Gen. Math. Notes, Vol. 11, No. 1, July 2012, pp.... ISSN 2219-7184; Copyright © ICSRS Publication, 2012

Gen. Math. Notes, Vol. 11, No. 1, July 2012, pp. 41-49
ISSN 2219-7184; Copyright © ICSRS Publication, 2012
Available free online at
The Differential Form of the Tau Method
and its Error Estimate for Third Order
Non-Overdetermined Differential Equations
V.O. Ojo1and R.B. Adeniyi2
Department of General Studies, Oyo State College of Agriculture,
Igbo-Ora, Oyo State, Nigeria
Department of Mathematics, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria
(Received: 19-6-12 / Accepted: 14-7-12)
This paper is concerned with a variant of the tau methods for initial value
problems in non-overdetermined third order ordinary differential equation. The
differential formulation is are considered here. The corresponding error estimate
for this variant is obtained and numerical results for some selected examples are
provided. The numerical evidences show that the order of the tau approximant is
closely captured.
Keywords: Tau method, Formulation, Variant, Approximant, Error estimate.
Accurate approximate solution of initial value problems and boundary value
problems in linear ordinary differential equations with polynomial coefficients
V.O. Ojo et al.
can be obtained by the tau method introduced by Lanczos [10] in 1938.
Techniques based on this method have been reported in literature with application
to more general equation including non-liner ones as well as to both deferential
and integral equations. We review briefly here some of the variants of the method.
Differential Form of the Tau Method
Consider the following boundary value problem in the class of m-th order
ordinary differential equations:
() ≡ ∑ p r ( x) y ( r ) ( x) = f ( x), a ≤ x ≤ b
r =0
L* y ( x rk ) ≡ ∑ a rk y ( r ) ( x rk ) = ρ k , k = 1(1) m
r =0
where|| < ∞, || < ∞, , , , = 0(1), = 0(1),
numbers, and the functions () and
pr ( x) = ∑ pr ,k x k , r = 0(1)m
k =0
are polynomial functions or sufficiently close polynomial approximants of given
real functions .
Definition 1.1 The number of over-determination, s, of equation (1.1a) is defined
= { − ∶ 0 ≤ ≤ }
for ≥ and0 ≤ ≤ .
Definition 1.2 Equation (1.1a) is said to be non-overdetermined if s, given by
(1.3) is zero, i.e. if s = 0. Otherwise it is over-determined.
For the solution of (1.1) by the tau method (see [2], [3],[8], [10], [11]), we seek
an approximant
y n ( x) = ∑ a r x r , n < + ∞
r =0
ofy(x) which satisfies exactly the perturbed problem
Ly n ( x ) = f ( x ) +
m + s −1
r =0
L* y n ( x rk ) = ρ k , k = 1(1)m
Tn − m + r +1 ( x ), a ≤ x ≤ b ,
The Differential form of the Tau Method…
where , r = 1(1)m +s, are fixed parameters to be determined along with , r =
0(1)n, in (1.4)by equating the coefficients of power of x in (1.5). The polynomial
 2 x − 2a   r ( r ) k
Tr ( x) = cosr Cos −1 
− 1  ≡ ∑ C k x
 b−a
  k =0
is the r-th degree Chebyshev polynomial valid in [a, b] (see [2],[6] and [12]).
Error Estimation of the Tau Method
We review briefly here error estimation of the tau method for the variant of the
preceding section and which we had earlier reported in [2], [5] and [6].
Error Estimation for the Differential Form
While the error function
en(x) = y(x) – yn(x)
satisfies the error problem
Le n ( x ) =
m + s −1
r =0
m+ s −r
Tn − m + r +1 ( x )
!" ( ) = 0, = 1(1)
The polynomial error approximant
(en(x))n+1 =
v m ( x)φ nTn −m +1 ( x)
C n( n−−mm+1+1)
ofen(x) satisfies the perturbed error problem
L(e n ( x )) n +1 =
m + s −1
∑ (−τ
r =0
L* (en ( x rk )) n +1 = 0
m+ s −r
Tn − m + r +1 ( x ) + τˆm + s − r Tn −m + r + 2 ( x )) …(2.4a)
where the extra parameters τˆr r = 1(1)m + s, and #" in (2.3) – (2.4) are to be
determined and $% () in (2.3) is a specified polynomial of degree in which
ensures that (en ( x )) n +1 satisfies the homogenous conditions (2.4b).
