Gen. Math. Notes, Vol. 4, No. 1, May 2011, pp.... ISSN 2219-7184; Copyright © ICSRS Publication, 2011

Gen. Math. Notes, Vol. 4, No. 1, May 2011, pp. 59-66
ISSN 2219-7184; Copyright © ICSRS Publication, 2011
Available free online at
Biharmonic Curves in H2×R
Talat Körpınar1 and Essin Turhan2
Fırat University, Department of Mathematics, 23119, Elazığ, Turkey
Fırat University, Department of Mathematics, 23119, Elazığ, Turkey
(Received: 14-5-11/ Accepted: 18-6-11)
In this paper, we study biharmonic curves in the H × R . We show that all of
them are helices. By using the curvature and torsion of the curves, we give some
characterizations biharmonic curves in the H × R.
Keywords: Biharmonic curve, curvature, helices, torsion.
The theory of biharmonic functions is an old and rich subject. Biharmonic
functions have been studied since 1862 by Maxwell and Airy to describe a
mathematical model of elasticity. The theory of polyharmonic functions was
developed later on, for example, by E. Almansi, T. Levi-Civita and M. Nicolescu.
In the last decade there have been a growing interest in the theory of biharmonic
functions which can be divided into two main research directions. On the one side,
the differential geometric aspect has driven attention to the construction of
examples and classification results. The other side is the analytic aspect from the
point of view of PDE: biharmonic functions are solutions of a fourth order
strongly elliptic semilinear PDE.
Talat Körpınar et al.
Let f : ( M , g ) → ( N , h) be a smooth function between two Riemannian manifolds.
The bienergy E2 ( f ) of f over compact domain Ω ⊂ M is defined by
E2 ( f ) = ∫ h(τ ( f ),τ ( f ))dv g ,
where τ ( f ) = trace g ∇df is the tension field of f and dv g is the volume form of
M . Using the first variational formula one sees that f is a biharmonic function if
and only if its bitension field vanishes identically, i.e.
τ 2 ( f ) := −∆ f (τ ( f )) − trace g R N (df ,τ ( f ))df = 0,
∆ f = − trace g (∇ f ) 2 = − trace g ∇ f ∇ f − ∇ f M
is the Laplacian on sections of the pull-back bundle f −1 (TN )and R N is the
curvature operator of ( N , h) defined by
R ( X , Y ) Z = [∇ X , ∇Y ]Z − ∇ X ,Y ] Z .
In this paper we first write down the conditions that any non-harmonic (nongeodesic) biharmonic curve in the H2 × R must satisfy. Then we prove that the
non-geodesic biharmonic curves in the H2 × R are helices. Finally, we deduce the
explicit parametric equations of the non-geodesic biharmonic curves in the H2 × R .
Left Invariant Metric in H2 × R
Let H2 be the upper half-plane model {( x, y ) ∈ R 2 : y > 0} of the hyperbolic plane
endowed with the metric
(dx 2 + dy 2 )
gH =
of constant Gauss curvature − 1 . The space H2 , with the group structure derived
by the composition of proper affine maps, is a Lie group and the metric gH is left
invariant. Therefore the product H2 × R is a Lie group with the left invariant
product metric
(dx 2 + dy 2 )
+ dz 2 .
The left-invariant orthonormal orthonormal frame
Biharmonic Curves in …
e1 = y
, e2 = y , e3 = .
Now let Cijk be the structure's constants of the Lie algebra g of G that is
[e , e ] = C e .
ij k
The corresponding Lie brackets are
[e1 , e2 ] = −e1 , [e1 , e3 ] = [e2 , e3 ] = 0.
The Coshul formula for the Levi--Civita connection is:
2 g (∇ e e j , ek ) = Cijk − C ijk + Ckij := Lkij ,
where the non zero L 's are
L112 = −2, L11
= 2.
We adopt the following notation and sign convention for Riemannian curvature
R ( X , Y ) Z = ∇ X ∇Y Z − ∇Y ∇ X Z − ∇ X ,Y ] Z .
The Riemannian curvature tensor is given by
R ( X , Y , Z , W ) = g ( R ( X , Y ) Z , W ).
Moreover we put
Rabc = R (ea , eb )ec , Rabcd = R (ea , eb , ec , ed ),
where the indices a, b, c, d take the values 1,2,3 . Then,
R121 = e2 , R1212 = 1.
Biharmonic Curves in H2 × R
Let I ⊂ R be an open interval and γ : I → H2 × R be a curve, parametrized by arc
length, on a Riemannian manifold. Putting T = γ ' , we can write the tension field
of γ as τ (γ ) = ∇ ' γ ' and the biharmonic map equation (1.2) reduces to
∇T T + R (T , ∇T T )T = 0.
Talat Körpınar et al.
A successful key to study the geometry of a curve is to use the Frenet frames
along the curve which is recalled in the following.
Let γ : I → H2 × R be a curve on H2 × R parametrized by arc length. Let {T , N , B}
be the Frenet frame fields tangent to H2 × R along γ defined as follows: T is the
unit vector field γ ' tangent to γ , N is the unit vector field in the direction of
∇T T (normal to γ ), and B is chosen so that {T , N , B} is a positively oriented
orthonormal basis. Then, we have the following Frenet formulas
∇T T = κN
∇ T N = −κT − τB
∇T B = τN ,
where κ is the curvature of γ and τ its torsion. With respect to the orthonormal
basis {e1 , e2 , e3 } we can write
T = T1e1 + T2e2 + T3e3 ,
N = N1e1 + N 2e2 + N 3e3 ,
B = T × N = B1e1 + B2 e2 + B3e3 .
