* Uji L IB RAR THE PERTURBATION THEORY OF SOME VOLTERRA OPERATORS by John Markham Freeman B.A., University of Florida (June, 1957) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June, 1963 Signature of Author, ......... De'lartment of Mathema tics, May 15, 1963 Certified by. Thesis Supervisor Accepted by........ Chairman, f Departmental Comrittee on Graduate Students The Perturbation Theory of Volterra Operators John Markham Freeman Submitted to the Department of Mathematics on May 17, 1963 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. ABST RACT A general procedure is derived for obtaining sufficient conditions for the similarity of operators T and T + P. This is applied to obtain sharp conditipns for the similarity of the Volterra operators J: f(x) -+ / f(y)dy and J + P where P: f(x) /+/fp(x,y)f(y)dy. By the same methods perturbations of the one sided shift operator S on LP(Ofo) by certain trace class operators P are shown to be similar to S. In the last chapter solvability conditions are obtained for the operator equation TX - XS = A where T and S are normal operators. Thesis Supervis.or: Gian-Carlo Rota Title: Associate Professor of Mathematics BIOGRAPHY John Markham Freeman was born in Sarasota, and attended high school there. Florida He graduated OBK from the University of Florida and attended graduate school in mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was, for one year, at the University of Heidelberg on a Fulbright Scholarship. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author wishes to thank Professor Gian-Carlo Rota for his assistance and encouragement. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction 0.1 Chapter I. Spaces Chapter II. The Operator 1. 2. 3. J: f(x) i.1 -+./f(y)dy Preliminaries Solution of the Commutator Equation Solution of the Operator Equation A+Pr(A) = P 4. The Similarity of 5. Applications Chapter III. Chapter IV. of Regular Perturbations II.1 11.6 1.10 J and J+P II.13 11.16 The Shift Operator 1. 2. Preliminaries Spaces of Regular Perturbations 3. The Similarity of The Operator Equation S and III.' of S S+P 111.2 III.2 SX - XT = A Introduction IV.1 1. 2. Preliminaries on Rectangles The Tensor Product E 0 F(-) on 13(H) IV. 3 3. F(*) Complete Additivity of E on Schmidt Class OX = A when A is Solvability of of Schmidt Class The Convolution E*F(') and Applications 4. 5. Iv.6 IV.9 IV.13 IV.16 0.1 INTRODUCTION In (3 ] Friedrichs studies perturbations of the selfadjoint operator f(s) -+ sf(s) on T: integral operators P L2 (a,b) with regular kernels. termine conditions on the perturbation P by Fredholm In order to de- sufficient to en- sure the similarity of T + P and the unperturbed operator T, Friedrichs used a method which has since been abstractly formulated by Schwartz [21] and applied to the perturbation theory of a number of self-adjoint operators. In Chapters II and III of this thesis the perturbation theory of certain non self-adjoint operators will be approached in a manner similar in broad outline to these methods of Friedrichs-Schwartz. Chapter II will be concerned with the quasi-nilpotent Volterra operator "indefinite integration" on LP(0,1), and Chapter III with the discrete Volterra operator "shift right" on tP(Q, io) . In the paper of Friedrichs mentioned above it is assumed that the kernel p(s, t) P: (1) of the perturbing Fredholmoperator b f(s) -+/a p(s, t) f(t)dt be regular in the sense that H6lder conditions of order a (0 < a < 1) be satisfied; fp(sl t) - p(s 2 ,t)t < K js,- s2' (2) jp(s,t 1 ) - p(s,t 2 )| < Kit 1 - t2 1a II 0.2 It Is then proved that perturbed operator T: T + P f(s) -+ sf(S) provided that is similar to the INt is small enough, where iP| (3) |p(s,t )-p(st2)1 = +_u |p(s 1 ,t)-p(s 2 9t) _upp__t)_+_p it 1 t 2 1 C "l'21a The crux of the method used in proving this result lies in the observation that for a regular Fredholm integral operaA, the commutator equation tor TF~(A) (4) F~(A)T = A - is solved by the singular integral operator, b F~(A) f(s) (5) = (c) /a askt) f(t)dt (where (c) denotes the Cauchy principal value). Chapter IV will deal with the solvability of (4) when T is any normal operator--without restrictions as to type and multiplicity of spectrum. to (5) A singular integral analogous will be defined which solves (4) for operators which are "regular" with respect to T. I.1 CHAPTER I SPACES OF REGULAR PERTURBATIONS Let space. T and P be fixed bounded operators on a Banach The operators T and T + P are said to be similar provided that there exists a bounded invertible operator S such that T = S (T + P)S In terms of the notion of a "regular perturbation of T" to be formulated in this chapter, it will be possible to state T + P sufficient conditions for the similarity of unperturbed operator and the T. The basic observation leading to the abstract notion of regularity with respect to an operator If X is the following. simultaneously solves the two operator equations (1) TX - XT = A (2) A + PX then T = -P, (I + X)T = (T + P)(I + X). (This is seen by multiplying out both sides and collecting terms according to (1) Hence T + P is similar to vertible (e.g. if |IXII T provided that I + X and (2).) is in- lim ,,jijll/n < n-+oo In order to apply this observation to the perturbation < 1 or merely theory of T, one first determines a class operators A for which the commutator equation (1) CZ of "regular" is explicitly I- mt=t=t= - i"Mma - A -, ' - - - 1.2 solvable by a bounded operator X = F~(A). In the following chapters it will be seen that the operator rule, f(A) "Isingular", i.e. does not belong to a2 Now, having determined and a map is, as a . FT from (,into the bounded operators such that (3) T[~(A) the equations (1) PF~(A) = -P ; A+ A e a r~(A)T = A, then reduce to and (2) (A) any solution - of this equation also satisfies (5) [I + f~(A)]T = (T + P)[I + and hence T (I+ r~(A)]O- and T + P r(A)I are similar provided that exists. In terms of the map (6) A r~ : - Pf(A) equation (4) becomes (I + p)A = -P which is solved formally by the Neumann series A = Z ( 1 )n r-n(.p) n=O However, in order to make even the individual terms of the series meaningful one must assume first that P e , I.3 (so that F. (P) operator r(A) P a , i.e. is defined) and also that the "singular" be "smoothed" by left multiplication by if P and A e (2 , Jp(A) = Pr(A) e then These considerations suggest the definition (below) of a space T. of regular perturbations of an operator Let space T X be a fixed (bounded) linear operator on a Banach , and denote by B bounded linear operators on X note the norm on Definition 1.1. 