MEETING CANCELED December 4, 2009 NOTICE TO RESIDENTS OF THE MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT, WISCONSIN A regular open meeting of the EDUCATION, SERVICES, AND INSTITUTIONAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE of the Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board, Wisconsin, will be held in the BOARD ROOM (ROOM M210) of the MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE, 700 West State Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2009, beginning at 3:00 P.M.* The agenda for said meeting is presented as follows: A. Roll Call B. Compliance with the Open Meetings Law C. Approval of Minutes – November 18, 2009 - Attachment 1 D. Comments from the Public E. Action Items 1. Resolution to Approve the Title/Number Change From Automotive Technology (10-602-3) to Automotive Technology - Comprehensive (10-602-6) – Attachment 2 G. Discussion Items 1. Program Quality Review – Office Technology Assistant Diploma Program – Attachment 3 2. Advisory Committee Data Summary Report – Attachment 4 3. Cost Analysis of Trimester Plan 4. Vision/Mission/Values Update – Attachment 5 H. Information Items 1. Enrollment Update 2. I. Child Care Update – Attachment 6 Miscellaneous Items 1. Communications and Petitions 2. Information Items J. Old Business/New Business 1. Date of Next Meeting: January 20, 2010 Board Room (M210), Milwaukee Campus Committee Members: Holmes, Michalski, Webber * Other members of the MATC Board may be present, although they will not be participating as members of this committee. This meeting may be conducted in part by telephone. Telephone speakers will be available to allow the public to hear those parts of the proceedings that are open to the public. ** Action may be taken on any agenda item, whether designated as an action item or not. Agenda items may be moved into Closed Session for discussion when it becomes apparent that a Closed Session is appropriate under Section 19.85 of the Wisconsin Statutes. The Board may return into Open Session to take action on any item discussed in Closed Session. Reasonable accommodations are available through the ADA Office for individuals who need assistance. Please call 414-297-6221 to schedule services at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. 2 Attachment ESIR - 1 MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD EDUCATION, SERVICES, AND INSTITUTIONAL RELATIONS November 18, 2009 CALL TO ORDER The regular monthly meeting of the Education, Services, and Institutional Relations Committee of the Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board was held in open session on Wednesday, November 18, 2009, and called to order by Ms. Melanie Holmes at 3:08 p.m. in the Board Room, Room M210, at the Milwaukee Campus of Milwaukee Area Technical College. ITEM A: ROLL CALL Present: Ms. Melanie Holmes, Mr. Thomas Michalski, Mr. Bobbie Webber (arrived 3:12 PM) ITEM B: COMPLIANCE WITH THE OPEN MEETINGS LAW The Education, Services, and Institutional Relations Committee meeting was noticed in compliance with the Wisconsin Open Meetings Law. ITEM C: APPROVAL OF MINUTES – October 21, 2009 – Attachment 1 Motion: The minutes were approved without objection. ITEM D: COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC ITEM E: ACTION ITEMS E-1 Resolution (E00016-10-09) to Approve Designation of Milwaukee Area Technical College State Public Officials – Attachment 2 Discussion: This item is presented for approval every year as a requirement for the State of Wisconsin. Motion: It was moved by Mr. Michalski, seconded by Ms. Holmes, to approve the Resolution to Approve Designation of Milwaukee Area Technical College State Public Officials – Attachment 2. Action: Motion Approved Education, Services, and Institutional Relations Minutes of November 18, 2009 Page 2 E-2 Resolution (E00017-10-09) to Approve the Title/Number Change for the Program Titled Food Service (31-303-x) – Attachment 3 Discussion Dr. Evonne Carter reviewed the state requirements for this resolution. Motion: It was moved by Mr. Michalski, seconded by Ms. Holmes, to approve the Resolution to Approve the Title/Number change for the Program Titled Food Service – Attachment 3 Action: Motion Approved E-3 Resolution (E00018-10-09) to Approve the Title/Number Change for the Program Titled Special Event Management (31-109-x) – Attachment 4 Discussion Dr. Evonne Carter reviewed the state requirements for this resolution. Motion: It was moved by Mr. Michalski, seconded by Ms. Holmes, to approve the Resolution to Approve the Title/Number change for the