01. Open and Distance Education in India The Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU) was established in July 1989 by ACT.XX(1989) of the Maharashtra State Legislature. Besides YCMOU, there are Twelve other open universities established in India. Viz. Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi (Estd. 1985), Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University (BRAOU), Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh (Estd. 1982), Vardhaman Mahavir Open University (VMOU), Kota, Rajasthan (Estd. 1987), Nalanda Open University (NOU), Patna, Bihar (Estd.1988), Madhya Pradesh Bhoj Open University (MPBOU), Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh (Estd. 1993), Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University (BAOU), Ahmedabad, Gujarat (Estd. 1994), Karnataka State Open University (KSOU) Mysore, Karnataka (Estd. 1996), Netaji Subhash Open University (NSOU), Kolkata, West Bengal (Estd. 1997), Uttar Pradesh Rajarshi Tandon Open University (UPRTOU), Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh (Estd. 1999), Tamilnadu Open University (TNOU) , Chennai, Tamilnadu (Estd. 2003), Pandit Sunderlal Sharma Open University (PSSOU), Bilaspur, Chchattisgarh (Estd. 2003) and Krishnakant Handique Assam Open University, Guwahati, Assam (Estd. 2007), YCMOU is on par with other universities including Agricultural and Technological universities in India. The Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates awarded by this university are equivalent to the respective Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates awarded by other universities including Agricultural Universities in India for the purpose of further Education and Employment in Government, Semi-government or Private Organization. The growing population and inadequate infrastructural facilities available in the conventional educational system at all levels, has made the existence of the open learning system indispensable. It has also made us recognise the need for offering not only general education courses but also agricultural, technical and vocational education courses through the open learning system. The open and distance learning system is widely practised all over the world. The aims and objectives of this university are to make available education to all those, who need it, not only in the field of arts, commerce and sciences, but also in professional and technical fields such as Agriculture, Engineering, Technology, Computer Sciences, Health Sciences etc. The attempt is made to qualify a person for further continuous education, so that he may get better employment, higher wages and or setup employment generating units. It ultimately also aims to enhance the potential for better agricultural 11 production, improve management and marketing skills, enable an individual to earn more and to improve upon his career prospectus. The university has its head quarter at Nashik and has 8 Regional Centers located Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 1 one each at Mumbai, Pune, Aurangabad, Nanded, Nashik, Amravati, Nagpur and Kolhapur. There is a huge Network of over 3000 Open Education Centers/ Study Centers, throughout the state in Maharashtra. The School of Agricultural Sciences is actively supported by different Crop Growers Association in Maharashtra, Yashwantrao Chavan Pratishthan, Mumbai, Network of NGO, Maharashtra Council of Agricultural Education and Research (MCAER.), Pune, National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development (NABARD), Mumbai, Distance Education Council (DEC), New Delhi. Virtual Academy for Semi-AridTropics (VASAT) of International Crop Research Institute for Semi-arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Hyderabad, Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi, South Asia Foundation (SAF), New Delhi, Virtual Learning Centers (VLC) of Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Ahmedabad, Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Canada and ICRISAT, Hyderabad. 02. Programs Under The School of Agricultural Sciences The School of Agricultural Sciences is the innovative school of Academic Division having large number of Educational Programs and Courses, planned to fulfil the needs of farmers and farming community including government functionaries and officials. The major emphasis is given to the field of Agriculture and Horticulture Development, Agri-Business Management, Agricultural Communication, Agricultural Extension and Agricultural Development including use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in Agriculture. The School of Agricultural Sciences consist of 7 full time academic faculties supported by more than 700 academics and agricultural experts from all the Agricultural Universities in Maharashtra and outside the Maharashtra. The School of Agricultural Sciences has undertaken the challenging task of developing high quality and need based educational programs with the following objectives. 1. To offer an opportunity for practising farmers, farm women, government functionaries and officials for self learning through distance education 2. To offer courses in the vital agriculture developmental areas relevant to Maharashtra for raising production and productivity through knowledge and skill empowerment of farming community. 3. To generate Self Employment opportunities among the rural youth and enhance the socio-economic status of the farmers and rural youths. 22 There are large number of persons, who because of social, economic and geographic reasons have dropped out from the mainstream of education in their early age and have had to enter the world of work to earn a livelihood. It is for these reasons that this Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 2 university has initiated some need based educational programs after having elaborate discussions with the experts in the world of education and the world of work. The Major mass of rural population is illiterate to neoliterate, living in villages and depends on agriculture. The population in rural areas even though literate are economically backward and have little or no access to scientific and technical education in agriculture. The university has developed need based educational programs in agriculture for the practising farmers. The university has identified farming community as a major target group and agrohorticulture and commercial crop as main area for the development. The learners are given printed study materials alongwith electronic material learning support developed by the university using Self Instructional Approach. The learners are expected to study the text books and workbooks and learn by actually working on their own farm as well as institutional farm and laboratories. The academic counsellors available on the study centers, guide the learners in their difficulties and problems faced by them in the field through weekly scheduled interactive contact sessions and field cum laboratory practicals and prepare them for knowledge and skill based Profession. Academic Programs under the School of Agricultural Sciences 1. Certificate in Gardening 2. Foundation in Agricultural Sciences 3. Diploma in Horticulture 4. Diploma in Agri-business Management 5. Diploma in Agro-Journalism 6. Diploma in Fruit Production 7. Diploma in Vegetable Production 8. Diploma in Floriculture and Landscape Gardening 9. Bachelor of Science in Agriculture - B.Sc.( Agri.) 10. Bachelor of Science in Horticulture - B.Sc.( Horti.) Educational Programs in School of Agricultural Sciences Course code Title of the Course 01.Certificate in Gardening AGR-101 : Principles and Practices of Gardening. Duration (Year) Credit Points 01 33 AGR-102 : Fruits, Vegetables and Flowers Cultivation. AGR-103 : Nursery Management. AGR-104 : Landscape Gardening. Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 3 32 02.Foundation in Agricultural Sciences 01 32 02 64 02 64 02 64 02 64 02 64 02 64 05 160 AGR-201 : Principles and Practices of Soil Sciences AGR-202 : Principles and Practices of Plant Sciences AGR-203 : Principles and Practices of Plant Protection AGR-204 : Principles and Practices of Crop Production 03.Diploma in Horticulture AGR-225 : Principles & Practices of Horticulture AGR-226 : Fruits, Vegetables and Flowers Production. AGR-227 : Horticulture Nursery Management. AGR-228 : Landscape Gardening. 04.Diploma in Agri-business Management AGR-217 : Principles and Practices of Agri-business Management AGR-218 : Agri-business Management Part-I AGR-219 : Agri-business Management Part-II AGR-220 : Principles and Practices in Agri-business Communication 05.Diploma in Agro-Journalism AGR-221 : Principles & Practices in Agro-Journalism AGR-222 : Agricultural Communication & Farm Journalism AGR-223 : Advanced Practices in Journalism AGR-224 : Agriculture Allied Enterprises 06.Diploma in Fruit Production AGR-205 : Principles and Practices of Fruit Production AGR-206 : Commercial Fruit Production Part-I AGR-207 : Commercial Fruit Production Part-II AGR-208 : Post Harvest Technology of Fruits 07.Diploma in Vegetable Production AGR-209 : Principles and Practices of Vegetable Production AGR-210 : Commercial Vegetable Production Part-I AGR-211 : Commercial Vegetable Production Part-II AGR-212 : Post Harvest Technology of Vegetables 08.Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening AGR-213 : Principles and Practices of Floriculture AGR-214 : Commercial Flower Production Part-I AGR-215 : Commercial Flower Production Part-II AGR-216 : Post Harvest Technology of Flowers & Landscaping 09.Bachelor of Sciences in Agriculture (B.Sc. Agri.) 44 AGR-301 : AGR 201-204, AGR 217-220, AGR 221-224 & AGR 225-228 + Entrance Test + Project Report 10.Bachelor of Sciences in Horticulture (B.Sc. Horti.) 05 160 AGR-302 : AGR 201-204, AGR 205-208, AGR 209-212 & AGR 213-216 + Entrance Test + Project Report Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 4 l Vertical Mobility to Bachelor of Sciences ( Agriculture) B.Sc. (Agriculture) | | | | | | 160 | AGR 221-224 : Diploma in Agro-Journalism 1 32 AGR 217-220 : Diploma in Agri-business Management 1 32 AGR 225-228 : Diploma in Horticulture 1 32 | | | | 1 32 | 1 32 | | AGR 201-204 : Foundation in Agricultural Sciences | | Entry Points 5 AGR 301 : B.Sc. (Agri.) Entrance Test + Project Report | | Duration Credit (Years) Points | Academic Programs | Course Code AGR 101-104 : Certificate in Gardening AGR 201-204 AGR 217-220 AGR 221-224 AGR 225-228 Pass SAU's Diploma in Agri. Pass 12th Std. Pass/Fail 10 th Std. Pass / Fail l Vertical Mobility to Bachelor of Sciences ( Horticulture) B.Sc. (Horticulture) | | | AGR 302 : B.Sc. (Horti.) Entrance Test + Project Report 5 | 160 | | | | | 1 32 AGR 209-212 : Diploma in Vegetable Production 1 32 AGR 205-208 : Diploma in Fruit Production 1 32 1 32 55 | 1 32 | | AGR 213-216 : Diploma in Floriculture & Landscaping AGR 201-204 : Foundation in Agricultural Sciences | | Entry Points | | Duration Credit (Years) Points | | Academic Programs | | Course Code AGR 101-104 : Certificate in Gardening Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 5 AGR 201-204 AGR 205-208 AGR 209-212 AGR 213-216 Pass SAU's Diploma in Agri. Pass 12th Std. Pass/Fail 10th Std. Pass / Fail 03. Admission to Under Graduate Programs Admission to under graduate programs shall be given on first come first basis as below : l Open Agriculture Education Centers : Admission to Foundation in Agriculture, Diploma & Degree programs shall be given by the recognized Open Agriculture Education Centers located on College of Agriculture / Horticulture / Agri-business Management and Krishi Vigyan Kendras from June first each year subject to maximum 60 students in each program. However, Center will not continue such programs, which has less than 30 students admission. Present maximum admission on Center = 480 l Open Agriculture Education Sub-Centers : Admission to Certificate programs shall be given by the recognized Open Agriculture Education Sub Centers located on Agriculture Technology Schools from June first each year subject to maximum 60 students in each Certificate program assigned to them (Presently Certificate in Gardening). However, Sub-Center with less than 30 students in class shall be discontinued from next year. Present maximum admission on Sub-Center = 60 04. Program Delivery System (UG) Good study material, adequate infrastructural facilities, motivated and experienced Teachers Counsellors are the prerequisites for the delivery of our educational programs. In the distance education system, students are studying and at the same time they are working. They study to enhance their knowledge and skills. The studying function in most of the cases, becomes secondary. It is precisely for these reasons that the study material in distance education system is prepared in Self Instructional Material (SIM) format. It is designed to simple, self explanatory, with a number of illustrations and provision for self assessment. The study material is developed at the University by the respective school of studies e.g. School of Agricultural Sciences. The study material is developed at the university as stated earlier. For developing the study material a “Participatory Workshop approach” is followed. Experts from various places are invited to form different panels of experts for writing, editing and vetting. The books are prepared credit wise so as to enable the transfer of credits for further higher education. Simple language with adequate illustration is used. Many self 66 check questions comprising of question bank are also included to enable the students to know whether they are following the text correctly or not. In addition to books, the study material also includes electronic media appropriately prepared for understanding the concepts of critical topics in the underlying curriculum. Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 6 The University has established 8 Regional Centres one each at Nashik, Mumbai, Pune, Aurangabad, Amravati, Nanded, Nagpur and Kolhapur. These Regional Centres function as liaison authorities for university activities in the respective region. The regional centres are headed by Regional Directors and they are empower to supervise & monitor all the university programs in their jurisdiction. The open university programs are developed and implemented through a delivery networks as shown below. University 1. Program Planning & Development 2. Textbooks & Workbooks Production & Distribution 3. Orientation of Head, Coordinator & Teacher Cousellor 4. Examinations, Certification & Center Evaluation 5. Research and Development Regional Centres 1. Admissions and Registration 2. Guidance to Center Management 3. Monitoring and Supervision 4. Feedback Study Centre 1. Students Admission 2. Material Distribution 3. Student Counselling & Examination 05. Training System and Methods (UG) Open Agriculture Education Center system : The delivery of all the programs is facilitated through the recognised Open Agriculture Education Centers/Sub-centers. They play an important role in implementing these vocational and professional courses and share more responsibility for its delivery and implementation. The Open Education Centers are normally allotted to willing institutions, having the necessary infrastructural facilities, enthusiastic faculty members and suitable locations. The Open Agriculture Education Centers undertake all activities for the effective implementation of courses/programs. The functions include publicity, admissions, counselling of students, conducting examination and providing assistance to students to solve their educational, administrative and financial problems. The staff at the center are paid an honorarium for their contribution. The University compensates for the efforts put in by the center. Each Open Agriculture Education Center shall admit Maximum 60 students for each program during the year. The program with less than 30 Students enrollment during the year shall not 77 be allowed to offer during year and the students are transferred to nearest Center/Sub-Center as the case may be alongwith tuition fees paid by the students. Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 7 06. YCMOU : Authorities, Powers & Responsibilities 1. The Vice Chancellor 1.1 The Vice Chancellor is Chairman of the Board of Management of the university and acts as Supreme Authority in the Open University, who can advise on any matter related to academic program policy and operations. 1.2 The Vice chancellor can call / invite any Center/Sub-Center Head / Coordinator or visit any Center/Sub-Center with or without prior notice to that effects. 2. The Director of the School 2.1 The Director of the School is Chairman of the School Council in Agricultural Sciences and Chief Executive Officer for Program Planning, Development and Operation. 2.2 The Director of School is Chairman of the Open Agriculture Education Center / SubCenter Monitoring & Evaluation committee is fully authorised to Open new Center / Sub-Center, close down or relocate existing Center / Sub-Center in consistent with the existing & new policies from time to time and in the interest of distance education. 2.3 The Director is authorised to extend approval to the legal purchase of goods and services at the Center / Sub-center that falls beyond the financial powers of center head & co-ordinator subject to availability of funds at Center / Sub-Center and full justification for the purchase of goods & services to that effect. 2.4 The Director has full power to approve the nomination of Open Agriculture Education Center / Sub-center Head, Co-ordinator Teacher, Counsellors and Accountant or replace them from time to time in consistent with existing rules & regulations and in the interest of smooth operation of Center / Sub-Center. 2.5 The Director of the School has full powers and responsibility to plan, design develope & operate academic programs in consistent with policies decided at University level, State level or National level including obligations from apex academic & statutory authorities at National level and visit any Center /Sub-Center at any time with or without prior notice to check physical facilities & financial transactions of the Center/ Sub-Center. 3. The Regional Director 3.1 The Regional Director are representative of the university working at regional level and are empowered and responsible for monitoring and supervision of Centers and Sub-centers for optimum functioning of Centers & Sub-Centers in consistent with existing rules & regulation. 3.2 The Regional Directors are authorised to visit any Center / Sub-Center with or without prior notice for ensuring smooth functioning of Center or to address the grievances of students and teachers at the center with or without written complaint from the concern stake holders and can check physical facilities & financial 88 transaction. 3.3 The Regional Director is authorised & responsible for Advice, monitoring and setting standards for center operations in consistent with existing Rules & Regulations. Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 8 07. OAEC : Authorities, Powers & Responsibilities Role and Responsibilities of Center Staff : The Role & Responsibilities of the Center Head, Co-ordinator, Teacher Counsellor, Accountant, Assistant and Peon shall be as follows. I. The Head : 1. The designated Center Head shall be Principal of the College of Agriculture / Horticulture, Program Coordinator of Krishi Vigyan Kendra or Principal of Agriculture Technology School as the case may be and Post Graduate in Agricultural Sciences and shall functions as Chief Executive Officer of the Center and shall Monitor and Supervise the contact sessions and Internal & External Examinations on Saturday and Sunday on the Center and provide need based academic, administrative and financial support to the Co-ordinator and Teacher Counsellors for smooth running of programs throughout the year. II. The Co-ordinator : 1. The designated Center Co-ordinator shall be Assistant Professor of Agronomy / Horticulture from the college, Subject Matter Specialist of Horticulture as the case may be and Post Graduate in Agricultural Sciences with specialization in Agronomy/ Horticulture & shall functions as Contact Officer between the Center and University head quarter. He shall also exercise academic, administrative and financial powers and responsibilities of Monitoring & Supervision of Contact Sessions & Internal Examinations in consultation with the head to ensure the smooth running of programs throughout the year. 2. The Center Co-ordinator shall be responsible for all admission, admission form Scrutiny, Submission of admission form to university, planning, co-ordination & execution of contact sessions, practical sessions, students study tour, monitoring of Internal and Final Theory & Practical Examinations. III. The Accountant : 1. The designated Center Accountant shall make all payment after the sanction from the Head of the center in consistent with the financial provisions made by the YCMOU, Nashik and prepare Physical & Financial Statement of Accounts with balance as prescribed by the university under three heads i.e. Honorarium, Operation and Development Receipts & Expenditure. 2. He shall keep all the record update, get audited from the competent auditing authority and sent audited fund utilisation report and certificate to university before 30th April each year. He shall be responsible for submission of all the financial books, documents and reports to the university authority as and when demanded failing of which his services shall be discontinued with immediate effect. 99 3. IV. The Assistant 1. The designated Center Assistant shall be responsible for helping Center Head, Co-ordinator, Teacher Counsellor and Accountant in admissions, day to day Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 9 menial & typing work throughout the academic year. He shall also be responsible for record keeping, filling and assistance during practicals and theory examinations. V. The Peon 1. The designated Center Peon shall be responsible for helping center management personnel, menial work, serving tea and snacks, distribution of water to teacher & students during contact session and examination. VI. The Teacher Counsellor : 1. The designated Teacher Counsellor shall be responsible for planning and execution of contact sessions, practicals, Internal and final theory and practical examinations, solution providers for students difficulties while online contact sessions and while offline contacts for educational program assigned to him during the academic year. 2. The Teacher Counsellor shall be responsible for student admission, preparation of student list, distribution of Teaching Schedule and running of contact session 3 hours morning (10 to 13 hours) & 3 hours afternoon (14 to 17 hours) on each contact session days (32 days in one academic year) including study tours & exposure visit during the academic year for the educational program assigned to him in the year. 3. The Teacher Counsellor must conduct internal examination at the end of each course as per YCMOU system (100 marks theory +100 marks practical), Evaluate the papers, before the next contact session, Comments on answers in writing, Re-distribute papers to the students in the next contact session only, Instruct them to go through it and Re-collect all the papers and Keep ready alongwith Question Paper, Answer Sheets and Attendance Sheet for annual inspection by YCMOU authorities. 4. The Teacher Counsellor shall keep ready internal examination question paper and Answer sheets for the last two years (Current year + Previous year). The teacher counsellor shall be paid @ Rs.10 per Answer Sheet evaluated (Theory & Practical separately). 5. Central Assessment Program (CAP) for Agriculture program evaluation & assessment is conducted after the Final Examination. It is mandatory for all the concerned teacher counsellors from each Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-Center to participate in the Central Assessment Program (CAP) conducted at YCMOU headquarter failing of which their teacher counsellorship shall be ceased with immediate effect. 08. General Academic, Administrative and Financial Management Student Admissions 8.1 The University shall be a policy making, overall monitoring and evaluation authority. The 1010 YCMOU shall prepare rules and regulations for better implementation of the educational programs. The YCMOU shall prepare rules for admission of students and shall approve the Open Agriculture Education Center / Sub-center. The YCMOU shall declare date of admission for the programs and Center / Sub-center shall cash & carry prescribed number of prospectus Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 10 & admission form. Filled in admission forms along with a prescribed admission fees will be received by the Center/Sub-center. The provisional admissions will be given by the Center and the provisional admission list along with admission fees will be send to the YCMOU Regional Centre. The YCMOU will confirm the admissions or otherwise and issue Permanent Registration Numbers (PRN) to the students and will send the list to the respective center. 8.2 The YCMOU reserves the full right to close down the Open Agriculture Education Center/ Sub-center, where the total student enrollment for all the program is less than 100 per year for the last three years and shall close down the individual program in case total enrollment for the program is less than 30 students and the center will not conduct contact sessions where student enrollment for particular program is less than 30. In such cases the student will be directed to enroll on nearest Center/Sub-center as the case may be. l 8.3 Study Material & Contact Sessions After the admissions are confirmed, the YCMOU will send the study material to be distributed to students. The Center/Sub-center will keep a record of distribution of study materials. The center will arrange the time table for the display of these AV materials and inform the students and will monitor the training program of students as prescribed by the YCMOU. The students shall attend Open Agriculture Education Center / Sub-Center for 6 days per month and 32 days in entire academic year for contact sessions as decided by the university on holidays (Four Saturday and Two Sunday) from August to January each year. l Student Examination & Evaluation l The Internal Examination 8.4 The Internal Examination for each course of the program shall be conducted by the Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center for 100 marks theory and 100 marks practical examination separately. 8.5 The 100 Marks Theory Examination shall have 20 questions carrying 5 marks each. Whereas the 100 marks practical examination shall be divided into 30 marks for procedure writing of 2 practicals and actual performing them, 30 marks for 15 Specimen/Spotting identification and or related questions, 20 marks for Oral Examination and 20 marks for Workbook Evaluation. 8.6 The distribution of 30 marks for two practicals to be written and performed by the student are as follows. For each practical to be performed: 1. Writing : Title, Objectives and Necessary Information: 5 marks, 2. Writing : Materials Required, Observation, Calculations and Results: 5 marks and 3. Actual performing and showing that practical to the examiner: 5 marks. 8.7 The Students not appearing for internal examination shall be allowed to appear for final examination. However the student has to obtain required percentage of mark in final examination. l 8.8 The Terminal Examination The Terminal Examination for each paper of the program shall be conducted by the university 1111 for 100 marks for theory and 100 marks for practical examination. The 100 marks theory and 100 marks practical examination shall be conducted as given is following table and shall be supervised by Senior Supervisor appointed by the University. Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 11 Sr. Programs No. Internal Examination Marks Theory Practical Certificate in Gardening 100 100 Foundation in Agricultural Sciences 100 100 Diploma in Horticulture 100 100 Diploma in Agri-business Management 100 100 Diploma in Agro-Journalism 100 100 Diploma in Fruit Production 100 100 Diploma in Vegetable Production 100 100 Diploma in Floriculture and Landscape 100 100 Gardening 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Final Examination Marks Theory Practical 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 8.9 The marks obtained in Internal Examination conducted by Open Agriculture Education Center and Final Examination conducted by Open University shall be assigned 20% and 80% weightage respectively for calculation of final marks and shall be displayed on the marksheet. 8.10 The classification of the students performance shall be as follows Marks Obtained (%) l 8.11 8.12 8.13 l 8.14 8.15 Description of the Class 75 & above ........................ First Class with Distinction 60 to 74 .............................. First Class 50 to 59 .............................. Second Class Less than 50 ...................... Fail Fees and Financial Management The YCMOU shall prescribe fees for the program. The fee schedule will be different for different courses. The fees will include the cost of Learning package, Counselling sessions, Management of the Center, examination and certification. This will be informed through the prospectus of the program. The YCMOU will pay honorarium to teacher counsellors through the Center/ Sub-center and the center will have to maintain records of disbursement of this honorarium. The rates of honorarium shall be prescribed by the YCMOU from time to time. The Center/Sub-center Head & Co-ordinator will disburse the payment to Teacher Counsellors and examiners and maintain records of disbursement. The center will keep the record of training material, its purchases and issues and other receipts from the YCMOU funds. This account shall be audited by the YCMOU from time to time. General Management The Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center shall fix up minimum Two and maximum Four sign boards in Marathi & English each with 3 feet width and 6 feet length (Horizontal) with minimum 16 gauge thick metal sheet on the office of the Head /Co-ordinator and other with 4 feet width and 8 feet length (Horizontal) with minimum 16 gauge1212 thick metal on the Highway, Main Road, Sub Road & Internal Road, showing arrow towards the Center/Sub-center Building and Location. The Sign Board shall be painted in Military Dark Green Colour on Dark Yellow Background with the font size and shape as given below. Sign board shall be painted with one side Marathi Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 12 3 Feet and one side English as shown below `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>, Zm{eH$ _wŠV H¥${f {ejU H|$Ð Ho$. Ho$. dmK H¥${f _hm{dÚmb` Zm{eH$ - 422 003 g§nH©$ … (0253) 2303545 6 Feet 3 Feet YASHWANTRAO CHAVAN MAHARASHTRA OPEN UNIVERSITY, NASHIK Open Agriculture Education Center K. K. Wagh College of Agriculture Nashik - 422 003 Contact : (0253) 2303545 6 Feet 4 Feet `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>, Zm{eH$ _wŠV H¥${f {ejU H|$Ð Ho$. Ho$. dmK H¥${f _hm{dÚmb` Zm{eH$ - 422 003 g§nH©$ … (0253) 2303545 8 Feet Æ 4 Feet YASHWANTRAO CHAVAN MAHARASHTRA OPEN UNIVERSITY, NASHIK Open Agriculture Education Center K. K. Wagh College of Agriculture 1313 Nashik - 422 003 Contact : (0253) 2303545 Æ 8 Feet Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 13 3 Feet `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>, Zm{eH$ _wŠV H¥${f {ejU CnH|$Ð _§Xma H¥${f V§Ì {dÚmb` H$moit~, Vm. H$ë`mU, {O. R>mUo g§nH©$ (0251) 2022310 6 Feet 3 Feet YASHWANTRAO CHAVAN MAHARASHTRA OPEN UNIVERSITY, NASHIK Open Agriculture Education Sub-Center Mandar Agri-Technology School Kolimb, Tal. Kalyan, Dist. Thane Contact : (0251) 2022310 6 Feet 4 Feet `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>, Zm{eH$ _wŠV H¥${f {ejU CnH|$Ð _§Xma H¥${f V§Ì {dÚmb` H$moit~, Vm. H$ë`mU, {O. R>mUo g§nH©$ (0251) 2022310 Æ 8 Feet 4 Feet YASHWANTRAO CHAVAN MAHARASHTRA OPEN UNIVERSITY, NASHIK Open Agriculture Education Sub-Center Mandar Agri-Technology School 1414 Kolimb, Tal. Kalyan, Dist. Thane Contact : (0251) 2022310 Æ 8 Feet Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 14 8.16 Requirements for Center Head & Co-ordinator : The Center Head shall be Principal of the College (where Center is located on College of Agriculture and College of Horticulture), Program Coordinator of Krishi Vigyan Kendras or Head or Director of Agricultural Education and Research Institute/Center, whereas a Center Co-ordinator shall be a Assistant Professor/Subject Matter Specialist with Post Graduate qualification in Agronomy/Horticulture (Absence of which a person with Post Graduate qualification in other discipline shall shoulder this responsibility subject to written approval from the The Director, School of Agricultural Sciences, Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik before 30 June each year. Head and Co-ordinator must be among the core/regular staff from the same institution and not from visiting faculty. 8.17 The separate Bank Account shall be open jointly in the name of designated Head and Coordinator in Nationalised Bank. The receipts & funds must be kept separately and operated by Head and Co-ordinator only. However, under specific circumstances, the account can be in the joint names of Designated Head, Co-ordinator and Chairman or Secretary of the host institution, where any two individual can operate the account. The specific circumstances must be approved by the Director, School of Agricultural Sciences, YCMOU in writting from time to time. 8.18 The designated PGR Center Head and Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center Head shall have full administrative and financial powers to run the Center/Sub-center by following requisite account procedures. (Purchase upto Rs. 5000 as direct purchase without quotation and maximum purchase upto Rs. 50,000 with minimum three quotations. Purchase of goods and services beyond Rs. 50,000 requires necessary sanction from The Director, School of Agricultural Sciences, YCMOU, Nashik alongwith three quotation and full justification for the purchase. 8.19 The Center Head, Co-ordinator and Accountant are solely and legally responsible for maintaining record and register of purchase of goods and services alongwith Bank Pass Book, Cash Book, Honorarium disbursement Register and Purchase and Issue Register. 8.20 The funds available for the disposal of Center towards i.) Staff honorarium ii) Program operations and iii) Center Development Expenditure can be spend during the academic year from June to March each year. However, there is no Financial Year End or March End for YCMOU funds. The balance funds can be utilised for the next year for the same purpose of expenditure. However, the funds not utilised within three successive years can be called back by the YCMOU as unspent balance, not required for the Center/Sub-Center. 8.21 It is mandatory to spent Rs. 700 per student each on honorarium, Rs. 700 for Operations and Rs. 600 for Development of Center. The funds available for operational cost, if remained unspent, Can be utilised for Center Development & Vice-Versa during the academic year or at the end of same year or during the next academic year. 8.22 The part of registration fees collected and maintained at Center is the funds owned by YCMOU, but alloted for specific purposes with authorization to Center Head and Co-ordinator to spent for authorised purchase of goods and services. Therefore, the 1515 balance amount more than Rs. 500000 shall be withdrawn by the YCMOU, Nashik, being unutilised funds lying idle with the Center Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 15 8.23 The Center shall provide Rs. 3000-5000 to each teacher counsellor based on course requirement, for preparing various teaching aids like Photographs, Models, Posters, Charts, Laminations, Power Point Presentation, Album, Herbarium, Specimens, Cards, Labels, C. D., etc to promote teaching and learning outcomes in Distance Learning. 8.24 The Host Institution is not allowed to spent YCMOU funds for construction of Buildings and Infrastructure of bricks and blocks in nature. They are also not allowed to transfer any part of YCMOU Funds to any other purpose not related to distance education towards Host Institution. 8.25 The funds, wealth or property generated through demonstration farm, production units, Soil and Water Testing Laboratory, Phytodiagnostic Laboratory, Post Harvest Technology Laboratory, Plants Propagation Nursery, Students Practicals, Technical and Consultancy Services, shall be owned by the host institution and they are at liberty to use or otherwise their own funds and wealth for their needs and purposes. 8.26 If Center has to spent/purchase any goods or services, costing more than Rs. 50,000, the necessary written permission must be taken from The Director, School of Agricultural Sciences, Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik, with full justification with three quotations & balance available at center for the intending purchase of goods or services. Failing of which the expenditure shall be treated as illegal expenditure & shall be re-covered from the Host Institution. 8.27 The Host Institution must provide physical & financial statement of utilization of funds for the last three financial year including current year in the following proforma. Year No. of Students Gross Receipts Headwise Reciept ( Rs.) (Center share : Rs.) Headwise Expenditure ( Rs.) Opening Balance 1. Honorarium : 2009 -- -- 2. Operations : 3. Developments : Total -- -1. Honorarium : 2010 -- -- 2. Operations : 3. Developments : Total -- -- 2011 -- -- -1. Honorarium : 2. Operations : 3. Developments : Total -- -- -- 1616 Grant Total -- -- -- Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 16 Headwise Balance (Rs.) - 8.28 The Center management staff and teacher counsellors shall be approved by The Director, School of Agricultural Sciences, YCMOU, Nashik in consultation with the management of Institution. The staff shall be on honorarium basis & shall not be entitled to lien, continuity or any right on the post they have worked for or are working at the center. 8.29 The appointment of the Center Staff on the assignment basis may be terminated by the Center or YCMOU at any time without giving notice and without giving any reasons thereof. Since the service is on task basis, no leave rules or any other facilities will be applicable to the staff appointed, nor shall they accrue any benefits direct or indirect or facilities by virtue of merely working for this YCMOU programs. 8.30 The qualifications for the staff shall be as per YCMOU norms. However, the strength and number of Teacher Counsellor required will depend on the programs. Except where otherwise mentioned, each Center shall have a designated Center Head, Center Co-ordinator, Center Accountant, Center Assistant & Center Peon for the Center as a whole and separate Teacher Counsellor for each Academic Program or Course. 8.31 The Center shall provide adequate accommodation for classroom Counselling, Advance Computer System for C.D. playing and the farm and laboratory shall be equipped with adequate infrastructure as prescribed by the YCMOU from time to time. 9.32 The YCMOU will arrange Orientation and Training Programs for the Head, Co-ordinators in May each year and selected Teacher Counsellors of the Center during the year. However, the Center Head and Co-ordinator shall conduct orientation training to their Teacher Counsellor & Administrative Staff at the beginning of the year. 8.33 The Center working in urban/industrial area are allowed to conduct contact sessions on Four Sundays and Two Saturdays (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday and 2nd and 4th Saturday) instead of scheduled contact sessions on Four Saturday and Two Sunday. However, the Center has to take such permission from The Director, School of Agricultural Sciences, YCMOU, Nashik by giving justification for such an act. 8.34 The Center is not allowed to establish any other Center or Sub-center or Study Centre or Work Centre or Examination Centre at any part of the State or outside the state by their own, without knowledge of The Director, School of Agricultural Sciences YCMOU, Nashik. Doing so would be treated as illegal act and the designated and non-designated Center/Sub-Center shall be closed with immediate effect. 8.35 The Honorarium to designated Center Head, Co-ordinator, Accountant, Assistant, Peon and Teacher Counsellor shall be paid through crossed cheque only. Moreover, payment to purchase of goods and services should also be made through crossed cheque payment only. 8.36 The teaching-learning aids based on syllabus in marathi like Photographs, Models, Charts, Specimens, Posters, Laminations, Herbarium, Power Point Presentation prepared during the year with date must be shown to YCMOU Authorities at the time of annual inspection. In Every year New and Additional Teaching Aids should be shown to YCMOU Inspection and Verification Team. 1717 8.37 The teacher counsellor must draw Internal theory and practical examination question paper as given in the Annexure. While setting a question paper, the course teacher must ensure to cover at least two questions from each category of Evaluation among the following six Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 17 categories. Alternately Internal Examination question papers will be set at university head quarter and will be send through e-mail attachment with PDF file in the name of Center Head / Co-ordinator two days before the scheduled date of examination. The question papaer shall include questions to test 1. Memory Testing (ôָü•Ö¿ÖŒŸÖß ŸÖ¯ÖÖÃÖ•Öß), 2. Comprehension Testing (†Ö•ú»Ö-Ö¿ÖŒŸÖß ŸÖ¯ÖÖÃÖ•Öß), 3. Arithmatic Testing (•Öו֟Öß •úÖî¿Ö»µÖ ŸÖ¯ÖÖÃÖ•Öß), 4. Hands on Skill Testing (Æü à ŸÖ •úÖî ¿ Ö»µÖ ŸÖ¯ÖÖÃÖ•Öß), 5. Application of Information and Knowledge (¯ÖÏÖ¯ŸÖß•éúŸÖ ´ÖÖ×ÆüŸÖß †Ö×•Ö –ÖÖ-ÖÖ“Öê ˆ¯ÖµÖÖê•Ö-Ö) and 6. Analytical and Synthesizing ability ({díbofU Am{U g§íbofU H$m¡eë`) 8.38 The Center shall print sufficient number of answer sheets (Examination Papers) from operation cost in the month of August and made available to each Teacher Counsellor for Internal examination (The Number of Answer Sheets to be printed = No. of student enrolled for all Programs X 8) (4 Theory Examination + 4 Practical Examination) 8.39 The Center shall conduct Internal practical examination at the end of each course. While conducting Internal and final practical examination, two experiment out of three given to the student, must be performed in situ by the student and shown to the Teacher Counsellor conducting the practical examination, failing of which the experiment should not be evaluated and marked. The experiments which can be performable shall be given in practical examination. 8.40 The Teacher Counsellor must comment on answer sheet at the time of evaluation. The comments should be neither negative like bad, very bad, useless, non-sense etc. nor be general comments like good , very good, excellent, write properly, study well etc. The comments must be in diagnostic and rectification form, like if the question asked for 5 marks and if it contain 5 points like 1. ..................... 2. ........................... 3................................... 4. .................................. 5. ................................. However, you (the Student) have written only 2 points like 1. ........................ 2. ........................ Therefore you have got 2 marks out of 5 marks and lost 3 marks. 8.41 The goods and consumable, instruments, appliances, tools and implements purchased from Center funds must be entered in dead stock and consumable register and signed below by the Head or Co-ordinator. The details of item purchased should include 1. Date of Purchase 2. Name of item 3. Number of item 4. Make/Manufacturer 5. Cost of item 6. Date of quotation 7. Name of supplier firm 8. Payment made vide cheque No ................................ Dated................................ 8.42 The payment to Teacher Counsellor for Internal examination Answer Sheet Assessment shall be made @ Rs 10 per Theory paper and Practical paper each for actual Number of examination papers evaluated with written comments on maximum answers by the teacher in prescribed time. 8.43 The Center shall design and maintain at least one acre of crop cafeteria each for Agronomic Crop, Horticulture Crops, like Fruit crops, Vegetable Crops and Seasonal Flowers and Foliage Crops in both Kharif and Rabi Season. 8.44 The Student must pay admission fees in full, at the time of admission. However, under special situation, The Center is allowed to collect their own amount of share, maximum upto the end of October during the year. The Student who has not paid the balance amount of fees before 1818 Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 18 30 October of the year, He should not be allowed to sit for Theory and Practical Contact Session, Internal Examination and Final Examination. 8.45 The YCMOU will have no objection, if the host institution is looking for outside sponsorship for paying balance fees OR paying from their own resources other than the Center share/ receipt. However, host institution is not allowed to receive the tuition fees from both the parties Viz. from the student as well as from the outside sponsoring Agency. 8.46 The Head and Co-ordinator of Center are responsible to send letters to students, not attending scheduled contact session regularly and minimum 50% of the classes conducted. The letter must be send at the end of October each year. The student not attending 50% contact session for theory and 80% constact session for practical shall not be allowed to appear for final theory and practical examination. Failing to take action the Head and Co-ordinator shall be held responsible. 8.47 The Center shall conduct each contact session for 3 hours theory (10.00 am to 1.00 pm) and 3 hours practical (02.00 pm to 05.00 pm). The teacher counsellor must take signature of student on the printed/typed rollcall register instead of just putting absent or present mark. If the student is absent for that contact session the teacher counsellor should mark absent in red ink at the end of each contact session on the same day. The course teacher must ensure that the students are not signing the register for past or future attendance while signing on the day . The separate rollcall register must be kept for each program/Course. 8.48 The Center shall be Inspected, Evaluated, Marked and Graded into four categories at the end of their period of approval. Grade Description of Score Decision for Continuation A Score more than 80 Approval for 3 years B Score between 71 to 80 Approval for 2 years C Score between 61 to 70 Approval for 1 year D Score less than and equal to 60 Center to be Closed 8.49 The Director, School of Agricultural Sciences, YCMOU, Nashik has full powers to establish new Center in close viscinity of existing Center/Sub-Center if the existing Center has a student enrollment of more than 250 per year for the last 3 years and the Open Institute has to refuse admission to the student for the want of vacancy in the particular program OR if the Center working within the operational area is not functioning as per YCMOU Guidelines. This act of action is ensured to accommodate the surplus students or to save their academic losses owing to bad academic management on part of existing Center / Sub-Center 8.50 The Director, School of Agricultural Sciences on behalf of YCMOU 1919 reserves the full right to Modify, Replace, Relocate, Change or Close any Center/Sub-center without giving any reasons thereof on reciprocal basis as per the Memorandum of Undertaking signed by the Host Institution with The YCMOU, Nashik. Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 19 9. Annexures Annexure 1 : Requirements of Open Agriculture Education Center 1.1 The Organization intending to start Open Agriculture Education Center shall be registered orgnisation under Public Trust Act (1860) and Societies Registration Act (1950). 1.2 The Organization shall have fully functional College of Agriculture, OR College of Horticulture affiliated to State Agricultural University (SAUs) OR Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) affiliated to Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi OR Institution providing Agriculture Education under Deemed University status in India. 1.3 The Organization intending to open YCMOU Center must provide the resolution of the organization signed by The Chairman & The Secretary both, giving approval to establish YCMOU Open Agriculture Education Center. The Organization must provide last three years Audit Report/Annual Report showing their Academic and financial status to that effect. 1.4 The Organization intending to establish Open Agriculture Education Center shall have well furnished Class Rooms, one each for each program with minimum 60 Students Seating capacity each. (Total 8 to 10 classrooms) 1.5 The Organization intending to establish YCMOU Open Agriculture Education Center, must provide at least one Qualified Teacher Counsellors for each program. ( Total 8 to 10 teacher counsellors with Masters degree in respective area of specialization.) 1.6 The Organization intending to Open YCMOU Center must have Four designated Laboratories like Soil & Water Testing Laboratory, Phytodiagnostic Laboratory and Post-Harvest Technology Laboratory for Foundation in Agriculture, Diploma in Horticulture, Diploma in Fruit Production, Diploma in Vegetable Production, Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening Programs and Multimedia Computer and Audio-Video Laboratory for Diploma in Agri-business Management and Diploma in Agro-Journalism. 1.7 The Soil & Water Testing laboratory shall have : Soil Testing Kit, Digital pH Meter, Electrical Conductivity Bridge, Top Pan Balance, Spectrophotometer, Flame Photometer, Hot Air Oven, Incubator, Digestion and Distillation Unit, Water Distillation Unit, Munsell Colour Chart, Real Soil Profile in Glass / Wooden column, Thermometer, Hygrometer, Soil Thermometer, Rocks & Minerals Specimens, Seeds, Manures & Fertilizers display bottles & cavities, Charts for collection of soil samples, Soil Texture, Soil Structures, Problematic Soil, Classification of Soil, Manures & Fertilizers, Rain Guage, Farm Implements, Soil Testing Reports Reading Software, Various Screw Augers and Necessary Glasswares and Chemicals & Reagents and other Facilities to Conduct Under Graduate Level Practicals. Phytodiagnostic Laboratory shall have : Two Compound Microscope, Two Dissecting Microscope, Two Napsack Sprayers, Two Gatoor, Foot Sprayers, Two Ganesh Sprayers, One Rotary Duster, One Seed Dresser, One Digital Thermometer cum Hygrometer, Five 2020 Dissection Boxes and Dissection Trays, Autoclave, Isolation Chamber, Cabinet Fixed Preserved Samples of all major Pests, Diseases, Weeds and Seeds, Charts & Photographs, of Pests & Diseases, Charts of Plant Genetics, Physiological & Bio-chemical Cycles and 1.8 Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 20 1.9 1.10 1.11 Various Glasswares, Chemicals & Reagents and other Facilities to Conduct Under Graduate Level Practicals. Post Harvest Technology Laboratory shall have : LPG Gas connection, 250 litre capacity Refrigerator, 10 litre capacity Pressure Cooker, Food Processor, Screw type Juice Extractor, Capping and Cork Machine, Cabinet Dryer, Mini Multipurpose Pulper, Cashew Processing Unit, Stainless Steal Utensils, Spoons, Knives & Peelers, Various types of Sieves, PVC Crates, Jars and Bottles, Hand Refractometer, 5 kg Capacity Digital Balance, 12 inch Pouch Sealer, Sulphuring Chamber, Vegetable Cutter, Measuring Pot and Cylinder, Various Preservatives & Chemicals and other Facilities to Conduct Under Graduate Level Practicals. Multimedia Computer and Audio-Video Laboratory shall have : At least 5 Multimedia Computer with Internet connection, Multimedia Softwares, LCD Television (32 to 42 inch diameter) VCR, VCD player, 5 Stereo, Tape Recorders, CD ROM, digital Encyclopedia & Multimedia Interactive teaching and learning environment. The organization must have minimum 3 Acre Plant Propagation Nursery, including mother plants and producing minimum 10,000 salable grafts & seedling each year. Moreover, the institution must have minimum 3 Acre each unit of Fruit Production, Vegetable Production and Floriculture Unit and 1 Acre each of Agronomic Crop Cafeteria ( Cereals, Pulses and Oil Seeds) & Horticulture Crop Cafeteria (Vegetables. Flowers, Folliages) on their campus. 1.12 The Organization must provide Self Signed Bio-data of all Center Management Staff and Academic Faculty Members intended to participate in teaching and operation of YCMOU Open Agriculture Education Center in the format prescribed by the university. 1.13 The Organization shall have separate building & accomodation facility for Open University students, Inverter/Battery backup facility to the laboratory instruments, 3000 sq.ft. carpet area of Library & Reading Room with sufficient number of books, magazines, etc., 3000 sq.ft. Green house /Poly house / Protected Cultivation or Unit of Poultry, Dairy or Vermicompost and all major Farm & Garden Implements, Tools and Equipments like Tractor, Power Tiller, Plough, Harrow, Seed Drill, Power Sprayers and Dusters. 1.14 The Organization intending to establish YCMOU Open Agriculture Education Center shall apply giving full details regarding point 1-13 above before 30 December each year, alongwith demand draft of Rs. 20,000 for establishing new Open Agriculture Education Center and Rs. 10,000 for continuation of existing Open Agriculture Education Center for further duration (non refundable even after non recognition or non continuation) in the name of The Finance Officer, Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik, payable at Nashik, drawn on Nationalised Bank. 1.15 The YCMOU reserves the right of recognizing, derecognizing or re-locating Open Agriculture Education Center to any organization without assigning any reason thereof on reciprocal basis. The dispute between YCMOU & the intending Organization shall be resolved within the legal jurisdiction of Nashik Head Quarter. 2121 Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 21 Annexure 2 : Requirements of Open Agriculture Education Sub-Center 1.1 The Organization intending to start Open Agriculture Education Sub-Center shall be registered orgnisation under Public Trust Act (1860) & Societies Registration Act (1950). 1.2 The Organization shall have fully functional Agri-Technology School affiliated to State Agricultural University (SAUs) in Maharashtra. 1.3 The Organization intending to open YCMOU Sub-Center must provide the resolution of the organization signed by The Chairman & The Secretary both, giving approval to establish YCMOU Open Agriculture Education Sub-Center. The Organization must provide last three years Audit Report/Annual Report showing their Academic and financial status to that effect. 1.4 The Organization intending to establish Open Agriculture Education Sub-Center shall have well furnished Class Room with minimum 60 Students Seating capacity. 1.5 The Organization intending to establish YCMOU Open Agriculture Education Sub-Center, must provide one Qualified Teacher Counsellor for Mali Training program. (Teacher counsellor with Bachelor or Masters degree in Agriculture/Horticulture.) 1.6 The Organization intending to open YCMOU Sub-Center must have one designated laboratory with all Equipments,Instruments,Tools, Glasswares, Chemicals & Samples of Soil types, Seeds, Manures, Fertilizers, Pests, Diseases, Weeds, Insecticides, Fungicides & Weedicides etc, required for Mali Training Certificate program. 1.7 Organization shall have minimum half acre of Plant Propagation Nursery with Annually Salable 5000 Plants/Grafts/Seedlings. 1.8 Organization shall have minimum 1 Acre each of Fruit Orchard, Vegetable Crops & Crop Cafeteria and Floriculture Crops & Crop Cafeteria. 1.9 Organization shall have minimum 1000 sq. feet size of Green Lawn & Landscape Garden, 1000 sq. feet size of Green house / Poly house / Protected Cultivation Unit & 1000 sq. feet size of Vermicompost Production Unit. 1..10 Organization shall have Farm Implements, Tools & Equipments like Power Tiller, Plough, Harrow, Seed Drill, Sprayers & Dusters, Garden & Nursery Tools like Watering Cans, Budding Knives, Manure carrying trolley, Pickaxe, Secateurs, Pruning Scissor, Spade etc. and Ornamental & Foliage Plants collection on Bunds, in Beds, in Pots or in the Farm. 1.11 The Organization must provide self signed Bio-data of all Sub-Center Management Staff and Academic Faculty Members intended to participate in teaching & operation of YCMOU Open Agriculture Education Sub-Center in the format prescribed by the University. 1.12 The YCMOU reserves the right of recognizing, derecognizing or re-locating Open Agriculture Education Sub-Center to any organization without 2222 assigning any reason thereof on reciprocal basis. The dispute between YCMOU & the intending Organization shall be resolved within the legal jurisdiction of Nashik Head Quarter. Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 22 Annexure 3 : B.Sc.( Agriculture/Horticulture) Entrance Examination 1. The Students can appear for B.Sc. (Agriculture/Horticulture) Entrance Examination only after completion of all the pre-requisite courses such as for B.Sc. (Agriculture) Entrance Examination, he has to complete Foundation in Agriculture, Diploma in Horticulture, Diploma in Agri-business Management and Diploma in Agro-Journalism and for B.Sc. (Horticulture) Entrance Examination, he has to complete Foundation in Agriculture/Diploma in Agriculture, Diploma in Fruit Production, Diploma in Vegetable Production and Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening. 2. The Entrance Examination shall be conducted in the month of July each year for B.Sc.(Agriculture) and B.Sc.(Horticulture) separately. B.Sc.(Agriculture) Entrance Examination shall include four sections such as i. Foundation in Agriculture, ii. Diploma Horticulture, iii. Diploma in Agri-business Management & iv. Diploma in Agro-Journalism and B.Sc. (Horticulture) shall include four sections such as i. Foundation in Agriculture, ii. Diploma in Fruit Production, iii. Diploma in Vegetable Production & iv. Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening. 3. The Entrance Examination pattern shall be multiple choice question type and include total 200 questions, 50 questions from each sections. All questions shall carry equal marks. Students has to secure minimum 50% marks in the Entrance Examination. 4. Student has to purchase the prospectus @ Rs. 120/- by cash from Open Agriculture Education Center. Entrance Examination Fees is Rs. 300/- by Demand Draft in favour of Finance Officer, Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik on any Nationalised Bank. The complete filled in Entrance Examination form alongwith DD should sent directly to The Deputy Registrar, Examination Division, Unit-3, YCMOU, Nashik before 30th June each year. 5. Entrance Examination shall be conducted on following Examination centers. . 