6 ( ( X ) the Banach space of A linear set te| on will de- ). a c 8 ( ) is called a space of regular perturbations (s.r.p.) of exists a norm 11*| Throughout . a T if there Q,: and a linear map -+ 6 (X such that (a) L, (b) Tfl(A) - (c) I|lr(A)H| < KjAf (d) if [(A)T = A P, A C ( , then |P[-(A)|I In what follows and P Ca. .| is a Banach space under | The map operator on 2 . denoted by |n. Pr(A) C K1|P| JAI 2 1 , and . is assumed to be an s.r.p. of given by (5) T is then a bounded Its norm and those of its iterates will be n = 12,... ) I1 Proposition 1.2. A sufficient condition for the (unique) solvability of' (I + [~p)(A) = (7) is that A C'( for P FE-n I1/n urnli tPh/ < 1 n-+oo Proof: If this condition is satisfied, then the series fpn (-1) n converges (absolutely) in the operator norm. n=O Its sum is (I + F-P)"' . The following lemma (cf. [2], several times Lemm k . in the next chapters. Let (S, Z, V) be a positive measure space and a measurable function on ess-sup / s page 518) will be needed SxS with |k(s,t)J '(dt) < M < o and S ess-sup / Ik(s,t)II(ds) < M. t S Then tor on Kf(s) = / k(s,t) f(t)dt S LP(S, Z, )(1 <p : oo) defines a bounded linear operaand ||K| P M. II.] CHAPTER II THE OPERATOR J: J: f(x) + 0 f(y)d y In this chapter perturbations of the Volterra operatar x f(x) /0 f(y)dy on LP(O,l) will be treated. Sufficient conditions which are in a precise sense sharp will be obtained for the similarity of J and J + P, where P is also a Volterra X operator P: f(x) /'J+ p(x,y) f(y)dy. Preliminaries 1. x Given two Volterra operators K: f(x) -* /0 k(x,y) f(y)dy arnd x f(x) L: // 4(x,y) f(y)dy then (under restrictions to be st.ated below on the kernels k and 4) KL is the Volterra operator x KL: f(x) -+ f(y)dy V/ where k*4(x,y) (1) = / X y k(x,n) ~1,y)dn To begin with we prove several facts concerning the c omposition k*4'. By 'kernel' we will mean simply a (measurable ) real or complex valued function k(xy) on 0 < y < x < 1. a > 0, (2) let | Jk| I a = 19 Lemma 2.1. lk(x,y)(x-y) 1-a sup 03<<1 If IIk I , < Q then K: is a bounded operator on LP(0,1) (1 < p < 00) and K < I|| I atoo tk x For . Proof: We have , 2. immediately from (2), x ess-sup O<x<l sup O<x< 1 Ik(x,y)Jdy < IIk!I /e dy (x-y ) and ess-sup 1' 1 <y_< 1 (x,y)fdx < IkI a dx 00 sup 0 Y.1l I ( x-y )1-a 1 and hence by 1.4 we get Lemma 2.2. 11" P0 0 < dx x and then 00, (where B(a,@) -:1 B(Ia E+ctOu )u|k a I I| P 00 is the beta function). Since lk(xsn) 4 IJkJ Ica (r1,y)J (x-n) 1 it II k I! are kernels for which If k and t IIk*0i II Proof: IlK! I p: C I kf L,00 with C -/o 00111 4,00 ( i-y ) follows that |k*(-(x,y ) I :< I k IIa9uII IIP O J x dn (-y (x-'i) = IIk I( VI)a+p -I Since this last integral is B(ap), 1 ./0 dt )l"P t11a~lt( 1 this is equivalent to the asserted inequality. The following (known) out explicit ention. facts will be used freely and with- a 11.3 If k, 4, (A) ImJ !y, and m are kernels with 1k| L. and p, Y > 0, then finite for some a, all ,, i1 l| ( k*J-)-,m = k*(44m) (B) If ||kja and are finite, and K and L are the lV4I1 Volterra operators defined by k and 4 respectively, kernel is ki4-. is a Volterra operator and its I jkfj a9 For a kernel k with < 0 we define = k*k*. .*k (3) For example, then KL (n factors). f (x) the iterates of J: / 0 f(y)dy are x (L[) Jn: x) f (n)(x,y ) f(y)dy / -+ where . (n) - xy=) If I|k|Jl,0 IIk(n) IIna, ( n-1 < -< then al Proof: This holds for n = 1. holds for n, we have by 2.2 < B(nasca) In aS"0 denotes the gamma function)., r )k |kI r n - (where 1( n-1 )n- (x- I I(n+1l)a,- r (a_)n r na ) k|k(n+l) II(n+l)a, < B(na.*a) I . n+1 alkoo, Assuming inductively that = Ik IkJ S(a )n+l ({n1) | I Ik| = |ltW n+1 .a it 114. Lemma 2. . If Ik|l , then the norms of the operators x k(n) (x,y) : f( x) -+ /0 satisfy p-IAL-r a) n K Itk I .nO0 lKnl1/n = 0, i.e., K is a quasi-nilpotent operator Thus lim p n-oo on f(y) dy LP(0,l). By 2.1, Proof: |IKnI p < a . 1 lemma, this in turn is majorized by r (a) n I k, I a r (na-) = 0 now follows since lim I|Kn I/ln p That lim n-+o n-+o when By the preceding . r(na) l/n S00 a > 0. Lemma 2 If kernels k and 4 are continuous on 0 < y < x < 1 and I|k| , ItIP 0 < y < x 1. If a + 0 > 1, then k*4 is continuous on 0 < y < < 0,o then k*t is continuous on x < 1 with k*L(x,x) = 0. k(x,y) By the assumptions, Proof: =M(X* . and (x-y)1a (x,y) = n 0 < y < x < 1. where m and n are continuous and bounded on When y < x the variable change ni = y + t(x-y) gives k*4-(x,y) =(x-y)a+,-1 Thus, if 0 < y0 < X n 1 m[xy+t(x) (x-y)a+p-l [Y+t (x-1),yd (1-t)l-a )- f XY)(t) f 1 and (xy) dt converges to (x Oy0), then l1-11. laii ilmself lisailmIIl | Ti -1 na - - II.5 the number k*((x,y) converges to k*L(x 0 ,yo), by the dominated convergence theorem. For we have (t) (xy)-(x(xy and ()M If That < when (yf ) (t) constant /(l-t)l-a 0 < t < 1 1-P k*-t converges to 0 as (x,y) converges to (x0 ,xO) follows also from the above expression for k*i Lemma 2.6. If k (x,y) = a k(x,y) providing a + is continuous on > 1. 