EMPLOYER BASED FIELD PRACTICUM PROPOSAL This form is to be completed by the student requesting to use his/her place of employment as a placement site for their Foundation Practicum only. Approved placement sites must meet the following minimum criteria: 1. Afford learning opportunities that meet the learning objectives specified in the Foundation practicum. 2. Value the student’s educational experience by making programmatic accommodations to meet the student’s learning needs as necessary. 3. Assign a qualified MSW field instructor who is not the student’s work supervisor and who meets the criteria as specified in the most current UNC-CH, School of Social Work, Field Education Manual. Student Name ____________________________________________________ Program (Select one) Foundation Concentration Direct Practice Concentration MCPP Agency Name ____________________________________________________ Agency Address ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Web Address ____________________________________________________ I. Current Duties: A. Current work supervisor: Name _______________________________________________ Title _______________________________________________ Telephone # __________________________________________ Email Address _________________________________________ Unit Name_____________________________________________ B. Briefly describe the duties and responsibilities of the paid position, including title/position name, the population served and interventions utilized (attach a job description). _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ C. How many years total have you been employed by this organization? _____ D. How long have you been in your current position? _____ E. Have you satisfied your probationary period? _____ yes ____ no 1 EMPLOYER BASED FIELD PRACTICUM PROPOSAL F. If applicable, describe the duties and responsibilities of past positions you have held in this organization. _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ II. Proposed Placement: A. Briefly describe your proposed field placement (population to be served, social work role, assessment and intervention models to be learned and utilized). _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ B. Proposed Field Instructor: Name: ________________________________________________ Degree/Institution:______________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________ Telephone Number: _____________________________________ Email Address: _________________________________________ Proposed Task Supervisor (if applicable): Name: ________________________________________________ Degree/Institution:______________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________ Telephone Number: _____________________________________ Email Address: _________________________________________ C. Describe how your proposed placement will differ from your regular job. Will you: (Check all that apply) ____ be assigned a new unit; ____ work with a different client population; ____ receive field instruction from someone other than your work supervisor; ____ use different social work intervention methods Other:________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ D. Identify any learning activities that are not included in your job description. _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 2 EMPLOYER BASED FIELD PRACTICUM PROPOSAL E. Identify any employment responsibilities that will not qualify as field placement hours: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ F. For each of the following nine competencies, articulate proposed activities that will enable you to achieve the assigned learning outcomes: Competency 1 – Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior Proposed Learning Activities: ______ Competency 2 – Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice Proposed Learning Activities: ______ Competency 3 - Advance Human Rights and Social and Economic, and Environmental Justice Proposed Learning Activities: ______ Competency 4 – Engage in Practice-informed Research and Research-Informed Practice Proposed Learning Activities: _____________ 3 EMPLOYER BASED FIELD PRACTICUM PROPOSAL Competency 5 – Engage in Policy Practice Proposed Learning Activities: ______ Competency 6 – Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities Proposed Learning Activities: _______________________________________ Competency 7 – Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities Proposed Learning Activities: ______ Competency 8 – Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities Proposed Learning Activities: ______ Competency 9 – Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities Proposed Learning Activities: ______ 4 EMPLOYER BASED FIELD PRACTICUM PROPOSAL E. Proposed Work and Field Education Schedule: Understanding that the student may not have enrolled for classes as of yet, complete (as much as possible) a time plan as discussed by the student, supervisor, and proposed field instructor. Be sure that the field hours add up to the required hours per week. When completing this section, follow this example: Monday From: 8:30 To: 5:00 Field Placement From: 6pm To: 9pm Work DAY TIME ACTIVITY (placement, class, work, or other) TIME ACTIVITY (placement, class, work, or other) Monday From: To: Tuesday From: To: Wednesday From: To: Thursday From: To: Friday From: To: Note any concerns about allocating sufficient time for the field placement: From: To: From: To: From: To: From: To: From: To: F. Describe how your regular work assignment will be altered or reduced to accommodate the student’s role and tasks (e.g. additional hours; caseload or job responsibility reduction; tasks that will be assumed by other staff; any other measures taken). G. Does the Field Education Office have your permission to contact your work supervisor and your proposed Field Instructor to discuss this proposal? _______ Yes ______ No 5 EMPLOYER BASED FIELD PRACTICUM PROPOSAL III. Signatures: Student: ___________________________ __ Print Name _______________________ ________ Signature Date Field Instructor: __________________________ Print Name _______________________ ________ Signature Date Task Supervisor: __________________________ Print Name _______________________ ________ Signature Date Work Supervisor: __________________________ Print Name _______________________ ________ Signature Date Agency Head: ____________________________ Print Name _______________________ ________ Signature Date Field Faculty: ____________________________ Print Name _______________________ ________ Signature Date Field Director: ____________________________ Print Name _______________________ ________ Signature Date 6