Publications by Western Illinois University Authors: 2005

Publications by Western Illinois University Authors: 2005
Adams, J. Q., and Janice R. Welsch. 2005. Multicultural Films: A Reference Guide. Westport:
Greenwood Press.
———. 2005. Strategies for Teaching and Learning about Diversity in the U.S.A. DVD.
Produced by Janice R. Welsch. Macomb: Expanding Cultural Diversity Project/WIU.
Presented by J. Q. Adams, Janice R. Welsch and Mark Traverso.
Amaravadi, Chandra S. 2005. Digital Repositories for E-Government. Electronic Government:
An International Journal 2, (2): 205-218.
———. 2005. Knowledge Management for Administrative Knowledge. Expert Systems 22, (2):
———. 2005. Strategic Utilization of Data Mining. In Encyclopedia of Information Science and
Technology, ed. Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, 2638-2642. Hershey, PA: Idea Group.
Amaravadi, Chandra S., and In Lee. 2005. The Dimensions of Process Knowledge. Knowledge
and Process Management 12, (1): 65-76.
Anderson, Richard V., Colleen M. Riley, and Sean E. Jenkins. 2005. Nesting Habitat of the
Softshell Turtle, Trionyx mutica, Below Lock and Dam 19, Upper Mississippi River.
Journal of Freshwater Ecology 20, (3): 513-517.
Anderson, Richard V., and Catherine L. Ziglar. 2005. Epizoic Organisms on Turtles in Pool 20 of
the Upper Mississippi River. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 17, (2): 389-396.
Antonucci, Frank, and Nancy Richman. 2005. Innovative Economic Development in Smaller
Municipalities: The Role of Strategic Visioning, Part I. Illinois Municipal Review (August):
———. 2005. Innovative Economic Development in Smaller Municipalities: The Role of
Strategic Visioning, Part II. Illinois Municipal Review (September): 7-9.
Baker-Sperry, Lori. 2005. Understanding Celebrity. Contemporary Sociology 34, (5): 515-516.
Baldwin, Tama. 2005. A Hundred Miles. The Massachusetts Review 45, (4): 696-705.
Barclay, Kathy H. 2005. Together We Can! Uniting Families, Schools and Communities to Help
ALL Children Learn. Dubuque: Kendall-Hunt. 2005.
———. 2005. Write On! Five Take-Home Activities for Parent-Child Interaction. Children and
Families 19, (2): 80-81.
———. 2005. You Know Parent Involvement is Important...but Do You Know Why? Children
and Families 19, (2): 46-51.
Barnes, George, and Inessa Levi. 2005. On Idempotent Ranks of Semigroups of Partial
Transformations. Semigroup Forum 70, (1): 81-96.
Bauerly, Ronald J., and Don T. Johnson. 2005. An Evaluation of Journals Used in Doctoral
Marketing Programs. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 33, (3): 313-329.
Bauerly, Ronald J., Don T. Johnson, and Mandeep Singh. 2005. Readability and the Impact of
Marketing. Journal of Marketing 69, (4): 20-21.
Bauerly, Ronald J., Don T. Johnson, Mandeep Singh, et al. 2005. Marketing Renaissance:
Opportunities and Imperatives for Improving Marketing Thought, Practice, and
Infrastructure. Journal of Marketing 69, (4): 1-25.
Bean, Matt. 2005. An Apple and an Orange: La Cage and Sunday in the Park. The Sondheim
Review XII, (2): 28-29.
Blankenship, Matthew R., Rachel Huckfeldt, Jacob J. Steinmetz, and Joseph E. Steinmetz.
2005. The Effects of Amygdala Lesions on Hippocampal Activity and Classical Eyeblink
Conditioning in Rats. Brain Research 1035, (2): 120-130.
Bonnan, Matthew F. 2005. Pes Anatomy in Sauropod Dinosaurs: Implications for Functional
Morphology, Evolution, and Phylogeny. In Thunder-Lizards: The Sauropodomorph
Dinosaurs, eds. Virginia Tidwell, Kenneth Carpenter, 346-380. Bloomington, IN: Indiana
University Press.