0 < x < y < 1, k(x,y) and C(x,y) are continuous on 0 < y < x < 1, and ||k, |I t o < W , then k* 4 (x,y) = kl* 4 (x,y) + k(x,x)4(x,y). Proof: For 0 y < x < 1, k*'dx+hhy) - k*4(xy) = h h h y x+h k(x+h) As h -+ x+h - k(x Tl),(11y)dn + X k(x+he1n) x k( xtn) t(1qqy)d n - k(xn) 0, the first integral converges to k *C(xy) by dominated convergence, the second to k(x,x)-t(x,y) by continuity of the 11.6 integrand (recalling that y < x), and the third to 0 since the integrand is integrable, uniformly in h, in an interval about x. Solution of the Commutator Equation. §2. Let U, a (a > 0) be the class of kernels a satisfying (i) a and a1 are continuous on 0 < y (ii) (iii) < x< 1 a(x,x) = a1 (x,x) = 0 a1 1 exists and is continuous on 0< y < x < 1 and ||all Iat (The subscript 1 continues to denote differentiation with respect to x.) By (ii) it follows that a1 = 1*a 1 1 and a = 1 * a and hence, by 2.2, |IaIay ||a o ||a||a+2, (5) | lal|l From this it + I all+1I a s I is clear that jaj = (and not just a pseudo-norm) on R2 | * a11 !||00" is a norm and that I*I is equivalent on G2 to the norm a (6) (aIa = IIa Ia+2,o + IIaIIa+1,+ I ato * 11.7 Proposition 2.. is a Banach space under 1-.1 I*-Cauchy - am| = 1 (xy)- 0 < y < x Ian a - a |ax -+ 0 Hence 1. and bounded there. an = c CL as m, n -+ 0 converges uniformly to 0 on a n(x,y)(xa 1-a converges uniformly c(xy)(x-y)1-, to a function Now setting a =', continuous we have a c and a| = an 11 c 1 a ,0 -+ 0 as n- oo We now solve the commutator equation Jr(A) - (7) when A r(A)J = A is a Volterra operator with kernel By the general remarks made earlier (7) a e becomes l1*r(a) - r(a)*l = a (8) if one assumes a solution to (7) (9) be a this means that (x,y)](x Y1-a on 0 < y < x < 1 a1 an e So let s equenc e; By the definition of 11.*1 [a *J. is complete in the norm ,an . By the remark made above, it suffices to show that Proof: a 2 1-(A): x f (x) -+ j 0 of the form (a)(x,y) f(y)dy. a , 11.8 If Proposition 2.8. satisfies (8), I a r (a)(x,y) (10) (a) t 2 Since a defined by and a < r(a) Thus y < x < 1, and represents a bounded quasi- LP(0,1) with t|r(A) I on r-(A) 0< y < x < 1 a(+x-y,)d is continuous on 0 Ea . r~(a) then the kernel y / axay nilpot ent operat or Proof: a as a e are continuous on 0 < y + C |1a| < X < . 1 0) the Leibniz rule for differentiating an integral with y parameter can be applied twice to /0 a(F,+x-y, )dt. This gives (c > (applying either a2 aX8Y a y or r(a)(xy) 2 ) + a(x,y). 0 a 11(F+x-y.,5)dF From this follows the continuity of r-(a) on 0 <y < x <l and I-(a) (x,y)|I _<f y a , <" I|all 0(x-y)1a + IjalIa+1 ,O(Xmy) IalIIC I1~ 0 + Ia ||a+ , 1 (x-y) 1-a < < Ia| and hence IIr(a) I Since le[~(a) (x,y) x 2 =/ dn[ a y =-f y (+-y,)d ] + a, (9n-,) dt + a~nay) 7 y = a(x,y) .- al (+x-y, )d+/al( y jal . a ( X-Y) 1-a 11.9 and 71 2 x Tj = X 71 1 a1 ((+x-iT,()dCj y1= =/ /0 (,)d al(9+x-y,9)dt we have x 1*r~(a) - fl(a)*1 = a(x,y) -/ a But the last two terms vanish since a e a satisfied by fl(a). so that (4t) is The last assertion now follows directly from 24.1. Remark. For a kernel k of the form k(x,y) = m(y)/m(x), it can be shown that the commutator equation k*r(a) - r(a)*k = a is formally solved by r(a)(x,y) = m( 1 a(t+x-y,t) M provided a(x,x) = a 1 (xx)= 0. ,2 d] By using this, results analogous to those of the present chapter can be obtained for Volterra operators above type. K with kernels k of the A II.10 §3 . Solution of the Operator Equation P For Volterra operators and cz a e a + p*r (a) = -p = 0P with kernels A and A + PF-(A) = -P the equation (11) A + PF (A) p C Q, is equivalent to , i.e. to the integro-differential equation x a(x,y) + sy1 p(x, i) Lemma 2.9. p r* (b) Ca a2 zC +, y aIay / If p |p * Proof: C a(g+n-y,)didri = -p(x,y) . and b e x. , then and r(b)I I| a |bI : B(G,) Using 2.6 we differentiate respect to a p * . r(b) twice with This yields first ax p*r(b)(xy) = p 1 *[~(b)(xy) + p(x,x) F(b)(x,y) = pl-*[~(b) (x,y) (since p(x,x) = 0), and then 2 ap F(b) (x,y) - p 1 1*F(b)(x,y) =pli 41- ~( b) ( x,y) Thus by 2.5 and 2.8, p*[f~(b) + pl(x,x) F~(b)(x,y) (since pl(x,x) = 0). and (p*r~(b)) are 1 =b) lpl*'F(b) continuous on 0 < y < x < 1 and (p*[(b)) 1 1 continuous on 0 < y < x < 1. Three applications of 2.2 now yield = is II.11 I Ip*F(b)I II(p*F(b)) 1 B(C+2,9) - 1U+9+2Soo 11 C+ +, 00 : |I IP|Y+2,ol IF (b)I | ||p, I a+ 1ol ||1 (b)II B(a+ljp) II(p*r(b)) ,I IO+Poo .: B(C0,9) I1p1 1 Icy Finally, using the fact that | B(Y,9) < B(aY2) Y > c, when b) I " 0 r(b) I bI and we get B(U, Ip*~F(b)jI I [~( I ) lpla Ibt by adding the three inequalities. The next lemma will give bounds for the norms of the iterates of the operator (12) a -+ p * Lemma 2.10. If p C0.0 r-(a) and . (2 a c ,t then fl(a) p eanc+a and r (a(n)r I1n(a) Proof: Taking and b = a ric Y ra) p(a) (since P = a B(G,a) = IpI r'(a) r'(a)/ I P|, jal in 2.9 yields |al r' ((C+a)). Now assume inductively that the lemma holds for P= n + a and b = F.(a) in 2.9. p n and take 11.12 Then p r (b) eaC (n+1) c+a B(c,na+a) lp I l11~(a)I +1 a) Pn+1(a)|I p ja) * B(c,na+a) |p.1 nf jp1n+1 C+a] (n+) r and the last inequality following by induction assumption. Proposition 2.11. bounded operator on 11 n-o Proof: If p C Z az then , CL r:p a -+ pir- (a) and 1 Fn I1/n = 0 p a By (2) and (6) it is clear that the norms I*!a inThus for crease with a. ( 1F~(a) I a c aa (n+l) r n+1 Ip In #ri JTIF) al the last inequality being a special case of 2.10. r'(a)n+l1 [ -n| lim n-+w is a '(na) /n= , [ (n+l) a I Hence from which 2.11 follows since II.13 The Similarity of 4. J + P and J. Having now established the axioms 1.1 for G., we pass to the question of similarity of the perturbed and unperturbed operators. Theorem A. If p e Cl C, then the operators J and J + P, where J: f(x) 0 f(y)dy and P: f(x) -/0 LP (O,1) are similar on Proof: A Y for any p(x,y) f(y)dy p with By 2.7, 2.8 and 2.9, the class of Volterra operators a and a C with kernels = |aa |AI [(A): f(x) --,/o r~(a)(x,y) f(y)dy is a space of regular perturbations of A + P F(A) = -P is solvable for with 1 < p < oo. p Ca . FE(A) Since (I + |~(A)] exists. Chapter I, J and A J. with By 2.11 and 1.2, a C a given P is quasi-nilpotent, Hence by the general considerations of J + P are similar. The preceding theorem can be strengthened by a procedure used by Volterra-Peres [22) and Kalisch ( ]. I.14 x Let G: f(x) -+ /, g(x,y) f(y)dy be a Volterra operator whose kernel satisfies (1) g(x,y) and gl(x,y) are continuous on 0 < y 5 x < 1 1 g(x,x) > 0 (ii) (iii) Z t g(t) /0 gi(t) and d = 0 g(x,x)dx and g1t Corollary A': where ,O < o G 0 is similar to a < = gl(tt). 