December 12, 2011 NOTICE TO RESIDENTS OF THE MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT, WISCONSIN A regular open meeting* of the MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD, WISCONSIN, FINANCE, PERSONNEL, AND OPERATIONS COMMITTEE will be held in the BOARD ROOM, ROOM M210, of MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE, 700 WEST STATE STREET, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2011, beginning at 2:00 P.M.* The agenda*** for said meeting is presented as follows: A. Roll Call B. Compliance with the Open Meetings Law C. Approval of Minutes, November 16, 2011 - Attachment 1 D. Comments from the Public E. Approval of Consent Agenda Items 1. Board Bills List – Attachment 2 In Order by Check Number In Order by Payee Checks Exceeding $2,500 Channels 10/36 Voided Checks Student Activities 2. Financial Report – Attachment 3 3. Human Resources Report – Attachment 4 4. Procurement Report – Attachment 5 I. External Contracts None II. Procurements 1. Advertising Expenditures for Milwaukee Public TV 2. November Actual $10,877.76 Minority Media Percentage was 11% December Estimated $16,769.65 Minority Media Percentage is 10-12% January Estimated $8,000.00 Minority Media Percentage is 10-12% Advertising Expenditures for MATC November Actual $1,680.78 Minority Media Percentage was 100% December Estimated $3,089.51 Minority Media Percentage is 10-12% January Estimated $8,758.67 Minority Media Percentage is 10-12% III. Contracts for Services None IV. Construction Contracts 1. RENOVATION AND REMODELING Cuisine Fine Dining Lab & Dining Room Relocation; DMC M100 - M106 Absolute Construction Enterprises, Inc. Racine, WI $1,148,000.00 2. RENOVATION AND REMODELING T Building Window Replacement and Façade Improvements - Stage 2 Creative Constructors, LLC Menomonee Falls, WI $1,371,200.00 3. RENOVATION AND REMODELING DMC Main Building North Light Court Window Replacement and Façade Improvements Platt Construction, Inc. Franklin, WI $698,463.00 4. RENOVATION AND REMODELING DMC C Building Window Replacement and Façade Improvements-Stage 1 Creative Constructors, LLC Menomonee Falls, WI $1,127,600.00 5. RENOVATION AND REMODELING MEC-South Window Replacement Burkhart Construction Corp. Butler, WI $442,750.00 V. Lease Agreements None G. Action Items None H. Discussion Items 1. Funding of OPEB Liability 2. Post Employment Benefit Trust Agreement 3. Facilities Master Planning Update 4. Budget Variance Report Five Months Year-to-Date Ended November 30, 2011, FY20112012 – Attachment 6 5. Milwaukee Area Technical College Preliminary FY2012-2013 Budget Development Assumptions 6. Financial Services - Procurement and Construction Services Annual Summary Report Attachment 7 I. Information Items 1. Milwaukee Area Technical College District Fiduciary Fund - MATC Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) Trust Report November 2011 – Attachment 8 2. Monthly Travel Report – Attachment 9 J. Miscellaneous Items 1. Communications and Petitions 2. Information Items K. Old Business/New Business 1. Date of Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 18, 2012, 2:00 P.M., M210 Committee Members: Katz, Michalski, and Royal * Other members of the MATC Board may be present, although they will not be participating as members of this committee. This meeting may be conducted in part by telephone. Telephone speakers will be available to allow the public to hear those parts of the proceedings that are open to the public. ** It is anticipated that this item may be discussed in Closed Session pursuant to Section 19.85(1)(e) of the Wisconsin Statutes. *** Action may be taken on any agenda item, whether designated as an action item or not. Agenda items may be moved into Closed Session for discussion when it becomes apparent that a Closed Session is appropriate under Section 19.85 of the Wisconsin Statutes. The board may return into Open Session to take action on any item discussed in Closed Session. Reasonable accommodations are available through the ADA Office for individuals who need assistance. Please call 414297-6610 to schedule services at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. Attachment FPO - 1 MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD FINANCE, PERSONNEL AND OPERATIONS November 16, 2011 CALL TO ORDER The regular monthly meeting of the Finance, Personnel, and Operations Committee of the Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board was held in open session on Wednesday, November 16, 2011, and called to order by Chairperson Fred Royal, Jr., at 2:01p.m. in the Board Room, Room M210, at the Downtown Milwaukee Campus of Milwaukee Area Technical College. ITEM A. ROLL CALL Present: Michael G. Katz, Thomas A. Michalski and Fred Royal, Jr. ITEM B. COMPLIANCE WITH THE OPEN MEETINGS LAW Director Royal indicated that proper notice of the meeting had been given in compliance with the Wisconsin Open Meetings Law. ITEM C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, October 19, 2011 – Attachment 1 The minutes were approved without objection. ITEM D. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC None. ITEM E. ADVISORY AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT Dr. Michael Burke, President and Dr. James Williams, Vice President, Finance gave highlights of the November 9, 2011 Advisory Audit meeting which included updates on the progress of the internal and external audits. ITEM F. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS F-1 Board Bills List, October 2011 – Attachment 2 In Order by Check Number In Order by Payee Checks Exceeding $2,500 Channels 10/36 Student Activities Voided Checks F-2 Financial Report, October 2011 – Attachment 3 F-3 Human Resources Report – Attachment 4 F-4 Procurement Report – Attachment 5 F-5 Affirmative Action Report of Milwaukee Area Technical College for the Period July 1, 2011 Finance, Personnel, and Operations Minutes of November 16, 2011 Page 2 Motion: It was moved by Mr. Katz, seconded by Mr. Michalski, to approve the consent agenda. Action : Motion approved. ITEM G. ACTION ITEMS G-1 Resolution (F0044-11-11) Authorizing the Sale of $1,500,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2011-2012(E) of Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin - Attachment 7 Motion: It was moved by Mr. Michalski, seconded by Mr. Katz, to approve Resolution (F0044-1111) Authorizing the Sale of $1,500,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2011-2012(E) of Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin Action: Motion approved. G-2 Resolution (F0045-11-11) Authorizing the Issuance of $1,500,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2011-2012(F) of Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin - Attachment 8 Motion: It was moved by Mr. Michalski, seconded by Mr. Katz, to approve Resolution (F0045-1111) Authorizing the Issuance of $1,500,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2011-2012(F) of Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin Action: Motion approved. G-3 Resolution (F0046-11-11) ) to Revise Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Renovation /Remodeling (Capital) Projects) Attachment 9 Motion: It was moved by Mr. Michalski , seconded by Mr. Katz, to approve Resolution (F0046-1111) ) to Revise Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Renovation / Remodeling (Capital) Projects) Action: Motion approved. G-4 Resolution (F0047-11-11) to Approve FY2010-2011 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report - Attachment 10 Motion: It was moved by Mr. Michalski , seconded by Mr. Katz, to approve Resolution (F0047-1111) to Approve FY2010-2011 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Action: Motion approved. ITEM H. DISCUSSION ITEMS H-1 Management Letter - Attachment 11 Discussion: Mr. John Knepel, partner, Baker Tilly, reported the audits are complete and have been issued. Mr. Knepel summarized the process of the audit, advised there were no material weaknesses and no findings to report. It was noted last fiscal year there were four major findings that MATC has since resolved. Finance, Personnel, and Operations Minutes of November 16, 2011 Page 3 H-2 Single Audit Discussion: Mr. Naushad Moolla, Coleman Williams advised the audit is complete and there were no material weaknesses and no findings to report within the Single Audit. H-3 Milwaukee Area Technical College Preliminary FY2012-2013 Budget Assumptions - Attachment 12 Discussion: Dr. Williams reviewed a budget document that represented the starting point for building the budget for the next 3 years. ITEM I. INFORMATION ITEMS I-1 Budget Variance Report Four (4) Months Year-to-Date Ended October 31, 2011, FY2011-2012 - Attachment 13 Discussion: None. I-2 Milwaukee Area Technical College District Fiduciary Fund - MATC PostEmployment Benefits Trust October 2011 - Attachment 14 Discussion: None. I-3 Monthly Travel Report – October 2011 - Attachment 15 Discussion: None. ITEM J. J-1 Communications and Petitions None. J-2 Information Items None. ITEM K. OLD BUSINESS/NEW BUSINESS Date of Next Meeting: Wednesday, December 14, 2011, 2:00 P.M., M210 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 2:48 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Erika N. Crosby Administrative Specialist, Finance Attachment FPO - 2 BOARD BILLS LIST The following bills are to be presented for approval at the meeting of the Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board, State of Wisconsin, to be held on 12-20-11 Check No. Company For Amount BILLS PAYABLE RECAPITULATION Month of November 2011 Payments for encumbrances and monthly expenditures were made for the following funds: General Fund Special Revenue Fund-Operational Special Revenue Fund-Non Aidable Enterprise Fund Capital Projects Fund Debt Service Fund Internal Service Fund Public Television Fund Total Expenditures 5,778,082.920 63,650.390 28,935.600 313,330.100 2,134,521.340 2,052,003.170 2,453,334.620 766,739.230 $ Secretary Chair Page 1 13,590,597 BOARD BILLS LIST The following bills are to be presented for approval at the meeting of the Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board, State of Wisconsin, to be held on 12-20-11. Bank Transfer Payments November 2011 Humana Health and Dental Insurance Claims $ - Humana Health and Dental Insurance Premiums $ 1,247,941.47 UMR Health Insurance Claims $ 666,027.69 M & I Investment Management Fees $ 49.45 Bank Service Charges $ 452.49 Merchant Service Credit Card Fees $ 4,841.49 Wisconsin Retirement System $ 1,385,007.32 OPEB Trust Transfers $ Federal Payroll Tax $ 2,710,753.11 State Payroll Tax $ 605,288.70 State, County, and Stadium Sales Tax $ 30,391.40 - Debt Service Fund Wire Payments Nov-11 General Obligation Debt Series Interest Series 2008-09L 1,800,000.00 Page 1 Principal 246,023.54 Board Bill List Allocation of Cash By Fund 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 General Fund Special Revenue Fund - Operational Capital Projects Debt Service Enterprise TV Fund Internal Service Fund Special Revenue Fund - NonAid $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 982,082.57 61,979.15 2,134,229.89 5,979.63 293,314.39 766,739.23 539,365.46 438.00 $ 4,784,128.32 Add to Sheet 1 - Cell E15 Add to Sheet 1 - Cell E18 Add to Sheet 1 - Cell E19 Add to Sheet 1 - Cell E20 Add to Sheet 1 - Cell E18 Add to Sheet 1 - Cell E22 Add to Sheet 1 - Cell E21 Add to Sheet 1 - Cell E17 Credit Card Discount Fees Internal Transfers - Get Info from Sue Jarvis 1-60-93101-5434-00000 1-60-00001-1305-00000 (2) 1-60-93101-5434-00000 (2) 1-60-00001-1305-00000 4,128.90 Add to Sheet 1 - Cell E15 712.59 Add to Sheet 1 - Cell E18 Add to Sheet 1 - Cell E15 Add to Sheet 1 - Cell E18 Linked to PVS Net Calculation Worksheet Total Fund 1 - linked Total Fund 2 - linked Total Fund 3 - linked Total Fund 5 - linked Total Fund 7 - linked $ $ $ $ $ $ 59,928.98 Add to Sheet 1 - Cell E15 1,671.24 291.45 19,303.12 Add to Sheet 1 - Cell E18 28,497.60 Add to Sheet 1 - Cell E17 109,692.39 Attachment FPO - 3 Financial Report MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DEPOSITS AND INVESTMENTS FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER 2011 AMOUNT MARSHAL & ILSLEY BANK ACCOUNTS 19,596 ALLOCATION RATE OF % RETURN 0.03% 0.08% . J P MORGAN CHASE BANK ACCOUNTS 76,914,414 CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT WISCONSIN LOCAL GOVERNMENT INVESTMENT POO 99.21% 0.15% - 0.00% 0.00% 1,501 0.00% 0.14% 593,314 77,528,825 0.77% 100% 0.01% M&I INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT CORPORATION: COMMERCIAL PAPER SHORT TERM CORPORATE BONDS GOVERNMENT OBLIGATIONS FUND USA TREASURY BILLS USA TREASURY NOTES 593,314 - CASHFLOW -- ALL FUNDS Fiscal Year 2012 140.00 120.00 Millions 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 - FY10-11 ACTUAL FY11-12 PROJECTED FY11-12 ACTUAL SHEET-ALL JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE FY10-11 ACTUAL 89.70 100.61 107.29 95.92 82.72 49.12 112.30 122.46 112.28 123.43 110.22 96.78 FY11-12 FY11-12 PROJECTED ACTUAL 89.31 89.45 95.91 95.41 99.89 99.36 91.19 93.39 74.73 77.53 25.61 83.99 91.01 81.41 92.40 78.20 57.35 Page 1 CASHFLOW -- OPERATING FUNDS Fiscal Year 2012 80 70 60 Millions 50 40 30 20 10 0 FY10-11 ACTUAL