Hindawi Publishing Corporation Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2008, Article ID 672618, 13 pages doi:10.1155/2008/672618 Research Article Fixed Points and Stability of an Additive Functional Equation of n-Apollonius Type in C∗ -Algebras Fridoun Moradlou,1 Hamid Vaezi,1 and Choonkil Park2 1 2 Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran Department of Mathematics, Hanyang University, Seoul 133–791, South Korea Correspondence should be addressed to Choonkil Park, baak@hanyang.ac.kr Received 22 April 2008; Revised 11 June 2008; Accepted 16 July 2008 Recommended by John Rassias Using the fixed point method, we prove the generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of C∗ -algebra homomorphisms and of generalized derivations on C∗ -algebras for the followingfunctional n equation of Apollonius type i1 fz − xi −1/n 1≤i<j≤n fxi xj nfz − 1/n2 ni1 xi . Copyright q 2008 Fridoun Moradlou et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 1. Introduction and preliminaries A classical question in the theory of functional equations is the following: “when is it true that a function, which approximately satisfies a functional equation E, must be close to an exact solution of E?” If the problem accepts a solution, we say that the equation E is stable. Such a problem was formulated by Ulam 1 in 1940 and solved in the next year for the Cauchy functional equation by Hyers 2. It gave rise to the stability theory for functional equations. The result of Hyers was extended by Aoki 3 in 1950 by considering the unbounded Cauchy differences. In 1978, Rassias 4 proved that the additive mapping T , obtained by Hyers or Aoki, is linear if, in addition, for each x ∈ E, the mapping ftx is continuous in t ∈ R. Găvruţa 5 generalized the Rassias’ result. Following the techniques of the proof of the corollary of Hyers 2, we observed that Hyers introduced in 1941 the following Hyers continuity condition about the continuity of the mapping for each fixed point and then he proved homogeneity of degree one and, therefore, the famous linearity. This condition has been assumed further till now, through the complete Hyers direct method, in order to prove linearity for generalized Hyers-Ulam stability problem forms see 6. Beginning around 1980, the stability problems of several functional equations and approximate homomorphisms have been extensively investigated by a number of authors and there are many interesting results concerning this problem see 7–21. 2 Abstract and Applied Analysis Rassias 22, following the spirit of the innovative approach of Hyers 2, Aoki 3, and Rassias 4 for the unbounded Cauchy difference, proved a similar stability theorem in 1 see also which he replaced the factor xp yp by xp ·yq for p, q ∈ R with p q / 23, 24 for a number of other new results. In 2003, Cădariu and Radu applied the fixed-point method to the investigation of the Jensen functional equation 25 see also 8, 26–30. They could present a short and a simple proof different of the “direct method,” initiated by Hyers in 1941 for the generalized HyersUlam stability of Jensen functional equation 