Lesson Plan Title of Lesson Primary Focus Standards

Lesson Plan
Title of Lesson: Geometry Quilt Project
Primary Focus Standards:
Objects in the plane and their parts, attributes, and measurements can be
analyzed deductively
o Classify polygons according to their similarities and differences
Objects in the plane can be transformed, and those transformations can be
described and analyzed mathematically
o Represent transformations (reflection, translation, rotation, and
dilation) using Cartesian coordinates
o Using construction tools, including technology, make conjectures
about relationships among properties of shapes in the plane including
those formed through transformations. Justify these conjectures using
Student Objectives:
 Given a pre-image and an image, students will be able to describe the
transformation applied
 Students will be able to classify geometric shapes based on their appearance
 Students will be able to identify types of transformational congruence
(translations, rotations, reflections, dilations) in a quilt pattern
 Students will be able to identify types of symmetry (reflectional or
rotational) in a quilt pattern
 Students will be able to create an original pattern using geometric shapes,
transformational congruence, and symmetry.
Description of Lesson:
This particular project is designed to wrap up the entire unit on Transformations in
our Geometry curriculum. Before the completion of the project, students had 6 block
periods of direct instruction, guided practice, and inquiry learning on the different
types of transformations and symmetry.
 Day one: Showing of a discovery channel video followed by direct instruction
on the first three types of transformations (reflection, rotation, translation)
 Day two: Direct instruction on the three types of symmetry (reflectional,
rotational, and point), followed by an inquiry lesson on the first three types
of transformations using the Geometer’s Sketchpad software.
 Day three: Direct instruction and guided practice on the final type of
transformation: dilation
 Day four: Inquiry lesson/mini project the required them to choose their own
scale factor and apply an appropriate dilation to a drawing of a cartoon
character using the Cartesian plane
 Day five: Direct instruction/guided practice on the composition of
transformations including glide reflections, followed by the creation of a
“kaleidoscope” image using compositions of reflections on the Geometer’s
Sketchpad software.
 Day six: Direct instruction and applications of the recognition and creation of
different types of tessellations
Students will be required to apply each of these direct instruction and inquiry
lessons to their final quilt project which has them use transformations and/or
tessellations to produce their own quilt design.
Assessment of Lesson:
Final Project  Analyze three pre-made quilt designs (researched online), producing the
following elements:
o A description of the shapes utilized including how/where they are
used in the design
o The types of transformational congruence applied to the shapes in the
o Types of symmetry used in the design
 Crete an original quilt design that includes the following elements:
o At least 2 different geometric shapes
o At least 2 different transformations applied to the shapes
o One tessellated shape
Materials and Resources:
Geometer’s Sketchpad with access to a computer lab/laptop cart
Markers/colored pencils
www.quilterscache.com; Google image search for ‘quilt block patterns’; Bing
image search for ‘quilt block patterns’