MATC Vision MATC is a premier, comprehensive technical college that provides excellence in education to enrich, empower and transform lives in our community February 24, 2012 NOTICE TO RESIDENTS OF THE MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT, WISCONSIN A regular open meeting* of the MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD, WISCONSIN, will be held in the BOARD ROOM, ROOM M210, of MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE, 700 WEST STATE STREET, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2012, beginning at 5:00 P.M. The agenda** for said meeting is presented as follows: A. Roll Call B. Compliance with the Open Meetings Law C. Approval of Minutes C-1 Regular Board Meeting: January 24, 2012 D. Comments from the Public E. Approval of Consent Agenda Items FPO-2 Board Bills List – January 2012 In Order by Check Number In Order by Payee Checks Exceeding $2,500 Channels 10/36 Voided Checks Student Activities FPO-3 Financial Report – January 2012 FPO-4 Human Resources Report FPO-5 Quarterly Affirmative Action Report FPO-6 Procurement Report I. External Contracts None. II. Procurements Advertising Expenditures for Milwaukee Public TV January February March Actual Estimated Estimated $7,012.67 $0.00 $12,000.00 Advertising Expenditures for MATC January February March Actual Estimated Estimated $8,758.67 $4,223.45 $53,006.08 Minority Media Percentage was 14% Minority Media Percentage is 10-12% Minority Media Percentage is 10-12% Minority Media Percentage was 46% Minority Media Percentage is 10-12% Minority Media Percentage is 10-12% 2011 International Lift truck with Commander 4045 boom – Dueco Brand Dueco Inc Waukesha, WI $195,000 Tooling Equipment for CNC machines MSC Tooling Pewaukee, WI $61,577.19 III. Contracts for Services Culinary Restaurant Equipment Boelter Company Milwaukee, WI $250,553 IV. Construction Contracts RENOVATION AND REMODELING IT Infrastructure Improvements & Regional Telepresence Rooms Allcon, LLC, Milwaukee, WI $1,756,572.00 RENOVATION AND REMODELING MEC-South 3rd Floor HVAC Rooftop Unit & Distribution System Burkhart Construction Corp. Butler, WI $225,225.00 V. Lease Agreements None. 2 F. Chairperson’s Report F-1 MATC Foundation Report G. President’s Report H. Student Government Report I. Legislative Matters Report J. Public Television Committee Report K. Education, Services, and Institutional Relations Committee Report Discussion Item ESIR-6 L. Dashboard Indicators Finance, Personnel, and Operations Committee Report Action Items FPO-7 Resolution (F0048-02-12) Authorizing the Sale of $1,500,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2011-2012(G) of Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin FPO-8 Resolution (F0049-02-12) Authorizing the Issuance of $1,500,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2011-2012(H) of Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin FPO-9 Resolution (F0050-12-12) to Revise Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Renovation /Remodeling (Capital) Projects) FPO-10 Building Trades Pay Adjustment Discussion Items FPO-11 Milwaukee Area Technical College Preliminary FY2012-2013 Budget Planning Strategies and Assumptions L-1 Advisory Audit Committee Report Information Items FPO-12 Budget Variance Report Seven Months Year-to-Date Ended January 31, 2012; FY2011-2012 FPO-13 Semi-Annual MEC Review 3 M. N. Miscellaneous Items 1. Communications and Petitions 2. Information Items Old Business/New Business 1. Future Agenda Items 2. Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 27, 2012, 5:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting, Downtown Milwaukee Campus, Board Room (M210) * This meeting may be conducted in part by telephone. Telephone speakers will be available to allow the public to hear those parts of the proceedings that are open to the public. ** Action may be taken on any agenda item, whether designated as an action item or not. Agenda items may be moved into Closed Session for discussion when it becomes apparent that a Closed Session is appropriate under Section 19.85 of the Wisconsin Statutes. The board may return into Open Session to take action on any item discussed in Closed Session. Reasonable accommodations are available through the ADA Office for individuals who need assistance. Please call 414-297-6610 to schedule services at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. 4 C-1 MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN JANUARY 24, 2012 CALL TO ORDER The regular monthly meeting of the Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board was held in Open Session on Tuesday, January 24, 2012, and called to order by Chairperson Holmes at 5:01 p.m. in the Board Room, Room M210, at the Downtown Milwaukee Campus of Milwaukee Area Technical College. ITEM A. ROLL CALL Present: Peter G. Earle; Melanie C. Holmes; Michael G. Katz; Thomas A. Michalski; Richard F. Monroe; Fred Royal, Jr.; Bobbie R. Webber; and Ann Wilson. Lauren Baker arrived at 5:03 p.m. ITEM B. COMPLIANCE WITH THE OPEN MEETINGS LAW Discussion Chairperson Holmes indicated that proper notice of the meeting had been given in compliance with the Wisconsin Open Meetings Law. ITEM C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES C-1 Regular Board Meeting: December 20, 2011 Motion It was moved by Mr. Webber, seconded by Mr. Royal, to approve minutes of the Regular Board Meeting: December 20, 2011. Action Motion approved. ITEM D. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC None. Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board January 24, 2012 Page 2 ITEM E. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS FPO-2 FPO-3 FPO-4 FPO-5 Bills – December 2011 Financial Report – December 2011 Human Resources Report Procurement Report Motion It was moved by Mr. Royal, seconded by Mr. Webber, to approve the Consent Agenda. Action Motion approved. Ms. Baker arrived at 5:03 p.m. ITEM F. CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT Discussion Chairperson Holmes: • Welcomed students and faculty to the spring 2012 semester. • Reported she had addressed the faculty at Convocation Day, and thanked Ms. Wilson for attending the event. • Announced that The Milwaukee Times had chosen Mr. Royal and Mr. Webber as recipients of its public service award. • Reminded the board of the spring retreat on Saturday, March 3. • Stated that Ms. Baker, Mr. Royal, Mr. Webber, and Ms. Wilson had participated in the winter District Boards Association meeting. Action Items F-1 MATC District Board Self-Evaluation Instrument Motion It was moved by Ms. Baker, seconded by Mr. Webber, to approve the MATC District Board Self-Evaluation Instrument. Action Motion approved. Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board January 24, 2012 Page 3 CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT continued F-2 Resolution Regarding Contributions to Support Milwaukee Public Television Discussion Attorney Janice M. Falkenberg, vice president, General Counsel, reviewed the resolution. Motion It was moved by Ms. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Earle, to approve the Resolution Regarding Contributions to Support Milwaukee Public Television. Action Motion approved. ITEM G. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Discussion Dr. Burke reported: • Mr. Royal and he welcomed participants to the NAACP Stakeholders Town Hall Meeting on January 7, 2012. • Ms. Baker, Ms. Holmes, Mr. Royal, Mr. Webber, Ms. Wilson, and he attended the Martin Luther King, Jr., breakfast event on January 16, 2012. • He had spoken to faculty at the college’s Convocation Day, and distributed a copy of his remarks. • He had drafted mission and vision statements for the President’s Diversity Council, which is chaired by Mr. Walter Lanier, interim director, Student Advising, Multicultural Services, and distributed a copy of the statements. • The MATC Foundation had reached a contribution goal of $750,000, and distributed a copy of the status report. • The Black Student Union’s 20th Annual Soul Food Celebration would be held on March 2, 2012. Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board January 24, 2012 Page 4 ITEM H. STUDENT GOVERNMENT REPORT Discussion Ms. Jennifer Staab reported: • Members of Student Government participated in a Winter Retreat, which included: o Discussion of college policy regarding sharing and/or reselling food on campus for fundraisers and events. o Revisions to the Articles of Authorization of the Student Government and the District Student Senate Constitution. o Discussion of handling student-wide messaging. o Reducing exposure of students and children of students to second-hand smoke. o Improving academic support services. o Streamlining procedures at registration. o Improving the quality and affordability of food available for purchase. o Improving Student Accommodation Services. o Discussion of Student Life budget. ITEM I. LEGISLATIVE MATTERS REPORT Discussion Mr. Tim J. Elverman, lobbyist, Hubbard, Wilson & Zelenkova Government Relations, reported on: • Federal Issues o Pell Grant funding in 2012. o Association of Community College Trustees National Legislative Summit. • State Issues o Government Accountability Board rule regarding use of Wisconsin Technical College System student identification cards for voting purposes. o Hearing on AB353 dealing with makeup of Wisconsin Technical College boards. o Vocational High School Diplomas Bill. o Assembly Bill 462: Unemployment Compensation Benefits for Those Affected by a Strike or Labor Dispute. ITEM J. PUBLIC TELEVISION COMMITTEE REPORT Discussion Ms. Wilson gave highlights of the January 17, 2012, Public Television Committee meeting. Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board January 24, 2012 Page 5 ITEM K. EDUCATION, SERVICES, AND INSTITUTIONAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT Discussion Ms. Baker requested Vicki J. Martin, Ph.D., provost and executive vice president, review the action items since the ESIR Committee had not met in January. Action Items ESIR-2 Resolution (E0036-1-12) to Approve Previously Approved Apprentice Program Approval for Program Titled Environmental Service Technician (50-432-3) Discussion Dr. Martin introduced Ms. LeeAnn Mikula, manager, Curriculum, who reviewed the requirements for the program approvals, and Mr. Nick Triscari, instructor, Technology and Applied Sciences, who reviewed the Environmental Service Technician program. Motion It was moved by Ms. Baker, seconded by Mr. Webber, to approve Resolution (E0036-1-12) to Approve Previously Approved Apprentice Program Approval for Program Titled Environmental Service Technician (50-432-3). Action Motion approved. Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board January 24, 2012 Page 6 EDUCATION, SERVICES, AND INSTITUTIONAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT continued ESIR-3 Resolution (E0037-1-12) to Approve Scope Proposal for Program Titled Advertising and Design Management (10-201-X) ESIR-4 Resolution (E0038-1-12) to Approve Scope Proposal for Program Titled Web/Mobile App Designer (10-206-X) ESIR-6 Resolution (E0040-1-12) to Approve Scope Proposal for Program Titled Audio Production (10-701-X) ESIR-7 Resolution (E0041-1-12) to Approve Scope Proposal for Program Titled Mobile App Designer (31-206-X) Discussion Dr. Martin introduced Richard Busalacchi, Ed.D., associate dean, School of Business and School of Media and Creative Arts, and Mr. Ellis Bromberg, dean, School of Media and Creative Arts, who reviewed the concept and needs of the proposed programs. Motion It was moved by Ms. Baker, seconded by Mr. Webber, to approve Resolution (E0037-1-12) to Approve Scope Proposal for Program Titled Advertising and Design Management (10-201-X), Resolution (E0038-1-12) to Approve Scope Proposal for Program Titled Web/Mobile App Designer (10-206-X), Resolution (E0040-1-12) to Approve Scope Proposal for Program Titled Audio Production (10701-X), and Resolution (E0041-1-12) to Approve Scope Proposal for Program Titled Mobile App Designer (31-206-X). Action Motion approved. Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board January 24, 2012 Page 7 EDUCATION, SERVICES, AND INSTITUTIONAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT continued ESIR-5 Resolution (E0039-1-12) to Approve Scope Proposal for Program Titled Food Manufacturing Quality/Production (10-623-X) ESIR-8 Resolution (E0042-1-12) to Approve Scope Proposal for Program Titled Food Manufacturing Mechanical Maintenance (31-623-X) ESIR-9 Resolution (E0043-1-12) to Approve Scope Proposal for Program Titled Food Manufacturing Production (31623-X) ESIR-10 Resolution (E0044-1-12) to Approve Scope Proposal for Program Titled Food Manufacturing Quality/Science (31-623-X) Discussion Dr. Busalacchi introduced Mohammad Dakwar, Ph.D., dean, School of Business, who reviewed the proposed programs. Motion It was moved by Ms. Baker, seconded by Dr. Monroe, to approve Resolution (E0039-1-12) to Approve Scope Proposal for Program Titled Food Manufacturing Quality/Production (10-623-X), Resolution (E0042-1-12) to Approve Scope Proposal for Program Titled Food Manufacturing Mechanical Maintenance (31-623-X), Resolution (E0043-1-12) to Approve Scope Proposal for Program Titled Food Manufacturing Production (31-623-X), Resolution (E0044-1-12) to Approve Scope Proposal for Program Titled Food Manufacturing Quality/Science (31-623-X). Action Motion approved. Policy Approval K-1 Policy G0050 – Freedom of Speech and Expression Motion It was moved by Ms. Baker, seconded by Mr. Webber, to approve Policy G0050 – Freedom of Speech and Expression. Action Motion approved. Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board January 24, 2012 Page 8 ITEM L. FINANCE, PERSONNEL AND OPERATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT Action Items FPO-6 Resolution (F0045-01-12) Authorizing the Sale of $1,500,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2011-2012(F) of Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin Discussion Ms. Rebekah Freitag, Robert W. Baird & Co. Incorporated, distributed and reviewed the Final Pricing Summary for the $1,500,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2011-2012(F). Motion It was moved by Mr. Royal, seconded by Mr. Michalski, to approve Resolution (F0045-01-12) Authorizing the Sale of $1,500,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2011-2012(F) of Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin. Action Motion approved, the roll call vote being as follows: Ayes: Baker, Earle, Katz, Michalski, Monroe, Royal, Webber, Wilson, and Holmes – 9. Noes: None. FPO-7 Resolution (F0046-01-12) Authorizing the Issuance of $1,500,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2011-2012(G) of Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin Motion It was moved by Mr. Royal, seconded by Mr. Michalski, to approve Resolution (F0046-01-12) Authorizing the Issuance of $1,500,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2011-2012(G) of Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin. Action Motion approved, the roll call vote being as follows: Ayes: Earle, Katz, Michalski, Monroe, Royal, Webber, Wilson, Baker, and Holmes – 9. Noes: None. Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board January 24, 2012 Page 9 FINANCE, PERSONNEL AND OPERATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT continued FPO-8 Resolution (F0047-01-12) to Approve FY2011-2012 Budget Modification Discussion James E. Williams, CPA, Ed.D., vice president, Finance, reviewed the budget modification. Motion It was moved by Mr. Royal, seconded by Mr. Michalski, to approve Resolution (F0047-01-12) to Approve FY2011-2012 Budget Modification. Action Motion approved, the roll call vote being as follows: Ayes: Katz, Michalski, Monroe, Royal, Webber, Wilson, Baker, Earle, and Holmes – 9. Noes: None. FPO-9 Building Trades Pay Adjustment Motion It was moved by Mr. Royal, seconded by Mr. Michalski, to approve the Building Trades Pay Adjustment. Action Motion approved. Discussion Item FPO-11 Milwaukee Area Technical College FY2012-2013 Budget Development Assumptions Discussion Dr. Williams reviewed the budget development assumptions. Information Items FPO-10 Budget Variance Report Six Months Year-to-Date Ended December 31, 2011, FY2011-2012 Discussion Dr. Williams reviewed the budget variance report. FPO-14 Quarterly Out-of-Country Travel Report Discussion Mr. Royal presented the Quarterly Out-of-Country Travel Report as information. Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board January 24, 2012 Page 10 FINANCE, PERSONNEL AND OPERATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT continued FPO-17 Milwaukee Area Technical College Sustainability Initiatives October through December 2011. Discussion Mr. Royal presented the sustainability initiatives as information. ITEM M. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS 1. Communications and Petitions None. 2. Information Items None. ITEM N. OLD BUSINESS/NEW BUSINESS 1. Future Agenda Items How board members can contribute to student success. 2. Date of Next Meeting Tuesday, February 28, 2012, 5:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting, Downtown Milwaukee Campus, Board Room (M210). ITEM O. PRESIDENT’S QUARTERLY EVALUATION Motion It was moved by Ms. