EXTENDED TENSION LEG PLATFORM DESIGN FOR OFFSHORE WIND TURBINE SYSTEMS by Nicholas W. Parker B.S., Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering United States Coast Guard Academy, 2003 Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degrees of Master of Science in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering and Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 2007 ©Nicholas W. Parker, 2007. All rights reserved. The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part in any medium now known or hereafter created. Signature of Author...................................... Department of Mechanical Engineering May .7, 2007 C ertified by ..................................................................................... Paul D. Sclavounos Professor of Naval Architecture Thesis Supervisor A ccepted by .................................................................................... Lallit Annand -\ AC--H USETTS INSTITUTE i ECHNOLOGY JUL 18 2007 BRARIES Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Students Department of Mechanical Engineering 2 EXTENDED TENSION LEG PLATFORM DESIGN FOR OFFSHORE WIND TURBINE SYSTEMS by Nicholas W. Parker Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on May 17, 2007, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degrees of Master of Science in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering and Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering ABSTRACT The rise of reliable wind energy application has become a primary alternative to conventional fossil fuel power plants in the United States and around the world. The feasibility of building large scale wind farms has become increasingly dependent on location. The ideal locations require placement in desolate areas with limited or no visibility from surrounding communities, and with the presence of a consistent wind-enriched climate. Deployments of wind turbines in an offshore environment where water depths exceed 30 meters satisfy these requirements. Studies have shown that existing offshore wind turbine systems are limited to shallower coastal waters by the cost of constructing and installing the support structures. This thesis provides a continued parametric analysis of floating platforms for the support of offshore wind turbine systems. In particular, the Tension Leg Platform design will be optimized. Optimization is achieved through the coupling of wave-body interaction theory for the platform along with the aerodynamic performance of a 5-Megawatt wind turbine in the frequency domain. The study provides comparisons over a variety of initial tether tensions and the dynamic response and performance of the platform in several sea states. Statistical quantities are evaluated to ensure these tensions provide adequate forces in storms for various sea states where the significant wave heights can be expected to be 5 meters or greater. The Tension Leg Platform is substantially resistant to heave, pitch and roll motions; therefore, methods of damping the larger surge and sway responses are presented and discussed. Thesis Supervisor: Title: Paul Sclavounos Professor of Naval Architecture 3 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am sincerely thankful for the guidance of my thesis advisor, Professor Paul Sclavounos. His distinguished knowledge and insight supplied the solid educational foundation on which this thesis is based. The direction and encouragement he provided was invaluable throughout the many challenges and transformations my thesis process underwent. I am ever grateful for the opportunity extended by Professor Sclavounos to study in this exciting field. To the 2N program, operated by the U.S. Navy, I am immensely grateful. The experience and notable tutelage of Captain Patrick Keenan and Commander Joel Harbour were indispensable sources of inspiration. My fellow Coast Guard and Naval officers provided a wealth of support and intellect that contributed greatly to my own success. I am especially thankful for the funding provided by the U.S. Coast Guard, and the opportunity the service has given me to further my education. Without the daily support and financial resources of this organization and the people in it, I would not be here today. The Laboratory for Ship and Platform Flows offered a supportive and creative environment for my research. I am particularly appreciative of the time, effort, and advice of Chris Tracy and Adam Guttenplan. Finally, I am continually thankful for the support of my wonderful friends, family, and friends at WAKA; whose lives all present me with true inspiration. 5 6 CONTENTS A BSTRA CT..................................................................................................................................................3 A CKN O W LED GEM EN TS .......................................................................................................................... CONTENTS ............................................................... LIST OF FIGU RES ...................................................................................................................................... 5 7 9 LIST OF TA BLES......................................................................................................................................11 1. BA CK GROUN D ................................................................................................................................ 1.1 O ffshore W ind Turbine System s ........................................................................................... 1.2 N REL 5-M egaW att Turbine.................................................................................................. 1.3 TLP Coordinate System ......................................................................................................... 1.4 Design Characteristics and Dim ensions ................................................................................. 1.5 W ave-Body Interaction Theory ............................................................................................. 2. DESIGN PRO CESS...........................................................................................................................22 3. AD VAN CED TEN SION DESIGN ................................................................................................ 3.1 Tension Principles ..................................................................................................................... 3.2 Tension Optim ization ................................................................................................................ 3.2.1 The Steady-State Force Balance ................................................................................... 3.2.2 Wave Induced Tensions from Wave-Body Interactions .............................................. 3.3 Com bined Dynam ic Analysis............................................................................................... 3.3.1 Response A m plitude Operators ................................................................................... 3.3.2 Spectral A nalysis and Standard Deviation.................................................................... 3.3.3 Zero Tension Difference ............................................................................................... 4. RESU LTS .......................................................................................................................................... 4.1 D esign Values for Iterations .................................................................................................. 4.2 Base Case Results...................................................................................................................... 4.3 11 m Radius Base Case Com parison.................................................................................... 4.3.1. Draft A nalysis .................................................................................................................. 4.3.2 10 m Significant W ave H eight RA O A nalysis ............................................................ 4.3.3 5 m Significant W ave Height RA O A nalysis ............................................................. 4.3.4 10 m Significant W ave Height A cceleration Analysis ................................................ 4.3.5 5 m Significant W ave Height Acceleration A nalysis ................................................... 4.3.6 Zero Tension Possibilities............................................................................................. 4.4 8 m Radius.................................................................................................................................52 4.4.1 Draft A nalysis ................................................................................................................... 4.4.2 8 m Radius D iscussion.................................................................................................. 4.5 A lternative Platform Results (9 m , 10 m , and 12 m Radius).....................................................53 4.5.1 9 m Radius D iscussion.................................................................................................. 4.5.2 10 m Radius D iscussion............................................................................................... 4.5.3 12 m Radius D iscussion............................................................................................... 5 CON CLU SION .................................................................................................................................. 5.1 D iscussion of Optim um TLP..................................................................................................... 5.2 Recom m endations for Future W ork ..................................................................................... Appendix A : 9 m Radius.................................................................................................................... A ppendix B : 10 m Radius..................................................................................................................67 A ppendix B : 12 m Radius..................................................................................................................76 References...................................................................................................................................................85 7 13 14 15 18 19 20 24 24 25 26 27 28 29 29 32 33 33 34 36 36 38 42 43 45 47 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 58 8 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Offshore Wind Turbine Systems (from left to right: shallow water monopile, Tensoin Leg Platform, Spar Buoy, and Catenary M oored Barge)............................................................................... 15 Figure 2. NREL 5 M W Turbine Performance Curves [3] ......................................................................... 17 Figure 3. TLP Coordinate System ......................................................................................................... 18 Figure 4. Turbine, Rotor, and TLP Dimensions ................................................................................... 19 Figure 5. D esign Process............................................................................................................................23 Figure 6. Steady State Force D iagram ................................................................................................. 26 Figure 7. W ave Induced Force Diagram ............................................................................................... 28 Figure 8. ITTC Sea Spectrum s...................................................................................................................30 Figure 9. Barge Spectral Analysis Example .......................................................................................... 31 Figure 10. Spectral Analysis of Tether Tensions ................................................................................. 32 Figure 11. Base Case Surge, Sway and Yaw RAOs .............................................................................. 35 Figure 12. Wind Speed and Draft Effects, 11 m Radius, 10 m Tension Difference .............................. 37 Figure 13. Water Depth and Draft Effects, 11 m Radius, 10 m Tension Difference ............................. 38 Figure 14. Wind Speed Effects on Surge RAOs, 11 m Radius, 10 m Significant Wave Height ........... 41 Figure 15. Water Depth Effects on Surge RAOs, 11 m Radius, 10 m Significant Wave Height .......... 41 Figure 16. Wind Speed Effects on Surge RAOs, 11 m Radius, 5.5 m Significant Wave Height .......... 42 Figure 17. Water Depth Effects on Surge RAOs, 11 m Radius, 5.5 m Significant Wave Height ...... 43 Figure 18. Wind Speed Effects on Surge Acceleration RMS, 11 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height....... 44 Figure 19. Water Depth Effects on Surge Acceleration RMS, 11 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height......45 Figure 20. Wind Speed Effects on Surge Acceleration RMS, 11 m Radius, 5.5 m Sig. Wave Height ..... 46 Figure 21. Water Depth Effects on Surge Acceleration RMS, 11 m Radius, 5.5 m Sig. Wave Height.....47 Figure 22. Wind Speed Effects on Zero Tension Difference Trend Lines, 11 m Radius ..................... 48 Figure 23. Water Depth Effects on Zero Tension Difference Trend Lines, 11 m Radius ..................... 48 Figure 24. Zero Tension Difference Surge RAOs and Ballast Heights based on Water Depth, 11 m Radius, 10 m Sig. W ave Height.................................................................................... 50 Figure 25. Surge RAOs for Zero Tension Difference based on Water Depth, i m Radius .................. 50 Figure 26. Zero Tension Differences and Ballast Heights based on Wind Speeds, 11 m Radius, 10 m Sig. W ave H eight......................................................................................................... 51 Figure 27. Surge RAOs for Zero Tension Difference based on Wind Speed, i m Radius ................... 51 Figure 28. Wind Speed Effects on Draft, 8 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height .................................... 52 Figure 29. Surge, Sway, and Yaw RAO Comparison.......................................................................... 56 Figure 30. Wind Speed and Draft Effects, 9 m Radius, 10 m Tension Difference ................................ 58 Figure 31. Water Depth and Draft Effects, 9 m Radius, 10 m Tension Difference ............................... 58 Figure 32. Wind Speed Effects on Surge RAOs, 9 m Radius, 10 m Tension Difference ...................... 59 Figure 33. Water Depth Effects on Surge RAOs, 9 m Radius, 10 m Tension Difference .................... 59 Figure 34. Wind Speed Effects on Surge RAOs, 9 m Radius, 5.5 m Tension Difference ..................... 60 Figure 35. Water Depth Effects on Surge RAOs, 9 m Radius, 5.5 m Tension Difference .................... 60 Figure 36. Wind Speed Effects on Surge Acceleration RMS, 9 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height ........ 61 Figure 37. Water Depth Effects on Surge Acceleration RMS, 9 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height........61 Figure 38. Wind Speed Effects on Surge Acceleration RMS, 9 m Radius, 5.5 m Sig. Wave Height ....... 62 Figure 39. Water Depth Effects on Surge Acceleration RMS, 9 m Radius, 5.5 m Sig. Wave Height.......62 Figure 40. Wind Speed Effects on Zero Tension Difference Trend Lines ........................................... 63 64 Figure 41. Water Depth Effects on Zero Tension Difference Trend Lines, 9 m Radius ...................... Figure 42. Zero Tension Difference Surge RAOs and Ballast Heights based on Water Depth, 65 9 m Radius, 10 m Sig. W ave Height................................................................................... Figure 43. Surge RAOs for Zero Tension Difference 9 m Platforms .................................................. 65 9 Figure 44. Zero Tension Difference Surge RAOs and Ballast Heights based on Wind Speed, 66 9 m Radius, 10 m Sig. W ave Height.................................................................................... Figure 45. Wind Speed Effects on Surge RAOs for Zero Tension Difference Platforms, 9 m Radius ..... 66 67 Figure 46. Wind Speed and Draft Effects, 10 m Radius, 10 m Tension Difference .............................. 67 Figure 47. Water Depth and Draft Effects, 10 m Radius, 10 m Tension Difference ............................. Figure 48. Wind Speed Effects on Surge RAO, 10 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height.......................68 68 Figure 49. Water Depth Effects on Surge RAOs, 10 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height .................... Figure 50. Wind Speed Effects on Surge RAOs, 10 m Radius, 5.5 m Sig. Wave Height .................... 69 Figure 51. Water Depth Effects on Surge RAOs, 10 m Radius, 5.5 m Sig. Wave Height .................... 69 Figure 52. Wind Speed Effects on Surge Acceleration RMS, 10 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height.......70 Figure 53. Water Depth Effects on Surge Acceleration RMS, 10 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height......70 Figure 54. Wind Speed Effects on Surge Acceleration RMS, 10 m Radius, 5.5 m Sig. Wave Height ..... 71 Figure 55. Water Depth Effects on Surge Acceleration RMS, 10 m Radius, 5.5 m Sig. Wave Height.....71 72 Figure 56. Wind Speed Effects on Zero Tension Difference Trend Lines, 10 m Radius ..................... Figure 57. Water Depth Effects on Zero Tension Difference Trend Lines............................................73 Figure 58. Water Depth Effects on Zero Tension Difference Surge RAOs and Ballast Heights, 74 10 m Radius, 10 m Sig. W ave Height................................................................................. Figure 59. Surge RAOs for Zero Tension Difference Platforms based on Water Depth, 10 m Radius.....74 Figure 60. Wind Speed Effects on Zero Tension Surge RAOs and Ballast Heights, 10 m Radius, 10 m Sig. W ave Height......................................................................................................... 75 Figure 61. Surge RAOs for Zero Tension Difference Platforms base on Wind Speed, 10 m Radius ....... 75 76 Figure 62. Wind Speed Effects on Draft, 12 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height .................................. 76 Figure 63. Water Depth Effects on Draft, 12 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height ................................ 77 Figure 64. Wind Speed Effects on Surge RAOs, 12 m Radius, 10 Sig. Wave Height ......................... Figure 65. Water Depth Effects on Surge RAOs, 12 m Radius, 10 Sig. Wave Height..........................77 78 Figure 66. Wind Speed Effects on Surge RAOs, 12 m Radius, 5.5 m Sig. Wave Height .................... Figure 67. Water Depth Effects on Surge RAOs, 12 m Radius, 5.5 m Sig. Wave Height .................... 