With 2.3) in (2.4) we get a linear system of m + s +1 equations, obtained by
equating the coefficients of xn+s+1, xn+s, …xn – m +1, for the determination of #" by
V.O. Ojo et al.
forward elimination, since we do not need the τˆ ’s in (2.3) consequently, we
obtain an estimate
ε = max (en ( x)) n +1 =
a ≤ x ≤b
( n − m +1)
n − m +1
≅ max (en ( x)
a ≤ x ≤b
A Class of Non-Overdetermined Third Order
Differential Equations
We consider here the two variants of the tau methods of preceding sections for the
tau approximants and their error estimates for the class of problems:
LY(x): = (α0 + α1x + α2x2 + α3x3 ) y′″(x) + (β0 + β1x + β2x2 ) y″(x)
+ (γ0 + γ1x)y′(x) + λo y(x )=
∑f x
r =0
, a<x<b
y(a) = ρ0, y′(a) = ρ1, y ″(a) = ρ2
that is, the case when m = 3 and s = 0 in (1.1)
Without loss of generality, we shall assume that a = 0 and b = 1, since the
( x − a)
, a<x<b
(b − a )
takes (3.1) into the closed interval [0, 1].
Tau Approximant by the Differential Form
From (1.3)-(1.4), for m = 3 and s = 0, that is, corresponding to (3.1), we have
(α0 + α1x + α2x2 + α3x3 ) ∑ r (r – 1)( r – 2)arxr– 3
+ (β0 + β1x + β2x2 ) ∑ r (r – 1)arxr– 2 + (γ0 + γ1x) ∑ r arxr– 1 + λ0 ∑ ar x r
∑f x
r =0
+ τ1Tn(x)+τ2Tn – 1(x) + τ3Tn – 2(x)
This leads to:
∑ [ α3k(k – 1) (k – 2) + β2k(k – 1) + γ1k + λ0] akxk
k =0
The Differential form of the Tau Method…
n −1
∑ [ α2k(k +1)k (k – 1) + β1k(k – 1)k + γ0(k +1)] ak+ 1xk1
k =0
∑ [ α1(k +2)k (k + 1)k + β0k(k + 2)(k + 1)] ak+ 2xk
k =0
n −3
∑ [ α0(k +3)k (k + 2)k +1)] ak+ 3xk
k =0
∑f x
k =0
n −1
k =0
k =0
k =0
+ τ 1 ∑ Ck( n ) x k + τ 2 ∑ Ck( n −1) x k + τ 3 ∑ Ck( n − 2 ) x k
{α3n(n – 1)(n – 2) +β2n(n – 1) +γ1n +λ0}an – fn – τ 1C n( n ) }xn
+{α3(n – 1)(n – 2)(n – 3) + β2n(n – 1)(n – 2) + γ1(n – 1) +λ0}an– 1 – fn– 1 – τ 1C n( n−1) ] +
[α2n(n – 1)(n – 2) + β1n(n – 1) + γ0n ] an – τ 2 C n( n−1−1) }xn – 1
+{α3n(n – 2)(n – 3) (n – 4) +β2n(n – 2) (n – 3) +γ1(n – 2) +λ0}an – 2 – fn – 2
– τ 1C n( n−)2 +{α2(n – 1)(n – 2)(n – 3) + β1n(n – 1)(n – 2) + γ0(n – 1)]an– 1 + [α1n(n –
1)(n – 2) + β0n(n – 1)}an – τ 2 C n( n−−21) – τ 3C n( n−−2 2 ) }xn – 2 + α0n(n +1)(n –1)an+1 = 0.