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Webber, to convene into Closed Session pursuant to Section 19.85(1)(c) of the Wisconsin Statutes to discuss Item O., President’s Quarterly Evaluation, to discuss performance data of the president over whom the board exercises responsibility. The board may reconvene into Open Session to take action on matters discussed in Closed Session. Action Motion approved, the roll call vote being as follows: Ayes: Michalski, Monroe, Royal, Webber, Wilson, Baker, Earle, Katz, and Holmes – 9. Noes: None. Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board January 24, 2012 Page 11 Closed Session The board convened into Closed Session at 6:13 p.m. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Thomas A. Michalski Secretary Attachment FPO - 2 BOARD BILLS LIST The following bills are to be presented for approval at the meeting of the Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board, State of Wisconsin, to be held on 02-28-12. Check No. Company For Amount BILLS PAYABLE RECAPITULATION Month of January 2012 Payments for encumbrances and monthly expenditures were made for the following funds: General Fund Special Revenue Fund-Operational Special Revenue Fund-Non Aidable Enterprise Fund Capital Projects Fund Debt Service Fund Internal Service Fund Public Television Fund Total Expenditures Secretary 6,633,760.470 64,763.910 12,188.400 1,337,284.270 2,112,199.740 2,661,577.070 470,844.100 $ Chair 13,292,618 BOARD BILLS LIST The following bills are to be presented for approval at the meeting of the Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board, State of Wisconsin, to be held on 02-28-12. Bank Transfer Payments January 2012 Humana Health and Dental Insurance Claims $ - Humana Health and Dental Insurance Premiums $ 1,250,065.34 UMR Health Insurance Claims $ 749,567.06 M & I Investment Management Fees $ 49.44 Bank Service Charges $ 842.41 Merchant Service Credit Card Fees $ 21,721.92 Wisconsin Retirement System $ 1,710,919.56 OPEB Trust Transfers $ Federal Payroll Tax $ 2,906,815.65 State Payroll Tax $ 961,239.86 State, County, and Stadium Sales Tax $ 26,020.62 - Debt Service Fund Wire Payments January 2012 General Obligation Debt Series N/A Interest Principal Attachment FPO - 3 Financial Report MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DEPOSITS AND INVESTMENTS FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY 2012 AMOUNT MARSHAL & ILSLEY BANK ACCOUNTS 18,613 ALLOCATION RATE OF % RETURN 0.02% 0.09% . J P MORGAN CHASE BANK ACCOUNTS 110,465,857 CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT WISCONSIN LOCAL GOVERNMENT INVESTMENT POO 99.45% 0.15% - 0.00% 0.00% 1,501 0.00% 0.13% 593,274 111,079,245 0.53% 100% 0.01% M&I INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT CORPORATION: COMMERCIAL PAPER SHORT TERM CORPORATE BONDS GOVERNMENT OBLIGATIONS FUND USA TREASURY BILLS USA TREASURY NOTES 593,274 - CASHFLOW -- ALL FUNDS Fiscal Year 2012 140.00 120.00 Millions 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 - FY10-11 ACTUAL FY11-12 PROJECTED FY11-12 ACTUAL SHEET-ALL JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE FY10-11 ACTUAL 89.70 100.61 107.29 95.92 82.72 49.12 112.30 122.46 112.28 123.43 110.22 96.78 FY11-12 FY11-12 PROJECTED ACTUAL 89.31 89.45 95.91 95.41 99.89 99.36 91.19 93.39 74.73 77.53 43.54 44.02 110.53 111.08 102.66 87.73 94.11 79.78 57.47 Page 1 CASHFLOW -- OPERATING FUNDS Fiscal Year 2012 80 70 60 Millions 50 40 30 20 10 0 FY10-11 ACTUAL FY11-12 PROJECTED FY11-12 ACTUAL SHEET-OP FUNDS JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE FY10-11 ACTUAL 44.80 53.20 48.20 40.27 29.27 14.36 63.50 70.18 60.62 68.46 55.55 52.62 FY11-12 FY11-12 PROJECTED ACTUAL 48.166 48.28 53.055 52.23 38.76 38.44 31.417 33.54 17.984 20.56 6 6.09 58.53 58.71 64.95 50.2 55.9 41.9 35.8 Page 1 CASHFLOW -- CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Fiscal Year 2012 40.00 35.00 30.00 Millions 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 - FY10-11 ACTUAL FY11-12 PROJECTED FY11-12 ACTUAL SHEET-CAP FUNDS JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE FY10-11 ACTUAL 27.60 26.33 36.86 33.13 31.92 30.93 28.80 27.27 26.02 27.25 27.28 26.43 FY11-12 FY11-12 PROJECTED ACTUAL 22.60 22.62 20.29 20.63 37.30 37.57 35.69 35.90 34.71 34.83 34.00 34.20 32.00 32.35 12.11 11.53 10.11 9.18 6.67 Page 1 CASHFLOW -- DEBT SERVICE FUND Fiscal Year 2012 35.00 30.00 Axis Title 25.00 20.00 FY10-11 ACTUAL 15.00 FY11-12 PROJECTED FY11-12 ACTUAL 10.00 5.00 - SHEET-DEBT SERV JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE FY10-11 ACTUAL 17.30 21.08 22.23 22.52 21.54 3.83 20.00 25.01 25.64 27.72 27.40 17.73 FY11-12 PROJECTED 18.54 22.56 23.83 24.08 22.04 3.54 20.00 25.60 26.00 28.10 28.70 15.00 FY11-12 ACTUAL 18.55 22.55 23.36 23.95 22.14 3.73 20.02 Page 1 Attachment FPO - 4 matc HUMAN RESOURCES REPORT February 2012 Eighty-nine transactions are included in the report for January. Appointments Sixty-two appointments occurred during the reporting period, thirty-two of which are faculty appointments and thirty of which are staff appointments. Included in the faculty appointments are two full-time limited term faculty and thirty part-time regular faculty. Included in the staff appointments are fourteen full-time regular staff, two full-time limited term staff, four full-time temporary staff, seven part-time casual staff and three part-time limited term staff. Twenty-one males and forty-one females comprise the appointments. Represented in that total are four black females, six black males, three Hispanic females and one Asian female. Fiscal year-to-date, total appointments are two-hundred-eighty-eight. Included in that total are one-hundred-twenty-two males (42.4%) and one-hundred-sixty-six females (57.6%). Minority hires total ninety-six (33.3%), including sixty black (20.8%), twenty-six Hispanic (9.0%), five Asian (1.7%) and five Native American (1.7%). This Month Year-to-date YTD Percent White Male Female 15 33 89 103 66.7% Black Male Female 6 4 22 38 20.8% Hispanic Male Female 0 3 8 18 9.0% Asian Male Female 0 1 1 4 1.7% Native American Male Female 0 0 2 3 1.7% Total Male Female 21 41 122 166 42.4% 57.6% Changes in Status The seventeen changes in status during this reporting period represent four transfers, two extensions of limited term assignments, two part-time to full-time movements, five promotions, two changes in shift, one extension of unpaid leave of absence and one limited term assignment. Ten females and seven males comprise the changes in status. Included in that total are five black females, two black males and two Hispanic females. Separations The ten separations represent four voluntary terminations, four voluntary terminations – retirement eligible and two involuntary terminations. Eight males and two females comprise the separations. Included in that total are one black male and one Hispanic male. TRANSACTION SUMMARY REPORT FOR JANUARY 2012 APPOINTMENTS CHANGES IN STATUS SEPARATIONS BUSINESS 3 0 1 4 HEALTH SCIENCES 1 0 0 1 28 (9) 0 2 (1) 30 (10) MEDIA & CREATIVE ARTS 1 0 0 1 PRE-COLLEGE 0 1 (1) 0 1 (1) TECHNOLGY & APPLIED 2 1 (1) 3 6 (1) 8 (2) 0 0 8 (2) DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 0 1 0 1 EMPLOYEE AND LEGAL 0 0 2 (1) 2 (1) 1 (1) 8 (3) 0 9 (4) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1 0 0 1 PUBLIC TELEVISION 12 0 1 13 STUDENT SERVICES 5 (2) 6 (4) 1 12 (6) 0 0 0 0 62 (14) 17 (9) 10 (2) 89 (25) DIVISION OR SCHOOL LIBERAL ARTS & SCIENCES **AA TOTAL SCIENCES ACADEMIC SERVICES SERVICES FINANCE WORKFORCE & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TOTALS BY CATEGORY TOTAL TRANSACTIONS FOR THE MONTH **Affirmative Action totals in parentheses. 89 (25) Non-represented Salary Schedule Effective July 1, 2011 Exempt Salary Grade Title Minimum Mid-Point Maximum 917 916 915 914 913 912 911 Vice President Associate Vice President, Dean Associate Dean, Director Assistant Dean, Manager Coordinator Senior Specialist, Supervisor Specialist $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Salary Grade Title Minimum Mid-Point Maximum 904 903 902 901 Senior Technician Administrative Specialist Assistant Aide $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 127,453 88,670 78,547 63,108 55,505 45,851 41,025 164,347 119,909 106,510 85,576 75,264 62,174 55,629 201,240 151,148 134,472 108,043 95,022 78,496 70,232 Non-Exempt 43,591 37,906 32,961 23,870 59,112 51,399 44,696 32,366 74,631 64,891 56,429 40,863 Human Resources Report February 2012 Appointments Division or School Employee Name Employee Status Job Title Type of Transaction Start Date End Date Salary Education Business Edward L. Eisberner Mercedes M. Fisher Laura M. Steele Part-Time Regular Full-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Instructor, Office Technology (part-time) Associate Dean, Business Instructor, Culinary Arts (part-time) Replacement Replacement Replacement 01/18/12 01/17/12 01/23/12 $52.3370/Hour $90,000/Annual $30.1069/Hour M.A., UW-Eau Claire Ph.D., University of Denver B.A., UW-Milwaukee Health Sciences Linda M. Brand Part-Time Regular Instructor, Medical Assistant (part-time) Replacement 02/06/12 $36.0349/Hour A.A.S., Gateway Technical College Liberal Arts & Sciences Mame L. Camara Jonathan P. Cardew S. Elizabeth Florian Elizabeth A. Gordon Kimya D. Green Rebecca A. Haggith Carla A. Hart Angie L. Henegar Nora L.D. Hochstetter Patricia A. Kosharek Rachel M. Leahy Maureen R. MacVane Rebecca L. Mattano Janet H. Matthews Marjorie A. May Kelli C. Moore Zacharia N. Nchinda Francis Ngaboh-Smart Dike F. Okoro Anne Perry Meredith K. Reeves Jeanne B. Schroeder Penny M. Schwanz Luz M. Sosa Jennifer A. Tinklenberg Thomas J. Vollman Chih-Yen Wang Michael R. Wendt Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Full-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Part-Time Limited Term Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Full-Time Limited Term Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Full-Time Limited Term Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Instructor, French (part-time) Instructor, English (part-time) Instructor, English (part-time) Instructor, Earth Science (part-time) Transcription Technician Instructor, Psychology (part-time) Instructor, Reading (part-time) Instructor, Spanish (part-time) Instructor, English (part-time) Instructor, English (part-time) Instructor, Psychology (part-time) Instructor, Reading (part-time) Instructor, Earth Science (part-time) Associate Dean, Liberal Arts & Sciences Instructor, Spanish (part-time) Instructor, English (part-time) Instructor, History Instructor, English (part-time) Instructor, English (part-time) Instructor, Spanish (part-time) Instructor, English (part-time) Instructor, AODA (part-time) Instructor, Biology Instructor, Economics (part-time) Instructor, Anatomy & Physiology (part-time) Instructor, English (part-time) Instructor, English (part-time) Instructor, English (part-time) Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement 01/19/12 01/17/12 01/17/12 01/23/12 02/06/12 01/30/12 02/15/12 01/17/12 01/18/12 01/18/12 01/30/12 01/18/12 01/23/12 02/06/12 01/17/12 01/18/12 01/23/12 01/17/12 01/17/12 01/23/12 01/17/12 01/23/12 01/20/12 01/17/12 01/23/12 01/17/12 01/17/12 01/18/12 $30.1069/Hour $38.9990/Hour $30.1069/Hour $41.9629/Hour $20.6072/Hour $40.4809/Hour $30.1069/Hour $30.1069/Hour $30.1069/Hour $38.9990/Hour $40.4809/Hour $38.9990/Hour $38.9990/Hour $46.5400/Hour $30.1069/Hour $30.1069/Hour $76,677/Annual $41.9629/Hour $41.9629/Hour $41.9629/Hour $41.9629/Hour $41.9629/Hour $74,145/Annual $38.9990/Hour $38.9990/Hour $40.4809/Hour $30.1069/Hour $38.9990/Hour M.A., University of Western Ontario M.A., Sheffield Hallam University M.A., UW-Milwaukee Ph.D., SUNY Binghamton High school graduate B.A., Illinois Wesleyan University M.A., Walden University M.A., UW-Milwaukee M.A., UW-Madison M.A., Mt. Mary College M.A., Marquette University M.A., UW-Milwaukee M.S., UW-Stevens Point Ph.D., Marquette University Ph.D., University of California Santa Cruz M.A., California State Polytechnic University Ph.D., UW-Milwaukee Ph.D., University of Georgia Ph.D., UW-Milwaukee M.A., UW-Milwaukee M.A., Cardinal Stritch University Ph.D., Marquette University M.A., Alverno College M.S., Marquette University M.S., UW-Milwaukee M.A., UW-Milwaukee M.A., University of Northern Iowa M.A., University of Colorado - Denver Media & Creative Arts James W. Buivid Part-Time Regular Instructor, Photography (part-time) Replacement 01/18/12 $36.0349/Hour B.A., UW-Green Bay Pre-College None Technology & Applied Sciences Ronald A. Koplin Michael N. McGurk Part-Time Regular Part-Time Regular Instructor, Electronics (part-time) Instructor, Welding (part-time) Replacement Replacement 01/26/12 02/13/12 $40.4809/Hour $50.8550/Hour M.B.A., University of Phoenix B.A., National Labor College Academic Services Derick C. Cornelius Jon E. Duprey James E. Garris Troy C. Klein Amie M.H. McMahon Timothy Pemberton Jessica J. Skinner Akente A. Ward Part-Time Limited Term Part-Time Casual Part-Time Casual Part-Time Casual Part-Time Casual Part-Time Casual Part-Time Casual Part-Time Casual Educational Assistant, Tutoring Services Tutor Tutor Tutor Tutor Tutor Tutor Tutor, SI Mentor Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement 02/13/12 01/13/12 01/25/12 01/18/12 01/13/12 01/13/12 01/24/12 01/04/12 $24.4941/Hour $10.00/Hour $10.00/Hour $10.00/Hour $10.00/Hour $10.00/Hour $10.00/Hour $12.00/Hour M.A., Alverno College A.A.S., MATC B.S., University of Cincinnati B.B.A., UW-Madison A.A.S., MATC B.A., UW-Milwaukee B.A., University of Oklahoma M.B.A., Ottowa University District Administration None Employee & Legal Services None Finance Thomas W. Stevens Full-Time Regular Building Services Associate Replacement 01/30/12 $16.5280/Hour High school graduate 05/31/12 05/21/12 05/21/12 06/30/12 05/21/12 05/21/12 05/21/12 05/21/12 05/21/12 05/21/12 05/21/12 Human Resources Report February 2012 Appointments Division or School Information Technology Employee Name Brian D. Carlson Employee Status Full-Time Regular Job Title Manager, Teaching and Learning Type of Transaction Start Date End Date Salary Replacement 01/17/12 $69,000/Annual Education M.A., Michigan State University Human Resources Report February 2012 Appointments Division or School Employee Name Employee Status Job Title Type of Transaction Start Date End Date Salary Education Public Television Pamela R. Behling Maureen M. Bradley Paul J. Fedor Sharon B. Fischer-Toerpe Courtney A. Harding Margaret T. Mathias Shelley D. Schaffer Kimberly A. Sosa Colleen M. Todor John A. Unser Karen F. Van Hoof Jerome A. Wilcenski Full-Time Regular Full-Time Regular Full-Time Regular Full-Time Regular Full-Time Regular Full-Time Regular Full-Time Limited Term Full-Time Regular Full-Time Regular Full-Time Regular Full-Time Regular Full-Time Limited Term Senior Specialist, Special Events Coordinator, Underwriting Specialist, Media Specialist, Auction/Major Gifts Assistant, Underwriting Assistant, Member Programs Specialist, Events/Volunteers Coordinator, Membership Assistant, Membership Benefits Specialist, Online Assistant, Major/Planned Giving Specialist, Auction/Major Gifts New New New New New New New New New New New New 01/23/12 01/23/12 01/23/12 01/23/12 01/23/12 01/23/12 02/13/12 01/23/12 01/23/12 01/23/12 01/23/12 02/13/12 09/13/12 $47,000/Annual $52,458/Annual $41,200/Annual $46,173/Annual $34,980/Annual $34,458/Annual $1,708/Biweekly $76,491/Annual $40,457/Annual $45,460/Annual $34,000/Annual $1,572/Biweekly B.A., Alverno College High school graduate B.A., UW-Milwaukee M.A., UW-Madison B.A., UW-Milwaukee B.A., North Central College M.S., UW-Madison B.A., UW-Milwaukee B.A., UW-Oshkosh Certifications, WCTC B.A., Alverno College B.S., University of Minnesota Student Services Joanna A. Cervantes Laura A. Dolla Andrea L. Foley Jasmine N. Moss Peggy J. Pomplin Full-Time Temporary Full-Time Temporary Full-Time Temporary Full-Time Temporary Part-Time Limited Term Office Associate (seasonal) Office Associate (seasonal) Office Associate (seasonal) Office Associate (seasonal) Student Services Specialist New New New New Replacement 02/07/12 02/07/12 02/07/12 02/07/12 01/04/12 04/30/12 04/30/12 04/30/12 04/30/12 01/31/12 $16.0585/Hour $16.0585/Hour $16.0585/Hour $16.0585/Hour $27.9609/Hour High school graduate A.A.S., WCTC B.A., UW-Milwaukee High school graduate B.A., UW-Whitewater Workforce & Economic Development None 09/13/12 Human Resources Report February 2012 Changes In Status Type of Transaction Start Date End Date Replacement 01/30/12 06/30/12 Remains the same Transfer From Word Processing Associate, Health Sciences, Milwaukee Replacement to Word Processing Associate, Emergency Medical Services, Oak Creek 03/06/12 06/30/12 Remains the same Transfer From Word Processing Technician, Admissions, Milwaukee to Word Processing Technician, District Administration, Mequon Replacement 02/20/12 Remains the same James K. Bingenheimer Promotion;Transfer Replacement 02/15/12 From $20.1666 to $20.9698/Hour Linda M. Downey Promotion Replacement 02/20/12 From $24.6420 to $25.4750/Hour Paul A. Dunker Part-Time to Full-Time; Promotion Replacement 03/02/12 From $15.2952 to $19.5594/Hour Jeffrey E. Lang Promotion Replacement 02/07/12 From $23.8383 to $25.1422/Hour Kristin J. Manz Part-Time to Full-Time Limited Term Replacement 01/30/12 John P. Newton Promotion Replacement 02/08/12 From $22.3683 to $23.5080/Hour Ronald L. Phillips Kimberly D. Williams Change in Shift Change in Shift From Building Services Assistant, Operations, West Allis to Building Services Technician, Operations, Oak Creek From Word Processing/Key Service Specialist, Engineering Services to Lock & Key Service Specialist, Engineering Services From Culinary Assistant, Food Service to Courier/Receiving & Shipping Assistant, Shipping & Receiving From Building Services Assistant, Operations, Milwaukee to Building Services Technician, Operations, MEC South From Child Development Specialist, Milwaukee to Child Development Specialist, West Allis From Building Services Assistant, Operations, Milwaukee to Building Services Technician, Operations, Milwaukee Building Services Assistant, Milwaukee Building Services Associate, Milwaukee Replacement Replacement 02/20/12 02/20/12 Remains the same Remains the same Replacement 02/06/12 06/30/12 Remains the same Replacement Replacement Replacement 01/01/12 01/01/12 02/06/12 06/30/12 02/05/12 06/30/12 Remains the same Remains the same From $20.6072 to $23.3838/Hour Replacement 02/19/12 01/12/12 07/01/12 06/30/12 From $23.2935 to $41.8501/Hour Division or School Employee Name Personnel Action Job Title Business None Health Sciences None Liberal Arts & Sciences None Media & Creative Arts None Pre-College Maty L. Lopez Transfer From Office Associate (seasonal), Bookstore, Oak Creek to Office Associate, Bilingual Education, Milwaukee Technology & Applied Sciences Lourdes R. Stehling Academic Services None District Administration Barbara J. Pinkowsky Employee & Legal Services None Finance Information Technology None Public Television None Student Services Kerry D. Moore Transfer Jessica P. Podlewski Adija P. Smith Adija P. Smith Extension of Limited Term Assignment Extension of Limited Term Assignment Promotion; Transfer Barbara L. Toles Brian J. Weiland Extension of Unpaid Leave of Absence Limited Term Assignment Workforce & Economic Development None Office Associate (seasonal), Bookstore, Mequon to Word Processing Associate, Enrollment Services, Milwaukee Office Associate (seasonal), Student Life, Milwaukee Office Technician (seasonal), Student Life, Milwaukee From Office Technician (seasonal), Student Life, Milwaukee to Customer Service Representative, Mequon Student Services Specialist From Disability Specialist, Special Accommodations to Guidance Counselor, Counseling 05/18/12 Salary Remains the same Human Resources Report February 2012 Separations Division or School Employee Name Ending Reason Job Title Effective Date Business L.C. Andersen Voluntary Termination - Retirement Eligible Instructor, IT-Programming Development 05/21/12 Health Sciences None Liberal Arts & Sciences Paul W. Gleason Carlos Perez-Pena Voluntary Termination Voluntary Termination - Retirement Eligible Instructor, English (part-time) Instructor, Natural Science 01/08/12 05/21/12 Media & Creative Arts None Pre-College None Technology & Applied Sciences Charles P. Bleau Ronald D. Karbel Jody P. Poston Voluntary Termination - Retirement Eligible Voluntary Termination Voluntary Termination Instructor, Electricity Instructor, Electricity (part-time) Educational Assistant, West Allis 05/21/12 01/07/12 02/03/12 Academic Services None District Administration None Employee & Legal Services George F. Esler Sydney M. Robinson Voluntary Termination - Retirement Eligible Voluntary Termination Public Safety Officer II Public Safety Officer I 03/16/12 01/16/12 Finance None Information Technology None Public Television William J. Bye Involuntary Termination Television Engineer 02/03/12 Student Services Jessica E. Steeber Involuntary Termination Office Specialist, Grants 01/13/12 Workforce & Economic Development None Attachment FPO - 5 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION REPORT OF MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE For the Period October 1, 2011 - December 31, 2011 Submitted by: Dr. Michael Burke Prepared by: Dr. Pablo Cardona Nina Powell INTRODUCTION This report provides a comparative analysis regarding Affirmative Action employment statistics for the Milwaukee Area Technical College for the period October 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011. The report includes a general summary page, which highlights statistical data on district population, district workforce, MATC workforce, ethnic/racial minority workforce, and female employees. The Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) job categories are used in this report to show both current employment data and comparisons with the previous quarter (July 1, 2011 to September 30, 2011). A summary of complaints of discrimination and harassment filed internally with the MATC Affirmative Action office and externally with the State of Wisconsin - Equal Rights Division, and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is included. Cases filed with State and Federal Courts are also included. agency. The summary includes date, nature of complaint and STATISTICAL HIGHLIGHTS October 1, 2011 – December 31, 2011 PROFILE OF FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES DISTRICT STATISTICS District Population District Labor Force 1,050,133 270,789 MATC EMPLOYMENT Average Length of Service (Years) 16.03 Percent Minority 36.26 Full-Time Regular and Funded Employees 1277 Part-Time Employees 1356 Percent Female 58.26 New Full-Time Employees 19 MAJOR FINDINGS Four hundred sixty three (36.26%) of our 1277 full-time employees are ethnic minorities. During this quarter, minorities increased by thirty two, females increased by forty two and males increased by twenty five. In the Executive/Managerial/Administrative employment category, minorities decreased by one, males increased by two and females decreased by one. In the Faculty employment category, minorities increased by seven, males increased by six and females increased by seventeen. In the Professional/Non Instructional category, minorities increased by four, males increased by two and females increased by six. In the Secretarial/Clerical category, minorities increased by nine, males increased by two and females increased by six. In the Service Maintenance category, minorities increased by thirteen, males increased by thirteen and females increased by six. In the Skilled Craft category, all categories remain unchanged. In the Technical/Paraprofessional category, minorities remain unchanged, males increased by two and females increased by one. SUMMARY OF INTERNAL & EEOC/ERD/OCR AGENCY COMPLAINTS/COURT CASES October 1, 2011 – December 31, 2011 INTERNAL COMPLAINTS Pending Cases NATURE OF CASE 0 0 4 Sexual Harassment Age/Gender Discrimination/Disability Discrimination/Harassment/Hostile Work Environment TOTAL = 4 13 1 8 0 Cases were Filed between October 1, 2011 - December 31, 2011 Case was Dismissed between October 1, 2011 – December 31, 2011 Cases were Resolved between October 1, 2011 – December 31, 2011 Cases were Referred to General Counsel between October 1, 2011 - December 31, 2011 EEOC/ERD/OCR AGENCY COMPLAINTS Number of Complaints NATURE OF COMPLAINT 2 Disability Discrimination 1 Arrest Record Discrimination 6 Age/Race/Sex Discrimination 0 National Origin Discrimination TOTAL = 9 3 Cases were Filed between October 1, 2011 - December 31, 2011 2 Case were Dismissed between October 1, 2011 - December 31, 2011 2 Cases were Resolved between October 1, 2011 – December 31, 2011 WERC Complaints Pending Cases NATURE OF CASE 0 Prohibited Practice 0 Unit Clarification Petitions TOTAL = 0 0 Cases were filed in WERC between October 1 and December 31 2011 0 Cases were Resolved between October 1 and December 31 2011 Affirmative Action Report -3- October 1, 2011 – December 31, 2011 COURT CASES Pending Cases 1 1 TOTAL = 2 NATURE OF CASE Personal Injury Title VII and Section 1981 Race & Retaliation 0 Cases were Filed between October 1, 2011 - December 31, 2011 1 Case was Dismissed between October 1, 2011 - December 31, 2011 0 Cases were Resolved between October 1, 2011 - December 31, 2011 Affirmative Action Report -4- October 1, 2011 – December 31, 2011 GLOSSARY OF TERMS ADVERSE IMPACT: An employment policy, practice, or procedure has adverse impact if it results in the disqualification of affirmative action group members at a significantly greater rate than members of other groups. The enforcement agencies will generally regard a selection rate for any group which is less than four-fifths (4/5) or 80% of the rate for other groups as constituting evidence of adverse impact. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: means specific actions in employment which are designed and taken for the purposes of all of the following: a) Ensuring equal opportunity. b) c) Eliminating a substantial disparity between the proportions of members of racial and ethnic, gender or Disabled groups either in job groups within the classified civil service, or in similar functional groups in the unclassified service, and the proportion of members of racial and ethnic, gender or Disabled groups in relevant labor pool. Eliminating present effects of past discrimination. AA is a Commitment to achieving the intent of equal opportunity legislation through a detailed set of objectives and plans designed to achieve prompt and full utilization of minorities, women and persons with disabilities at all levels and in all areas of the work force. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION GROUPS: means one or more of the following: a) b) c) HANDICAPPED/DISABLED: groups mean individuals who: a) Have a physical or mental impairment which makes achievement unusually difficult or limits the capacity to work; b) Have a record of such an impairment, or; c) Are perceived as having such an impairment. HARASSMENT: Any statement, remark or action which affects an individual's or groups employment, or creates an offensive, hostile, or intimidating work environment. JOB GROUP: means a set of classifications combined by the department on the basis of similarity in required training or skills, responsibility, pay range and nature of work. LABOR FORCE: Includes all persons, 16 years or older who are employed or unemployed but looking for work. RACIAL/ETHNIC MINORITY: means American Indians or Alaskan Natives, Asians or Pacific Islanders, Blacks, and Hispanics as defined as follows: a) American Indians or Alaskan Natives means persons descended from any of the original peoples of North America who possess 1/4 degree of documented tribal descendants, or are enrolled with a federally or state recognized tribe, or are recognized by a federally or state recognized tribe as American Indians for state affirmative action purposes. b) Asians or Pacific Islanders mean persons descended from any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Indian Subcontinent, or the Pacific Islands. c) Blacks means persons descended from any of the Black racial groups of Africa. Racial or ethnic groups. Gender groups. Disabled groups. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM: means specific results oriented standards, procedures and initiatives designed to ensure equal employment opportunity and to eliminate effects of past discrimination. APPLICANT POOL: All people who have applied for a particular job or jobs during a particular period of time. AVAILABILITY: The percentage of minorities and women who have the requisite skills in the labor pool on a statewide or regional basis (See Underutilization). DISCRIMINATION: means unlawful actions or practices which constitute unequal or different treatment of, or create an unequal or different effect on an individual or group of people, on the basis of age, race, creed or religion, color, Disabled, sex, marital status, national origin or ancestry, political affiliation, arrest or conviction record, sexual orientation, or other bases specified under Wis. Stats. § 111 (II). EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: All personnel actions including hire, tenure or term, and condition or privilege of employment are based on the ability to perform the duties and responsibilities assigned to the particular position without regard to age, race, creed or religion, color, disability, marital status, sex, arrest or conviction record, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, political affiliation or membership in the National Guard. d) Hispanics mean persons of Chicano, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central American or South American culture or origin, regardless of race. SEXUAL HARASSMENT: Deliberate or repeated, unsolicited verbal comments, gestures or physical contact of a sexual nature which are unwelcome. UNDERUTILIZATION: Having fewer minorities or women in a particular job group than would reasonably be expected by their availability in the relevant labor force. EEO JOB CATEGORIES: Executives/Managerial/Administrative (EEO1): Occupations in which employees set broad policies, exercises overall responsibility for execution of these policies, or direct individual departments or special phases of the agencies' operations, or provide specialized consultation on a region, district or area basis. Includes: department heads, bureau chiefs, divisions chiefs, directors, deputy directors, controllers, examiners, wardens, superintendents, unit supervisors, sheriffs, police and fire chiefs and inspectors and kindred workers. Faculty (EEO2): Occupations which require specialized and theoretical Affirmative Action Report -5- October 1, 2011 – December 31, 2011 knowledge which is usually acquired through college training or through work experience or other training which provides comparable knowledge. Includes: teachers or instructors, police and fire captains and lieutenants and kindred workers. Professional Non-instructional (EEO3): Occupations which require specialized and theoretical knowledge which is usually acquired through college training or through work experience or other training which provides comparable knowledge. Includes: personnel and labor relations workers, social workers, doctors, psychologists, registered nurses, economists, dietitians, lawyers, system analysts, accountants, engineers, employment and vocational rehabilitation counselors, teachers or instructors, police and fire captains and lieutenants and kindred workers. Secretarial/Clerical(EEO4): Occupations in which workers are responsible for internal and external communication, recording and retrieval of data and/or information and other paperwork required in an office. Includes: bookkeeper, messengers, office machine operators, clerk-typists, stenographers, court transcribers, hearing reporters, statistical clerks, dispatchers, license distributors, payroll clerks and kindred workers. Technicians/Paraprofessionals (EEO5): Occupations which require a combination of basic scientific and technical knowledge and manual skill which can be obtained through specialized post-secondary school education or through equivalent on-the-job training. Includes: computer programmers and operators, draftsmen, surveyors, licensed practical nurses, photographers, radio operators, technical illustrators, technicians (medical, dental, electronic, physical sciences), assessors, inspectors, police and fire sergeants and kindred workers. Occupations in which workers perform some of the duties of a professional or technician in a support role which usually require less formal training and/or experience normally required for professional or technical status. Such positions may fall within an identified pattern of staff development and promotion under a "New Careers" concept. Includes: library assistants, research assistants, medical aides, child support workers, policy auxiliary, welfare service aides, and kindred workers. Skilled Trades (EEO6): Occupations in which workers perform jobs which require special manual skill and a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the processes involved in the work which is required through on-the-job training and experience or through apprenticeship or other formal training programs. Includes: mechanics or repairmen, electrician, heavy equipment operators, stationary engines, skilled machining occupations, carpenters, compositors and typesetters and kindred workers. Service/Maintenance (EEO7): Occupations in which workers perform duties which result in or contribute to the comfort, convenience, hygiene or safety of the general public or which contribute to the upkeep and care of buildings, facilities or grounds of public property. Workers in this group may operate machinery. Includes: chauffeurs, laundry and dry cleaning operatives, truck drivers, bus drivers, garage laborers, custodial personnel, gardeners and groundskeepers, refuse collectors, construction laborers. Affirmative Action Report -6- October 1, 2011 – December 31, 2011 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION REPORT 1 QTR 2011 