78 Figure 68. Wind Speed Effects on Surge Acceleration RMS, 12 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height.......79 Figure 69. Water Depth Effects on Surge Acceleration RMS, 12 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height......79 Figure 70. Wind Speed Effects on Surge Acceleration RMS, 12 m Radius, 5.5 m Sig. Wave Height ..... 80 Figure 71. Water Depth Effects on Surge Acceleration RMS, 12 m Radius, 5.5 m Sig. Wave Height.....80 81 Figure 72. Wind Speed Effects on Zero Tension Difference Trend Lines, 12 m Radius ..................... Figure 73. Water Depth Effects on Zero Tension Difference Trend Lines, 12 m Radius ..................... 82 Figure 74. Surge RAOs for Zero Tension Difference Platforms based on Water Depth, 12 m Radius.....83 Figure 75. Surge RAOs for Zero Tension Difference Platforms base on Water Depth, 12 m Radius.......84 10 LIST OF TABLES Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table N REL 5 M W Turbine Properties.................................................................................................16 30 Sea State Properties ..................................................................................................................... 33 Base Case TLP Properties .............................................................................................. Ranges of Design Iteration Values.....................................................................29 35 Base Case Natural Frequencies................................................................................................ 35 Base Case Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration Response ............................................ Water Depth Zero Tension Difference Options and Responses, 1 Im Radius, 39 10 m Significant W ave H eight............................................................................................... 8. Wind Speed Zero Tension Difference Options and Responses, 11 m Radius, 39 10 m Significant W ave H eight............................................................................................... 9. Water Depth Zero Tension Difference Options and Responses, 1 m Radius, 46 5.5 m Significant W ave H eight............................................................................................... 11 m Radius, and Responses, Options Difference Tension Speed Zero 10. Wind 47 5.5 m Significant W ave H eight ............................................................................................. TLP...........55 for Optimum values (RMS) Response Acceleration and 11. Displacement, Velocity, 56 12. Natural Frequencies of Optimum TLP ................................................................................. 9 m Radius, 13. Wind Speed Zero Tension Difference Options and Response, 63 10 m Significant W ave H eight............................................................................................. 14. Wind Speed Zero Tension Difference Options and Response, 9 m Radius, 63 5.5 m Significant W ave H eight............................................................................................. 15. Water Depth Zero Tension Difference Options and Responses, 9 m Radius, 64 10 m Significant W ave H eight............................................................................................. 16. Water Depth Zero Tension Difference Options and Responses, 9 m Radius, 64 5.5 m Significant W ave H eight............................................................................................. 17. Wind Speed Effects on Zero Tension Difference Options and Responses, 10 m Radius, 72 10 m Significant W ave Height............................................................................................. 18. Wind Speed Effects on Zero Tension Difference Options and Responses, 10 m Radius, 72 5.5 m Significant W ave H eight............................................................................................. 19. Water Depth Effects on Zero Tension Difference Options and Responses, 10 m Radius, 73 10 m Significant W ave Height............................................................................................. 20. Water Depth Effects on Zero Tension Difference Options and Responses, 10 m Radius, 73 5.5 m Significant W ave H eight............................................................................................. 21. Wind Speed Effects on Zero Tension Difference Options and Responses, 12 m Radius, 81 10 m Significant Wave H eight............................................................................................. 22. Wind Speed Effects on Zero Tension Difference Options and Responses, 12 m Radius, 81 5.5 m Significant W ave H eight............................................................................................. 23. Water Depth Effects on Zero Tension Difference Options and Responses, 12 m Radius, 82 10 m Significant Wave H eight............................................................................................. 24. Water Depth Effects on Zero Tension Difference Options and Responses, 12 m Radius, 82 5.5 m Significant W ave H eight............................................................................................. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 11 12 1. BACKGROUND The recognition of a need for renewable energies has increased dramatically within the past decade as greenhouse gases from conventional power generation are believed to be flowing into the atmosphere at an unprecedented rate. At the same time, technologies in wind energy have grown tremendously, and with increased research, have become more competitive with traditional fossil fuel energy. Harvesting energy from the wind differs from the production of energy from the burning of fossil fuels in many important ways; the first of which is availability and location. Although this document will focus on specific types of geographical locations (Offshore in deep water), the presence of wind is prevalent throughout the entire globe. This makes wind energy virtually applicable to all countries of the world, whereas fossil fuels are segregated to a choice group. Next, wind energy is a cleaner source of power in that it does not directly impart negative side effects back in to the environment. The emissions generated directly from wind turbines are essentially zero when compared with the emissions of both conventional coal and gas electrical power plants, and the indirect emissions associated with production are considerably smaller [5]. However, there exists a few drawbacks that may limit the feasibility of creating large scale wind farms, but this paper will attempt to show that none of the negative impacts are great enough to overcome the advantages. First, the transfer of energy from the turbine to the plant and from this plant to the recipients must have a physical link. This distribution will cover a large distance when considering that the concentration of current wind farms are located in the central plains of the United States and the primary recipients (large scale cities requiring the majority of electrical power) are located hundreds and thousands of miles away along the U.S. coasts. The magnitude of distance equates to larger costs in delivering the power generated from the seemingly advantageous wind farms on land. A justification, or verification, of the economics between savings in wind energy production versus the cost of transport from the hub of wind farms must 13 be completed. A second drawback is that the aesthetics of wind farms are not visually appealing to those living or operating in the vicinity of these wind farms. An alternative to both of these considerations is the placement of wind turbines in an offshore environment. At these locations, fetch is virtually uninterrupted providing an extremely reliable source of wind, while also being located closer to the power demands. However, current offshore wind farms are limited by the water depths in which the supporting structures must be erected. This in turn often limits the turbines' distance from shore and keeping them within sight of coastal residents. The offshore wind turbines in production today utilize monopiles, whose support extends all the way to the ocean floor in depths ranging up to 30 meters. Along the coastline of Europe, and in locations far from sight of land, water depths exceed 30 m, and monopiles become economically infeasible to install. The introduction and study of floating wind turbine structures has become of high interest to the industry, while also introducing equally intriguing challenges to overcome. Therefore, the problem becomes how to design a cost-effective floating system to safely support large-scale wind turbines in water depths of 30 to 300 meters. Several studies and concept designs have been completed. As an extension to a collaborative 2006 study between Elizabeth Wayman and the National Renewable Energies Laboratory (NREL), this study will focus on several features of a single concept system; the Tension Leg Platform (TLP). 1.1 Offshore Wind Turbine Systems The major types of support systems and platform designs that have been analyzed in the past will be briefly presented here. The first of these systems is the current shallow water monopile on top of which the turbine tower is attached (Figure 1, a). This system provides rigid support from being completely secured in the seabed and is used in water depths less than 20-30 m. Next, are the buoy-type platforms and moored systems consisting of spar, tethered, and catenary-type barges. Each of these concepts are distinguished by three major components; the wind turbine, 14 the floating support platform, and the mooring system. All barges have a cylindrical planform shape for encountering varying angles of wave headings while on station. The spar buoy in Figure 1(c) provides stability primarily through ballast restoring and may or may not require additional restoring forces from mooring lines. The catenary moored barge (Figure 1, d) and the tension leg platform (Figure 1, b) both make use of stability and restoring through waterplane area and ballast weight. In the catenary barge, the mooring lines are carefully designed to provide an optimal weight distribution in order to minimize barge motions, while in the TLP, the mooring lines are designed to pull the cylinder to a greater draft in order to provide additional stiffness, which also minimizes barge motions. Figure 1. Offshore Wind Turbine Systems (from left to right: shallow water monopile, Tensoin Leg Platform, Spar Buoy, and Catenary Moored Barge) Each of the floating wind turbine concepts have been discussed in detail by Wayman in [9]. The Tension Leg Platform (TLP) has proven to be a promising model for a deep-water floating wind turbine platform, and will serve as the focus for the remainder of this study. 1.2 NREL 5-MegaWatt Turbine The scale of the wind turbine is important in order to justify the cost effectiveness of deep water offshore wind energy. Therefore, it is necessary to select a wind turbine with the largest power 15 density that is appropriate to what could be expected in the near future. In this way, the electricity generated can be produced at lower costs for larger turbines, making it necessary to design a platform to support such larger systems. The NREL Offshore Baseline 5 MW turbine is the wind turbine selected for this study. This turbine is not an actual design that has been put in to production, but it serves as an excellent representation of turbines with similar power ratings. NREL has referenced various mechanical, structural, and aerodynamic properties of both fictitious and production wind turbines to develop the specifics for a realistic 5 MW wind turbine [3]. Based on the models given in this reference, the NREL offshore wind turbine has been designed to be a three-bladed Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT) with the following baseline turbine characteristics. Table 1. NREL 5 MW Turbine Properties Rating Wind Regime Rotor Orientation Control Rotor Diameter / Hub Diameter Hub Height Maximum Rotor/ Generator Speed Maximum Tip Speed 5MW IEC Class 1A / Class 6 winds Upwind Variable Speed, Collective Pitch 126m / 3m 90m 12.1rpm / 1,173.7rpm 80m/s Overhang / Shaft Tilt / Precone 5m / 50 / -2.5* Rotor Mass Nacelle Mass Tower Mass 110,000kg Overall c.g. location: 240,000kg (xt,yt,zt) = (-0.2m,0.0m,64.0m) 1347,460kg - Once the baseline turbine parameters were established, the actual operational performance was analyzed using the aeroelastic simulation code FAST (Fatigue, Aerodynamics, Structures and Turbulence). The operational specifications of interest are generator speed (angular speed of the high-speed shaft and generator), generator power (electrical generator power), rotor power (mechanical rotor power), rotor thrust, and rotor torque. These relationships were evaluated as functions of fixed wind speeds, and are plotted over the operational wind speeds at the hub height in Figure 2 as given in [3]. 16 60M - 6000 -nSpd 5000 -GenPwt I (rpm) Rotor Power (kW) - RoThrust (kN) I- Rofor (kN-m) Generator Power 4000 Rotor Torque 3000 2000 Generator Speed 1000 Rotor Thrust 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Wmd Speed (m/s) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Figure 2. NREL 5 MW Turbine Performance Curves [3] The power curve above is specific to the NREL 5 MW turbine and provides a basic overview of the turbine's general performance. For instance, because the turbine is designed to be selfstarting, power does not begin to be generated until the minimum wind speed, or cut-in velocity, is reached in Region 2. Wind speeds below the cut-in velocity represent Region 1 of the power curve where the turbine is not operational. As wind speed increases, so does the amount of power generated. The rated velocity is the wind speed that is reached when the turbine first produces the maximum rated power (beginning of Region 3). Beyond the rated velocity, the NREL 5 MW turbine is designed to be pitch-regulated. Therefore, as wind speed increases throughout Region 3, the pitch angle of each of the rotor blades is varied in order to maintain the rated power until the cut-out velocity is reached. At this point, the blades are feathered, or adjusted, in such a way that the turbine is taken out of operation in order to prevent excessive loads and damage to the generator. While the turbine is in operation it will induce forces and motions that must be coupled with the motions of the platform concept structure. Therefore, several points along the power curve must be analyzed for the purpose of this study. Four wind speeds were previously chosen by Wayman in [9] to analyze the performance of the TLP wind turbine system at various operating regimes. These speeds will continue to be the focus of this paper. First, a wind speed of 9 m/s produces 17 approximately 2500 KW, and serves as an initial test point for Region 2 of the power curve. The next wind speed is 11.2 m/s, and provides data for the turbine's rated wind speed. A wind speed of 15 m/s provides a location along Region 3. Finally, the cut-out wind speed of 25 m/s will be investigated for maximum wind speed while the turbine is in operation. 1.3 TLP Coordinate System The Tension Leg Platform designs were each analyzed for all translatory and rotational modes of motion corresponding to linear wave-body interaction theory. The coordinate system assumes an origin fixed at the center of gravity of the entire TLP-wind turbine system, with the x-y plane coinciding with the barge's calm water surface, and the z-axis positive upwards. It is assumed that regular waves will propagate in the positive x-axis direction. Wind direction will also be assumed to be aligned with the positive x-axis, giving the upwind rotor scheme presented in Figure 3. Figure 3. TLP Coordinate System The three standard modes of translational motion for the TLP system are surge, sway, and heave, represented as 41, E, and E along the x, y, and z axes respectively. The three standard modes of 18 rotational motion are roll, pitch, and yaw, represented as 4, 4, and E about the x, y, and z axes respectively. 1.4 Design Characteristics and Dimensions The Tension Leg Platform design is an ideal structure with many excellent seakeeping qualities, especially with respect to heave motions [1]. Additionally, as shown in [9], the mooring tethers provide stiffness at exceptionally large values, which also provides great resistance to pitching (and rolling) motions. Therefore the remaining primary modes of motion that will be discussed are surge, sway, and yaw. The dimensions of the NREL 5 MW turbine for the tower, nacelle, and rotor are given in Table 1 and were not altered throughout the design iterations of this study. Only dimensions of the platform and supporting tethers were adjusted to provide a complete iterative study of performance. The following figures address the principal dimensions of the wind turbine and TLP. Figure 4. Turbine, Rotor, and TLP Dimensions 19 1.5 Wave-Body Interaction Theory The steady state time-dependent form of the equations of motion for sinusoidal rigid-body motions of a floating structure as presented by Faltinsen, Newman, and Principles of Naval Architecture are given below. (Mij + Aij) j(t) + Bij j(t) + CiJ 4j(t) = Re{aXie* t } (ij = 1,...,6) Where: 4 (t) = The amplitude of the barge's displacement responses in the jth mode of motion. S(t) = The barge velocity response in the jth degree of freedom. (t) = The barge acceleration response in the jth degree of freedom. Mij= The barge mass(inertia) matrix. Aij= The coefficients of added mass in the Bij= The damping coefficients in the ith ith direction due to a jth motion. direction due to a jth motion. Cij= The hydrostatic restoring force coefficients in the ith direction due to a jth motion. a = The wave amplitude. Xi= The complex amplitudes of the exciting forces and moments. Aij and Bij are both functions of frequency (o), whereas Cij is independent of o and is defined by body geometry. The coefficient matrices and exciting force amplitudes will be determined in the frequency domain from the radiation diffraction panel program, Wave Analysis MIT (WAMIT). Evaluating the equation of motion above in the frequency domain, while taking the wave amplitude to be one, yields the following governing equation of motion. L[-Wf (Mj + Ay) + iaBy + Cj]-:-j = X,(i=,.,) j=1 Where: 4j(t) = Re{Eeis t } j(t) = Re{ioEei' t } j(t) = Re{-o 2EeiwtI and Ej (o) represents the dimensional complex forms of the six modes of motion. 20 It is the responses of the TLP system that are to be analyzed for various configurations. Translational and rotational accelerations are of the most importance in order to reduce destructive forces on the wind turbine. The standard deviations of the displacement, velocity, and acceleration of every platform and wind turbine system have been determined as per the above equations using a short linear analysis code written for MATLAB. 