Program Titled Special Event Management – Attachment 4 Action: Motion Approved E-4 Resolution (E00019-10-09) to Approve the Title/Number Change from the eCommerce/Web Administration (10-153-2) to e-Business Technology Specialist (10-153-3) – Attachment 5 Dr. Evonne Carter reviewed the state requirements for this resolution. Motion: It was moved by Mr. Michalski, seconded by Ms. Holmes, to approve the Resolution to Approve the Title/Number change from the e-Commerce/Web Administration to eBusiness Technology Specialist – Attachment 5 Action: Motion Approved ITEM F: DISCUSSION ITEMS F-1i Program Quality Review – Chemical Technology Program – Attachment 6 Discussion Dr. Carter introduced Dr. Susan Hornshaw, dean; Dr. Kim Farley, associate dean; and Dr. Robert Helwig, instructor, Chemical Technology program. Dr. Farley explained that the emphasis on STEM programming includes this program. Dr. Helwig noted that recruitment and graduation rates are initiatives identified in the action plan. There was a discussion of how to schedule classes that will fit into the student’s schedule and allowing them to graduate from the program. F-1ii Program Quality Review – Health Unit Coordinator Program – Attachment 7 Discussion Dr. Carter introduced Ms. Dessie Levy, dean; Ms. Kelly Dries, associate dean, and Ms. Rebecca Garcia Sanchez, instructor, Health Unit Coordinator Program. Ms. Garcia Sanchez briefly outlined the program and the careers available to the students. Graduation rates and pass rate are initiatives identified in the action plan. Ms. Garcia Sanchez explained many improvements that have been made for the purpose of increasing student success in this program. Informational materials related to the program were distributed. There was a discussion of other programs that Education, Services, and Institutional Relations Minutes of November 18, 2009 Page 3 students are able to ladder into. F-1iii Program Quality Review – Medical Coding Specialist Diploma Program – Attachment 8 Discussion Dr. Levy introduced Dr. Wilma Bonaparte, associate dean, and Ms. Catherine Bell, instructor in the Medical Coding Specialist Diploma Program. This is one of the newest health occupations programs at the West Allis campus. Ms. Bell explained that this is a technical program and the graduates of this program work with the medical records. Enrollments are continuing to increase from previous semesters due to new state regulations related to software that is used. F-2 AQIP System Portfolio Review – Attachment 9 Discussion Dr. Vicki Martin, interim president, briefly explained the accreditation process used in the AQIP process with the Higher Learning Commission. Dr. Carter reviewed the timeline that has been put into place to prepare for our next accreditation in 2013. Dr. Carter introduced Dr. Thomas Pilarzyk, director, Institutional Research and Dr. Christine Manion, faculty, AQIP Coordinator. Dr. Pilarzyk explained the connections between the AQIP categories and the categories of the MATC Strategic Plan and objectives within each of those categories. F-3 Student Success Core Committee Discussion Dr. Carter introduced Ms. Barbara Cannell, interim associate provost and Dr. Manion, co-chairs for the Student Success Core Committee. Ms. Cannell explained that this committee was created to address issues directly relating to the success of our students. Student retention and identification of barriers to students are the initiatives that will be focused on for the current year. Ms. Cannell briefly described some of the projects that the committee is working on. F-4 Student Services Quality Review and Evaluation Discussion Dr. Al Pinckney, interim vice president, Student Services explained that this is the first time that Student Services has gone through this process. The division scorecard and action plan were distributed. ITEM G: INFORMATION ITEMS G-1 Enrollment Update Mr. Pinckney reported enrollment for the Spring 2010 semester is up about 33%. Program registrations are up 28%. Continuing student registrations are up 33%. Applications are up 70% from this time last year. Of the application that we have received, 89% of the applications are from new students. G-2 LPN Associate Degree Program Update – Attachment 10 Ms. Levy gave a brief overview of the LPN program during the last several semesters. Ms. Levy explained that the LPN stand-alone program has achieved 100% pass rate on the NCLEX exam. Education, Services, and Institutional Relations Minutes of November 18, 2009 Page 4 ITEM H: MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS