Lateral Resolution Enhancement with Standing Evanescent Waves by George E. Cragg M.S., Physics (1997) University of Rochester Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology June 2000 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 2000 Massachusetts Institute of Technology All rights reserved FSEP 2 0 2000 LIBRARIES Signature of Author .............................. ...... Department of Mechanical Engineering May 23, 2000 Certified by............................. .............. Peter T. C. So Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering Thesis Supervisor A ccepted by............................................. Am A. aunim Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students 2 Lateral Resolution Enhancement with Standing Evanescent Waves by George E. Cragg Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on May 23, 2000 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering ABSTRACT We have developed a novel fluorescence microscopy technique that achieves a lateral resolution of better than one-eighth of the emission wavelength of the sample. With a total internal reflection geometry, standing evanescent waves generate a high frequency intensity modulation across the sample. At each of three different standing wave phases, an image is recorded. These three images are then weighted and summed in such a way that enhances resolution in the given direction. Two dimensional resolution enhancement is attained from a linear combination of several such scans performed symmetrically across the sample plane. The proposed imaging system is analyzed through theoretical calculations of its point spread function and its optical transfer function. Thesis Supervisor: Peter T. C. So Title: Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering 3 1. Introduction Although optical microscopy is the most widely used high-resolution technique, it has failed to address problems with length scales below 100 nm. Atomic scale resolution has been achieved in semiconductor samples with scanning probe techniques such as near field scanning optical microscopy, scanning tunneling microscopy, and atomic-force microscopy. However, in biological specimens, the applications of scanning probe techniques suffer from slow imaging speed, resolution degradation, and from the need to make mechanical contact with the specimen. Clearly, there is a need for a complete optical approach that can be adapted to study a wide variety of specimens. Standing wave total internal reflection fluorescence (SWTIRF) microscopy can achieve a lateral resolution better than one-eighth of the emission wavelength. This technique is based on the formation of a high frequency standing wave excitation in a total internal reflection geometry. This high frequency information can be extracted to produce high-resolution images from a series of images taken at different phases and directions of the standing wave. Of particular promise is the ability to perform noncontact imaging of biological specimens at a resolution that is comparable to or better than that of scanning probe microscopy. 2. Overview Before proceeding with the development of SWTIRF microscopy, some preliminary background is in order. To understand the fundamentals of imaging systems, coherent and incoherent imaging is introduced in the next section. With this background, lateral resolution is quantified in section four. The physics behind this technique involves the 4 interaction of light at an interface, which is reviewed in section five. In section six this discussion is extended to evanescent fields, which are the mode of excitation in all total internal reflection (TIR) microscopy. Section seven then describes standing evanescent waves as a means of providing a high frequency intensity modulation to the sample. Drawing on these results, sections eight and nine describe the resolution enhancement achieved by SWTIRF microscopy. 