25, for Cauchy functional equation 8, and for quadratic functional equation 26. The following functional equation: Qx y Qx − y 2Qx 2Qy 1.1 is called a quadratic functional equation, and every solution of 1.1 is said to be a quadratic mapping. Skof 31 proved the Hyers-Ulam stability of the quadratic functional equation 1.1 for mappings f : E1 → E2 , where E1 is a normed space and E2 is a Banach space. In 32, Czerwik proved the Hyers-Ulam stability of the quadratic functional equation 1.1. Borelli and Forti 33 generalized the stability result of the quadratic functional equation 1.1. Jun and Lee 34 proved the Hyers-Ulam stability of the Pexiderized quadratic equation fx y gx − y 2hx 2ky 1.2 for mappings f, g, h, and k. The stability problem of the quadratic equation has been extensively investigated by some mathematicians 35. In an inner product space, the equality z − x2 z − y2 2 x y 1 z − x − y2 2 2 2 1.3 holds, then it is called the Apollonius’ identity. The following functional equation, which was motivated by this equation, xy 1 , Qz − x Qz − y Qx − y 2Q z − 2 2 1.4 holds, then it is called quadratic see 36. For this reason, the functional equation 1.4 is called a quadratic functional equation of Apollonius type, and each solution of the functional equation 1.4 is said to be a quadratic mapping of Apollonius type. The quadratic functional equation and several other functional equations are useful to characterize inner product spaces 37. In 36, Park and Rassias introduced and investigated a functional equation, which is called a generalized Apollonius type quadratic functional equation. In 38, Najati introduced and investigated a functional equation, which is called a quadratic functional equation of nApollonius type. Recently in 39, Park and Rassias introduced and investigated the following functional equation: xy 1 fz − x fz − y − fx y 2f z − 2 4 1.5 Fridoun Moradlou et al. 3 which is called an Apollonius type additive functional equation, and whose solution is called an Apollonius type additive mapping. In 40, Park introduced and investigated a functional equation, which is called a generalized Apollonius-Jensen type additive functional equation and whose solution is said to be a generalized Apollonius-Jensen type additive mapping. In this paper, employing the above equality 1.5, for a fixed positive integer n ≥ 2, we introduce a new functional equation, which is called an additive functional equation of nApollonius type and whose solution is said to be an additive mapping of n-Apollonius type; 1 fz − xi − fxi xj nf n 1≤i<j≤n i1 n n 1 z − 2 xi . n i1 1.6 We will adopt the idea of Cădariu and Radu 8, 25, 28 to prove the generalized HyersUlam stability results of C∗ -algebra homomorphisms as well as to prove the generalized Ulam-Hyers stability of generalized derivations on C∗ -algebra for additive functional equation of n-Apollonius type. We recall two fundamental results in fixed-point theory. Theorem 1.1 see 25. Let X, d be a complete metric space and let J : X → X be strictly contractive, that is, dJx, Jy ≤ Lfx, y, ∀x, y ∈ X 1.7 for some Lipschitz constant L < 1. Then, the following