CATEGORY TOTAL FEMALES Black Total Minorities RACIAL / ETHNIC GROUPS White Hispanic Am. Indian Asian Males No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % 103 49 47.57 28 27.18 61 59.22 10 9.71 1 0.97 4 3.88 54 52.43 43 41.75 105 50 47.62 28 26.67 63 60.00 10 9.52 1 0.95 4 3.81 55 52.38 43 40.95 -2 -1 -0.05 0 0.52 -2 -0.78 0 0.18 0 0.02 0 0.07 -1 0.05 0 0.80 565 274 48.50 84 14.87 410 72.57 42 7.43 5 0.88 23 4.07 291 51.50 154 27.26 556 273 49.10 84 15.11 403 72.48 40 7.19 5 0.90 23 4.14 283 50.90 152 27.34 9 1 -0.61 0 -0.24 7 0.08 2 0.24 0 -0.01 0 -0.07 8 0.61 2 -0.08 147 94 63.95 32 21.77 80 54.42 20 13.61 5 3.40 10 6.80 53 36.05 67 45.58 146 92 63.01 32 21.92 78 53.42 21 14.38 5 3.42 10 6.85 54 36.99 68 46.58 1 2 0.93 0 -0.15 2 1.00 -1 -0.78 0 -0.02 0 -0.05 -1 -0.93 -1 -1.00 196 195 1 191 190 1 97.45 97.44 0.01 65 66 -1 33.16 33.85 -0.68 120 118 2 61.22 60.51 0.71 8 8 0 4.08 4.10 -0.02 1 1 0 0.51 0.51 0.00 2 2 0 1.02 1.03 -0.01 5 5 0 2.55 2.56 -0.01 76 77 -1 38.78 39.49 -0.71 Exec, Admin, Mgr Current Previous Change Faculty Current Previous Change Prof, Non Instructional Current Previous Change Secretarial, Clerical Current Previous Change CATEGORY TOTAL FEMALES Black RACIAL / ETHNIC GROUPS White Hispanic Am. Indian Asian Males Total Minorities No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % 133 129 4 66 65 1 49.62 50.39 -0.76 66 66 0 49.62 51.16 -1.54 56 53 3 42.11 41.09 1.02 6 6 0 4.51 4.65 -0.14 3 2 1 2.26 1.55 0.71 2 2 0 1.50 1.55 -0.05 67 64 3 50.38 49.61 0.76 77 76 1 57.89 58.91 -1.02 12 12 0 1 1 0 8.33 8.33 0.00 1 1 0 8.33 8.33 0.00 11 11 0 91.67 91.67 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 1 0 8.33 8.33 0.00 169 168 1 90 90 0 53.25 53.57 -0.32 27 27 0 15.98 16.07 -0.10 115 114 1 68.05 67.86 0.19 16 16 0 9.47 9.52 -0.06 2 2 0 1.18 1.19 -0.01 9 9 0 5.33 5.36 -0.03 79 78 1 46.75 46.43 0.32 54 54 0 31.95 32.14 -0.19 1325 765 57.74 303 22.87 853 64.38 102 7.70 17 1.28 50 3.77 549 41.43 472 35.62 1311 761 58.05 304 23.19 840 64.07 101 7.70 16 1.22 50 3.81 539 41.11 471 35.93 14 4 -0.31 -1 -0.32 13 0.30 1 -0.01 1 0.06 0 -0.04 10 0.32 Service, Maintenance Current Previous Change Skilled Craft Current Previous Change Technical Current Previous Change Totals Current Previous Change 1 -0.30 Attachment FPO - 6 PROCUREMENT REPORT February 2012 The Procurement report consists of: • Part I External Contracts • Part II Procurements • Part III Contracts for Services • Part IV Construction Contracts • Part V Lease Agreements Each month the board approves contracts, procurements and services related to the operation of the College. The current items for board approval are: I. External Contracts None II. Procurements 1. Advertising Expenditures for Milwaukee Public TV January February March III. Actual Estimated Estimated $7,012.67 $0.00 $12,000.00 Minority Media Percentage was 14% Minority Media Percentage is 10-12% Minority Media Percentage is 10-12% $8,758.67 $4,223.45 $53,006.08 Minority Media Percentage was 46% Minority Media Percentage is 10-12% Minority Media Percentage is 10-12% 2. Advertising Expenditures for MATC 3. 2011 International Lift truck with Commander 4045 boom – Dueco Brand Dueco Inc Waukesha, WI $195,000 4. Tooling Equipment for CNC machines MSC Tooling Pewaukee, WI $61,577.19 January February March Actual Estimated Estimated Contracts for Services 1. Culinary Restaurant Equipment Boelter Company Glendale, WI $250,553 1 IV. Construction Contracts 1. RENOVATION AND REMODELING IT Infrastructure Improvements & Regional Telepresence Rooms Allcon, LLC, Milwaukee, WI $1,756,572.00 2. V. RENOVATION AND REMODELING MEC-South 3rd Floor HVAC Rooftop Unit & Distribution System Burkhart Construction Corp. Butler, WI $225,225.00 Lease Agreements None 2 Part II: PROCUREMENTS Item 1: Advertising Expenditures for Milwaukee Public TV Background Information Advertising and publicity expenditures are coordinated through an advertising/media firm. T he advertising firm was selected through a f ormal request for proposal process. The advertising agency manages production and media placement. Channels 10/36 station media expenses were submitted for review to the Public Television Committee and are herewith submitted to the Finance, Personnel and Operations Committee for review and for presentation to the Board. College and station media purchases are executed through Eichenbaum & Associates, Milwaukee, WI which receives a c ommission for its placements. C hannel 10/36 advertising and publicity services placed in January 2012 plus estimates for February 2012 and March 2012 are listed below and in the attachments. January 2012 Actual advertising expenditures Minority Media percentage was 14% $7,012.67 February 2012 Advertising estimates Minority Media percent target is 10-12% $0.00 March 2012 Advertising estimates Minority Media percent target is 10-12% $12,000.00 Detailed information by month is attached, along with a fiscal year summary page. 3 Part II: PROCUREMENTS Item 1: Advertising Expenditures for Milwaukee Public TV Detail page for January Actual EICHENBAUM / ASSOCIATES 219 North Milwaukee Street Milwaukee, WI 53202 P: 414.225.0011 / F: 414.225.0022 Milwaukee Public TV Media January, 2012 Actual Advertising Objectives: Special Programming Media Budget: $7,012.67 Online Out-of-Home "Around the Corner w/ McGivern" Digital Boards $2,448.53 Print Radio "Around the Corner w/ McGivern" $4,564.14 Direct Mail Target Minority Owned Media Percentage: 10-12% of media cost Hispanic-Owned WJTI-AM $352.62 African American-Owned WLDB-FM $605.88 4 14% $958.50 PROCUREMENTS Item 1: Advertising Expenditures for Milwaukee Public TV Detail page for February Estimate Milwaukee Public TV Media EICHENBAUM / ASSOCIATES 219 North Milwaukee Street Milwaukee, WI 53202 P: 414.225.0011 / F: 414.225.0022 February, 2012 Estimate Advertising Objectives: Media Budget: $0.00 Online Out-of-Home Print Radio Direct Mail Target Minority Owned Media Percentage: 10-12% of media cost Hispanic-Owned African American-Owned 5 Part II: PROCUREMENTS Item 1: Advertising Expenditures for Milwaukee Public TV Detail page for March Estimate EICHENBAUM / ASSOCIATES 219 North Milwaukee Street Milwaukee, WI 53202 P: 414.225.0011 / F: 414.225.0022 Milwaukee Public TV Media March, 2012 Estimate Advertising Objectives: Pledge Media Budget: $12,000.00 Online Out-of-Home Print Radio Pledge $12,000.00 Direct Mail Target Minority Owned Media Percentage: 10-12% of media cost Hispanic-Owned WJTI-AM $400.00 African American-Owned WLDB-FM $800.00 6 10% $1,200.00 Part II: PROCUREMENTS Item 1: Advertising Expenditures for Milwaukee Public TV Monthly Actual Milwaukee Public Television Media EICHENBAUM / ASSOCIATES MINORITY SPENDING REPORTS FY2012: July 2011 - June 2012 (Media amounts by month billed) 219 North Milwaukee Street Milwaukee, WI 53202 P: 414.225.0011 / F: 414.225.0022 AS OF 12/28/2011 Month July August September October November December January February March April May June Total TOTAL MEDIA SPENDING (ALL TARGETS) Radio $0.00 $0.00 $12,438.74 $2,493.80 $4,388.20 $16,169.65 $4,564.14 TV $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Print $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,607.04 $803.52 $0.00 $0.00 Outdoor $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11,018.38 $3,672.80 $0.00 $2,448.53 Online $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,013.24 $2,013.24 $0.00 $0.00 Placed directly through MPTV $0.00 $0.00 $1,650.00 $0.00 $0.00 $600.00 $0.00 $40,054.53 $0.00 $2,410.56 $17,139.71 $4,026.48 $2,250.00 7 Total Media Placements $0.00 $0.00 $14,088.74 $17,132.46 $10,877.76 $16,769.65 $7,012.67 $65,881.28 Part II: PROCUREMENTS Item 2: Advertising Expenditures for MATC Background Information Advertising and publicity expenditures are coordinated through an advertising/media firm. T he advertising firm was selected through a formal request for proposal process. The actual placement of the advertising is then treated as sole source procurement. The advertising agency manages production and media placement. College media expenses are herewith submitted to the Finance, Personnel and Operations Committee for review and for presentation to the Board. College media purchases were executed through Advertising, Boelter and Lincoln, Milwaukee, WI, which receives a c ommission for placements made. MATC advertising and publicity services placed in January 2012 plus estimates for February 2012 and March 2012 are listed below and in the attachments. January 2012 Advertising expenditures Minority Media percent was 46% $8,758.67 February 2012 Advertising estimate Minority Media percent target is 10-12% $4,223.45 March 2012 Advertising estimate Minority Media percent target is 10-12% $53,006.08 8 Part II: PROCUREMENTS Item 2: Advertising Expenditures for MATC Detail page for January Actual Milwaukee Area Technical College Media EICHENBAUM / ASSOCIATES 219 North Milwaukee Street Milwaukee, WI 53202 P: 414.225.0011 / F: 414.225.0022 January, 2012 Actual Advertising Objectives: Print Media Budget: $8,758.67 Out-of-Home Print MMAC Annual Membership & Biz Resource Guide MJS: Reinvention Section Milwaukee Times Milwaukee Community Journal Milwaukee Courier El Conquistador Spanish Journal $3,468.75 $1,256.91 $761.77 $1,142.66 $617.03 $532.14 $979.41 Radio Television Target Minority Media Percentage: 10-12% of media cost E/A - Production & Marketing Services Total Expenditure: 9 46% $0.00 $8,758.67 Part II: PROCUREMENTS Item 2: Advertising Expenditures for MATC Detail page for February Estimate Milwaukee Area Technical College Media EICHENBAUM / ASSOCIATES 219 North Milwaukee Street Milwaukee, WI 53202 P: 414.225.0011 / F: 414.225.0022 February, 2012 Estimate Advertising Objectives: Print Media Budget: $4,223.45 Online Out-of-Home Print Milwaukee Courier Milwaukee Community Journal Milwaukee Times Spanish Journal El Conquistador $617.03 $571.33 $1,523.54 $979.41 $532.14 Radio Television Target Minority Media Percentage: 10-12% of media cost 100% E/A - Production & Marketing Services $0.00 Total Estimated Expenditure: 10 $4,223.45 Part II: PROCUREMENTS Item 2: Advertising Expenditures for MATC Detail page for March Estimate Milwaukee Area Technical College Media EICHENBAUM / ASSOCIATES 219 North Milwaukee Street Milwaukee, WI 53202 P: 414.225.0011 / F: 414.225.0022 March, 2012 Estimate Advertising Objectives: Out-of-Home Print Television Media Budget: $53,006.08 Online Out-of-Home Bulletins: 3/5/12 - 3/31/12 $20,487.89 Print Milwaukee Community Journal Milwaukee Times Spanish Journal El Conquistador $571.33 $761.77 $652.95 $532.14 Radio Television March Flight $30,000.00 Target Minority Media Percentage: 10-12% of media cost E/A - Production & Marketing Services 5% $0 Total Estimated Expenditure: 11 $53,006.08 Part II: PROCUREMENTS Item 2: Advertising Expenditures for MATC Monthly Actual Milwaukee Area Technical College Media EICHENBAUM / ASSOCIATES MINORITY SPENDING REPORTS FY2012: July 2011 - June 2012 (Media amounts by month billed) 219 North Milwaukee Street Milwaukee, WI 53202 P: 414.225.0011 / F: 414.225.0022 AS OF 1/31/2012 Month July August September October November December January February March April May June Total TOTAL MEDIA SPENDING (ALL TARGETS) Radio $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TV $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $40,006.25 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Print $0.00 $0.00 $9,668.35 $7,888.62 $1,680.78 $3,089.51 $8,758.67 Outdoor $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $21,246.71 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Online $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Placed directly through MATC $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $40,006.25 $31,085.93 $21,246.71 $0.00 $0.00 12 Total Media Placements $0.00 $0.00 $9,668.35 $69,141.58 $1,680.78 $3,089.51 $8,758.67 $92,338.89 Part II: PROCUREMENTS Item 3: 2011 International Lift truck with Commander 4045 boom – Dueco Brand Background Technical and Applied Sciences requested a new truck for the Line Mechanic Program. The new truck will be used to train students for local employers, such as We-Energies. Sole Source - We-Energies, a local employer, provided a letter stating they utilize this brand of equipment and hire MATC students. Dueco Inc, Waukesha, WI $195,000 Positive action by the Board on this item will authorize the award to Dueco Inc of Waukesha, WI. 13 Part II: PROCUREMENTS Item 4: Tooling Equipment for CNC machines Background To continue to work towards the goals in the advanced Manufacturing lab in the ECAM center MATC needs to purchase this tooling which is a vital component of meeting our program goals as well as meeting the goals set forth for our ECAM center. We have been running without sufficient tooling. These tooling purchases will allow us to provide a higher quality educational experience for our students and a higher quality graduate that our local businesses have come to expect from our manufacturing programs. These tools will not only benefit our CNC program students but the students that will be taking our advanced certificate programs set to begin this fall semester. The tooling is advanced tools/instruments that are exactly reflective of current professional industry standards. Sole Source – Cooperative Purchasing through an existing contract DOA 15-54500-200 MSC Tooling, Pewaukee, WI $61,577.19 Positive action by the Board on this item will authorize the issuance of the award to MSC Tooling. 14 Part III: CONTRACTS FOR SERVICES Item 1: Culinary Restaurant Equipment Background The Culinary Program is relocating the restaurant and kitchen to the first floor of the Main Campus. A bid process was used to solicit competitive prices from five suppliers. Bid 12-15 was issued and responses reviewed. Boelter Company was the low bidder. Boelter Company, Glendale, WI Kitchen Specialist, West Allis, WI Superior Equipment, Milwaukee, WI $250,553* $264,814 $271,487 Positive action by the Board on this item will authorize issuance of the award to Boelter Company. 15 Part IV: Item 1: CONSTRUCTION RENOVATION AND REMODELING IT Infrastructure Improvements & Regional Telepresence Rooms Background Information Previously, the Board approved lists of renovation and remodeling capital projects for various budget years. The projects and funding plans have also been approved as part of the respective fiscal year budget approvals. The subject project deals with Information Technology (IT) infrastructure improvements throughout the District needed to support the forthcoming IP phone system and for a Telepresence Room at each of the three regional campuses. The contract recommended for approval below is for a single prime contract that pertains to the general construction for the work described above. Bid documents for the aforementioned work were prepared in accordance with Board policies and State regulations, and advertisements were placed in the Daily Reporter, the Milwaukee Courier and the Spanish Journal. The bids were opened on February 9, 2012 with the following results which includes the Base Bid and Alternate Bids 1 & 3: GENERAL CONSTRUCTION WORK (Comprehensive Single Prime) Absolute Construction Enterprises, Inc., Racine, WI Allcon, LLC, Milwaukee, WI Burkhart Construction Corp., Butler, WI Creative Constructors, LLC, Menomonee Falls, WI KPH Construction Corp., Milwaukee, WI Triad Construction, Inc., West Allis, WI Wm. Sackerson Construction Co., Inc., Cudahy, WI $1,942,000.00 $1,756,572.00* $1,988,050.00 $1,902,100.00 $1,942,525.00 $1,809,210.00 $1,991,445.00 Proposals were evaluated, and the low qualified bid, as indicated by the asterisk, has met specifications. There were no challenges to the bid document or the manner in which the successful bidder was selected. Positive action by the Board on this item will authorize the issuance of a contract in the amount shown to the firm indicated by the asterisk. 16 Part IV: CONSTRUCTION Item 2: RENOVATION AND REMODELING MEC-South 3rd Floor HVAC Rooftop Unit & Distribution System Background Information Previously, the Board approved lists of renovation and remodeling capital projects for various budget years. The projects and funding plans have also been approved as part of the respective fiscal year budget approvals. The subject project deals with Milwaukee Enterprise Center (MEC)-South 3rd Floor HVAC Rooftop Unit & Distribution System. The contract recommended for approval below is for a single prime contract that pertains to the HVAC and related work for the project described above. Bid documents for the aforementioned work were prepared in accordance with Board policies and State regulations, and advertisements were placed in the Daily Reporter, the Milwaukee Courier and the Spanish Journal. The bids were opened on February 7, 2012 with the following results which includes the Base Bid only: HVAC & RELATED WORK (Comprehensive Single Prime) Arteaga Construction, Inc., Milwaukee, WI Burkhart Construction Corp., Butler, WI Creative Constructors, LLC, Menomonee Falls, WI J & H Heating, Inc., Port Washington, WI $238,000.00 $225,225.00* $271,000.00 $225,599.00 Proposals were evaluated, and the low qualified bid, as indicated by the asterisk, has met specifications. There were no challenges to the bid document or the manner in which the successful bidder was selected. Positive action by the Board on this item will authorize the issuance of a contract in the amount shown to the firm indicated by the asterisk. 