0 < y < x < 1 g1 1 (xy) is continuous on 11g1 0 < t < 1. are continuous on g~(t) = g(t,t) where (iv) and and < 1. cJ. This will follow easily from the next lemmas. Lemma 2.12. Let be as above with G c = 1, and set x r(x) =0 g(t,t)dt. Then non-singular operator on f(x) -+ f(r(x)) Sr: LP(0,l). a Volterra operator whose kernel is a bounded Moreover h H = S 1 lGSr is satisfies h(x,x) = 1 and the conditions (i) to (iv) above. Proof: Since 1 and /0 g(tt)dt g(t,t) is continuous and > 0 on 0 < t < 1, -1 = 1, m = r"w exists and both r and m are continuously differentiable: and dr= g(x,x) dx Thus Sr and rd (bounds < dm =1 dx Sr1 d~j/ = Sm d and g~iT7~ii"xTT3 are bounded operators on IIjX1c1AP LP(0,1) respectively). Moreover, since m(x) 1G S4* r 6GS r f(X) X /0 H = S ;GSr h(x,y) = f(m(y) )dy g(m(x),y) 0 -.g x).m(v.) f(y)dy m iy Om. , is a Volterra operator with kernel M h(x,x) = 1. s atis fying Now h (xy) M(y)) g(m(y))g~(m(x)) 81(m1 1 h 1 1 (x,y) and, - In view of the above expression for h., tions (i) - is continuous on (iv) on d ( )-Ft(M( x) the continuity of dih 1/dt follows from the continuity of Similarly, h 1 1 m(Y) ( X) ) g(m(y)) and g 1 (m(x) g. 0 < y < x < 1 To see that growth condition at the diagonal, h 1 dg~ /dt. by the assump- satisfies the proper h (x,y) notice that in the above expression for containing gll(m(x),m(y)) and g =0 ( 1 -- I (X-y) h i, only the term can be unbounded near x = y. But by the assumption (iv) on g 1 1 (m(x),m(y)) which in turn (m(x)-m(y))l, m(x) is 0( 1 (x-y) since x-y = r(m(x))-r(m(y)) S/(y) g( tqt)dt.e II.16 Lemma 2.12. Let H be a Volterra operator whose kernel h(x,x) = 1 satisfies k(x) = exp / and (i) to (iv) above and set h (tt)dt. Proof: q(x,x) = 1, is is a Moreover, q satisfies ql(x,x) = 0. Since f(x) -+ / MkIMk: Q LP(0,1). is a Volterra operator whose kernel (iv) and (i), f(x) -+ k(x)f(x) M Then bounded non-singular operator on M= HMk h h(x,y) f(y)dy a Volterra operator with kernel x q(x,y) = h(x,y) exp[-/ so that h1 (tt)dt] q(x,x) = h(x,x) = 1 and ql(xy) = [h 1 (xy)-h1 (x,x)h(x,y)] exp(-/Y hl(t,t)dt] qll(xy) = [h 1 1 (x,y)-h(x,y)t- (x) + f1 (x)2 h(x,y)]exp[- Thus q1 (x,x) = h 1 (x,x) - h 1 (x,x)h(x,x) ties (i) and (iv) hold for sions for on q, q1 (tt)dt That the proper- follows from the above expres- and the assumptions (i) to (iv) h. Proof of A': that g and q = 0. 1 Multiplying by 1/c, /0 g(tt)dt = 1. G can be normalized so Then by the lemmas, G a Volterra operator Q. whose kernel satisfies ql(x,x) = 0, and (iv). has kernel and (1) p = q-1 e a is similar to J. is similar to q(x,x) = 1, But then the operator P = q - J and hence by Theorem A, Q = J + P 1 ..17 §5. Applications. x The Volterra operator J similar to if, G: f(x) -+/ g(xy) f(y)dy is say, g(x,y) = eX(Xmy) (where g(x,y) = X is any complex number) or if 4-1 1 This latter example shows that when p > 2 J": where P f(x) J P < 2. J is similar to is the fractional 1 By a result of Kalisch [iI], when > 2. where + J + JP integral operator x / (x-y) J " f(y)dy is not similar to J + JP Thus Theorem A is sharp with respect to the allowable algebraic singularity of p1 1 at the diagonal. III.1 CHAPTER III THE SHIFT OPERATOR In the present chapter perturbations of the isometric operator S: on 4P(Oo) (X l ,x2 *''' by certain trace class operators will be shown to be similar to the unperturbed operator §1. Preliminaries With respect to the basis [On: 00 = S. 01 = (0,1,0,...), (1,0,0,...), n =0,1,2,...] where etc., by the matrix S = 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0*~ a 0.-i 0 The matrix of the operator Itshif t lef t",9 S: (X ,x ,Xlx2pe***- l'KP2''' S is represented 111.2 is 0 1 0 0 0 o 1 0 0 * o o 1 Q S.. S S s 0 0 It S is well-known tat LP( 0,oo) S* and S S = I and satisfy both have norm 1 on E SS" and where is E1 the projection E1 : (x 0 ,x1 x2 ,...) -+ (0,xlx 2 ,''') 0 More generally, Sn = En where En: The projections (x 0 ) -+ (0,0...PXn'Xn+'0'* .xll''''xn,... ) * are represented by the matrices En n-zeros en diag(0,0, ... ,0, For an infinite matrix , 1, 1,.. a = [a, ) we define 00 (1) Ia I and will denote by ms n0O M the class of matrices a with Ja I < ".* 111.3 e M a The matrices A: represent bounded operators on (x00,x ,x2 '.)-' (yo-yl'y2 ... ) 0(0,o): , m0 As an operator on is of trace class (see A 42(0,o), [13J). Its trace is given by tr(A) E0 ann * n=0 M, then the series If a Lemma 3. = E SkAS k=O converges (conditionally) Y(A) satisfies in the norm of IIY(A)Il < 6 (t); its sum and is represented by the 1a matrix Y(A) Proof: We first observe matrix left one column, a + S*kask shifts the partial sums = [tr(S~nASMl that the operation and a matrix N YN(A) = E a -+ s*a -+ as shifts up one row. a Hence units diagonally upwards. k S shifts a * AS Thus have matrices k=0 N N Y N (ak) 0 S = k=0 as = [ r an+k,m+k k=O Now to establish 3-1, we first a bounded operator Y(A) on show that Y(a) 0(0,00) with IIY(A)IfI represents j al. 111.14 We ha ve sup m>O < sup rItr(?AS"' n=0 m>O n=0 k=0 ian+km+kI < IaI a nd 00 sup n>O E |tr(S*nASm)J M=O which, < r sup using 1-3, establishes Finally we show that E m=O k=0 n>O the assertion. YN(A) To do this we observe that lan+km+kl < I a I Y(A) in the norm of -+ Y(A) - YN-l(A) '6 (4 p). is represented by the ma trix Y(a ) - YN-1(a ) = tr (S"" 'ASN~ a nd 00 r- Itr(S*N+nASN+m) m=0 sup n>O = sup n>O m=0 k=0 I N+n+k,N+m+kI s NasN sup n>N 00 m=N k=0 and (similarly) sup m>O n=0 ltr(S*N+n ASN+m )I Hence (again by 1-3) *N .: aI N we have >..kT IY(A) -YN-(A )Ip : But the latter converges to 0 as N wr Is *N as14 -+ 10, 0 which proves thbe lemma . III . *2. Spaces of Regular Perturbations of S r (2) F(a) we define a c M For a matrix (a) = s"Y(a). is thus the matrix of F(A) = S"Y(A), i.e. of the operator (A) Since ||S'1|1 = 1, = Z S k=0 we have by 3.1, IJ (A)|I 0.. Proposition I and only if Proof: ! tr(ASn) F(A)S = A - 0 for S S = I Recalling that jai . |IIY(A )||I I satisfies the commutator equation F(A) Sfl(A) if AS SF(A) - T- (A)S and = B1 Y(A) = Y(A) = n 0,1,2,... SS" =E - S*Y(A)S - S Y(A)S - = A - (I-E )Y(A). But (I-E1 )Y(A) (I-e 1 )Y(a) = we have has as matrix ~tr(A) tr(AS) tr(AS2 ) 0 0 0 9 0 from which the result follow immediately. (I-E )Y(A) 111.6 Lemma 3.3. If p and a e M, pF-(a) then c M and |pr~~(a)l < jpj|aj Proof: By definition (1), 00 = |pF(a)I 2 n=0 m=0 00 00 < Z : n=0 m=0 00 | 2I pnk tr(S ASm k=0 00 00 2k P Z |ak+1+Jm+j nk = j= 00 00 z0 1Pnk'I nz < 00 00 00 Z0 Z~ Iak+l+jm+jI] jp|ja| . We are now in a position to determine some spaces of regular perturbations of a c M S. Let a denote the space of matrices whose entries vanish on and above the main diagonal. Q Cta More generally, (a > 0) will be the space of whose entries vanish on and above the First, it is clear that the the norm '*1 of M. ath a a e M sub-diagonal. are Banach spaces under Moreover, since tr(asn), n = 0,1,2,..., are the diagonal and super-diagonal sums of the entries of it follows from 3.2 that for sr(a) Lemma 3.-4 If p , a C Q - f-(a)s and b c r(a) q then and IpF(b)t Ife ,p surely solves a. = I bI. a, pr(b) e III .7 , then the entries of b e a If Proof: and above the (0-1)th sub-diagonal. For has only O's on and above the Y(b) b c q P and above the In particular has only Os on and above the (a+P)th row. pr(b) = e r(b) = s"Y(b) and sub-diagonal when Pth sub-diagonal. (V+P)th vanish on has entries vanishing on pF(b) Thus (see 3.1). r(b) pr_(b) Hence so the result now follows by 3.3. pr(b) We now investigate the bounds of the iterates of the operator :a * on a Lemma 3. . If pe (2, and and the Fn(a) ae(q, n t (a)| < p Proof: for -+ p I'(a) n I -r k=l Ieka+LP|]raj By 3.4 this is true for b = and taking rn(a) n = 1. and Assuming validity = na+a in p F ana ~(b)a = (n+) (b) e + and n+1 ( k=-1 IIeko+ajp|] tat As an immediate consequence of 3.5 we have 3.4 gives 111.8 p ea Let Proposition 3.6. fl norms of the powers of aa. p Then I denote the pnja as operators on the Banach space n p a+pF(a) Hence and a = T k--l te(k+l)p a -Mp a C is (uniquely) solvable for 2 provided that n TT le(k+l)aP lrn *3 . 1/n <1 k--1 n-+x* Similarity of S + P and 0 S We can now easily deduce some sufficient conditions for the similarity of If Theorem B. S + P p e 0 and S. and jpI < then -1 S P + and S are similar. Proof:.P f |IPt <1 2 Hence a+pr (a) we have by 3.6 that IrnI p 0 = -p is solvable for jal < jpj+jpF-(a)j so that |al 11r(A)I|P s + P and < 1. Proposition Bt. [I + : (1+jaj)- T(A)] a jp3 . < n 0 Moreover, 1 exists, since Hence by the considerations of Chapter I, < ta. S a c Q < (1+lal)lpl But then < - are similar. If p e 62 1 low a certain row, then and p has only 0 entries be- S + P and S are similar. - m r P III.9 Proof: enp = 0 By assumption Fn(p) = by 3.5, p for large 0 p n large enough. Thus n. vanishes on and above the first Hence, Z (- 1 )F _P) n=0 Moreover, sub-diagonal and the same is true of below a certain row, a = a + pfl(a) = -p. is a finite sum and satisfies since for Thus a. |(a) vanishes on and above the main diagonal and below some row. Such a matrix is nilpotent and hence Thus by Chapter I, and S + P 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0. 1 0 0 0 ... pi 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 ... P2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 ... + 20 exists. are similar. Theorem B refers to perturbations of Remark. s+p S [I + fl(A)]" of the form s . p3 0 p3 2 p3 2 0 Stronger results can be obtained from 3.6 when the first subdiagonal of a > 1. s is not perturbed, i.e. when For then, p C a with instead of the estimate IEn 1 given by 3.6 when p e pn 00 (since e= I) we have n But, since left the first le pI -. 0 multiplication by the projections em replace m rows of p by rows containing only O's, we have as n -+ao when a >0. IV.l CHAPTER IV THE OPERATOR EQUATION SX-XT = A Introduction: In this chapter we will obtain solvability conditions for the comrtutator equation TX - XT = A (1) when T is a normal operator on a Hilbert space H. The results will apply equally well to SX - XT = A (2) when S and T are both normal. For two bounded (not necessarily normal) operators S and T on H we define JX = SX - XT (3) for X 8B(H). B(H)and, space Then r is a bounded operator on the Banach by a result of Kleinecke (see [17]), has bs spectrum (4) For a(0) C =(S) - S(T). one has the Dunford operational calculus f - f() defined by (5) / f(0) = - for functions f f(z)(E-mz)"*dz aD holomorphic on a neighborhood A more useful representation of f(0) f(O)A = 1+r / f(S-z)A(z-T) 5G of a(EJ). is obtained by Rosenblua (J'7]; (6) D 1 dz IV.2 where G 0 when is a certain neighborhood of ' a(T). In particular, gives the explicit inversion formula for a(O), (6) DX= A, 1 (A) = (7) (S-z)" A(z-T) In [8] Heinz shows that if T + T -1 exists as a bounded operator on 010 O"I(A) = (8) - dz, c-G < b < a < S + S", then S(H) and is given by -tT etS Ae dt / 0 where the integral is absolutely convergent: / 00|e1 tsAe-.tT||dt < 1(a-b)' (9) ||A|| . We, on the other hand, are principally interested in solving (1), ()4), OX = A i.e. when S = T. 0 then belongs to the spectrum of not exist as a bounded operator on By Kleinecke's result Q, so that b(H). 01will Thus the above formulas do not apply to the problem of inverting the commutator equation (1). It is the object of this chapter to construct an operational calculus for 0 when S = T is normal and, from this, deduce sufficient conditions for the solvability of OX = A. The explicit solution will have the form of a singular integral operator |(A) analogous to (5 ) of page 0.2. By carrying through the analysis to include the case S # T, we will also be able to formulate the question of ex- istence of the wave operators IV.3 e U+ = w -lim (10) e These are the unitary (or partial-isometric] in a new way. operators which implement the unitary equivalence of S and [or of their absolutely continous parts) in the Kato-Cook- T Rosenblum treatment of self-adjoint perturbations of a self-adjoint operator In what follows denoted by S+ O - T and S+ * T. X -+ SX operators T. S = T + P and X -+ XT will be