimate. The estimate for T f3 x in this case is also similar to the proof of Theorem 2.18. Thus, T fx for a.e. x ∈ X satisfies Definition 2.2i. To verify that T fx for a.e. x ∈ X satisfies Definition 2.2ii, similarly to the proof of Theorem 2.18, we can always assume that dx, x ≤ 1/160r0 dx, x1 , and we only need to consider the following two cases. Case 1 R < 10r0 . In this case, if we replace Lemma 2.15i and ii, respectively, by Lemma 2.26ii and iii, the same proof as in the proof of Theorem 2.18 gives the desired estimates. Yongsheng Han et al. 53 Case 2 R ≥ 10r0 . In this case, the same argument as in the proof of Theorem 2.18 together with Lemma 2.15 replaced by Lemma 2.26 yields the desired estimates for T f1 x and T f3 x. Noticing that f2 x 0 f2 x , we now estimate T f2 by writing T f2 x − T f2 x Kx, y − K x , y f2 ydμy X ≤ Kx, y − K x , y − K x, x1 − K x , x1 f2 ydμy X K x, x1 − K x , x1 f2 ydμy X ≡ Γ5 Γ6 . 2.189 The estimate for Γ5 is as in the proof of Theorem 2.18. To estimate Γ6 , by 2.182 and 2.185 together with γ ≤ σ, we have β γ σ d x, x d x, x 1 1 r0 r0 , Γ6 R R V x, x1 d x, x1 d x, x1 VR x1 2.190 which is the desired estimate. Then an extension via the Besicovitch covering lemma as in the proof of Theorem 2.18 completes the proof of Theorem 2.29. Remark 2.30. A regularity condition similar to 2.182 also appears in 71, page 123. This additional regularity assumption is used only in the estimate of Γ6 . Instead of 2.182 by requiring γ ∈ 0, σ − β/, we can obtain a similar conclusion. In fact, since dx , x1 ≥ dx, x1 − dx, x ≥ 189r0 /20 ≥ r0 and dx , x1 ≥ 189R/200 ≥ R/2, by 2.174 and 2.185, we have σ σ σ 1 1 1 r0 r0 r0 Γ6 . V x, x1 d x, x1 V x , x1 d x , x1 V x, x1 d x, x1 2.191 On the other hand, by 2.49 and 2.185, we also have Γ6 1/V x, x1 dx, x /dx, x1 . Combining both estimates yields that β β γ σ1−β/ d x, x d x, x 1 1 r0 r0 , Γ6 R R V x, x1 d x, x1 d x, x1 VR x1 2.192 which is the desired estimate. By Remark 2.14iii again, we can obtain the following conclusion which is convenient in applications. 54 Abstract and Applied Analysis Corollary 2.31. Let ∈ 0, 1, σ > 0, r0 > 0, and let T be as in Proposition 2.25 with the distributional kernel K also satisfying Theorem 2.18(i) through (iii) and 2.182. If T is bounded on β Lp X for a certain p ∈ 1, ∞ and T 1 CT 1 in Cb X , then T extends to a bounded linear operator from Gx1 , r0 , β, γ to itself for any x1 ∈ X, any β ∈ 0, , and any γ ∈ 0, σ ∩ 0, . Moreover, there is a constant Cβ,γ,σ,C0 > 0 such that for all f ∈ Gx1 , r0 , β, γ with any x1 ∈ X and any γ ∈ 0, σ ∩ 0, , T fGx1 ,r0 ,β,γ ≤ Cβ,γ,σ,C0 CT CT 1 fGx1 ,r0 ,β,γ . 2.193 The proof of the following corollary is similar to that of Corollary 2.24. We omit the details. Corollary 2.32. Let T be as in Theorem 2.29 or Corollary 2.31. If ∈ 0, , then T is bounded from G0x1 , r0 , β, γ to G0x1 , r0 , β, γ for all x1 , β, γ as in Theorem 2.29. Moreover, there exists a constant Cβ,γ,σ,C0 > 0 such that for all f ∈ G0x1 , r0 , β, γ with any x1 ∈ X, T fGx1 ,r0 ,β,γ ≤ Cβ,γ,σ,C0 CT CT 1 fGx1 ,r0 ,β,γ . 2.194 3. Continuous Calderón reproducing formulae From now on till the end of this paper, we will always assume that X is an RD-space. In this section, using Corollaries 2.22 and 2.31, we establish homogeneous and inhomogeneous Calderón reproducing formulae. 3.1. Homogeneous continuous Calderón reproducing formulae In this subsection, we always assume that diamX ∞. Proposition 3.1. Let {Sk }k∈Z be an 1 , 2 , 3 -ATI with 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, and 3 > 0 and let Stk be the adjoint operator of Sk for any k ∈ Z. Then the following hold. i For p ∈ 1, ∞ and any f ∈ Lp X, Sk fLp X → 0 when k → −∞. p ii Let Dk Sk − Sk−1 for k ∈ Z. Then ∞ k−∞ Dk I in L X for p ∈ 1, ∞, where I is the p identity on L X. iii Properties (i) and (ii) also hold when Sk is replaced by Stk . Proof. Let 1/p 1/q 1. Then Definition 2.2i, Hölder’s inequality, 1.2 and 1.3 together with μX ∞ yield that 1 1 fydμy fydμy −k V2−k x dx,y<2 dx,y≥2−k V x, y ⎧ 1/q ⎫ ∞ ⎨ ⎬ 1 1 fLp X dμy q l1 −k V x, y ⎩ V2−k x1/p ⎭ l −k l0 2 2 ≤dx,y<2 2 Sk fx 1 V 2−k −→ 0, x1/p fLp X 3.1 Yongsheng Han et al. 55 as k → −∞. This together with Proposition 2.7ii and Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem implies that Sk fLp X → 0 when k → −∞. Property ii is a simple corollary of Property i together with Proposition 2.7iv. Property iii follows by symmetry, which completes the proof of Proposition 3.1. Before we establish the continuous Calderón reproducing formulae, we need a technical lemma. We recall that we denote min{a, b} by a ∧ b for any a, b ∈ R. Lemma 3.2. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, {Sk }k∈Z , and let {Ek }k∈Z be two 1 , 2 , 3 -ATIs. Let Pk Sk − Sk−1 and Qk Ek − Ek−1 for k ∈ Z. Then for any 1 ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , there exist positive constants C (depending on 1 , 1 , 2 , and 3 ), δ (depending on 1 , 1 , and 2 ), and σ (depending on 1 , 1 , 2 , and 3 ) such that Pl Qk x, y, the kernel of Pl Qk , satisfies the following estimates that for all x, y ∈ X and all k, l ∈ Z, Pl Qk x, y ≤ C2−|k−l|1 1 2−k∧l2 V2−k∧l x V2−k∧l y V x, y 2−k∧l dx, y 2 ; 3.2 for dy, y ≤ 1/4dx, y and all k, l ∈ Z, Pl Qk x, y − Pl Qk x, y 1 d y, y 1 2−k∧l2 −|k−l|δ ≤ C2 ; V2−k∧l x V2−k∧l y V x, y 2−k∧l dx, y 2 2−l∧k dx, y 3.3 for dx, x ≤ 1/4dx, y and all k, l ∈ Z, Pl Qk x, y − Pl Qk x , y −|k−l|δ ≤ C2 d x, x 2−l∧k 1 1 V2−k∧l x V2−k∧l y V x, y dx, y 2−k∧l2 2−k∧l dx, y 2 ; 3.4 and for dx, x ≤ 1/8dx, y, dy, y ≤ 1/8dx, y, and all k, l ∈ Z, Pl Qk x, y − Pl Qk x , y − Pl Qk x, y − Pl Qk x , y −|k−l|δ ≤ C2 × dx, x 2−l∧k dx, y 1 1 dy, y 2−l∧k dx, y 1 2−k∧lσ V2−k∧l x V2−k∧l y V x, y 2−k∧l dx, y 3.5 σ . Proof. By symmetry, we may assume that k ≥ l. Noticing that X Qk x, ydμx 0, 3.6 56 Abstract and Applied Analysis we can write Pl Qk x, y x, z − P x, y Q z, ydμz P l l k X ≤ −l dz,y≤2 dx,y/2 Pl x, z − Pl x, yQk z, ydμz −l dz,y>2 dx,y/2 Pl x, zQk z, ydμz Pl x, y −l dz,y>2 dx,y/2 3.7 Qk z, ydμz ≡ Z1 Z2 Z3 . The regularity of Pl and the size condition of Qk together with Lemma 2.1i show that for any 1 ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , Z1 2−k1 × 2−l2 1 −l V2−l x V2−l y V x, y 2 dx, y 1 2 dz,y≤2−l dx,y/2 2−k−l1 dz, y1 −1 1 dμy V z, y 3.8 1 2−l2 . −l V2−l x V2−l y V x, y 2 dx, y 2 The size conditions for Pl and Qk together with Lemma 2.1i prove that 2−k2 1 Z2 V2−l x −l 2 dx, y 1 −l dz,y>2 1 1 dμz V z, y dx,y/2 dz, y2 −1 2−l2 1 , −l V2−l x 2 dx, y 2 2−k2 Pl x, z 1 dμz Z2 2 −l −l V z, y dz,y>2 dx,y/2 2 dx, y 2−k−l2 2−k−l2 3.9 1 2−l2 , −l V2−l y V x, y 2 dx, y 2 where in the last step, we used Proposition 2.7i and the fact that 1/V z, y 1/V2−l y V x, y, by dz, y > 2−l dx, y/2 together with 1.2. Thus, Z2 2−k−l1 2−l2 1 . −l V2−l x V2−l y V x, y 2 dx, y 2 3.10 Yongsheng Han et al. 57 Similarly, by Lemma 2.1v, 1 Z3 V2−l x V2−l y V x, y 2−k−l2 2−k2 1 dμz −k dz, y 2 dz,y>2−l dx,y/2 V2−k y V z, y 2 2−l2 1 , −l V2−l x V2−l y V x, y 2 dx, y 2 3.11 which completes the proof of 3.2. The proofs for 3.3 and 3.4 are similar and we only verify 3.3. To this end, it suffices to prove Pl Qk x, y − Pl Qk x, y d y, y 1 2−l dx, y 2−l2 1 −l V2−l x V2−l y V x, y 2 dx, y 2 3.12 for dy, y ≤ 1/4dx, y. To see this, by 3.2, for any 1 ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , Pl Qk x, y − Pl Qk x, y 2−k−l1 2−l2 1 −l V2−l x V2−l y V x, y 2 dx, y 2 1 2−l2 . V2−l x V2−l y V x, y 2−l d x, y 2 3.13 The assumption that dy, y ≤ 1/4dx, y together with Lemma 2.1iii further yields that Pl Qk x, y − Pl Qk x, y 2−k−l1 2−l2 1 −l . V2−l x V2−l y V x, y 2 dx, y 2 3.14 Let σ ∈ 0, 1. Then the geometric mean between 3.12 and 3.14 gives Pl Qk x, y − Pl Qk x, y σ 1−σ Pl Qk x, y − Pl Qk x, y Pl Qk x, y − Pl Qk x, y σ1 d y, y 2−l2 1 −k−l1 1−σ 2 , −l −l V2−l x V2−l y V x, y 2 dx, y 2 2 dx, y which is 3.3. 3.15 58 Abstract and Applied Analysis We now verify 3.12. By 3.6, we can write Pl Qk x, y − Pl Qk x, y Pl x, z−Pl x, y Qk z, y − Qk z, y dμz X ≤ 3 i1 ≡ 6 Pl x, z−Pl x, yQk z, y−Qk z, y dμz Wi 3.16 Zi , i4 where 2−l dx, y 2−k dz, y ≤ z ∈ X : d y, y ≤ , 4 2 2−k dz, y 2−l dx, y ≤ W2 z ∈ X : d y, y ≤ , 2 4 2−k dz, y . W3 z ∈ X : d y, y ≥ 2 W1 3.17 The regularity for Qk and the size condition for Pl together with the assumption k ≥ l implies that Z4 Pl x, z 1 2−l2 V2−l x V2−l y V x, y 2−l dx, y 2 W1 d y, y 1 2−k2 1 × dμz 1 2−k dz, y V2−k z V2−k y V z, y 2−k dz, y 2 3.18 ≡ Z4,1 Z4,2 . We now claim that if k ≥ l and 2−l dx, y 2−k dz, y, then for all x, y, z ∈ X, 1 1 . V2−k y V z, y V2−l y V x, y 3.19 In fact, if 2−k ≥ dz, y, then 2−l dx, y 2−k dz, y 2−k , and therefore V2−l y V2−k y and V x, y ∼ V y, x V2−k y. Thus, 3.19 holds in this case. If 2−k < dz, y, then 2−l dx, y dz, y and hence, V2−l y V y, z ∼ V z, y and V x, y ∼ V y, x V z, y, which verifies 3.19. Proposition 2.7i and the estimate 3.19 together with 2−l dx, y ≤ 22−k dz, y and k ≥ l imply that d y, y 1 1 2−l2 Pl x, zdμz 1 2 2−l dx, y V2−l y V x, y 2−l dx, y X 1 −l d y, y 2 2 1 1 , −l −l 2 dx, y V2−l y V x, y 2 dx, y 2 Z4,1 3.20 Yongsheng Han et al. 59 and the size condition of Pl together with Lemma 2.1i yields that ⎧ ⎨ 1 Z4,1 W1 , 2−l dx, y 1 V2−l x ⎩ dz,y≤2 −k ⎫ ⎬ d y, y 1 d y, y 1 2−l dx, y 1 1 2−k2 dμz −k ⎭ V2−k yV z, y 2 dz, y 2 −k W1 , dz,y>2 1 2−l2 . −l V2−l x 2 dx, y 2 3.21 Similarly, using Lemma 2.1ii, we have d y, y 1 Z4,2 2−l dx, y 1 2−l2 1 −l V2−l x V2−l y V x, y 2 dx, y 2 2−k2 1 dμz −k dz, y 2 W1 V2−k y V z, y 2 d y, y 1 1 2−l2 , 2−l dx, y 1 V2−l x V2−l y V x, y 2−l dx, y 2 × 3.22 which completes the estimate for Z4 . The regularities of Pl and Qk and Lemma 2.1ii show that Z5 dy, z1 1 2−l2 1 −l V2−l x V2−l y V x, y 2 dx, y 2 2−l dx, y d y, y 1 2−k2 1 × 1 dμz −k −k 2 dy, z V2−k y V2−k z V z, y 2 dz, y 2 d y, y 1 2−l2 1 . 2−l dx, y 1 V2−l x V2−l y V x, y 2−l dx, y 2 W2 3.23 From 1/4dx, y ≥ dy, y ≥ 1/22−k dz, y, it follows that dz, y ≤ 1/2dx, y ≤ 1/22−l dx, y. Then the regularity of Pl and the size condition of Qk together with Proposition 2.7i and dy, z ≤ 2dy, y prove that 2−l2 1 −l V2−l x V2−l y V x, y 2 dx, y 2 dy, z1 × 1 Qk z, y Qk z, y dμz −l W3 2 dx, y d y, y 1 2−l2 1 . 2−l dx, y 1 V2−l x V2−l y V x, y 2−l dx, y 2 Z6 Thus, 3.12 holds and this finishes the proof of 3.3. 3.24 60 Abstract and Applied Analysis We finally prove 3.5 in the case k ≥ l. To this end, it suffices to verify that for any 1 ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , dx, x ≤ 1/8dx, y and dy, y ≤ 1/8dx, y, Pl Qk x, y − Pl Qk x , y − Pl Qk x, y − Pl Qk x , y d x, x 1 2−l dx, y d y, y 1 1 2−lσ σ , −l 2−l dx, y 1 V2−l xV2−l yV x, y 2 dx, y 1 3.25 where σ 2 − 1 ∧ 3 > 0. To see this, the estimate 3.4 implies that for any 1 ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , dx, x ≤ 1/8dx, y, and dy, y ≤ 1/8dx, y, Pl Qk x, y − Pl Qk x , y − Pl Qk x, y − Pl Qk x , y d x, x 1 2−l2 1 2 −l 2−l dx, y 1 V2−l x V2−l y V x, y 2 dx, y d x, x 1 1 2−l2 −k−lδ 2 , −l −l 2 2 d x, y 1 V2−l x V2−l y V x, y 2 d x, y −k−lδ 2 3.26 where δ > 0 depends only on 1 , 1 , and 2 . The assumption dy, y ≤ 1/8dx, y together with Lemma 2.1iii further shows that for any 1 ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , dx, x ≤ 1/8dx, y and dy, y ≤ 1/8dx, y, Pl Qk x, y − Pl Qk x , y − Pl Qk x, y − Pl Qk x , y −k−lδ 2 d x, x 1 2−l2 1 2 . −l 2−l dx, y 1 V2−l x V2−l y V x, y 2 dx, y 3.27 By the estimate 3.3 and symmetry, we further obtain that for any 1 ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , dx, x ≤ 1/8dx, y and dy, y ≤ 1/8dx, y, Pl Qk x, y − Pl Qk x , y − Pl Qk x, y − Pl Qk x , y −k−lδ 2 d y, y 1 1 2−l2 2 , −l −l 2 dx, y 1 V2−l x V2−l y V x, y 2 dx, y 3.28 where δ > 0 depends only on 1 , 1 , and 2 . Then the geometric mean among 3.25, 3.27, and 3.28 gives the desired estimate 3.5. Yongsheng Han et al. 61 Using 3.6, we now prove 3.25 by writing that Pl Qk x, y − Pl Qk x , y − Pl Qk x, y − Pl Qk x , y Qk z, y − Qk z, y dμz Pl x, z − Pl x , z − Pl x, y − Pl x , y X ≤ 4 i1 ≡ 4 Pl x, z − Pl x , z − Pl x, y − Pl x , y Qk z, y − Qk z, y dμz Wi Yi , i1 3.29 where W1 2−k dz, y 2−l dx, y ≤ , z ∈ X : d y, y ≤ 2 8 2−l dx, y 2−k dz, y 2−l dz, x ≤ , and d x, x ≤ , z ∈ X : d y, y ≤ 8 2 2 2−l dx, y 2−k dz, y 2−l dz, x W3 z ∈ X : d y, y ≤ ≤ , and d x, x > , 8 2 2 2−k dz, y W4 z ∈ X : d y, y > . 2 3.30 W2 If z ∈ W1 , then dz, y ≤ 1/42−l dx, y, dx, x ≤ 1/8dx, y ≤ 1/82−l dx, y, and dy, y ≤ 1/22−k dz, y, which together with the second difference condition of Pl , the regularity of Qk and Lemma 2.1ii shows d x, x 1 2−l3 1 2−l dx, y V2−l x V2−l y V x, y 2−l dx, y 3 d y, y 1 dy, z1 × 1 −k −l 2 dz, y 1 W1 2 dx, y Y1 1 2−k2 1 × dμz −k V2−k z V2−k y V z, y 2 dz, y 2 d x, x 1 d y, y 1 2−l3 1 . 2−l dx, y 1 2−l dx, y 1 V2−l x V2−l y V x, y 2−l dx, y 3 3.31 62 Abstract and Applied Analysis If z ∈ W4 , then 1/22−k dz, y < dy, y ≤ 1/8dx, y, and therefore, dz, y ≤ 2dy, y ≤ 1/4dx, y ≤ 1/42−l dx, y and dx, x ≤ 1/8dx, y ≤ 1/82−l dx, y. From this, the regularity of Pl and Proposition 2.7i, it follows that d x, x 1 Y4 2−l dx, y 1 2−l dx, y 1 V2−l x V2−l y V x, y Qk z, y Qk z, y dμz 3 1 2−l3 × d y, y 1 2−l dx, y X 1 d x, x d y, y 1 2−l3 1 . 1 1 2−l dx, y 2−l dx, y V2−l x V2−l y V x, y 2−l dx, y 3 3.32 If z ∈ W2 , then dx, x ≤ 1/22−l dz, x, dy, y ≤ 1/22−k dz, y, and dx, x ≤ 1/8dx, y ≤ 1/82−l dx, y, which together with the regularity of Pl and Qk implies that Y2 W2 d x, x 1 1 2−l2 1 −l V2−l x V2−l z V x, z 2 dx, z 2 2−l dx, z d x, x 1 2−l2 1 2−l dx, y 1 V2−l x V2−l y V x, y 2−l dx, y 2 d y, y 1 2−k2 1 × dμz 1 2−k dy, z V2−k z V2−k y V z, y 2−k dz, y 2 3.33 ≡ Y2,1 Y2,2 . The fact that z ∈ W2 , which implies that 2−k dz, y ≥ 1/42−l dx, y, together with Lemma 2.1ii yields that d x, x 1 Y2,2 2−l dx, y 1 2−l dx, y 1 1 V2−l x V2−l y V x, y 1 2−k2 dμz −k dz, y 2 2−l dx, y X V2−k y V z, y 2 d x, x 1 d y, y 1 2−l2 1 . 2−l dx, y 1 2−l dx, y 1 V2−l x V2−l y V x, y 2−l dx, y 2 × 2−l2 d y, y 1 2 3.34 Yongsheng Han et al. 63 Similarly, the fact that 2−k dz, y ≥ 1/42−l dx, y implies that d y, y 1 Y2,1 2−l dx, y d x, x 1 1 W2 2−l dx, z 1 2−l2 × 2−l dx, z 1 V2−l x V2−l z V x, z 2 2−k2 1 dμz. −k V2−k z V2−k y V z, y 2 dz, y 2 3.35 The estimate 3.19 together with the facts that k ≥ l and 2−k dz, y ≥ 1/42−l dx, y and Lemma 2.1ii yields that for any 1 ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , Y2,1 d y, y 1 1 1 2−l2 d x, x 1 V2−l y V x, y 2−l dx, y 2 2−l dx, y 2−l2 1 × dμz X V2−l x V x, z 2−l dx, z 2 1 3.36 d y, y 1 d x, x 1 1 2−l2 −1 , 2−l dx, y 1 V2−l y V x, y 2−l dx, y 1 2−l dx, y 2 −1 and similarly, Lemma 2.1i implies that Y2,1 d y, y 1 1 1 2−k2 1 l1 d x, x 2 dμz −k dz, y 2 2−l dx, y 1 V2−l x W2 V2−k y V z, y 2 d y, y 1 1 d x, x 1 2l1 1 2−l dx, y V2−l x ⎧ ⎫ ⎨ ⎬ 2−l2 1 1 −l2 × 2 dμz dz,y≥1/82−l dx,y, V z, y dz, y2 ⎩ 2−l dx, y 2 ⎭ dz,y≥2−k d y, y 1 d x, x 1 1 2−l2 −1 , 2−l dx, y 1 V2−l x 2−l dx, y 1 2−l dx, y 2 −1 3.37 which completes the estimate for Y2 . Finally, to estimate Y3 , since dy, y ≤ 1/22−k dz, y and dx, y 2−l dx, y ≤ , d x, x ≤ 8 8 3.38 64 Abstract and Applied Analysis by the regularities of Pl and Qk , we then have −l2 d x, x 1 1 2 Pl x, z Pl x , z Y3 2−l dx, y 1 V2−l xV2−l yV x, y 2−l dx, y 2 W3 d y, y 1 2−k2 1 × 1 dμz −k −k 2 dz, y V2−k z V2−k y V z, y 2 dz, y 2 ≡ 3 Y3,i . i1 3.39 The fact that 2−k dz, y ≥ 1/42−l dx, y and Lemma 2.1ii imply that d x, x 1 d y, y 1 1 1 −l 2 dx, y 1 V2−l x V2−l y V x, y 2−k2 1 2−l2 × dμz 2−l dx, y 2 X V2−k y V z, y 2−k dz, y 2 d y, y 1 d x, x 1 2−l2 1 . 1 1 2−l dx, y 2−l dx, y V2−l x V2−l y V x, y 2−l dx, y 2 Y3,3 2−l dx, y 3.40 The facts that k ≥ l, 2−k dz, y ≥ 1/42−l dx, y, 3.19, and Proposition 2.7i yield that for any 1 ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , Y3,1 d y, y 1 1 Pl x, z 1 2−k2 dμz −k V2−k zV2−k yV z, y 2 dz, y 2 2−l dx, y W3 d x, x 1 d y, y 1 2−l2 −1 1 1 −l − , 2−l dx, y 1 2 dx, y V2−l y V x, y 2−l dx, y 2 1 3.41 where, in the last step, we used the fact that 2−l < 2dx, x in this case. Similarly, by the size condition of Pl and Lemma 2.1i, we further have Y3,1 d y, y 1 2−k2 1 1 dμz 2−l dx, y 1 V2−l x W3 V2−k y V z, y 2−k dz, y 2 d y, y 1 1 1 −l −l V 2 dx, y 2 x ⎧ ⎫ ⎨ ⎬ 2−l2 1 1 −l2 × 2 dμz dz,y≥1/82−l dx,y, V z, y dz, y2 ⎩ 2−l dx, y 2 ⎭ dz,y≥2−k d x, x 1 d y, y 1 2−l2 −1 1 − . 1 −l 2−l dx, y 1 2 dx, y V2−l x 2−l dx, y 2 1 3.42 Yongsheng Han et al. 65 Notice that in this case, 2−l ≤ 2dx, x ≤ 1/4dx, y and therefore V2−l x ≤ V x, y. Thus, by 3.19, we have that for z ∈ W3 , 1/V2−k yV z, y 1/V2−l yV x, y 1/V2−l x V2−l y V x, y, which together with Proposition 2.7i shows Y3,2 d y, y 1 2−l dx, y d x, x 1 2−l dx, y 2−l2 1 2−l 1 dx, y d y, y 1 2−l dx, y 2 Pl x , z W3 1 dμz V2−k z V2−k y V z, y 1 2−l2 −1 1 . V2−l x V2−l y V x, y 2−l dx, y2 −1 3.43 This completes the proof of 3.25, and hence, the proof of Lemma 3.2. Remark 3.3. From the proof of 3.2 in Lemma 3.2, it is easy to see that 3.2 still holds if Pl has the required regularity only in the second variable, and Qk the first variable. This observation is useful in applications. In what follows, let {Sk }k∈Z be an 1 , 2 , 3 -ATI with 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, and 3 > 0 as in Definition 2.2. Set Dk Sk − Sk−1 for k ∈ Z. To establish continuous Calderón reproducing formulae, by following Coifman’s idea see 64 and Proposition 3.1ii, we write for any N ∈ N, I ∞ Dk k−∞ ∞ |l|>N k−∞ ∞ Dj j−∞ Dkl Dk ∞ DkN Dk 3.44 k−∞ RN TN −1 in Lp X with p ∈ 1, ∞, where DkN |l|≤N Dkl . To verify that TN exists and is bounded on 2 any space of test functions, we first prove that RN is bounded on L X with a small operator norm. Lemma 3.4. Let N ∈ N and let RN be as in 3.44. Then there exist constants C > 0 and δ > 0, independent of N, such that for all f ∈ L2 X, RN f 2 ≤ C2−Nδ fL2 X . L X 3.45 Proof. To prove the lemma, by applying the Cotlar-Stein lemma see 75, page 280 or 64, we see that it suffices to verify that for any σ ∈ 0, 1, 1 ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 with i 1, 2, 3, and all k1 , l1 , k2 , l2 ∈ Z, Dk l Dk Dk l Dk t 2 2−|l1 |1 σ 2−|l2 |2 σ 2−|k1 −k2 |3 1−σ , 1 1 1 2 2 2 L X → L2 X Dk l Dk t Dk l Dk 2 2−|l1 |1 σ 2−|l2 |2 σ 2−|k1 −k2 |3 1−σ . 2 2 2 1 1 1 L X → L2 X 3.46 66 Abstract and Applied Analysis We only prove 3.46, the proof for the last inequality being similar. In fact, Lemma 3.2 and Proposition 2.7 yield that Dk l Dk Dk l Dk t 2 2−|l1 |1 2−|l2 |2 , 1 1 1 2 2 2 L X → L2 X −|k1 −k2 |3 Dk l Dk Dt Dt . 1 1 1 k2 k2 l2 L2 X → L2 X 2 3.47 Then the geometric mean of the above two estimates gives the estimate 3.46, which completes the proof of Lemma 3.4. We now establish some estimates for the kernel, RN x, y, of the operator RN . To this end, we first give a technical lemma. Lemma 3.5. For any σ ≥ s > 0 and x, y ∈ X with x / y, ∞ 2−ks 1 1 1 . σ −k V −k x V x, y 2 dx, y V x, y dx, yσ−s k−∞ 2 3.48 Proof. For any x, y ∈ X, choose k0 ∈ Z such that 2−k0 < dx, y ≤ 2−k0 1 . Then if k ≤ k0 , by 1.3, we have V2−k x μ B x, 2−k−k0 2−k0 ≥ 2−κk−k0 μ B x, 2−k0 3.49 2−κk−k0 V x, y. Therefore, ∞ 2−ks 1 −k V −k x V x, y 2 dx, y σ k−∞ 2 k0 ∞ 1 1 1 2−ks σ σ−s dx, y k−∞ V2−k x V x, ydx, y kk0 1 k 0 1 1 −κk−k0 2 1 V x, y dx, yσ−s k−∞ ≤ 3.50 1 1 , V x, y dx, yσ−s which completes the proof of Lemma 3.5. Lemma 3.6. Let N ∈ N, let RN be as in 3.44, and let RN x, y be its kernel. Then for any 1 ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , there exists a constant δ > 0, independent of N, such that RN satisfies all the conditions of Corollary 2.22 with replaced by 1 and CRN 2−δN . Moreover, R∗N 1 0. Yongsheng Han et al. 67 Proof. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 . Write ∞ ∞ ∞ −N−1 Dkl Dk x, y Dkl Dk x, y RN x, y lN1 k−∞ R1N x, y 3.51 l−∞ k−∞ R2N x, y. By 3.2 and Lemma 3.5, we have that for any x, y ∈ X with x / y, RN x, y ≤ R1 x, y R2 x, y N N ∞ 2−l1 lN1 −N−1 l−∞ 2−N1 2l1 ∞ 2−k2 1 −k V −k x V x, y 2 dx, y 2 k−∞ 2 ∞ 2−kl2 1 −kl V −kl x V x, y 2 dx, y 2 k−∞ 2 3.52 1 . V x, y Thus, RN satisfies i of Theorem 2.18. y and The estimate 3.3 and Lemma 3.5 show that for any x, y, y ∈ X with x / dy, y ≤ 1/4dx, y, RN x, y − RN x, y ≤ R1N x, y − R1N x, y R2N x, y − R2N x, y ∞ ∞ d y, y 1 1 2−k2 −lδ 2 V −k x V x, y 2−k dx, y 2 dx, y1 lN1 k−∞ 2 −N−1 ∞ 2−kl2 1 2lδ −kl V −kl x V x, y 2 dx, y 2 l−∞ k−∞ 2 −Nδ 2 d y, y 1 dx, y 1 3.53 1 , V x, y and the estimate 3.4 and the symmetry also yield that d y, y 1 1 RN y, x − RN y , x 2−Nδ , 1 V x, y dx, y which shows that RN satisfies 2.49 and ii of Theorem 2.18. 3.54 68 Abstract and Applied Analysis y and dx, x ≤ Using 3.5 and Lemma 3.5 then gives that for x, x , y, y ∈ X with x / 1/8dx, y and dy, y ≤ 1/8dx, y, RN x, y − RN x , y − RN x, y − RN x , y ≤ R1N x, y − R1N x , y − R1N x, y − R1N x , y R2N x, y − R2N x , y − R2N x, y − R2N x , y ∞ ∞ d x, x 1 d y, y 1 2−kσ 1 −lδ 2 V −k x V x, y 2−k dx, y σ dx, y1 dx, y1 lN1 k−∞ 2 −N−1 ∞ 2−klσ 1 2 σ −kl V −kl x V x, y 2 dx, y l−∞ k−∞ 2 −Nδ 2 d x, x 1 d y, y 1 dx, y 1 dx, y 1 lδ 1 , V x, y 3.55 which shows that RN satisfies iii of Theorem 2.18. Moreover, by the vanishing moments of Dk , we obviously have RN 1 0 R∗N 1. Thus, RN satisfies all the conditions of Corollary 2.22 with replaced by 1 and CRN 2−δN , which completes the proof of Lemma 3.6. From Lemma 3.6 and Corollary 2.22, it is easy to deduce the boundedness of TN on spaces of test functions when N is large enough. Proposition 3.7. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, and let {Sk }k∈Z be an 1 , 2 , 3 -ATI. For N ∈ N, let RN and TN be as in 3.44. Then there exist constants C8 > 0 and δ > 0, which are independent of N, such that for all f ∈ G̊x1 , r, β, γ with x1 ∈ X, r > 0 and 0 < β, γ < 1 ∧ 2 , RN f ≤ C8 2−Nδ fGx1 ,r,β,γ . Gx1 ,r,β,γ 3.56 Moreover, if N is so large that C8 2−Nδ < 1, 3.57 −1 then TN exists and maps any space of test functions to itself. More precisely, there exists a constant C > 0 such that for all f ∈ G̊x1 , r, β, γ with x1 ∈ X, r > 0, and 0 < β, γ < 1 ∧ 2 , −1 T f ≤ CfGx1 ,r,β,γ . N Gx1 ,r,β,γ 3.58 Yongsheng Han et al. 69 Proof. Applying Corollary 2.22 together with Lemmas 3.4 and 3.6 gives 3.56. Moreover, if we choose N ∈ N such that 3.57 holds, then by 3.56, we have that for all f ∈ G̊x1 , r, β, γ, −1 −1 T f I − RN fGx1 ,r,β,γ N Gx1 ,r,β,γ ∞ l RN f l0 Gx1 ,r,β,γ ≤ ∞ −Nδ l C8 2 3.59 fGx1 ,r,β,γ l0 fGx1 ,r,β,γ , which completes the proof of Proposition 3.7. Proposition 3.8. Let p ∈ 1, ∞, 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0 and let {Sk }k∈Z be an 1 , 2 , 3 -ATI. For N ∈ N, let RN and TN be as in 3.44. Then there exist constants C9 > 0 and δ > 0, which are independent of N, such that for all f ∈ Lp X RN f p ≤ C9 2−Nδ fLp X . L X 3.60 C9 2−Nδ < 1, 3.61 Moreover, if N is so large that −1 then TN exists and is bounded on Lp X, and there exists a constant C > 0 such that for all f ∈ p L X, −1 T f Lp X N ≤ CfLp X . 3.62 Proof. We use the same notation as in Lemma 3.6. From Lemma 3.6 together with the proposition in 75, page 29, it is easy to see that RN is a singular integral satisfying the condition 10 in 75, page 19 with A 2−Nδ . This fact and the corollary in 75, page 19 together with a duality argument and Lemma 3.4 prove that RN is also bounded on Lp X for p ∈ 1, ∞ and RN Lp X → Lp X 2−Nδ . That is, 3.60 holds. If we choose N ∈ N so large that 3.61 holds, by an argument similar to the proof of Proposition 3.7, we can prove that −1 is bounded on Lp X for p ∈ 1, ∞. TN Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, and let {Sk }∞ k0 be an 1 , 2 , 3 -ATI. Set Dk Sk − Sk−1 for k ∈ Z. For any f ∈ Lp X with p ∈ 1, ∞ and x ∈ X, the Littlewood-Paley g-function ġf is defined by ġfx ∞ Dk fx2 k−∞ 1/2 . 3.63 70 Abstract and Applied Analysis Lemma 3.9. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, and let {Sk }k∈Z be an 1 , 2 , 3 -ATI. Let Dk Sk −Sk−1 for k ∈ Z and let ġf for f ∈ Lp X with p ∈ 1, ∞ be as in 3.63. Then there exists a constant Cp > 0 such that for all f ∈ Lp X, ġf p ≤ Cp fLp X . L X 3.64 Proof. By Khinchin’s inequality see 76, page 165 and Minkowski’s inequality, we first have that for any N ∈ N, 1/2 N 2 Dk f k−N Lp X N 1 2N ··· σk Dk f 2 σ σ k−N −N N N 1 2N ··· σk Dk f 2 σ σ k−N −N N Lp X 3.65 , Lp X N σ where σk 1 or −1 for k ∈ {−N, . . . , N}. For any fixed σ {σk }N k−N , we set TN k−N σk Dk σ σ and denote its kernel by KN . Similarly to the proof of Lemma 3.6, it is easy to verify that KN σ ∗ and KN are standard Calderón-Zygmund kernels, with constants independent of N and σ σ is bounded on L2 X with TN L2 X → L2 X 1, then by the σ. Then if we can verify that TN corollary in 75, page 22 together with a duality argument, we obtain that for p ∈ 1, ∞, σ Lp X → Lp X 1. Therefore, for all N ∈ N and all f ∈ Lp X, TN 1/2 N 2 Dk f k−N fLp X . 3.66 Lp X Then Fatou’s lemma further shows that ġfLp X fLp X . To finish the proof of σ is bounded on L2 X. By the Cotlar-Stein lemma, Lemma 3.9, it remains to verify that TN it suffices to verify that for any 1 ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 and all j, k ∈ Z, σk Dk σj Dj t 2 2−|k−j|1 , L X → L2 X σj Dj t σk Dk 2 2−|k−j|1 . L X → L2 X 3.67 However, these two estimates are a simple corollary of 3.2 in Lemma 3.2. This completes the proof of Lemma 3.9. We can now establish a continuous Calderón reproducing formula. Theorem 3.10. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 and let {Sk }k∈Z be an 1 , 2 , 3 -ATI. k }k∈Z such that for all Set Dk Sk − Sk−1 for k ∈ Z. Then there exists a family of linear operators {D f ∈ G̊0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , f ∞ k−∞ k Dk f, D 3.68 Yongsheng Han et al. 71 where the series converges in both the norm of G̊0 β, γ and the norm of Lp X for p ∈ 1, ∞. k satisfy the conditions (i) and (ii) of Definition 2.2 with 1 Moreover, the kernels of the operators D k x, ydμy D x, ydμx 0. and 2 replaced by ∈ , 1 ∧ 2 , and X D X k Proof. Fix a large integer N such that 3.57 and 3.61 hold and, therefore, Propositions 3.7 and 3.8 hold. Let DkN for k ∈ Z be as in 3.44. It is easy to check that DkN ·, y ∈ k x, y T −1 DN ·, yx for k ∈ Z, where T −1 is G̊y, 2−j , 1 , 2 for all k ∈ Z. Define D N N k k for k ∈ Z satisfies all defined as in Proposition 3.7. Then Proposition 3.7 shows that D the conclusions of the theorem, and formally, we also have 3.68. We still need to verify that the series in 3.68 converges in both the norm of G̊0 β, γ and the norm of Lp X with p ∈ 1, ∞. Let 1 ∧ 2 . We first prove that the series in 3.68 converges in the norm of G̊0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < . Let f ∈ G̊β , γ with β < β < and γ < γ < . Then, for L ∈ N, we write |k|≤L k Dk f T −1 D N |k|≤L −1 TN f DkN Dk TN − |k|≥L1 DkN Dk −1 TN f TN − −1 TN j |k|≥L1 f − lim RN f − j →∞ −1 TN f 3.69 DkN Dk |k|≥L1 f f. DkN Dk We now verify that k Dk f lim f − D L → ∞ |k|≤L 0. 3.70 Gβ,γ To see this, we write Dk Dk f − f |k|≤L Gβ,γ j −1 N ≤ lim RN f Gβ,γ TN Dk Dk f j →∞ |k|≥L1 3.71 . Gβ,γ Notice that G̊β , γ ⊂ G̊β, γ. By 3.56 and 3.57, we have j j lim RN fGβ,γ ≤ lim C8 2−Nδ fGβ,γ 0, j →∞ j →∞ 3.72 72 Abstract and Applied Analysis we remark that this is also true even when β β and γ γ . We now prove that −1 lim TN DkN Dk f L → ∞ |k|≥L1 0. 3.73 Gβ,γ To this end, by Proposition 3.7, it suffices to verify that there exists some σ > 0 such that for all 0 < β < β < and 0 < γ < γ < and all f ∈ G̊β , γ , DkN Dk f |k|≥L1 2−σL fGβ ,γ . 3.74 Gβ,γ Similarly to the proof of 3.3, by Lemma 2.1iii and the geometric mean, we can reduce the proof of 3.74 to verifying that there exists some σ > 0 such that for all f ∈ G̊β , γ and all x ∈ X, 1 1 N Dk Dk fx 2−σL fGβ ,γ , |k|≥L1 V1 x1 V x1 , x 1 dx, x1 γ 3.75 and for all x, x ∈ X with dx, x ≤ 1/21 dx, x1 , DkN Dk fx − DkN Dk f x |k|≥L1 |k|≥L1 β d x, x 3.76 1 1 fGβ ,γ γ . β V x V x , x 1 1 1 1 dx, x1 1 dx, x1 Similarly to the proofs of Lemmas 3.4 and 3.6 and using some estimates similar to 3.2 and 3.12, we easily obtain that for any L ∈ N, the operator TL |k|≥L1 DkN Dk satisfies all the conditions of Corollary 2.22 with replaced by , CTL 1 and TL L2 X → L2 X 1. 3.77 Corollary 2.22 then shows that TL is bounded on G̊β , γ for any 0 < β , γ < . In particular, we see that 3.76 holds. Yongsheng Han et al. 73 To verify 3.75, we simply denote DkN Dk by Ek . By Lemma 3.2 and its proof, it is easy to see that Ek x, y, the kernel of Ek , still satisfies i to iv of Definition 2.2 with a constant depending on N; see 3.2 and 3.12. Moreover, Ek 1 0. For f ∈ G̊β , γ , ∞ ∞ DkN Dk fx Ek x, y fy − fx dμy kL1 X kL1 ∞ Ek x, yfy − fxdμy ≤ kL1 dx,y≤1dx1 ,x/2 ∞ kL1 ∞ kL1 ≡ 3 Ek x, yfydμy dx,y>1dx1 ,x/2 3.78 Ek x, yfxdμy dx,y>1dx1 ,x/2 Zi . i1 The size estimates for Ek and the regularity of f imply together with Lemma 2.1ii that Z1 ∞ kL1 2−k2 1 −k dx, y 2 dx,y≤1dx1 ,x/2 V2−k x V2−k y V x, y 2 dx, yβ 1 1 × dμy β V1 x1 V x1 , x 1 d x1 , x γ 1 d x1 , x 2−Lβ 1 1 . V1 x1 V x1 , x 1 d x1 , x γ 3.79 Similarly, Lemma 2.1i yields that Z3 ∞ kL1 2−k2 1 dμy −k dx, y 2 dx,y>1dx1 ,x/2 V2−k x V x, y 2 × 2−L2 1 1 V1 x1 V x1 , x 1 d x1 , x γ 1 1 . V1 x1 V x1 , x 1 d x1 , x γ 3.80 74 Abstract and Applied Analysis Since dx, y > 1 dx1 , x/2, we have V x, x1 V x, y. This estimate together with Lemma 2.1 shows that ∞ Z2 kL1 2−k2 1 −k dx, y 2 dx,y>1dx1 ,x/2 V2−k x V2−k y V x, y 2 1 1 dμy V1 x1 V x1 , y 1 d x1 , y γ 1 1 1 2−L2 min , V1 x1 V x, x1 1 d x1 , x 2 × 2−L2 3.81 1 1 , V1 x1 V x1 , x 1 d x1 , x γ which completes the proof of 3.75 for the operator Since X fydμy 0, we can write ∞ kL1 DkN Dk . −L−1 −L−1 N Dk Dk fx Ek x, y − Ek x, x1 fydμy k−∞ X k−∞ ≤ −L−1 k−∞ −L−1 k−∞ −L−1 dx1 ,y≤2−k dx1 ,x/2 dx1 ,y>2−k dx1 ,x/2 dx1 ,y>2−k dx1 ,x/2 k−∞ ≡ 3 Ek x, y − Ek x, x1 fydμy Ek x, yfydμy 3.82 Ek x, x1 fydμy Yi . i1 The regularity of Ek in the second variable and the size condition of f together with Lemma 2.1i yield that Y1 −L−1 k−∞ d y, x1 1 2−k2 1 −k 1 −k 2 V2−k xV2−k x1 V x, x1 2 d x, x1 dx1 ,y≤2−k dx1 ,x/2 2 d x, x1 × 2−Lγ −γ 1 1 dμy V1 x1 V x1 , y 1 d x1 , y γ 1 1 . V1 x1 V x, x1 1 d x, x1 γ 3.83 Yongsheng Han et al. 75 Similarly, Lemma 2.1ii shows that Y3 −L−1 −k dx1 ,y>2 k−∞ 1 −k −k V x V x1 V x, x1 dx1 ,x/2 2 2 × 2−k 2−Lγ −γ/2 1 1 2−k2 2 dμy V1 x1 V x1 , y 1 d x1 , y γ d x, x1 1 1 . V1 x1 V x, x1 1 d x1 , x γ 3.84 Since k < 0 and dx1 , y > 2−k dx1 , x/2 > 1 dx1 , x/2, then V x1 , x V x1 , y. From this and Lemma 2.1ii, it follows that Y2 −L−1 k−∞ 1 dx1 ,y>2−k dx1 ,x/2 V2−k x V2−k y V x, y 2−k2 × 2−k 2−Lγ −γ dx, y 2 1 1 dμy V1 x1 V x1 , y 1 d x1 , y γ 1 1 , V1 x1 V x, x1 1 d x1 , x γ 3.85 which completes the proof of 3.75. Hence, we obtain 3.74. Therefore for f ∈ G̊β , γ with β < β < and γ < γ < , 3.73 holds. Combining the estimate 3.73 with 3.72 shows 3.70. Let now f ∈ G̊0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < . By definition, there exists a sequence ∞ {fn }n1 ⊂ G̊, such that limn → ∞ f−fn Gβ,γ 0. For any given L ∈ N, using some estimates similar to 3.2 and 3.12 see also Remark 3.16, similarly to the proof of Lemma 3.6, we can easily verify that for any L ∈ N, the operator TL |k|≤L DkN Dk satisfies all the conditions of Corollary 2.22 with replaced by , CTL 1, and TL L2 X → L2 X 1. Thus TL is bounded on G̊β, γ and TL∗ 1 0 by the vanishing moment of DkN , which together with the boundedness −1 on G̊β, γ yields of TN k Dk f D f − |k|≤L Gβ,γ −1 −1 −1 f − fn Gβ,γ fn − TN TL fn Gβ,γ TN TL fn − TN TL f Gβ,γ −1 f − fn Gβ,γ fn − TN TL fn Gβ,γ . 3.86 76 Abstract and Applied Analysis For any given δ > 0, fix some n ∈ N such that f − fn Gβ,γ ≤ δ/4. By 3.70, for this chosen n, there exists some L0 ∈ N such that if L > L0 , then δ fn − T −1 TL fn < . N Gβ,γ 2 3.87 k Dk f D f − |k|≤L 3.88 Thus, when L > L0 , < δ. Gβ,γ −1 Since TL∗ 1 0 and R∗N 1 0 and since TL and TN are bounded from G̊x, r, β, γ to Gx, r, β, γ for any x ∈ X, r > 0, and 0 < β, γ < , it follows that for ∈ 0, , −1 |k|≤L Dk Dk fn T TL fn ∈ G̊, . Moreover, N k Dk f − fn − k Dk fn D D f− |k|≤L |k|≤L −1 ≤ f − fn Gβ,γ TN TL f − fn Gβ,γ Gβ,γ f − fn Gβ,γ −→ 0, 3.89 as n → ∞. Thus, f − |k|≤L k Dk f ∈ G̊ β, γ. By 3.88, we further have that when L > L0 , D 0 k Dk f D f − |k|≤L 3.90 < δ, G̊0 β,γ which implies that 3.68 holds in the norm of G̊0 β, γ. We now verify that 3.68 also holds in Lp X for p ∈ 1, ∞. By Proposition 3.8 and the choice of N, we have j j lim RN fLp X ≤ lim C9 2−Nδ fLp X 0, j →∞ j →∞ −1 N Dk Dk f TN |k|≥L1 Lp X N Dk Dk f |k|≥L1 Lp X 3.91 . Yongsheng Han et al. 77 Moreover, by Lemma 3.9 and Hölder’s inequality, we obtain DkN Dk f |k|≥L1 Lp X & ' N sup Dk Dk f, h h ≤1 |k|≥L1 Lp X 1/2 2 Dk f ≤ sup h ≤1 |k|≥L1 Lp X Lp X 1/2 2 t DN h k |k|≥L1 3.92 Lp X 1/2 2 Dk f |k|≥L1 Lp X fLp X . Thus, N lim Dk Dk f L→∞ |k|≥L1 Lp X 1/2 2 Dk f lim L→∞ |k|≥L1 0. 3.93 Lp X From these estimates, we finally deduce that 3.68 holds in Lp X with p ∈ 1, ∞, which completes the proof of Theorem 3.10. By an argument similar to the proof of Theorem 3.10, we obtain another continuous Calderón reproducing formula we omit the details. Theorem 3.11. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , and let {Sk }k∈Z be an 1 , 2 , 3 -ATI. Set Dk Sk − Sk−1 for k ∈ Z. Then there exists a family of linear operators {Dk }k∈Z such that for all f ∈ G̊0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , f ∞ Dk Dk f, 3.94 k−∞ where the series converges in both the norm of G̊0 β, γ and the norm of Lp X for p ∈ 1, ∞. Moreover, the kernels of the operators Dk satisfy the conditions (i) and (iii) of Definition 2.2 with 1 and 2 replaced by ∈ , 1 ∧ 2 , and X Dk x, ydμy X Dk x, ydμx 0. To establish some Calderón reproducing formulae in spaces of distributions, we first need to understand the action of the operators Dk on spaces of distributions. To this end, for all x, the conditions i through iii with y ∈ X, let ϕx, y satisfy k 0 of Definition 2.2, and X ϕx, ydμy 0 X ϕx, ydμx. Let be as in Theorem 3.10, 78 Abstract and Applied Analysis 0 < β, γ < , and f ∈ G̊0 β, γ. We then define Ψfx X 3.95 ϕx, yfydμy. Let u ∈ G̊0 β, γ . In analogy with the theory of distributions on Rn , there exist two ways to define Ψu ∈ G̊0 β, γ . One way is to define Ψu ∈ G̊0 β, γ by duality, that is, for all f ∈ G̊0 β, γ, we put Ψu, f u, Ψt f , 3.96 where Ψt denotes the integral operator with the kernel ϕt x, y ϕy, x for all x, y ∈ X. Alternatively, we define pointwise Ψux u, ϕx, · . 3.97 We now show that both definitions actually coincide. Lemma 3.12. Let be as in Theorem 3.10 and let 0 < β, γ < . Let u ∈ G̊0 β, γ and let Ψu and Ψu be defined, respectively, as in 3.96 and 3.97. Then Ψu Ψu in G̊0 β, γ . Proof. To establish this lemma, it suffices to show that for all f ∈ G̊, , X Ψuxfxdμx u, Ψt f . 