Gen. Math. Notes, Vol. 25, No. 2, December 2014, pp. 95-109 ISSN 2219-7184; Copyright © ICSRS Publication, 2014 Available free online at Quadruple Fixed Point Theorem for Four Mappings Anushri A. Aserkar1,2 and Manjusha P. Gandhi2 1 Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering and Research, Nagpur, India E-mail: 2 Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering, Nagpur, India E-mail: (Received: 3-8-14 / Accepted: 12-9-14) Abstract In this paper we have proved a unique common quadruple fixed point theorem for four mappings satisfying w-compatible in partially ordered metric space with two altering distance functions. An example has been given to validate the result. Keywords: Quadruple fixed point, Compatible mapping, Partially ordered set, Complete metric space. 1 Introduction Fixed point theory has fascinated hundreds of researchers since 1922 with the celebrated Banach’s fixed point theorem. This theorem provides a technique for solving a variety of problems in mathematical sciences and engineering. This study is a very active field of research at present. T.G. Bhashkar et al. [13] introduced the concept of a coupled fixed point and proved theorems in partially ordered complete metric spaces. 96 Anushri A. Aserkar et al. V. Lakshmikantham et al. [14] proved coupled coincidence and coupled common fixed point theorems for nonlinear mappings in partially ordered complete metric spaces. Later, many results on coupled fixed point have been obtained [2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12]. V. Berinde et al. [15] introduced the concept of a tripled fixed point. B. Samet et al. [1] introduced fixed point of order N ≥ 3 for the first time. Very recently, E. Karapınar [5] used the notion of quadruple fixed point and obtained some quadruple fixed point theorems in partially ordered metric spaces. Many researchers [6-9] were motivated and proved theorems on quadruple fixed points with monotone property whereas in the present paper a unique common quadruple fixed point theorem for four mappings without using the monotone property and satisfying w-compatible condition in pairs has been proved. 2 Preliminaries 2.1 Quadruple Fixed Point Let F: X×X×X×X →X. An element (x, y, z, w) is called a quadruple fixed point of F if F(x, y, z, w) = x, F(y, z, w, x) = y, F(z, w, x, y) = z, F(w, x, y, z) = w. 2.2 Quadruple Coincidence Point Let F: X×X×X×X →X and g: X →X. An element (x, y, z, w) is called a quadruple coincidence point of F and g if F(x, y, z, w) = gx, F(y, z, w, x) = gy, F (z, w, x, y) = gz, F (w, x, y, z) = gw. 2.3 Quadruple Common Fixed Point Let F: X×X×X×X →X and g: X →X. An element (x, y, z, w) is called a quadruple common fixed point of F and g if F(x, y, z, w) = gx = x, F(y, z, w, x) = gy = y, F(z, w, x, y) = gz = z, F(w, x, y, z) = gw = w. 2.4 W-Compatible Mapping F: X×X×X×X →X and g: X →X are called w-compatible if F(gx, gy, gz, gw) = g(F(x, y, z, w)) whenever F(x, y, z, w) = gx, F(y, z, w, x) = gy, F(z, w, x, y) = gz, F(w, x, y, z) = gw. 2.5 Alternating Distance Function Let Φ denote all the functions ξ ∈ Φ such that ξ :[0, ∞) → [0, ∞) which satisfy (i) ξ (t) = 0 if and only if t = 0, Quadruple Fixed Point Theorem for Four... 97 (ii) ξ (t) is continuous and non-decreasing. 3 Main Theorem X0 →≥ XL :d fn , ga d n a X → 4 X : G , F Theorem 3.1: Let (X, ≤ ) be a partially ordered set and suppose there is a metric d on X such that (X, d) is a complete metric space .Suppose are such that F, G are continuous. ξ , φ ∈Φ such that (i) ξ (d(F(x, y, z, w),G(p,q,r,s) ( ) − φ ( max {d(fx,gp),d(fy,gq),d(fz,gr),d(fw,gs))}) ≤ ξ max {d(fx,gp),d(fy,gq),d(fz,gr),d(fw,gs))} + L min ( d(fx,G(p,q,r,s)),d(gp, F(x, y,z, w),d(gp,G(p,q, r,s)) ) ...........(i) for all x, y, z, w, p,q, r,s ∈ X. (ii) F(X4 ) ⊂ g(X),G(X4 ) ⊂ f(X), (iii) the pairs (F, f) and (G, g) are W - compatible . Then F, G, f and g have a unique common coupled fixed point in X4 and also they have a unique common fixed point in X. Proof: Let x 0 , y 0 , z 0 , w 0 ∈ X . ∵F(X4 ) ⊂ g(X),G(X4 ) ⊂ f(X). ∴we may find x1, y1,z1,w1 so that F( x0 ,y0 ,z0,w0 ) = g(x1),F( y0 ,z0,w0 ,x0 ) = g(y1), F( z0 ,w0 ,x0 ,y0 ) = g(z1),F( w0,x0 ,y0,z0 ) = g(w1). Similarly wemayfind x2 , y2 ,z2 ,w2 so that G ( x1,y1,z1,w1 ) = f(x2 ),G ( y1,z1,w1,x1) = f(y2 ), G ( z1,w1,x1,y1 ) = f(z2 ),G ( w1,x1,y1,z1 ) = f(w2 ). Continuing in the same way we may form sequences {x n } ,{y n } ,{z n },{w n } ,{a n },{b n } ,{c n } ,{d n } in X such that ( ( ) ) ( ( a 2n = g(x2n+1) = F x 2n , y 2n ,z 2n ,w 2n ,b 2n = g(y2n+1) = F y 2n ,z 2n ,w 2n ,x 2n c 2n = g(z2n+1) = F z 2n ,w 2n ,x 2n , y 2n ,d 2n = g(w 2n+1) = F w 2n ,x 2n , y 2n ,z 2n ) ) 98 Anushri A. Aserkar et al. and ( ) ( ) c 2n+1 = f(z2n+2 ) = G ( z 2n+1 , w 2n+1 , x 2n+1 , y 2n+1 ) , d 2n+1 = f(w 2n+2 ) = G ( w 2n+1 , x 2n+1 , y 2n+1 ,z 2n+1 ) a 2n+1 = f(x 2n+2 ) = G x 2n+1 , y 2n+1 ,z 2n+1 , w 2n+1 , b 2n+1 = f(y2n+2 ) = G y 2n+1 , z 2n+1 , w 2n+1 , x 2n+1 Putting x = x2n, y = y2n. z = z2n, w = w2n, p = x2n+1, q = y2n+1, r = z2n+1, s = w2n+1 in (i) we get ξ(d(a 2n ,a 2n+1) ( ) - φ ( max {d(a 2n-1,a 2n ),d(b 2n-1,b 2n ),d(c2n-1,c2n ),d(d 2n-1,d 2n )}) ≤ ξ max {d(a 2n-1,a 2n ),d(b 2n-1,b 2n ),d(c2n-1,c2n ),d(d 2n-1,d 2n )} + Lmin ( d(a 2n-1,a 2n+1),d(a 2n ,a 2n ),d(a 2n ,a 2n+1) ) ∴ ξ(d(a 2n ,a 2n+1) ( ≤ ξ max {d(a 2n-1,a 2n ),d(b 2n-1,b 2n ),d(c2n-1,c2n ),d(d 2n-1,d 2n )} ( ) ) - φ max {d(a 2n-1,a 2n ),d(b 2n-1,b 2n ),d(c2n-1,c2n ),d(d 2n-1,d 2n )} ....