Hindawi Publishing Corporation Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2008, Article ID 845724, 11 pages doi:10.1155/2008/845724 Research Article Differential Subordinations Associated with Multiplier Transformations Adriana Cătaş, Georgia Irina Oros, and Gheorghe Oros Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Oradea, 1 University Street, 410087 Oradea, Romania Correspondence should be addressed to Adriana Cătaş, acatas@gmail.com Received 26 February 2008; Accepted 15 May 2008 Recommended by Ferhan Atici The authors introduce new classes of analytic functions in the open unit disc which are defined by using multiplier transformations. The properties of these classes will be studied by using techniques involving the Briot-Bouquet differential subordinations. Also an integral transform is established. Copyright q 2008 Adriana Cătaş et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 1. Introduction and definitions Let H be the class of analytic functions in the open unit disc U z ∈ C : |z| < 1 1.1 and let Ha, n be the subclass of H consisting of functions of the form fz a an zn an1 zn1 · · · . Let Ap, n denote the class of functions fz normalized by fz zp ∞ ak zk p, n ∈ N : {1, 2, 3, . . .} 1.2 kpn which are analytic in the open unit disc. In particular, we set Ap, 1 : Ap , A1, n : An, A1, 1 : A A1 . 1.3 If a function fz belongs to the class An, it has the form fz z ∞ ak zk kn1 n ∈ N : {1, 2, 3, . . .} . 1.4 2 Abstract and Applied Analysis For two functions fz given by 1.4 and for gz given by ∞ gz z bk z k n ∈ N, 1.5 kn1 the Hadamard product or convolution f∗gz is defined, as usual, by f∗gz : z ∞ ak bk zk : g∗fz. 1.6 kn1 If f and g are analytic in U, we say that f is subordinate to g, written symbolically as f ≺g or fz ≺ gz z ∈ U 1.7 if there exists a Schwarz function wz in U which is analytic in U with w0 0 and |wz| < 1 such that fz gwz, z ∈ U. We consider the following multiplier transformations. Definition 1.1 see 1. Let f ∈ Ap, n. For δ, λ ∈ R, λ ≥ 0, δ ≥ 0, l ≥ 0, define the multiplier transformations Ip δ, λ, l on Ap, n by the following infinite series: Ip δ, λ, lfz : zp ∞ p λk − p l δ ak zk . p l kpn 1.8 It follows from 1.8 that Ip 0, λ, lfz fz, p lIp 2, λ, lfz p1 − λ l Ip 1, λ, lfz λz Ip 1, λ, lfz , Ip δ1 , λ, l Ip δ2 , λ, l fz Ip δ2 , λ, l Ip δ1 , λ, l fz . 1.9 Remark 1.2 see 1. For p 1, l 0, λ ≥ 0, δ m, m ∈ N0 , N0 N ∪ {0}, the operator Dλm : I1 m, λ, 0 was introduced and studied by Al-Oboudi 2 which is reduced to the Sălăgean differential operator 3 for λ 1. The operator Ilm : I1 m, 1, l was studied recently by Cho and Srivastava 4 and by Cho and Kim 5. The operator Im : I1 m, 1, 1 was studied by Uralegaddi and Somanatha 6, the operator Dλδ : I1 δ, λ, 0 was introduced by Acu and Owa 7 and the operator Ip m, l : Ip m, 1, l was investigated recently by Sivaprasad Kumar et al. 8. If f is given by 1.2, then we have Ip δ, λ, lfz f∗ϕδp,λ,l z, where ϕδp,λ,l z zp ∞ p λk − p l δ k z . pl kpn 1.10 1.11 In particular, we set I1 δ, λ, lfz : Iδ, λ, lfz. In order to prove our main results, we will make use of the following lemmas. 