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. Thane : Dnyan Sadhana College, Thane - 400 604 Ratnagiri : Gogate Jogalekar College, Ratnagiri - 415 612 Nashik : College of Agriculture, Gangapur Road, Nashik 422 005 Pune : Abasaheb Garware College, Karve Road, Pune - 411 004 Solapur : Laxmibai Bhaurao Patil College, Samrat Chowk, Solapur Kolhapur : Mahaveer College, Vaishali Parisar, Bhausingji Road, Kolhapur - 416 003 Aurangabad : Shiv Chattrapati College, N-3 CIDCO, Auragabad - 431 005 Nanded : Yashwant College, VIP Road, Nanded - 431 602 Amravati : Shivaji College of Agriculture, Amravati - 444 603 Nagpur : College of Agriculture, Maharaj Bag, Nagpur - 440 001 2323 Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 23 Annexure 4 : Annual Program Fees and Financial Provisions The following table shows the program wise credit points, study hours, minimum contact sessions to be conducted and the Annual Program fees to be paid to the YCMOU: Programs Credit Points Period of Study (hrs.) Minimum contact sessions Program fees per year (Rs) 01. Certificate in Gardening 32 1000 32 3000=00 02. Foundation in Agriculture 32 1000 32 4000=00 03. Diploma in Horticulture 64 2000 64 4000=00 04. Diploma in Agribusiness Management 64 2000 64 4000=00 05. Diploma in Agro-Journalism 64 2000 64 4000=00 06. Diploma in Fruit Production 64 2000 64 4000=00 07. Diploma in Vegetable Production 64 2000 64 4000=00 08. Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening 64 2000 64 4000=00 09. B.Sc. (Agriculture) 160 5000 160 5000=00 10. B.Sc. (Horticulture) 160 5000 160 5000=00 2424 Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 24 Annexure 5 : Distribution of Program Fees (Under Graduate Programs) Sr. No. Items of Expenditure Certificate Programs Diploma Programs Degree Programs 1500.00 2000.00 4000.00 A. University Share A.1 Registration 100.00 100.00 100.00 A.2 Identity Card 50.00 50.00 50.00 A.3 Samvad Patrika 50.00 50.00 50.00 A.4 Sports & Youth Festival 40.00 40.00 40.00 A.5 Disaster Management 10.00 10.00 10.00 A.6 Books & Learning Package 400.00 600.00 - A.7 Books Delivery 50.00 50.00 - A.8 Examination, Evaluation & 750.00 1000.00 1200.00 - - 500.00 - - 350.00 - - 450.00 50.00 100.00 1250.00 Certification A.9 Degree Project Guide A.10 Degree Project Evaluation Expert A.11 Degree Viva Voce Examination A.12 Escalation & Development B. Center Share 1500.00 2000.00 1000.00 B.1 Center Head 90.00 90.00 90.00 B.2 Center Co-ordinator 90.00 90.00 90.00 B.3 Center Accountant 60.00 60.00 60.00 B.4 Center Assistant 40.00 40.00 40.00 B.5 Center Peon 20.00 20.00 20.00 B.6 Teacher Counsellor 400.00 400.00 200.00 B.7 Center Operation 400.00 700.00 300.00 B.8 Center Development 400.00 600.00 200.00 3000.00 4000.00 2525 5000.00 Total (A+B) Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 25 Annexure 6 : Distribution of Program Fees (Post Graduate & Research Programs) Sr. No. Items of Expenditure A. University Share A.1 M.Sc. (AC/AE/AD) Ph.D. (AC/AE/AD) 4000.00 5000.00 Registration 100.00 100.00 A.2 Identity Card 50.00 50.00 A.3 Samvad Patrika 50.00 50.00 A.4 Sports & Youth Festival 40.00 40.00 A.5 Disaster Management 10.00 10.00 A.6 Books & Learning Materials 1000.00 1000.00 A.7 Examination, Evaluation & Certification 1500.00 2000.00 A.8 Research Guide & Supervisor 1000.00 1500.00 A.9 Escalation & Development 250.00 250.00 B. Centre Share 4000.00 5000.00 B.1 Center Head 200.00 200.00 B.2 Center Co-ordinator 200.00 200.00 B.3 Center Accountant 100.00 100.00 B.4 Center Assistant 60.00 60.00 B.5 Center Peon 40.00 40.00 B.6 Teacher Counsellor 1000.00 1000.00 B.7 Thesis Evaluation 500.00 1000.00 B.8 Viva-Voce Examination 500.00 1000.00 B.9 Assignment Evaluation 400.00 400.00 250.00 1000.00 B.10 Escalation & Development Grant Total (A+B) 8000.00 2626 10000.00 Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 26 Annexure 7 : Rates of Honorarium & Payment Procedure (Under Graduate) Sr.No. Designation Honorarium/ Expenditure (Rs.) 1. Center Honorarium Expenditure : ................................................. 700=00 A) Honorarium to Center Head @ Rs 90 per student, Center Co-ordinator @ Rs.90 per student, Center Accountant @ Rs. 60 per student & Center Assistant @ Rs. 40 per student and Center Peon Rs. 20 per Student (Total= Rs. 300) ......................................................................................................... 300=00 B) Teacher Counsellor @ Rs. 400 per student for max. 60 students .................... 400=00 (Maximum Rs. 24000 per year for 32 Contact Sessions) Center Operation Expenditure : .................................................... 700=00 Center Development Expenditure : .............................................. 600=00 2. Explanation for the payment 2.1 The Total Annual Honorarium of Teacher Counsellor is calculated as follows: Annual Honorarium (Rs.) = No. of Students Enrolled in the class X Rs. 400. 2.2 The Honorarium per contact session (CS) is calculated as follows : No. of Students Enrolled in the Program (S) X 400 Honorarium (Rs. / CS) = -------------------------- -----------------------------------------------32 = 12 X S where, S = Number of Students Enrolled for the program 2.3 Each teacher counsellor shall be paid @ Rs.10 per answer sheet each for Theory & Practical Internal Examination Evaluation during the year. (maximum 60 students X 8 (4 Theory Paper + 4 Practical Paper) X Rs. 10) 2.4 The Honorarium shall be paid to Center Head, Co-ordinator, Accountant, Assistant, Peon and Teacher Counsellor through Crossed Cheque (Account Payee) on the basis of number of enrolled students, who has paid fees in full. 2.5 The Honorarium shall be paid in two installments i. e. 50% in the first week of November and remaining 50% in the first week of February each year. The Honorarium to Visiting faculty or Guest faculty or Internal faculty, (who has not been assigned the teaching and counselling of that course) shall be paid for that contact session in cash on the same day. The Honorarium to such faculty can be calculated using above formula i. e.H = S X 12, where H is 2727 Honorarium in Rs. and S is Number of Students enrolled for that particular program. Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 27 3. Model Chart of Honorarium to be paid to Centre Management Staff and Teacher Counsellors 3.1 Midterm Payment (November) : Sr. Name & No. of Rate of No. Designation of Staff Students Hon. (Rs) 01. .....................................(Head) 90 02. ........................(Co-ordinator) 90 03. ..........................(Accountant) 60 04. ..............................(Assistant) 40 05. ..................................... (Peon) 20 06. ......(Certificate in Gardening) 400 07. ..(Foundation in Agriculture ) 400 08 400 ..........................(Horticulture) 09. ................(Agribusiness Mgt.) 400 10. ..................(Agro-Journalism) 400 11. ................(Fruit Production) 400 12. ..........(Vegetable Production) 400 13. ................(Floriculture & L.G.) 400 14. ............................(B. Sc. Agri.) 200 15. ...........................(B. Sc. Horti.) 200 Total Total Payment Amount (Rs) (50% of (Rs) Total Amt.) - 2828 Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 28 Signature On Stamp 3.2 Final Payment (February) : Sr. Name & No. Designation of Staff No. of Rate of Students Hon. (Rs) 01. .....................................(Head) 90 02. ........................(Co-ordinator) 90 03. ..........................(Accountant) 60 04. ..............................(Assistant) 40 05. ..................................... (Peon) 20 06. ......(Certificate in Gardening) 400 07. ..(Foundation in Agriculture ) 400 08 400 ..........................(Horticulture) 09. ................(Agribusiness Mgt.) 400 10. ..................(Agro-Journalism) 400 11. ................(Fruit Production) 400 12. ..........(Vegetable Production) 400 13. ................(Floriculture & L.G.) 400 14. ............................(B. Sc. Agri.) 200 15. ...........................(B. Sc. Horti.) 200 Total Total Payment Amount (Rs) (50% of (Rs) Total Amt.) Signature On Stamp - 4. The Agriculture Education Center Operation Expenditure include : 4.1 Purchase of Glasswares, Chemicals and Consumable material required for Theory and Practicals Contact Sessions. 4.2 Purchase of Samples of Fertilizers, Pesticides, Seeds, Rocks, Minerals and PVC Jars, Bottles and Cavity to keep these samples. 4.3 Purchase of Text Books and Reference Books for Teacher Counsellors, Guidance Books and Digest for Students, and C. D., V. C. D. and other Print and Non print material helpful for teaching and learning. 4.4 Expenditure incurred on preparation of teaching aids like Models, Posters, Photographs, Diagrams, Charts, Slides, Power Point Presentation etc. 4.5 Expenditure incurred on purchase & printing of Stationary, Answer Sheets, Computer Printing Cartridge, Telephone, Fax and Other Communications Charges. 4.6 Expenditure incurred on Repairs and Maintenance of Laboratory 2929 Instruments, Farm Implements and Teaching Aids. 4.7 Expenditure incurred on Tour and Travel of Center Staff for Program Publicity, Meeting, Training, Workshop, Exposure Visit, Travelling to Visit and Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 29 Meeting at YCMOU Regional Centre and Headquarter at Nashik. 4.8 Expenditure incurred on Laboratory and Hospitality to YCMOU Authorities visiting your Agriculture Education Center during occasional & Annual Evaluation Visits. 4.9 Expenditure incurred on State Transport/Private Buses for students exposure visit, maximum upto rent of buses including halting charges. The expenses for maximum three buses with maximum To and From distance of maximum 1000 km for each bus is allowed during the academic year. Subject to availability of balance in the account. 4.10 Expenditure incurred for Head, Coordinator, Accountant and Teacher Counsellor for attending Programme related Short term Meeting, Training, Workshop, Seminar, Conference etc for maximum duration of one week. The cost under this item shall be restricted to the amount of Admission/ Registration fees and admissible TA/DA within India. The expenditure should be made subject to availability of funds and for maximum of Three persons during each academic year. 5. The Agriculture Education Center Development Expenditure include : 5.1 Purchase of Laboratory Equipments, Farm Implements (But not Farm Machines like Tractor), Farm Tools, Students Chairs, Benches, Office Chairs, Office Tables, Racks, Book Cases, Small Cupboards, Filling Cabinet etc. 5.2 Purchase of Computer, Internet, Modem, Printer, Scanner, Television, VCD Player, Tape Recorder, Slide Projector, Overhead Projector, LCD Projector etc. 5.3 Purchase of Books, Magazines, Guidance Books, Digests, C. D. Subscription of selected farm magazines in Marathi and establishment of reading room including Reading Room Furniture for YCMOU Students. 5.4 Purchase of Scientific Models and Specimens, Purchase or Preparation of Photographs and Lamination of Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers, Landscape Design and Development of Charts and Tables (But not the purchase of livestock, Cattles, Animals etc.) 5.5 Expenditure on establishment of small farm demonstration units (Maximum cost per unit shall not exceed Rs. 50,000) like Polyhouse, Shadenet House, Green House, Vermicompost Production Unit, Mushroom Production Unit, Bee Keeping Unit, Plant Propagation Nursery Unit, Kharip and Rabi Crop Cafeteria, Floriculture Unit, Vegetable Unit, Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Unit, etc. 3030 Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 30 Annexure 8 : Rates of Honorarium : B. Sc. Project Guides & Examiners 01. The final year student of B. Sc. (Agriculture) and B.Sc. (Horticulture) who has completed all the prerequisite courses shall be entitled to submit the final project report initially in one spiral bound copy and after viva-voce examination in four hard bound copies alongwith the separate CD of Project Report & photographs in the Project Report. 02. The Project Guide who has guided the student during the entire year of project report shall be paid Rs. 500=00 as Guide’s Honorarium, when the project report is accepted by the university after Viva-Voce Examination. 03. The project report submitted by the students shall be checked and evaluated for 100 marks by the External Expert other than Project Guide, in Central Assessment Program (CAP) conducted at YCMOU head quarter shall be paid Rs. 350=00 as a Evaluators Honorarium. 04. The viva-voce examination of students shall be conducted by the Three Member Expert Committee consisting of The Director, School of Agricultural Sciences, Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik or his nominee (Chairman), one Subject Matter Expert in Agriculture or Horticulture (Member) and The U.G.Program Co-ordinator, Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik or the person nominated by the Director, School of Agricultural Sciences, YCMOU (Secretary). Each member of the viva-voce expert committee shall be paid Rs. 150=00 per student per project report viva-voce examination in addition to TA-DA as admissible to outstation experts.. 05. There can be separate Viva-Voce Expert committee for B.Sc.(Agriculture) & B.Sc. (Horticulture). Each consists of panel of three experts, where in the Chairman & Subject Matter Expert shall constitute a quaram for the business. 06. The Viva-Voce examination for B.Sc. (Agri.) & B.Sc. (Horti.) degree program is conducted twice in the year at head quarter only. First in the month of May and second in the month of November each year. 3131 Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 31 Annexure 9 : Rates of Honorarium (Post Graduate & Research) (A) Post Graduate & Research Programme Center Staff Sr.No. Designation Honorarium Per Student(Rs.) Minimum Remarks Honorarium (Rs.) 01. PGR Center Head 200=00 20000=00 -- 02. PGR Center Co-ordinator 200=00 20000=00 -- 03. PGR Center Accountant 100=00 10000=00 -- 04. PGR Center Assistant 60=00 6000=00 -- 05. PGR Center Peon 40=00 4000=00 -- (B) Teacher Counsellor, Evaluator, Research Guides & Examiners : Sr.No. Designation Honorarium Remarks 01. Teacher Counsellor (6) 1500=00 02. Assignment Evaluator 150=00 03. Examination Paper Setter (6) M.Sc. & Ph.D. 1000=00 Per Paper (2 Sets) + TA/DA 04. Examination Paper Evaluator/Moderator (6) 30=00 Per Paper+TA/DA 05. Research Guide (M. Sc.) on Final Submission 2000=00 Per Research Fellow 06. Research Guide (Ph. D.) on Final Submission 3000=00 Per Research Fellow 07. External Examiner : M. Sc. Thesis Evaluation 1000=00 08. External Examiner : Ph.D. Thesis Evaluation (Each Examiner) Viva-Voce Examination : Chairman, External Examiner & Internal Examiner, M. Sc. Programme (Each Expert) Viva-Voce Examination : Chairman, External Examiner & Internal Examiner, Ph.D. Programme (Each Expert) 1500=00 Per Research Fellow + Postage Per Research Fellow + Postage Per Research Fellow + TA/DA Per Research Fellow + TA/DA 09. 10. 1000=00 1000=00 Per Contact Session Per Day + TA/DA Per Assignment N. B. : 1. The External Examiner for M. Sc. & Ph. D. ,Teacher Counsellor, Paper Setter, Paper Evaluator, Moderator and or Academic Invitee (if any) shall be paid TA/DA as per university Rules, But maximum upto II tier A.C. Railfare on the submission of Ticket and Ticket Number with TA bill. At odd places they can be travel by Shared Car / Chartered Car with prior permission from the Director, School of Agricultural Sciences. 2. The External Examiners invited from outside the Maharashtra for Ph. D. Degree VivaVoce Examination are allowed to travel by air, with the prior permission from the 3232 YCMOU, Nashik Vice-Chancellor, or the Director, School of Agricultural Sciences, 3. The Typing, Postage and Miscellaneous Charges, if more than Rs. 500.00, Then the necessary bill of expenditure shall be enclosed with the bill of Honorarium for the Thesis evaluation. Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 32 Annexure Sr. No. 10 : Educational Qualifications of Teacher Counsellors Name of Programme Min. No. of Teacher Minimum Edn. Qualification of the Teacher Counsellor 1. Certificate in Gardening 2. Foundation in Agricultural Sciences One One or Two B.Sc.(Agriculture) / B.Sc.(Horticulture) M.Sc.(Agri.) in Soil Science/Agronomy & OR M.Sc. (Agri.) Botany/./ Plant Pathology / Entomology) 3. Diploma in Horticulture One M.Sc.(Agri.) in Horticulture 4. Diploma in Fruit Production One M.Sc.(Agri.) in Horticulture 5. Diploma in Vegetable Production One M.Sc.(Agri.) in Horticulture 6. Diploma in Floriculture and One M.Sc.(Agri.) in Horticulture One M.Sc.(Agri.) in Agril. Economics/ Landscape Gardening 7. Diploma in Agribusiness Management 8. Diploma in Agro-Journalism 9. B.Sc. (Agriculture) Project Guide Agribusiness Management One --- M.Sc.(Agri.) in Agril. Extension Post Graduate in any Discipline of Agricultural Sciences. 10. B.Sc. (Horticulture) Project Guide --- Post Graduate in any Discipline of Horticultural Sciences. 11. M.Sc. (AC/AE/AD) --- Doctorate Degree in respective discipline 12. Ph.D. (AC/AE/AD) --- Doctorate Degree in respective discipline 3333 Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 33 Annexure 11 : Biodata Sheet for YCMOU Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub Center Head / Co-ordinator/Teacher Counsellor/Graduate Project Guide 01. Name : Dr./Prof./Mr./Ms : 02. Present Address : 03. Communication Details 04 Date of Birth & Age 05. Educational Qualification & Specialization 06. Present Position 07. Past Experiences : Phone : Office (STD : ) : Residence (STD : ) : Mobile No E-mail : : : Degree Specialisation B.Sc. (Agri./Horti.) M.Sc.(Agri./Horti.) Ph.D.(Agri./Horti.) Other (Specify) : : Post held % of Marks Years Total Experience : 08. Position in Organization : Core staff 09. YCMOU Programme Taught till date : Contract Staff Visiting Faculty Program Period (Years) 10. No. of YCMOU Students : B. Sc. (Agriculture) Guided till date B. Sc. (Horticulture) M. Sc. (AC/AE/AD) Ph. D. (AC/AE/AD) 11 Participation in B.Sc.(Agri./Horti.) Project Evaluation : Yes 12. Any other relevant information : No 3434 Place: Date : Name & Signature Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 34 Annexure - 12 : Model Question Paper for Theory Examination (100 Marks) A§ V J© V _w ë `_mnZ Z_w Z m n« í Zn{ÌH$m _wŠV H¥${f [ejU H|$Ð `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>, Zm{eH$ _§Xma H¥${f V§Ì {dÚmb`, H$moit~, Vm. H$ë`mU, {O. R>mUo {ejUH« $ _ - _mir à{ejU à_mUnÌ {ejUH« $ _ AGR 101 : {XZm§ H $ : 12.09.2010 gyMZm: 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ~mJH$m_mMr _ybVÎdo Am{U H$m`©nÕVr JwU : 100 doi : 10.00 Vo 13.00 gd© n«íZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí`H$ Amho. n{hë`m Amoir_Ü`o n«íZ H«$_m§H$ Am{U n«íZ XmoÝhrhr {chyZ Ë`mZ§VaM CÎma {c{hÊ`mg gwê$dmV H$am n«Ë`oH$ n«íZmgmR>r 5 JwU AmhoV. EH$m n«íZmMo CÎma {H$_mZ 5 Amoir Am{U H$_mc 10 AmoirV {chm nwadUr CÎmanwpñVH$m {_iUma Zmhr `mMr Zm|X ¿`m. Amnëæmm amoOÀ`m AmhmamVwZ {åmiUmè`m 10 nmofH$ AÞKQ>H$m§Mr Zm§do {chm. _hmamï´>mÀ`m ZD$ H¥${f-hdm_mZ {d^mJm§Mr Zm§do {chm. ~mJm`Vr {nH$§mgmR>r nmo`Q>m O_rZ AmXe© H$m _mZVmV ? \$i~mJm cmJdS>rÀ`m nÜXVr gm§JwZ Mm¡ag _m§S>Ur nÜXVrMr AmH¥$Vr H$mTw>Z _m{hVr {chm. \$i~mJoÀ`m cmJdS>rnydu nyd©_emJV H$aUo Amdí`H$ H$m AgVo ? \$i~mJoÀ`m cmJdS>rgmR>r H$c_m-amonm§Mr {ZdS> H$er H$amdr ? _mVr narjUmgmR>r Z_wZm H$gm ¿`mdm ? {OdmUwIVo åhUOo H$m` ? {OdmUw IVm§Mo _hËd gm§Jm ? ~mJogmR>r qgMZmMr Amdí`H$Vm g{dñVanUo ñnï> H$am. ~mJoåmYrb AmÀN>mXZmMo \$m`Xo {chm. ~mJoVrc PmS>m§Mr N>mQ>Ur H$aÊ`mMo CÔoe ñnï> H$am. ~hma YaUo åhUOo H$m` ? \$iPmS>m§Mm ~hma H$m YaVmV ? dZñnVrÀæmm dmT>råmYrb g§OrdH$m§Mo Cn`moJ {chm ? gmnim nrH$ åhUOo H$m` ? gmnim {nH$m§Mo _hËd ñnï> H$am. H$moUË`mhr nmM CnÐdr VUm§Mr Zmdo d Ë`m§Mo {Z`§ÌU H$go H$amdo, `m{df`r _m{hVr {chm. {nH$mdarb amoJ{Z`§ÌUmMo Z¡g{J©H$ Cnm` H$moUVo ? amoJ{Z`§ÌUmÀ`m O¡{dH$ Cnm`m§~m~V _mhrVr {chm. H$sQ>H$mdarc narUm_m§Zwgma amgm`{ZH$ H$sQ>H$ZmeH$m§Mo dJuH$aU H$am. \$im§Mr narn¹$Vm åhUOo H$m` ? \$im§À`m narn¹$VoMo _mZX§S> H$moUVo AmhoV ? ^mOrnmë`mMr n«Vdmar H$er H$amdr ? 3535 \w$cm§Mr H$mT>UrMr doi H$moUË`m KQ>H$m§da Adc§~wZ AgVo Vo {bhm ? Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 35 A§ V J© V _w ë `_mnZ Z_w Z m n« í Zn{ÌH$m _wŠV H¥${f [ejU H|$Ð `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>, Zm{eH$ Ho$. Ho$. dmK H¥${f _hm{dÚmb`, Zm{eH$ - 422 003 {ejUH« $ _ - H¥ $ {f A{Yð>mU {ejUH« $ _ AGR 201 : {XZm§ H $ : 12.09.2010 gyMZm: 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 _¥XemómMr _ybVÎdo Am{U H$m`©nÕVr JwU : 100 doi : 10.00 Vo 13.00 gd© n«íZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí`H$ Amho. n{hë`m Amoir_Ü`o n«íZ H«$_m§H$ Am{U n«íZ XmoÝhrhr {chyZ Ë`mZ§VaM CÎma {c{hÊ`mg gwê$dmV H$am n«Ë`oH$ n«íZmgmR>r 5 JwU AmhoV. EH$m n«íZmMo CÎma {H$_mZ 5 Amoir Am{U H$_mc 10 AmoirV {chm nwadUr CÎmanwpñVH$m {_iUma Zmhr `mMr Zm|X ¿`m. O{_ZrVrc {d{dY KQ>H$m§Mr AmH¥$Vr H$mTy>Z KQ>H$m§Mr g{dñVa _m{hVr {chm. IS>H$ åhUOo H$mæm Vo gm§JwZ IS>H$m§Mr {Z{_©Vr d {d{dY n«H$mam§Mr _m{hVr {chm. O{_ZrÀ`m Cä`m No>XmVrc {d{dY Wam§Mr AmH¥$Vrgh _m{hVr {chm. O{_ZrMr g§aMZm åhUOo H$m` Vo gm§JwZ Vr H$moUH$moUË`m KQ>H$m§da Adc§~yZ AgVo Vo {chm. O{_ZrVrc g|{Ð` nXmWmªMo {nH$m§À`m CËnmXZdmT>rVrc _hËd ñnï> H$am. O{_ZrVrc nmÊ`mMo n«H$ma gm§Jw H$moUVo nmUr {nH$mg CncãY R>aVo Vo ñnï> H$am. _hmamï´>mVrc O{_ZrMo n«H$ma gm§JwZ Ë`m§Mo amgm`{ZH$ d ^m¡{VH$ JwUY_© ñnï> H$am. _¥Xg§YmaU åhUOo H$m` ? _¥Xg§YmaUmÀ`m doJdoJù`m nÜXVrMr _m{hVr {chm. nmUcmoQ> joÌmMo ì`dñWmnZ H$go H$amdo `mda g{dñVa _m{hVr {chm. Amdí`H$ AÞÐì`o åhUOo H$m` ? dZñnVtZm cmJUmè`m _w»` d gwú_ AÞÐì`m§Mr _m{hVr {chm. _w»` AÞÐì`mÀ`m H$_VaVoÀ`m cjUm§{df`r g{dñVa _m{hVr {chm. O{_ZrMr gw{nH$Vm Am{U CËnmXZj_Vm `mVrc \$aH$ ñnï> H$am. _¥Xm narjUmÀ`m AhdmcmZwgma {nH$m§gmR>r IVm§Mo {Z`moOZ H$go H$amdo ? jma`wº$ nmUr dmnaVm§Zm H$moUVr H$miOr KoUo Amdí`H$ Amho ? g|{Ð` IVm§À`m O{_ZrÀ`m ^m¡{VH$, amgm`{ZH$ d O¡{dH$ JwUY_mªda H$m` n[aUm_ hmoVmo ? {OdmUwIVo åhUOo H$m` ? nrH$ CËnmXZmVrc {OdmUwIVm§Mo _hËd ñnï> H$am. IVo XoUmè`m nÜXVr{df`r g{dñVa _m{hVr {chm. EH$mpË_H$ IV ì`dñWmnZm{df`r g{dñVa _m{hVr {chm. AZhm`S´>g A_mo{Z`m IV O{_ZrV XoVm§Zm H$moUVr H$miOr ¿`mdr. eoVH$è`m§Zr amgm`{ZH$ IVo KoVm§Zm H$moUË`m Jmoï>tMr H$miOr ¿`mdr Vo {chm. 3636 Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 36 A§ V J© V _w ë `_mnZ Z_w Z m n« í Zn{ÌH$m _wŠV H¥${f [ejU H|$Ð `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>, Zm{eH$ Ho$. Ho$. dmK H¥${f _hm{dÚmb`, Zm{eH$ - 422 003 {ejUH« $ _ - \$i~mJm CËnmXZ nX{dH$m {ejUH« $ _ AGR 205 : {XZm§ H $ : 12.09.2010 gyMZm: 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 \$i~mJm bmJdS>rMr _ybVÎdo Am{U H$m`©nÕVr JwU : 100 doi : 10.00 Vo 13.00 gd© n«íZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí`H$ Amho. n{hë`m Amoir_Ü`o n«íZ H«$_m§H$ Am{U n«íZ XmoÝhrhr {chyZ Ë`mZ§VaM CÎma {c{hÊ`mg gwê$dmV H$am n«Ë`oH$ n«íZmgmR>r 5 JwU AmhoV. EH$m n«íZmMo CÎma {H$_mZ 5 Amoir Am{U H$_mc 10 AmoirV {chm nwadUr CÎmanwpñVH$m {_iUma Zmhr `mMr Zm|X ¿`m. \$i~mJm cmJdS>rMo _hËd gm§JwZ _hmamï´>mV \$i~mJm cmJdS>rcm Agcocm dmd ñnï> H$am. \$i~mJm cmJdS>rgmR>r Amdí`H$ O{_Z d O{_ZrMr {ZdS> `mda {Q>n {chm. \$i~mJm cmJdS>rÀ`m nÜXVtMr Zmdo {chm. H$moUË`mhr EH$m nÜXVrMr AmH¥$Vrgh _m{hVr {chm. H$moaS>dmhw \$icmJdS>r_Ü`o Adc§~ H$amì`m cmJUmè`m Ocg§YmaU Am{U _¥Xg§YmaUmÀ`m nÜXVtMr Zm§do {chm. \$iPmS>m§Zm {R>~H$ qgMZmVyZ IVo XoÊ`mÀ`m (\$Q>uJoeZ) nÜXVr{df`r WmoS>Š`mV _m{hVr Úm. VUm§_wio \$i~mJoV hmoUmao ZwH$gmZ `mda _m{hVr {chyZ H$moUË`mhr nmM CnÐdr VUm§Mo Zmdo Úm. {Z`{_V N>mQ>Ur Ho$cr OmUm‹èæmm \$iPmS>m§Mr Zm§do XoD$Z H$moUËæmmhr EH$m \$iPmS>mÀ`m N>mQ>UrMr _m{hVr Úm. \$i§mHw$a {Z{_©VrgmR>r n[aUm_H$maH$ AgUmè`m KQ>H$m§Mr `mXr {chyZ Vmn_mZmMm n[aUm_ H$gm hmoVmo Vo ñnï> H$am. \$iJi hmoÊ`mMr H$maUo gm§JwZ H$moUË`mhr EH$m H$maUmMo ñnï>rH$aU Úm. \$iPmS>mVrc \$i{dairMr Amdí`H$Vm {dfX H$ê$Z \$i{dairÀ`m nÜXVrMr Zmdo Úm. nrH$ g§OrdHo$ åhUOo H$m` ? g§{OdH$m§Mo n«H$ma CXmhaUmgh Úm ? \$iPmS>mÀ`m H$_r CËnmXH$VoMr H$maUo {chyZ H$moUË`mhr EH$m H$maUm§Mo ñnï>rH$aU Úm ? \$iPmS>m§Mm ~hma YaUo åhUOo H$m` ? ~hma YaÊ`mgmR>r H$moUH$moUË`m ~m~tMm Adc§~ H$amdm cmJVmo ? \$im§Mr dJ©dmar (J«oS>tJ) H$aÊ`mMo _hËd gm§Jm. dJ©dmar H$aVm§Zm H$moUË`m Jmoï>rMm {dMma H$amdm ? {~`m§À`m gwámdñWoMr H$maUo gm§Jm.Amdim,{gVm\$i,{IaUr æmm {~æmm§Mr gwámdñWm _moS>Ê`mÀæmm nÜXVr {bhm? \$iPmS>m§Mo H$c_ H$aÊ`mgmR>r S>moiH$mS>rMr {ZdS> H$er H$amdr ? \$iPmS>m§À`m A{^d¥ÜXrgmR>r Iw§Q>mMo _hËd gm§Jm. H$moUË`mhr Mma \$iPmS>mg§ mR>r H$moUVo IwQ§ > dmnamdoV Vo {chm? \$i~mJm {dH$mgmgmR>r amÁ` emgZmÀ`m amoh`mo A§VJ©V `oUmè`m \$i~mJm cmJdS> `moOZo{df`r _m{hVr {chm. \$cmoÚmZ {dH$mgmVrc amondm{Q>Ho$Mo _hËd CXmhaUmgh ñnï> H$am. JS©>qcJ åhUOo H$m` ? JS©>qcJMo \$m`Xo d Cn`wº$Vm WmoS>Š`mV ñnï> H$am. 3737 Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 37 A§ V J© V _w ë `_mnZ Z_w Z m n« í Zn{ÌH$m _wŠV H¥${f [ejU H|$Ð `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>, Zm{eH$ Ho$. Ho$. dmK H¥${f _hm{dÚmb`, Zm{eH$ - 422 003 {ejUH« $ _ - ^mOrnmbm CËnmXZ nX{dH$m {ejUH« $ _ AGR 209 : {XZm§ H $ : 12.09.2010 gyMZm: 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ^mOrnmbm bmdJS>rMr _ybVÎdo Am{U H$m`©nÕVr JwU : 100 doi : 10.00 Vo 13.00 gd© n«íZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí`H$ Amho. n{hë`m Amoir_Ü`o n«íZ H«$_m§H$ Am{U n«íZ XmoÝhrhr {chyZ Ë`mZ§VaM CÎma {c{hÊ`mg gwê$dmV H$am n«Ë`oH$ n«íZmgmR>r 5 JwU AmhoV. EH$m n«íZmMo CÎma {H$_mZ 5 Amoir Am{U H$_mc 10 AmoirV {chm nwadUr CÎmanwpñVH$m {_iUma Zmhr `mMr Zm|X ¿`m. AÞYmÝ` {nH$m§nojm ^mOrnmcm {nHo$ KoUo A{YH$ \$m`Xoera H$go ñnï>rH$aU Úm ? ^mOrnmcm {nH$m§À`m cmJdS> nÜXVrZygma dJuH$aU H$ê$Z {chm. C{Vg§dY©Z ^mOrnmcm A{^d¥ÜXrÀ`m _`m©Xm ñnï> H$ê$Z {chm. {~On«{H«$`m åhUOo H$m` Vo gm§JwZ ^mOrnmcm {~`mÊ`mg {OdmUwIVm§À`m CnMmamMr n«{H«$`m H$er H$aVmV Vo {chm. ^mOrnmcm {~`mÊ`m§Mr A§Hw$aUj_Vm VnmgÊ`mgmR>r dmnaÊ`mV `oUmè`m Qo>Q´>mPmo{c`_ Qo>ñQ>Mr _m{hVr {chm. ^mOrnmcm {~`mÊ`m§Mo A{YH$ CËnmXZmgmR>r _hËd ñnï> H$am. nag~mJoV cmdÊ`mgmR>r ^mOrnmë`mMo _{hZm^a H°$c|S>a Am{U Z_wZm AmamIS>m V`ma H$ê$Z {chm. hdm_mZmZygma {d{dY h§Jm§_mV H$moUH$moUVr ^mOrnmcm {nHo$ cmJdS>rg `mo½` AmhoV Vo g{dñVa {chm. ^mOrnmë`mMo CËnmXZ d CËnmXH$Vm `mVrc \$aH$ gm§JwZ Ëæm§mMo CËnmXZ d CËnmXH$Vm dmT>{dÊ`mMo Cnm` gm§Jm? ^mOrnmcm {nH$m§Mr H$moUVrhr nmM Cn`wº$ \o$anmcQ> H«$_ Úm. ^mOrnmcm {nH$m§Vrb amonm§À`m nwZcm©JdS>rMo _hËd Úm? 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Ho$. dmK H¥${f _hm{dÚmb`, Zm{eH$ - 422 003 {ejUH« $ _ - H¥ $ {f ì`dgm` ì`dñWmnZ nX{dH$m {ejUH« $ _ AGR 217 : {XZm§ H $ : 12.09.2010 gyMZm: 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 H¥${f ì`dgm` ì`dñWmnZmMr _ybVÎdo Am{U H$m`©nÕVr JwU : 100 doi : 10.00 Vo 13.00 gd© n«íZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí`H$ Amho. n{hë`m Amoir_Ü`o n«íZ H«$_m§H$ Am{U n«íZ XmoÝhrhr {chyZ Ë`mZ§VaM CÎma {c{hÊ`mg gwê$dmV H$am n«Ë`oH$ n«íZmgmR>r 5 JwU AmhoV. EH$m n«íZmMo CÎma {H$_mZ 5 Amoir Am{U H$_mc 10 AmoirV {chm nwadUr CÎmanwpñVH$m {_iUma Zmhr `mMr Zm|X ¿`m. 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Ho$. dmK H¥${f _hm{dÚmb`, Zm{eH$ - 422 003 {ejUH« $ _ - CÚmZ{dÚm nX{dH$m {ejUH« $ _ AGR 225 : {XZm§ H $ : 12.09.2010 gyMZm: 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 CÚmZ{dÚm _ybVÎdo Am{U H$m`©nÕVr JwU : 100 doi : 10.00 Vo 13.00 gd© n«íZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí`H$ Amho. n{hë`m Amoir_Ü`o n«íZ H«$_m§H$ Am{U n«íZ XmoÝhrhr {chyZ Ë`mZ§VaM CÎma {c{hÊ`mg gwê$dmV H$am n«Ë`oH$ n«íZmgmR>r 5 JwU AmhoV. EH$m n«íZmMo CÎma {H$_mZ 5 Amoir Am{U H$_mc 10 AmoirV {chm nwadUr CÎmanwpñVH$m {_iUma Zmhr `mMr Zm|X ¿`m. \w$bm§À`m bmJdS>rbm Agbobm dmd Am{U _hËd WmoS>Š`mV ñnï> H$am. Ðmj, Am§~m, Ho$ir d g§Í`mbm H$emàH$maMo hdm_mZ bmJVo `m{df`r g{dñVa _m{hVr {bhm. _mVr n[ajUmMr Amdí`H$Vm ñnï> H$ê$Z Amdí`H$ AÞÐì`mMr Zmdo {bhm. \$i~mJoÀ`m bmJdS>rÀ`m nÜXVrMr Zmdo Am{U H$moUË`mhr EH$m nÕVrMr _m{hVr {bhm. O{_ZrÀ`m CVmamMr {Xem d Ë`mMm PmS>m§da hmoUmam n[aUm_ ñnï> H$am. 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Ho$. dmK H¥${f _hm{dÚmb`, Zm{eH$ - 422 003 AGR 201 : {XZm§H$ … 12.09.2010 _¥XemómMr _ybVÎdo Am{U H$m`©nÕVr (àmË`{jH$ narjm) JwU … 100 doi … 14.00 Vo 17.00 {d^mJ (A) : AmnUmg XoÊ`mV Amboë`m VrZn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr XmoZ à`moJm§Mr/àmË`{jH$m§Mr g{dñVa H$m`©nÕVr {bhÿZ gXaMm à`moJ/àmË`{jH$ àË`j H$ê$Z XmIdm........................ 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Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 43 {d^mJ (B) : AmnUmg_moa R>odboë`m Z_wÝ`m~m~V Ë`mgmo~V {dMmaboë`m àíZm§Mr EH$m dmŠ`mV CÎmao {bhm. (EH$m àíZmgmR>r EH$ JwU Amho) .................................................................. JwU … 30 01. bmb _mVr 02. _m~©b IS>H$ 03. Jm§Sy>iIV 04. admi _mVr 05. nr. EM. _rQ>a 06. S>r.E.nr.$ amgm`{ZH$ IV 07. dmiyga _mVr 08. _hmamï´>mMm H¥${fhdm_mZ ZH$mem 09. ñH«y$AmJa … àíZ àíZ … àíZ àíZ … àíZ àíZ … àíZ àíZ … àíZ àíZ … àíZ àíZ … àíZ àíZ … àíZ àíZ … àíZ àíZ … àíZ àíZ 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … `m _mVrbm H$moUË`m _ybÐì`m§_wio bmb a§J `oVmo? Aem àH$maÀ`m O{_Zr H$moUË`m àXoemV AmT>iVmV? `m IS>H$m_Yrb à_wI amgm`{ZH$ KQ>H$ {bhm. hm IS>H$ ^maVmV H$moUË`m amÁ`mV AmT>iVmo? `m IVmMm àH$ma {bhm. IV V`ma hmoÊ`mgmR>r {H$Vr {Xdgm§Mm H$mbmdYr bmJVmo? `m _mVrMr g§aMZm H$moUË`m àH$maMr Amho? `m g§aMZoMm O{_ZrÀ`m JwUY_m©da H$moUVm n[aUm_ hmoVmo? `m CnH$aUmMm Cn`moJ H$emgmR>r H$aVmV? `m CnH$aUmMr H$_mb _moO_mn _`m©Xm {H$Vr Amho? `m IVmMm àH$ma {bhm. `m IVm_Yrb AÞKQ>H$m§Mo eoH$S>m à_mU {bhm. `m _mVrMr ObYmaUm eŠVr H$er AgVo? Aem àH$maÀ`m O{_ZrV H$moUVr {nHo$ KoVmV? bmb a§J {Xboë`m {d^mJmVrb O{_ZrMm àH$ma {bhm. {hadm a§J {Xboë`m {d^mJmVrb O{_ZtMm amgm`{ZH$ JwUY_© {bhm. `m hË`mamMm Cn`moJ H$emgmR>r H$aVmV? `m hË`mamMm Cn`moJ H$moUË`m O{_ZrV H$aVm `oV Zmhr? H$moUË`m AÞÐì`mÀ`m H$_VaVo_wio Aer bjUo {XgVmV? `m amoJmÀ`m {Z`§ÌUmgmR>r H$moUVr Cnm``moOZm H$amdr? 10. {haì`m {eam Agbobo {ndiçm a§JmMo nmZ 11. {dÚwVdmhH$Vm … àíZ 1 … `m CnH$aUmMm Cn`moJ H$emgmR>r H$aVmV? _mnZ `§Ì àíZ 2 … `m CnH$aUm_m\©$V H$amd`mÀ`m _moO_mnmMo EH$H$ Úm. 12. H§$nmoñQ> IV … àíZ 1 … ho IV V`ma H$aÊ`mgmR>r H$moUVo {OdmUwg§dY©Z dmnaVmV? àíZ 2 … ho IV V`ma H$aÊ`mÀ`m H$moUË`m nÕVrV H$_r eoU bmJVo? 