3.98 To this end, for L ∈ N large enough, we define TL fx 3.99 ϕy, xfydμy. Bx1 ,L Let β, γ be as in the lemma. Using Theorem 2.18 and some routine computations, we have TL f ∈ G̊, and limL → ∞ Ψt f − TL fGβ,γ 0. Thus, u, Ψt f limL → ∞ u, TL f. J Now for fixed L ∈ N large enough, and for any J ∈ N, let NJ {i ∈ IJ : Qi ∩ J J Bx1 , L / ∅}, where {Qi }J∈N, i∈IJ are dyadic cubes of X as in Lemma 2.19. If Qi ∩ Bx1 , L / ∅ J J J and L is large enough, then Bx1 , L ⊂ Bzi , 3L and Qi ⊂ Bx1 , 2L, where zi is the center of n J Qi as in Lemma 2.19. These facts imply that NJ L2j . By Lemma 2.19, we write TL fx i∈NJ J Qi ∩Bx1 ,L ϕ yQJ , x ϕy, x−ϕ yQJ , x fydμy 1 2 ≡ TL,J fx TL,J fx, i i∈NJ i J Qi ∩Bx1 ,L fydμy 3.100 Yongsheng Han et al. 79 J where yQJ is any point in Qi ∩ Bx1 , L. For fixed L ∈ N large enough, using Theorem 2.18 i 1 f ∈ G̊, and and some routine computations again, we have TL,J 1 lim TL,J fGβ,γ 0. 3.101 J →∞ Thus, 2 u, Ψt f lim lim u, TL,J f L→∞ J →∞ lim lim L→∞ J →∞ X Ψu yQJ J i i∈NJ Qi ∩Bx1 ,L Ψuyfydμy lim lim L→∞ J →∞ fydμy J Qi ∩Bx1 ,L i∈NJ Ψu yQJ − Ψuy fydμy. i 3.102 It is not so difficult to verify that ϕ ·, yQJ − ϕ·, y χQJ ∩Bx1 ,L y ∈ G̊, , i∈NJ i i ϕ ·, yQJ − ϕ·, y χQJ ∩Bx1 ,L y i i i∈N ≤ C2−J1 3.103 Gβ,γ J −J1 J uniformly in uniformly in y ∈ X. From this, it follows that |Ψuy Qi − Ψuy| ≤ Cu 2 y ∈ X, which along with Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem shows that lim J →∞ i∈NJ J Qi ∩Bx1 ,L Ψu yQJ − Ψuy fydμy 0. i 3.104 Thus, 3.98 is true and this completes the proof of Lemma 3.12. Theorems 3.10 and 3.11 in combination with a duality argument and Lemma 3.12 show that continuous Calderón reproducing formulae also hold in spaces of distributions. Theorem 3.13. Let all the notation be as in Theorems 3.10 and 3.11. Then for all f ∈ G̊0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , 3.68 and 3.94 hold in G̊0 β, γ . Finally, let us end this subsection by establishing a Littlewood-Paley theorem associated to ATIs via Theorem 3.10, which is a generalization of 44, Proposition 2.5.1. However, the method used here is different from that in 44. To this end, we need the following Fefferman-Stein vector-valued maximal function inequality in 77; see also 44, Equation 2.11 and 75, Chapter II, Section 1. 80 Abstract and Applied Analysis Lemma 3.14. Let 1 < p < ∞, 1 < q ≤ ∞, and let M be the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator on X. Let {fk }k∈Z ⊂ Lp X be a sequence of measurable functions on X. Then 1/q ∞ q Mfk k−∞ Lp X 1/q ∞ q fk ≤ C k−∞ 3.105 , Lp X where C is independent of {fk }k∈Z . Proposition 3.15. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, and let {Sk }k∈Z be an 1 , 2 , 3 -ATI. Let Dk Sk − Sk−1 for k ∈ Z and let ġf for f ∈ Lp X with p ∈ 1, ∞ be as in 3.63. Then there exists a constant Cp > 0 such that for all f ∈ Lp X, Cp−1 fLp X ≤ ġfLp X ≤ Cp fLp X . 3.106 Proof. By Lemma 3.9, we only need to verify the first inequality. To this end, for any f ∈ k }k∈Z as in Theorem 3.10 such that Lp X, Theorem 3.10 shows that there exist operators {D f ∞ k Dk f D 3.107 k−∞ in Lp X. For 1 < p < ∞, let 1/p 1/p 1. We first claim that for any h ∈ Lp X, 1/2 ∞ 2 t D h k k−∞ hLp X . 3.108 Lp X Let ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 . In fact, by 3.2 of Lemma 3.2 and Remark 3.3, we have that for any 1 ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , t −|k−l| D D k l x, y 2 1 2−k∧l V2−k∧l x V2−k∧l y V x, y 2−k∧l dx, y . 3.109 From this and Lemma 2.1iv, it follows that for x ∈ X, t D D l hx 2−|k−l| k 1 2−k∧l −k∧l dx, y X V2−k∧l x V2−k∧l y V x, y 2 hydμy 2−|k−l| Mhx, 3.110 Yongsheng Han et al. 81 which together with 3.107, Hölder’s inequality, Lemma 3.14, and Lemma 3.9 yields that 1/2 ∞ 2 t D h k−∞ k Lp X 2 1/2 ∞ ∞ −|k−l| 2 M Dl h k−∞ l−∞ 1/2 ∞ 2 M Dl h l−∞ Lp X 3.111 Lp X hLp X . Thus, 3.108 holds. Using 3.108 and 3.107 together with a duality argument and Hölder’s inequality gives fLp X & ' ∞ sup Dk Dk f, h h ≤1 k−∞ Lp X ≤ sup h ≤1 Lp X 1/2 ∞ 2 t h D p k L X k−∞ 3.112 ġf Lp X ġfLp X , which completes the proof of Proposition 3.15. Remark 3.16. From the proof of Proposition 3.15, it is easy to see that Lemma 3.9 is still true t for k ∈ Z, which has regularity only in the second variable; see if Dk there is replaced by D k 3.108. 3.2. Inhomogeneous continuous Calderón reproducing formulae In this subsection, we have no restriction on diamX, which means diamX < ∞ or diamX ∞. We first introduce the following inhomogeneous approximation of the identity on X. Definition 3.17. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, and 3 > 0. A sequence {Sk }k∈Z of linear operators is said to be an inhomogeneous approximation of the identity of order 1 , 2 , 3 for short, 1 , 2 , 3 IATI if Sk for k ∈ Z satisfies Definition 2.2. A sequence {Sk }k∈Z of linear operators is said to be an inhomogeneous approximation of the identity of order 1 with bounded support for short, 1 -IATI with bounded support if Sk for k ∈ Z satisfies Definition 2.3. The following proposition is a simple corollary of Proposition 2.7iv and v. Proposition 3.18. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, let {Sk }k∈Z be an 1 , 2 , 3 -IATI, and let Stk be the adjoint operator of Sk for any k ∈ Z . Let Dk Sk − Sk−1 for k ∈ N and D0 S0 . Then t p I ∞ k0 Dk in L X for p ∈ 1, ∞. The same is true for {Sk }k∈Z . 82 Abstract and Applied Analysis To establish the continuous inhomogeneous Calderón reproducing formulae, we need a technical lemma, which is a variant of Lemma 3.2. Lemma 3.19. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, and 3 > 0, {Sk }k∈Z , and let {Ek }k∈Z be two 1 , 2 , 3 IATIs. Let Pk Sk − Sk−1 and Qk Ek − Ek−1 for k ∈ N, P0 S0 , and Q0 E0 . Then for any 1 ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , there exist constants C > 0, δ > 0, and σ > 0 as in Lemma 3.2 such that the estimates 3.2 to 3.5 are still true for these {Pl }k∈Z and {Qk }k∈Z . Proof. The proof of Lemma 3.19 is essentially as in that of Lemma 3.2. The only different situations are the cases when l 0 or k 0. Let us prove 3.2 for l 0 k to show the difference. In this case, by the size condition of P0 and Q0 , we have P0 Q0 x, y S0 x, zQ0 z, ydμz X 1 1 V x V z V x, z 1 dx, z 2 1 1 dx,z≤1/2dx,y × 1 1 dμz V1 z V1 y V z, y 1 dz, y 2 3.113 ··· . dx,z>1/2dx,y Since dx, z > 1/2dx, y implies that dy, z ≤ dx, y/2, by symmetry, the estimates of the first and the second terms are similar and we only estimate the first term. To this end, since dx, z ≤ dx, y/2 ≤ 1 dx, y/2, by Lemma 2.1iii, we have 1/1 dz, y 1/1 dx, y and 1/V1 z V z, y 1/V1 x V x, y, which further implies that 1/V1 z V1 y V z, y 1/V1 x V1 y V x, y. These estimates together with Lemma 2.1ii yield that P0 Q0 x, y 1 1 , V1 x V1 y V x, y 1 dx, y 2 3.114 which is the desired estimate and hence completes the proof of Lemma 3.19. Now, let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, and {Sk }k∈Z be an 1 , 2 , 3 -IATI as in Definition 3.17. Throughout this subsection, we always assume that Dk Sk − Sk−1 for k ∈ N, D0 S0 and Dk 0 if k ∈ {−1, −2, . . .}. Similar to 3.44, by Proposition 3.18, for any N ∈ N, we write I ∞ k0 Dk ∞ Dj j0 in Lp X with p ∈ 1, ∞, where DkN ∞ Dkl Dk |l|>N k0 |l|≤N Dkl . ∞ k0 DkN Dk RN TN 3.115 Yongsheng Han et al. 83 Repeating the proof of Lemma 3.4, we obtain the following. Lemma 3.20. Let N ∈ N and let RN be as in 3.115. Then there exist constants C > 0 and δ > 0, independent of N, such that for all f ∈ L2 X, RN f 2 ≤ C2−Nδ fL2 X . L X 3.116 We now establish some estimates for the kernel, RN x, y, of the operator RN . To this end, we first give a technical lemma, which is a simple corollary of Lemma 3.5. Lemma 3.21. For any σ ≥ s > 0 and x, y ∈ X with x / y, ∞ k0 2−ks 1 1 1 . σ −k V2−k x V x, y 2 dx, y V x, y dx, yσ−s 3.117 Lemma 3.22. Let N ∈ N, let RN be as in 3.115, and let RN x, y be its kernel. Then for any ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , there exists a constant δ > 0, independent of N, such that RN satisfies all the conditions of Corollary 2.22 and CRN 2−δN . Moreover, R∗N 1 0. Replacing Lemmas 3.2 and 3.5, respectively, by Lemmas 3.19 and 3.21, and repeating the proof of Lemma 3.6, we obtain Lemma 3.22. In combination with Lemma 3.20, this leads to the following variant of Proposition 3.7. We omit the details. Proposition 3.23. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, and let {Sk }k∈Z be an 1 , 2 , 3 -IATI. For N ∈ N, let RN and TN be as in 3.115. Then there exist constants C8 > 0 and δ > 0, which are independent of N, such that RN is bounded on any space of test functions, G̊x1 , r, β, γ with x1 ∈ X, r > 0, and 0 < β, γ < 1 ∧ 2 , and its operator norm is bounded by C8 2−Nδ . Moreover, if N is −1 exists and is bounded on G̊x1 , r, β, γ, if x1 ∈ X, r > 0 and so large that 3.57 holds, then TN 0 < β, γ < 1 ∧ 2 . Via Lemmas 3.20 and 3.22, similar to the proof of Proposition 3.8, we can obtain the following version of Proposition 3.8. Proposition 3.24. Let p ∈ 1, ∞, 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, and let {Sk }k∈Z be an 1 , 2 , 3 IATI. For N ∈ N, let RN and TN be as in 3.115. Then there exist constants C9 > 0 and δ > 0, which are independent of N, such that RN is bounded on Lp X with the operator norm bounded by −1 exists and is bounded on Lp X. C9 2−Nδ . Moreover, if N is so large that 3.61 holds, then TN Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, and let {Sk }k∈Z be an 1 , 2 , 3 -IATI. Set Dk Sk − Sk−1 for k ∈ N and D0 S0 . For any f ∈ Lp X with p ∈ 1, ∞ and x ∈ X, the inhomogeneous Littlewood-Paley g-function gf is defined by gfx ∞ Dk fx2 1/2 . 3.118 k0 Applying the Cotlar-Stein lemma and using a procedure similar to the proof of Lemma 3.9, we obtain the boundedness on Lp X with p ∈ 1, ∞ for the Littlewood-Paley g-function as below. 84 Abstract and Applied Analysis Lemma 3.25. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, and let {Sk }k∈Z be an 1 , 2 , 3 -IATI. Let Dk Sk − Sk−1 for k ∈ N, D0 S0 , and gf for f ∈ Lp X with p ∈ 1, ∞ being as in 3.118. Then there exists a constant Cp > 0 such that for all f ∈ Lp X, gf p ≤ Cp fLp X . L X 3.119 We can now establish an inhomogeneous continuous Calderón reproducing formula. Theorem 3.26. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , and let {Sk }k∈Z be an 1 , 2 , 3 IATI. Set Dk Sk − Sk−1 for k ∈ Z and D0 S0 . Then there exist N ∈ N and a family of linear k }k∈Z such that for all f ∈ G β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , operators {D 0 f ∞ k Dk f, D 3.120 k0 where the series converges both in the norm of G0 β, γ and the norm of Lp X for p ∈ 1, ∞. Moreover, the kernels of the operators D k satisfy the conditions (i) and (ii) of Definition 2.2 with 1 k x, ydμy D x, ydμx 1 when 0 ≤ k ≤ N; and 2 replaced by ∈ , 1 ∧ 2 , and X D X k 0 when k > N. Proof. We prove this theorem by an argument similar to that of Theorem 3.10. Fix a large integer N ∈ N such that 3.57 and 3.61 hold and, therefore, Propositions 3.23 and 3.24 hold. Let DkN be as in 3.115. Then, DkN |j|≤N Dkj ⎧kN ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ Dj , ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ j0 kN ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ Dj , ⎪ ⎩ for 0 ≤ k ≤ N; 3.121 for k > N. jk−N Thus, for k > N, DkN ·, y ∈ G̊y, 2−k , 1 , 2 , and we then define k x, y T −1 DN ·, y x. D N k 3.122 k ·, y ∈ By Proposition 3.23, we know that for k > N and any 0 < β, γ < 1 ∧ 2 , D ∞ ∗ i −k −1 ∗ Gy, 2 , β, γ. Moreover, TN 1 i0 RN 1 1, which implies that X k x, ydμx D X DkN x, ydμx 0. 3.123 DkN ·, ydμy x 0. 3.124 Obviously, we have X k x, ydμy T −1 D N X Yongsheng Han et al. 85 k for k > N satisfies all the conditions of Theorem 3.26. If k ∈ {0, . . . , N}, then Thus, D X DkN x, ydμx 1 X DkN x, ydμy. 3.125 Thus, in this case, we cannot directly apply Proposition 3.23. Notice that −1 TN ∞ i RN . 3.126 i0 Using Lemma 3.19, we easily show that for 1 ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , there exist positive constants and δ depending on such that RN x, y satisfies 2.174 and 2.185 with r0 1 and C 1 −Nδ . Thus, by Corollary 2.31, we know that RN S0 ·, y ∈ Gy, 1, , 2 and CT C2 1 RN S0 ·, y −Nδ . ≤ C2 G̊y,1, ,2 3.127 1 Notice that R∗N 1 0. Applying Proposition 3.23 yields that there exist two positive constants C8 and δ, which are independent of N, such that for all j ∈ N and all y ∈ X, j RN S0 ·, y ∈ G̊y, 1, β, γ and j j R S0 ·, y ≤ C8 2−Nδ , N G̊y,1,β,γ 3.128 where β, γ ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 . Thus, if we choose N so large that 3.57 holds, then by 3.126, k for k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , N} satisfies the conditions i and ii of Definition 2.2 we know that D with RN 1 with 1 and 2 replaced by ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 . Moreover, from 3.126 together 0 R∗N 1, X S0 x, ydμy 1 X S0 x, ydμx and for k ∈ N, X Dk x, ydμy k x, ydμy 1 0 X Dk x, ydμx, it follows that for k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , N}, X D x, ydμx. D X k Now it remains to prove that the series in 3.120 converges in both the norm of G̊0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < and the norm of Lp X with p ∈ 1, γ. To verify 3.120 converges in G0 β, γ with β, γ ∈ 0, , similarly to 3.69, for f ∈ G0 β , γ with β ∈ β, and γ ∈ γ, , and L ∈ N with L > N 1, we have L k Dk f f − lim RN j f − T −1 D N j →∞ k0 ∞ DkN Dk f. 3.129 kL1 Thus, L k Dk f − f D k0 Gβ,γ ∞ j −1 N ≤ lim RN fGβ,γ TN Dk Dk f j →∞ kL1 Gβ,γ . 3.130 86 Abstract and Applied Analysis Applying Corollary 2.31 again, we obtain that there exists δ > 0 such that for all x ∈ X, RN fx 2−Nδ 1 1 , V1 x1 V x1 , x 1 dx1 , x γ 3.131 and for any β ∈ 0, β , and x, x ∈ X with dx, x ≤ 1 dx1 , x/2, RN fx − RN f x 2−Nδ β d x, x 1 1 . 1 d x1 , x V1 x1 V x1 , x 1 d x1 , x γ 3.132 Notice that R∗N 1 0, which together with 3.131 and 3.132 shows that RN f ∈ G̊β, γ. From this and Proposition 3.23, it follows that j j lim RN fGβ,γ ≤ lim C8 2−Nδ fGβ,γ 0. j →∞ j →∞ 3.133 To prove that the second term on the right-hand side of 3.130 tends to 0 as L → ∞, ∗ by DkN 1 0 when L ≥ N see 3.121, and Proposition 3.24, we only need to verify that for a certain σ > 0, ∞ N Dk Dk f kL1 2−σL fGβ ,γ . 3.134 Gβ,γ In fact, 3.134 can be deduced from the following two estimates that for all x ∈ X, ∞ 1 1 N Dk Dk fx 2−β ∧γ L fGβ ,γ , kL1 V1 x1 V x1 , x 1 d x1 , x γ 3.135 and for x, x ∈ X with dx, x ≤ 1 dx1 , x/2, ∞ ∞ N N D D fx − Dk Dk f x kL1 k k kL1 θβ d x, x 1 1 −1−θβ ∧γ L 2 fGβ ,γ , 1 d x1 , x V1 x1 V x1 , x 1 d x1 , x γ 3.136 where θ ∈ 0, 1. Yongsheng Han et al. 87 Let Ek DkN Dk . It is easy to check that Ek for k ∈ N satisfies all estimates of Definition 2.2 with replaced by and a coefficient depending on N. Moreover, for k ∈ N, Ek 1 0 Ek∗ 1. Thus, by Lemma 2.1ii, N D Dk fx k ≤ Ek x, yfy − fxdμy dx,y≤1dx1 ,x/2 Ek x, y fy fx dμy dx,y>1dx1 ,x/2 Ek x, y ≤ fGβ ,γ dx,y≤1dx1 ,x/2 dx, y 1 d x1 , x β 1 1 dμy V1 x1 V x1 , x 1 d x1 , x γ 1 1 Ek x, y V1 x1 V x1 , y 1 d x1 , y γ dx,y>1dx1 ,x/2 × 1 1 dμy V1 x1 V x1 , x 1 d x1 , x γ 1 1 −kβ ≤ fGβ ,γ 2 Z , V1 x1 V x1 , x 1 d x1 , x γ 3.137 and by Lemma 2.1i and ii, we further have 2−k2 1 1 1 2 −k dμy V1 x1 V x1 , y 1d x1 , y γ dx,y>1dx1 ,x/2 V2−k xV x, y 2 dx, y 1 2−kγ 1 min dμy, V1 x1 dx,y>1dx1 ,x/2 V x, y dx, yγ 2−kγ 1 1 1 dμy V x1 , x 1 d x1 , x γ X V1 x1 V x1 , y 1 d x1 , y γ Z 2−kγ 1 1 . V1 x1 V x1 , x 1 d x1 , x γ From this, it is easy to deduce that 3.135 holds. 3.138 88 Abstract and Applied Analysis On the other hand, similarly to the proof of 3.12, we can verify that for x, x ∈ X with dx, x ≤ 1 dx, x1 /4, N D Dk fx − DN Dk f x k k fGβ ,γ β d x, x 1 1 , 1 d x1 , x V1 x1 V x1 , x 1 d x1 , x γ 3.139 and by 3.137 together with Lemma 2.1iii, N D Dk fx − DN Dk fx 2−kβ ∧γ f Gβ ,γ k k 1 1 . V1 x1 V x1 , x 1 d x1 , x γ 3.140 These estimates together with the geometric means yield 3.136. Thus, L k Dk f − f lim D L → ∞ k0 0. 3.141 Gβ,γ Then repeating the proof of Theorem 3.10 further shows that 3.120 holds in the norm of G0 β, γ. Its convergence in Lp X for p ∈ 1, ∞ can be proved in a way similar to Theorem 3.10 if instead of Lemma 3.9 by Lemma 3.25, which completes the proof of Theorem 3.26. Remark 3.27. From the proof of Theorem 3.26, it is easy to see that N in Theorem 3.26 can be chosen so that both 3.57 and 3.61 are satisfied. In order to defray our notation and simplify our presentation, we will assume in the sequel that N 0. A similar argument as for the proof of Theorem 3.26 leads to the following variant of the inhomogeneous continuous Calderón reproducing formula we omit the details. Theorem 3.28. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , and let {Sk }k∈Z be an 1 , 2 , 3 IATI. Set Dk Sk − Sk−1 for k ∈ Z and D0 S0 . Then there exists a family of linear operators {Dk }k∈Z such that for all f ∈ G0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , f ∞ Dk Dk f, 3.142 k0 where the series converges in both the norm of G0 β, γ and the norm of Lp X for p ∈ 1, ∞. Moreover, the kernels of the operators Dk satisfy the conditions (i) and (iii) of Definition 2.2 with 1 and 2 replaced by ∈ , 1 ∧ 2 , and X Dk x, ydμy X Dk x, ydμx 1 when k 0; 0 when k ∈ N. Theorems 3.26 and 3.28 in combination with a duality argument and Lemma 3.12 show that the inhomogeneous Calderón reproducing formulae also hold in spaces of distributions. Yongsheng Han et al. 89 Theorem 3.29. Let all the notation be as in Theorems 3.26 and 3.28. Then for all f ∈ G0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , 3.120 and 3.142 hold in G0 β, γ . Finally, we have the following analogue of Proposition 3.15 for the inhomogeneous Littlewood-Paley g-function, based on Theorem 3.26 we omit the proof. Proposition 3.30. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, and let {Sk }k∈Z be an 1 , 2 , 3 -IATI. Set Dk Sk − Sk−1 for k ∈ Z, D0 S0 and gf for f ∈ Lp X with p ∈ 1, ∞ be as in 3.118. Then there exists a constant Cp > 0 such that for all f ∈ Lp X, Cp fLp X ≤ gfLp X ≤ Cp fLp X . 3.143 Remark 3.31. Similarly as in Remark 3.16, it is easy to see that Lemma 3.25 is still true if Dk t for k ∈ Z , which has regularity only in the second therein is replaced by the kernel D k variable. 4. Discrete Calderón reproducing formulae In this section, we will establish some discrete Calderón reproducing formulae which play a key role in the theory of function spaces, especially in obtaining a frame characterization. To obtain these discrete Calderón reproducing formulae, we mainly use Corollaries 2.22 and 2.31 again. In the following, for k ∈ Z and τ ∈ Ik , we denote by Qτk, ν , ν 1, 2, . . . , Nk, τ, the set kj of all cubes Qτ ⊂ Qτk , where Qτk is the dyadic cube as in Lemma 2.19 and j is a positive large integer such that 2−j C6 < 1 . 3 4.1 ν Denote by zk, the “center” of Qτk, ν as in Lemma 2.19 and by yτk, ν a point in Qτk, ν . τ 4.1. Homogeneous discrete Calderón reproducing formulae In this subsection, we always assume that diamX ∞, 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, and {Sk }k∈Z is an 1 , 2 , 3 -ATI. Set Dk Sk − Sk−1 for k ∈ Z. Let all the notation be as in 3.44. We now introduce the following discrete Riemann sum operator on X, Sfx ∞ Nk,τ k−∞ τ∈Ik ν1 Qτk,ν DkN x, ydμyDk f yτk,ν . 4.2 We first verify that S is well defined and bounded on L2 X via the Littlewood-Paley theorem for the homogeneous g-function as in 3.63, Proposition 3.15. To do so, let us first establish the following estimate by using Proposition 3.15. 90 Abstract and Applied Analysis Lemma 4.1. There exists a constant C > 0 such that for all yτk,ν ∈ Qτk,ν and all f ∈ L2 X, ∞ Nk,τ k,ν 2 μ Qτ Dk f yτk,ν ≤ Cf2L2 X . k−∞ τ∈Ik 4.3 ν1 k }∞ Proof. By Theorem 3.10, there exists a family of linear operators {D k−∞ as in Theorem 3.10 l Dl f. By Lemma 3.2 together with Remark 3.3, we D such that for all f ∈ L2 X, f ∞ l−∞ have that for any 1 ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 and any 1 ∈ 0, 1 , all x, z ∈ X and all k, l ∈ Z, Dk D l z, x 2−|k−l|1 2−k∧l1 1 V2−k∧l x V2−k∧l z V z, x 2−k∧l dz, x1 . 4.4 Notice that for all x ∈ X and any z, y ∈ Qτk, ν , by Lemma 2.19iv, we have that dy, z ≤ C6 2−j 2−k ≤ C6 2−j 2−k∧l ≤ C6 2−j 2−k∧l dx, y, where j ∈ N satisfies 4.1. Thus, for all x ∈ X, any y, z ∈ Qτk,ν and all k, l ∈ Z, Lemma 2.1iii shows that Dk D l z, xχ Qτk, ν z −|k−l|1 2 2−k∧l1 1 χ k, ν y. V2−k∧l x V2−k∧l y V y, x 2−k∧l dy, x1 Qτ 4.5 From this and Lemma 2.1iv, it follows that for k ∈ Z, ∞ Dk D Dk f yτk,ν ≤ l yτk, ν , x Dl fxdμx l−∞ X ∞ −|k−l|1 2 l−∞ M Dl f yχQτk, ν y, 4.6 where M is the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function on X. By 4.6, the construction of Qτk,ν see Lemma 2.19, Lemmas 3.14 and 3.9, we obtain 2 ∞ Nk,τ ∞ ∞ k,ν k,ν 2 −|k−l|1 Dk f yτ μ Qτ 2 M Dl f y dμy k−∞ τ∈Ik ν1 k−∞ X l−∞ ∞ M Dl f 2 2 L X 4.7 l−∞ f2L2 X , which proves Lemma 4.1. The next lemma can be proved in a way similar as in the proof of Theorem 1.14 in 78, page 12. The main idea is to combine Theorem 3.10, Lemma 2.19, and Hölder’s inequality with a duality argument. We omit the details here; see also 36. Yongsheng Han et al. 91 Lemma 4.2. Suppose that a sequence {ak,ν τ : k ∈ Z, τ ∈ Ik , ν 1, . . . , Nk, τ} of numbers satisfies ∞ Nk,τ k,ν 2 |aτ | < ∞. Then the function defined by τ∈Ik k−∞ ν1 ∞ Nk,τ k,ν −1/2 k,ν aτ μ Qτ fx k−∞ τ∈Ik ν1 Qτk,ν DkN x, ydμy 4.8 is in L2 X. Moreover, f2L2 X ≤ C ∞ Nk,τ k,ν 2 aτ . k−∞ τ∈Ik 4.9 ν1 Lemmas 4.1 and 4.2 yield the boundedness of the discrete Riemann sum operator S on L2 X. Proposition 4.3. Let the notation be the same as above with j satisfying 4.1. Then the discrete Riemann sum operator S in 4.2 is bounded on L2 X. That is, there is a constant C > 0, only depending on N, such that for all f ∈ L2 X, SfL2 X ≤ CfL2 X . 4.10 Next we prove that the discrete Riemann sum operator S is invertible and S−1 maps G̊x1 , r, β, γ into itself. To do this, we define R I − S and first establish some estimates on the kernel, Rx, y, of the operator R. To this end, by 3.44, we write Rfx I − Sfx ∞ Nk,τ k−∞ τ∈Ik ≡ ∞ ν1 Qτk,ν ∞ DkN x, y Dk fy−Dk f yτk,ν dμy Dkl Dk fx |l|>N k−∞ Gk fx RN fx k−∞ ≡ Gfx RN fx. 4.11 Let Gk x, y be the kernel of Gk for k ∈ Z. We now verify that Gk x, y, and hence Gx, y, satisfies all the desired estimates. Clearly, Gx, y ∞ Nk,τ k−∞ τ∈Ik ∞ ν1 Qτk,ν DkN x, z Dk z, y − Dk yτk,ν , y dμz Gk x, y. k−∞ We need the following two technical lemmas. 4.12 92 Abstract and Applied Analysis Lemma 4.4. Let 0 ≤ λ, μ ≤ 1, 1 ∈ 0, 1, μ1 < ν1 , λ1 < ν2 , and k ∈ Z. Then there exists a constant C > 0 such that for all x, y ∈ X and all k ∈ Z, λ d x, x 1 2−kν1 1 ν1 λ −k 1 V −k x V −k z V x, z −k 2 2 2 dx, z 2 dx, z μ d y, y 1 1 2−kν2 × dμz μ 1 −k V2−k z V2−k y V z, y 2−k dz, yν2 2 dz, y λ μ d x, x 1 d y, y 1 1 ≤ C μ1 V −k x V −k y V x, y λ1 −k −k 2 2 2 dx, y 2 dx, y 2−kν2 −λ1 2−kν1 −μ1 × ν1 −μ1 . ν2 −λ1 −k −k 2 dx, y 2 dx, y X 4.13 Proof. Write λ d x, x 1 X λ1 −k 2−kν1 1 V2−k x V2−k z V x, z 2−k dx, zν1 dx, z μ d y, y 1 2−kν2 1 × dμz μ 1 −k V2−k z V2−k y V z, y 2−k dz, yν2 2 dz, y λ d x, x 1 1 λ 1 −k −k V2 x V2 z V x, z dx,z≥dx,y/2 2−k dx, z 2 2−kν1 × 2 × −k dx, z ν1 dy, y μ1 −k 2 dz, y μ1 1 dμz V2−k z V2−k y V z, y 2−kν2 −k 2 dz, y 4.14 ν2 ··· dx,z<dx,y/2 ≡ Z1 Z2 . For Z1 , the fact dx, z ≥ dx, y/2 implies that V x, y ≤ |Bx, 2dx, z| V x, z, which together with Lemma 2.1ii shows that Z1 λ d x, x 1 −k dx, y μ1 × d y, y 2 λ1 1 2−kν1 V2−k x V x, y 2−k dx, yν1 1 2−kν2 ν2 μ1 dμz −k X V2−k y V z, y 2 dz, y λ d x, x 1 −k 2 dx, y λ1 μ d y, y 1 2 −k dx, y μ1 2−kν1 −μ1 1 . V2−k x V x, y 2−k dx, yν1 −μ1 4.15 Yongsheng Han et al. 93 For Z2 , the fact dx, z < dx, y/2 implies that dz, y > dx, y/2 and therefore, V x, y ∼ V y, x V y, z ∼ V z, y. From these facts and Lemma 2.1ii, it follows that μ d y, y 1 λ Z2 d x, x 1 × min −k 2 dx, y μ1 2−kν2 −k 2 dx, y 2−kν1 1 X V2−k x V x, z 1 V x, y ν2 ν1 λ1 dμz, dx, z dx, y 1 1 kλ1 2 μ B x, V2−k x V x, y 2 λ μ d x, x 1 d y, y 1 2−kν2 −λ1 1 μ 1 λ ν2 −λ1 . −k 1 V2−k x V x, y −k −k 2 dx, y 2 dx, y 2 dx, y −k 2 4.16 Moreover, by symmetry, we also have λ d x, x 1 X λ1 dx, z μ d y, y 1 2−kν2 1 × dμz μ 1 −k V2−k z V2−k y V z, y 2−k dz, yν2 2 dz, y −k 2 2−kν1 1 V2−k x V2−k z V x, z 2−k dx, zν1 dx, x λ1 dy, y μ1 1 −k V2 y V x, y 4.17 μ1 λ1 −k −k 2 dx, y 2 dx, y 2−kν1 −μ1 2−kν2 −λ1 × ν1 −μ1 . ν2 −λ1 −k −k 2 dx, y 2 dx, y Combining these estimates completes the proof of Lemma 4.4. Lemma 4.5. Let Gk x, y for k ∈ Z be as above. Then for any λ, μ ∈ 0, 1 satisfying that λ1 < 2 , there exists a constant CN > 0, independent of j, such that −k i Gk x, y ≤ CN 2−j1 1/V2−k x V2−k y V x, y2−k2 / 2 dx, y2 ; ii for y, y ∈ X with dy, y ≤ 2−k dx, y/2, μ d y, y 1 1 μ1 V −k xV −k yV x, y −k 2 2 2 dx, y 2−k2 −μ1 2−k3 × −k −k −μ ; 2 dx, y 3 2 dx, y 2 1 Gk x, y−Gk x, y ≤ CN 2−j1 4.18 94 Abstract and Applied Analysis λ1 iii |Gk x, y − Gk x , y| ≤ CN 2−j1 dx, x λ1 /2−k dx, y −k 2 −λ1 1/V2−k x V2−k y V x, y2−k2 −λ1 /2 dx, y for x, x ∈ X with dx, x ≤ 2−k dx, y/2; iv X Gk x, ydμy 0 X Gk x, ydμx. Proof. Since X Dk x, ydμy 0 X DkN x, ydμx, by the definition of Gk in 4.12, we easily see that iv holds. By the construction of dyadic cubes in Lemma 2.19, we also easily see that for any k,ν z ∈ Qτ , −k d z, yτk, ν ≤ C6 2−kj C6 2−j 2−k ≤ C6 2−j 2 dy, z . 4.19 We recall that j always satisfies 4.1. Then, the regularity of Dk and the size estimates of DkN together with Lemma 4.4 in the case λ μ 0 yield that Nk,τ k,ν Gk x, y DkN x, z Dk z, y − Dk yτ , y dμz τ∈I ν1 Qτk, ν k −j1 ≤ CN 2 2−k2 1 , V2−k x V2−k y V x, y 2−k dx, y2 4.20 which shows Gk x, y satisfies i. Write Gk x, y − Gk x, y Nk,τ DkN x, z Dk z, y − Dk yτk,ν , y − Dk z, y − Dk yτk,ν , y dμz. τ∈Ik ν1 Qτk,ν 4.21 We now verify that Gk x, y satisfies ii by considering the following two cases. Case 1 dy, y ≤ 2−k dz, y/3. In this case, from 4.19 with j satisfying 4.1, the size estimates of DkN and the second difference regularity of Dk and Lemma 4.4 with λ 0, μ ∈ 0, 1, ν1 2 , and ν2 3 , it follows that Gk x, y − Gk x, y μ d y, y 1 1 2−k3 2 μ1 V −k z V −k y V z, y −k 3 dμz −k k 2 2 X 2 dz, y 2 dz, y μ d y, y 1 1 2−k3 2−k2 −μ1 −j1 ≤ CN 2 μ1 V −k xV −k yV x, y −k 3 −k −k 2 −μ1 . 2 2 2 dx, y 2 dx, y 2 dx, y −j1 N D x, z 4.22 Yongsheng Han et al. 95 Case 2 2−k dz, y/3 < dy, y ≤ 2−k dx, y/2. In this case, the estimate i, Lemma 2.1iii together with the fact that 2−k < 3dy, y show that for any μ ∈ 0, 1, Gk x, y − Gk x, y ≤ Gk x, y Gk x, y 1 2−k2 −j1 ≤ CN 2 V2−k x V2−k y V x, y 2−k dx, y2 −k2 1 2 V2−k x V2−k y V x, y 2−k dx, y 2 4.23 dy, y μ1 2−k2 −μ1 1 μ1 V −k xV −k yV x, y −k 2 −μ1 , −k 2 2 2 dx, y 2 dx, y ≤ CN 2−j1 which completes the proof of ii. We verify iii by writing Gk x, y − Gk x , y Nk,τ τ∈Ik Qτk,ν ν1 N Dk x, z − DkN x , z Dk z, y − Dk yτk,ν , y dμz. 4.24 If dx, x ≤ 2−k dx, z/2, the estimate 4.19 with j satisfying 4.1, the regularity of DkN and Dk , Lemma 4.4 with λ ∈ 0, 1, μ 0, and ν1 ν2 2 show that Gk x, y − Gk x , y ≤ CN 2−j1 λ d x, x 1 X −k 2 dx, z 1 λ1 V2−k x V2−k z V x, z 2−k2 1 2 dμz 2 −k −k 2 dx, z V2−k z V2−k y V z, y 2 dz, y × 2−k2 dx, x λ1 ≤ CN 2−j1 2 −k dx, y λ1 2−k2 −λ1 2 −λ1 . −k 2 dx, y 1 V2−k x V2−k y V x, y 4.25 96 Abstract and Applied Analysis If 2−k dx, z/2 < dx, x ≤ 2−k dx, y/2, the estimate i, Lemma 2.1iii together with the fact 2−k < 2dx, x yield that Gk x, y−Gk x , y ≤ CN 2−j1 1 2−k2 V2−k x V2−k y V x, y 2−k dx, y2 2−k2 1 V2−k x V2−k y V x , y 2−k dx , y2 −j1 ≤ CN 2 λ d x, x 1 2−k2 −λ1 1 λ1 V2−k xV2−k yV x, y −k 2 −λ1 , −k 2 dx, y 2 dx, y 4.26 which completes the proof of iii, and hence the proof of Lemma 4.5. Lemma 4.6. Let N ∈ N and G be as in 4.12. Then there exist a constant CN > 0 independent of j such that GL2 X → L2 X ≤ CN 2−j1 . 4.27 Proof. Using Lemma 4.5 and repeating the proof of 3.2 in Lemma 3.2 yield that for any 1 ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 and all k, j ∈ Z, Gk Gt L2 X → L2 X ≤ CN 2−j1 2−|k−j|1 , t G Gk L2 X → L2 X ≤ CN 2−j1 2−|k−j|1 , j j 4.28 where CN > 0 is a constant depending on 1 , but, independent of j and k. These estimates together with the Cotlar-Stein lemma and G ∞ k−∞ Gk yields the conclusion of Lemma 4.6. The following lemma is a key lemma to establish the discrete Calderón reproducing formula. Lemma 4.7. Let S be as in 4.2 and R I − S. Then R is a Calderón-Zygmund singular integral operator, R1 0 R∗ 1. Moreover, for any 1 ∈ 0, 1 ∧2 , there exist positive constants C10 , CN , and δ, depending on 1 , such that the kernel, Rx, y, of R satisfies all the conditions of Corollary 2.22 with replaced by 1 and CR RL2 X → L2 X ≤ C10 2−δN CN 2−j1 , 4.29 where CR is the Calderón-Zygmund constant as in Theorem 2.18, C10 and δ are independent of N and j, and CN is independent of j. Yongsheng Han et al. 97 Proof. From 4.11, it is easy to see that R1 0 R∗ 1. Moreover, Lemma 3.6 shows that RN x, y, the kernel of RN , satisfies all the conditions of Corollary 2.22 with replaced by 1 and CRN RN L2 X → L2 X ≤ C10 2−δN , where C10 and δ are independent of N and j. This combining the formula 4.11 implies that to prove Lemma 4.7, it suffices to verify that Gx, y, the kernel of G, satisfies 2.49 and Theorem 2.18i, ii, and iii with replaced by 1 and CG ≤ CN 2−j1 , where CN is independent of N. In fact, combining Lemma 4.5i with Lemma 3.5 and 4.12 yields that for all x, y ∈ X with x / y, ∞ Gx, y ≤ Gk x, y k−∞ ∞ ≤ CN 2−j1 2−k2 1 V −k x V x, y 2−k dx, y2 k−∞ 2 ≤ CN 2−j1 1 , V x, y 4.30 which shows Gx, y satisfies Theorem 2.18i. Lemma 4.5ii and iii and Lemma 3.5 together with 4.12, respectively, show that for any μ ∈ 0, 1, all x, y, y ∈ X with x / y and dy, y ≤ dx, y/2, ∞ Gx, y − G x, y ≤ Gk x, y − Gk x, y k−∞ −j1 ≤ CN 2 μ ∞ d y, y 1 × dx, yμ1 2−k3 1 −k V x V x, y k−∞ 2 2−k2 −μ1 2 −μ1 −k 2 dx, y 4.31 3 dx, y μ d y, y 1 1 −j1 , ≤ CN 2 μ1 V x, y dx, y −k 2 and for any λ ∈ 0, 1, all x, x , y ∈ X with x / y and dx, x ≤ dx, y/2, ∞ Gx, y − G x , y ≤ Gk x, y − Gk x , y k−∞ ≤ CN 2−j1 −j1 ≤ CN 2 λ ∞ d x, x 1 dx, yλ1 λ d x, x 1 dx, y λ1 2−k2 −λ1 2 −λ1 −k 2 dx, y 1 −k V x V x, y k−∞ 2 1 , V x, y which proves that Gx, y satisfies Theorem 2.18ii and 2.49. 4.32 98 Abstract and Applied Analysis By 2.49 and Theorem 2.18ii, it is easy to see that it suffices to establish Theorem 2.18iii only for dx, x ≤ dx, y/6 and dy, y ≤ dx, y/6. To this end, we write Gx, y − G x , y − G x, y − G x , y ∞ Nk,τ k−∞ τ∈Ik Qτk,ν ν1 N Dk x, z − DkN x , z × Dk z, y − Dk yτk,ν , y − Dk z, y − Dk yτk,ν , y dμz. 4.33 If dx, x > 2−k dx, z/2 and dy, y > 2−k dy, z/3, then d x, x d y, y ≥ 1−k 2 dx, z dz, y dx, y > , 3 3 4.34 which contradicts the assumptions that dx, x ≤ dx, y/6 and dy, y ≤ dx, y/6. Thus, we still have the following three cases: i dx, x ≤ 2−k dx, z/2 and dy, y ≤ 2−k dy, z/3; ii dx, x ≤ 2−k dx, z/2 and dy, y > 2−k dy, z/3; iii dx, x > 2−k dx, z/2 and dy, y ≤ 2−k dy, z/3. In the case i, by 4.19 with j satisfying 4.1, the second difference regularity of DkN and Dk , Lemma 4.4 with λ, μ ∈ 0, 1, ν1 2 , and ν2 1 3 , and Lemma 3.5, we obtain Gx, y − G x , y − G x, y − G x , y −j1 ≤ CN 2 ∞ k−∞ λ μ d x, x 1 d y, y 1 2−k2 1 2 −k μ1 λ1 V2−k xV2−k zV x, z −k X 2−k dx, z 2 dx, z 2 dz, y × −j1 ≤ CN 2 2−k1 3 1 dμz V2−k z V2−k y V z, y 2−k dz, y1 3 λ μ d x, x 1 d y, y 1 dx, y λ1 dx, y μ1 1 . V x, y 4.35 In the case ii, we also have 2−k dz, y /2 ≤ 2−k dz, y/2dy, y /2 ≤ 2dy, y . From this, 4.19 with j satisfying 4.1, the regularity of DkN and Dk , Lemma 4.4 with λ, μ ∈ 0, 1 Yongsheng Han et al. 99 and ν1 ν2 2 , Lemmas 2.1iii and 3.5, it follows that Gx, y − G x , y − G x, y − G x , y −j1 ≤ CN 2 λ d x, x 1 ∞ k−∞ X −k 2 λ1 dx, z μ d y, y 1 2−k2 1 V2−k x V2−k z V x, z 2−k dx, z2 2−k2 1 μ 1 −k V2−k z V2−k y V z, y 2−k dz, y2 2 dz, y × μ d y, y 1 1 2−k2 μ1 V −k zV −k y V z, y −k 2 dμz −k 2 2 2 d z, y 2 dz, y λ μ d x, x 1 d y, y 1 1 . ≤ CN 2−j1 λ1 dx, yμ1 V x, y dx, y 4.36 For the last case iii, we have 2−k dx , z/2 ≤ 2−k dx, z/2 dx, x /2 ≤ 3dx, x /2. This estimate, 4.19 with j satisfying 4.1, the size condition of DkN , the second difference regularity of Dk , Lemma 4.4 with λ, μ ∈ 0, 1, ν1 2 , and ν2 1 3 , Lemmas 2.1iii and 3.5 show that Gx, y − G x , y − G x, y − G x , y ∞ N D x, z DN x , z ≤ CN 2−j1 k k k−∞ X μ d y, y 1 2−k1 3 1 dμz μ 1 −k V2−k zV2−k yV z, y 2−k dz, y1 3 2 dz, y λ μ d x, x 1 d y, y 1 1 −j1 ≤ CN 2 . λ1 dx, yμ1 V x, y dx, y 4.37 × Thus, Gx, y satisfies Theorem 2.18iii. This finishes the proof of Lemma 4.7. By Lemmas 4.6 and 4.7, we obtain the boundedness of R on G̊x1 , r, β, γ for any x1 ∈ X, r > 0 and 0 < β, γ < 1 ∧ 2 , and in Lp X for p ∈ 1, ∞. We omit the details. Proposition 4.8. Let R and the notation be as in Lemma 4.7. Then R is bounded on Lp X for p ∈ 1, ∞ and on G̊x1 , r, β, γ for any x1 ∈ X, r > 0 and 0 < β, γ < 1 ∧ 2 . That is, there exists a constant C11 > 0, only depending on p, β, and γ such that for all f ∈ Lp X, RfLp X ≤ C11 C10 2−δN CN 2−j1 fLp X , RfGx1 ,r,β,γ ≤ C11 C10 2−δN CN 2−j1 fGx1 ,r,β,γ . 4.38 100 Abstract and Applied Analysis By using Proposition 4.8 and repeating the proof of Propositions 3.7 and 3.8, we can obtain the boundedness of S−1 on G̊x1 , r, β, γ for any x1 ∈ X, r > 0 and 0 < β, γ < , and in Lp X for p ∈ 1, ∞. We also omit the details. Corollary 4.9. Let S be as in 4.2. Let N, j ∈ N such that 4.1 and C11 C10 2−δN CN 2−j1 < 1 4.39 hold. Then S has a bounded inverse in G̊x1 , r, β, γ for any x1 ∈ X, r > 0, and 0 < β, γ < 1 ∧ 2 , and in Lp X for p ∈ 1, ∞. Namely, there exists a constant C > 0 depending only on β, γ, and p such that for all f ∈ G̊x1 , r, β, γ, −1 S f Gx1 ,r,β,γ ≤ CfGx1 ,r,β,γ 4.40 and for all f ∈ Lp X, −1 S f p ≤ CfLp X . L X 4.41 To establish the discrete Calderón reproducing formulae, we still need the following technical lemma. Lemma 4.10. Let j satisfy 4.1. For k ∈ Z, any fixed yτk,ν ∈ Qτk,ν with τ ∈ Ik and ν ∈ {1, . . . , Nk, τ}, and any x ∈ X, let Ek x, y Nk,τ τ∈Ik ν1 Qτk,ν DkN x, zdμzDk yτk,ν , y . 