Document 10815549

Gen. Math. Notes, Vol. 10, No. 2, June 2012, pp. 36-42
ISSN 2219-7184; Copyright © ICSRS Publication, 2012
Available free online at
Spacelike Biharmonic New Type B-Slant
Helices According to Bishop Frame in the
Lorentzian Heisenberg Group H3
Talat Körpınar and Essin Turhan
Fırat University, Department of Mathematics 23119, Elazığ, Turkey
(Received: 20-5-12 / Accepted: 12-6-12)
In this paper, we study biharmonic spacelike new type B-slant helices
according to Bishop frame in the Lorentzian Heisenberg group H3. We give
necessary and sufficient conditions for new type B-slant helices to be biharmonic.
We characterize these curves in the Lorentzian Heisenberg group H3.
Additionally, we illustrate our results.
Keywords: Bienergy, Bishop frame, Lorentzian Heisenberg group.
Jiang derived the first and the second variation formula for the bienergy in [7,8],
showing that the Euler--Lagrange equation associated to E2 is
τ 2 ( f ) = −J f (τ ( f )) = −∆τ ( f ) − traceR N (df ,τ ( f ))df
= 0,
where J is the Jacobi operator of f . The equation τ 2 ( f ) = 0 is called the
biharmonic equation. Since J f is linear, any harmonic map is biharmonic.
Spacelike Biharmonic New Type B-Slant…
Therefore, we are interested in proper biharmonic maps, that is non-harmonic
biharmonic maps.
This study is organised as follows: Firstly, we give necessary and sufficient
conditions for new type B -slant helices to be biharmonic. We characterize this
curves in the Lorentzian Heisenberg group H3 . Secondly, we study biharmonic
spacelike new type B -slant helices according to Bishop frame in the Lorentzian
Heisenberg group H3 . Finally, we illustrate our results.
The Lorentzian Heisenberg Group
The Heisenberg group Heis 3 is a Lie group which is diffeomorphic to R3 and the
group operation is defined as
( x, y, z ) ∗ ( x, y, z ) = ( x + x, y + y, z + z − x y + x y ).
The identity of the group is (0,0,0) and the inverse of ( x, y, z ) is given by
(− x,− y,− z ) . The left-invariant Lorentz metric on H 3 is
g = − dx 2 + dy 2 + ( xdy + dz ) 2 .
The following set of left-invariant vector fields forms an orthonormal basis for the
corresponding Lie algebra:
− x , e3 = .
e1 = , e 2 =
∂x 
The characterising properties of this algebra are the following commutation
relations, [13]:
g (e1 , e1 ) = g (e 2 , e 2 ) = 1, g (e 3 , e3 ) = −1.
Proposition 2.1. For the covariant derivatives of the Levi-Civita connection of the
left-invariant metric g , defined above the following is true:
∇ =  e3
 e2
− e1
e2 
e1 ,
0 
where the (i, j ) -element in the table above equals ∇ e e j for our basis
{e k , k = 1,2,3}.
Talat Körpınar et al.
3 Spacelike Biharmonic New Type B − Slant Helices with
Bishop Frame In The Lorentzian Heisenberg Group H3
Let γ : I → H3 be a non geodesic spacelike curve on the Lorentzian Heisenberg
group H3 parametrized by arc length. Let {t, n, b} be the Frenet frame fields
tangent to the Lorentzian Heisenberg group H3 along γ defined as follows:
t is the unit vector field γ ' tangent to γ , n is the unit vector field in the direction
of ∇ t t (normal to γ ), and b is chosen so that {t, n, b} is a positively oriented
orthonormal basis. Then, we have the following Frenet formulas:
∇ t t = κn,
∇ t n = κt + τb,
∇ T B = τn,
where κ is the curvature of γ and τ is its torsion and
g (t, t ) = 1, g (n, n ) = −1, g (b, b ) = 1,
g (t, n ) = g (t, b ) = g (n, b ) = 0.
In the rest of the paper, we suppose everywhere κ ≠ 0 and τ ≠ 0 .
The Bishop frame or parallel transport frame is an alternative approach to defining
a moving frame that is well defined even when the curve has vanishing second
derivative. The Bishop frame is expressed as
∇ t t = k1m1 − k 2m 2 ,
∇ t m 1 = k1 t ,
∇ t m 2 = k 2t,
g (t, t ) = 1, g (m1 , m1 ) = −1, g (m 2 , m 2 ) = 1,
g (T, M1 ) = g (t, m 2 ) = g (m1 , m 2 ) = 0.