Using this notation we have From (41),IV. 10 below it f ollows that, as oper- ators on the Hilbert space of Schmidt class operators, S+ and T W (S*)+ and (T-)* = (T ) have as their adjoints (S+) and hence El = (S*)+ - This implies that if then El S and (T ) T are normal operators on H, is normal as an operator on Schmidt class. The goal of the next few sections is to calculate explicitly the spectral resolution of and T. §1. Preliminaries on Rectangles Given two sets are of the form rectangles. S and 0 in terms of those of S2, the subsets of 6xY with 8 C S1 and Y c S2 S S, x S2 which will be called The symbol 10' will denote a union whose summands are pairwise disjoint. IV.4 Lemma If rectangle 1 x Y 6xY and 62 X2 are non-void, then a third is their disjoint union, 6 XY=(6 y 1 1 )rj( 62 Y2 ) if and only if either 6= 61 0 62 and Y = Y = Y2 or 6= 61 = 82 and Y = Y 0 Y2 ( bxy )-(6 ix 1 [ (6) Lemmal.. Proofs: (See Halmos [5 1.) Lemm . If If 6 C 68 and only if either 8 C 81, then (8 xY)-(6 1 xY1 ) = Conversely, suppose (8xY)-(6 1 yi) and Y-Y 6 1 O, or The is a rectangle. If then 4.2 expresses this rectangle as we must then have either Y = Y-Y n Y, is impossible since Y the rectangles and void intersection). Y C y1 , x(Y-Y1 ) by 4.2. the disjoint union of two non-void rectangles. 6xY Y1 ) 1 Y c Y . argument is the same if 61 J 6-1 )X (6xy)fl( 8xY1 ) is non-void, then (6xy)-( is a rectangle if Proof: 1)XY-Y 1) IOU(_ 1 1 or 6-. = 0 and 6 n Y, Hence by 4.1 n 6 81 But this 0 (recall that were assumed to have a non- Thus either 6-8 = $or Y-Y = $, and this proves the lemma. Lemm The smallest rectangle containing a union U( of non-void rectangles is the rectangle (U6 I)x(UY ). i i Proof: (Straightforward.) i xyi) Iv. 6 if . Lemma i = 1,2,3, are non-void pairwise dis- 1 xY1 , joint rectangles whose union is a rectangle 6xY, then (6 xY)-( 1 Proof: By 4.3 it suffices to show that either xy1 ) = I or Y = Y tj 6 xY c 6,0 6 = 61 for some for some 1. if We first show: 6 is a rectangle for some I = 1,2, or 3. For example: or 62 C 81. 0, then 86 61 0, if 61 n 62 on the contrary, Suppose, either 6 c 8 or then either 61 C2 that 81 62 and 62 ' 61 . Since 61 and take x 1 f1 - 62 and x2 62 61 n 2 0, we must have Y1 f y2 = 0 (by the assumption that 61 1and 62 xY2 are disjoint). Now by 4.4, 3 8xY = U W)x( i=1 Take y1 e Y, and Y2 2* U Y ) and hence (x1 ,y2 ) and (x2 ,yl) 3 i=1 belong to 6xY. But then, since x1 must belong to 3 xY3 81, (x1 ,y2 ) and (x2 ,yl) But this is also impossible -since, by assumption 0 = (653 xy 3 )n(6 1 and hence either 6 fl 3 (x 1 ,y 2) 1 ) = (8 3 n )(Y = Y ' 3 xY3 or (x2 ,yl) or y3 fy 663 xy 3 * 3 = ly1)t so that either This contradiction es" tablishes the assertion made at the beginning of the paragraph. The analogous assertion holds for the Y1 . Case I: y C Y-Yy. 6 n6 = $ Then (x,y) c In particular (x,y) i for 6x 8 c 6xY J. 7 Then for Y1 implies that (x,y) / 1 x e 81. / Y1. = For suppose 3 61 (see 4.). 1=1 But this is impossible for all x e 6 since x c 61 implies that (x,y) y Y =Yi 2 xY 2 and (x,y) / 3 Y3 , and IV.6 C 6 65 Case II: for some i j with i and or Y = 3=6 or 6= Then either 2 C 6i. the above we know that if 6 63 c 61. or 6 Since 62 C6 that 6=6 and 6 c assume that 61 n 62 C y e 1 implies that = 3 Then 6 2 n Y = Y . This implies that 3 From then either 6 6= and / j, say C 63 C3 implies 6 c 1=3 6=61. Hence we can U 6i, = 0' also, since For otherwise take Then (x,y) e 6xY for all x e 6 and, in particular, Y0%3. But this is a contradiction, for x e 6 * since x e 63 implies that x p (61 Y1 )U(62 y 2 ), and x X Y3 implies that (x,y) X 63 xy It follows from the first part of the proof that Cases I and II are exhaustive, so the lemma is proved. §2. The Tensor Product (. denote the 0-ring of Borel subsets of the complex Let F C plane E A resolution of the identity on a Hilbert space . H is a function whose values are (orthogonal) E(.) .on (3 projections on H and which satisfies (1) E(O) = 0, E(6f6t) = E( (ii) = I E(C) 6 )E( 6 1) for all 6, 6' e i.e. if cc 6 e6 and 6 6n then n=1 z E(n )f for every E(6)f= f e H. n=1 be the ring generated by the rectangles Let 6, Y 15 , i.e. Borel rectangles. k f 6xY with is the set of finite disjoint unions of If E( *) and F(*) ars resolutions of the IV.7 identity we define the (bounded) operator E ® F(6xY) on by 4(H) E & F(6xY)A = E(6)AF(Y). (I) n Lemma k.6. If 6xY =3 (%xYi) then i=l EOF(6 xY) = 6 xY If Proof: n Y E ® F ( 1 xY) i=1 = (61 xy)0(2xY 2 ) 6 = 56 2 and that, say, then by 14.1 we can assume Y = Y1 = Y2. We then calculate directly E(6 1 )AF(Y)+E(62 )AF(Y) = [E(%1)+E(6 2 )]AF(Y) = E( 6 )AF(Y) If 5xY = ( 6 2 xY2)( 3 0 (6 xY i), then by 1 . we can assume that, say, i=1 Thus the case n = 3 follows 3 xY3 ) is a rectangle. by applying twice the case n = 2. Now assume the result for k < n - 1. Since n 6xY = ( xY1 )n i=2 where (6ixY ) = (61 Y 81 (Y-Y 1 ) A= 1 )J 1 and A2 = (bm1)xY, 2 we have by an appli- cation of the case of three disjcint summands E ® F(byxY) = E ® F( 5 1 xY1)+E ® F( n Now = and A= 2 [1 xY )Aa] 1 i=2 1 )+E ® F(A2)* n 0 [(( i=2 Yi)n 2 ]. Thus, since the intersection of two (Borel) rectangles is again a (Borel) rectangle, we can apply the inductive assumption to get IV.8 n n Z E ® F[(6 xY )lA]+ Z E ® F[(61 Y 1=2 1=2 n and this is equal to Z E ® F( 6 xy ) since for i > 2, 1=2 E ® F(A1)+EOF(A 6 xY 2 ) = [(6 xy )Ao[(6 )na 2] xY )n62 n Hence =2 E 9 F(6xY) E F(i xy ) 1=1 Lemm .. If A (I = 1,...,n) and A (j = 1,2,...,m) are two families of pairwise disjoint Borel rectangles and m n m n S= A A ,then Z E F(A ) ZE F(A'). Proof: j=l =1 j=1 3 1=1 A, n a ii A 1,...,n; j = 1,2,...,m) is a (i 1 family of disjoint rectangles and A Moreover that E ) = 2 E ( F(® j Z E ® F(A) follows from 4.!5. Z E ® F(A ) are equal to a ii,j = Z i UP a I ) and E = A. F( = Hence both Z E ® F(A1 ) and E ® F(A . In virtue of this lemma we can define the operator E ® F(A) on (2) E ® F(A)A = B(H) for any A '\ by n ZE(6 )AF(Yi) i=1 (i = 1,...,n) is any finite family of disjoint n Borel rectangles with A = t 61 xY. Then as a consequence where 61 xY 1=1 of 1.