FY11-12 PROJECTED FY11-12 ACTUAL SHEET-OP FUNDS JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE FY10-11 ACTUAL 44.80 53.20 48.20 40.27 29.27 14.36 63.50 70.18 60.62 68.46 55.55 52.62 FY11-12 FY11-12 PROJECTED ACTUAL 48.166 48.28 53.055 52.23 38.76 38.44 31.417 33.54 17.984 20.56 0.481 48.084 53.153 43.723 54.008 40.127 33.819 Page 1 CASHFLOW -- CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Fiscal Year 2012 40.00 35.00 30.00 Millions 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 - FY10-11 ACTUAL FY11-12 PROJECTED FY11-12 ACTUAL SHEET-CAP FUNDS JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE FY10-11 ACTUAL 27.60 26.33 36.86 33.13 31.92 30.93 28.80 27.27 26.02 27.25 27.28 26.43 FY11-12 FY11-12 PROJECTED ACTUAL 22.60 22.62 20.29 20.63 37.30 37.57 35.69 35.90 34.71 34.83 21.59 15.53 12.11 11.53 10.11 9.18 6.67 Page 1 CASHFLOW -- DEBT SERVICE FUND Fiscal Year 2012 35.00 30.00 Axis Title 25.00 20.00 FY10-11 ACTUAL 15.00 FY11-12 PROJECTED FY11-12 ACTUAL 10.00 5.00 - SHEET-DEBT SERV JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE FY10-11 ACTUAL 17.30 21.08 22.23 22.52 21.54 3.83 20.00 25.01 25.64 27.72 27.40 17.73 FY11-12 PROJECTED 18.54 22.56 23.83 24.08 22.04 3.54 20.38 25.75 26.16 28.28 28.90 16.87 FY11-12 ACTUAL 18.55 22.55 23.36 23.95 22.14 Page 1 Attachment FPO - 4 matc HUMAN RESOURCES REPORT December 2011 Thirty-three transactions are included in the report for November. Appointments Sixteen appointments occurred during the reporting period, two of which are faculty appointments and fourteen of which are staff appointments. Included in the faculty appointments are one full-time limited term faculty and one part-time regular faculty. Included in the staff appointments are eight full-time regular staff, five part-time regular staff and one part-time limited term staff. Four males and twelve females comprise the appointments. Represented in that total are four black females, one Hispanic male, four Hispanic females and one American Indian female. Fiscal year-to-date, total appointments are one-hundred-ninety-five. Included in that total are eighty-six males (44.1%) and one-hundred-nine females (55.9%). Minority hires total sixty-seven (34.4%), including forty black (20.5%), nineteen Hispanic (9.7%), three Asian (1.5%) and five Native American (2.6%). This Month Year-to-date YTD Percent White Male Female 3 3 64 64 65.6% Black Male Female 0 4 13 27 20.5% Hispanic Male Female 1 4 7 12 9.7% Asian Male Female 0 0 0 3 1.5% Native American Male Female 0 1 2 3 2.6% Total Male Female 4 12 86 109 44.1% 55.9% Changes in Status The nine changes in status during this reporting period represent five transfers, one promotion, two unpaid personal leaves of absence and one part-time to full-time movement. Nine females comprise the changes in status. Included in that total are five black females. Separations The eight separations represent seven voluntary terminations and one voluntary termination – retirement eligible. Five males and three females comprise the separations. Included in that total is are one black female and one Native American male. TRANSACTION SUMMARY REPORT FOR NOVEMBER 2011 APPOINTMENTS CHANGES IN STATUS SEPARATIONS 1 (1) 0 1 2 (1) HEALTH SCIENCES 0 0 1 (1) 1 (1) LIBERAL ARTS & SCIENCES 0 0 1 1 2 (1) 0 0 2 (1) PRE-COLLEGE 0 0 0 0 TECHNOLGY & APPLIED 0 0 1 (1) 1 (1) ACADEMIC SERVICES 2 (2) 1 (1) 0 3 (3) DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 1 (1) 0 0 1 (1) EMPLOYEE AND LEGAL 2 (1) 0 1 3 (1) 3 (2) 4 (3) 1 8 (5) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 0 1 0 1 PUBLIC TELEVISION 1 0 1 2 STUDENT SERVICES 3 (1) 2 (1) 1 6 (2) WORKFORCE & ECONOMIC 1 (1) 1 0 2 (1) 16 (10) 9 (5) 8 (2) 33 (17) DIVISION OR SCHOOL BUSINESS MEDIA & CREATIVE ARTS **AA TOTAL SCIENCES SERVICES FINANCE DEVELOPMENT TOTALS BY CATEGORY TOTAL TRANSACTIONS FOR THE MONTH **Affirmative Action totals in parentheses. 33 (17) Non-represented Salary Schedule Effective July 1, 2011 Exempt Salary Grade Title Minimum Mid-Point Maximum 917 916 915 914 913 912 911 Vice President Associate Vice President, Dean Associate Dean, Director Assistant Dean, Manager Coordinator Senior Specialist, Supervisor Specialist $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Salary Grade Title Minimum Mid-Point Maximum 904 903 902 901 Senior Technician Administrative Specialist Assistant Aide $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 127,453 88,670 78,547 63,108 55,505 45,851 41,025 164,347 119,909 106,510 85,576 75,264 62,174 55,629 201,240 151,148 134,472 108,043 95,022 78,496 70,232 Non-Exempt 43,591 37,906 32,961 23,870 59,112 51,399 44,696 32,366 74,631 64,891 56,429 40,863 Human Resources Report December 2011 Appointments Division or School Employee Name Employee Status Job Title Type of Transaction Start Date Business Suzette V. Garay Part-Time Regular Instructor, Interpreter Technician (part-time) Replacement 11/08/11 Health Sciences None Liberal Arts & Sciences None Media & Creative Arts Caley S. Conway Stacie L. Van De Loo Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Life Drawing Model Life Drawing Model New New 08/25/11 01/18/11/ Pre-College None Technology & Applied Sciences None Academic Services Kameal Love Rossie A. Manka Part-Time Limited Term Educational Assistant, Tutoring Services Part-Time Regular Tutor Replacement Replacement 12/12/11 11/09/11 District Administration Sara von Hemert-Dachelet Full-Time Regular Specialist, Annual Giving & Database Replacement Employee & Legal Services Aaron P. Michaelson Megan M. Rosa Full-Time Regular Full-Time Regular Media Designer, Design Center Public Safety Specialist Finance Edward A. Erickson Kimberly A. Kelly Ellen C. White Full-Time Regular Full-Time Regular Full-Time Regular Information Technology None Public Television Erin S. Eaton Student Services Workforce & Economic Development End Date Salary Education $30.1069/Hour Ph.D., University of Kansas 06/30/12 06/30/12 $15.00/Hour $15.00/Hour B.F.A., UW-Milwaukee B.S., Milwaukee School of Art & Design 06/30/12 06/30/12 $24.4941/Hour $10.00/Hour M.S., UW-Milwaukee A.A.S., MATC 01/05/12 $47,000/Annual High school graduate Replacement Replacement 12/15/11 01/02/12 $24.5000/Hour $24.9087/Hour B.F.A., UW-Eau Claire B.S., UW-Milwaukee Manager, Operations Accounting Specialist, Student Accounts Accounting Specialist, Student Accounts Replacement Replacement Replacement 12/15/11 11/28/11 11/15/11 $64,000/Annual $20.7398/Hour $20.7398/Hour B.S. Marquette University A.A.S., MATC A.A.S., MATC Part-Time Regular Television Grant Writer/Publicist Replacement 12/01/11 06/30/12 $18.16/Hour B.A., Marquette University