Borgia, Laurel, Deborah Horack, and Therese J. Kiley. 2005. Addressing Vocabulary. Illinois
Reading Council Journal 33, (3): 46-49.
———. 2005. Terrific Teaching Tips. Illinois Reading Council Journal 33, (2): 52-55.
Borgia, Laurel, Deborah Horack, and Carol Owles. 2005. Using Humor in the Literacy
Classroom. Illinois Reading Council Journal 33, (4): 46-49.
Boukari, Safoura A. 2005. The Dynamics of Memory in Black and Red Societies: The
Grandmother as Survivor and Guardian of Cultural History Legacy. Africalogical
Perspectives: Historical and Contemporary Analysis of Race and Africana Studies 2, (2):
Bowsher, Michael S., Thottumkara K. Vinod, and Arun P. Thottumkara. 2005. In Situ
Generation of o-Iodoxybenzoic Acid (IBX) and the Catalytic Use of It in Oxidation
Reactions in the Presence of Oxone as a Co-oxidant. Organic Letters 7, (14): 29332936.
Campbell, Pam, Angie M. Ferree, and Betsy Hommel. 2005. Logging on with Literature: Away
from Home: Travel and Adventure. Illinois Reading Council Journal 33, (3): 39-45.
———. 2005. Logging on with Literature: Fiction, Nonfiction, and Historical Thinking. Illinois
Reading Council Journal 33, (4): 37-45.
———. 2005. Logging on with Literature: A Focus on Writing. Illinois Reading Council Journal
33, (1): 51-63.
———. 2005. Logging on with Literature: Nature and the World Outdoors. Illinois Reading
Council Journal 33, (2): 45-51.
Casagrande, David G. 2005. Cybernetic Modeling. In Encyclopedia of Anthropology. , ed.
James Birx, 657-658. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Press.
———. 2005. Ethnopharmacology. In Encyclopedia of Anthropology, ed. James Birx, 861-862.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Press.
———.2005. Globalization, Migration, and Indigenous Commodification of Medicinal Plants in
Chiapas, Mexico. In Globalization, Health, and the Environment: An Integrated
Perspective, ed. Greg Guest, 83-106. Lanham, MD: AltaMira.
———.2005. Steven Pinker. In Encyclopedia of Anthropology, ed. James Birx, 1867-1868.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Press.
———. 2005. Urban Ecology. In Encyclopedia of Anthropology, ed. James Birx, 2254-2256.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Press.
———. 2005. Venezuela. In Encyclopedia of Anthropology, ed. James Birx, 3367-3370.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Press.
Cavicchia, Janine, and William A. Thompson. 2005. Making Women’s Center Resource Library
Holdings More Accessible. NWSAction 17, (1): 34-35, 41.
Chamberlain, Richard, and Charalambos Vrasidas. 2005. The Role of the University in K-12
eLearning. In Virtual Schools: Planning for Success, eds. Zane L. Berge, Thomas A.
Clark, 172-182. New York: Teachers College Press.
Cheak, Marie, and Jenni Wessel. 2005. Motivation. Illinois Reading Council Journal 33, (3): 6062.
———. 2005. Research in Reading. Illinois Reading Council Journal 33, (1): 80-82.
———. 2005. Research in Reading Notes from the Center for Illiteracy Control (CIC): A Report
on Current Research in the Field of Literacy. Illinois Reading Council Journal 33, (2):
Chu, Felix. 2005. There's Another Way to Do It. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow.
Chung, Su-Yeul, Lawrence A. Brown, San-Il Lee, et al. 2005. Continuity Amidst Restructuring:
The U.S. Gender Division of Labor in Geographic Perspective, 1970 and 1990.
International Regional Science Review 28, (3): 271-301.