hold: 1 the mapping J has a unique fixed point x∗ Jx∗ ; 2 the fixed point x∗ is globally attractive, that is, lim J n x x∗ n→∞ 1.8 for any starting point x ∈ X; 3 one has the following estimation inequalities: dJ n x, x∗ ≤ Ln dx, x∗ , 1 dJ n x, J n1 x, 1−L 1 dx, Jx dx, x∗ ≤ 1−L dJ n x, x∗ ≤ 1.9 for all nonnegative integers n and all x ∈ X. Let X be a set. A function d : X × X → 0, ∞ is called a generalized metric on X if d satisfies the following: 1 dx, y 0 if and only if x y; 2 dx, y dy, x for all x, y ∈ X; 3 dx, z ≤ dx, y dy, z for all x, y, z ∈ X. 4 Abstract and Applied Analysis Theorem 1.2 see 41. Let X, d be a complete generalized metric space and let J : X → X be a strictly contractive mapping with Lipschitz constant L < 1. Then for each given element x ∈ X, either dJ n x, J n1 x ∞ 1.10 for all nonnegative integers n or there exists a positive integer n0 such that the following hold: 1 dJ n x, J n1 x < ∞ for all n ≥ n0 ; 2 the sequence {J n x} converges to a fixed point y∗ of J; 3 y∗ is the unique fixed point of J in the set Y {y ∈ X | dJ n0 x, y < ∞}; 4 dy, y∗ ≤ 1/1 − Ldy, Jy for all y ∈ Y . Throughout this paper, assume that A is a C∗ -algebra with norm ·A and that B is a C -algebra with norm ·B . ∗ 2. Stability of C∗ -algebra homomorphisms Lemma 2.1. Let X and Y be real-vector spaces. A mapping f : X → Y satisfies 1.6 for all x1 , . . . , xn , z if and only if the mapping f is additive. Proof. Letting x1 · · · xn z 0 in 1.6, we get that f0 0. Let j and k be fixed integers j, k in 1.6, we have with 1 ≤ j < k ≤ n. Setting xi 0 for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n, i / 1 n−2 1 fxj fxk nf z − 2 xj xk fz − xj fz − xk n − 2fz − fxj xk − n n n 2.1 for all xj , xk , z ∈ X. Replacing xj by −xj and xk by xj in 2.1, respectively, we get fz xj fz − xj − n−2 f−xj fxj 2fz n 2.2 for all xj , z ∈ X. Putting z 0 in 2.2, we conclude that f−xj −fxj for all xj ∈ X. This means that f is an odd function. Letting xk z 0 in 2.1 and using the oddness of f, we obtain that 1 1 f xj 2 fxj , fn2 xj n2 fxj 2.3 n2 n for all xj ∈ X. Letting z 0 in 2.1, using the oddness of f and 2.3, we have fxj xk fxj fxk 2.4 for all xj , xk ∈ X. Therefore, f : X → Y is an additive mapping. The converse is obviously true. For a given mapping f : A → B and for a fixed positive integer n ≥ 2, we define n n 1 1 Cμ fz, x1 , . . . , xn : μfz − xi fμxi μxj − nf μz − 2 μxi 2.5 n 1≤i<j≤n n i1 i1 for all μ ∈ T1 : {ν ∈ C : |ν| 1} and all z, x1 , . . . , xn ∈ A. We prove the generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of C∗ -algebra homomorphisms for the functional equation Cμ fz, x1 , . . . , xn 0. Fridoun Moradlou et al. 5 Theorem 2.2. Let f : A → B be a mapping satisfying f0 0 for which there exists a function ϕ : An1 → 0, ∞ such that 2j 2 2 2 ∞ n2 n −1 j n −1 j n −1 j ϕ z, x1 , . . . , xn < ∞, n2 − 1 n2 n2 n2 j0 2.6 Cμ fz, x1 , . . . , xn B ≤ ϕz, x1 , . . . , xn , 2.7 fxy − fxfyB ≤ ϕx, y, 0, . . . , 0, 2.8 n−1 times ∗ ∗ fx − fx B ≤ ϕx, . . . , x 2.9 n1 times for all μ ∈ T1 and all x, y, z, x1 , . . . , xn ∈ A. If for some 1 ≤ j ≤ n there exists a Lipschitz constant L < 1 such that 2 n2 n2 − 1 n x, 0, . . . , 0, 2 x, 0, . . . , 0 Lϕ 2 2.10 ϕx, 0, . . . , 0, x , 0, . . . , 0 ≤ n2 n −1 − 1 n jth jth for all x ∈ A, then there exists a unique C∗ -algebra homomorphism H : A → B such that fx − HxB ≤ n2 n ϕx, 0, . . . , 0, x , 0, . . . , 0 − 1 × 1 − L 2.11 jth for all x ∈ A. Proof. Consider the set X : {g : A −→ B, g0 0} 2.12 and introduce the generalized metric on X: dg, h inf C ∈ R : gx − hxB ≤ Cϕx, 0, . . . , 0, x , 0, . . . , 0 ∀x ∈ A . 