4.42 Then for any λ, μ ∈ 0, 1, there exists a constant CN > 0 depending only on N, λ and μ such that i for all k ∈ Z and all x, y ∈ X, Ek x, y ≤ CN 2−k2 1 ; V2−k x V2−k y V x, y 2−k dx, y2 4.43 ii for all k ∈ Z and all x, y, y ∈ X with dy, y ≤ 2−k dx, y/2, Ek x, y − Ek x, y μ d y, y 1 2−k2 −μ1 1 ≤ CN ; μ 1 −k V2−k xV2−k yV x, y 2−k dx, y2 −μ1 2 dx, y iii property (ii) also holds with x and y interchanged and μ replaced by λ; 4.44 Yongsheng Han et al. 101 iv for all k ∈ Z and all x, x , y, y ∈ X with dx, x ≤ 2−k dx, y/4 and dy, y ≤ 2−k dx, y/4, Ek x, y − Ek x , y − Ek x, y − Ek x , y λ μ d x, x 1 d y, y 1 1 ≤ CN μ1 V −k x V −k y V x, y λ1 −k −k 2 2 2 dx, y 2 dx, y 2−k2 −μ1 2−k2 −λ1 × 2 −μ1 . −λ 2 1 −k −k 2 dx, y 2 dx, y 4.45 Proof. The main idea for the proof of this lemma is to combine the techniques used in the proof of Lemma 3.2 with Lemma 2.1iii. By 4.19 and Lemma 2.1iii, for any z ∈ Qτk,ν and y ∈ X, 1 1 ∼ −k , k,ν 2 dz, y 2−k d yτ , y 1 1 . k,ν ∼ k,ν −k −k V z V 2 2 y V z, y V2−k yτ V2−k y V yτ , y 4.46 4.47 To see i, by the size condition of Dk together with 4.46 and 4.47, and Lemma 4.4 with λ μ 0 and ν1 ν2 2 , we have Ek x, y X N D x, z k 1 2−k2 dμz V2−k z V2−k y V z, y 2−k dz, y2 2−k2 1 , V2−k x V2−k y V x, y 2−k dx, y2 4.48 which verifies i. To verify ii, we write Ek x, y − Ek x, y Nk,τ k,ν k,ν N ≤ Dk x, zdμz Dk yτ , y − Dk yτ , y τ∈Ik ν1 Qτk,ν × χ{dy,y ≤2−k dyτk,ν ,y/2} y, y χ{dy,y >2−k dyτk,ν ,y/2} y, y ≡ Y1 Y2 . 4.49 102 Abstract and Applied Analysis For Y1 , by the regularity of Dk and the size condition of DkN together with 4.46, 4.47 and Lemma 4.4 with λ 0, μ ∈ 0, 1, and ν1 ν2 2 , we obtain μ d y, y 1 2−k2 1 Y1 2 −k μ1 −k X V2−k x V2−k z V x, z 2 dx, z 2 dz, y × 2−k2 1 dμz V2−k z V2−k y V z, y 2−k dz, y2 μ d y, y 1 2 −k dx, y μ1 4.50 2−k2 −μ1 1 . V2−k x V2−k y V x, y 2−k dx, y2 −μ1 The property i, Lemma 2.1iii, and the fact that 2−k ≤ 2dy, y yield that Y2 2−k2 1 −k V2−k x V2−k y V x, y 2 dx, y2 1 2−k2 V2−k x V2−k y V x, y 2−k dx, y 2 μ d y, y 1 2−k2 −μ1 1 , μ 1 −k V2−k x V2−k y V x, y 2−k dx, y2 −μ1 2 dx, y 4.51 which completes the proof of ii. By symmetry, we can deduce iii from ii. To prove iv, we write Ek x, y − Ek x , y − Ek x, y − Ek x , y Nk,τ DkN x, z − DkN x , z Dk yτk,ν , y − Dk yτk,ν , y dμz. τ∈Ik ν1 4.52 Qτk,ν Notice that if dx, x > 2−k dx, z/2 with z ∈ Qτk,ν and dy, y > 2−k dyτk,ν , y/2, then dx, x dy, y > 21−k dx, z dyτk,ν , y/2, which contradicts the assumptions that dx, x ≤ 2−k dx, y/4 and dy, y ≤ 2−k dx, y/4, since these estimates together with 4.1 and Lemma 2.19 prove that for z ∈ Qτk,ν , dx, x dy, y < 21−k dx, zdyτk,ν , y/2. Thus, if we let 2−k dx, z 2−k d yτk,ν , y k,ν and d y, y ≤ , W1 z ∈ Qτ : d x, x ≤ 2 2 2−k dx, z 2−k d yτk,ν , y W2 z ∈ Qτk,ν : d x, x ≤ and d y, y > , 2 2 2−k dx, z 2−k d yτk,ν , y k,ν W3 z ∈ Qτ : d x, x > and d y, y ≤ , 2 2 4.53 Yongsheng Han et al. 103 we then have Ek x, y − Ek x , y − Ek x, y − Ek x , y 3 Nk,τ N Dk x, z−DkN x , z Dk yτk,ν , y −Dk yτk,ν , y dμz i1 τ∈Ik 3 Qτk,ν ∩Wi ν1 4.54 Zi . i1 For Z1 , the regularity of DkN and Dk together with the estimates 4.46 and 4.47 and Lemma 4.4 yield that for any λ, μ ∈ 0, 1, Z1 λ d x, x 1 2−k2 1 V2−k x V2−k z V x, z 2−k dx, z2 λ1 dx, z μ d y, y 1 2−k2 1 × dμz μ 1 −k V2−k z V2−k y V z, y 2−k dz, y2 2 dz, y λ μ d x, x 1 d y, y 1 1 μ1 λ −k 1 V2−k x V2−k y V x, y −k 2 dx, y 2 dx, y 2−k2 −μ1 2−k2 −λ1 × 2 −μ1 . 2 −λ1 −k −k 2 dx, y 2 dx, y X −k 2 4.55 Similarly, for Z2 , from dy, y > 2−k dyτk,ν , y/2, 4.46 and Lemma 2.1iii with dy, y μ1 ∼ ≤ 2−k dx, y/4, it follows that for z ∈ Qτk,ν , 1/2μ1 < dy, y μ1 /2−k dyτk,ν , y μ 1 −k N μ1 dy, y /2 dz, y , which together with the regularity of Dk and the size condition of Dk , 4.46, 4.47, Lemmas 4.4, and 2.1iii shows for any λ, μ ∈ 0, 1, Z2 λ d x, x 1 X −k 2−k2 1 2 λ1 V2−k x V2−k z V x, z −k 2 dx, z 2 dx, z μ d y, y 1 2−k2 1 × μ1 V −k z V −k y V z, y −k 2 −k 2 2 2 dz, y 2 dz, y 1 2−k2 dμz V2−k z V2−k y V z, y 2−k dz, y 2 λ d x, x 1 −k λ1 μ d y, y 1 −k 1 μ1 V −k x V −k y V x, y 2 2 dx, y 2 2 dx, y 2−k2 −μ1 2−k2 −λ1 × 2 −μ1 . 2 −λ1 −k −k 2 dx, y 2 dx, y 4.56 104 Abstract and Applied Analysis From Z2 and the symmetry, we can deduce the desired estimate for Z3 , which completes the proof of Lemma 4.10. We can now establish discrete Calderón reproducing formulae. Theorem 4.11. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , and let {Sk }∞ k−∞ be an 1 , 2 , 3 -ATI. Set Dk Sk − Sk−1 for any k ∈ Z. Then for any fixed j ∈ N as in Corollary 4.9, there k }k∈Z such that for any fixed yτk,ν ∈ Qτk,ν with k ∈ Z, τ ∈ Ik , exists a family of linear operators {D and ν 1, . . . , Nk, τ, and all f ∈ G̊0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , fx ∞ Nk,τ ∞ Nk,τ k x, yτk,ν D ν1 k−∞ τ∈Ik Qτk,ν ν1 k−∞ τ∈Ik k x, ydμyDk f yτk,ν D Qτk,ν Dk fydμy 4.57 ∞ Nk,τ k,ν k x, yτk,ν Dk f yτk,ν , μ Qτ D ν1 k−∞ τ∈Ik where the series converges in both the norm of G̊0 β, γ and the norm of Lp X with p ∈ 1, ∞. k satisfies the conditions as in Theorem 3.10. Moreover, D Proof. We only prove the first formula in 4.57, the proof of the second formula in 4.57 being similar. Fix N, j ∈ N such that 4.1 and 4.39 hold. Thus, for such N and j, Corollary 4.9 k x, y S−1 DN ·, yx. By 4.2 holds. Let DkN for k ∈ Z be as in 3.44. For k ∈ Z, let D k and Corollary 4.9, similarly to the proof of Theorem 3.10, it is easy to see that we obtain all the conclusions of the theorem except for the convergence of the series in the first formula in 4.57. To prove this, we need to verify that all the series in the first summation and the second summation of the first formula in 4.57 converges in the desired ways. To simplify the presentation, by similarity, we prove this only for the series in the first summation of the first formula in 4.57. Similarly to the proof of Theorem 3.10, for L ∈ N, we write Nk,τ |k|≤L τ∈Ik S Qτk,ν ν1 −1 k x, ydμyDk f yτk,ν D Nk,τ |k|≤L τ∈Ik S −1 ν1 DkN ·, ydμyDk f k,ν Qτ Nk,τ Sf· − |k|>L τ∈Ik ν1 fx − lim R fx − S m m→∞ k,ν x yτ −1 DkN ·, ydμyDk f k,ν yτk,ν x Qτ Nk,τ |k|>L τ∈Ik ν1 DkN ·, ydμyDk f k,ν k,ν x. yτ Qτ 4.58 Yongsheng Han et al. 105 Corollary 2.24 together with Lemmas 4.6 and 4.7 shows that for all f ∈ G̊0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , m m lim Rm fG̊ β,γ ≤ lim C11 C10 2−δN CN 2−j fG̊ β,γ 0, m→∞ m→∞ 0 0 4.59 and for all f ∈ Lp X with p ∈ 1, ∞, m m lim Rm fLp X ≤ lim C11 C10 2−δN CN 2−j fLp X 0. m→∞ m→∞ 4.60 To finish the proof of the theorem, we still need to verify that for all f ∈ G̊0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , Nk,τ k,ν −1 N lim S Dk ·, ydμyDk f yτ k,ν L → ∞ Qτ |k|>L τ∈I ν1 0, 4.61 0. 4.62 G̊0 β,γ k and for all f ∈ Lp X with p ∈ 1, ∞, Nk,τ k,ν −1 N lim S Dk ·, ydμyDk f yτ k,ν L → ∞ Qτ |k|>L τ∈I ν1 Lp X k We first verify 4.61. To this end, letting 1 ∧ 2 , similarly to the proof of Theorem 3.10, by Corollary 4.9, it suffices to prove that there exists some σ > 0 such that for all 0 < β < β < , 0 < γ < γ < , all L ∈ N, and all f ∈ G̊β , γ , Nk,τ k,ν N D ·, ydμyDk f yτ |k|>L τ∈I ν1 Qτk,ν k k ≤ C2−σL fGβ ,γ , 4.63 Gβ,γ where C > 0 is independent of L and f. An argument similar to the proof of 3.3, via Lemma 2.1iii and geometric mean, reduces the proof of this estimate to verifying the following two estimates that there exists some σ > 0 such that for all f ∈ G̊β , γ and 106 Abstract and Applied Analysis all x ∈ X, Nk,τ k,ν N D x, ydμyDk f yτ |k|>L τ∈I ν1 Qτk,ν k 4.64 k −σL 2 1 1 fGβ ,γ , V1 x1 V x1 , x 1 dx, x1 γ and for all x, x ∈ X with dx, x ≤ 1/21 dx, x1 , Nk,τ DN x, ydμyDk f yτk,ν |k|>L τ∈I ν1 Qτk,ν k k − Nk,τ |k|>L τ∈Ik ν1 DkN k,ν Qτ k,ν x , y dμyDk f yτ 4.65 β d x, x 1 1 fGβ ,γ . β V1 x1 V x1 , x 1 d x, x1 γ 1 d x, x1 For L ∈ N, let TL be the operator associated with the kernel KL x, y Nk,τ |k|>L τ∈Ik ν1 Qτk,ν DkN x, zdμzDk yτk,ν , y 4.66 with x, y ∈ X. By an argument similar to the proof of Lemma 4.7 together with Lemmas 4.10 and 3.5, we know TL satisfies all the conditions of Corollary 2.22 with replaced by and CTL TL L2 X → L2 X 1. Thus, Corollary 2.22 then shows that TL is bounded on G̊β , γ for any 0 < β , γ < . In particular, 4.65 holds. Using Lemma 4.10 and an argument similar to the proof of 3.75 also gives 4.64. Thus, 4.61 holds. We now prove 4.62. To this end, Corollary 4.9 shows that it suffices to verify that for all f ∈ Lp X with p ∈ 1, ∞, limL → ∞ TL fLp X 0. By Theorem 3.10, for f ∈ Lp X and ∞ p p h ∈ Lp X, f ∞ l−∞ Dl Dl f and h l−∞ Dl Dl h, respectively, in L X and L X, k for k ∈ Z are as in Theorem 3.10. From Remark 3.3, it is easy to deduce that there where D exists 1 ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 such that for all y ∈ Qτk,ν and z ∈ X, Dk D l yτk,ν , z 2−|k−l|1 2−k∧l1 1 V2−k y V2−k z V y, z 2 N t D l y, z 2−|k−l|1 D k −k∧l dy, z 1 , 4.67 2−k∧l1 1 V2−k y V2−k z V y, z 2 −k∧l dy, z 1 . Yongsheng Han et al. 107 These estimates and Lemma 2.1iv together with Hölder’s inequality, Lemma 3.14, and Proposition 3.15 yield that TL f p L X sup TL f, h h ≤1 Lp X Nk,τ k,ν N t sup Dk hydμy Dk f yτ k,ν Qτ h ≤1 |k|>L τ∈I ν1 Lp X k 2 1/2 ∞ −|k−l|1 sup 2 M Dl f |k|>L l−∞ h ≤1 Lp X Lp X 2 1/2 ∞ N t −|k−l|1 × 2 M Dk h |k|>L l−∞ 1/2 2 M Dl f |l|<L/2 4.68 Lp X −1 L/2 2 Lp X 1/2 2 M Dl f |l|≥L/2 Lp X −→ 0, as L → ∞. That is, 4.62 also holds, which completes the proof of Theorem 4.11. By an argument similar to the proof of Theorem 4.11, we can establish the following variants of the discrete Calderón reproducing formulae we omit the details. Theorem 4.12. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , and let {Sk }∞ k−∞ be an 1 , 2 , 3 -ATI. Set Dk Sk − Sk−1 for any k ∈ Z. Then for any fixed j ∈ N as in Corollary 4.9, there exists a family of linear operators {Dk }k∈Z such that for any fixed yτk,ν ∈ Qτk,ν with k ∈ Z, τ ∈ Ik , and ν 1, . . . , Nk, τ, and all f ∈ G̊0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , fx ∞ Nk,τ k−∞ τ∈Ik ∞ Nk,τ k−∞ τ∈Ik ν1 ν1 Qτk,ν Dk x, ydμyDk f yτk,ν Dk x, yτk,ν Qτk,ν Dk fydμy 4.69 ∞ Nk,τ k,ν μ Qτ Dk x, yτk,ν Dk f yτk,ν , k−∞ τ∈Ik ν1 where the series converges in both the norm of G̊0 β, γ and the norm of Lp X with p ∈ 1, ∞. Moreover, Dk satisfies the conditions as in Theorem 3.11. 108 Abstract and Applied Analysis Theorems 4.11 and 4.12 in combination with a duality argument show that discrete Calderón reproducing formulae on spaces of distributions. Theorem 4.13. Let all the notation be as in Theorems 4.11 and 4.12. Then for all f ∈ G̊0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , 4.57 and 4.69 hold in G̊0 β, γ . 4.2. Inhomogeneous discrete Calderón reproducing formulae Similarly to Subsection 3.2, we can establish the following inhomogeneous discrete Calderón reproducing formulae we omit the details. Here, again, we have no restriction on diamX. Theorem 4.14. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , and let {Sk }k∈Z be an 1 , 2 , 3 -IATI. Set D0 S0 and Dk Sk − Sk−1 for k ∈ N. Then for any fixed j, N ∈ N such k x, y} that 4.1 and 4.39 hold, there exists a family of functions {D k∈Z such that for any fixed yτk,ν ∈ Qτk,ν with k ∈ N, τ ∈ Ik and ν 1, . . . , Nk, τ and all f ∈ G0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , fx N Nk,τ ν1 k0 τ∈Ik τ∈I0 Qτk,ν N0,τ Qτ0,ν ν1 N0,τ τ∈I0 ν1 Qτ0,ν k x, ydμyDk,ν f D τ,1 ∞ Nk,τ kN1 τ∈Ik 0 x, ydμyD0,ν f D τ,1 0 x, ydμyD0,ν f D τ,1 ∞ Nk,τ k1 τ∈Ik ν1 ν1 Qτk,ν k x, ydμyDk f yτk,ν D k x, yτk,ν Dk,ν f μ Qτk,ν D τ,1 N Nk,τ k,ν k x, yτk,ν Dk,ν f μ Qτ D τ,1 k1 τ∈Ik ν1 ∞ Nk,τ k,ν k x, yτk,ν Dk f yτk,ν , μ Qτ D kN1 τ∈Ik ν1 4.70 where the series converges in both the norm of G0 β, γ and the norm of Lp X with p ∈ 1, ∞, and k,ν for k ∈ Z , τ ∈ Ik , and ν 1, . . . , Nk, τ is the corresponding integral operator with the kernel Dτ,1 k,ν k for k ≥ N 1 satisfies the conditions (i) Dτ,1 z 1/μQτk,ν Qτk,ν Dk u, zdμu. Moreover, D and (ii) of Definition 2.2 with 1 and 2 replaced by ∈ , 1 ∧ 2 ; and there exists a constant C > 0 k x, y for k 0, 1, . . . , N satisfies that depending on such that the function D k x, y| ≤ C1/V1 x V1 y V x, y1/1 dx, y , i for all x, y ∈ X, |D ii for all x, x , y ∈ X with dx, x ≤ 1 dx, y/2, D k x , y k x, y − D d x, x 1 1 ≤C ; 1 dx, y V1 x V1 y V x, y 1 dx, y and X k x, ydμx D X 4.71 k x, ydμy 1 when 0 ≤ k ≤ N; 0 when k > N. D Yongsheng Han et al. 109 Theorem 4.15. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , and let {Sk }k∈Z be an 1 , 2 , 3 -IATI. Set D0 S0 and Dk Sk − Sk−1 for k ∈ N. Then for any fixed j, N ∈ N such that 4.1 and 4.39 hold, there exists a family of functions {Dk x, y}k∈Z such that for any fixed yτk,ν ∈ Qτk,ν with k ∈ N, τ ∈ Ik , and ν 1, . . . , Nk, τ and all f ∈ G0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , fx N Nk,τ ν1 k0 τ∈Ik N0,τ τ∈I0 Qτk,ν Qτo,ν ν1 0,ν D0 x, ydμyDτ,1 f ν1 Qτk,ν Dk x, ydμyDk f yτk,ν ∞ Nk,τ k,ν k,ν μ Qτ Dk x, yτk,ν Dτ,1 f k1 τ∈Ik Qτo,ν ν1 ∞ Nk,τ kN1 τ∈Ik 0,ν D0 x, ydμyDτ,1 f N0,τ τ∈I0 k,ν Dk x, ydμyDτ,1 f ν1 N Nk,τ k,ν k,ν μ Qτ Dk x, yτk,ν Dτ,1 f k1 τ∈Ik ν1 ∞ Nk,τ k,ν μ Qτ Dk x, yτk,ν Dk f yτk,ν , kN1 τ∈Ik ν1 4.72 where the series converges in both the norm of G0 β, γ and the norm of Lp X with p ∈ 1, ∞, k,ν and Dτ,1 for k ∈ Z , τ ∈ Ik , and ν 1, . . . , Nk, τ is the corresponding integral operator with k,ν z as in 4.70 with Dk replaced by Dk . Moreover, Dk for k ≥ N 1 satisfies the the kernel Dτ,1 conditions (i) and (iii) of Definition 2.2 with 1 and 2 replaced by ∈ , 1 ∧ 2 ; and there exists a constant C > 0 depending on such that the function Dk x, y for k 0, 1, . . . , N satisfies that i for all x, y ∈ X, |Dk x, y| ≤ C1/V1 x V1 y V x, y1/1 dx, y , ii for all x, x , y ∈ X with dx, x ≤ 1 dx, y/2, Dk x, y − Dk x , y d x, x 1 1 ≤C ; 1 dx, y V1 x V1 y V x, y 1 dx, y and X Dk x, ydμx X 4.73 Dk x, ydμy 1 when 0 ≤ k ≤ N; 0 when k > N. Theorem 4.16. Use the same notation as in Theorems 4.14 and 4.15. Then for all f ∈ G0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , 4.70 and 4.72 hold in G0 β, γ . Remark 4.17. Similarly to Remark 3.27, in the sequel, to simplify the representation of the results, we will always assume that N 0 in Theorems 4.14, 4.15, and 4.16. 110 Abstract and Applied Analysis 5. Besov spaces and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces In this section, we consider Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces on RD-spaces and study their relations. As applications, we obtain boundedness results on these spaces for singular integrals considered by Nagel and Stein 44. Finally, we establish a variant of the T 1theorem of David and Journé in these settings, and a variant of the T 1-theorem of Stein in 75 is also presented. To develop a theory of these function spaces, we need two basic tools: the Calderón reproducing formulae from Sections 3 and 4 and Plancherel-Pôlya inequalities, which will be established in this section. s s X and Ḟp,q X 5.1. Plancherel-Pôlya inequalities and definition of Ḃp,q Throughout this and the next subsection, we will always assume that μX ∞. We first s s X and Ḟp,q X via certain ATIs. We then prove that they are introduce the norms in Ḃp,q independent of the choices of ATIs and spaces of distributions. To this end, we need to establish homogeneous Plancherel-Pôlya inequalities; see also 79. Adapting Triebel’s approach to homogeneous Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces on n R in 3, we make the following. Definition 5.1. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , and let {Sk }k∈Z be an 1 , 2 , 3 ATI. For k ∈ Z, set Dk Sk − Sk−1 . i For all f ∈ G̊0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , |s| < , ps, < p ≤ ∞, and 0 < q ≤ ∞, 1/q q ksq s one sets fḂp,q Dk fLp X } with the usual modification made X ≡ { k∈Z 2 when p ∞ or q ∞. ii For all f ∈ G̊0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , |s| < , ps, < p < ∞, and 1/q ksq s |Dk f|q } Lp X with the ps, < q ≤ ∞, one defines fḞp,q X ≡ { k∈Z 2 usual modification made when q ∞. s s To verify that the definitions of ·Ḃp,q X and ·Ḟp,q X are independent of the choice of ATIs, we need two technical lemmas, which have independent interest. Lemma 5.2. Let > 0, k , k ∈ Z, and yτk,ν be any point in Qτk,ν for τ ∈ Ik and ν 1, . . . , Nk, τ. If n/n < p ≤ ∞, then for any x ∈ X, Nk,τ k,ν μ Qτ τ∈Ik ν1 1 V2−k ∧k xV p∧1 x, yτk,ν 2−k∧k 2−k∧k d x, yτk,ν where C > 0 is independent of x ∈ X, k, k , τ, and ν. p∧1 1−p∧1 ≤ C V2−k ∧k x , 5.1 Yongsheng Han et al. 111 Proof. Notice that for any z ∈ Qτk,ν , by Lemma 2.1iii, we have V2−k ∧k yτk,ν V x, yτk,ν ∼ V2−k ∧k z V x, z, −k∧k 2 5.2 d x, yτk,ν ∼ 2−k∧k dx, z. These estimates together with Lemma 2.19 and the second inequality in 1.3 yield that the left-hand side of 5.1 is, up to a bounded multiplicative constant, controlled by X 1 V2−k ∧k x V x, z p∧1 2−k∧k 2−k∧k dx, z p∧1 dμz ∞ 1−p∧1 V2−k ∧k x 2ln−np∧1−p∧1 V2−k ∧k x 1−p∧1 5.3 l0 , which completes the proof of Lemma 5.2. Lemma 5.3. Let > 0, k , k ∈ Z, and yτk,ν be any point in Qτk,ν for τ ∈ Ik and ν 1, . . . , Nk, τ. If n/n < r ≤ 1, then there exists a constant C > 0 depending on r such that for all ak,ν τ ∈ C and all x ∈ X, k,ν Nk,τ μ Qτ τ∈Ik k,ν 2−k∧k aτ −k∧k k,ν V x V x, y −k ∧k d x, yτ 2 ν1 τ 2 1/r Nk,τ k,ν r k∧k −kn1−1/r aτ χ k,ν x ≤ C2 M , 1 τ∈Ik k,ν ν1 5.4 Qτ where C > 0 is also independent of k, k , τ, and ν. Proof. We first recall the following well-known inequality that for all r ∈ 0, 1 and all aj ∈ C with j in some countable set of indices, r aj j ≤ r aj . 5.5 j From this inequality, the fact that for all τ ∈ Ik and ν 1, . . . , Nk, τ, and all z ∈ X, μQτk,ν χQτk,ν z ∼ V2−k zχQτk,ν z, and the fact that for all z ∈ X and all k, k ∈ Z, by 1.3, V2−k∧k z 2k−k∧k n V2−k z, together with 5.2, Lemma 2.1vi, and the second inequality of 1.3, it follows that the left-hand side of 5.4 is, up to a bounded multiplicative constant, 112 Abstract and Applied Analysis controlled by k,ν r Nk,τ μ Qτ τ∈Ik r 1 V2−k ∧k x V x, yτk,ν 1 k∧k −kn1−1/r 2 V2−k ∧k x dx,z<2−k ∧k ν1 ∞ 1 1/r k,ν r 2−k∧k r −k∧k r aτ d x, yτk,ν 2 Nk,τ k,ν r aτ χ k,ν z dμz τ∈Ik Qτ ν1 5.6 1 2lrnr−1 V2l1 2−k ∧k x 1/r Nk,τ k,ν r × |aτ | χQτk,ν z dμz , l0 dx,z<2l1 2−k ∧k τ∈Ik ν1 which implies the desired conclusion. Using these technical lemmas and the discrete Calderón reproducing formulae, we can now establish the Plancherel-Pôlya inequality. Proposition 5.4. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , and let {Sk }k∈Z and {Pk }k∈Z be two 1 , 2 , 3 -ATIs. For k ∈ Z, set Dk Sk − Sk−1 and Qk Pk − Pk−1 . i For all f ∈ G̊0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , |s| < , ps, < p ≤ ∞, and 0 < q ≤ ∞, ksq 2 p q/p 1/q Nk,τ k,ν sup Dk fz μ Qτ τ∈Ik k∈Z ∼ k∈Z z∈Qτk,ν ν1 Nk,τ τ∈Ik ν1 2ksq q/p 1/q p k,ν μ Qτ . inf Qk fz 5.7 z∈Qτk,ν ii For all f ∈ G̊0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , |s| < , ps, < p < ∞, and ps, < q ≤ ∞, 1/q q Nk,τ ksq sup Dk fz χQτk,ν 2 k∈Z τ∈I ν1 k,ν z∈Qτ k Lp X 1/q Nk,τ q ksq ∼ 2 inf Qk fz χQτk,ν k,ν k∈Z τ∈I ν1 z∈Qτ 5.8 . Lp X k k }k∈Z such that for all Proof. We first verify 5.7. By Theorem 4.13, there exist functions {D f ∈ G̊0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < and all z ∈ X, fz Nk ,τ k ∈Z τ ∈Ik ν 1 k z, yk ,ν Qk f yk ,ν μ Qτk ,ν D τ τ 5.9 Yongsheng Han et al. 113 k satisfies the same conditions as D k in Theorem 4.13 and yk ,ν holds in G̊0 β, γ , where D τ k ,ν is any point in Qτ . For any ∈ 0, , by Lemma 3.2 see also Remark 3.3, for all z ∈ X, Dk D k z, yk ,ν τ −|k−k | 2 2−k∧k 1 . k ,ν V2−k∧k z V2−k∧k yτ V z, yτk ,ν 2−k∧k d z, yτk ,ν 5.10 If ps, < p ≤ 1, by applying Dk to 5.9, and making use of 5.10, 5.5, and 5.2 together with Lemma 5.2, we obtain p k,ν Nk,τ sup Dk fz μ Qτ τ∈Ik z∈Qτk,ν ν1 Nk ,τ k ∈Z τ ∈Ik ν 1 2−|k−k | p μ 1−p p Qk f yk ,ν p . Qτk ,ν V2−k∧k yτk ,ν τ 5.11 From this and the fact that V2−k∧k yτk ,ν 2k −k∧k n V2−k yτk ,ν ∼ 2k −k∧k n μ Qτk ,ν 5.12 together with Hölder’s inequality when q/p ≥ 1 and 5.5 when q/p < 1, it follows that if we choose ∈ 0, such that max{n/n , n/n s} < p ≤ 1 and |s| < , the left-hand side of 5.7 is, up to a bounded multiplicative constant, dominated by Nk ,τ k∈Z k ∈Z τ ∈Ik ν 1 k sq 2 k ∈Z −|k−k | p k−k sp 2 2 Nk ,τ τ ∈Ik ν 1 μ μ p 1−p k sp p Qτk ,ν 2 Qk f yτk ,ν V2−k∧k yτk ,ν p Qτk ,ν Qk f yτk ,ν q/p 1/q q/p 1/q , 5.13 which together with the arbitrary choice of yτk ,ν yields ksq 2 p q/p 1/q Nk,τ k,ν sup Dk fz μ Qτ τ∈Ik k∈Z k∈Z z∈Qτk,ν ν1 2ksq Nk,τ τ∈Ik ν1 μ Qτk,ν p q/p 1/q inf Qk fz . z∈Qτk,ν By symmetry, we then obtain 5.7 when ps, < p ≤ 1. 5.14 114 Abstract and Applied Analysis If p ∈ 1, ∞ and if we choose ∈ 0, such that |s| < , by Hölder’s inequality and Lemma 5.2, we obtain p k,ν Nk,τ sup Dk fz μ Qτ z∈Qτk,ν ν1 τ∈Ik Nk ,τ k ∈Z τ ∈Ik ν 1 5.15 p 2−|k−k | 2k −ksp−1 μ Qτk ,ν Qk f yτk ,ν , which together with Hölder’s inequality when q/p ≥ 1 and 5.5 when q/p < 1 yields that the left-hand side of 5.7 is, up to a bounded multiplicative constant, controlled by Nk ,τ k∈Z k ∈Z τ ∈Ik ν 1 2k sq k ∈Z 2−|k−k | 2k−k s μ Nk ,τ τ ∈Ik ν 1 p k sp Qτk ,ν 2 Qk f yτk ,ν p μ Qτk ,ν Qk f yτk ,ν q/p 1/q 5.16 q/p 1/q . Then, since yτk ,ν was an arbitrary point in Qτk ,ν , we see that the estimate 5.14 also holds when p ∈ 1, ∞, which by symmetry then completes the proof of 5.7. We now verify 5.8. By applying Dk to 5.9, and making use of 5.10 together with 5.2, and Lemma 5.3, we obtain that for > |s| and r > max{p, ps, , q}, Nk,τ k∈Z τ∈Ik ksq 2 ν1 1/q q sup Dk fz χQτk,ν x z∈Qτk,ν 2k−k s−|k−k | 2k∧k −k n1−1/r 5.17 k∈Z k ∈Z × M Nk ,τ τ ∈Ik ν 1 k sr 2 Qk f r yτk ,ν χQk ,ν τ 1/r q 1/q x , which together with Hölder’s inequality when q ∈ 1, ∞ or 5.5 when q ≤ 1, and Lemma 3.14 further implies that the left-hand side of 5.8 is, up to a bounded multiplicative constant, dominated by q/r r/q 1/r Nk ,τ k ,ν r k sr Qk f yτ χQk ,ν M 2 p/r k ∈Z τ τ ∈I ν 1 L k 1/q Nk ,τ q k ,ν 2k sq Qk f yτ χQk ,ν k ∈Z τ ∈I ν 1 τ k . Lp X X 5.18 Yongsheng Han et al. 115 Then, by symmetry and the fact that yτk ,ν was an arbitrary point in Qτk ,ν , we obtain 5.8, which completes the proof of Proposition 5.4. The following remark is useful in applications. Remark 5.5. Let all the notation be as in Proposition 5.4, except that Sk and therefore Dk for k ∈ Z has regularity only in the second variable. Then, there exists a constant C > 0 such that i for all f ∈ G̊0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , |s| < , ps, < p ≤ ∞, and 0 < q ≤ ∞, p q/p 1/q Nk,τ k,ν sup Dk fz μ Qτ ksq 2 τ∈Ik k∈Z ≤C z∈Qτk,ν ν1 2ksq k∈Z Nk,τ τ∈Ik ν1 μ Qτk,ν 5.19 p q/p 1/q inf Qk fz ; z∈Qτk,ν ii for all f ∈ G̊0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , |s| < , ps, < p < ∞, and ps, < q ≤ ∞, 1/q q Nk,τ ksq sup Dk fz χQτk,ν 2 k∈Z τ∈I ν1 k,ν Lp X z∈Qτ k 5.20 1/q q Nk,τ ksq inf Qk fz| χQτk,ν ≤ C 2 k∈Z τ∈I ν1 z∈Qτk,ν . Lp X k s s Using Proposition 5.4, we can easily verify that the definitions of ·Ḃp,q X and ·Ḟp,q X are independent of the choices of ATIs. We omit the details. Proposition 5.6. Let all the notation be as in Proposition 5.4. i For all f ∈ G̊0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , |s| < , ps, < p ≤ ∞, and 0 < q ≤ ∞, k∈Z 1/q q Dk fLp X ksq 2 ∼ k∈Z ksq 2 q Qk fLp X 1/q 5.21 . ii For all f ∈ G̊0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , |s| < , ps, < p < ∞, and ps, < q ≤ ∞, 1/q q ksq Dk f 2 k∈Z Lp X 1/q q ksq Qk f ∼ 2 k∈Z . 5.22 Lp X s s We now verify that the definition of the norm ·Ḃp,q X and the norm ·Ḟp,q X is independent of the choice of the underlying space of distributions. We recall that a max{a, 0} for any a ∈ R. 116 Abstract and Applied Analysis Proposition 5.7. Let all the notation be as in Definition 5.1. i Let |s| < , ps, < p ≤ ∞, and 0 < q ≤ ∞. If f ∈ G̊0 β1 , γ1 with 1 < β1 < , max 0, − sn −1 p 1 κ −1 , s− < γ1 < , max n p p 5.23 s and if fḂp,q X < ∞, then f ∈ G̊0 β2 , γ2 for every β2 , γ2 satisfying 5.23. ii Let |s| < , ps, < p < ∞, and ps, < q ≤ ∞. If f ∈ G̊0 β1 , γ1 with β1 , γ 1 as in s 5.23, and if fḞp,q X < ∞, then f ∈ G̊0 β2 , γ2 for every β2 , γ 2 satisfying 5.23. Proof. Let ψ ∈ G̊, . Adopting the notation from Theorem 4.11, we first claim that for k ∈ Z , D k ·, y, ψ 2−kβ2 ψGβ 1 1 , V1 x1 V x1 , y 1 d x1 , y γ2 5.24 1 2−kγ2 , V2−k x1 V x1 , y 2−k dx1 , yγ2 5.25 2 ,γ2 and that for k −1, −2, . . ., D k ·, y, ψ 2kγ2 ψGβ 2 ,γ2 where γ2 can be any positive number in 0, γ2 . k , Lemma 2.1ii, we have In fact, to verify 5.24, by the vanishing moment of D D k ·, y, ψ k z, y ψz − ψy dμz D X D k z, y ψGβ2 ,γ2 dz,y≤1dy,x1 /2 dz,y>1dy,x1 /2 2−kβ2 ψGβ2 ,γ2 × 1 D k z, y dz, yβ2 1 dμz V1 x1 V x1 , y 1 d x1 , y β2 γ2 1 1 V1 x1 V x1 , z 1 d x1 , z γ2 1 1 dμz V1 x1 V x1 , y 1 d x1 , y γ2 1 1 V1 x1 V x1 , y 1 d x1 , y γ2 1 1 γ dμz 1 d x1 , z 2 X V1 x1 V x1 , z 2−k−β2 1 −k V y V z, y X 2 −k 2 dz, y −β2 dμz , 5.26 Yongsheng Han et al. 117 where the last quantity is, up to a bounded multiplicative constant, controlled by the righthand side of 5.24, and in the last inequality, we used the fact that for dz, y > 1 dy, x1 /2, V z, y V1 y V x1 , y ∼ V1 x1 V x1 , y; see also Lemma 2.1vii. Thus, 5.24 holds. To see 5.25, by X ψzdμz 0, i and ii of Lemma 2.1, and the fact that for dz, x1 > 2−k dx1 , y/2, V x1 , z V2−k x1 V x1 , y, we obtain that for k −1, −2, . . ., D k ·, y, ψ k x1 , y ψzdμz k z, y − D D X ψGβ2 ,γ2 d z, x1 2−k −k −k dz,x1 ≤2−k dy,x1 /2 2 d x1 , y 2 d x1 , y × 1 V2−k x1 V2−k y V x1 , y × 1 1 dμz V1 x1 V x1 , z 1 d x1 , z γ2 dz,x1 >2−k dy,x1 /2 1 2−k V2−k z V2−k y V z, y 2−k dz, y 2−k 1 V2−k x1 V2−k y V x1 , y 2−k dx1 , y 1 1 × dμz V1 x1 V x1 , z 1 d x1 , z γ2 1 V2−k x1 V x1 , y 1 1 2−k × , γ2 −k −k γ2 −k 2 d x1 , y 2 d x1 , y 2 d x1 , y 5.27 where the last quantity is, up to a bounded multiplicative constant, dominated by the righthand side of 5.25; namely, 5.25 holds. 118 Abstract and Applied Analysis Thus, Theorem 4.13 together with 5.24, 5.25, and Lemma 2.1iii yield that ∞ Nk,τ k,ν k,ν k,ν f, ψ k ·, yτ , ψ μ Qτ Dk f yτ D k−∞ τ∈I ν1 k ∞ Nk,τ ψGβ2 ,γ2 2−kβ2 μ Qτk,ν Dk f yτk,ν ν1 k0 τ∈Ik 1 × V1 x1 V −1 Nk,τ k−∞ τ∈Ik x1 , yτk,ν 1 1 d x1 , yτk,ν 5.28 γ2 2kγ2 μ Qτk,ν Dk f yτk,ν ν1 2−kγ2 × γ2 . V2−k x1 V x1 , yτk,ν 2−k d x1 , yτk,ν 1 If p ≤ 1, by 5.5, f, ψ ψGβ ∞ Nk,τ p p −kβ2 s 2 2ksp μ Qτk,ν Dk f yτk,ν 2 ,γ2 ν1 τ∈Ik k0 −1 kγ2 −s 2 k−∞ 1 1 × γ2 p k,ν p V1 x1 V x1 , yτ 1 d x1 , yτk,ν 1/p Nk,τ k,ν p p μ Qτ 2ksp Dk f yτk,ν τ∈Ik ν1 2−kγ2 p × γ2 p p −k 2 d x1 , yτk,ν V2−k x1 V x1 , yτk,ν 1 1/p . 5.29 Notice that when p ≤ 1, by Lemma 2.1vii and γ2 > n1/p − 1, for k ∈ Z , τ ∈ Ik and ν 1, . . . , Nk, τ , p−1 μ Qτk,ν 1 γ2 p k,ν p V1 x1 V x1 , yτ 1 d x1 , yτk,ν 1−p k,ν V1 yτ V x1 , yτk,ν 1 1 1 kn1−p ; k,ν γ2 p 2 k,ν V1 x1 V1 x1 μ Qτ 1d x1 , yτ 5.30 and similarly, by the first inequality of 1.3, for k −1, −2, . . . , τ ∈ Ik and ν 1, . . . , Nk, τ, p−1 μ Qτk,ν 2−kγ2 p p −k γ2 p V2−k x1 V x1 , yτk,ν 2 d x1 , yτk,ν 5.31 1−p V2−k yτk,ν V x1 , yτk,ν 1 2−kγ2 p 1 kκ kκ 2 −k γ2 p 2 V x . V1 x1 1 1 μ Qτk,ν 2 d x1 , yτk,ν Yongsheng Han et al. 119 Thus, if p ≤ 1, then by Hölder’s inequality when q ≥ 1 or 5.5 when q < 1 together with Proposition 5.4, f, ψ ∞ −1 2kn1/p−1−β2 s 2kκ/pγ2 −s 1/p ψGβ2 ,γ2 V1 x1 k0 k−∞ 1/p k,ν ksp Nk,τ p × μ Qτ 2 Dk f yτk,ν τ∈Ik 1 5.32 ν1 1 V1 x1 1/p s ψGβ2 ,γ2 fḂp,q X , where we used the assumption that β2 > −s n1/p − 1 and we chose γ2 ∈ s − κ/p , γ2 . Similarly, if p > 1, by Lemma 2.1ii, we have f, ψ 1 1/p ψGβ2 ,γ2 V1 x1 1/p ∞ 1 1 −kβ2 s × 2 γ p dμy X V1 x1 V x1 , y 1 d x1 , y 2 k0 ∞ kκ/p−γ2 −s 2 k0 × 1/p 1 k,ν ksp Nk,τ p μ Qτ 2 |Dk f yτk,ν | τ∈Ik 2−kγ2 p2 1 γ2 p dμy −k X V2−k x1 V x1 , y 2 d x ,y 1/p ν1 1 V1 x1 1/p s ψGβ2 ,γ2 fḂp,q X , 5.33 where we used β2 > −s and chose γ2 > max{0, s − κ/p}. Let now h ∈ G̊0 β2 , γ2 . Then there exists {hn }∞ n1 ⊂ G̊, such that as n → ∞, h − hn Gβ2 ,γ2 → 0. By 5.32 and 5.33, we obtain f, hn − hm fḂs p,q X hn − hm Gβ2 ,γ2 , 5.34 which shows that limn → ∞ f, hn exists and the limit is independent of the choice of {hn }. Thus, if we define f, h limn → ∞ f, hn , by 5.32 and 5.33, we have |f, h| s fḂp,q X hG̊0 β2 ,γ2 . That is, f ∈ G̊0 β2 , γ2 , which completes the proof of i. s s The conclusion ii can be deduced from i and the fact that fḂp,maxp,q X fḞp,q X ; see 3, Proposition 2.3.2/2 or Proposition 5.10ii below. s Now we can introduce the Besov spaces, Ḃp,q X, and the Triebel-Lizorkin spaces, s Ḟp,q X. 120 Abstract and Applied Analysis Definition 5.8. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , and let {Sk }k∈Z be an 1 , 2 , 3 ATI. For k ∈ Z, set Dk Sk − Sk−1 . s i Let |s| < , ps, < p ≤ ∞, and 0 < q ≤ ∞. The space Ḃp,q X is defined to be the set of all f ∈ G̊0 β, γ , for some β, γ satisfying 1 < β < , −1 max s, 0, −s n p κ 1 1 1 max s − , n − 1 , −s n −1 −κ 1− <γ < p p p p 5.35 ∞ q ksq s Dk fLp X }1/q < ∞ with the usual modificasuch that fḂp,q X { k−∞ 2 tions made when p ∞ or q ∞. s X is defined to ii Let |s| < , ps, < p < ∞, and ps, < q ≤ ∞. The space Ḟp,q s be the set of all f ∈ G̊0 β, γ for some β, γ satisfying 5.35 such that fḞp,q X ∞ 1/q q { k−∞ 2ksq |Dk f| } Lp X < ∞ with the usual modification made when q ∞. s s Propositions 5.6 and 5.7 show that the definitions of the spaces Ḃp,q X and Ḟp,q X are independent of the choice of the approximations of the identity and the distribution space, G̊0 β, γ , with β, γ as in 5.35. s s Remark 5.9. To guarantee that the definitions of the spaces Ḃp,q X and Ḟp,q X are independent of the choice of the distribution space G̊0 β, γ , we only need the restriction that β, γ satisfy 5.23; see Proposition 5.7. Moreover, if we assume that max{s, 0} < β < and max{n1/p − 1 , −s n1/p − 1 − κ1 − 1/p } < γ < , we can verify that the space of test s s functions G̊β, γ is contained in Ḃp,q X and Ḟp,q X; see Proposition 5.10 below. Thus, the s s spaces Ḃp,q X and Ḟp,q X are nonempty if we restrict β, γ as in 5.35. s s X and Ḟp,q X and boundedness of singular integrals 5.2. Properties of Ḃp,q s s X and Ḟp,q X. Then we In this subsection, we first present some basic properties of Ḃp,q s X, and as an application, we discuss the establish a Lusin-area characterization of Ḟp,q p s relation between the spaces Ḟp,q X and the atomic Hardy spaces Hat X of Coifman and p Weiss in 28 and the Hardy spaces H X in 48. Finally, we show that the singular integrals s s X and Ḟp,q X. considered by Nagel and Stein in 44 act boundedly on Ḃp,q Proposition 5.10. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , and |s| < . s s X ⊂ Ḃp,q X; and for ps, < p < ∞ i For ps, < p ≤ ∞ and 0 < q0 ≤ q1 ≤ ∞, Ḃp,q 0 1 s s and ps, < q0 ≤ q1 ≤ ∞, Ḟp,q0 X ⊂ Ḟp,q1 X. s s s X ⊂ Ḟp,q X ⊂ Ḃp,maxp,q X. ii If ps, < p < ∞ and ps, < q ≤ ∞, then Ḃp,minp,q s X ⊂ G̊0 β, γ when ps, < p ≤ ∞ and 0 < q ≤ ∞, and iii If β, γ as in 5.23, then Ḃp,q s Ḟp,q X ⊂ G̊0 β, γ when ps, < p < ∞ and ps, < q ≤ ∞. Yongsheng Han et al. 121 iv If max{s, 0} < β < and max{n1/p − 1 , − s n1/p − 1 − κ1 − 1/p } < γ < , s s X when ps, < p ≤ ∞ and 0 < q ≤ ∞, and G̊β, γ ⊂ Ḟp,q X then G̊β, γ ⊂ Ḃp,q when ps, < p < ∞ and ps, < q ≤ ∞. 0 X Lp X with equivalent norms. v If 1 < p < ∞, then Ḟp,2 s s X/N with ps, < p ≤ ∞ and 0 < q ≤ ∞ and the spaces Ḟp,q X/N vi The spaces Ḃp,q with ps, < p < ∞ and ps, < q ≤ ∞ are complete. Proof. Property i is a simple corollary of 5.5. Property ii can be deduced from Minkowski’s inequality, 5.5, and the following generalized Minkowski inequality that for all 1 ≤ q ≤ ∞, 1/q q 1/q ∞ ∞ q ak xdμx ak x dμx; k−∞ X X 5.36 k−∞ see also 3, Proposition 2.3.2/2 and 6, Proposition 2.3. Property iii is implied by the proof of Proposition 5.7 and Property vi can be easily deduced from Property iii. To verify iv, similarly to the proofs of 5.24 and 5.25, for f ∈ G̊β, γ, we have that for k ∈ Z , Dk fx 2−kβ fGβ,γ 1 1 , V1 x1 V x1 , x 1 d x1 , x γ 5.37 1 2−kγ , V2−k x1 V x1 , x 2−k dx1 , xγ 5.38 and that for k −1, −2, . . . , Dk fx 2kγ fGβ,γ where γ can be any positive number in 0, γ. Moreover, since γ > n1/p − 1 , X 1 1 1/p p γp dμx V1 x1 V x1 , x 1 d x1 , x 1/p ∞ 1 1 1 1 1−1/p , p−1 p−1 lγp 2 V1 x1 V1 x1 l0 V2l r x1 5.39 and for k −1, −2, . . ., 1/p 2−kγp p −k γp dμx X V2−k x1 V x1 , x 2 d x1 , x 1/p ∞ 1/p−1 1 1 1 2kκ1−1/p −kn1/p−1 V1 x1 . p−1 p−1 lγp 2 V2−k x1 l0 V2l 2−k x1 1 5.40 122 Abstract and Applied Analysis Choose γ ∈ 0, γ such that γ > n1/p − 1 − s − κ1 − 1/p . From the above estimates, it follows that f s Ḃp,q X 1/q ∞ −1 1 ks−βq ksγ −n1/p−1 κ1−1/p q fGβ,γ 1−1/p 2 2 V1 x1 k0 k−∞ 5.41 fGβ,γ . s s X, which together with ii implies that G̊β, γ ⊂ Ḟp,q X. Thus, G̊β, γ ⊂ Ḃp,q Property v is a simple conclusion of Proposition 3.15, which completes the proof of Proposition 5.10. s We next give a Lusin-area characterization for Triebel-Lizorkin spaces Ḟp,q X, which s will allow to establish some relations between the Triebel-Lizorkin spaces Ḟp,q X, the atomic Hardy spaces of Coifman and Weiss in 28, and the Hardy spaces H p X in 48. Definition 5.11. Let s ∈ R, a > 0, q ∈ 0, ∞, and let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 . Let {Sk }k∈Z be an 1 , 2 , 3 -ATI. For k ∈ Z, set Dk Sk − Sk−1 . The Lusin-area function also called the Littlewood-Paley S-function Ṡsq,a f for any f ∈ G̊0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ ≤ and x ∈ X is given by Ṡsq,a fx −k k∈Z dx,y<a2 q dμy Dk fy Va2−k x 1/q ksq 2 , 5.42 where the usual modification is made when q ∞. Remark 5.12. i By Lemma 2.1vi, if we replace Va2−k x, respectively, by Va2−k y, Va2−k y Va2−k x, V2−k x, V2−k y, or V2−k x V2−k y in the definition of Ṡsq,a f, then the corresponding Littlewood-Paley S-functions Ṡsq,a f are pointwise equivalent. This is often useful in applications. ii It is easy to see that Ṡ02,a f is a discrete version of the corresponding LittlewoodPaley S-function in 48. Theorem 5.13. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , and let {Sk }k∈Z be an 1 , 2 , 3 ATI. For k ∈ Z, set Dk Sk − Sk−1 . Let a > 0, |s| < , ps, < p < ∞, ps, < q ≤ ∞, and let s Ṡsq,a f be as in Definition 5.11 for any f ∈ G̊0 β, γ with β, γ as in 5.35. Then f ∈ Ḟp,q X if s p and only if f ∈ G̊0 β, γ for some β, γ as in 5.35, and Ṡq,a f ∈ L X. Moreover, in this case, s s fḞp,q X ∼ Ṡq,a fLp X . Proof. We use the notation as in the proof of Proposition 5.4. It is easy to check that for any fixed constant C > 0, sup Dk D k z, yk ,ν τ −k z∈Bzk,ν τ ,C2 2−|k−k | 2−k∧k 1 k,ν k ,ν k,ν k ,ν −k∧k k,ν k ,ν . V2−k∧k zτ V2−k∧k yτ V zτ , yτ d zτ , yτ 2 5.43 Yongsheng Han et al. 123 Using this to replace 5.10 and then repeating the proof of 5.8 in Proposition 5.4 yield Nk,τ ksq 2 k∈Z τ∈I ν1 k sup −k z∈Bzk,ν τ ,C2 1/q q Dk fz χ k,ν Qτ Lp X 1/q q Nk,τ ksq inf Dk fz χQτk,ν ∼ 2 k∈Z τ∈I ν1 z∈Qτk,ν 5.44 Lp X k s ∼ fḞp,q X , which shows that s Ṡq,a f p L X Nk,τ ksq ≤ 2 k∈Z τ∈I ν1 1/q k,ν Qτ q Dk fz χ sup −k z∈Bzk,ν τ ,C2 k s ∼ fḞp,q X . 