3. Coherent and Incoherent Optical Imaging Systems An imaging system can be defined as any device that reproduces the geometry of an object. An ideal optical imaging system is a system free from all aberrations. Therefore, an ideal system's representation of an object is limited only by the diffraction effect. We shall restrict our attention to the ideal class of systems throughout. Consider the simple imaging system of the lens shown below in Fig. 3.1. h- Object (., T ) z2 Lens Focal plane Image (u, v) Fig. 3.1 shows a lens as a simple imaging system where z I = object distance and z 2= image distance. 5 In this case, the light from the object is the input, which is processed by the lens and then converted to an image. If the object is coherently illuminated, then the complex amplitude of the electric field at the image plane, Ui (u, v), is given by the following expression: Ui(u,v)= Jh(u- ,v- i)U 0 ( , i)didi, (3.1) where U0 (4, rl) is the complex electric field amplitude at the object and (u,v) are the image coordinates. The reduced object coordinates, ((,ij), are given by = M and = Mil where M is the magnification defined by - z 2 / z 1 . The amplitude impulse response, h(u, v), is the electric field produced at the image plane given a Dirac delta function electric field amplitude at the object plane. Since Eq. (3.1) is a convolution, it sums the impulse responses of each of the points of the object. Hence, we say that coherent imaging is linear in complex amplitude. Typically, the measured quantity at the image plane is the intensity or the squared modulus of the complex amplitude. For coherent imaging, the intensity is given as 2 Ui (u, v)f 2 = Jh(u - = ,v - fi)U 0 ((, ij)didij h((, ij)0U0 ((,ii), where 0 denotes the convolution operation. Thus, we see that although a coherent system is linear in complex amplitude, it is not linear in intensity. (3.2) 6 In an incoherent imaging system on the other hand, each illuminated point on the object differs from every other point of illumination by a random phase. In this case, the image, I( ,ij), is given as I(,j=h( , ii)J ( U.(4, j)1 = P(, ij) 0 ( ,ij), (3.3) where P(,, i)= h(, ij)I is the point spread function (PSF) of the imaging system and O((,j) = jU0 (p,j) is the intensity distribution on the object plane, scaled by the magnification factor. We refer to O(,, i) as the object function, since it represents the "exact" geometry of the object. 4. Resolution of Fluorescence Microscopy In fluorescence microscopy, a sample is usually illuminated by coherent laser light thereby causing fluorescence emission from the stained portions of the sample. Upon being collected by the objective, these emissions are relayed to optics that project an image of the labeled sections of the sample on the image plane (Fig. 4.1). Typically, a CCD or some other device is used to record the image. 7 Image plane (CCD) Objective Sample plane Fig. 4.1 shows a simple microscope. These fluorescence emissions occur spontaneously and randomly; hence the imaging light is incoherent. The PSF of the objective lens is a measure of the extent to which the system "smears out" or distorts the points of the object. Therefore, it is natural to seek a criterion for lateral resolution directly from the PSF. Resolution can be quantified as the minimum distance between two point particles such that they still can be seen as distinct. This distance is given by the Rayleigh criterion as the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the PSF. For microscope objectives, the PSF is usually given as P(r)= _____ 27NAr/Xe I 2 (4.1) where J1 is the first order bessel function of the first kind, ke is the free space emission wavelength of the source, and r = (r, 0) is the radial vector on the image plane. Without loss of generality, a magnification of unity is assumed in Eq. (4.1) and throughout. Additionally, the numerical aperture, NA, is a number, typically ranging from 1 to 1.3, that is dependent upon the properties of the objective. With Eq. (4.1) as the PSF, the Rayleigh criterion is given by FWHM = O.6l1e * NA . (4.2) 8 Hence we see that for an emission wavelength of 560 nm and an NA of 1.3, the resolution of conventional fluorescence microscopy is about 263 nm. An alternative way of describing the resolution capabilities of an optical system is to examine its