Accreditation Applicant
 Be sincere about the commitment required for Accreditation
 Identify areas of the standards that require clarification by the Mentor
 Assess areas of strength and weakness relative to the standards and complete the standards
worksheet for review by the Mentor
 Be proactive about organizing and providing accurate and requested information to the Mentor in a
timely manner
 Take responsibility for conducting the self-assessment and preparing the gap analysis
 Provide the Mentor with regular reports on progress toward development of the initial Self Evaluation
Report (iSER)
 Make timely payment of all Mentor-related expenses
 Commit the resources (time, money, energy) required for accreditation
 Prepare a complete iSER including appropriate documentation for submission to the IAC (or AAC)
 Upon approval of iSER, submit progress reports to IAC (or AAC)
 Provide feedback on the mentoring and the PreAccreditation process
 Possess a comprehensive understanding of AACSB standards and processes; consult with the IAC
(or AAC) or AACSB International staff liaison when clarification is needed
 Gain familiarity with the applicant (its mission and objectives) and understand the Eligibility
Application; assist the applicant to focus on the standards within the context of its mission
 Conduct annual visits to the applicant to ensure consistency in assessing its performance relative to
the mission and standards; be available regularly to the dean and/or accounting administrator in
between visits
 Identify and resolve eligibility issues
 Assist the applicant in responding to issues raised by the IAC (or AAC) in its application review
 Provide clarification to the applicant on the philosophy and intent of the standards and their
 Analyze the applicant’s achievement relative to the standards and identify issues that may help or
hinder potential accreditation
 Confirm the existence and review measurable outcomes of functioning processes and controls that
ensure continuous improvement and accomplishment of the mission
 Be encouraging, but also honest and realistic about the culture change and the length of time
required to accomplish the improvements envisioned by the applicant
 Provide visit summary reports to IAC (or AAC)
 Assist the applicant to develop the iSER; be realistic about the applicant’s ability to develop the plan
in a reasonable timeframe
 Review the iSER and provide recommendation in the form of the iSER Review Template.
 Continue to provide updates to IAC (or AAC) liaison on applicant’s progress for up to three years
 Maintain appropriate confidentiality throughout and following the process
 When team chair is assigned, provide background on institution to the chair
Initial (or Accounting) Accreditation Committee Liaison
 Serve as principal point contact for communication between the IAC (or AAC) and the Mentor
 Act as a resource for clarifying issues with the IAC (or AAC) and Mentor
 Lead the IAC (or AAC) discussion on assigned school documentation
 Communicate with the Mentor on assigned school progress
 Maintain appropriate confidentiality throughout and following the process
Initial (or Accounting) Accreditation Committee
 Manage the Accreditation process from eligibility application to Initial Accreditation consistent with the
policies and procedures established by the Accreditation Council and Board of Directors
 If application is accepted, appoint Mentor to assist applicant in iSER development
 Identify any eligibility issues for further investigation by the Mentor
 Maintain appropriate confidentiality throughout and following the process
 Conduct review of the applicant’s iSER
 Once iSER is accepted, review applicant’s annual reports on progress made and/or any delays in
achieving alignment with the standards
 Two years in advance of the on-site review, appoint Peer Review Team (PRT) Chair
 Review the Peer Review Team’s visit report(s) and accreditation recommendation and concur or
remand the recommendation for reconsideration
 Transmit accreditation recommendation(s) to the Board of Directors