H-1 Communications and Petitions None H-2 Information Items None ITEM I: OLD BUSINESS/NEW BUSINESS – Date of Next Meeting, December 9, 2009, 3:00 PM Milwaukee Campus, Board Room (M210) ADJOURNMENT The Committee adjourned at 3:52 p.m. Respectfully submitted, `|v{xÄx `A VÉÇÜÉç Michele M. Conroy Administrative Specialist, Academic Affairs ATTACHMENT ESIR - 2 Resolution to Approve the Title/Number Change From Automotive Technology (10-602-3) To Automotive Technology - Comprehensive (10-602-6) Background Information: A new code is needed to maintain the existing program of study. The “old” code is being used for the State aligned curriculum. The aligned curriculum is not compatible with our current associate degrees offered in conjunction with manufacturer training: Ford, Chrysler, and Honda. The new code number was provided by Sandy Schmitt at WTCS, who supports the change. Resolution BE IT RESOLVED, that the District Board of the Milwaukee Area Technical College submit a request to the Wisconsin Technical College System for consideration and approval of the title/number change from Automotive Technology to Automotive Technology - Comprehensive. 12/4/09 Attachment ESIR - 3 QUALITY REVIEW PROCESS PROGRAM PROFILE Office Technology Assistant Diploma (30-106-1) This Technical Diploma program went through a quality review process during the 2008 academic year. The internal program quality review team was comprised of Juanna Harrison and Ed Eisberner. The Office Technology Assistant program is a two-semester technical diploma program designed to prepare students for entry –level employment in today’s fast-paced business environment. Client Reporting Data was provided to reviewers from FY2004 to FY2008. Selected data are reviewed below. Demographics for FY 2008: 1. During FY2008, 37 students were enrolled in the program. This number is slightly lower than the five-year average enrollment of 39 students. Of all those enrolled in 2008, 94.6% were part-time students. 2. The program generated 12.1 FTEs during FY2008. FTEs increased by 61% from FY2007 and were 49% lower than FY2004 (23.6). The program reached its peak enrollment during the five-year period in FY2004 at 23.6 FTEs. 3. Males were 13.5% and females were 86.5% of the FY2008 enrollment. This gender ratio was relatively constant during the five-year period with an average NTO male enrollment of 8.18%. 4. Program enrollments for FY2008 included 28 minority students (82.4%). The percentage of minority enrollment for FY2008 was 37.5% higher than the fiveyear average (44.86%) for the program. Course Completion and Other Selected Outcomes for FY 2008: 1. The course completion rate for these programs in face-to-face sections was 62.6% for FY2008. The course completion rate for these programs in alternative delivery sections was 51.2% for FY2008. 2. The graduation index is calculated by dividing the number of graduates in FY2008 by the number of students enrolled in the program code that same year. The annual graduation index for this program for FY2008 was 13.5% or 5 of the 37 students enrolled. 3. Employment and wage data for this program were available for FY2008, when MATC graduate employment reports show that the annual median wage for program graduates was $29,118. 4. The Graduate Employment Report reported statewide the projected demand was for 1944 positions. 30-106-1 OFFICE TECHNOLOGY ASSISTANT State Indicators Quality Review Process Scorecard FY2008 Actual Performance FY2008 Target Threshold Performance Average Performance Average of 4 highest in the State of 4 lowest in the State Course Completion 56.00 56.00 67.20 Special Populations Course Completion 54.17 54.17 65.00 Minority Course Completion 57.89 57.89 69.47 Second Year Retention 47.37 47.37 56.84 Fall to Spring Retention 85.71 90.00 85.71 Third Year Retention 40.00 40.00 48.00 Third Year Graduation 34.29 34.29 41.15 One Year Graduation 100.00 90.00 100.00 Fifth Year Graduation 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 90.00 100.00 Job Placement - All Employment 60.00 60.00 72.00 Job Placement - Related Employment 20.00 20.00 24.00 7.69 7.69 9.23 Second Year Graduation Non-Traditional Gender Actual Performance FY2008 Threshold Performance Target Performance Score Score Score 0.0 1.0 6.0 0 3 5 Communicate Effectively 4.05 3.54 4.54 Collaborate with Others 4.60 3.72 4.78 Respect Diversity 4.63 3.44 4.77 Demonstrate Responsibility 4.44 3.77 4.84 Think Critically 4.41 3.75 4.84 Utilize Technology 4.56 3.38 4.88 Apply Math and Science 3.67 2.97 4.69 4) Student Satisfaction Attainment 0.0 3.7 5 