Heidi A. Blossy Ebony S. Bracey Trevor A. Kubatzke Full-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Full-Time Regular Coordinator, Financial Aid Word Processing Associate, Enrollment Services Vice President, Student Services Replacement Replacement Replacement 12/26/11 12/05/11 01/18/11 $57,000/Annual B.S., UW-Milwaukee 6/30/2012 $16.0585/Hour B.S., South Carolina State University $155,000/Annual Ph.D., Walden University Jose U. Gonzales Full-Time Limited Term Instructor, Electronics/Electricity New 11/07/11 12/21/11 $89,322/Annual M.S., UW-Milwaukee Human Resources Report December 2011 Changes In Status Personnel Action Job Title Type of Transaction Start Date End Date Transfer From Word Processing Associate, Health Sciences Administration to Word Processing Associate, Academic Affairs Replacement 12/22/11 Remains the same Marcelena M. Cole Transfer Replacement 12/13/11 Remains the same Shar-ree A. Maddox Transfer Replacement 11/07/11 Tiffany M. Trudeau Florence E. Truss Unpaid Personal Leave Of Absence Unpaid Personal Leave Of Absence From Office Associate (seasonal), Bookstore to Word Processing Associate, Mailroom From Building Services Associate, Milwaukee to Building Services Associate, Mequon Child Development Specialist Building Services Associate, West Allis Information Technology Joan R. Barry Transfer From Word Processing Technician, LAS Administration to Word Processing Technician, Teaching & Learning Technology Replacement 11/30/11 Remains the same Public Television None Student Services Marvette V. Cox Transfer 12/20/11 Remains the same Promotion From Word Processing Specialist, Enrollment Services to Office Specialist, Student Advising Center From Word Processing Technician, Admissions to Word Processing Specialist, Enrollment Services Replacement Paula J. Zimmermann Replacement 12/07/11 From $20.6072 to $21.9619/Hour Denise A. Jakobi Part-Time to Full-Time; Promotion From Word Processing Associate, TAS Administration, Oak Creek to Transcription Associate, Traffic Safety, West Allis Replacement 12/15/11 From $16.0585 to $17.1606/Hour Division or School Employee Name Business None Health Sciences None Liberal Arts & Sciences None Media & Creative Arts None Pre-College None Technology & Applied Sciences None Academic Services Pattie M. Patterson District Administration None Employee & Legal Services None Finance Workforce & Economic Development 08/29/11 07/02/11 Salary Remains the same 11/30/11 01/02/12 Human Resources Report December 2011 Separations Division or School Employee Name Ending Reason Job Title Effective Date Business Helen M. Haasch Voluntary Termination Educational Assistant, Oak Creek 12/19/11 Health Sciences Timolin L. Boyd Voluntary Termination Dental Supervisor 12/20/11 Liberal Arts & Sciences Alvin L. Cleek Voluntary Termination Educational Assistant, Mequon 12/21/11 Media & Creative Arts None Pre-College None Technology & Applied Sciences Michael W. Benner Voluntary Termination Associate Dean 12/30/11 Academic Services None District Administration None Employee & Legal Services Philip G. Wehse Voluntary Termination Specialist, Public Safety 12/02/11 Finance Richard Son Voluntary Termination Building Services Associate 11/15/11 Information Technology None Public Television Sean M. Clark Voluntary Termination Television Engineer 10/06/11 Student Services Nancy A. Hammen Voluntary Termination - Retirement Eligible Customer Service Representative, Mequon 01/06/12 Workforce & Economic Development None Attachment FPO – 5 PROCUREMENT REPORT December 2011 The Procurement report consists of: • Part I External Contracts • Part II Procurements • Part III Contracts for Services • Part IV Construction Contracts • Part V Lease Agreements Each month the board approves contracts, procurements and services related to the operation of the College. The current items for board approval are: I. External Contracts None II. Procurements 1. Advertising Expenditures for Milwaukee Public TV November Actual $10,877.76 December Estimated $16,769.65 January Estimated $8,000.00 2. Advertising Expenditures for MATC November Actual December Estimated January Estimated $1,680.78 $3,089.51 $8,758.67 Minority Media Percentage was 11% Minority Media Percentage is 10-12% Minority Media Percentage is 10-12% Minority Media Percentage was 100% Minority Media Percentage is 10-12% Minority Media Percentage is 10-12% III. Contracts for Services None IV. Construction Contracts 1. RENOVATION AND REMODELING Cuisine Fine Dining Lab & Dining Room Relocation; DMC M100 - M106 Absolute Construction Enterprises, Inc. Racine, WI $1,148,000.00 1 V. 2. RENOVATION AND REMODELING T Building Window Replacement and Façade Improvements - Stage 2 Creative Constructors, LLC Menomonee Falls, WI $1,371,200.00 3. RENOVATION AND REMODELING DMC Main Building North Light Court Window Replacement and Façade Improvements Platt Construction, Inc. Franklin, WI $698,463.00 4. RENOVATION AND REMODELING DMC C Building Window Replacement and Façade Improvements-Stage 1 Creative Constructors, LLC Menomonee Falls, WI $1,127,600.00 5. RENOVATION AND REMODELING MEC-South Window Replacement Burkhart Construction Corp. Butler, WI $442,750.00 Lease Agreements None 2 Part II: PROCUREMENTS Item 1: Advertising Expenditures for Milwaukee Public TV Background Information Advertising and publicity expenditures are coordinated through an advertising/media firm. T he advertising firm was selected through a f ormal request for proposal process. The advertising agency manages production and media placement. Channels 10/36 station media expenses were submitted for review to the Public Television Committee and are herewith submitted to the Finance, Personnel and Operations Committee for review and for presentation to the Board. College and station media purchases are executed through Eichenbaum & Associates, Milwaukee, WI which receives a c ommission for its placements. C hannel 10/36 advertising and publicity services placed in November 2011 plus estimates for December 2011 and January 2012 are listed below and in the attachments. $10,877.76 November 2011 Actual advertising expenditures Minority Media percentage was 11% December 2011 Advertising estimates Minority Media percent target is 10-12% $16,769.65 January 2012 Advertising estimates Minority Media percent target is 10-12% $8,000.00 Detailed information by month is attached, along with a fiscal year summary page. 3 Part II: PROCUREMENTS Item 1: Advertising Expenditures for Milwaukee Public TV Detail page for November Actual EICHENBAUM / ASSOCIATES 219 North Milwaukee Street Milwaukee, WI 53202 P: 414.225.0011 / F: 