21 2. DESIGN PROCESS The process of improving the Tension Leg Platform wind turbine system involves a static analysis in the steady-state as well an advanced coupled analysis. A study of tether tensions is the first priority and will serve as the basis of comparison for this research. The initial supporting structure is a TLP, which requires an initial pre-tension in the static phase to obtain stability in calm water without a turbine in operation. Additional tether line tensions that must be considered are those induced from the rotor thrust as well as the regular waves exhibited in various sea states. A large array of systems are analyzed iteratively in the linear code, and compared for various wind speeds, water depths, and platform radii. The change in tether line tension is found, and the standard deviations of these results are then computed to determine minimum and maximum tension differences. Each different combination of system parameters is passed to the fully coupled dynamic analysis, regardless of the outcome of unfavorable tether tension differences. Trend lines are created in order to determine the best combination of characteristics (concrete ballast height and initial tether tension) that produce optimum tension performance. A sub-series of designs based on the trend lines just produced was studied next; each with distinctive design arrangements, but meeting the same overall tension performance guidelines. These systems are analyzed for their performance based on Response Amplitude Operators (RAOs) and the standard deviations of the platform's motions, velocities, and accelerations in several sea states. Finally, the sub-set is broken down to identify the best TLP system that requires the least initial tension and responds with the least amount of motion under the smallest acceleration. overall design process is described in Figure 5. 22 The i I Figure 5. Design Process 23 3. ADVANCED TENSION DESIGN Many of the initial design considerations have been taken from previous studies with minor changes in order to better design a Tension Leg Platform for the NREL 5 MW turbine. These studies have shown that TLP systems are enormously stiff from tension in their mooring systems, and do not allow for large deviations in heave, pitch, or roll. However, it has been shown that surge motions from head seas become a concern even in low sea states [9]. While a TLP system mainly responds in surge, additional forces are introduced in all modes of motion. The initial tension in the tethers of this system is of importance to ensure the lines never go slack, as well as never exceed a maximum value. 3.1 Tension Principles In the static, calm-water state, tension is created in the tethers, which provide the majority of restoring forces in addition to the tethers' function as an anchor to the sea floor. The tension is a product of the TLP weight being smaller than the submerged barge's buoyancy. 4 F ~M 11g = LF = FTtottl 1=1 In the force-balance equation above, FB is the buoyant force of the TLP, M is the entire mass of the TLP system, g is the force of gravity, FT,i are the individual tether tensions and FT,totai is the total tension force in all four tethers. The realistic procedure in creating this effect involves ballasting the platform with removable weights, such as water, before connection is made with the tethers, which are set in their suction piles (anchors) beforehand. When the platform is deballasted, the tethers are stretched taught to a pre-determined tension. This tension must be carefully calculated to provide a balance above the minimum necessary restoring force and below the point of failure. 24 It has been shown in Faltinsen, Newman, and Wayman that restoring coefficients of systems with tensioned mooring systems depend heavily on the elastic modulus, cross-sectional area, length, and radial location of the tether fairleads as described by:. C55 ,Tethers =2 "'The (R + Leg )2 + FTethersT Where E is the modulus of elasticity, A is the cross sectional area of the tethers, LTethers is the length of an un-stretched tether, R is the platform radius, LLeg is the additional radial distance to the tether fairlead due to attaching a leg, FTethers is the total tension force in the tethers, and T is the platform draft. Assuming no elastic transformation takes place, the stiffness of the mooring system can also be assumed to be infinite. The infinite stiffness is what limits the TLP's primary motions to surge, sway, and yaw. The increase or decrease in tension created in the surge direction from steady-state offsets as well as wave induced forces is the focus of this chapter. 3.2 Tension Optimization Reliability in the TLP tether tensions is required to ensure the mooring lines will not go slack. This involves the combination of a steady-state force balance as well as statistical expectations of dynamic forces in various sea states. As will be shown, the four tethers of the TLP system may experience variable changes in tension at the same time (for instance some tethers may have an increase in tension, while at the same time, a decrease occurs in the other tethers). Therefore, both the maximum and minimum tensions and changes in tensions have been calculated and compared to limiting values. Additionally, tension affects cost because other functions of the TLP are dependent on tension. For instance, if tension and the height of concrete ballast are known, then the calculation of draft follows directly. As the cost of concrete generally increases as draft (and consequently concrete height) increases, the amount of ballast should be minimized [9]. Decreasing draft will also decrease the amount of steel materials required, and lower tensions will require smaller diameter tethers, again reducing the amount of material (and cost). 25 3.2.1 The Steady-State Force Balance Figure 6 demonstrates the offset in surge at a steady-state operating point for a TLP with four equally spaced tethers. Forces in the windward tether are expected to increase and forces in the leeward tether will decrease, while forces in the middle tethers can be assumed to maintain an average tension. Figure 6. Steady State Force Diagram The tensions in tethers 1 and 3 are aligned along the x-axis when the wave propagation and thrust vectors are also aligned with the x-axis. The steady-state condition exists when the wind turbine is in operation producing thrust in the surge direction with a calm water sea state. These tethers will experience a change in tension, AT, which must not exceed the average total tension in the steady-state in order to avoid going slack. Furthermore, the addition of AT to the average tension must not exceed the maximum allowable force in the steady-state. moments about point 0 provides the steady-state AT that must be considered. IMO=FT',cosR-F 3 cosR-FThus -d=0 (Ff1 - FT3)R = Frhrls, -d, where the small angle approximation gives cos 0 = 1. 26 Summing the FTl, =FT + AT, FT,3 = FT -ATand FTl,-FT,3 =FT +AT-FT +AT=2AT 4 F' Where, Fr AT - 4 FThrust d 2R 3.2.2 Wave Induced Tensions from Wave-Body Interactions The wave body interaction was previously not taken into account in [9] and must be considered for accurate calculations of maximum and minimum tensions. Although the mooring system presented restrains the TLP in heave and pitch, forces are introduced in the tether lines from the wave excitation forces and moments. Figure 7 describes the variables applied in the following equations for forces and moments. n =X-AT = -AT F3= X3 - A ,i-AT,3 =0 nF= AT,,(R + L,,) - AT 3(R + Lg)- X5 = 0 Substituting the force balance equation into the pitch moment equation yields: ATe = AT ' 3 3 2 X 2 + 2(R + L,g) X 2(R + Lg) Where ATw,1 and ATw,3 represent the induced wave tensions in the windward and leeward tethers respectively and are functions of frequency (w). X3 and X5 are the complex wave excitation forces in the heave and pitch directions respectively. Lieg is the distance from the outer radius of the TLP to the fairlead of each tether. The oscillatory wave induced tensions can be used to find RAOs for the tension variations, which are then used to calculate standard deviations and other statistical quantities of relevance discussed in section 3.3.2. 27 Figure 7. Wave Induced Force Diagram 3.3 Combined Dynamic Analysis The dynamic analysis phase incorporates values from several aspects of the TLP system design. Static offsets and quantities obtained from body geometry and tether initialization are first required. Additionally, the values from the governing equation for added mass, damping, stiffness, and exciting forces are a compilation of hydrostatics, inertia, wave-body interaction, and turbine operational influence. These values are obtained and combined in the following manner. Individual mass and inertial quantities are found separately for the platform and the wind turbine and then combined. The cylindrical platform's body mass matrix is determined in the hydrostatic analysis using WAMIT, and the operational turbine's body mass matrix is determined in the aerodynamic analysis using FAST. Similarly, the hydrostatic and aerodynamic damping matrices are added together. Added Mass and the wave excitation forces are functions of the platform's hydrostatics and wave-body interaction performance alone. And the combined 28 TLP system stiffness matrix includes the contributions from hydrostatic restoring coefficients, aerodynamic restoring, and restoring forces from the tethers. Mij= MHydro + MFAST B ij, BHydro + BFAST Cij = CHydro + CFAST + CTethers 3.3.1 Response Amplitude Operators The Response Amplitude Operator (RAO) is the basic dynamic seakeeping value obtained from the linear analysis code. RAOs are evaluated for the six principal modes of motion as well as the derivative seakeeping quantities for wave induced tensions. The complex forms of the RAOs for translational and rotational modes of motion are produced by the following equations. (j=1,2,3) RAO 1 (()= RA 0, (co)= EjA(W)I =4,5,6) (jR1 The responses are non-dimensionalized by the wave amplitude and platform radius. The responses of the wave-induced tether tensions are similarly found by forming RAOs from the complex forms of the equations in section 3.2.2. RAO, T'j(w) = IA T, j(a)) (j=1,3) 3.3.2 Spectral Analysis and Standard Deviation There are several forms of standard wave spectra that are used to represent ambient wave records for fully developed, or open, sea conditions that have unlimited fetch. The International Towing 29 Tank Conference (ITTC) recommends the use of a Modified Pierson-Moskowitz spectral density equation. 0.11 (OT r1 2H '.2fl S (co) = H113 -T 2 e -2n Where H1 /3 represents the significant wave height and T1 represents the average wave period for the following tables of sea states evaluated in this study. Table 2. Sea State Properties T1 (s) Sea State H1,t (m) 1 0.09 2.0 2 0.67 4.8 3 4 5 2.44 5.49 10 8.1 11.3 13.6 ITTC Sea Spectrums 30 25 --- ------------ ---------- Sea State 1(xlO 5 Sea State 2(xl 0) Sea State 3(xl) --20 --------- -------- --------- -- Sea State 4 (x2) Sea State5 ---- --------- --------- 15 ---- 4 -------- 10 --- --- --------- -------- --------- ----- -- 3 5 -- 0 0 - -------- 2 1 --- 2 ----- 3 4 5 6 co(rad/s) Figure 8. ITTC Sea Spectrums Figure 8 demonstrates the increasing severity of sea states at lower oscillation frequencies. However, the frequencies at higher sea states provide only a narrow band at which the responses 30 of the TLP can be excited, whereas lower sea states will excite the floating structure around a broader range of frequencies with lower expected responses. Particular interest in this case concerns a spectral analysis of the TLP in sea states 4 and 5 where peak spectral frequencies interfere with the natural frequencies of the barge responses. Figure 9 illustrates how the overlap of the RAO and the ITTC spectral density produces a response spectrum. The area under the response represents the variance of the mode of motion according to the following equations. fS(w)iRAO, 2 do -= a- R2 = s,() (i = 1,2,3) (i = 4,5,6) do) Barge Spectral Analysis Example Af% 35 CX - Response RAO Response 30 25 Sea Spectrum (0 CD E 0 20 - RAO 15 10 Co 5 nI 0 I 0.5 1.5 1 2 2.5 o(rad/s) Figure 9. Barge Spectral Analysis Example The changes in tension induced from the barge's interaction with waves also presents a similar set of response curves as shown in Figure 10. 31 Spectral Analysis of Tether Tensions X 1013 5 S( (x1 011) RAO (xl 06) Response Response 0 ea Spectrum 2 2 RAO 0 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 n(rad/s) Figure 10. Spectral Analysis of Tether Tensions 3.3.3 Zero Tension Difference The standard deviation, as obtained from the variance will be used to ensure a 3a confidence interval is maintained. As long as the 3a wave induced tension does not exceed the minimum steady-state tension exhibited in either the leeward or windward tethers, it can be assumed that the lines will have a 99.73% chance of not going slack at any particular moment. The zero tension difference is therefore defined as the exact combination of TLP parameters (concrete ballast height, initial tether tension, radius, water depth, and draft) which produces a maximum 3a wave induced tension that is equal and opposite of the minimum steady state tether tension. 32 4. RESULTS The results discussed here are a compilation of data, figures, and tables over a variety of barge dimensions, ballast weights, tether tensions, water depths and wind speeds. The initial results display every design iteration graphically for general comparisons between various quantities. All cases have been run through the same coupled analysis phase to demonstrate performance at different operating levels. The range of parameters was chosen around the base case as designed by Wayman in [9]. 4.1 Design Values for Iterations The optimization of initial tether line tension force, which will be required for severe sea states, is the primary objective of this study. Therefore, the values used for analysis of tensions are more numerous than other parameters studied. Water depths and wind speeds have been analyzed for identical values in previous studies to allow for comparison of data. Several TLP dimensions have also been introduced to the iterations, including barge radius and concrete ballast height. The range of dimensions is centered about the base case design values as given in Table 4 Table 3. Base Case TLP Properties Base Case TLP Properties Radius [m] 11 26 Cylinder Height [m] 4.5 Concrete Ballast Height [m] Steel Thickness [m] 0.015 22.75 Installed Draft [m] 3.43E+07 Tension (total) [N] 200 Water Depth [m] 11.2 Wind Speed [m/s] The following variables in Table 4 present the range of design values used in the iterative analysis of the TLP-wind turbine system. Previous studies by Wayman included the performance of a TLP with a radius of 11 meters, ballast height of 5 meters, initial tether tension of 3.43x10 7 Newtons in various water depths and wind speeds. The water depth of 62.5 m was included for comparison to other NREL studies 33 with identical Table 4. Ranges of Design Iteration Values baseline water depths. The depths of 100, 200, and 300 were meters studied in evaluate the feasibility of deploying order to the TLP system in deeper waters, where the offshore locations Bre Radius [m] and performance become Concrete Ballast most 4 (Tital valuable to this study. 10075 5.5 The wind speeds chosen were also identical to previous studies comparison at different turbine operation. [kn 9300 4.5 'A6.5 39525 40300 for Wind Speeds [mis] levels of Each 10850 ater Depths 9 l 62.5 15 ll 200 [i] speed represents a different critical position on the 5-MW turbine power curve. At 9 m/s, the turbine produces approximately half of its rated power. At 11.2 m/s (rated wind speed), the turbine is operating at maximum power. At 15 m/s, the turbine is operating in Region 3 of the power curve. Finally, at 25 m/s, the turbine's cut-out wind speed is reached. Because the first phase of this study was totally iterative, many of the graphs display the absolute or maximum value of a limiting quantity, such as maximum RAO. These graphs are used to distinguish trends as well as identify a superior group of analysis cases for further calculations. 4.2 Base Case Results The results for the NREL TLP surface system as determined by Wayman in [9] are reproduced here for baseline comparisons. The graphs in Figure 11 show the RAOs for the primary modes of motion that can be expected to be excited for this TLP. The natural frequencies are low, and the RAOs at these frequencies show a strong response over a narrow band. The response of the TLP in surge is the biggest concern, especially as the peak spectral frequency of larger sea states approaches the natural frequencies of the TLP system. The RAOs in heave, roll, and pitch are 34 not presented as the maximum RAO in these cases is on the order of 10-7 and the natural frequencies are far beyond the scope of the lowest sea state. Surge RAO Base Case Sway RAO Base Case .0 9;i -- -- - -- - 0.025 20 - - 0.02 - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - 15 0.015 10 ------ - ----------------0 0.5 -- (o -- - 0 2.5 2 1 1.5 1 0.5 om [rad/s] [rad/s] Yaw RAO Base Case 0.0 0.009------ +------ ------ +------------ - - - H 0.00 0.00 n-- - ----- 7- --- - ' I- - - - - - - 0.00 0.00 IL 0.00 1 - -- - - - - J ----- - -- --- 2 0.00 - - - - - - - - -I -H 0.00 0.00 0 -- - 0.005 1.5 1 - - - 0.01 - - ----- ------ - - ---------- ----- 5 - 0.5 2.5 2 1.5 1 co [rad/s] Figure 11. Base Case Surge, Sway and Yaw RAOs Table 5. Base Case Natural Frequencies Natural Fmquency Mode Surge 0.1269 [rad/s] Sway Yaw 0.1269 [rad/s] 0.2925 [rad/s] Table 6. Base Case Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration Response Sea State 4 20.54 5.98E+06 Sea State 5 20.54 7.06E+05 amax Surge Displacement [m] 1.373 2.907 ax Surge Velocity [mis] ax Surge Acceleration [m/szl 0.663 0.369 1.182 0.568 Base Case Responses Max Surge RAO Tension Difference [N] 35 2 2.E 4.3 11 m Radius Base Case Comparison A TLP with a radius of 11 m will be presented here as a direct comparison to the base case. Analysis and discussion includes the effects from wind speeds, water depths, and initial tensions on draft, motion responses, and accelerations. 4.3.1. Draft Analysis The analyses presented in Figure 12 display the required drafts for various combinations of initial tensions and concrete ballast heights based on the range of wind speeds and water depths analyzed. Solid lines represent the 10 m significant wave height tension differences, which are defined as the difference between the minimum steady state tension (in either the windward or leeward line) and maximum tension that could be expected from three standard deviations of wave induced tensions in sea state 5. For example, a negative tension difference represents a combination of initial tension force and concrete ballast height that does not meet the requirement, whereas positive differences exceed the requirement. It was a practice of this study to analyze figures along the vertical line which intersects the tension difference data and the zero crossing. For example, in Figure 12 for a wind speed of 9 m/s the 3.5 m concrete ballast height intersects the zero crossing with an initial tension of 2.76x1 07 N, which corresponds to a required TLP draft of only 18.52 m. Referring back to the wind turbine power curve in Figure 2, turbine thrust increases as wind speed increases up to the rated wind speed, and then begins to slowly drop off until the cut-out wind speed. Because of the inclusion of steady-state thrust forces, it is shown that required initial tensions and TLP drafts follow a similar trend, reaching a maximum at the rated wind speed of 11.2 m/s. Since the wind turbine is producing a maximum thrust of 800 kN at this wind speed, the tension differences are more affected. Although, the difference between the maximum draft at 11.2 m/s and drafts at other wind speeds for zero tension difference is not as great as is the case with the alternative platforms of lesser radius. Based on these comparisons, the range of 36 allowable ballast heights is now only available between 3.5 m and 5.5 m for a 10 m significant wave height. The results of drafts required over the range of water depths studied are less distinguishable than those comparing wind speed effects, and also display the trend that greater water depths require slightly shallower drafts for equivalent ballast heights. For this 11 m radius TLP, the 5.5 m ballast height is limited by the 62.5 m water depth where the draft required for a zero tension difference is above the platform depth of 26 m. Draft relationships for Radius = 11m Wind Speed = (multiple concrete ballast heights) Draft relationships for Radius = 11 m Wind Speed = 11.2 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) 9 m/s x 106 30 - 25- 0 - - - - 25--- - - - - - - - - - - - 252 0 -- 0 -10= S20- x 106 5 30 0 . 