17 ESIR-6 Student Demographic Trends and Profiles 1 MATC TREND: Student Age Breakdown 35% 32% 30% 31% 30% 31% 27% 30% 25% 20% 17% 17% 16% 16% 16%16% 15% 10% 7% 7% 7% 17-18 19-24 25-34 35-44 45 & Older 5% 0% FY2005 FY2010 FY2011 Source: WTCS; Data based on those self-reporting; Sums do not add to 100% due to rounding 2 MATC TREND: Student Gender Breakdown 52.0% 51.8% 51.4% 50.6% 51.0% 50.0% 49.0% 49.4% 48.6% 48.2% Male Female 48.0% 47.0% 46.0% FY2005 FY2010 FY2011 Source: WTCS; Data based on those self-reporting 3 MATC TREND: Student Race & Ethnicity 60% 56% 51% 48% 50% 40% 30% 26% 20% 13% 10% 30% 29% 4% 1% 14% 4% 1% 0% FY2005 FY2010 15% African American Hispanic Asian American American Indian White 5% 1% FY2011 Source: WTCS; Data based on those self-reporting 4 MATC PROFILE: FY2011 Student Residency Breakdown Non-Metro Counties, 4% Washington Co., 2% Racine Co., 3% Ozaukee Co., 4% Waukesha Co., 5% Milwaukee Co., 82% Source: WTCS Report VE215320A ; Note: Data based on those self-reporting 5 Student Success 6 MATC TREND: Overall College Course Completion 80% 70% 60% 77% 76% 75% 73% 67% 62% 59% 59% 65% 66% 66% 62% 62% 55% 54% 64%63% 63% 58% 56% 53% Overall White Pacific Is. Asian American 50% 40% 30% Hispanic American Indian 20% African American 10% 0% FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 Source: WTCS; Data based on those self-reporting; Sums do not add to 100% due to rounding 7 MATC Trend: Post-secondary Course Completion 80% 70% 77% 75%73% 70% 69% 78% 77% 71% 71% 73% 70% 68% 65% 61% 60% 57% 74% 71% 65% 64% 59% 57% Overall 50% White Pacific Is. Asian American 40% Hispanic American Indian African American 30% 20% 10% 0% FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 MATC Trends: Associate Degree Program Course Completion Rate Source: WTCS 70.00% 68.66% 68.00% 66.00% 63.79% 63.59% 64.00% 61.89% 62.00% 60.30% 60.00% 58.00% 56.00% FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 9 MATC Trends: Associate Degree Minority Course Completion Rate Source: WTCS 70.00% 59.74% 60.00% 55.34% 46.09% 50.00% 48.73% 53.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 10 MATC Trends: Technical Diploma Program Course Completion Source: WTCS 70% 65% 60% 53% 54% 52% 50% FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% FY2007 Proportion Completing 80% of Courses 11 MATC Trends: Technical Diploma Minority Course Completion Rate Source: WTCS 60% 56% 50% 50% 39% 40% 39% 42% 30% 20% 10% 0% FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 Proportion Passing 80% of Courses 12 MATC Trend: Pre-College Course Completion 60% 59% 58% 60% 54%54% 51% 50% 47% 45% 53% 47% 43% 42% 44% 42% 39%38% 40% 54% 52% 33% 37% 36% 30% Overall White Pacific Is. Asian American Hispanic American Indian African American 20% 10% 0% FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 Student Retention 14 MATC TRENDS: Fall-to-Spring Persistence Rate First-Time Degree-Seeking Students 90.0% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% 74.4% 67.0% 77.0% 67.3% 76.2% 61.3% 74.8% 64.0% 80.4% 79.7% 69.5% 67.4% FA2006 FA2007 FA2008 FA2009 FA2010 FA2011 (N=1,899) (N=1,760) (N=1,771) (N=2,031) (N=2,232) (N=2,161) FT Rate PT Rate Source: COSMO & SSDW data bases Note: Persistence data are based on end of the Spring term..Percentages denote the proportion who enrolled for the first time in the fall term and who had re-enrolled in the following spring term: e.g., FA2006= fall term of 2005-2006 academic year, and so on. 15 MATC TRENDS: Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate First –Time Degree-Seeking Students 56.0% 54% 54.0% 52.0% 50.0% 48.0% 51% 50% 53% 52% 47% 54% 51% 47% 48% 46.0% 44.0% 42.0% FA2006 FA2007 FA2008 FA2009 FA2010 (N=1,899) (N=1,760) (N=1,771) (N=2,031) (N= 2,232) FT Rate PT Rate Source: IPEDS & CSRDE Note: 5th week of fall term used as the base for computing percentages. Percentages denote the proportion who enrolled for the first time in the fall term and who had re-enrolled in the following fall term: e.g., FA2006= fall term of 2005-2006 academic year with re-enrollment in FA2007 and so on. Rates cannot be updated until the spring. 16 MATC TRENDS: FA2010 Comparative Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate First-Time Degree-Seeking Students 80.0% 70.0% 70.0% 60.0% 57.0% 58.0% 57.0% 57.0% 52.0% 50.0% 45.0% 40.0% 40.0% 55.0% 51.0% 42.0% 51.0% 50.0% 44.0% 36.0% 38.0% 54.0% 48.0% 47.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% El Paso CC Portland CC CC of Balt. CC of Bunker Hill Co. Allegheny Co. CC FT Rate CC of Phil. Cuyahoga CC St. Louis CC Cincinnati TCC MATC PT Rate Source: IPEDS & CSRDE; 5th week of fall term used as the base. Note: Percentages denote the proportion who enrolled for the first time in the fall term noted below and who had re-enrolled in the following fall term; The horizontal blue line denotes full-time college average (56%), a 1% decline from last year; The horizontal red line denotes part-time college average (44%), a 5% increase. The colleges are ordered by their previous year’s full-time rate from left (highest) to right (lowest), so that MATC leap-frogged past three colleges over the past year. Attachment FPO - 7 $1,500,000.00 Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2011-2012G RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF $1,500,000.00 GENERAL OBLIGATION PROMISSORY NOTES, SERIES 2011-2012G Resolution F0048-02-12 WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 67.12(12) of the Wisconsin Statutes, as amended (the “Act”), the Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin (the “District”), is authorized to issue notes of the District in the aggregate amount of $1,500,000.00 for the public purpose of financing $1,500,000.00 of building remodeling and improvement projects, consisting of projects included in the District's 2011-2012 building remodeling and improvement program (the public purpose project described above is hereafter referred to as the “Public Purpose”); and WHEREAS, on January 24, 2012, the District authorized the issuance of $1,500,000.00 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2011-2012G (the “Notes”) for the Public Purpose; and WHEREAS, the District has prepared and distributed a Preliminary Official Statement (the “Preliminary Official Statement”) dated February 21, 2012 describing the Notes and the security therefor; and WHEREAS, the District has examined proposed documentation for the Notes (collectively, the “Note Documents”), as follows: (a) an Official Notice of Sale issued by the District and a Parity Bid Form (the “Note Purchase Agreement”) to be entered into between the District and the Underwriter, providing for the sale of the Notes; and (b) the Preliminary Official Statement. WHEREAS, it is now expedient and necessary for the District to issue its general obligation promissory notes in the amount of $1,500,000.00 for the Public Purpose; NOW, THEREFORE, the District hereby resolves as follows: Section 1. Definitions. The following terms shall have the following meanings in this Resolution unless the text expressly or by implication requires otherwise: “Act” shall mean Section 67.12(12) of the Wisconsin Statutes; “Code” shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended; “Continuing Disclosure Agreement” shall mean the Continuing Disclosure Agreement, executed and delivered by the Issuer, dated March 15, 2012 (the “Continuing Disclosure Agreement”), delivered by the District for the purpose of complying with the requirements of Rule 15c2-12 promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended; “Dated Date” shall mean March 15, 2012; “Debt Service Fund” shall mean the Debt Service Fund of the District, which shall be the “special redemption fund” as such term is defined in the Act; “District” shall mean the Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin; “Fiscal Agent” shall mean the Treasurer of the District; “Governing Body” shall mean the Board of the District, or such other body as may hereafter be the chief legislative body of the District; “Initial Resolution” shall mean the “Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $1,500,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2011-2012G of Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin”, adopted by the Governing Body on November 22, 2011; “Note Registrar” means the Secretary of the District; “Notes” shall mean the $1,500,000.00 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2011-2012G, of the District; “Public Purpose” shall mean, the public purpose of financing $1,500,000.00 of building remodeling and improvement projects, consisting of projects included in the District's 2011-2012 building remodeling and improvement program; “Purchase Price” shall mean $1,503,300.00 ($1,500,000.00 par amount of Notes, plus premium of $9,508.00, less underwriter's discount of $6,208.00); “Record Date” shall mean the close of business on the fifteenth day of the calendar month next preceding any principal or interest payment date; “Securities Depository” means The Depository Trust Company, New York, New York, or its nominee; and “Underwriter” means UMB Bank, N.A. Section 2. Authorization of the Notes. For the purpose of financing the Public Purpose, there shall be borrowed on the full faith and credit of the District the sum of 2 $1,500,000.00; and fully registered general obligation promissory notes of the District are authorized to be issued in evidence thereof. Section 3. Sale of the Notes. To evidence such indebtedness, the Chairperson and the Secretary of the District are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to make, execute, issue and sell to the Underwriter for, on behalf of and in the name of the District, general obligation promissory notes in the aggregate principal amount of One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,500,000.00) for the Purchase Price, plus accrued interest to the date of delivery. Section 4. Terms of the Notes. The Notes shall be designated “General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2011-2012G”; shall be dated the Dated Date; shall be numbered one and upward; shall bear interest as shown on the Maturity Schedule below; shall be issued in denominations of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof; and shall mature on the dates and in the amounts as set forth below. Interest on the Notes shall accrue from the Interest Accrual Date and shall be payable semi-annually on June 1 and December 1 of each year, commencing on June 1, 2012. MATURITY SCHEDULE Maturity Date Principal Amount Interest Rate June 1, 2013 June 1, 2014 June 1, 2015 June 1, 2016 $350,000 $500,000 $500,000 $150,000 0.45% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% The Notes of this issue shall not be subject to call and payment prior to maturity. Section 5. Form, Execution, Registration and Payment of the Notes. The Notes shall be issued as registered obligations in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference. The Notes shall be executed in the name of the District by the manual signatures of the Chairperson and the Secretary, and may be sealed with its official or corporate seal, if any. The principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Notes shall be paid by the Fiscal Agent. Both the principal of and interest on the Notes shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America by the Fiscal Agent. Payment of principal of the final maturity on the Notes will be payable upon presentation and surrender of the Notes to the Fiscal Agent. Payment of principal on the Notes (except the final maturity) and each installment of interest shall be made to the registered owner of each Note who shall appear on the registration books of the District, maintained by the Note Registrar, on the Record Date and shall be paid by check or draft of the Fiscal Agent and mailed to such registered owner at the address appearing on such registration books or at such other address may be furnished in writing to such registered owner to the Note Registrar. Section 6. Note Proceeds. The sale proceeds of the Notes (exclusive of accrued interest, printing distribution and filing fees, and any premium received) shall, forthwith upon receipt, be placed in and kept by the District Treasurer as a separate fund to be known as the Promissory Notes, Series 2011-2012G, Borrowed Money Fund (hereinafter referred to as the “Borrowed Money Fund”). Moneys in the Borrowed Money Fund shall be used solely for the purposes for which borrowed or for transfer to the Debt Service Fund as provided by law. Section 7. Tax Levy. In order to provide for the collection of a direct annual tax sufficient in amount to pay and for the express purpose of paying the interest on the Notes as it falls due and also to pay and discharge the principal thereof at maturity, there is hereby levied upon all of the taxable property in the District, in addition to all other taxes, a nonrepealable, direct, annual tax in an amount sufficient for that purpose. This tax shall be from year to year carried into the tax roll of the District and collected in addition to all other taxes and in the same manner and at the same time. Said tax is to be for the following years and in the following minimum amounts: Year of Levy 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Amount of Tax $9,297.78 $362,287.50 $509,000.00 $504,000.00 $150,750.00 The District shall be and continue without power to repeal such levy or obstruct the collection of said tax until all such payments have been made or provided for. After the issuance of the Notes, said tax shall be carried into the tax rolls of the District and collected as other taxes are collected, provided that the amount of tax carried into said tax rolls with respect to the Notes may be reduced by the amount of any surplus money in the Debt Service Fund created pursuant to Section 8 below. If there shall be insufficient funds from the tax levy to pay the principal of or interest on the Notes when due, the said principal or interest shall be paid from other funds of the District on hand, said amounts to be returned when said taxes have been collected. There be and there hereby is appropriated from taxes levied by the District in anticipation of the issuance of the Notes and other funds of the District on hand a sum sufficient to be deposited in the Debt Service Fund to meet payments with respect to debt service due on June 1, 2012. The tax herein levied for the year 2011 shall be abated by the amount appropriated by this paragraph and deposited in the Debt Service Fund. 4 Section 8. Debt Service Fund. Within the debt service fund previously established within the treasury of the District, there be and there hereby is established a separate and distinct fund designated as the “Debt Service Fund for $1,500,000.00 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2011-2012G, dated March 15, 2012” (the “Debt Service Fund”), and such fund shall be maintained until the indebtedness evidenced by the Notes is fully paid or otherwise extinguished. The District Treasurer shall deposit in such Debt Service Fund (i) all accrued interest received by the District at the time of delivery of and payment for the Notes; (ii) the taxes herein levied for the specific purpose of meeting principal of and interest on the Notes when due; (iii) such other sums as may be necessary at any time to pay principal of and interest on the Notes when due; (iv) any premium which may be received by the District above the par value of the Notes and accrued interest thereon; (v) surplus moneys in the Borrowed Money Fund for the Notes; and (vi) such further deposits as may be required by Section 67.11 of the Wisconsin Statutes. No money shall be withdrawn from the Debt Service Fund and appropriated for any purpose other than the payment of principal of and interest on the Notes until all such principal and interest has been paid in full and canceled; provided (i) the funds to provide for each payment of principal of and interest on the Notes prior to the scheduled receipt of taxes from the next succeeding tax collection may be invested in direct obligations of the United States of America maturing in time to make such payments when they are due or in other investments permitted by law; and (ii) any funds over and above the amount of such principal and interest payments on the Notes may be used to reduce the next succeeding tax levy, or may, at the option of the District, be invested by purchasing the Notes as permitted by and subject to Section 67.11(2)(a) of the Wisconsin Statutes in interest-bearing obligations of the United States of America, in other obligations of the District or in other investments permitted by law, which investments shall continue as a part of the Debt Service Fund. When all of the Notes have been paid in full and canceled, and all permitted investments disposed of, any money remaining in the Debt Service Fund shall be deposited in the general