13. am`Pmo{~`_ … àíZ 1 … `m IVmÀ`m dmnam_wio {nH$m§À`m _wim§da H$moUVm Ñí` n[aUm_ {XgVmo? IVmMo nmH$sQ> àíZ 2 … ho IV H$moUË`m dJm©Vrb {nH$m§gmR>r dmnaVmV? 14. `w[a`m … àíZ 1 … `m IVm_Yrb ZÌ, ñ\w$aX d nmbme `m AÞKQ>H$m§Mo eoH$S>m à_mU {bhm. àíZ 2 … `m IVmMm àH$ma {bhm. 15. ^wB©_yJ n|S> … àíZ 1 … ho g|{Ð` IV H$moUË`m {nH$mnmgyZ V`ma H$aVmV? àíZ 2 … `m g|{Ð` IVm_Ü`o H$moUË`m AÞÐì`mMo à_mU A{YH$ AgVo? 4444 Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 44 {d^mJ (C) : Vm|S>r narjm (Viva Voce Examination) .............................. JwU … 20 {dÚmWu _yë`_mnZmÀ`m `m ^mJm_Ü`o {dÚmÏ`m©Zo àË`j Hoo$boë`m XmoÝhr àmË`{jH$m§da AmYm[aV àíZ {dMmê$Z gXa à`moJ/àmË`{jH$ gXa narjmWu {dÚmÏ`m©Zo ñdV… Ho$ë`mMr ImÌr H$ê$Z 20 n¡H$s JwU XoÊ`mV `mdoV. àíZ 1 … .................................................................................................................................. àíZ 2 … .................................................................................................................................. àíZ 3 … .................................................................................................................................. àíZ 4 … .................................................................................................................................. àíZ 5 … .................................................................................................................................. {d^mJ (D) : H$m`©nwpñVH$m _yë`_mnZ (Work Book Evaluation) .................... JwU … 20 H$m`©nwpñVH$m _yë`_mnZ H$aVmZm n[ajmWu {dÚmWu 100% àmË`{jH$m§Zm CnpñWV Agë`mg Am{U Ë`mZo gd© à`moJ/àmË`{jHo$ doiÀ`m doir àË`j nyU© H$ê$Z H$m`©nwpñVH$m nyU© Ho$ë`mg Ë`mg H$_mb 20 JwU XoÊ`mV `mdoV. narjmWu {dÚmWr© 50% àmË`{jH$m§Zm hOa Agë`mg Am{U Ë`mZo gXa àmË`{jHo$ àË`j H$ê$Z H$m`©nwpñVH$m nyU© Ho$ë`mg Ë`mg H$_mb 10 JwU XoÊ`mV `mdoV. _mÌ 50% nojm H$_r àmË`{jH$m§Zm hOa Agboë`m {dÚmÏ`mªZm VgoM H$m`©nwpñVH$m nyU© Z H$aUmè`m {dÚmÏ`mªZm eyÝ` JwU XoÊ`mV `mdoV. 4545 Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 45 Annexure - 14 : B.Sc. (Agri.) Entrance Examination Model Question Paper (200 Marks) AmgZ H«$_m§H$ àíZnwpñVH$m AZwH«$_m§H 0054 n[a{eï> - 22 H¥${f {dkmZ nXdr àdoe narjm Owb¡ -2010 {dÚmÏ`mªgmR>r gwMZm 1. H¥${f {dkmZ nXdr narjoV EHw$U Mma {d^mJ AmhoV. {d^mJ n{hbm - H¥${f A{Yð>mZ, {d^mJ Xþgam CÚmZ{dÚm nX{dH$m, {d^mJ {Vgam - H¥${f ì`dgm` ì`dñWmnZ nX{dH$m, Am{U {d^mJ Mm¡Wm - H¥${f nÌH$m[aVm nX{dH$m Ago AmhoV. 2. àdoe narjm hr ~hþn`m©`r àíZ àH$maMr AgyZ Ë`mV EHw$U 200 àíZm§Mm g_mdoe Amho àË`oH$ {d^mJmgmR>r 50 àíZ AgyZ hr àíZnwpñVH$m gmoS>{dÊ`mgmR>r 2 VmgmMm H$mbmdYr Amho. 3. H¥${f {dkmZ nXdr n[ajoV CÎmrU© hmoÊ`mgmR>r 50% JwU åhUOoM 200 n¡H$s 100 JwU {_idUo Amdí`H$ AmhoV. 4. Vwåhmbm H¥${f {dkmZ nXdr àdoe n[ajoMr àíZnwpñVH$m {Xë`mda àíZnwpñVHo$À`m daÀ`m ^mJmda Vw_Mm H$m`_ Zm|XUr H«$_m§H$ d narjm AmgZ H«$_m§H$ gwdmƒ B§J«Or AmH$S>çmV {bhmdm. 5. àË`oH$ {d^mJmZwgma ñdV§Ì CÎmanwpñVH$m AmhoV. àíZnwpñVHo$À`m eodQ>r CÎmanwpñVH$m OmoS>ë`m AgwZ Ë`mda {dÚmÏ`mªZr `mo½` Ë`m {R>H$mUr _m{hVr {bhmdr. øm CÎmanwpñVHo$da n`©dojH$mMr ñdmjar H$éZ ¿`mdr. 6. àíZnwpñVH$m Vw_À`m CÎmanwpñVHo$gmo~V OerÀ`m Ver naV H$amdr. Ë`m{edm` CÎmanwpñVH$m Vnmgbr OmUma Zmhr. 7. àíZnwpñVHo$da qH$dm AmVrb nmZm§da H$moR>ohr H$mhrhr {bhÿ ZH$m, IwUm H$ê$ ZH$m AWdm ImS>mImoS> H$ê$ ZH$m. VgoM nwpñVHo$Vrb H$moUVohr nmZ qH$dm Ë`mMm VwH$S>m \$mSy> ZH$m. 8. àíZnwpñVHo$Vrb àíZ dmMm Am{U {Xboë`m Mma n`m©`m§n¡H$s `mo½` d AMwH$ qH$dm gdm}Îm_ n`m©` {ZdS>m. CXmhaUmV Xe©{dë`mà_mUo àË`oH$ àíZmÀ`m CÎmamgmR>r Mman¡H$s Ho$di EH$ dVw©i H$mio H$amd`mMo AmhoV. EH$mnojm OmñV dVw©io H$mir Ho$ë`mg Vo CÎma MyH$ g_OÊ`mV `oB©b Am{U Aem CÎmamg eyÝ` JwU XoÊ`mV `oVrb. 9. {Xboë`m Mmahr n`m©`mMm H$miOrnwd©H$ {dMma H$ê$Z AMyH$ n`m©` {ZdS>m. Vwåhr {ZdS>boë`m n`m©`mda Ho$bobr IyU ~XbVm `oUma Zmhr. 10. Z_wZm àíZ : ^wB©_wJ {nH$mÀ`m _wim§da H$moUË`m àH$maMo OrdmUy JmR>r V`ma H$aVmV ? A) APmoQ>mo~°ŠQ>a B) am`Pmo{~`_ C) _m`H$moam`Pm D) A°ŠQ>rZmoam`Pm Z_wZm CÎma : A B C D B hm CÎmamMm n`m©` ~amo~a Amho. 4646 narjm gwê$ Pmë`mMm Bemam [_imë`mdaM ñQ>onb {nZ CKS>m. àíZ gmoS>{dÊ`mg gwê$dmV H$am. Vwåhmg narúmogmR>r ew^oÀN>m ! Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 46 B.SC. AGRICULTURE ENTRANCE TEST 201007 H¥ $ {f {dkmZ nXdr àdo e narjm, Ow b ¡ 2010 doi : 2 Vmg 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. JwU : 200 {d^mJ n{hbm - H¥ $ {f A{Yð>mZ MwZIS>rMm IS>H$ Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m àH$maMm IS>H$ Amho ? A) hm`S´>mI o S>H$ B) ê$nm§VarV IS>H$ C) S>m`Z°_mo IS>H$ D) ObOÝ` IS>H$ g|{Ð` nXmW© Hw$OÊ`mÀ`m {H«$`og H$m` åhUVmV ? A) [aS>ŠeZ B) H$m~m}ZoeZ C) øw{_{\$Ho$eZ D) hm`S´>oeZ nmbmnmMmoim Hw$OëæmmZ§Va H$moUVo JS>X a§JmMo Ðìæm Væmma hmoVo ? A) ZmæmQ´>oQ> B) ~waer C) ôæmwåmg D) H$m~m}ZoeZ O{åmZrVrb _mVrÀ`m H$Um§Zr emofboë`m nmÊ`mg H$m` åhUVmV ? A) Ho$eH$f©UmMo nmUr B) H$UmH$UmVrb nmUr C) AmЩVm emofH$ nmUr D) _wº$ nmUr H¥${f hdm_mZmZwgma _hmamï´>mMm _mVrXe©H$ ZH$mem H$moUr V`ma Ho$bm ? A) ~gy B) am` Mm¡Yar C) S>m°. ~m§Ja D) JmoqdXamOZ O{åmZrÀæmm gmbH$mT>r YynrÀ`m nwT>Mr pñWVr H$moUVr ? A) gmJaOÝ` Yyn B) KinmS>r Yyn C) àdmhr H$mR>nmS>r Yyn D) AmoKinmS>r Yyn ^w_r Cn`mo{JVm dJ©dmarZwgma nwT>rb n¡H$s H$moUVm dJ© eoVrg Cn`wº$ Zmhr ? A) n{hbm dJ© B) {Vgam dJ© C) ghmdm dJ© D) AmR>dm dJ© _mohardJu` dZñnVrgmR>r H$moUË`m _w»` AÞÐì`mMr JaO OmñV AgVo ? A) ZÌ B) J§YH$ C) H°$pëe`_ D) _°¾o{e`_ ~moam°Z AÞÐì`mÀ`m H$_VaVo_wio Am§~m {nH$mda H$moUË`m amoJmMm àmXþ^m©d hmoVmo ? A) qS>Š`m B) H±$H$a C) H$mi~m|S>r D) e|S>mHw$O ^maVmVrb O{_ZrVyZ Xadfu {H$Vr Q>Z nmofH$ AÞÐì`o dmhÿZ OmVmV ? A) 55 bmI Q>Z B) 35 bmI Q>Z C) 25 bmI Q>Z D) 50 bmI Q>Z H${Zð> à{VÀ`m nmÊ`mMm gmo{S>`_ emofm§H$ JwUm§H$ {H$Vr {_. B©. à{V {bQ>a AgVmo ? A) 26 B) 12 C) 2.5 D) 2.6 H§$nmoñQ> IVmÀ`m VwbZoV Jm§Sw>i IVmVrb gwú_ AÞÐì`mMo à_mU {H$Vr AgVo ? A) _Ü`_ B) H$_r C) OmñV D) AË`§V H$_r {ÛXb dZñnVrÀ`m _wimda JmR>r H$ê$Z Ë`m_Ü`o ZÌ pñWa H$aUmao {OdmUy H$moUVo ? A) am`Pmo{~`_ B) A°PoQ>mo~°ŠQ>a C) A°Pmopñn[ab_ D) ~m`Po[a{H$`m dmVmdaUmV Zm`Q´>moOZMo à_mU {H$Vr Q>¸o$ AgVo ? A) 80 B) 68 C) 88 4747 D) 78 Amåb`wº$ O{_ZrV H$moUË`m ñ\w$aX`wº$ IVmMm dmna H$aVmV ? A) qgJb gwna \$m°ñ\o$Q> B) {Q´>nb gwna \$m°ñ\o$Q> C) nmoQ>°{e`_ gë\o$Q> D) nmoQ>°{e`_ H$m~m}ZoQ> Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 47 16. nwT>rb n¡H$s H$moUË`m dZñnVrV _w½Ynwîno {XgVmV ? A) Jhÿ B) VoaS>m C) H$mnwg D) Am§~m 17. nU©a§Y«o dZñnVrÀ`m H$moUË`m ^mJmda AmT>iVmV ? A) ImoS> B) ImoS>mMr gmb C) nmZo D) _wi 18. H$mnwg ho {nH$ H$moUË`m Hw$imVrb Amho ? A) J°{« _Ur B) gmob°Zoer C) _mbìhoer D) ê$Q>oer 19. gnwîn dZñnVrMr A§XmOo {H$Vr Hw$io ApñWËdmV AmhoV ? A) 300 B) 400 C) 500 D) 600 20. noer_Ü`o D$Om© {Z{_©VrMo H$m`© H$moU H$aVo ? A) OmbH$ B) V§VwH${UH$m C) H|§$ÐH$ D) h[aVÐì`o 21. Imbrb n¡H$s H$moUË`m dZñnVrMm ~mînmoÀN>dmg H$_r Amho ? A) Ho$ir B) H$moa\$S> C) Aiy D) _H$m 22. àH$me g§íbofU {H«$`oVrb 'àmUdm`y' H$moUË`m KQ>H$mnmgyZ {Z_m©U hmoVmo ? A) nmUr B) H$~m©åb dm`y C) gw`©àH$me D) ZÌÐì` 23. ÐmjmÀ`m _Ê`mMm AmH$ma dmT>{dÊ`mgmR>r H$moUVo g§{OdH$ dmnaVmV ? A) Or. E. - 3 B) Am`. E. E.> C) EZ. E. E. D) Am`. ~r. E. 24. _wim {nH$mMo CËnÎmr H|$Ð H$moUVo ? A) Am{e`m B) A_o[aH$m C) qhXþñWmZ D) MrZ 25. _mg {ZdS> nÜXV H$moUË`m {nH$mV dmnabr OmVo ? A) nanamJrV B) ñdnamJrV C) ~hþVmofr nanamJrV D) EH$ÌqbJr 26. {~`mUo {ZarjH$ nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUË`m `§ÌUoMm à{V{ZYr AgVmo ? A) ^maV gaH$ma B) amÁ` gaH$ma> C) {~`mUo _hm_§S>i D) ~rOà_mUrH$aU `§ÌUm 27. gOrdm§À`m Aä`mgmVyZ H$moUË`m emómMm {dH$mg Pmbm ? A) agm`Z emó B) Ordemó C) ^m¡{VH$emó D) B{Vhmg 28. H$mo`ZobnmgyZ H$moUVo {H$_§Vr CËnmXZ {_iVo ? A) Oñ_rZ B) _m°{\©$Z C) {¹$ZrZ D) {eH$moZrZ 29. OZwH$ñWm§ZmVamV {nH$mMr H$moUVr j_Vm _hÎdmMr R>aVo ? A) àH$meg§íbofU B) noernmgyZ nwU© amon ~ZUo C) VUZmeH$mg à{VamoYH$ D) D$Om© gmR>dU 30. nwT>rb n¡H$s H$moUË`m {nH$mV ì`mnmar à_mUmV D$Vrg§dY©H$ hmoV Zmhr ? A) Oa~oam B) Am°H}$S> C) D$g D) _H$m 31. {P§H$ \$m°ñ\$mB©S> ho agm`Z Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m àH$maV _moS>Vo ? A) C§XraZmeH$ B) JmoJbJm`ZmeH$ C) H$moirZmeH$ D) gyÌH¥$_rZmeH$ 32. Ádmardarb {_O_merÀ`m CnÐdm_wio ÁdmarMo H$moUË`m àH$mao ZwH$gmZ hmoVo ? A) nm|§Jo gSy>Z amon H$mob_S>Uo B) XmUo H$mio nS>VmV 4848 C) XmUo {neì`§mgmaIo nmoH$i {XgVmV D) XmUo JiyZ H$mS>çm amhVmV 33. PmS>mÀ`m ImoS>mg {MH$Q>nÅ>r bmdë`m_wio H$moUË`m {H$S>rÀ`m ì`dñWmnZmg _XV hmoVo ? A) \w$b{H$S>r B) ^§J w ao o C) {nR>çm T>oHy$U D) _mdm Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 48 34. Am§ã`mÀ`m ImoS>mg ImoS>{H$S>m bmJë`mda Ë`mMo àmW{_H$ bjU H$moUVo ? A) ImoS>mÀ`m Imbr ^wgm {XgVmo B) ImoS>mÀ`m gmbrMo VwH$S>o nS>VmV C) ImoS>mÀ`m gd© ~mOy§Zo ^wgm {XgVmo D) H$moUVoM bjU {XgV Zmhr 35. ^wJm§dJu` {H$S>r§À`m qZ`ÌUmg nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUVr ~waer A{YH$ Cn`wº$ Amho ? A) ~ìho[aAm B) _oQ>a° m`{P`_ C) n°{gbmo_m`grg D) ìhQ>u{g{b`_ 36. H$mo~rÀ`m qH$S>rÀ`m EH$mpË_H$ ì`dñWmnZmg nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUVr dZñnVr gmnim nrH$ åhUyZ Xa 10 Amoir§À`m Z§Va XmoZ Amoir Aer bmJdS> H$aVmV ? A) P|S § >y B) KodS>m C) Mdir D) _mohar 37. H$moUË`m {H$S>rÀ`m ZwH$gmZrÀ`m àH$mamdê$Z {Vbm IaS>`m Agohr åhUVmV ? A) _mdm B) H$moir C) VwS>VwS>o D) \w$b{H$S>r 38. H$mJXr qb~mÀ`m I¡è`m amoJ Imbrbn¡H$s H$em_wio hmoVmo ? A) {OdmUy B) {dfmUy C) _m`H$moßbmÂ_m D) ~waer 39. dZñnVrÀ`m earamV nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUË`m KQ>H$mMo à_mU nwaogo Agë`mg amoJmMo à_mU H$_r hmoVo ? A) ZÌ d ñ\w$aX B) ñ\w$aX d nmbme C) ZÌ d ~moam°Z D) ñ\w$aX d ZÌ 40. edmon{Odr qH$dm g°àmo\$mB©Q> ~waer H$emda OJVo ? A) KZnXmW© B) ÐdnXmW© C) {Od§V noer D) _¥Vnoer 41. ag emofU H$aUmè`m {H$S>r àm_w»`mZo H$emMm àgma H$aVmV ? A) {dfmUw B) {OdmUw C) ~waer D) `mn¡H$s H$mhr Zmhr 42. H$moUVr OmV Vm§~oam `m amoJmg à{VH$maH$ Amho ? A) H$ë`mUgmoZm B) gmoZm{bH$m C) Inbr D) EM. S>r. 2189 43. gw`©\w$bmÀ`m Ho$dS>m amoJmMo {Z`§ÌUmgmR>r H$m` dmnamdo ? A) S>m`WoZ M-45 B) ~m{dñQ>rZ C) H°$âQ>m\$ D) [aS>mo_rb 44. Am§ã`mdarb ^war amoJmMm àmXþ^m©d Ho$ìhm OmñV AgVmo ? A) nmdgmim B) {hdmim C) CÝhmim D) \w$bmoè`mÀ`m H$mimV 45. H$moUË`m amoJm_wio ½b°{S>AmobgMo H§$X ~§mJS>rà_mUo nmoH$i {XgVmV ? A) nmZm§darb {R>nHo$ B) \w§$bmMr Hw$O C) H§$XmMr Hw$O D) ImoS>mMr Hw$Or 46. Imbrbn¡H$r H$moUVm KQ>H$ O{_ZrÀ`m CËnmXH$Voda n[aUm_ H$aV Zmhr ? A) O{_ZrMr KS>U B) O{_ZrVrb AÞKQ>H$ C) O{_Zrb O¡{dH$ KQ>H$ D) O{_ZrMo joÌ\$i 47. Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo nrH$ Q>moHy$Z bmdbo OmV Zmhr ? A) ^wB_ © Jy B) _H$m C) Ádmaro D) KodS>m 48. Q>ma\w$bm qH$dm ñQ´>m`Jm ho VU Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m àH$mamV _moS>Vo ? A) namonOrdr B) AY©namonOrdr C) AnmonOrdro D) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 49. H$moaS>dmhÿ eoVr_Ü`o 45-60 go_r _Ü`_ Imob O{_Zr_Ü`o H$moUVo nrH$ KoVbo OmVo ? 4949 D) Ea§S>r A) _Q>H$s B) Vya C) ha^am 50. O{_ZrMr Yyn AS>dyZ YaUmè`m {nHo$ KoÊ`mÀ`m nÜXVrg H$m` åhUVmV ? A) gbJ nrH$ B) nÅ>mnoa C) Xþ~ma nrH$ D) {_l nrH Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 49 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. {d^mJ Xþ g am - CÚmZ{dÚm nX{dH$m AmhmaVÁk§mÀ`m {e\$maerà_mUo Xa _mZgr {H$Vr J«°_ ^mOrnmbm XaamoO Amdí`H$ AgVmo ? A) 140 B) 280 C) 420 D) 560 _mog§~r Am{U gmWJwS>r H$b_m§H$[aVm H$moUVo Iw§Q> AmXe© AgVmV ? A) O§~oar B) Q´>m`\$mo{bEQ> Am°a|O C) Q´>m`a D) a§Jnya qb~y S>m|JamÀ`m CVaUrda \$iPmS>m§À`m bmJdS>rgmR>r H$moUVr nÜXV `mo½` AgVo ? A) Mm¡ag _m§S>Ur B) Am`V _m§S>Ur C) H$ZHw$Z _m§S>Ur D) g_nmVir aofm _m§S>Ur ~r noê$U amono V`ma H$aÊ`mgmR>r H$moUVr nÜXV A{YH$ Mm§Jbr AgVo ? A) JmX>rdm\o$ B) gnmQ> dm\o$ C) [aOog Am{U \$amoO D) `mn¡H$s Zmhr dZñnVr_Üæmo h[aVÐì` V`ma hmoÊ`mgmR>r H$moUVm AÞKQ>H$ Amdí`H$ AgVmo ? A) ZÌ B) ñ\w$aX C) H°$pëe`_ D) bmoh qgMZmÀ`m H$moUË`m nÜXVrg gdm©{YH$ nmUr bmJVo ? A) _moH$mQ> nÜXV B) dm\o$ nÜXV C) Vwfma qgMZ D) ~m§JS>r nÜXV Mm§Jë`m à{VÀ`m \$i§mÀ`m CËnmXZmgmR>r H$moUVr ~m~ _hÎdmMr AgVo ? A) diU B) AmYma C) N>mQ>Ur D) AmÀN>mXZ PmS>mÀ`m \$m§Xrda ImM nmS>Ê`mMm (Zm°qMJ) CnMma H$moUË`m PmS>mda H$aVmV ? A) Ðmj B) Am§~m C) noê$ D) A§Ora ÐmjmÀ`m _Ê`§mMm (\$im§Mm) AmH$ma dmT>{dÊ`mgmR>r H$moUVo agm`Z dmnaVmV ? A) Am°pŠPZ B) {O~ao{bZ C) gm`Q>moH$m`ZrZ D) B°{WbrZ ~moS>m} {_lU ho H$moUË`m àH$maÀ`m ~waerZmeH$mV _moS>Vo ? A) J§YH$`wº$ B) Vm_«`wº$ C) nmam`wº$ D) ZÌ`wº$ \$im§Mr H$mT>Ur Z§VaMr JwUdÎmm Am{U Ë`mMo Am`wî` `m XmoZ JmoîQ>r àm_w»`mZo H$emda Adb§~yZ AgVmV ? A) H$mT>Urda B) n[an¹$Voda C) àVdmarda D) hmVmiUrda g§ajH$ Ðì`§mMm \w$bo {Q>H${dÊ`mda hmoUmam n[aUm_ H$moUË`m KQ>H$mda Adb§~yZ ZgVmo ? A) nmÊ`mMr AmåbVm B) nmÊ`mVrb âbwamB©S>Mo à_mU C) XoR>mMm nmÊ`mV ~wS>mbobm ^mJ D) XoR>mMr bm§~r H$moUË`m OmVrÀ`m Am§~m\$im_Ü`o gmŠ`mMo à_mU gdm©{YH$ {XgyZ `oVo ? A) Ho$ga B) Zrb_ C) hmnyg D) Xeoar H$mJXr qb~mMr A{^d¥ÜXr H$er H$aVmV ? A) nmMa H$b_ B) S>moim ^ê$Z C) q~`mnmgyZ D) e|§S>m H$b_ {MHy$À`m H$b_mgmR>r H$moUVo Iw§Q>amon (ê$Q>$ñQ>m°H$) dmnaVmV ? A) O§~oar B) {IaUr C) a§J~oar D) H$mbrnÎmr S>mqi~mMm Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVm ~hma \$m`Xoera R>aVmo ? A) _¥J ~hma B) hñV ~hma C) Am§{~`m ~hma D) _rR>m ~hma 5050 grVm\$imMr H$moUVr OmV AË`§V bmoH${à` Amho ? A) bmb grVm\$i B) _°_mW C) ~mbmZJa D) {~«Q>re JæmmZm Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 50 18. 'nwgm' ê$~r hr H$moUË`m nrH$mMr OmV Amho ? A) dm§Jr B) Q>mo_°Q>mo C) {_aMr D) H$mo~r 19. H$m§ÚmMr Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVr OmV aã~r h§Jm_mgmR>r CËH¥$ð> Amho ? A) EZ-53 B) EZ-2-4-1 C) ~gd§V-780 D) AH$m© H$ë`mU 20. _wim d JmOa `m _wi^mÁ`m§Mr A{^d¥ÜXr H$er H$aVmV ? A) ~r`m§nmgyZ B) dobrMo N>mQ> C) ImoS>mMo N>mQ> D) _yi N>mQ> 21. nrHo$E_ d _wbmZwgma øm H$moUË`m nrH$mÀ`m CÞV OmVr AmhoV ? A) eodJm B) hmXJm C) H$T>rnÎmm D) Am§~m 22. hm`~«rS> Q>r d âbmo[a~§S>m ho H$moUË`m \w$bPmS>m§À`m OmVrMo àH$ma AmhoV ? A) {P{Z`m B) A°ñQ>a C) P|S § >y D) Jwbm~ 23. Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m nÜXVrZo ím|§dVrMr A{^d¥ÜXr H$aV Zmhr ? A) {~`m B) ImoS>mMo e||§S>o C) _yZdo D) Xm~H$b_ 24. {Z{eJ§YmMm '\w$bXm§S>m gS>Uo' hm amoJ H$em_wio hmoVmo ? A) ~waer B) {OdmUy C) {dfmUy D) gwÌH¥$_r 25. amondm{Q>Ho$gmR>r OmJm H$moUË`m {R>H$mUr Agmdr ? A) ZXrH$mR>r B) h_añË`mda C) JmdmV D) AmS>~mOyg 26. Jwbm~mMr H$b_o H$aÊ`mgmR>r Iw§Q> åhUwZ H$moUË`m OmVrMm _mV¥d¥j åhUyZ dmna Ho$bm OmVmo ? A) ½b°{S>EQ>a B) ãë`y _yZ C) gwnañQ>ma D) ~«m`a 27. JwQ>r H$b_ ~m§YÊ`mgmR>r H$moUVo _mÜ`_ dmnaVmV ? A) _m°g B) ^wgm C) am°H$dyS> D) br\$_moëS> 28. H$b_ H$mS>çm H$mT>Ê`mgmR>r H$moUVo hË`ma {ZdS>mdo ? A) {gHo$Q>a B) Iwanr C) nmoJa D) {dim 29. H$moUË`m àH$maMo h[aVJ¥h H$_r IMm©V C^maVm `oVo ? A) Or.EM. dZ B) Or.EM. Qy> C) Or.EM. W«r D) Or.EM. \$moa 30. noê$Mr A{^d¥ÜXr H$moUË`m nÜXVrZo Ho$br OmVo ? A) Xm~ H$b_ B) gonaoeZ C) OmoS>H$b_ D) S>moim H$b_ 31. ~rOà{H«$`ogmR>r H$moUVo g§OrdH$ Cn`moJr nS>Vo ? A) {O~ao{bH$ A°{gS> B) nmoQ>°{e`_ Zm`Q´>oQ> C) grgrgr D) {gŠg ~rE 32. IVmVrb H$moUË`m Ðì`m_wio H$b_m-amonm§Mm H$mQ>H$nUm dmT>Vmo ? A) nmbme B) ñ\w$aX C) ZÌ D) _§Jb 33. H$b_o-amono {dH«$s OmñVrV OmñV à_mUmV H$moUË`m h§Jm_mV H$amdr ? A) nmdgmim B) {hdmim C) CÝhmim D) H$Yrhr 34. H$b_m§Mr {dH«$sgmR>r _m§S>Ur H$aÊ`mnwdu Ë`mda H$moUVr à{H«$`m hmoUo Amdí`H$ AgVo ? A) hmS>q© ZJ B) gm°âQ>qZJ C) J«mpâQ>J ¨ D) ŠbrqZJ 5151 35. Am¡fY {Oa{dÊ`mÀ`m nÜXVrg H$m` åhUVmV ? A) {_pŠg¨J B) S´>q§o MJ C) â`w{_JoeZ D) hrqQ>J Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 51 36. amondm{Q>Ho$V H$moUË`m {Z{dð>m§Zm Xþê$ñVrMr JaO ^mgVo ? A) IVo B) Am¡fY C) _mÜ`_o D) AdOmao 37. H$_r CËnmXZ XoUmè`m \$iPmS>m§Mo énm§Va H$aÊ`mÀ`m `moOZoV Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m \$iPmS>mMm g_mdoe Amho ? A) Am§~m B) Zmai C) qb~y D) Ho$ir 38. nwT>rbn¡H$r H$moUVr ^mOr hr bmoh`wº$ JQ>mVrb ^mOr åhUyZ AmoiIbr OmVo ? A) nmbH$ B) Q>mo_°Q>mo C) ~Q>mQ>m D) dmQ>mUm 39. ~mJoÀ`m nmíd©^y_rgmR>r H$moUË`m àH$maMr PmS>o bmdmdrV ? A) ~wQ>H$s PmS>o B) C§M PmS>o C) ÂmwS>no D) dobr 40. ~mJo_Ü`o emo{^d§V {hadi V`ma H$aÊ`mgmR>r H$moUË`m JdVmMm dmna H$aVmV ? A) A§OZ B) ~agr_ C) ~|Q>-J«mg D) Mm`Zm J«mg 41. H«$moQ>Z PwS>nmgmR>r H$moUVr OmJm Mm§Jbr AgVo ? A) àIa CÝhmMr B) AY©dQ> gmdbrMr C) nyU© gmdbrMr D) darb {VÝhr àH$maMr 42. Imbrbn¡H$r H$moUVo PmS> H$S>m åhUyZ bmdVmV ? A) S>{o b`m B) eoa C) dZOmB© D) H$ad§X 43. H$moUË`m PmS>mMr \w$bo dmië`mZ§Vahr \w$bmMm a§J H$m`_ amhVmo ? A) H$m|~S>çmMm Vwam B) gwnma \w$br C) _am§Q>m D) `mamo 44. Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVm {ZdSw>§JmMm àH$ma Zmhr ? A) AJod B) ãb°H$ Q´>r C) E{b\§$Q> Q´>r D) {¼g_g Q´>r 45. a§JwZ H«$sna qH$dm _m°{Z©J ½bmoar ho H$moUË`m àH$maÀ`m dobrMo CXmhaU Amho ? A) Jw§S>iUmè`m dobr B) ngaUmè`m dobr C) ^Q>Š`m dobr D) MT>Umè`m dobr 46. _mS>mMr A{^d¥ÜXr H$emnmgyZ H$aVmV ? A) _wZì`mnmgyZ B) N>mQ>H$b_ C) Xm~ H$b_ D) nmMa H$b_ 47. IS>H$mda dmT>Umè`m Am°{H©$S>bm H$m` åhUVmV ? A) Q>oaopñQ´>`b B) E{n\$m`{Q>H$ C) {b`mo\$mB©Q²>g D) A°¹°${Q>Šg 48. dm_Zd¥jmÀ`m bmJdS>rgmR>r {g_|Q>À`m Hw§$S>çm ghgm dmnaV Zmhr H$maU A) Hw§$S>çm emo{^d§V ZgVmV B) Hw§$S>çm gpÀN>Ð ZgVmV C) dOZmbm OS> ZgVmV D) CÝhmù`mV A{YH$ VmnVmV 49. H$_imMr A{^d¥ÜXr H$moUË`m àH$mao H$aVmV ? A) {~`m d H§$XmnmgyZ B) N>mQ> H$b_ d JwQ>r H$b_mnmgyZ C) S>moio ^ê$Z D) ^oQ> H$b_mnmgyZ 50. Jƒrdarb ~mJ V`ma H$aVmZm PmS>o H$emV bmdUo OmñV gmo`rñH$a AgVo ? 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XþYmMo {dVaU H$emVyZ Ho$bobo \$m`Xoera R>aV Amho ? A) ~mQ>br B) H°$Z C) {nedr D) _moH$io 37. A§S>çmMo _mn àm_w»`mZo H$moUË`m ~m~rda Adb§~yZ AgVo ? A) a§J B) OmV C) h§Jm_ D) dOZ 38. VbJm§Zm H$moUVo ImÚ Úmdo ? A) {MH$_°e B) MrH$[\$S> C) J«moAa _°e D) boAa _°e 39. b°Z åhUOo H$m` ? A) bm±J E[a`m ZoQ>dH©$ B) bmoH$b E[a`m ZoQ>dH©$ C) {b{_Q>oS> E[a`m ZoQ>dH©$ D) bmoAa EAa ZoQ>dH©$ 40. ÑH$-lmì` _mÜ`_ nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUVr Amho ? A) _m{hVr n{ÌH$m B) ao{S>Amo C) XþaXe©Z D) {MÌnwpñVH$m 41. H¥$fr n`m©Q>ZñWi§m_Ü`o nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUË`m ñWim§Mm g_mdoe H$aVm `oUma Zmhr ? A) H¥$fr {dkmZ H|$Ð B) H¥$fr {dÚmnrR> C) H¥$fr g„m H|$Ð D) H¥$fr àXe©Z 42. amondmQ>rHo$V _mV¥d¥j§mMm Cn`moJ H$emgmR>r H$aVmV ? A) H$b_r H$mS>ç§mgmR>r B)CÎm_ \w$bm§gmR>r C) ImÊ`mÀ`m \$im§gmR>r D) bhmZ amonm§Zm gmdbrgmR>r 43. nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUË`m ehamV \w$bm§Mr _moR>r ~mOmanoR> Amho ? A) gm§Jbr B) ZmJnya C) Am¡a§Jm~mX D) _w§~B© 44. XmoZ-VrZ Hw$Qw>~m§À`m JQ>mZo Ho$boë`m n`©Q>Zmg H$moUVo n`©Q>Z åhUVmV ? 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OmJ{VH$ ì`mnma g§KQ>ZoÀ`m Am§Vaamï´>r` ~¡R>H$m§Zm ^maVmMo à{V{ZYr åhUyZ H$moUVo _§Ìr OmVmV ? A) H¥${f_§Ìr B) AW©_§Ìr C) _w»`_§Ìr D) dm{UÁ`_§Ìr Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 57 34. amÁ`mVrb H¥${f-{dÚmnrR>§mÀ`m g§emoYZ n[afXobm H$m` åhUVmV ? A) Om°BªQ> A°J«moñH$mo B) Om±BªQ> \$m_vJ C) Om±BªQ> ìhoÝMa D) Om±BªQ> [agM© 35. br-nmH©$a `m§À`m `emoJmWo_wio OZg§nH$m©bm H$emMo ñdén àmá Pmbo ? A) emómMo B) IoimMo C) ì`dhmamMo D) Aä`mgmMo 36. _m{hVrnQ>mMm AmË_m H$moUVm ? A) a§Jg§JVr B) ÜdZr_wÐU C) gË` KQ>Zm D) gË`mMm {dn`m©g 37. B©-H$m°_gªYrb _hÎdmMm ^mJ H$moUVm ? A) {bbmd B) Am{W©H$ JwÝhoJmar C) CYmar D) {hemo~ 38. JmB©/åher IaoXr H$aÊ`mgmR>r gw`mo½` H$mbmdYr H$moUVm ? A) Am°ŠQ>m|~a-{S>g|§~a B) OmZodmar-_mM© C) E{àb-OyZ D) Owb¡-gßQ>|~a 39. H$moUË`m amoJm§_wio H$m§|~S>ç§mMo nm` bwio nS>VmV ? A) amZrIoV B) H$m°pŠg{S>Amo{gg C) _aoŠg D) Jå~moamo 40. eoù`m§_Ü`o {haì`m Mmè`mMo à_mU àË`oH$s {H$Vr {H$bmo Agmdo ? A) 4 Vo 7 B) 8 Vo 10 C) 11 Vo 13 D) 14 Vo 16 41. amondmQ>rHo$_Ü`o nm°{bWrZ {neì`§m_Ü`o ^aÊ`mH$[aVm _mVr, aoVr d eoUIV `m§Mo à_mU {H$Vr Agmdo ? A) 3:1:1 B) 4:2:2 C) 3:2:1 D) 4:2:3 42. JmoS>çm nmÊ`mVrb H$moi§~rg§dY©Zm_Ü`o 1 hoŠQ>a joÌmVyZ gmYmaU {H$Vr {H$bmo H$moi§~r CËnmXZ {_iob ? A) 1,000 B) 1,500 C) 2,000 D) 2,500 43. Jm§Sy>iIV V`ma hmoÊ`mgmR>r gd©gmYmaUnUo {H$Vr H$mbmdYr bmJVmo ? A) XrS> Vo XmoZ _{hZo B) XmoZ Vo Mma _{hZo C) nmM Vo ghm _{hZo D) gmV Vo AmR> _{hZo 44. amï´>r` \$bmoËnmXZ A{^`mZm§VJ©V amÁ`mV EHy$U {H$Vr à_wI \$i{nH$m§Mm g_mdoe Amho ? A) 7 B) 13 C) 19 D) 25 45. _hmamï´>m_Ü`o YynJ«ñV O[_ZrMo à_mU {H$Vr Q>¸o$ Amho ? A) 25.33 B) 42.50 C) 39 D) 16 46. \$io Am{U ^mÁ`m A{YH$ H$mi {Q>H${dÊ`mgmR>r Ë`mVrb {dÐmì` KQ>H$m§Mo à_mU gw_mao {H$Vr Q>ŠŠ`m§n`©V R>odbo OmVo ? A) 30 B) 50 C) 70 D) 90 47. ^mVmÀ`m VwgmnmgyZ drQ> V`ma H$aVmZm _mVr Am{U VwgmMr amI {H$Vr à_mUmV {_gimdr ? A) 2:1 B) 3:1 C) 1:2 D) 1:3 48. D$gmÀ`m agmMm {~«Šg {H$Vr A§e gopëgAgnojm OmñV Amë`mZ§VaM JwimgmR>r D$gmMr VmoS>Ur H$amdr ? A) 10 B) 20 C) 30 D) 40 49. gwú_ {OdmUy§À`m àOZZmMm H$mi {H$Vr AgVmo ? A) 20 Vo 30 {_{ZQ>o B) 45 Vo 60 {_{ZQ>o C) 10 Vo 15 {_{ZQ>o D) 35 Vo 40 {_{ZQ>o 50. AÝ` Xoem§_Ü`o H¥$fr_mbmMr {Z`m©V H$aÊ`mgmR>r H$moUVo à_mUnÌ KoUo gd© Xoem§Zm ~§YZH$maH$ Amho ? A) A°J_mH©$ à_mUnÌ B) h°gon à_mUnÌ5858 C) ^ogi à{V~§YH$ à_mUnÌ D) \$m`Q>mo g°{ZQ>ar à_mUnÌ Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 58 àíZ nwpñVH$m H«$_m§H$ `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>, Zm{eH$ dñVw{Zð> narjm CÎman{ÌH$m gyMZm … CÎmao Zm|X{dÊ`mnydu H¥$n`m {dÚmÏ`mªZr Imbr {Xboë`m gyMZm H$miOrnyd©H$ dmMmì`mV. PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE WRITING Example/CXmhaU 1. CÎma n{ÌHo$da {b{hVmZm \$ŠV H$miçm emB©Mm noZ qH$dm ~m°bnoZ dmnamdm. WRONG/MyH$ RIGHT/~amo~a A P B C Use Only Black ink (Pen or Ball pen) for writing on this answer sheet. D A B C D 2. CXmhaUmV Xe©{dë`mà_mUo àË`oH$ àíZmÀ`m CÎmamgmR>r Mman¡H$s Ho$di EH$ dVw©i H$mio H$amd`mMo Amho. EH$mnojm OmñV dVw©io H$mir Ho$ë`mg Vo CÎma MyH$ g_OÊ`mV `oB©b Aem CÎmamg eyÝ` JwU XoÊ`mV `oVrb. Darken ONLY ONE CIRCLE with black for each answer as shown in the example. If you darken more than one circle your answer will be treated as wrong and you will be awarded zero mark for that answer. CÎman{ÌHo$da H$moUË`mhr àH$maMr ImS>mImoS> H$ê$ Z`o. Do not make any stray marks on the answer sheet. 3. 4. {Xboë`m Mmahr n`m©`m§Mm H$miOrnyd©H$ {dMma H$ê$Z AMyH$ n`m©` {ZdS>m. Vwåhr {ZdS>boë`m n`m©`mda Ho$bobr IyU ~XbVm `oUma Zmhr. Give a thought to all four options carefully and then encircle the correct answer. You are not allowed to change your option. 5. CÎman{ÌHo$da ñQ>°nb AWdm Q>mMUr bmdy Z`o. Don’t Staple or Pin on the Answer sheet. 6. Imbrb _mhrVr ^aÊ`mgmR>r A§H$ d Ajao B§J«OrV _moR>çm {bnrV {bhmdrV.Please use CAPITAL LETTER of English language for Completing following information. 1. H$m`_ Zm|XUr H«$_m§H$ 2. AmgZ H«$_m§H$ Permanent Registration No. 3. Aä`mgH«$_mMo Zmd Examination Seat No. 4. Aä`mgH«$_ g§Ho$Vm§H$ H¥${f A{Yð>mZ Course Name Course Code 5. narjm H|$ÐmMo Zmd narjmH|$Ð g§Ho$Vm§H$ Examination Centre Exam Centre Code 6. narjoMm {XZm§H$ narjoMr doi Examination Date CÎmao / 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Vo Exam Time ANSWERS A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D CÎman{ÌH$m H«$_m§H$ / Answer Sheet No. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 A 202401 A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D 5959 D D D 46 47 48 49 50 A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D {åmimbobo JwU {dÚmÏæmm©Mr ghr næm©dojH$mMr ghr Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 59 àíZ nwpñVH$m H«$_m§H$ `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>, Zm{eH$ dñVw{Zð> narjm CÎman{ÌH$m gyMZm … CÎmao Zm|X{dÊ`mnydu H¥$n`m {dÚmÏ`mªZr Imbr {Xboë`m gyMZm H$miOrnyd©H$ dmMmì`mV. PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE WRITING Example/CXmhaU 1. CÎma n{ÌHo$da {b{hVmZm \$ŠV H$miçm emB©Mm noZ qH$dm ~m°bnoZ dmnamdm. WRONG/ MyH$ RIGHT/~amo~a A P B C Use Only Black ink (Pen or Ball pen) for writing on this answer sheet. D A B C D 2. CXmhaUmV Xe©{dë`mà_mUo àË`oH$ àíZmÀ`m CÎmamgmR>r Mman¡H$s Ho$di EH$ dVw©i H$mio H$amd`mMo Amho. EH$mnojm OmñV dVw©io H$mir Ho$ë`mg Vo CÎma MyH$ g_OÊ`mV `oB©b Aem CÎmamg eyÝ` JwU XoÊ`mV `oVrb. Darken ONLY ONE CIRCLE with black for each answer as shown in the example. If you darken more than one circle your answer will be treated as wrong and you will be awarded zero mark for that answer. CÎman{ÌHo$da H$moUË`mhr àH$maMr ImS>mImoS> H$ê$ Z`o. Do not make any stray marks on the answer sheet. 3. 4. {Xboë`m Mmahr n`m©`m§Mm H$miOrnyd©H$ {dMma H$ê$Z AMyH$ n`m©` {ZdS>m. Vwåhr {ZdS>boë`m n`m©`mda Ho$bobr IyU ~XbVm `oUma Zmhr. Give a thought to all four options carefully and then encircle the correct answer. You are not allowed to change your option. 5. CÎman{ÌHo$da ñQ>°nb AWdm Q>mMUr bmdy Z`o. Don’t Staple or Pin on the Answer sheet. 6. Imbrb _mhrVr ^aÊ`mgmR>r A§H$ d Ajao B§J«OrV _moR>çm {bnrV {bhmdrV.Please use CAPITAL LETTER of English language for Completing following information. 1. H$m`_ Zm|XUr H«$_m§H$ 2. AmgZ H«$_m§H$ Permanent Registration No. 3. Aä`mgH«$_mMo Zmd Examination Seat No. 4. Aä`mgH«$_ g§Ho$Vm§H$ CÚmZ{dÚm nX{dH$m Course Name Course Code 5. narjm H|$ÐmMo Zmd narjmH|$Ð g§Ho$Vm§H$ Examination Centre Exam Centre Code 6. narjoMm {XZm§H$ narjoMr doi Examination Date CÎmao / ANSWERS CÎman{ÌH$m H«$_m§H$ / Answer Sheet No. A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D D A B C D D D D D D 36 A 37 A B B C C D D 38 A 39 A 40 A B B B C C C D D D A B C D A A A A B B B B C C C C D D 6060 D D 45 A B C D A B C D A B C D 1 A B C D 16 A B C D 2 3 4 5 A A A A B B B B C C C C D D D D 17 18 19 20 A A A A B B B B C C C C D D D D A B C D A B C A A B B C C D D 8 A 9 A 10 A B B B C C C D D D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C A B C D A B C D A A A A B B B B C C C C D D D D 26 27 28 29 A A A A B B B B C C C C D D D D 41 42 43 44 15 A B C D 30 A B C D 6 7 11 12 13 14 Vo Exam Time 21 22 23 24 25 31 32 33 34 35 A 202401 46 47 48 49 50 A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D {åmimbobo JwU {dÚmÏæmm©Mr ghr næm©dojH$mMr ghr Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 60 àíZ nwpñVH$m H«$_m§H$ `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>, Zm{eH$ dñVw{Zð> narjm CÎman{ÌH$m gyMZm … CÎmao Zm|X{dÊ`mnydu H¥$n`m {dÚmÏ`mªZr Imbr {Xboë`m gyMZm H$miOrnyd©H$ dmMmì`mV. PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE WRITING Example/CXmhaU 1. CÎma n{ÌHo$da {b{hVmZm \$ŠV H$miçm emB©Mm noZ qH$dm ~m°bnoZ dmnamdm. WRONG/ MyH$ RIGHT/~amo~a A P B C Use Only Black ink (Pen or Ball pen) for writing on this answer sheet. D A B C D 2. CXmhaUmV Xe©{dë`mà_mUo àË`oH$ àíZmÀ`m CÎmamgmR>r Mman¡H$s Ho$di EH$ dVw©i H$mio H$amd`mMo Amho. EH$mnojm OmñV dVw©io H$mir Ho$ë`mg Vo CÎma MyH$ g_OÊ`mV `oB©b Aem CÎmamg eyÝ` JwU XoÊ`mV `oVrb. Darken ONLY ONE CIRCLE with black for each answer as shown in the example. If you darken more than one circle your answer will be treated as wrong and you will be awarded zero mark for that answer. CÎman{ÌHo$da H$moUË`mhr àH$maMr ImS>mImoS> H$ê$ Z`o. Do not make any stray marks on the answer sheet. 3. 4. {Xboë`m Mmahr n`m©`m§Mm H$miOrnyd©H$ {dMma H$ê$Z AMyH$ n`m©` {ZdS>m. Vwåhr {ZdS>boë`m n`m©`mda Ho$bobr IyU ~XbVm `oUma Zmhr. Give a thought to all four options carefully and then encircle the correct answer. You are not allowed to change your option. 5. CÎman{ÌHo$da ñQ>°nb AWdm Q>mMUr bmdy Z`o. Don’t Staple or Pin on the Answer sheet. 6. Imbrb _mhrVr ^aÊ`mgmR>r A§H$ d Ajao B§J«OrV _moR>çm {bnrV {bhmdrV.Please use CAPITAL LETTER of English language for Completing following information. 1. H$m`_ Zm|XUr H«$_m§H$ 2. AmgZ H«$_m§H$ Permanent Registration No. 3. Aä`mgH«$_mMo Zmd Examination Seat No. H¥${f ì`dgm` ì`dñWmnZ nX{dH$m Course Name 4. Aä`mgH«$_ g§Ho$Vm§H$ Course Code 5. narjm H|$ÐmMo Zmd narjmH|$Ð g§Ho$Vm§H$ Examination Centre Exam Centre Code 6. narjoMm {XZm§H$ narjoMr doi Examination Date CÎmao / ANSWERS CÎman{ÌH$m H«$_m§H$ / Answer Sheet No. A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D D A B C D D D D D D 36 A 37 A B B C C D D 38 A 39 A 40 A B B B C C C D D D A B C D A A A A B B B B C C C C D D 6161 D D 45 A B C D A B C D A B C D 1 A B C D 16 A B C D 2 3 4 5 A A A A B B B B C C C C D D D D 17 18 19 20 A A A A B B B B C C C C D D D D A B C D A B C A A B B C C D D 8 A 9 A 10 A B B B C C C D D D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C A B C D A B C D A A A A B B B B C C C C D D D D 26 27 28 29 A A A A B B B B C C C C D D D D 41 42 43 44 15 A B C D 30 A B C D 6 7 11 12 13 14 Vo Exam Time 21 22 23 24 25 31 32 33 34 35 A 202401 46 47 48 49 50 A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D {åmimbobo JwU {dÚmÏæmm©Mr ghr næm©dojH$mMr ghr Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 61 àíZ nwpñVH$m H«$_m§H$ `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>, Zm{eH$ dñVw{Zð> narjm CÎman{ÌH$m gyMZm … CÎmao Zm|X{dÊ`mnydu H¥$n`m {dÚmÏ`mªZr Imbr {Xboë`m gyMZm H$miOrnyd©H$ dmMmì`mV. PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE WRITING Example/CXmhaU 1. CÎma n{ÌHo$da {b{hVmZm \$ŠV H$miçm emB©Mm noZ qH$dm ~m°bnoZ dmnamdm. WRONG/ MyH$ RIGHT/~amo~a A P B C Use Only Black ink (Pen or Ball pen) for writing on this answer sheet. D A B C D 2. CXmhaUmV Xe©{dë`mà_mUo àË`oH$ àíZmÀ`m CÎmamgmR>r Mman¡H$s Ho$di EH$ dVw©i H$mio H$amd`mMo Amho. EH$mnojm OmñV dVw©io H$mir Ho$ë`mg Vo CÎma MyH$ g_OÊ`mV `oB©b Aem CÎmamg eyÝ` JwU XoÊ`mV `oVrb. Darken ONLY ONE CIRCLE with black for each answer as shown in the example. If you darken more than one circle your answer will be treated as wrong and you will be awarded zero mark for that answer. CÎman{ÌHo$da H$moUË`mhr àH$maMr ImS>mImoS> H$ê$ Z`o. Do not make any stray marks on the answer sheet. 3. 4. {Xboë`m Mmahr n`m©`m§Mm H$miOrnyd©H$ {dMma H$ê$Z AMyH$ n`m©` {ZdS>m. Vwåhr {ZdS>boë`m n`m©`mda Ho$bobr IyU ~XbVm `oUma Zmhr. Give a thought to all four options carefully and then encircle the correct answer. You are not allowed to change your option. 5. CÎman{ÌHo$da ñQ>°nb AWdm Q>mMUr bmdy Z`o. Don’t Staple or Pin on the Answer sheet. 6. Imbrb _mhrVr ^aÊ`mgmR>r A§H$ d Ajao B§J«OrV _moR>çm {bnrV {bhmdrV.Please use CAPITAL LETTER of English language for Completing following information. 