15- I- 10 0 0.5 - - - - - &5m A Ten - -4m E E -10 ! - 3 2.5 2 1.5 Initial Tension [N] 1 - - 3.5 15 - - - 10 4 A Ten -- 5m ATen 4.5m A Ten -- 30 1 3 3.5 4 2.5 2 1.5 Initial Tension [N] 3 3.5 -- 15 4 x 107 6m A Ten 5-5M A Ten - 2.5 6.5m A Ten - Draft relationships for Radius = 11m Wind Speed = 25 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) x 107 ,11 x1 du 0.5 g 25 -- 0.5 x 107 Draft relationships for Radius = 11m Wind Speed = 15 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) -T - - 0 2 25 - - - - - - - - -- - - 15 - - - -- - - -. - -- 0.5 --- - - --- --- -- ,- 0 2 0 41 15 0 0.5 1 2.5 2 1.5 Initial Tension [N] 3.5m draft * 3 4m draft -- E E -0.5%5 1 3.5 0 4 0.5 x 107 4.5m draft - 5m draft -- - 5.5m draft 1 - - - 2.5 2 1.5 Initial Tension [N] 6m draft - 6.5m draft Figure 12. Wind Speed and Draft Effects, 11 m Radius, 10 m Tension Difference 37 - - 3 - - 3.5 x 10 -- .5 Draft relationships for Radius = Im Depth = 62.5 rn (multiple concrete ballast heights) 25 -- 20 - -- - -- - Draft relationships for Radius = 1m Depth = 100 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) x 106 --- ---- 0 25 -5 20 x 106 5 0 0 - 411' 15 -10 - 10 E 15 E il 2.5 2 1.5 Initial Tension [N] 1 0.5 0 3 3.5 .13 2.5 2 1.5 Initial Tension [N] 1 0.5 0 4 x 107 n5m A a T---- 4m4 A TM e3.5m Draft relationships for Radius = 11m Depth =200 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) 6mATen -- 5.SmATen Ten - 3 3.5 '-~ -x X 107 6.5m ATen Draft relationships for Radius = 11 m Depth = 300 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) X 106 X 106 30 - I-- - 0 25 0 25 - - - -- - - 20 20 0 ---- -- ------- - --- it), 0.5 i L 1 1.5 - 1;j 2 2.5 3 Initial Tension [N] 3.5m draft * 3.5 -10 E 15 -10 15 0.5 0 4 x 107 4m draft -- 4.5m draft 5m draft - 5.5m draft 1 2.5 2 1.5 Initial Tension [N] 6m draft - 3 4 3.5 x 10 6.5m draft Figure 13. Water Depth and Draft Effects, 11 m Radius, 10 m Tension Difference 4.3.2 10 m Significant Wave Height RAO Analysis The figures presented below display the maximum Response Amplitude Operators (dotted lines) that various combinations of TLP parameters exhibit in surge for a platform with a radius of 11 m. Analysis is performed over the range of wind speeds and water depths above, and should be compared simultaneously with the same trend lines for a zero tension difference (solid lines) to occur in sea states that have ambient waves with extreme significant wave heights. Table 7 and 38 Table 8 provide data for the exact combinations of parameters that produce a zero tension difference at each operating point. In addition to the objective of determining the response at the exact operating initial tension that produces a zero tension difference, analysis was carried out on either side of the objective point to present results for tensions that yield increasing or decreasing reliability in going slack. For example, as Table 7 shows, for a ballast height of 3.5 m in a water depth of 300 m, the corresponding initial tension which yields a zero tension difference is 3.005x10 7 N. If this point is found in Figure 15, it can be seen that while a decrease in initial tension decreases the maximum RAO, it also produces a negative tension difference (and increases the probability of the tethers going slack). Table 7. Water Depth Zero Tension Difference Options and Responses, 11m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height 62.5 m 300 m 100 m 200 m Tension Max RAO RMS Acc Tension Max RAO RMS Acc Tension Max RAO RMS Acc Tension Max RAO RMS Ace Ballast 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 31884459 33431359 35338486 37637264 40267860 42475131 43506290 25.798 30.281 30.917 25.337 40.345 74.963 88.099 1.548 1.453 1.429 1.48 1.873 3.008 3.462 30606149 31796804 33258833 35006652 37046242 39380058 42250031 43.55 23.747 17.887 16.152 15.375 15.686 18.898 0.712 0.681 0.657 0.638 0.621 0.607 0.598 30090889 31147561 32444424 33991733 35792805 37843877 39882206 13.344 20.395 33.346 53.331 81.209 90.417 88.315 0.609 0.586 0.566 0.548 0.532 0.518 0.505 30047735 31092531 32374887 33904722 35685126 37711594 39911840 8.728 7.229 6.369 6.04 6.545 6.935 7.089 0.592 0.57 0.551 0.534 0.518 0.504 0.492 Table 8. Wind Speed Zero Tension Difference Options and Responses, 11 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height 9 mIs Ballast 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 11.2 m/s 1_15 25 m/s m/s Tension Max RAO RMS Acc Tension Max RAO RMS Acc Tension Max RAO RMS Acc Tension Max RAO RMS Ace 27643795 28602466 29760773 31157845 32803077 34695640 36828067 21.458 44.201 85.155 53.946 37.978 32.084 30.225 0.604 0.581 0.561 0.544 0.529 0.515 0.502 30090889 31147561 32444424 33991733 35792805 37843877 39882206 13.344 20.186 32.299 53.331 79.607 92.168 88.315 0.609 0.586 0.566 0.548 0.532 0.518 0.505 26471625 27344053 28429570 29753615 31322742 33137486 35192731 32.65 162.187 60.672 33.056 25.288 22.285 21.322 0.601 0.579 0.559 0.542 0.527 0.513 0.501 24134903 24872488 25825394 27007194 28466232 30125561 32029824 127.105 36.001 21.249 16.377 14.308 13.305 12.986 0.596 0.574 0.555 0.538 0.523 0.51 0.498 Figure 14 shares the trend that the peaks of the RAOs are independent of wind speed and occur at the same initial tension for a specific concrete ballast height. The maximum peak amplitudes occur at the wind speed of 15 m/s. This figure shows how a zero tension difference for a 3.5 m concrete ballasted TLP operating in 9 or 25 m/s of wind experiences a maximum surge RAO of considerable proportion, whereas the zero tension crossings for 11.2 and 15 m/s wind speeds fall within the lower limits of maximum RAO. It follows that the lowest RAO also occurs at the 39 same initial tension (for all concrete ballast heights) regardless of wind speed. Therefore, if an acceptable upper limit for an RAO in a specific wind speed can be determined, there will also exist an acceptable range of initial tensions to produce these smaller RAOs. It can then be compared to the initial tension required to meet a zero tension difference level to see if that initial tension is feasible. For example, if the maximum RAO in surge for a TLP with 6 m of concrete ballast is 50, then the range of available tensions would be <1.3x1 07 N and 1.7x1 07 N< Initial Tension < 3.6x107 N. When compared to the tension needed for zero tension difference (3.012x10 7 N) at a wind speed of 25 m/s, it shows that this tension is feasible. However, because the turbine should be expected to operate in all wind speeds up to 25 m/s, the operating ranges must be verified. The limiting case becomes the rated wind speed again where the tension required for zero tension difference is 3.78x10 7 N. Since this initial tension is not within the range for an acceptable RAO, this combination would be not be feasible. Figure 15 displays a different trend for varying water depths; mainly, that changes in the initial tension of TLPs deployed in deeper waters result in variations of maximum RAOs that are less drastic than in shallow water. Therefore, the range of initial tensions in order to produce acceptable RAO limits is much broader for deeper water depths. Additionally, higher surge RAOs are produced by TLPs situated in shallower waters. Finally, the graphs for 11.2 m/s in Figure 14 and 200 m in Figure 15 are identical since the base case involves the combination of a wind speed of 11.2 m/s and a water depth of 200 m. 40 RAO 1 for Radius = 11m Wind Speed = 9 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) RAO 1 for Radius = 1I1r Wind Speed = 11.2 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) x 107 ,1 o 0 100 - 0 I - - 0.5 1 - - .- - - - - - 35beATon - RAO 1 for Radius 00 0.5 I 1 17 4m6 Ten -4.mi Speed = 15 (multiple concrete ballast heights) = 1Im Wind A Ten Ten - -6mA 2.5 2 1.5 Initial Tension [N] 3 0A TnI fPA ATon 5.m Aen rm/s RAO 1 x 10 E * 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 Initial Tension [N] I -- -1 - - K._ I s 50- x 10' 10 - 3.5 for Radius = 11m Wind Speed = 25 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) - - 107 X ,1 200. - - 2 4 107 - 0.5 0 200 E -* -0.59 50 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Initial Tension 3.5m RAO 2.5 3 0 4 3.5 0.5 1.5 2 Initial Tension 1 1do [N] 4m RAO - 6m 5.5m RAO 5m RAO 4.5m RAO - - RAO 2.5 [N] 6.5m 4 3.5 3 107 RAO Figure 14. Wind Speed Effects on Surge RAOs, 11 m Radius, 10 m Significant Wave Height 62.5 m for RAO 1 Radius = 11 m Depth = (multiple concrete ballast heights) 150. RAO 1 tsr Radius = I1m Depth = 100 (multiple concrete ballast heights) x1 m x 10, -100 0 -- 7 - * - so- o'0 0.5 2.5 1.5 2 Initial Tension [N] 1 - 35,&STo 4m A Ton - -4.5m -- - 00 7 aTon -~nTon RAO I for Radius = 11m Depth = 200 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) 100 1 50 4 3.5 3 100 - m I-,- - 1 0.5 5.5m,&Ton 1 '.-~r 2 1.5 initial Tension 2.5 3 - ' 4 3.5 10 [N] *mATn Grn A Ton -~~45,ATlfi 6.5m A Ton RAO 1 for Radius = I1m Depth = 300 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) x 2 5Zero 60 - - - -' 50 -- - - - --- - - - - - - -- - n 0 -6 40 I --- - -1 - T- e- - - - s-- - --- - -- -100 20 0 0.5 2.5 2 1.5 Initial Tension [N] 1 - RAO m.5m - 3.5 3 4 010 2 0.5 107 4m RAO ---- 4.5m RAO Sm RAO 5.5m RAO 1 1.5 2 3 2.5 Initial Tension [M 6m RAO - 6.5m 3.5 4 107 RAO Figure 15. Water Depth Effects on Surge RAOs, 11 m Radius, 10 m Significant Wave Height 41 Tension Difference 4.3.3 5 m Significant Wave Height RAO Analysis The same analysis conducted above was also completed for the alternative reliability of designing a TLP system that can be expected only to survive seas with a 5.5 m significant wave height without tethers going slack. As can be expected, the initial tensions required to maintain this zero tension difference are much lower than for a 10 m significant wave height. The maximum RAOs plotted below are identical to the figures above, while the new zero tension lines are shifted left. Because the tensions required are much lower, the new intersections may prove to be favorable to some combinations of TLP parameters or harmful to others. For example, a zero tension difference combination for a 5 m ballast height in seas with a 10 m significant wave height has a considerably high RAO at a wind speed of 11.2 m/s (and all other wind speeds, since the ranges are independent). But the same 5 m ballast height in seas with a 5 m significant wave height produces an RAO that is practically lowest. RAO 1 for Radius = 11m Wind Speed = 9 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) f 150 50 - 0 - - 0.5 - 1 - - - - - 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] 3.5m& Ten - X 106 10 1 3.5 011 0 4 0.5 1 4.5mA Ton -5m& RAO 1 for Radius = 11m Wind Speed = 15 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) Ten - 5.5n - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - ----- 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] 3.5m RAO . 3 4m RAO - -- - 100- C A Ten x 106 15 - - - - -10 - - -- - - - 5 1 - - - 50-- 0 4 1 *1 100 - - - - - - - 3.5 200 150---- - - - - Sm A Ten -- +.5m Ton 3 RAO 1 for Radius = 11m Wind Speed = 25 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) X 1 2 300 200 - - - - - 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] X 107 4--m-4 & Ton -- x 107 0 - 3 RAO 1 for Radius = 11m Wind Speed = 11.2 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) 1 111 11 100 3.5 4 0 -- - 0.5 1 X 107 4.5m RAO 5m RAO 5.5m RAO Figure 16. Wind Speed Effects on Surge RAOs, 11 m Radius, 5.5 42 - -0 -- 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] 6m RAO -. 3 .5 4 3.5 6.5m RAO m Significant Wave Height X 1d " RAO 1 for Radius = 11m Depth = 62.5 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) 10 RAO 1 for Radius = 11m Depth = 100 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) X 107 1 X107 ,1 ---- E 100 - 0 # 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] [- 3.5m,& Ton -- 4m 3 I 3.5 4 1 0 X 107 A Ton 4.5m A Ton - - 5m,&Ton 0.5 - 5.5m A Ton RAO 1 for Radius = 11m Depth = 200 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) Vuu. 4 .7 50 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] 8m A Ton --- 3 3.5 4 X17 6.5m,& TonI RAO 1 for Radius = Im Depth = 300 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) 80 1 1 X 107 11 60 0.5 40 U r .2 E 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] 3.5m RAO . 3 4m RAO ---- 3.5 20 -0.5 E Ln , 4 0 0.5 g7 4.5m RAO - 5m RAO - 5.5m RAO 1 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] 6m RAO - 3 3.5 i 4 7 6.5m RAO Figure 17. Water Depth Effects on Surge RAOs, 11 m Radius, 5.5 m Significant Wave Height 4.3.4 10 m Significant Wave Height Acceleration Analysis The figures plotted in this section display the standard deviations for accelerations experienced by the TLP in surge. The accelerations are presented in conjunction with the tension differences in order to display the affects of TLP parameters other than those which produce a zero tension difference. Figure 18 shows how the surge accelerations vary only slightly over the change in wind speeds. As a general rule, increases in initial tension result in increased acceleration responses. The key becomes picking the initial tension that produces a zero tension difference and then analyzing the corresponding acceleration. For instance, as has already been discussed, the limiting wind condition for zero tension difference to occur is 11.2 m/s. This gives the maximum acceleration 43 standard deviation that could be expected for the ideal parameters selected. Table 8 above lists all zero tension difference combinations for the wind speeds analyzed in seas with a 10 m significant wave height. Figure 19 presents the standard deviations for accelerations experienced by the TLP systems which are deployed in varying water depths. The accelerations have a much wider range over the scope of water depths selected, with maximum accelerations occurring at the lowest water depth of 62.5 m. At this depth, the accelerations are minimized by smaller initial tensions, but they become highly non-linear as initial tension is increased (where zero tension differences occur for a 10 m significant wave height). As the water depth increases, the required initial tension as well as the corresponding accelerations decrease. Table 7 above presents the exact data for the combinations of TLP parameters that result in zero tension differences in sea state 5. Surge Accelerations for Radius = Im Wind Speed = 9 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) 0.65 ..5 0.6 0 Surge Accelerations for Radius = 11m Wind Speed = 11.2 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) 60 Ct r~ 0.6 :0 - 0.55- L| 0.5 1 1 i 2 2.5 1.5 Initial Tension [N] 3.5m A Ton - -5 -10 0.5 .2 | 4 .45 Um - - E E -10~ 0.5- - ~M 0.55 k 5 .- 100 x 0.65 3 4m A Ten -- 3.5 4 X 107 ' 1s 0 4.5m A Ten -5m Surge Accelerations for Radius = 11 m Wind Speed = 15 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] 4Ten -+-5.5m A T&nOm X 107 A Ten -+-6.5m 3 3.5 4 X17 A Ten Surge Accelerations for Radius = 11m Wind Speed = 25 m/s h i ht I (mnultpleconcrete balast eg s) 0.65 0 X1 1 0.65 0.5 - 0.6 -- -- 5 - -- ---- -0. - -- ---- 5 Co.C .9 0.55 0 ------ Co -e rS E .5 0 0.5 1 2.5 2 1.5 Initial Tension [N] 3.5m Acc . 3 0.5 - 4 3.5 0.5 0 X10 4m Acc * 4.5m Acc 5m Ac .- 5.5m Acc 1 2.5 2 1.5 Initial Tension [N] 6m Acc - 3 3.5 4 X17 6.5m Ace Figure 18. Wind Speed Effects on Surge Acceleration RMS, 11 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height 44 Surge Accelerations tbr Radius = 1 Im Depth = 62.5 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) F 3 - ----- F X 10 6 - 0 - Surge Accelerations for Radius = 11 m Depth = 100 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) . . ur I . . . , . X 106 5 -0 0.7 c to-' 0.6 2 - - 0 E ~ - a . -1 - - 1 0!5 1 15 2 2.5 3 3.5 Initial Tension [N] I-3,5m A Ton U 4 14 0.5 1 7 X 4m,&Ton -- -- -10 E 4.5M,&Ton Surge Accelerations for Radius = Im Depth = 200 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) 5m,& Ton ' x 10a - .5m 0. EE , . A Ton i i 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] r6m & Ton 3 3.5 I 4 X 107 6.5m A TonI - Surge Accelerations for Radius = 11 m Depth = 300 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) x 10 5 0.1- U, 8 0.55 - -- - ---- 0 2 -5 5, - .5.2 ~ F- 0.50 0.45 0 E 0.5 F15 1 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] 3.5m Acc . 3 3.5 4m Acc --- 0. 4 5 4 X - 0.5 0.5 7 4.5m Acc - 5m Acc -- 5.5m Acc 1 - - - 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] 6m Acc - - -- * 3 - - -10E 3.5 4 x 10 6.5m Acc Figure 19. Water Depth Effects on Surge Acceleration RMS, 11 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height 4.3.5 5 m Significant Wave Height Acceleration Analysis The figures presented in this section display the standard deviations of acceleration produced in sea state 4 with a significant wave height of 5.5 m. The same trend occurs in this sea state as it did with a significant wave height of 10 m except the magnitude of accelerations created is on the order of one-quarter to three-quarters lower. Additionally, in the water depth of 62.5 m, the accelerations begin to become non-linear at higher initial tensions than the 10 m sig. wave height case. Table 9 and Table 10 list the properties of feasible TLP combinations in order to reach a zero tension difference for this sea state. 45 The change in acceleration response between lower water depths is much steeper than between deeper waters. Also, as was outlined in the sections above, surge accelerations do not vary significantly based on changes in wind speed profiles alone. Table 9. Wind Speed Zero Tension Difference Options and Responses, 11m Radius, 5.5 m Sig. Wave Height 25 m/s 16 MIS 11.2 mis 9 MIS Tension Max RAO RMS Acc Tension Max RAO RMS Acc Tension Max RAO RMS Acc Tension Max RAO RMS Acc Ballast 0.376 0.38 13249937 8.882 0.385 15366553 7.339 0.381 18681476 12.127 16460494 8.453 3.5 16972997 17646624 18404235 19276993 20256458 21331635 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 0.368 0.355 0.344 0.334 0.325 0.316 7.069 7.196 8.228 9.166 9.966 10.555 Surge Accelerations for Radius = 11m Wind Speed = 9 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) 0.366 0.354 0.343 0.333 0.324 0.316 7.324 8.802 10.037 11.743 12.954 13.734 0.37 15877136 0.358 16472297 0.346 17188854 0.336 18021537 0.327 18961743 0.318 20037754 9.425 8.036 7.229 6.744 6.919 7.264 19274514 19993359 20833599 21825693 22882963 24032631 13644112 14158835 14794268 15585158 16447320 17409758 0.363 0.351 0.34 0.331 0.322 0.314 11.932 15.938 20.938 26.165 31.565 35.728 Surge Accelerations for Radius = 11 m Wind Speed = 11.2 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) X 107 x- 1- 0.45 0.4 --- -- 5 -0. - - 50 .2 E E ! 