fund of the District, unless the District Board directs otherwise. Section 9. Deposits and Investments. The Debt Service Fund shall be kept apart from moneys in the other funds and accounts of the District and the same shall be used for no purpose other than the prompt payment of principal of and interest on the Notes as the same becomes due and payable. All moneys therein shall be deposited in special and segregated accounts in a public depository selected under Chapter 34 of the Wisconsin Statutes and may be temporarily invested until needed in legal investments subject to the provisions of Sections 66.0603(1m) and 67.10(3) of the Wisconsin Statutes. All income derived from such investments shall be regarded as revenues of the District. No such investment shall be in such a manner as would cause the Notes to be “arbitrage bonds” within the meaning of Section 148 of the Code or the Regulations of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue thereunder. The District Treasurer shall, on the basis of the facts, estimates and circumstances in existence on the date of closing, make such certifications as are necessary to permit 5 the conclusion that the Notes are not “arbitrage bonds” under Section 148 of the Code or the Regulations of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue thereunder. Section 10. Sale of Notes. The terms, conditions and provisions of the Notes and the Note Documents are, in all respects, authorized and approved. The form of the Note Purchase Agreement is hereby approved. The Notes shall be sold and delivered in the manner, at the Purchase Price, plus interest accrued from the Interest Accrual Date to the closing date, pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in the Note Purchase Agreement. The preparation of the Preliminary Official Statement dated February 21, 2012, and the Final Official Statement dated February 28, 2012, and their use as contemplated in the Note Purchase Agreement, are hereby approved. The Preliminary Official Statement is “deemed final” as of its date, except for omissions or subsequent modifications permitted under Rule 15c2-12 of the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Chairperson and Secretary of the District are authorized and directed to do any and all acts necessary to conclude delivery of the Notes to the Underwriter, as soon after adoption of this Resolution as is convenient. Section 11. Book-Entry Only Notes. The Notes shall be transferable as follows: (a) Each maturity of Notes will be issued as a single Note in the name of the Securities Depository, or its nominee, which will act as depository for the Notes. During the term of the Notes, ownership and subsequent transfers of ownership will be reflected by book entry on the records of the Securities Depository and those financial institutions for whom the Securities Depository effects book entry transfers (collectively, the “Participants”). No person for whom a Participant has an interest in Notes (a “Beneficial Owner”) shall receive bond certificates representing their respective interest in the Notes except in the event that the Securities Depository or the District shall determine, at its option, to terminate the book-entry system described in this Section. Payment of principal of, and interest on, the Notes will be made by the Fiscal Agent to the Securities Depository which will in turn remit such payment of principal and interest to its Participants which will in turn remit such principal and interest to the Beneficial Owners of the Notes until and unless the Securities Depository or the District elect to terminate the book entry system, whereupon the District shall deliver bond certificates to the Beneficial Owners of the Notes or their nominees. Note certificates issued under this Section may not be transferred or exchanged except as provided in this Section. (b) Upon the reduction of the principal amount of any maturity of Notes, the Registered Noteowner may make a notation of such redemption on the panel of the Note, stating the amount so redeemed, or may return the Note to the District for exchange for a new Note in a proper principal amount. Such notation, if made by the Noteowner, may be made for reference only, and may not be relied upon by any other person as being in any way determinative of the principal amount of such Note Outstanding, unless the Note Registrar initialed the notation on the panel. 6 (c) Immediately upon delivery of the Notes to the purchasers thereof on the delivery date, such purchasers shall deposit the bond certificates representing all of the Notes with the Securities Depository. The Securities Depository, or its nominee, will be the sole Noteowner of the Notes, and no investor or other party purchasing, selling or otherwise transferring ownership of any Notes will receive, hold or deliver any bond certificates as long as the Securities Depository holds the Notes immobilized from circulation. (d) The Notes may not be transferred or exchanged except: (1) To any successor of the Securities Depository (or its nominee) or any substitute depository (“Substitute Depository”) designated pursuant to (ii) below, provided that any successor of the Securities Depository or any Substitute Depository must be a qualified and registered “clearing agency” as provided in Section 17A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended; (2) To a Substitute Depository designated by or acceptable to the District upon (a) the determination by the Securities Depository that the Notes shall no longer be eligible for depository services or (b) a determination by the District that the Securities Depository is no longer able to carry out its functions, provided that any such Substitute Depository must be qualified to act as such, as provided in subparagraph (1) above; or (3) To those persons to whom transfer is requested in written transfer instructions in the event that: (i) The Securities Depository shall resign or discontinue its services for the Notes and, only if the District is unable to locate a qualified successor within two months following the resignation or determination of noneligibility, or (ii) Upon a determination by the District that the continuation of the book entry system described herein, which precludes the issuance of certificates to any Noteowner other than the Securities Depository (or its nominee) is no longer in the best interest of the Beneficial Owners of the Notes. (e) The Depository Trust Company, New York, New York, is hereby appointed the Securities Depository for the Notes. Section 12. Undertaking to Provide Continuing Disclosure. The Chairperson and the Secretary of the District are hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the District, the Continuing Disclosure Agreement in connection with the Notes for the purpose of complying with the requirements of Rule 15c2-12 promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. 7 Section 13. Compliance with Federal Tax Laws. (a) The District represents and covenants that the project financed by the Notes and their ownership, management and use will not cause the Notes to be “private activity bonds” within the meaning of Section 141 of the Code, and the District shall comply with the provisions of the Code to the extent necessary to maintain the taxexempt status of the interest on the Notes. (b) The District also covenants to use its best efforts to meet the requirements and restrictions of any different or additional federal legislation which may be made applicable to the Notes, provided that in meeting such requirements the District will do so only to the extent consistent with the proceedings authorizing the Notes and the laws of Wisconsin, and to the extent there is a reasonable period of time in which to comply. Section 14. Rebate Fund. If necessary, the District shall establish and maintain, so long as the Notes are outstanding, a separate account to be known as the “Rebate Fund” for the purpose of complying with the rebate requirements of Section 148(f) of the Code. The Rebate Fund is for the sole purpose of paying rebate to the United States of America, if any, on amounts of bond proceeds held by the District. The District hereby covenants and agrees that it shall pay from the Rebate Fund the rebate amounts as determined herein to the United States of America. The District may engage the services of accountants, attorneys, or other consultants necessary to assist it in determining rebate amounts. Amounts held in the Rebate Fund and the investment income therefrom are not pledged as security for the Notes and may only be used to pay amounts to the United States. The District shall maintain or cause to be maintained records of such determinations until six (6) years after payment in full of the Notes and shall make such records available upon reasonable request therefor. Section 15. Defeasance. When all Notes have been discharged, all pledges, covenants and other rights granted to the owners thereof by this Resolution shall cease. The District may discharge all Notes due on any date by irrevocably depositing in escrow with a suitable bank or trust company a sum of cash and/or bonds or securities issued or guaranteed as to principal and interest of the U.S. Government, or of a commission, board or other instrumentality of the U.S. Government (“Government Obligations”), or of securities wholly and irrevocably secured as to principal and interest by Government Obligations and rated in the highest rating category of a nationally recognized rating service, maturing on the dates and bearing interest at the rates required to provide funds sufficient to pay when due the interest to accrue on each of said Note to its maturity or, at the District's option, if said Note is prepayable to any prior date upon which it may be called for redemption, and to pay and redeem the principal amount of each such Note at maturity, or at the District's option, if said Note is prepayable, at its earliest redemption date, with the premium required for such redemption, if any, provided that notice of the redemption of all prepayable Notes on such date has been duly given or provided for. 8 Section 16. Resolution a Contract. The provisions of this Resolution shall constitute a contract between the District and the owner or owners of the Notes, and after issuance of any of the Notes no change or alteration of any kind in the provisions of this Resolution may be made, except as provided in Section 18, until all of the Notes have been paid in full as to both principal and interest. The owner or owners of any of the Notes shall have the right in addition to all other rights, by mandamus or other suit or action in any court of competent jurisdiction, to enforce such owner's or owners' rights against the District, the Governing Body thereof, and any and all officers and agents thereof including, but without limitation, the right to require the District, its Governing Body and any other authorized body, to fix and collect rates and charges fully adequate to carry out all of the provisions and agreements contained in this Resolution. Section 17. General Authorizations. The Chairperson and the Secretary of the District and the appropriate deputies and officials of the District in accordance with their assigned responsibilities are hereby each authorized to execute, deliver, publish, file and record such other documents, instruments, notices and records and to take such other actions as shall be necessary or desirable to accomplish the purposes of this Resolution and to comply with and perform the obligations of the District under the Notes. The execution or written approval of any document by the Chairperson or Secretary of the District herein authorized shall be conclusive evidence of the approval by the District of such document in accordance with the terms hereof. In the event that said officers shall be unable by reason of death, disability, absence or vacancy of office to perform in timely fashion any of the duties specified herein (such as the execution of Notes), such duties shall be performed by the officer or official succeeding to such duties in accordance with law and the rules of the District. Any actions taken by the Chairperson and Secretary consistent with this Resolution are hereby ratified and confirmed. Section 18. Amendment to Resolution. After the issuance of any of the Notes, no change or alteration of any kind in the provisions of this Resolution may be made until all of the Notes have been paid in full as to both principal and interest, or discharged as herein provided, except: (a) the District may, from to time, amend this Resolution without the consent of any of the owners of the Notes, but only to cure any ambiguity, administrative conflict, formal defect, or omission or procedural inconsistency of this Resolution; and (b) this Resolution may be amended, in any respect, with a written consent of the owners of not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the principal amount of the Notes then outstanding; provided, however, that no amendment shall permit any change in the pledge of tax revenues of the District or the maturity of any Note issued hereunder, or a reduction in the rate of interest on any Note, or in the amount of the principal obligation thereof, or in the amount of the redemption premium payable in the case of redemption thereof, or change the terms upon which the Notes may be redeemed or make any other modification in the terms of the payment of such principal or interest 9 without the written consent of the owner of each such Note to which the change is applicable. Section 19. Illegal or Invalid Provisions. In case any one or more of the provisions of this Resolution or any of the Notes shall for any reason be held to be illegal or invalid, such illegality or invalidity shall not affect any other provision of this Resolution or of the Notes. Section 20. Conflicting Resolutions. All ordinances, resolutions, or orders, or parts thereof heretofore enacted, adopted or entered, in conflict with the provisions of this Resolution, are hereby repealed and this Resolution shall be in effect from and after its passage. [SIGNATURE PAGE TO FOLLOW] 10 Adopted: February 28, 2012. Melanie Cosgrove Holmes Chairperson of the District Attest: Thomas A. Michalski Secretary of the District Recorded on February 28, 2012. Thomas A. Michalski Secretary of the District [Signature Page of Sale Resolution] $1,500,000 Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2011-2012G EXHIBIT A UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF WISCONSIN MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT GENERAL OBLIGATION PROMISSORY NOTE, SERIES 2011-2012G Number Interest Rate Maturity Date Dated Date Principal Amount CUSIP R-___ ____% __________ ________, 2012 $_____ 602368 ____ FOR VALUE RECEIVED, Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin, promises to pay to CEDE & CO., or registered assigns, the principal sum of ___________________ ($_________) on the maturity date specified above, together with interest thereon from _________________, 2012 or the most recent payment date to which interest has been paid, unless the date of registration of this Note is after the 15th day of the calendar month immediately preceding an interest payment date, in which case interest will be paid from such interest payment date, at the rate per annum specified above, such interest being payable on June 1 and December 1 of each year, with the first interest on this issue being payable on ____________, 201__. The Notes of this issue shall not be subject to call and payment prior to maturity. Both principal hereof and interest hereon are hereby made payable to the registered owner in lawful money of the United States of America, and for the prompt payment of this Note with interest thereon as aforesaid, and the levying and collection of taxes sufficient for that purpose, the full faith, credit and resources of the District are hereby irrevocably pledged. The principal of this Note shall be payable only upon presentation and surrender of this Note to the District Treasurer at the principal office of the District. Interest hereon shall be payable by check or draft dated as of the applicable interest payment date and mailed from the office of the District Treasurer to the person in whose name this Note is registered at the close of business on the fifteenth day of the calendar month next preceding each interest payment date. This Note is transferable only upon the books of the District kept for that purpose by the District Secretary at the principal office of the District, by the registered owner in person or his duly authorized attorney, upon surrender of this Note together with a written instrument of transfer (which may be endorsed hereon) satisfactory to the District Secretary duly executed by the registered owner or his duly authorized attorney. Thereupon a new Note or Notes of the same aggregate principal amount, series and A-1 maturity shall be issued to the transferee in exchange therefor. The District may deem and treat the person in whose name this Note is registered as the absolute owner hereof for the purpose of receiving