5.45 Lp X −kj On the other hand, noticing that if x ∈ Bzk,ν , then τ , min{a, 1}C7 2 −kj B zk,ν ⊂ y ∈ X : dx, y < a2−k , τ , min{a, 1}C7 2 5.46 therefore, by Lemma 2.19, Ṡsq,a fx Nk,τ k∈Z τ∈Ik ≥ dx,y<a2−k ν1 Nk,τ k∈Z τ∈Ik q Dk fy χ ksq 2 ksq 2 ν1 inf −kj y∈Bzk,ν τ ,min{a,1}C7 2 dμy Qτk,ν x Va2−k x 1/q 1/q q Dk fy χ −kj x Bzk,ν τ ,min{a,1}C7 2 , 5.47 which together with the following estimate 1/q q ksq Dk f 2 k∈Z Lp X 1/q q Nk,τ ksq Dk fy χ k,ν inf 2 −kj Bzτ ,min{a,1}C7 2 k∈Z τ∈I ν1 −kj y∈Bzk,ν ,min{a,1}C 2 7 τ k Lp X 5.48 s yields that Ṡsq,a fLp X fḞp,q X . Using the notation as in Lemma 5.3, we can verify the estimate 5.48 by repeating the proof of 5.8 in Proposition 5.4 and replacing Lemma 5.3 by 124 Abstract and Applied Analysis the following estimate that for any fixed constant C > 0, Nk,τ k,ν μ Qτ τ∈Ik k,ν 2−k∧k aτ V2−k ∧k xV2−k ∧k yτk,ν V x, yτk,ν 2−k∧k d x, yτk,ν ν1 1/r Nk,τ k,ν k∧k −kn1−1/r r 2 M x |aτ | χBzk,ν , −k τ ,C2 1 τ∈Ik 5.49 ν1 which can be proved by the same way as the proof of Lemma 5.3 via the following facts k,ν −k μBzk,ν τ , C2 ∼ μQτ and −k μ B zk,ν χBzk,ν −k z ∼ V2−k zχBzk,ν ,C2−k z. τ , C2 τ ,C2 τ 5.50 This finishes the proof of Theorem 5.13. Definition 5.14. Let all the notation be as in Definition 5.8. The Hardy space H p X when n/n 0 0 X, with norm fH p X ≡ fḞp,2 < p ≤ 1 is defined to be the Triebel-Lizorkin spaces Ḟp,2 X . We now recall the definition of atoms on spaces of homogeneous type in 28. Definition 5.15. A function a on X is called an H p X-atom if i supp a ⊂ Bx0 , r for some x0 ∈ X and some r > 0; ii aL2 X ≤ μBx0 , r1/2−1/p ; iii X axdμx 0. If i to iii apply, we also say that a is an H p X-atom supported on Bx0 , r. Theorem 5.16. Assume that and β, γ are as in Definition 5.8. If n/n < p ≤ 1, then ∞ p f ∈ H p X if and only if there exist a sequence of numbers {λk }∞ k0 ⊂ C with k0 |λk | < ∞ ∞ ∞ p and a sequence of H X-atoms {ak }k0 such that f k0 λk ak in G̊0 β, γ . Moreover, in this p 1/p }, where the infimum is taken over all the above decompositions case, fH p X ∼ inf{ ∞ k0 |λk | of f. This theorem can be proved by a literal repetition of Theorem 2.21 in 48, with Lemma 2.22 therein replaced by Theorem 2.6 in this paper. We omit the details. Remark 5.17. Theorem 5.16 shows that the Hardy spaces defined here are the same as those in 48. Moreover, by 48, Remark 2.27, we know that the Hardy space H 1 X also coincides 1 X of Coifman and Weiss in 28. Moreover, when n/n with the atomic Hardy space Hat < p < 1 and X is an Ahlfors n-regular metric measure space, H p X also coincides with the p atomic Hardy space Hat X of Coifman and Weiss in 28. However, if X is a general space p of homogeneous type, it is still unclear so far to us if H p X Hat X when p < 1; see 48, Remark 2.30. We now recall the definition of the Lipschitz space L̇ips X with s > 0; see 28. Yongsheng Han et al. 125 Definition 5.18. Let s > 0. The Lipschitz or Hölder space L̇ips X is defined to be the set of all functions f on X such that fL̇ips X sup x/ y fx − fy V x, ys < ∞. 5.51 Observe that these classes are rather Lipschitz or Hölder classes with respect to the measure distance ρx, y ≡ inf{μB : x, y ∈ B, B a ball}, not the distance d. Following Coifman and Weiss 28, we immediately obtain from Theorem 5.16 in this p paper and 48, Remark 2.27 the duality between H 1 X and BMOX and between Hat X and L̇ip1/p−1 X when p < 1, which is 48, Corollary 2.29. Theorem 5.19. i The space BMOX/N is the dual space of H 1 X, in the following 1 sense: if f ∞ k0 λk ak ∈ H X is as in Theorem 5.16, then for each g ∈ BMOX, N limN → ∞ k0 λk X ak xgxdμx is a well-defined continuous linear functional Lg : f → f, g with norm gBMOX . Conversely, each continuous linear functional L on H 1 Xhas the form L Lg for some g ∈ BMOX with gBMOX L. Moreover, Lg 0 if and only if g ∈ N. ii Assume that is as in Definition 5.8, n/n < p < 1, and s 1/p − 1. Then L̇ips X (more precisely, L̇ips X/N) is the dual space of H p X in the sense of (i). Remark 5.20. It is easy to see that if X Rn and μ is the n-dimensional Lebesgue measure, then Ċns X L̇ips X with equivalent norms. Thus, ns ns Ḃ∞,∞ X Ḟ∞,∞ X L̇ips X 5.52 with equivalent norms. Therefore, the dual space of H p X with n/n < p < 1 is the space n1/p−1 Ḃ∞,∞ X; see also 3, Theorem 2.11.3ii. However, for a general space X of homogeneous L̇ips X, unless μBx, r ∼ r n for all x ∈ X and r > 0, namely, type, it seems that Ċns X / X is an Ahlfors n-regular metric measure space. Thus, one cannot expect that 3, Theorem 2.11.3 still holds when X is a general space of homogeneous type considered in this paper, which demonstrates an essential difference between function spaces on general spaces of homogeneous type considered in this paper and those on Ahlfors regular metric measure space. Using Proposition 5.10 and Theorem 2.6, we obtain the following density property of s s X and Ḟp,q X. Ḃp,q Proposition 5.21. Let 1 , 2 , , and let |s| < be as in Definition 5.8. Then G̊b 1 , 2 is dense in s s Ḃp,q X when ps, < p < ∞ and 0 < q < ∞, and in Ḟp,q X when ps, < p, q < ∞. s s Proof. By similarity, we only verify the conclusion on Ḃp,q X. Let f ∈ Ḃp,q X with s, p, q as in the proposition. By Proposition 5.10iii, we know f ∈ G̊0 β, γ with β, γ as in 5.23. Let 126 Abstract and Applied Analysis {Dk }k∈Z be an ATI with bounded support as constructed in Theorem 2.6. By Theorem 4.13 and using the notation as in Theorem 4.12, we have fx ∞ Nk ,τ k −∞ τ ∈Ik ν 1 μ Qτk ,ν Dk x, yτk ,ν Dk f yτk ,ν 5.53 in G̊0 β, γ . It is easy to check that for any fixed k ∈ Z and τ ∈ Ik , Nk , τ is a finite set of , IkN is a finite set of indices, indices. For any fixed k ∈ Z, choose {IkN }N∈N such that IkN ⊂ IkN1 N and Ik → Ik as N → ∞. If for any N ∈ N, setting fN x Nk ,τ |k |≤N τ ∈I N ν 1 k μ Qτk ,ν Dk x, yτk ,ν Dk f yτk ,ν , 5.54 then it is easy to check fN ∈ G̊b 1 , 2 . From the proof of Proposition 5.4 together with s Remark 5.5, it is easy to see that f − fN Ḃp,q X → 0, as N → ∞ here we need p, q < ∞. s Thus, G̊b 1 , 2 is dense in Ḃp,q X with s, p, q as in the proposition, which completes the proof of Proposition 5.21. s s We now discuss the boundedness on Ḃp,q X and Ḟp,q X of the singular integral operators introduced by Nagel and Stein in 44. To state their definition, we need first to recall the notion of a normalized bump function on X. A function ϕ on X is said to be an -bump function associated to a ball Bx0 , δ for some x0 ∈ X and δ > 0, if it is supported in that ball, and if there exists a constant C > 0 independent of ϕ such that ϕĊη X ≤ Cδ−η for all η ∈ 0, . Notice that then ϕL∞ X ≤ C see Remark 2.14ii. If C 1 in this definition, then such a bump function is called a normalized -bump function for the ball Bx0 , δ. Let ∈ 0, 1. A linear operator T , which is initially assumed to be continuous from η η Cb X to Cb X for all η ∈ 0, , is called a singular integral of order if T has a distributional kernel Kx, y which is locally integrable away from the diagonal of X × X, and satisfies the following conditions. η I-1 If ϕ, ψ ∈ Cb X have disjoint supports, then T ϕ, ψ X×X Kx, yϕyψxdμxdμy. 5.55 I-2 If ϕ is a normalized -bump function associated to a ball of radius r, then T ϕĊη X ≤ Cr −η for all η ∈ 0, , where C > 0 is independent of ϕ. More precisely, for each η ∈ 0, , there is another η ∈ 0, and a constant Cη,η > 0 so that η whenever ϕ is a Cb X function supported in a ball Bx0 , r, then r η T ϕĊη X ≤ Cη,η supη0 ≤η r η0 ϕĊη0 X . I-3 There exists a constant C > 0 such that I-31 for all x, y ∈ X with x / y, |Kx, y| ≤ C1/V x, y; Yongsheng Han et al. 127 y, I-32 for all x, x , y ∈ X with dx, x ≤ dx, y/2 and x / Kx, y − K x , y Ky, x − K y, x ≤ C d x, x V x, ydx, y . 5.56 I-4 Properties I-1 through I-3 also hold with x and y interchanged. That is, these properties also hold for the adjoint operator T t defined by T t ϕ, ψ ϕ, T ψ. Remark 5.22. We remark that if T is a singular integral operator of order , then T extends to a continuous linear operator from Cη X to G̊b η, γ for all η ∈ 0, and all γ > 0 by Proposition 2.12. We also claim that for f ∈ G̊b η, δ with η ∈ 0, and δ > 0, T f can be defined as a distribution in G̊0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ ≤ . We first define T f as a distribution in G̊β, γ with 0 < β ≤ and γ > 0. In fact, for any given β ∈ 0, , noticing that G̊b η1 , δ ⊂ G̊b η2 , δ when η1 ≥ η2 , without loss of generality, we may assume that η ≤ β. Assume that supp f ⊂ η Bx0 , r for some x0 ∈ X and r > 0. Let ψ ∈ Cb X such that ψx 1 when x ∈ Bx0 , 2r and ψx 0 when x / ∈ Bx0 , 4r. Choose any g ∈ G̊β, γ with 0 < β ≤ and γ > 0. It is easy to η η check that ψg ∈ Cb X. Notice that G̊b η, δ ⊂ Cb X. Both facts show that T f, ψg is well defined. On the other hand, we define T f, 1 − ψg by T f, 1 − ψg X×X Kx, y − K x, x0 fy 1 − ψx gxdμxdμy. 5.57 By I-32 and Lemma 2.1i, it is easy to check that T f, 1 − ψg fL1 X gL∞ X fGη,δ gGβ,γ . Moreover, if g ∈ G̊b β, γ, since T f, 1 − ψg X 5.58 fydμy 0, we then obtain X×X Kx, yfy 1 − ψx gxdμxdμy, 5.59 which coincides with I-1. Furthermore, it is easy to verify that T f, ψg T f, 1 − ψg is independent of the choice of ψ. Thus, we can define T f by T f, g T f, ψg T f, 1 − ψg . 5.60 In this sense, we have T f ∈ G̊β, γ with 0 < β ≤ and γ > 0. Now for any g ∈ G̊0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ ≤ , let {gn }n∈N ⊂ G̊, such that gn − gGβ,γ → 0 as n → ∞. We then define T f ∈ G̊0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ ≤ by T f, g limn → ∞ T f, gn . It is easy to check that T f, g is independent of the choice of {gn }n∈N ⊂ G̊, . In this sense, we have T f ∈ G̊0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ ≤ . In what follows, for any ∈ 0, 1 and 0 < β, γ ≤ , we set β, γ f ∈ G̊0 β, γ : f has bounded support . G̊0,b 5.61 128 Abstract and Applied Analysis Theorem 5.23. Let 1 , 2 , , and |s| < be as in Definition 5.8. Let T be a singular integral of s X when ps, < p < ∞ and order satisfying (I-1) through (I-4). Then T is bounded on Ḃp,q s s 0 < q < ∞ and bounded from Ḃp,q X ∩ G̊b 1 , 2 to Ḃp,q X when max{p, q} ∞, and T is also s s s X when ps, < p, q < ∞, and bounded from Ḟp,q X ∩ G̊b 1 , 2 to Ḟp,q X bounded on Ḟp,q when ps, < p < ∞ and q ∞. Proof. By Propositions 5.21 and 5.10vi together with a density argument, to prove the β, γ with theorem, it suffices to verify the conclusions of the theorem only for all f ∈ G̊0,b 0 < β, γ < as in 5.35. Let {Sk }k∈Z be an ATI with bounded support as constructed in Theorem 2.6. Put Dk Sk − Sk−1 for k ∈ Z. We then interpret Dk T T t Dkt , where Dkt x, y Dk y, x for all x, y ∈ X cf. Lemma 3.12. By Remark 5.22, we have Dk T ∈ G̊0 β, γ . On the β, γ. By Theorem 4.12, we have other hand, let f ∈ G̊0,b fz Nk ,τ k ∈Z τ ∈Ik ν 1 μ Qτk ,ν Dk z, yτk ,ν Dk f yτk ,ν , 5.62 where the series converges in G̊0 β, γ and all the notation is as in Theorem 4.12. Thus, for all x ∈ X, we have Dk T fx Nk ,τ k ∈Z τ ∈Ik ν 1 μ Qτk ,ν Dk T Dk ·, yτk ,ν x Dk f yτk ,ν . 5.63 For k, k ∈ Z, τ ∈ Ik , ν 1, . . . , Nk , τ , yτk ,ν ∈ Qτk ,ν , and x ∈ X, let J x, yτk ,ν ≡ Dk T Dk ·, yτk ,ν x. 5.64 We now claim that for any fixed η ∈ 0, , J x, yk ,ν τ −|k−k |η 2 2−k∧k 2−k∧k d x, yτk ,ν η 1 . k ,ν V2−k∧k x V2−k∧k yτ V x, yτk ,ν 5.65 To verify 5.65, by symmetry, we only need to verify that if k ≤ k , then J x, yk ,ν 2k−k η τ 1 , V2−k x 5.66 and moreover, if dx, yτk ,ν ≥ 25−k , then J x, yk ,ν τ d 2−k x, yτk ,ν η 1 V x, yτk ,ν . 5.67 Yongsheng Han et al. 129 To see this, for y ∈ X, set Ψy X Kz, yDk x, zdμz. 5.68 Notice that for any fixed x ∈ X, Dk x, z is an adjusted bump function in z associated with the ball Bx, 22−k . Conditions I-2 and I-4 show that for any fixed η ∈ 0, , 2−kη ΨĊη X 1 , V2−k x 5.69 which further implies that for all y ∈ X, k ,ν η d y, yτ 1 Ψy − Ψ yk ,ν . τ −kη V2−k x 2 5.70 Thus, J x, yk ,ν ΨyDk y, yk ,ν dμy τ τ X Ψy − Ψ yτk ,ν Dk y, yτk ,ν dμy X 2k−k η 5.71 1 . V2−k x That is, 5.66 holds. On the other hand, when k ≤ k , z ∈ Bx, 22−k , y ∈ Byτk ,ν , 22−k , and dx, yτk ,ν ≥ 25−k , then by Condition I-3, we have Kz, y − K z, yk ,ν τ 2−k , k ,ν d x, yτ V x, yτk ,ν 5.72 which yields that J x, yk ,ν τ X×X Kz, y − K z, yτk ,ν Dk z, xDk y, yτk ,ν dμydμz 2−k d x, yτk ,ν η 1 5.73 , V x, yτk ,ν namely, 5.67 holds. Thus, 5.65 holds. Notice that the estimate 5.65 is analogous to the estimate 5.10 in the proof of Proposition 5.4. We can further proceed from here on exactly as in the proof of Proposition 5.4 s s X and Ḟp,q X. This finishes the proof of in order to obtain the boundedness of T on Ḃp,q Theorem 5.16. 130 Abstract and Applied Analysis 5.3. Inhomogeneous Plancherel-Pôlya inequalities and s s X and Fp,q X definition of Bp,q Throughout this and the next subsection, μX can be finite or infinite. We first introduce s s X and Fp,q X via certain IATI and then verify that these norms are the norms in Bp,q independent of the choices of IATIs and spaces of distributions; see 37. To this end, we need to establish inhomogeneous Plancherel-P ôlya inequalities; see 80. In what follows, for any dyadic cube Q, we set mQ f 1/μQ Q fxdμx. Definition 5.24. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , and let {Sk }k∈Z be an 1 , 2 , 3 IATI. Set D0 S0 and Dk Sk − Sk−1 for k ∈ N. Let {Qτ0,ν : τ ∈ I0 , ν 1, . . . , N0, τ} with a fixed large j ∈ N be dyadic cubes as in Section 4. i For all f ∈ G0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , |s| < , ps, < p ≤ ∞, and 0 < q ≤ ∞, we define s fBp,q X 0,ν N0,τ p μ Qτ mQτ0,ν D0 f τ∈I0 1/p ν1 ∞ ksq 2 q Dk f p k1 1/q L X 5.74 with the usual modification made when p ∞ or q ∞. ii For all f ∈ G0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , |s| < , ps, < p < ∞, and ps, < q ≤ ∞, we define s fFp,q X 0,ν N0,τ p μ Qτ mQτ0,ν D0 f τ∈I0 1/p ν1 1/q ∞ q ksq Dk f 2 k1 Lp X 5.75 with the usual modification made when q ∞. The following theorem is the inhomogeneous Plancherel-Pôlya inequalities. Proposition 5.25. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , and let {Sk }k∈Z and {Pk }k∈Z be two 1 , 2 , 3 -IATIs. Set D0 S0 and Q0 P0 , and Dk Sk − Sk−1 and Qk Pk − Pk−1 for k ∈ N. Let {Qτ0,ν : τ ∈ I0 , ν 1, . . . , N0, τ} with a fixed large j ∈ N be dyadic cubes as in Section 4. i For all f ∈ G0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , |s| < , ps, < p ≤ ∞, and 0 < q ≤ ∞, N0,τ 0,ν p μ Qτ mQτ0,ν D0 f τ∈I0 1/p ν1 ∞ k1 ksq 2 p q/p 1/q Nk,τ k,ν sup Dk fz μ Qτ τ∈Ik ν1 z∈Qτk,ν Yongsheng Han et al. 131 ∼ N0,τ 0,ν p μ Qτ mQτ0,ν Q0 f ν1 τ∈I0 1/p ∞ ksq 2 q/p 1/q Nk,τ k,ν p μ Qτ inf Qk fz τ∈Ik k1 z∈Qτk,ν ν1 5.76 with the usual modification made when p ∞ or q ∞. ii For all f ∈ G0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , |s| < , ps, < p < ∞, and ps, < q ≤ ∞, N0,τ 0,ν p μ Qτ mQτ0,ν D0 f 1/p ν1 τ∈I0 1/q q ∞ Nk,τ ksq sup Dk fz χQτk,ν 2 k1 τ∈I ν1 k,ν ∼ N0,τ ν1 τ∈I0 Lp X z∈Qτ k p μQτ0,ν mQτ0,ν Q0 f 1/p 5.77 1/q ∞ Nk,τ q ksq 2 inf Qk fz χQτk,ν k1 τ∈I ν1 z∈Qτk,ν Lp X k with the usual modification made when q ∞. Proof. We first verify 5.76. By Theorem 4.16 together with Remark 4.17, there exists a family k x, y} of functions {D k ∈Z such that for all f ∈ G0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < and all z ∈ X, N0,τ fz τ ∈I0 ν 1 ∞ k 1 Qτ0,ν 0 x, ydμyQ0,ν D τ ,1 f Nk ,τ τ ∈Ik ν 1 k ,ν μ Qτ Qk f yτk ,ν , k ,ν k z, y D τ 5.78 where Qτ0,ν ,1 denotes the integral operator with kernel Qτ0,ν ,1 z 1 0,ν μ Qτ Qτ0,ν Q0 u, zdμu 5.79 132 Abstract and Applied Analysis k }k∈Z in Theorem 4.14. From 5.78 together k }k ∈Z satisfy the same conditions as {D and {D with 0,ν Q f Q0,ν zfzdμz τ ,1 τ ,1 X 1 0,ν Q fudμu 0 0,ν μ Q Qτ τ ≤ mQ0,ν Q0 f , 5.80 τ it follows that mQτ0,ν D0 f 1 μQτ0,ν Qτ0,ν N0,τ ≤ ν 1 τ ∈I0 ∞ k 1 τ ∈Ik D0 fzdμz mQ0,ν Q0 f τ Nk ,τ ν 1 1 μQτ0,ν Qτ0,ν Qτ0,ν D0 D 0 z, ydμydμz 1 |Qk f yτk ,ν |μ Qτk ,ν 0,ν μ Qτ Qτ0,ν D0 D k z, yk ,ν dμz τ ≡ Z1 Z2 . 5.81 By Lemma 3.19 together with Remark 3.3, we have that for any ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , all k ∈ Z and all z, y ∈ X, D0 D k z, y 2−k 1 1 . V1 z V1 y V z, y 1 dz, y 5.82 From this together with Lemma 2.1iii, it follows that 0 z, y inf sup sup D0 D z∈Qτ0,ν y∈Q0,ν τ z∈Qτ0,ν inf y∈Qτ0,ν 1 1 . V1 z V1 y V z, y 1 dz, y 5.83 Thus, Z1 N0,τ τ ∈I0 ν 1 mQ0,ν Q0 f μ Qτ0,ν inf τ z∈Qτ0,ν inf y∈Qτ0,ν 1 1 . V1 z V1 y V z, y 1 dz, y 5.84 Yongsheng Han et al. 133 Therefore, if n/n < p ≤ 1, by 5.5 and Lemma 5.2, we then have N0,τ 0,ν p μ Qτ Z1 1/p N0,τ ν 1 τ ∈I0 1/p τ ν 1 τ ∈I0 ν1 τ∈I0 N0,τ p 0,ν p 0,ν 1−p mQ0,ν Q0 f μ Qτ V1 zτ p μQτ0,ν m 0,ν |Q0 f| Q 1/p , τ 5.85 ∈ Qτ0,ν where in the last step, we used the fact that for any yτ0,ν , V1 yτ0,ν ∼ μ Qτ0,ν . 5.86 If 1 < p ≤ ∞, by Hölder’s inequality and Lemma 5.2, we have N0,τ p Z1 mQ0,ν Q0 f μ Qτ0,ν inf τ ∈I0 1 1 inf 0,ν V1 zV1 yV z, y 1dz, y z∈Qτ y∈Q0,ν τ ν 1 τ 1/p , 5.87 which together with Lemma 5.2 again yields that N0,τ 0,ν p μ Qτ Z1 τ∈I0 1/p 0,ν N0,τ p μ Qτ mQ0,ν Q0 f τ ∈I0 ν1 1/p 5.88 . τ ν 1 This is the desired estimate. From 5.82, it also follows that k z, yk ,ν 2−k inf sup D0 D τ z∈Qτ0,ν z∈Qτ0,ν V1 z 1 V1 yτk ,ν V z, yτk ,ν 1 1 d z, yτk ,ν , 5.89 which proves that Z2 ∞ k 1 2−k Nk ,τ τ ∈Ik ν 1 μ Qτk ,ν Qk f yτk ,ν × inf z∈Qτ0,ν V1 z 1 1 . V1 yτk ,ν V z, yτk ,ν 1 d z, yτk ,ν 5.90 134 Abstract and Applied Analysis Notice also that by Lemma 2.19 and 1.3, for any yτk ,ν ∈ Qτk ,ν , V1 yτk ,ν 2−k n μQτk ,ν . If ps, < p ≤ 1, then this fact together with 5.5 and Lemma 5.2 proves that N0,τ 0,ν p μ Qτ Z2 τ∈I0 1/p ∞ 2k sq k 1 ν1 Nk ,τ τ ∈Ik ν 1 μ p Qτk ,ν Qk f yτk ,ν q/p 1/q , 5.91 where in the last step, we used 5.5 when q/p ≤ 1 or Hölder’s inequality when q/p > 1. If 1 < p ≤ ∞, then by Hölder’s inequality and Lemma 5.2, we first have Z2 ∞ k 1 2−k p Nk ,τ τ ∈Ik ν 1 p μ Qτk ,ν Qk f yτk ,ν 1 1 × inf z∈Qτ0,ν V1 z 1/p V1 yτk ,ν V z, yτk ,ν 1 d z, yτk ,ν , 5.92 where max{−s, 0} < < . This together with Lemma 5.2 again shows that N0,τ 0,ν p μ Qτ Z2 τ∈I0 1/p ∞ k 1 ν1 2k sq Nk ,τ τ ∈Ik ν 1 p μ Qτk ,ν Qk f yτk ,ν q/p 1/q , 5.93 where we used 5.5 when q/p ≤ 1 or Hölder’s inequality when q/p > 1. All the above estimates together with the arbitrary choice of yτk ,ν yield that the first term in the left-hand side of 5.76 is controlled by its right-hand side. We now verify that the second term of the left-hand side of 5.76 is also controlled by its right-hand side. To this end, by 5.78, N0,τ Dk fz mQ0,ν Q0 f τ ∈I0 ν 1 τ ∞ Nk ,τ k 1 τ ∈Ik ν 1 ≡ Y1 Y 2 . Qτ0,ν Dk D 0 z, ydμy k z, yk ,ν Qk f yk ,ν μ Qτk ,ν Dk D τ τ 5.94 Yongsheng Han et al. 135 The estimate for Y2 is as in 5.7, and we only need to estimate Y1 . In this case, by Lemma 3.19 together with Remark 3.3, for any ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , we have sup Y1 z∈Qτk,ν 2−k N0,τ τ ∈I 0 ν 1 mQ0,ν Q0 f μ Qτ0,ν inf τ inf z∈Qτk,ν y∈Q0,ν τ 1 1 , V1 z V1 y V z, y 1 dz, y 5.95 and therefore, if n/n < p ≤ 1 and s < , by 5.5 and Lemma 5.2 together with 5.86, we obtain p q/p 1/q ∞ Nk,τ k,ν ksq sup Y1 2 μ Qτ τ∈Ik k1 ν1 z∈Qτk,ν 0,ν N0,τ p μ Qτ mQ0,ν Q0 f τ ∈I0 , τ ν 1 5.96 1/p while when 1 < p ≤ ∞, by Hölder’s inequality and Lemma 5.2, p q/p 1/q ∞ Nk,τ k,ν ksq sup Y1 2 μ Qτ τ∈Ik k1 ν1 z∈Qτk,ν 0,ν N0,τ p μ Qτ mQ0,ν Q0 f τ ∈I0 ν 1 5.97 1/p . τ All these estimates imply that the left-hand side of 5.76 is controlled by its right-hand side, which together with the symmetry verifies 5.76. Similarly, to establish 5.77, we only need to verify that its left-hand side is controlled by its right-hand side. To this end, the estimates for Z1 are still valid for the current case. To estimate Z2 , by Lemma 5.3 and 5.5 when q ≤ 1 or Hölder’s inequality when 1 < q ≤ ∞, we have that for ps, < r < min{1, p, q}, 0,ν p N0,τ μ Qτ Z2 τ∈I0 1/p ν1 q/r 1/q ∞ Nk ,τ k ,ν r k sr Qk f yτ χQk ,ν M 2 k 1 τ τ ∈I ν 1 k 1/q ∞ Nk ,τ k ,ν q k sq Qk f yτ χQk ,ν 2 k 1 τ ∈I ν 1 τ k , Lp X where in the last step, we used Lemma 3.14. This is the desired estimate. 5.98 Lp X 136 Abstract and Applied Analysis The estimation for Y2 is as in the proof of 5.8. To finish the proof of 5.77, we still need to estimate Y1 . In what follows, we set a 1 when p/q ≤ 1 and a q/p when p/q > 1. The estimates 5.95 and 5.5 when p/q ≤ 1 or Hölder’s inequality when p/q > 1 show that 1/q p q ∞ Nk,τ 2ksq sup Y1 χQτk,ν k1 τ∈I ν1 p k,ν ∞ L X z∈Qτ k 2ks−pa k1 Nk,τ τ∈Ik ν1 μ Qτk,ν 0,ν N0,τ μ Qτ mQ0,ν Q0 f inf × τ ∈I0 τ ν 1 1 1 inf k,ν 0,ν V1 zV1 yV z, y 1dz, y z∈Qτ y∈Q τ p . 5.99 If n/n < p ≤ 1, by 5.5, s < , and Lemma 5.2 together with 5.82, 1/q p q ∞ Nk,τ ksq sup Y1 χQτk,ν 2 k1 τ∈I ν1 p k,ν z∈Qτ k 0,ν N0,τ p μ Qτ mQ0,ν Q0 f ; τ ν 1 τ ∈I0 L X 5.100 and if 1 < p ≤ ∞, by Hölder’s inequality and Lemma 5.2, 1/q p q ∞ Nk,τ ksq sup Y1 χQτk,ν 2 k1 τ∈I ν1 p k,ν z∈Qτ k L X 0,ν N0,τ p μ Qτ mQ0,ν Q0 f , τ ν 1 τ ∈I0 5.101 which completes the proof of 5.77, and hence, that of Proposition 5.25. Remark 5.26. We point out that Remark 5.5 applies in a similar way to Proposition 5.25. Similarly to Proposition 5.6, using Proposition 5.4, we can verify that the definitions of s s ·Bp,q X and ·Fp,q X are independent of the choices of IATIs. We omit the details. Proposition 5.27. Let all the notation be as in Proposition 5.25. i For all f ∈ G0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , |s| < , ps, < p ≤ ∞, and 0 < q ≤ ∞, N0,τ 0,ν p μ Qτ mQτ0,ν |D0 f| τ∈I0 1/p ∞ ν1 ∼ 0,ν N0,τ p mQτ0,ν |Q0 f| μ Qτ τ∈I0 ν1 q Dk fLp X 1/q ksq 2 k1 1/p ∞ k1 q 2ksq Qk fLp X with the usual modification made when p ∞ or q ∞. 1/q 5.102 Yongsheng Han et al. 137 ii For all f ∈ G0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , |s| < , ps, < p < ∞, and ps, < q ≤ ∞, N0,τ 0,ν p μ Qτ mQτ0,ν |D0 f| 1/p ν1 τ∈I0 ∼ 1/q ∞ q ksq 2 |Dk f| k1 0,ν N0,τ p μ Qτ mQτ0,ν |Q0 f| τ∈I0 Lp X 1/p 1/q ∞ q ksq 2 |Qk f| k1 Lp X ν1 5.103 with the usual modification made when q ∞. s s We now verify that the definitions of the norm ·Bp,q X and the norm ·Fp,q X are independent of the choice of the underlying space of distributions as follows. Proposition 5.28. Let all the notation be as in Definition 5.24. i Let |s| < , ps, < p ≤ ∞, and 0 < q ≤ ∞. If f ∈ G0 β1 , γ1 with 1 < β1 < , max 0, −s n −1 p 1 −1 n < γ1 < , p 5.104 s and if fBp,q X < ∞, then f ∈ G0 β2 , γ2 for every β2 , γ2 satisfying 5.104. ii Let |s| < , ps, < p < ∞, and ps, < q ≤ ∞. If f ∈ G0 β1 , γ1 with β1 , γ1 as in s 5.104, and if fFp,q X < ∞, then f ∈ G0 β2 , γ2 for every β2 , γ 2 satisfying 5.104. Proof. Similarly to the proof of Proposition 5.7, we only need to verify i. Let ψ ∈ G, and all the notation as in Theorem 4.14 with N 0. We first claim that for k ∈ Z , D k ·, y, ψ 2−kβ2 ψGβ 2 ,γ2 1 1 . V1 x1 V x1 , y 1 d x1 , y γ2 5.105 In fact, if k ∈ N, 5.105 is just 5.24. If k 0, then D 0 ·, y, ψ 0 z, yψzdμz D X ψGβ2 ,γ2 1 1 1 1 γ dμz. V zV yV z, y 1dz, y V1 x1 V x1 , z 1d x1 , z 2 1 X 1 5.106 138 Abstract and Applied Analysis Notice that V1 x1 V x1 , z ∼ V1 x1 V1 z V x1 , z. By Lemma 4.4, we have D 0 ·, y, ψ ψGβ2 ,γ2 ψGβ2 ,γ2 1 V1 x1 V1 y V x1 , y 1 1 γ 1 d x1 , y 1 d x1 , y 2 1 1 , V1 x1 V x1 , y 1 d x1 , y γ2 5.107 which shows that 5.105 also holds when k 0. From Theorem 4.16 together with 5.80, 5.105, and Lemma 2.1iii, it follows that f, ψ ∞ Nk,τ N0,τ k,ν k,ν k,ν 0,ν μ Qτ D ·, y, ψ dμyDτ,1 f Dk ·, yτ , ψ Dk f yτ τ∈I ν1 Qτ0,ν 0 k1 τ∈I ν1 0 k ψGβ2 ,γ2 N0,τ 0,ν μ Qτ mQτ0,ν D0 f τ∈I0 ∞ ν1 −kβ2 2 1 1 γ2 0,ν V1 x1 V x1 , yτ 1 dx1 , yτ0,ν Nk,τ k,ν μ Qτ Dk f yτk,ν τ∈Ik ν1 k1 1 1 γ2 . V1 x1 V x1 , yτk,ν 1d x1 , yτk,ν 5.108 Notice that if p ≤ 1 and γ2 > n1/p − 1, then 5.30 with β2 0 still holds. Thus, when p ≤ 1, by this fact and 5.5, we have f, ψ ψGβ 2 ,γ2 N0,τ 0,ν p μ Qτ mQτ0,ν D0 f τ∈I0 ∞ ν1 −kβ2 p−n1−psp ksp 2 k1 2 Nk,τ k,ν p μ Qτ Dk f yτk,ν τ∈Ik 1/p ν1 s ψGβ2 ,γ2 fBp,q X , 5.109 where in the last inequality, we used the assumption that β2 > −s n1/p − 1 when p ≤ 1, and 5.5 when q/p ≤ 1 or Hölder’s inequality when q/p > 1. Yongsheng Han et al. 139 If 1 < p ≤ ∞, by Hölder’s inequality, we have |f, ψ| ψGβ2 ,γ2 N0,τ 0,ν p μ Qτ mQτ0,ν D0 f τ∈I0 × ν1 1 1 γ2 dμy x V x V , y 1 d x 1 1 X 1 1, y ∞ 2−kβ2 × Nk,τ k,ν p μ Qτ Dk f yτk,ν τ∈Ik k1 1/p 1/p 1/p 5.110 ν1 1 1 γ2 dμy V , y x V x 1 d x 1 1 X 1 1, y 1/p s ψGβ2 ,γ2 fBp,q X , here, again, we used the assumption β2 > −s in this case, and 5.5 when q ≤ 1 or Hölder’s inequality when q > 1. Using 5.109 and 5.110 together with an argument similar to that used in the proof of Proposition 5.7 then completes the proof of Proposition 5.28. s s We can now introduce the Besov spaces Bp,q X and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces Fp,q X. Definition 5.29. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , and let {Sk }k∈Z be an 1 , 2 , 3 IATI. Set D0 S0 and Dk Sk − Sk−1 for k ∈ N. Let {Qτ0,ν : τ ∈ I0 , ν 1, . . . , N0, τ} with a fixed large j ∈ N be dyadic cubes as in Section 4. s X is defined to be the set i Let |s| < , ps, < p ≤ ∞, and 0 < q ≤ ∞. The space Bp,q of all f ∈ G0 β, γ , for some β, γ satisfying 1 < β < , −1 max s, 0, −s n p 1 n −1 <γ < p 5.111 such that 0,ν N0,τ p s fBp,q μ Qτ mQτ0,ν D0 f X τ∈I0 ν1 1/p ∞ q 2ksq Dk fLp X 1/q <∞ k1 with the usual modifications made when p ∞ or q ∞. 5.112 140 Abstract and Applied Analysis s X is defined to be ii Let |s| < , ps, < p < ∞, and ps, < q ≤ ∞. The space Fp,q the set of all f ∈ G0 β, γ for some β, γ satisfying 5.111 such that 0,ν N0,τ p s fFp,q μ Qτ mQτ0,ν D0 f X τ∈I0 ν1 1/p 1/q ∞ q ksq Dk f 2 k1 <∞ Lp X 5.113 with the usual modification made when q ∞. s Remark 5.30. Propositions 5.27 and 5.28 show that the definitions of the spaces Bp,q X and s Fp,q X are independent of the choice of inhomogeneous approximations of the identity as in Definition 2.2 and the distribution space G0 β, γ with β and γ satisfying 5.111. We s s X and Fp,q X are also remark that to guarantee that the definitions of the spaces Bp,q independent of the choice of the distribution space G0 β, γ , we only need the restriction that β and γ satisfy 5.104. Moreover, if we assume that max{0, s} < β < and n1/p − 1 < s s X and Fp,q X; see Proposition 5.31 γ < , then we can verify that Gβ, γ is contained in Bp,q below. s s 5.4. Properties of Bp,q X and Fp,q X and boundedness of singular integrals s s X and Fp,q X. Then we In this subsection, we first present some basic properties of Bp,q s establish a Lusin-area characterization of the spaces Fp,q X and the relations between the s s s s X and Bp,q X and between the spaces Ḟp,q X and Fp,q X. Using the Lusin-area spaces Ḃp,q s s characterization of Fp,q X, we also obtain the relation between the spaces Fp,q X and the p local Hardy spaces h X in the sense of Goldberg 73. Finally, we obtain the boundedness s s X and Fp,q X of singular integrals with some natural extra size and regularity on Bp,q conditions of Nagel-Stein type in 44. The following proposition is an inhomogeneous version of Proposition 5.10. Proposition 5.31. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , and |s| < . s s i For ps, < p ≤ ∞ and 0 < q0 ≤ q1 ≤ ∞, Bp,q X ⊂ Bp,q X; and for ps, < p < ∞ 0 1 s s and ps, < q0 ≤ q1 ≤ ∞, Fp,q0 X ⊂ Fp,q1 X. sθ ii Let − < s θ < and θ > 0. Then for ps, < p ≤ ∞ and 0 < q0 , q1 ≤ ∞, Bp,q X ⊂ 0 s sθ s Bp,q1 X; and for ps, < p < ∞ and ps, < q0 , q1 ≤ ∞, Fp,q0 X ⊂ Fp,q1 X. s s s iii If ps, < p < ∞ and ps, < q ≤ ∞, then Bp,minp,q X ⊂ Fp,q X ⊂ Bp,maxp,q X. s X ⊂ G0 β, γ when ps, < p ≤ ∞ and 0 < q ≤ ∞, iv If β, γ as in 5.104, then Bp,q s and Fp,q X ⊂ G0 β, γ when ps, < p < ∞ and ps, < q ≤ ∞. s v If max{s, 0} < β < and n1/p − 1 < γ < , then Gβ, γ ⊂ Bp,q X when ps, < s p ≤ ∞ and 0 < q ≤ ∞, and Gβ, γ ⊂ Fp,q X when ps, < p < ∞ and ps, < q ≤ ∞. 0 vi If 1 < p < ∞, then Fp,2 X Lp X with equivalent norms. s s vii The spaces Bp,q X with ps, < p ≤ ∞ and 0 < q ≤ ∞ and the spaces Fp,q X with ps, < p < ∞ and ps, < q ≤ ∞ are complete. Yongsheng Han et al. 141 Proof. Property i is a simple corollary of 5.5. To see ii, we notice that ∞ q 1 bk skq1 2 1/q1 1/q1 ∞ −θlq1 bk 2 sup 2sθk bk , sθk ≤ sup 2 k∈Z k0 5.114 k∈Z l0 which combined with i verifies ii; see also 3, the proof of Proposition 2.3.2/2. The proof of iii is similar to that of Property ii in Proposition 5.10; see also 3, 6. Property iv is implied by the proof of Proposition 5.28, and Property vii can be easily deduced from Property iv and Property vi is just Proposition 3.30. To see Property v, similarly to the proof of 5.105, for f ∈ Gβ, γ, we have that for all k ∈ Z and x ∈ X, Dk fx 2−kβ fGβ,γ 1 1 . V1 x1 V x1 , x 1 d x1 , x γ 5.115 Notice that 5.39 with β 0 is still true when γ > n1/p − 1 . From this fact and β > s, it follows that f ∼ s Bp,q X 0,ν N0,τ p μ Qτ mQτ0,ν D0 f τ∈I0 1/p ν1 fGβ,γ N0,τ 0,ν μ Qτ τ∈I0 k1 q Dk fLp X 1/q ksq 2 1 1 1/p p γp V1 x1 V x1 , yτ0,ν 1 d x1 , yτ0,ν 1/q ν1 ∞ ∞ 2ksq 2−kβq k1 fGβ,γ . 5.116 s s Thus, Gβ, γ ⊂ Bp,q X, which together with i also proves that Gβ, γ ⊂ Fp,q X. This verifies v and hence, finishes the proof of Proposition 5.31. s s When p, q ≥ 1, the following theorem implies that the norms of ·Bp,q X and ·Fp,q X have the following equivalent and simple version. Proposition 5.32. Let all the notation be as in Proposition 5.25. i For all f ∈ G0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , |s| < , 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞, and 0 < q ≤ ∞, N0,τ 0,ν p μ Qτ mQτ0,ν D0 f ν1 τ∈I0 ∼ ∞ k0 q 2ksq Dk fLp X 1/q 1/p ∞ q 2ksq Dk fLp X k1 with the usual modification made when p ∞ or q ∞. 1/q 5.117 142 Abstract and Applied Analysis ii For all f ∈ G0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , |s| < , 1 ≤ p < ∞, and ps, < q ≤ ∞, N0,τ 0,ν p μ Qτ mQτ0,ν D0 f τ∈I0 1/p 1/q ∞ q ksq Dk f 2 k1 Lp X ν1 1/q ∞ q ksq Dk f ∼ 2 k0 5.118 Lp X with the usual modification made when q ∞. Proof. We first verify 5.117. To see this, by p ≥ 1, Hölder’s inequality, and Lemma 2.19, we have N0,τ 0,ν p μ Qτ mQτ0,ν D0 f τ∈I0 1/p ≤ ν1 1/p 0,ν N0,τ p μ Qτ mQτ0,ν D0 f τ∈I0 ν1 D0 fLp X , 5.119 which shows that the left-hand side of 5.117 is controlled by its right-hand side. To see the converse, by Lemma 2.19 and Theorem 4.16 together with a proof similar to that of 5.76 in Proposition 5.25, we have that for all f ∈ G0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , and |s| < , D0 f p L X τ∈I0 ≤ N0,τ Qτ0,ν 1/p p 1/p 0,ν N0,τ sup D0 fz μ Qτ τ∈I0 ν1 D0 fzp dμz z∈Qτ0,ν ν1 0,ν N0,τ p μ Qτ mQτ0,ν D0 f τ∈I0 1/p 5.120 ν1 q/p 1/q ∞ Nk,τ k,ν p ksq 2 μ Qτ , inf Dk fz k1 τ∈Ik ν1 z∈Qτk,ν which is, up to a bounded multiplicative constant, controlled by the left-hand side of 5.117. This completes the proof of 5.117. The estimate 5.119 also proves that the left-hand side of 5.118 is controlled by its right-hand side. The converse inequality can be proved by a way similar to that of 5.77 in Proposition 5.25, which completes the proof of Proposition 5.32. We next give an inhomogeneous Lusin-area characterization for the Triebel-Lizorkin s X. spaces Fp,q Yongsheng Han et al. 143 Definition 5.33. Let s ∈ R, a > 0, q ∈ 0, ∞, and let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 . Let {Sk }k∈Z be an 1 , 2 , 3 -IATI. Set D0 S0 and Dk Sk − Sk−1 for k ∈ N. The inhomogeneous Lusin-area function also called the inhomogeneous Littlewood-Paley S-function Ssq,a fx for any f ∈ G0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ ≤ and x ∈ X is given by Ssq,a fx ∞ k0 q dμy Dk fy Va2−k x 1/q ksq dx,y<a2−k 2 5.121 , where the usual modification is made when q ∞. Theorem 5.34. Let a > 0, 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , and let {Sk }k∈Z be an 1 , 2 , 3 -IATI with C6 21−j ≤ a. Set D0 S0 and Dk Sk − Sk−1 for k ∈ Z. Let |s| < , ps, < p < ∞, 1 ≤ q ≤ ∞, and let Ssq,a f be as in Definition 5.33 for any f ∈ G0 β, γ with s β, γ as in 5.111. Then f ∈ Fp,q X if and only if f ∈ G0 β, γ for some β, γ as in 5.111 and Ssq,a f ∈ Lp X. Moreover, in this case, s s fFp,q X ∼ Sq,a f Lp X . 5.122 Proof. Similarly to the proof of Theorem 5.13, there exists a constant C > 0 such that 1/q ∞ Nk,τ s q dμy ksq Sq,a f p k,ν · D χ 2 fy k L X k0 τ∈I ν0 Va2−k · Qτ d·,y<a2−k Lp X k ∞ Nk,τ ksq 2 k0 τ∈I ν0 k 0,ν N0,τ μ Qτ τ∈I0 sup −k y∈Bzk,ν τ , C2 z∈Bz0,ν τ ,C ν1 k Lp X p 1/p sup D0 fz ∞ Nk,τ ksq 2 k1 τ∈I ν0 1/q k,ν Qτ q Dk fy χ sup −k z∈Bzk,ν τ , C2 0,ν N0,τ p μ Qτ mQτ0,ν D0 f τ∈I0 1/q k,ν Qτ q Dk fz χ 5.123 Lp X 1/p ν1 1/q ∞ Nk,τ q ksq 2 inf Dk fz χQτk,ν k1 τ∈I ν0 z∈Qτk,ν k Lp X s ∼ fFp,q X , where the last inequality can be proved by a way similar to the proof of 5.76 in Proposition 5.25; see also the proof of Theorem 5.13. 144 Abstract and Applied Analysis On the other hand, since 1 ≤ q ≤ ∞, by Hölder’s inequality and Lemma 2.19 together with C6 21−j ≤ a, we have that for x ∈ Qτk,ν with k ∈ Z , Qτk,ν ⊂ {y ∈ X : dy, x ≤ a2−k } and Va x ∼ μQτ0,ν , and 1/q D0 fyq dμy Va x dx,y<a ≥ D0 fy dμy Va x dx,y<a N0,τ τ∈I0 ν1 N0,τ τ∈I0 ν1 D0 fy dμy χ 0,ν x Va x Qτ dx,y<a 5.124 mQτ0,ν D0 f χQτ0,ν x. Therefore, similarly to the proof of Theorem 5.13, by the estimate as above and Lemma 2.19 again, Ssq,a fx ∞ k0 dx,y<a2−k N0,τ τ∈I0 q dμy Dk fy Va2−k x 1/q ksq ν1 2 1/q ∞ Nk,τ q ksq inf Dk fy χQτk,ν x mQτ0,ν D0 f χQτ0,ν x 2 , k1 τ∈Ik ν1 y∈Qτk,ν 5.125 which together with Proposition 5.25 and Lemma 2.19 proves that s Sq,a f p L X 0,ν N0,τ p μ Qτ mQτ0,ν D0 f τ∈I0 ν1 1/p 1/q ∞ q ksq Dk f 2 k1 Lp X s ∼ fFp,q X . 5.126 This finishes the proof of Theorem 5.34. Remark 5.35. Comparing Theorem 5.34 with Theorem 5.13, we here need to require that 1 ≤ s X. q ≤ ∞ and C6 21−j ≤ a due to the inhomogeneity of Triebel-Lizorkin spaces Fp,q From Theorem 2.29, we immediately obtain the following technical lemma, which will be useful in applications. Lemma 5.36. Let S0 be as in Definition 2.2 and ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 . Let 0 < β, γ ≤ , and let St0 be the integral operator with the kernel St0 x, y S0 y, x for all x, y ∈ X. Then St0 is bounded on Gβ, γ, namely, there exists a constant C > 0 such that for all g ∈ Gβ, γ, St0 g ∈ Gβ, γ, and t S g ≤ CgGβ,γ . 0 Gβ,γ 5.127 Yongsheng Han et al. 145 We now establish some relations between homogeneous Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces with the corresponding inhomogeneous ones. Proposition 5.37. Let all the notation be as in Definition 5.29 and μX ∞. Then there exists a s s s s X or Fp,q X, then f − S0 f ∈ Ḃp,q X or Ḟp,q X, and constant C > 0 such that if f ∈ Bp,q f − S0 f s s ≤ CfBp,q X Ḃp,q X 5.128 f − S0 f s s ≤ CfFp,q X , Ḟp,q X 5.129 or respectively. s s X or f ∈ Fp,q X. By Proposition 5.28, without loss of generality, we may Proof. Let f ∈ Bp,q assume that f ∈ G0 β, γ with β, γ as in 5.35. From G̊β, γ ⊂ Gβ, γ, it follows that f ∈ G̊0 β, γ . On the other hand, for any g ∈ G̊0 β, γ, we have S0 f, g f, St0 g, which together with Lemma 5.36 also shows that S0 f ∈ G̊0 β, γ . Thus, f − S0 f ∈ G̊0 β, γ with β, γ as in 5.35. To verify the norm inequalities in the proposition, in what follows, we let I be the s s X or Fp,q X. Let β and γ be as in 5.35, let {Dk }k∈Z be as in identity operator on Bp,q k }k ∈Z be as in Theorem 4.14. We first claim that for all k ∈ Z and Definition 5.8, and let {D k ∈ Z , Dk I − S0 D k x, y −|k−k | 2 2−k∧k 1 V2−k∧k x V2−k∧k y V x, y 2−k∧k dx, y . 