1. H$m`_ Zm|XUr H«$_m§H$ 2. AmgZ H«$_m§H$ Permanent Registration No. 3. Aä`mgH«$_mMo Zmd Examination Seat No. 4. Aä`mgH«$_ g§Ho$Vm§H$ H¥${f nÌH$m[aVm nX{dH$m Course Name Course Code 5. narjm H|$ÐmMo Zmd narjmH|$Ð g§Ho$Vm§H$ Examination Centre Exam Centre Code 6. narjoMm {XZm§H$ narjoMr doi Examination Date CÎmao / ANSWERS CÎman{ÌH$m H«$_m§H$ / Answer Sheet No. A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D D A B C D D D D D D 36 A 37 A B B C C D D 38 A 39 A 40 A B B B C C C D D D A B C D A A A A B B B B C C C C D D 6262 D D 45 A B C D A B C D A B C D 1 A B C D 16 A B C D 2 3 4 5 A A A A B B B B C C C C D D D D 17 18 19 20 A A A A B B B B C C C C D D D D A B C D A B C A A B B C C D D 8 A 9 A 10 A B B B C C C D D D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C A B C D A B C D A A A A B B B B C C C C D D D D 26 27 28 29 A A A A B B B B C C C C D D D D 41 42 43 44 15 A B C D 30 A B C D 6 7 11 12 13 14 Vo Exam Time 21 22 23 24 25 31 32 33 34 35 A 202401 46 47 48 49 50 A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D {åmimbobo JwU {dÚmÏæmm©Mr ghr næm©dojH$mMr ghr Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 62 Annexure 15 : B.Sc. (Horti.) Entrance Examination Model Question Paper (200 Marks) AmgZ H«$_m§H$ àíZnwpñVH$m AZwH«$_m§H 0054 n[a{eï> - 22 CÚmZ{dÚm nXdr àdoe narjm Owb¡ -2010 {dÚmÏ`mªgmR>r gwMZm 1. CÚmZ{dÚm nXdr narjoV EHw$U Mma {d^mJ AmhoV. {d^mJ n{hbm - H¥${f A{Yð>mZ, {d^mJ Xþgam - \$i~mJm CËnmXZ nX{dH$m, {d^mJ {Vgam - ^mOrnmbm CËnmXZ nX{dH$m Am{U {d^mJ Mm¡Wm - \w$beoVr d àm§JUCÚmZ nX{dH$m Ago AmhoV. 2. àdoe narjm hr ~hþn`m©`r àíZ àH$maMr AgyZ Ë`mV EHw$U 200 àíZm§Mm g_mdoe Amho àË`oH$ {d^mJmgmR>r 50 àíZ AgyZ hr àíZnwpñVH$m gmoS>{dÊ`mgmR>r 2 VmgmMm H$mbmdYr Amho. 3. CÚmZ{dÚm nXdr n[ajoV CÎmrU© hmoÊ`mgmR>r 50% JwU åhUOoM 200 n¡H$s 100 JwU {_idUo Amdí`H$ AmhoV. 4. Vwåhmbm CÚmZ{dÚm nXdr àdoe n[ajoMr àíZnwpñVH$m {Xë`mda àíZnwpñVHo$À`m daÀ`m ^mJmda Vw_Mm H$m`_ Zm|XUr H«$_m§H$ d narjm AmgZ H«$_m§H$ gwdmƒ B§J«Or AmH$S>çmV {bhmdm. 5. àË`oH$ {d^mJmZwgma ñdV§Ì CÎmanwpñVH$m AmhoV. àíZnwpñVHo$À`m eodQ>r CÎmanwpñVH$m OmoS>ë`m AgwZ Ë`mda {dÚmÏ`mªZr `mo½` Ë`m {R>H$mUr _m{hVr {bhmdr. øm CÎmanwpñVHo$da n`©dojH$mMr ñdmjar H$éZ ¿`mdr. 6. àíZnwpñVH$m Vw_À`m CÎmanwpñVHo$gmo~V OerÀ`m Ver naV H$amdr. Ë`m{edm` CÎmanwpñVH$m Vnmgbr OmUma Zmhr. 7. àíZnwpñVHo$da qH$dm AmVrb nmZm§da H$moR>ohr H$mhrhr {bhÿ ZH$m, IwUm H$ê$ ZH$m AWdm ImS>mImoS> H$ê$ ZH$m. VgoM nwpñVHo$Vrb H$moUVohr nmZ qH$dm Ë`mMm VwH$S>m \$mSy> ZH$m. 8. àíZnwpñVHo$Vrb àíZ dmMm Am{U {Xboë`m Mma n`m©`m§n¡H$s `mo½` d AMwH$ qH$dm gdm}Îm_ n`m©` {ZdS>m. CXmhaUmV Xe©{dë`mà_mUo àË`oH$ àíZmÀ`m CÎmamgmR>r Mman¡H$s Ho$di EH$ dVw©i H$mio H$amd`mMo AmhoV. EH$mnojm OmñV dVw©io H$mir Ho$ë`mg Vo CÎma MyH$ g_OÊ`mV `oB©b Am{U Aem CÎmamg eyÝ` JwU XoÊ`mV `oVrb. 9. {Xboë`m Mmahr n`m©`mMm H$miOrnwd©H$ {dMma H$ê$Z AMyH$ n`m©` {ZdS>m. Vwåhr {ZdS>boë`m n`m©`mda Ho$bobr IyU ~XbVm `oUma Zmhr. 10. Z_wZm àíZ : Amdim æmm \$iPmS>mMr A{^d¥ÜXr H$moUË`m nÜXVrZo H$amdr ? A) JwQ>r H$b_ B) S>moim ^aUo C) Xm~ H$b_ D) \$mQ>o H$b_ Z_wZm CÎma : A B C D B hm CÎmamMm n`m©` ~amo~a Amho. 6363 narjm gwê$ Pmë`mMm Bemam [_imë`mdaM ñQ>onb {nZ CKS>m. àíZ gmoS>{dÊ`mg gwê$dmV H$am. Vwåhmg narúmogmR>r ew^oÀN>m ! Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 63 B.SC. HORTICULTURE ENTRANCE TEST 201007 CÚmZ{dÚm nXdr àdo e narjm, Ow b ¡ 2010 doi : 2 Vmg 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. JwU : 200 {d^mJ n{hbm - H¥ $ {f A{Yð>mZ MwZIS>rMm IS>H$ Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m àH$maMm IS>H$ Amho ? A) hm`S´>mI o S>H$ B) ê$nm§VarV IS>H$ C) S>m`Z°_mo IS>H$ D) ObOÝ` IS>H$ g|{Ð` nXmW© Hw$OÊ`mÀ`m {H«$`og H$m` åhUVmV ? A) [aS>ŠeZ B) H$m~m}ZoeZ C) øw{_{\$Ho$eZ D) hm`S´>oeZ nmbmnmMmoim Hw$OëæmmZ§Va H$moUVo JS>X a§JmMo Ðìæm Væmma hmoVo ? A) ZmæmQ´>oQ> B) ~waer C) ôæmwåmg D) H$m~m}ZoeZ O{åmZrVrb _mVrÀ`m H$Um§Zr emofboë`m nmÊ`mg H$m` åhUVmV ? A) Ho$eH$f©UmMo nmUr B) H$UmH$UmVrb nmUr C) AmЩVm emofH$ nmUr D) _wº$ nmUr H¥${f hdm_mZmZwgma _hmamï´>mMm _mVrXe©H$ ZH$mem H$moUr V`ma Ho$bm ? A) ~gy B) am` Mm¡Yar C) S>m°. ~m§Ja D) JmoqdXamOZ O{åmZrÀæmm gmbH$mT>r YynrÀ`m nwT>Mr pñWVr H$moUVr ? A) gmJaOÝ` Yyn B) KinmS>r Yyn C) àdmhr H$mR>nmS>r Yyn D) AmoKinmS>r Yyn ^w_r Cn`mo{JVm dJ©dmarZwgma nwT>rb n¡H$s H$moUVm dJ© eoVrg Cn`wº$ Zmhr ? A) n{hbm dJ© B) {Vgam dJ© C) ghmdm dJ© D) AmR>dm dJ© _mohardJu` dZñnVrgmR>r H$moUË`m _w»` AÞÐì`mMr JaO OmñV AgVo ? A) ZÌ B) J§YH$ C) H°$pëe`_ D) _°¾o{e`_ ~moam°Z AÞÐì`mÀ`m H$_VaVo_wio Am§~m {nH$mda H$moUË`m amoJmMm àmXþ^m©d hmoVmo ? A) qS>Š`m B) H±$H$a C) H$mi~m|S>r D) e|S>mHw$O ^maVmVrb O{_ZrVyZ Xadfu {H$Vr Q>Z nmofH$ AÞÐì`o dmhÿZ OmVmV ? 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A) J°{« _Ur B) gmob°Zoer C) _mbìhoer D) ê$Q>oer 19. gnwîn dZñnVrMr A§XmOo {H$Vr Hw$io ApñWËdmV AmhoV ? A) 300 B) 400 C) 500 D) 600 20. noer_Ü`o D$Om© {Z{_©VrMo H$m`© H$moU H$aVo ? A) OmbH$ B) V§VwH${UH$m C) H|§$ÐH$ D) h[aVÐì`o 21. Imbrb n¡H$s H$moUË`m dZñnVrMm ~mînmoÀN>dmg H$_r Amho ? A) Ho$ir B) H$moa\$S> C) Aiy D) _H$m 22. àH$me g§íbofU {H«$`oVrb 'àmUdm`y' H$moUË`m KQ>H$mnmgyZ {Z_m©U hmoVmo ? A) nmUr B) H$~m©åb dm`y C) gw`©àH$me D) ZÌÐì` 23. ÐmjmÀ`m _Ê`mMm AmH$ma dmT>{dÊ`mgmR>r H$moUVo g§{OdH$ dmnaVmV ? A) Or. E. - 3 B) Am`. E. E.> C) EZ. E. E. D) Am`. ~r. E. 24. _wim {nH$mMo CËnÎmr H|$Ð H$moUVo ? A) Am{e`m B) A_o[aH$m C) qhXþñWmZ D) MrZ 25. _mg {ZdS> nÜXV H$moUË`m {nH$mV dmnabr OmVo ? A) nanamJrV B) ñdnamJrV C) ~hþVmofr nanamJrV D) EH$ÌqbJr 26. {~`mUo {ZarjH$ nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUË`m `§ÌUoMm à{V{ZYr AgVmo ? A) ^maV gaH$ma B) amÁ` gaH$ma> C) {~`mUo _hm_§S>i D) ~rOà_mUrH$aU `§ÌUm 27. gOrdm§À`m Aä`mgmVyZ H$moUË`m emómMm {dH$mg Pmbm ? A) agm`Z emó B) Ordemó C) ^m¡{VH$emó D) B{Vhmg 28. H$mo`ZobnmgyZ H$moUVo {H$_§Vr CËnmXZ {_iVo ? A) Oñ_rZ B) _m°{\©$Z C) {¹$ZrZ D) {eH$moZrZ 29. OZwH$ñWm§ZmVamV {nH$mMr H$moUVr j_Vm _hÎdmMr R>aVo ? A) àH$meg§íbofU B) noernmgyZ nwU© amon ~ZUo C) VUZmeH$mg à{VamoYH$ D) D$Om© gmR>dU 30. nwT>rb n¡H$s H$moUË`m {nH$mV ì`mnmar à_mUmV D$Vrg§dY©H$ hmoV Zmhr ? A) Oa~oam B) Am°H}$S> C) D$g D) _H$m 31. {P§H$ \$m°ñ\$mB©S> ho agm`Z Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m àH$maV _moS>Vo ? A) C§XraZmeH$ B) JmoJbJm`ZmeH$ C) H$moirZmeH$ D) gyÌH¥$_rZmeH$ 32. Ádmardarb {_O_merÀ`m CnÐdm_wio ÁdmarMo H$moUË`m àH$mao ZwH$gmZ hmoVo ? A) nm|§Jo gSy>Z amon H$mob_S>Uo B) XmUo H$mio nS>VmV 6565 C) XmUo {neì`§mgmaIo nmoH$i {XgVmV D) XmUo JiyZ H$mS> çm amhVmV 33. PmS>mÀ`m ImoS>mg {MH$Q>nÅ>r bmdë`m_wio H$moUË`m {H$S>rÀ`m ì`dñWmnZmg _XV hmoVo ? A) \w$b{H$S>r B) ^§J w ao o C) {nR>çm T>oHy$U D) _mdm Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 65 34. Am§ã`mÀ`m ImoS>mg ImoS>{H$S>m bmJë`mda Ë`mMo àmW{_H$ bjU H$moUVo ? A) ImoS>mÀ`m Imbr ^wgm {XgVmo B) ImoS>mÀ`m gmbrMo VwH$S>o nS>VmV C) ImoS>mÀ`m gd© ~mOy§Zo ^wgm {XgVmo D) H$moUVoM bjU {XgV Zmhr 35. ^wJm§dJu` {H$S>r§À`m qZ`ÌUmg nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUVr ~waer A{YH$ Cn`wº$ Amho ? A) ~ìho[aAm B) _oQ>a° m`{P`_ C) n°{gbmo_m`grg D) ìhQ>u{g{b`_ 36. H$mo~rÀ`m qH$S>rÀ`m EH$mpË_H$ ì`dñWmnZmg nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUVr dZñnVr gmnim nrH$ åhUyZ Xa 10 Amoir§À`m Z§Va XmoZ Amoir Aer bmJdS> H$aVmV ? A) P|S § >y B) KodS>m C) Mdir D) _mohar 37. H$moUË`m {H$S>rÀ`m ZwH$gmZrÀ`m àH$mamdê$Z {Vbm IaS>`m Agohr åhUVmV ? A) _mdm B) H$moir C) VwS>VwS>o D) \w$b{H$S>r 38. H$mJXr qb~mÀ`m I¡è`m amoJ Imbrbn¡H$s H$em_wio hmoVmo ? A) {OdmUy B) {dfmUy C) _m`H$moßbmÂ_m D) ~waer 39. dZñnVrÀ`m earamV nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUË`m KQ>H$mMo à_mU nwaogo Agë`mg amoJmMo à_mU H$_r hmoVo ? A) ZÌ d ñ\w$aX B) ñ\w$aX d nmbme C) ZÌ d ~moam°Z D) ñ\w$aX d ZÌ 40. edmon{Odr qH$dm g°àmo\$mB©Q> ~waer H$emda OJVo ? A) KZnXmW© B) ÐdnXmW© C) {Od§V noer D) _¥Vnoer 41. ag emofU H$aUmè`m {H$S>r àm_w»`mZo H$emMm àgma H$aVmV ? 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A) _Q>H$s B) Vya C) ha^am D) Ea§S>r 50. O{_ZrMr Yyn AS>dyZ YaUmè`m {nHo$ KoÊ`mÀ`m nÜXVrg H$m` åhUVmV ? 6666 A) gbJ nrH$ B) nÅ>mnoa C) Xþ~ma nrH$ D) {_l nrH$ Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 66 {d^mJ Xþ g am - \$i~mJm CËnmXZ nX{dH$m 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. _hmamï´>mV nS>Umè`m nmdgmÀ`m à_mUmdê$Z {H$Vr Cn{d^mJ nmS>bobo AmhoV ? A) 9 B) 18 C) 26 D) 16 àm_w»`mZo H$moUË`m àH$maÀ`m O{_ZrV MwZIS>rMo à_mU AmT>iyZ `oV Zmhr ? A) H$mù`m Imob B) aoVmS> C) H$mù`m _Ü`_ D) bmbga AmЩVm A{YH$ Agë`mg H$moUË`m amoJm§Mm \$iPmS>m§da A{YH$ àmXþ^m©d hmoVmo ? A) ~waerOÝ` B) {OdmUyOÝ` C) H$dH$OÝ` D) {dfmUyOÝ` \$iPmS>m§Zm _mohmoa bmJÊ`mÀ`m H$mimV hdm_mZmVrb H$moUË`m KQ>H$m§_wio A{YH$ ZwH$gmZ hmoVo ? A) nmD$g B) Vmn_mZ C) AmЩVm D) gy`©àH$me S>m|Ja CVmamda \$iPmS>mÀ`m bmJdS>rgmR>r H$moUVr nÜXV A{YH$ `mo½` Amho? A) Hw$ZHw$Z B) Mm¡H$moZ C) H§$Xÿa D) Am`VmH¥$Vr H$moUË`m nH$maMo namJr^dZ KS>Um-`m \$iPmS>mÀ`m \$iYmaUo_Ü`o H$_r AS>Wio AgVmV ? A) ñdnamJr^dZ B) nanamJr^dZ C) H¥${Ì_ namJr^dZ D) `mn¡H$s Zmhr _mohmoamÀ`m {daiUrg H$m` åhUVmV? A) {S>ãbm°gq_J B) ãbm°gq_J C) \«w$Q>{WqZJ D) {WqZJ H$moUVo g§OrdH$ dmnéZ PmS>m§Mr nmZJi H$aVm `oVo? A) Or.E. B) BWob C) Am`.~r.E. D) Am`.E.E. S>m°JarO hm éQ>ñQ>m°H$ H$moUË`m \$iPmS>mgmR>r dmnaVmV ? A) {MHy$ B) Am§~m C) Ðmj D) qb~y ^maVmV \$im§À`m {d{H$ì`dñWoV CËnmXH$ d J«mhH$ `m§À`mVbm Xþdm H$moUVm? A) Xbmb B) CËnmXH$ C) [aQ>oba D) hmobgoba {~`m§Mo H$dM \$moS>Uo hr gwámdñWm _moS>Ê`mMr nÜXV H$moUËæmm \$im§_Ü`o Ho$br OmVo? A) A§{Oa B) Ho$ir C) ~moa D) AZZg Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m \$iPmS>mMr A{^d¥ÜXr JwQ>r H$b_mZo A{YH$ `eñdr hmoVo? A) qMM B) ~moa C) Am§~m D) S>mit~ amÁ`mV amoOJma h_r `moOZ|V©JV H$moUVr `moOZm am~{dbr OmV Amho ? A) \$i~mJ bmJdS> B) \$in«{H«$`m C) H$mT>UrZ§VaMo V§ÌkmZ D) {d{H$ì`dñWm amondm{Q>Ho$bm B§J«OrV H$m` åhUVmV ? A) nm°brhmD$g B) J«rZhmD$g C) J«rZ ~moëQ> D) Zg©ar H$moUË`m A{^d¥ÜXrJ¥hm§gmR>r H$mMoMm dmna Ho$bm OmVmo? A) nm°{bWrZJ¥ho B) H$mMJ¥ho C) J«rZ hmD$g D) n°qH$J eoS> qMMoMr H$moUVr OmV A{YH$ CËnmXZj_ Amhoo? 6767 A) na^Ur B) n«{Vð>mZ C) A{Yð>mZ D) XodñWmZ Om§^imMo CËnmXZj_ Am`wî` {H$Vr dfm©Mo AgVoo? A) 30-40 B) 40-50 C) 50-60 D) 70-80 Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 67 18. g§Í`mÀ`m H$moUË`m OmVrVrb \$imV ^anwa na§Vw Am§~Q> ag AgVmo ? A) Šbo_m|S>rV B) pŠb_|Q>mB©Z C) pŠbAmonmÌm D) Hw$J© 19. Imbrb n¡H$s H$moUVm dmU ( OmV )bo_Z qb~mMm Amho ? A) BS>qb~w B) nmQ>qb~w C) a§Jnwa qb~w D) H$mJXr qb~w 20. H$mhr ^mJmV nnZgMo Xþgao Zmd H$moUVo Amho. ? A) nm_ B) n_obmo C) nmong D) n°nag 21. Jo«n\w«$Q>darb \$i_mer_wio H$moUVm Anm` hmoVmo.? A) \$io Iam~ hmoVmV B) \$io JiwZ nS>VmV C) \$io ZmgVmV D) darbn¡H$s gd© 22. S>mqi~mMr bmJdS> ^mar O{_ZrV {H$Vr _rQ>a A§Vamda H$amdr. ? A) 3 X 3 _r. B) 5 X 5 _r. C) 7 X 7 _r. D) 9 X 9 _r. 23. S>mqi~mMr gmb H$moUË`m amoJmda A{YH$ JwUH$mar Amho.? A) {hdVmn B) W§S>rVmn C) A{Vgma D) H$mdri 24. noéÀæmm PmS>mda H$moUVr {dH¥$Vr AmT>iVo.? A) Xodr B) \$io gS>Uo C) bmb nmZo D) {nR>çm T>oHw$Z 25. nnB©da H$moUVm à_wI d KmVH$ amoJ AmT>iVmo.? A) H±$H$a B) ìhm`ag C) ^war D) I¡è`m 26. A§{OamMr ì`mnmarÑîQ>çm bmJdS> H$moUË`m amÁ`mV H$aVmV.? A) JwOamV B) _hmamï´> C) CÎma àXoe D) Am§Y«àXoe 27. _hmamï´>mV ~moamMo dm{f©H$ CËnmXZ {H$Vr Q>Z {_iVo.? A) 40 hOma B) 60 hOma C) 80 hOma D) 90 hOma 28. {gVm\$imbm H$moUVo hdm_mZ bmJVo.? A) X_Q> B) CîU-H$moaS>o C) W§S> D) ewîH$ 29. am_\$imMo PmS> {H$Vr df© CËnmXZ XoVo.? A) 30-35 B) 35-40 C) 40-45 D) 45-50 30. H$qbJS>mV ^war amoJmMm àmXþ^m©d H$moUË`m ^mJmda hmoVmo.? A) nmZmda B) XoR>mda C) _wimda D) \$imda 31. H$mOwÀ`m H$moUË`m OmVrMo H$mOwJa _moR>o AgVmV.? A) d|Jwbm©-4 B) d|Jwbm©-3 C) d|Jwbm©-6 D) d|Jwbm©-7 32. {MHw$bm \$io d \w$bo Ho$ìhm `oVmV.? A) \$º$ CÝhmù`mV B) \$º$ {hdmù`mV C) df©^a D) \$º$ nmdgmù`mV 33. ZmaimÀ`m \$imnmgwZ [H$Vr Q>¸o$ Vob {_iVo ? A) 30-40 B) 40-50 C) 50-60 D) 60-70 6868 34. H$moUË`m \$iPmS>mbm H$ënd¥j Ago åhUVmV ? A) gwnmar B) Zmai C) a~a D) H$mOy Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 68 35. Imbrb n¡H$s H$moUVo \$i gdm©V OmñV {Q>Hy$Z amhVo ? A) Zmai B) H$mOy C) gwnmar 36. AZZgmMr A{^d¥ÜXr H$aÊ`mgmR>r {H$Vr J°_ dOZmMo gH$g© dmnamdoV ? A) 250 B) 350 C) 450 37. Imbrb n¡H$s H$moUË`m {nH$mÀ`m {~`mUm§g gwámdñWm ZgVo ? A) H$m°\$s B) Zmai C) gwnmar 38. ^maVmV a~amMr bmJdS> gd©nW_ H$moUË`m amÁ`mV H$aÊ`mV Ambr ? A) Vm{_iZmSy> B) Ho$ai C) _hmamï´> 39. a~amÀ`m PmS>mÀ`m gmbrVyZ {MH$ H$mT>Ê`mÀ`m {H«$`obm H$m` åhUVmV ? A) Q>°qnJ B) Q>qo ZJ C) n«wqZJ 40. Am°B©bnm_Mr \$io H$mT>ë`mZ§Va \$imda H$moUË`m AmåbmMr n{H$`m H$amdr ? A) A°go{Q>H$ B) Q>mQ>m©[aH$ C) gëâ`w[aH$ 41. Am°B©b nm_À`m {~`m§darb H$S>H$ AmdaUmg H$m` åhUVmV ? A) Q>Z o ao m B) ŠbmoZ C) eob 42. ñQ´>~oarÀ`m EH$m PmS>mgnmgyZ {H$Vr {H$bmo CËnmXZ {_iVo.? A) ghm B) Mma C) XmoZ 43. Mm`Zm hr OmV Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m \$i{nH$mMr Amho. ? A) ñQ´>m°~oar B) {bMr C) Am°B©b nm_ 44. Amdim \$im§V H$moUVo OrdZgËd AmT>iVo. ? A) A B) ~$ C) H$ 45. _hmamï´>mVrb hdm_mZmV \$mbgmÀ`m PmS>m§Mr N>mQ>Ur H$moUË`m _{hÝ`mV H$amdr. ? A) OmZodmar B) E{àb C) OwZ 46. M°pìhgrZ ho amgm`{ZH$ VËd H$moUË`m nXmWm©V AmT>iVo. ? A) Xmb{MZr B) {_ar C) _mohar 47. {eaŠ`m_Ü`o H$moUVo Amåb AgVo. ? A) gm`Q´>rH$ B) A°goQ>rH$ C) _°{bH$ 48. Imbrb n¡H$s H$moUVo a§JÐì` Z¡g{JH$ Amho. ? A) Q>mQ´>mPrZ B) Ooam{_Z C) Ho$ea 49. H$moUË`m \$imÀ`m dm`m OmUmè`m JamnmgyZ ~m`moJ°g H$aVm `oVo. ? A) Ðmj B) noé C) Ho$ir 50. dmB©Z H$aÊ`mgmR>r Am§~{dboë`m agmV {H$Vr Q>¸o$ ~o§Q>moZmB©Q> {_lU H$amdo. ? A) 0.001 B) 0.01 C) 1 D) H$dR> D) 550 D) nnB© D) H$Zm©Q>H$ D) hmd}pñQ>¨J D) hm`S²>moŠbmo[aH$ D) H$Z}b D) AYm© D) Zmai D) S> D) Zmoìh|~a D) bgyZ D) Q>mQ>m©arH$ D) nm°pÝgAm D) g\$aM§X D) 0.1 6969 Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 69 {d^mJ {Vgam - ^mOrnmbm CËnmXZ nX{dH$m 01. W§S>rbm ~ir nS>Uo, gXu,AmoR> \w$Q>Uo hr bjUo H$moUË`m OrdZgËdmÀ`m H$_VaVo_wio {XgyZ `oVmV ? A) A B) ~ C) H$ D) S> 02. ^maVmVrb ^mOrnmë`mMo CËnmXZ {H$Vr Q>¸o$ bmoH$g§»`obm nwé eHo$b BVHo$ Amho ? A) 50 B)60 C) 70 D) 80 03. O{_ZrMm gm_y 7.5 nojm A{YH$ Pmë`mg {nH$m§Zm H$moUVr AÞX²>ì`o H$_r n_mUmV CnbãY hmoVmV ? A) bmoh,_±JZrO, ~moam°Z, qPH$ B) ZÌ, ñ\w$aX, nmbme, Vm§~o C) MwZm, _°¾o{e`_, nmbme D) J§YH$, _m°{bãS>oZ_, ñ\w$aX 04. ~«moH$mobr øm {nH$mMm H$moUVm ^mJ ImÊæmmgmR>r dmnaVmV ? A) \$i B) _yi C) \w$bo D) ImoS> 05. H$moUË`m ^mOrnmbm {nH$mMo ~rOmoËnmXZ AVr W§S> n«XoemV ¿`mdo bmJVmV ? A) ZdbH$mob-H$mo~r B) H$m§Xm-_wim C) _oWr-nmbH$ D) Q>mo_°Q>mo-dm§Jr 06. nm`m^yV {~`mÊ`m§À`m {nedrda H$moUË`m a§JmMo bo~b AgVo ? A) nm§T>am B) {ndim C) {Zim D) {hadm 07. H$mH$S>rdJu` {~`mÊ`m§Mr gwámdñWm Kmb{dÊ`mg H$moUVr Cnm``moOZm H$amdr ? A) W§S> nmÊ`mMr ~rOà{H«$`m B) {~`mÊ`mMo AmdaU KmgUo C) AmåbmMr ~rOà{H«$`m D) AVr W§S> Obà{H«$`m 08. {~`mÊ`mMr CJdU j_Vm dmT>{dÊ`mgmR>r gd©gmYmaU H$moUË`m g§OrdH$mMm dmna H$amdm ? A) Am`.E.E. B) E_.EM.-40 C) Am`.~r.E. D) EZ.E.E. 09. ^mOrnmbm {nH$m§À`m CËnmXH$m§Zm H$moUVr g§ñWm _XV H$aVoo ? A) Am`.gr.E.Ama B) EZ.EM.~r. C) amÁ` H¥${f {d^mJ D) H¥${f CËnÞ ~mOma g{_Vr 10. 1 J«°_ g§OrdH$ 1 brQ>a nmÊ`mV {_gië`mg {H$Vr Vrd«VoMo X«mdU V`ma hmoB©b ? A) 10 nrnrE_ B) 100 nrnrE_ C) 1000 nrnrE_ D) 10,000 nrnrE_ 11. Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m noaUr nÜXVrV XmoZ AmoitVrb A§Va gmaIo AgVo na§Vw amonm§_Yrb A§Va gmaIo ZgVo ? A) \$moHy$Z B) noaUr C) Q>moHy$Z D) nwZbm©JdS> 12. H$moUË`m AÞÐì`mÀ`m `mo½` nwadR>çm_wio dZñnVr_Ü`o H$mQ>H$nUm `oVmo d nrH$ O{_Zrda bmoiV Zmhr ? A) ZÌ B) ñ\w$aX C) nmbme D) Vm§~o 13. ^|S>rMr H$moUVr OmV Ho$dS>m amoJmg ~ir nS>V Zmhr ? A) AH$m© AZm{_H$m B) nwgm gmdZr C) nwgm _I_br D) {gboŠeZ 2-2 14. EH$ hoŠQ>a joÌm_Ü`o H$m§ÚmMr {H$Vr amono R>odmdr ? A) 2 bmI 22 hOma B) 3 bmI 33 hOma C) 4 bmI 44 hOma D) 6 bmI 66 hOma 15. Q>mo_°Q>mo {nH$mV ~Jb\w$Q> H$mT>br Zmhr Va H$moUVm n[aUm_ hmoVmo ? A) Q>mo_°Q>mo doJmV dmT>VmV B)Q>mo_°Q>moMm e|S>m dmT>V Zmhr C) Q>mo_°Q>mobm \$io `oV ZmhrV D) Q>mo_°Q>mo {ndio nS>7070 VmV 16. g_wÐmH$mR>mMr ImadQ> O_rZ Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m {nH$mbm _mZdVo? A) MmoMmo B) Vm|S>br C) nadb D) Ia~wO Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 70 17. {nH$boë`m {_aMrbm bmb a§J H$moUË`m a§JX«ì`m_wio `oVmo ? A) H°$pßggrZ B) bm`H$monoZ C) A°ÝWmogm{ZZ D) H°$ßg|WrZ 18. eVmdarMo H$m|~ {H$Vr go._r. bm§~ Pmbo åhUOo Ë`m§Mr H$mT>Ur H$amdr ? A) 2.5 B) 5-10 C) 10-15 D) 20-25 19. H$mohù`mnmgyZ V`ma hmoUmar bmoH${n«` Am{U ~aoM {Xdg {Q>H$Umar H$moUVr {_R>mB© V`ma H$aVmV A) hbdm B) JmoS>Pb o C) noR>m D) ~\$s© 20. Q>mo_°Q>modarb ãbm°g_ EÝS> am°Q> hr {dH¥$Vr H$emÀ`m H$_VaVo_wio hmoVo ? A) OñV B) ~moam°Z C) H°$[ëe`_ D) _±JZrO 21. H$mH$S>rdJm©Vrb H$moUVo nrH$ bmoUÀ`mgmR>r {Z`m©V H$aVmV ? A) nadb B) nS>di C) Vm|S>br D) KoaH$sZ 22. Amë`mÀ`m H$moUË`m ñWm{ZH$ dmUmMr _hmamï´>mV bmJdS> hmoVo ? A) _mhr_ B) _{h_m C) _hmZ D) _hmS> 23. dmQ>mÊ`mMm H$moUVm dmU bdH$a `oUmam Am{U gwaHw$Vboë`m {~`mÊ`mMm Amho ? A) AH}$b B) AbmñH$m C) Agm¡Or D) _o[Q>Amoa 24. \$im§Mo CËnmXZ dmT>{dÊ`mgmR>r Q>a~wOm_Ü`o TIBA `m g§OrdH$mMm dmna {H$Vr n_mUmV H$amdm ? A) 5-10 nrnrE_ B) 10-20 nrnrE_ C) 25-50 nrnrE_ D) 100-200 nrnrE_ 25. MmoMmoMr bmJdS> H$emàH$mao H$aVmV ? A) {~`m§Mr noaUr H$éZ B) JwQ>r H$b_mZo C) _wim§Mr bmJdS> H$éZ D)_moS Amboë`m \$im§nmgyZ 26. dm§½`mVrb _m`H$moßbmP_m amoJm_wio Pmboë`m {dH¥$Vrg H$m` åhUVmV.? A) Ho$dS>m B) _a C) nU©JwÀN> D) ^war 27. Jdma qS>J JdmarÀ`m PmS>mÀ`m H$moUË`m ^mJmnmgyZ H$mT>VmV ? A) JdmarÀ`m ImoS>mnmgyZ B) JdmarÀ`m {~`m§nmgyZ C) JdmarÀ`m nmZm§nmgyZ D) JdmarÀ`m _wim§nmgyZ 28. hiXrbm {eOdë`mZ§Va d dmidë`mZ§Va H$moUVr n«{H«$`m H$amdr ? A) Š`w[a¨J B) S´>mBªJ C) nm°{be D) n°H$s¨J 29. KmogmirMm H$moUVm dmU _hmË_m \w$bo H¥$fr {dÚmnrR>mZo {dH$grV Ho$bm Amho ? A) \w$bo gwdUr© B) \w$bo n«Oº$m C) \w$bo Á`moVr D) \w$bo {H$Vr© 30. amZdm§JrÀ`m {nH$m_Ü`o H$moUVo Am¡fYr Xì`o AmT>iVo ? A) ñQ>ao m°BS ©> B) AëH$bm°B©S> C) J§YH$ D) A°ÝWogm`ZrZ 31. nmZH$mo~r_Ü`o H$moUVo OrdZgËd A{YH$ à_mUmV AgVo ? A) A B) ~ C) H$ D) S> 32. JmoëS>Z ~o~r hm H$moUË`m {nH$mMm gwYm[aV dmU Amho ? A) ñdrQ>H$m°Z© B) ~o~rH$m°Z© C) nm°nH$m°Z© D) Pw{H$Zr 33. _m°{bãS>oZ_ `m gyú_ AÞX«ì`mÀ`m H$_VaVo_wio \w$bH$mo~rV Hw$R>br emar[aH$ {dH¥$Vr CËnÞ hmoVo ? A) ~Q>qZJ B) am`grZog C) ãbmB§S>Zog D) pìhnQ>ob 7171 34. Imbrb n¡H$s H$moUVo nrH$ ImadQ> O{_ZrV KoVm `oVo ? A) _oWr B) nmbH$ C) H$moqW~ra D) boQ>çwg 35. bgUmg CJ« Xn© H$moUË`m Xì`m_wio `oVmo ? A) Q>{° ZZ B) A°{bZrZ C) H°$pßggrZ D) H°${\$Z Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 71 36. _wù`mMm H$moUVm dmU Iarn Am{U aã~r XmoÝhr h§Jm_mV KoÊ`mg `mo½` Amho? A) O°nZrO ìhmB©Q> B) JUoe qgWoQ>rH$ C) nwgm aoe_r D) ìhmB©Q> Am`grH$b 37. ZdbH$mobÀ`m H$moUË`m ^mJmMm ^mOrgmR>r Cn`moJ H$aVmV ? A) _wim§Mm \w$Jra ^mJ B) ImoS>mMm \w$Jra ^mJ C) \w$bmo-`mMm ^mJ D) e|S>çmMm _m§gb ^mJ 38. nmÊ`mÀ`m VgoM IVmÀ`m A{Vdmnam_wio ~Q>mQ>çm_Ü`o H$moUVr {dH¥$Vr `oVo? A) ãb°H$ hmQ>© B) hm°bmo hmQ>© C) {hado ~Q>mQ>o D) nm§T>ao ~Q>mQ>o 39. H$m§Xm ~rOmoËnmXZm_Ü`o n_m{UV {~`mÊ`mgmR>r H$_rVH$_r {dbJrH$aU A§Va {H$Vr _rQ>a Agmdo ? A) 200 B) 300 C) 400 D) 500 40. JmOamMr H$moUVr OmV æmwamo{n`Z n«H$mamMr Amho ? A) nwgm _oKmbr B) M±Q>Zr C) nwgm Ho$ga D) bmoH$b aoS> 41. aVmir gmR>dUr_Ü`o H$moUË`m {H$S>rMm n«mXþ^m©d {XgyZ `oVmo ? A) A°{\$S²>g B) _mB©Q²>g C) e|S>m Air D) gm|S>çm ^w§Jm 42. ~Q>Z Amqi~rgmR>r H§$nmoñQ> V`ma H$aÊ`mÀ`m XrK© _wXVrÀ`m nÜXVr_Ü`o {H$Vr {Xdg bmJVmV ? A) 10 B) 14 C) 28 D) 42 43. ebJ_Mr bmJdS> {H$Vr g|._r. A§Vamda H$amdr ? A) 10 X 10 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. B) 30 X 15 C) 60X 60 D) 75 X 75 _oWrÀ`m H$moUË`m dmUmMo ~r bhmZ AmH$mamMo Amho ? A) H$gwar {gboŠeZ B) nwgmAbu ~§qMJ C) _oWr Z§. 47 D) nwgm {gboŠeZ Pw{H$ZrMm H$moUVm dmU gmoZoar {ndù`m a§JmÀ`m \$im§Mm Amho ? 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OJmÀæmm ~mOmanoR>oV H$moUËæmm H§$XdJuæm \w$b{nH$mbm H$Q>aâbm°da åhUwZ åmhËdmMo ñWmZ Amho ? A) A°{Måmo{Zg B) AëñQ´>moåmo[aæmm C) H°$b°{S>æmåm D) {H«$Zåm 22. {Z{eJ§YmÀæmm H$moUËæmm OmVråmÜæmo \ º$ nmM nmH$ùæmm EH$mM dVw©imH$ma AmoirV AgVmV ? A) qgJb B) S>~b C) go{åmS>~b D) ìho[aJoQ>oS> 23. H$ÊhoarÀæmm {nH$mbm H$moUËæmm àH$maMo hdmåmmZ OmñV åmmZdVo ? A) W§S>-H$moaS>o B) CîU-H$moaS>o C) CîU-XåmQ> D) W§S>-XåmQ> 24. Jobm{S>©æmmÀæmm \w$bm§Zm naXoemV H$mæm åhUVmV ? A) ~o~rO ~«e B) S>°´JÝg åmmD$W C) S>°´JZ âbmæm D) ãb±Ho$Q> âbm°da 25. eod§VrMr bmJdS> àmåmw»æmmZo H$moUËæmm {OëôæmmV æmoVo ? A) Ywio B) na^Ur C) ZJa D) Zm{eH$ 26. Ho$gmi Air P|Sw>Mo H$moUËæmm àH$mao ZwH$gmZ H$aVo ? A) nmZmåmYrb ag emofwZ KoVo B) nmZo ImD$Z {eam {e„H$ R>odVo C) {eam ImD$Z nmZo {e„H$ R>odVo D) H$ùæmm§åmYrb ag emofVo 27. H$X©irMr A{^d¥ÜXr H$emnmgyZ H$aVmV ? A) ~pë~b B) ~ë~ C) èhmæmPmoåm D) Q>çw~da 28. \w$bXmUrV ½b°{S>AmobgMo Xm§S>o OmñV {Xdg {Q>H${dÊæmmgmR>r H$moUVo ÐmdU dmnaVmV ? 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A) nwUo > B) ZmJnwa C) Am¡a§Jm~mX D) Zm{eH$ Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 74 37. S>oPrMr A{^d¥ÜXr H$emnmgyZ H$aVmV ? A) gH$g© > B) \ mQ>o H$båm C) e|S>mN>mQ> D) JwQ>r H$båm 38. H$moUËæmm amoJmåmwio S>o{bæmmÀæmm PmS>m§da JmobmH$ma {R>nHo$ nS>VmV ? A) H$anm > B) H$mUr C) ImoS>Hw$O D) åmmoPmB©H$ 39. ñQ´>o{bQ²>{PæmmÀæmm \w$bPmS>mbm B§J«OrV " ~S>© Am°\ n°amS>mB©O " Ago åhUVmV Va åmamR>rV H$mæm åhUVmV ? A) gmoÝæmmMm njr > B) ñdJm©Vrb njr C) gáa§JrV njr D) AdH$memVrb njr 40. A±Q>r-èhrZåmÀæmm \w$bPmS>mMo \w$bXm§S>o H$go H$mT>mdoV ? A) \w$bXm§S>o åmYmoåmY IwS>mdo > B) nwU© PmS> H$mnmdo C) \w$bXm§S>o ~wS>mVwZ IwS>mdo D) \w$bXm§S>o EH$ \w$Q> bm§~rMo H$mT>mdo 41. Z{g©gMr H§$XmnmgyZ bmJdS> H$aÊæmmgmR>r H§$XmMo dOZ {H$Vr J«°åm Agmdo ? A) 3 B) 7 C) 10 D) 14 42. ñQ>m°H$Àæmm \w$bPmS>mbm H$moUVo IV OmñV àåmmUmV {Xëæmmåmwio {~OmoËnmXZ dmT>Vo ? A) ZÌ B) ñ\w aX C) nmbme D) OñV 43. {Oßgmo[\.bmÀæmm PmS>mda H$moUVm åmhËdmMm amoJ AmT>iVmo ? A) S>mæm~°H$ B) S>mD$Zr {åmëS>çw C) H«$mD$Z am°Q> D) H«$mD$Z Jm°b 44. ñQ>°{Q>gÀæmm EH$ hoŠQ>a bmJdS>rgmR>r {H$Vr {H$bmo {~æmmUo bmJVo ? A) 5-10 B) 12-15 C) 20-25 D) 28-32 45. nm§T>ar \w$bo æmoUmar JwbQ>monMr OmV H$moUVr ? A) H$m°ån°ŠQ B) [ggr C) {bbrnwQ>~S>r D) ½bmo~mogm 46. nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUËæmm \w$bmåmÜæmo H$m~m}hmæmS´>oQ²>gMo àåmmU OmñV AgVo ? A) Jwbm~ B) P|Sw> C) åmmoJam D) VJa 47. JwbH§$X Væmma H$aVm§Zm Jwbm~mÀæmm nmH$ùæmm d gmIaoMo àåmmU {H$Vr R>odmdo ? A) 1:2 B) 1:3 C) 1:4 D) 2:3 48. CÚmZmVrb {H$Vr Q>¸o$ ^mJ {hadirZo ìæmmnbobm AgVmo ? A) 5-10 B) 15-20 C) 30-40 D) 50-60 49. nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUËæmm PwSw>nmbm gwdm{gH$ \w$bo æmoVmV ? A) EH$Pmoam B) AZ§V C) nmdS>a n\ D) A~mobr 50. Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVr dZñnVr {H$ZmargmR>r bmdbr OmVo ? A) OñQ>r{eæmm B) ~moJZdob C) Omñd§X D) åmmoan§Ir 7575 Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 75 àíZ nwpñVH$m H«$_m§H$ `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>, Zm{eH$ dñVw{Zð> narjm CÎman{ÌH$m gyMZm … CÎmao Zm|X{dÊ`mnydu H¥$n`m {dÚmÏ`mªZr Imbr {Xboë`m gyMZm H$miOrnyd©H$ dmMmì`mV. PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE WRITING Example/CXmhaU 1. CÎma n{ÌHo$da {b{hVmZm \$ŠV H$miçm emB©Mm noZ qH$dm ~m°bnoZ dmnamdm. WRONG/ MyH$ RIGHT/~amo~a A P B C Use Only Black ink (Pen or Ball pen) for writing on this answer sheet. D A B C D 2. CXmhaUmV Xe©{dë`mà_mUo àË`oH$ àíZmÀ`m CÎmamgmR>r Mman¡H$s Ho$di EH$ dVw©i H$mio H$amd`mMo Amho. EH$mnojm OmñV dVw©io H$mir Ho$ë`mg Vo CÎma MyH$ g_OÊ`mV `oB©b Aem CÎmamg eyÝ` JwU XoÊ`mV `oVrb. Darken ONLY ONE CIRCLE with black for each answer as shown in the example. If you darken more than one circle your answer will be treated as wrong and you will be awarded zero mark for that answer. CÎman{ÌHo$da H$moUË`mhr àH$maMr ImS>mImoS> H$ê$ Z`o. Do not make any stray marks on the answer sheet. 3. 4. {Xboë`m Mmahr n`m©`m§Mm H$miOrnyd©H$ {dMma H$ê$Z AMyH$ n`m©` {ZdS>m. Vwåhr {ZdS>boë`m n`m©`mda Ho$bobr IyU ~XbVm `oUma Zmhr. Give a thought to all four options carefully and then encircle the correct answer. You are not allowed to change your option. 5. CÎman{ÌHo$da ñQ>°nb AWdm Q>mMUr bmdy Z`o. Don’t Staple or Pin on the Answer sheet. 6. Imbrb _mhrVr ^aÊ`mgmR>r A§H$ d Ajao B§J«OrV _moR>çm {bnrV {bhmdrV.Please use CAPITAL LETTER of English language for Completing following information. 1. H$m`_ Zm|XUr H«$_m§H$ 2. AmgZ H«$_m§H$ Permanent Registration No. 3. Aä`mgH«$_mMo Zmd Examination Seat No. 4. Aä`mgH«$_ g§Ho$Vm§H$ H¥${f A{Yð>mZ Course Name Course Code 5. narjm H|$ÐmMo Zmd narjmH|$Ð g§Ho$Vm§H$ Examination Centre Exam Centre Code 6. narjoMm {XZm§H$ narjoMr doi Examination Date CÎmao / ANSWERS A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D A B C D 11 A 12 A B B C C 13 A 14 A 15 A B B B C C C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Vo Exam Time CÎman{ÌH$m H«$_m§H$ / Answer Sheet No. A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D D A B C D C C D D 41 A 42 A B B C C D D 7676 C C C D D D 43 A 44 A 45 A B B B C C C D D D A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D A B C D A A A A B B B B C C C C D D D D 25 A B C D A B C D D 26 A 27 A B B D D D 28 A 29 A 30 A B B B 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 A 202401 46 47 48 49 50 A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D {åmimbobo JwU {dÚmÏæmm©Mr ghr næm©dojH$mMr ghr Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 76 àíZ nwpñVH$m H«$_m§H$ `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>, Zm{eH$ dñVw{Zð> narjm CÎman{ÌH$m gyMZm … CÎmao Zm|X{dÊ`mnydu H¥$n`m {dÚmÏ`mªZr Imbr {Xboë`m gyMZm H$miOrnyd©H$ dmMmì`mV. PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE WRITING Example/CXmhaU 1. CÎma n{ÌHo$da {b{hVmZm \$ŠV H$miçm emB©Mm noZ qH$dm ~m°bnoZ dmnamdm. WRONG/ MyH$ RIGHT/~amo~a A P B C Use Only Black ink (Pen or Ball pen) for writing on this answer sheet. D A B C D 2. CXmhaUmV Xe©{dë`mà_mUo àË`oH$ àíZmÀ`m CÎmamgmR>r Mman¡H$s Ho$di EH$ dVw©i H$mio H$amd`mMo Amho. EH$mnojm OmñV dVw©io H$mir Ho$ë`mg Vo CÎma MyH$ g_OÊ`mV `oB©b Aem CÎmamg eyÝ` JwU XoÊ`mV `oVrb. Darken ONLY ONE CIRCLE with black for each answer as shown in the example. If you darken more than one circle your answer will be treated as wrong and you will be awarded zero mark for that answer. CÎman{ÌHo$da H$moUË`mhr àH$maMr ImS>mImoS> H$ê$ Z`o. Do not make any stray marks on the answer sheet. 3. 4. {Xboë`m Mmahr n`m©`m§Mm H$miOrnyd©H$ {dMma H$ê$Z AMyH$ n`m©` {ZdS>m. Vwåhr {ZdS>boë`m n`m©`mda Ho$bobr IyU ~XbVm `oUma Zmhr. Give a thought to all four options carefully and then encircle the correct answer. You are not allowed to change your option. 5. CÎman{ÌHo$da ñQ>°nb AWdm Q>mMUr bmdy Z`o. Don’t Staple or Pin on the Answer sheet. 6. Imbrb _mhrVr ^aÊ`mgmR>r A§H$ d Ajao B§J«OrV _moR>çm {bnrV {bhmdrV.Please use CAPITAL LETTER of English language for Completing following information. 1. H$m`_ Zm|XUr H«$_m§H$ 2. AmgZ H«$_m§H$ Permanent Registration No. 3. Aä`mgH«$_mMo Zmd Examination Seat No. 4. Aä`mgH«$_ g§Ho$Vm§H$ \$i~mJm CËnmXZ nX{dH$m Course Name Course Code 5. narjm H|$ÐmMo Zmd narjmH|$Ð g§Ho$Vm§H$ Examination Centre Exam Centre Code 6. narjoMm {XZm§H$ narjoMr doi Examination Date CÎmao / ANSWERS CÎman{ÌH$m H«$_m§H$ / Answer Sheet No. A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D D A B C D D D D D D 36 A 37 A B B C C D D 38 A 39 A 40 A B B B C C C D D D A B C D A A A A B B B B C C C C D D 7777 D D 45 A B C D A B C D A B C D 1 A B C D 16 A B C D 2 3 4 5 A A A A B B B B C C C C D D D D 17 18 19 20 A A A A B B B B C C C C D D D D A B C D A B C A A B B C C D D 8 A 9 A 10 A B B B C C C D D D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C A B C D A B C D A A A A B B B B C C C C D D D D 26 27 28 29 A A A A B B B B C C C C D D D D 41 42 43 44 15 A B C D 30 A B C D 6 7 11 12 13 14 Vo Exam Time 21 22 23 24 25 31 32 33 34 35 A 202401 46 47 48 49 50 A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D {åmimbobo JwU {dÚmÏæmm©Mr ghr næm©dojH$mMr ghr Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 77 àíZ nwpñVH$m H«$_m§H$ `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>, Zm{eH$ dñVw{Zð> narjm CÎman{ÌH$m gyMZm … CÎmao Zm|X{dÊ`mnydu H¥$n`m {dÚmÏ`mªZr Imbr {Xboë`m gyMZm H$miOrnyd©H$ dmMmì`mV. PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE WRITING Example/CXmhaU 1. CÎma n{ÌHo$da {b{hVmZm \$ŠV H$miçm emB©Mm noZ qH$dm ~m°bnoZ dmnamdm. WRONG/ MyH$ RIGHT/~amo~a A P B C Use Only Black ink (Pen or Ball pen) for writing on this answer sheet. D A B C D 2. CXmhaUmV Xe©{dë`mà_mUo àË`oH$ àíZmÀ`m CÎmamgmR>r Mman¡H$s Ho$di EH$ dVw©i H$mio H$amd`mMo Amho. EH$mnojm OmñV dVw©io H$mir Ho$ë`mg Vo CÎma MyH$ g_OÊ`mV `oB©b Aem CÎmamg eyÝ` JwU XoÊ`mV `oVrb. Darken ONLY ONE CIRCLE with black for each answer as shown in the example. If you darken more than one circle your answer will be treated as wrong and you will be awarded zero mark for that answer. CÎman{ÌHo$da H$moUË`mhr àH$maMr ImS>mImoS> H$ê$ Z`o. Do not make any stray marks on the answer sheet. 3. 4. {Xboë`m Mmahr n`m©`m§Mm H$miOrnyd©H$ {dMma H$ê$Z AMyH$ n`m©` {ZdS>m. Vwåhr {ZdS>boë`m n`m©`mda Ho$bobr IyU ~XbVm `oUma Zmhr. Give a thought to all four options carefully and then encircle the correct answer. You are not allowed to change your option. 5. CÎman{ÌHo$da ñQ>°nb AWdm Q>mMUr bmdy Z`o. Don’t Staple or Pin on the Answer sheet. 6. Imbrb _mhrVr ^aÊ`mgmR>r A§H$ d Ajao B§J«OrV _moR>çm {bnrV {bhmdrV.Please use CAPITAL LETTER of English language for Completing following information. 1. H$m`_ Zm|XUr H«$_m§H$ 2. AmgZ H«$_m§H$ Permanent Registration No. 3. Aä`mgH«$_mMo Zmd Examination Seat No. ^mOrnmbm CËnmXZ nX{dH$m Course Name 4. Aä`mgH«$_ g§Ho$Vm§H$ Course Code 5. narjm H|$ÐmMo Zmd narjmH|$Ð g§Ho$Vm§H$ Examination Centre Exam Centre Code 6. narjoMm {XZm§H$ narjoMr doi Examination Date CÎmao / ANSWERS A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D A B C D 11 A 12 A B B C C 13 A 14 A 15 A B B B C C C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Vo Exam Time CÎman{ÌH$m H«$_m§H$ / Answer Sheet No. A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D D A B C D C C D D 41 A 42 A B B C C D D 7878 C C C D D D 43 A 44 A 45 A B B B C C C D D D A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D A B C D A A A A B B B B C C C C D D D D 25 A B C D A B C D D 26 A 27 A B B D D D 28 A 29 A 30 A B B B 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 A 202401 46 47 48 49 50 A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D {åmimbobo JwU {dÚmÏæmm©Mr ghr næm©dojH$mMr ghr Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 78 àíZ nwpñVH$m H«$_m§H$ `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>, Zm{eH$ dñVw{Zð> narjm CÎman{ÌH$m gyMZm … CÎmao Zm|X{dÊ`mnydu H¥$n`m {dÚmÏ`mªZr Imbr {Xboë`m gyMZm H$miOrnyd©H$ dmMmì`mV. PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE WRITING Example/CXmhaU 1. CÎma n{ÌHo$da {b{hVmZm \$ŠV H$miçm emB©Mm noZ qH$dm ~m°bnoZ dmnamdm. WRONG/ MyH$ RIGHT/~amo~a A P B C Use Only Black ink (Pen or Ball pen) for writing on this answer sheet. D A B C D 2. CXmhaUmV Xe©{dë`mà_mUo àË`oH$ àíZmÀ`m CÎmamgmR>r Mman¡H$s Ho$di EH$ dVw©i H$mio H$amd`mMo Amho. EH$mnojm OmñV dVw©io H$mir Ho$ë`mg Vo CÎma MyH$ g_OÊ`mV `oB©b Aem CÎmamg eyÝ` JwU XoÊ`mV `oVrb. Darken ONLY ONE CIRCLE with black for each answer as shown in the example. If you darken more than one circle your answer will be treated as wrong and you will be awarded zero mark for that answer. CÎman{ÌHo$da H$moUË`mhr àH$maMr ImS>mImoS> H$ê$ Z`o. Do not make any stray marks on the answer sheet. 