Here, we shall call the set {t, m1 , m 2 } as Bishop trihedra, k1 and k 2 as Bishop
Also, τ ( s ) = ψ ' (s ) and κ ( s ) =
k 22 − k12 . Thus, Bishop curvatures are defined by
k1 = κ ( s ) sinhψ (s ),
k 2 = κ ( s ) coshψ (s ).
With respect to the orthonormal basis {e1 , e 2 , e3 } we can write
t = t 1e1 + t 2e 2 + t 3e 3 ,
Spacelike Biharmonic New Type B-Slant…
m1 = m11e1 + m12e 2 + m13e 3 ,5
m2 = m e + m e + m e .
2 1
2 2
2 3
Theorem 3.1. γ : I → H3 is a spacelike biharmonic curve with Bishop frame if
and only if
k12 − k 22 = constant = C ≠ 0,
( ) ]+ k m m ,
k1'' + k12 − k 22 k1 = − k1 1 + m12
( )]
k 2'' + k12 − k 22 k 2 = − k1m11m12 − k 2 − 1 + m11 .
To separate a spacelike new type slant helix according to Bishop frame from that
of Frenet- Serret frame, in the rest of the paper, we shall use notation for the curve
defined above as spacelike new type B -slant helix.
Theorem 3.2. Let γ : I → H3 be a unit speed biharmonic spacelike new type
B − slant helix with non-zero curvatures. Then the equation of biharmonic
spacelike new type B − slant helix are
x (s ) =
cos Q cosh[C0 s + C1 ] + C 2 ,
y (s ) =
cos Q sinh[C 0 s + C1 ] + C 3 ,
z (s ) = sin Qs − 2 cos Q sinh[C0 s + C1 ]
cos Q( 2[C0 s + C1 ] + sinh 2[C0 s + C1 ]) + C4 ,
where C0 , C1 , C2 , C3 are constants of integration and
C0 =
k 22 − k12
− sin Q.
cos Q
Proof. The vector m 2 is a unit spacelike vector, we reach
m 2 = cos Qe1 + sin Q cosh A (s )e 2 + sin Q sinh A (s )e3 .
On the other hand, using Bishop formulas Eq.(4) and Eq.(1), we have
m1 = sinh A (s )e 2 + cosh A (s )e3 .
Talat Körpınar et al.
It is apparent that
t = sin Qe1 + cos Q cosh A (s )e 2 + cos Q sinh A (s )e3 .
A straightforward computation shows that
∇ t t = (t1' )e1 + (t 2' + t1t3 )e 2 + (t3' + t1t 2 )e3 .
Therefore, we use Bishop formulas Eq.(4) and above equation we get
k 22 − k12
− sin Q]s + C1 ,
cos Q
where C1 is a constant of integration.
A (s ) = [
From Eq.(10), we get
t = (cos Q sinh[C0 s + C1 ], cos Q cosh[C0 s + C1 ], sin Q − x cos Q cosh[C0 s + C1 ]),
C0 =
where ,
k 22 − k12
− sin Q.
cos Q
Therefore, by Eq(13) and taking into account Eq.(12), we obtain the system
Eq.(12). This completes the proof.
Corollary 3.3. Let γ : I → H3 be a unit speed biharmonic spacelike new type
B − slant helix with non-zero Bishop curvatures. Then the equation of γ is
γ (s ) = [sin Qs − 2 cos Q sinh[C0 s + C1 ]
cos Q( 2[C0 s + C1 ] + sinh 2[C0 s + C1 ]) + C 4
+ [ cos Q cosh[C0 s + C1 ] + C 2 ][ cos Q sinh[C0 s + C1 ] + C3 ]]e1
cos Q sinh[C0 s + C1 ] + C3 ]e 2 + [ cos Q cosh[C0 s + C1 ] + C 2 ]e 3 ,
where C0 , C1 , C2 , C3 are constants of integration and
C0 =
k 22 − k12
− sin Q.
cos Q
If we use Mathematica in above system, we get:
Spacelike Biharmonic New Type B-Slant…
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