5.130 We verify 5.130 by considering the following three cases. Case 1 k ≥ 0 ≥ k. In this case, we have Dk I − S0 D k x, y Dk x, z − Dk x, y I − S0 Dk z, ydμz X . k z, ydμz ≤ x, z−D x, y S D Dk x, z−Dk x, y D D z, ydμz k k 0 k X X 5.131 On the first term, an argument similar to the proof of 3.2 in Lemma 3.2 gives the desired estimate. For the second term, by Lemma 3.19, we first have S0 D k z, y 2−k 1 1 , V1 z V1 y V z, y 1 dz, y 5.132 146 Abstract and Applied Analysis which together with an argument similar to the proof of 3.2 in Lemma 3.2 also gives the desired estimate for the second term. Case 2 k ≥ k > 0. In this case, we write Dk I − S0 D k x, y ≤ Dk D k x, y Dk S0 D k x, y. 5.133 The estimate 3.2 in Lemma 3.2 directly gives the desired estimate for the first term. Denote the second term by J and write J≡ Dk x, z S0 z, u − S0 z, y Dk u, ydμudμz X×X Dk x, z S0 z, u − S0 z, y D k u, ydμudμz ≤ X du,y≤1dz,y/2 Dk x, zS0 z, uD k u, ydμudμz X du,y>1dz,y/2 5.134 Dk x, zS0 z, yD k u, ydμudμz X du,y>1dz,y/2 ≡ J1 J2 J3 . The regularity of S0 together with Lemma 2.1ii yields that J1 X Dk x, z du,y≤1dz,y/2 1 × −k 2 du, y 1 dz, y 1 dz, y X Dk x, z 1 V1 z V1 y V z, y k u, ydμudμz D 5.135 1 1 dμz. V1 z V1 y V z, y 1 dz, y If dx, y ≤ 2−k , then by Lemma 2.1ii again, J1 2−k 1/V2−k x, which is the desired estimate. When dx, y > 2−k , we further control J1 by −k J1 2 2−k 1 −k dx,z≥dx,y/2 V2−k x V2−k z V x, z 2 dx, z 1 1 × dμz V1 z V1 y V z, y 1 dz, y ··· . dx,z<dx,y/2 5.136 Yongsheng Han et al. 147 Notice that dx, z < dx, y/2 also implies that dz, y ≥ dx, y/2. From this together with Lemma 2.1ii, it follows that −k J1 2 1 2−k 1 1 V x, y dx, y V x, y dx, y 2−k −k 2−k 1 , V x, y dx, y 5.137 which is also the desired estimate. The estimate for J3 is similar to that for J1 . To estimate J2 , choosing > and using Lemma 2.1ii, we first have S0 z, uD k u, ydμu du,y>1dz,y/2 1 2−k ; V1 z 1 dz, y 5.138 and by the fact that for du, y > 1 dz, y/2, V u, y ∼ V y, u V1 y V y, z, we also obtain S0 z, uD k u, ydμu du,y>1dz,y/2 1 2−k . V1 y V y, z 1 dz, y 5.139 Therefore, combining these estimates gives −k J2 2 X Dk x, z 1 1 dμz, V1 z V1 y V z, y 1 dz, y 5.140 which together with some computations the same as for J1 gives the desired estimate for J2 . Case 3 k > k ≥ 0. The proof for this case is similar to Case 2 by symmetry. We omit the details for simplicity, which completes the proof of 5.130. Theorem 4.16 together with 5.80, 5.130, and Lemma 5.3 yields that for n/n < r ≤ 1, k ∈ Z, and x ∈ X, Dk f − S0 f x −|k| k∧0n1−1/r 2 2 M τ ∈I0 ∞ N0,τ r mQ0,ν D0 f χQ0,ν −|k−k | k∧k −k n1−1/r 2 k 1 2 τ ν 1 M τ Nk ,τ τ ∈Ik ν 1 1/r x Dk f yk ,ν r χ τ Qτk ,ν 1/r x ≡ Z1 Z2 . 5.141 148 Abstract and Applied Analysis We now first consider the case of Besov spaces. Choosing ps, < r < min{1, p} and using s < and the boundedness of M yield k∈Z q Z1 Lp X 2 1/q ksq N0,τ 0,ν p μ Qτ mQ0,ν D0 f τ ∈I0 1/p 5.142 τ ν 1 s fBp,q X , which is the desired estimate. Similarly, choosing r as above, when 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞, by Minkowski’s inequality and the boundedness of M together with the assumption s < , we have k∈Z q Z2 Lp X 1/q ksq 2 ∞ k−k s−|k−k | k∧k −k n1−1/r k s 2 2 2 k∈Z k 1 × M ∞ Nk ,τ τ ∈Ik ν 1 q 2k sq Dk fLp X 1/r q Qτk ,ν p 1/q Dk f yk ,ν r χ τ L X 1/q k 1 s fBp,q X , 5.143 where in the second-to-last inequality, we used 5.5 when q ≤ 1 and Hölder’s inequality when q > 1, while when r < p < 1, instead of Minkowski’s inequality by 5.5, we have ksq 2 k∈Z q Z2 Lp X 1/q ∞ k 1 q Dk fLp X 1/q k sq 2 5.144 s fBp,q X , where in the second-to-last inequality, we used 5.5 when q/p ≤ 1 and Hölder’s inequality when q/p > 1. Combining the above estimates completes the proof of Besov spaces. We now turn to the case of Triebel-Lizorkin spaces. In this case, we also choose ps, < r < min{1, p} and use s < and the boundedness of M to obtain 1/q q 2ksq Z1 k∈Z Lp X 0,ν N0,τ p μ Qτ mQ0,ν D0 f τ ∈I0 ν 1 s fFp,q X , τ 1/p 5.145 Yongsheng Han et al. 149 while some computations similar to the proof of 5.8 in Proposition 5.4 also show that 1/q q 2ksq Z2 k∈Z Lp X 1/q ∞ q 2k sq Dk f k 1 s fFp,q X , 5.146 Lp X which completes the proof of Proposition 5.37. Remark 5.38. Obviously, S0 in Proposition 5.37 can be replaced by Sk0 with k0 ∈ Z or any integral operator with a kernel having similar properties. Proposition 5.39. Let be as in Definition 5.29, 0 < s < , and μX ∞. Then, s s X Ḃp,q X ∩ Lp X and moreover, for any i if 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞ and 0 < q ≤ ∞, then Bp,q s f ∈ Bp,q X, s s fBp,q X ∼ fḂp,q X fLp X ; 5.147 s s ii if 1 ≤ p < ∞ and ps, < q ≤ ∞, then Fp,q X Ḟp,q X ∩ Lp X and moreover, for any s f ∈ Fp,q X, s s fFp,q X ∼ fḞp,q X fLp X . 5.148 s s Proof. We use the same notation as in Definition 5.8. Let f ∈ Bp,q X or f ∈ Fp,q X. Then, by Proposition 5.28, it is easy to see that f ∈ G̊0 β, γ with β, γ as in 5.35. s X. If 1 ≤ p < ∞, Proposition 3.18, Minkowski’s inequality, To verify i, let f ∈ Bp,q and Hölder’s inequality when 1 ≤ q ≤ ∞ or 5.5 when 0 < q < 1 show that ∞ fLp X ≤ S0 fLp X Dk fLp X q S0 f p L X k1 ∞ q Dk fLp X 1/q 5.149 ksq 2 k1 s fBp,q X . 0 S0 f ∞ D If p ∞, by Theorem 3.29, we have that f D k1 k Dk f holds in Gβ, γ k with k ∈ Z is as in Theorem 3.26. From this and with s < β < and 0 < γ < , where D s X, it follows that for almost all x ∈ X, f ∈ B∞,q fx fBs ∞,q X s fB∞,q X . X ∞ D 0 x, ydμy 2−ks k1 X D k x, ydμy 5.150 150 Abstract and Applied Analysis Moreover, when 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞, Proposition 2.7iii further yields ∞ s fḂp,q X ∼ q Dk fLp X 2 k−∞ 0 1/q ksq q Dk fLp X 1/q ksq 2 k−∞ f s Bp,q X ∞ q Dk fLp X 1/q ksq 2 k1 5.151 . s s s Thus, f ∈ Ḃp,q X ∩ Lp X and fLp X fḂp,q X . X fBp,q s p Conversely, if f ∈ Ḃp,q X ∩ L X, it is obvious that f ∈ Gβ, γ with β, γ as in 5.111; and moreover, Proposition 2.7iii also proves s fBp,q X 1/q ∞ q q ksq ∼ S0 fLp X 2 Dk fLp X 5.152 k1 s fLp X fḂp,q X , which completes the proof of i. s X. From Proposition 3.18 and Hölder’s inequality when To prove ii, let f ∈ Fp,q 1 ≤ q ≤ ∞ or 5.5 when ps, < q < 1, it follows that fLp X ∞ Dk f ≤ S0 f k1 Lp X 1/q ∞ q S0 f 2ksq Dk f k1 Lp X s fḞp,q X s fFp,q X , 1/q q ksq Dk f ∼ 2 k∈Z 5.153 Lp X 1/q 0 q ksq Dk f 2 k−∞ Lp X 1/q ∞ q ksq Dk f 2 k1 Lp X s Z fFp,q X . If p/q ≤ 1, by 5.5, Proposition 2.7iii, and s > 0, Zp 0 k−∞ 0 p p p 2ksp Dk fLp X fLp X 2ksp fLp X , k−∞ 5.154 Yongsheng Han et al. 151 while when p/q > 1, by Minkowski’s inequality, Proposition 2.7iii, and s > 0, Z 0 k−∞ q Dk fLp X ksq 2 1/q fLp X 0 1/q ksq 2 fLp X . 5.155 k−∞ s s s X ∩ Lp X and fLp X fḞp,q Thus, f ∈ Ḟp,q X . X fFp,q s p Conversely, if f ∈ Ḟp,q X ∩ L X, it is again obvious that f ∈ Gβ, γ with β, γ as in 5.111; and moreover, Proposition 2.7iii yields that s fFp,q X 1/q ∞ q q ksq ∼ S0 f 2 Dk f k1 Lp X 5.156 s fLp X fḞp,q X , which completes the proof of ii and hence, the proof of Proposition 5.39. We now introduce the local Hardy spaces in the sense of Goldberg 73. Definition 5.40. Let all the notation be as in Definition 5.29. The local Hardy space hp X, for 0 X, with n/n < p ≤ 1, is defined to be the inhomogeneous Triebel-Lizorkin space Fp,2 0 . norm fhp X ≡ fFp,2 X We now introduce the definitions of hp X-atoms and hp X-blocks. Definition 5.41. Let j ∈ N be as in Theorem 5.34 and 0 < p ≤ 1. A function a on X is called an hp X-atom if a satisfies i through iii of Definition 5.15 with r < C6 2−j , and a is called an hp X-block if a satisfies i and ii of Definition 5.15 with r ≥ C6 2−j . Applying Theorem 5.34 and Proposition 5.37, we obtain the following atomic and block decomposition characterization for the local Hardy spaces hp X, which is similar to Theorem 5.16. Theorem 5.42. Let and β, γ be as in Definition 5.29. If n/n < p ≤ 1, then f ∈ hp X if p and only if there exist two sequences of numbers {λk }k∈Z and {μk }k∈Z with ∞ k0 |λk | < ∞ and ∞ p p p of h X-atoms {ak }k∈Z and a sequence of h X-blocks {bk }k∈Z such k0 |μk |< ∞, a sequence ∞ that f ∞ k0 λk ak k0 μk bk in G0 β, γ . Moreover, in this case, fhp X 1/p 1/p ∞ ∞ p p , ∼ inf |λk | |μk | k0 5.157 k0 where the infimum is taken over all the above decompositions of f. Proof. Let f ∈ hp X. In order to derive the decomposition of f into atoms and blocks, we will assume for simplicity that μX ∞. The case where μX < ∞ can be proved by using Theorems 5.34, 2.6, and 3.29 together with an argument similar to that used for the proof of the necessity of Theorem 2.21 in 48. 152 Abstract and Applied Analysis By Proposition 5.37, we have f − S0 f ∈ H p X and moreover, f − S0 f p fhp X , H X 5.158 where S0 is as in Definition 5.29. By Theorem 5.16, there exist a sequence of numbers {λk }∞ k0 ⊂ ∞ ∞ p p C with k0 |λk | < ∞ and a sequence of H X-atoms {ak }k0 such that in G̊0 β, γ , f − S0 f ∞ λk ak , 1/p ∞ p |λk | f − S0 fH p X . k0 5.159 k0 Let St0 denote the adjoint operator to S0 with integral kernel St0 x, y S0 y, x. Notice that if g ∈ G0 β, γ, then g − St0 g ∈ G̊0 β, γ by Lemma 5.36, which together with 5.159 shows that ∞ λk ak − S0 ak , g . f, g 2S0 f − S0 S0 f, g 5.160 k0 Using Lemma 2.19, we have 2S0 fx − S0 S0 fx N0,τ τ∈I0 ν1 2S0 fx − S0 S0 fx χQτ0,ν x N0,τ 0,ν 0,ν ≡ λτ bτ x, τ∈I0 5.161 ν1 where 0,ν 1/p λ0,ν sup 2S0 fz − S0 S0 fz, τ ≡ μ Qτ 5.162 z∈Qτ0,ν and bτ0,ν x ≡ 0 when λ0,ν τ 0, otherwise, bτ0,ν x ≡ 1 2S0 fx − S0 S0 fx χQτ0,ν x. 0,ν λτ 5.163 −j It is easy to see that supp bτ0,ν ⊂ Qτ0,ν ⊂ Bz0,ν τ , C6 2 and 0,ν 1/2 1 bτ 2 ≤ μ Qτ0,ν sup 2S0 fz − S0 S0 fz L X 0,ν λτ z∈Qτ0,ν 1/2−1/p −j μ B z0,ν . τ , C6 2 5.164 Yongsheng Han et al. 153 Thus, bτ0,ν is an hp X-block multiplied with a normalizing constant. Moreover, noticing that the kernel of S0 S0 has the properties similar to S0 by Lemma 3.19, applying Theorem 4.16, and using an argument similar to the proof of 5.77 in Proposition 5.25, we obtain N0,τ 0,ν p λτ τ∈I0 1/p ν1 p 1/p 0,ν N0,τ sup 2S0 fz − S0 S0 fz μ Qτ τ∈I0 z∈Qτ0,ν ν1 0,ν N0,τ p μ Qτ mQτ0,ν D0 f τ∈I0 1/p 5.165 ν1 1/2 ∞ Nk,τ 2 inf Dk fz χQτk,ν k1 τ∈I ν1 z∈Qτk,ν k Lp X ∼ fhp X . We next show that 0,ν 0,ν N0,τ λτ bτ , g , 2S0 f − S0 S0 f, g τ∈I0 5.166 ν0 which can be deduced by |bτ0,ν , g| 1. To see this, by Hölder’s inequality, Lemma 2.1iii, and 5.30 in the proof of Proposition 5.7 together with the assumption γ > n1/p − 1, we have 0,ν 0,ν bτ , g ≤ bτ L2 X gχ 0,ν 2 Qτ L X 1/2−1/p ≤ μ Qτ0,ν Qτ0,ν 1 1 V1 x1 V x1 , x 1 d x1 , x γ 1/2 2 dμx 5.167 1 1/p V1 x1 1. Notice that by 5.168 below, we have ak hp X 1. We can obtain a desired hp Xblock decomposition of S0 ak in the same way as 2S0 f − S0 S0 f, which completes the proof of the necessity. We now use Theorem 5.34 to verify the sufficiency of the condition in the theorem. To this end, by Fatou’s lemma, it suffices to prove that for any hp X-atom or any hp X-block b, 0 S b p 1, 2,a L X 5.168 where a ≥ C6 21−j is as in Theorem 5.34. If b is an hp X-atom, the estimate 5.168 can be established by an argument similar to the proof of the sufficiency of Theorem 2.21 in 48. 154 Abstract and Applied Analysis We omit the details. Now, we suppose b is an hp X-block supported on Bx0 , r with r ≥ C6 2−j . Choose N ∈ N such that N ≥ max{2, 2/a} and write 0 S bp p 2,a L X Bx0 ,Nar p 0 S2,a bx dμx X\Bx0 ,Nar ... 5.169 ≡ J1 J 2 . Hölder’s inequality together with the size condition of b shows that 1−p/2 0 1−p/2 p S bp 2 μ B x0 , r bL2 X 1. J1 ≤ μ B x0 , Nar 2,a L X 5.170 Now if x ∈ X \ Bx0 , Nar, dy, x ≤ a2−k with k ∈ Z and u ∈ Bx0 , r, we then have du, x0 ≤ 1/22−k dy, x0 , which together with the size conditions of Dk and b, Lemma 2.1iii, and Hölder’s inequality yields that Dk by μ B x0 , r 1−1/p 1 2−k . V2−k y V2−k x0 V y, x0 2−k dy, x0 5.171 From this, it follows that S02,a bx ∞ 1−1/p μ B x0 , r k0 1 2−k V2−k x V2−k x0 V x, x0 2−k dx, x0 2 1/2 . 5.172 Therefore, if we choose ∈ 0, such that p > n/n , by 5.5, we then have J2 1 r − p ∞ p−1 μ B x0 , r 2−k− p × X\Bx0 ,Nar 1 r × k0 1 V2−k x V2−k x0 V x, x0 μBx0 , r − p p−1 ∞ 2−k p −k p dμx 2 d x, x0 2−k− p k0 ∞ lk p 2l 2−k Nar≤dx,x0 <2l1 2−k Nar 1 V2−k x V2−k x0 V x, x0 p 2−k p −k p dμx 2 d x, x0 1, 5.173 which completes the proof of Theorem 5.42. We now recall the definition of the Lipschitz space Lips X with s > 0; see 74. Yongsheng Han et al. 155 Definition 5.43. Let s > 0. The Lipschitz or Hölder space Lips X is defined to be the set of all functions f on X such that |fx| |fx − fy| < ∞, s sup V x, ys x/ y x∈B, rB ≥1 μB fLips X sup 5.174 where the first supremum is taken over all balls B of X with radius rB ≥ 1. Observe that these classes are rather Lipschitz or Hölder classes with respect to the measure distance ρx, y ≡ inf{μB : x, y ∈ B, B a ball}, not the distance d. The dual spaces of h1 X and hp X when p < 1 are proved, respectively, to be bmoX and Lip1/p−1 X in 74 as follows. Theorem 5.44. i The space bmoX is the dual space of h1 X, in the following sense: if f ∞ ∞ 1 k0 λk ak k0 μk bk ∈ h X, with atom’s ak and block’s bk , is as in Theorem 5.42, then for each g ∈ bmoX, lim N N →∞ k0 λk X ak xgxdμx N k0 μk X bk xgxdμx 5.175 is a well-defined continuous linear functional Lg : f → f, g with norm gbmoX . Conversely, each continuous linear functional L on h1 X has the form L Lg for some g ∈ bmoX with gbmoX L. ii Assume that is as in Definition 5.29, n/n < p < 1, and s 1/p − 1. Then Lips X is the dual space of hp X in the sense of (i). Remark 5.45. We point out that Remark 5.20 applies in a similar way to Theorem 5.44. In what follows, for any β, γ > 0, we let Gb β, γ f ∈ Gβ, γ : f has bounded support . 5.176 Using Proposition 5.31, by an argument similar to the proof of Proposition 5.21, we s s X and Fp,q X. We omit the details. establish the following density result for Bp,q Proposition 5.46. Let 1 , 2 , , and let |s| < be as in Definition 5.29. Then Gb 1 , 2 is dense in s s X when ps, < p < ∞ and 0 < q < ∞, and in Fp,q X when ps, < p, q < ∞. Bp,q s We now turn to boundedness results for singular integral operators on Bp,q X and s X spaces. In what follows, it will be convenient to put fĊη X ≡ fL∞ X when Fp,q η 0. Let > 0 and σ > 0. A linear operator T , which is initially assumed to be continuous η η from Cb X to Cb X for all η ∈ 0, , is called an inhomogeneous singular integral of order , σ if T has a distributional kernel K which satisfies the conditions I-1 through I-4 of 156 Abstract and Applied Analysis the kernel of a singular integral of order in Subsection 5.2, and the following additional “vanishing” condition that I-21 the property I-2 also holds in the limiting case η η 0, for T and its adjoint operator T t , that is, there exists a constant C > 0 such that for every normalized -bump function ϕ, T ϕL∞ X T t ϕL∞ X C, as well as the following additional size condition that I-33 for all x, y ∈ X with dx, y ≥ 1, |Kx, y| ≤ C1/V x, y1/dx, yσ . Remark 5.47. We point out that if T is a singular integral operator of order , σ, then T extends to a continuous linear operator from Cη X to Gb η, γ for all η ∈ 0, and all γ > 0; see Proposition 2.25. We also claim that for f ∈ Gb η, δ with η ∈ 0, and δ > 0, T f can be defined as a distribution in G0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ ≤ . We first define T f as a distribution in Gβ, γ with 0 < β ≤ and γ > 0. In fact, for any given β ∈ 0, , noticing that Gb η1 , δ ⊂ Gb η2 , δ when η1 ≥ η2 , without loss of generality, we may assume that η ≤ β. Assume that supp f ⊂ η Bx0 , r for some x0 ∈ X and r > 0. Let ψ ∈ Cb X such that ψx 1 when x ∈ Bx0 , 2r and ψx 0 when x / ∈ Bx0 , 4r. For any g ∈ Gβ, γ with η ≤ β ≤ and γ > 0, it is easy to see η η that ψg ∈ Cb X. From this and Gb η, δ ⊂ Cb X, it follows that T f, ψg is well defined. On the other hand, we define T f, 1 − ψg by T f, 1 − ψg X×X Kx, yfy1 − ψxgxdμxdμy. 5.177 Clearly, if supp f ∩ supp{1 − ψg} ∅, this definition coincides with I-1. Moreover, by I-33 and Lemma 2.1i, we have T f, 1 − ψg fL∞ X gL1 X fGη,δ gGβ,γ . 5.178 It is also easy to verify that T f, ψg T f, 1 − ψg is independent of the choice of ψ. Thus, we can define T f by T f, g T f, ψg T f, 1 − ψg, so that T f ∈ G̊β, γ with 0 < β ≤ and γ > 0. Now for any g ∈ G0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ ≤ , let {gn }n∈N ⊂ G, such that gn − gGβ,γ → 0 as n → ∞. We then define T f ∈ G0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ ≤ by T f, g limn → ∞ T f, gn . It is easy to check that T f, g is independent of the choice of {gn }n∈N ⊂ G, . In this sense, we have T f ∈ G0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ ≤ . In what follows, for ∈ 0, 1 and 0 < β, γ ≤ , put β, γ f ∈ G0 β, γ : f has bounded support . G0,b 5.179 Theorem 5.48. Let 1 , 2 , , and |s| < be as in Definition 5.29. Let σ > 0 and let T be a singular s X when ps, < p < ∞ integral of order , σ with σ > n1/p − 1 . Then T is bounded on Bp,q s s and 0 < q < ∞ and bounded from Bp,q X ∩ Gb 1 , 2 to Bp,q X when max{p, q} ∞, and T is s s s X when ps, < p, q < ∞, and bounded from Fp,q X∩Gb 1 , 2 to Fp,q X also bounded on Fp,q when ps, < p < ∞ and q ∞. Yongsheng Han et al. 157 Proof. By Propositions 5.46 and 5.31vii together with a density argument, it suffices to verify β, γ with β, γ as in 5.111. the conclusions of the theorem for all f ∈ G0,b Let {Sk }k∈Z be an IATI with bounded support as constructed in Theorem 2.6. Put D0 S0 and Dk Sk − Sk−1 for k ∈ N. Using Remark 5.47 and Theorem 4.15 together with an argument similar to the proof of Theorem 5.23, we see that for all k ∈ Z and x ∈ X, Dk T fx N0,τ τ ∈I0 ν 1 0,ν Dτ ,1 f ∞ Nk ,τ k 1 τ ∈Ik ν 1 μ Dk T D0 ·, y xdμy Qτ0,ν 5.180 Qτk ,ν Dk T Dk ·, yτk ,ν xDk f yτk ,ν , where all the notation is as in Theorem 4.15. For k, k ∈ Z , τ ∈ Ik , ν 1, . . . , Nk , τ , y ∈ Qτk ,ν , and x ∈ X, let Zx, y ≡ Dk T Dk ·, yx. We now claim that when k k 0, Zx, y 1 1 dx, y σ 1 ; V1 x V1 y V x, y 5.181 when k 0 and k ∈ N, for any fixed η ∈ 0, , Zx, y 2−k η 1 1 dx, y η 1 ; V1 x V1 y V x, y 5.182 1 ; V1 x V1 y V x, y 5.183 when k ∈ N and k 0, for any fixed η ∈ 0, , |Zx, y| 2−kη 1 1 dx, y η and when k, k ∈ N, for any fixed η ∈ 0, , Zx, y 2−|k−k |η 2−k∧k 2−k∧k dx, y η 1 V2 −k∧k x V2−k∧k y V x, y . 5.184 Obviously, 5.184 is just 5.65. The estimate 5.183 is easily deduced from 5.182 by symmetry. Thus, we only need to verify 5.181 and 5.182. Assume that k ∈ Z . To prove 5.181 and 5.182, it suffices to prove that Zx, y 2−k η1 1 , V1 x 5.185 and that when dx, y ≥ 25 , then Zx, y 2−k dx, y η 2 1 , V x, y 5.186 158 Abstract and Applied Analysis where when k 0, η1 0, and η2 σ, and when k ∈ N, η1 η2 η. To see 5.185, for z ∈ X, set Ψz ≡ X Kw, zD0 w, xdμw. From the properties of S0 in Theorem 2.6, Condition I-2, Condition I-4, and Condition I-21 , it follows that for any fixed η ∈ 0, , ΨĊη X 1/V1 x, which shows that for all z ∈ X, |Ψz| 1/V1 x, and for η ∈ 0, and all z, y ∈ X, Ψz − Ψy dz, yη 1 . V1 x 5.187 Thus, when k 0, by size conditions of both Ψ and S0 , then Zx, y ΨzS0 z, ydμz 1 , V x 1 X 5.188 while when k ∈ N, by the vanishing moment and the size condition of Dk together with the regularity of Ψ, for any fixed η ∈ 0, , 1 Zx, y Ψz − Ψy Dk z, ydμz 2−k η , V1 x X 5.189 which verifies 5.185. To see 5.186, we first notice that when dz, y < 22−k , dw, x < 22 , and dx, y ≥ 25 , then dw, z ≥ dx, y − dw, x − dz, y > max{dx, y/2, 8, 8dz, y}, dw, y > dx, y/2, and dw, z ≥ dw, y − dz, y > dw, y/2. Therefore, V w, z V w, y V y, x ∼ V x, y. 5.190 Thus, if k 0, by I-33 , we have Zx, y X×X D0 w, x 1 1 D0 z, ydμwdμz V w, z dz, yσ 1 1 , V x, y dx, yσ 5.191 while when k ∈ N, by the regularity on K and the vanishing moment of Dk , for any fixed η ∈ 0, , we have Zx, y X×X D0 w, x 2−k dx, y dz, y Dk z, y dμwdμz V w, zdw, z 1 , V x, y which implies 5.186. Thus, the estimates 5.181 and 5.182 hold. 5.192 Yongsheng Han et al. 159 Using these estimates and Remark 5.26, by a procedure essentially similar to the proof s s X and Fp,q X of T . The details of Proposition 5.25, we then obtain the boundedness on Bp,q are left to the reader. 5.5. T 1-theorems In this subsection, we will establish analogues of David and Journé’s T 1-theorem 68 and of Stein’s variant of this theorem in 75 for RD-spaces. We begin with generalizing 71, Theorem 1, page 114 on Rn to the setting of spaces of homogeneous type which is of independent of interest; see also 69, Proposition 2. Theorem 5.49. Let ∈ 0, 1, β ∈ 0, , and let T be as in Proposition 2.12 with a distributional kernel K satisfying the size condition 2.59. Then T can be extended as a continuous linear operator β on Ċβ X if and only if T ∈ WBPβ and T 1 0 in C̊b X . Proof. We first prove the sufficiency. To this end, for any k1 ∈ Z, let k Bk1 x ∈ X: 2k1 −1 ≤ d x, x1 < 2 1 . 5.193 Fix any x0 ∈ Bk1 . Let θ be as in Lemma 2.15. For any k2 ∈ Z, put θk2 y θdx0 , y/3·2k2 , and define ωk2 1 − θk2 . For any f ∈ Cβ X, following an argument as in the proof of Lemma 2.20 see also 69, the proof of Proposition 2, for a.e. x ∈ Bx0 , 3/22k2 , we have T fx X Kx, y fy − fx θk2 ydμy X Kx, yfyωk2 ydμy fxT θk2 x 5.194 Γ1 x Γ2 x. By Lemma 2.15, for a.e. x ∈ Bx0 , 3/22k2 , we also have T θk x CT T WBPβ , 2 T θk2 x Ck2 − Kx, y − K x0 , y ωk2 ydμy, X 5.195 5.196 where Ck2 is a constant independent of x. For any x ∈ Bx0 , 2k2 /2, we then consider x ∈ X satisfying 2k2 −1 ≤ dx, x < 2k2 . Notice that if x ∈ Bx0 , 2k2 /2 and dx, x < 2k2 , then x ∈ Bx0 , 3/22k2 , and that θk2 y /0 implies dx, y < 14dx, x . Thus, if x, x satisfy 5.194, 5.195, and 5.196, by the size condition 2.59 of the kernel K, the definition of Ċβ X and Lemma 2.1i, we then have Γ1 x ≤ dx,y<14dx,x Kx, yfy − fxdμy d x, x β CT fĊβ X 5.197 160 Abstract and Applied Analysis and a similar estimate also holds for Γ1 x , which clearly implies Γ1 x − Γ1 x ≤ fĊβ X CT d x, x β . 5.198 Moreover, by 5.196, we also have Γ2 x − Γ2 x X Kx, y − K x , y fy − fx ωk2 ydμy fx − f x X K x , y θk2 ydμy 5.199 Γ2,1 Γ2,2 . The estimate 5.195 yields Γ2,2 d x, x β CT T BMOβ fĊβ X . 5.200 Notice that ωk2 y / 0 implies that dx, y > 2dx, x . The regularity 2.49 on K and the definition of Ċβ X together with Lemma 2.1i and β < then yield Γ2,1 CT fĊβ X d x, x β d x, x dx,y>2dx,x V x, ydx, y dx, y β dμy 5.201 CT fĊβ X . Combining all the above estimates shows that for a.e. x ∈ Bx0 , 2k2 /4 and a.e. x ∈ X satisfying 2k2 −1 ≤ dx, x < 2k2 , we have T fx − T f x d x, x β CT T WBPβ fĊβ X . 5.202 Then an argument via the Besicovitch covering lemma further shows that there exists an extension of T f such that T fĊβ X CT T WBPβ fĊβ X , 5.203 which completes the proof of the sufficiency. We now prove the necessity. Since T is extended as a continuous linear operator on β −β β Ċ X and 1 0 in Ċβ X. Thus, T 1 0 in Ċβ X. Since Ċβ X Ḃ∞,∞ X Ḃ1,1 X by β −β Theorems 6.11 and 8.11i, and C̊b X ⊂ Ḃ1,1 X by Proposition 5.10iv, we then have that for all f ∈ C̊b X, T 1, f 0, which just means that T 1 0 in C̊b X . β β Yongsheng Han et al. 161 β Let now φ, ψ ∈ Cb X as in Definition 2.13. Fix x0 ∈ X such that 2r ≤ dx0 , x0 < 3r. ∈ supp φ, by the size condition 2.59 of the kernel K and 2.55, we then have Since x0 / T φ x 0 Bx0 ,r K x0 , y φydμy 1 φL∞ X μ B x0 , r Vr x0 5.204 1. Since T is bounded on Ċβ X, when dx, x0 ≤ 5r, we then have T φx T φ x d x, x β φĊβ X 1. 0 0 5.205 When dx, x0 > 5r, by the size condition 2.59 of the kernel K and 2.55 again, we also have 1 T φx ∞ Kx, yφydμy 1. 5.206 φL X μ B x0 , r V x, x Bx0 ,r 0 Thus, T φL∞ X 1, which gives that |T φ, ψ| ψL1 X μBx0 , r. That is, T ∈ WBPβ, which completes the proof of Theorem 5.49. Remark 5.50. i The proof of Theorem 5.49 in combination with Corollary 2.23 shows that if β T is bounded on Ċβ X, then there exists a constant C > 0 such that for all φ ∈ Ċb X and all x ∈ X, T φx ≤ C CT T Ċβ X → Ċβ X diamsupp φβ φĊβ X . 5.207 ii Let T be as in Theorem 5.49 and T 1 0 in C̊b X . Then from i and Theorem 5.49, it is easy to see that T ∈ WBPβ if and only if 5.207 holds. β Now we recall the notion of Carleson measures and establish their connection with BMOX functions. Definition 5.51. A positive measure ν on X × 0, ∞ is said to be a Carleson measure if there exists a constant C > 0 such that for every ball Bx, r for some x ∈ X and r > 0, νBx, r × 0, r ≤ CμBx, r. 5.208 The smallest bound C as above is defined to be the Carleson norm of ν and is denoted by νC . For any given open set E of X, let E) x, t ∈ X × 0, ∞ : Bx, t ⊂ E . 5.209 162 Abstract and Applied Analysis We first establish a basic property of Carleson measures; see 75, pages 59-60 or 81, page 198 for the case of Rn . ) ≤ CνC μE. Lemma 5.52. If ν is a Carleson measure in X × 0, ∞ and E ⊂ X is open, then νE Proof. Without loss of generality, we may assume that E is a bounded open set of X. By the Whitney-type covering lemma see 28, Theorem 3.2, there exist a constant C > 0 and a sequence of balls {Byj , rj }j satisfying E ∪j Byj , rj , j χByj ,rj ≤ C and Byj , 3rj ∩ X \ ) then there exists j0 such that x ∈ Byj0 , rj0 , Bx, t ⊂ E, and E / ∅ for each j. If x, t ∈ E, ∅. From this, it follows that t < 6rj0 , and therefore, x, t ∈ Byj0 , rj0 × Byj0 , 3rj0 ∩ X \ E / ) 0, 6rj0 . Thus, E ⊂ ∪j {Byj , rj × 0, 6rj }, which together with the definition of Carleson measures implies that ) ≤ νE ν B yj , rj × 0, 6rj νC μ B yj , rj . j On the other hand, from E ∪j Byj , rj and * μE μ B yj , rj j 5.210 j X j j χByj ,rj ≤ C, it follows that χByj ,rj ydμy ∼ μ B yj , rj . 5.211 j ) Combining both estimates yields ν E Lemma 5.52. νC μ E, which completes the proof of Let {Sk }k∈Z be an 1 , 2 , 3 -ATI as in Definition 2.2. For x, t ∈ X × 0, ∞, we define Sfx, t ∞ Sj fxχ2−j−1 ,2−j t. 5.212 j−∞ Proposition 5.53. Let S be as in 5.212. For any p ∈ 1, ∞, there exists a constant Cp > 0 such that for all f ∈ Lp X and all Carleson measures ν, X×0,∞ Sfx, tp dνx, t ≤ Cp νC X fxp dμx. 5.213 Proof. Let S be as in above. For any x ∈ X, we define MS fx sup Sfy, t : dx, y < t . 5.214 Yongsheng Han et al. 163 We first claim that for all x ∈ X, MS fx Mfx, where M is the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function. To see this, for any y, t ∈ X × 0, ∞ satisfying dx, y < t, assuming 2−j0 −1 < t ≤ 2−j0 for some j0 ∈ Z, by Lemma 2.1vi, we then have Sfy, t 2 ∞ 2−j0 fz dμz ··· −j0 dy, z l −j l−1 −j dy,z<2−j0 V2−j0 yV2−j0 zV y, z 2 l1 2 2 0 ≤dy,z<2 2 0 1 Mfx, 5.215 which implies the claim. Notice that X×0,∞ Sfx, tp dνx, t p ∞ λp−1 ν x, t ∈ X × 0, ∞ : Sfx, t > λ dλ. 0 5.216 Let Eλ {x ∈ X : MS fx > λ}. We then claim x, t ∈ X × 0, ∞ : |Sfx, t| > λ ⊂ E)λ . 5.217 In fact, for any x, t ∈ X × 0, ∞ such that |Sfx, t| > λ, assume that 2−j0 −1 < t ≤ 2−j0 for some j0 ∈ Z. Then |Sfx, t| > λ if and only if |Sj0 fx| > λ. If dy, x < t, then MS fy > λ and hence Bx, t ⊂ Eλ , which implies the claim. From this claim and Lemma 5.52, it follows that ν x, t ∈ X × 0, ∞ : |Sfx, t| > λ ≤ ν E)λ νC μ Eλ , 5.218 which together with the Lp X-boundedness for p ∈ 1, ∞ of M yields X×0,∞ Sfx, tp dνx, t νC ∞ ∼ νC νC νC λp−1 μ Eλ dλ 0 X MS fxp dμx X X Mfxp dμx 5.219 fxp dμx, which completes the proof of Proposition 5.53. The relation between Carleson measures and BMOX functions can be stated as below. 164 Abstract and Applied Analysis Proposition 5.54. Let b ∈ BMOX and let {Sk }k∈Z be an 1 , 2 , 3 -ATI as in Definition 2.2. For k ∈ Z, let Dk Sk − Sk−1 . Then the measure ν defined by dνx, t ∞ Dj bx2 χ 2−j−1 ,2−j tdμx j−∞ dt t 5.220 is a Carleson measure such that νC is dominated by b2BMOX . Proof. For any ball B Bx0 , r with some x0 ∈ X and r > 0, assume that 2−j0 −1 < r ≤ 2−j0 for some j0 ∈ Z. We then have r ν Bx0 , r × 0, r dνx, t 0 Bx0 ,r ∞ r ∞ 2−j−1 ,2−j tdμx 0 j−∞ Bx0 ,r Dj bx2 χ dt t 5.221 Dj bx2 dμx. jj0 −1 Bx0 ,r and Bk Bx0 , 2k 3r for k ∈ N. Set also Let B Bx0 , 3r, B0 B, 1 bB μB Since X B 5.222 bydμy. Dj x, ydμy 0, we then have ∞ ν B x0 , r × 0, r Dj b − b χ x2 dμx B jj0 −1 Bx0 ,r ∞ B Dj b − b χ B jj0 −1 Bx0 ,r X\B 2 x dμx 5.223 ≡ Y1 Y2 . By Lemma 3.9, we have ∞ Dj b − b χ x2 dμx Y1 B B jj0 −1 X X bx − b χ x 2 dμx B B b2BMOX μ B x0 , r . 5.224 Yongsheng Han et al. 165 ∈ Bk for k ∈ Z , then dy, x ≥ To estimate Y2 , we first notice that if dx, x0 < r and y / k−1 k 2 3r − r> 2 3r and hence Dj x, y 1 V2−j x V2−j y V x, y 2−j V2k2 3r x 2k r 1 2−j 2−j dx, y 2 2 5.225 . From this, it follows that Y2 ∞ ∞ Bk1 \Bk jj0 −1 Bx0 ,r k0 1 ∞ r 22 jj0 −1 −2j2 2 2 by − b Dj x, ydμy dμx B 2 ∞ 1 1 |by − bB |dμy dμx k2 V k2 x 2 3r Bx0 ,r k0 2 Bx,2k2 3r 5.226 b2BMOX μ B x0 , r , where we used the well-known fact that 1 C∈C x∈X, r>0 μBx, r bBMOX ∼ inf sup |fy − C|dμy. 5.227 Bx,r This finishes the proof of Proposition 5.54. Combining Proposition 5.53 with Proposition 5.54 yields the following conclusion, which will be used in the proof of T 1-theorem. Corollary 5.55. Let all the notation be as in Propositions 5.53 and 5.54. For any p ∈ 1, ∞, there exists a constant Cp > 0 such that for all f ∈ Lp X and b ∈ BMOX, ∞ Sj fxp Dj bx2 dμx ≤ Cp b2 BMOX j−∞ X X fxp dμx. 5.228 Proof. From Propositions 5.53 and 5.54, it follows that X×0,∞ Sfx, tp dνx, t b2 BMOX X fxp dμx, 5.229 where Sf is as in Proposition 5.53 and dνx, t is as in Proposition 5.54. Moreover, 166 Abstract and Applied Analysis we have X×0,∞ Sfx, tp dνx, t ∞ 2−k Sfx, tp dνx, t k−∞ X 2−k−1 ∞ ∞ p ∞ 2 dt Sk fx Dj bx χ2−j−1 ,2−j t dμx χ2−k−1 ,2−k t t 0 j−∞ k−∞ X ∞ Sk fxp Dk bx2 dμx . log 2 5.230 k−∞ X Combining both estimates completes the proof of Corollary 5.55. We now can state a variant of David-Journé T 1-theorem on spaces of homogeneous type. In what follows, for any ∈ 0, 1, a continuous function on X × X \ {x, x : x ∈ X} is said to be a standard kernel of order if it satisfies I-3 in Subsection 5.2. Let β ∈ 0, . A β β continuous linear operator T from Cb X to Cb X is said to have a standard distributional kernel K of order if T and K satisfy 2.48. Also, the adjoint T ∗ of T is given by that for all β β β f, g ∈ Cb X, T f, g f, T ∗ g. Then T ∗ : Cb X → Cb X is a continuous mapping; moreover, T ∗ is associated to the kernel K ∗ x, y Ky, x for all x, y ∈ X. β Theorem 5.56. Let ∈ 0, 1, β ∈ 0, , and let T be a continuous linear operator from Cb X to Cb X . Assume that T has a standard distributional kernel K of order as in 2.48. Then T extends to a bounded operator on L2 X if and only if the following conditions are true: β i T 1 ∈ BMOX, ii T ∗ 1 ∈ BMOX, iii T ∈ WBPβ. Proof. We first verify the sufficiency. By Proposition 2.12, both T and T ∗ can be extended to β β a continuous linear operator from Cβ X to C̊b X . If T 1 T ∗ 1 0 in C̊b X , then ∗ β by Theorem 5.49, T and T can be extended as continuous linear operators on Ċ X. By this fact, Theorem 5.23 and Proposition 5.10v, we know that T extends to a bounded operator on L2 X. We now consider the general case. Let {Sj }j∈Z be as in Definition 2.2 and Dj Sj − Sj−1 j } be as in Theorem 3.10. Let b ∈ BMOX. For any f ∈ C X, we define for j ∈ Z. Let {D b j∈Z the paraproduct β Pb fx ∞ j Dj bSj f x. D 5.231 j−∞ We will show that the kernel of Pb is a standard kernel of order , that Pb is bounded on L2 X, and that Pb 1 b and Pb∗ 1 0. In order to be rigorous in the following calculations, we Yongsheng Han et al. 167 ∞ should consider N j−∞ and then let N → ∞. However, we will omit these j−N instead of details; see 75, pages 302–305. 1 The size of the kernel. The kernel of Pb is Kx, y ∞ j−∞ X j x, zDj bzSj z, ydμz. D Let Bk Bz, 2k1 2−j , for k ∈ Z , and bB0 1/μB0 B0 5.232 bzdμz. Since X Dj z, ydμy 0, 5.233 by the size condition of Dj and 5.227, for any z ∈ X, we have Dj bz ≤ ∞ Dj z, yby − bB dμy 0 B0 ∞ 1 1 k 2 μBk k0 2 k1 Bk \Bk−1 Dj z, yby − bB dμy 0 by − bB dμy 0 Bk bBMOX . 5.234 j and Sj , 5.234, Lemmas 4.4, and 3.5, we have Let ∈ , 1 ∧ 2 . By the size conditions of D ∞ Kx, y bBMOX j−∞ 1 −j −j V x V 2 z V x, z X 2 1 × V2−j z V2−j y V z, y ∞ bBMOX 1 −j −j V x V 2 y V x, y j−∞ 2 bBMOX 1 , V x, y which verifies the size condition of the kernel K. 2−j −j 2 dx, z 2−j 2−j −j 2 dz, y 2−j dx, y 2 dμz 5.235 168 Abstract and Applied Analysis y, by 5.234, If dx, x ≤ dx, y/2 with x / Kx, y − Kx , y ∞ Dj x, z − Dj x , z Dj bzSj z, ydμz j−∞ X bBMOX ∞ dx,x ≤2−j dx,z/2 j−∞ D j x , zSj z, ydμz j x, z − D dx,x >2−j dx,z/2 dx,x >2−j dx,z/2 5.236 D j x, zSj z, ydμz D j x , zSj z, ydμz ≡ bBMOX Y1 Y2 Y3 . j and the size condition of Sj together with Lemmas 4.4 and 3.5 give The regularity of D 2−j 1 Y1 V2−j x V2−j z V x, z 2−j dx, z j−∞ X 2 2−j 1 × dμz V2−j z V2−j y V z, y 2−j dz, y − ∞ dx, x 2−j 1 −j V2−j x V2−j y V x, y 2−j dx, y j−∞ 2 dx, y ∞ dx, x 2−j dx, z 5.237 dx, x . V x, ydx, y j and Sj together with Lemmas 4.4 and 3.5 also yield The size conditions of D 2−j Y2 2−j dx, z j−∞ 2 2−j 1 × dμz V2−j z V2−j y V z, y 2−j dz, y ∞ d x, x 2−j − 1 V −j x V2−j y V x, y 2−j dx, y j−∞ 2 ∞ 1 −j −j x V2−j z V x, z V 2 dx,x >2 dx,z/2 dx, x . V x, ydx, y 5.238 Yongsheng Han et al. 169 Similarly, we have Y3 d x, x V x, ydx, y 5.239 , which shows that K has the desired regularity on the first variable. An argument similar to above also proves that if dy, y ≤ dx, y/2 with x / y, Kx, y − K x, y bBMOX d y, y V x, ydx, y . 5.240 Thus, K is a standard kernel of order . 2 Boundedness of Pb on L2 X. For any f, g ∈ L2 X, by Hölder’s inequality, Corollary 5.55, and Lemma 3.9 together with Remark 3.16, we have ∞ Pb f, g ∗ gxdμx Dj bxSj fxD j j−∞ X ∞ Dj bx2 Sj fx2 dμx 1/2 j−∞ X ∞ D t gx2 dμx j−∞ X bBMOX fL2 X gL2 X , 1/2 j 5.241 which together with a duality argument yields that Pb f 2 bBMOX fL2 X . L X 5.242 β j x, zdμx 0, from this, it follows 3 Pb 1 b and Pb∗ 1 0 in C̊b X . Since X D β that Pb∗ 1 0 in C̊b X . Also, since X Sj y, zdμz 1, from this and Theorem 3.29, it follows that Pb 1 b. We can now finish the proof of the sufficiency. For any given operator T which satisfies i, ii, and iii, let b1 T 1 and b2 T ∗ 1. Then, there exist paraproducts Pbi such that Pbi 1 bi and Pb∗i 1 0 for i 1, 2. Then the operator T T − Pb1 − Pb∗2 lies in WBPβ and T 1 T ∗ 1 0. Thus, by Theorem 5.23, we know that T is bounded on L2 X, which together with the boundedness of Pb1 and Pb∗2 on L2 X also yields the boundedness of T on L2 X. This completes the proof of the sufficiency. We now check the necessity. By Remark 2.14iii, we know T ∈ WBPβ. To verify T 1, T ∗ 1 ∈ BMOX, we first claim that if T is as in Proposition 2.12 and T is bounded on X to BMOX, namely, for all f ∈ L∞ X, L2 X, then T is also bounded from L∞ b b T fBMOX fL∞ X . 