(ii) Similarly if we consider, ξ(d(F(y,z, w, x),G(q, r,s,p) ( ≤ ξ max {d(fy,gq),d(fz,gr),d(fw,gs),d(fx,gp))} ( - φ max {d(fy,gq),d(fz,gr),d(fw,gs),d(fx,gp)} ) ) + Lmin ( d(fy,G(q, r,s,p)),d(gq, F(y, z, w, x)),d(gq,G(q,r,s, p)) ) We may prove that ξ(d(b2n ,b2n+1) ( ≤ ξ max {d(b2n-1,b2n ),d(c2n-1,c2n ),d(d2n-1,d2n ),d(a 2n-1,a 2n )} ( ) ) -φ max {d(b2n-1,b2n ),d(c2n-1,c2n ),d(d2n-1,d2n ),d(a 2n-1,a 2n )} ..........(iii) Similarly we may prove that ξ(d(c2n ,c2n+1) ( ≤ ξ max {d(c2n-1,c2n ),d(d 2n-1,d 2n ),d(a 2n-1,a 2n ),d(b2n-1,b 2n )} ( ) ) - φ max {d(c2n-1,c2n ),d(d 2n-1,d 2n ),d(a 2n-1,a 2n ),d(b2n-1,b 2n )} ........(iv) & Quadruple Fixed Point Theorem for Four... 99 ξ(d(d2n ,d2n+1) ( ≤ ξ max {d(d 2n-1,d 2n ),d(a 2n-1,a 2n ),d(b2n-1,b2n ),d(c2n-1,c2n )} ( ) ) -φ max{d(d 2n-1,d2n ),d(a 2n-1,a 2n ),d(b2n-1,b2n ),d(c2n-1,c2n )} ........(v) Combining (ii), (iii), (iv), (v) we get ξ(max {d(a 2n ,a 2n+1),d(b 2n ,b2n+1),d(c2n ,c2n+1),d(d 2n ,d 2n+1)} ( ) -φ ( max {d(a 2n-1,a 2n ),d(b2n-1,b2n ),d(c2n-1,c2n ),d(d 2n-1,d 2n )}) ...(vi) ≤ ξ max {d(a 2n-1,a 2n ),d(b2n-1,b2n ),d(c2n-1,c2n ),d(d 2n-1,d 2n )} ∴ ξ(max {d(a 2n ,a 2n+1),d(b 2n ,b 2n+1),d(c2n ,c2n+1),d(d 2n ,d 2n+1)} ( ≤ ξ max {d(a 2n-1,a 2n ),d(b 2n-1,b 2n ),d(c2n-1,c2n ),d(d 2n-1,d 2n )} ) ∵ ξ(t) is an a non - decreasing sequence ∴ max {d(a 2n ,a 2n+1),d(b 2n ,b 2n+1),d(c 2n ,c 2n+1),d(d 2n ,d 2n+1)} ≤ max {d(a 2n-1,a 2n ),d(b2n-1,b2n ),d(c2n-1,c2n ),d(d 2n-1,d 2n )} ∴ {d(a 2n ,a 2n+1),d(b2n ,b2n+1),d(c2n ,c2n+1),d(d2n ,d 2n+1)}is a sequence of non -increasing positive real numbers.So,it must converge to a positive real number say δ > 0. ∴ lim {d(a 2n ,a 2n+1),d(b 2n ,b 2n+1),d(c2n ,c2n+1),d(d 2n ,d 2n+1)} = δ n →∞ ∴Taking lim on (vi) we get n →∞ lim ξ(max {d(a 2n ,a 2n+1),d(b2n ,b2n+1),d(c2n ,c2n+1),d(d2n ,d2n+1)} n →∞ ≤ lim ξ max {d(a 2n-1,a 2n ),d(b2n-1,b2n ),d(c2n-1,c2n ),d(d 2n-1,d 2n )} n →∞ - lim φ max {d(a 2n-1,a 2n ),d(b2n-1,b2n ),d(c2n-1,c2n ),d(d2n-1,d2n )} n →∞ ∴ξ(δ) ≤ ξ(δ)-φ (δ) ⇒ φ (δ) = 0 ⇒δ =0 ∴ lim {d(a 2n ,a 2n+1),d(b 2n ,b 2n+1),d(c2n ,c2n+1),d(d 2n ,d 2n+1)} = 0 n →∞ ∴ Generalising we get, lim {d(a n ,a n+1),d(b n ,b n+1),d(cn ,cn+1),d(d n ,d n+1)} = 0...................