Clark, Brian F., and William A. Thompson. 2005. I Have Seen the Future and It “Doesn't Quite”
Work. Against the Grain 17, (1): 57-59.
Clark, Mary Jane, Heather Lan McIlvaine-Newsad, Lori Sutton, Danielle Rogers, and Jamie L.
Johnson. 2005. Hancock County Healthcare. Macomb: Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs.
Clauson, Kathleen Jo. 2005. Blanca Nieve. The Flavor of Ink (Spring): 4-20.
———. 2005. Chicago Knives. The Flavor of Ink (Spring): 4-20.
———. 2005. Daylight. In Short Attention Span Mysteries, ed. Kate Simone, 69-75. Memphis,
TN: Kerlak Publishing.
———. 2005. Emerald Skates. The Flavor of Ink (Spring): 4-20.
———. 2005. Lady of the Lake. The Flavor of Ink (Spring): 4.
———. 2005. Last Smoke and Eight Ball. DoorKnobs and BodyPaint 40, (November),
———. 2005. Night Owl. DoorKnobs and BodyPaint 37, (February),
———. 2005. Songbird. The Flavor of Ink 2005, (Spring).
———. 2005. Ten Quarters, Five Dimes, Two Nickels, and Five Pennies. The Binnacle
(October): 14.
———. 2005. Twins. DoorKnobs and BodyPaint 37, (February),
Clemmens, Heidi, and Ritchie Gabbei. 2005. Creative Movement from Children's Storybooks:
Going Beyond Pantomime. JOPERD 76, (9): 32-37.
Coe, Martin J. 2005. Trust Services: A Better Way to Evaluate I.T. Controls. Journal of
Accountancy 199, (3): 69-75.
Cronkhite, Clyde L. 2005. Fostering Community Partnerships that Prevent Crime and Promote
Quality of Life. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin 74, (5): 7-10.
Davis, Tracy L., and Robert D. Reason. 2005. Antecedents, Precursors, and Concurrent
Concepts in the Development of Social Justice Attitudes and Actions. New Directions for
Student Services 110: 5-15.
Davis, Tracy L., Robert D. Reason, Ellen M. Broido, et al., eds. 2005. Developing Social Justice
Allies. Special issue, New Directions for Student Services 110.
Davis, Tracy L., and Rachel Wagner. 2005. Increasing Men's Development of Social Justice
Attitudes and Actions. New Directions for Student Services 110: 29-41.
Dimitrov, Rumen D., Valentina Harizanov, and Andrei Morozov. 2005. Dependence Relations in
Computably Rigid Computable Vector Spaces. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 132:
Drea, John T., Carolyn Tripp, and Kathleen Stuenkel. 2005. An Assessment of the Effectiveness
of an In-Class Game on Marketing Students' Perceptions and Learning Outcomes.
Marketing Education Review 15, (1): 25-33.
Dunlap, Isaac Hunter. 2005. Open Source Digital Image Management. Computers in Libraries
25, (4): 6-8, 46-48.
Dupuis, Martin. 2005. Bowers v. Hardwick (1986). In The Encyclopedia of Civil Liberties in
America, eds. David Schultz, John R. Vile, 110-112. Armonk, NY: Sharpe Reference.
Dupuis, Martin. 2005. Romer v. Evans (1996). In The Encyclopedia of Civil Liberties in
America, eds. David Schultz, John R. Vile, 110-112. Armonk, NY: Sharpe Reference.
Dupuis, Martin, and Sharon G. Whitney. 2005. Lawrence v. Texas (2003). In The Encyclopedia
of Civil Liberties in America, eds. David Schultz, John R. Vile, 547-548. Armonk, NY:
Sharpe Reference.
Edwards, Herb, et al. 2005. Loss-of-Function Mutations in Chitin Responsive Genes Show
Increased Susceptibility to the Powdery Mildew Pathogen Erysiphe Cichoracearum. Plant
Physiology 138, (2): 1027-1036.