optical transfer function (OTF), which is defined as the Fourier transform of the PSF. Recall that the two-dimensional Fourier transform, g(k , y of a function g(x, y) is given as &X , k Y)= g(x, y)e-i(kxx+kyy)dxdy, (4.3) where k X, k Y are referred to as spatial frequencies. The inverse Fourier transform is known as the Fourier integral representation of the original function, g(x, y): g(x, y)= (27r) 2 j(kX, ky)ei(kxx+kyy)dkdky. Hence, the Fourier transform of g(x, y), (4.4) (k Xk y ), is the frequency spectrum of the original function, g(x, y). In this way, the OTF reveals both the spatial frequencies that are present in the image as well as the relative weight of these frequency components. Because the OTF can be used to describe the low-pass filtering characteristics of the imaging system, the resolution is determined from the cutoff frequency of the OTF. For the case of conventional fluorescence microscopy, the OTF corresponding to Eq. (4.1), P(k), is given as P(k) = 2 {arccos(k / 2a)-(k / 2a)[1-(k / 2a)2 1/2 0, 0< k k k >2a 2a (4.5) 9 where k = (k x2 +kY 2)1/ 2 is the radial spatial frequency coordinate. Thus, the conventional cutoff frequency is k max= 4ixNA / Xe. This cutoff frequency corresponds to a resolution limit of about -kmax 27 NA which is in good agreement with the Rayleigh result. 5. Boundary Equations Before describing SWTIRF imaging, it will be helpful to review some of the physics behind its implementation. As this technique is implemented using total internal reflection (TIR), it will be useful to review the equations that describe the propagation of light at a surface. Consider the refraction of light at a dielectric boundary between medium 1 and medium 2 as shown in Fig. 5.1. a) b) z z H E t 2 . kt Et 2 16 kt - Ht r x 14/O k. k r H r Ei E.k k E /Hi H). Fig. 5.1 depicts the reflection and refraction of a) s-polarized and b) p-polarized incident light, where X points into the page and 9 points out of the page. 10 The equations governing the behavior of light at the interface are the well-known Maxwell equations and the associated boundary conditions. Assuming no free charges or currents, then Maxwell's equations, in MKS units, are aR (i) VxE=-p- (iii) V- E = 0 at (ii) V xH= (5.1) (iv) -- at V -pH = 0. Here, E is the electric field, R is the magnetic field and Pt and s are the permeability and permittivity, respectively, of the medium in which the light wave is propagating. The associated boundary conditions are given as (i) E11 = E211 (iii) sjEj I = 62E2_L (5.2) (ii) HIII=H211 (iv) pHij_=p2H2J_, where the subscripts 1 and 2 denote medium 1 and medium 2, respectively, and 11and I represent the components that are parallel to the boundary and those perpendicular to the boundary, respectively. Given Eq. (5.1) and Eq. (5.2), it can be deduced that the incident, reflected and transmitted wave vectors (k , k r , and k t, respectively) all lie in the same plane (the plane of incidence). Figure 5.1 (a) depicts the situation in which the light is s-polarized meaning that the electric field is perpendicular to the plane of incidence. Additionally, Fig. 5.1 (b) depicts p-polarization, or polarization in the plane of incidence. By splitting the incident beam into s and p components, it is possible to deduce the behavior of an arbitrarily polarized wave. For any incident polarization, it can be shown that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection, or O; = 0, Moreover, Snell's law, nI sin( 1 )= n 2 sin(0 2 ), follows directly from Eqs. (5.1) and II (5.2), where n, 2 , the index of refraction of the material, is given by the ratio of the velocity of light in free space, c, to the velocity of light in the given medium, V 1 2 , or n1 2 - g1,1,2 61, 2 P 00OF0 _C - -- vCO 1,2 If A is the complex amplitude of the electric vector of the incident field, then resolving the incident electric field into components that are parallel to (p-polarized) and perpendicular to (s-polarized) the plane of incidence gives the following: (a) Eix = -All cos(Oj)ei(ki-r-wt) (b) E iy = A Ie i(k -r-ot) (c) Ei z = All sin(Oi )eitki-r-oet) (5.3) where o is the angular frequency