WESTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY - DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS B. S. IN MATHEMATICS Option B: Mathematics - Teacher Education I. GENERAL EDUCATION 43 SH 9 3 3 3 SH (II) Natural Science & Mathematics Math 133 Lab Science (*need seq.) Math/Science Elective 10 4 4 2 SH (III) Social Science (at least 2 depts.) 9 SH (IV) Humanities/Fine Arts(at least 2 depts.) 9 SH (V) Multicultural Studies 3 SH (VI) Human Well Being (at least 2 depts depts.) 3 SH III. PROFESSIONAL COURSES 39 SH A. Mathematics Department Math 303 Technology and Secondary School Mathematics Math 304 Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Secondary School Mathematics Educ (Math) 439 Math 389 Teaching Algebra Seminar 10 SH B. College of Education EIS 201 EIS 301 EIS 302 EIS 303 EIS 401 SpEd 310 and 390 or Psy 425 and SpEd 383 STCH 480 Portfolio 29 3 3 3 2 2 (I) Basic skills Eng 180 Eng 280 Comm 241 (*Note: Phys 198 is not Gen. Ed.) II. MAJOR COURSES Effective Fall 2008 46 SH A. Core Courses Math 133 Calc and An Geom I Math 134 Calc and An Geom II Math 183 Comp Alg Sys Lab Math 231 Calc and An Geom III Math 311 Linear Algebra Math 341 Sets and Logic Math 391 Writing in Math Sci OR Math 444 Undergrad Res Proj 20 4 4 1 4 3 3 SH B. Special Courses Stat 276 Intro to Prob & Stats Math 355 Combinatorics Math 383 Intro to Math Modeling Math 411 Geometry Math 421 Abstract Algebra 15 3 3 3 3 3 SH C. Other CS 225 Science Sequence ( * ) 11 3 8 SH IV. MINOR COURSES Minor courses 16 SH 16 - 24 1 3 3 3 1 4 12 SH TOTAL PROGRAM HOURS Maximum Hrs. (with Duplications) Minimum Duplications Program Hours Rev. 5/22/08 ss F:/Users/.../Courses/BSMath.OptB.Rev.SP08.xlsx 144 10 134 SH SH SH B. S. in Mathematics - Teacher Education Option B - Mathematics - Teacher Education Sample Program Freshman Year Fall Semester Eng 180 College Comp I Humanities/Fine Arts Lab Science Seq Math 133 Calculus and Analy Geom I Human Well Being Social Science Total 3 3 4 4 1 3 18 Spring Semester CS 225 Social Science Lab Science Seq Math 134 Calculus and Analy Geom II Stat 276 Intro Prob and Stat 3 3 4 4 3 Total 17 Total 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 Math 421 Abstract Algebra Social Science Math 304 Ped Cont Know of Sec Sch Math Minor Elective EIS 303 Minor Elective Math 391OR Math 444 *SpEd 390/SpEd 383 Total 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 1 18 Sophomore Year Spring Semester Fall Semester EIS 201 EIS 302 Eng 280 College Comp II Math 231 Calculus and Analy Geom III Math 183 Computer Algebra Sys Lab Math 311 Linear Algebra 3 3 3 4 1 3 Total EIS 301 Comm 241 Math 341 Sets and Logic Math 355 Combinatorics Minor Elective Humanities/Fine Arts 17 Junior Year Spring Semester Fall Semester Human Well Being Math 383 Math Modeling *SpEd 310 /Psy 425 Math 411Geometry Math 303 Technology and Sec Sch Math Math 389 Teaching Algebra Seminar Minor Elective Total 2 3 3 3 3 1 3 18 Senior Year Spring Semester Fall Semester Math 439 EIS 303 EIS 401 Minor Elective Minor Elective Multicultural Studies Humanities/Fine Arts Total *If SpEd 310 taken, SpEd 390 must be taken in a later semester. *If Psy 425 taken, SpEd 383 must be taken the same semester. 3 1 2 3 3 3 3 18 STCH 480 12 Total 12 Total Hours (with 18 hrs. minor) 136 F:/Users/.../Courses/BSMath.OptB.Rev.SP08.xlsx 5/22/08 ss