(vii) n →∞ We will show that {a n } , {b n } , {c n } , {d n } are Cauchy sequences. Assume on the contrary, that {a n } , {b n } , {c n } and {d n } are not Cauchy sequences, ( ( consequently, lim d(a ,a ) ≠ 0 , lim d(b ,b ) ≠ 0 , lim d(c ,c ) ≠ 0 n →∞ n m n →∞ n m n →∞ n m ) ) 100 and lim d(d ,d ) ≠ 0 . n m n →∞ Anushri A. Aserkar et al. { k } and Let there exists ∈> 0 for which we can find subsequence of integers m {n k } such that n k > m k > k . {d(a 2m k ,a 2n k ),d(b2m k ,b2n k ),d(c2m k ,c2n k ),d(d2m k ,d2n k )} ≥∈ and {d(a 2m k ,a 2n k -1),d(b2m k ,b2n k -1),d(c2m k ,c2n k -1),d(d2m k ,d2n k -1)} <∈ By the triangle inequality, we have ∈≤ lim d(a 2m ,a 2n ) = lim d(a 2m ,a 2n ) + lim d(a ,a ) k k k −1 k →∞ 2n k −1 2n k k k →∞ k →∞ ∈≤ lim d(a 2m ,a 2n ) < lim d(a 2m ,a 2n ) ≤∈ − 1 k k k k k →∞ k →∞ ∴ lim d(a 2m ,a 2n ) = lim d(a 2m ,a 2n ) =∈ − 1 k k k k k →∞ k →∞ Similarly we may that lim d(b 2m ,b 2n ) = lim d(b 2m , b 2n −1 ) =∈ k k k k k →∞ k →∞ lim d(c 2m ,c 2n ) = lim d(c 2m ,c 2n −1 ) =∈ k k k k k →∞ k →∞ lim d(d 2m ,d 2n ) = lim d(d 2m ,d 2n −1 ) =∈ k k k k k →∞ k →∞ d(a 2m ,a 2n +1 ) ≤ d(a 2m ,a 2n ) + d(a 2m ,a 2n +1 ) k k k k k k d(a ,a ) ≤ d(a ,a ) + lim lim lim d(a 2m ,a 2n +1 ) 2mk 2nk +1 2m k 2nk k k k →∞ k →∞ k →∞ ∴ lim d(a 2m ,a 2n +1 ) ≤∈ k k k →∞ d(a 2m -1 ,a 2n ) ≤ d(a 2m ,a ) + d(a 2m ,a 2n ) k -1 2mk k k k k d(a ,a ) ≤ d(a ,a ) + lim lim lim d(a 2m ,a 2n ) 2mk -1 2nk 2m k -1 2mk k k k →∞ k →∞ k →∞ ∴ lim d(a 2m -1 ,a 2n ) ≤∈ k k k →∞ d(a 2m -1 ,a 2n +1 ) ≤ d(a 2m ,a ) + d(a 2m ,a 2n ) + d(a 2n ,a 2n +1 ) k -1 2mk k k k k k k lim d(a 2m -1 ,a 2n +1 ) k k k →∞ ≤ lim d(a 2m ,a ) + lim d(a ,a ) + lim d(a ,a ) k -1 2mk k →∞ 2mk 2nk k →∞ 2nk 2nk +1 k →∞ ∴ lim d(a 2m -1 ,a 2n +1 ) ≤∈ k k k →∞ Quadruple Fixed Point Theorem for Four... 101 Similarly we may prove that lim d(b 2m , b 2n +1 ) ≤∈, lim d(b 2m -1 ,b 2n ) ≤∈, lim d(b 2m -1 ,b 2n +1 ) ≤∈ k k k k k k k →∞ k →∞ k →∞ lim d(c 2m ,c 2n +1 ) ≤∈, lim d(c 2m -1 ,c 2n ) ≤∈, lim d(c 2m -1 ,c 2n +1 ) ≤∈ k k k k k k k →∞ k →∞ k →∞ lim d(d 2m ,d 2n +1 ) ≤∈, lim d(d 2m -1 ,d 2n ) ≤∈, lim d(d 2m -1 ,d 2n +1 ) ≤∈ k k k k k k k →∞ k →∞ k →∞ Putting x = x 2m , y = y2m , z = z2m , w = w 2m , p = x 2n +1,q = y2n +1, k k k k k k r = z2n +1,s = w 2n +1 in (i), we get k k ξ (d(F(x 2m , y2m ,z2m , w 2m ),G(x 2n +1, y2n +1,z2n +1, w 2n +1) k k k k k k k k d(fx 2m ,gx 2n +1),d(fy 2m ,gy 2n +1),d(fz 2m ,gz 2n +1), k k k k k k ≤ ξ max d(fw 2m k ,gw 2n k +1)) d(fx 2m ,gx 2n +1),d(fy 2m ,gy 2n +1),d(fz 2m ,gz 2n +1), k k k k k k − φ max d(fw 2m ,gw 2n +1)) k k d(fx 2m ,G(x 2n +1, y2n +1,z 2n +1, w 2n +1)), k k k k k + Lmin d(gx 2n +1, F(x 2m , y2m ,z2m , w 2m ), k k k k k d(gx ,G(x , y , z , w )) 2n k +1 2n k +1 2n k +1 2n k +1 2n k +1 d(a 2m -1,a 2n ),d(b2m -1,b2n ),d(c2m -1,c2n ), k k k k k k ξ(d(a2m ,a 2n +1) ≤ ξ max k k d(d2m -1,d2n ) k k { } -φ max d(a 2m -1,a 2n ),d(b2m -1,b2n ),d(c2m -1,c2n ),d(d2m -1,d2n ) k k k k k k k k +Lmin d(a2m -1,a2n +1),d(a2n ,a2m ),d(a2n ,a2n +1) k k k k k k Taking lim , weget n→∞ ξ(∈) ≤ ξ(∈)-φ (∈) ∴φ(∈) = 0 ∴∈= 0,which is not possible {an }is a cauchy sequence. Similarly we may prove that {bn },{cn },{dn } arecauchysequences. As (X, d) is a complete metric space. So, a 2n+1 = f(x 2n+2 ),b 2n+1 = f(y2n+2 ), c 2n+1 = f(z2n+2 ),d 2n+1 = f(w 2n+2 ) converge to some α,β, γ,θ in X. 102 Anushri A. Aserkar et al. Hence there exists x, y,z, w in X,such that α = fx , β = fy , γ = fz , θ = fw. { }{ }{ }{ } Also the subsequences a 2n , b 2n , c 2n , d 2n converge to α.β, γ,θ ξ(d(F(x, y, z, w),G(x 2n+1, y2n+1,z2n+1, w 2n+1) ( ≤ ξ max {d(fx,gx 2n+1),d(fy,gy 2n+1),d(fz,gz 2n+1),d(fw,gw 2n+1))} ( - φ max {d(fx,gx 2n+1),d(fy,gy 2n+1),d(fz,gz 2n+1),d(fw,gw 2n+1))} ) ) d(fx,G(x 2n+1, y2n+1, z 2n+1, w 2n+1)),d(gx 2n+1,F(x, y, z, w)), d(gx 2n+1,G(x 2n+1, y2n+1,z 2n+1, w 2n+1)) + Lmin ξ(d(F(x, y, z, w),a 2n+1) ( ≤ ξ max {d(α,a 2n ),d(β,b 2n ),d(γ,c2n ),d(θ,d 2n )} ( - φ max {d(α,a 2n ),d(β,b 2n ),d(γ,c2n ),d(θ,d 2n )} ) ) + Lmin ( d(α,a 2n+1),d(a 2n ,F(x, y,z, w)),d(a 2n ,a 2n+1) ) Taking lim to both sides, we get n→∞ ∴ ξ(d(F(x, y,z, w), α) ≤ 0 ∴ F(x, y,z, w) = α ∴ F(x, y,z, w) = fx = α ∵ (F,f) are w -compatible. ∴ fα = f(F(x, y, z, w)) = F(fx,fy,fz,fw) = F(α, β, γ, θ) Similarly we may prove that fβ = F(β, γ, θ, α) fγ = F(γ, θ, α, β) fθ = F(θ, α, β, γ) Putting x = α, y = β,z = γ, w = θ we get ξ(d(F(α,β, γ,θ),G(x 2n+1, y2n+1,z2n+1, w 2n+1) ( ≤ ξ max {d(fα,gx 2n+1),d(fβ,gy 2n+1),d(fγ,gz 2n+1),d(fθ,gw 2n+1))} ( - φ max {d(fα,gx 2n+1),d(fβ,gy 2n+1),d(fγ,gz 2n+1),d(fθ,gw 2n+1))} ) d(fα,G(x 2n+1, y2n+1,z 2n+1, w 2n+1)),d(gx 2n+1,F(α,β, γ,θ)), d(gx 2n+1,G(x 2n+1, y2n+1, z2n+1, w 2n+1)) + Lmin ) Quadruple Fixed Point Theorem for Four... 103 ( ) - φ ( max {d(fα,a 2n ),d(fβ,b 2n ),d(fγ,c2n ),d(fθ,d 2n )}) ∴ ξ(d(fα ,a 2n+1) ≤ ξ max {d(fα,a 2n ),d(fβ,b 2n ),d(fγ,c2n ),d(fθ,d 2n )} ( + Lmin ( d(fα,a 2n+1),d(a 2n , F(α,β, γ,θ)),d(a 2n ,a 2n+1) ) ) ξ(d(fα, α)) ≤ ξ max {d(fα,α),d(fβ,β),d(fγ, γ),d(fθ,θ)} - φ ( max {d(fα,α),d(fβ,β),d(fγ, γ),d(fθ,θ)}) ( ) ( ) ξ(d(fβ, β)) ≤ ξ max {d(fβ,β),d(fγ, γ),d(fθ,θ),d(fα,α)} - φ ( max {d(fβ,β),d(fγ, γ),d(fθ,θ),d(fα,α)}) ξ(d(fθ , θ ) ) ≤ ξ max {d(fθ,θ),d(fα,α),d(fβ,β),d(fγ,γ)} - φ ( max {d(fθ,θ),d(fα,α),d(fβ,β),d(fγ,γ)}) ( ) φ ( max {d(fγ,γ),d(fθ,θ),d(fα,α),d(fβ,β)}) ξ(d(fγ , γ ) ) ≤ ξ max {d(fγ,γ),d(fθ,θ),d(fα,α),d(fβ,β)} ∴ ξ(max {d(fα,α),d(fβ,β),d(fγ,γ),d(fθ,θ)}) ≤ ( ) - φ ( max {d(fα,α),d(fβ,β),d(fγ,γ),d(fθ,θ)}) ∴φ ( max {d(fα ,α ),d(fβ , β ),d(fγ ,γ ),d(fθ ,θ )}) = 0 ξ max {d(fα,α),d(fβ,β),d(fγ,γ),d(fθ,θ)} max {d(fα,α),d(fβ,β),d(fγ,γ),d(fθ,θ)} = 0 ⇒ d(fα,α) = 0 ,d(fβ,β) = 0 ,d(fγ, γ) = 0 & d(fθ,θ) = 0 ∴ fα = α, fβ = β ,fγ = γ ,fθ = θ ∴ F(α,β, γ,θ) = fα = α F(β, γ,θ,α,) = fβ = β F(γ,θ,α,β) = fγ = γ F(θ,α,β, γ) = fθ = θ ∵ F(X4 ) ⊂ g(X), there exists υ, ν,σ, τ such that g(υ) = F(α,β, γ,θ) = fα = α g(ν) = F(β, γ,θ,α,) = fβ = β g(σ) = F(γ,θ,α,β) = fγ = γ g(τ ) = F(θ,α,β, γ) = fθ = θ ∴ξ (d ( g(υ),G(υ, ν,σ, τ)) = ξ (d(F(α,β, γ,θ),G(υ, ν,σ, τ)) ( ) − φ ( max {d(fα ,gυ),d(fβ ,gν),d(fγ ,gσ),d(fθ ,gτ))}) ≤ ξ max {d(fα ,gυ),d(fβ ,gν),d(fγ ,gσ),d(fθ ,gτ))} + Lmin ( d(fα ,G(υ, ν,σ, τ)),d(gυ,F(α,β, γ,θ),d(gυ,G(υ, ν,σ, τ)) ) ∴ξ (d ( g(υ),G(υ, ν,σ, τ)) ≤ 0 ⇒ d ( g(υ),G(υ, ν,σ, τ) = 0 ∴g(υ) = G(υ, ν,σ, τ) Similarly we may prove that g(ν) = G(ν,σ, τ, υ), g(σ) = G(σ, τ, υ, ν), g(τ) = G(τ, υ, ν,σ) 104 Anushri A. Aserkar et al. ∵ (G,g) are W compatible ∴ gα = gg(υ) = gG(υ, ν,σ, τ) = G(g(υ),g(ν),g(σ), g(τ)) = G(α,β, γ,θ) Similarly we may prove that gγ = G(γ,θ,α,β), gθ = G(θ,α,β, γ) gβ = G(β, γ,θ,α), Putting x = x2n, y = y2n. z = z2n, w = w2n, p = α , q = β , r = γ , s = θ in (i) we get ξ(d(F(x 2n , y2n ,z2n , w 2n ),G(α,β, γ,θ) ( ) − φ ( max {d(fx 2n ,gα),d(fy 2n ,gβ),d(fz 2n ,gγ),d(fw 2n ,gθ))}) ≤ ξ max {d(fx 2n ,gα),d(fy 2n ,gβ),d(fz 2n ,gγ),d(fw 2n ,gθ))} + Lmin ( d(fx 2n ,G(α,β, γ,θ)),d(gα,F(x 2n , y2n , z2n , w 2n ),d(gα,G(α,β, γ,θ)) ) Taking lim , we get n →∞ ξ(d(α,gα)) ≤ ξ max {d(α,gα),d(β,gβ),d(γ,gγ),d(θ,gθ))} ( ) - φ ( max {d(α,gα),d(β,gβ),d(γ,gγ),d(θ,gθ))}) + Lmin ( d(α,gα),d(gα, α),d(gα,gα) ) ( ∴ ξ(d(α,gα)) ≤ ξ max {d(α,gα),d(β,gβ),d(γ,gγ),d(θ,gθ))} ( - φ max {d(α,gα),d(β,gβ),d(γ,gγ),d(θ,gθ))} ) Similarly we may prove that ( ) - φ ( max {d(β,gβ),d(γ,gγ),d(θ,gθ),d(α,gα)}) ξ(d(γ,gγ)) ≤ ξ ( max {d(γ,gγ),d(θ,gθ),d(α,gα),d(β,gβ)}) - φ ( max {d(γ,gγ),d(θ,gθ),d(α,gα),d(β,gβ)}) ξ(d(θ, gθ)) ≤ ξ ( max {d(θ,gθ),d(α,gα),d(β,gβ),d(γ,gγ)}) - φ ( max {d(θ,gθ),d(α,gα),d(β,gβ),d(γ,gγ)}) ∴ ξ ( max {d(α,gα),d(β,gβ),d(γ,gγ),d(θ,gθ))}) ≤ ξ ( max {d(α,gα),d(β,gβ),d(γ,gγ),d(θ,gθ))}) - φ ( max {d(α,gα),d(β,gβ),d(γ,gγ),d(θ,gθ))}) ∴φ ( max {d(α,gα),d(β,gβ),d(γ,gγ),d(θ,gθ))}) = 0 ξ(d(β,gβ)) ≤ ξ max {d(β,gβ),d(γ,gγ),d(θ,gθ),d(α,gα))} ⇒ max {d(α,gα),d(β,gβ),d(γ,gγ),d(θ,gθ))} = 0 ) Quadruple Fixed Point Theorem for Four... ∴ gα = α, gβ = β, gα = G(α,β, γ,θ) = α gγ = γ, 105 gθ = θ Similarly we may prove that gβ = G(β, γ,θ,α) = β, gγ = G(γ,θ,α,β) = γ, gθ = G(θ,α,β, γ) = θ ∴ F(α,β, γ,θ) = fα = gα = G(α,β,γ,θ) = α F(β, γ,θ,α,) = fβ = gβ = G(β, γ,θ,α) = β F(γ,θ,α,β) = fγ = gγ = G(γ,θ,α,β) = γ, F(θ,α,β, γ) = fθ = gθ = G(θ,α,β, γ) = θ Thus (α,β, γ,θ) is a quadruple fixed point of F,G,f,g Uniqueness: Let if possible there are two fixed points say (α,β, γ,θ) and (α*,β*, γ*,θ*) of F,G,f,g ∴ F(α,β, γ,θ) = fα = gα = G(α,β, γ,θ) = α F(β, γ,θ,α,) = fβ = gβ = G(β, γ,θ,α) = β F(γ,θ,α,β) = fγ = gγ = G(γ,θ,α,β) = γ, F(θ,α,β, γ) = fθ = gθ = G(θ,α,β, γ) = θ and F(α*,β*, γ*,θ*) = fα* = gα* = G(α*,β*, γ*,θ*) = α* F(β*, γ*,θ*,α*) = fβ* = gβ* = G(β*, γ*,θ*,α*) = β* F(γ*,θ*,α*,β*) = fγ* = gγ* = G(γ*,θ*,α*,β*) = γ*, F(θ*,α*,β*, γ*) = fθ* = gθ* = G(θ*,α*,β*, γ*) = θ* Putting x = α, y = β,z = γ, w = θ and p = α*,q = β*,r = γ*,s = θ* ξ(d(F(α,β, γ,θ),G(α*,β*, γ*,θ*) ( ≤ ξ max {d(fα,gα*),d(fβ,gβ*),d(fγ,gγ*),d(fθ,gθ*)} ( - φ max {d(fα,gα*),d(fβ,gβ*),d(fγ,gγ*),d(fθ,gθ*)} ) ) + Lmin ( d(fα,G(α*,β*, γ*,θ*)),d(gα*, F(α, β, γ,θ)),d(gα*,G(α*,β*, γ*,θ*)) ) ( ) - φ ( max {d(α,α*),d(β,β*),d(γ,γ*),d(θ,θ*)}) ξ(d(α,α*)) ≤ ξ max {d(α,α*),d(β,β*),d(γ,γ*),d(θ,θ*)} + Lmin ( d(α,α*),d(α*,α),d(α*, α*) ) ( ) - φ ( max {d(α,α*),d(β,β*),d(γ,γ*),d(θ,θ*)}) ξ(d(α,α*)) ≤ ξ max {d(α,α*),d(β,β*),d(γ,γ*),d(θ,θ*)} Similarly we may prove that ( ) - φ ( max {d(β,β*),d(γ,γ*),d(θ,θ*),d(α,α*)}) ξ(d(β,β*)) ≤ ξ max {d(β,β*),d(γ,γ*),d(θ,θ*),d(α,α*)} 106 Anushri A. Aserkar et al. ( ) - φ ( max {d(γ,γ*),d(θ,θ*),d(α,α*),d(β,β*)}) ξ(d(θ,θ*)) ≤ ξ ( max {d(θ,θ*),d(α,α*),d(β,β*),d(γ,γ*)}) - φ ( max {d(θ,θ*),d(α,α*),d(β,β*),d(γ,γ*)}) ∴ξ ( max {d(α,α*),d(β,β*),d(γ,γ*),d(θ,θ*)}) ≤ ξ ( max {d(α,α*),d(β,β*),d(γ,γ*),d(θ,θ*)}) - φ ( max {d(α,α*),d(β,β*),d(γ,γ*),d(θ,θ*)}) ∴φ ( max {d(α,α*),d(β,β*),d(γ,γ*),d(θ,θ*)}) = 0 ξ(d(γ, γ*)) ≤ ξ max {d(γ,γ*),d(θ,θ*),d(α,α*),d(β,β*)} ∴ max {d(α,α*),d(β,β*),d(γ,γ*),d(θ,θ*)} = 0 ⇒ d(α,α*) = d(β,β*) = d(γ, γ*) = d(θ,θ*) = 0 ∴ α = α*, β = β*, γ = γ*, θ = θ* Thus (α,β, γ,θ) is a unique common quadruple fixed point of F,G,f,g . Corollary 3.2: Let (X, ≤ ) be a partially ordered set and suppose there is a metric d on X such that (X,d) is a complete metric space .Suppose F,G : X4 → X and g,f : X → X are such that F,G are continuous. k ∈[0,1) (i) d(F(x, y,z, w),G(p,q,r,s) ( ≤ k max {d(fx,gp),d(fy,gq),d(fz,gr),d(fw,gs))} for all x, y, z, w, p,q, r,s ∈ X. (ii) F(X4 ) ⊂ g(X),G(X4 ) ⊂ f(X), ) (iii) the pairs (F, f) and (G, g) are W - compatible . Then F, G, f and g have a unique common coupled fixed point in X4 and