02 S 0.5 1 2 1.5 initial Tension 2.5 3.5 3 3.5mA Ten -- 4.5m 4mA Ton -- Surge Accelerations for Radius = 11 m Wind Speed = 15 m/s 0.5 , , p , , 0.3 . 05 1 O 7 [N] g , , , A Tn 5m A Tn - 6m&aTn 5.5mA Ton - 2.5 2 1.5 Initial Tension [N] -+- 3 3.5 4 X17 6.5m& Tn Surge Accelerations for Radius = 1m Wind Speed = 25 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) x 106 x 15 15 10 0.45 - i~. ii, | in 0.45 E 0.3 L 0 O.5 1 1.5 2 Initial Tension 3.5m Acc 2.5 [N] . 3 3.5 S 0.35 - 0. 4 0 0W 0.5 7 4m Acc * tt |7 0.4 - 0 - - - - - -- -- - --- - - - - - - - - 10 4.5m Acc - 5m Acc 5.5m Acc 1 2.5 2 1.5 Initial Tension [N] 6m Acc -- 3 4 3.5 X 107 6.5m Acc Figure 20. Wind Speed Effects on Surge Acceleration RMS, 11 m Radius, 5.5 m Sig. Wave Height 46 Table 10. Water Depth Zero Tension Difference Options and Responses, 11m Radius, 5.5 m Sig. Wave Height 62.5 m 100 m 200 m 300 m Ballast Tension Max RAO RMS Acc Tension Max RAO RMS Acc Tension Max RAO RMS Acc Tension Max RAO RMS Acc 3.5 19162426 13.809 0.463 4 4.5 18793335 19866530 20715581 21706719 22848433 24115087 25495051 71.239 18.46 23.018 25.571 24.684 21.343 17.311 0.408 0.445 0.43 0.417 0.407 0.398 0.391 18681476 19411974 20160764 21035685 22067510 23169125 24368949 12.127 39.101 24.39 19.078 16.867 15.737 15.374 0.385 0.392 0.378 0.366 0.355 0.346 0.337 18677378 19274514 19993359 20833599 21825693 22882963 24032631 14.284 9.425 8.036 7.229 6.744 6.919 7.624 0.38 0.37 0.358 0.346 0.336 0.327 0.318 19269137 23.038 19986420 39.375 20825276 54.31 21814881 47.012 22869905 36.73 24017000 30.654 0.366 0.354 0.343 0.332 0.323 0.314 5 5.5 6 6.5 Surge Accelerations for Radius - 11m Depth - 62.5 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) X 107 1 1 cc- 0.8 0.5 C.1) - 0.6 ------ - -- W-- -0.5 E 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] 3.5- A Ton - 4m 3 3.5 0.4 A Ton --- 4.5m 4 x 0.5 - ) A Tn - 1 0 -- 0.35.- 7 Surge Accelerations for Radius = 11 m Depth - 200 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) X107 0.45- 0 P 0.4 12 Cq- 0. t Surge Accelerations for Radius = 11m Depth = 100 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) 0. 5 , 5m A Ton 0.5 1 5.5m,& Ton - - -4- 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] Sm A Ton -- - 3 - - -0.5 E 3.5 4 X17 6.5mA Ton Surge Accelerations for Radius = 11m Depth = 300 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) 10' X 107 0.4 0. - - - -t* - - I E 0.35 - - - - U) 0.3 0 0.5 1 1.5 Initial - - 2 ension 3.5m Acc 2.5 3 3.5 I 4 1 0.3 0 0.5 [N] . 4mAcc 4.5mAcc . 5m Acc -- 5.5m Acc 1 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] 6m Acc 6.5m Acc 3 3.5 47 X 107 Figure 21. Water Depth Effects on Surge Acceleration RMS, 11 m Radius, 5.5 m Sig. Wave Height 4.3.6 Zero Tension Possibilities The trends discussed above are summarized graphically in the figures of this section for both of the sea states of interest. Figure 22 and Figure 23 demonstrate the relationship between combinations of initial tension values and concrete ballast heights that yield a zero tension difference between minimum steady state tensions and maximum dynamic wave-induced tensions. In all figures lower concrete ballast heights require less initial tension (for a given 47 wind speed or water depth), and the slopes at a 5.5 m significant wave height are steeper than those for 10 m. This demonstrates the stronger influence that lower sea states have on limiting feasible combinations of TLP properties. As was noted before, zero tension possibilities are limited by the rated wind speed at specific water depths. However, shallower depths also require more tension for a given concrete ballast height, so a balance between the two must be found. Radius = 11 Trend Lines for Zero Tension Differences (5.5m sig ware) 6.5 9 m/s - - __- - - 11.2 m/s 15 m/s 25 m/s ------ 6 - - - - - - - --- - - - 15 m/s - - --- _-- - . 11.2 m/s --- 6 - _ Radius = 11 Trend Lines for Zero Tension Differences(l0m sig. wave) 1m/s 6.5 25 m/s 5- - - - - Z5.5- - - - - - - 4 - - -4----- - - 3.5 1.2 -- ---- -- 4.---- 1.6 1.4 5.5--- - - - ---- 2 1.8 Initial Pre-Tension - - - --- -- - - - - - 5- - - - - - ---- - 2.2 2.4 2.6 x 107 3.5 2.4 - - ------- ---- 4-- - - - -- - - - 4 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 3 Initial Pre-Tension 2.8 2.6 x10 Figure 22. Wind Speed Effects on Zero Tension Difference Trend Lines, 11 m Radius Radius =11 Trend Lines for Zero Tension Differences(10m sig. ware) Radius =11 Trend Lines for Zero Tension Differences (5.5m sig ware) 6.5 - - 62.5 m 6.5 62.5 m -i-P1niom - 6- - - - a-- - 5 3.5 1.8 ' 1.9 ' 4 _e Tension Lis - - 100 m 200m -300 m i - --- 2 n2m 300 m ' 2.1 ' 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Initial Pre-Tension Figure 23. Water Depth Effects 2.6 X 107 3.5' 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Initial 3.6 3.5 Pre-Tension 3.7 3.8 4 3.9 x 10 on Zero Tension Difference Trend Lines, 11 m Radius Once viable combinations of initial tension and concrete ballast height are determined, the responses of these structures can be more precisely analyzed. The figures below are essentially the local magnifications of the figures presented in section 4.3.2 around the correct range of initial pre-tension values. As described above, for a water depth of 62.5 m, the responses become non-linear in the range of zero tension difference possibilities. Figure 24 presents the 7 local magnification of Figure 13 and demonstrates how the lowest RAOs occur close to 3.2x10 48 N and 3.7x 10 7 N for a water depth of 62.5 m, with corresponding concrete ballast heights close to 3.5 m and 4.75 m respectively. Because a wind analysis was not completed at this depth, a comparison to the limiting case at the rated wind speed cannot be made. But with Figure 23 for zero tension trendlines, an interpretation can be assumed for wind effects at water depths other than 200 m. These show that the ballast required for the same initial tension decreases with a decrease in water depth. This means that at a specified initial tension, the resulting tension difference is positive when ballast is decreased going from a 200 m water depth to a 62.5 m water depth. Because positive tension differences provide more steady state tension than what could be expected within a 99.7th percentile from wave induced tensions, this interpretation is appropriate. In addition, Figure 21 shows how increases in ballast height result in decreases in accelerations. For 100 m, Figure 24 displays a local magnification where the RAOs are sloping downwards towards a minimum that is beyond the suitable range of initial tensions studied here. As long as accelerations are kept below a desired threshold, the better (and cheaper) combination becomes a product of low tension and less concrete ballast. The 200 m depth in Figure 24 displays a local magnification where the RAOs begin to rise, and at 300 m, the magnification shows RAOs reaching a minimum within the range of applicable initial tensions. 49 Zero Tension Difference Surge RAO 3155 S for Radius = 11 m Depth = 62.5 m 10m Sig Zero Tension Difference Surge RAO for Radius = 1 1m Depth = 100 m 10m Sig Height 55 Height 5 Balat Haigt RAO * 32 . 50 als egt RAG 5 40- Z 0 30 01 0 45 0 E0 1 4 28- 4. 55 -o 30 i5 E .E 20o 24' 3.1 3 10, 3 3.9 3.8 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.4 Initial Tension [N] 3.3 3.2 0 o o* 1 3.4 3.3 Initial Tension [N] 3.2 3.1 x 10 Zero Tension Difference Surge RAO for Radius = 11m Depth = 200 m 10m Sig Height 3.6 3.5 35 3.7 x 107 Zero Tension Difference Surge RAO for Radius = 1rm Depth = 300 m 10m Sig Height . 10 o o RAOBallast RAOo 5.5 80 10 iI E E o 3. 26- 0 1 4 I 20- (5 d0 - o 8 60 4 = 0 EE oo * 20 03 o 4.52e E 40 o 3. 3.1 3.2 4n o*oo ol * 6 4 1| 4l 3.5 3.7 3!6 3.5 3.4 3.3 Initial Tension [N] 3 3.4 3.3 Initial Tension [N] 3.2 3.1 X 107 3.5 3.6 3.7 x 10 Figure 24. Zero Tension Difference Surge RAOs and Ballast Heights based on Water Depth, 11 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height Surge RAOs for Zero Tension Difference Platforms 10m Sig Height 90 1 0 0 + 9 - -- -0 60 * ? 50 (n 40 E E 30 I- --- 0 0. 04. - - 0 . . .. 3 3. . . O3 3.1 3.2 3.3 100 | - -I I a " |C . - - - - - - - - -- 0 1 0 20 10 a - --- -- ----- -- 70 62.5 100 200 300 + -I- - - - - - *0 - 80 00 . .5 . 4 d .h 3.5 3.4 Initial Tension [N] 36 37 38 3.6 3.7 3.8 3 3.9 x 10 Figure 25. Surge RAOs for Zero Tension Difference based on Water Depth, 11m Radius 50 Inn Zero Tension Difference Surge RAO for Radius = 11m Wind Speed = 9 m/s o 50 0 4A I 0C 1 o E 11m Wind Speed = 11.2 m/s 6 -- -5.5 T ~ 10 for Radius = | 80 0 I1 0 e 1 - I 100 BaMast Heqgt RAO 0 Co Zero Tension Difference Surge RAO 6 60 OO E 40 o - 011 xa 10b 0 0 m 00 3 5 20 17 2.8 3.1 3 Initial Tension [N] 2.9 3.3 3.2 3.3 3.4 Initial Tension [N] 3.2 3.1 3 3.4 x 107 Zero Tension Difference Surge RAO for Radius = 11 m Wind Speed = 15 m/s 3.7 3.6 3.5 x 10 Zero Tension Difference Surge RAO for Radius = 11m Wind Speed = 25 m/s 1m 1 0 100 5 200L 0 - 0 E 4 100- 2.7 CS 0000?ooo 0 00 2.6 40C 50 0 0 I0 T OO E C1 EO 1 Mih 8als b 1 2.8 100 00 0 0 3 2.9 Initial Tension [N] 0 0 0 3.3 3.2 3.1 0 0 0000 00 2.4 2.8 2.7 initial Tension [N] 2.6 2.5 x 117 3.1 2.9 x 10 Figure 26. Zero Tension Differences and Ballast Heights based on Wind Speeds, 11 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height Surge RAOs for Zero Tension Difference Platforms -- - -- --- -- -- - -- --- ---- - --- 300- 9m/s + 0 - 250 - o -------- + 200 150 - I- E E 0 100 -.-- - r - - - - - - - - - 0 - - 0 -- I ------------- 0 0 0 0 I - --- +00 100 1 %+ 0 - - -0I; II 0 0 2.6 2.8 - I- 00 - -000 / 001! *%3%4. 0A0+6"++I 2.4 - - - I - 1.+* 50 , 11.2 m/s 15 m/s 25 m/s + 3.2 3 Initial Tension [N] 3.4 3.8 3.6 x 10 7 Figure 27. Surge RAOs for Zero Tension Difference based on Wind Speed, 1im Radius 51 7 8 m Radius 4.4 For a TLP with a radius of 8 meters, the performance was not only found to be poor, but the required barge dimensions become unreasonable. Therefore, only a limited discussion will be made for this configuration. 4.4.1 Draft Analysis Because of the nature of this study, certain combinations of initial tensions and concrete ballast The relationships heights yield drafts above the 26-meter fixed depth for the TLP floater. between concrete ballast height, draft, and resulting tension differences are presented below for the four wind speeds. Draft relationships for Radius = 8m Wind Speed = 9 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) Draft relationships for Radius = 8m Wind Speed = 11.2 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) X 107 ---- --- --- 30 - 20 - 2 - 3 0 - - ---- 0.5 2 2.5 1.5 Initial Tension [N] 1 I- 3.5m Tn --- 3 3.5 10 0 4 Draft relationships for Radius = 8m Wind Speed = 15 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) I -- - r.-t- ~ - 0.5 1 - -- - 3 -10 4 3.5 X 10 65mATeni Draft relationships for Radius = 8m Wind Speed = 25 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) 107 30--------------- ------ --- --- --- 2.5 1.5 2 Initial Tension [N] &m ATon ---. 5.5rn A Ten X qu 20 5mATon - --- 4.5mATon -- E x 107 4mA Ton-- - -- x - E 10U 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] 3 3.5m draft 4m draft - + 3.5 4 1 0 0.5 X 107 * 4.5m draft - 5m draft + 5.5m draft 1 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] 6m draft - 6.5m draft Figure 28. Wind Speed Effects on Draft, 8 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height 52 10 5 0 10 E 0 106 20 E 0 X 40 -I u 3.5 4 X 107 4.4.2 8 m Radius Discussion The same trends as the above TLP draft analyses are displayed for the range of wind speeds covered The optimum configuration for the smallest possible draft in order for the zero-slack probability to exist requires a draft greater than the depth of the TLP. Although a TLP with a radius of 8 m may be within all limits for the entire range of wind speeds in order to meet the zero tension difference for a significant wave height of 5.5 m, this study is interested in the performance at superior sea states, and further analysis will not be discussed here. Additionally, the results for the design cases for a TLP radius of 9 m, 1 Om, and 12 m will be presented in Appendices A, B, and C. Only the design iteration consisting of an 11 m radius is thoroughly discussed, and conclusions on the entire design spectrum will be made at the end. 4.5 Alternative Platform Results (9 m, 10 m, and 12 m Radius) The exact linear analysis performed above for the base case comparison was completed for a TLP with a radius of 9 m, 10 m, and 12 m. Identical platform depths, water depths, ballast heights, and initial tension ranges were used to complete the initial comparison. Trend lines were determined for each new platform radius and a list of feasible parameter combinations was made to further analyze. Because similar trends were found for each scenario, discussion will be limited, and all tables and figures are presented in Appendices A-C. 4.5.1 9 m Radius Discussion Analysis for a barge radius of 9 m is given in Appendix A: 9 m Radius. This TLP configuration represents the smallest design structure within the scope of reasonable dimensions (drafts). The effects of wind speeds, water depths, and initial tensions on draft, motion responses, and acceleration follow the same trends as results for an 11 m radius present. The draft analysis was completed to ensure appropriate values were within limits as compared to the structures height (26 m) in order to allow for freeboard. The limiting wind speed of 11.2 m/s allows for TLPs with ballast heights of 3.5 m and 4 m to be further analyzed. As a general observation, greater water depths require slightly shallower drafts for equivalent ballast heights. It continues to be 53 shown that shallower water depths require more initial tension and produce the largest acceleration responses. Therefore, it follows that optimum responses warrant the use of more ballast with higher initial tension in deep water. For wind speed effects, at the limiting rated wind speed, the minimum acceleration experienced is 0.511 m/s 2 at a ballast height of 6.5 m. The lowest acceleration in the water depth results occurs at 300 m for a standard deviation of 0.493 m/s 2. The corresponding limits in seas with a significant wave height of 5.5 m are 0.322 m/s 2 and 0.317 m/s 2 respectively. 4.5.2 10 m Radius Discussion At a radius of 10 m (Appendix B: 10 m Radius), the limiting results for acceleration RMS vary only slightly from the 9 m case; however, the required tensions to match the zero tension difference become larger. At a wind speed of 11.2 m/s, the minimum acceleration still occurs at a ballast height of 6.5 m. Although the acceleration is only 0.002 m/s 2 less than at a 9 m radius, the initial tension required involves a 3% increase in force. Similarly, the minimum standard deviation in acceleration is reduced to 0.493 m/s 2 at a water depth of 300 m, but initial tension is over 1000 kN greater. 4.5.3 12 m Radius Discussion Appendix B: 12 m Radius, presents all data on the largest TLP analyzed with a radius of 12 m. The advantage in decreased acceleration response from a radius of 11 m to 12 m involves a more significant jump than between the TLPs of smaller radii. At the limiting wind speed of 11.2 m/s, acceleration RMS is decreased from 0.505 at an 11 m radius to 0.498 m/s 2. And at a water depth of 300 m, accelerations are decreased to 0.487 m/s 2. 54 5 CONCLUSION The results above provide good comparisons of water depth effects and wind effects, as well as the effects of variations of ballast heights and initial tensions. As has been discussed above, the absolute lowest acceleration RMS from the design group occurs with a radius of 12 m at the greatest ballast height of 6.5 m in a water depth of 300 m. The final results presented here discuss the overall response and performance of this structure within the scope of this research. 5.1 Discussion of Optimum TLP After the optimum TLP dimensions and properties were determined from the absolute maximum responses, a spectral analysis over the range of frequencies and sea states was performed to provide detailed results. Figure 29 recreates the surge, sway, and heave response spectrum for the base case scenario and compares it to this optimum TLP. As described already, the RAO peaks are much lower than the base case plots, and the natural frequencies are even lower than the already small natural frequencies for an 11 m radius. This fact defends the result for smaller standard deviations due to the fact that the majority of the response is excited less and less from the sea spectrums for sea states 4 and 5. The final result is a success in terms of reducing motions and accelerations, but the size and amount of supporting materials has grown. More research will be required to narrow down the design of a truly optimum support platform for floating offshore wind turbines. Table 11. Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration Response (RMS) values for Optimum TLP Optimum TLP Response Max Surge RAO Tension Difference [N] Sea State 4 13.264 23671018.35 Sea State 5 11.326 39708668 amax Surge Displacement [m] 1.19 2.46 amax Surge Velocity [m/s] amax Surge Acceleration [m/s 2 ] 55 0.573 1.01 0.31 0.487 Surge RAO Comparison to Base Case Sway RAO Comparison to Base Case Base Case (R =11 m) Optimum TLP (R = 12 m) Base Case (R = 11 m) Optimum TLP (R = 12 m) 20 -_ --- - - - - - -- - - -- -- - -- - --- -- -- --- - -- I--- -- - - 0.025 0.02 15 - -- - - - -- - -- - - - - -- 0.015 10 - - - - ~- - - - - - - + - 0.01 - - - - 0.015 5 0 0.2 0.4 0.8 0.6 0 1.4 1.2 1 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0o w [rad/s] 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 [rad/s] Yaw RAO Comparison to Base Case 0.01 0.009 -- Base Case (R =11 m) OptimumTLP(R=12m) -.- - 0.008 --------- - T-- 0.007 0.006 -- -- - - -- - - -- - -- L - -d - - - - 0.005 0.004 0.002 ------ ------ ---------- 0.003 ------- -- -- ------.- -- p - - 0.001 0 0.2 - - 0.4 - - - - - - 0.8 0.6 - - - 1 1.2 1.4 0) [rad/s] Figure 29. Surge, Sway, and Yaw RAO Comparison Table 12. Natural Frequencies of Optimum TLP Mode Surge Sway Yaw 5.2 Natural Frequency 0.0894 [rad/s] 0.0894 [rad/s] 0.2028 [rad/s] Recommendations for Future Work The results of this study display a solid trend in the relationships of Tension Leg Platform parameters and the effects they have on tension requirements and barge motions. The platform system designed in this study is only "optimized" as far as motions and responses are concerned. 