Edwards, Herb, Shauna Somerville, Serry Koh, Aurelie Andre, and David Ehrhardt. 2005.
Arabidopsis Thaliana Subcellular Responses to Compatible Erysiphe Cichoracearum
Infections. Plant Journal 44, (3): 516-529.
Ericson, Michael. 2005. Woodwind Quintets by Hetu, Iannaccone, and Steinmetz. (Compact
Disc). Camas, WA: Crystal Records. Performed by Camerata Woodwind Quintet.
Evenson, Janet, and Patricia Cox Crews. 2005. The Effects of Light Exposure and Heat-Aging
on Selected Quilting Products Containing Adhesives. Journal of the American Institute
for Conservation 44, (1): 27-38.
Faust, Randall E. 2005. Woodwind Quintets by Hetu, Iannaccone, and Steinmetz. (Compact
Disc). Camas, WA: Crystal Records. Performed by Camerata Woodwind Quintet.
Faust, Randall E. and William Presser. 2005. Fantasies on American Themes. (Compact Disc).
Macomb, IL: Faust Music. Performed by Randall E. Faust, Roger S. Collins, Cary Lewis
and John Lindsey.
Ferree, Angie M., Pam Campbell, and Betsy Hommel. 2005. Logging on with Literature: Away
from Home: Travel and Adventure. Illinois Reading Council Journal 33, (3): 39-45.
———. 2005. Logging on with Literature: Fiction, Nonfiction, and Historical Thinking. Illinois
Reading Council Journal 33, (4): 37-45.
———. 2005. Logging on with Literature: A Focus on Writing. Illinois Reading Council Journal
33, (1): 51-63.
———. 2005. Logging on with Literature: Nature and the World Outdoors. Illinois Reading
Council Journal 33, (2): 45-51.
Ferrer, Efrain J., Incera, Vivian de la, and Cristina Manuel. 2005. Magnetic Color-Flavor Locking
Phase in High-Density QCD. Physical Review Letters 95, (15): 152002/1-152002/4.
Fimmen, Michael D., and Russell L. Orwig. 2005. Quality of Life Comparison: Objective
Assessment versus Subjective Assessment. Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work 11,
(1): 30-39.
Forney, Deanna S. 2005. What They're Listening To: Music as Mirror. About Campus 9, (6):
Forney, Deanna S., et al. 2005. Two Approaches to Examining the Stability of Myers-Briggs
Type Indicators. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling 37, (4): 208-219.
Gabbei, Ritchie, and Heidi Clemmens. 2005. Creative Movement from Children’s Storybooks:
Going Beyond Pantomime. JOPERD 76, (9): 32-37.
Garcia, Carlos. 2005. Buscando Trabajo: Social Networking among Immigrants from Mexico to
the United States. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 27, (1): 3-22.
Ginsberg, Eric. 2005. Woodwind Quintets by Hetu, Iannaccone, and Steinmetz. (Compact
Disc). Camas, WA: Crystal Records. Performed by Camerata Woodwind Quintet.
Godt, Pamela. 2005. Leadership in Reading: Additional Tips for Dealing with “Difficult” People.
Illinois Reading Council Journal 33, (3): 57-59.
———. 2005. Leadership in Reading: Further Tips on Dealing with “Difficult” People When
Serving as a Teacher Leader. Illinois Reading Council Journal 33, (2): 62-64.
———. 2005. Leadership in Reading: How to Deal with Difficult People when Trying to be a
Teacher Leader. Illinois Reading Council Journal 33, (1): 77-79.
———. 2005. Leadership in Reading: Your Leadership Legacy. Illinois Reading Council Journal
34, (1).
———. 2005. Lessons Learned from Danish Foreign-Exchange Students. Western Illinois
Reading Council 2, (Winter): 5.
Goff, Diana L., and Frances Steward. 2005. Parent Involvement in Reading: Communicating
with Families Through Handbooks. Illinois Reading Council Journal 33, (3): 50-52.