414.225.0022 Milwaukee Public TV Media November, 2011 Actual Advertising Objectives: "New Image" Campaign Pledge Media Budget: $10,877.76 Online "New Image" JSOnline $2,013.24 Out-of-Home "New Image" Digital Boards $3,672.80 Print "New Image" Minority Newspapers: El Conquistador Milwaukee Times $326.06 $477.46 Radio Pledge $4,388.20 Direct Mail Target Minority Owned Media Percentage: 10-12% of media cost Hispanic-Owned WJTI-AM $183.15 El Conquistador $326.06 African American-Owned WLDB-FM $171.13 WMCS-AM $23.13 Milwaukee Times $477.46 4 11% $1,180.93 PROCUREMENTS Item 1: Advertising Expenditures for Milwaukee Public TV Detail page for December Estimate EICHENBAUM / ASSOCIATES 219 North Milwaukee Street Milwaukee, WI 53202 P: 414.225.0011 / F: 414.225.0022 Milwaukee Public TV Media December, 2011 Estimate Advertising Objectives: Pledge WI Black Pages (placed by MPTV) Special Programming Media Budget: $16,769.65 Online Out-of-Home Print Wisconsin Black Pages $600.00 Radio Pledge American Graduate Lady Elgin Story $9,609.83 $3,740.42 $2,819.40 Direct Mail Target Minority Owned Media Percentage: 10-12% of media cost Hispanic-Owned WJTI-AM $1,562.50 African American-Owned WI Black Pages $600 WLDB-FM $823.25 WMCS-AM $342.25 5 20% $3,328.00 Part II: PROCUREMENTS Item 1: Advertising Expenditures for Milwaukee Public TV Detail page for January Estimate EICHENBAUM / ASSOCIATES 219 North Milwaukee Street Milwaukee, WI 53202 P: 414.225.0011 / F: 414.225.0022 Milwaukee Public TV Media January, 2012 Estimate Advertising Objectives: Special Programming: Around the Corner w/ John McGivern Media Budget: $8,000 $8,000.00 Online Out-of-Home Print Radio Direct Mail Target Minority Owned Media Percentage: 10-12% of media cost Hispanic-Owned African American-Owned 6 Part II: PROCUREMENTS Item 1: Advertising Expenditures for Milwaukee Public TV Monthly Actual Milwaukee Public Television Media EICHENBAUM / ASSOCIATES 219 North Milwaukee Street Milwaukee, WI 53202 P: 414.225.0011 / F: 414.225.0022 AS OF 11/30/2011 Month July August September October November December January February March April May June Total MINORITY SPENDING REPORTS FY2012: July 2011 - June 2012 (Media amounts by month billed) TOTAL MEDIA SPENDING (ALL TARGETS) Radio $0.00 $0.00 $12,438.74 $2,493.80 $4,388.20 TV $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Print $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,607.04 $803.52 Outdoor $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11,018.38 $3,672.80 Online $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,013.24 $2,013.24 $19,320.74 $0.00 $2,410.56 $14,691.18 $4,026.48 7 Placed directly through Total Media MPTV Placements $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,650.00 $14,088.74 $0.00 $17,132.46 $0.00 $10,877.76 $1,650.00 $42,098.96 Part II: PROCUREMENTS Item 2: Advertising Expenditures for MATC Background Information Advertising and publicity expenditures are coordinated through an advertising/media firm. T he advertising firm was selected through a formal request for proposal process. The actual placement of the advertising is then treated as sole source procurement. The advertising agency manages production and media placement. College media expenses are herewith submitted to the Finance, Personnel and Operations Committee for review and for presentation to the Board. College media purchases were executed through Advertising, Boelter and Lincoln, Milwaukee, WI, which receives a c ommission for placements made. MATC advertising and publicity services placed in November 2011 plus estimates for December 2011 and January 2012 are listed below and in the attachments. November 2011 Advertising expenditures Minority Media percent was 100% December 2011 Advertising estimate Minority Media percent target is 10-12% January 2012 Advertising estimate Minority Media percent target is 10-12% 8 $1,680.78 $3,089.51 $8,758.67 Part II: PROCUREMENTS Item 2: Advertising Expenditures for MATC Detail page for November Actual Milwaukee Area Technical College Media EICHENBAUM / ASSOCIATES 219 North Milwaukee Street Milwaukee, WI 53202 P: 414.225.0011 / F: 414.225.0022 November, 2011 Actual Advertising Objectives: Print Media Budget: $1,680.78 Online Out-of-Home Print Milwaukee Times Spanish Journal El Conquistador $761.77 $652.94 $266.07 Radio Television Target Minority Media Percentage: 10-12% of media cost E/A - Production & Marketing Services 100% $75.00 Total Expenditure: 9 $1,755.78 Part II: PROCUREMENTS Item 2: Advertising Expenditures for MATC Detail page for December Estimate Milwaukee Area Technical College Media EICHENBAUM / ASSOCIATES 219 North Milwaukee Street Milwaukee, WI 53202 P: 414.225.0011 / F: 414.225.0022 December, 2011 Estimate Advertising Objectives: Print Media Budget: $3,089.51 Online Out-of-Home Print Milwaukee Community Journal Milwaukee Times Spanish Journal El Conquistador $1,142.66 $761.77 $652.94 $532.14 Radio Television Target Minority Media Percentage: 10-12% of media cost 100% E/A - Production & Marketing Services $825 Total Estimated Expenditure: 10 $3,914.51 Part II: PROCUREMENTS Item 2: Advertising Expenditures for MATC Detail page for January Estimate Milwaukee Area Technical College Media EICHENBAUM / ASSOCIATES 219 North Milwaukee Street Milwaukee, WI 53202 P: 414.225.0011 / F: 414.225.0022 January, 2012 Estimate Advertising Objectives: Print Media Budget: $8,758.67 Out-of-Home Print MMAC Annual Membership & Biz Resource Guide MJS: Reinvention Section Milwaukee Times Milwaukee Community Journal Milwaukee Courier El Conquistador Spanish Journal $3,468.75 $1,256.91 $761.77 $1,142.66 $617.03 $532.14 $979.41 Radio Television Target Minority Media Percentage: 10-12% of media cost E/A - Production & Marketing Services 46% $0.00 Total Estimated Expenditure: 11 $8,758.67 Part II: PROCUREMENTS Item 2: Advertising Expenditures for MATC Monthly Actual Milwaukee Area Technical College Media EICHENBAUM / ASSOCIATES 219 North Milwaukee Street Milwaukee, WI 53202 P: 414.225.0011 / F: 414.225.0022 AS OF 12/6/2011 Month July August September October November December January February March April May June Total MINORITY SPENDING REPORTS FY2012: July 2011 - June 2012 (Media amounts by month billed) TOTAL MEDIA SPENDING (ALL TARGETS) Radio $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TV $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $40,006.25 $0.00 Print $0.00 $0.00 $9,668.35 $7,888.62 $1,680.78 Outdoor $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $21,246.71 $0.00 Online $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Placed directly through MATC $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $40,006.25 $19,237.75 $21,246.71 $0.00 $0.00 12 Total Media Placements $0.00 $0.00 $9,668.35 $69,141.58 $1,680.78 $80,490.71 Part IV: CONSTRUCTION Item 1: RENOVATION AND REMODELING Cuisine Fine Dining Lab & Dining Room Relocation; DMC M100 - M106 Background Information Previously, the Board approved lists of renovation and remodeling capital projects for various budget years. The projects and funding plans have also been approved as part of the respective fiscal year budget approvals. The subject project deals with the conversion of administrative office space on the first floor of the Downtown Campus Main Building to become a new facility for the Cuisine Fine Dining Lab & Dining Room, currently located on the 6th floor. The contract recommended for approval below is for a single prime contract that pertains to the general construction for the work described above. Bid documents for the aforementioned work were prepared in accordance with Board policies and State regulations, and advertisements were placed in the Daily Reporter, the Milwaukee Courier and the Spanish Journal. The bids were opened on December 1, 2011 with the following results which includes the Base Bid and Alternate Bids B-D: GENERAL CONSTRUCTION WORK (Comprehensive Single Prime) Absolute Construction Enterprises, Inc., Racine, WI Allcon, LLC, Milwaukee, WI Arteaga Construction, Inc., Milwaukee, WI Burkhart Construction Corp., Butler, WI Creative Constructors, LLC, Menomonee Falls, WI Magill Construction Company, Inc., Elkhorn, WI Miron Construction Company, Inc., Neenah, WI Triad Construction, Inc., West Allis, WI Wm. Sackerson Construction Co., Inc., Cudahy, WI $1,148,000.00* $1,236,250.00 $1,349,535.00 $1,180,225.00 $1,189,400.00 $1,305,050.00 $1,262,730.00 $1,149,024.00 $1,210,110.00 Proposals were evaluated, and the low qualified bid, as indicated by the asterisk, has met specifications. There were no challenges to the bid document or the manner in which the successful bidder was selected. Positive action by the Board on this item will authorize the issuance of a contract in the amount shown to the firm indicated by the asterisk. 13 Part IV: CONSTRUCTION Item 2: RENOVATION AND REMODELING T Building Window Replacement and Façade Improvements - Stage 2 Background Information Previously, the Board approved lists of renovation and remodeling capital projects for various budget years. The projects and funding plans have also been approved as part of the respective fiscal year budget approvals. The subject project deals with the second major of Downtown Campus T Building window replacement and masonry / stone façade restoration. The north, south and east facades will be the focus of this stage of work. A final stage will be proposed for FY13 dealing with the remaining sections of the west façade and other minor improvements. The contract recommended for approval below is for a single prime contract that pertains to the general construction for the work described above. Bid documents for the aforementioned work were prepared in accordance with Board policies and State regulations, and advertisements were placed in the Daily Reporter, the Milwaukee Courier and the Spanish Journal. The bids were opened on December 5, 2011 with the following results which includes the Base Bid and Alternate Bids 1-3 & 57: GENERAL CONSTRUCTION WORK (Comprehensive Single Prime) Arteaga Construction, Inc., Milwaukee, WI Burkhart Construction Corp., Butler, WI Creative Constructors, LLC, Menomonee Falls, WI KPH Construction Corp., Milwaukee, WI Platt Construction, Inc., Franklin, WI $1,512,000.00 $1,371,219.00 $1,371,200.00* $1,658,715.00 $1,377,757.00 Proposals were evaluated, and the low qualified bid, as indicated by the asterisk, has met specifications. There were no challenges to the bid document or the manner in which the successful bidder was selected. Positive action by the Board on this item will authorize the issuance of a contract in the amount shown to the firm indicated by the asterisk. 14 Part IV: CONSTRUCTION Item: 3 RENOVATION AND REMODELING DMC Main Building North Light Court Window Replacement and Façade Improvements Background Information Previously, the Board approved lists of renovation and remodeling capital projects for various budget years. The projects and funding plans have also been approved as part of the respective fiscal year budget approvals. The subject project deals with the Main Building North Light Court Window Replacement and Façade Improvements. The contract recommended for approval below is for a single prime contract that pertains to the general construction for the work described above. Bid documents for the aforementioned work were prepared in accordance with Board policies and State regulations, and advertisements were placed in the Daily Reporter, the Milwaukee Courier and the Spanish Journal. The bids were opened on December 6, 2011 with the following results which includes the Base Bid only: GENERAL CONSTRUCTION WORK (Comprehensive Single Prime) Burkhart Construction Corp., Butler, WI Creative Constructors, LLC, Menomonee Falls, WI Platt Construction, Inc., Franklin, WI $746,746.00 $799,800.00 $698,463.00* Proposals were evaluated, and the low qualified bid, as indicated by the asterisk, has met specifications. There were no challenges to the bid document or the manner in which the successful bidder was selected. Positive action by the Board on this item will authorize the issuance of a contract in the amount shown to the firm indicated by the asterisk. 15 Part IV: CONSTRUCTION Item: 4 RENOVATION AND REMODELING DMC C Building Window Replacement and Façade Improvements-Stage 1 Background Information Previously, the Board approved lists of renovation and remodeling capital projects for various budget years. The projects and funding plans have also been approved as part of the respective fiscal year budget approvals. The subject project deals with the initial major stage of the C Building Window Replacement and Façade Improvements. As a second stage funding will be requested for FY13 that will deal with the improvement of the 5 grade level entrances and penthouse facades. The contract recommended for approval below is for a single prime contract that pertains to the general construction for the work described above. Bid documents for the aforementioned work were prepared in accordance with Board policies and State regulations, and advertisements were placed in the Daily Reporter, the Milwaukee Courier and the Spanish Journal. The bids were opened on December 7, 2011 with the following results which includes the Base Bid and Alternate Bid 6: GENERAL CONSTRUCTION WORK (Comprehensive Single Prime) Burkhart Construction Corp., Butler, WI Creative Constructors, LLC, Menomonee Falls, WI KPH Construction Corp., Milwaukee, WI Platt Construction, Inc., Franklin, WI $1,201,786.00 $1,127,600.00* $1,388,637.00 $1,140,794.00 Proposals were evaluated, and the low qualified bid, as indicated by the asterisk, has met specifications. There were no challenges to the bid document or the manner in which the successful bidder was selected. Positive action by the Board on this item will authorize the issuance of a contract in the amount shown to the firm indicated by the asterisk. 