- American Government - 1 - 6 weeks to complete 5 credits total - 5/2/2005 AMERICAN GOVERNMENT - Units 1,2,3,7 This course is designed to meet cumculum standards in American Government. All work listed in this syllabus.must be completed to earn five credits. In order to be successful in this class please completeand turn in work in the order listed below every week. Take all tests. Label all of your work. STANDARDS FOR ALL PAPERS Double-spaced, No greater than 12 pt. Standard font -Typewritten (if you do not have access to a computer or typewriter, please contact us.) Spell check, Grammar check and have someone proofread your work for suggestions and errors Cite all sources in a bibliography. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 SCHEDULE FOR COMPLETING WORK Complete Week 1 work and Schedule Unit 1 test Turn in work Complete Week 2 work and Schedule Unit 2 test Turn in work Complete Week 3 work Turn in work Complete Week 4 work, Schedule Unit 3 test Turn in work Complete Week 5 work, Schedule Unit 7 test Turn in work Complete Week 6 work, Check that all assignments are completed Turn in work Pick up new class 1. Read each of the chapters and then answer the assigned questions in the book American Government 2. Complete the assignments and attached enrichments 3. Schedule to take each of the tests listed on the course syllabus (Call OIS Office at 490-3161) Page Number Unit 1 28 - 29 1 41 .- Review Questions 1 - 14, Critical Thinking 2, Social Studies Skills 1- 5 I Think About It 1 Practicing Your Skills 3 Complete Enrichment: International Interdependence Review Questions 1 - 14, Critical Thinking 1 - 3, Social Studies Skills 1 - 4 Think About It 1 71. Attached Complete Enrichment: Constitutional Issues Think About It 1 75 Review Questions 1 - 11, Critical Thinking 1,4, Social Studies Skills 1,4 84 - 85 Think About It 2,3 104 112 - 113 Review Questions 1 - 14, Critical Thinking 1 - 3 Analysis Questions 4 115 Complete the GOVERNMENT assignment Below Please contact OIS at 490-3161 to schedule your test Unit Test 45 Attached 60 - 61 ** To be completed by the 1" week I American Government - 1 - 6 weeks to complete - 5 credits total - 5/2/2005 Taking Action 1,2 124 144 - 145 Review Questions 1 - 16, Critical Thinking 2,5,6, Social Studies Skills 1 - 4 Think About It 1 154 Think About It 1 159 Complete PERSONAL FREEDOMS assignment 168 - 169 Review Questions 1 - 14, Critical Thinking 1,4, Social Studies Skills 1,2 Critical Thinking Skills 1 181 200 - 201 Review Questions 1 - 15, Critical Thinking 1,5, Social Studies Skills 1 , 2 Attached Complete Enrichment: Immigrants 228 - 229 Review Questions 1 - 10, Critical Thinking 1 - 4, Social Studies Skills 1,2 Complete the EQUALITY assimment Below Complete the LEGAL CASES assignment Below Unit Test Please contact OIS at 490-3 161 to schedule your test ** To.be com~letedbv the 2ndweek Unit 3 Think About It 2 257 Attached Complete .Enrichment: Social Reform 262 - 263 Review Questions 1 - 14, Critical Thinking 2,4, Communication Skills Writing 1 - 4 Practicing Your Skills 2,3 277 288 - 289 Review Questions 1- 15, Critical Thinking 2 - 4, Social Studies Skills 1 - 3 You Decide 1 314 3 18 - 319 Review Questions 1 - 14, Critical Thinking 2 - 4, Social Studies Skills 1 - 7 Practicing Your Skills 2 325 Attached Complete Enrichment: Candidate Research 342 - 343 Review Questions 1 - 15, Critical Thinking 1 - 4, Social Studies Skills 1 , 2 Think About It 1 - 2 353 You Decide 2 362 Attached Complete Enrichment: Right to Vote ** To be completed by the 3d week Complete the PRESIDENTS assignment Below Complete the OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT assignment Below 364 - 365 Review Ouestions 1 - 12, Critical Thinking 1, Social Studies Skills 1 - 4 u n i t Test Please contact OIS at 490-3 161 to schedule your test Unit 7 Practicing Your Skills 3 568 Thinking Globally 570 Think About It 1 - 2 578 You Decide 1 581 Attached Complete Enrichment: Public Debt Attached Complete Enrichment: Fiscal Budget 584 - - . - -585 - - Review Ouestions 1 - 11. Critical Thinking 1 - 4. Social Studies Skills 1 - 3 Practicing Your Skills 1 - 5 593 Think About It 1 - 2 -594 - . I ** To be completed by the 4'hweek Thinking Globally 595 Taking Action 2 603 You Decide 1 - 2 605 Below - . 1 - - 1 - --- - American Government - 1 - 6 weeks to complete- 5 credits total - 5/2/2005 Review Questions 1 - 11, Critical Thinking 1 - 5, Communication Skills Writing Practicing Your Skills 1,.3 You Decide 1 - 2 Review Questions 1 - 18, Critical Thinking 1 - 5, Communication Skills Writing, Social Studies Skills 1 - 2 Please contact 01s at 490-3161 to schedule your test Unit Test Analysis Questions 2 - 4 643 1~ttached complete Enrichment: State Statistics Attached Complete Enrichment: Passports ( Complete the FBI assignment Below 608 - 609 617 637 640 - 641 I I I ** TObe completed by the ithweek Below 1 Complete the COLORADO GOVERNMENT assignment I Complete the RESEARCH PAPER assignment I Below '1 I ** TObe completed by the 6'hweek GOVERNMENT - Short Essay Consider the different types of governments and systems you have studied in this course. Under which typeltypes would you prefer to live? Identify by name the type of systemls and convincingly explain why you prefer them. PERSONAL FREEDOMS - Article Questions For over 200 years our civil rights have been upheld by the Bill of Rights. However, people in other nations are not as well protected and evidence of this is seen almost every day. Read a newspaper to learn how civil rights are treated in other parts of the world. Clip out three news articles on civil rights abuse in other countries. For example, you may read about student demonstrators arrested for protesting the government. Then complete the following assignment. 