———. 2005. Parent Involvement in Reading: Home-Learning Activities. Illinois Reading
Council Journal 33, (2): 56-58.
Goff, Diana L., Frances Steward, Christina Moran, Sandra Hebert, and Michael Bradford. 2005.
Home-School Links: Take Home Game Boards. Spectrum: Journal of the Illinois Science
Teachers Association 31, (2): 18-23.
Goff, Diana L., Frances Steward, and Sandra Hebert. 2005. Parent Involvement in Reading:
Planning for Parent Workshops. Illinois Reading Council Journal 33, (4): 50-53.
Goodwin, Paige E., Robert C. Intrieri, and Dennis R. Papini. 2005. Older Adults' Affect while
Watching Television. Activities, Adaptation & Aging 29, (2): 55-74.
Graves, Andrea Redcay. 2005. Woodwind Quintets by Hetu, Iannaccone, and Steinmetz.
(Compact Disc). Camas, WA: Crystal Records. Performed by Camerata Woodwind
Hackmann, Rolf. 2005. Globalization, Myth, Miracle, Mirage. Revised ed. Lanham, MD:
University Press of America.
Hample, Dale. 2005. Arguing: Exchanging Reasons Face to Face. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associations.
Hample, Dale, Carmen Cortes, and Chad Larson. 2005. Relations Among Message Design
Logic, Interpersonal Construct Differentiation, and Sex for Mexican and US Nationals.
Journal of Intercultural Communication Research 34, (1/2): 108-118.
Hartweg, Kim. 2005. Solutions to the Decorative Plate Hanging Problem. Teaching Children
Mathematics 11, (5): 280.
Hasebe, Yuki, Larry Nucci, and Maria Tereza Lins-Dyer. 2005. Adolescent Psychological Wellbeing and Parental Control of the Personal. New Directions for Child & Adolescent
Development 108, (Summer): 17-30.
Helm, Jutta. 2005. Rwanda and the Politics of Memory. German Politics and Society 23, (77):
Hemingway, John L., and Troy D. Glover. 2005. Locating Leisure in the Social Capital
Literature. Journal of Leisure Research 37, (4): 387-401.
Henriksen, Richard C., Jr., and Jerry Trusty. 2005. Ethics and Values as Major Factors Related
to Multicultural Aspects of Counselor Preparation. Counseling & Values 49, (3): 180192.
Hetzel, Melanie D., and Thomas R. McCanne. 2005. The Roles of Peritraumatic Dissociation,
Child Physical Abuse, and Child Sexual Abuse in the Development of Posttraumatic
Stress Disorder and Adult Victimization. Child Abuse & Neglect 29, (8): 915-930.
Holt, Scott M., C. M. Miller-Fosmore, and Gregory L. Cote. 2005. Growth of Various Intestinal
Bacteria on Alternansucrase-Derived Oligosaccharides. Letters in Applied Microbiology
40, (5): 385-390.
Holt, Scott M., Richard O. Musser, Michael A. Romano, Hyeoq S. Kwon, Spencer A. Williams, et
al. 2005. Evidence that Caterpillar Labial Saliva Suppresses Infectivity of Potential
Bacterial Pathogens. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology 58, (2): 138-144.
Hommel. Betsy, Angie M. Ferree, and Pam Campbell. 2005. Logging on with Literature: Away
from Home: Travel and Adventure. Illinois Reading Council Journal 33, (3): 39-45.
———. 2005. Logging on with Literature: Fiction, Nonfiction, and Historical Thinking. Illinois
Reading Council Journal 33, (4): 37-45.
———. 2005. Logging on with Literature: A Focus on Writing. Illinois Reading Council Journal
33, (1): 51-63.
———. 2005. Logging on with Literature: Nature and the World Outdoors. Illinois Reading
Council Journal 33, (2): 45-51.
Hoon, William. 2005. The Coverage of Prostate Cancer and Impotence in Four Magazines:
1991-2000. International Journal of Men’s Health 4, (2): 171-185.