Theorem 3.1 γ : I → H2 × R is a biharmonic curve if and only if
κ = constant ≠ 0,
κ 2 + τ 2 = B32 ,
τ ' = − N 3 B3 .
Proof. From (3.1) we obtain
τ 2 (γ ) = ∇ T T + R(T , ∇ T T )T
= (−3κκ ' )T + (κ '' − κ 3 − κτ 2 + κR (T , N , T , N )) N
+ (−2κ 'τ − κτ ' + κR (T , N , T , B )) B
= 0.
We see that is a biharmonic curve if and only if
κκ ' = 0,
κ '' − κ 3 − κτ 2 + κR(T , N , T , N ) = 0,
− 2κ 'τ − κτ ' + κR (T , N , T , B ) = 0,
which is equivalent to
Biharmonic Curves in …
κ = constant ≠ 0,
κ 2 + τ 2 = R(T , N , T , N ),
τ ' = R(T , N , T , B).
A direct computation using (2.4) yields
R (T , N , T , N ) = B32 , R (T , N , T , B ) = − N 3 B3 .
These, together with (3.4), complete the proof of the theorem.
Corollary 3.2. Let γ : I → H2 × R be a curve with constant curvature and
N 3 B3 ≠ 0 . Then, γ is not biharmonic.
Proof. We use the covariant derivatives of the vector fields T , N and B, these,
together with equations (3.2) we get
T3' = κN 3 ,
N 3' = −κT3 − τB3 ,
B3' = τN 3 .
Assume now that γ is biharmonic. Then τ ' = − N 3 B3 ≠ 0 and (3.3) we obtain
ττ ' = B3 B3' .
Since τ ' = − N 3 B3 , this is rewritten as
τ =−
From (3.6) we have
B3' = τN 3 .
If we substitue B1' in equation (3.7)
τ = 0.
Therefore also τ is constant and we have a contradiction. Complete the proof of
the corollary.
By using Theorem 3.1 and Corollary 3.2, we have the following corollary:
Corollary 3.3. γ : I → H2 × R is biharmonic if and only if
κ = constant ≠ 0,
Talat Körpınar et al.
τ = constant ,
N 3 B3 = 0,
κ 2 + τ 2 = B32 .
Corollary 3.4.
(i) If N 3 ≠ 0 then γ is not biharmonic.
(ii) If N 3 = 0 , then
T ( s ) = sin α 0 cos β ( s )e1 + sin α 0 sin β ( s )e2 + cos α 0 e3 ,
where α 0 ∈ R .
(i) Using the above Corollary 3.3 it is easy to see that γ is not biharmonic.
(ii) Since γ is s parametrized by arc length, we can write
T ( s ) = sin α cos β ( s )e1 + sin α sin β ( s )e2 + cos αe3 .
From (3.6) we obtain
T3' = κN 3 .
Since N 3 = 0
T3' = 0.
Then T3 is constant. We use (3.10), we have
T3 = cos α 0 = constant.
Theorem 3.5. The parametric equations of all biharmonic curves of H2 × R ,
x( s ) = c2 sin α 0 ∫ sin β ( s )e
y(s) = c2 e
z ( s ) = s cos α 0 + c3 ,
sin α 0
sin α 0 cos β ( s ) ds
ds + c1 ,
cos β ( s ) ds
where c1 , c2 , c3 is arbitrary constants.
Proof. We note that
= T ( s ) = T1e1 + T2 e2 + T3e3 ,
and our left-invariant vector fields are
Biharmonic Curves in …
e1 = y
, e2 = y , e3 =
= ( y ( s )T1 , y ( s )T2 , T3 ).
By using equation (3.9), we have
= T ( s ) = ( y ( s ) sin α 0 cos β ( s ), y ( s ) sin α 0 sin β ( s ), cos α 0 ).
In order to find the explicit equations for γ ( s ) = ( x( s ), y ( s ), z ( s )) , we must
integrate the system
= T ( s ) , that in our case is
= y ( s ) sin α 0 cos β ( s ),
= y ( s ) sin α 0 sin β ( s ),
= cos α 0 .
The integration is immediate and yields (3.11).
Corollary 3.7. If β ( s ) = s, then the parametric equations of all biharmonic
curves are
− sin α 0 cos s
x( s) = e
(sin α 0 cos s + 1) + c1 ,
− sin α cos s
y(s) = c2 e
z ( s ) = s cos α 0 + c3 ,
where c1 , c2 , c3 is arbitrary constants.
The picture of biharmonic curve γ (s ) at c1 = c2 = c3 = 1 :
In this work, we first write down the conditions that any non-harmonic (nongeodesic) biharmonic curve in the H2 × R must satisfy. Then we prove that the
non-geodesic biharmonic curves in the H2 × R are helices. Finally, we deduce the
explicit parametric equations of the non-geodesic biharmonic curves in the H2 × R .
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