From this we obtain by equating corresponding coefficients the linear system
{α3k(k – 1)(k – 2) + β2k(k – 1) + γ1k + λ0}ak + {α2k(k + 1)k(k – 1) + β1k(k + 1)k
+ γ0 (k +1)]ak+1 +[α1k(k – 1)(k – 2)k + β0(k + 1)(k + 2)]ak+2 + α0(k +3)(k +2)(k
+1)ak+ 3 – τ 1C k( n ) – τ 2 C k( n −1) – τ 3C k( n − 2 ) – fk = 0 , k = 0 (1) n – 3
[α3(n – 2)(n – 3)(n – 4) + β2(n – 2)(n – 3) + γ1(n – 2) + λ0}an – 2
+ {α2(n – 1) (n – 2) (n – 3) + β1(n – 1) (n – 2) + γ0 (n – 1)]an – 1
+[α1n(n – 1)(n – 2) + β0n(n – 1)]an – τ 1C n( n−)2 – τ 2 C n( n−−21) – τ 3C n( n−−2 2 ) – fn – 2 = 0
[α3(n – 1)(n – 2)(n – 3) + β2(n – 1)(n – 2) + γ1(n – 1) + λ0}an – 1
+ {α2n(n – 1) (n – 2) + β1n(n – 1) + γ0n] an – τ 1C n( n−1) – τ 2 C n( n−1−1) – fn – 1
[α3n(n – 1)(n – 2) + β2n(n – 1) + γ1n + λ0]an – τ 1Cnn – fn= 0
The solution of this system together with the two equations arising from the
condition (3.1b) for ar, r = 0 (1)n and τ1, τ2, τ3. Subsequently leads to the
approximant Yn(x).
V.O. Ojo et al.
Error Estimation for the Differential Form
For problem (3.1).we have from (2.4)
L(en(x)n): = τˆ1 Tn+1 ( x) + (τˆ2 − τ 1 ) Tn(x) + (τˆ3 − τ 2 )Tn−1 ( x) – τ3Tn – 2(x) ....(3.4a)
(en(0))n+1 =0, (e′n(0))n+1 = 0
(en(x))n+1 =
x 3φnTn −2 ( x )
C n( n−−22)
φ n ∑ C r( n −2) x r +3
r =0
C n( n−−22)
From the coefficients of xn+1, xn, xn – 1andxn – 2, we get the system
τˆ1 [Cn( n+1+1) ] =
+ λ0 C
( n − 2)
( n−2)
[α3(n +1)(n)(n – 1) Cn( n−−2 2 ) + β2(n +1) Cn( n−−2 2 ) + γ1(n +1) Cn( n−−2 2 )
τˆ1C n( n +1) + (τˆ1 − τ 1 )C nn =
+ β1n(n +1) + β2n(n – 1) C
( n− 2)
( n− 2)
n −3
[α2(n +1)(n)(n – 1) Cn( n−−2 2 ) +α3n(n – 1)(n – 2) C n( n−−3 2 )
+ γ0(n +1) Cn( n−−2 2 ) + γ1n C n( n−−3 2 ) + λ0 C n( n−−3 2 ) ]
τˆ1C n( n−1+1) + (τˆ2 − τ 1 )C n( n−1) + (τˆ3 − τ 3 )C n( n−1−1) =
α2n(n – 1)(n – 2) C
( n− 2)
n −3
[α (n +1)(n)(n – 1) Cn( n−−2 2 ) +
( n− 2)
( n− 2)
+ α3(n – 1)(n – 2)(n – 3) C
+ β0n(n +1) C n( n−−2 2 ) +β1n(n –
1) C n( n−−3 2 ) + β2(n – 1)(n – 2) C n( n−−4 2 ) + γ0n C n( n−−3 2 ) + γ1(n – 1) C n( n−−4 2 ) + λ0 C n( n−−4 2 ) ]
τˆ1C n( n−+21) + (τˆ2 − τ 1 )C n( n−)2 + (τˆ3 − τ 2 )C n( n−−21) – τ3 C n( n−−2 2 ) =
Cn( n−−2 2 )
[α0(n +1)(n)(n – 1)
Cn( n−−2 2 ) + α1n(n – 1)(n – 2) C n( n−−3 2 ) + α2(n – 1)(n – 2)(n – 3) C n( n−−4 2 ) + α3(n – 2)(n –
3)(n – 4) C n( n−−5 2 ) + β0n(n – 1) C n( n−−3 2 ) +β1n(n –1)(n – 2) C n( n−−4 2 ) γ0(n – 1) C n( n−−4 2 ) + γ1(n –
2) C n( n−−5 2 ) + λ0 C n( n−−5 2 ) ]
τˆ1 [Cn( n+1+1) ] = φ [α3(n +1)(n)(n – 1) Cn( n−−2 2 ) + β2n(n +1) Cn( n−−2 2 ) + γ1(n +1) Cn( n−−2 2 )
+ λ0 Cn( n−−2 2 ) ]
τˆ1C n( n +1) + (τˆ1 − τ 1 )C nn = [α2(n +1)(n)(n – 1) Cn( n−−2 2 ) + α3n(n – 1)(n – 2) C n( n−−3 2 ) +