2.13 jth It is easy to show that X, d is complete. For convenience, set ϕj x, y : ϕx, 0, . . . , 0, y , 0, . . . , 0 2.14 jth for all x, y ∈ A and all 1 ≤ j ≤ n. Now we consider the linear mapping J : X → X such that n α Jgx : g x α n for all x ∈ A, where α n2 − 1/n. 2.15 6 Abstract and Applied Analysis For any g, h ∈ X, we have dg, h < C ⇒ gx − hxB ≤ Cϕj x, x ∀x ∈ A n α n α ≤ n Cϕj α x, α x g x − h x ⇒ α n α n B α n n n α n α ⇒ α g n x − α h n x ≤ LCϕj x, x B 2.16 ⇒ dJg, Jh ≤ LC. Therefore, we see that dJg, Jh ≤ Ldg, h, ∀g, h ∈ A. 2.17 This means J is a strictly contractive self-mapping of X, with the Lipschitz constant L. Letting μ 1, z xj x, and for each 1 ≤ k ≤ n with k / j, xk 0 in 2.7, we get αfx − nf α x ≤ ϕj x, x n 2.18 fx − n f α x ≤ 1 ϕj x, x α n B α 2.19 B for all x ∈ A. So for all x ∈ A. Hence df, Jf ≤ 1/α. By Theorem 1.2, there exists a mapping H : A → B such that the following hold: 1 H is a fixed point of J, that is, H α x n α Hx n 2.20 for all x ∈ A; the mapping H is a unique fixed point of J in the set Y {g ∈ X : df, g < ∞}; 2.21 and this implies that H is a unique mapping satisfying 2.20 such that there exists C ∈ 0, ∞ satisfying Hx − fxB ≤ Cϕj x, x 2.22 for all x ∈ A. 2 dJ m f, H → 0 as m → ∞; and this implies the equality m m n α f x Hx m→∞ α n lim for all x ∈ A; 2.23 Fridoun Moradlou et al. 7 3 df, H ≤ 1/1 − Ldf, Jf, which implies the inequality df, H ≤ 1 ; α − αL 2.24 and this implies that the inequality 2.11 holds. It follows from 2.6, 2.7, and 2.23 that n n 1 1 Hxi xj − nH z − 2 xi Hz − xi i1 n 1≤i<j≤n n i1 B m n α m 1 α m n lim z − xi f xi xj f m→∞ α i1 n n 1≤i<j≤n n m m n 1 α α − nf z− × 2 xi n n n i1 B m m m m α α α n ≤ lim ϕ z, x1 , . . . , xn m→∞ α n n n m 2m m m α α α n ≤ lim ϕ z, x1 , . . . , xn 0 m→∞ α n n n 2.25 for all x1 , . . . , xn , z ∈ A. So n n 1 1 Hz − xi − Hxi xj nH z − 2 xi n 1≤i<j≤n n i1 i1 2.26 for all x1 , . . . , xn , z ∈ A. By Lemma 2.1, the mapping H : A → B is Cauchy additive, that is, Hx y Hx Hy for all x, y ∈ A. By a similar method to the proof of 14, one can show that the mapping H : A → B is C-linear. It follows from 2.8 that m m 2m 2m α α α n f xy − f x f y m→∞ α n n n B 2m m m α α n ≤ lim ϕ x, y, 0, . . . , 0 0 m→∞ α n n Hxy − HxHyB lim n−1 times 2.27 for all x, y ∈ A. So Hxy HxHy for all x, y ∈ A. 2.28 8 Abstract and Applied Analysis It follows from 2.9 that m m m ∗ α n α ∗ f x x − f m→∞ α n n B m m m α α n ≤ lim ϕ x, . . . , x m→∞ α n n Hx∗ − Hx∗ B lim n1 times 2.29 m 2m m α α n ϕ x, . . . , x 0 m→∞ α n n ≤ lim n1 times for all x ∈ A. So Hx∗ Hx∗ 2.30 for all x ∈ A. Thus H : A → B is a C∗ -algebra homomorphism satisfying 2.11 as desired. Corollary 2.3. Let r > 2 and θ be nonnegative real