16 Part IV: CONSTRUCTION Item: 5 RENOVATION AND REMODELING MEC-South Window Replacement Background Information Previously, the Board approved lists of renovation and remodeling capital projects for various budget years. The projects and funding plans have also been approved as part of the respective fiscal year budget approvals. The subject project deals with the replacement of the oldest remaining windows at the Milwaukee Enterprise CenterSouth, many of which date back to the original construction of the various building sections. The contract recommended for approval below is for a single prime contract that pertains to the general construction for the work described above. Bid documents for the aforementioned work were prepared in accordance with Board policies and State regulations, and advertisements were placed in the Daily Reporter, the Milwaukee Courier and the Spanish Journal. The bids were opened on December 8, 2011 with the following results which includes the Base Bid only: GENERAL CONSTRUCTION WORK (Comprehensive Single Prime) Burkhart Construction Corp., Butler, WI Creative Constructors, LLC, Menomonee Falls, WI Platt Construction, Inc., Franklin, WI $442,750.00* $499,900.00 $474,721.00 Proposals were evaluated, and the low qualified bid, as indicated by the asterisk, has met specifications. There were no challenges to the bid document or the manner in which the successful bidder was selected. Positive action by the Board on this item will authorize the issuance of a contract in the amount shown to the firm indicated by the asterisk. 17 Attachment FPO - 6 MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE BUDGET VARIANCE REPORT FIVE (5) MONTHS ENDED NOVEMBER 30, 2011 GENERAL FUND RESERVE: The beginning 2011-12 General Fund Reserve is projected to be 22.4% or $43,356,605. District policy is to maintain 10% to 15% general fund reserve. Five months into the new fiscal year, the District is on track to achieve 1 8.01% general fund reserve at June 30, 2012, compared to the projected $ 29,377,063 or 15.93%. COMPARISON OF 2011-12 GENERAL FUND BUDGET TO FIVE MONTHS ENDING FORECAST: A. Total Revenue – Annual budget revenue is $ 184,431,322 compared to the five months forecast of $ 180,385,897. The $ 4 million difference consist of $1.2 million in tax levy, $ 1.4 million in state aid, and $ 1 million in institu tional revenue B. Salaries Expenditures – Annual budget of $ 117,763,113 compared to the five months forecast of $ 115,375,607. The $ 2.3 million savings is across the board in all employee groups. Vacant position savings to date is $ 1.8 million. C. Fringe Benefits Expenditures – The annual budget of $ 55,453,300 is comparable to the five months forecast of $ 55,127,664. D. Other Expenditures – The annual budget is $ 16,851,039 compared to the forecast of $17,264,620. The difference of $ 414,000 is across the board in all budget line items. E. Five months into the year, the forecast shows additional expenditures over revenue of $ 1.7 million, but also expected to exceed the target general fund reserve projection of 15.93% ending balance. The forecasted general fund reserve is 18.01%. GENERAL FUND CASH FLOW MANAGEMENT AS OF NOVEMBER 30, 2011 The GF actual cash postion is $ 20.56M compared to a budget of $ 17.98M. See chart below. The green dot represents the actual balance at October 31, 2011. Attachment FPO- 7 ANNUAL PROCUREMENT REPORT – Fiscal Year 2011 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Prepared: December, 2011 This is an executive summary containing the main points from the MATC Annual Procurement Report for Fiscal Year 2011 as presented to FPO/Board in December, 2011. This is an annual requirement as outlined in the WTCS Financial Accounting Manual. The full report contains current FY 2011 data as well as historical data for a (5) five year trend to be used as comparison. • TOTAL PROCUREMENTS (Construction and Non-Construction) • $31,827,987 = Total procurement dollars spent • $892,234 = Non-construction minority • $20,390,565 = Non-construction non-minority • $2,021,505 = Construction minority • $8,523,683 = Construction non-minority • Total minority spend = $2,913,739 (9.15% of total spend) • The full report contains the detailed data of ethnicity under minority spend • PROCUREMENST TO REVIEW • The WTCS FAM requires a full review of all procurements for the Fiscal Year to determine, if a competitive process was not used, should the college use a competitive process for future purchase of those products or services. • Following are procurements from FY11 that will be reviewed in full detail to determine if there is a more competitive procurement process that should be used for future purchases. • • • • Beauty (Cosmetology) Supplies Auto Lab Supplies Machine Repair Services Mailing Service Milwaukee Area Technical College December, 2011 FINANCIAL SERVICES Procurement and Construction Services Annual Summary Report For Fiscal Years 2007 - 2011 Prepared by: Ed Bushman Interim Procurement Manager 1 FINANCIAL SERVICES Procurement and Construction Services Summary Milwaukee Area Technical College District Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2011 HISTORICAL OVERVIEW OF PROCUREMENT FUNCTION The Purchasing Department provides the cost-effective, timely procurement of all goods and services for the MATC District. The Purchasing Department is responsible for the committing of funds for all procurements, with the exception of construction. Purchasing insures that procedures as set forth in the Wisconsin Administrative Code, as well as District Administrative Polices and Procedures are adhered to. The Construction Services Department is responsible for the procurement of construction related goods and services for the MATC District. The Construction Services Department is responsible for committing funds for goods and services from previously budgeted construction (Fund 3) accounts. It is the policy of the MATC District to encourage and initiate affirmative action activities. This can be accomplished, in part, by helping to promote disadvantaged businesses, to include Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE),Highly Underutilized Business (HUB) and Handicapped Business Enterprise (HBE), through increased participation in district procurement processes. Therefore, the MATC procurement process will include a good faith effort to utilize disadvantaged businesses in awarding procurement contracts. In addition, the procurement department is committed to cost saving initiatives and the generation of revenue. 