———. 2005. Sports Video Tutorial. In Sports Media: Reporting, Producing, and Planning, ed.
Brad Schultz, n.a. Oxford: Focal.
Horack, Deborah, Laurel Borgia, and Therese J. Kiley. 2005. Addressing Vocabulary. Illinois
Reading Council Journal 33, (3): 46-49.
Horack, Deborah, Laurel Borgia, and Carol Owles. 2005. Using Humor in the Literacy
Classroom. Illinois Reading Council Journal 33, (4): 46-49.
Horack, Deborah, Therese J. Kiley, and Laurel Borgia. 2005. Terrific Teaching Tips. Illinois
Reading Council Journal 33, (2): 52-55.
Huff, Douglas. 2005. Woodwind Quintets by Hetu, Iannaccone, and Steinmetz. (Compact Disc).
Camas, WA: Crystal Records. Performed by Camerata Woodwind Quintet.
Hum-Musser, Sue M., Richard O. Musser, Don E. Cipollini, Spencer A. Williams, Judith K.
Brown, et al. 2005. Evidence that the Caterpillar Salivary Enzyme Glucose Oxidase
Provides Herbivore Offense in Solanaceous Plants. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and
Physiology 58, (2): 128-137.
Hyllegard, Randy. 2005. Factors in Athletic Achievement: Reply to Van Rossum (2004).
Perceptual and Motor Skills 100, (2): 362-364.
Incera, Vivian de la, Efrain J. Ferrer, and Cristina Manuel. 2005. Magnetic Color-Flavor Locking
Phase in High-Density QCD. Physical Review Letters 95, (15): 152002/1-152002/4.
Intrieri, Robert C., Paige E. Goodwin, and Dennis R. Papini. 2005. Older Adults' Affect while
Watching Television. Activities, Adaptation & Aging 29, (2): 55-74.
Jenkins, Sean E., Colleen M. Riley, and Richard V. Anderson. 2005. Nesting Habitat of the
Softshell Turtle, Trionyx mutica, Below Lock and Dam 19, Upper Mississippi River.
Journal of Freshwater Ecology 20, (3): 513-517.
Johnson, Don T., and Ronald J. Bauerly. 2005. An Evaluation of Journals Used in Doctoral
Marketing Programs. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 33, (3): 313-329.
Johnson, Don T., Ronald J. Bauerly, and Mandeep Singh. 2005. Readability and the Impact of
Marketing. Journal of Marketing 69, (4): 20-21.
Johnson, Don T., Ronald J. Bauerly, Mandeep Singh, et al. 2005. Marketing Renaissance:
Opportunities and Imperatives for Improving Marketing Thought, Practice, and
Infrastructure. Journal of Marketing 69, (4): 1-25.
Johnson, Jamie L., Heather Lan McIlvaine-Newsad, Mary Jane Clark, Lori Sutton, and Danielle
Rogers. 2005. Hancock County Healthcare. Macomb: Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs.
Joswick, Kathleen E. 2005. Electronic Full-Text Journal Articles: Convenience or Compromise.
T. H. E. Journal (Technological Horizons in Education) 32, (11),
Joswick, Thomas. 2005. Audubon Anticipates Dawn and Blood: The Pinnated Grouse. Isotope:
A Journal of Literary Nature and Science Writing 3, (1): 37.
———. 2005. Audubon Arrives at the End of Discoveries: The Common Or Artic Puffin. Isotope:
A Journal of Literary Nature and Science Writing 3, (1): 33.
———. 2005. Audubon Clarifies the Sources of Wonder: The Belted Kingfisher. Isotope: A
Journal of Literary Nature and Science Writing 3, (1): 41.
———. 2005. Audubon Sees the World as We Know It: The Louisiana Heron. Isotope: A Journal
of Literary Nature and Science Writing 3, (1): 39.
———. 2005. Audubon Suffers the Intimacies of Art: The Iceland Or Jer Falcon. Isotope: A
Journal of Literary Nature and Science Writing 3, (1): 35.
