COLLOQUIUM Spherical Splines on Clough-Tocher Triangulations for Hermite Interpolation Department of Mathematics Victoria Baramidze Thursday, October 15, 2009 4:00 p.m. 204 Morgan Hall Abstract Refreshments will be served at 3:45 p.m. Department of Mathematics Western Illinois University We construct spherical splines interpolating function and its first order derivatives using minimal energy approach. This approach has been used for arbitrary planar triangulations. The lowest degree that can be used in this case is five. Clough-Tocher macroelements allow us to use splines of degree 3. The use of the macro-element allows us to reduce the size of the linear system involved in the algorithm. A spherical Hermite quasi-interpolant is studied first. The optimal approximation result for the quasiinterpolant is used to obtain a bound for the error in the prove that splines are minimizing energy functionals with different homogeneous extensions are equivalent: they all converge to the sampled function, and the order of convergence is independent of the extension. We conclude with numerical examples that support theoretical predictions.