1. Identify the civil rights discussed and name the amendment under which it would fall in our Bill of Rights for each article. 2. Name the three areas of the world where most of these civil rights abuses take place. 3. List three leading causes of these reported violations. 4. Explain how the abused could be affected by their experiences. 5. List three ways civil rights abuse can be stopped or decreased. Make certain to turn in your articles, or copies of your articles, with your assignment. EQUALITY - Project Since the beginning of the United States, the fight for equal rights has met with resistance. Many groups such as the African Americans, Native Americans, disabled and women have battled for their civil rights. Through public protest, political participations and federal legislations, they have gained more freedom and some compensation for past injustices. Select a group that has struggled for equality in the United States. Trace the social, legal and political progress they have made over time. Present your findings in a chart, time line, cartoon series or other visual display. LEGAL CASES - Timeline Scan pages 762 - 770 involving important court decisions. Create a timeline using at least 10 of the decisions. Your timeline should include names, dates, and a brief summary of why the decision either limited or expanded rights and fkeedoms. American Government - 1 - 6 weeks to complete - 5 credits total - 5/2/2005 PRESIDENTS - Paper Scan pages 771 - 781 in your textbook. Select two of these men with Presidencies at least 100 years apart and do in depth research on both. Remember to cite the sources you used. Write a 3 - 4 pages paper that compares and contrasts their terms in office. Explore their policies both foreign and domestic including trade, taxation, the economy, and other political policies of the Executive Office. This is not an opinion paper. Explain how these Presidents were similar and different, not why you do or do not like them. OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT - Information and Article Summary Go online to the White House website www.whitehouse.gov List at least 5 types of information that you can get off of this website. Read one of the articles on the website and write a short summary of the information. Include who, what, when, where and why in your summary. Describe at least one way that you could double check on the information reported in the article. FBI - Essay Write a short job description one or two paragraphs long of the position of FBI Special Agent. Include the qualifications for the job, daily duties, and special activities or requirements the job entails. include some of the characteristics of the job. . inclucle an estimated starting salary for the position. You might want to use the Federal Bureau of Investigation website to help you with your answers: www.fbi.gov COLORADO GOVERNMENT - Information and Article Summary Go online to the Colorado government website: www.colorado.govl List at least 5 types of information that you can get off of this website. Read one of the articles on the website and write a short summary of the information. Include who, what, when, where and why in your summary. Describe at least one way that you could double check on the information reported in the article. RESEARCH PAPER - Informative Paper 4 - 5 pages long Choose a famous person or event that relates to what you have learned in the American Government book. Check the standards for all papers listed at the beginning of this assignment sheet. This is an informative paper. Therefore, do not use "I" or "You" statements. State only the information related to the topic. Make certain to have an introduction, body, and conclusion. The last page must be a bibliography, written in proper format citing at least 4 sources. American Government - 1 - 6 weeks to complete - 5 credits total ENFUCHMENT .JNTERNATIONALINTERDEPENDENCE Nations.are becoming increasingly interdependent. One aspect of this interdependence involves international trade - the importing and exporting of products to and fiom other countries. You and your family probably use many products imported fiom other countries. Take a few moments to look around your house and find two products that are imports. Remember to look in closets, garages, food cupboards, etc. For each product write the name of the product, the