Name: _______________________________

Am Gov Unit 2 5/28/2016 pp. 1of 2
Name: _______________________________
MULITIPLE CHOICE: Select the best choice possible. (4 pts. each for 40 pts. total)
____ 1. The first ten amendments to the Constitution are called the
a. Preamble
b. Bill of Rights
c. Charter of Liberties
d. Magna Carta
____ 2. The First Amendment guarantees prohibits Congress from passing laws
a. respecting an establishment of religion
b. the bridge the wall of separation of church and state
c. that interfere in the practice of one’s religious beliefs
d. support religious practices
____ 3. Under the Constitution, individual liberties are protected by
a. the courts
b. executive agencies
c. the police
d. elect representatives
____ 4. The original Constitution did not include
a. any division of national powers
b. any division of state and national powers
c. a strong enough protection for personal liberties
d. a strong enough protection for state powers
____ 5. In a democracy, citizens must have the right to
a. question the decisions of government
b. speak freely
c. hear and judge for themselves what others have to say
d. all of the above
____ 6. Burning an American flag is
a. symbolic political speech
b. illegal
c. treason
d. unconstitutional
____ 7. Which is NOT a civil liberty?
a. freedom of speech
b. freedom of assembly
c. freedom of religion
d. freedom from fear
____ 8. The courts have held that picketing
a. is constitutionally protected speech, but can be regulated
b. is unconstitutional
c. cannot interfere with a business
d. must be regulated by law
____ 9. Radio and television broadcasts are subject to many government regulations because
a. they are not protected under the First Amendment
b. they receive federal funds
c. they use public property
d. they are publicly owned
Am Gov Unit 2 5/28/2016 pp. 1of 2
____ 10. To make a request to the government about government policies is called a
a. bill
b. resolution
c. proclamation
d. petition
TRUE OR FALSE: Place an X next to each of the following statements that are false. If a statement is True leave
the space next to it blank. (2 pts. each for 10 pts. total)
The first ten amendments were a requirement for some states to agree to sign the Constitution
Libel is a published statement that is untrue and designed to injure
The symbolic speech rule states that government can never restrict public speech
The clear and present danger rule states that government may restrict speech when it presents an
immediate danger to public order
Gag orders protect reporters’ notes and information from being revealed in court
ESSAYS: Answer in COMPLETE paragraphs. Use complete sentences and proper paragraph structure with
opening and closing sentences. Support your answers with material you learned in this unit. (25 pts. Each)
1. In many cases the courts must balance the rights of the individual with the needs of society as a whole. Under
what circumstance do you believe that right of the individual should be restricted for the benefit of society as a
whole? Why?
2. Currently there is a huge debate about Illegal Immigrants entering the United States by smuggling themselves
over the Mexican-United States border.
Most of the people are coming to the United States to seek a new and better life. They are willing to work
low-end jobs that many people born in the United States are not interested in. Many of them are willing to
work for lower wages and no benefits, unlike US workers. This has the affect of lowering the price of goods
and services, making them more affordable for everyone in the US.
Illegals were born in another country and should seek a legal way to enter the US. Illegal take away jobs from
US workers and are lowering the living wages of people who do want to work legally. They draw off the
resources (such as medical care) from US citizens.
The border between the US and Mexico is big. As a bordering nation, the relationship between the US and
Mexico needs to be preserved. There is a national perception that we are a nation of opportunity (Bring us
your tired, your poor …)
What is the solution? How will it be funded? Is the solution Constitutional?
Do not argue both sides. Pick a side and write a critical answer.