1.12 Adriana Cătaş et al. 3 Lemma 1.3 see 9. For real or complex numbers a, b, and c c/ ∈Z−0 : {0, −1, −2, . . .}, the following hold: 1 ΓbΓc − b · 2 F1 a, b; c; z tb−1 1 − tc−b−1 1 − tz−a dt Re c > Re b > 0, 1.13 Γc 0 z −a , 1.14 2 F 1 a, b; c; z 1 − z ·2 F1 a, c − b; c; z−1 2 F 1 a, b; c; z 2 F1 b, a; c; z, b 1· 2 F1 1, b; b 1; z b 1 bz·2 F1 1, b 1; b 2; z, √ π·Γ a b 1/2 ab1 1 ; . 2 F 1 a, b; 2 2 Γ a 1/2 Γ b 1/2 1.15 1.16 1.17 Lemma 1.4 see 10. Let β, γ ∈ C, β / 0 and let h be convex in U, with Re βhz γ > 0 z ∈ U. 1.18 If the function p ∈ Hh0, n, then pz zp z ≺ hz ⇒ pz ≺ hz. βpz γ 1.19 Lemma 1.5 see 11. Let μ be a positive measure on the unit interval I 0, 1. Let gt, z be a function analytic in 0, 1 × U, for each t ∈ I and integrable in t, for each z ∈ U and for almost all t ∈ I. Suppose also that Re gt, z > 0 z ∈ U; t ∈ I, 1.20 gt, −r is real for real r and Re 1 1 ≥ gt, z gt, −r |z| ≤ r < 1, t ∈ I . 1.21 If gz gt, zdμt, 1.22 I then Re 1 gz ≥ 1 g−r |z| ≤ r < 1 . 1.23 Lemma 1.6 see 12. Let ψz be univalent in the unit disc U and let v and ϕ be analytic in a domain D ⊃ ψU with ϕw / 0, when w ∈ ψU. Set Qz : zψ zϕ ψz , hz : v ψz Qz. 1.24 4 Abstract and Applied Analysis Suppose that 1 Qz is starlike in U and 2 Re zh z/Qz > 0 for z ∈ U. If qz is analytic in U, with q0 ψ0, qU ⊂ D, and v qz zq zϕ qz ≺ v ψz zψ zϕ ψz , 1.25 then qz ≺ ψz and ψz is the best dominant. Lemma 1.7 see 12, Theorem 3.3d. Let β, γ, A ∈ C, with Re β γ > 0 and let B ∈ −1, 0 satisfy either Re β1 AB γ1 B 2 ≥ βA βB Bγ γ, 1.26 when B ∈ −1, 0, or Re β1 − A 2γ ≥ 0, β1 A > 0, 1.27 when B −1. If p ∈ H1, n satisfies pz zp z 1 Az ≺ , βpz γ 1 Bz 1.28 then pz ≺ qz qn z ≺ 1 Az , 1 Bz 1.29 where qn is the univalent solution of the differential equation qz nzq z 1 Az . βqz γ 1 Bz 1.30 In addition, the function qn , is the best 1, n-dominant and the function qn is given by γ β γ kz β/n γ zK z 1 − , qz − β Kz β Kz βgz β where kz z exp z ht − 1t−1 dt, 0 βγ Kz nzγ/n 1.31 z k β/n γ/n−1 tt n/β dt , 1.32 0 and the univalent function g is given by 1 gz n 1 0 ktz kz β/n tγ/n−1 dt. 1.33 Now we define new classes of analytic functions by using the multiplier transformations Im, λ, l defined by 1.8 as follows. Adriana Cătaş et al. 5 2. Main results Definition 2.1. Let −1 ≤ B < A ≤ 1, λ > 0, l ≥ 0, m ∈ N ∪ {0}. A function f ∈ An is said to be in the class Sm, λ, l; A, B if it satisfies the following subordination: l 1 Im 1, λ, lfz 1 − λ l 1 Az · − ≺ λ Im, λ, lfz l1 1 Bz z ∈ U. 2.1 Remark 2.2. We note that S0, 1, 0; 1 − 2α, −1 ≡ S∗ α, S1, 1, 0; 1 − 2α, −1 ≡ Kα, 2.2 where S∗ α and Kα 0 ≤ α < 1 denote the subclasses of functions in A which are, respectively, starlike of order α and convex of order α in U. Also we have the class Sm, λ, 0; A, B ≡ Sm λ A, B 2.3 studied by Patel 13. Let φz be analytic in U and φ0 1. We introduce the following definition. Definition 2.3. A function f ∈ An is said to be in the class Am, λ, l, n; φ if it satisfies the following subordination: Im 1, λ, lfz ≺ φz, Im, λ, lfz z ∈ U. 2.4 Remark 2.4. We note that the classes Am, 1, l, n; φ were investigated recently by Sivaprasad Kumar et al. 8. Theorem 2.5. Let −1 ≤ B < A ≤ 1, l ≥ 0, λ > 0, and 1 − B1 − λ l λ1 − A > 0. 