β1n(n +1) C n( n−−2 2 ) + β2n(n – 1) C n( n−−3 2 ) + γ0(n +1) Cn( n−−2 2 ) + γ1n C n( n−−3 2 ) + λ0 C n( n−−3 2 ) ]
The Differential form of the Tau Method…
τˆ1C n( n−1+1) + (τˆ2 − τ 1 )C n( n−1) + (τˆ3 − τ 3 )C n( n−1−1) = φ [α1(n +1)(n)(n – 1) Cn( n−−2 2 ) + α2n(n –
1)(n – 2) C n( n−−3 2 ) + α3(n – 1)(n – 2)(n – 3) C n( n−−4 2 ) + β0n(n +1) C n( n−−2 2 ) +β1n(n –1) C n( n−−3 2 )
+ β2(n – 1)(n – 2) C n( n−−4 2 ) + γ0n C n( n−−3 2 ) + γ1(n – 1) C n( n−−4 2 ) + λ0 C n( n−−4 2 ) ] ..(3.6)
τˆ1C n( n−+21) + (τˆ2 − τ 1 )C n( n−)2 + (τˆ3 − τ 2 )C n( n−−21) – τ3 C n( n−−2 2 ) = φ [α0(n +1)n(n – 1) Cn( n−−2 2 ) +
α1n(n– 1)(n – 2) C n( n−−3 2 ) + α2(n – 1)(n – 2)(n – 3) C n( n−−4 2 ) + α3(n – 2)(n – 3)(n – 4)
C n( n−−5 2 ) + β0n(n – 1) C n( n−−3 2 ) +β1(n –1)(n – 2) C n( n−−4 2 ) + γ0(n – 1) C n( n−−4 2 ) + γ1(n – 2) C n( n−−5 2 )
+ λ0 C n( n−−5 2 ) ]
where φ = φ n (C n( n−1−1) ) −1
By using the well-known relations (see [5] and [7]).
Cnn = 22n – 1, Cn( n−1) = − nC n( n ) , Cn( n−1) = – n 22n – 2
we solve this by forward elimination for φn to obtain
2 2 n −5 τ 3
φn =
p7 = {[(n + 1)(n – 1)α0 – (n – 1)(n – 3)α2](n – 1)(n – 2)β1 + (n – 1)γ0) C n( n−−4 2 )
+ ((n – 2)(n – 3)(n – 4) α3 + (n – 2) γ1 + λ0) C n( n−−5 2 ) – n(n – 1)(n – 2)2α1
+ n(n – 1)(n – 2) β0]
Thus, from (2.5) we obtain, as our error estimate
2 2−10 n | τ 3 |
... (3.10)
Numerical Experiments
We consider here two selected problems for experimentation with our results of
the preceding sections. The exact errors are obtained as
ε* = max {|y(xk)-yn(xk)|}, 0 <x< 1 {xk} = {0.01k}, for k = 0 (1)100
Example 4.1
Ly(x) = y′″(x) – 5y″(x) + 6y′(x) = 0 , 0 <x< 1
V.O. Ojo et al.
y(0) = 0, y′(0) = 1, y″(0) = 0
The exact solution is
y(x) = 5
+ 3
2e2 x
3e3 x
The numerical results are presented in Table 4.1 below.
Example 4.2
Ly(x) = y′″(x) – y″(x) + 2y′(x) = 2, 0 <x< 1
y(0) = 0, y′(0) = 1, y″(0) = 0
The exact solution is
y(x) = ½ (5ex – 4ex – e4x).
The numerical results are presented in Table 4.2 below.
Table 4.1 Error and Error Estimates for Example 4.1
1.67 x10 – 2
1.96 x10 – 4
3.13 x10 – 3
2.29 x10 – 5
1.66 x10 – 5
4.25 x10 – 7
Table 4.2 Error and Error Estimates for Example 4.2
1.57 x10 – 4
1.09 x10 – 5
1.40 x10 – 6
1.69 x10 – 7
1.56 x10 – 8
1.07 x10 – 9
The tau method for the solution of initial value problems (IVPs) for third order
differential equations with non-overdetermination has been presented.
The error involved in the approximants thus obtained was closely estimated. The
effectiveness of the method was demonstrated as the order of the tau approximant
The Differential form of the Tau Method…
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