of the light. Referring to Fig. 5.1, the incident wave vector, ki, is given as ki =k 1[sin(O )i + cos(0;)Z], (5.4) where k i= o / v1 , and i, y, i are unit vectors along the three axes. Substituting Eqs. (5.3) into Eq. [5.1 (i)] yields the components of the incident magnetic field: (a) Hix = -A_ (b) Hiy= -Al I cos(j)eikr-ot) A Ivi 1 ei(ki-r-ot) AIV 1 S1 1 Similarly, if T and R are the respective complex amplitudes of the transmitted and reflected fields, then we have (5.5) 12 (a) Et x = -TI cos(Ot)ei(kt -r-wt) (d) Ht x cos(6tei(ktr-t) = -T 11 2 V2 (b) Ety = Tei(Ci(r-r-ot) (e) (c) Et z = TI, sin(Otle i(kt-r-cot) (f) Ht z = TL t= t fie+COS( [sm in(te 1 Hty = -T, ei(kt-r-(ot) (5.6) PI 2V2 I sin(Otle i(k t -r-wt) 9 2V2 with (5.7) for the transmitted field, and (a) Er x = -RI cos(Orei(krr-t) (d) Hrx cos(Orei(kr-r-ot) = - 9 Ivi (b) Ery = Rei(kr-r-ot) (e) 1 ei(kr-r-ct) Hry = -R (5.8) 9 Ivi (c) Erz = R11 sin(Orei(kr r-wt) (f) Hrz = I in(Orei(kr-r-wt) 9 Ivi with k r = kl[sin(9 )X^-cos(65 )Z], (5.9) for the reflected field, where we have used the result that Or = Oi. From the boundary conditions, Eqs. (5.2), the relationships between the incident, reflected, and refracted waves can be derived. These relationships are known as the Fresnel formulae: TI - 2sin(Ot )cos(Q1) sin(O; +Ot )cos(Oi -0t) (5.10) 2sin(Ot )cos( sin(Oi +Ot ) A 13 (a) R 1 =tan(O; -0t) Al tan(Oi +Ot ) (5.11) (b) R = sin( sin(Oi +Ot ) A .0t)A 6. Evanescent Fields Consider the case in which light, incident from an optically dense medium, impinges on a less optically dense medium, i.e. for n 2 < n I in Fig. 5.1. From Snell's law, if the incident angle exceeds the critical value of 0 crit = sin~ 1 (n 1 /n 2 ), then the transmitted angle becomes imaginary. With sin(Ot =(n 1/ n 2 ) sin(0i), we have cos(t)=i i(n I /n 2 ) 2 sin 2 (0i)-1 . (6.1) Using Eqs. [5.6 (a-c)], (5.7), and (6.1) the transmitted field, Et, is given as (n 1I/n 2 )2 sin 2(85)-1Jz = ik2sin(t~xk2l T E t = Teik2sin(ot)xek2 = Teiki sin(Oi)x e-z/ 2d (6.2) , where the time dependence e-ict has been omitted and the decay constant, d, is given as 2d = ko 2 4ir [n 1 2 sin (0i) -n 2 2 F 1/2 . (6.3) Thus, the field is exponentially decreasing in z while propagating with wavenumber kI in x, thereby forming an evanescent surface wave. Inserting typical parameters in Eq. (6.3), one finds that the energy of the evanescent field is confined to within 100 - 200 nm of the surface of the prism. For this reason, TIR microscopy is predominantly used in the study 14 of surface phenomena. To find out what happens to the reflected wave in this case, Eq. (6.1) must be substituted into the Fresnel equations (5.11): (a) R11 n2 cos(O5)-i sin2(Oi)-n2 2 (ei)-n n 2 cos(0 1)+i 11 (6.4) 2(0 (b) where n=n R 2 cos(O)-i sin (O1)-n cos(Oi)+i sin 2 (0)-n /nI. 2 A FromEqs.(6.4)itisseenthatR l=A1 and jR I=1A fI,from which we conclude that all of the incident light is reflected. From Eqs. (6.4) we also have that (a) All e (b) A1 = e'' , (6.5) where (a) 51= -2 tan 1 sin2(01)-n2 n2O) n2] (6.6) (b) 8- = -2 tan[ Ssin2( )-n~ .s(O) Thus, at the interface the reflection suffers a phase shift that depends on the ratio of refractive indices, n = n 2 / n . At first, the total reflection conclusion seems to be contradictory since there must be an energy transfer in order to establish an evanescent field in the second, less optically dense medium. The answer to this apparent paradox comes with the realization that the above analysis is based on the assumption that the boundary surface and wave fronts are 15 of infinite extent. In any actual experiment, the incident beam will be bounded in both space and in time. Moreover, at the beginning of the reflection process, there will be transient effects in which some of the incident wave's energy does indeed penetrate into the second medium. Therefore, it is more accurate to say that in the steady state no net energy crosses the boundary. However, there are ways of extracting a steady flow of energy from the incident beam through the evanescent field. For example, in the case of frustrated total internal reflection (FTIR) the evanescent region is sandwiched between two high index regions (Fig. 6.1). Evanescent region n2 <n Fig. 6.1 shows FTIR. In FTIR, the photons incident on the first surface tunnel through the low index evanescent region and appear in the high index region on top. Another instance in which energy can be forced to flow across the boundary is in the case where fluorescent probes are inserted into the evanescent medium. This scenario is typically employed in TIR microscopy, where an evanescent field is used to excite a fluorescently labeled specimen. 