name of the company that produces the product, and its c=).;~lt:y of origin, then answer the questions that follow: 2 . Product Company Country of Origin 2 Product Company Country of Origin 3. Are there American-made competitors for these products? Which ones? 4. What advantage might these products have over their American-made competitors that would cause consumers to purchase them? 5. What role do you think government should play in regulating international trade? Explain your answer. American Government - 1 - 6 weeks to complete - 5 credits total ENRICHMENT CONSTITUTIONAL-ISSUES The United states Constitution is the supreme law of the land. Because it is at the core of our system of laws, constitutional issues seem to come up every day in this country. Look through a daily newspaper or weekly news magazine such as Time, Newsweek, or US. News and World Report and find a court case that deals with a constitutional issue. Write a brief summary of that court case,then answer the questions about that case. Summary: 1. What is the constitutional issue in this case? 2. What was the decision of the lower courts if applicable? 3. Has this case been decided? If so, what was the decision? If not, what do you think the decision should be? American Government - 1 - 6 weeks to complete - 5 credits total ENRICHMENT IMMIGRANTS Most Americans do not have to look back very far in their family histories to find immigrant ancestors. Immigrants and native born, working together under the belief that democracy is what happens for the good of all, have built this nation. Sometimes during periods of economic hardship or nationalistic fervor, racist and nativist attitudes surface, resulting in such injustices as the Japanese internment camps, the forced deportation of Mexican American citizens, or the Chinese Exclusionary act. In 1965, however, the immigrant quota system was replaced by far more liberal laws, resulting in a increase in immigration. Asian immigrants came from China, Korea, Vietnam, and the Philippines. Hispanic immigrants came from Latin America, with large numbers from Mexico and Guatemala. Because of this influx of different cultures and languages, some people fear we are becoming a nation without a common heritage, religion, or identity. They wonder if the continued existence of democracy depends upon common experiences. Others believe that democracy is not just a form of government, but an attitude, - a way of perceiving other people that guarantees a future that will serve all people alike. Directions: Use complete sentences to answer the following questions. Why are most immigrants entering the United States today Asian and Hispanic? Why is illegal immigration more of a problem for the sunbelt states? Explain the meaning of the saying that the United States today is "more like a mixed'salad than a melting pot." Do you agree? Why or why not? Is it easier or more difficult for a country with many different cultural groups to have a successfU1 democratic government? Why or why not? ' American Government - 1 - 6 weeks to complete - 5 credits total ENRICHMENT SOCIAL REFORM Throughout our history, the political process has been used to try to achieve social reform. During the Progressive Era, legislation was passed to improve working conditions though businesses claimed the costs hurt their profit. Workmen's compensation laws and shorter workdays were two of the results. People believed that the government had an obligation to improve public health and safety, thereby protecting the well being of all its citizens. In many cases, interest groups played a large role in ensuring that policies were changed so that many American citizens benefited. One issue that involves interest groups and the federal government is the controversy between smokers, nonsmokers and tobacco companies. Special interest groups are pressuring the federal government for stronger health and safety regulations against smoking. Tobacco companies are now required to place a warning on all cigarette packages and advertisements. The current warning reads: SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNTNG: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, and May Complicate Pregnancy. This health warning is the result of efforts by special interest groups. They claim that tobacco manufacturers have covered up the harmful effects of smoking to increase their profit. They believe that the danger of smoking to both smokers and non-smokers who get second hand smoke, puts a great financial strain on the overall health care budget because of the health care costs resulting fiom smoking related diseases. On the other side of the issue are those who believe that the government has the duty to inform, but that the decision whether or not to smoke should be left to the individual. They do not want the government becoming a "big brother" telling them what to they may and may not do. They also claim the dangers of smoking have been exaggerated. Do you believe that laws regulating smoking are reasonable? Why or why not? Do you believe