payment of or on account of the principal or interest hereof and for all other purposes. The Notes are issuable solely as negotiable, fully registered Notes without coupons in authorized denominations of $5,000 or any whole multiple thereof. This Note is one of an issue aggregating $1,500,000.00 issued pursuant to the provisions of Section 67.12(12) of the Wisconsin Statutes, for the public purpose of financing $1,500,000.00 building remodeling and improvement projects, consisting of projects included in the District's 2011-2012 building remodeling and improvement program (the public purpose project described above is hereafter referred to as the “Public Purpose”) and is authorized by a resolution of the District Board of the District, duly adopted by said District Board at its meeting duly convened on ___________, which resolution is recorded in the official book of its minutes for said date. It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions, things and acts required by law to exist or to be done prior to and in connection with the issuance of this Note have been done, have existed and have been performed in due form and time; that the aggregate indebtedness of the District, including this Note and others authorized simultaneously herewith, does not exceed any limitations imposed by law or the Constitution of the State of Wisconsin; and that the District has levied a direct, annual irrepealable tax sufficient to pay this Note, together with interest thereon when and as payable. No delay or omission on the part of the owner hereof to exercise any right hereunder shall impair such right or be considered as a waiver thereof or as a waiver of or acquiescence in any default hereunder. A-2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the District Board of Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin, has caused this Note to be signed on behalf of said District by its duly qualified and acting Chairperson and Secretary, and its corporate seal to be impressed hereon, all as of the date of original issue specified above. MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT, WISCONSIN By: Melanie Cosgrove Holmes Chairperson of the District Attest: Thomas A. Michalski Secretary of the District A-3 (Form of Assignment) FOR VALUE RECEIVED the undersigned hereby sells, assigns and transfers unto (Please print or typewrite name and address, including zip code, of Assignee) (Please print or typewrite Social Security or other identifying number of Assignee) the within Note and all rights thereunder, hereby irrevocably constituting and appointing (Please print or type name of Attorney) Attorney to transfer said Note on the books kept for the registration thereof with full power of substitution in the premises. Dated: NOTICE: The signature to this assignment must correspond with the name as it appears upon the face of the within Note in every particular without alteration or enlargement or any change whatever. Signature(s) guaranteed by: A-4 Milwaukee Area Technical College Final Pricing Summary February 28, 2012 John A. Mehan, Managing Director 777 East Wisconsin Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53202 Phone 414.765.3827 Fax 414.298.7354 Milwaukee Area Technical College Results of Competitive Bids $1,500,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2011-12G Bids Received by 9:30 A.M. (CT) Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Rank Bidder 1 2 UMB Bank, N.A. Hutchinson, Shockey, Erley & Co. True Interest Rate 0.8489% 0.9699 Page 1 Milwaukee Area Technical College Issue Summary Description: Amount: General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2011-12G $1,500,000 Dated Date: March 15, 2012 Settlement Date: March 15, 2012 Principal Due: Interest Due: Moody’s: Average Interest Rate: Winning Bidder/Purchaser: June 1, 2013 – 2016 June 1, 2012 and December 1, June 1 thereafter “Aa1” 0.9381% UMB Bank, N.A. Page 2 Milwaukee Area Technical College District $1,500,000 - UMB Bank N.A. (FINAL) General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2011-12G Dated/Settle: March 15, 2012 ; Noncallable Debt Service Schedule Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P+I Total 03/15/2012 06/01/2012 12/01/2012 06/01/2013 12/01/2013 06/01/2014 12/01/2014 06/01/2015 12/01/2015 06/01/2016 12/01/2016 350,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 150,000.00 - 0.450% 1.000% 1.000% 1.000% - 2,760.28 6,537.50 6,537.50 5,750.00 5,750.00 3,250.00 3,250.00 750.00 750.00 - 2,760.28 6,537.50 356,537.50 5,750.00 505,750.00 3,250.00 503,250.00 750.00 150,750.00 - 9,297.78 362,287.50 509,000.00 504,000.00 150,750.00 Total $1,500,000.00 - $35,335.28 $1,535,335.28 - Yield Statistics Bond Year Dollars Average Life Average Coupon $3,766.67 2.511 Years 0.9381048% Net Interest Cost (NIC) True Interest Cost (TIC) Bond Yield for Arbitrage Purposes All Inclusive Cost (AIC) 0.8504942% 0.8489001% 0.6825046% 0.8489001% IRS Form 8038 Net Interest Cost Weighted Average Maturity 0.6809410% 2.513 Years Page 3 Milwaukee Area Technical College District 2011-12 Financing Plan -- Calendar Year Basis * * CALENDAR YEAR GROSS EXISTING DEBT PAYMENTS LESS: BABs SUBSIDY NET EXISTING DEBT PAYMENTS * * * * * FINAL FINAL $1,500,000 SERIES 2011-12A Dated 7/14/11 $21,500,000 SERIES 2011-12B Dated 9/15/11 Average: 2.28% Average: 2.61% $29,976,741 $30,569,131 $24,925,275 $17,181,547 $10,176,078 $3,239,375 ($172,218) ($155,838) ($133,438) ($108,938) ($78,838) ($44,188) $29,804,524 $30,413,294 $24,791,838 $17,072,609 $10,097,241 $3,195,188 $116,068,148 ($693,455) $115,374,693 FINAL FINAL $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 SERIES SERIES SERIES 2011-12C 2011-12D 2011-12E Dated 10/13/11 Dated 11/15/11 Dated 12/15/11 FINAL FINAL PRELIMINARY PRELIMINARY PRELIMINARY $1,500,000 SERIES 2011-12F Dated 2/15/12 $1,500,000 SERIES 2011-12G Dated 3/15/12 $1,500,000 SERIES 2011-12H Dated 4/12/12 $1,500,000 SERIES 2011-12I Dated 5/15/12 $1,500,000 SERIES 2011-12J Dated 6/14/12 Average: 1.56% Average: 0.94% Average: 4.00% Average: 4.00% Average: 4.00% * * * 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 FINAL * * * * * * * * * * * * Average: 1.72% Average: 1.72% $12,653 $33,250 $379,750 $521,250 $510,000 $151,875 $2,659,685 $1,260,563 $5,551,063 $4,595,813 $4,487,031 $4,466,000 $27,200 $372,250 $516,750 $508,000 $151,500 $25,067 $372,250 $516,750 $508,000 $151,500 $1,608,778 $23,020,154 $1,575,700 $1,573,567 Average: 1.85% $26,431 $374,000 $516,750 $508,000 $151,500 $1,576,681 $38,167 $403,000 $536,000 $516,000 $153,000 $32,667 $403,000 $536,000 $516,000 $153,000 $27,833 $403,000 $536,000 $516,000 $153,000 $0 $197,667 $3,352,667 $12,949,667 $21,679,667 $30,089,667 $34,742,667 $1,560,640 $1,535,335 $1,646,167 $1,640,667 $1,635,833 $103,012,000 Equipment Borrowing of $16,000,000 per year. Remodeling Borrowings of $15,000,000 per year. (b) Mill rate based on 2010 & 2011 Equalized Valuation (TID OUT) of $74,330,954,837 & $72,026,372,842, respectively, with the following valuation assumptions: 2013 and thereafter………………………………………………………… 0.00% (c) Additional Bid Premium of approx. $1.36 million available for 12/1/11 payment. Prepared by Robert W. Baird & Co. Incorporated S:\Public Finance\higher education\milwaukee area tcd\debt service\11-12\11-12G financing plan matc final pricing.xlsx /jaf 2/28/2012 NET COMBINED DEBT PAYMENTS (a) $9,298 $362,288 $509,000 $504,000 $150,750 (a) Future borrowing assumptions: -3.00% FUTURE DEBT PAYMENTS $19,265 $370,750 $513,500 $506,000 $151,125 1573566.667 2012………………………………………………………………………… Actual 2010 Levy: $31,140,210 Actual 2011 Levy: $32,116,560 DEBT MILL RATE (b) $32,476,863 (c) $32,110,700 $37,135,854 $39,320,089 $40,855,939 $39,118,104 $34,742,667 $255,760,215 $0.41894 $0.44590 $0.53153 $0.56280 $0.58478 $0.55991 $0.49728 Municipal Credit Research New Issue Report Published 21 FEB 2012 Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin Contacts Journalists Research Clients (212) 553-0376 (212) 553-1653 Moody’s Rating Issue General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2011-12G Sale Amount $1,500,000 Expected Sale Date 02/28/12 Rating Description General Obligation Rating Aa1 MOODY'S ASSIGNS Aa1 RATING TO MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT'S (WI) $1.5 MILLION GO PROMISSORY NOTES, SERIES 2011-12G Aa1 RATING APPLIES TO $109.4 MILLION OF POST-SALE GOULT DEBT Opinion NEW YORK, January 21, 2012 -- Moody's Investors Service has assigned a Aa1 rating with a stable outlook to Milwaukee Area Technical College District's $1.5 million General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2011-12G. Moody's has maintained the Aa1 rating and stable outlook on the district's outstanding general obligation unlimited tax debt. Post-sale, the district will have $109.4 million of general obligation debt. SUMMARY RATINGS RATIONALE The notes are secured by the district's general obligation unlimited tax pledge and proceeds will finance various building improvements as outlined by its annual capital improvement plan. Assignment of the Aa1 rating reflects the large and diverse tax base challenged by recessionary pressures, satisfactory financial operations, and a low level of rapidly retired direct debt. The stable outlook reflects management's ability to effectively address financial pressures stemming from limited revenue-raising flexibility, while maintaining and strengthening reserve levels. STRENGTHS - Favorable location within regional Milwaukee economy - Sound General Fund reserves CHALLENGES - Modest taxable valuation declines have occurred in each of the last three years and may continue DETAILED CREDIT DISCUSSION LARGE AND DIVERSE TAX BASE INCLUDES MAJORITY OF METROPOLITAN MILWAUKEE; COMBINATION OF SUBURBS AND URBAN CENTER PROVIDE LONG-TERM STABILITY The district, which is the largest in Wisconsin's technical college system, provides vocational education to Milwaukee County (general obligation debt rated Aa2/stable outlook), the majority of Ozaukee County (general obligation rated Aaa) and small portions of several other surrounding suburban counties. The City of Milwaukee (general obligation rated Aa1/negative outlook) comprises 38% of the district's equalized valuation. While the district's tax base experienced solid rates of growth through 2007, in more recent years the district's tax base has experienced declines in full valuation. Due to declines in 2009, 2010, and 2011 (1.9%, 4.8%, and 3.2%, respectively), the tax base has experienced an average annual decline of 0.6% since 2006. Page 5 While many industries in the City of Milwaukee have experienced a contracting workforce for some time now, the urban employment base has until last year been bolstered by surrounding suburbs which are home to company headquarters such as Northwestern Mutual and GE Medical. However, as recessionary pressures have begun to impact these companies many, such as GE Medical, announced significant workforce reductions. Furthermore, manufacturing continues to play a large role in the local economy - a sector which faces considerable challenges as the economy continues to contract at the national level. Despite these pressures, employment opportunities and long-term economic stability will likely continue in the region based on the diversity among the manufacturing, financial, governmental and health care sectors within the district's boundaries. Although, over the near-term, growth in the district is expected to remain flat given pressure on the valuation of existing properties. Favorably, the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee is creating a school of public health which is likely to spur ancillary growth. We will continue to monitor the extent to which the district's economy and demographics are impacted by the recession, but expect the region to remain fundamentally sound. Ongoing and potentially deeper or more protracted deterioration could weaken the district's credit quality. At 7,8% in December 2011, Milwaukee County's unemployment rate was higher than the state rate (6.8%) and lower than the nation (8.3%) for the same time period. SATISFACTORY FINANCIAL OPERATIONS CHALLENGED BY LEVY CAPS AND DECLINES IN TAX BASE GROWTH The district's financial profile is expected to remain satisfactory due to continued strong fiscal oversight and relatively stable enrollment. While enrollment, which affects state aid revenue as well as tuition and program fees, had been stagnant to declining over the last several years, the trend reversed itself in fiscal 2009 and 2010. However, after growing by 7% in fiscal 2009, and 9% in fiscal 2010, actual enrollment for fiscal 2011 declined slightly by 0.5% to 14,542. The fiscal 2012 budget assumes a relatively flat enrollment, a trend consistent with state-wide technical college enrollment. Of the district's three primary General Fund revenue sources, in fiscal 2011, property taxes comprised 57.4%, tuition and fees were 21.8% and state aid made up 14%. Due to a state-imposed operating mill rate cap of $1.50 the district's revenue raising ability is expected to remain dependent on valuation growth, as the state dictates tuition increases and enrollment has been somewhat volatile. Growth in the tax base allowed the district to decrease its operating tax rate from the statutory limit in fiscal 2005 through 2007, inclusive. However, due to a slowdown in tax base growth the district set a $1.50 levy rate for fiscal 2008, thereby eliminating the previously unused margin and a measure of financial flexibility. Since that time, the levy rate has remained at $1.50. In recent years the district's financial profile has strengthened. At the close of fiscal 2008 the district had a General Fund balance of $27.7 million, or a satisfactory 15.1% of revenues. While the district budgeted to use approximately $2 million in General Fund reserves, fiscal 2009 closed with an operating surplus of $3.4 million due to a close watch on expenditures and increased enrollment. Initial budget projections for fiscal 2010 indicated a $19 million budget gap, equal to 10% of the district's estimated revenues for the year. As in the past, management successfully closed the gap through a series of budget adjustments that included the negotiation with all unions to agree to delay fiscal 2010 wage increases until fiscal 2011, despite being in the middle of a current contract. Actual year-end results for fiscal 2010 reflected a General Fund operating surplus of $7.8 million, bringing reserves to $38.9 million or 20% of General Fund revenues. The original fiscal 2011 budget included a $5.9 million draw on General Fund reserves, however, management closed the budget gap through expenditure reductions to accommodate increases in salaries and benefits, which were held flat in fiscal 2010. Reduced expenditures in fiscal 2011 resulted in an operating surplus of nearly $4.5 million, increasing the General Fund balance to $43.4 million, or a healthy 22.3% of General Fund revenues. For fiscal 2012 the district faces several challenges due to state aid reductions and strict levy limits. The state's budget repair bill requires districts to shift Wisconsin Retirement System contributions to employees and increase health care contributions by employees, a net financial positive for the district. The state's budget reduces the district's aid by approximately 30% and limits tax levy for operation to zero (0%) growth. The district estimates for fiscal 2012 the state aid reduction equates to a $7.5 million revenue reduction. In addition, the district estimates a loss in property tax revenues due to a larger than budgeted decline in valuation. The district currently plans to mostly fund the reduction and their overall projected budget gap through a combination of various expenditure reductions, increases in fees and a modest use of reserves. Management currently expects these changes to result in an operating deficit of nearly $9.5 million at the end of the fiscal year, resulting in a General Fund balance of approximately $33.9 million or 18.4% of fiscal 2012 budgeted General Fund revenues. The district's fiscal 2013 budget is currently under development and management anticipates an additional use of reserves, though they remain committed to maintaining a minimum of 10% to 15% of revenues in reserves. Results from the college's 2011 actuarial study of future other post-employment benefits (OPEB) revealed a liability of $297 million. In fiscal 2008 the district created a trust into which it had planned to deposit $2.0 million annually. As of June 30, 2011 the balance in this fund was $9 million. The district plans to add an additional $1 million in fiscal 2012. While the district's contributions have fallen short of management's original plan, the funding is discretionary and therefore represents a reasonable reduction during a challenging budget environment. We believe that large unfunded liabilities do not necessarily reflect credit weakness in and of themselves, but note they could result in future inability to generate sufficient revenues to meet costs related to pensions and retiree benefits. MODEST AMOUNT OF DIRECT DEBT OBLIGATIONS; RAPID PRINCIPAL AMORTIZATION The district's future borrowing needs are