numbers, and let f : A → B be a mapping such that n r r Cμ fz, x1 , . . . , xn B ≤ θ zA xi A , 2.31 i1 fxy − fxfyB ≤ θxrA yrA , fx∗ − fx∗ B ≤ n 1θxrA 2.32 2.33 for all μ ∈ T1 and all x, y, z ∈ A. Then there exists a unique C∗ -algebra homomorphism H : A → B such that −r fx − HxB ≤ 2nn2 − 1 θ n2 − 11−r − n21−r xrA 2.34 for all x ∈ A. Proof. The proof follows from Theorem 2.2 by taking ϕz, x1 , . . . , xn : θ zrA n xi rA 2.35 i1 for all x, y, z ∈ A. It follows from 2.31 that f0 0. We can choose L n2 /n2 − 11−r to get the desired result. Theorem 2.4. Let f : A → B be a mapping satisfying f0 0 for which there exists a function ϕ : An1 → 0, ∞ satisfying 2.7, 2.8, and 2.9 such that 2 j j 2 j 2 j ∞ 2 n n n n −1 ϕ z, x1 , . . . , xn < ∞ 2 2−1 2−1 2−1 n n n n j0 2.36 Fridoun Moradlou et al. 9 for all z, x1 , . . . , xn ∈ A. If for some 1 ≤ j ≤ n there exists a Lipschitz constant L < 1 such that 2 n −1 n2 n2 − 1 Lϕ x, 0, . . . , 0, x, 0, . . . , 0 2.37 ϕx, 0, . . . , 0, x , 0, . . . , 0 ≤ 2 2 n −1 n2 n jth jth for all x ∈ A, then there exists a unique C∗ -algebra homomorphism H : A → B such that fx − HxB ≤ nL ϕx, 0, . . . , 0, x , 0, . . . , 0 n2 − 1 × 1 − L 2.38 jth for all x ∈ A. Proof. Similar to proof of Theorem 2.2, we consider the linear mapping J : X → X such that α n Jgx : g x 2.39 n α for all x ∈ A, where α n2 − 1/n. We can conclude that J is a strictly contractive self mapping of X with the Lipschitz constant L. It follows from 2.18 that fx − α f n x ≤ 1 ϕj n x, n x ≤ L ϕj x, x 2.40 n α B n α α α for all x ∈ A. Hence, df, Jf ≤ L/α. By Theorem 1.2, there exists a mapping H : A → B such that the following hold: 1 H is a fixed point of J, that is, n n x Hx 2.41 H α α for all x ∈ A; the mapping H is a unique fixed point of J in the set Y {g ∈ X : df, g < ∞}; 2.42 and this implies that H is a unique mapping satisfying 2.41 such that there exists C ∈ 0, ∞ satisfying Hx − fxB ≤ Cϕj x, x for all x ∈ A; 2 dJ m f, H → 0 as m → ∞; and this implies the equality m m α α lim f x Hx m→∞ n n 2.43 2.44 for all x ∈ A; 3 df, H ≤ 1/1 − Ldf, Jf, which implies the inequality df, H ≤ L , α − αL which implies that the inequality 2.38 holds. The rest of the proof is similar to the proof of Theorem 2.2. 2.45 10 Abstract and Applied Analysis Corollary 2.5. Let r < 1 and θ be nonnegative real numbers, and let f : A → B be a mapping satisfying 2.31, 2.32, and 2.33. Then there exists a unique C∗ -algebra homomorphism H : A → B such that fx − HxB ≤ 2nn2 − 1 n2 − 1 r−1 r−2 Lθ − n2r−1 xrA 2.46 for all x ∈ A and L n2 /n2 − 1r−1 . Proof. The proof follows from Theorem 2.4 by taking ϕz, x1 , . . . , xn : θ zrA n 2.47 xi rA i1 for all z, x1 , . . . , xn ∈ A. It follows from 2.31 that f0 0. We can choose L n2 /n2 − 1r−1 to get the desired result. 