that citizens or individual companies should be held financially responsible for damages caused to individuals who have voluntarily used certain products? Consider such products as alcohol or motorcycles. Everyone knows the danger of alcohol and motorcycles, but consumers are enticed by companies with advertising that displays these products as being stylish and something they need to use. What responsibilities do citizens have to investigate products? Explain. American Government - 1 - 6 weeks to complete - 5 credits total ENRTCHMENT CANDIDATE RESEARCH Select a candidate who ran for state or national office during the last campaign. Research the coverage the candidate received from the media in newspapers, magazines, and if possible, from radio and television. Identify and use at least three sources for this activity. Try to find both local and national sources. Answer the following questions completely. Which candidate did you choose for your research? What kinds of campaign events did the media cover? Which sources had the most interesting coverage of the candidate? What made the coverage more interesting? -- From which source did you gain the most information about the candidate? Summarize what you learned about the candidate. If you needed factual information about particular candidates, what kind of source would you use? Why? . - American Government - 1 - 6 weeks to complete - 5 credits total ENRICHMENT RIGHT TO VOTE The right to vote, or suffrage, has been gradually extended since the Constitution went into effect in 1789. Originally, only white, landowning males could vote. Voting qualifications were determined by the various states, not by the federal government. After the Civil War, the federal government intervened to discourage discriminatory practices that kept citizens from voting, including race and gender. The constitutional amendments dealing directly with the right to vote are: 1870: Fifteenth Amendment guaranteed all men over the age of 21 the right to vote. 1920: Nineteenth amendment granted women the right to vote. 1971: Twenty-sixth amendment lowered the voting age to 18. It has never been easier to vote than it is today in the United States. Yet only slightly more than half of the eligible voters exercise this important right. There are a number of reasons why Americans do not vote. A small percentage cannot vote due to illness, physical impairments, absence from their polling precincts, etc, though absentee ballots are available. The United States is a country of mobile people, and some states allow registration by mail and have mobile registration booths at convenient places. Still, many citizens do not register to vote. Other people are put off by long lines or by complicated ballots. Some Americans think that their vote will not make a difference. Another group of nonvoters are discouraged by negative advertising, superficial campaign analysis, or simply dissatisfaction with candidates running for office. Finally, many people are undecided, content with the status quo, or just indifferent to the political process, and as a result, choose not to go to the polls. When the United States Constitution was ratified, who had the right to vote? Why this group? Do you think the Twenty-Sixth Amendment allowing 18-year olds to vote is good? Why or why not? What restrictions, if any, do you think should be placed on the right to vote? Records indicate that voter turnout is much higher in those states that allow voting by mail. Do you think people should be allowed to vote by mail? Why or why not? Do you think the voting should be made easier? If so, what methods would you suggest to improve participation? If not, how would you encourage higher voting participation? American Government - 1 - 6 weeks to complete - 5 credits .total ENRICHMENT PUBLIC DEBT Using the chart on page 580 of the student textbook (Public Debt of the Federal Government 1940 to 2000) answer the following questions: The national public debt increased five-fold between 1940 and 1945, and doubled between 1975 and 1980. What are two possible explanations for these dramatic increases? Create a graph. Plot the national debt growth on a line or bar graph. Look at your data first to be sure that your scale will be large enough to handle the figures. Includeup to the year 2010 in your time axis. Read the Building Social Studies Skills on page 214 of your textbook for more information on interpreting and drawing graphs. Make certain to label your graph appropriately. After plotting the data from the table on your graph, draw a straight line connecting the first and last points on the graph and extend it to the year 2010. Assuming a constant rate of increase, what would be the national public debt in the year 2010? If you draw a straight line from the debt in 1975 through the debt in 1997, what would be the projected debt in the year 201O? As a citizen living under this budget, do you consider these figures to be acceptable? Why or why not? Explain. American Government - 1 - 6 weeks to complete - 5 credits tota ENRICHMENT