3. 4. {Xboë`m Mmahr n`m©`m§Mm H$miOrnyd©H$ {dMma H$ê$Z AMyH$ n`m©` {ZdS>m. Vwåhr {ZdS>boë`m n`m©`mda Ho$bobr IyU ~XbVm `oUma Zmhr. Give a thought to all four options carefully and then encircle the correct answer. You are not allowed to change your option. 5. CÎman{ÌHo$da ñQ>°nb AWdm Q>mMUr bmdy Z`o. Don’t Staple or Pin on the Answer sheet. 6. Imbrb _mhrVr ^aÊ`mgmR>r A§H$ d Ajao B§J«OrV _moR>çm {bnrV {bhmdrV.Please use CAPITAL LETTER of English language for Completing following information. 1. H$m`_ Zm|XUr H«$_m§H$ 2. AmgZ H«$_m§H$ Permanent Registration No. 3. Aä`mgH«$_mMo Zmd Examination Seat No. \w$beoVr d àm§JUCÚmZ nX{dH$m Course Name 4. Aä`mgH«$_ g§Ho$Vm§H$ Course Code 5. narjm H|$ÐmMo Zmd narjmH|$Ð g§Ho$Vm§H$ Examination Centre Exam Centre Code 6. narjoMm {XZm§H$ narjoMr doi Examination Date CÎmao / ANSWERS A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D A B C D 11 A 12 A B B C C 13 A 14 A 15 A B B B C C C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Vo Exam Time CÎman{ÌH$m H«$_m§H$ / Answer Sheet No. A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D D A B C D C C D D 41 A 42 A B B C C D D 7979 C C C D D D 43 A 44 A 45 A B B B C C C D D D A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D A B C D A A A A B B B B C C C C D D D D 25 A B C D A B C D D 26 A 27 A B B D D D 28 A 29 A 30 A B B B 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 A 202401 46 47 48 49 50 A B C D A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D D D D {åmimbobo JwU {dÚmÏæmm©Mr ghr næm©dojH$mMr ghr Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 79 Annexure 16 : Agriculture Education Center Evaluation & Grading Form School of Agricultural Sciences Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University Nashik – 422 222 Open Agriculture Education Center : Annual Evaluation Form 1. Name & Address of Institution:…............………………....................................................................... 2. Date of Evaluation:………………………………………………………..............………….................. 3. Details of Evaluation: Instruct : 1. Please prepare your Dossier of Supporting Document and enclose with Evaluation Form. 2. Please see the Point-wise Score Key at the bottom of Evaluation Form & Encircle one of the Three Continuums, Where 0 = Absent, 0.5 = Partially Present & 1 = Fully Present. 3. Authentication of your responses will be cross checked from the University Records. Internal Evaluation External Evaluation 1.0 General Administration 1.1 Designated Center Head, Coordinator & their qualification 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 1.2 Display of Students Enrollment chart 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 1.3 Register of Teachers & Students Attendance 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 1.4 Three Sign board on Main Road, Sub-Main Road & Center Building 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 1.5 Designated YCMOU Notice board inside building 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 1.6 Timely Payment of Honorarium to Teacher & Center Staff 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 1.7 Timely Purchase of farm & laboratory Consumables 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 1.8 Program wise List of students not allowed for final examination 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 1.9 Accomodation facility to students during examination 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 1.10 Bio-data of All Staff & their presence in Evaluation. Sub-Total Score out of 10: 2.0 Technical & Supporting Staff 2.1 Foundation in Agriculture Teachers & their qualification. 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 2.2 Diploma in Horticulture Teachers & their qualification. 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 2.3 Diploma in Fruit Production Teachers & their Qualification. 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 2.4 Diploma in Vegetable Production Teachers & their Qualification 0 0.5 8080 1 0 0.5 1 2.5 Diploma in Floriculture Teachers & their Qualification 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 2.6 Diploma in ABM Teachers & their Qualification 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 80 2.7 Diploma in Agro-Journalism Teachers & their Qualification 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 2.8 Presence of Designated Accountant, Assistant & peon 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 2.9 YCMOU Agri/Horti Degree Project Students Guided 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 2.10 Teacher Counsellors possesing Doctorate Degrees Sub-Total Score out of 10: 3.0 Teaching – Learning Class Rooms & Teaching Aids 3.1 Foundation in Agriculture Class Room with Teaching Aids 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 3.2 Diploma in Horticulture Class Room with Teaching Aids 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 3.3 Fruit Production Class Room with Teaching Aids 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 3.4 Vegetable Production Class Room with Teaching Aids 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 3.5 Floriculture Class Room with Teaching Aids 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 3.6 Agri-business Management Class Room withTeaching Aids 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 3.7 Agro-Journalism Class Room with Teaching Aids 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 3.8 Students Seating with Desk & Bench in classroom 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 3.9 Bottled & Labelled Samples of Soils,Rocks,Minerals,Manures,Fertilizers 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 3.10 Bottled & Labelled Samples of Pests Diseases,Seeds,Weeds, Insecticides, Fungicides & Weedicides Sub-Total Score out of 10: 4.0 Demonstration Farm & Nursery 4.1 Plant Propagation Nursery with Mother plants 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 4.2 Plant Propagation Nursery with Seedlings 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 4.3 Plant Propagation Nursery with Fruit grafts 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 4.4 Fruits Orchard/ Garden/Plantation Unit 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 4.5 Vegetable Production & Crop Cafeteria Unit 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 4.6 Flowers production & Foliage Plant Cafeteria Unit. 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 4.7 Shade House, Poly house, Poultry, Dairy, Vermicompost Unit 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 4.8 Agronomic Crop Cafeteria.. 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 4.9 Horticulture Crop Cafeteria 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 1 0 0.5 1 4.10 Farm and Garden Machine, Implements, Tools & Implements Sub-Total Score out of 10: 5.0 Laboratory Facilities 5.1 Designated Soil & Water Testing Laboratory 8181 0 0.5 Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 81 5.2 pH Meter, Flame-photometer, Spectro-photometer in Operation 5.3 Records of Soil & Water analysis by students in practical with 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 0.5 0.5 1 1 0 0 0.5 0.5 1 1 5.4 Designated Phyto-diagnosis Laboratory 0 0 5.5 Microscopes, Sprayers, Duster & Seed Dresser 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 5.6 Isolation Chamber, Dissection Boxes, Glassware & Chemicals 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 5.7 Designated Post Harvest Technology Laboratory. 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 5.8 Gas burner, Refrigerator, Food Processor, Autoclave & Cooker. 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 5.9 Digital Balance,Capping & Cork Machine, Refractometer 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 reports 5.10 Processed, bottled & labelled samples of fruits & vegetables during Practical demonstration Sub-Total Score out of 10: 6.0 Academic Management 6.1 Conduct of 32 Theory & 32 Practical Contact Sessions 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 6.2 Timely Conduct of Internal Examination on Scheduled dates 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 6.3 Timely Evaluation & Written Comments on Answer Sheets 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 6.4 Timely Disbursement of Money to Teachers for Teaching Aids. 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 6.5 Program wise Study Tour / Exposure Visit of Enrolled Students 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 6.6 Orgnization of Career/Self-employment Counselling Sessions 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 6.7 Provision to Teacher Counsellors to attend Training,Workshop 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 6.8 Conduct of 3 contact sessions for Degree Project Report 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 6.9 Presence of Head & Coordinator on Saturday & Sundays 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 6.10 Sending Teacher Counsellors to University for Paper Assessment Sub-Total Score out of 10: 7.0 Financial Management 7.1 Joint Bank Account in Nationalized Bank 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 7.2 Maintenance of Cash Book, Dead Stock, Purchase & Issue Register 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 7.3 Itemwise Statement of Income & Expenditure under Honorarium cost 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 7.4 Itemwise Statement of Income & Expenditure under Operation cost 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 7.5 Itemwise Statement of Income & Expenditure under development cost 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 7.6 Timely Payment of Honorarium to Teacher & Center Staff 0 0.5 8282 1 0 0.5 1 7.7 Timely Payment to Teachers for Internal Assessments 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 7.8 Timely purchase of Reference book, Magazines & CD ROM 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 82 7.9 Itemwise Reasoning for Expenditure of More than Rs.10000 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 7.10 Last Years Annual Audit & Account report 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 Sub-Total Score out of 10: 8.0 Physical Infrastructural Facilities 8.1 Designated Building and Seven (7) Class Roomss 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 8.2 Designated Building and Three (3) Laboratories 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 8.3 Designated Two LCD Projectors. 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 8.4 Designated LCD Large Screen TV & Sound System 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 8.5 Designated Pentium PC with Internet facilities 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 8.6 Provision of Separate Male & Female Bathroom facility. 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 8.7 Provision of Potable Drinking Water on holidays. 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 8.8 Provision of Library & Reading Room to Students. 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 8.9 Provision of Paid Xerox facility to students. 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 8.10 Provision of Battery backup to laboratory instruments 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 Sub-Total Score out of 10: 9.0 Students Monitoring & Evaluation 9.1 Conduct of Internal Theory & Practical Examination.. 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 9.2 Last Years Students Academic Performance Sheet 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 9.3 Last & Current years Students Feed back & Grievances Register. 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 9.4 Preparation of Insects, Pests, Disease album by students 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 9.5 Preparation of Seed, Weed, Fertilizer album by students 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 9.6 Number of Students Enrollment in Foundation in Agriculture 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 9.7 Number of Students Completed B.Sc.(Agri./Horti) in last year 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 9.8 Orgnization of Self Employment Training Classes to Students 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 9.9 Orgnization of Campus Placement Interview for Students 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 9.10 YCMOU Degree Holders last 3 years Employment Status Record 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 Sub-Total Score out of 10: 10.0 Overall Impression of Evaluation Team 10.1 Overall Impression about Campus Maintenance & Development 0 10.2 Overall Impression about Center Administration. 0 10.3 Overall Impression about Technical & Supporting Staff 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 10.4 Overall Impression about Class Rooms & Teaching Aids 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 10.5 Overall Impression about Farm,Demonstration Units & Nursery. 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 8383 Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 83 10.6 Overall Impression about Laboratory Facilities 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 10.7 Overall Impression about Academic Management 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 10.8 Overall Impression about Financial Management 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 10.9 Overall Impression about Physical Infrastructure Facilities 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 10.10 Overall Impression about Students Monitoring & Evaluation Sub-Total Score out of 10: .............................................................. Grant Total Score out of 100: ........................................................ Corresponding Grading : ............................................................... Cumulative Grading : 1. A Grade (Very Good) : Score More than: 80 (Approval for 3 years) 2. B Grade (Good) 3. C Grade (Average) 4. D Grade ( Poor) : Score Between 71 to 80: (Approval for 2 years) : Score Between 61 to 70: ( Approval for 1 year) : Score Less than & Equal to 60: ( Center to be Closed) Internal Evaluation External Evaluation __________________________________ _______________________________ Name & Signature of Center Co-ordinator, Name & Signature of U.G. Coordinator, Open Agriculture Education Center SAS, YCMOU, Nashik ___________________________ ___________________________________________ Name & Signature of Center Head, Name & Signature of Director / Head, Evaluation Team Open Agriculture Education Center SAS, YCMOU, Nashik 8484 Note : The Dossier of supporting document is enclosed with this evaluation form Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 84 Pointwise Score Key and Guidelines for Evaluation 1.0 General Administration: 1.1 The Designated Study Center Head shall be a Post Graduate in Agricultural Sciences while the Designated Study Centre Coordinator shall be a Post Graduate in Agricultural Sciences with specialization in Agronomy / Horticulture. Score: If no = 0 mark, if yes = 1 mark, if other than prescribed qualification = 0.5 mark. 1.2 Year wise & Program wise student enrollment chart of minimum 3.0 x 6.0 feet horizontal size shall be displayed in the format provided in Center Management booklet at two places outside the Center office and outside the office of the Head or Coordinator. Score: If no = 0 mark, if more than two places = 1 mark, if less than two places = 0.5 mark. 1.3 Signed Register of Attendance of Teacher Counsellors and Students shall be kept separately on Open Agriculture Education Center. Score: If no = 0 mark, if yes = 1 mark, if Incomplete = 0.5 mark. 1.4 The Center shall fix at least Three sign boards duly prescribed by university, one on highway, one on main Road and another on the office building of the center. Score: If one board = 0 mark, if three board = 1 mark, if two board = 0.5 mark. 1.5 The Center shall fixup designated YCMOU Notice board showcase of 3 x 4 feet size for Notice, Instruction, Examination Time table etc. shall be displayed outside the center office. Score: If no Notice board = 0 mark, if yes = 1 mark, if not designated = 0.5 mark. 1.6 The Payment of honorarium to Teacher Counsellors shall be made through crossed cheque in two installments, first in November and second in February each year. Score: If no payment = 0 mark, if yes = 1 mark, if one or both payment not made/paid in time = 0.5 mark. 1.7 The Purchase of Farm, Laboratory and other consumable required for scheduled practicals shall be made at the beginning of academic session and not later than 15th August each year. Score: If not purchased = 0 mark, if purchased before 15th August = 1 mark, if purchased after 15th August = 0.5 mark. 1.8 The Open Agriculture Education Centre shall not allow the student to appear for final examination, if their total attendance is less than 50%, even under the condition of genuine reasons including his/her illness/hospitalization. Score: If not allowed for examination = 1 mark, if selectively allowed for examination with justification = 0.5 mark, if allowed for examination inspite of less attendance = 0 mark. 1.9 The Open Agriculture Education Center shall provide separate accomodation faciltiy to boys & girls students during examination, if needed and required by them. Score: If no facility = 0 mark, if separate facility for boys and girls = 1 mark, if no separate facility = 0.5 mark. 1.10 The one page bio-data of Study Center Head, Coordinator, Accountant & All Teacher Counsellors as prescribed by the university shall be provided8585 and the concern person shall be present in person during annual verification. Score: If not present = 0 mark, if all are present in total = 1 mark, if partially present = 0.5 mark. Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 85 2.0 Technical and Supporting Staff 2.1 The Foundation in Agriculture course shall have two designated teacher counsellors & they shall be M.Sc. (Agri.) in Agronomy or Soil Science and Botany or Plant Pathology or Agricultural Entomology. Score: If not = 0 mark, if yes = 1 mark, if partial fulfillment = 0.5 mark, if Program not offered = 0.5 mark. 2.2 The Diploma in Horticulture shall have designated Teacher Counsellor & he shall be M.Sc. (Agri.) in Horticulture. Score: If not = 0 mark, if yes = 1 mark, if from other disciplines = 0.5 mark, if program not offered = 0.5 mark. 2.3 The Diploma in Fruit Production shall have designated Teacher Counsellor & he shall be M.Sc. (Agri.) in Horticulture. Score: If not = 0 mark, if yes = 1 mark, if from other disciplines = 0.5 mark, if program not offered = 0.5 mark. 2.4 The Diploma in Vegetable Production shall have designated Teacher Counsellor & he shall be M.Sc. (Agri.) in Horticulture. Score: If not = 0 mark, if yes = 1 mark, if from other discipline = 0.5 mark, if program not offered = 0.5 mark. 2.5 The Diploma in Floriculture & Landscape Gardening shall have designated Teacher Counsellor & he shall be M.Sc. (Agri.) in Horticulture. Score : If not = 0 mark, if yes = 1 mark, if from other discipline = 0.5 mark, if program not offered = 0.5 mark. 2.6 The Diploma in Agribusiness Management shall have designated Teacher Counsellor & he shall be M. Sc. (Agri.) in Agricultural Economics or Agricultural Marketing or Agribusiness Management or M.B.A. in Agribusiness Management. Score: If not = 0 mark, if yes = 1 mark, if from other discipline = 0.5 mark, if program not offered = 0.5 mark. 2.7 The Diploma in Agro-journalism shall have designated Teacher Counsellor & he shall be M.Sc. (Agri.) in Agricultural Extension or Agricultural Communication or Agricultural Development or Farm Journalism. Score : If not = 0 mark, if yes = 1 mark, if from other discipline = 0.5 mark, if program not offered = 0.5 mark. 2.8 There shall be Designated Person appointed through written order as Center Accountant, Center Assistant and Center Peon. Score: If no Designated person = 0 mark, if All Designated person = 1 mark, if partial information = 0.5 mark. 2.9 The YCMOU has recognized eligible Teacher Counsellors from all Open Agriculture Education Centers as B.Sc. (Agriculture/Horticulture) Project Report Guides and are credited for the same for their Guideship efforts. Score: If Less than 5 students submitted reports = 0 mark, if 5 to 10 students submitted reports = 0.5 mark, & if more than 10 students submitted reports =1mark. 2.10 The Center having faculties with Doctorate degree are additionally credited for Score: If no = 0 mark, if one Doctorate faculty = 0.5 mark, & if more than one Doctorate faculty = 1 mark. 3.0 Teaching, Learning Classrooms & Teaching Aids 8686 3.1 to 3.7 Each Class rooms shall have minimum 20 x 30 feet size or total carpet area of 600 square feet with at least two cross windows at both side and minimum 3 x 6 feet size of Black Board/ Writing Board and Course related posters, charts, photos & teaching aids fixed on wall for Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 86 ready references and students learning. Score: If right size classroom with black board and teaching aids = 1 mark, if no = 0 mark, if Partial fulfillment = 0.5 mark. 3.8 Each Class Room shall have proper seating arrangements with bench and desk with flat smooth surface for writing. Score: If Bench & Desk Seating = 1 mark, if PVC Chair Seating with Desk = 0.5 mark, if PVC Chair Seating without Desk = 0 mark. 3.9 Soil & Water Testing Laboratory shall have not less than 100 bottled / jarred / stored / preserved and suitably labeled samples of Soils, Rocks, Minerals, Organic Manures, Chemical Fertilizers, Bio-fertilizers, Plant growth regulators. Score : If less than 80 Samples = 0 mark, if 80 to 100 Samples = 0.5 mark, if more than 100 Samples = 1 mark. 3.10 Phytodiegnostic Laboratory shall have not less than 200 bottled / jarred / stored / preserved and suitably labeled samples of Pests, Diseases, Seeds, Weeds, Insecticides, Fungicides & Weedicides. Score : If less than 100 Samples = 0 mark, if 100 to 200 Samples = 0.5 mark, if more than 200 Samples = 1 mark. 4.0 Demonstration Farm & Nursery 4.1 Center shall have scientifically laid out Plant Propagation Nursery with atleast 10 motherplants each of Mango, Guava, Sapota, Pomogranate, Orange, Cashewnut. Score : If less than 5 plants = 0 mark, if 5 to 10 plants = 0.5 mark, if more than 10 plants = 1 mark. 4.2 The Plant Propagation Nursery shall produce at least 5000 salable seedling of fruits and vegetable crops like Papaya, Drumstick, Tomato, Chilly, Brinjal, Flowers, etc. Score : If less than 3000 Seedlings = 0 mark, if 3000 to 5000 Seedlings = 0.5 mark, if more than 5000 Seedlings = 1 mark. 4.3 The Plant Propagation Nursery shall produce at least 5000 salable grafts of fruit crops like Mango, Guava, Sapota, Pomogranate, Orange, Cashewnut, etc. Score : If less than 3000 grafts = 0 mark, if 3000 to 5000 grafts = 0.5 mark, if more than 5000 grafts = 1 mark. 4.4 Center shall have minimum 5 Acres of fruits orchard / plantation crops. Score: If less than 3 Acres Orchard/Plantation Crops = 0 mark, if 3 to 5 Acres Orchard = 0.5 mark, if more than 5 Acres Orchard = 1 mark. 4.5 Centre shall have minimum 3 Acres of Vegetable Crop Production and Vegetable Crop Cafeteria. Score: If less than 2 Acres Vegetable Production Farm and Vegetable Crop Cafeteria = 0 mark, if 2 to 3 Acres area = 0.5 mark, if more than 3 Acres = 1 mark. 4.6 Center shall have minimum 2 Acres of Floriculture Crops and Crop Cafeteria. Score: If less than 1Acre Floriculture Crop and Crop Cafeteria = 0 mark, if 1 to 2 Acres = 0.5 mark, if more than 2 Acres = 1 mark. 4.7 Center shall desirably have minimum 3000 Square feet Green House / Poly House / Protected Cultivation Unit OR unit of Poultry, Dairy or Vermicomposting for demonstration. Score: If less than 1000 Square feet Poly house / Green house = 0 mark, if 1000 to 3000 Square feet = 0.5 mark, if more than 3000 Square feet = 1 mark. 8787 4.8 Center shall have minimum 1 Acre Agronomic Crop Cafeteria in both Rainy (Kharif) & Winter (Rabbi) Seasons as prescribed by the University with each crop not less than 1000 Square Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 87 feet each crop and minimum 20 crops in each season out of total crops grown in your locality. Score: If less than 10 Crops in Cafeteria = 0 mark, if 10 to 20 crops in both seasons = 0.5mark, if more than 20 crops in both seasons = 1 mark. 4.9 Center shall have minimum 1 Acre Horticulture Crop Cafeteria in both Rainy (Kharif) & Winter (Rabbi) Seasons as prescribed by the University with each crop not less than 1000 Square feet each plot and minimum 20 fruit, vegetable & flower crops in each season out of total crops grown in your locality. Score: If less than 10 Crops in Cafeteria = 0 mark, if 10 to 20 crops in both seasons = 0.5mark, if more than 20 crops in both seasons = 1 mark. 4.10 Center shall have all Major Farm and Garden Implements, Tools & Equipments like Tractor, Power Tiller, Plough, Harrow, Seed Drill, Power Sprayers and Dusters. Score: If less than 10 Tools & Implements = 0 mark, if 10 to 20 Tools & Implements = 0.5 mark, if more than 20 Tools & Implements = 1 mark. 5.0 Laboratory Facilities 5.1 Center shall have Designated Laboratory for Soil & Water Testing in designated room with Size of not Less than 600 square feet carpet area. Score: If less than 300 square feet laboratory = 0 mark, if 300 to 600 square feet area = 0.5 mark, if more than 600 square feet area = 1 mark. 5.2 Soil & Water Testing Laboratory shall have Major Laboratory Instruments like Digital pH Meter, Flame Photometer & Spectrophotometer in fully working condition and factual proof for using in laboratory based practical during the year. Score: If No Instrument = 0 mark, if Less than three instrument in working condition = 0.5 mark, if all three instrument in working condition = 1 mark. 5.3 Center shall produce Record of Soil & Water Testing Reports that has been prepared during Foundation course practicals. Score: If Less than 10 reports = 0 mark, if 10 to 20 reports = 0.5 mark, if more than 20 reports = 1 mark. 5.4 Center shall have Designated Phyto-diagnosis Laboratory in designated room with size of not less than 600 square feet carpet area. Score: If 300 square feet Laboratory = 0 mark, if 300 to 600 square feet = 0.5 mark, if more than 600 square feet = 1 mark. 5.5 Phyto-diagnosis Laboratory shall have Major Instruments and Equipments like Microscope, Power Sprayers, Seed Dressers in fully working condition and factual proof of using them in practical Contact Sessions. Score: If Not available = 0 mark, if Not in working condition = 0.5 mark, if all are in working condition = 1 mark. 5.6 Phyto-diagnosis Laboratory shall have Laminar flow, Isolation Chamber, Dissection Boxes and essential Glass wares & Chemicals and factual proof of using them during Practical Contact Sessions. Score: If Not available = 0 mark, if All Not in working condition = 0.5 mark, if All in working condition = 1 mark. 5.7 Center shall have Designated Post Harvest Technology (PHT) Laboratory in designated room of not less than 600 square feet carpet area. Score: If8888 less than 300 square feet laboratory = 0 mark, if 300 to 600 square feet area = 0.5 mark, if more than 600 square feet area = 1 mark. Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 88 5.8 PHT Laboratory shall have Major Equipments like Gas burner, Refrigerator, Food Processor, Autoclave & Pressure Cooker in working condition and factual proof of using them during practical contact sessions. Score: If Not available = 0 mark, if Some of them available = 0.5 mark, if all of them available = 1 mark. 5.9 PHT laboratory shall have Digital Weigh Balance, Capping & Corking Machine and Refractometer in working condition and factual proof of using them during practical contact sessions. Score: If Not available = 0 mark, if Some of them available = 0.5 mark, if all of them available = 1 mark. 5.10 Center shall have bottled and labelled samples of value added products from fruits and vegetables produced in practical contact sessions. Score: If Less than 10 bottles = 0 mark, if 10 to 20 bottles = 0.5 mark, if more than 20 bottles = 1 mark. 6.0 Academic Management 6.1 Center shall conduct 32 Theory Contact Sessions each of 3 hours duration from 10 am to 1 pm and 32 Practical Contact Sessions each of 3 hours duration from 2 pm to 5 pm on all contact session days excluding first contact session on first August each year. Score: If less than 24 Theory & Practical contact sessions = 0 mark, if 24 to 32 Theory & Practical contact sessions = 0.5 mark, if more than 32 Theory & Practical contact sessions = 1 mark. 6.2 Center shall conduct all Internal Theory and Practical Examination on scheduled dates printed in the Teaching Schedule in Program Prospectus for the duration (Theory Paper = 10 am to 1 pm & Practical Paper 2 pm to 5 pm). Score: If Not conducted on date and time = 0 mark, if Some of them conducted on scheduled dates and time = 0.5 mark, if All of them conducted on Scheduled dates & time = 1 mark. 6.3 The Respective Teacher Counsellors on the center shall evaluate internal theory and practical papers with written corrective comments on the answer sheets to be distributed to students during very next contact session. Score: If Evaluated without written comments = 0 mark, if Some of courses evaluated without corrective comments = 0.5 mark, if all of courses evaluated with corrective written comments = 1 mark. 6.4 Center shall disburse Rs. 3000 to 5000 on the basis of course requirement to each Teacher Counsellors for preparing all necessary Teaching Aids (like Photographs, Charts, Tables, Models, Maps, Power Points, Audio Visuals etc.) at the beginning of academic year. Score: If amount is not disbursed = 0 mark, if amount is disbursed for some Programs = 0.5 mark, if amount is disbursed for all program = 1 mark. 6.5 Center shall Organize & Coordinate Study Tour cum Exposure Visits for the students of all Programs saperately or combined before December each year to good Agriculture / Horticulture / Nursery Farm. Score: If study tour not organized = 0 mark, if organized for some programs = 0.5 mark, if organized for all programs = 1 mark. 6.6 Center shall orgnize outside Expert facilitated career counselling contact session to students before December each year. Score: If Less than 1 session =0 mark, if 1 to 2 sessions = 0.5 8989 mark, if more than 2 sessions =1 mark. 6.7 Center can provide financial help with duty leave to Teacher Counsellors to attend program related Trainings, Workshops, Seminars etc for minimum 1 day to maximum 1 week duration Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 89 during the year. Score: If No opportunities provided = 0 mark, if provided to less than 2 Teachers = 0.5 mark, if provided to more than 2 Teachers = 1 mark. 6.8 Center Head/ Coordinator shall conduct minimum 3 contact sessions for B.Sc. (Agriculture/ Horticulture) students for preparation of Project Report & Guide them how to prepare report and produce information of Name of Student, Title of Project and Name of Guide. Score: If not conducted = 0 mark, if less than 3 conducted = 0.5 mark, if more than 3 conducted = 1 mark. 6.9 Center Head and Coordinator irrespective of their involvement in course teaching shall supervise theory and practical contact session on Saturday and Sunday to take stock of working and conduct of classes as Scheduled. Score: If Head & Coordinator not present on contact session days = 0 mark, if present for less than 24 contact sessions = 0.5 mark, if present for 24 to 32 contact sessions = 1 mark. 6.10. Center Head shall depute Respective Teacher Counsellors to University head quarter for Terminal Examination Paper Assessment to ensure that the papers are assessed on time and results are declared in time. Score: If less than 3 Teachers Deputed = 0 mark, if 3 to 6 Teacher Deputed = 0.5 mark, if more than 6 Teachers Deputed = 1 mark. 7.0 Financial Management 7.1 Center shall have Separate Joint Bank Account in Nationalized Bank in the name of the Center Head and Center Co-ordinator or Secretary / Chairman of Host Organization. Score: If No Separate bank account in Nationalized bank = 0 mark, if No Joint bank account in Nationalized bank = 0.5 mark, if Joint bank Account in Nationalized bank = 1 mark. 7.2 Center shall maintain separate Cash Book, Dead Stock Register and Purchase and Issue Register for Materials, Equipments, Instruments, Tools, Teaching Aids, Reference Books, Charts, Maps and Posters etc. for the center and upgrade it from time to time. Score: If Register not maintained = 0 mark, if Some Registers maintained = 0.5 mark, if All Registers fully maintained = 1 mark. 7.3 Center shall produce itemwise statement of Income & Expenditure under Honorarium as prescribed by Universtiy like total receipt under the head & itemwise expenditure like Center Head, Coordinator, Accountant, Assistant, Peon and each teaher counsellor honorarium including amount paid for paper evaluation. Score: If No Statement = 0 mark, if Incomplete Statement = 0.5 mark, if full Statement with full juistification = 1 mark. 7.4 Center shall produce itemwise statement of Income & Expenditure under Operational Cost as prescribed by Universtiy like total receipt and itemwise expenditure & justification for the purchase & full justification of expenditure of more than Rs. 10000. Score: If No Statement = 0 mark, if Incomplete Statement = 0.5 mark, if full Statement with full juistification = 1 mark. 7.5 Center shall produce itemwise statement of Income & Expenditure under Development cost prescribed by University like center development expenditure. Score: If No Statement = 0 mark, if Incomplete Statement = 0.5 mark, if full Statement with balance amount reflected in 9090 bank passbook = 1 mark. 7.6 Center shall make Mandatory Crossed Cheque Payments to designated Teacher Counsellors and designated Center Staff like Head, Coordinator, Accountant, Assistant and Peon at the Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 90 rate of 50 % amount in the month of November and remaining 50 % amount in the month of February during each academic year. Score: If Payment is not made = 0 mark, if Payment made partially & not through cross cheque & not in time = 0.5 mark, if Payment made on time with crossed cheque and reflected in Individual’s Bank Pass book = 1 mark. 7.7 Center shall make scheduled payment to respective Teacher Counsellors for Assessment of Internal Examination Theory and Practical papers each at the rate of Rs.10 per paper within 30 days from the date of Internal Examination. Score: If payment is not made = 0 mark, if payment is made partially and not on time = 0.5 mark, if payment made in full and on time = 1 mark. 7.8 Center shall purchase Reading materials, Reference books, CD ROM well in advance but not later than October each year and keep in Reading room to be used by Course teacher & Students. Score: If not purchased = 0 mark, if purchased worth less than Rs. 25000 = 0.5 mark, if purchased more than Rs. 25000 = 1 mark. 7.9 Center shall produce a Statement of Purchase of Goods & Services or Transfer of Funds for more than Rs. 10000 in Single stroke legally and illegally both with concrete reasons. Score: If No Statement = 0 mark, if Partial Statement & Legal Transfer = 0.5 mark, if Full Statement with concrete reasoning and no Transfer of Funds from Center Account = 1 mark. 7.10 Center shall make available last years Annual Audit & Account Report duly signed by Center Head & Chartered Accountant. Score: If No Report = 0 mark, if Partial & unsigned report = 0.5 mark, if Signed & Certified Report = 1 mark. 8.0 Physical Infrastructure Facilities 8.1 Center shall have designated Buildings & 7 Class rooms at one location with proper Sign boards on respective places. Score: If No designated buildings & 7 class rooms = 0 mark, if Buildings & 7 Class Rooms scattered on more than two locations = 0.5 mark, if designated buildings & 7 Class rooms located at less than two places = 1 mark. 8.2 Center shall have designated building and 3 designated laboratories namely soil & water testing laboratory, Phytodiagnosis Laboratory and Post harvest technology laboratory with well equiped. Score: If No designated Laboratories = 0 mark, if designated 3 Laboratories without well equiped = 0.5 mark, if designated 3 Laboratories with well equiped = 1 mark. 8.3 Center shall have designated Two LCD Projectors of their own one fitted at proper location while one in common pool to be used by Teacher Counsellors for Group / Mass Counseling. Score: If No LCD Projector = 0 mark, if Two LCD Projectors and used by less than 50 % Teacher Counsellors = 0.5 mark, if Two LCD Projectors used by more than 50% Teacher Counsellors = 1 mark. 8.4 Center shall have designated large Screen LCD Television and Sound System of their own for facilitating audio - video programs, CD and VCD related to course content. Score: If No Large Screen Television = 0 mark, If Television and Sound System is not used for facilitating audio –video learning = 0.5 mark, if the Large Screen Television used for learning support = 9191 1 mark. 8.5 Center shall have designated 5 Pentium-4 Computer with University Approved Configuration and or latest computer system with UPS, High Speed Printer, Scanner and Internet connection Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 91 available for use to center staff & students. Score: If less than 2 Pentium PC = 0 mark, If 2 to 5 PC lower than approved configuration and No Printer, Scanner and Internet facilities = 0.5 mark, if more than 5 PC with prescribed configuration with UPS, Printer, Scanner and Internet facility = 1 mark. 8.6 Center shall have designated & separate Bathroom, Latrine & Urinal unit for Male & Female Students on the center. Score: If No bathroom, latrine & urinal unit = 0 mark, if partially available = 0.5 mark, if fully available = 1 mark. 8.7 Center shall have Sufficient Potable Drinking Water available to all students while attending scheduled contact sessions on Saturday & Sundays and during examination period. Score: If No drinking water available = 0 mark, if provision of drinking water is not acceptable = 0.5 mark, if provision of good quality & sufficient drinking water = 1 mark. 8.8 Center shall have designated modest sized but not less than 300 square feet carpet area of Library & Reading room available to working students. Score: If No designated Library & Reading room = 0 mark, if partially available = 0.5 mark, if fully available with seating facilities = 1 mark. 8.9 Center shall have Photo Copying (Xerox) facility available on center & operational on holidays on payment basis to students. Score: If No facility = 0 mark, if partial facility = 0.5 mark, if full facility = 1 mark. 8.10 Center shall have Battery Backup/Inverter Facility available to Laboratory on all contact session days on Saturday and Sundays during academic year. Score: If No Battery Backup = 0 mark, if partially Available = 0.5 mark, if fully Available = 1 mark. 9.0 Students Monitoring and Evaluation 9.1 Center shall conduct Internal Theory & Practical examination as per scheduled Dates and Time, Evaluate answer sheet with corrective remarks, distribute them to students for information, recollect and keep ready for annual inspection by university authorities. Score: If Examination not conducted on Date & Time = 0 mark, if Examination conducted on time but paper not set in format and not evaluated as per instructions = 0.5 mark, if Examination paper set as per format, Examination conducted as per scheduled date & time, paper evaluated with corrective remarks, redistributed & recollected = 1 mark. 9.2 Center shall produce Program wise Consolidated Record Sheet of last year’s academic performance of students in all programs together indicating 1. Name of program 2. No. of Students enrollment 3. No. of Students appeared for final examination 4. No. of Students passed in final examination 5. Total Percentage of passing (against number of students appeared) 6. No. of Students passed in first class 7. Percentage of passing in first class (against number of students appeared) . Score: If percentage of passing in first class is less than 10% = 0 mark, if % of passing in first class is between 10 to 30 % = 0.5 mark, if % of passing in first class is more than 30% = 1 mark. 9.3 Center shall maintain student’s Feedback & Grievance Register for current year & last year to 9292 obtain feedback, suggestion and complaints about admission, program operations, contact session, farm & laboratory practical, internal and final examination, delivery of Books and Hall Ticket, Declaration of Examination Results. Score: If record maintained but not analysed Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 92 = 0 mark, if Record maintained, analyzed & actions taken partially = 0.5 mark, if Record maintained, analyzed and actions taken fully = 1 mark. 9.4 The Teacher Counsellor shall guide & help all students to prepare Insect, Pests & Diseases album. Score: If Less than 30 album = 0 mark, if 30 to 40 album = 0.5 mark, if more than 40 album = 1 mark. 9.5 The Teacher Counsellor shall guide & help all students to prepare Seeds, Weeds & Fertilizer album. Score: If Less than 30 album = 0 mark, if 30 to 40 album = 0.5 mark, if more than 40 album = 1 mark. 9.6 Center shall undertake special efforts to enroll maximum number of students to Foundation in Agriculture Program being feeder course well suited to accommodate 12th class failure students Score: If Enrollment less than 40 = 0 mark, if enrollment between 40 to 50 = 0.5 mark, if enrollment more than 50 = 1 mark. 9.7 Center shall Guide and Supervise maximum number of students intended to complete Graduation in Agriculture and Horticulture and will be evaluated through number of students completed B.Sc. (Agriculture / Horticulture) program during last year. Score: If less than 5 students = 0 mark, if 5 to 10 students = 0.5 mark, if more than 10 students = 1 mark. 9.8 Center shall orgnize outsider Expert facilitated self employment orientation Training to diploma students for personality & enterpreneurship development. Score: If No Training = 0 mark, if one Training = 0.5 mark, if more than one Training = 1 mark. 9.9 Center shall orgnize Campus Placement Interview for Open University students by inviting Agro-based industry people, Agro-service Centers, Seed, Fertilizers, Pesticide companies during the year. Score: If No Campus placement meet = 0 mark, if one Campus placement meet = 0.5 mark, if more than one Campus placement meet = 1 mark. 9.10 Center shall maintain factual record of employment status of all students, who has completed B.Sc. (Agri./Horti.) degree during last three years. Score: If No record = 0 mark, if partial record = 0.5 mark, if complete record = 1 mark. 10.0 Overall Impression of Annual Evaluation Team The Internal Evaluation Team comprises of Respective Center Head & Center Coordinator shall visit all the parameters related to their Open Agriculture Education Center in person and assign appropriate score to each head and sub-heads in 100 point Annual Evaluation Form and find out Total Score and Grading for the Center in operation before the visit of University Authorized External Evaluation Team and same shall be made available during External Evaluation. The External Evaluation Team comprises of Director, School of Agricultural Sciences or his nominee and UG coordinator or person nominated by the Director, SAS shall visit in person all parameters related to the Open Agriculture Education Center and evaluate the score assigned by Internal Evaluation Team and if necessary re-assign appropriate score to each head and sub-heads in 100 point Annual Evaluation Form and find out Total Score and Grading for the Center in operation. 9393 The External Evaluation Team Assessment shall be binding on respective Center for further action. Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 93 Annexure 17 : Agriculture Education Sub-Center Evaluation & Grading Form School of Agricultural Sciences Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University Nashik – 422 222 Open Agriculture Education Sub-Center : Annual Evaluation Form 1. Name & Address of Institution:…............………………....................................................................... 2. Date of Evaluation:………………………………………………………..............………….................. 3. Details of Evaluation: Instruct : 1. Please prepare your Dossier of Supporting Document and enclose with Evaluation Form 2. Please see the Point-wise Score Key at the bottom of Evaluation Form & Encircle one of the Three Continuums, Where 0 = Absent, 1 = Partially Present & 2 = Fully Present. 3. Authentication of your responses will be cross checked from the University Records. Internal Evaluation External Evaluation 1.0 General Administration 1.1 Designated Center Head, Coordinator & their Qualifications ........... 0 1 2 0 1 2 1.2 Designated Accountant, Assistant & Peon ........................................... 0 1 2 0 1 2 1.3 Center Bank Account in Nationalized Bank ........................................ 0 1 2 0 1 2 1.4 Register of Students & Teachers Attendance ....................................... 0 1 2 0 1 2 1.5 Sign Board on Main Road & Center Building ...................................... 0 1 2 0 1 2 1.6 Provision of Drinking Water & Bath Room for Students ................. 0 1 2 0 1 2 1.7 Timely Payment of Honorarium to Teacher & Staff ........................ 0 1 2 0 1 2 1.8 Timely Purchase of Farm & Laboratory Consumables ...................... 0 1 2 0 1 2 1.9 Program wise List of students informed in writing for low attendance ................................................................................................ 0 1 2 0 1 2 1 2 0 1 2 1 2 0 1 2 1.10 Program wise List of Last Year Students Not Allowed for Final Exam. .... .................................................................................................. 0 Sub-Total Score out of 20: ................................................................. 2.0 Academic Staff, Class Rooms, Laboratory & Teaching Aids .. 2.1 Designated Mali Training Teacher & his Qualification ...................... 2.2 Designated Class Room with blackboard & Teaching Aids ................. 0 1 2 0 1 2 2.3 Table & Chairs / Desk & Bench / PVC Chairs in Class Room ........... 0 1 9494 2 0 1 2 2.4 Designated Laboratory for Conducting Practical ................................ 0 1 2 0 1 2 2.5 Bottled / Jared Samples of Soil Types of Maharashtra ....................... 0 1 2 0 1 2 2.6 Bottled/ Jared Samples of Seeds, Manures & Fertilizers ..................... 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 94 2.7 Bottled Samples of Insecticides, Fungicides & Weedicides . .............. 0 1 2 0 1 2 2.8 Preserved Samples of Pests, Diseases & Weeds ................................... 0 1 2 0 1 2 2.9 Photographs, Charts, Posters & other Teaching Aids ........................ 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 3.0 Demonstration Farm , Nursery & Crop Cafeteria 3.1 Plant Propagation Nursery & its Present Status ................................. 0 1 2 0 1 2 3.2 Fruits Orchard, Garden & Demonstration Unit . ................................ 0 1 2 0 1 2 3.3 Vegetable Crop Cafeteria & Demonstration Unit . ............................. 0 1 2 0 1 2 3.4 Flower Crop Cafeteria & Demonstration Unit. .................................. 0 1 2 0 1 2 3.5 Green Lawn & Landscape Garden ......................................................... 0 1 2 0 1 2 3.6 Shade House / Green House Demonstration Unit ................................ 0 1 2 0 1 2 3.7 Vermi-Compost Production Unit .......................................................... 0 1 2 0 1 2 3.8 Farm Implements, Tools & Equipments . ............................................ 0 1 2 0 1 2 3.9 Nursery and Garden Tools & Implements ............................................ 0 1 2 0 1 2 1 2 0 1 2 2.10 Teacher Counsellor Possessing Masters Degree .................................. Sub-Total Score out of 20: ................................................................. 3.10 Ornamental & Foliage Plants ................................................................ Sub-Total Score out of 20: ................................................................. 4.0 Academic & Financial Management 4.1 Conduct of 32 Theory & 32 Practical Contact Sessions ................... 0 1 2 0 1 2 4.2 Timely Conduct of Internal Examination & Assessment .................. 0 1 2 0 1 2 4.3 Study Tour / Exposure Visit for Mali Training Student ...................... 0 1 2 0 1 2 4.4 Maintenance of Cash Book & Timely Updating. ............................... 0 1 2 0 1 2 4.5 Maintenance of Dead Stock Register & Purchase Register. ............... 0 1 2 0 1 2 4.6 Statement of Income & Expenditure under Honorarium, Operation & Development ...................................................................................... 0 1 2 0 1 2 4.7 Timely Payment of Honorarium to Teacher Counsellors & Staff. .. 0 1 2 0 1 2 4.8 Timely Payment to Teachers for Internal Evaluation Work . ......... 0 1 2 0 1 2 4.9 Timely Financial Support to Teacher for Preparation of Teaching Aids ........................................................................................................... 0 1 2 0 1 2 4.10 Last Years Annual Audit & Account report ......................................... 0 1 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 2 9595 Sub-Total Score out of 20: ................................................................. 5.0 Students Monitoring, Evaluation & General Impression 5.1 Conduct of Internal Theory & Practical Examination ...................... 0 1 Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 95 5.2 Last Years Academic Performance of Students. .................................. 0 1 2 0 1 2 5.3 Last & Current years Students Feed back & Grievances Register ..... 0 1 2 0 1 2 5.4 Provision of Books & Reading Room to Days Scholar / Learner ..... 0 1 2 0 1 2 5.5 Teacher Counsellors deputed for final Examination Assessment ...... 0 1 2 0 1 2 5.6 Evaluation Team Impression about Center Administration . ............ 0 1 2 0 1 2 5.7 Evaluation Team Impression about Academic & Supporting Staff. .. 0 1 2 0 1 2 5.8 Evaluation Team Impression about Class Rooms, Laboratory & ..... 0 1 2 0 1 2 Nursery unit. ............................................................................................ 0 1 2 0 1 2 1 2 0 1 2 Teaching Aids ........................................................................................... 5.9 Evaluation Team Impression about Farm, Crop Cafeteria & 5.10 Evaluation Team Impression about Students Monitoring & ............. 0 Sub-Total Score out of 20: .............................................................. Grant Total Score out of 100: ........................................................ Corresponding Grading : ............................................................... Cumulative Grading : 1. A Grade (Very Good) : Score More than: 80 (Approval for 3 years) 2. B Grade (Good) : Score Between 71 to 80: (Approval for 2 years) 3. C Grade (Average) : Score Between 61 to 70: ( Approval for 1 year) 4. D Grade ( Poor) : Score Less than & Equal to 60: ( Center to be Closed) Internal Evaluation External Evaluation ________________________________ ______________________________ Name & Signature of Center Co-ordinator, Name & Signature of U.G. Coordinator, Open Agriculture Education Sub-Center _________________________ SAS, YCMOU, Nashik ___________________________________________ Name & Signature of Center Head, Name & Signature of Director / Head, Evaluation Team Open Agriculture Education Sub-Center SAS, YCMOU, Nashik 9696 Note : The Dossier of supporting document is enclosed with this evaluation form Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 96 Pointwise Score Key and Guidelines for Evaluation 1.0 General Administration: 1.1 Sub-Center shall have Designated Center Head & Center Coordinator and both are at least Graduates in Agriculture / Horticulture. Score: if No = 0 mark, if yes = 2 mark, if one or both from other disciplines = 1 mark. 1.2 Sub-Center shall have Designated Accountant, Assistant and Peon as support staff to center head and Coordinator. Score: if No Designated Staff = 0 mark, if Partially designated Staff = 1 mark, if Full designated Staff = 2 marks. 1.3 Sub-Center shall have Separate Joint Bank account in Nationalized Bank in the name of the Center Head and Center Co-ordinator / Secretary or Chairman of parent organization Score: if No Separate bank account = 0 mark, if No Joint bank account in Nationalised Bank = 1 mark, if Separate Joint bank account in Nationalized bank = 2 marks. 1.4 Sub-Center shall separately maintain Register of Student and Teacher Attendance for all contact sessions. Score: if No Register = 0 mark, if both Registers = 2 marks, if one or incomplete Register = 1 mark. 1.5 Sub-Center shall have at least Two Sign Board prescribed by university one on Highway / Main Road and other near or on Office Building of the Centre. Score: if No board = 0 mark, if One Board = 1 mark, if Two Board = 2 marks. 1.6 Center shall have sufficient potable drinking water available to all students while attending scheduled contact sessions on Saturday & Sundays and during examination period. Score: If No drinking water available = 0 mark, If provision & quality of drinking water is poor = 1 mark, if sufficient and good quality drinking water available = 2 marks. 1.7 Sub-Center shall make timely payment of honorarium to Center Staff and Teacher Counsellors through cross cheque in two installments, first in November and second in February each year. Score: if No payment made = 0 mark, if partial payment made = 1 mark, if Total payment made = 2 marks. 1.8 Sub-Center shall purchase all required farm, laboratory and other consumable at the beginning of academic session and not later than 15th August each year. Score: if not purchased = 0 mark, if partially purchased = 1 mark, if fully Purchased before 15th August = 2 marks. 1.9 Sub-Center shall communicate in writing to students, who has less than 50% attendance in contact session (which can be calculated for first three months from August to October and shall be communicated before 15th November each year, so that they can able to make up the same in second half of the academic year. Score: if not communicated at all = 0 mark, if not communicated before 15th November = 1 mark, if communicated before 15th November = 2 marks. 1.10 Sub-Centre shall not allow the student to appear for final examination, if their total attendance is less than 50%, even under the condition of genuine reasons including his/her illness/ hospitalization. Score: if not allowed for examination = 2 marks,9797 if not allowed for examination irrespective of justification = 1 mark, if allowed for examination in spite of less attendance = 0 mark. Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 97 2.0 Academic Staff, Class Rooms, Laboratory & Teaching Aids 2.1 Sub-Center shall have Designated Mali Training Teacher Counsellor with B.Sc.(Agriculture / Horticulture) Score: if No designated Teacher = 0 mark, if Designated Teacher from other qualification = 1 mark, if Designated Teacher from prescribed qualification = 2 marks. 2.2 Sub-Center shall have designated class room for each program with minimum 20 x 30 feet space or total carpet area of 600 square feet with having at least two windows and minimum 3 x 6 feet size of black board, course related posters, charts, photographs & teaching aids fixed on wall for ready references. Score: if No designated class room = 0 mark, if designated class room not in right size & without teaching aids = 1 mark, if designated right size classroom with black board and with variety of teaching aids = 2 marks. 2.3 Sub-Center shall have proper seating arrangements with bench and desk with flat smooth surface for Writing. Score: if No proper seating = 0 mark, if seating with PVC Chair without desk = 1 mark, if seating with Table & Chair or Bench & Desk = 2 marks. 2.4 Sub-Center shall have designated Laboratory for conducting scheduled practical with all Equipments, Instruments, Tools, Glass wares and Chemicals. Score: if No designated Laboratory = 0 mark, if Laboratory with few Instruments = 1 mark, if Laboratory with all instruments = 2 marks. 2.5 Sub-Center Laboratory shall have bottled / Jarred / Stored Samples of all types of Soils in Maharashtra. Score: if Less than 5 Soil Samples = 0 mark, if 5 to 10 Soil Samples = 1 mark, if more than 10 Soil Samples = 2 marks. 2.6 Sub-Center Laboratory shall have bottled / Jarred / Stored Samples of Seeds, Manures and Fertilizers and Plant Growth Regulating Chemicals. Score: if Less than 20 Samples = 0 mark, if 20 to 40 Samples = 1 mark, if more than 40 Samples = 2 marks. 2.7 Sub-Center Laboratory shall have bottled / Jarred / Stored Samples of Pesticides, Insecticides, Fungicides, Weedicides, Nematicides, Rodenticides. Score: if Less than 20 Samples = 0 mark, if 20 to 40 Samples = 1 mark, if more than 40 Samples = 2 marks. 2.8 Sub-Center Laboratory shall have stored / Preserved Samples of Crop Pests, Diseases and Weeds. Score: if Less than 20 Samples = 0 mark, if 20 to 40 Samples = 1 mark, if more than 40 Samples = 2 marks. 2.9 Sub-Center shall have maximum number of Charts, Photographs, Posters and other Teaching Aids to facilitate Teaching and Learning in class room. Score: if less than 10 items = 0 mark, if 10 to 20 items = 1 mark, if more than 20 items = 2 marks. 2.10 Sub-Center may have Post Graduate Degree holder in Horticulture who will be credited for additional weight age to the Sub-center. Score: if No Post Graduate = 0 mark, if Post Graduate other than horticulture = 1 mark, if Post Graduate from Horticulture = 2 marks. 3.0 Demonstration Farm, Nursery & Crop Cafeteria 9898 3.1 Sub-Center shall have scientifically laid out minimum 10 Guntha Plant Propagation Nursery with Annually Salable 5000 Plants / Grafts / Seedlings along with documentary proof / Receipt of sale form time to time during the year. Score: if less than 3000 plants = 0 mark, if 3000 to 5000 Plants = 1 mark, if more than 5000 Plants = 2 marks. Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 98 3.2 Sub-Center shall have minimum 1 Acre of Fruits Orchards / Plantation Crops on the center. Score: if less than 0.5 Acre orchards / plantation crops = 0 mark, if 0.5 to 1 Acre orchard = 1 mark, if more than 1 Acre orchards = 2 marks. 