Biology 394a H2: Caribbean Marine Biology Seminar Class January 16, 2008: Class 1 Topics to be discussed: Introductions: Class registration: We have "ADD" slips for you to fill out to officially register for the course. Bio 394 A Section H2 (seminar class) Bio 394 B Section HN (Field trip) Forms need to be taken to Rm 10 Alumni Hall (this week you do not need your advisors signature) Applications, health form, emergency medical, insurance forms Memorandum of Understanding Bungalow assignments: Please begin to think about roommates and room assignments. As guests of the Roatan Institute for Marine Sciences (RIMS) we will be housed in quad occupancy louvered wooden bungalows overlooking the lagoon reefs. Each has ceiling fan, 24hour electricity, and a bathroom, including hot water shower, potable water. If you have no particular preference as to bungalow-mates, we will make assignments. A few reminders: Passport: You need a passport to participate in the field trip. Your passport must be valid for 6 months AFTER your return from Roatan. If you do not have a passport, hopefully, you have already submitted the necessary paperwork. If this is not the case please see Don and Dusan IMMEDIATELY! Reminder to check your E-mail regularly. Expect one to two E-mails a week about the trip. Marine Biology Field Trip homepage is located at the following web address: Seminar/class attendance: Attendance at the seminar is compulsory unless you have a non-resolvable conflict. Anyone who will miss a seminar should E-mail Sakaguchi with the reasons before the seminar. Assignments: Each week there will be an assignment of various sorts. These assignments will be due at 5 PM the day before our class (assignments due Wed, By 5 PM). Our next class, January 24, will take place at the Student Health Center: Topic-Health considerations while traveling abroad: Presentation by Mary Fosse ISU Student Health Center representative.*Note: Class will meet in the lobby of the Student Heath Center at 7:00 AM (Please be prompt). 1 Biology 394a H2: Caribbean Marine Biology Seminar Class For those planning to get their Open Water SCUBA certification at Anthony’s Key Resort (AKR): Please note, if you are planning to do your open water scuba certification dives at Roatan the following prices apply for your open water dives (please remember that you are responsible for these additional expenses associated with all SCUBA diving activities associated with your SCUBA certification course and with SCUBA diving and snorkeling). PADI OPEN WATER REFERRAL: $185.00 REFERRAL FROM OTHER AGENCY: $205.00 Participants must complete PADI final exam. Prices do not include 12% local tax and are subject to change without notice. Please note that if you are NOT taking a PADI Open Water SCUBA course the fee for the referral is more costly, and in addition, you must successfully complete the PADI final exam. You are responsible to obtain all of the necessary paperwork from your SCUBA instructor in order to participate in the open water referral dives at AKR. Ames Parks and Recreation SCUBA classes: Two classes are available through the City of Ames - Parks and Recreation dept. Tuesday or Thursday evenings (7:00 PM) If you plan to take the class, please fill out and bring to the first class the PADI Medical and Liability Forms. Forms can be down-loaded from the class website at: It may be necessary to open Adobe Acrobat first, then open the files from within Acrobat. The PADI medical evaluation form will need to be filled out before the first class. If you have any medical "issues" you will need to have a physician fill out the appropriate part of the PADI medical form. During this first class be prepared for water/pool evaluation: swim 8 lengths of the pool and then treading water for 10 minutes. Snorkeling gear: what gear/equipment do I need to go snorkeling? Pre-trip REEF QUIZ: Reef creature identification quiz. 2