FISCAL BUDGET Currently, the government's fiscal year begins on October 1 and ends on September 30. The process however, actually begins two years before when the proposed budget is placed before Congress so that it can approve programs and grant appropriations (funding). The budgetary process, however, has undergone major revisions within the last three decades. The end result has led to a stronger budgetary role for Congress while working in conjunction with the president. In 1974, Congress decided that the entire budgetary process needed to be revised. Congress was faced with rising expenditures, not enough money to meet all the demands, and conflict over which program! were to receive the available appropriations. The Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Ad of 1974 was passed, requiring Congress to set target figures for total spending. Furthermore, two committees, the House Budget Committee and the Senate Budget Committee, and office dedicated to the budgetary process were established the review the president's budget and to help set a timetable. Eleven years later, the United States was $2 trillion in debt, and the deficit had become an economic and political issue. The Gramm-Rudman Act of 1985 called for budget cuts to eliminate all deficits. However, the Supreme Court struck down the automatic budget cut provision of the Gramrn-Rudman Act. The Court ruled that the act violated the system of checks and balances built into the Constitution by undercutting the president's role in the budgeting process. The Gramrn-Rudman Act was rewritten in 1987 to allow for the Office of Management and Budget, an office of the executive branch, to make necessary budget cuts. The revised act also called for the deficit to be eliminated by 1993. The budget process was revised again in 1990. President Bush was elected in 1988 with the campaign promise "read my lips, no new taxes." However, through a compromise made with Congress, the president agreed to new taxes in re& for spending limits on the federal budget. Directions: Use complete sentences to answer the following questions. How is the government's deficit both an economic and a political issue? What provision of the Gramm-Rudman Act of 1985 was found unconstitutional? Why? The legislative and executive branches agreed to balance the budget within six years as of fiscal year ,1996, or by the year 2002. Do you think they will accomplish their goal? Explain your answer. Do you feel one or two branches of government should handle the budget? Explain your answer. American Government - 1 - 6 weeks to complete - 5 credits total ENRICHMENT STATE STATISTICS Look at pages 782 - 783 and the map on page 785 in your textbook and answer the following questions: Alaska is almost '500 times bigger than Rhode Island. Explain why Alaska only has 1 Congressional District while Rhode Island has 2. - -- Expiaiil why the District of Columbia does not have an Order Admitted into the Union number. Which state has the greatest number of Congressional Districts? Geographically, where were most of the original states in the United States located? Geographically, where is the United States capital located? Why is it not in the center of the United States? Which are the last two states to be admitted into the Union? What do these states share in common that helped make them the last to be admitted? Each state in the Union has a capital. Look at the map on page 785. What do you think influences a state's decision on where to locate the capital? Do you think the decision is more political or economic? Explain. Colorado was admitted into the Union in 1876. There was a big push to complete the process in this particular year. Why? . American Government - 1 - 6 weeks to complete - 5 credits total ENRICHMENT PASSPORTS The Departments of State and Homeland Security have come up with a new way to secure and expedite (speed up) travel for citizens going to different countries. The new system will require all U.S..citizens, Canadians, citizens of Bermuda, and citizens of Mexico to have a passport or other accepted secure document to enter or re-enter the U.S. by January 1,2008. Go to the Departments of State and Homeland Security websites to help with the questions below. www.state.gov www.dhs.gov What are the current identification requirements for traveling to Mexico? Why do the Departments of State and Homeland Security want to change to just passports? Explain. Why haven't there been more relaxed requirements to places like England, a long time ally of the United States? Explain. -- - Do you think that this new requirement will help or hinder travel? Explain. The laws of the United States try to respect individual rights while protecting the public welfare. Do you think someone who has a record of threats against the government should be restricted from traveling, even if he or she has a valid passport? What about restricting a person with a history of violence against his or her spouse and children? Is there are difference and where should the law draw the line? Explain.