7. Standing Evanescent Waves In order to extend the resolution of standard TIR microscopy, a means is sought which will impart a high frequency intensity modulation to the evanescent field. One 16 way of accomplishing this task is by creating a standing evanescent wave at the interface between the sample and the prism (Fig. 7.1). Provided that the refractive index of the sample does not change appreciably with distance along the sample plane (as is the case for most biological specimens) then the phase shifts predicted by Eqs. (6.6) will remain constant over the front of the reflected beam. Therefore, it will be possible to generate a uniform standing wave by retroreflecting the totally reflected beam back onto itself. To have the freedom of shifting the fringes of the standing wave, the retroreflection is accomplished through a piezo driven mirror as shown in Fig. 7.1. CCD Objective Standing wave 4 ~Sample (n)2) iror Incoming beam Piezo Fig. 7.1 is a schematic of the single direction SWTIRF setup. In considering the effect of polarization on the evanescent field, Eqs. (5.10) and (6.1) are substituted into Eq. (6.2): 17 (a) 2 Aei[kl sin(Oj)x-4 1+/2] e-z/ d 2cos(Oi)[sin 2(0i)-n2 1 /2 Et x = [n4 cos 2( = 2cos(Oi) S- 2(1n)1/2 (b) Et y (c) Et z ={ )sin2 (O)-n 2 1/2 2 AI ei[kl sin(O0)x-4 1 ] e-z/ d 2 cos(Oi ) sin(Oi) [n 4 cos 2 (0, )+sin 2 (0,)-n2]1/ 2} (7.3) 2 d A 1ei[k, sin(0)x-4j] e-z/ where ta-l [sin2(i)n2 (a) 1/2 n 2 Cos(6;) and (b) (7.4) [sin2(0i)-n2 4 _ =tan-1 = tanO 11/2 If the incident light is p-polarized, i.e. if A I = 0, then the evanescent electric field cartwheels along the surface with a spatial period of .X n, sin(0i) (where X is the free space wavelength of the excitation beam) as shown in Fig. 7.2. X I _- n1 si(e 1) r E field n2 ni e oi Fig. 7.2 illustrates the cartwheeling electric field produced by a p-polarized incident beam. 18 This cartwheeling effect precludes the possibility of forming a standing wave simply from the retroreflection of the totally reflected beam. However, if the incident beam is spolarized (A I = 0 ) then the incident and retroreflected beams do combine to give a standing wave. Using Eq. [7.3 (b)] the standing wave is given as = where A1 [ 2cos(0i) _ I-n2 )1/2 (1-n) ) I i[k sin(Oi)+4/2] e-z/ 2 d 4 is some arbitrary phase. (7.5) The time averaged square of the real part of Eq. (7.5) yields the intensity modulation, I(x,z), produced by the standing wave: 2 I(x2y)=(A I ) 4cos (0)-l [1+cos(Kx+)]ez (1- n ) , (7.6) in which K is given by K =4cn I sin(O; )/X. (7.7) In the further discussions on resolution enhancement, only the modulation factor 1+ cos(Kx + $) will be of concern, hence the other factors will be dropped in the expression for the intensity modulation. 8. Resolution Enhancement in one Direction Suppose that the sample shown in Fig. 7.1 has some fluorophore distribution given by O(r). The goal here is to try to represent O(r) as accurately as possible from images taken with the setup shown. The intensity on the sample plane, ISP (r), is given by the product of the modulated evanescent intensity (excluding the amplitude and the z dependent factors) with the object function O(r): 19 (8.1) I , (r) = O(r)[1 + cos(Kx + j)]. Assuming a magnification of unity throughout, the image, 10 (r), of the sample plane intensity pattern of Eq. (8.1) is given as 10 (r) = 0(r)[1 + cos(Kx + + ')] 0 P(r), (8.2) where 0 denotes the convolution operation, P(r), is the conventional PSF given by Eq. (4.1), and 0' is a variable phase allowed by the movement of the piezo driven mirror (Fig. 7.1). Resolution enhancement requires three standing wave images, each