+.7 we have IV.9 Lemma 4... E ® F(A) on The operator additive function of Lemma 14.9. (1) E 9 F(O) = 0, (i) A e E ® F(c x .) = I. = E 9 F(A)E ( F(A') for all is clear from (1 ). If A m i b = XY 4te p. then for 13(H) E ® F(A)E ® F(AI)A = Z E(8 i n Complete Additivity of Let H )AE(YifY 3 ) E ® F(4fA x(y fYP,); = 3 (6 xy )(6 xy' ) i ii i since 3 (6 nf6) j 911, §3. is a finitely (H) A e (ii) E ® F(A nl At) Proof: 6 =A 1 )A, 2 E ( F( *) on Schmidt Class now be a separable Hilbert space and [n] a comH. plete orthonormal set in An operator A on H is said to be of Schmidt class if 00 JJAJ 12 l s| = Z I |Anj 12< n=l The Schmidt class of operators forms a Hilbert space with (AB) 8 Zz (An, Bn) n=. This Hilbert space is independent of [0 ] and is (unitarily equivalent to) the tensor product linear functional (., the form on H. g) by H ® H* If we denote the ', then the elements of H ® H* of are identified with the operators h -+ (hg)f n More generally, Z ci f ® i is the operator on H f ® g i=l IV.10 of finite rank given by n n (Z z g )h = 1f iJ~l c1 (h,g )f. is the closure of the set of operators of finite rank H 9 H" || in the norm For these remarks and the facts which we ||s. list next the reference is Schatten [gO]. (i) (f e 1)X = f X*g. If X e B (ii) For A c H For each projection on then Proof: If a = H ® H* ® and (AX,B)5 = (ABX )8 . and (A, f H, lar, (0 ® ', f ® 1g) s Lemma I+.10. ) = (Xf) (H) and A,B e H ® H , then (XA,B)s = (AX B) (iii) X(f ® In particular XA C H 9 H*. A cH®H, the AX and and Xe b3(H) If ®g)s = (Ag, f). In partiou- *(0,f)(T. A e Pt , is an orthogonal E ® F(A) Moreover, if 4, &1 e it and A c At. F(6) < E 0 F('). E From 4.9 it follows that E ® F(A) 2 = E 0 F(A). n 6 xY and A,B e H ® H", then, by (ii) above, (E ® F(A)AB)5 = n 2 (E(8 i)AF(Yi),B), = i=1 n i=l (A,E( i=1 and hence E 0 F(A) gonal projection. 6 i)BF(Yi)), = E ® F(A). = (A,E ® F(A)B)8 Thus E ® F(A) is an ortho- IV.ll If A a A I, then 6 ' = A U (At-A) and hence, finite additivity of E ® F( * ) on ) E ® F(A t) = E 0 F(A) by the , + E ® F(A ..A) from which the last assertion of the lemma follows. From now on the A e E ® F(A) with preted exclusively as operators on H will be interH* (and not on 8B(H)). 0..E ® F(*) is strongly completely additive on V Lemma Proof: If A n C TL an d An O , then by 4.10, E ® F(An) is an increasing sequence of projections on the Hilbert space H Thus . E ® F(A n ) converges strongly to a projection P H*. on U An £ E , then E ( F(A) = P. n=l , this will Since E ® F( *) is, by 4.8, finitely additive on H ® H". We now show that if A prove the lemma. From (i)nabove we have E ® F( 6 xY)f ®g = [E(6)f] Thus, if A 1E = xY, then F(A)f Z |E(6 )f i=l F(Y)g|I J I|E(6 )fII 2 |F(Yg)gl|2 = i=1 - (p. x v () the cartesian product of the two measures P(O)= |IE( *)f|| Hence, if An, A e 2 and and v(.) = I|F( R)g1 An o A, then 2 . IV.12 F(A-.nA)f' I) A 1 12,1E (AE ® F(A-A )f I IIA 12( xV)(vis a finite measure and since PxV 2 ) -+ 0 as n %. A-a Thus 4i so that E ( F(A) lim E ® F(An)f ® g = E ® F(A)f = P at all n-ow elements of H 0 H f ® '. of the form But then, since H 0H' is the closed linear span of elements of this form, we have E = P throughout F() Proposition h.12. E 9 F( *) has a unique extension to a reso- lution of the identity on (i) H H', i.e. E ® F( *) is defined and strongly completely additive on the a-ring 8 x13 of Borel subsets o E ® F(AfA') = E ® F(A)E ® F(A 1) (ii) (iii) Proof: H". H (Cx and E 9 F(A)" = E ® F(A) for all A,A' 9 15 E ® F(O) = 0 and E F( x C) = I. The set functions 4A,B( *) = (E pletely additive on the ring ( Schwartz's inequality fIA,B(A)| xl. F( *)A,B)s are com- of Borel rectangles and by . |1A1111B||, for all A ev1. Hence by standard theorems (see e.g. 12t , p. 136) on the extension of measures IAB(.) can be uniquely extended to a measure on 11A|| 6 3 |1B|1 8. x' . That tAB(A) The extended measure also has the bound in B for fixed A e )5 x6 is linear in A and conjugate linear follows from the uniqueness extended measure and the fact that for A c . Hence for each A e AB (A) of the has this property 1B x)3 there exists a unique IV.13 on H ® H* such that "AB(6) = bounded operator E ® F(A) That the E ® F( *) thus extended satisfies (ii) (E ® F(A)A,B). follows again from the uniqueness of the measures PAB(*) and satisfies (ii) on R the fact that E ® F( P) Thus the ex- . tended E 9 F(O) is a weak resolution of the identity. How- ever, the strong complete additivity now follows, since (ii) I |E implies that A e e ® F( *)At I2= (E 9 F( *)4,A)5 and hence for with An * x13 n ||E ® F(A.-on)A| we have A n -+ O as n -+ c. In the case of Schmidt class operators of rank Remark 4.13. and B = f ® g , we have one, A = (E ® F(A)AB) and v( (E( *),f) where P(e) immediately for A e TI (E ® F( 6 xY)0 e Y, = (Px )(A) ) = ( This follows TF(TT,). using that f ®g) = (E(6)g,f) (F(Y) 7,) uniqueness the two measures are equal on ) . x1 Then by . Solvability of 7X = A when A is of Schmidt Class 14.. with resolutions be normal operators on H of the identity E( o) and F( e) Then E ® F( #) has support included in (S)xa(T). Let S and T and measurable on G(S)xa(T), on (1) H respectively. For a function f(X,§), we define the operator f(S+,T_) H 4by (f(S+,T_)AB) bounded / f d(E ® F(*)A,B)s -I(S)xG(T) IV.l1 and g(X,), bounded and measurable For two functions f(X,) on a(S)xa(T), we have = f (S~qT.)g(S~tT.) (f 9) (S+IT.) (2) This follows from (ii) above by approximating f and g uniA similar argument shows that if formly by simple functions. h(X) is bounded on a(S) and k( ) is bounded on 0(T) then h(S+) (3) where h(S) =/hdE Theorem C. Let and T = k(T) =/kdF. k(T) and S k(T.) and = h(S)+ be bounded normal operators on with spectral resolutions E( P) and F( .) Schmidt class operator on If (*) F(A) = (c)/ . H. and let A H be a dE ® F( *)A exists in the weak operator topology of H, and (**) E 0 F( 6 )A = 0 where 6 is the diagonal of 0(S)xO(T), then Proof: - r(A)T = A. SF(A) Let X be the characteristic function of Ae= [(X,t):IX-fI > el and set Then f. is a bounded function on fe(X,9) a(S)xa(T) and the assumption (*) means that the Schmidt class operators f (S+.,T)A converge in the weak operator topology of H to F~(A). We have by (2) and (3) above 3[fr(S, T.)A) [fe(S+,T.)AJT = = (S gT )f(S+,T)A = E ( F(A )A IV.15 to A - E 9 F( 8 )A. which converges in 1|*11, But then since F(A) = w - lim f,(S+,T)A we have F~(A)T = A - E ® F( 8 )A, - Sr~(A) from which the theorem follows. Examples. H = L 2 (-l,1) and S = T be the operator Let f(s) -+ sf(s) and f (s) A: + For a subset +1 a(s,t)f(t)dt .1 A of the square, ator with kernel tion f(s,t) nel where '(a a. E '0 E(A)A is the More generally, on the square, f(s,t)a(s,t). 