Kelly, Ruth Marie, Paula Sachs Wise, Marina Skowronski, and Nicole Jaffe Weaver. 2005.
Helping Girls Combat Relational Aggression. NASP Communique 33, (6):35-37.
Kiley, Therese J. 2005. Focusing on the “Simple View”: Reflections on Stahl and Yaden's 2004
CIERA Studies Summary. Illinois Reading Council Journal 33, (4): 63-65.
Kiley, Therese J., Laurel Borgia, and Deborah Horack. 2005. Addressing Vocabulary. Illinois
Reading Council Journal 33, (3): 46-49.
———. 2005. Terrific Teaching Tips. Illinois Reading Council Journal 33, (2): 52-55.
Kiley, Therese J., and Rita A. Jensen. 2005. Instructor's Resource Manual for Teaching, Leading
and Learning in Pre K-8 Settings: Strategies for Success. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
———. 2005. Teaching, Leading, and Learning in Pre K-8 Settings: Strategies for Success. 2nd
ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Kincaid, Bill, Peter Johnson, and Margie Pignataro. 2005. Direct Address in Shakespeare:
Unlocking Audience-Centered Moments in Performance. Journal of the Wooden O
Symposium 5.
Lane, David J., Meg Gerrard, Frederick X. Gibbons, and Mitchelle L. Stock. 2005. Smoking
Cessation: Social Comparison Level Predicts Success for Adult Smokers. Health
Psychology 24, (6): 623-629.
Lapka, Christine. 2005. Teaching to the Task of Advocacy. Illinois Music Educator 65, (3): 74.
———. 2005. To Access Students with Special Needs Think PG. Illinois Music Educator 66, (1):
Lauer, Ilon. 2005. Ritual and Power in Imperial Roman Rhetoric. Quarterly Journal of Speech
90, (4): 422-445.
Lee, In. 2005. An Analytical Model of e-Recruiting Investment Decision: An Economic
Employment Approach. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 52, (4): 486496.
———. 2005. Evaluation of Fortune 100 Companies' Career Web Sites. Human Systems
Management 24, (2): 175-182.
———. 2005. The Evolution of e-Recruiting: A Content Analysis of Fortune 100 Career Web
Sites. Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations 3, (3): 57-68.
Lee, In, and Chandra S. Amaravadi. 2005. The Dimensions of Process Knowledge. Knowledge
and Process Management 12, (1): 65-76.
Leff, Laurence. 2005. Landamatics in Teaching Computer Programming. Journal of Computer
Science Education: 5-14.
Levi, Inessa. 2005. On Properties of Group Closures of One-to-One Transformations. Journal of
the Australian Mathematical Society 79, (2): 213-229.
Levi, Inessa, and George Barnes. 2005. On Idempotent Ranks of Semigroups of Partial
Transformations. Semigroup Forum 70, (1): 81-96.
Levi, Inessa, Robert B. McFadden, and Steve Seif. 2005. Algorithms for Labeling Constant
Weight Gray Codes. Glasgow Mathematical Journal 47, (2): 221-236.
Lombard, Robert. 2005. Social Studies and the Web Today. Computers in the Schools 21,
(3/4): 45-51.
Made Gowda, Netkal M., Puttaswamy Jagadeesh, and R. V. Jagadeesh. 2005. Oxidation of
Metronidazole with Sodium N-Bromo-p-Toluenesulfonamide in Acid and Alkaline Media:
A Kinetic and Mechanistic Study. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 37, (11):
Made Gowda, Netkal M., K. S. Rangappa, S. Meenakshisundaram, and M. Selvaraju. 2005.
Affect of Substituents on the Rate of Oxidation of Anilines with Peroxomonosulfate
Monoanion (HOOSO-3) in Aqueous Acetonitrile: A Mechanistic Study. International
Journal of Chemical Kinetics 37, (11): 649-657.