5) Employer Satisfaction Attainment N/A N/A N/A 6) Program Indicator 1 N/A N/A N/A 7) Program Indicator 2 N/A N/A N/A MATC Indicators 1) Student Outcomes Assessment 2) Program Currency 3) Core Ability Attainment: Footnotes: Targets will be set in consultation with each program area or will be consistent with college-wide percent increase in FTEs 1) Actual = Source is Student Outcomes Assessment administered by MATC. Threshold = avg of all responding MATC programs, Target = avg of four highest performing MATC programs 2) Actual = Source is Program Currency Assessment administered by MATC. Threshold = avg of all responding MATC programs, Target = avg of four highest performing MATC programs 3) Actual = Source is Core Abilities Assessment administered by MATC. Threshold = avg of all responding MATC programs, Target = avg of four highest performing MATC programs 4) Actual = Source is Student Satisfaction Survey administered by MATC. Threshold = avg of all responding MATC programs, Target = avg of four highest performing MATC programs 5) To be provided in the future. Prepared by LeeAnn Mikula Institutional Research March 2009 Quality Review Process Scorecard FY2008 30-106-1 OFFICE TECHNOLOGY ASSISTANT FY2004 N 1) Program Enrollment: Headcount Full-Time Part-Time (I) 2) Program Enrollment: FTEs (I) 57 0 1 N 0.0 1.8 23.6 3) Graduation (I) 4) Racial/Ethnic Minority Students FY2005 % (I) FY2006 % 42 1 41 N 2.4 97.6 15.5 FY2007 % 35 1 34 N 2.9 97.1 9.6 FY2008 % 24 2 22 N 8.3 91.7 7.4 % 37 2 35 5.4 94.6 12.1 20 35.1 16 38.1 11 31.4 7 29.2 5 13.5 26 45.6 21 50.0 18 51.4 13 54.2 28 75.7 (II) 5) Section Completion Rate Traditional Delivery Total Enrollment Pass Non-Pass Other Alternative Delivery Total Enrollment Pass Non-Pass Other 1902 1388 99 415 315 178 18 119 73.0 5.2 21.8 56.5 5.7 37.8 1637 1158 122 357 489 291 55 143 70.7 7.5 21.8 59.5 11.2 29.2 1433 1010 79 344 645 371 78 196 70.5 5.5 24.0 57.5 12.1 30.4 1245 593 33 619 662 242 42 378 Footnotes: N/A = Not Available Source is State Report VE215330. Racial/Ethnic minorities include Black/African American, Hispanic, Asian or Pacific Islander and Native American Graduation counts include those entered on COSMO by the closing of Client Reporting and with a graduation date within the year being reported Also included are those who met requirements for graduation but chose not to apply for graduation. (II) Source is COSMO. These are the course completion rates of students in both traditional and alternative delivery sections with the same department as the department of the program. Pass: C or better, AU and P. Non-Pass: U. Other:W, Uw, I, IP and no grade. Note: Prior to 2008, a passing grade was D- or better. (I) Prepared by LeeAnn Mikula Institutional Research March 2009 47.6 2.7 49.7 36.6 6.3 57.1 1110 695 45 315 719 368 99 215 62.6 4.1 28.4 51.2 13.8 29.9 Quality Review Process Scorecard FY2008 30-106-1 OFFICE TECHNOLOGY ASSISTANT Program Enrollment Headcount 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Total Headcount Full-Time Part-Time FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FTEs 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 FTEs FY2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Graduation 25 20 15 10 5 0 Graduation FY2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Minorities 80 60 Actual Percent 40 20 0 FY2004 Prepared by LeeAnn Mikula Institutional Research March 2009 2005 2006 2007 2008 Quality Review Process Scorecard FY2008 30-106-1 OFFICE TECHNOLOGY ASSISTANT FY2004 N FY2005 % N FY2006 % N FY2007 % N FY2008 % N % ENROLLMENT(I) Total 57 42 35 24 37 GENDER(I)(2) Male 4 7.0 2 4.8 4 11.4 1 4.2 5 13.5 53 93.0 40 95.2 31 88.6 23 95.8 32 86.5 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * Indian 1 1.8 4 9.8 1 2.9 1 4.3 3 8.8 Asian 3 5.4 N/A N/A 2 5.7 3 13.0 2 5.9 Black 21 37.5 8 19.5 11 31.4 8 34.8 17 50.0 17.6 Female N/A ETHNICITY(I)(3)(5) Hispanic 1 1.8 4 9.8 4 11.4 1 4.3 6 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 0.0 0 0.0 30 53.6 25 61.0 17 48.6 10 43.5 6 17.6 1 * 1 * 0 * 1 * 3 * less than 18 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 18-24 1 1.8 18 42.9 17 48.6 15 62.5 11 29.7 25-34 0 0.0 11 26.2 9 25.7 5 20.8 7 18.9 35-49 0 0.0 13 31.0 12 34.3 8 33.3 8 21.6 50-0ver 0 0.0 2 4.8 0 0.0 1 4.2 5 13.5 N/A 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * Pacific Islander White N/A AGE(4) Footnote: N/A = Not Available (I) Source is State Report VE215330. (2) Gender percentages are based on total known gender, not total enrollment. * N/A gender percentage is not computed. (3) Ethnicity