2 DETAILED HISTORICAL DATA Included within this report are the following tables and graphs to depict the summary of purchasing dollars (by Minority and Non-Minority vendors) for the period of FY 2007 – FY 2011: • Table 1 – represents the summary of Non-construction and Construction purchases for the above time period. Included is the minority spends for both procurement areas. • Chart 1 – graph depiction of table 1 data. • Table 2 – represents the Non-Construction minority purchases for the above time period, including spend by ethnic group. • Chart 2 – graph depiction of table 2 data. • Table 3 – represents the Construction minority purchases for the above time period, including spend by ethnic group. Note – Fiscal Year 2004 is the first year we tracked spend by ethnic group for construction procurements, no historical data is available for FY 2000-2003. We will continue to track by ethnic group moving forward. • Chart 3 – graph depiction of table 3 data. 3 Table 1 – Summary (Construction and Non-Construction Procurements) Fiscal Year Total Procurement Dollars Total Minority Spend Total % Minority NonConstruction Minority NonConstruction Non-Minority Construction Minority Construction Non-Minority 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 $31,827,987 $39,078,428 $34,550,201 $35,704,976 $30,310,736 $2,913,739 $2,536,573 $2,158,466 $1,358,001 $3,236,771 9.15% 6.49% 6.25% 3.80% 10.68% $892,234 $1,010,029 $1,056,742 $1,037,371 $1,678,738 $20,390,565 $30,759,543 $33,493,458 $29,519,164 $17,291,306 $2,021,505 $1,526,544 $1,101,724 $320,630 $1,558,033 $8,523,683 $8,318,885 $5,367,092 $4,827,811 $7,798,966 Chart 1 – Summary Data 4 Table 2 – Non-Construction Procurements Total Minority Purchases - (Non-Construction) Fiscal Year Total Minority Purchases Asian American African American Hispanic Native American Pacific Island Hmong White Undisclosed FY 2011 FY 2010 FY 2009 FY 2008 FY 2007 $892,234 $1,010,029 $1,550,967 $1,041,824 $1,678,738 $58,255 $70,550 $19,355 $44,245 $72,289 $2,667 $73,499 $201,387 $316,847 $492,733 $356,060 $366,847 $505,435 $270,018 $432,694 $0 $578 $4,009 $0 $165 $0 $13,676 $13,648 $17,494 $15,527 $0 $0 $800 $0 $353 $162,098 $288,383 $264,492 $162,754 $343,127 $313,153 $196,496 $541,841 $226,014 $321,850 Chart 2 – Non-Construction Minority Data 5 Table 3 – Construction Procurements Total Minority Purchases - (Construction) Fiscal Year FY 2011 FY 2010 FY 2009 FY 2008 FY 2007 Total Minority Purchases American Indian African American Hispanic Pacific Island White Undisclosed $2,021,505 $1,526,544 $1,101,724 $320,630 $1,558,033 $268,887 $88,945 $10,387 $64,195 $296,369 $394,210 $592,977 $99,904 $35,190 $141,637 $303,711 $98,303 $905,358 $60,157 $519,795 $36,326 $172,297 $0 $5,369 $24,000 $687,729 $39,180 $85,000 $53,109 $559,259 $330,641 $534,843 $1,075 $102,611 $16,972 Chart 3 – Construction Minority Data 6 Procurement Review Fiscal Year 2011 July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011 Wisconsin Technical College System Financial Accounting Manual Section 6 – Procurement Letter (B) – Procurement Review Annually, as required in Administrative Rule TCS 6.05(2)(h), district staff shall prepare a review of all procurements of $25,000 or less of similar goods, supplies, or services to determine if a more competitive process should be used in succeeding years. This review is to be based on a report containing transaction detail grouped by similar goods, supplies and services and a total for each grouping. Since similar items of a common nature are generally purchased from a common vendor, a report of procurements with transaction detail by vendor is sufficient to comply with this requirement. This report should then be totaled to determine if the aggregate by vendor for the transactions is greater than $25,000. Those that total to more than $25,000 by vendor should be included in the review to determine if a more competitive process should be used in the future. In accordance with the above requirement, a review was conducted of all non-construction procurements for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2011. Attached is a listing of those vendors that require an in-depth review of their purchases to determine if a more competitive process should be used in the future. If items purchased are not of a similar commodity type, procurement will look to negotiate a pricing discount with each vendor. Vendor Product or Service Total Purchase Amount Dave’s Machine Repair Inc Numerous small repair orders $32,000 Quality Business Forms Mailing Services (not postage) $62,116 Aerial Company Inc Cosmetology Supplies $92,017 Auto Paint & Supply Co Auto Shop Supplies $42,224 7 Attachment FPO - 8 MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT Fiduciary Fund - MATC Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) Trust Report November 30, 2011 ` Assets Current assets Cash and cash equivalents Marshall & Ilsley Bank Seaway Bank & Trust Company Charles Schwab Investments $ Prepaid Expenses Interest Receivable Accounts Receivable Total current assets Total Assets Net Assets Current Liabilities Accounts Payable IBNR Payable Held in trust for Post employment benefits Total Net Assets 5,324 162,153 8,771,646 8,939,123 3,171 8,942,294 $ 8,942,294 $ 93 397,830 8,544,371 $ 8,942,294 MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT Fiduciary Fund - MATC Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) Trust Report November 30, 2011 Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Assets Additions Contributions MATC Retiree Contributions Total Contributions $ Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investments Interest Income Total additions (540) 5,111 3,544,224 Deductions Adminstration Benefit payments Total deductions 88,721 3,520,622 3,609,342 Change in net assets (65,119) Net assets Held in Trust for Post Employment Benefits- Beginning of the year Net assets Held in Trust for Post Employment Benefits- End of the year 2,418,582 1,121,071 3,539,653 8,609,490 $ 8,544,371 Attachment FPO - 9