2.5 Sm 1, λ, l; A, B ⊂ Sm, λ, l; A, B. 2.6 i Then Further, for f ∈ Sm 1, λ, l; A, B, the following hold: l 1 Im 1, λ, lfz 1 − λ l 1 Az · − ≺ qz ≺ , λ Im, λ, lfz l1 1 Bz 2.7 6 Abstract and Applied Analysis where qz ⎧ 1−λl 1 ⎪ ⎪ − ⎪ ⎪ λ ⎨ 1/n 1 sl1/λn−1 1 Bzs/1 Bz1/nA/B−1 ds if B / 0, ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ if B 0, 0 1−λl 1 − λ l1/λn−1 1/n 0 s · exp Azs − 1/n ds 1 2.8 and q is the best dominant of 2.7. ii Furthermore, in addition to 2.5, one consider the inequality B l 1 λn − 1 A≤− , λ 2.9 Sm 1, λ, l; A, B ⊂ Sm, λ, l; 1 − 2η, −1, 2.10 where −1 ≤ B < 0, then where η −1 A l1 B 1 1 − , 1, 1, F − 1 − λ l /λ. 2 1 n B λn B−1 2.11 The result is the best possible. Proof. Setting z Im, λ, lfz χz : Im, λ, lfz z ∈ U, 2.12 we note that χz is analytic in U and χz 1 an zn an1 zn1 · · · . 2.13 l 1Im 1, λ, lfz 1 − λ lIm, λ, lfz λz Im, λ, lfz 2.14 Using the identity in definition of χz and carrying out logarithmic differentiation in the resulting equation, one obtains z Im 1, λ, lfz zχ z χz . Im 1, λ, lfz χz 1 − λ l/λ 2.15 Since f ∈ Sm 1, λ, l; A, B, we get χz zχ z 1 Az ≺ . χz 1 − λ l/λ 1 Bz 2.16 Adriana Cătaş et al. 7 By applying Lemma 1.4, we obtain that 1 Az . 2.17 1 Bz Hence we have shown the inclusion 2.6. Also, making use of Lemma 1.7 with β 1 and γ 1 − λ l/λ, q is the best dominant of 2.7 and q is defined by 2.8. This proves part i of Theorem 2.5. To establish 2.10, we need to show that inf Re qz q−1. 2.18 χz ≺ |z|<1 The proof of the assertion 2.18 will be deduced on the same lines as in 14 making use of Lemma 1.5. If we set a 1/n1 − A/B, b l 1/λn, c l 1/λn 1, B < 0, then by using 1.13, 1.14, and 1.15, we find from 2.8 that qz 1 1−λl − , 1/nQz λ where Qz 1 Bza 1 sb−1 1 Bsz−a ds 0 Bz Γb . ·2 F1 1, a; c; Γc Bz 1 By using 1.13, the above equality yields Qz 2.19 1 gs, zdμs, 2.20 2.21 0 where gs, z dμs 1 Bz , 1 1 − sBz Γc sa−1 1 − sc−a−1 ds ΓaΓc − a 2.22 is a positive measure on the closed interval 0, 1. For −1 ≤ B < 1, we note that Re gs, z > 0, gs, −r is real for 0 ≤ r < 1 and s ∈ 0, 1 and 1 1 − 1 − sBr 1 Re ≥ , |z| ≤ r < 1. 2.23 gs, z 1 − Br gs, −r Therefore, by using Lemma 1.5, one obtains 1 1 Re ≥ , Qz Q−r which, upon letting r→1−1 , yields Re 1 Qz ≥ |z| ≤ r < 1 1 . Q−1 2.24 2.25 Now, the assertion 2.18 follows by using Lemma 1.5. The result is the best possible and q is the best dominant of 2.7. This completes the proof of Theorem 2.5. 8 Abstract and Applied Analysis Taking m 0, n 1, λ 1, l 0, A 1 − 2α, B −1 in Theorem 2.5, we get the following result due to MacGregor 15. Corollary 2.6. For 0 ≤ α < 1, one obtains Kα ⊂ S∗ η1 , 2.26 where η1 2 F1 1 1, 21 − α, 2, 2 −1 ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ 1 1 − 2α , , α / 2α−1 2 1−2 ⎪ 1 1 ⎪ ⎩ , α . 