percentages are based on total known ethnicity, not total enrollment. * N/A ethnicity percentage is not computed. (4) Age percentages are based on total known age, not total enrollment. * N/A age percentage is not computed. (5) Pacific Islander ethnicity not reported separately prior to FY2007. Previous years combined with Asian. Prepared by LeeAnn Mikula Institutional Research March 2009 Quality Review Process Scorecard FY2008 301061 1) Program Enrollment: Headcount Total headcount is taken from WTCSB report VE215330. This report is prepared based on data sent to the State through Client Reporting. We are able to report up to two program codes per student. The student will be counted once under each program code reported if the student has taken courses that are applicable towards graduation during the year reported. The year reported to the WTCSB includes the summer, fall and spring terms, starting with summer. NOTE: Because of the way program codes are assigned at MATC, this number may be greater than the actual number of students who are actively taking courses in the program. 2) Program Enrollment: FTE Total FTE is taken from WTCSB report VE215330. This report is prepared based on data sent to the State through Client Reporting. The formula to calculate FTEs is: total credits for the year/30. All credits that can be attributed to the program are counted with that program. For example if a student is reported as being admitted in an associate degree program as well as a one-year technical diploma and the student took associate degree level classes (aid code = 10) as well as technical diploma level classes (aid code = 31) then the total associate degree level credits would be attributed to both the associate degree level program as well as the one-year technical diploma. The technical diploma level credits would be attributed to the technical diploma only. 3) Graduation Total graduation is taken from WTCSB report VE215330. This report is prepared based on data sent to the State through Client Reporting. This number includes students who completed all requirement for graduation and who applied and paid the graduation fee. Another condition for graduation reporting is that the student must have taken a course applicable towards graduation in the year being reported. Starting in FY2003 we are also reporting as graduates those students who completed the program requirements but who chose not to apply for graduation. 4) Racial/Ethnic Minority Students This is the sum of all minority categories found in WTCSB report VE215330. This report is prepared based on data sent to the State through Client Reporting. 5) Section Completion Rate Of all students enrolled in the sections identified in indicator 5, only those present on the date-of-record or those who have received 10% of the potential hours of instruction (PHI) are evaluated for course completion. The date-of-record for full-time sections (16 weeks) is the 12th day of the semester. For sections 15 weeks or less we calculate 10% of PHI. Completion is grouped in 3 categories: Pass: Includes grades of: • C or better (As of 2008; In prior years, a passing grade was D- or better) • P = Pass Non-Pass: Includes grades or statuses of: • W = Withdrawn • UW = Withdrawn by Instructor • U = Unsatisfactory • I = Incomplete • IP = In Progress Other: Includes grades of: • AU = Audit • Missing Grade Prepared by LeeAnn Mikula Institutional Research March 2009 Attachment ESIR - 4 December 2009 Advisory Committee Data Summary Comparison of December 2008 to December 2009 Division and District Total Pre-College Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 10 10 0 8 80% 8 80% 0 0% Tecnology & Applied Sciences Dec'08 303 176 58% 86 28% 34 11% 42 14% 40 13% 263 87% 98 32% Dec'09 252 156 58% 55 28% 28 11% 29 14% 38 13% 217 87% 79 32% Change -51 -20 0% -31 0% -6 0% -13 0% -2 0% -46 0% -19 0% Television & Video Production Dec'08 Dec'09 Change % District Total Dec'08 880 523 59% 254 29% 83 Dec'09 826 511 62% 224 27% 75 Change -54 -12 3% -30 -2% -8 Division District Totals 10 10 0 3 30% 3 30% 0 0% 2 20% 2 20% 0 0% 5 50% 5 50% 0 0% 12/03/2009 0 0 0 2 2 0 10% 10% 0% 20% 20% 0% 1 1 0 3 3 0 50% 50% 0% 30% 30% 0% 5 5 0 2 2 0 50% 50% 0% 20% 20% 0% 5 50% 5 50% 0 0% 8 80% 8 80% 0 0% 0 0 0 Graduates% 28 46% 10 16% 20 33% 27 44% 35 57% 26 43% 16 26% 39 46% 11 16% 18 33% 23 44% 40 57% 29 43% 14 26% 11 0% 1 0% -2 0% -4 0% 5 0% 3 0% -2 0% Graduates 61 69 8 Male% Dec'08 Dec'09 Change Male Liberal Arts & Sciences Female% 47 22% 146 68% 69 32% 85 40% 40 22% 145 68% 64 32% 86 40% -7 0% -1 0% -5 0% 1 