taken at a different phase from the other two. Choosing the phases of 0' =0, )'= n /2, and n' , the three images may be expressed, with the help of Eq. (8.2), as I e i(K++jx/ 2 ) O(r) Ij (r) = O(r) 0 P(r) + 0 P(r) L2 +[ 2 (8.3) e -(Kx +4 / 2) O(r) P(r); j = 0, 1, 2; where the cosine has been expressed in terms of complex exponentials and the convolution operation has been expanded. Equations (8.3) can be solved for O(r)0P(r), [(1/ 2)ei(Kx++ji/ 2) O(r)]OP(r), and [(1/ 2)e i(x+++jn/ 2) O(r)])P(r) in terms of the measured images 10 (r), II(r), and 12 (r): (a) 0(r)OP(r)= (1/2)[IO(r)+12(r)] (b) [(1/2)e1(Kx+*)O(r)] 0P(r)= (1/4)[(1-i)Io(r)+2i11(r)-(1+i)12 (r)] (c) [(1/2)e~(Kx+)O(r)]OP(r)=(1/4)[(1+i)Io(r)-2ill(r)+(-1+i)1 2 (r)]. By writing out the convolution operation in Eqs. [8.4 (b), (c)] we have (8.4) 20 [(1/ 2)e "x + )O(r)]0 P(r) = (1 / 2)J e ti(Kx'+4)O(r')P(r - r')d2 r' = (1/ 2)e±i(Kx+) J0(r')e±iK(x x)P(r - r')d2 r' = (1/ 2)e ±iK 0(r')e iK(x-x)P(r - r')d2 r' = (1/2)e{0x+ ){O(r)0[e: (8.5) P(r)]}. Using this result, Eq. [8.4 (b)] becomes (r) [eiKxP(r)]} = (1/4)[(1 -i)IO(r) + 2ill(r)- (1+i)12 (r)]. (1/2)e(Kx0{0 (8.6) Similarly, the complex conjugate, Eq. [8.4 (c)], becomes (1/2)e~( 'KP(r)]} +**){O(r)®[e = (1/4)[(1+i)10 (r) - 211 (r) + (-1+i)12 (r)]. (8.7) An enhanced image, I(r), is obtained by first multiplying Eq. (8.6) and (8.7) by e i(x+a) , respectively, and then summing the result with Eq. [8.4 (a)]: I(r)= O(r) 0 {P(r)[1 + cos(Kx - 4 + a)] }. (8.8) Likewise, I(r) can be expressed as the sum of the three images of Eqs. (8.3): 1(r) = I(r)(l/ 2)[1+ Jicos(Kx +a+7 / 4)]+1 1 (r)sin(Kx +a) + 12 (r)(1 / 2)[1 - v cos(Kx + a - (8.9) n / 4)], where each image receives its own sinusoidal weighting factor with arbitrary phase a. Equation (8.9) reveals how to construct the enhanced image from three standing wave images, whereas Eq. (8.8) shows that the enhancement is achieved by transferring the modulation from the object function to the conventional PSF. A few comments are in order concerning the phases 4 and a. Note that 4 is an arbitrary phase that specifies the position of the standing wave relative to the object, O(r), whereas we are completely free to specify a in the weighting factors. From Eq. 21 (8.8), it can be seen that the conventional PSF is symmetrically attenuated for a = 0 . Thus, a condition is sought which will determine this value of x. This phase matching condition will be satisfied by extremizing the total intensity, I tot(a): 'tot (a) = fI(r)d 2 r = ff0(r')P(r -r'){l+ cos[K(x - x')- +a]}d 2 r' d 2 r, (8.10) where the integral of I(r) is taken over the entire image plane, E. Upon interchanging the integrations in Eq. (8.10), the maximization condition is tot=-0(r') P(r -r')sin[K(x - x')- + ]d2r d2r'= 0. (8.11) Since P(r - r') is an even function, condition (8.11) is fulfilled only when a =4. Therefore, the value of a which maximizes Eq. (8.10) is substituted into Eq. (8.9) thereby obtaining the enhanced image. With the phase determined, the PSF of the enhanced image, Pswx (r), is given by Eq. (8.8) upon substitution a Dirac delta function in as the object, O(r): Pswx (r) = [1+ cos(Kx)]P(r), (8.12) Since the diffraction limited PSF, P(r), is modulated by the standing wave excitation, the width of the central peak is narrowed along the x-axis while its conventional width is retained along the y-axis (Fig. 8.1). The degree to which this narrowing takes place depends on the spatial frequency K, which, by Eq. (7.7), depends linearly on the refractive index of the prism used. Thus, materials with a high refractive index will provide the greatest narrowing of the PSF. Quantitatively, the FWHM of the central peak along the x-axis is given by 22 (8.13) . FWHM = 7-= K 4nnsin(9i) For an angle of incidence of 750, the FWHM is approximately Xe /6 and Xe /9 for quartz (nI=1.46 at 532 nm) and lithium niobate (LiNbO 3 , nI= ordinary index = 2.32 at 532 nm) prisms, respectively. Note that Xe denotes the emission wavelength whereas X represents the excitation wavelength in free space. As Fig. 8.1 shows, the sidebands in the standing wave PSF will increase as nI increases. Fortunately, it