2 ln 2 2 221−α 2.27 The result is the best possible. Theorem 2.7. Let ψz be univalent in U with ψ0 1, Re ψz > 0, and let zψ z/ψz be starlike in U. Let φz be defined by zψ z l1 λ ψz . φz : l1 λ ψz 2.28 Am 1, λ, l, n; φ ⊂ Am, λ, l, n; ψ. 2.29 Then Proof. Setting qz Im 1, λ, lfz , Im, λ, lfz 2.30 we note that qz is analytic in U. By a simple computation, we observe from 2.30 that z Im, λ, lfz zq z z Im 1, λ, lfz − . qz Im 1, λ, lfz Im, λ, lfz 2.31 Making use of the identity 2.14, one obtains from 2.31 Im 2, λ, lfz zq z l1 λ qz . Im 1, λ, lfz l 1 λ qz 2.32 By the hypothesis of Theorem 2.7 that f belongs to the class Am 1, λ, l, n; φ and in view of 2.32, we have zq z zψ z l1 l1 λ λ qz ≺ ψz . 2.33 l1 λ qz l1 λ ψz If we let Qz : zψ zϕ ψz , 2.34 Adriana Cătaş et al. 9 where ϕ ψz λ 1 · , l 1 ψz 2.35 hz : ψz Qz and since Qz is starlike, our theorem is an immediate consequence of Lemma 1.6. Theorem 2.8. Let ψ be univalent in U, ψ0 1 and let γ be a complex number. Suppose that 1 Re λγ 1 − l 1 l 1ψz > 0 and 2 zψ z/λγ 1 − l 1 l 1ψz is starlike in U. Let the function Fz be defined by γ 1 zγ z tγ−1 ftdt 2.36 λzψ z , λγ 1 − l 1 l 1ψz 2.37 Fz : 0 and the function hz : ψz then f ∈ Am, λ, l, n; h implies F ∈ Am, λ, l, n; ψ. Proof. From the definition of Fz and γ 1Im, λ, lfz 1−λl l1 Im 1, λ, lFz γ − Im, λ, lFz, λ λ 2.38 if we let qz : Im 1, λ, lFz , Im, λ, lFz 2.39 then we note that qz is analytic in U. Using 2.38 and 2.39, one obtains γ 1 Im, λ, lfz 1−λl l1 γ− qz. Im, λ, lFz λ λ 2.40 Differentiating this equality, we obtain λzq z Im 1, λ, lfz qz . Im, λ, lfz λγ 1 − l 1 l 1qz 2.41 For f ∈ Am, λ, l, n; h, we have from 2.41 qz λzψ z λzq z ≺ ψz . λγ 1 − l 1 l 1qz λγ 1 − l 1 l 1ψz 2.42 10 Abstract and Applied Analysis If we let Qz : zψ zϕ ψz , 2.43 where ϕ ψz λ , λγ 1 − l 1 l 1ψz hz : v ψz Qz, v ψz : ψz 2.44 and since Qz is starlike in U, our theorem is an immediate consequence of Lemma 1.6. Theorem 2.9. Let fz ∈ An. Then f belongs to the class Am, λ, l, n; χ if and only if Fz defined by z l1 t1−λl/λ−1 ftdt 2.45 1−λl Fz zF z l 1fz. λ 2.46 Fz : z1−λl/λ 0 belongs to the class Am 1, λ, l, n; χ. Proof. From the definition of Fz, we have By convoluting 2.46 with the function ∞ 1 λk − 1 l m k z um, λ, l, n; z : z l1 kn1 2.47 and using a convolution property zf∗g z fz∗zg z, 2.48 1−λl Im, λ, lFz z um, λ, l, n; z∗Fz , λ 2.49 1−λl Im, λ, lFz z Im, λ, lFz . λ 2.50 one obtains l 1Im, λ, lfz that is, l 1Im, λ, lfz By using identity 2.14, we get Im, λ, lfz 1 Im 1, λ, lFz. λ 2.51 Adriana Cătaş et al. 11 Also, we obtain l 1Im 1, λ, lfz 1 − λ lIm, λ, lfz λz Im, λ, lfz 1−λl Im 1, λ, lFz z Im 1, λ, lFz λ l1 Im 2, λ, lFz. λ 2.52 From 2.51 and 2.52, we get Im 2, λ, lFz Im 1, λ, lfz . Im 1, λ, lFz Im, λ, lfz 2.53 By the hypothesis of Theorem 2.9 that Im 1, λ, lfz ≺ χz Im, λ, lfz 2.54 and using 2.53, the desired result follows at once. References 1 A. Cătaş, “Sandwich theorems associated with new multiplier transformations,” submitted. 2 F. M. 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