May 14-17, 2005
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
February 3, 2006
Agents and Multi Agent based Systems (MAS) are becoming widely used due to their ability to handle complex tasks and systems, in autonomous and intelligent ways. Agents are popular computational technologies contributing to diverse domains such as computer games, computer mediated collaboration, education and training, electronic commerce, information retrieval, pervasive and ubiquitous computing, robotics, service-oriented computing, social simulation, and user interfaces. Thanks to their growing communication abilities, agents can collaborate efficiently with each other, support human interaction, and even collaborate with humans.
Nowadays many new areas of research and applications emerge using collaborative and communicative agents to perform a variety of complex tasks. There are theories of agent-based collaboration that model teamwork, coalitions, crowds, and embodied conversational agents.
This special session on Multi Agent Systems and Collaboration - to be held as an integrated part of the 2006 International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems (CTS'06) - will focus on recent problems concerning the collaboration of agents (software, physical, or human), and related communication issues and new needs; what the collaboration of agents can bring in terms of computing performance, task repartition, architecture deployment, security enforcement, simulation, high performance computing, etc. New concepts, theories, models, agent communication languages (ACL), algorithms, frameworks, implementations and systems are meant to be covered in this session.
* Collaborative intelligent agents
* Coordination, Cooperation, Mediation
* Rational agency and collaboration
* Frameworks for the design of collaborative MAS
* Agent communication protocols, languages and semantics for collaboration
* Collaboration and communication in massive multi agent systems (MMAS)
* Security in collaborative multi agent systems / secure collaborative agents
* Using multi agent systems for security
* Software agents and collaboration in user centric systems
* Collaboration in agent based HCI (Human Computer Interaction) systems
* Collaboration between embodied and/or conversational agents and human agents
* Collaboration between web agents
* Mobile collaborative agents / remote collaboration
* Collaboration between agent based systems and non-agent based systems
* Collaborative social agents
* Human-agent interaction and teaming
* Role(s) of formal/applied ontology in collaboration
* Agent based high performance computing systems
* Use of MAS in modeling and simulation
* Agent collaboration for complex and fine-grained simulation
* Agent collaboration for artificial/real life/world simulation
* Task distribution within collaborative multi agent systems
Papers reporting original and unpublished research results on above and any other related collaborative (multi-)agent topics are solicited. Electronic (postscript or pdf) submissions are encouraged and should be sent to
by February 3, 2006 . For other electronic formats, please check with the organizers. For non-electronic submissions, please send four copies of the manuscript to one of the special session co-organizers.
Papers submitted for review should include a cover page with authors'names, affiliations, addresses, fax and phone numbers, email addresses, and the name of the special session. In case of multiple authors, an indication of which author is responsible for correspondence should also be included. Include up to 6 keywords and an abstract of no more than 300 words. Submissions should not to exceed 15 double-spaced pages including figures, tables, and references or not to exceed 7 pages in length in single-space, two columns IEEE format.
As a special session, each submitted paper will receive three reviews. Papers will be accepted based on their originality, timeliness, significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation. Initial selection will be based on full papers. Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper, if accepted. Final accepted manuscript will follow the
CTS 2006 format that will be available on the conference web site.
All accepted papers in the Symposium are expected to be presented and will be published as
CTS6 papers in the conference proceedings. It is our intent to have the proceedings formally published in hard and soft copies and be available at the time of the conference.
Extended Paper Submission Deadline:
Notification of Acceptance:
February 3, 2006
February 13, 2006
Registration & Camera-Ready Paper Due: March 10, 2006
Dr. Patrice Clemente
Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale d'Orleans (LIFO)
ENSI de Bourges
10, Boulevard Lahitolle
18020 Bourges Cedex
Voice: +33248484063
Fax: +33248484040
Dr. Henry Hexmoor
Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering
University of Arkansas
Engineering Hall, Room 328
Fayetteville, AR 72701, USA
Voice: 479-575-2420
Fax: 479-575-5339
Dr. Christophe Rosenberger
Laboratoire Vision & Robotique (LVR)
ENSI de Bourges
10, Boulevard Lahitolle
18020 Bourges Cedex
Voice: +33248484066
Fax: +33248484040
All submitted papers will be rigorously reviewed by the special session technical program committee members.
Dr. Patrice Clemente (University of Orleans, France)
Dr. Henry Hexmoor (University of Arkansas, USA)
Dr. Vincent Louis (France Tom R&D, France)
Pr. Philippe Mathieu (University of Lille, France)
Pr. Sascha Ossowski. (University Rey Juan Carlos, Spain) *
Dr. Franck Panaget (France Tom R&D, France)
Dr. Alois Reitbauer (PROFACTOR, Austria)
Dr. Christophe Rosenberger (University of Orleans, France)
Dr. Jean-Christophe Routier (University of Lille, France)
(Partial. To be completed)
* final acceptance pending
If you have questions concerning session paper submission or session content, please contact the
Special Session organizer at the address above. For information or questions about the full
Symposium's program, tutorials, exhibits, demos, panel and special sessions organization, please consult the conference web site at URL: or contact the symposium co-chairs: Bill McQuay at AFRL/IFSD, WPAFB
) or Waleed W. Smari at the Dept. of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, University of Dayton (