0% Female 8% 8% 0% Business, Graphic Arts & Dec'08 281 199 71% 65 23% Information Tech Dec'09 276 199 71% 67 23% Change -5 0 0% 2 0% Minority% Minority Dec'08 215 109 51% 86 40% 18 Dec'09 209 106 51% 84 40% 18 Change -6 -3 0% -2 0% 0 Labor% Health Occupations Labor 51 18% 120 43% 161 57% 71 25% 54 18% 115 43% 161 57% 79 25% 3 0% -5 0% 0 0% 8 0% Mgt% 3% 3% 0% Year Mgt 9 9 0 Division /Advisory Committee Total Members Consultant% Gender Consultant Category 0% 0% 0% 1 10% 1 10% 0 0% 9% 171 19% 348 40% 532 60% 271 31% 9% 150 18% 345 42% 484 59% 259 31% 0% -21 -1% -3 2% -48 -1% -12 0% 2 December 2009 Advisory Committee Data Summary Comparison of December 2008 to December 2009 Division and District Total Gender Female Female% Male Male% Graduates Graduates% 0% 11% 11% 1 1 0 11% 11% 0% 7 4 -3 78% 44% -34% 3 5 2 33% 56% 23% 1 1 0 11% 11% 0% Baking Production Dec'09 Dec'09 Change 8 11 3 4 6 2 4 5 1 36% 45% 9% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 3 3 0 27% 27% 0% 3 6 3 27% 55% 28% 5 5 0 45% 45% 0% 2 4 2 18% 36% 18% Banking and Finance Dec'09 Dec'09 Change 6 11 5 5 45% 1 10 91% 0 5 46% -1 9% 0% -9% 0 1 1 0% 9% 9% 2 4 2 18% 36% 18% 6 9 3 55% 82% 27% 0 2 2 0% 18% 18% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% Barber/ Cosmetologist Apprenticeship Dec'09 Dec'09 Change 13 15 2 9 60% 11 73% 2 13% 3 3 0 20% 20% 0% 1 1 0 7% 7% 0% 7 8 1 47% 53% 6% 6 7 1 40% 47% 7% 7 8 1 47% 53% 6% 4 4 0 27% 27% 0% Barber/ Cosmetologist Dec'09 Dec'09 Change 10 12 2 8 67% 10 83% 2 16% 2 2 0 17% 17% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 5 8 3 42% 67% 25% 8 9 1 67% 75% 8% 2 3 1 17% 25% 8% 6 6 0 50% 50% 0% Business Management Apprenticeship Dec'09 Dec'09 Change 5 6 1 5 83% 0 4 67% 2 -1 -16% 2 0% 33% 33% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 1 0 17% 17% 0% 1 2 1 17% 33% 16% 4 4 0 67% 67% 0% 2 4 2 33% 67% 34% Culinary Arts Dec'09 Dec'09 Change 9 11 2 5 7 2 45% 64% 19% 3 3 0 27% 27% 0% 1 1 0 9% 9% 0% 1 1 0 9% 9% 0% 3 4 1 27% 36% 9% 6 7 1 55% 64% 9% 2 4 2 18% 36% 18% eCommerce/Web Administration Dec'09 Dec'09 Change 8 12 4 6 50% 10 83% 4 33% 1 1 0 8% 8% 0% 1 1 0 8% 8% 0% 1 1 0 8% 8% 0% 3 3 0 25% 25% 0% 5 9 4 42% 75% 33% 1 3 2 8% 25% 17% Environmental Dec'09 Health & Pollution Dec'09 Control Technician Change 13 14 1 6 6 0 7 8 1 50% 57% 7% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 2 2 0 14% 14% 0% 4 4 0 29% 29% 0% 9 64% 10 71% 1 7% 5 4 -1 36% 29% -7% Minority 0 1 1 Consultant 11% 11% 0% Labor% 9 100% 1 7 78% 1 -2 -22% 0 Labor 10 9 -1 Mgt% Dec'09 Dec'09 Change Year Mgt Accounting Division /Advisory Committee Total Members Minority% Consultant% Category Business, Graphic Arts & Information Technology Division Division District Totals 36% 55% 19% 43% 43% 0% 12/03/2009 3 December 2009 Advisory Committee Data Summary Comparison of December 2008 to December 2009 Division and District Total Year Mgt Mgt% Labor Labor% Consultant Consultant% Minority Minority% Female Female% Male Male% Graduates Graduates% Gender Total Members Category Graphic Design Dec'09 Dec'09 Change 11 11 0 7 7 0 64% 64% 0% 3 3 0 27% 27% 0% 1 1 0 9% 9% 0% 1 1 0 9% 9% 0% 4 4 0 36% 36% 0% 7 7 0 64% 64% 0% 7 7 0 64% 64% 0% Horticulture Dec'09 Dec'09 Change 11 10 -1 7 70% 4 6 60% 4 -1 -10% 0 40% 40% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 5 3 -2 50% 30% -20% 6 7 1 60% 70% 10% 3 2 -1 30% 20% -10% Hotel/Hosp Meet/ Event Mgmt Dec'09 Dec'09 Change 11 15 4 9 60% 13 87% 4 27% 2 2 0 13% 13% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 2 4 2 13% 27% 14% 5 8 3 33% 53% 20% 6 7 1 40% 47% 7% 2 3 1 13% 20% 7% Information Security Specialist Dec'09 Dec'09 Change 23 23 0 16 70% 16 70% 0 0% 6 6 0 26% 26% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 2 2 0 9% 9% 0% 3 3 0 13% 13% 0% 20 87% 20 87% 0 0% 2 2 0 9% 9% 0% Information Technology Dec'09 Dec'09 Change 22 22 0 11 50% 11 50% 0 0% 9 9 0 41% 41% 0% 2 2 0 9% 9% 0% 5 5 0 23% 23% 0% 4 4 0 18% 18% 0% 18 82% 18 82% 0 0% 1 1 0 5% 5% 0% Interior Design Dec'09 Dec'09 Change 9 12 3 5 8 3 42% 67% 25% 3 3 0 25% 25% 0% 1 1 0 8% 8% 0% 0 1 1 0% 8% 8% 6 8 2 50% 67% 17% 3 4 1 25% 33% 8% 2 4 2 17% 33% 16% Management Development Dec'09 Dec'09 Change 12 12 0 11 92% 10 83% -1 -9% 1 2 1 8% 17% 9% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 2 2 0 17% 17% 0% 5 6 1 42% 50% 8% 7 6 -1 58% 50% -8% 5 6 1 42% 50% 8% Marketing Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 10 10 0 9 9 0 90% 90% 0% 1 1 0 10% 10% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 3 3 0 30% 30% 0% 5 5 0 50% 50% 0% 5 5 0 50% 50% 0% 6 5 -1 60% 50% -10% Office Technology Dec'09 Dec'09 Change 10 9 -1 7 6 -1 70% 67% -3% 3 3 0 30% 33% 3% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 10 100% 9 100% -1 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 2 2 0 20% 22% 2% Division /Advisory Committee Division District Totals 12/03/2009 4 December 2009 Advisory Committee Data Summary Comparison of December 2008 to December 2009 Division and District Total Graduates Graduates% Photography Dec'09 Dec'09 Change 12 12 0 10 83% 10 83% 0 0% 2 2 17% 17% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 1 0 8% 8% 0% 3 3 0 25% 25% 0% 9 9 0 75% 75% 0% 5 5 0 42% 42% 0% Real Estate Dec'09 Dec'09 Change 10 10 0 9 9 0 1 1 0 10% 10% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 1 0 10% 10% 0% 3 3 0 30% 30% 0% 7 7 0 70% 70% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% Retail Dec'09 Management/ Dec'09 Fashion Marketing Change 9 9 0 5 56% 0 9 100% 0 4 44% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0 2 2 0% 22% 22% 6 6 0 67% 67% 0% 3 3 0 33% 33% 0% 3 5 2 33% 56% 23% Supply Chain Management Dec'09 Dec'09 Change 8 7 -1 7 100% 1 6 86% 1 -1 -14% 0 14% 14% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 1 0 14% 14% 0% 2 2 0 29% 29% 0% 6 86% 5 71% -1 -15% 2 2 0 29% 29% 0% VI-Com/Computer Graphics Dec'09 Dec'09 Change 11 10 -1 6 6 0 40% 1 10% 1 10% 40% 0 0% 0 0% 0% -1 -10% -1 -10% 1 1 0 10% 10% 0% 10 100% 9 90% -1 -10% 4 4 0 40% 40% 0% Division District Totals 188 71% 59 22% 18 7% 43 16% 104 39% 166 63% 199 72% 67 24% 9 3% 54 20% 115 42% 161 58% 11 1% 8 2% -9 -4% 11 4% 11 3% -5 -5% 12/03/2009 Graduates% Female Minority% Minority Consultant% Consultant Labor% Labor 264 276 12 Mgt% Dec'09 Dec'09 Change Gender Graduates Business & Information Technology Year Mgt Division /Advisory Committee Total Members Category Male% 4 4 0 Male 60% 60% 0% Female% 90% 90% 0% Male% 33% 33% 0% Male 1 1 0 Female% 3 100% 5 167% 3 100% 2 67% 2 67% 1 33% -1 -33% -3 -100% -2 -67% Female Minority 0% 0% 0% Minority% Consultant% 3 100% 2 67% 0 2 67% 1 33% 0 -1 -33% -1 -34% 0 Labor% 8 3 -5 Labor Dec'09 Dec'09 Change Mgt% Paralegal Division /Advisory Committee Mgt Year Consultant Gender Total Members Category 67 79 12 25% 29% 4% 5 December 2009 Advisory Committee Data Summary Comparison of December 2008 to December 2009 Division and District Total 7 7 0 6 86% 0 5 71% 0 -1 -15% 0 0% 0% 0% 1 2 1 14% 29% 15% 1 1 0 14% 14% 0% 7 100% 0 7 100% 0 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 2 2 0 29% 29% 0% Cardiovascular Technology Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 12 13 1 5 5 0 38% 38% 0% 7 8 1 54% 62% 8% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 3 2 -1 23% 15% -8% 7 8 1 54% 62% 8% 5 5 0 38% 38% 0% 4 4 0 31% 31% 0% Clinical Laboratory Technician Phlebotomy Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 10 10 0 7 7 0 70% 70% 0% 2 2 0 20% 20% 0% 1 1 0 10% 10% 0% 1 1 0 10% 10% 0% 7 7 0 70% 70% 0% 3 3 0 30% 30% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% Dental Assistant Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 10 10 0 6 6 1 60% 60% 12% 2 2 0 20% 2 20% 0 20% 2 20% 0 0% -1 -12% 0 0% 0% 0% 8 8 0 80% 80% 0% 2 2 0 20% 20% 0% 4 4 1 40% 40% 13% Dental Hygiene Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 8 8 0 3 4 0 38% 50% 0% 2 2 0 25% 25% 0% 2 1 0 25% 13% 0% 1 1 0 13% 13% 0% 4 4 0 50% 50% 0% 4 4 0 50% 50% 0% 2 3 0 25% 38% 0% Dental Laboratory Technology Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 6 6 0 5 5 0 83% 83% 0% 1 1 0 17% 17% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 1 0 17% 17% 0% 5 5 0 83% 83% 0% 4 4 0 67% 67% 0% Dietetic Tecnician/ Dietary Manager Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 12 12 0 9 9 0 75% 75% 0% 2 2 0 17% 17% 0% 1 1 0 8% 8% 0% 2 2 0 17% 17% 0% 8 8 0 67% 67% 0% 4 4 0 33% 33% 0% 4 4 0 33% 33% 0% Funeral Service Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 11 10 -1 9 82% 2 18% 0 10 100% 0 0% 1 1 18% -2 -18% 1 0% 2 10% 1 10% -1 18% 10% -8% 2 1 -1 18% 10% -8% 9 9 0 82% 7 64% 90% 5 50% 8% -2 -14% Graduates Dec'08 Dec'09 Change Male% Associate Degree Nursing Male 5 6 1 Female% 11% 3 33% 11% 2 22% 0% -1 -11% Female 1 1 0 Minority% 44% 56% 12% Minority Consultant 4 44% 4 3 33% 5 -1 -11% 1 Labor 9 9 0 Mgt% Dec'08 Dec'09 Change Year Mgt Anesthesia Technology Division /Advisory Committee Total Members Labor% Graduates% Gender Consultant% Category Health Occupations Division Division District Totals 12/03/2009 56% 4 44% 4 67% 3 33% 5 11% -1 -11% 1 44% 56% 12% 6 December 2009 Advisory Committee Data Summary Comparison of December 2008 to December 2009 Division and District Total Labor Labor% Consultant Consultant% Minority