5.243 The proof of this claim is standard; see, for example, 75, pages 156-157 or 81, pages 118119. For any ball B Bx0 , r with some x0 ∈ X and r > 0, let CB T fχX\Bx0 ,2r x0 . Since 170 Abstract and Applied Analysis X and K is locally integrable away from the diagonal of X × X, it is easy to see that f ∈ L∞ b |CB | < ∞. By the boundedness of T on L2 X and 2.49 together with Lemma 2.1i, we have 1 μB T fx − CB dμx B ≤ 1 μB T fχBx xdμx 0 ,2r 1 μB B 1 T L2 X → L2 X fL∞ X μB T L2 X → L2 X CT fL∞ X , B T fχX\Bx 0 ,2r x − CB dμx B X\Bx0 ,2r Kx, y − Kx0 , yfydμydμx 5.244 which proves 5.243. Using 5.243, we then can verify that if T is bounded on L2 X, then T 1 ∈ BMOX. β To see this, for any g ∈ C̊b X with supp g ⊂ Bx0 , r for some x0 ∈ X and r > 0, let ψ ∈ β Cb X be as in the proof of Proposition 2.12. By 5.243, T ψ ∈ BMOX, which together with Theorem 5.19i below yields that T ψ, g ≤ T ψBMOX gH 1 X T L2 X → L2 X CT gH 1 X . 5.245 On the other hand, by 2.49 and Lemma 2.1i, we also have | T 1 − ψ, g X dy,x0 ≥2r CT X Kx, y − K x0 , y 1 − ψy gxdμydμx r dμy gxdμx dy,x0 ≥2r V x0 , y d x0 , y 5.246 CT gL1 X CT gH 1 X . Thus, |T 1, g| T L2 X → L2 X CT gH 1 X , which together with Corollary 2.11i, Proposition 5.21, Theorems 6.11, and 5.19i implies that T 1 ∈ BMOX and T 1BMOX T L2 X → L2 X CT . An argument similar to this also proves that T ∗ 1 ∈ BMOX and T ∗ 1BMOX T L2 X → L2 X CT , which completes the proof of Theorem 5.56. We now state a variant of the T 1-theorem in the sense of Stein 75, page 294. Let ∈ β β 0, 1, β ∈ 0, , and let T be a continuous linear operator from Cb X to Cb X . We assume β that associated to T , there is a standard kernel of order , in the sense that if f ∈ Cb X, then, outside the support of f, the distribution T f agrees with the function T fx X Kx, yfydμy. 5.247 Yongsheng Han et al. 171 Similarly to 75, page 294, we assume that T and T ∗ are restrictedly bounded. Whenever φR,x0 is a normalized bump function for the ball Bx0 , R with some x0 ∈ X and R > 0, the distributions T φR,x0 and T ∗ φR,x0 belong to L2 X, and the estimates R,x 1/2 T φ 0 2 ≤ A μ B x0 , R , L X 1/2 T ∗ φR,x0 L2 X ≤ A μ B x0 , R 5.248 5.249 hold with an A > 0 that is independent of R, x0 and φR,x0 . β Theorem 5.57. Let ∈ 0, 1, β ∈ 0, , and let T be a continuous linear operator from Cb X to Cb X associated with a standard kernel of order in the sense of 5.247. Then T extends to a bounded linear operator on L2 X if and only if both T and T ∗ are restrictedly bounded in the sense of 5.248 and 5.249. β Proof. The necessity is obvious. We only need to prove the sufficiency. We first make the β following claim that if f ∈ C̊b X, then T f ∈ L1 X. 5.250 In fact, assume that supp f ⊂ Bx0 , r for some x0 ∈ X and r > 0. Since f is a multiple of a ∈ Bx0 , 2r, bump function, T f ∈ L2 X by 5.248, and hence Bx0 ,2r |T fx|dμx < ∞. If x / then by 5.247, X fxdμx 0, and the regularity on K, we have T fx Kx, yfydμy X Kx, y − K x, x0 fydμy X CT d y, x0 fydμy Bx0 ,r V x, x0 d x, x0 5.251 r CT fL∞ X μ B x0 , r , V x, x0 d x, x0 which implies that X\Bx0 ,2r |T fx|dμx < ∞. Thus, the claim 5.250 holds. We now verify that T 1 ∈ BMOX. To this end, we first prove that there exists a constant A > 0 such that whenever φR,x0 is a normalized bump function for the ball Bx0 , R with x0 ∈ X and R > 0, then T φR,x0 ∈ BMOX with R,x T φ 0 ≤ A. BMOX 5.252 172 Abstract and Applied Analysis with some x0 ∈ X and R > 0 be any ball, and let B2 Bx0 , 2R and Let B1 Bx0 , R β Fix a function θ ∈ C X with θx 1 for dx, x0 ≤ 2R and θx 0 for B3 Bx0 , 3R. b Write dx, x0 ≥ 3R. φR,x0 x φR,x0 xθx φR,x0 x1 − θx f1 x f2 x. 5.253 Observe that f1 is, up to a bounded multiplicative constant, a normalized bump function for either the ball Bx0 , R or the ball B3 , whichever has the smaller radius. Thus, by 5.248, we have B1 T f1 x2 dμx ≤ T f1 2 2 L X ≤ A2 min μ B x0 , R , μ B x0 , 3R . ≤ A μ B x0 , R 5.254 Since supp f 2 ⊂ X \ B2 , for x ∈ B1 , by 5.247, we have T f2 x X Kx, yf2 ydμy. 5.255 Let CB1 X Kx0 , yf2 ydμy. Then |CB1 | < ∞, and for x ∈ B1 , by the regularity on K on the first variable and Lemma 2.1i, T f2 x − C B1 dx0 ,y>2R Kx, y − K x0 , y dμy d x, x0 dμy V x 0 , y d x0 , y dx0 ,y>2R 5.256 1. Combining the estimates for f1 and f2 gives that for any ball B1 , B1 R,x T φ 0 − C 2 dμx ≤ Aμ B1 , B1 5.257 which shows 5.252. Let θ ∈ Cb1 R and θ0 1. For any ν > 0 and x ∈ X, set θν x θνdx, x1 . By 5.252, {T θν }ν>0 is uniformly bounded in BMOX. Since BMOX H 1 X see Theorem 5.19i, as is well known, BMOX is weakly∗ compact in the dual topology. Thus, β every sequence {T θνk }k∈N has a subsequence which weakly∗ converges. Let f ∈ C̊b X. By 5.250 and T θν , f θν , T ∗ f, we know that whatever limit denote it by a, we extract Yongsheng Han et al. 173 from a subsequence of {T θν }ν>0 , then a, f 1, T ∗ f. This shows that the limit a is independent of the subsequence, and we are justified in setting a T 1 limν → 0 T θν and T 1, f X T ∗ fxdμx, 5.258 with a similar statement when the roles of T and T ∗ are reversed. Thus, T 1, T ∗ 1 ∈ BMOX. Moreover, if T is restrictedly bounded, then T ∈ WBPβ. Thus, by Theorem 5.56, we know T is bounded on L2 X, which completes the proof of Theorem 5.57. Remark 5.58. From 5.258, we see that if T is bounded on L2 X, then T 1 ∈ C̊b X for a β β certain β ∈ 0, 1 is constant if and only if for any f ∈ C̊b X, X T ∗ fxdμx 0. 5.259 6. Triebel-Lizorkin spaces with p ∞ In this section, we will develop a theory for Triebel-Lizorkin spaces with p ∞ by using the Carleson characterizations. We again distinguish between the homogeneous and the inhomogeneous cases and examine the relations between these cases as well as with BMOtype spaces. s X 6.1. Plancherel-Pôlya inequality and definition of Ḟ∞,q Throughout this and the next subsection, we will assume that μX ∞. In this subsection, s X in a similar way as in 82 and, using the homogeneous we introduce the norm in Ḟ∞,q s discrete Calderón reproducing formulae, Theorem 4.13, we will prove that the norm ·Ḟ∞,q X is independent of the choices of ATIs and spaces of distributions via some Plancherel-Pôlya inequality; see also 83, 84. Definition 6.1. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , and {Sk }k∈Z be an 1 , 2 , 3 -ATI. For k ∈ Z, set Dk Sk − Sk−1 . Let |s| < and ps, < q ≤ ∞. For any f ∈ G̊0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , define f s Ḟ∞,q X sup sup l∈Z α∈Il 1 μQαl ∞ q 2ksq Dk fx dμx Qαl kl 1/q , 6.1 where the supremum is taken over all dyadic cubes as in Lemma 2.19 and the usual modification is made when q ∞. Remark 6.2. i From Lemma 2.19 and the doubling property 1.2, it is easy to see that an equivalent norm is obtained if the supremum in Definition 6.1 is taken with respect to all balls with positive radius instead of all dyadic cubes as in Lemma 2.19. 174 Abstract and Applied Analysis ii Let l0 ∈ Z. It is easy to see that there exists a constant Cl0 > 0 such that for all f ∈ G̊0 β, γ , 1 μ Qαl sup sup l∈Z α∈Il ∞ q Dk fx dμx 1/q ksq 2 Qαl kll0 s Cl0 fḞ∞,q X . 6.2 Thus, s fḞ∞,q X ∼ sup sup 1 μ Qαl l∈Z α∈Il ∞ q Dk fx dμx ksq 2 Qαl kll0 1/q . 6.3 We now establish the following useful Plancherel-Pôlya inequality, which complements Proposition 5.4ii for the case p ∞. Proposition 6.3. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , and let {Sk }k∈Z and {Pk }k∈Z be two 1 , 2 , 3 -ATIs. For k ∈ Z, set Dk Sk − Sk−1 and Qk Pk − Pk−1 . Let |s| < and ps, < q ≤ ∞. Then for all f ∈ G̊0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , sup sup l∈Z α∈Il ∞ Nk,τ 1 μ Qαl kl τ∈Ik ∼ sup sup 1 ksq 2 ν1 Qτk,ν χ{τ,ν: Qτk,ν ⊂Qαl } τ, ν ∞ Nk,τ μ Qαl kl τ∈Ik l∈Z α∈Il μ ν1 ksq 2 q 1/q sup Dk fx x∈Qτk,ν 1/q q k,ν μ Qτ χ{τ,ν: Qτk,ν ⊂Qαl } τ, ν inf Qk fx . x∈Qτk,ν 6.4 Proof. To prove Proposition 6.3, it suffices to show that for all f ∈ G̊0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , the left-hand side of 6.4 is controlled by its right-hand side. Let all the notation be as in the proof of Proposition 5.4. Then, by 5.9 and 5.10, we have 1 ∞ Nk,τ μ Qαl kl τ∈Ik ksq 2 ν1 μQτk,ν χ{τ,ν:Qτk,ν ⊂Qαl } τ, ν q sup Dk fx x∈Qτk,ν ∞ Nk,τ 1 l 2ksq μ Qτk,ν χ{τ,ν: Qτk,ν ⊂Qαl } τ, ν μ Qα kl τ∈Ik ν1 ∞ Nk ,τ × 2−|k−k | μ Qτk ,ν Qk f yτk ,ν k l τ ∈Ik ν 1 q 2−k∧k 1 × V2−k∧k yτk,ν V2−k∧k yτk ,ν V yτk,ν , yτk ,ν 2−k∧k d yτk,ν , yτk ,ν Yongsheng Han et al. 175 ∞ Nk,τ 1 l 2ksq μ Qτk,ν χ{τ,ν: Qτk,ν ⊂Qαl } τ, ν μ Qα kl τ∈Ik ν1 × l−1 Nk ,τ k −∞ τ ∈Ik ν 1 −|k−k | 2 μ Qτk ,ν Qk f yτk ,ν · · · q ≡ Y1 Y2 . 6.5 Then by Lemma 2.19, if x / ∈ Bzlα , 4C6 2−l and y ∈ Qαl , then dx, y ≥ 3C6 2−l , where and in l what follows, zα is the “center” of Qαl as in Lemma 2.19. By Lemma 2.19 again, we can find 1 l l i l −l ∅ and m1 is no more m1 ∈ N such that Bzlα , 4C6 2−l ⊂ m i1 Qτ i , τ ∈ Il , Bzα , 4C6 2 ∩ Qτ i / than a constant which is independent of α and l; see the details for a proof of the last fact in 85, pages 1385-1386. Moreover, μ Qτl i ∼ μQαl . 6.6 With these choices, we further control Y1 by ∞ Nk,τ 1 Y1 l 2ksq μ Qτk,ν χ{τ,ν: Qτk,ν ⊂Qαl } τ, ν μ Qα kl τ∈Ik ν1 × ∞ k l τ ∈Ik Nk ,τ τ ν 1 2−|k−k | μQτk ,ν χ{τ ,ν :Qk ,ν ⊂∪m1 Ql × Qk f yτk ,ν × V2−k∧k i1 yτk,ν 2−k∧k 2−k∧k d yτk,ν , yτk ,ν τ , ν } τi 1 V2−k∧k yτk ,ν V yτk,ν , yτk ,ν q ∞ Nk,τ 1 l 2ksq μ Qτk,ν χ{τ,ν: Qτk,ν ⊂Qαl } τ, ν μ Qα kl τ∈Ik ν1 × ∞ k l τ ∈Ik Nk ,τ 2−|k−k | μ Qτk ,ν χ{τ ,ν :Qk ,ν ∩∪m1 Ql τ ν 1 × Qk f yτk ,ν × ≡ Y1,1 Y1,2 . V2−k∧k yτk,ν 2−k∧k 2−k∧k d yτk,ν , yτk ,ν i1 τi 6.7 ∅} τ , ν 1 V2−k∧k yτk ,ν V yτk,ν , yτk ,ν q 176 Abstract and Applied Analysis We first estimate Y1,1 . If q ≤ 1, by 5.5, Lemma 5.2, 5.12, 6.6, and choosing ∈ 0, such that > s and q > ps, , 1 m1 ∞ Y1,1 l μ Qα i1 Nk ∞ ,τ ν 1 k l τ ∈Ik kl 2ksq χ{τ ,ν :Qk ,ν ⊂Ql τ τ τ , ν i} q × μ Qτk ,ν Qk f yτk ,ν 2−|k−k | q × Nk,τ τ∈Ik ν1 μQτk,ν χ{τ,ν:Qτk,ν ⊂Qαl } τ, ν 1 × k,ν V2−k∧k yτ V2−k∧k yτk ,ν V yτk,ν , yτk ,ν m1 i1 1 ∞ μ Qτl i k l τ ∈Ik Nk ,τ ν 1 2−k∧k 2−k∧k d yτk,ν , yτk ,ν q q 2k sq μ Qτk ,ν Qk f yτk ,ν χ{τ ,ν :Qk ,ν ⊂Ql } τ , ν , τ τi 6.8 which together with the arbitrary choice of yτk ,ν ∈ Qτk ,ν shows that Y1,1 1/q is controlled by the right-hand side of 6.4 in this case. If 1 < q ≤ ∞, choosing > |s| together with Hölder’s inequality and Lemma 5.2 yields ∞ Nk ,τ k l τ ∈Ik ν 1 2k s 2−|k−k | 2k−k s μ Qτk ,ν χ{τ ,ν :Qk ,ν ⊂Ql } τ , ν τ × Qk f yτk ,ν × ∞ k l τ ∈Ik V2−k∧k yτk,ν 2−k∧k 2−k∧k d yτk,ν , yτk ,ν Nk ,τ τi 1 V2−k∧k yτk ,ν V yτk,ν , yτk ,ν 2k sq 2−|k−k | 2k−k s μ Qτk ,ν χ{τ ,ν :Qk ,ν ⊂Ql } τ , ν τ ν 1 q × Qk f yτk ,ν × V2−k∧k yτk,ν 2−k∧k 2−k∧k d yτk,ν , yτk ,ν τi 1 V2−k∧k yτk ,ν V yτk,ν , yτk ,ν 1/q , 6.9 Yongsheng Han et al. 177 which together with Minkowski’s inequality, 6.6, and Lemma 5.2 yields that Y1,1 1/q m1 i1 ∞ 1 μ Qτl i k l τ ∈Ik Nk ,τ k sq 2 μ q Qτk ,ν χ{τ ,ν :Qk ,ν ⊂Ql } τ , ν Qk f yτk ,ν i τ ν 1 1/q , τ 6.10 which completes the estimate for Y1,1 . We now estimate Y1,2 . To this end, for j ∈ Z , let l l j 1 m j−l j−l1 Il α ∈ Il : α . / τ , . . . , τ 1 , 3C6 2 ≤ d zα , zα < 3C6 2 6.11 We first claim that there exists m2 ∈ N which is no more than a constant independent of l and j such that * Qαl j α ∈Il ⊂ * i1,...,m2 αi ∈Il−j l−j Qαi , l−j Qαi ∩ * Qαl ∅ / 6.12 j α ∈Il for i 1, . . . , m2 , and moreover, if Qτk ,ν ⊂ ∪α ∈I j Qαl , then l ⎛ ⎞ ⎜ * k ,ν l−j ⎟ μ⎜ Qαi ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ V2j−l yτ . 6.13 i1,...,m2 αi ∈Il−j In fact, by Lemma 2.19, there exists m2 ∈ N such that 6.12 holds. Notice that for any fixed j−l i0 ∈ {1, . . . , m2 }, ∪α ∈I j Qαl ⊂ Bzαi0 , 14C6 2j−l . By an argument in 85, pages 1385-1386, we l l−j j−l know that the number of α ∈ Il−j such that Qα ∩ Bzαi0 , 14C6 2j−l / ∅ is no more than a constant which is independent of j and l. Thus, the claim 6.12 holds. To see the claim 6.13, we only need to notice that * i1,...,m2 αi ∈Il−j l−j Qαi ⊂ B yτk ,ν , 9C6 2j−l , 6.14 which implies the claim 6.13. We also notice that if Qτk ,ν ⊂ Qαl with α ∈ Ili , then for all y ∈ Qαl , d y, yτk ,ν ≥ C6 2j−l . 6.15 178 Abstract and Applied Analysis Using these properties, we now estimate Y1,2 by first considering the case q ≤ 1. In fact, in this case, from 5.5, 6.15, 6.12, and 6.13, it follows that Y1,2 ∞ m2 −jq−n1−q 2 j0 × i1 ∞ μ Nk ,τ ∞ 1 l−j Qαi k l τ ∈Ik ν 1 2k sq μ Qτk ,ν q × χ{τ ,ν : Qk ,ν ⊂Ql−j } τ , ν Qk f yτk ,ν τ αi −|k−k | q k−k sq −k∧k q k n1−q −ln1−qlq 2 2 2 6.16 2 2 , kl which together with q > n/n and choosing > s further implies that Y1,2 ∞ −jq−n1−q 2 m2 j0 i1 μ ∞ 1 l−j Qαi k l τ ∈Ik Nk ,τ ν 1 × χ{τ ,ν : Qk ,ν ⊂Ql−j } τ q τ , ν Qk f yτk ,ν . αi 2k sq μ Qτk ,ν 6.17 From this, it is easy to deduce the desired estimate for Y1,2 in this case. If 1 < q ≤ ∞, by Hölder’s inequality and Lemma 5.2, we have ∞ k l τ ∈Ik Nk ,τ ν 1 2k s 2−|k−k | 2k−k s μ Qτk ,ν χ{τ ,ν :Qk ,ν ∩∪m1 Ql τ × Qk f yτk ,ν × ∞ V2−k∧k yτk,ν 2−k∧k 2−k∧k d yτk,ν , yτk ,ν k l τ ∈Ik Nk ,τ ν 1 i1 τi ∅} τ , ν 1 V2−k∧k yτk ,ν V yτk,ν , yτk ,ν 6.18 q 2k sq 2−|k−k | 2k−k s μ Qτk ,ν Qk f yτk ,ν 1 V2−k∧k V2−k∧k yτk ,ν V yτk,ν , yτk ,ν 1/q 2−k∧k ×χ{τ ,ν :Qk ,ν ∩∪m1 Ql ∅} τ , ν , i1 τ i τ 2−k∧k d yτk,ν , yτk ,ν × yτk,ν which together with 6.15, 6.12, and 6.13 yields that Y1,2 ∞ j0 2−j m2 1 ∞ l−j i1 μ Q i k l τ ∈Ik α Nk ,τ × χ{τ ,ν : Qk ,ν ⊂Ql−j } τ αi ν 1 2k sq μ Qτk ,ν q τ , ν Qk f yk ,ν , τ 6.19 Yongsheng Han et al. 179 where we choose > s. From this, we deduce the desired estimate for Y1,2 when 1 < q ≤ ∞, which completes the estimate for Y1 . We now estimate Y2 by using the following trivial estimate that Nk ,τ τ ∈Ik ν 1 q Qk f yτk ,ν 1/q k sq 2 RHS of 6.4, 6.20 where and in the sequel, RHS stands for “right-hand side.” From this, it follows that if q ≤ 1, by choosing > s, we then have Y2 ∞ Nk,τ 1 μQαl kl τ∈Ik × ν1 2ksq μ Qτk,ν χ{τ,ν: Qτk,ν ⊂Qαl } τ, ν l−1 Nk ,τ k −∞ τ ∈Ik ν 1 q Qk f yτk ,ν −k−k q 2 6.21 q RHS of 6.4 ; if 1 < q ≤ ∞, by Hölder’s inequality, Lemma 5.2, and 6.20, ∞ Nk,τ 1 2ksq μ Qτk,ν χ{τ,ν: Qτk,ν ⊂Qαl } τ, ν Y2 l μ Qα kl τ∈Ik ν1 × l−1 Nk ,τ k −∞ τ ∈Ik ν 1 × q 2−k−k 2k−k s μ Qτk ,ν Qk f yτk ,ν V2−k∧k × yτk,ν 1 V2−k∧k yτk ,ν V yτk,ν , yτk ,ν 2−k∧k 2−k∧k d yτk,ν , yτk ,ν 6.22 q RHS of 6.4 , which completes the proof of Proposition 6.3. Remark 6.4. We point out that Remark 5.5 applies in a similar way to Proposition 6.3. s From Proposition 6.3, it is easy to deduce that the definition of the norm ·Ḟ∞,q X is independent of the choice of ATIs. We omit the details. 180 Abstract and Applied Analysis Proposition 6.5. Adopting the notation from Proposition 6.3, one has for all f ∈ G̊0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , 1 μ Qαl sup sup l∈Z α∈Il ∼ sup sup ∞ q 2ksq Dk fx dμx Qαl kl 1 μ Qαl l∈Z α∈Il 1/q ∞ Qαl kl q 2ksq Qk fx dμx 6.23 1/q . s The following theorem will show that the definition of the norm ·Ḟ∞,q X is independent of the choice of the space of distributions. Proposition 6.6. Let all the notation be as in Definition 6.1. Let |s| < and ps, < q ≤ ∞. If s f ∈ G̊0 β1 , γ1 with max{0, −s} < β1 < and max{0, s} < γ1 < , and if fḞ∞,q X < ∞, then f ∈ G̊0 β2 , γ2 for every max{0, −s} < β2 < and max{0, s} < γ2 < . Proof. We use the same notation as in the proof of Proposition 5.7. Let ψ ∈ G̊, . For any f ∈ G̊0 β1 , γ1 with max{0, −s} < β1 < and max{0, s} < γ1 < , when q ≤ 1, by Theorem 4.13 together with 5.24, 5.25, and 5.5, we have ∞ Nk,τ k,ν k,ν k,ν f, ψ k ·, yτ , ψ μ Qτ Dk f yτ D k−∞ τ∈I ν1 k ∞ Nk,τ q ψGβ2 ,γ2 2−kβ2 q μ Qτk,ν Dk f yτk,ν k0 τ∈Ik ν1 × q γ2 V1 x1 V x1 , yτk,ν 1 d x1 , yτk,ν −1 Nk,τ k−∞ τ∈Ik 1 1 q 2kγ2 q μ Qτk,ν Dk f yτk,ν ν1 2−kγ2 × γ2 V2−k x1 V x1 , yτk,ν 2−k d x1 , yτk,ν 1 q 1/q . 6.24 Notice that for k ∈ Z , when dx1 , yτk,ν < 1, then V1 x1 ∼ V1 yτk,ν 2kκ V2−k yτk,ν μQτk,ν , while when 2l ≤ dx1 , yτk,ν < 2l1 for some l ∈ Z , then V x1 , yτk,ν V2l yτk,ν V2−k yτk,ν ∼ μQτk,ν . Therefore, for k ∈ Z , μ Qτk,ν 1. V1 x1 V x1 , yτk,ν 6.25 When k ∈ Z \ Z , noticing that if dx1 , yτk,ν < 2−k , then V2−k x1 V2−k yτk,ν μ Qτk,ν ; 6.26 Yongsheng Han et al. 181 if 2l 2−k ≤ dx1 , yτk,ν < 2l1 2−k for some l ∈ Z , then V x1 , yτk,ν V2l 2−k yτk,ν 2lκ V2−k yτk,ν μQτk,ν , 6.27 μ Qτk,ν 1. V2−k x1 V x1 , yτk,ν 6.28 we also have We also need the following trivial estimate that Nk,τ τ∈Ik ν1 q q 2ksq |Dk f yτk,ν | fḞ s ∞,q X 6.29 . Using 6.25, 6.28, and 6.29 yields that f, ψ ψGβ 2 ,γ2 s fḞ∞,q X ∞ −kβ2 sq 2 k0 −1 1/q kγ2 −sq 2 6.30 k−∞ s ψGβ2 ,γ2 fḞ∞,q X , where we chose s < γ2 < γ2 . If 1 < q ≤ ∞, Hölder’s inequality, 6.25, 6.28, 6.29, and Lemma 2.1ii prove that f, ψ ψGβ ∞ 2 ,γ2 −kβ2 −ks 2 2 k0 Nk,τ τ∈Ik q 2ksq μ Qτk,ν Dk f yτk,ν ν1 × 1 1 1/q γ2 V1 x1 V x1 , yτk,ν 1 d x1 , yτk,ν 1/q 1 1 × γ dμy 1 d x1 , y 2 X V1 x1 V x1 , y −1 Nk,τ q kγ2 −ks 2 2 2ksq μ Qτk,ν |Dk fyτk,ν | k−∞ τ∈Ik ν1 2−kγ2 × γ2 V2−k x1 V x1 , yτk,ν 2−k d x1 , yτk,ν 1/q 2−kγ2 1 × dμy V2−k x1 V x1 , y 2−k dx1 , yγ2 1 s ψGβ2 ,γ2 fḞ∞,q X . 1/q 6.31 182 Abstract and Applied Analysis Combining 6.30 and 6.31 with an argument similar to the proof of Proposition 5.7 then completes the proof of Proposition 6.6. s Now we can introduce the homogeneous Triebel-Lizorkin spaces Ḟ∞,q X. Definition 6.7. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 and let {Sk }k∈Z be an 1 , 2 , 3 -ATI. s X is defined to For k ∈ Z, set Dk Sk − Sk−1 . Let |s| < and ps, < q ≤ ∞. The space Ḟ∞,q be the set of all f ∈ G̊0 β, γ , for some β, γ satisfying |s| < β < , max{s, 0, −s − κ} < γ < 6.32 such that f s Ḟ∞,q X sup sup l∈Z α∈Il 1 μ Qαl ∞ q Dk fx dμx ksq 2 Qαl kl 1/q < ∞, 6.33 where the supremum is taken over all dyadic cubes as in Lemma 2.19 and the usual modification is made when q ∞. s Propositions 6.5 and 6.6 show that the definition of the spaces Ḟ∞,q X is independent of the choice of the ATI and the distribution space G̊β, γ , with β and γ satisfying 6.32. s Remark 6.8. To guarantee that the definition of the space Ḟ∞,q X is independent of the choice of the distribution space G̊β, γ , we only need the restriction that max{0, −s} < β < and max{0, s} < γ < . Moreover, if we assume that max{0, s} < β < and max{0, s − κ} < γ < , s X; see Proposition 6.9 below. we can then verify that G̊β, γ ⊂ Ḟ∞,q s 6.2. Properties of Ḟ∞,q X and boundedness of singular integrals s X. By establishing a In this subsection, we first present some basic properties of Ḟ∞,q s maximal function characterization of Ḟ∞,q X, we then establish some relations between the s s X and the spaces Ċs X and between the spaces Ḟ∞,q X and the space BMOX. spaces Ḟ∞,q s Finally, we obtain the boundedness on Ḟ∞,q X of the singular integrals considered by Nagel and Stein in 44. Proposition 6.9. Let be as in Definition 6.7, |s| < , and ps, < q ≤ ∞. Then, s s X ⊂ Ḟ∞,q X if ps, < q0 ≤ q1 ≤ ∞; i Ḟ∞,q 0 1 s s s X ⊂ Ḟ∞,q X ⊂ Ḃ∞,∞ X; ii Ḃ∞,q s iii if max{0, −s} < β < and max{0, s} < γ < , then Ḟ∞,q X ⊂ G̊0 β, γ ; s iv if max{s, 0} < β < and max{0, −s − κ} < γ < , then G̊β, γ ⊂ Ḟ∞,q X; s X/N are complete. v the spaces Ḟ∞,q Yongsheng Han et al. 183 Proof. Property i is a simple corollary of 5.5. s s s X ⊂ Ḟ∞,q X is obvious by the definitions of the both spaces Ḃ∞,q X To see ii, Ḃ∞,q s s s and Ḟ∞,q X, while Ḟ∞,q X ⊂ Ḃ∞,∞ X can be obtained by their definitions together with the Lebesgue differential theorem; we omit the details. Property iii is a consequence of the second inclusion in Property ii of this s X, while Property v can be easily deduced proposition and Proposition 5.10iii on Ḃ∞,∞ from Property iii, Property iv is a conclusion of the first inclusion in Property ii of s X, which completes the proof of this this proposition and Proposition 5.10iv on Ḃ∞,q proposition. s To obtain some relations between the spaces Ḟ∞,q X and the space BMOX, we need the following technical result which in fact gives a new characterization of Triebel-Lizorkin s X. We first introduce a maximal function. space Ḟ∞,q For any x ∈ X and l ∈ Z, using Lemma 2.19, it is easy to prove that there exists a finite number of α ∈ Il such that Qαl ∩ B x, 2−l1 / ∅, 6.34 which will denote by Qαl i with i 1, . . . , ml x, and moreover, ml x is no more than a positive l integer m ∈ N which is independent of l and x; see 85, pages 1385-1386 for a detailed proof. In what follows, for convenience sake, we will always assume that ml x m by letting Qαl i ∅ for i ml x 1, . . . , m when ml x < m. Let {Dk }k∈Z be as in Definition 6.7. Now l for any s ∈ R, q ∈ 0, ∞, f ∈ G̊β, γ with 0 < β, γ < and x ∈ X, we define the maximal function Ċsq fx by Ċsq fx sup l∈Z 1 l μ ∪m i1 Qαi l ∞ l ∪m i1 Qαi kl q Dk fy dμy 1/q ksq 2 , 6.35 l where the usual modification is made when q ∞. s Proposition 6.10. Let , s, and q be as in Definition 6.7. Then f ∈ Ḟ∞,q X if and only if f ∈ s ∞ G̊β, γ with β, γ as in 6.32 and Ċq f ∈ L X. Moreover, in this case, s s fḞ∞,q X ∼ Ċq f L∞ X . 6.36 Proof. For any s ∈ R, q ∈ 0, ∞, f ∈ G̊β, γ with β, γ as in 6.32 and x ∈ X, let Ċsq,1 fx sup sup l∈Z Qαl x α∈Il 1 μ Qαl ∞ Qαl kl q Dk fy dμy ksq 2 1/q , 6.37 where the usual modification is made when q ∞. Obviously, s s fḞ∞,q X ∼ Ċq,1 f L∞ X . 6.38 184 Abstract and Applied Analysis To prove the conclusion of this proposition, it suffices to verify that when m* l x i1 Qαl i ⊃ B x, 2−l1 , 6.39 l for any i1 , i2 ∈ {1, . . . , ml x}, 2 1 2 1 μ Q l i1 ∼ μ Q l i2 . αl 6.40 αl To verify 6.40, by symmetry, it suffices to verify that 1 2 1 2 μ Q l i1 μ Q l i2 . αl 6.41 αl To this end, suppose zk ∈ Bx, 2−l1 ∩ Ql ik with k 1, 2. Then for any w ∈ Bzl i1 , C6 2−l , we αl αl have 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 d w, zl i2 ≤ d w, zl i1 d zl i1 , z1 dz1 , x d x, z2 d z2 , zl i2 αl αl −l αl −l2 ≤ 3C6 2 2 αl 6.42 . Thus, Ql i1 ⊂ Bzl i1 , C6 2−l ⊂ Bzl i2 , 3C6 42−l , which together with Lemma 2.19 and the αl αl αl double property of μ gives 6.41, and hence, completes the proof of Proposition 6.10. Using Theorem 5.19i and Proposition 6.10, and an argument similar to that in 86, s X with BMOX and Ċs X with s > 0 as we can establish the connections between Ḟ∞,q follows. Theorem 6.11. Let be as in Definition 6.7. Then, s s X Ḃ∞,∞ X with equivalent norms; i if 0 < s < , then Ċs X Ḟ∞,∞ 0 ii BMOX Ḟ∞,2 X with equivalent norm. Proof. We first verify i. Let f ∈ Ċs X and let {Dk }k∈Z be as in Definition 6.7. We first claim that f ∈ G̊0 β, γ when 0 < β < and s < γ < . In fact, from f ∈ Ċs X, it follows that for all x ∈ X, fx − f x1 fĊs X d x, x1 s , 6.43 Yongsheng Han et al. 185 which implies that for any g ∈ G̊β, γ with 0 < β < and s < γ < , f, g fx − f x gxdμx 1 X γ s 1 1 fĊs X gGβ,γ d x, x1 dμx V1 x1 V x1 , x 1 d x1 , x X 6.44 fĊs X gGβ,γ , where in the last step, we used Lemma 2.1ii. Moreover, for all k ∈ Z and x ∈ X, by Lemma 2.1ii and 0 < s < < 2 , we then have Dk fx Dk x, yfydμy X Dk x, y fy − fx dμy X fĊs X 2 2−k 1 dx, ys dμy −k dx, y X V2−k x V2−k y V x, y 2 2−ks fĊs X , 6.45 which proves that ks s Dk fx fĊs X . fḞ∞,∞ X sup sup 2 6.46 k∈Z x∈X s X. Thus, Ċs X ⊂ Ḟ∞,∞ s X. By Proposition 6.6, without loss of generality, we may Conversely, let f ∈ Ḟ∞,∞ assume that f ∈ G̊β, γ with β, γ as in 6.32. Let all the notation as in Theorem 3.10. Then, by Theorem 3.13, for any g ∈ G̊β, γ with β, γ as in 6.32, since X gxdμx 0, we then have f, g ∞ k−∞ ∞ k Dk f x1 , g· , k Dk f·, g· k Dk f· − D D D 6.47 k−∞ which means that in G̊β, γ , fx ∞ k−∞ Dk Dk f· − Dk Dk fx1 . For x ∈ X, we ∞ now let hx ≡ k−∞ Dk Dk fx − Dk Dk fx1 and we first verify that h is a function satisfying the following growth condition that hx fḞ s ∞,∞ X s d x, x1 . 6.48 186 Abstract and Applied Analysis In fact, for any x ∈ X, assume that 2−l0 −1 < dx, x1 ≤ 2−l0 with some l0 ∈ Z and write that hx ∞ k x1 , z Dk fzdμz k x, z − D D k−∞ X l 0 −1 k−∞ X ∞ k x1 , z Dk fzdμz k x, z − D ··· D 6.49 kl0 ≡ J1 J2 . k , Lemma 2.1ii and s < < 1 , we have For J1 , by the regularity of D 1 2 0 −1 l d x, x1 2−k 1 J 1 |Dk fz|dμz −k V2−k xV2−k zV x, z 2−k dx, z k−∞ X 2 dx, z s s fḞ∞,∞ X d x, x1 . 6.50 To estimate J2 , by s > 0 and Proposition 2.7i, we obtain s J2 fḞ∞,∞ X ∞ kl0 −ks 2 X D k x1 , z dμz k x, z D s 6.51 s fḞ∞,∞ X d x, x1 . Thus, our claim is true. Notice that for any x, y ∈ X, hx − hy ∞ k Dk fy . k Dk fx − D D 6.52 k−∞ Repeating the above proof yields that for all x, y ∈ X, hx − hy fḞ s ∞,∞ X dx, ys . 6.53 Thus, h ∈ Ċs X and s hĊs X fḞ∞,∞ X . 6.54 s X ⊂ Ċs X, which finishes the proof of i. In this sense, we say that Ḟ∞,∞ To see ii, let f ∈ BMOX and {Dk }k∈Z be as in Definition 6.7. Proposition 5.10iv and Theorem 5.19i immediately imply that f ∈ G̊0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < . Let now Qαl for l ∈ Z and α ∈ Il be a dyadic cube as in Lemma 2.19. Set Bαl Bzlα , 2C6 2−l and write f f − mBαl f χBαl f − mBαl f χ{X\Bαl } mBαl f ≡ f1 f2 f3 . 6.55 Yongsheng Han et al. 187 Obviously, μQαl ∼ μBαl and Dk f3 0; in combination with Proposition 3.15, this shows that 1 μ Qαl ∞ Dk f1 x2 dμx Qαl kl 1/2 1 μ Qαl 1 X l μ Bα Bαl f1 x2 dμx 1/2 f − m l f2 dμx Bα 1/2 6.56 fBMOX . To estimate f2 , notice that for x ∈ Qαl and y ∈ X \ Bαl , then dx, y 2−l dy, zlα , which together with the size condition of Dk yields that for x ∈ Qαl and k ≥ l, Dk f2 x Dk x, y fy − mBαl f dμy X\Bαl 2l−k2 ∞ 1 1 fy − m l fdμy. B α j l 2 V zα , 2C6 2j−l1 dy,zlα <2C6 2j−l1 j0 2 6.57 The definition of BMOX together with the double property of μ gives that m l Bzα ,2C6 2j−l1 f − mBαl f j 1fBMOX , 6.58 which further implies that for x ∈ Qαl and k ≥ l, Dk f2 x 2l−k2 ∞ 1 1 fy − m l j−l1 f dμy Bz ,2C 2 6 α j2 V zlα , 2C6 2j−l1 dy,zlα <2C6 2j−l1 j0 2 mBzlα ,2C6 2j−l1 f − mBαl f 2l−k2 fBMOX . 6.59 From this, it follows that 1 μ Qαl ∞ Dk f2 x2 dμx Qαl kl 1/2 fBMOX ∞ kl 1/2 2l−k2 2 6.60 fBMOX . 0 X and Combining the above estimates, we know that f ∈ Ḟ∞,2 0 fḞ∞,2 X fBMOX . 6.61 188 Abstract and Applied Analysis 0 X. By Proposition 6.6, without loss of We now prove the converse. Let f ∈ Ḟ∞,2 generality, we may assume that f ∈ G̊β, γ with β, γ as in 6.32. In the rest of the proof of this theorem, we denote Ċ02 and Ṡ02,1 simply by Ċ and Ṡ. Moreover, for j ∈ Z, f as above and x ∈ X, we define ∞ Ṡ fx j kj Dk fy2 dμy V2−k x dx,y<2−k 1/2 6.62 . Obviously, Ṡ∞ fx Ṡfx. Let the notation as in Theorem 3.11. For any f as above and x ∈ X, we also set ˙ Sfx ∞ k−∞ Dk fy2 dμy V2−k x dx,y<2−k 1/2 . 6.63 Theorem 5.13 together with Remark 5.5 shows that for all f ∈ H 1 X, ˙ Sf L1 X fH 1 X . 6.64 For any fixed f as above and x ∈ X, we define the “stopping-time” jx by jx inf j ∈ Z : Ṡj fx ≤ AĊfx , 6.65 where A > 0 is a large constant to be determined later. We first claim that for any y ∈ X and l ∈ Z, if we choose A to be large enough, then there exists a constant C12 > 0 such that μ x ∈ X : dx, y < 2−l , l ≥ jx ≥ C12 μ B y, 2−l . In fact, let B0 By, 2−l . Then x∈B0 Bx, 2 −l 6.66 ⊂ By, 2−l1 . Let m * B y, 2−l1 ⊂ Qαl i ≡ P i1 6.67 l as in the definition of Ċ. Let w ∈ By, 2−l1 ∩ Qαl i . Then for any x ∈ Qαl i , dx, y ≤ dx, w dw, y ≤ C6 2−l 2−l1 , which shows that l −l P ⊂ B y, C6 2 2 . l 6.68 Yongsheng Han et al. 189 Thus, μB0 ∼ μP . From this, it follows that 1 μB0 ∞ 2 l 1 Ṡ fx dμx μ B0 B0 kl ≤C B0 Dk fz2 dμz dμx V2−k x dx,z<2−k ∞ dμx 1 Dk fz2 χ dμz Bz,2−k x μP kl P B0 V2−k x 1 ≤ C13 μP ∞ Dk fz2 dμz 6.69 P kl 2 ≤ C13 inf Ċfx , x∈B0 where C, C13 > 0 are constants independent of l and x. Thus, if A2 > C13 , then μ x ∈ B0 : Sl fx > AĊfx ≤ C13 μ B0 , A2 6.70 which in turn shows 6.66 with C12 1 − C13 /A2 > 0 if A2 > C13 . Let g ∈ G̊b 1 , 2 and gH 1 X ≤ 1. By Theorem 3.11, 6.66, the Fubini theorem, Hölder’s inequality, 6.64, and Proposition 6.10, we then have & ' ∞ f, g f, Dk Dk g k−∞ ∞ t D f, Dk g k−∞ k ∞ Dt fyDk gydμy ≤ k k−∞ X ∞ X klx X X t D fyDk gy dμy dμx k V2−k x dx,y<2−k ˙ Ṡlx fxSgxdμx ˙ ĊfxSgxdμx ĊfL∞ X gH 1 X 0 fḞ∞,2 X , 6.71 190 Abstract and Applied Analysis which together with Theorem 5.19i further implies that f ∈ BMOX and 0 fBMOX fḞ∞,2 X . 6.72 This finishes the proof of Theorem 6.11. s We end this subsection by the boundedness on Ḟ∞,q X of singular integral operators of order , which satisfy I-1 through I-4 in Subsection 5.2. Theorem 6.12. Let and q be as in Definition 6.7. If T is a singular integral operator of order , then s X. Moreover, there exists a constant T is bounded from G̊b β, γ (with 0 < β ≤ and γ > 0) to Ḟ∞,q C > 0 such that for all f ∈ G̊b β, γ with 0 < β ≤ and γ > 0, s s T fḞ∞,q X ≤ CfḞ∞,q X . 6.73 Proof. Combining some estimates and technics used in the proof of Proposition 5.25 with those used in the proof of Proposition 6.3 gives the desired conclusions. The details are left to the reader. s Remark 6.13. By Theorem 8.15 below, if ps, < q ≤ ∞, then Ḟ∞,q X is the dual space of −s Ḟ1,q X. In this case, Theorem 6.12 can be deduced from Theorem 5.23 together with a duality argument. This provides another proof of Theorem 6.12. s X 6.3. Inhomogeneous Plancherel-Pôlya inequality and definition of F∞,q In this and the next subsection, μX can be finite or infinite. We first introduce the norm s in ·F∞,q X via some IATI and then verify that this norm is independent of the choices of s X, IATIs and the distribution spaces; see also 84. Similarly to the case of the space Ḟ∞,q we need also first to establish an inhomogeneous Plancherel-Pôlya inequality related to the s norm ·F∞,q X . Definition 6.14. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 and let {Sk }k∈Z be an 1 , 2 , 3 IATI. Set Dk Sk − Sk−1 for k ∈ N, and D0 S0 . Let {Qτ0,ν : τ ∈ I0 , ν 1, . . . , N0, τ} with a fixed large j ∈ N be dyadic cubes as in Section 4. Let |s| < and ps, < q ≤ ∞. For any f ∈ G0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , define s fF∞,q X max ⎧ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎩ sup mQτ0,ν D0 f , sup sup τ∈I0 ν1,...,N0,τ l∈N α∈Il 1 l μ Qα ∞ q 2ksq Dk fx dμx Qαl kl ⎫ 1/q ⎪ ⎬ ⎪ ⎭ , 6.74 where the supremum is taken over all dyadic cubes as in Lemma 2.19 and Section 4, and the usual modification is made when q ∞. Yongsheng Han et al. 191 s To verify that the definition of ·F∞,q X is independent of the choice of IATIs, we need the following inequality of Plancherel-Pôlya type. Proposition 6.15. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 and let {Sk }k∈Z and {Pk }k∈Z be two 1 , 2 , 3 -ATIs. Set Dk Sk − Sk−1 and Qk Pk − Pk−1 for k ∈ N, D0 S0 , and Q0 S0 . Let {Qτ0,ν : τ ∈ I0 , ν 1, . . . , N0, τ} with a fixed large j ∈ N be dyadic cubes as in Section 4. Let |s| < and ps, < q ≤ ∞. Then for all f ∈ G0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , ⎧ ⎪ ⎨ max mQτ0,ν |D0 f| , sup ⎪ ⎩ τ∈I0 ν1,...,N0,τ sup sup l∈N α∈Il ∼ max ∞ Nk,τ 1 μ Qαl kl τ∈Ik ⎧ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎩ k,ν χ{τ,ν:Qτk,ν ⊂Qαl } τ, ν 2ksq μ Qτ ν1 sup |Dk fx| x∈Qτk,ν q 1/q ⎫ ⎬ ⎭ mQτ0,ν |Q0 f| , sup τ∈I0 ν1,...,N0,τ sup sup l∈N α∈Il ∞ Nk,τ 1 μ Qαl kl τ∈Ik k,ν 2ksq μ Qτ ν1 χ{τ,ν:Qτk,ν ⊂Qαl } τ, ν inf |Qk fx| x∈Qτk,ν q 1/q ⎫ ⎬ ⎭ . 6.75 Proof. To prove Proposition 6.15, it suffices to verify that for all f ∈ G0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , the left-hand side of 6.75 is controlled by its right side. Let all the notation be as in Proposition 5.25. Then, as in the proof of Proposition 5.25, by 5.78 and 5.80, we still control mQτ0,ν |D0 f| by Z1 Z2 . Moreover, by 5.82 and Lemma 2.1ii, we have Z1 sup τ ∈I0 ν 1,...,N0,τ mQ0,ν Q0 f , 6.76 τ which is the desired estimate. To estimate Z2 , we need the following trivial estimate that for k ∈ N, Nk ,τ τ ∈Ik ν 1 k sq 2 Qk f sup sup l∈N α∈Il 1 q yτk ,ν 1/q ∞ Nk,τ μ Qαl kl τ∈Ik ν1 ksq 2 μ Qτk,ν χ{τ,ν: Qτk,ν ⊂Qαl } τ, ν 1/q q inf Qk fx . x∈Qτk,ν 6.77 192 Abstract and Applied Analysis By this and 5.82 together with μQτk ,ν V1 yτk ,ν and 5.5, when q ≤ 1, we have Z2 ∞ −k s 2 k 1 Nk ,τ τ ∈Ik ν 1 q Qk f yτk ,ν 1/q k sq 2 6.78 RHS of 6.75, where we used the assumption that |s| < . Similarly, when 1 < q ≤ ∞, by Hölder’s inequality and Lemma 2.1ii, Z2 ∞ Nk ,τ τ ∈Ik ν 1 −k s 2 k 1 × X V1 0,ν yτ q Qk f yτk ,ν 1/q k sq 2 1 V1 y V yτ0,ν , y 1/q 1 1 d yτ0,ν , y 6.79 dμy RHS of 6.75. Thus, mQτ0,ν |D0 f| for τ ∈ I0 and ν 1, . . . , N0, τ is controlled by the right-hand side of 6.75. We now verify that the second term of the left-hand side of 6.75 is also controlled by its right-hand side. To this end, for any k ∈ N and z ∈ Qτk,ν , we also control |Dk fz| by Y1 Y2 . The estimate for Y2 is similar to the estimates for Y1 Y2 in the proof of Proposition 6.3 and we omit the details. To estimate Y1 , by 5.95 and Lemma 2.1ii, we have −k sup Y1 2 sup τ ∈I0 ν 1,...,N0,τ x∈Qτk,ν mQ0,ν Q0 f τ N0,τ 0,ν × μ Qτ τ ∈I0 ν 1 −k 2 sup τ ∈I0 ν 1,...,N0,τ 1 V1 yτk,ν V1 yτ0,ν V yτk,ν , yτ0,ν mQ0,ν |Q0 f| , 1d 1 yτk,ν , yτ0,ν 6.80 τ which together with Lemma 2.19 and |s| < gives that for l ∈ N and α ∈ Il , 1 ∞ Nk,τ μ Qαl kl τ∈Ik sup ksq 2 ν1 τ ∈I0 ν 1,...,N0,τ μ Qτk,ν χ{τ,ν:Qτk,ν ⊂Qαl } τ, ν mQ0,ν Q0 f . q sup Y1 x∈Qτk,ν 1/q 6.81 τ This is the desired estimate for Y1 and hence, we complete the proof of Proposition 6.15. Yongsheng Han et al. 193 Remark 6.16. We point out that Remark 5.5 applies in a similar way to Proposition 6.15. From Proposition 6.15 and Lemma 2.19, it is easy to deduce the following proposition. We omit the details. Proposition 6.17. Adopting the notation from Proposition 6.15, one has for all for f ∈ G0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < , ⎧ ⎪ ⎨ max ⎪ ⎩ mQτ0,ν D0 f , sup sup sup τ∈I0 ν1,...,N0,τ ∼ max l∈N α∈Il ⎧ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎩ 1 μ Qαl mQτ0,ν Q0 f , sup sup sup τ∈I0 ν1,...,N0,τ l∈N α∈Il ∞ Qαl 2ksq |Dk fx|q dμx ⎫ 1/q ⎪ ⎬ kl 1 μ Qαl ⎪ ⎭ ∞ 2ksq |Qk fx|q dμx Qαl kl ⎫ 1/q ⎪ ⎬ ⎪ ⎭ . 6.82 s Proposition 6.17 shows that the definition of the norm ·F∞,q X is independent of the choice of IATIs. We now verify that under some restrictions on β and γ, it is also independent of the choice of distribution spaces. Proposition 6.18. Let all the notation be as in Definition 6.14. Let |s| < and ps, < q ≤ ∞. s If f ∈ G0 β1 , γ1 with max{0, −s} < β1 < and 0 < γ1 < , and if fF∞,q X < ∞, then f ∈ G0 β2 , γ2 for every max{0, −s} < β2 < and 0 < γ2 < . Proof. We use the notation from the proof of Proposition 5.28. Let ψ ∈ G, , and f ∈ s G0 β1 , γ1 with max{0, d1 − 1/q − s − d} < β1 < and 0 < γ1 < , and fF∞,q X < ∞. To verify that f ∈ G0 β2 , γ2 with max{0, −s} < β2 < and 0 < γ2 < , we need the following trivial estimates that for τ ∈ I0 and ν 1, . . . , N0, τ, s mQτ0,ν D0 f fF∞,q X 6.83 and that for k ∈ N, Nk,τ ksq Dk f 2 q yτk,ν 1/q s fF∞,q X . 