may be possible to remove the sidebands by use of simple deconvolution algorithms. Additionally, SWTIRF imaging may be combined with two photon or pump-probe imaging techniques for further resolution enhancement as well as sideband suppression. The OTF of the single direction SWTIRF application, Pswx (k), is given as the normalized Fourier transform of Eq. (8.12): Pswx (k) = [2+P(-Ke ) +P(Kex )]~1 [2P(k)+P(k -Kex)+P(k+Kex)], (8.14) where P(k) is defined in Eq. (4.5) and K is defined in Eq. (7.7). Thus, Pswx (k) is a sum of three conventional OTF functions, one at the center, one shifted by K along k X, and the third shifted by -K along k X , where the center function has twice the weight of the outer two (Fig. 8.2). As was previously pointed out, the sidebands in the point spread function increase as K increases. This situation manifests itself in frequency space as the amount of overlap of the three P(k) functions. If all three overlap perfectly (K = 0), there is no ringing, but there is no resolution enhancement. As K increases, the cutoff frequency along the k x axis increases at the cost of decreasing the overlap of the P(k) functions. If K is large enough to create frequency gaps along k x (K > 8nNA / A e), the 23 outer functions will separate from the center one thereby causing severe ringing in the PSF. For cases in which there are no frequency gaps, the cutoff frequency of the single direction SWTIRF application is 4nNA / X e + K along the k x axis but retains the conventional value of 4nNA / X e along the k Y axis. 24 a) 1 &--a Conventional A-A Confocal +-- 0.81 i:n 0.6 N 0.41 z 0.2 0 0 50 100 ID SWTIRF Quartz (n=1.46) ID SWTIRF LiNbO 3 (n=2.32) 150 250 200 Distance Along x-axis (nm) c) b) ........... A .......... CA 0.5. 0 0 020 -200 -200 0 -20 -200 -0 -200 -200 Fig. 8.1. For the representative parameters of Oi = 75*, NA= 1.3, X = 532 nm., and ke = 560nm, plots are generated that show a) the PSF's of conventional, confocal, and SWTIRF microscopies, the PSF's of a single direction (ID) SWTIRF scan for b) quartz and c) lithium niobate prisms. 25 Conventional ID SWTIRF Quartz ID SWTIRF LiNbO 3 13B-1 0.81 "o 0.6 0.41 0.2 ft -- M-M, om-- - - a an -. 9 -. A- -0.08 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 Spatial Frequency Along kg-axis (cycles/nm) b) c) 1.5 ...... I L& 0.5- 0.5 0 0 -0.05 - 0.05 0 .05 -0.05 Fig. 8.2 Frequency space counterparts (OTF's) of Figs. 8.1 a), b), and c), respectively. -005 26 9. Two Dimensional Resolution Enhancement Resolution enhancement in two dimensions will require multiple scans performed along different directions across the sample plane. To this end, Eq. (8.12) is generalized to an arbitrary direction along the sample plane: Pswt (r) = {l + cos[Kr cos(O - t)]}P(r), (9.1) where r = (r, 0) and 4 is the angle that the standing wave makes with the x-axis. At this point, we can identify two main criteria that the final image must satisfy. For consistency with incoherent imaging, we require the enhanced image to be linear in intensity. Therefore, the final image must be formed from a sum of images. As there is no justification for precluding any image from this sum, we must allow for both the single direction SWTIRF images of Eq. (8.9) as well as the diffraction limited image of Eq. [8.4 (a)]. Secondly, the PSF and the OTF must be symmetric since we would like to have a uniform resolution in all directions along the sample plane. Hence, N>2 scans are performed, one at every n / N radians in the sample plane. With the help of Eq. (9.1), the general expression for a PSF satisfying these criteria is given by Psw (r, N)= i~~' 1 (1 N-i1 -+ - I 1 + Cos Kr cos0 -7 + P(r) (9.2) - 1 1+p S(r, N)P(r), where S(r, N) is the sum in parenthesis, 1/(1+ ) is a normalization factor and P is a constant that determines the weight of the diffraction limited image in the sum. The constant 0 is chosen to maximize resolution, which, by the Rayleigh criterion, is synonymous with minimizing the width of the symmetric modulation 27 S(r, N). It is therefore required that S(r, N) and its first derivative with respect to r vanish for some distance rmin < Xe /2: S(rmin ,0, N) =0 , (9.3) (9.4) =0. -S(r,0, N) ]r=rmi 27t With the help of the formula J0 (w) = (l/2i) Jcos[w cos(0+O)]dO, Eqs. (9.3) and (9.4) 0 are first integrated from 0 to 2n in 0 and then divided through by n giving Jo(Krmin )+l+2P =0, (9.5) -J(Kr) (9.6) dr =0, r=rm where J0 is the zero order Bessel function of the first kind. Equation (9.6) is used to find the minimum value of J0 , J 0 (Krmin ) obtain the constant P = -0.3. Psw (r, N) = 1.43 ± Nm -0.4, which is then substituted into Eq. (9.5) to Upon inserting this value into Eq. (9.2) we have 1 + cos Kr cos -N - J - 0.3 P(r), (9.7) which is the formula showing how to construct the enhanced two-dimensional image. Figure 8.3 shows line plots and mesh plots of the enhanced two-dimensional PSF for both quarts and LiNbO 3 prisms. In this case, quartz produces a FWHM of approximately X e /5 whereas the LiNbO 3 FWHM is k e / 8. Although adding scans together in this way produces a symmetric PSF with reduced sidebands, its width is 28 somewhat broader than its single direction counterpart, Pswx (r). The frequency space representation of Eq. (9.7), Psw (k, N) (Fig. 8.4), is given as (i 2N-1 + K[cos(mn / N)ex + sin(mir / N)ey ]}+1.7P(k) Psw (k, N) =Y r2NP{k ( where y is a normalization factor. M=) (9.8) 29 a) 1 Conventional Confocal +-ID SWTIRF Quartz (n=1.z 46) e--o 2D SWTIRF Quartz --- ID SWTIRF LiNbO 3 (n=2. 32) 2D SWTIRF LiNbO 3 6-E A-, 0.81 -I, 0.61 0.41 0.2 0 150 200 Distance Along x-axis (nm) 0 50 100 250 c) 1.5-Y.U 1 '0 U 05 0 Z 0 -200 0 -200 Fig. 8.3. For the representative parameters of N = 4, 020 ei -200 -200 0 = 750, NA = 1.3, X = 532 nm, and Xe = 560nm , plots are generated that show a) the PSF's of conventional, confocal, and SWTIRF microscopies, the PSF's of the symmetric two-dimensional (2D) SWTIRF implementation for b) quartz and c) lithium niobate prisms. 30 a) 1 Conventional 8--B e-o 2D SWTIRF Quartz 2D SWTIRF LiNbO 3 0.8 ~0 0.6- 0.4- 0 0.2 - I 0 - -0.c 8 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 Spatial Frequency Along k.-axis (cycles/nm) c) b) 1 0.5 - .0) 00 0.05 0.05 -0.05 -0.05 0 0.06 0.05 0-0. 05 Fig. 8.4. Frequency space counterparts (OTF's) of Figs. 8.3 a), b), and c), respectively. -0.050 31 10. Conclusion In assessing how SWTIRF is to be used, its range of applicability must be recognized. Due to the shallow depth of field, the technique will primarily be limited to surface studies, such as in single molecules or cell membranes. However, as the critical angle is approached, the evanescent field penetrates deeper into the sample, thereby allowing for the possibility of extending the technique into three dimensions. Moreover, it may be possible to develop a version of the technique that will achieve high resolution in coherent imaging as well. This would be a great advantage in cases where fluorescent dyes would be impractical or impossible to use, such as in semiconductors. In these cases the coherent laser light could be used to illuminate the sample, thus making labeling unnecessary. For specimens in which the refractive index changes appreciably, it may be necessary to employ two separate counter propagating beams instead of the retroreflection geometry proposed in Fig. 5.1. Because the evanescent wave itself acts as the probing mechanism, no mechanical contact is required with the specimen thereby allowing high fidelity imaging of soft biological samples. Finally, video rate image acquisition times may be possible as not more than three images are required per standing wave direction. 32 Bibliography 1. G. E. Cragg and P. T. C. So, Opt. Lett. 25, 46 (2000). 2. M. Born and E. Wolf, Principlesof Optics (Pergamon Press, New York, 1980). 3. J. W. Goodman, Introduction to FourierOptics (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1996), Chap. 6. 4. L. Eyges, The ClassicalElectromagneticField(Addison-Wesley, New York, 1972). 5. M. Schrader, S. W. Hell, and H. T. M. van der Voort, J. Appl. Phys. 84, 4033 (1998). 6. S. W. Hell and E.H.K. Stelzer, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A. 9, 2159 (1992). 7. T. 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