also they have a unique common fixed point in X. Proof: Substituting ξ(t) = t and φ (t) = (1- k) t and L=0, in the main theorem we get the proof. Corollary 3.3: Let (X, ≤ ) be a partially ordered set and suppose there is a metric d on X such that (X, d) is a complete metric space .Suppose F, G : X4 → X and g, f : X → X are such that F, G are continuous. k ( d(fx,gp)+d(fy,gq)+d(fz,gr)+d(fw,gs) ) 4 for all x, y,z, w,p,q,r,s ∈ X. (i) d(F(x, y,z, w),G(p,q,r,s)) ≤ Quadruple Fixed Point Theorem for Four... 107 (ii) F(X4 ) ⊂ g(X),G(X4 ) ⊂ f(X), (iii) the pairs (F, f) and (G, g) are W - compatible . Then F, G, f and g have a unique common coupled fixed point in X4 and also they have a unique common fixed point in X. Proof: We know that 1 {d(fx,gp)+d(fy,gq)+d(fz,gr)+d(fw,gs)} ≤ max {d(fx,gp),d(fy,gq),d(fz,gr),d(fw,gs)} 4 So we get the proof from Corollary 3.1. Corollary 3.4: Let (X, ≤ ) be a partially ordered set and suppose there is a metric d on X such that (X, d) is a complete metric space .Suppose F, G : X4 → X and g, f : X → X are such that F, G are continuous. φ ∈Φ (i) d(F(x, y,z, w),G(p,q, r,s) ≤ max {d(fx,gp),d(fy,gq),d(fz,gr),d(fw,gs))} − φ ( max {d(fx,gp),d(fy,gq),d(fz,gr),d(fw,gs))}) for all x, y, z, w, p,q, r,s ∈ X. (ii) F(X4 ) ⊂ g(X),G(X4 ) ⊂ f(X), (iii) the pairs (F, f) and (G, g) are W - compatible . Then F, G, f and g have a unique common coupled fixed point in X4 and also they have a unique common fixed point in X. Proof: Substituting ξ(t) = t and L=0, in the main theorem we get the proof. Corollary 3.5: Let (X, ≤ ) be a partially ordered set and suppose there is a metric d on X such that (X,d) is a complete metric space .Suppose F : X 4 → X and f : X → X are such that F,G are continuous. k is a constant such that k ∈ [0,1) (i) d(F(x, y,z, w),F(p,q, r,s) ≤ k max {d(fx,fp),d(fy,fq),d(fz,fr),d(fw,fs))} for all x, y, z, w, p,q, r,s ∈ X. (ii) F(X4 ) ⊂ f(X), (iii) the pairs (F, f) are W -compatible . Then F, f has a unique common coupled fixed point in X4 and also they have a unique common fixed point in X. 108 Anushri A. Aserkar et al. Proof: Substituting F = G and f = g in Corollary 3.1, we get the proof. Example 3.6: Let X= [0, 1] and d(x, y) = x − y , (X,d) is a complete metric space F(x, y,z, w) = max {x,y,z,w} 1 ξ(t) = t 5 fx = 4x 1 G(x, y, z, w) = max {x,y,z,w} 2 1 6 gx = 3x φ (t) = t Thus F, G : X4 → X and g, f : X → X and F, G are continuous. ξ , φ ∈Φ and L ≥ 0 such that F(X4 ) ⊂ g(X),G(X4 ) ⊂ f(X), and the pairs (F, f) and (G, g) are W - compatible . 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