7/a(s,t)I 2 dsdt f(T+,T_)A Thus the integral oper- f or a bounded func- is the operator "0 < operator with ker- r-(A), if it exists, is the weak operator limit of the Schmidt class operators / 1 dE ® F(*)A: f(s) /( Y ) f(t)dt, t Is-t|ze is-tl>Ct +1 i.e. fl(A)f(s) = (c) 4 Here s-t) f(t)dt. E OE(5)A = 0, since its the condition (**) kernel is X 6 a = 0, so that is vacuously fulfilled. The situation is reversed if H is finite-dimensional. In this case, E ® F(6) = 0 is necessary and sufficient for the solvability of SX-XT = A. a finite A= [(, For a(S)xa(T) number of points so that f(X,) X): X / = exists and Sr(A) E 9 F(A)A = A - E ® F(6)A, - just where is bounded on a(S)xa(T). f(S+,T.)A consists of Thus r~(A) A r~(A)T = (S+-T.)f(S+,T_)A = so that E ® F( 6 )A = 0 is sufficient. IV.16 It is necessary since E @ F(6)[SX-XT] = g(S+,T. )X where ,=(A-C) Remark. 2(. 6 (x -)0. The conditions (*) and (**) are easily shown to be also necessary for the solvability of SX-XT = A for X in Schmidt class where the operators f(S+,T.) and E ®F(A ) are defined. The difficulty in showing the necessity of these conditions for solvability in b(H) stems from the fact that we may well have solvability in class. '6(H) but not in Schmidt It can be shown that in the first example considered above TX-XT = A possesses a Schmidt class solution if and only if 411 , t) 12dsdt < GO, a property not enjoyed by the regular studied by Friedrichs, for which, Fredholm kernels on the other hand, commutator equation is solvable in the a(H) These difficulties will be partially overcome in the last section of the chapter. E 9 F( * §5. 6 By other devices, the condition )A= 0 will be shown to be necessary for solvability in (H). The Convolution E * F(*) and Applications We now assume that S and T are self-adjoint operators on H with resolutions of the identity E(*) and F(*). E F() is then defined on the Borel subsets of RxR where R is the real line. For a Borel subset 8 of R we define IV.17 = E ® F(A) E * F(6) where A = [(X, ): X-9 e 6]. Then E * F(*) H ® H" defined on R. of the identity on is a resolution For functions f(x) bounded and measurable on C(S)-a(T) we have (recalling that 0 = S+ f(!) - T) = f(X- / / )d E ® F( *) = f(x)d E * F( ) o(S)-a(T) O(S)xa(T) Thus, in particular, we have the expression *it] for /40 itx d E *F( *) itC] (A) = its -itT% e Ae-o , interpreted as an operator on H ® H". e. Thus for A e H ® H" and f, g e H its Ae--itT (a we have +0itX gf) = d (E * F( *)A, f g)s and hence Theorem D. If A is of Schmidt class then (e itsAeitT gf) is the Fourier transform of the finite Borel measure (E * Examples * If F(*)A, f ®j) A = 0 ® , then (E * F( *)A, where r ® g) P(.) = (E(*)$,f) and v(.) = (puv)( *) (F( *)Yg), since by 4.13, (E 9 F( *)A, f s PXV) IV.18 If S (E( *)V,f) have absolutely continuous spectrum i.e. T and and (F( are absolutely continuous measures e)Y,g) on R, then f[(E(*)$,f) d±*(8) = (F(*)Y,g)]dx so that itS (e it x( x -itT Ae. e e' g9f) If, finally, S L2 (,+o) ) -E T is the operator F(*)y f(s) -+ sf(s) J]d on then itx[(Of)*(Tg)]dx (eitT Ae-itT Solvability of DX = A Since de il = ito we have /eiso (A)ds = A - e (A) 0 this suggests, as a solution of OX = A, the integral r~(A) = -i / e (A)dt 0 If this integral exists in the sense of the weak operator topology of H, then 01~(A) = A. Thus sufficient conditions for solvability can be expressed as integrability conditions on the functions (a Ag,f) which, if A is of Schmidt class, Fourier transforms of the finite Borel measures (E are the F(*)Af 0 g) . IV.19 Existence of the Wave Operators U Then Define U dt t = eitS Pe-itT . = eitS e-itT and set P = S - T. it (P) U= I + i / so that te is(P)ds 0 Thus the existence of U+ = w - lim U of / depends on the existence 00itO] e (P)dt as a weak operator integral, for which, if P 0 is of Schmidt class, sufficient conditions are again expressible in terms of the integrability of the Fourier transforms of finite Borel measures Remark. (E 4:F( *)P, f 9 g) . These considerations suggest how to formulate ab- stractly the notion of "regularity" or "smoothness" of a Schmidt class operator A with respect to a self-adjoint operator T (or self-adjoint operators T and S) in such a way that regularity of A => solvability of OX = A (or the existence of Uk). Namely, the Fourier transforms of certain finite Borel measures on R should be integrable. The H6lder-regularity of the kernels a(s,t) assumed in the Friedrichs example T: f(s) -+ sf(s) is clearly expressible in the above terms. -- -, -' I~ I ~~II BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] J.M. Cook, Convergence to the Mller Wave-Matrix, J. Math. Phys. vol. 36 (1957), pp. 82-87. [2] N. Dunford and J. Schwartz, Linear Operators, Interscience, N.Y., 1958. [3] K.O. Friedrichs, Uber die Spectralzerlegung eines Integraloperators, Math. Ann., vol. 115 (1938), pp. 249-272. [4] K.O. Friedrichs, Perturbations of Continuous Spectra, Comm. Pure-Appl. Math., vol. 1 (1948), pp. 361-405. [5] P.R. Halmos, Measure Theory, [6] P.R. Halmos, Commutators of Operators, vol. 74 (1952), pp. 237-240. Amer. [7] P.R. Halmos, Commutators of Operators, vol. 76 (1954), pp. 191-198. II, Amer. [8] E. Heinz, Beitr~ge zur Starungstheorie der Spektralzerlegung, Math. Ann., vol. 123 (1951), Van Nostrand, N.Y., 1950. J. Math., J. 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