6.84 ν1 τ∈Ik When q ≤ 1, by Theorem 4.16, 5.80, 5.105, 5.5, 6.25, 6.83, and 6.84, we have N0,τ f, ψ 0 ·, y, ψ dμyD0,ν f D τ,1 τ∈I ν1 Qτ0,ν 0 ∞ Nk,τ k,ν k,ν k,ν k ·, yτ , ψ Dk f yτ μ Qτ D k1 τ∈I ν1 k s ψGβ2 ,γ2 fF∞,q X , where we used the assumption that γ2 > 0 and β2 > −s. 6.85 194 Abstract and Applied Analysis If 1 < q ≤ ∞, by 6.83, Hölder’s inequality, 6.25, and 6.84, we obtain f, ψ ψGβ f s F∞,q X 2 ,γ2 ∞ k1 −kβ2 2 Nk,τ k,ν q μ Qτ Dk f yτk,ν ν1 τ∈Ik 1 1 × γ2 k,ν V1 x1 V x1 , yτ 1d x1 , yτk,ν 1/q 1 1 × γ dμy 1 d x1 , y 2 X V1 x1 V x1 , y s ψGβ2 ,γ2 fF∞,q X , 1/q 6.86 where we used the assumption β2 > −s and γ2 > 0 again. This finishes the proof of Proposition 6.18. Based on Propositions 6.17 and 6.18, we can now introduce the inhomogeneous s X. Triebel-Lizorkin spaces F∞,q Definition 6.19. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, 3 > 0, ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 and let {Sk }k∈Z be an 1 , 2 , 3 IATI. Set Dk Sk − Sk−1 for k ∈ N and D0 S0 . Let {Qτ0,ν : τ ∈ I0 , ν 1, . . . , N0, τ} with a fixed large j ∈ N be dyadic cubes as in Section 4. Let |s| < and ps, < q ≤ ∞. The space s X is defined to be the set of all f ∈ G0 β, γ , for some |s| < β < and 0 < γ < , such F∞,q that s fF∞,q X ⎧ ⎪ ⎨ max ⎪ ⎩ sup mQτ0,ν D0 f , sup sup τ∈I0 ν1,...,N0,τ l∈N α∈Il 1 l μ Qα ∞ ⎫ 1/q ⎪ ⎬ Qαl kl ⎪ ⎭ q 2ksq Dk fx dμx < ∞, 6.87 where the supremum is taken over all dyadic cubes as in Lemma 2.19 and Section 4, and the usual modification is made when q ∞. s Propositions 6.17 and 6.18 show that the definition of the space F∞,q X is independent of the choices of IATIs and the distribution spaces, Gβ, γ with β and γ with |s| < β < and 0 < γ < . s Remark 6.20. To guarantee that the definition of the space F∞,q X is independent of the choice of the distribution space Gβ, γ , we only need to restrict max{0, −s} < β < and 0 < γ < . s X; see However, if max{0, s} < β < and 0 < γ < , we can then verify that Gβ, γ ⊂ F∞,q Proposition 6.21 below. Yongsheng Han et al. 195 s X and boundedness of singular integrals 6.4. Properties of F∞,q s X and the relation between In this subsection, we first present some basic properties of F∞,q s s s X, we F∞,q X and Ḟ∞,q X. By establishing a maximal function characterization of F∞,q s s then derive some relations between the spaces F∞,q X and C X and between the spaces s s X and bmoX. Finally, we prove boundedness results on the spaces F∞,q X for the F∞,q classes of singular integral operators considered in Subsection 5.4. Proposition 6.21. Let 1 ∈ 0, 1, 2 > 0, ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , |s| < , and ps, < q ≤ ∞. Then, the following hold. s s i F∞,q X ⊂ F∞,q X if ps, < q0 ≤ q1 ≤ ∞. 0 1 ii Let − < s θ < and θ > 0. Then for ps, < q0 , q1 ≤ ∞, sθ s F∞,q X ⊂ F∞,q X. 0 1 6.88 s s s iii B∞,q X ⊂ F∞,q X ⊂ B∞,∞ X. s iv If max{0, −s} < β < and 0 < γ < , then F∞,q X ⊂ G0 β, γ . s X. v If max{s, 0} < β < and 0 < γ < , then Gβ, γ ⊂ F∞,q s X are complete. vi The spaces F∞,q Proof. Property ii can be established by an argument similar to that used for property ii of Proposition 5.31, while property i and property iii through property vi can be proved by an argument similar to those used for Proposition 6.9 via Proposition 5.31, which completes the proof of Proposition 6.21. s The following proposition gives a new characterization of the spaces F∞,q X when 1 ≤ q ≤ ∞. s X if Proposition 6.22. Let and {Dk }k∈Z be as in Definition 6.19. If 1 ≤ q ≤ ∞, then f ∈ F∞,q and only if f ∈ G0 β, γ , for some |s| < β < and 0 < γ < , and sup sup l∈Z α∈Il 1 μ Qαl ∞ q Dk fx dμx ksq 2 Qαl kl 1/q < ∞. 6.89 Moreover, in this case, f s F∞,q X ∼ sup sup l∈Z α∈Il 1 μ Qαl ∞ Qαl kl q Dk fx dμx ksq 2 1/q . 6.90 Proof. Fix τ ∈ I0 and ν 1, . . . , N0, τ. Since Qτ0,ν ⊂ Qτ0 , then it is easy to verify that Qτ0 ⊂ 0,ν 0,ν 0,ν 0 Bz0,ν τ , 2C6 , and hence μQτ μQτ μBzτ , 2C6 μQτ . From this and 1 ≤ q ≤ ∞ 196 Abstract and Applied Analysis together with Hölder’s inequality, it follows that m D0 f ≤ 1 D0 fxq dμx 1/q μ Qτ0,ν Qτ0,ν 1/q q 1 D fx dμx . 0 μ Qτ0 Qτ0 Qτ0,ν 6.91 Thus, f s F∞,q X sup sup l∈Z α∈Il 1 μ Qαl ∞ q Dk fx dμx 1/q ksq 2 Qαl kl . 6.92 s To see the converse, it suffices to verify that for all f ∈ F∞,q X and τ ∈ I0 , 1 μQτ0 Qτ0 D0 fxq dμx 1/q s fF∞,q X . 6.93 To see this, by the construction of {Qτ0,ν : τ ∈ I0 , ν 1, . . . , N0, τ}, we have 1 μ Qτ0 Qτ0 D0 fxq dμx 1/q q 1/q N0,τ 0,ν 1 sup D0 fx μ Qτ μ Qτ0 ν1 x∈Qτ0,ν sup sup D0 fx. 6.94 ν1,...,N0,τ x∈Qτ0,ν Using Theorem 4.16 together with some estimates similar to those for Z1 Z2 in the proof of Proposition 6.15, we can then verify that sup s sup D0 fx fF∞,q X , 6.95 ν1,...,N0,τ x∈Qτ0,ν which gives the desired estimate and hence, we complete the proof of Proposition 6.22. Using Proposition 6.22, we now complement Proposition 5.39ii for the case p ∞ as follows. Proposition 6.23. Let > 0 be as in Definition 6.19, 0 < s < , 1 ≤ q ≤ ∞ and μX ∞. Then s s s X Ḟ∞,q X ∩ L∞ X, and moreover, for any f ∈ F∞,q X, F∞,q s s fF∞,q X ∼ fḞ∞,q X fL∞ X . 6.96 Yongsheng Han et al. 197 s X. By Proposition 6.18, without loss of generality, we may assume that Proof. Take f ∈ F∞,q f ∈ Gβ, γ with s < β, γ < as in 6.32. Thus, we also have f ∈ G̊β, γ with s < β, γ < as in 6.32; see the proof of Proposition 5.37. By Theorem 3.29, we have that 0 S0 f f D ∞ k Dk f D 6.97 k1 k with k ∈ Z is as in Theorem 3.26. holds in ∈ Gβ, γ with s < β < and 0 < γ < , where D From this and Lemma 2.19, it follows that for any x ∈ X, N0,τ fx τ∈I0 ν1 Qτ0,ν ∞ Nk,τ D 0 x, yS0 fydμy k1 τ∈Ik ν1 N0,τ 0,ν μ Qτ τ∈I0 ν1 Qτk,ν D k x, yDk fydμy 1 1 0,ν 0,ν V1 x V1 yτ V x, yτ 1 d x, yτ0,ν ∞ Nk,τ k,ν μ Qτ k1 τ∈Ik mQτ0,ν S0 f 1 V2−k x V2−k yτk,ν V x, yτk,ν 2−k sup Dk fy . × 2−k d x, yτk,ν y∈Qτk,ν ν1 6.98 s Since f ∈ F∞,q X, by its definition, we have that for τ ∈ I0 and ν 1, . . . , N0, τ, s mQτ0,ν S0 f fF∞,q X , 6.99 s X together with Proposition 6.15 also implies that for any k ∈ N, and the definition of F∞,q τ ∈ Ik , and ν 1, . . . , Nk, τ, Nk,τ τ∈Ik q 1/q ksq 2 sup |Dk fy| s fF∞,q X . y∈Qτk,ν ν1 6.100 Notice that 1 ≤ q ≤ ∞. Both estimates via Hölder’s inequality, the fact that μQτk,ν ∼ V2−k yτk,ν , Lemma 5.2, and the assumption that s > 0 further yield that fx fF s ∞,q X 1 ∞ k1 −ks 2 Nk,τ k,ν μ Qτ τ∈Ik ν1 × s fF∞,q X , 2−k 2−k d x, yτk,ν 1 k,ν V2−k x V2−k yτ q 1/q k,ν V x, yτ 6.101 198 Abstract and Applied Analysis namely, f ∈ L∞ X and s fL∞ X fF∞,q X . 6.102 Moreover, s fḞ∞,q X sup sup l∈N α∈Il 1 μ Qαl sup sup ∞ 2 Qαl kl 1 μ Qαl l∈Z\N α∈Il q Dk fx dμx ∞ l∈Z\N α∈Il sup sup l∈Z\N α∈Il 1 μ Qαl q Dk fx dμx 2 μ 1 Qαl ∞ Qαl k1 1/q ksq Qαl kl s fF∞,q X sup sup 1/q ksq 0 Qαl q 2ksq Dk fx dμx 6.103 kl q Dk fx dμx 1/q ksq 2 1/q . To estimate the second term, by Proposition 2.7i, we have Dk fx fL∞ X fF s X , ∞,q 6.104 which together with s > 0 shows sup sup l∈Z\N α∈Il 1 μ Qαl 0 Qαl kl 1/q ksq 2 q |Dk fx| dμx s fF∞,q X sup 0 l∈Z\N kl 1/q ksq 2 6.105 s fF∞,q X . To estimate the third term, for any l ∈ Z \ N and α ∈ Il , set Ilα β ∈ I1 : Qβ1 ⊂ Qαl . 6.106 μ Qβ1 μ Qαl , 6.107 Lemma 2.19 proves that β∈Ilα Yongsheng Han et al. 199 which together with Lemma 2.19 further yields that sup sup l∈Z\N α∈Il 1 μ Qαl ∞ 1/q q |Dk fx| dμx ksq 2 Qαl k1 ∞ 1 sup sup l μ Qβ1 1 2ksq |Dk fx|q dμx 1 μ Q α Qβ k1 l∈Z\N α∈Il μ Qα β∈I β 1 1/q 6.108 l s fF∞,q X . s Thus, f ∈ Ḟ∞,q X ∩ L∞ X and s s fL∞ X fḞ∞,q X . X fF∞,q 6.109 s Conversely, let f ∈ Ḟ∞,q X ∩ L∞ X. Obviously, f ∈ Gβ, γ with s < β < and 0 < γ < . On the other hand, Proposition 2.7i shows that for any x ∈ X, S0 fx fL∞ X . 6.110 Since 1 ≤ q ≤ ∞, by Proposition 6.22, 5.5 together with 6.110, and Lemma 2.19 together with 6.107, we obtain s fF∞,q X ∼ sup sup l∈N α∈Il 1 μ Qαl 1 sup 0 α∈I0 μ Qα ∞ Qαl kl 1/q ksq 2 q |Dk fx| dμx q Qα0 |S0 fx| ∞ ksq 2 q |Dk fx| 1/q dμx k1 1/q ∞ 1 1 0 q ksq s fḞ∞,q μ Qβ 2 |Dk fx| dμx X sup μ Qα0 β∈I α μ Qβ0 Qβ0 k1 α∈I0 0 s fḞ∞,q X , 6.111 s which means that f ∈ F∞,q X. Thus, s s Ḟ∞,q X ∩ L∞ X ⊂ F∞,q X, which completes the proof of Proposition 6.23. 6.112 200 Abstract and Applied Analysis From Proposition 6.23 and Theorem 6.11i, we easily deduce the following results. Corollary 6.24. Let > 0 be as in Definition 6.19. Then, i for any s ∈ 0, 1, Cs X Ċs X ∩ L∞ X, and moreover, for all f ∈ Cs X, fCs X fL∞ X fĊs X ; 6.113 s s ii for any s ∈ 0, , Cs X B∞,∞ X F∞,∞ X with equivalent norms. Proof. Property i is a simple consequence of the definitions of both Cs X and Ċs X. When μX ∞, then Property ii can be deduced from Property i, Theorem 6.11i, and Proposition 6.23, which completes the proof of Corollary 6.24 in this case. An alternative way to prove Property ii, which works when μX ∞ and also when μX < ∞, follows the line of reasoning in the proof of Theorem 6.11i. In fact, let f ∈ Cs X and {Dk }k∈Z be as in Definition 6.19. Then from f ∈ L∞ X, it follows that f ∈ Gβ, γ with s < β < and 0 < γ < . Moreover, by Proposition 2.7i, we have that for all x ∈ X, D0 fx D0 x, yfydμy fL∞ X , X 6.114 s which together with 6.45 shows that f ∈ F∞,∞ X and s fF∞,∞ X fL∞ X . 6.115 s X. By Proposition 6.18, we can assume that f ∈ Conversely, suppose f ∈ F∞,∞ Gβ, γ with s < β < and 0 < γ < . Using the same notation as in Theorem 3.26, by s Theorem 3.29 and the definition of ·F∞,∞ X together with s > 0, we further obtain that for all x ∈ X, ∞ ∞ fx D k Dk fx fF∞,∞ s s 2−ks fF∞,∞ X X . k0 k0 6.116 Thus, f ∈ L∞ X and s fL∞ X fF∞,∞ X . 6.117 fx − fy fL∞ X fF s X dx, ys . ∞,∞ 6.118 Moreover, if dx, y ≥ 1/2, then Yongsheng Han et al. 201 k , Lemma 2.1ii and Assume that 2−l0 −1 ≤ dx, y < 2−l0 with l0 ∈ N. By the regularity of D Proposition 2.7i together with 0 < s < < 1 , we then obtain 0 −1 l fx − fy k y, z Dk fzdμz k x, z − D D k0 X ∞ D D k x, zDk fzdμz k y, zDk fzdμz X kl0 l 0 −1 k0 X 1 dx, y 1 −k dx, z −k −k V x V 2 2 2 y V x, y X 2 ∞ 2−k Dk fzdμz fF s X 2−ks × ∞,∞ 2−k dx, z kl0 s s fF∞,∞ X dx, y . 6.119 Thus, f ∈ Cs X and s fCs X fF∞,∞ X , 6.120 which completes the proof of Corollary 6.24ii. s s We now establish the connection between Ḟ∞,q X and F∞,q X for all admissible s and q. Proposition 6.25. Let , s, q, and S0 be as in Definition 6.19 and let μX ∞. Then there exists a s s X, f − S0 f ∈ F∞,q X and constant C > 0 such that for all f ∈ Ḟ∞,q f − S0 f s s ≤ CfḞ∞,q X . F∞,q X 6.121 s Proof. Let f ∈ Ḟ∞,q X. By Proposition 6.6, we may assume that f ∈ G̊0 β, γ with β, γ as in 6.32. On the other hand, for any g ∈ G0 β, γ with β, γ as in 6.32, from Lemma 5.36 and S x, ydμx 1, it is easy to deduce that g − St0 g ∈ G̊β, γ with β, γ as in 6.32. Thus, X 0 from f − S0 f, g f, g − St0 g , we deduce that f − S0 f ∈ G0 β, γ with β, γ as in 6.32. 6.122 202 Abstract and Applied Analysis We now verify 6.121. In what follows, let I be the identity operator, let {Dk }k ∈Z be k }k ∈Z be as in Theorem 4.11. We first claim that for all k ∈ Z as in Definition 6.7, and let {D and x, y ∈ X, S0 I − S0 D k x, y −|k | 2 1 V2−0∧k x V2−0∧k y V x, y 2−0∧k 2−0∧k dx, y 6.123 and that for all k ∈ N, k ∈ Z, and x, y ∈ Z, Dk I − S0 D k x, y −|k−k | 2 1 V2−k∧k x V2−k∧k y V x, y 2−k∧k −k∧k 2 dx, y . 6.124 The estimate 6.124 is essentially the same as the estimate 5.130 by symmetry, while the estimate 6.123 can essentially be obtained by an argument similar to Cases 1 and 2 of the proof of the estimate 5.130. Using the estimate 6.123 and Theorem 4.13, we have that for any x ∈ X, S0 I − S0 fx Nk ,τ k ,ν k ,ν k ,ν k x, y Dk f y μ Qτ S0 I − S0 D τ τ k ∈Z τ ∈I ν 1 k Nk ,τ k ∈Z τ ∈Ik ν 1 2−|k | μ Qτk ,ν 1 k ,ν V2−0∧k x V2−0∧k yτ V x, yτk ,ν 2−0∧k Dk f yk ,ν . × ,ν τ k 2−0∧k d x, yτ 6.125 From Proposition 6.3, we deduce the following trivial estimate that for all k ∈ Z, Nk ,τ τ ∈Ik k sq 2 ν 1 Dk f q yτk ,ν 1/q s fḞ∞,q X , 6.126 and from Lemma 2.19, it follows that μ Qτk ,ν 1. V2−0∧k x V2−0∧k yτk ,ν V x, yτk ,ν 6.127 Yongsheng Han et al. 203 Both estimates together with 5.5 show that when q ≤ 1, for any x ∈ X, −|k | −k s S0 I − S0 fx 2 2 k ∈Z Nk ,τ τ ∈Ik ν 1 q Dk f yτk ,ν 1/q k sq 2 6.128 s fḞ∞,q X , while when 1 < q ≤ ∞, both estimates together with Hölder’s inequality, Lemma 5.2, and Lemma 2.1ii still yield that for all x ∈ X, S0 I − S0 fx Nk ,τ τ ∈Ik ν 1 −|k | −k s 2 2 k ∈Z μ Qτk ,ν × V2 −0∧k x V2 2−0∧k 2−0∧k d x, yτk ,ν −0∧k 1 k ,ν yτ V x, yτk ,ν 1/q Nk ,τ τ ∈Ik k sq 2 |Dk f ν 1 1/q yτk ,ν |q s fḞ∞,q X . 6.129 Thus, for τ ∈ I0 and ν 1, . . . , N0, τ, 1 mQτ0,ν S0 I − S0 f 0,ν μ Qτ Qτ0,ν S0 I − S0 fxdμx fḞ s ∞,q X , 6.130 which is the desired estimate. For l ∈ N and α ∈ Il , from Theorem 5.16 together with 6.124, it follows that 1 l μ Qα ∞ Qαl kl 1 l μ Qα q 2ksq Dk I − S0 fx dμx ∞ Qαl Nk ,τ k ∈Z τ ∈Ik ν 1 ksq 2 kl 2−|k−k | μ Qτk ,ν 1 k ,ν V2−k∧k xV2−k∧k yτ V x, yτk ,ν q k ,ν 2−k∧k Dk f yτ dμx. × 2−k∧k d x, yτk ,ν 6.131 Then, an argument similar to that used to estimate Y1 Y2 in the proof of Proposition 6.3 together with Proposition 6.3 yields that 1 l μ Qα ∞ Qαl kl q q 2ksq Dk I − S0 fx dμx fḞ s ∞,q X . 6.132 204 Abstract and Applied Analysis s X and Thus, I − S0 f ∈ F∞,q I − S0 f s F∞,q X s fḞ∞,q X , 6.133 which completes the proof of Proposition 6.25. Remark 6.26. We point out that Remark 5.38 applies in a similar way to Proposition 6.25. 0 To establish the equivalence between bmoX and F∞,2 X, we need the following s technical result which in fact gives a new characterization of Triebel-Lizorkin space F∞,q X when 1 ≤ q ≤ ∞. We first introduce an inhomogeneous maximal function. For any x ∈ X and l ∈ Z , we choose m ∈ N by a way similar to that in the definition of Ċsq . Let {Dk }k∈Z be as in Definition 6.19. Then for any s ∈ R, q ∈ 0, ∞, f ∈ Gβ, γ with 0 < β, γ < and x ∈ X, we define the inhomogeneous maximal function Csq fx by Csq fx sup l∈Z 1 l μ ∪m i1 Qαi l ∞ l ∪m i1 Qαi kl q Dk fy dμy ksq 2 1/q , 6.134 l where the usual modification is made when q ∞. Using Proposition 6.22 and an argument similar to the proof of Proposition 6.10 yields s the following characterization of F∞,q X with 1 ≤ q ≤ ∞; we omit the details. s Proposition 6.27. Let and s be as in Definition 6.7 and let 1 ≤ q ≤ ∞. Then f ∈ F∞,q X if and s ∞ only if f ∈ Gβ, γ with |s| < β < and 0 < γ < , and Cq f ∈ L X. Moreover, in this case, s s fF∞,q X ∼ Cq fL∞ X . 6.135 Now, from Theorem 5.44i, Proposition 6.22, and Proposition 6.27, we can deduce the 0 X. following relation between bmoX and F∞,2 0 X, with equivalent norms. Theorem 6.28. bmoX F∞,2 Proof. Let f ∈ bmoX and {Dk }k∈Z be as in Definition 6.19. Proposition 6.21v and Theorem 5.44i immediately imply that f ∈ G0 β, γ with 0 < β, γ < . Let now Qαl for l ∈ Z and α ∈ Il be a dyadic cube as in Lemma 2.19. Let Bαl be as in the proof of Theorem 6.11ii. We then decompose f f1 f2 f3 in the same way as in the proof of Theorem 6.11ii. The estimations for f1 and f2 are as in the proof of Theorem 6.11ii by replacing Proposition 3.15 by Proposition 3.30. If l ∈ N, then 1 μ Qαl ∞ Dk f3 xdμx Qαl kl 1/2 0, 6.136 Yongsheng Han et al. 205 while when l 0, we then have 1 μ Qαl ∞ Dk f3 xdμx 1/2 Qαl kl f3 ≤ fbmoX . 6.137 0 0 Thus, f ∈ F∞,2 X and fF∞,2 X fbmoX . Conversely, using Theorem 5.44i, Proposition 6.22, and Proposition 6.27 together 0 with an argument similar to the proof of Theorem 6.11ii, we can prove that if f ∈ F∞,2 X, 0 , which completes the proof of Theorem 6.28. then f ∈ bmoX and fbmoX fF∞,2 X s We end this subsection by considering the boundedness on F∞,q X of singular integrals of order , σ. Theorem 6.29. Let , s, and q be as in Definition 6.19. Let σ > 0 and let T be a singular integral of s X. Moreover, there order , σ. Then T is bounded from Gb β, γ with 0 < β ≤ and γ > 0 to F∞,q exists a constant C > 0 such that for all f ∈ Gb β, γ with 0 < β ≤ and γ > 0, s s T fF∞,q X ≤ CfF∞,q X . 6.138 Proof. Combining some estimates and technics used in the proof of Proposition 5.54 with those used in the proof of Proposition 6.15 gives the desired conclusions. The details are left to the reader. s Remark 6.30. By Theorem 8.18 below, if ps, < q ≤ ∞, then F∞,q X is the dual space of −s F1,q X. In this case, Theorem 6.29 can be deduced from Theorem 5.48 together with a duality argument, which provides another proof of Theorem 6.29. 7. Frame characterizations In this section, using the discrete Calderón reproducing formulae, we establish a frame characterization of Besov spaces and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces. s s 7.1. Frame characterization of Ḃp,q X and Ḟp,q X In this subsection, we assume that μX ∞. We first introduce some spaces of sequences, s s ḃp,q X and f˙p,q X. Let λ λk,ν τ : k ∈ Z, τ ∈ Ik , ν 1, . . . , Nk, τ 7.1 s X with s ∈ R and 0 < p, q ≤ ∞ is the set be a sequence of complex numbers. The space ḃp,q of all λ as in 7.1 such that s λḃp,q X ∞ k−∞ ksq 2 Nk,τ k,ν k,ν p μ Qτ λτ τ∈Ik ν1 q/p 1/q < ∞, 7.2 206 Abstract and Applied Analysis s X with s ∈ R, 0 < p < ∞, and 0 < q ≤ ∞ is the set of all λ as in 7.1 such and the space f˙p,q that s λf˙p,q X 1/q ∞ Nk,τ ksq k,ν q λτ χQτk,ν 2 k−∞ τ∈I ν1 < ∞. 7.3 Lp X k s Moreover, the space f˙∞,q X with s ∈ R and 0 < q ≤ ∞ is the set of all λ as in 7.1 such that s λf˙∞,q X sup sup l∈Z α∈Il 1 l μ Qα ∞ Nk,τ kl τ∈Ik ksq 2 μ ν1 q χ Qτk,ν λk,ν τ {τ,ν:Qτk,ν ⊂Qαl } τ, ν 1/q < ∞, 7.4 where {Qαl }l∈Z, α∈Il are dyadic cubes as in Lemma 2.19. Proposition 7.1. Let be as in Definition 5.8, let |s| < , and let ps, < p ≤ ∞. Let λ be a sequence of numbers as in 7.1 and all the other notation as in Theorem 4.11. Then, the following hold. s i If 0 < q ≤ ∞ and λḃp,q X < ∞, then the series ∞ Nk,τ k−∞ τ∈Ik k,ν k x, yτk,ν λk,ν D τ μ Qτ 7.5 ν1 s s X both in the norm of Ḃp,q X and in G̊0 β, γ with converges to some f ∈ Ḃp,q 1 −1 max 0, −s n < β < , p κ 1 −1 , s− max n <γ < p p 7.6 when p, q < ∞ and only in G̊0 β, γ with β and γ as in 7.6 when maxp, q ∞. Moreover, in all cases, s s fḂp,q X ≤ Cλḃp,q X . 7.7 s ii If ps, < q ≤ ∞ and λf˙p,q X < ∞, then the series in 7.5 converges to some f ∈ s s Ḟp,q X both in the norm of Ḟp,q X and in G̊0 β, γ with β, γ as in 7.6 when p, q < ∞ and only in G̊0 β, γ with β and γ as in 7.6 when maxp, q ∞. Moreover, in all cases, s s fḞp,q X ≤ Cλf˙p,q X . 7.8 Yongsheng Han et al. 207 Proof. We first verify that the series in 7.5 converges in G̊0 β, γ with β and γ as in 7.6 s X with s, p, q as in i. By Lemma 2.19 and the definition of Nk, τ together if λ ∈ ḃp,q with 2.59 in 85, page 1385, we know that for all k ∈ Z and τ ∈ Ik , Nk, τ is a finite set. Without loss of generality, since μX ∞, we may assume that Ik N for all k ∈ Z. With this assumption, for L ∈ N, we define L Nk,τ L k,ν k,ν k x, yτk,ν . μ Qτ λτ D fL x k−L τ1 7.9 ν1 Then fL ∈ G̊ , with ∈ 0, 1 ∧ 2 , and fL ∈ G̊0 β, γ with any β, γ ∈ 0, . For any ψ ∈ G̊β, γ with β, γ as in 7.6, L1 , L2 ∈ N and L1 < L2 , we have L1 Nk,τ 1 −1 k,ν k,ν k,ν −L fL − fL , ψ ≤ k ·, yτ , ψ μ Qτ λτ D 2 1 k−L2 τ1 ν1 L2 L1 Nk,τ k,ν k,ν k,ν k ·, yτ , ψ μ Qτ λτ D kL1 1 τ1 L2 ν1 L2 Nk,τ 7.10 k,ν D k ·, yτ , ψ μ Qτk,ν λk,ν τ k−L2 τL1 1 ν1 ≡ Z1 Z2 Z3 . Let us now consider two cases, respectively. We first consider the case p ≤ 1. In this case, letting γ ∈ max{0, s − κ/p}, γ, by 5.25 and γ > n1/p − 1 together with 5.31 and Hölder’s inequality, we have Z1 ψGβ,γ L1 Nk,τ −L 1 −1 k−L2 τ1 ψGβ,γ −L 1 −1 2kγ μ Qτk,ν λk,ν τ ν1 kγ −sκ/p 2 L Nk,τ 1 τ1 k−L2 ksp 2 1 2−kγ γ V2−k x1 V x1 , yτk,ν 2−k d x1 , yτk,ν p μ Qτk,ν λk,ν τ 1/p . ν1 7.11 If q ≤ 1, by 5.5, we further obtain Z1 ψGβ,γ −L −1 1 kγ −sκ/pq 2 τ1 k−L2 ψGβ,γ −L −1 L Nk,τ 1 1 k−L2 L Nk,τ 1 τ1 ν1 ksp 2 μ p Qτk,ν λk,ν τ ν1 p 2ksp μ Qτk,ν λk,ν τ q/p 1/q 7.12 q/p 1/q , 208 Abstract and Applied Analysis while if 1 < q ≤ ∞, by Hölder’s inequality, we have Z1 ψGβ,γ −L −1 L Nk,τ 1 1 k−L2 τ1 −L1 γ −sκ/p ψGβ,γ 2 2ksp μ p Qτk,ν λk,ν τ q/p 1/q −L −1 1 ν1 1/q 2kγ −sκ/pq k−L2 −L −1 L Nk,τ 1 1 k−L2 τ1 ksp 2 p μ Qτk,ν λk,ν τ q/p 1/q . ν1 7.13 Thus, lim Z1 0. 7.14 L1 , L2 → ∞ Replacing the estimates 5.25 and 5.31 respectively by the estimates 5.24 and 5.30, and using some similar computations to the estimate for Z1 , we obtain Z2 ψGβ,γ L1 Nk,τ L2 kL1 1 τ1 ψGβ,γ L2 ψGβ,γ ν1 −ksβ−d1/p−1 2 kL1 1 2−kβ μ Qτk,ν λk,ν τ L Nk,τ 1 τ1 1 1 γ k,ν V1 x1 V x1 , yτ 1 d x1 , yτk,ν ksp 2 μ p Qτk,ν λk,ν τ 1/p ν1 ⎧ L Nk,τ q/p 1/q ⎪ L2 1 ⎪ k,ν k,ν p ⎪ ⎪ ksp ⎪ 2 μ Qτ λτ , ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ kL1 1 τ1 ν1 ⎪ ⎪ L L Nk,τ q/p 1/q ⎪ ⎪ 2 1 ⎪ k,ν k,ν p ⎪ −L sβ−d1/p−1 ksp ⎪ 1 ⎪ 2 μ Qτ λτ , ⎩2 kL1 1 τ1 q≤1 1 < q ≤ ∞. ν1 7.15 where we used the assumption that β > −s d1/p − 1. Thus, lim Z2 0. L1 , L2 → ∞ 7.16 Yongsheng Han et al. 209 The estimates 5.24 and 5.25 together with 5.5, 5.30, and 5.31 further yield that Z3 ψGβ,γ L L2 2 Nk,τ 2−kβ μ Qτk,ν λk,ν τ k0 τL1 1 ν1 −1 L2 Nk,τ kγ 2 μ 1 1 γ k,ν V1 x1 V x1 , yτ 1 d x1 , yτk,ν Qτk,ν λk,ν τ k−L2 τL1 1 ν1 ψGβ,γ L 2 −kβs−d1/p−1 2 k0 2−kγ γ V2−k x1 V x1 , yτk,ν 2−k d x1 , yτk,ν 1 −1 L2 kγ −sκ/p 2 Nk,τ ksp 2 μ p Qτk,ν λk,ν τ 1/p , τL1 1 ν1 k−L2 7.17 where we chose γ > 0 as in the estimate for Z1 . For any given δ > 0, since γ > s − κ/p and β > d1/p − 1 − s, we can fix L02 ∈ N such that ∞ −kβs−d1/p−1 2 kL02 1 0 −L 2 −1 2kγ −sκ/p < δ. 7.18 k−∞ Since for all k ∈ Z, L2 Nk,τ ksp 2 p μ Qτk,ν λk,ν τ 1/p ≤ τL1 1 ν1 Nk,τ ksp 2 μ p Qτk,ν λk,ν τ 1/p s < λḃp,q X , 7.19 ν1 τ∈Ik we can choose N ∈ N such that if L1 > N, then L2 Nk,τ ksp 2 μ p Qτk,ν λk,ν τ 1/p 7.20 <δ τL1 1 ν1 for all k −L02 , − L02 1, . . . , L02 . From 7.18, 7.19, and 7.20, it follows that if L2 > L1 > N, then L0 −1 2 −kβs−d1/p−1 kγ −sκ/p δ 2 2 Z3 ψGβ,γ k−L02 k0 s CψGβ,γ λḃp,q X ∞ −kβs−d1/p−1 2 kL02 1 0 −L 2 −1 kγ −sκ/p 7.21 2 k−∞ ψGβ,γ δ, which just means that lim Z3 0. L1 , L2 → ∞ 7.22 210 Abstract and Applied Analysis We now consider the case 1 < p ≤ ∞. Replacing 5.5 by Hölder’s inequality and using Lemma 5.2, similarly to the estimate for the case p ≤ 1, we obtain Z1 ψGβ,γ −L 1 −1 kγ −s 2 L Nk,τ 1 τ1 k−L2 p 2ksp μ Qτk,ν λk,ν τ ν1 2−kγ × γ V2−k x1 V x1 , yτk,ν 2−k d x1 , yτk,ν 1/p 1 2−kγ × γ dμy −k X V2−k x1 V x1 , y 2 d x1 , y L Nk,τ 1/p −L 1 −1 1 k,ν k,ν p kγ −sκ/p ksp λτ ψGβ,γ 2 2 μ Qτ . 1 τ1 k−L2 1/p 7.23 ν1 Then repeating the proof of the case p ≤ 1 yields that lim Z1 0. 7.24 L1 , L2 → ∞ Similarly, for Z2 , Hölder’s inequality and Lemma 5.2 imply that −ksβ Z2 ψGβ,γ 2 L2 L1 Nk,τ kL1 1 τ1 × ksp 2 μ p Qτk,ν λk,ν τ ν1 1 1 γ dμy 1 d x1 , y X V1 x1 V x1 , y ψGβ,γ L2 −ksβ 2 kL1 1 L Nk,τ 1 τ1 1/p ksp 2 1/p p μ Qτk,ν λk,ν τ 7.25 1/p . ν1 Using the fact that β > −s and repeating the proof of the case p ≤ 1 show that lim Z2 0. L1 , L2 → ∞ 7.26 To estimate Z3 , let XLL21 ,k L2 * Nk,τ * τL1 1 ν1 Qτk,ν . 7.27 Yongsheng Han et al. 211 The Hölder inequality shows that L 2 −kβs 2 Z3 ψGβ,γ k0 1 1 γ dμy L2 ,k V , y x V x 1 d x1 , y 1 1 1 XL 1 −1 1/p 1 2−kγ 2 γ dμy L2 ,k −kγ XL V2−k x1 V x1 , y 2 d x1 , y k−L2 1 1/p L Nk,τ 2 k,ν k,ν p ksp × 2 μ Qτ λτ , kγ −sκ/p τL1 1 ν1 1/p 7.28 where we chose γ ∈ max{0, s − κ/p}, γ. If p ∈ 1, ∞, using the facts that γ > s − κ/p and β > −s, 7.19, 7.20, 1 1 γ dμy 1, V , y x V x 1 d x1 , y 1 1 X 1 2−kγ 1 γ dμy 1, −kγ X V2−k x1 V x1 , y 2 d x1 , y 7.29 and repeating the argument for the case p ≤ 1, we can verify that lim Z3 0. L1 , L2 → ∞ 7.30 If p ∞, replacing 7.20 by lim L1 ,L2 → ∞ XL2 ,k L lim L1 ,L2 → ∞ 1 1 1 dμy 0, V1 x1 V x1 , y 1 d x1 , y γ 1 2−kγ γ dμy 0 L ,k −kγ XL2 V2−k x1 V x1 , y 2 d x1 , y 1 7.31 for any given k ∈ Z, by an argument similar to the case p ≤ 1, we still obtain that lim Z3 0. L1 ,L2 → ∞ 7.32 Thus, for any give ψ ∈ Gβ, γ, {fL , ψ}L∈N is a Cauchy sequence, which means that s the series in 7.5 converges to some f ∈ G̊0 β, γ with β, γ as in 7.6 if λ ∈ ḃp,q X with s, p, q as in the theorem. s s X, by the proved fact on ḃp,q X and If λ ∈ f˙p,q s s s ḃp,minp,q X ⊂ f˙p,q X ⊂ ḃp,maxp,q X 7.33 212 Abstract and Applied Analysis see 87, Proposition 2.3, we also obtain that the series in 7.5 converges in G̊0 β, γ with β and γ as in 7.6. s s X or Ḟp,q X Let us now verify that the series in 7.5 converges in the norm of Ḃp,q s s ˙ when p, q < ∞ if λ ∈ ḃp,q X or λ ∈ fp,q X, respectively. To this end, let f be the series in 7.5. For L ∈ N, in G̊0 β, γ with β and γ as in 7.6, we then have ∞ Nk,τ k,ν k,ν k x, yτk,ν μ Qτ λτ D f − fL ν1 kL1 τ∈Ik −L−1 Nk,τ k,ν k,ν k x, yτk,ν μ Qτ λτ D k−∞ τ∈Ik L ∞ 7.34 ν1 Nk,τ k,ν μ Qτk,ν λk,ν . τ Dk x, yτ k−L τL1 ν1 Replacing Qk fyτk ,ν in the proof of Proposition 5.4 by λk,ν τ here and repeating the proof of Proposition 5.4, we can verify that f − fL s Ḃp,q X ∞ ksq 2 Nk,τ k,ν k,ν p μ Qτ λτ kL1 τ∈Ik −L−1 2ksq L 2 q/p 1/q ν1 Nk,τ μ p Qτk,ν λk,ν τ q/p 1/q , τL1 ν1 k−L f − fL s Ḟp,q X ∞ ksq ν1 Nk,τ k,ν k,ν p μ Qτ λτ τ∈Ik k−∞ q/p 1/q 7.35 1/q ∞ Nk,τ ksq k,ν q λτ χQτk,ν 2 kL1 τ∈I ν1 Lp X k 1/q Nk,τ −L−1 ksq k,ν q λτ χQτk,ν 2 k−∞ τ∈I ν1 k Lp X 1/q L ∞ Nk,τ q k,ν 2ksq λτ χQτk,ν k−L τL1 ν1 . Lp X Thus, from Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorems on the integral and the series, it is easy to deduce that f − fL s −→ 0, Ḃp,q X f − fL s −→ 0 Ḟp,q X 7.36 Yongsheng Han et al. 213 s s X and fL ∈ Ḟp,q X as L → ∞. Moreover, by Proposition 5.10iv, we know that fL ∈ Ḃp,q s s s s X if λ ∈ ḃp,q X and f ∈ Ḟp,q X if λ ∈ f˙p,q X if we choose large enough. Thus, f ∈ Ḃp,q when p, q < ∞. s X The same arguments as in the proof of Propositions 5.4 and 6.3 for the space Ḃp,q s and the space Ḟp,q X with all p, q as in the assumption of the theorem yield 7.7 and 7.8, respectively, which completes the proof of Proposition 7.1. From Theorem 4.13, Proposition 7.1, and the Plancherel-Pôlya inequalities, Proposis X and tions 5.4 and 6.3, we obtain the following frame characterizations of the spaces Ḃp,q s Ḟp,q X. Theorem 7.2. Let be as in Definition 5.8, let |s| < , and let ps, < p ≤ ∞. Let all the other notation be as in Theorem 4.11 and λk,ν Dk fyτk,ν for k ∈ Z, τ ∈ Ik and ν 1, . . . , Nk, τ, τ where yτk,ν is any fixed element in Qτk,ν . Then, the following hold. s i If 0 < q ≤ ∞, then f ∈ Ḃp,q X, if and only if f ∈ G̊0 β, γ for some β, γ as in 5.35, ∞ Nk,τ k,ν k x, yτk,ν , μ Qτ Dk f yτk,ν D fx 7.37 ν1 k−∞ τ∈Ik s X. Moreover, in this case, holds in G̊0 β, γ and λ ∈ ḃp,q s s fḂp,q X ∼ λḃp,q X . 7.38 s ii If ps, < q ≤ ∞, then f ∈ Ḟp,q X if and only if f ∈ G̊0 β, γ for some β, γ as in s X. Moreover, in this case, 5.35, 7.37, holds in G̊0 β, γ and λ ∈ f˙p,q s s fḞp,q X ∼ λf˙p,q X . 7.39 s s 7.2. Frame characterization of Bp,q X and Fp,q X Again, in this subsection, μX can be finite or infinite. We also first introduce some spaces of s s X and fp,q X. sequences, bp,q Let λ λk,ν τ : k ∈ Z , τ ∈ Ik , ν 1, . . . , Nk, τ 7.40 s be a sequence of complex numbers. The space bp,q X with s ∈ R and 0 < p, q ≤ ∞ is the set of all λ as in 7.40 such that λ s bp,q X ∞ k0 ksq 2 Nk,τ k,ν k,ν p μ Qτ λτ τ∈Ik ν1 q/p 1/q < ∞, 7.41 214 Abstract and Applied Analysis s X with s ∈ R, 0 < p < ∞, and 0 < q ≤ ∞ is the set of all λ as in 7.40 such and the space fp,q that s λfp,q X 1/q ∞ Nk,τ ksq k,ν q λτ χQτk,ν 2 k0 τ∈I ν1 < ∞. 7.42 Lp X k s X with s ∈ R and 0 < q ≤ ∞ is the set of all λ as in 7.40 such that Moreover, the space f∞,q s λf∞,q X max 0,ν λτ , sup τ∈I0 ν1,...,N0,τ sup sup l∈N α∈Il 1 μ Qαl ∞ Nk,τ kl τ∈Ik ν1 ksq 2 1/q k,ν k,ν q λτ χ{τ,ν:Qτk,ν ⊂Qαl } τ, ν < ∞, μ Qτ 7.43 where {Qαl }l∈N, α∈Il are dyadic cubes as in Lemma 2.19. Proposition 7.3. Let be as in Definition 5.29, let |s| < , and let ps, < p ≤ ∞. Let λ be a sequence of numbers as in 7.40 and all the other notation as in Theorem 4.14. Then, the following hold. s i If 0 < q ≤ ∞ and λbp,q X < ∞, then the series N0,τ τ∈I0 ν1 λ0,ν τ Qτ0,ν 0 x, ydμy D ∞ Nk,τ k1 τ∈Ik k,ν k x, yτk,ν λk,ν D τ μ Qτ 7.44 ν1 s s converges to some f ∈ Bp,q X both in the norm of Bp,q X and in G0 β, γ with 1 −1 < β < , max 0, − s n p 1 −1 n < γ < , p 7.45 when p, q < ∞ and only in G0 β, γ with β and γ as in 7.45 when maxp, q ∞. Moreover, in all cases, s s fBp,q X ≤ Cλbp,q X . 7.46 s ii If ps, < q ≤ ∞ and λfp,q X < ∞, then the series in 7.44 converges to some f ∈ s s Fp,q X both in the norm of Fp,q X and in G0 β, γ with β, γ as in 7.45 when p, q < ∞ and only in G0 β, γ with β and γ as in 7.45 when maxp, q ∞. Moreover, in all cases, s s fFp,q X ≤ Cλfp,q X . 7.47 Yongsheng Han et al. 215 Proof. In what follows, for simplicity, we set 0,ν x 1 D Qτ μ Qτ0,ν Qτ0,ν 0 x, ydμy. D 7.48 Let us first show that the series in 7.44 converges in Gβ, γ with β and γ as in 7.45. As in the proof of Proposition 7.1, we know that for all k ∈ Z and τ ∈ Ik , Nk, τ is a finite set. Let us suppose Ik N for all k ∈ Z ; the other cases are easier. With this assumption, for L ∈ N, we define fL x L Nk,τ L N0,τ L 0,ν 0,ν k,ν k,ν 0,ν x k x, yτk,ν . μ Qτ λτ D μ Qτ λτ D Qτ τ1 ν1 k1 τ1 7.49 ν1 Then fL ∈ G, and fL ∈ G0 β, γ with any β, γ ∈ 0, , where can be any positive number in 0, 1 ∧ 2 . In what follows, we choose > maxβ, γ such that p > ps, for the s s X, and p, q > ps, for the spaces fp,q X. spaces bp,q For any ψ ∈ Gβ, γ with β, γ as in 7.45, L1 , L2 ∈ N and L1 < L2 , we have L2 fL − fL , ψ ≤ 2 1 N0,τ τL1 1 ν1 D 0,ν , ψ μ Qτ0,ν λ0,ν τ Qτ L2 L2 Nk,τ k,ν k,ν k,ν k ·, yτ , ψ μ Qτ λτ D kL1 1 τ1 L1 L2 ν1 7.50 Nk,τ k,ν D k ·, yτ , ψ μ Qτk,ν λk,ν τ k1 τL1 1 ν1 ≡ Y1 Y 2 Y 3 . From 5.105, 5.5 when p ≤ 1 or Hölder’s inequality when 1 < p ≤ ∞, and γ > n1/p − 1 together with 5.30, it follows that when p ≤ 1, Y1 ψGβ,γ L2 N0,τ p μ Qτ0,ν λ0,ν τ 1/p 7.51 , τL1 1 ν1 while when 1 < p ≤ ∞, Y1 ψGβ,γ N0,τ μ p Qτ0,ν λ0,ν τ 1/p τL1 1 ν1 × L2 L ,0 XL2 1 1 1 dμy V1 x1 V x1 , y 1 d x1 , y γ where XLL21 ,0 is as in the proof of Proposition 7.1. 7.52 1/p , 216 Abstract and Applied Analysis For Y2 , by 5.105, 5.5 when p ≤ 1 or Hölder’s inequality when 1 < p ≤ ∞, γ > n1/p − 1 together with 5.30, and Lemma 2.1ii, we obtain ⎧ L Nk,τ 1/p ⎪ L2 2 ⎪ k,ν k,ν p ⎪ −kβs−n1/p−1 ks ⎪ ⎪ λτ 2 2 μ Qτ , p≤1 ⎪ ⎨ τ1 ν1 Y2 ψGβ,γ kL1 1 7.53 L Nk,τ 1/p ⎪ L2 2 ⎪ k,ν k,ν p ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ 2−kβs 2ks μ Qτ λτ , 1 < p ≤ ∞. ⎪ ⎩ kL1 1 τ1 ν1 From this and 5.5 when q ≤ 1 or Hölder’s inequality when 1 < q ≤ ∞ again, it further follows that when p ≤ 1 and q ≤ 1, Y2 ψGβ,γ L2 kL1 1 ksq 2 L Nk,τ q/p 1/q 2 k,ν k,ν p μ Qτ λτ , τ1 7.54 ν1 while when 1 < q ≤ ∞, Y2 ψGβ,γ L2 ksq 2 kL1 1 1/q L Nk,τ q/p 1/q L 2 2 k,ν k,ν p −kβs−n1/p−1q μ Qτ λτ 2 , τ1 kL1 1 ν1 7.55 and that when 1 < p ≤ ∞, Y2 ψGβ,γ ⎧ L Nk,τ q/p 1/q ⎪ L2 2 ⎪ k,ν k,ν p ⎪ ksq ⎪ ⎪ λτ 2 μ Qτ , ⎪ ⎨ kL1 1 τ1 ν1 kL1 1 τ1 ν1 L 1/q L Nk,τ q/p 1/q L ⎪ ⎪ 2 2 2 k,ν k,ν p ⎪ ⎪ ksq −kβsq ⎪ ⎪ 2 μ Qτ λτ 2 , ⎩ kL1 1 q≤1 1 < q ≤ ∞. 7.56 where we used the fact that β > max0, n1/p − 1 − s. Similarly, by 5.105, 5.5 when p ≤ 1 or Hölder’s inequality when 1 < p ≤ ∞, and γ > n1/p − 1 together with 5.30, we have ⎧ L Nk,τ 1/p ⎪ L1 2 ⎪ k,ν k,ν p ⎪ −kβ−n1/p−1 ⎪ ⎪ 2 μ Qτ λτ , p≤1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ν1 τL 1 ⎪ k1 1 ⎪ ⎪ L Nk,τ 1/p ⎪ ⎨ L1 2 k,ν k,ν p Y3 ψGβ,γ −kβ λτ 2 μ Qτ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ τL1 1 ν1 k1 ⎪ ⎪ 1/p ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ 1 1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ × , 1 < p ≤ ∞, γ dμy ⎪ ⎩ L ,k 1 d x1 , y XL2 V1 x1 V x1 , y 1 where XLL21 ,k is as in the proof of Proposition 7.1. 7.57 Yongsheng Han et al. 217 From this and 5.5 when q ≤ 1 or Hölder’s inequality when 1 < q ≤ ∞, we further deduce that when p ≤ 1, L L 1 2 ksq Y3 ψGβ,γ 2 Nk,τ p μ Qτk,ν λk,ν τ q/p 1/q 7.58 , τL1 1 ν1 k1 and that when 1 < p ≤ ∞ and q ≤ 1, L L 1 2 ksq Y3 ψGβ,γ 2 Nk,τ μ p Qτk,ν λk,ν τ q/p 1/q 7.59 , τL1 1 ν1 k1 or that when 1 < p ≤ ∞ and 1 < q ≤ ∞, L L 1 2 ksq Y3 ψGβ,γ 2 × p μ Qτk,ν λk,ν τ q/p 1/q τL1 1 ν1 k1 L 2 Nk,τ 2−kβsq k1 L ,k XL2 1 1 1 dμy V1 x1 V x1 , y 1 d x1 , y γ 7.60 q /p 1/q , where we used the fact that β > max0, n1/p − 1 − s. s X, Combining 7.51 through 7.60, by λ ∈ bp,q 1 1 γ dμy < ∞ 1 d x1 , y X V1 x1 V x1 , y 7.61 when p ∞, and ∞ 2−kβs−n1/p−1 < ∞ 7.62 k1 when p ≤ 1 and q ∞, or ∞ 2−kβs < ∞ 7.63 k1 when 1 < p ≤ ∞ and q ∞, it is easy to see that {fL , ψ}L∈N is a Cauchy sequence. This just means that the series in 7.44 converges to some f ∈ G0 β, γ with β, γ satisfying 7.45 if s s X with s, p, q as in the theorem. If λ ∈ fp,q X with s, p, q as in the theorem, by λ ∈ bp,q this fact and s s s bp, minp,q X ⊂ fp,q X ⊂ bp, maxp,q X 7.64 218 Abstract and Applied Analysis see 87, Proposition 2.3, we also obtain that the series in 7.44 converges in G0 β, γ with β and γ as in 7.45. s X when Let us now verify that the series in 7.44 converges in the norm of Bp,q s s p, q < ∞, if λ ∈ bp,q X. Let f be the series in 7.44. We estimate the norm in Bp,q X of f − fL by writing ∞ f − fL N0,τ τL1 ν1 ∞ ∞ μ Qτ0,ν λ0,ν τ DQτ0,ν x Nk,τ k,ν μ Qτk,ν λk,ν τ Dk x, yτ 7.65 k1 τL1 ν1 L Nk,τ ∞ k,ν k,ν k x, yτk,ν . μ Qτ λτ D kL1 τ1 ν1 k ,ν in the proof of Proposition 5.25 respectively by λ0,ν Replacing Qτ0,ν ,1 f and Qk fyτ τ and λk,ν τ here, and repeating the proof of Proposition 5.25, we then obtain f − fL s Bp,q X ∞ N0,τ μ 1/p τL1 ν1 ∞ ksq 2 ∞ ∞ Nk,τ μ p Qτk,ν λk,ν τ q/p 1/q Nk,τ q/p 1/q L k,ν k,ν p 2ksq μ Qτ λτ , τ1 kL1 ∞ τL1 ν1 k1 f − fL s Fp,q X p Qτ0,ν λ0,ν τ ν1 N0,τ p μ Qτ0,ν λ0,ν τ 7.66 1/p τL1 ν1 1/q ∞ Nk,τ ∞ ksq k,ν q λτ χQτk,ν 2 k1 τL1 ν1 Lp X 1/q ∞ L Nk,τ q k,ν 2ksq λτ χQτk,ν kL1 τ1 ν1 . Lp X Then Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorems on the integral and the series show that f − fL s −→ 0, Bp,q X f − fL s −→ 0 Fp,q X 7.67 s s X and fL ∈ Fp,q X as L → ∞. Moreover, by Proposition 5.31v, we know that fL ∈ Bp,q Yongsheng Han et al. 219 s s s s X if λ ∈ bp,q X and f ∈ Fp,q X if λ ∈ fp,q X if we choose large enough. Thus, f ∈ Bp,q when p, q < ∞. s X The same arguments as in the proof of Propositions 5.25 and 6.15 for the space Bp,q s and the space Fp,q X with all p, q as in the assumption of the theorem yield 7.46 and 7.47, respectively, which completes the proof of Proposition 7.3. From Theorem 4.16, Proposition 7.3, and the Plancherel-Pôlya inequalities, Proposis X and tions 5.25 and 6.15, we obtain the following frame characterizations of the spaces Bp,q s Fp,q X. Theorem 7.4. Let be as in Definition 5.29, let |s| < , and let ps, < p ≤ ∞. Let all the other k,ν notation be as in Theorem 4.14, λ0,ν τ mQτ0,ν D0 f for τ ∈ I0 and ν 1, . . . , N0, τ, and λτ Dk fyτk,ν for k ∈ N, τ ∈ Ik and ν 1, . . . , Nk, τ, where yτk,ν is any fixed element in Qτk,ν . Then, the following hold. s X if and only if f ∈ G0 β, γ for some β, γ as in 5.111, i If 0 < q ≤ ∞, then f ∈ Bp,q fx N0,τ τ∈I0 ν1 λ0,ν τ Qτk,ν 0 x, ydμy D ∞ Nk,τ k,ν k x, yτk,ν μ Qτ Dk f yτk,ν D k1 τ∈Ik ν1 7.68 s holds in G0 β, γ , and λ ∈ bp,q X. Moreover, in this case, s s fBp,q X ∼ λbp,q X . 7.69 s ii If ps, < q ≤ ∞, then f ∈ Fp,q X if and only if f ∈ G0 β, γ for some β, γ as in s X. Moreover, in this case, 5.111, 7.68 holds in G0 β, γ , and λ ∈ fp,q s s fFp,q X ∼ λfp,q X . 7.70 8. Real interpolation and dual spaces In this section, using the frame characterization of Besov spaces and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces in the last section, we characterize real interpolation spaces for our scales of Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces and determine their dual spaces when p ≥ 1. 