56 Additional research could result in a floating support system that is more capable and more cost effective than the TLP concluded above. Promising active control techniques could further reduce surge motions through alterations in blade pitch, essentially imparting a thrust into the wind and counteracting the direction of motion (assuming wind angle and wave propagation are in the same direction). Additionally, other hydrodynamic dampers could be introduced. The scope of the design iteration pool could be increased to include more wind speeds and water depths as well as introducing the effects of viscous damping. Finally, the most important addition to the research presented here would be a cost analysis. All of the modifications made here in formulation of an "optimum" TLP suggest an increase in cost. A larger radius requires more steel, a higher ballast height requires more concrete, and higher initial tensions in greater water depths require more and longer tether cables. Including cost in the design iterations would greatly improve the approach towards determining a truly optimum TLP system. 57 Appendix A: 9 m Radius Draft relationships for Radius = 9m Wind Speed = 9 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) Draft relationships for Radius = 9m Wind Speed = 11.2 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) X 10 40 - 10 . . 0 0 1 15 2 2 5 1 0.5 - 30 I is X 10 3-.. - 2- - --- -0 E 3 20 E - - - e- - - - - - - - - - -5 - - 00 101 0 Initial Tension [N] I 3mA - Ton A Ton -4m 40 4C 20 I --- 4.5m - Draft relationships for Radius = Sm Wind Speed (multiple concrete ballast heights) 1 = 0 1 1.5 2 2.5 draft 3.5m 3 3.5 4m drat - 1 Om A - 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] Tn - 4 110 10 A Tam .5m K 10 - - - - - - - - - - - -0 - 20 - - - - - E 5m draft - --- 2.5 1.5 2 Initial Tension [N] 1 0.5 4 X 107 4.5m draft sm A Ten 3.5 3 Draft relationships for Radius = 9m Wind Speed = 25 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) -- 1- - 20 E I Initial Tension [N] Ton X107 0 0.5 6mA - Ten 15 m/s '-- 0n 0.5 10 X 6m 5.5m draft 3 3.5 4 X 10 6.5m drat draft - Figure 30. Wind Speed and Draft Effects, 9 m Radius, 10 m Tension Difference Draft relationships for Radius = 9m Depth = (multiple concrete ballast heights) 62.5 Draft relationships for Radius = 9m Depth = 100 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) m X C 30 I -- -- X le -- I 20 - - - 10110 0 - - 0.5 1 A Ten -- - 2.5 3 3.5 [N] 4mA -- 30- ---- 20 - - - - 0 - - 0.5 - - - 1 - - -L10 3.5m draft - - - 3 0.5 0 3.5 1.5 2 Initial Tension - - -- 5 OmATen - - -- FIE 5 I10 3.5 X 4 107 8.5meATenI m X 106 I - - 20 - - - E E - - - - - - - - - - - - -- E 10, 05 0 4 4.5m draft 3 300- 5 1 1 X 107 4m draft 2.5 [N] Draft relationships for Radius = 9m Depth = 300 (multiple concrete ballast heights) 0 -.- - - 1 $.5.fmmTan X 1C - 2.5 1.5 2 Initial Tension [N] 1oL 5m & Ton -- -------- 20 - - 10 4.4mATn - - - -- FE 4 X Ton 5 --- -- Draft relationships for Radius = 9m Depth = 200 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) 4'5 10 1.5 2 Initial Tension ' -Sm I - draft .Sm - 5.5m drat 6m 2 Initial Tension draft -. 2 5 3 [N] .m .5 4 10 1107 draft Figure 31. Water Depth and Draft Effects, 9 m Radius, 10 m Tension Difference 58 3 RAO 1 for Radius = 9m Wind Speed = 9 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) 100 RAO 1 for Radius = 9m Wind Speed = 11.2 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) X 107 70- - -- - - 40 - - - - -- 50 - -- -- 1-- --- - - - - 4- - -2-2 ill 0 30- --- - - 20- - - - - ~ f- - 40 x 10 6 - __.4 - - .; - 10 0.5 1 1 15 2 Initial Tension 2.5 S3.m aTonRAO 1 for Radius 3 [M] 3.5 4m ATon - -8 0 4 7 4.5Zm ATon - 0'5 5m aTon - x 107 71 1 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] 5.5mA Ton = gm Wind Speed = 15 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) Gm A Ton - - - - -- -- - - - - - -- - - -- zeu - ---- i~i 0 -- I -- - - 100- 5 II- --- 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] 3.5m RAO 3 3.5 6.5m a~T - x 107 --- -- 4 0 0.5 1 - -0.5 4.5m RAO 5m RAO 5.5m RAO 2.5 - 3 - -----0.5s 3.5 7 6.5m 6m RAO - 0 0 II i!1 50 - - - - -0 i 1001 ( cnre blast 50 - - - - - - -- E 4 [N] RAO Figure 32. Wind Speed Effects on Surge RAOs, 9 m Radius, 10 m Tension Difference RAO 1 for Radius = gm Depth = 62.5 m RAO 1 for Radius = 9m Depth = 100 m m7t l 100 I j - --- - 1.5 2 Initial Tension X 107 4m RAO -- 41 X 107 -- - -- 50 ) 3. I E 0, 3 RAO 1 for Radius = Sm Wind Speed = 25 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) 150- 2 0- S -- X107 hits) -- 0 S 010 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] Sm ATn 4mA Tn - 3 3!.5 4.5m a Ton -- - ---- 0 -- - - - 0.t 1 3.5 4 X 107 5m 4 To -. x10 0 -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - i!1 - I IIS - 10o - - On & Ten 3 2 I 20- 1 .5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] 4 4 - ----- Ten -5.5mA 4 30- 1 RAO 1 for Radius = gm Depth = 300 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) j~1 I 0.5 x 1e - 60 -- -- - 4 Ton -m RAO 1 for Radius = Sm Depth = 200 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) 70- 0 4 x 107 20* 05 E -8 1.5 2 2.5 '3! 35 . 4 Initial Tension [INX 3.0 RAO . 4m RAO ~'. 0~~~~~ Initial Tension --- 4.5m RAO 5m RAO - 5.5m RAO 6m RAO - 0' '. [M 6.5m RAO Figure 33. Water Depth Effects on Surge RAOs, 9 m Radius, 10 m Tension Difference 59 010 .5 X 10 RAO I for Radius = 9m Wind Speed = 9 mis (multiple concrete ballast heights) RAO 1 for Radius = Sm Wind Speed = 11.2 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) X 107 x T I 0.5 60 ;r %% 50 0 107 - --- 0 - -- - -- - - ---- - 40 E -0.5 *) 20 I 2 1.5 Initial Tension 1 0.5 3SmA Ten ---- -445mA 4mATen 00 I OmA Ten - 1 - [N] 3.5m RAO * x 10 I 50 1 - 4 100 -tia -- -- -io -N - -X-- -- - - 7- 135 [ 2 i 0ni1 1T 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 Initial Tension 6.5m-ATonItr I 11 0.5 10 E - ---- - - - - - - - 4 3.5 2.5 [N] RAO 1 for Radius = 9m Wind Speed = 25 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) x 10, 0 - - - - - - - - - 5mg&mTon -. -5mATn Tn 110- 100 2 1.5 Initial Tension 1 0.5 x RAO 1 for Radius = 9m Wind Speed = 15 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) I I 4 3.5 3 2.5 [N] X 107 4m RAO RAO .Sm 4.5m RAO - + 6.5m RAC - 6m RAO 5.5m RAO Figure 34. Wind Speed Effects on Surge RAOs, 9 m Radius, 5.5 m Tension Difference RAO 1 for Radius = 9m Depth = 62.5 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) x lv* 50 - -- RAO I for Radius = Sm Depth = 100 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) 107 X 107 100 I 0 L 50 S- - - - - , E E of0 0.5 2 1.5 Initial Tension 1 3IMTon -- 4 3.5 3 2.5 11 0 Am Ton 5m 4. -- RAO I for Radius = 9m Depth = 200 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) 0 20 -o.5 E 2.5 2 1.5 Initial Tension [N] 1 - 3.5m RAO - 2 1.s Initial Tension 1 4m RAO x - 4J- x 10 6Am OiAiTen - 3.5 TenI RAO 1 for Radius = Sm Depth = 300 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) x 107 10 0 00 4 3.5 3 3 2.5 [N] - - 0.5 40 0.5 0.5 5.5mA Ten Tar x 107 -11 - L-- - ' 60 0 1 x [N] - - -0- 0.5 7 4.5m RAO 5m RAO + 5.5m RAO - 2 1 1 1 I.s 2 Initial Tension 6m RAO - 2.t 3 3.5 3 3.5 [N] 6.5m RAI Figure 35. Water Depth Effects on Surge RAOs, 9 m Radius, 5.5 m Tension Difference 60 1 4 x 10 Surge Accelerations for Radius = 9m Wind Speed (multiple concrete ballast heights) 9 m/s = x 10" 73- Surge Accelerations for Radius = Sm Wind Speed (multiple concrete ballast heights) 0.7 = 11.2 m/s e x 106 5 0.6- - - -- - - - - - - 4.' * 0 -. L- J -- 0.5 - - - - 0 - T 0.5 1 1.5 2 Initial Tension .15m a Tn - 2.5 3 4m a Ten - 0.5 7 x 167 4.5m A Ton - for 0.6 "'"- 3.5 [N] Surge Accelerations Radius = Om Wind Speed (multiple concrete ballast heights) 5m 5.5m - Ton m/s =15 - .... - X 107 1 0.6 - .r- .~ 1i- 1 1.5 2 Sm &Tan & Tn 2.5 Initial Tension - - 3 ..5 E 0 -- 3.5 X17 & m & Tan I - 0.6 - - - - - - - -- - ---- - - 4 [N] Surge Accelerations for Radius = gm Wind Speed (multiple concrete ballast heights) 0.65 0.5 0.55 - = 25 m/s 107 X - -- - - --0.5 0- 0.5 -- -- - - 0.5 -. 55 - - 0 - - - - - 0.5 1 -0.5 1.5 2 Initial Tension 2.5 3 3.5 . * 3.5m Acc 4m Acc - - -- - -- - - 0.5 0.5 0.451 0 4 0.5 1 7 [N) . * 4.5m Acc Sm Acc S - 5.5m Ace 1.5 2 Initial Tension 2.5 3 3.5 4 7 [N] Acc tm Acc -..- tm 6m Ace 65m Ace Figure 36. Wind Speed Effects on Surge Acceleration RMS, 9 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height Surge Accelerations for Radius = 9m Depth (multiple concrete ballast heights) = 62.5 m lo 1.. (4- = 100 m X 107 1 73- I I ~ -I ~ -I - I - 0i 2 0 Surge Accelerations for Radius = 9m Depth (multiple concrete ballast heights) 5 1 . -5 - 0 0.5 1 -- 1.5 2 Initial Tension 3.5m A Ten - 2.5 3 A Ton ----- 0. 6 - -- - - - - - - - - - - = S Dpl =30- E5j u0 4101 3.5 0.5 1 7 Surge Accelerations for Radius = 9m Depth (multiple concrete ballast heights) 0.7 u-- [N] 4m SugeAcelraios orRdis 4.5m A Ton - 5mA Ton 5.5m - 1.5 2 Initial Tension 6m A Ton - -Ten 2.5 3 3.5 107 6.5m,&Ton Surge Accelerations for Radius = 9m Depth =300 200 m x 106 .5 "--' J0.6 --- - - - - - - - - -5 K - - - - - -- 0.5 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) 0.7 0 _- 4 [N] 10 - 1-- -5 0.5 E U -" 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] - - 3.5m Acc . 4m Acc 3 3.5 4 -10 u .s1 0.5 7 1 1.5 2 Initial Tension 2.5 [N] 3 3.5 4 X107 4.5m Acc - Sm Acc 5.5m Acc 6m Acc - 6.5m Acc Figure 37. Water Depth Effects on Surge Acceleration RMS, 9 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height 61 ao Surge Accelerations for Radius = Sm Wind Speed (multiple concrete ballast heights) = 9 m/s X Surge Accelerations for Radius = Sm Wind Speed (multiple concrete ballast heights) 107 rt~ I .. 0.4 --- 0.3 - -- 0.4- - - - 11 E 0 -O 02--2-*e - ., - 0.31 0.5 - - - - - - - - - - 0 = L 15 m/s 11(multiple 0.5 10 44- 0.45- ---- 0.3 0 1 0.5 2.5 2 1.5 Initial Tension [N] 3.5m Acc -5 .5 35 3 0.3 4 Sm 5 Acc 4.5m Acc - - - 2 1.5 Initial Tension 6m Acc 5.5m Acc = 25 m/s x i--- - 1 0.5 0 Teon Speed ' 2.5 4 3.5 3 5-- I-E - - -O - [N] 6.5m - - - - - 10o -10 - - - - - - - - X17 4m Acc . 0.35 -- - - - - - 1 - 107 ballast heights) concrete - - - - I E - - - - - - - - ----- A 9m Wind - J - - - -L I- - - - 0.4---- 0.35- .m = 4 X [N] --- Surge Accelerations for Radius x106 - - - OmATen .5m A TeA 56MA Ten 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 Initial Tension -4.SmATen - - L- - 1 4 7 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 Initial Tension [N] 1 0.5 Surge Accelerations for Radius = 9m Wind Speed (multiple concrete ballast heights) I 5 -0. - I * 0 0.45- 0.4 - - -- - - - - - - - - X 107 I....... I3.mATenO--4mATen 44- 0.45 or- 11.2 m/s = 107 Acc Figure 38. Wind Speed Effects on Surge Acceleration RMS, 9 m Radius, 5.5 m Sig. Wave Height Surge Accelerations for Radius = gm Depth (multiple concrete ballast heights) = x 107 2, C5 NO- 0.5 1.5- 0.45 - - 0.4 - -0.5 E 0.35 - 0 0.51 1 0.5 - 5mA 3. 3 2.5 2 1.5 Initial Tension [N Ten --- 4mA Ten x Ten 4.5mA -- UJ. 4 3.5 5mA Surge Accelerations for Radius = Sm Depth = 200 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) 0.5 44- 0.45 - - . - - - -- -0 1 0.5 2 1.5 Initial Tension Om A Ten 5.5mATen - 2.5 [N] 4 3.5 3 X 107 8.5ma Ton Surge Accelerations for Radius = 9m Depth (multiple concrete ballast heights) = 300 m X10 et~ II - --- .e -0.5 E 1 - -- - -- - 0 107 0.5 I Ten x 107 0.5 107 --- 100 m Surge Accelerations for Radius = Sm Depth (multiple concrete ballast heights) 62.5 m -- 0 .35 --- +.. ...- 0 -..... E -05s E - - +++++.+..-... 0.5 1 2.5 2 1.5 Initial Tension [N] 3.5m Acc + 4m Acc 3.5 3 - 0.3 0 4 X107 4.5m Acc Sm Acc 0 0.5 5.5m Acc 1 2.5 2 1.5 Initial Tension [N] 6m Acc ----- 6.5m 3 4 3.5 X 107 Acc Figure 39. Water Depth Effects on Surge Acceleration RMS, 9 m Radius, 5.5 m Sig. Wave Height 62 Radius = 9 Trend Lines for Zero Tension Differences (5.5m sig wae) Radius = 9 Trend Lines for Zero Tension Differences(10Onsig. waw) 6.5- 6.5 - - 9 mIs 11.2 m/s -/ - 6- - 15 m/s 25 m/s - --- --- - -- - - - --6 9 m/s 11.2 M/s 15 M/s 25 M/s 5.5 -- S5 4 .5- 5 - - - - - + 4.5- 4.5 4 4 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Initial Pre-Tension - - --- - - - -- - - - - - 2.4 2.2 3.5' 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 Initial Pre-Tension x 1d 3.6 3.E x 16 Figure 40. Wind Speed Effects on Zero Tension Difference Trend Lines Table 13. Wind Speed Zero Tension Difference Options and Response, 9 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height 25 m/s 15 mIs 11.2 m/s 9 m/s Ballast Tension Max RAO RMS Acc Tension Max RAO RMS Acc Tension Max RAO RMS Acc Tension Max RAO RMS Acc 0.597 0.605 19130765 59.987 0.615 22285042 15.452 0.609 27352258 8.093 3.5 23927260 11.069 0.584 19902002 88.399 0.576 0.593 23204222 22.067 0.587 28555855 8.425 4 24937999 14.022 0.558 0.565 20805737 44.523 0.573 24316746 31.483 4.5 26146426 17.209 0.568 29939903 9.477 0.542 0.548 21873182 31.825 0.555 25573570 44.7 31523794 10.314 0.55 5 27502314 20.478 0.527 0.532 23129594 27.361 0.539 26996907 59.454 0.535 33249610 10.919 29024995 23.126 5.5 0.513 0.525 28606790 68.129 0.518 24520730 25.728 0.521 35131621 11.218 6 30732693 24.426 0.501 0.505 26064711 25.945 0.511 30341199 68.36 0.507 37157131 11.225 32563491 24.516 6.5 Table 14. Wind Speed Zero Tension Difference Options and Response, 9 m Radius, 5.5 m Sig. Wave Height 11.2 mIs 9 MIS Ballast 3.5 4 5mIs 25 mis Tension Max RAO RMS Acc Tension Max RAO RMS Acc Tension Max RAO RMS Acc Tension Max RAO RMS Acc 0.382 6.81 0.387 11259814 0.393 14067588 11.999 0.389 18460902 43.68 15511732 17.406 0.373 11666973 7.732 0.369 0.378 14576170 9.73 0.375 19148888 35.373 16072055 13.154 4.5 16712277 11.007 0.362 19890545 24.815 0.365 15191428 8.539 0.36 12181661 8.887 0.357 5 5.5 17451169 18229722 9.814 9.032 0.35 0.34 20705673 21599200 19.476 16.598 0.353 0.342 15855610 16587148 7.786 7.305 0.349 0.339 12747798 13402250 10.003 10.914 0.346 0.336 6 6.5 19074488 19979742 8.529 8.206 0.33 0.321 22524927 23509494 14.805 13.696 0.332 0.322 17405072 18249911 7.01 6.798 0.329 0.32 14111913 14870629 11.633 12.115 0.327 0.318 63 6. 5 . Radius =9 Trend Lines for Zero Tension Differences(1Om sig. wave) Radius =9 Trend Lines for Zero Tension Differences (5.5m sig wave) 6.5 - 1 62.5 m 62.5 m - -100 m 6 - - - - - - - - T - - - - ,-- - -- ,-. 100 m 6 200 m 300 m - a 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - 200 m - - - - 300 m 5.5K m - --- 5.5- --- - - -- 5 4.5----- 4.5 F ----------- ------- - 4 3.5 1. II . 1.9 i 2 i 2.1 A 2.2 Initial Pre-Tension 2.3 2.4 2.E 1 3.5 2.6 x 107 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 Initial Pre-Tension 3.8 4 x 107 Figure 41. Water Depth Effects on Zero Tension Difference Trend Lines, 9 m Radius Table 15. Water Depth Zero Tension Difference Options and Responses, 9 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height 300 m 100 m 200 m 1_ 62.5 m Ballast Tension Max RAO RMS Acc Tension Max RAO RMS Acc Tension Max RAO RMS Acc Tension Max RAO RMS Acc 0.594 0.755 27352258 8.093 0.615 27298918 14.693 3.725 27967863 16.542 3.5 29542070 63.449 0.573 0.727 28555855 8.425 0.593 28489064 11.844 4 31338284 47.808 3.03 29326297 19.943 4.5 33434744 26.564 2.419 30894391 21.95 0.704 29939903 9.477 0.573 29857126 10.301 0.554 5 35859490 48.988 3.704 32685814 21.626 0.687 31523794 10.314 0.555 31422289 9.415 0.537 0.539 33125992 8.866 0.521 5.5 38631811 32.969 2.982 34674482 19.408 0.673 33249610 10.919 0.507 0.663 35131621 11.218 0.525 34983349 8.542 5.178 36849522 16.381 6 41997873 59.686 6.5 45462538 51.81 5.13 39210263 13.394 0.657 37157131 11.225 0.511 36980663 8.368 0.493 Table 16. Water Depth Zero Tension Difference Options and Responses, 9 m Radius, 5.5 m Sig. Wave Height 52.5 m 100 m 200 m 300 m Ballast Tension Max RAO RMS Acc Tension Max RAO RMS Acc Tension Max RAO RMS Acc Tension Max RAO RMS Acc 0.393 18455672 6.353 0.387 18980864 29.555 0.509 18580004 10.545 0.423 18460902 43.68 3.5 4 19782917 38.363 0.491 19295964 11.138 0.407 19148888 35.373 0.378 19142207 7.484 0.372 4.5 20651852 43.124 0.476 20066862 13.027 0.392 19890545 24.815 0.365 19882331 8.756 0.359 5 21606751 40.003 0.464 20910653 14.718 0.38 20705673 19.476 0.353 20696057 10.108 0.348 0.337 0.368 21599200 16.598 0.342 21587438 11.491 5.5 22667867 31.103 0.455 21845513 15.88 6 23775393 22.872 0.449 22811706 16.581 0.358 22524927 14.805 0.332 22511102 12.956 0.327 24949773 34.018 0.448 23829960 16.618 0.348 23509494 13.696 0.322 23493836 14.374 0.317 6.5 64 Zero Tension Difference Surge RAO for Radius = 9m Depth = 100 m 10m Sig Height 21 - Zero Tension Difference Surge RAO for Radius = 9m Depth = 62.5 m 10m Sig Height 5 80 , F RAO Ba RAO Heft 4.2 20 0 C1 60 = E 0~ 3.8 t oI - 36 17 2.95 16 2.75 5 3.1 3.05 Initial Tension [N] x 107 Zero Tension Diference Surge RAO for Radius = 9m Depth = 200 m 10m Sig Height 4.5 10 BaRAO ast Haght 0 E 0 0 x 107 Zero Tension Difference Surge RAO for Radius = 9m Depth = 300 m 10m Sig Height 15 S Bls RAO uh T I '0 8-4 -3.4 3.05 3 2.95 2.9 Initial Tension [N] 2.85 2.8 .4 6 4E (DE 0 6 L3.5 2.7 101 2.9 2.8 2.85 initial Tension [N] 2.75 2.95 x 107 0 2.95 2.9 2.85 2.8 Initial Tension [N] 2.75 2.7 X 107 Figure 42. Zero Tension Difference Surge RAOs and Ballast Heights based on Water Depth, 9 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height Surge RAOs for Zero Tension Difference Platforms Surge RAOs for Zero Tension Difference Platforms 10m Sig Height 45 70r + 6 60k - + 61000 1 40 300 35 Sig Height ++ + + 62.5 100 200 5m 1 62.5 + 01 - 100 0 200 300 . - 50 030 - - -- 0- - - I 6 - * -- -- -- --- - 40 .- - L&25 --- E E 10 = 20 E - - - 20 I - 6 166 15 Dl 6 10 2.7 2.75 2.8 10 2.85 2.9 2.95 Initial Tension [N] 3 3.05 3.1 3.15 x 107 51 1.8 - -- 6Q6.0, 1.85 - -- I 00 ~ 1 1.9 1.95 CI - - - -- I . 6660 -- -00 - Io I 2 2.05 Initial Tension [N] Figure 43. Surge RAOs for Zero Tension Difference 9 m Platforms 65 0- -I R 1 6 1 2.1 2.15 2.2 2.2 x 10 7 Zero Tension Difference Surge RAO for Radius = 9m Wind Speed = 9 m/s Zero Tension Difference Surge RAO for Radius =9m Wind Speed = 11.2 m/s 4.5 1 Ballast 19 oRAO Bailast Hgt 1 18 4.8 17 4.6 16 4.4 15- 4.2 8 - - C/, E 0 14- 4 12- 0 11 2.3 5 2.4 2.45 3E 0 2.5 2.55 Initial Tension [N] 2.6 2.65 l 0 6. L 2.7 2.7 100 3.5 2.95 2.9 x 10 55 0 5- Ballast Haigt RAO 5 0 - 4 * 0 120. o ii- 40 0 1 2.8 2.85 Initial Tension [N] Zero Tension Difference Surge RAO for Radius = 9m Wind Speed = 25 m/s 5 Salast Height RAO] 80 T 45 a, 0 E E 0 2.75 x 107 Zero Tension Difference Surge RAO for Radius = 9m Wind Speed = 15 m/s - - 3.6 60 C/) 1 0 1 0 30 t 1 13 1 0 :15 Cl M 20 60 - 0 4 E 40 OL 2.2 2.25 2.3 2.35 2.4 Initial Tension [N] 2.45 2.5 3.5 20'1.9 2.55 2 1.95 2 2.05 2.1 2.15 Initial Tension [N] x 107 2.2 2.25 2.3 7 x 10 Figure 44. Zero Tension Difference Surge RAOs and Ballast Heights based on Wind Speed, 9 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height Surge RAOs for Zero Tension Difference Platforms Surge RAOs for Zero Tension Difference Platforms 45 120- -- 4 100- + 9 m/s 0 0 . 11.2 m/s 15m/s 4 25 m/s EP. 1 4- - 40k 9 m/s 11.2 m/s 15m/s 25 m/s a 0 35- 800 30 0 + 60 .E E E 40 15 20 ++ 2 2.2 2.6 2.4 Thnsin Initia Initial Tension + [N}1 [N] 10 * 2.8 x 10 312 7 -1 20 -0 6' - -1 .. ' 00 C4. 