expected to remain manageable given aggressive principal retirement and the district's significant tax base. The district's 4.9% debt burden is slightly above average and reflects significant borrowing of overlapping governmental entities, including Milwaukee County, the City of Milwaukee and Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (Aaa/stable outlook). Direct district obligations, at 0.1% of full valuation, are low relative to the sizable tax base and are easily managed, a view enhanced by the district's rapid amortization of principal, 100% in ten years. The district plans to issue an additional $6 million for remodeling and renovation projects in fiscal 2012. All of the district's debt is fixed rate and the district is not party to any interest rate swap agreements. WHAT COULD CHANGE THE RATING UP: -Significantly improved regional economic health related to population and unemployment trends, as well as socioeconomic indicators, such as resident income levels. -Improved financial position reflected by strengthened reserves Page 6 WHAT COULD CHANGE THE RATING DOWN: -Continued weakness in the regional economy, leading to further erosion of local employment base and increasing pressure on the district's operating budget. -Inability to maintain positive operations resulting in deterioration of reserves. KEY STATISTICS: Milwaukee County 2010 census population: 947,735 (0.8% increase since 2000) 2010/2011 Full-time equivalent student enrollment: 14,313 2011 Full value: $74.9 billion Estimated full value per capita: $71,400 Milwaukee County unemployment rate (December 2011): 7.8% (state at 6.8%; US at 8.3%) Debt burden: 4.9% (0.1% direct) Payout of principal (10 years): 100% Fiscal 2011 General Fund balance: $43.4 million (22.3% of General Fund revenues) Post-sale GOULT debt: $109.4 million PRINCIPAL METHODOLOGY USED The principal methodology used in this rating was General Obligation Bonds Issued by U.S. Local Governments published in October 2009. Please see the Credit Policy page on for a copy of this methodology. © Copyright 2012 Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. and/or its licensors and affiliates (collectively, "MOODY'S"). All rights reserved. Page 7 Moody’s Key to Public Finance Ratings Definitions of Bond Ratings Aaa Bonds rated Aaa are judged to be of the best quality. They carry the smallest degree of investment risk and are generally referred to as “gilt edge.” Interest payments are protected by a large or by an exceptionally stable margin and principal is secure. While the various protective elements are likely to change, such changes as can be visualized are most unlikely to impair the fundamentally strong position of such issues. Baa Bonds rated Baa are considered as medium grade obligations, i.e., they are neither highly protected nor poorly secured. Interest payments and principal security appear adequate for the present but certain protective elements may be lacking or may be characteristically unreliable over any great length of time. Such bonds lack outstanding investment characteristics and in fact have speculative characteristics as well. Aa Ba Bonds rated Aa are judged to be of high quality by all standards. Together with the Aaa group they comprise what are generally known as high grade bonds. They are rated lower than the best bonds because margins of protection may not be as large as in Aaa securities or fluctuation of protective elements may be of greater amplitude or there may be other elements present that make the long-term risks appear somewhat larger than in Aaa securities. Bonds rated Ba are judged to have speculative elements; their future cannot be considered as well assured. Often the protection of interest and principal payments may be very moderate, and thereby not well safeguarded during both good and bad times over the future. Uncertainty of position characterizes bonds in this class. A Bonds rated A possess many favorable investment attributes and are to be considered as upper medium grade obligations. Factors giving security to principal and interest are considered adequate, but elements may be present that suggest a susceptibility to impairment some time in the future. B Bonds rated B generally lack characteristics of the desirable investment. Assurance of interest and principal payments or maintenance of other terms of the contract over any long period of time may be small. Caa Bonds rated Caa are of poor standing. Such issues may be in default or there may be present elements of danger with respect to principal or interest Ca Bonds rated Ca represent obligations that are speculative in a high degree. Such issues are often in default or have other marked shortcomings. C Bonds rated C are the lowest rated class of bonds, and issues so rated can be regarded as having extremely poor prospects of ever attaining any real investment standing. Con. (...) Bonds for which the security depends upon the completion of some actor the fulfillment of some condition are rated conditionally. These are bonds secured by: (a) earnings of projects under construction, (b) earnings of projects unseasoned in operating experience, (c) rentals that begin when facilities are completed, or (d) payments to which some other limiting condition attaches. Parenthetical rating denotes probable credit stature upon completion of construction or elimination of basis of condition. P (...) When applied to forward delivery bonds, indicates that the rating is provisional pending delivery of the bonds. The rating may be revised prior to delivery if changes occur in the legal documents or the underlying credit quality of the bonds. Note: Moody’s applies numerical modifiers 1, 2, and 3 in each generic rating classification from Aa to B. The modifier 1 indicates that the issue ranks in the higher end of its generic rating category; the modifier 2 indicates a mid-range ranking; and the modifier 3 indicates that the issue ranks in the lower end of its generic category. Page 8 Attachment FPO - 8 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $1,500,000.00 GENERAL OBLIGATION PROMISSORY NOTES, SERIES 2011-2012H OF MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT, WISCONSIN Resolution F0049-02-12 WHEREAS, Milwaukee Area Technical College District (the "District") is presently in need of $1,500,000.00 for the public purpose of financing building remodeling and improvement projects, consisting of projects included in the District's 2011-2012 building remodeling and improvement program; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the District that the monies needed for such purpose be borrowed through the issuance of general obligation promissory notes pursuant to Section 67.12(12), Wis. Stats.; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the District shall issue general obligation promissory notes in the amount of $1,500,000.00 for the public purpose of financing building remodeling and improvement projects, consisting of the projects included in the District's 2011-2012 building remodeling and improvement program; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the District Secretary shall, within 10 (ten) days hereafter, cause public notice of the adoption of this resolution to be given to the electors of the District by publishing a notice thereof in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, a newspaper published and having general circulation in the District, which newspaper is found and determined to be likely to give notice to the electors, such notice to be in substantially the form set forth in Attachment A to this resolution. Adopted: February 28, 2012. Melanie Cosgrove Holmes, Chairperson Attest: ________________________________ Thomas A. Michalski, District Secretary Recorded on February 28, 2012. ________________________________ Thomas A. Michalski, District Secretary Attachment A NOTICE TO THE ELECTORS OF: Milwaukee Area Technical College District, Wisconsin NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the District Board of the above-named District, at a meeting duly called and held on February 28, 2012, adopted, pursuant to the provisions of Section 67.12(12) of the Wisconsin Statutes, a resolution entitled, "RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $1,500,000.00 GENERAL OBLIGATION PROMISSORY NOTES, SERIES 2011-2012H, OF MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT, WISCONSIN," which provides that the sum of $1,500,000.00 be borrowed through the issuance of the District's general obligation promissory notes for the public purpose of financing building remodeling and improvement projects, consisting of projects included in the District's 2011-2012 building remodeling and improvement program. A copy of said resolution is on file in the District Office, 700 West State Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and is available for public inspection weekdays, except holidays, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. The District Board need not submit the resolution authorizing this borrowing to the electors for approval unless within 30 days after the publication of this Notice there is filed with the Secretary of the District Board a petition meeting the standards set forth in Sec. 67.12(12), Wis. Stats., requesting a referendum thereon at a special election. Dated: February 28, 2012. BY ORDER OF THE DISTRICT BOARD: Thomas A. Michalski, District Secretary Attachment FPO – 9 Resolution F0050-02-12 RESOLUTION TO REVISE FISCAL YEAR 2011–2012 RENOVATION / REMODELING (CAPITAL) PROJECTS (February 14, 2012) BACKGROUND Within the context of the Three-Year Plan, renovation and remodeling projects are identified and implemented on an annual basis in order to properly maintain District facilities and to reflect changing instructional and support service needs. To comply with State regulations governing construction and remodeling, it is necessary for the MATC Board to submit a list of applicable projects to the Wisconsin Technical College System Board for approval. The initial approvals for Fiscal Year 2011-2012(FY 2012) projects were granted by the MATC District Board at the June, 2011 meeting. Recent bid opening results and the continued development of projects make several budget adjustments necessary. Bids for the IT Infrastructure Improvements (requisite for the new IP phone system) indicate additional funds in the amount of $670,000 are needed. The original budget of $500,000 was established very early in the process and was based on highly conceptual information. To provide the additional funds the Main Building Freight Elevator Modernization will be deferred to FY13 and a portion of the funds designated for an MPTV Capital Lease of new facilities (not viable in the near term) will be reallocated as well. The majority balance of the MPTV Capital Lease funds will be reallocated for MPTV facility improvements and annexation / expansion th at the current 4 floor C Building location. Bids were also received for a regional Telepresence Room at each of the three campuses. These bids were under budget as a whole, with minor variances vs. budget for the individual projects. Minor budget adjustments are proposed to address these conditions as well. The aggregate excess will also be reallocated to the IT Infrastructure initiative. The individual proposed changes are reflected on the attached project list. Projects with increased budgets are highlighted in light green and projects with reduced budgets are highlighted in light yellow. Projects with new names due to reallocation or deferral are highlight in light blue. Authorization is sought from the MATC Board at this time for the above modifications, as well as to permit the continued development and implementation of the modified projects. Approval is also sought to seek any WTCSB approval necessary for the same modifications. RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED, that the Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board revise the list of previously approved FY 2012 projects as shown in the attached lists, which retains a total estimated cost of $15.0 million for the respective budgets, with the understanding that the lists may be modified; and be it; RESOLVED further, that the Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board approve the aforementioned revision and authorize the Administration to continue development and implementation of the listed projects; and be it; RESOLVED further, that the Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board seek any WTCSB Board approval necessary for this action and revised list of projects. Attachment FPO – 10 Building Trades Pay Adjustment Trade Date Current Rate Proposed Rate * Effective Painter $28.97 $29.27 1/1/2012 * Rates from Milwaukee Building and Construction Trades Council Attachment FPO - 11 Attachment FPO - 12 MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE BUDGET VARIANCE REPORT SEVEN (7) MONTHS ENDED JANUARY 31, 2012 GENERAL FUND RESERVE: The beginning 2011-12 General Fund Reserve is projected to be 22.4% or $43,356,605. District policy is to maintain 10% to 15% general fund reserve. Seven months into the new fiscal year, the District is on track to achieve 1 8.33% general fund reserve at June 30, 2012, compared to the projected $ 29,377,063 or 15.93%. COMPARISON OF 2011-12 GENERAL FUND BUDGET TO SEVEN MONTHS ENDING FORECAST: A. Total Revenue – Annual budget revenue is $ 184,431,322 compared to theseven months forecast of $ 179,019,201. The $ 4 million difference consist of $1.2 million in tax levy, $ 1.4 million in state aid, and $ 1 million in ins titutional revenue B. Salaries Expenditures – Annual budget of $ 117,763,113 compared to the seven months forecast of $ 115,436,108. The $ 2.3 million savings is across the board in all employee groups. Vacant position savings to date is $ 2.3 million C. Fringe Benefits Expenditures – The annual budget of $ 55,453,300 is comparable to theseven months forecast of $ $53,578,806 D. Other Expenditures – The annual budget is $ 16,851,039 compared to the forecast of $17,027,311. The difference of $ $176,000 is across the board in all budget line items. GENERAL FUND CASH FLOW MANAGEMENT AS OF JANUARY 31, 2012 The GF actual cash postion is $ 6.09M compared to a budget of $ 6M. See chart below. The green dot represents the actual balance at January 31, 2012 . Attachment FPO - 13 2011-12 SEMI-ANNUAL MILWAUKEE ENTERPRISE CENTER REPORT February 2012 Prepared by: Dr. Jim Williams Melva Rutledge 0 Annual MEC Report February 2012 “Prepared for the Finance, Personnel and Operations Committee of the MATC District Board” Mission Statement: The Milwaukee Enterprise Centers (MEC) exists to promote economic development in the Milwaukee area by providing services and facilities that support creation, development, and expansion of entrepreneurial enterprises. The Milwaukee Enterprise Centers provide commercial space for new, emerging and expanding entrepreneurial activities from facilities located at: 816 West National Avenue, Milwaukee (MEC South) The Role of the MECS A VITAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PARTNER WITH OUR COMMUNITIES Wherever, whatever, whomever we consider our “community, or however one defines our neighborhoods in Milwaukee, micro-businesses are important to our economic development and holistic community wellbeing as the larger organizations that provide goods and services. Fostering and sustaining the micro-businesses of our city is vital to our quality of life in Milwaukee. Successful micro-entrepreneurs require and deserve the support of the communities they serve; not just for their own personal enrichment, but for the enrichment of life in their communities. Few micro-businesses would be considered “cornerstones” in their communities, then micro-businesses are indeed the cement of these community structures, and our micro-entrepreneurs so often provide vital local leadership in their communities. MES South Statistics for the Period Ending December 31, 2011 Tenant Information Total # 0f tenants Retail Business Service Businesses Not-for-Profit Businesses Minority Owned Business Women Owned Business New businesses within last 90 days Total Square Footage Square Footage being rented Square footage available for rent Square footage used bb MATC for Instructional Purposes Common and Utility Square footage MEC South 21 5 15 5 6 4 1 78,738 33,225 35,000 4,100 6,413 1 Fiscal Year 2011-12 Summary Financial Activities Description Revenue Budget $340,000 Actual $162,981 Budget Available $ 177,019 Operating Expenses: Salary and Benefits General Expenses 205,773 15,050 67,299 4,952 148,474 10,098 94,500 149,000 464,423 ($ 124,323) 39,149 55,341 166,741 ($3,760) 55,351 93,659 297,682 ($ 120,663) Contract Services Maintenance & Utilities Total Expenses Operating Results Fiscal Year 2010-11 Summary Financial Activities Description Revenue Operating Expenses: Salary and Benefits General Expenses Contract Services Maintenance & Utilities Total Expenses Operating Results Budget $340,498 Actual $340,492 Variance $6 84,859 29,150 102,443 12,426 17,584 16,724 139,000 188,000 441,009 ($ 100,511) 94,901 154,978 364,748 ($24,256) 44,099 33,022 76,261 ($76,255) 2