8.1. Real interpolation spaces Let us first recall some general background on the real interpolation method; see 3, pages 62–64 or 88, 89. Let H be a linear complex Hausdorff space, and let A0 and A1 be two complex quasiBanach spaces such that A0 ⊂ H and A1 ⊂ H. Let A0 A1 be the set of all elements a ∈ H which can be represented as a a0 a1 with a0 ∈ A0 and a1 ∈ A1 . If 0 < t < ∞ and a ∈ A0 A1 , then Peetre’s K-functional is given by Kt, a K t, a; A0 , A1 inf a0 A0 ta1 A1 , 8.1 220 Abstract and Applied Analysis where the infimum is taken over all representations of a of the form a a0 a1 with a0 ∈ A0 and a1 ∈ A1 . Definition 8.1. Let 0 < σ < 1. If 0 < q < ∞, then one defines the interpolation space A 0 , A1 σ,q ≡ a : a ∈ A0 A1 , aA0 ,A1 σ,q ≡ ∞ 0 q dt −σ t Kt, a t 1/q <∞ . 8.2 If q ∞, then one defines A0 , A 1 σ,∞ −σ ≡ a : a ∈ A0 A1 , aA0 ,A1 σ,∞ ≡ sup t Kt, a < ∞ . 8.3 0<t<∞ The following basic properties of A0 , A1 σ,q are proved in 3, pages 63-64 and 88, page 64. Proposition 8.2. Let A0 and A1 be two complex quasi-Banach spaces. Let 0 < σ < 1 and 0 < q ≤ ∞. Then, i A0 , A1 σ,q is a quasi-Banach space; ii A0 , A1 σ,q A1 , A0 1−σ,q ; iii let H be a linear complex Hausdorff space, and let B0 and B1 be two complex quasi-Banach spaces such that A0 ⊂ B0 ⊂ H and A1 ⊂ B1 ⊂ H. Then A0 , A1 σ,q ⊂ B0 , B1 σ,q . Using Theorems 7.2 and 7.4 together with the method of retraction and coretraction as in the proofs of Theorems 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 in 89, we can easily deduce the following interpolation theorems; see also 90. Theorem 8.3. Let be as in Definition 5.8 and σ ∈ 0, 1. i Let − < s0 , s1 < , s0 / s1 , 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞, and 1 ≤ q0 , q1 , q ≤ ∞. Then s0 s1 Ḃp,q X, Ḃp,q X 0 1 σ,q s Ḃp,q X, 8.4 where s 1 − σs0 σs1 . ii Let − < s < , 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞, 1 ≤ q0 , q1 ≤ ∞, and q0 / q1 . Then s s Ḃp,q X, Ḃp,q X 0 1 σ,q s Ḃp,q X, 8.5 where 1/q 1 − σ/q0 σ/q1 . p1 . Then iii Let − < s0 , s1 < , 1 ≤ p0 , p1 ≤ ∞, and p0 / Ḃps00 ,p0 X, Ḃps11 ,p1 X σ,p s Ḃp,p X, where 1/p 1 − σ/p0 σ/p1 and s 1 − σs0 σs1 . 8.6 Yongsheng Han et al. 221 Theorem 8.4. Let be as in Definition 5.8, − < s0 , s1 < , 1 ≤ p0 , p1 < ∞, 1 ≤ q0 , q1 ≤ ∞, σ ∈ 0, 1, s 1 − σs0 σs1 , 1/p 1 − σ/p0 σ/p1 , and 1/q 1 − σ/q0 σ/q1 . i If s0 / s1 , then Ḟps00 ,q0 X, Ḟps11 ,q1 X σ,p s Ḟp,p X. 8.7 ii If s0 s1 s, p0 q0 , p1 q1 , and q0 / q1 , then Ḟps0 ,p0 X, Ḟps1 ,p1 X σ,p s Ḟp,p X. 8.8 iii If s0 s1 s, q0 q1 q, and p0 / p1 , then Ḟps0 ,q X, Ḟps1 ,q X σ,p s Ḟp,q X. 8.9 Theorem 8.5. Let be as in Definition 5.29 and σ ∈ 0, 1. i Let − < s0 , s1 < , s0 / s1 , 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞, and 1 ≤ q0 , q1 , q ≤ ∞. Then s0 s1 X, Bp,q X Bp,q 0 1 σ,q s Bp,q X, 8.10 where s 1 − σs0 σs1 . ii Let − < s < , 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞, 1 ≤ q0 , q1 ≤ ∞, and q0 / q1 . Then s s X, Bp,q X Bp,q 0 1 σ,q s Bp,q X, 8.11 where 1/q 1 − σ/q0 σ/q1 . iii Let − < s0 , s1 < , 1 ≤ p0 , p1 ≤ ∞, and p0 / p1 . Then Bps00 ,p0 X, Bps11 ,p1 X σ,p s Bp,p X, 8.12 where 1/p 1 − σ/p0 σ/p1 and s 1 − σs0 σs1 . Theorem 8.6. Let be as in Definition 5.29, − < s0 , s1 < , 1 ≤ p0 , p1 < ∞, 1 ≤ q0 , q1 ≤ ∞, σ ∈ 0, 1, s 1 − σs0 σs1 , 1/p 1 − σ/p0 σ/p1 , and 1/q 1 − σ/q0 σ/q1 . i If s0 / s1 , then Fps00 ,q0 X, Fps11 ,q1 X σ,p s Fp,p X. 8.13 ii If s0 s1 s, p0 q0 , p1 q1 , and q0 / q1 , then Bps0 ,p0 X, Bps1 ,p1 X σ,p s Bp,p X. 8.14 222 Abstract and Applied Analysis p1 , then iii If s0 s1 s, q0 q1 q, and p0 / Fps0 ,q X, Fps1 ,q X σ,p s Fp,q X. 8.15 Proofs of Theorem 8.3 through Theorem 8.6. The proofs of Theorem 8.3 through Theorem 8.6 are similar by using 89, Theorem 1.2.4. We only give an outline here; see also 90, the proofs of Proposition 3.3 and Theorem 3.1. To prove Theorems 8.3 and 8.4, by Proposition 5.10iii, we know that Ḃpsii ,qi X, Ḟpsii ,qi X ⊂ G̊0 βi , γi , 8.16 where max{0, −si n1/pi − 1 } < βi < and max{n1/pi − 1 , si − κ/pi } < γi < with i 0, 1. We then let β maxβ0 , β1 and γ γ0 , γ1 . Then Ḃpsii ,qi X, Ḟpsii ,qi X ⊂ G̊0 β, γ . 8.17 In this sense, {Ḃps00 ,q0 X, Ḃps11 ,q1 X} and {Ḟps00 ,q0 X, Ḟps11 ,q1 X} are interpolation couples in the sense of 89, Section 1.2.1. Now, for f ∈ G̊0 β, γ , with the notation of Theorem 4.11, we can define the coretraction operator Ṡ by ∞ Ṡfx Ṡfk x k−∞ , 8.18 where for k ∈ Z, Ṡfk x Nk,τ τ∈Ik ν1 Dk f yτk,ν χQτk,ν x; 8.19 and the corresponding retraction operator Ṙ by ∞ Nk,τ Ṙ fk x k−∞ τ∈Ik ν1 Qτk,ν k x, yτk,ν . fk ydμy D 8.20 By Theorem 4.13, for any f ∈ G̊0 β, γ , we have ṘṠfx fx. In what follows, for s ∈ R, ˙ s,q p 0 < q ≤ ∞, and 0 < p ≤ ∞, we say {fk }∞ k−∞ ∈ L X, if ∞ fk ˙ s,q k−∞ Lp X ∞ k−∞ q fk Lp X 1/q ksq 2 < ∞; 8.21 p ˙ s,q and we say {fk }∞ k−∞ ∈ L X, if 1/q ∞ q ∞ ksq fk 2 fk x k−∞ Lp ˙ s,q X k−∞ Lp X < ∞, 8.22 Yongsheng Han et al. 223 where the usual modifications are made when p ∞ or q ∞. If F is an interpolation functor, then one obtains by 89, Theorem 1.2.4 that fF{Ḃps0 ,q 0 s X,Ḃp11 ,q1 X} 0 f s s F{Ḟp00 ,q0 X, Ḟp11 ,q1 X} ∼ ṠfF{˙ s0 ,q0 Lp0 X, ˙ s1 ,q1 Lp1 X} , ∼ ṠfF{Lp0 ˙ s0 ,q0 X, Lp1 ˙ s1 ,q1 X} . 8.23 Using Proposition 7.1 and Theorem 7.2, we can then finish the proofs of Theorems 8.3 and 8.4 by the same procedures as those in 89, pages 182-183 and 89, pages 185-186. To prove Theorems 8.5 and 8.6, by Proposition 5.31iv, we know that Bpsii ,qi X, Fpsii ,qi X ⊂ G0 βi , γi , 8.24 where max{0, −si n1/pi − 1 } < βi < and n1/pi − 1 < γi < with i 0, 1. We then let β maxβ0 , β1 and γ γ0 , γ1 . Then Bpsii ,qi X, Fpsii ,qi X ⊂ G0 β, γ . 8.25 In this sense, {Bps00 ,q0 X, Bps11 ,q1 X} and {Fps00 ,q0 X, Fps11 ,q1 X} are interpolation couples in the sense of 89, Section 1.2.1. Now, for f ∈ G0 β, γ , with the notation of Theorem 4.14, we can define the coretraction operator S by ∞ Sfx Sfk x k0 , 8.26 where Sf0 x N0,τ τ∈I0 ν1 mQτ0,ν D0 f χQτ0,ν x 8.27 and for k ∈ N, Sfk x Nk,τ τ∈Ik ν1 Dk f yτk,ν χQτk,ν x; 8.28 and the corresponding retraction operator R by N0,τ R fk x τ∈I0 ν1 Qτ0,ν ∞ Nk,τ f0 ydμy DQτ0,ν x k1 τ∈Ik ν1 Qτk,ν k x, yτk,ν , fk ydμy D 8.29 0,ν x is as in the proof of Proposition 7.3. By Theorem 4.16, for any f ∈ G β, γ , where D Qτ 0 224 Abstract and Applied Analysis we have RSfx fx. In what follows, for s ∈ R, 0 < q ≤ ∞, and 0 < p ≤ ∞, we say s,q p {fk }∞ k0 ∈ L X, if ∞ fk k0 s,q Lp X ∞ k0 q fk Lp X 1/q ksq 2 < ∞; 8.30 p s,q and we say {fk }∞ k0 ∈ L X, if 1/q ∞ q ∞ ksq p s,q fk f 2 x k k0 L X k0 < ∞, 8.31 Lp X where the usual modifications are made when p ∞ or q ∞. If F is an interpolation functor, then one obtains by 89, Theorem 1.2.4 that fF{Bps0 ,q X,Bp11 ,q1 X} fF{Fps0 ,q X,Fp11 ,q1 X} 0 0 0 0 s s ∼ SfF{ s0 ,q0 Lp0 X, s1 ,q1 Lp1 X} , ∼ SfF{Lp0 s0 ,q0 ,Lp1 s1 ,q1 } . 8.32 Using Proposition 7.3 and Theorem 7.4, we then finish the proofs of Theorems 8.5 and 8.6 by the same procedures as those in 89, pages 182-183 and 89, pages 185-186, which completes the proofs of Theorem 8.3 through Theorem 8.6. We remark that Theorem 8.3 through Theorem 8.6 only deal with Besov spaces and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces which are Banach spaces, since p, q ≥ 1. Using Theorems 7.2 and 7.4 together with the following fact that for 0 < p0 / p1 ≤ ∞ and σ ∈ 0, 1, if 1/p 1 − σ/p0 σ/p1 , ˙ p0 , ˙ p1 σ, p ˙ p , p0 p1 , σ, p p 8.33 see 88, Theorem 5.2.1 and also 89, Remark 1.18.6/5, by a method similar to the proofs of Theorem 8.3 through Theorem 8.6 see also 82, Corollary 6.6, we can easily establish the following interpolation theorem which covers also cases when p < 1. We omit the details. Theorem 8.7. Let be as in Definition 5.8, s0 , s1 ∈ −, , ps0 , < p0 ≤ ∞, ps1 , < p1 ≤ ∞, and p0 / p1 . Let σ ∈ 0, 1, 1/p 1 − σ/p0 σ/p1 , and s 1 − σs0 σs1 . Then, s i Ḃps00 ,p0 X, Ḃps11 ,p1 Xσ,p Ḃp,p X; s X. ii Bps00 ,p0 X, Bps11 ,p1 Xσ,p Bp,p Making use of Calderón reproducing formulae in place of frame characterizations, we can also directly establish the following real interpolation theorems for Besov and TriebelLizorkin spaces which are only quasi-Banach spaces; see also 3, Theorem 2.4.2 and 91. Yongsheng Han et al. 225 s1 , and s 1 − σs0 Theorem 8.8. Let be as in Definition 5.8, σ ∈ 0, 1, s0 , s1 ∈ −, , s0 / σs1 . Then i if max{ps0 , , ps1 , } < p ≤ ∞ and 0 < q0 , q1 , q ≤ ∞, then s0 s1 Ḃp,q X, Ḃp,q X 0 1 σ,q s Ḃp,q X; 8.34 ii if max{ps0 , , ps1 , } < p ≤ ∞, psi , < qi ≤ ∞ for i 0, 1 and 0 < q ≤ ∞, then s0 s1 Ḟp,q X, Ḟp,q X 0 1 σ,q s Ḃp,q X. 8.35 Proof. We first verify i. By Proposition 5.10iii, we know that s0 s1 X, Ḃp,q X ⊂ G̊0 β, γ Ḃp,q 0 1 8.36 with max{0, −s0 n1/p − 1 , −s1 n1/p − 1 } < β < and max{n1/p − 1 , s0 −κ/p, s1 − κ/p} < γ < . Thus, we can take H G̊0 β, γ with β and γ as above. We now verify that s0 s1 Ḃp,∞ X, Ḃp,∞ X σ,q s ⊂ Ḃp,q X. 8.37 By Proposition 8.2ii, without loss of generality, we may assume that s0 > s1 . s0 s0 s1 X, Ḃp,∞ Xσ,q and f f0 f1 with f0 ∈ Ḃp,∞ X and f1 ∈ Assume that f ∈ Ḃp,∞ s1 Ḃp,∞ X. Let {Dk }k∈Z be as in Definition 5.8. Then, 2ks0 Dk fLp X 2ks0 Dk f0 Lp X 2ks0 −s1 2ks1 Dk f1 Lp X s0 s1 f0 Ḃp,∞ 2ks0 −s1 f1 Ḃp,∞ . X X 8.38 Taking the infimum on all representations f f0 f1 yields that s0 s1 X, Ḃp,∞ X . 2ks0 Dk fLp X K 2ks0 −s1 , f; Ḃp,∞ 8.39 226 Abstract and Applied Analysis If 0 < q < ∞, from 8.39, it follows that ∞ 0 q dt s0 s1 t−σq K t, f; Ḃp,∞ X, Ḃp,∞ X t ks0 −s1 2 ∞ q dt s0 s1 t−σq K t, f; Ḃp,∞ X, Ḃp,∞ X k−1s −s t 0 1 k−∞ 2 ∞ q s0 s1 2−σqks0 −s1 K 2ks0 −s1 , f; Ḃp,∞ X, Ḃp,∞ X 8.40 k−∞ ∞ q 2ksq Dk fLp X k−∞ q fḂs X ; p,q and if q ∞, by 8.39, we then have ks Dk fLp X fḂp,∞ s X sup 2 k∈Z s0 s1 sup 2ks−s0 K 2ks0 −s1 , f; Ḃp,∞ X, Ḃp,∞ X k∈Z 8.41 s0 s1 sup t−σ K t, f; Ḃp,∞ X, Ḃp,∞ X . 0<t<∞ Thus, 8.37 holds. We now prove that if 0 < r < q, then s0 s s1 Ḃp,q X ⊂ Ḃp,r X, Ḃp,r X σ,q . 8.42 Without loss of generality, we may assume that s0 > s1 again. Then we also have s0 > s > s1 . In what follows, we only consider the case q < ∞ and we omit the details for the case q ∞ s X. We then write by similarity and simplicity. Let now f ∈ Ḃp,q q f s0 s1 X,Ḃp,r Xσ,q Ḃp,r ∞ q dt s0 s1 t−σq K t, f; Ḃp,r X, Ḃp,r X t 0 ∞ q s0 s1 2−jσqs0 −s1 K 2js0 −s1 , f; Ḃp,r X, Ḃp,r X . 8.43 j−∞ Let all the notation be as in Theorem 4.11. For any j ∈ Z, we write fx j ∞ Nk,τ Nk,τ k,ν k x, yτk,ν μ Qτ Dk f yτk,ν D ··· k−∞ τ∈Ik j j ≡ f0 f1 . ν1 kj1 τ∈Ik ν1 8.44 Yongsheng Han et al. 227 From this and the definition of K-functional, it follows that f q s s 0 1 X,Ḃp,r Xσ,q Ḃp,r ∞ j−∞ j q j q 2−jσqs0 −s1 f0 Ḃs0 X 2js0 −s1 f1 Ḃs1 X ∞ jqs−s0 2 ∞ ∞ Nk ,τ τ ∈Ik ν 1 2 ∞ 2jqs−s1 k s0 r k −∞ j−∞ p,r p,r j−∞ Nk ,τ τ ∈Ik ν 1 2k s1 r k −∞ μ j p Qτk ,ν Dk f0 yτk ,ν r/p q/r j p μ Qτk ,ν Dk f1 yτk ,ν 8.45 r/p q/r ≡ J1 J2 . We first estimate J1 in the case p ≤ 1. In this case, by 5.10, 5.5, Lemma 5.2, and 5.12, we have J1 ∞ jqs−s0 2 ∞ k s0 r 2 k −∞ j−∞ j 2−|k −k|p 2nk−k∧k 1−p k−∞ k,ν Nk,τ p × μ Qτ Dk f yτk,ν 8.46 r/p q/r . ν1 τ∈Ik Now, we choose ∈ |s0 |, such that p > n/ns0 . Using 5.5 when r/p ≤ 1 or Hölder’s inequality when 1 < r/p < ∞ then further shows that J1 ∞ jqs−s0 2 ∞ k s0 r 2 k −∞ j−∞ j k−∞ × Nk,τ jqs−s0 2 j−∞ j ks0 r 2 Nk,τ k,ν p μ Qτ Dk f yτk,ν τ∈Ik k−∞ p μQτk,ν Dk f yτk,ν r/p q/r 8.47 ν1 τ∈Ik ∞ 2−|k −k| r 2nk−k∧k 1/p−1r r/p q/r . ν1 Since q/r > 1, by Hölder’s inequality and s0 > s, we have J1 ∞ jqs−s0 /2 2 j−∞ j k−∞ q fḂs p,q X ks0 −sq/2 ksq 2 2 Nk,τ k,ν p μ Qτ Dk f yτk,ν τ∈Ik , which is the desired estimate in the case p ≤ 1. ν1 q/p 8.48 228 Abstract and Applied Analysis While when 1 < p ≤ ∞, letting ∈ |s0 |, , by Hölder’s inequality and Lemma 5.2, we have J1 ∞ jqs−s0 2 ∞ k s0 r 2 k −∞ j−∞ Nk ,τ τ ∈Ik ν 1 j × μ Qτk ,ν 2−|k −k| p τ∈Ik k−∞ × V2−k∧k × ∞ jqs−s0 2 ∞ k s0 r 2 k −∞ j−∞ j Nk,τ k,ν p μ Qτ Dk f yτk,ν −|k −k| p 2 yτk ,ν 1 V2−k∧k yτk,ν V yτk ,ν , yτk,ν 2−k∧k 2−k∧k d yτk ,ν , yτk,ν r/p q/r Nk,τ k,ν p μ Qτ Dk f yτk,ν τ∈Ik k−∞ ν1 r/p q/r . ν1 8.49 Let when r/p ≤ 1 and ∈ |s0 |, when r/p > 1. By 5.5 when r/p ≤ 1 or Hölder’s inequality when r/p > 1, we further obtain J1 ∞ 2jqs−s0 ∞ 2k s0 r k −∞ j−∞ q fḂs p,q X j 2−|k −k| r Nk,τ k,ν p μ Qτ Dk f yτk,ν τ∈Ik k−∞ r/p q/r ν1 , 8.50 where in the last step, we omit some estimates similar to the case p ≤ 1. This completes the estimate for J1 . We now turn to the estimate for J2 . We also need to consider two cases. We first assume that p ≤ 1. In this case, the estimate 5.10 and Lemma 5.2 prove that J2 ∞ j−∞ jqs−s1 2 ∞ k −∞ k s1 r 2 ∞ 2−|k −k|p 2nk−k∧k 1−p kj1 k,ν Nk,τ p × μ Qτ Dk f yτk,ν τ∈Ik ν1 8.51 r/p q/r . Yongsheng Han et al. 229 Now let 0 when r/p ≤ 1 or ∈ 0, s − s1 when r/p > 1. Using 5.5 when r/p ≤ 1 or Hölder’s inequality when r/p > 1 gives that ∞ J2 jqs−s1 − 2 ∞ k s1 r 2 k −∞ j−∞ ∞ 2−|k −k|r 2nk−k∧k 1/p−1r 2k r kj1 k,ν Nk,τ p × μ Qτ Dk f yτk,ν jqs−s1 − 2 j−∞ ∞ ks1 r 2 Nk,τ k,ν p μ Qτ Dk f yτk,ν r/p q/r . ν1 τ∈Ik kj1 8.52 ν1 τ∈Ik ∞ r/p q/r Using q/r > 1 together with Hölder’s inequality then further yields that J2 ∞ 2 j−∞ ∞ jqs−s1 − /2 ks1 −sq/2 ksq 2 2 Nk,τ k,ν p μ Qτ Dk f yτk,ν τ∈Ik kj1 q/p 8.53 ν1 q fḂs X . p,q If 1 < p ≤ ∞, letting ∈ 0, s − s1 , by Hölder’s inequality and Lemma 5.2, we obtain J2 ∞ jqs−s1 − 2 ∞ k s1 r 2 k −∞ j−∞ ∞ −|k −k|p k p 2 2 Nk,τ k,ν p μ Qτ Dk f yτk,ν τ∈Ik kj1 r/p q/r . ν1 8.54 Now, if r/p ≤ 1, we then take 0, and if r/p > 1, we take ∈ 0, s − − s1 ; by 5.5 or Hölder’s inequality, we obtain J2 ∞ jqs−s1 − − 2 j−∞ ∞ k −∞ k s1 r 2 ∞ 2−|k −k|r 2k r kj1 k,ν Nk,τ p × μ Qτ Dk f yτk,ν τ∈Ik q fḂs X . p,q Thus, 8.42 holds. ν1 r/p q/r 8.55 230 Abstract and Applied Analysis From 8.37, 8.42, and Proposition 8.2iii together with Proposition 5.10i, by taking 0 < r < q0 and 0 < r < q1 , we deduce that s0 s s1 Ḃp,q X ⊂ Ḃp,r X, Ḃp,r X σ,q s0 s1 ⊂ Ḃp,q X, Ḃp,q X σ,q 0 1 s0 s1 ⊂ Ḃp,∞ X, Ḃp,∞ X σ,q 8.56 s ⊂ Ḃp,q X. Thus, i holds. To see ii, by i and Proposition 8.2iii together with Propositions 5.10ii and 6.9ii, we have s0 s1 s X Ḃp,min{p,q X, Ḃp,min{p,q X σ,q Ḃp,q 0} 1} s0 s1 ⊂ Ḟp,q X, Ḟp,q X σ,q 0 1 s0 s1 ⊂ Ḃp,max{p,q X, Ḃp,max{p,q X 0} 1} 8.57 σ,q s Ḃp,q X. Thus, ii holds, which completes the proof of Theorem 8.8. Theorem 8.9. Let be as in Definition 5.29, σ ∈ 0, 1, s0 , s1 ∈ −, , s0 / s1 , and s 1 − σs0 σs1 . Then i if max{ps0 , , ps1 , } < p ≤ ∞ and 0 < q0 , q1 , q ≤ ∞, then s0 s1 X, Bp,q X Bp,q 0 1 σ,q s Bp,q X; 8.58 ii if max{ps0 , , ps1 , } < p ≤ ∞, psi , < qi ≤ ∞ for i 0, 1 and 0 < q ≤ ∞, then s0 s1 X, Fp,q X Fp,q 0 1 σ,q s Bp,q X. 8.59 Proof. Similarly to the proof of Theorem 8.8, we only need to verify i, while ii can be deduced from i, Propositions 8.10, 5.31, and 6.21. To prove i, by Proposition 5.31iv, we know that s0 s1 Bp,q X, Bp,q X ⊂ G0 β, γ 0 1 8.60 with max{0, − s0 n1/p − 1 , −s1 n1/p − 1 } < β < and n1/p − 1 < γ < . Thus, in this case, we can take H G0 β, γ with β and γ as above. Yongsheng Han et al. 231 We now verify that s0 s1 X, Bp,∞ X Bp,∞ σ,q s ⊂ Bp,q X. 8.61 By Proposition 8.2ii, without loss of generality, we may assume that s0 > s1 . s0 s0 s1 X, Bp,∞ Xσ,q and f f0 f1 with f0 ∈ Bp,∞ X and f1 ∈ Assume that f ∈ Bp,∞ s1 X. Let {Dk }k∈Z be as in Definition 5.29. Then, Bp,∞ 2ks0 Dk fLp X 2ks0 Dk f0 Lp X 2ks0 −s1 2ks1 Dk f1 Lp X s0 s1 f0 Bp,∞ 2ks0 −s1 f1 Bp,∞ . X X 8.62 Taking the infimum on all representations f f0 f1 yields that for all k ∈ Z , s0 s1 2ks0 Dk fLp X K 2ks0 −s1 , f; Bp,∞ X, Bp,∞ X . 8.63 If 0 < q < ∞, from 8.63, it follows that ∞ 0 q dt s0 s1 t−σq K t, f; Bp,∞ X, Bp,∞ X t ks0 −s1 2 ∞ q dt s0 s1 t−σq K t, f; Bp,∞ X, Bp,∞ X k−1s0 −s1 t k−∞ 2 ∞ q s0 s1 2−σqks0 −s1 K 2ks0 −s1 , f; Bp,∞ X, Bp,∞ X 8.64 k0 ∞ k0 q 2ksq Dk fLp X q fBp,q ; s X and if q ∞, by 8.63, we then have ks Dk fLp X fBp,∞ s X sup 2 k∈Z s0 s1 sup 2ks−s0 K 2ks0 −s1 , f; Bp,∞ X, Bp,∞ X k∈Z 8.65 s0 s1 sup t−σ K t, f; Bp,∞ X, Bp,∞ X . 0<t<∞ Thus, 8.61 holds. We now prove that if 0 < r < q, then s0 s s1 Bp,q X ⊂ Bp,r X, Bp,r X σ,q . 8.66 232 Abstract and Applied Analysis Without loss of generality, we may assume that s0 > s1 again. Then we also have s0 > s > s1 . In what follows, we only consider the case q < ∞ and we omit the details for the case q ∞ s X. We then write by similarity and simplicity. Let now f ∈ Bp,q q f s s 0 1 X,Bp,r Xσ,q Bp,r ∞ 0 1 q dt s0 s1 t−σq K t, f; Bp,r X, Bp,r X t q dt s0 s1 t−σq K t, f; Bp,r X, Bp,r X t 0 ∞ q s0 s1 2−jσqs0 −s1 K 2js0 −s1 , f; Bp,r X, Bp,r X 8.67 j0 ≡ Y1 Y2 . To estimate the first term, by Proposition 5.31ii, we have s0 s1 s1 K t, f; Bp,r X, Bp,r X ≤ tfBp,r s X tfBp,r X , 8.68 which shows that Y1 1 q dt q s0 s1 fBp,r t−σq K t, f; Bp,r X, Bp,r X . s X t 0 8.69 To estimate the second term, let all the notation be as in Theorem 4.14. For any j ∈ N, we write j Nk,τ 0,ν k,ν N0,τ 0,ν x k x, yτk,ν μ Qτ mQτ0,ν D0 f D μ Qτ Dk f yτk,ν D fx Qτ τ∈I0 ν1 k1 τ∈Ik ν1 ∞ Nk,τ k,ν k x, yτk,ν μ Qτ Dk f yτk,ν D kj1 τ∈Ik ν1 ≡ j f0 j f1 , 8.70 0,ν x is as in the proof of Proposition 7.3. From this and the definition of Kwhere D Qτ functional, it follows that Y2 ∞ j0 ∞ 1 j q 2 j q 2−jσqs0 −s1 f0 Bs0 X 2js0 −s1 f1 Bs1 X jqs−s0 2 ∞ j0 N0,τ 0,ν j p μ Qτ mQ0,ν D0 f0 τ ∈I0 j0 p,r p,r jqs−s0 2 ∞ k 1 τ ν 1 k s0 r 2 q/p Nk ,τ τ ∈Ik ν 1 μ j p Qτk ,ν Dk f0 yτk ,ν r/p q/r Yongsheng Han et al. ∞ 233 jqs−s1 2 jqs−s1 2 ∞ k s1 r 2 k 1 j0 q/p τ ν 1 τ ∈I0 j0 ∞ N0,τ 0,ν j p μ Qτ mQ0,ν D0 f1 Nk ,τ τ ∈Ik ν 1 μ j p Qτk ,ν Dk f1 yτk ,ν r/p q/r ≡ J1 J2 J3 J4 . 8.71 The estimate 5.82, 5.5, and Lemma 5.2 show that when p ≤ 1, J1 ∞ js−s0 q 2 j0 N0,τ 0,ν p μ Qτ mQτ0,ν D0 f js−s0 q 2 j j0 ν1 τ∈I0 ∞ q/p −kp 2 Nk,τ k,ν p 1−p μ Qτ Dk f yτk,ν V1 yτk,ν τ∈Ik k1 q/p 8.72 ν1 q fBp,q , s X where in the last inequality, we used 5.5 when q/p ≤ 1 or Hölder’s inequality when 1 < q/p < ∞. When 1 < p ≤ ∞, from 5.82, Hölder’s inequality, and Lemma 5.2, it follows that J1 ∞ js−s0 q 2 N0,τ 0,ν μ Qτ ν 1 τ ∈I0 j0 × 0,ν N0,τ p μ Qτ mQτ0,ν D0 f ν1 τ∈I0 × ∞ js−s0 q 2 j0 1 1 q/p 0,ν 0,ν V1 yτ0,ν V1 yτ0,ν V yτ0,ν 1 d yτ0,ν , yτ , yτ N0,τ 0,ν μ Qτ τ ∈I0 × ν 1 j k1 × 2−k p Nk,τ k,ν p μ Qτ Dk f yτk,ν τ∈Ik ν1 1 1 q/p k,ν k,ν V1 yτ0,ν V1 yτk,ν V yτ0,ν 1 d yτ0,ν , yτ , yτ q fBp,q , s X 8.73 where we chose ∈ |s|, . 234 Abstract and Applied Analysis By 5.82, we write J2 ∞ js−s0 q 2 ∞ k s0 r 2 τ ∈Ik k 1 j0 Nk ,τ × ν 1 μ Qτk ,ν N0,τ ν1 τ∈I0 2−k μ Qτ0,ν mQτ0,ν D0 f × V1 yτk ,ν × 1 V1 yτ0,ν 1 V yτk ,ν , yτ0,ν p r/p q/r 1 d yτk ,ν , yτ0,ν j ∞ ∞ Nk ,τ k ,ν Nk,τ k,ν js−s0 q k s0 r 2 2 μ Qτ 2−|k −k| μ Qτ Dk f yτk,ν j0 τ ∈Ik ν 1 τ∈Ik ν1 k 1 k1 p r/p q/r Dk yk ,ν , yτk,ν × D k τ ≡ J2,1 J2,2 . 8.74 The estimate J2,2 is completely similar to that for J1 . Thus, we only need to estimate J2,1 . When p ≤ 1, by 5.5 and Lemma 5.2, we have J2,1 ∞ js−s0 q 2 q/r ∞ k s0 −r 2 k 1 j0 N0,τ 0,ν p μ Qτ mQτ0,ν D0 f τ∈I0 q/p q fBp,q , s X ν1 8.75 while when 1 < p ≤ ∞, Hölder’s inequality and Lemma 5.2 give that J2,1 ∞ js−s0 q 2 j0 ∞ k 1 k s0 r 2 τ ∈Ik Nk ,τ × ν 1 μ Qτk ,ν N0,τ 2−k p μ Qτ0,ν ν1 τ∈I0 p × mQτ0,ν D0 f × q fBp,q , s X 1 V1 yτk ,ν 1 V1 yτ0,ν r/p q/r V yτk ,ν , yτ0,ν 1 d yτk ,ν , yτ0,ν 8.76 which is also the desired estimate. Yongsheng Han et al. 235 Similarly, from 5.82, 5.5, Hölder’s inequality, and Lemma 5.2, it follows that if p ≤ 1, J3 ∞ js−s1 q 2 N0,τ 0,ν μ Qτ ν 1 τ ∈I0 j0 × ∞ Nk,τ k,ν μ Qτ Dk f yτk,ν ν1 kj1 τ∈Ik −k ×2 p q/p 1 1 k,ν k,ν d V1 yτ0,ν V1 yτk,ν V yτ0,ν , yτ 1d y0,ν , yτ τ ∞ ∞ 2js−s1 q j0 2−kn−n/pp Nk,τ k,ν p μ Qτ Dk f yτk,ν τ∈Ik kj1 q/p ν1 q fBp,q , s X 8.77 where we choose a1 1 if q/p ≤ 1 and a1 ∈ 0, 1 if q/p > 1 such that a1 s > 1 − a1 n − n/p s1 , while when 1 < p ≤ ∞, by Hölder’s inequality and Lemma 5.2, we have J3 ∞ js−s1 q 2 N0,τ 0,ν μ Qτ ν 1 τ ∈I0 j0 × ∞ Nk,τ k,ν p μ Qτ |Dk f yτk,ν | ν1 kj1 τ∈Ik −k p ×2 1 1 q/p k,ν k,ν V1 yτ0,ν V1 yτk,ν V yτ0,ν 1d yτ0,ν , yτ , yτ q fBp,q , s X 8.78 where we chose ∈ |s1 |, and a2 ∈ 0, 1 such that a2 > 1 − a2 s − s1 . The estimate J4 is similar to that for J2 and we omit the details, which completes the proof of Theorem 8.9. 8.2. Dual spaces In this subsection, we are going to identify the dual spaces of some classes of Besov spaces and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces. To this end, we first recall the definitions of some auxiliary function spaces. Let 0 < p, q ≤ ∞. The spaces Lp ˙ q X and ˙ q Lp X are respectively defined to be 236 Abstract and Applied Analysis the set of all sequences f {fk }k∈Z of μ-measurable functions on X such that fLp ˙ q X 1/q ∞ q fk k−∞ f˙ q Lp X < ∞, Lp X ∞ fk q p L X 8.79 1/q < ∞; k−∞ and the spaces Lp q X and q Lp X are respectively defined to be the set of all sequences f {fk }k∈Z of μ-measurable functions on X such that fLp q X f q Lp X 1/q ∞ q fk k0 ∞ fk q p k0 L X < ∞, Lp X 8.80 1/q < ∞. The following result is well known cf., e.g., 3, Proposition 2.11.1, pages 177-178. Proposition 8.10. Let 1 ≤ p < ∞ and 0 < q < ∞. Then the following hold. i g ∈ Lp ˙ q X if and only if there exists a sequence {gj }j∈Z ∈ Lp ˙ q X such that gf ∞ j−∞ X gj xfj xdμx 8.81 for every f {fj }j∈Z ∈ Lp ˙ q X, and g ∼ {gj }j∈Z Lp ˙ q X . ii g ∈ ˙ q Lp X if and only if there is a sequence {gj }j∈Z ∈ ˙ q Lp X such that gf ∞ j−∞ X gj xfj xdμx 8.82 for every f {fj }j∈Z ∈ ˙ q Lp X, and g ∼ {gj }j∈Z ˙ q Lp X . Using Proposition 8.10, by a procedure similar to the proof of Theorem 2.11.2 in 3, we can establish the following duality theorem for homogeneous Besov spaces and TriebelLizorkin spaces. In what follows, when 0 < q < 1, we also let q ≡ ∞. Yongsheng Han et al. 237 Theorem 8.11. Let be as in Definition 5.8 and |s| < . Then, the following hold. i If 1 ≤ p < ∞ and 0 < q < ∞, then s Ḃp,q X Ḃp−s ,q X. 8.83 More precisely, given g ∈ Ḃp−s ,q X, then Lg f ≡ f, g defines a linear functional on G̊, ∩ s Ḃp,q X such that Lg f ≤ Cf s Ḃp,q X gḂp−s ,q X , 8.84 s where C > 0 is independent of f, and this linear functional naturally extends to Ḃp,q X by continuity with norm at most CgḂ−s X . p ,q s Conversely, if L is a linear functional on Ḃp,q X, then there exists a unique g ∈ Ḃp−s ,q X such that L is the natural extension of Lg , with gḂ−s X ≤ CL. p ,q ii If 1 < p, q < ∞, then s Ḟp,q X Ḟp−s ,q X. 8.85 More precisely, given g ∈ Ḟp−s ,q X, then Lg f ≡ f, g defines a linear functional on G̊, ∩ s Ḟp,q X such that Lg f ≤ Cf s Ḟp,q X gḞp−s ,q X , 8.86 s where C > 0 is independent of f, and this linear functional naturally extends to Ḟp,q X by continuity with norm at most CgḞ −s X . p ,q s Conversely, if L is a linear functional on Ḟp,q X, then there exists a unique g ∈ Ḟp−s ,q X such that L is the natural extension of Lg , with gḞ −s X ≤ CL. p ,q Proof. Let s ∈ −, . We first claim that if 1 < p < ∞ and ps, < q < ∞, then s Ḟp−s ,q X ⊂ Ḟp,q X , 8.87 and that if 1 ≤ p < ∞ and 0 < q < ∞, s Ḃp−s ,q X ⊂ Ḃp,q X . 8.88 238 Abstract and Applied Analysis We first verify 8.87. Observe first that 1 < p < ∞ and 1 < q ≤ ∞. Let f ∈ Ḟp−s ,q X and all the notation be as in Theorem 3.10. For any ϕ ∈ G̊1 , 2 , by the definition of Ḟp−s ,q X and Theorem 3.13 together with Hölder’s inequality and Remark 5.5, we have ∞ t fϕ D f, Dk ϕ k−∞ k ∞ t Dk fxD ϕxdμx ≤ k 8.89 X k−∞ fḞ −s X ϕḞp,q s X , p ,q which together with the Hahn-Banach theorem and Proposition 5.21 shows 8.87. Similarly, to see 8.88, for any f ∈ Ḃp−s ,q X with 1 < p , q ≤ ∞ and ϕ ∈ G̊1 , 2 , we have ∞ t fϕ ϕ D f, D k k−∞ k ≤ ∞ t Dk f p D ϕ p k L X L X 8.90 k−∞ ≤ fḂ−s X ϕḂp,q s X , p ,q which together with the Hahn-Banach theorem and Proposition 5.21 again proves 8.88. We now complete the proof of ii. Let s ∈ −, and let 1 < p, q < ∞. Let {Dk }k∈Z be as in Definition 5.8. Then ∞ s X −→ 2ks Dk f k−∞ f ∈ Ḟp,q 8.91 s X onto a subspace of Lp ˙ q X, and every functional g ∈ is a one-to-one mapping from Ḟp,q s Ḟp,q X can be interpreted as a functional on that subspace. By the Hahn-Banach theorem, g can be extended to a continuous linear functional on Lp ˙ q X, where the norm of g is preserved. If ϕ ∈ G̊0 β, γ with some fixed |s| < β < and max{s − κ/p, 0, − s − κ1 − 1/p} < γ < , then Proposition 8.10ii yields gϕ ∞ k−∞ X gk xDk ϕxdμx, −sk ∞ 2 gk k−∞ Lp ˙ q X ∼ g. 8.92 8.93 The formula 8.92 can be written as gϕ ∞ k−∞ X Dkt gk xϕxdμx, 8.94 Yongsheng Han et al. 239 which means that in G̊0 β, γ with |s| < β < and max{s − κ/p, 0, − s − κ1 − 1/p} < γ < , we have ∞ gx Dkt gk x. 8.95 k−∞ Repeating the proof of Proposition 5.4ii, we find that ∞ gḞ −s X 2−sk gk k−∞ Lp ˙ q X p ,q 8.96 . Thus, g ∈ Ḟp−s ,q X, which shows ii. To finish the proof of the theorem, we still need to establish the converse of 8.88. To s X . Repeating the above proof this end, we first let s ∈ −, , 1 ≤ p, q < ∞, and g ∈ Ḃp,q with ˙ q Lp X instead of Lp ˙ q X, for any ϕ ∈ G̊0 β, γ with some fixed |s| < β < and max{s − κ/p, 0, −s − κ1 − 1/p} < γ < , we see that 8.92 holds, and that −sk ∞ 2 gk k−∞ ˙ q Lp X ∼ g. 8.97 Similarly, 8.92 means that 8.95 holds in G̊0 β, γ with |s| < β < and max{s − κ/p, 0, −s − κ1 − 1/p} < γ < . Repeating the proof of Proposition 5.6ii, we obtain ∞ gḂ−s X 2−sk gk k−∞ ˙ q Lp X p ,q 8.98 . Thus, g ∈ Ḃp−s ,q X, which proves i when s ∈ −, and 1 ≤ p, q < ∞. s s X ⊂ Ḃp,1 X by Finally, let s ∈ −, , 1 ≤ p < ∞, and 0 < q < 1. Then Ḃp,q Proposition 5.10i, which gives s s Ḃp−s ,∞ X Ḃp,1 X ⊂ Ḃp,q X . 8.99 s On the other hand, if g ∈ Ḃp,q X with s ∈ −, , 1 ≤ p < ∞, and 0 < q < 1 and letting {Dk }k∈Z be as in Definition 5.8, we then have that for all l ∈ Z, Dl g ϕ g Dt ϕ gDt ϕ l l s Ḃp,q X . 8.100 s We now estimate Dlt ϕḂp,q X . For any k, l ∈ Z, by Theorem 3.10, we have Dk Dlt ϕ ∞ k −∞ k Dk ϕ Dk Dlt D 8.101 240 Abstract and Applied Analysis in G̊0 β, γ with β and γ as above. Using 3.2 of Lemma 3.2 and iii of Proposition 2.7 together with Hölder’s inequality and the Fubini theorem gives −|k−l|1 Dk Dt D Dk Dk ϕLp X 2−|k−l|1 Dk ϕLp X , l k Dk ϕ Lp X 2 t −|l−k |1 Dk Dt D Dk ϕLp X , l k Dk ϕ Lp X Dl Dk Dk ϕ Lp X 2 8.102 where 1 and 1 can be any positive number in 0, 1 . These estimates together with the geometric means and Proposition 2.7iii again yield that for any σ ∈ 0, 1, −|k−l|1 σ −|l−k |1 1−σ Dk Dt D Dk ϕLp X 2 l k Dk ϕ Lp X 2 2−|k−l|1 σ 2−|l−k |1 1−σ ϕLp X . 8.103 If we choose σ ∈ 0, 1 and 1 ∈ 0, 1 such that 1 σ > |s|, then from the above estimate and 8.101 together with Definition 5.1 and 5.5, it follows that Dlt ϕḂp,q s X ∞ q Dk Dlt ϕLp X 2 k−∞ ∞ 1/q ksq ksq 2 q 1/q ∞ −|k−l|1 σ −|l−k |1 1−σ 2 2 k −∞ k−∞ ϕLp X 8.104 2 ϕLp X . ls Thus, Dl g ϕ 2−ls ϕ 8.105 Lp X , which implies that 3 4 sup 2−ls Dl gLp X g. 8.106 l∈Z That is, g ∈ Ḃp−s ∞ X, which completes the proof of i, and hence, Theorem 8.11. s To determine the dual space of Ḟp,q X when p 1, following 82, we first consider the corresponding spaces of sequences. Let λ be a sequence as in 7.1. Then for s ∈ R, 0 < q ≤ ∞, and x ∈ X, we define Ġ λx s,q ∞ Nk,τ k−∞ τ∈Ik s,q Ġτ,k,ν λx ∞ ν1 k k1 Qk ,ν ⊂Qk,ν τ τ q χ k,ν x 2ksq λk,ν τ Qτ 1/q q 2k sq λkτ ,ν χQk ,ν x τ , 8.107 1/q . Yongsheng Han et al. 241 s,q s,q Let ṁτ,k,ν λ denote the “1/4-median” of Ġτ,k,ν λ on Qτk,ν , namely, s,q ṁτ,k,ν μ Qτk,ν s,q k,ν . inf δ > 0 : μ x ∈ Qτ : Ġτ,k,ν λx > δ < 4 8.108 We also set s,q ṁs,q λx sup ṁτ,k,ν λχQτk,ν x. 8.109 k,τ,ν s X. The following conclusion is trivial by the definition of f˙∞,q Proposition 8.12. Let δ ∈ 0, 1, s ∈ R, and 0 < q ≤ ∞. Assume that for each dyadic cube Q, there exists a measurable set EQ ⊂ Q such that μEQ /μQ ≥ δ. Then s λf˙∞,q X ∼ sup sup l∈Z α∈Il 1 μ Qαl ∞ Nk,τ kl τ∈Ik ksq 2 ν1 q χ μ EQτk,ν λk,ν τ {τ,ν: Qτk,ν ⊂Qαl } τ, ν 1/q . 8.110 s We now establish a characterization of f˙∞,q X by means of ṁs,q . Proposition 8.13. Let s ∈ R and 0 < q ≤ ∞. Then s,q s λf˙∞,q X ∼ ṁ λ L∞ X . 8.111 Proof. By Chebyshev’s inequality, we see that μ q s,q 1 s,q x ∈ Qτk,ν : Ġτ,k,ν λx > δ ≤ q Ġ λx dμx δ Qτk,ν τ,k,ν μ Qτk,ν q ≤ λf˙s X ∞,q δq 1 < μ Qτk,ν , 4 8.112 s if δ> 41/δ λf˙∞,q X . Hence, s,q ṁ λ L∞ X s λf˙∞,q X . 8.113 To establish the converse, we introduce the extended integer-valued stopping time kx for x ∈ X by kx inf k ∈ Z : ∞ Nk ,τ k k τ ∈Ik ν 1 q 2k sq λkτ ,ν χQk ,ν τ 1/q ≤ ṁ λx . s,q 8.114 242 Abstract and Applied Analysis Also, for any Qτk,ν , set EQτk,ν x ∈ Qτk,ν : kx ≤ k . 8.115 s,q EQτk,ν x ∈ Qτk,ν : Ġτ,k,ν λx ≤ ṁs,q λx . 8.116 Then, obviously, From 8.108, it follows that μ s,q x ∈ Qτk,ν : Ġτ,k,ν λx > ṁs,q λx ≤μ 1 s,q s,q x ∈ Qτk,ν : Ġτ,k,ν λx > ṁτ,k,ν λ ≤ μ Qτk,ν , 4 8.117 and hence, μEQτk,ν ≥ 3/4μQτk,ν , and ∞ Nk,τ k−∞ τ∈Ik ν1 q χE x 2ksq λk,ν τ k,ν Q τ 1/q ṁs,q λx, 8.118 which together with Proposition 8.12 yields s,q s λf˙∞,q X ṁ λ L∞ X . 8.119 This finishes the proof of Proposition 8.13. s We next prove the following duality for f˙1,q X. −s s Proposition 8.14. Assume that s ∈ R and 0 < q < ∞. Then f˙1,q X f˙∞,q X. In particular, if k,ν −s ˙ λ {λτ : k ∈ Z, τ ∈ Ik , ν 1, . . . , Nk, τ} ∈ f X, then the map ∞,q t tQτk,ν : k ∈ Z, τ ∈ Ik , ν 1, . . . , Nk, τ −→ t, λ, 8.120 where t, λ ∞ Nk,τ k−∞ τ∈Ik ν1 k,ν tQτk,ν λk,ν , τ μ Qτ 8.121 s s X with operator norm λf˙1,q defines a continuous linear functional on f˙1,q X equivalent to s s ˙ ˙ s λf˙1,q X , and every ∈ f1,q X is of this form for some λ ∈ f1,q X. Yongsheng Han et al. 243 Proof. We first assume that 1 ≤ q < ∞. Similarly to the proof of Proposition 8.13, let −s,q EQτk,ν x ∈ Qτk,ν : Ġτ,k,ν λx ≤ ṁ−s,q λx . 8.122 Then μEQτk,ν ≥ 3/4μQτk,ν and ∞ Nk,τ q 2−ksq λk,ν τ 1/q χE ν1 k−∞ τ∈Ik k,ν Qτ ṁ−s,q λx. x 8.123 From this, Hölder’s inequality, and Proposition 8.13, it follows that ∞ Nk,τ k,ν k,ν μ Qτ tQτk,ν λτ k−∞ τ∈I ν1 k ∞ Nk,τ 1 X k−∞ τ∈Ik ν1 ∞ Nk,τ X k−∞ τ∈Ik ν1 21 χE 2ks tQτk,ν χQτk,ν x 2−ks λk,ν τ k,ν Qτ 2ksq t q k,ν χ Qτ 1/q Qτk,ν x 2 x dμx ∞ Nk,τ k−∞ τ∈Ik ν1 q 2−ksq |λk,ν τ | χEQk,ν x 1/q dμx τ −s,q s tf˙1,q λL∞ X X ṁ s tf˙1,q X λf˙ −s X , ∞,q 8.124 which yields s λf˙1,q X λf˙ −s X , 8.125 ∞,q −s s X ⊂ f˙1,1 X. if 1 ≤ q < ∞. The case 0 < q < 1 then follows from the trivial imbedding f˙1,q s ˙ Conversely, by Proposition 8.10i, it is easy to see that every ∈ f X is of the 1,q form: t −→ ∞ Nk,τ k,ν μ Qτ tQτk,ν λk,ν τ k−∞ τ∈Ik 8.126 ν1 for some λ as in 7.1. Assume first again that 1 ≤ q < ∞. Fix a dyadic cube Qαl . Let Y be the sequence space of all dyadic cubes Qτk,ν such that Qτk,ν ⊂ Qαl , and let σ be a measure on Y such 244 Abstract and Applied Analysis that the σ-measure of the point Qτk,ν is μQτk,ν /μQαl . Then ∞ Nk,τ 1 −ksq q χ μ Qτk,ν λk,ν τ {τ,ν:Qτk,ν ⊂Qαl } τ, ν 2 μ Qαl kl τ∈Ik ν1 2−ks λk,ν τ Qτk,ν ⊂Qαl 1/q q Y, dσ ∞ Nk,τ 1 k,ν −ks k,ν sup l tQτk,ν 2 λτ μ Qτ t q ≤1 μ Qα kl τ∈I ν1 Y,dσ k 1 s ≤ λf˙1,q sup 2−ks tQτk,ν l X μ Qα t q ≤1 8.127 l . Qτk,ν ⊂Qα f˙ s X 1,q Y, dσ However, by Hölder’s inequality, we have 1 −ks 2 tQτk,ν l μ Qα l Qτk,ν ⊂Qα f˙ s X 1,q l μ Qα 1 1 μ Qαl Qαl ∞ Nk,τ t kl τ∈Ik ν1 ∞ Nk,τ t kl τ∈Ik ν1 1/q q k,ν χ {τ,ν:Qτk,ν ⊂Qαl } τ, νχQτk,ν x Qτ q k,ν χ {τ,ν:Qτk,ν ⊂Qαl } τ, νμ Qτ dμx 8.128 1/q Qτk,ν ∼ t q Y, dσ . Thus, if 1 ≤ q < ∞, then s λf˙−s X λf˙1,q X . 8.129 ∞,q k,ν For 0 < q < 1, we have q ∞. In this case, for any Qτk,ν , we set tQτ Qk ,ν 2−ks /μQτk,ν for k,ν s Qτk ,ν Qτk,ν and 0 otherwise. Clearly, tQτ f˙1,q X 1 and hence, Qk,ν τ , λ λf˙s X , −s λf˙∞,∞ X ≤ sup t 1,q τ 8.130 k,τ,ν which completes the proof of Proposition 8.14. From Proposition 7.1, Theorem 7.2, and Proposition 8.14, by a standard method as in s X when p 1 as follows. We omit the 82, pages 79-80, we can obtain the dual space of Ḟp,q details. Yongsheng Han et al. 245 s X Theorem 8.15. Let be as in Definition 6.1, |s| < , and ps, < q < ∞. Then Ḟ1,q −s Ḟ∞,q X in the sense of that in Theorem 8.11(ii). A slight modification of the proof of Proposition 2.11.1 in 3, pages 177-178 again gives the following inhomogeneous version of Propositions 8.10 and 8.14. We omit the details. Proposition 8.16. Let 1 ≤ p < ∞ and 0 < q < ∞. Then the following hold. i g ∈ Lp q X if and only if there is a sequence {gj }j∈Z ∈ Lp q X such that gf ∞ j0 X gj xfj xdμx 8.131 for every f {fj }j∈Z ∈ Lp q X, and g ∼ {gj }j∈Z Lp q X . ii g ∈ q Lp X if and only if there is a sequence {gj }j∈Z ∈ q Lp X gf ∞ j0 X gj xfj xdμx 8.132 for every f {fj }j∈Z ∈ q Lp X, and g ∼ {gj }j∈Z q Lp X . −s s X f∞,q Theorem 8.17. Assume that s ∈ R and 0 < q < ∞. Then f1,q X. In particular, if −s λ {λk,ν τ : k ∈ Z , τ ∈ Ik , ν 1, . . . , Nk, τ} ∈ f∞,q X, then the map t tQτk,ν : k ∈ Z , τ ∈ Ik , ν 1, . . . , Nk, τ −→ t, λ, 8.133 where t, λ ∞ Nk,τ k0 τ∈Ik ν1 k,ν tQτk,ν λk,ν , τ μ Qτ 8.134 s s defines a continuous linear functional on f1,q X with operator norm λf1,q X equivalent to s s s λf1,q X , and every ∈ f1,q X is of this form for some λ ∈ f1,q X. With Proposition 8.16 and Theorem 8.17, respectively, in place of Propositions 8.10 and 8.14, by a procedure similar to the proof of Theorem 8.11 see also 3, the proof of Theorem 2.11.2 and Theorem 5.6 in 82, pages 79-80, we can establish the following inhomogeneous version of Theorems 8.11 and 8.15, which describes the dual spaces of some inhomogeneous Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces. We omit the details. 246 Abstract and Applied Analysis Theorem 8.18. Let be as in Definition 5.8 and |s| < . Then, the following hold. i If 1 ≤ p < ∞ and 0 < q < ∞, then s X Bp−s ,q X. Bp,q 8.135 More precisely, given g ∈ Bp−s ,q X, then Lg f ≡ f, g defines a linear functional on G, ∩ s X such that Bp,q Lg f ≤ Cf s Bp,q X gBp−s ,q X , 8.136 s X by continuity where C > 0 is independent of f, and this linear functional naturally extends to Bp,q with norm at most CgB−s X . p ,q s X, then there exists a unique g ∈ Bp−s ,q X Conversely, if L is a linear functional on Bp,q such that L is the natural extension of Lg , with gB−s X ≤ CL. p ,q ii If 1 < p, q < ∞, or p 1 and ps, < q < ∞, then s X Fp−s ,q X. Fp,q 8.137 More precisely, given g ∈ Fp−s ,q X, then Lg f ≡ f, g defines a linear functional on G, ∩ s X such that Fp,q Lg f ≤ Cf s Fp,q X gFp−s ,q X , 8.138 s X by continuity where C > 0 is independent of f, and this linear functional naturally extends to Fp,q with norm at most CgF −s X . p ,q s Conversely, if L is a linear functional on Fp,q X, then there exists a unique g ∈ Fp−s ,q X such that L is the natural extension of Lg , with gF −s X ≤ CL. p ,q Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the referees for their many helpful suggestions and corrections, which improve the presentation of this paper. Dachun Yang also wishes to express his sincerely thanks to Professor Hans Triebel for several helpful suggestions on this paper. Dachun Yang is supported by National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars no. 10425106 and NCET no. 04-0142 of Ministry of Education of China. References 1 H. Triebel, Theory of Function Spaces. 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