Maguire, Brendan. 2005. American Professional Wrestling: Evolution, Content, and Popular
Appeal. Sociological Spectrum 25, (2): 155-176.
Majeres, Raymond L. 2005. Phonological and Orthographic Coding Skills in Adult Readers.
Journal of General Psychology 132, (3): 267-280.
Mann, John. 2005. At the Last, Mr. Mann Recants. California Quarterly 31, (4): 29.
———. 2005. Jump Out of Your Life, Mr. Mann. American Letters & Commentary (17): 73.
———. 2005. Mirror. The Christian Century 122, (19): 24.
———. 2005. Return the Chit by August 9, 2002, If You Wish to Participate, Mr. Mann. Vallum
3, (2): 51.
Mann, Robert. 2005. Solutions to the Muffin Mania Problem: Cooking Up Some Thinking.
Teaching Children Mathematics 11, (6): 330-344.
———. 2005. Time for Thinking: Solutions to the Just a Second Problem. Teaching Children
Mathematics 11, (8): 424-428.
Mathes, Eugene W. 2005. Men's Desire for Children Carrying their Genes and Sexual Jealousy:
A Test of Paternity Uncertainty as an Explanation of Male Sexual Jealousy. Psychological
Reports 96, (3): 791-798.
———. 2005. Relationship Between Short-Term Sexual Strategies and Sexual Jealousy.
Psychological Reports 96, (1): 29-35.
McFadden, Sandra L., Lisa B. Martin, Ramaswamy M. Chidambaram, et al. 2005.
Thyroparathyroidectomy Procedures and Thyroxine Levels in the Chinchilla.
Contemporary Topics in Laboratory Animal Science 44, (6): 31-36.
McIlvaine-Newsad, Heather Lan, Mary Jane Clark, Lori Sutton, Danielle Rogers, and Jamie L.
Johnson. 2005. Hancock County Healthcare. Macomb: Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs.
McLean, Donald J., and Daniel G. Yoder. 2005. Issues in Recreation and Leisure: Ethical
Decision Making. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Mhlanga, Bonny, Tracey Budd, Patrick Collier, Clare Sharp, and Guy Weir. 2005. Levels of SelfReport Offending and Drug Use among Offenders: Findings from the Criminality
Surveys. London: Research Development and Statistics Directorate.
Miczo, Lisa A., Kory Floyd, Jon A. Hess, et al. 2005. Human Affection Exchange: VIII. Further
Evidence of the Benefits of Expressed Affection. Communication Quarterly 53, (3): 285303.
Moran, Christina, Frances Steward, Diana L. Goff, Sandra Hebert, and Michael Bradford. 2005.
Home-School Links: Take Home Game Boards. Spectrum: Journal of the Illinois Science
Teachers Association 31, (2): 18-23.
Musser, Richard O., Don E. Cipollini, Sue M. Hum-Musser, Spencer A. Williams, Judith K.
Brown, et al. 2005. Evidence that the Caterpillar Salivary Enzyme Glucose Oxidase
Provides Herbivore Offense in Solanaceous Plants. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and
Physiology 58, (2): 128-137.
Musser, Richard O., Michael A. Romano, Scott M. Holt, Hyeoq S. Kwon, Spencer A. Williams, et
al. 2005. Evidence that Caterpillar Labial Saliva Suppresses Infectivity of Potential
Bacterial Pathogens. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology 58, (2): 138-144.
Na'Allah, Abdul-Rasheeed, and Bayo Ogunjimi. 2005. Introduction to African Oral Literature
and Performance. Revised ed. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press.
Nordness, Philip D. 2005. A Comparison of School-Based and Community-Based Adherence to
Wraparound During Family Planning Meetings. Education and Treatment of Children 28,
(3): 308-320.
Nordness, Philip D., Michael H. Epstein, Ken Gallagher, et al. 2005. School as the Entry Point:
Assessing Adhering to the Basic Tenets of the Wraparound Approach. Behavioral
Disorders 30, (2): 85-93.
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