3.3 Sub-Center shall have minimum 0.5 Acre of vegetable Crops and Crop Cafeteria on the center. Score: if No vegetable production & crop cafeteria = 0 mark, if less than 0.5 Acre area = 1 mark, if more than 0.5 Acre = 2 marks. 3.4 Sub-Center shall have minimum 0.5 Acre of Floriculture Crops and Crop Cafeteria. Score: if No floriculture crop and crop cafeteria = 0 mark, if less than 0.5 Acre = 1 mark, if more than 0.5 Acre = 2 marks. 3.5 Sub-Center shall have minimum 30 Square Meter size Green Lawn and Landscape Garden on the Sub-center for demonstration. Score: if No green lawn & Landscape = 0 mark, if Less than 30 Square Meter = 1 mark, if more than 30 Square Meter = 2 marks. 3.6 Sub-Center shall desirably have Minimum 30 Square Meter Green house / Poly house / Protected Cultivation unit for demonstration. Score: if no Poly house / Green house = 0 mark, if less than 30 Square Meter = 1 mark, if more than 30 Square Meter = 2 marks. 3.7 Sub-Center shall have Minimum 30 Square Meter size vermi-compost production unit for demonstration. Score: if No vermi-compost production unit = 0 mark, if Less than 30 Square Meter = 1 mark, if more than 30 Square Meter = 2 marks. 3.8 Sub-Center shall have all required Farm Implements, Tools & Equipments like Power Tiller, Plough, Harrow, Seed Drill, Sprayers, and Dusters. Score: if less than 5 Implements = 0 mark, if 5 to 10 implements = 1 mark, if more than 10 implements = 2 marks. 3.9 Sub-Center shall have all required Garden & Nursery Tools like Watering Cans, Budding Knives, Manure carrying trolley, Pick axe, Seceauter, Pruning scissor, Spade. etc. Score: if less than 5 Tools = 0 mark, if 5 to 10 Tools = 1 mark, if more than 10 Tools = 2 marks. 3.10 Sub-Center shall have all Ornamental and Foliage Plants Collection on Bunds, in Beds, in Pots or in the farm. Score: if less than 10 plants = 0 mark, if 10 to 20 plants = 1 mark, If more than 20 plants = 2 marks. 4.0 Academic & Financial Management 4.1 Sub-Center shall conduct all 32 Theory & Practical Contact Sessions for 3 hours each from 10 am to 1 pm and from 2 pm to 5 pm on all contact sessions on Saturday and Sundays. Score: if less than 16 Contact Sessions = 0 mark, if 16 to 31 Contact Sessions = 1 mark, if all 32 Contact Sessions = 2 marks. 4.2 Sub-Center shall conduct Internal Theory and Practical Examination on scheduled dates and time, Evaluate answer sheets with written corrective remark, re-distribute papers to students during next contact session and re-collect and preserve for inspection. Score: if Evaluated without written comments = 0 mark, if some courses Evaluated without corrective comments = 1 mark, if all Courses Evaluated with corrective written comments = 2 marks. 9999 4.3 Sub-Center shall organize Study Tour cum Exposure Visit for the students to nearest good Agriculture / Horticulture / Nursery farm / Landscape Garden before December each year. Score: if study tour not organized = 0 mark, if Organized after December = 1 mark, if Organized Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 99 before December = 2 marks. 4.4 Sub-Center shall maintain separate Cash Book for the sub-center and update it from time to time. Score: if no separate cash book = 0 mark, if not updated cash book with corresponding bills of payment = 1 mark, if updated cash book with all bills of payment = 2 marks. 4.5 Sub-Center shall maintain separate Dead Stock Register and Purchase & Issue Register for the sub-center. Score: if Registers not maintained = 0 mark, if Registers maintained but incomplete = 1 mark, if Registers maintained fully = 2 marks. 4.6 Sub-Center shall provide Statement of Income, Expenditure and Balance amount separately under three Sub-heads of Honorarium, Operation and Development. Score: if No Statement = 0 mark, if Incomplete Statement = 1 mark, if full statement with balance amount reflected in bank passbook = 2 marks. 4.7 Sub-Center shall make Mandatory Crossed Cheque Payments to designated Teacher Counsellors and supporting staff at the rate 50 % amount in the month of November and remaining 50 % amount in the month of February during each academic year. Score: if Payment not made = 0 mark, if Payments made partially & not through cross cheques & not on time = 1 mark, if Payments are made on time with crossed cheque and reflected in respective bank pass book = 2 marks. 4.8 Sub-Center shall make Payment to Teacher Counsellor for Assessment of Internal Theory and Practical Examination Paper Each at the rate of Rs.10 per paper within 30 days from the date of Internal Examination. Score: if Payment not made = 0 mark, if Payment made partially and not in time = 1 mark, if Payment made fully and in time = 2 marks. 4.9 Sub-Center shall make Payment to Teacher Counsellor Rs. 1000 to 2000 for one program for preparation of Teaching Aids. Score: if Payment made less than Rs. 1000 = 0 mark, if Payment made Rs. 1000 to 2000 = 1 mark, if Payment made more than Rs. 2000 = 2 marks. 4.10 Sub-Center shall make available last years Annual Audit & Account Report duly signed by Sub-Center Head & Chartered Accountant. Score: if No Audit Report = 0 mark, if Incomplete & unsigned Report = 1 mark, if Signed & Certified Report = 2 marks. 5.0 Students Monitoring, Evaluation & General Impression 5.1 Sub-Center shall conduct all Internal Theory and Practical Examination on scheduled dates printed in the Teaching Schedule in Program Prospectus for the duration (Theory Paper = 10 am to 1 pm & Practical Paper 2 pm to 5 pm). Score: if Not conducted on date and time = 0 mark, if Some of them conducted on scheduled dates and time = 0.5 mark, if All of them conducted on Scheduled dates & time = 1 mark. 5.2 Sub-Center shall produce Consolidated Record Sheet of last year’s academic performance of students in the programs indicating 1. Name of program, 2. No. of Students enrollment, 3. No. of Students appeared for final examination 4, No. of Students not allowed to appear for final examination 5. No. of Students passed in final examination, 6. Total Percentage of passing (against number of students appeared), 7. No. of Students passed in first class, 8. 100100 Percentage of passing in first class. Score: If percentage of passing in first class is less than equal to 30% = 0 mark, If % of passing in first class between 31 to 49 % = 1 mark, If % of passing in first class more than equal to 50% = 2 marks. Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 100 5.3 Sub-Center shall maintain Students Grievances and Complaint Register about admission, program operations, contact sessions, examination, Delivery of books and Hall ticket, declaration of examination results. Score: If Register not maintained = 0 mark, If Register maintained partially without analysis = 1 mark, if Register maintained fully and analyzed for further suggestions = 2 marks. 5.4 Sub-Center shall have Sufficient Drinking Water and provision of Bathroom & Urinal unit for male and female students separately, while attending scheduled contact session on Saturday & Sundays and during examination period. Score: If No Drinking Water, Bathroom and Urinals = 0 mark, If Partial provision of Drinking Water, Bathroom and Urinals =1 mark, if Full availability of Drinking Water, Bathroom and Urinals separate for Male and Female Students = 2 marks. 5.5 Sub-Center shall have designated space for Library & Reading room available to visiting and working students. Score: if No designated Library & Reading Room = 0 mark, if partially available = 1 mark, if fully available with seating facilities = 2 marks. 5.6 To 5.10 Overall Impression of Annual Evaluation Team: The Evaluation Team will assign score to each quality parameter as 0 or 1 or 2 according to the previous performance of group parameters. The Internal Evaluation Team comprises of Respective Sub-Center Head & Sub-Center Coordinator shall visit all the parameters related to their Open Agriculture Education Sub-Center in person and assign appropriate score to each head and sub-heads in 100 point Annual Evaluation Form and find out Total Score and Grading for the Center in operation before the visit of University Authorized External Evaluation Team and same shall be made available during External Evaluation. The External Evaluation Team comprises of The Director, School of Agricultural Sciences, YCMOU, Nashik or his nominee and the UG Coordinator or person nominated by Director SAS shall visit in person all parameters related to the Open Agriculture Education Sub-Center and evaluate the score assigned by Internal Evaluation Team and if necessary re-assign appropriate score to each head and sub-heads in 100 point Annual Evaluation Form and find out Total Score and Grading for the Center in operation. The External Evaluation Team Assessment shall be signed by External Evaluation Team Members and that shall be binding on respective Sub-Center for further action. 101101 Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 101 Annexure 18 : YCMOU Regional Centres Sr. No. Place Address Districts Covered 01. Amravati YCMOU Regional Centre V. M. V. Road, Amravati - 444 603 Phone : (0721) 2531445, Fax : 2531444, Mob. 9422247292 Amravati, Akola Buldhana, Yawatmal 02. Aurangabad YCMOU Regional Centre Aurangabad, Jalna C/o. Survey No. 41, Near to Military School, Beed Nandanvan Colony, Chhavani, Osmanabad Aurangabad - 431 002 Phone : (0240) 2371066, Fax : 2371088, Mob. 9422247293 03. Kolhapur YCMOU Regional Centre Near Shivaji University Near Post Office, Vidyanagar, Kolhapur - 416 004 Phone : (0231) 2607022, Fax : 2607022 Kolhapur, Sangli Ratnagiri, Sindhudurg 04. Mumbai YCMOU Regional Centre C/o. Jagannath ShankarSheth Muncipal School Building, Nana Chowk, Grant Road, Mumbai - 400 007 Phone : (022) 23874186, Fax : 23813256, Mob. 9969013886 Bombay, Thane Raigad 05. Nagpur YCMOU Regional Centre Subhedar Hall, Law College Campus, Ravinagar Chawk, Nagpur - 440 001 Phone : (0712) 2553724, Fax : 2553725, Mob. 9422247295 Nagpur, Wardha Bhandara, Gadchiroli Chandrapur 06. Nashik YCMOU Regional Centre Old Muncipal Corporation Building New Pandit Colony, Nashik - 422 002 Phone : (0253) 2317063, Fax : 2575656, Mob. 9422247297 Nashik, Dhule, Jalgaon Ahmednagar 07. Pune YCMOU Regional Centre Pune, Satara, Solapur C/o. Shahir Annabhau Sathe Prashala, Sadashiv Peth, Marathi Mulanchi Shala No.5, Kumtekar Marg, Pune - 411 030 Phone : (020) 24491107, Fax : 24457914, Mob. 9422247298 08. Nanded YCMOU Regional Centre Nanded, Parbhani 102102 C/o. Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada Latur, Hingoli University, Sports Building, Nanded - 421 606 Phone : (02462) 236718, Fax : 236718, Mob. 9422247296 Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 102 Annexure 19 : Government of Maharashtra Resolution (2002) _wŠV {dÚmnrR>mÀ`m nXdr/nX{dH$m§Zm _hmamï´> emgZ _mÝ`Vm `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>mMo H¥${f{ejU Aä`mgH«$_ amÁ`mVrb H¥${f {dÚmnrR>mVrb Aä`mgH«$_mer g_H$j R>a{dÊ`m~m~V _hmamï´> emgZ H¥${f d nXw_ {d^mJ emgZ {ZU©` H«$. EOr`w - 2199/grAma-167/18-E, _§Ìmb` {dñVma, _w§~B© - 400 032 {X. 27 _mM©, 2002 dmMm - 1) em.{Z., gm.à.{d. H«$_m§H$ AmaOrS>r-1394/à.H«$. 21/94/13, {X. 8 _mM© 1999 2) em.{Z., gm.à.{d. H«$. AmaOrS>r-1397/à.H«$. 67/98/13, {X. 10.12.98 3) g§MmbH$, H¥${f{dkmZ {dÚmemIm, `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>, Zm{eH$ `m§Mo nÌ H«$. EOr-100, {X. 20.4.1999 àñVmdZm `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>mVrb H¥${f{ejU Aä`mgH«$_m§Mm amÁ`mVrb H¥${f {dÚmnrR>m§Vrb Aä`mgH«$_m§er g_H$jVm R>a{dÊ`mH$[aVm _hmamï´> H¥${f{ejU d g§emoYZ n[afXo_m\©$V `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>mMo A{YH$mar, H¥${f Am`wŠVmb`mMo A{YH$mar d _hmamï´> H¥${f {ejU d g§emoYZ n[afXoMo A{YH$mar `m§Mr EH$ g§`wŠV g{_Vr {Z`wŠV H$ê$Z XmoÝhr àH$maÀ`m {dÚmnrR>m§À`m Aä`mgH«$_m§er VwbZm H$ê$Z Ahdmb XoÊ`mg gwM{dbo hmoVo. gXahÿ Ahdmb àmá Pmbm AgyZ Vmo {dMmamV KoD$Z `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>mVrb H¥${f{ejU Aä`mgH«$_m§Zm H¥${f {dÚmnrR>mVrb H¥${f{ejU Aä`mgH«$_mer g_H$j R>a{dÊ`mMr ~m~ emgZmÀ`m {dMmamYrZ hmoVr. emgZ {ZU©` `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>mH$S>rb Imbrb H¥${f{ejU Aä`mgH«$_m§Zm Ë`m§À`mg_moa Z_yX Ho$boë`m amÁ`mVrb H¥${f {dÚmnrR>mVrb H¥${f{ejU Aä`mgH«$_mer {d{dY à`moOZmgmR>r g_H$j g_OÊ`mg emgZmMr _mÝ`Vm XoÊ`mV `oV Amho. A. H«$. 1. 2. 3. 4. `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>mVrb H¥${f {ejUH«$_ _mir à{ejU à_mUnÌ CÚmZ{dÚm nX{dH$m (\$i~mJm CËnmXZ nX{dH$m) CÚmZ{dÚm nX{dH$m (^mOrnmbm CËnmXZ nX{dH$m) CÚmZ{dÚm nX{dH$m (\w$beoVr d àm§JU CÚmZ nX{dH$m) amÁ`mVrb H¥${f {dÚmnrR>m- XmoÝhr {dÚmnrR>m§H$S>rb _m\©$V gwê$ {ejUH«$_mMm Agbobo {ejUH«$_ H$mbmdYr _mir à{ejU à_mUnÌ 1 df© H¥${f nX{dH$m 2 df} H¥${f nX{dH$m 2 df} H¥${f nX{dH$m 2 df} ({d. e§. Ym|JS>o) Cng{Md, _hmamï´> emgZ H¥${f d nXw_ {d^mJ à{V … 01) Hw$bJwê$, `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>, Zm{eH$ 06) Am`wŠV (H¥${f), H¥${f Am`wŠVmb`, _hmamï´> amÁ`, nwUo 02) Hw$bJwê$, S>m°. n§Om~amd Xoe_wI H¥${f {dÚmnrR>, AH$mobm 07) gXñ` g{Md, _hmamï´103103 > H¥${f{ejU d g§emoYZ n[afX, nwUo 03) Hw$bJwê$, _hmË_m \w$bo H¥${f {dÚmnrR>, amhwar 08) gm_mÝ` àemgZ {d^mJ, H$j 13, _§Ìmb`, _w§~B© - 32 04) Hw$bJwê$, _amR>dmS>m H¥${f {dÚmnrR>, na^Ur 09) H$j A{YH$mar, 15-E/16-E, H¥$ d nXw_ {d. _§Ìmb`, _w~§ B© 32 05) Hw$bJwê$,S>m°.~mimgmho~ gmd§V H$moH$U H¥${f {dÚmnrR>,Xmnmobr 10) {ZdS> ZñVr Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 103 Annexure 19 : Government of Maharashtra Resolution (2003) _wŠV {dÚmnrR>mÀ`m nXdr/nX{dH$m§Zm _hmamï´> emgZ _mÝ`Vm `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>mMo H¥${f {ejUH«$_ amÁ`mVrb H¥${f {dÚmnrR>mVrb Aä`mgH«$_mer g_Vwë` R>a{dÊ`m~m~V _hmamï´> emgZ H¥${f d nXw_ {d^mJ emgZ {ZU©` H«$. EOr`w - 2199/à.H«$.-167/18-E, _§Ìmb` {dñVma, _w§~B© - 400 032 {X. 24 gßQ>|~a 2003 dmMm - 1) em.{Z., gm.à.{d. H«$_m§H$ AmaOrS>r-1394/à.H«$. 21/94/13, {X. 8 _mM© 1995 2) em.{Z., gm.à.{d. H«$. AmaOrS>r-1397/à.H«$. 67/98/13, {X. 10.12.98 3) g_H«$_m§H$mÀm` emgZ {ZU©` {X 27 _mM© 2002 4) g§MmbH$, H¥${f{dkmZ {dÚmemIm, `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>, Zm{eH$ `m§Mo nÌ H«$. EOr-100, {X. 15.4.2002 5) g§MmbH$ ({dñVma {ejU), _hmamï´> H¥${f{ejU d g§emoYZ n[afX, nwUo `m§Mo H«$. _H¥$n/H$m-4/grAma 77/166/2003, {X. 3.2.2003 Mo nÌ àñVmdZm `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>mH$S>rb H¥${f{ejU Aä`mgH«$_m§Mr amÁ`mVrb H¥${f {dÚmnrR>mVrb Aä`mgH«$_m§er g_H$jVm R>a{dÊ`mH$[aVm _hmamï´> H¥${f{ejU d g§emoYZ n[afXo_m\©$V `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>mMo A{YH$mar, H¥${f Am`wŠVmb`mMo A{YH$mar d _hmamï´> H¥${f {ejU d g§emoYZ n[afXoMo A{YH$mar `m§Mr EH$ g{_Vr {Z`wŠV H$ê$Z XmoÝhr {dÚmnrR>m§À`m Aä`mgH«$_m§er VwbZm H$ê$Z Ahdmb XoÊ`mg gwM{dbo hmoVo. g{_VrZo {Xboë`m AhdmbmZwgma _wŠV {dÚmnrR>mVrb _mir à{ejU à_mUnÌ Am{U 3 àH$maÀ`m CÚmZ{dÚm nX{dH$m Aä`mgH«$_ H¥${f {dÚmnrR>mVrb g§~§{YV Aä`mgH«$_m§er g_Vwë` R>a{dÊ`mMm {ZU©` emgZmZo g§X^© H«$. 3 `oWrb {X. 27 _mM©, 2002À`m emgZ {ZU©`mÝd`o KoVbm Amho. Cd©[aV Aä`mgH«$_m~m~V Aä`mg H$ê$Z g{_VrZo Ë`m§Mm Xwgam Ahdmb g§X^© H«$. 4 AÝd`o emgZmg gmXa Ho$bm Amho. Ë`mZwgma Cd©[aV Aä`mgH«$_ H¥${f {dÚmnrR>mVrb Aä`mgH«$_m§er g_Vwë` R>a{dÊ`mMr ~m~ emgZmÀ`m {dMmamYrZ hmoVr. emgZ {ZU©` AmVm `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>, Zm{eH$ A§VJ©V Imbrb H¥${f{ejU Aä`mgH«$_m§Zm Ë`m§À`mg_moa Z_yX Ho$boë`m amÁ`mVrb H¥${f {dÚmnrR>mVrb H¥${f{ejU Aä`mgH«$_mer {d{dY à`moOZmgmR>r g_Vwë` g_OÊ`mg emgZmMr _mÝ`Vm XoÊ`mV `oV Amho. A. H«$. `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>mVrb H¥${f {ejUH«$_ amÁ`mVrb H¥${f {dÚmnrR>m_m\©$V gwê$ Agbobo Aä`mgH«$_ XmoÝhr {dÚmnrR>m§H$S>rb {ejUH«$_mMm H$mbmdYr 1. 2. H¥${fì`dgm` ì`dñWmnZ nX{dH$m H¥${f{dkmZ nXdr (~r.Eñgr.) (H¥${f) CÚmZ{dÚm {dkmZ nXdr (~r.Eñgr.) (CÚmZ{dÚm) H¥${f nX{dH$m H¥${f{dkmZ nXdr (~r.Eñgr.) (H¥${f) CÚmZ{dÚm {dkmZ nXdr (~r.Eñgr.) (CÚmZ{dÚm) 2 df© 3. H¥${f {dÚmnrR> … 4 df} _wŠV {dÚmnrR> … 6 df} _hmamï´>mMo amÁ`nmb `m§À`m AmXoemZwgma d ZmdmZo (eo. a. VS>dr) H$m`m©gZ A{YH$mar, _hmamï´> emgZ H¥${f d nXw_ {d^mJ à{V … 01) Hw$bJwê$, `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>, Zm{eH$ 02) Hw$bJwê$, S>m°. n§Om~amd Xoe_wI H¥${f {dÚmnrR>, AH$mobm 03) Hw$bJwê$, _hmË_m \w$bo H¥${f {dÚmnrR>, amhwar 04) Hw$bJwê$, _amR>dmS>m H¥${f {dÚmnrR>, na^Ur 05) Hw$bJwê$, S>m°. ~mimgmho~ gmd§V H$moH$U H¥${f {dÚmnrR>, Xmnmobr 06) g{Md, Cƒ d V§Ì {ejU {d^mJ, _§Ìmb`, _w§~B© - 32 07) g{Md, _hmamï´> bmoH$godm Am`moJ, _w§~B© (ñdV§Ì nÌmÛmao) 08) g{Md, J«m_ {dH$mg {d^mJ, _§Ìmb`, _w§~B© - 32 09) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) gXñ` g{Md, _hmamï´> H¥${f{ejU d g§emoYZ n[afX, nwUo Am`wŠV (H¥${f), H¥${f Am`wŠVmb`, _hmamï´> amÁ`, nwUo {d^mJr` Am`wŠV (_hgyb), gd© {d^mJ {Oëhm{YH$mar (gd© {Oëho104104 ) _w»` H$m`©H$mar A{YH$mar, {Oëhm n[afX (gd© {Oëho) gm_mÝ` àemgZ {d^mJ, H$j 13, _§Ìmb`, _w§~B© - 32 H$j A{YH$mar, 15-E/16-E, H¥$ d nXw_ {d. _§Ìmb`, _w§~B© - 32 {ZdS> ZñVr Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 104 Annexure 19 : Government of Maharashtra Resolution (2006) _wŠV {dÚmnrR>mÀ`m nXdr/nX{dH$m§Zm _hmamï´> emgZ _mÝ`Vm ~r.Eg.gr. (\$bmoËnmXZ)/(dZemó) `m H¥${f {dÚmnrR>mH$S>rb VgoM `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>mH$S>rb ~r.Eg.gr. (H¥${f)/ (\$bmoËnmXZ) Aä`mgH«$_ ~r.Eg.gr. (H¥${f) Aä`mgH«$_mg g_H$j R>a{dUo _hmamï´> emgZ H¥${f, newg§dY©Z, Xw½Yì`dgm` {dH$mg d _Ëñ`ì`dgm` {d^mJ emgZ {ZU©` H«$. AmH¥${d 1204/à.H«$. 19/15 Ao, _§Ìmb` {dñVma, _w§~B© - 400 032 {XZm§H$ 29 gßQ>|~a, 2006 dmMm - 1) 2) 3) 4) emgZ A{YgyMZm H¥${f d ghH$ma {d^mJ H«$_m§H$ H¥${fAm 3782/6518/grAma7/{X. 5.8.1983 H¥${f d nXw_ {d^mJ emgZ {ZU©` H«$_m§H$ EOr`y-1090/grAma 30/90/18 Ao, {X. 3 {S>g|~a 1982 H¥${f d nXw_ {d^mJ emgZ AmXoe H«$_m§H$ Ho$Ho$ìhr-1290/grAma 329/20/Ao, {X. 6 {S>g|~a 1990 H¥${f d nXw_ {d^mJ emgZ {ZU©` H«$_m§H$ EOr`y-2199/à.H«$. 167/18 Ao, {X. 24.9.2003 àñVmdZm H¥${f {d^mJmVrb _hmamï´> H¥${f godm JQ> ""~'' (H$), JQ> ""~'' d JQ> ""A'' g§dJm©Mo godm àdoe {Z`_ emgZ A{YgyMZm g§X^© H«$_m§H$ 1 {XZm§H$ 5.8.1983 AÝd`o bmJy H$aÊ`mV Ambo AmhoV. gXa godmàdoe {Z`_mV VËH$mbrZ H¥${f {dÚmnrR>mVrb Aä`mgH«$_mZwgma ~r.Eñgr. (H¥${f) (B.Sc. Agriculture) d H¥${f (A{^`m§{ÌH$s) (Agriculture Engineering) `m XmoZ e¡j{UH$ Ah©VoMm A§V^m©d H$aÊ`mV Ambm Amho. H$mbm§VamZo H¥${f {dÚmnrR>m§Zm ~r.Eñgr. (\$bmoËnmXZ)/(dZemó) Ago ñdV§Ì nXdr Aä`mgH«$_ gwê$ Ho$ë`mZo VgoM `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>, Zm{eH$ `m§ZrXoIrb ~r.Eñgr. (H¥${f) d ~r.Eñgr. (\$bmoËnmXZ) hm Aä`mgH«$_ gwê$ Ho$bm Amho. gXa Aä`mgH«$_ H¥${f {dÚmnrR>mH$S>rb ~r.Eñgr. (H¥${f) Aä`mgH«$_mer emgZ {ZU©` g§X^© H«$_m§H$ 2, 3 d 4 AÝd`o g_Vwë` R>a{dÊ`mV Ambo AmhoV. Ago Agbo Var, _hmamï´> H¥${f godm JQ> ""~'' (H$), JQ> ""~'' d JQ> ""A'' g§dJm©Vrb nXmÀ`m ^aVrgmR>r {X. 5.8.1983 Mo ñdV§Ì godm àdoe {Z`_ ApñVËdmV Agë`mZo `m nXmdarb godm ^aVr g§X^m©V godm àdoe {Z`_mV A§V^y©V Zgboë`m {^Þ nXdrYmaH$ C_oXdmam§À`m nmÌVm R>a{dVmZm AS>MUr `oV Agë`mZo, g§X^© H«$. 2, 3 d 4 darb emgZ {ZU©`mÝd`o g_Vwë` R>a{dboë`m H¥${f {dÚmnrR>m§H$S>rb VgoM `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>mVrb Aä`mgH«$_mMr _hmamï´> H¥${f godm JQ> ""~'' (H$), JQ> ""~'' d JQ> ""A'' nXmÀ`m {X. 5.8.83 À`m godmàdoe {Z`_mVrb ~r.Eñgr. (H¥${f) `m Aä`mgH«$_mer g_H$jVm R>a{dÊ`mMr ~m~ emgZmÀ`m {dMmamYrZ hmoVr. emgZ {ZU©` àemgZ AmVm Ago AmXoe XoV Amho H$s, amÁ`mVrb Mmahr H¥${f {dÚmnrR>mVrb ~r.Eñgr. (\$bmoËnmXZ), ~r.Eñgr. (dZemó) VgoM `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï´> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>, Zm{eH$ `m§MoH$S>rb ~r.Eñgr. (H¥${f) d ~r.Eñgr. (\$bmoËnmXZ) ho Aä`mgH«$_ g§X^© H«$_m§H$ 1 darb _hmamï´> H¥${f godm JQ> ""~'' (H$), JQ> ""~'' d JQ> ""A'' nXmÀ`m godmàdoe {Z`_ {X. 5.8.83 _Yrb ~r.Eñgr. (H¥${f) `m Aä`mgH«$_mer/e¡j{UH$ Ah©Voer g_H$j R>a{dÊ`mV `oV Amho. _hmamï´> H¥${f godm g§dJm©À`m {X. 5.8.83 À`m godmàdoe {Z`_mV darb e¡j{UH$ Ah©VoMm A§V^m©d H$aÊ`mgmR>r `WmdH$me gwYmaUm H$aÊ`mV `oB©b. àñVwV AmXoe gm_mÝ` àemgZ {d^mJmÀ`m gh_VrZo d Ë`m§À`m AZm¡. g§X^© H«$. 801/12, {X. 21.7.06 AÝd`o {ZJ©{_V H$aÊ`mV `oV AmhoV. hm emgZ {ZU©` _hmamï´> emgZmÀ`m do~gmB©Q>da g§JUH$ g§Ho$Vm§H$ 20060929120633001 AÝd`o CnbãY H$ê$Z XoÊ`mV Ambm Amho. _hmamï´>mMo amÁ`nmb `m§À`m AmXoemZwgma d ZmdmZo. (gw. Vw. e|S>o) Ada g{Md, _hmamï´> emgZ H¥${f, newg§dY©Z, Xw½Yì`dgm` {dH$mg d _Ëñ` ì`dgm` {d^mJ à{V … 01) àYmZ g{Md, J«m_ {dH$mg {d^mJ, _§Ìmb`, _w§~B© - 32 02) g{Md, _hmamï´> bmoH$godm Am`moJ, _w§~B© 03) Am`wŠV (H¥${f), _hmamï´> amÁ`, nwUo 04) gd© Hw$bg{Md, H¥${f {dÚmnrR>o 05) gXñ` g{Md, _hmamï´> H¥${f {ejU d g§emoYZ n[afX, nwUo 06) gd© g§MmbH$, H¥${f Am`wŠVmb`, nwUo 07) gd© {d^mJr` H¥${f ghg§MmbH$ 08) 09) 10) 11) 09) 10) H¥${f ghg§MmbH$ (AmñWm), H¥${f Am`wŠVmb`, nwUo _hmboImnmb (boIm d AZwko`Vm) boImnarjm)1, 2, _hmamï´> _w§~B©/ZmJnya gd© {Oëhm H$mofmJmao 105105 gm_mÝ` àemgZ {d^mJ (12) H$j A{YH$mar, 16-E/6-E, H¥${f d nXw_ {d. _§Ìmb`, _w§~B© - 32 {ZdS> ZñVr Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 105 Annexure ANJRJ 20 : University Grants Commission (UGC) Resolution (2004) {díd{dÚmb` AZwXmZ Am`moJ ~hmXwaemh Om\$a _mJ© ZB© {Xëbr-110 002 UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADURSHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI-110002 F1-52/2000(CPP-II) The Registrar / Director Of all the Indian Universities (Deemed, State, Central Universities / Institutions of National importance) 5 MAY 2004 Subject : Recognition of Degrees awarded by Open Universities. Sir/Madam, There are a number of open Universities in the country offering various degrees/diploma through the mode of non-formal education. The Open Universities have been established in the country by an Act of Parliament or State Legislature in accordance with the provisions contained in Section 2(f) of University Grants Commission Act, 1956. These universities are, therefore, empowered to award degrees in terms of Section 22(1) of the UGC Act, 1956. A circular was earlier issued vide UGC letter N.F.1-8/92(CPP) dated February, 1992 mentioning that the Certificate, Diplomas and Degrees awarded by Indira Gandhi National Open University are to be treated equivalent to the corresponding awards of the Universities in the country. Attention is further invited to UGC circular No.F1-25/93(CPP-II) dated 28th July, 1993 (copy enclosed) for recognition of degrees and diplomas as well as transfer of credit for courses successfully completed by students between the two types of universities so that the mobility of students from Open University stream to traditional Universities is ensured without any difficulty. The UGC has specified the nomenclature of degrees under Section 22(3) of the UGC Act, 1956 to ensure mandatory requirements viz. minimum essential academic inputs required for awarding such degrees. A copy of Gazette Notification regarding specification of degrees issued vide No.1-52/97(CPPII) dated 31st January 2004 is enclosed. The details are also given in UGC Web site : www.ugc.ac.in May, I therefore request you to treat the Degrees / Diploma / Certificates awarded by the Open Universities in conformity with the UGC notification on Specification of Degrees as equivalent to the corresponding awards of the traditional Universities in the country. Yours faithfully Encl. : As Above Copy to : (Dr. Mrs. Pankaj Mittal) Joint Secretary 1. The Secretary, Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Secondary Education and Higher Education, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi-110001. 2. The Secretary, All Indian Council for Technical Education, I.G. Sports Complex, Indraprastha Estate, New Delhi 3. The Secretary, Association of Indian Universities (AIU), 16, Comrade Inderjit Gupta Marg, New Delhi -110002. 4. The Secretary, National Council for Teacher Education, I.G. Stadium, I. P. Estate, New Delhi-110002. 5. The Director of Distance Education Council, IGNOU Campus, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068. 6. The Vice-Chancellor, Indira Gandhi National Open University, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068. 7. The Vice-Chancellor, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Open University, Road, No. 46, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad (AP) 8. The Vice-Chancellor, Nalanda Open University, West Gandhi Maidan, Patna-800001 (Bihar) 9. The Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University, Shahigaug, Ahmedabad-380003 (Gujarat) 10. The Vice-Chancellor, Karnataka State Open University, Manasagangotri, Mysore-570006 (Karnataka) 11. The Vice-Chancellor, Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik-422222 (Maharashtra) 12. The Vice-Chancellor, Kota Open University, Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University, Kota-324010 (Rajasthan) 13. The Vice-Chancellor, Netaji Subhash Open University, Kolkata-700020 (West Bengal) 14. The Vice-Chancellor, Madhya Pradesh Bhoj (Open) University, Bhopal-462016 (M.P.) 106106 (V.K. Jaiswal) Under Secretary Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center/Sub-center : 106 YCMOU : Contact Points 1. Policy Matters The Vice-Chancellor, Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik - 422 222 Phone : (0253) 2230228 Fax : (0253) 2231716 2. Policy & Academic Matters The Director, School of Agricultural Sciences, Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik - 422 222 Phone : (0253) 2230340 Fax : (0253) 2231474 3. Academic & Student Services Matters The Center Co-ordinator, School of Agricultural Sciences, Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik - 422 222 Phone : (0253) 2231474 Fax : (0253) 2231474 4. Development Facilitator & Mentor Dr. Surya Gunjal Professor & Director, School of Agricultural Sciences Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik - 422 222. 5. Assistance Dr. Madhuri Sonawane Assistant Professor School of Agricultural Sciences Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik - 422 222. 6. Mr. Rajendra Wagh Assistant Professor School of Agricultural Sciences Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik - 422 222. Approved by l YCMOU Board of Management : Resolution No. A-100/2000/135 dated 06.10.2000 & Revision approved vide Resolution No.D -300/2009-10/16, 17 & 18.Dated 06.11.2009 l YCMOU Academic Council : Resolution No. B-100/2000/30, dated 27.09.2000 & Revision approved vide Resolution No. B-100/2009/25 Dated 28.10.2009 l YCMOU School Council in Agriculture :Resolution No.B-1/F/177/2000/05 dated 23.09.2000 & Revision approved vide Resolution No. B-1/F/177/2009/12 Dated 12.09.2009 © 1 June, 2010 : Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik Typesetting : Sunil Trymbak Vibhandik, YCMOU, Nashik Printer : Replica Printers, Chitco Centre, Vakilwadi, Nashik - 422 001 Publisher : Registrar, YCMOU, Nashik - 422 222 Contents 1. Open & Distance Education in India ............................................................ 01 2. Programs Under The School of Agricultural Sciences ................................. 02 3. Admission to Under Graduate Programs ...................................................... 06 4. Program Delivery System (UG) .................................................................... 06 5. Training System and Methods (UG) .............................................................. 07 6. YCMOU : Authorities, Powers & Responsibilities ....................................... 08 7. OAEC : Authorities, Powers & Responsibilities ........................................... 09 8. General Academic, Administrative and Financial Management .................... 10 9. Annexures 01. Requirements of Open Agriculture Educaiton Center ............................ 20 02. Requirements of Open Agriculture Educaiton Sub-Center ..................... 22 03. B.Sc. (Agriculture/Horticulture) Entrance Examination ......................... 23 04. Annual Program Fees & Financial Provision ......................................... 24 05. Distribution of Program Fees (Under Graduate Programs) ................... 25 06. Distribution of Program Fees (Post Graduate & Research) .................. 26 07. Rates of Honorarium & Payment Procedure(Under Graduate) ............ 27 08. Rates of Honorarium : B. Sc. Project Guides & Examiners .................. 31 09. Rates of Honorarium (Post Graduate & Research) ............................... 32 10. Educational Qualifications of Teacher Counsellors ................................ 33 11. Biodata Sheet for Head, Co-ordinator & Teacher Counsellor ............... 34 12. Model Question Paper for Theory Examination ..................................... 35 13. Model Question Paper for Practical Examination .................................. 43 14. B.Sc.(Agri.) Entrance Examination Model Question Paper ................... 46 15 B.Sc.(Horti.) Entrance Examination Model Question Paper .................. 63 16. Agriculture Education Centre Evaluation & Grading Form .................... 80 17. Agriculture Education Sub-Centre Evaluation & Grading Form ............ 94 18. YCMOU : Regional Centres ................................................................ 102 19. Government of Maharashtra Resolution (2002, 2003 & 2006) ............. 103 20. University Grants Commission (UGC) Resolution (2004) .................... 106 Recipient of the International Award of Excellence in Distance Education from Commonwealth of Learning, Canada Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University Nashik - 422 222 (Estd. by Government of Maharashtra in 1989) Manual for Open Agriculture Education Center / Sub-Center Management School of Agricultural Sciences l Certificate in Gardening l Diploma in Horticulture Diploma in Agri-business Management Diploma in Agro-Journalism l l l l l l l Diploma in Fruit Production Diploma in Vegetable Production Diploma in Floriculture and Landscape Gardening Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (B.Sc. Agri.) Bachelor of Science in Horticulture (B.Sc. Horti.) The Director School of Agricultural Sciences Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik - 422 222 Phone : (0253) 2231474, 2230340, Fax : (0253) 2231474 E-mail Suryagun@hotmail.com 2010