1.8 - - - - 2 25 L - - -- - -- 7 -- - - - -- - -- 14 16 18 2 Initial Tension [N] Figure 45. Wind Speed Effects on Surge RAOs for Zero Tension Difference Platforms, 9 m Radius 66 2.2 7 x 10 Appendix B: 10 m Radius Draft relationships for Radius = 10m Wind Speed (multiple concrete ballast heights) 9 m/s = Draft relationships for Radius = 1Om Wind Speed (multiple concrete ballast heights) X 10 1 -~ 30 - - - -. -- 11.2 m/s = X 107 t2 0 I 20 2 10| 20 - 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Initial Tension 3.5. A Ton - 2.5 3 4,& 0- 0 4 7 -4.5m ATon - Ton - Draft relationships for Radius = 10m Wind Speed (multiple concrete ballast heights) 40 3.5 [N] = - m Ton - 0.5 1 - 1.5 2 Initial Tension 5.mA Ton X 3.5 . 4 107 4.5m A Ton = 1Dm Wind Speed (multiple concrete ballast 107 3 [N] Gm A Ten Draft relationships for Radius 15 m/a 2.5 E 1 heights) 25 o/s = X 1107 1 20 - - - 20 I -- 0 1- I 011 ~ Ii 0I.5 1a 1 1.5 T1e 2 Initial Tension 2.5 3 3.5 0 4 0.5 2.5 1.5 2 Initial Tension IN] 1 X 10 [N] 3.5m draft 4m draft 5m draft -- 4.5m draft 5.5m draft - 3.5 3 4 107 6.5m draftj Sm draft - Figure 46. Wind Speed and Draft Effects, 10 m Radius, 10 m Tension Difference Draft relationships for Radius - 10m Depth = 62.5 (multiple concrete ballast heights) Draft relationships for Radius - 10m Depth = 100 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) m X 10, 4C 10 4 -.- 101 0 0.5 1 1 2.5 20 3 3.5 10 4 0 2 1.5 Initial Tension 1 0.5 X 10 [N] 3~-=.5mJA Ton - - - ---- 0 E ---1 -2 1.5 2 Initial Tension 4m A Ton Draft relationships for Radius - 10m Depth (multiple concrete ballast heights) 30 -- 20- E 10 1 30 - - - - * 20 - - - -22.5-3 X 1 - 4.5mA Tenl 200 m 5tmATon I 0 6m A Ten - 30 -- - - - - - -- 2 - - L- - - 3.5 3 4 07 -2 G,5m A Ton I Draft relationships for Radius = 10m Depth (multiple concrete ballast heights) X le7 - - - A Ton -55m 2.5 [N] 300 m X - - -- 10 -0-- - - E - - - - E 10 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Initial Tension 3.5m draft - 2.5 3 3.5 4 2 10 0 0.5 X 10 [N] 4m draft ---- 4.5m draft - 5m draft - ---- 5.5m draft 1 2 Initial Tension 1.5 6m draft - 2.5 3 [N] 6.5m draft Figure 47. Water Depth and Draft Effects, 10 m Radius, 10 m Tension Difference 67 3.5 4 X 107 1 0 RAO 1 for Radius = 10m Wind Speed = 9 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) 100 x |i~ RAO 1 for Radius = 10m Wind Speed = 11.2 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) 107 E -- -| 50 - - 0 tit x 10 7 E 52 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension - I 3.Am a Ten t- RAO 1 fbr Radius (multeple 400 = 3 3.5 [N] 4m A Tsn 10m Wind Speed concrete ballast = 0 4 X 7 4,5m A Ten -- 15 m/s 123 1 0.5 2.5 3 3.5 [N] 4 x 107 *.Sm A TenI RAO 1 fbr Radius = 10m Wind Speed = 25 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) x1 107 heights) 1.5 2 Initial Tension ImA Ten A Ten 5m A Ten -5.'m - *2* 0 S107 0.5 150 I I .2 100 E 0 26'| -0.5 2 50 o01 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Initial Tension [N] 3.5m RAO * - 2.5 3 3.5 u 4 0.5 0 1 X 107 4m RAO -- 4.5m RAO 5m - RAO 6m 5.5m RAO . 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] RAO 3.5 3 .1 4 7 6.5m RAO - Figure 48. Wind Speed Effects on Surge RAO, 10 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height RAO 1 for Radius (multiple 100 = 10m Depth = 62.5 m ballast heights) concrete RAO 1 for Radius = 1im Depth = 100 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) x2 107 10 I 50 ---- * -- - - - X 107 - -0 0 - FE 0 F 0 . -2 01 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] SmA Ten --- I -. RAO 1 for Radius (multiple 1010 = ballest 3.5 C 4 0 0.5 1 7 Arn 10m Depth concrete 3 Ten = - A Tn -5.5m 4.5mA Ten -om 200 m Om A Tim - A Ten RAO 1 for Radius x2 10I heights) 2 1.5 Initial Tension 603 = 40 - - - -1 - - 2 3.5 2 6. 3 m, Ten 10m Depth = 300 m x1 5 0 - -0 - - - 4 107 ballast heights) (multiple cnerste so 2.5 [N] - 41 - - 20 --- - - 5 E E 0 S12 1 1 2 253 I 3.5m RAO - 4m RAO 0 4 25 Initial Tension [N] 0 0.5 x 107 * 4.5m RAO ^ 5m RAO - 5.5m RAO 1 2.5 1.5 2 Initial Tension [N] 6m RAO -- 3 6.5m RA0 Figure 49. Water Depth Effects on Surge RAOs, 10 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height 68 3.5 -10 4 107 RAO 1 tor Radius = 10m Wind Speed = 9 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) 100 - - - - 1-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 5 - - - I 00 0 L 4. -*- so RAO 1 for Radius = 10m Wind Speed = 11.2 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) x 10"' x 10 0 E 0 . . 5 1.* +1 0 0 0.5 1.5 2 Initial Tension 1 5mA I 2.5 3 5.m5A - 4.5lAT, -SmATn RAO I for Radius = 1im Wind Speed = 15 rn/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) $uu Initial Tension [N] x 10 4mA Ton -- Ton -- 4 3.5 [N] x 107 heights) 150 - - - 200- --- 100 0 0 1-- - - - - - - - - - - - - 0, 15 -10 - - - - - - - i!1 I -OATeen S A TAn 6.5m A Till I Grin A T- RAO 1 for Radius = 10m Wind Speed = 25 m/s (multiple concrete ballast Ton 200 2 x 10 2.5 1.5 2 Initial Tension [N] 1 0.5 - 3.5m RAO I + 3 4m RAO n 4 3.5 7 Sm RAO 4.5m RAO - - - - - - - -- i 5 I 0--- ---- - - 1100 -- - - - - - - - 0.5 0 6m 5.5m RAO - RAO -6.5m 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 Initial Tension [N] 1 4 107 5 RAOI Figure 50. Wind Speed Effects on Surge RAOs, 10 m Radius, 5.5 m Sig. Wave Height RAO I for Radius = 10m Depth = 62.5 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) X 10 I 5 01 0 RAO 1 for Radius = 1Oin Depth = 100 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) 200 x 107 0 0- I 107 1 0.5 2.5 1.5 2 Initial Tension [N] I-=-3~inATn 3.5m A Ton - RAO 1 for Radius 3 -k. 1 T~.lt - 4.5m,& Ton - I - - -, - -- S 01 0 0.5 1 10 2.5 2 1.5 Initial Tens ion [N] wt4Tefl -n-~Arns4T.n 5.5m Ton 5m a Ton - T.. - 3 X 107 X 107 6.5mA-T7 X 107 I II II 4 3.5 RAO 1 for Radius = 10m Depth = 300 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) = (multiple concrete ballast heights) 100 - - 100 - 4 3.5 X -- 4plAT.n 4m A Ton 10m Depth = 200 m I 5 / I \ 50 0 0 0.5 1 2.5 1.5 2 Initial Tension [N] 3.5m RAO + 4m RAO 3 0 3.5 1 0 4 0.5 X 10 -- 4.5m RAO Sm RAO - 5.5m RAO 1 1.5 2.5 [N] 6.Sm RAO -6.5m RAO 2 Initial Tension Sm Sm FtAO RAO ---- 3 Figure 51. Water Depth Effects on Surge RAOs, 10 m Radius, 5.5 m Sig. Wave Height 69 3.5 4 x17 S 0.65 e; Surge Accelerations for Radius = 10m Wind Speed (multiple concrete ballast heights) = 9 m/s I~L 0.551 -- 1 1.5 2 Initial Tension 3.5mATn o- 2.5 3 -0.55 4mATTon -- - - - - i- 0 1 0.55 -0.505 0 .5 -- - -- -- -.--- -- - 0.45 5m. 4.5mA Ten = 0 -- - 0.5 OmATon 3.5m Acc 3 I '4- 0 = 25 m/s X 107 0.6- 0.5 T - -- 0.55- 0 -- --E 0.5- -05- U.4:0- I 4 35 0.5 1 1.5 2 Initial Tension x 10 4m Acc * x 10 0.65, 5 7 0. -- 2 25 1.5 Initial Tension [N] -15 4 3.5 I 4 .* 1 - -1 - 8.5m&Toi --- 0.5 3 Surge Accelerations for Radius = 10m Wind Speed (multiple concrete ballast heights) x 10 r - - - 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] 1 j.5m A Ton - Ten .5 5 0 -0 - E - - - 15 m/s 0.5 0.45 x 10, 5 -5 X 107 I 0.6 -- 0.6-- 'I- 3.5 [N] Surge Accelerations for Radius = 10m Wind Speed (multiple concrete ballast heights) *~ 11.2 m/s ---- 0.51 0.5 = 0.55 0.5 0.6k D.1 ' Surge Accelerations for Radius = 10m Wind Speed (multiple concrete ballast heights) ( 10, 4.5m Acc 5m Acc - 5.5m Acc 6m Acc - 2.5 3 3.5 [N] 4 S107 6.5m Acc Figure 52. Wind Speed Effects on Surge Acceleration RMS, 10 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height Surge Accelerations for Radius = 1Om Depth (multiple concrete ballast heights) = 62.5 m Surge Accelerations for Radius = 10m Depth (multiple concrete ballast heights) x 10 = 100 m X ,1 0 4 0.8 - - - - 0.6-- ---- - - - - - - - 107 - -0 14 01 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] 3.mA Ton ---- 0.65 I 4m A Tn 3 . -- 4.5mA Ten = 0 0.5 5m . . 10 t -10 1.5 2 Initial Tension - 3.5m Acc 2.5 [N] . 4m Acc ' 3 ' 3.5 4 2 6.5in, Ten 1 = 300 m x 106 -5 0.5 1 3 x 10 Surge Accelerations for Radius = 10m Depth (multiple concrete ballast heights) 0.5 - - 'Is Sm A Ton - 2.5 [N] - - * 0.5 1.5 2 Initial Tension Or- - 0.55k U.10' ) 1 aTen 0 .7 5 * -...-...-J. Ten -5.m 200 m . 0.6 0.4 3.5 x 107 Surge Accelerations for Radius = 10m Depth (multiple concrete ballast heights) . 0 Owogd .,Ess 3.5 ' -5 1 5? 1 5 - - - - - - 5 0.4L 0 4 S10 4.5m Acc - -- 5m Acc - S 02 0.5 5.5m Acc 1 1.5 2 2.t Initial Tension [N] 6m Acc --- 1 3L 1 4-10 3.t X 10 6.5m Acc Figure 53. Water Depth Effects on Surge Acceleration RMS, 10 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height 70 Surge Accelerations for Radius = 10m Wind Speed (multiple concrete ballast heights) 9 m/s = Surge Accelerations for Radius = 10m Wind Speed (multiple concrete ballast heights) x 10, 2 0.45 0 0.4 --- 0.5 2 2.5 1.5 Initial Tension [N] 1 3 I 05 - - 4.5m 0.3 4 1 = A Ten 5m& ATen - 5.5m A Ten --- - - 0.3 0 1 0.5 - - - - - - ''' --- - - - .Sm A - 0.5 4 x 107 TenI Surge Accelerations for Radius = 10m Wind Speed (multiple concrete ballast heights) 15 m/s x 106 Gma Ten 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 Initial Tension [N] 1 0.5 = 25 m/s x 10 15 I - -- - - - - - - --- - - - -o0 .in X 107 15 1.4 - - - - - 0.35 3.5 4m,& Ton --- - o.n - - - - - - - 0.5 - - - - - - - * ' Surge Accelerations for Radius = 10m Wind Speed (multiple concrete ballast heights) 0.45 - x 107 04 - --- - 0.3 1 11.2 m/s --....- . .- I - - - - - - - = . 2 1.5 Initial Tension - S - - - -- - I 0.35- - - - - O.5 1 1 4m Acc - 4.5m Acc - Sm Acc L I 5 -0 4 3.5 3 2.5 6.5m -. -' -- - Initial Tension [N] 6m Acc 5.5m Acc ----- -- *- 2 1.5 7 -1 - - - - - - - - - - 0.3 0 1- 4 3.5 [N] 3.5m Acc 0.4 5 - - - - - -- -- -- - - --- 0 .45 - - - - - - 3 2.5 - 10 E X17 Acc Figure 54. Wind Speed Effects on Surge Acceleration RMS, 10 m Radius, 5.5 m Sig. Wave Height Surge Accelerations for Radius = 10m Depth (multiple concrete ballast heights) = 62.5 m x Surge Accelerations for Radius = 10m Depth (multiple concrete ballast heights) 10, (4- F; 0.45 1 L- 1.5 2 2.5 3 Initial Tension [NJ 5M A Ton - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 35 4 x 4m A Ten -~- Surge Accelerations for Radius = 10m Depth (multiple concrete ballast heights) 0.4 5 - I I I 0 - 5mt 0. I -jT 0.5 1 107 4.5m A Ton~ = 10 I 0.35 I OI5 x 107 0.5 I I 100 m - 0.4 - - - - - . I -- - - - = 0.5 1 2 5.5m ATon Ton - 6m &Ton =~- 3 2.5 2 1.5 Initial Tension X107 4 107 6,5m &TonI Surge Accelerations for Radius = 10m Depth (multiple concrete ballast heights) 200 m 3.5 N) = 300 m C 107 - 0.5 - - - - - - -- I - I -I-, - I 0.35 .-.-.. - 0.3 0.5 1 -1.5 E 'n .. .. T- 2 2.5 1.5 Initial Tension [N] ---- - - - - --.. -+- 3.5m Ace + 3 0.31 0 4 3.5 0.5 4m Acc -- + 4.5m Acc Sm Acc -+ 1 1.5 2 3 2.5 Initial Tension [M x17 5.5m Acc 6m Acc - 6.5m Acc 3.5 4 X 107 I Figure 55. Water Depth Effects on Surge Acceleration RMS, 10 m Radius, 5.5 m Sig. Wave Height 71 Radius = 10 Trend Lines for Zero Tension Differences(10m sig. wave) - -9 S- 6- -- - Radius = 10 Trend Lines for Zero Tension Differences (5.5m sig wave) M/S 11.2 mIs 1mIs - 6 -- - 25 m/s 1 5.5- 5.5 5- 5 9 mIs 11.2 m/s - - - 15 M/S -- -25 m/s - -_-- - - - - - ~ ~-7 - - - - - 4.5- - -- ----- -- -- --- 0 0 4.5 4 3.51 2 - - - - 4 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 4 3.8 Initial Pre-Tension x1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 Initial Pre-Tension 7 2.. x 10 Figure 56. Wind Speed Effects on Zero Tension Difference Trend Lines, 10 m Radius Table 17. Wind Speed Effects on Zero Tension Difference Options and Responses, 10 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height Ballast 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 9 MIS Tension Max RAO RMS Acc 25495054 15.708 0.607 26464225 24.209 0.585 27636748 38.988 0.565 28999590 63.434 0.548 30578210 86.831 0.533 32375233 94.571 0.518 34338539 98.663 0.505 11.2 mis Tension Max RAO RMS Acc 28337370 10.042 0.613 29459706 12.929 0.59 30778788 16.462 0.57 32332921 20.256 0.552 34096346 23.761 0.537 36050147 26.372 0.522 38204549 27.266 0.509 15 M/s Tension Max RAO RMS Acc 24123017 22.963 0.604 25010350 48.431 0.582 26088543 176.739 0.563 27380633 98.917 0.546 28883868 58.604 0.53 30571883 47.588 0.517 32467861 45.543 0.504 25 m/s Tension Max RAO RMS Acc 21449270 100.35 0.597 22195552 48.177 0.576 23130305 26.942 0.557 24263535 20.524 0.541 25592447 17.795 0.526 27101566 16.604 0.512 28834842 16.412 0.5 Table 18. Wind Speed Effects on Zero Tension Difference Options and Responses, 10 m Radius, 5.5 m Sig. wave Hei nt 9 m/s Ballast 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 11.2 mIs 15 mIs 25 m/s Tension Max RAO RMS Acc Tension Max RAO RMS Acc Tension Max RAO RMS Acc Tension Max RAO RMS Acc 15806903 16355923 17004531 17747560 18579390 19489584 20468672 10.813 8.806 7.706 7.038 6.649 7.046 7.351 0.386 0.372 0.359 0.348 0.338 0.328 0.319 18328484 18967551 19705769 20536961 21452441 22446014 23513776 19.859 14.076 11.398 9.922 9.023 8.448 8.073 0.39 0.375 0.362 0.35 0.34 0.33 0.321 72 14566265 15060673 15658193 16355128 17144707 18018282 18966169 8.756 7.38 6.797 7.601 8.297 8.865 9.264 0.384 0.37 0.358 0.347 0.337 0.327 0.318 12138807 12543334 13053898 13667231 14371268 15158931 16021945 7.763 9.765 12.019 14.361 16.586 18.405 19.647 0.38 0.366 0.354 0.344 0.334 0.325 0.317 I Radius =10 Trend Lines for Zero Tension Differences(10m sig. wave) Radius =10 Trend Lines for Zero Tension Differences (5.5m sig wave) 7 8 -62.5 m 6 - 200 m -- ---------- - ---- - - --- -- - -------- - .5 --- e - - -- - 5 Ca l4 -------- - ------- ------ 625 100 -200 --- - 300 6 - -- - - - - - - m_ m m m- 4 3 --- -- - - -- 2 12 2. 5 --- --- -- - - - - - - - - --- - - - - ------------------------ 3 3.5 Initial Pre-Tension 2 1L_ I 4 1.6 x 107 1.8 2 2.4 2.2 Initial Pre-Tension 2.6 2.8 3 x 10 Figure 57. Water Depth Effects on Zero Tension Difference Trend Lines Table 19. Water Depth Effects on Zero Tension Difference Wave Hei ht 100 m 62.5 m Tension Max RAO RMS Acc Tension Max RAO RMS Acc Ballast 0.729 2.737 28870580 59.899 30230179 63.825 3.5 0.7 2.929 30122988 76.782 31871377 70.391 4 0.676 2.374 31637234 53.83 33836677 52.319 4.5 0.657 1.891 33389437 46.247 36151643 28.859 5 0.641 2.552 35381508 48.468 38862092 40.814 5.5 0.629 2.568 37617959 63.196 6 44088055 29.354 0.621 4.246 40073416 106.021 61855342 36.644 6.5 Table 20. Water Depth Effects on Zero Tension Difference Wave Hei ht 100 m 62.5 m Tension Max RAO RMS Acc Tension Max RAO RMS Acc Ballast 0.415 0.481 18437756 21.205 18810620 22.358 3.5 0.399 0.462 19101464 36.319 4 19554942 17.248 0.385 0.447 19868207 64.776 4.5 20420521 15.32 0.373 0.435 20731716 82.062 21401332 14.873 5 0.362 0.425 21687071 69.964 22489908 15.53 5.5 0.352 0.416 22729627 61.561 6 23677566 17.492 0.342 0.41 23844408 60.366 24945182 21.723 6.5 73 Options and Responses, 10 m Radius, 10 m Sig. 200 m Tension Max RAO RMS Acc 0.613 28337370 10.042 0.59 29459706 12.929 0.57 30778788 16.462 0.552 32332921 20.256 0.537 34096346 23.761 0.522 36050147 26.372 0.509 38204549 27.266 300 m Tension Max RAO RMS Acc 0.594 28290813 10.437 0.573 29402801 8.614 0.554 30707697 7.587 0.537 32241008 6.978 0.521 33987476 6.604 0.507 35912615 6.374 0.494 38045468 6.253 Options and Responses, 10 m Radius, 5.5 m Sig. 200 m Tension Max RAO RMS Acc 0.39 18328484 19.859 0.375 18967551 14.076 0.362 19705769 11.398 0.35 20536961 9.922 0.34 21452441 9.023 0.33 22446014 8.448 0.321 23513776 8.073 300 m Tension Max RAO RMS Acc 0.384 18324042 9.361 0.37 18961703 12.364 0.357 19698635 16.431 0.346 20528008 21.952 0.335 21441723 29.291 0.326 22432646 38.691 0.317 23498091 49.505 Zero Tension Difference Surge RAO for Radius =10m Depth =62.5 mn 10m Sig Height 50 55 0 1 1 80 - 4. 8 I E 50 E3 6 75 4. 4 0 70 3 3.2 3.1 -3.4 3.5 3.4 -o 3.6 2.9 2.95 - 11-54 b1 2.8 2.85 1 0 2.9 2.95 1 1 0 5 .5 9 0 1 10 1 1 | 3.15 3.2 3.25 3C) 3_5 12.8 3.5 x a 4 7 | | 1o 2 1 3 3.05 3.1 Initial Tension [N] ..5A Ballast H;ig7M 0 8 1 3.4 3.35 3.3 x 10 RAO E) 15 0 3.25 -- 0 4 3.2 1 10 -f i .0 !_20 E 3.1 3.15 3.05 Initial Tension [N] 3 1 5 0 - 3.8 r [: 01 4 Zero Tension Difference Surge RAO for Radius = 10m Depth = 300 in 10m Sig Height 6 25~ 4.2 A 0 -- 452.85 3.6 Zero Tension Difference Surge RAO for Radius = 10m Depth = 200 m 10m Sig Height 1 4.4 .0 X 107 25 4.6 1 1 50- 30.6 3.3 Initial Tension [N] 1 4.8 -0 55 - 3 o[ - - 1~ 1 1 X u -3. 8 40 4 SE 0 1 45 - 65 -4. 22 4 1 Bailast Fieiglt 0A Ballast Heigh RAO 70 0 Zero Tension Difference Surge RAO for Radius = 10m Depth = 100 m 10m Sig Height 2.85 2.9 2.95 107 3 3.05 Initial Tension [N] 3.1 3.15 3 3.25 3.2 x 7 10 Figure 58. Water Depth Effects on Zero Tension Difference Surge RAOs and Ballast Heights, 10 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height Surge RAOs for Zero Tension Difference Platforms 5m Sig Height Surge RAOs for Zero Tension Difference Platforms 1in Sig Height 90r ,-- ---- -- -- -- ------ - ----- --- - --- - , 62.5 100 801- - - 10+ --- q- -"" 70- + C0 ------ + - -, - 9n0 r 70 - -- -- 80 200 300 - - - - , -- , - - ----- r + 62.5 100 0 200 300 OO0---- So -- - 1-- - + ---- - ""100 ii- 1' 0 - -- -- - 1 - 01I- - 60- 0 0 -T-- - 50- - e 60 - u) 40E E 30 0 + - -- - -- 50 ----+ --- W4 440 - E--- E - -- - - - - - 0 - - -- 0 0 3 - - - - 10 + 20 - -+-++- - . - - 01 2.9 3 - - --40 + - - --- - -- *---- , -- 0 -s- - - 7 oo ooo- ooo 0880 0 I -_00 .poo I 00 0 I - - - - I _0oo ++.+.++ O' 2.8 --1 1 ...0- 10 . . .. - - -- ---0 .+009 - 0 *00000 I~ - - 0 1- - - -- 3.1 3.2 3.3 Initial Tension [N] 3.4 3.5 1.8 3.6 x 107 11 1.9 1 2.1 2.2 Initial Tension [N] 2.3 2.4 Figure 59. Surge RAOs for Zero Tension Difference Platforms based on Water Depth, 10 m Radius 74 2.5 x 10 Zero Tension Difference Surge RAO for Radius = 10m Wind Speed = 11.2 m/s 1 5. Zero Tension Difference Surge RAO for Radius = 10m Wind Speed = 9 m/s I o o Bouts fgm RAO FkghM RAOBallast 80 20 4 5 .) 0 0 0 2.6 2.65 1 4 2.9 2.8 2.85 2.75 Initial Tension [N] 2.7 wI 2.95 o* 3.05 x 107 3 Zero Tension Difference Surge RAO for Radius = 10m Wind Speed = 15 m/s 4 o 15- o in 2.55 E * I oII C X M 0 20 0 3.25 3.2 3.15 3.1 3.05 3 Initial Tension [N] 2.95 2.9 2.85 2.8 x 1 Zero Tension Difference Surge RAO for Radius = 10m Wind Speed = 25 m/s (3 i;n. 5 6 o 200 5.5 S150 5 last Height AOBal 5 100 -- Bals Ho 0 1 0 E 100 4.52 50 4 -1- 00 4 50 2.4 2.5 2.45 2.7 2.65 26 Initial Tension [N] 2.55 2.75 2.8 2.85 u2.1 2.9 x 107 0000 2.5 2.6 2.4 Initial Tension [N] 2.3 2.2 I~~ 600 ~oo~~o o000 ooo o I 2.7 x 0 Figure 60. Wind Speed Effects on Zero Tension Surge RAOs and Ballast Heights, 10 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height Surge RAOs for Zero Tension Difference Platforms 250 -:--------- T -- - -,7-- r - + T- a 200 + Surge RAOs for Zero Tension Difference Platforms -1 15sm 25 m/s - - - - - - - + 0 .- 18 ++ . 1 *0 - - - - o - 0 - + 9 m/s 11.2 m/s 1 / 15mr/s 25 m/s 0 ~16 0 150- - - 20 9 m/s 11.2 mis 0 .+ E 100- -Tr-I0 - - - - -T- - - E 0. 01 50- +I + 0 0 0I I+E -- 12 0 ol+ - - - -- __ 1 - -. - - -- - -CI-O I+ - 107 8 1 I I I cppa13CP--(- 0 I 2 2.2 2.4 2.8 2.6 Initial Tension [N] I 3 3.4 3.2 x 10 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Initial Tension [N] 2 Figure 61. Surge RAOs for Zero Tension Difference Platforms base on Wind Speed, 10 m Radius 75 2.2 2.4 Appendix B: 12 m Radius Draft relationships for Radius - 12m Wind Speed (multiple concrete ballast heights) 25 -- - - - - - 9 m/s Draft relationships for Radius - 12m Wind Speed (multiple concrete ballast heights) X le - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 11.2 m/s - X 194 -0 20 -5*. F 20---- -- - - - - - - - - - - -5 - ic .15 E 15 10 - - -- 0 * - - - 0.5 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] 3 - -10 3.5 15 -- - - - .15 4 10 0 - - -- 0.5 1 7 x 1d &3.nATon - A Ten -4m Draft relationships for Radius = 12m Wind Speed (multiple concrete ballast heights) au L - -- - -- A TOM 45m 15 m/s 10l -5 20 - ----- ---- - -- - 15 0 25 Om A Ten A Ton 3 3.5 i15 4 x 6.5m A Tan - Draft relationships for Radius = 12m Wind Speed (multiple concrete ballast heights) 30. oi 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] = 25 m/s 0.5 -, 20 S 5m 5m-ATen - E - 10 -10P -- 0 ----- 15 E -- -- 0.5- - -- - - ------ L. - 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] 3 , 4 5 1 X 107 3.5m draft - 3.5 4m draft 4.5m draft - m draft 1 5 o Initial Tension [ [NJ 6m draft- 5.5m draft -. 