3. Stability of generalized derivations on C∗ -algebras For a given mapping f : A → A and for a fixed positive integer n ≥ 2, we define n 1 Cμ fz, x1 , . . . , xn : μfz − xi fμxi μxj − nf n 1≤i<j≤n i1 n 1 μz − 2 μxi n i1 3.1 for all μ ∈ T1 and all z, x1 , . . . , xn ∈ A. Definition 3.1 see 42. A generalized derivation δ : A → A is involutive C-linear and fulfills δxyz δxyz − xδyz xδyz for all x, y, z ∈ A. We prove the generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of derivations on C∗ -algebras for the functional equation Cμ fz, x1 , . . . , xn 0. Theorem 3.2. Let f : A → A be a mapping satisfying f0 0 for which there exists a function ϕ : An1 → 0, ∞ such that 3j 2 2 2 ∞ n −1 j n −1 j n −1 j n2 ϕ z, x , . . . , xn < ∞, 1 n2 − 1 n2 n2 n2 j0 3.2 Cμ fx1 , . . . , xn , zA ≤ ϕz, x1 , . . . , xn , 3.3 fxyz − fxyz xfyz − xfyzA ≤ ϕx, y, z, 0, . . . , 0, 3.4 n−2 times fx∗ − fx∗ A ≤ ϕx, . . . , x n1 times 3.5 Fridoun Moradlou et al. 11 for all μ ∈ T1 and all x, y, z, x1 , . . . , xn ∈ A. If for some 1 ≤ j ≤ n there exists a Lipschitz constant L < 1 such that 2 n2 n2 − 1 n x, 0, . . . , 0, 2 x, 0, . . . , 0 ϕx, 0, . . . , 0, x , 0, . . . , 0 ≤ Lϕ 2 3.6 n2 n −1 − 1 n jth jth for all x ∈ A, then there exists a unique generalized derivation δ : A → A such that n fx − δxA ≤ 2 ϕx, 0, . . . , 0, x , 0, . . . , 0 n − 1 × 1 − L 3.7 jth for all x ∈ A. Proof. By the same reasoning as in the proof of Theorem 2.2, there exists a unique involutive C-linear mapping δ : A → A satisfying 3.7. The mapping δ : A → A is given by m m n n δx f x 3.8 α α for all x ∈ A. It follows from 3.4 that δxyz − δxyz xδyz − xδyzA 2m m 3m 3m α α α n f lim xyz − f xy · z m→∞ α n n n m m m m 2m α α α α α xf y · z− xf yz n n n n n A 3m m m m α α α n ≤ lim ϕ x, y, z, 0, . . . , 0 0 m→∞ α n n n 3.9 n−2 times for all x, y, z ∈ A. So δxyz δxyz − xδyz xδyz 3.10 for all x, y, z ∈ A. Thus δ : A → A is a generalized derivation satisfying 3.7. Theorem 3.3. Let f : A → A be a mapping satisfying f0 0 for which there exists a function ϕ : An1 → 0, ∞ satisfying 2.36,3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 for all x, y, z, x1 , . . . , xn ∈ A. If for some 1 ≤ j ≤ n there exists a Lipschitz constant L < 1 such that 2 n −1 n2 n2 − 1 Lϕ x, 0, . . . , 0, x , 0, . . . , 0 3.11 ϕx, 0, . . . , 0, x , 0, . . . , 0 ≤ 2 2 n −1 n2 n jth jth for all x ∈ A, then there exists a unique generalized derivation δ : A → A such that fx − δxB ≤ n2 nL ϕx, 0, . . . , 0, x , 0, . . . , 0 − 1 × 1 − L for all x ∈ A. Proof. The proof is similar to the proofs of Theorems 2.4 and 3.2. jth 3.12 12 Abstract and Applied Analysis Acknowledgments This paper is based on final report of the research project of the Ph.D. thesis in University of Tabriz and the third author was supported by Grant no. F01-2006-000-10111-0 from the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation. The authors would like to thank the referees for a number of valuable suggestions regarding a previous version of this paper. References 1 S. M. Ulam, A Collection of Mathematical Problems, Interscience Tracts in Pure and Applied Mathematics, no. 8, Interscience Publishers, New York, NY, USA, 1960. 2 D. H. Hyers, “On the stability of the linear functional equation,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 27, pp. 222–224, 1941. 3 T. Aoki, “On the stability of the linear transformation in Banach spaces,” Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, vol. 2, pp. 64–66, 1950. 4 Th. M. 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