3 35 4 x0 Sm draft Figure 62. Wind Speed Effects on Draft, 12 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height Draft relationships for Radius = 12m Depth = 62.5 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) x 25- Draft relationships for Radius = 12m Depth (multiple concrete ballast heights) 10 20 -5 15- 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] 3.mA 25 - - - - --- Ten 4m - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - 15 --- - - - -- 0 20 E -10 3 - ---- 0.5 - - - - -- - - - A - - 4.m 10 0 - . A Ton - 5m, 1 5.5mATan Ton - -- 3 4m draft - - 3.5 . 1.5 2 Initial Tension -5 + Sm A Ten 2.5 3 25 - - - - -5 20--5 I 1i - -10 10 -15 4 X 107 - Sm draft - - - - 0.5 - 5.5m draft = 300 m 1le draft --- +-- 6.5m 0 - 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] 6m -15 -6.mATen - - -- - - - - - - - --- 1 E x 10 3 - -10 3.5 4 X draft Figure 63. Water Depth Effects on Draft, 12 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height 76 4 3.5 - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- 0 - - -10 - [N] Draft relationships for Radius = 12m Depth (multiple concrete ballast heights) O 4.5m draft - - - -T 0.5 1t0 - - - - - -15 4 200 m - 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] 3.5m draft -- Ten -0-- - -- - - -- - - - 1 3.5 - 15 - - 7 Draft relationships for Radius = 12m Depth (multiple concrete ballast heights) 101 x_ 10, - - ------ --- - -- - 20 100 m 0 2- 100 = 10 15 E RAO 1 lbr Radius = 12m Wind Speed 100 - I RAO 1 for Radius = 12m Wind Speed = 11.2 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) 9 m/s 07 x 1 . 0 E 1-2I 1 0 I 0I 0 0 0.5 2 1.5 Initial Tension 3.5mA Ton -- 1 - 0 1 1 0.5 0 4 3.5 3 2.5 [N] 1.5 initial X 17 4mATaTn 4- 5m ATen - m>A Tn RAO 1 for Radius = 12m Wind Speed = 15 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) 4 x 107 [M am A T. 5.5mATn - 3.5 3 2.5 2 ension 6.5mA - T.n RAO 1 for Radius = 12m Wind Speed = 25 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) x 107 x 10 1 200 -0.5 150 - - - -- -------- 200 --- 1d7 x 0 - - ---- - - = heights) ballast (multiple concrete 150 100 j ------------ 100---- - - - - - - - 00 0.5 - 3.5m RAO - 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 Initial Tension [N] 1 4m RAO - -- 2 4 x 1 67 0 6m 5.5m RAO 5m RAO --- - 4.5m RAO -0.5 -- 3 2.5 2 1.5 Initial Tension [N] 1 0.5 - 35 4 x07 6.5m RAO RAO -- Figure 64. Wind Speed Effects on Surge RAOs, 12 m Radius, 10 Sig. Wave Height RAO 1 for Radius = 12m Depth = 0.5 100 -52 1 RAO 1 for Radius = 12m Depth = 100 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) 62.5 m 107 x (multiple concrete ballast heights) 150 0 - II107 x 10 0 -- - - - - -0--- - - 1 - -- C| I 5 50- 0 -O~ * - - o E2 I 0.5 0 01 2.5 2 1.5 Initial Tension [N] -- I-3.5mrAT - 3 = 2 1.5 Initial Tension 1 0.5 5.5mA 5m A Ton - Tan -4.5mA x2 107 2.5 A Te. Ten I -- - - I 0 | u E 00 0.5 2 2.5 1.5 Initial Tension [N] 1 --- 3.5m RAO -* 4m RAO ' I 3 3.5 -- - - - - -- 0 12 4 Sm RAO 0 0.5 1 2.5 2 1.5 Initial Tension [N] --- 5.Sm RAO 6m RAO .- 3 6.5m RAO Figure 65. Water Depth Effects on Surge RAOs, 12 m Radius, 10 Sig. Wave Height 77 5 -- 10 ---- ----- *-2 e 4.Sm RAO - - 0 - 40- 7 -*- le 1 I 20 U 12 4 x 107 6.5n A T7 60 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50 - - 3.5 3 [N] RAO 1 for Radius = 12m Depth = 300 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) 200 m heights) 100 00 4 X 10 4mt&Ton RAO 1 for Radius = 12m Depth (multiple concrete ballast -2 3.5 3.5 -15 4 x 107 I E RAO 1 for Radius = 12m Wind Speed = (multiple concrete ballast heights) 150 - - - I- - - - -2 9 m/s RAO 1 for Radius x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 167 I - 01 = 12m Wind Speed (multiple concrete ballast 10 0 - = 11.2 m/s heights) 107 X 1 5 E 00 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Initial Tension [N S 4 1 0 0.5 1 1d mA Ton -- - 3mTn 3.5 45m A m A Ton RAO 1 for Radius = 12m Wind Speed = 15 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) 6m,& Ten - ATn -&5m Ton 1.5 2 Initial Tension 2.5 3 3.5 [N] 4 X 107 6.;A Ten RAO 1 for Radius = 12m Wind Speed = 25 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) x ()7 x lj 0J I~1 5 --- - - - 100 - - - - - 0 50-0 E 0E5 3.5m RAO 4m RAO . S .05 1 X 5m 4.5m RAO RAO + 1 5.5m RAO 15 .. 2 6m RAO - - 3. 25 Initial Tension [N] 7~ 6..m RAO Figure 66. Wind Speed Effects on Surge RAOs, 12 m Radius, 5.5 m Sig. Wave Height RAO 1 for Radius = 12m Depth = 62.5 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) 200 RAO 1 for Radius = 12m Depth = 100 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) -x1 107 100 x 107 0I - -- 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] rATen 3-,& RAO 1 for Radius 3 12m Depth = LI LI 0 1 3.5 0 05 1 x 107 T.-4mATen - (multiple concrete ballast 100 - .--- - = 5 45mnTan A Ten 5.5mA - Tn 200 m x 1)7 heights) 1x 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] 3 3.5 x 10 --mA Tn m A Ten - RAO 1 for Radius = 12m Depth = 300 m (multiple concrete ballast heights) 80 X 107 1 1 i 50 -- 010 - - 0.5 1 - -- 1.5 -0 *7 2 Initial Tension 3.5m RAO + 2.5 [N] 4m RAO 3 - 4 x 107 4.5m RAO 0.5 40 0 20 -0.5E 0 3.5 5mRAO - 60 0.5 5.5m RAO 1 2 2.5 1.5 Initial Tension [N] 6m RAO - 3 6.5m RAO Figure 67. Water Depth Effects on Surge RAOs, 12 m Radius, 5.5 m Sig. Wave Height 78 4 3.5 x1 7 Surge Accelerations for Radius = 12m Wind Speed (multiple concrete ballast heights) --- - 0.55 -- 106 x *- - - - - -5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] 3.5 & - Ton 3 3.5 X 10 &Ton -o- 4m 4.m Surge Accelerations for Radius = 12m Wind Speed (multiple concrete ballast heights) = -5 0.5 -- - ---- - -- - -1- - - - - - - - - - A Ton - -m x - -- 10 -- -- 0.5 - 1. , - - -- 3.5m Ace + 0. 07 4m Ace 4.5m Ace -- 6.5m, - 5m Ace - Ton i = 25 m/s x 0. 5 - - - 10 - - | --- -0 - .5 .5 - [N] 4 107 1 -. 0 -- 10 -215 Initial Tension 3.5 - - - 0.5 0 .5 - -* 05 L 3 2.5 E [N] 0 .6 - - - - -5 - - .- Surge Accelerations for Radius = 12m Wind Speed (multiple concrete ballast heights) 0. 65 -0 0.55 Om4 Ton A Ton 5.5m -e--~ -- --- 2 1.5 Initial Tension 1 0.5 15 m/s 0.65 0.6 0.45 0 74 A Tn --0 - 0.55 -1o- 0.451'0 11.2 m/s x 10 -- -- - -- - -- -- - -- -- -.-- c,0.6 41 0.5 = n FUS 0 oe -1 - Surge Accelerations for Radius = 12m Wind Speed (multiple concrete ballast heights) 9 m/s -- -- -- -- ----- - 0.6 = 4510 ---- - - 0.5 1 5.5m Ace - - - 1.5 Initial 6m Ace - 2.5 2 Tension - -, - - - - - - 4 107 1 3.5 3 [N] 6.5m Ace - Figure 68. Wind Speed Effects on Surge Acceleration RMS, 12 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height Surge Accelerations for Radius = 12m Depth (multiple concrete ballast heights) = - - - - -- -- - - 3 --- -- 2 --- - - - - - - - - - -- - - -e 1x5 100 0.8 -0 0.7 . ) 0.5 1 100 m x 10, 0 -5 0.5 E -1o E -I 1 1.t 2 Initial Tension 2.5 [N] 35m A Ten -- 3 4m A - - - - -- -- - -- - - - - - - - 3.5 Ton Surge Accelerations for Radius = 12m Depth (multiple concrete ballast heights) S0.6-- - = -0.6 -10 1 1 Surge Accelerations for Radius = 12m Depth (multiple concrete ballast heights) 62.5 m 4, ---. 0.4 15 4 X 107 5.m A Ton 5m& To- 4Am A T 10 65m& ATenI Om A Ton = 300 m x 0.65 - -o - 4 3.5 x 10 Surge Accelerations for Radius = 12m Depth (multiple concrete ballast heights) 200 m x 3 2 2.5 1.5 Initial Tension [N] 1 0.5 1 - 0.6 - -- - - - - -- - - 106 - 0 0.55 -5 0.55 -6 - -. - -- 0.5 -- - - -- -- 0 0.5 1 * - 3.5m Ace + 4m Ace 3 ---- 3.5 au 4 x 107 4.5m Ace - --- -- 1o 0.5 -10, 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] --- 5m Ace I 0.5 5.5m Ace 1 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] 6m Ace 6-5m 3 3.5 4 X 107 Ace Figure 69. Water Depth Effects on Surge Acceleration RMS, 12 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Height 79 Surge Accelerations for Radius = 12m Wind Speed = 9 m/s (multiple concrete ballast heights) Surge Accelerations x 107 I I 0.3 -- 0 - 1 1.5 2 Initial Tension 3.6 0.4(multiple 2.5 3 3.5 [N] X 107 a I Tan ---- 12m Wind Speed = concrete ballast 2 4 0. 31 0 0.5 1 1.5 15 m/s heights) 2 3 2.5 3.5 4 Initial Tension [N] A Tn -56ATmn 4.5m ATen -5m = I 0.3 107 X A Ton -4MA Surge Accelerations for Radius 11.2 m/s = heights) rI~ 0 - 0.5 12m Wind Speed = . ..*. ... T 0.35 for Radius (multiple concrete balast 0. 4 10 7 x 6mA ton TToo m Surge Accelerations for Radius X A = 107 Ten 12m Wind Speed = 25 m/s - (multiple concrete ballast heights) 0.4 1107 * W) 0.35 - - - -0 0.35 . 2 0. L- 0..- 2 2 . 25 .+. ** 1-24. .5 E 0.3 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Initial Tension 2.5 3 3.5 [N] 3.5m Acc 4m Acc + 2 4 0.3 Initial Tension [N] X 107 4.Sm Acc 5m Ac - 5.5m Acc 107 6.5mAcc 6m Acc -. Figure 70. Wind Speed Effects on Surge Acceleration RMS, 12 m Radius, 5.5 m Sig. Wave Height Surge Accelerations for Radius = 12m Depth (multiple concrete ballast heights) 0.7 62.5 m 0.5 - Surge Accelerations for Radius = 12m Depth (multiple concrete ballast heights) 107 x 1 0.6 -- ----- --- ---- - I = If 0. 5 - - - - - - --- - 0 0 - - - 0.5 , 1 -- 1 .5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] 3.m& Top --- 3 3.5 4mA Tn -- Surge Accelerations for Radius = 12m Depth (multiple concrete ballast heights) 0 -0.5 E U. 4 0.5 1 1.5 2 Initial Tension A TnT 5m 4,mA Teon x - - --w -*- 0.35- 200 m = x 0.5 7 X 10 - 10, 0.4 - 0.5 E --- 100 m 0.45- 0.4 - - = Gm &Too 2.5 3 X - 10 Ton . Surge Accelerations for Radius = 12m Depth (multiple concrete ballast heights) 107 4 3. 5 [N] = 300 m X 107 it=| - -----. *- :5 'I- 1*r 0.35 I .. -- -- 4--- - 01 -T 0.35- - - - -7 - . E E So 0. 3 310 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] 3.5m Acc + 4m Acc 3 3.5 - . 4 107 X 4.5m Ace 1 0.31 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Initial Tension [N] 5m Acc 5.5m Ace 6m Acc -- 3 3.5 4 X 107 6.5m Acc Figure 71. Water Depth Effects on Surge Acceleration RMS, 12 m Radius, 5.5 m Sig. Wave Height 80 Radius = 12 Trend Lines for Zero Tension Differences(10m sig. wave) Radius = 12 Trend Lines for Zero Tension Differences (5.5m sig wave) 6. 5. m/s 11.2 m/s 15 m/s 25 m/s __ 6 6 55 9 - 5.5 F 9 m/s 11.2 m/s - 15 m/s 25 m/s ---------- S4.5 .5 4) e- - 5 / -I - -. . - -. . 4.5 k 4 4 1 3. I3.5 2.6 - 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 Initial Pre-Tension 3.6 3.8 4 1.4 - - 1.6 - - - 1.8 - - 2 - 2.2 Initial Pre-Tension x 107 - - - - - - - - -- 2.6 2.4 x 1d Figure 72. Wind Speed Effects on Zero Tension Difference Trend Lines, 12 m Radius Table 21. Wind Speed Effects on Zero Tension Difference Options and Responses, 12 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Hei ht Ballast 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 9 mis Tension Max RAO RMS Acc 29631963 33.996 0.598 30353408 81.982 0.575 31238321 32.966 0.555 32392421 21.043 0.538 33735864 16.441 0.522 35363814 14.337 0.508 37186197 13.207 0.496 11.2 mIs Tension Max RAO RMS Acc 31737758 19.332 0.603 32507819 43.713 0.579 33516974 73.627 0.559 34758429 37.781 0.541 36216568 25.667 0.525 37963734 20.927 0.511 39807487 18.356 0.498 15 mIs Tension Max RAO RMS Acc 28615521 63.276 0.596 29291131 62.046 0.573 30126595 24.964 0.553 31227891 17.224 0.536 32514726 13.954 0.521 34046715 12.34 0.507 35847097 11.53 0.495 25 mis Tension Max RAO RMS Acc 26610168 90.209 0.591 27162052 24.908 0.569 27936318 15.672 0.549 28888132 12.167 0.533 30109869 10.507 0.518 31519738 9.569 0.504 33209846 9.098 0.492 Table 22. Wind Speed Effects on Zero Tension Difference Options and Responses, 12 m Radius, 5.5 m Sig. Wave Hei ht 9 mIs 11.2 mis 1I mIs 25 mis Ballast 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 Tension Max RAO RMS Acc 29631963 7.056 0.376 30353408 7.975 0.362 31238321 10.045 0.35 32392421 12.587 0.339 33735864 15.495 0.329 35363814 18.405 0.32 37186197 21.398 0.312 Tension Max RAO RMS Acc Tension Max RAO RMS Acc 31737758 8.9 0.379 28615521 7.212 0.374 32507819 7.222 0.365 29291131 9.569 0.361 33516974 7.255 0.352 30126595 12.604 0.349 34758429 8.584 0.341 31227891 16.749 0.338 36216568 9.88 0.331 32514726 22.111 0.328 37963734 11.214 0.322 34046715 28.042 0.32 39807487 12.307 0.313 35847097 34.944 0.311 81 Tension 26610168 27162052 27936318 28888132 30109869 31519738 33209846 Max RAO RMS Acc 10.508 0.371 15.962 0.358 26.073 0.346 46.878 0.336 106.572 0.326 172.411 0.318 112.268 0.31 Radius =12 Trend Lines for Zero Tension Differences (5.5m sig wave) Radius =12 Trend Lines for Zero Tension Differences(10m sig. wave) 6.5 62.5 m m 200 m 300 m -6 -100 7 5.5 J- - 5 - - 1 - - --- --- - --- -- +- - - - - - - - - --- 6 62. m .~4.5 4 - 3.5 3 -- -- - - - - -~ - ~ - - - - - 200 m 300 m - - - 3 - - -T- -~~~ - -- ~ ~ 2.5 -- - -- -- - - - - 2 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 -- 3.6 Initial Pre-Tension 3.7 - -3.8 - -- - - - -- - -- 2 4 3.9 .. 1. 7 2 2.2 2.4 2.8 2.6 Initial Pre-Tension 3.2 3 x 10 Figure 73. Water Depth Effects on Zero Tension Difference Trend Lines, 12 m Radius Table 23. Water Depth Effects on Zero Tension Difference Options and Responses, 12 m Radius, 10 m Sig. Wave Hei ht 300 m 200 m 100 m 62.5 m Ballast 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 Tension Max RAO RMS Acc 2.27 33300019 90.671 1.389 34460016 43.249 1.197 35973309 31.584 1.16 37777836 30.008 1.206 39801041 34.259 1.076 38283143 49.143 0.668 27515630 48.127 Tension Max RAO RMS Acc 0.695 32195042 20.333 0.664 33073158 13.355 0.638 34238272 10.671 0.617 35616642 10.607 0.6 37311552 11.568 0.585 39238302 12.018 0.576 42702380 10.209 Tension Max RAO RMS Acc 0.603 31737758 19.332 0.579 32507819 43.713 0.559 33516974 73.627 0.541 34758429 37.781 0.525 36216568 25.667 0.511 37963734 20.927 0.498 39807487 18.356 Tension Max RAO RMS Acc 0.586 7.516 31700066 0.564 6.216 32460653 0.545 6.814 33454453 0.528 7.993 34685500 0.513 36127130 9.201 0.499 37854375 10.298 0.487 39708668 11.326 Table 24. Water Depth Effects on Zero Tension Difference Options and Responses, 12 Wave Hei ht 200 m _ 100 m 62.5 m_ Ballast 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 Tension Max RAO RMS Acc 0.448 38.7 19504084 0.429 20092902 99.33 0.414 20780531 55.771 0.401 21613910 37.931 0.391 22634910 34.083 0.382 23747947 35.024 0.374 25035605 43.543 Tension Max RAO RMS Acc 0.399 19150834 26.014 0.384 19663557 15.711 0.37 20260619 11.952 0.358 20988457 10.157 0.348 21888824 9.239 0.338 9.59 22864354 0.33 23996847 9.908 82 Tension Max RAO RMS Acc 0.379 8.9 19042667 0.365 19532487 7.222 0.352 20102583 7.255 0.341 20799034 8.584 0.331 9.88 21663323 0.322 22598261 11.214 0.313 23685055 12.307 m Radius, 5.5 m Sig. 300 m Tension Max RAO RMS Acc 0.374 19039334 25.89 0.361 19527856 50.168 0.348 20096601 34.063 0.338 20791429 22.199 0.328 21653795 17.335 0.319 22586658 14.697 0.31 23671018 13.264 Zero Tension Difference Surge RAO for Radius = 12m Depth = 62.5 m 10m Sig Height aa Hg RAO S Zero Tension Difference Surge RAO 12m Depth = 100 mn 10m Sig Height Balast Heigt RAO 100 6.5 80 - 0 - 0 21 60- - E 2 5.5 40 5 20- 0 11 E E for Radius = IoI o 8Q ooo 8 10 5 o- 0oo o o0 4 I o4 45 20- 0 02. 2.8 3.4 3.2 Initial Tension [N] 3 3.6 x 1O . 3.8 3.5 3.6 3.7 Initial Tension [N] 3 4 3.9 x 107 Zero Tension Difference Surge RAO for Radius = 12m Depth = 300 m 10m Sig Height 8 12 7 0 Balast Height | 0 3.4 7 Zero Tension Difference Surge RAO for Radius = 12m Depth = 200 mu 10m Sig Height 00RAO 3.3 3 .2 4 3.8 RAO BallastH kght 0 60 6 S _ I 1 E 1 10 1 0 2 0 0 0| C)0 0 b 0 40 52 P10 ~~ 11 0 1 4 1 0 C) 8 C 20 0 * 00 00 0 01 o * 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.6 3.5 Initial Tension [N] 3.7 3.8 x 3.2 3.1 3.9 107 Surge RAOs for Zero Tension Difference Platforms 1n Sig Height 120 100 3.5 3.6 3.4 Initial Tension [N] 3.3 3.7 3 2 3.9 3.8 x 10 Surge RAOs for Zero Tension Difference Platforms 5m Sig Height 100 L 62.5 100 200 300, + o 0 * 90 -- - + 4 80 - 62.5 100 -200 . 300 70 80 0+ ++ 0 60 U, 50 + 60 + - U, - - - - -++ E :3 + 0 E E 0+I - - 40 - 1,+++ -* -. - - 40 -+ - -- - + ~ ~~ - - + - - - - - - - + + *r1 20 0- - -T - - 1 + + -- - -, - - - -L 30 - 20 - ++ .1 + 10 0'2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 Initial Tension [N] 3.6 3.8 O' 4 1.9 x 107 I 2 I 2.1 I I 2.2 2.3 Initial Tension [N] 2.4 2.5 2.6 x 1o Figure 74. Surge RAOs for Zero Tension Difference Platforms based on Water Depth, 12 m Radius 83 Zero Tension Difference Surge RAO for Radius = 12m Wind Speed = 9 m/s Zero Tension Difference Surge RAO for Radius = 12m Wind Speed = 11.2 m/s 7 80 . 10 o . RAOf RAOBailast-Height 31 1 - I 6 60 0 T 0 t | I o I o 50 - LM 40 5 E DE 0 0 o | o 3 52 1 1 io 0 1 I 1 I e x 4c 4 e oo 9 0 | 2.9 I 3.1 ?01 |1 | 3.3 3.2 3.4 3.5 3.6 Initial Tension [N] Zero Tension Difference Surge RAO for Radius = 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.7 X107 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.7 3.8 Initial Tension [N] 12m Wind Speed = 15 m/s 3.9 x 107 Zero Tension Difference Surge RAO for Radius = 12m Wind Speed = 25 m/s 3M0 10( .10 1 Salast Haigit 200 k 0 011 5.5 M 50 2 Eo (DE 100k 4 0o 9 .0 2.9 3.2 I 999 909699909 oo o"P9 o 0o 3.1 0 I 0 99 0 2.8 8 3.3 0o 0 3.4 3.5 Initial Tension [N] 3.6 2.6 2.9 2.8 2.7 3.1 3 x 10 Surge RAOs for Zero Tension Difference Platforms Surge RAOs for Zero Tension Difference Platforms 180- 250- + 9 m/s 11.2 m/s 15 m/s 25 m/s 0 200- 140- + 120- - 0 + 0 15 m/s + 25 m/s -1 -1 - 100 - ---- ---- ---- 9 m/s 11.2 m/s 160- 0 150 --- ---- --- 3.4 3.3 3.2 Initial Tension [N] x 107 T 7 80 Eo E oo =3 100E 60 50 - 40 - -1 --I 4- - - -1--- 4 --- I--- C;'P0100 OCPO 20 --- I- C6 EM 0C 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 Initial Tension [N] 3.6 3.8 1.4 4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 Initial Tension [N] x 107 Figure 75. Surge RAOs for Zero Tension Difference Platforms base on Water Depth, 12 m Radius 84 2.3 2.4 x 10 7 References 1 Faltinsen, 0. M. Sea Loads on Ships and Offshore Structures. Cambridge, UK. Cambridge University Press. 1999. 2 Jonkman, J. M., Buhl, M. L. FAST User Guide. Golden Colorado. National Renewable Energy Laboratory. 2005. 3 Jonkman, L. M. NRELOffshrBsline5MWUpdatedControlsDocumentation. Golden, CO. National Renewable Energy Laboratory. March 13, 2007. 4 Lewis, E. V., Editor. Principles of Naval Architecture, Second Revision, Volume III Motions in Waves and Controllability. Jersey City, NJ. The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. 1989. 5 Manwell, J. F., McGowan, J. G., and Rogers, A. L. Wind Energy Explained: Theory, Design and Application. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 2002. 6 Newman, J. N. Marine Hydrodynamics. Cambridge, MA. The MIT Press. 1977. 7 Sclavounos, P. D. 13.022 Surface Waves and Their Interaction with Floating Bodies. Lecture Notes. Cambridge, MA. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 8 WAMIT@ User Guide. Cambridge, MA. WAMIT, Inc. and MIT. 1998. 9 Wayman, E. Coupled Dynamics and Economic Analysis of Floating Wind Turbine Systems. Cambridge, MA. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 2006. 85