Minority% Male Male% Graduates Graduates% Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 12 12 0 5 5 0 42% 42% 0% 7 7 0 58% 58% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 3 3 0 25% 25% 0% 11 92% 11 92% 0 0% 1 1 0 8% 8% 0% 4 4 0 33% 33% 0% Medical Assistant Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 7 7 0 2 3 1 29% 5 71% 0 43% 4 57% 0 14% -1 -14% 0 0% 0% 0% 2 2 0 29% 29% 0% 7 100% 0 7 100% 0 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 5 71% 4 57% -1 -14% Medical Coding Specialist Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 7 8 1 3 3 0 38% 38% 0% 13% 25% 12% 1 1 0 13% 13% 0% 7 88% 0 8 100% 0 1 12% 0 0% 0% 0% 2 3 1 25% 38% 13% Medical Interpreter Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 10 7 -3 5 71% 3 3 43% 3 -2 -28% 0 43% 2 29% 7 100% 8 114% 2 43% 1 14% 6 86% 5 71% 2 0% -1 -15% -1 -14% -3 -43% 0 29% 29% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% Nursing Assistant Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 6 6 0 3 3 0 50% 50% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 1 0 17% 17% 0% 6 100% 0 6 100% 0 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 1 1 0 17% 17% 0% Occupational Therapy Assistant Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 12 10 -2 3 30% 9 90% 0 2 20% 8 80% 0 -1 -10% -1 -10% 0 0% 0% 0% 1 1 0 10% 10% 0% 9 90% 3 30% 7 8 80% 2 20% 7 -1 -10% -1 -10% 0 70% 70% 0% Opticianry Science Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 9 9 0 5 5 0 0% 0% 0% 1 1 0 11% 11% 0% 4 4 0 44% 44% 0% 3 3 0 33% 33% 0% Pharmacy Technician Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 11 9 -2 7 78% 3 6 67% 3 -1 -11% 0 33% 1 11% 3 33% 33% 0 0% 1 11% 0% -1 -11% -2 -22% 6 6 0 67% 5 56% 2 67% 3 33% 3 0% -2 -23% 1 22% 33% 11% Physical Therapist Assistant Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 9 9 0 3 3 0 33% 33% 0% 7 7 0 78% 78% 0% 44% 44% 0% Division District Totals 50% 50% 0% 56% 56% 0% 33% 33% 0% 3 3 0 3 3 0 4 4 0 3 3 0 38% 38% 0% 44% 44% 0% 12/03/2009 1 2 1 0 0 0 3 3 0 33% 33% 0% 1 1 0 11% 11% 0% Female% Mgt% Health Unit Coordinator Division /Advisory Committee Female Year Mgt Gender Total Members Category 5 5 0 2 2 0 56% 56% 0% 22% 22% 0% 4 4 0 7 December 2009 Advisory Committee Data Summary Comparison of December 2008 to December 2009 Division and District Total Year Mgt Mgt% Labor Labor% Consultant Consultant% Minority Minority% Female Female% Male Male% Graduates Graduates% Gender Total Members Category Practical Nursing Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 6 6 0 3 3 0 50% 50% 0% 2 2 0 33% 33% 0% 1 1 0 17% 17% 0% 3 3 0 50% 50% 0% 4 4 0 67% 67% 0% 2 2 0 33% 33% 0% 3 3 0 50% 50% 0% Radiography Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 12 12 0 4 4 0 33% 33% 0% 7 7 0 58% 58% 0% 1 1 0 8% 8% 0% 2 2 0 17% 17% 0% 8 8 0 67% 67% 0% 4 4 0 33% 33% 0% 4 4 0 33% 33% 0% Renal Dialysis Technician Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 10 9 -1 4 4 0 33% 6 50% 33% 5 42% 0% -1 -8% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 5 4 -1 42% 33% -9% 9 9 0 75% 1 75% 0 0% -1 8% 10 83% 0% 9 75% -8% -1 -8% Respiratory Care Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 7 7 0 4 4 0 57% 57% 0% 2 2 0 29% 29% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 1 0 14% 14% 0% 5 5 0 71% 71% 0% 2 2 0 29% 29% 0% 4 4 0 57% 57% 0% Surgical Technology Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 12 13 1 4 4 0 31% 31% 0% 7 8 1 54% 62% 8% 1 1 0 8% 8% 0% 3 3 0 23% 23% 0% 6 7 1 46% 54% 8% 6 6 0 46% 46% 0% 5 6 1 38% 46% 8% Health Occupations Division Dec'08 215 109 52% 86 41% 18 Dec'09 209 106 51% 84 40% 18 Change -6 -3 -1% -2 -1% 0 9% 9% 0% 47 22% 146 70% 69 33% 85 41% 40 19% 145 69% 64 31% 86 41% -7 -3% -1 -1% -5 -2% 1 0% Division /Advisory Committee Division District Totals 12/03/2009 8 December 2009 Advisory Committee Data Summary Comparison of December 2008 to December 2009 Division and District Total Minority% Female 4 4 0 29% 29% 0% 1 1 0 7% 7% 0% 2 3 1 14% 21% 7% 3 3 0 Early Childhood Education Dec'09 Dec'09 Change 13 14 1 8 10 2 57% 71% 14% 1 0 -1 7% 0% -7% 4 4 0 29% 29% 0% 5 5 0 36% 11 79% 36% 12 86% 0% 1 7% Human Service Associate Dec'09 Dec'09 Change 14 13 -1 7 5 -2 54% 38% -16% 3 4 1 23% 31% 8% 3 3 0 23% 8 62% 10 77% 4 31% 2 23% 6 46% 11 85% 2 15% 4 0% -2 -16% 1 8% -2 -16% 2 15% 31% 16% Interpreter Technician Dec'09 Dec'09 Change 6 6 0 5 5 0 83% 83% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 1 0 17% 1 17% 3 17% 0 0% 4 0% -1 -17% 1 50% 3 50% 0 67% 2 33% 0 17% -1 -17% 0 0% 0% 0% Music Occupations Dec'09 Dec'09 Change 7 10 3 3 6 3 43% 60% 17% 1 1 0 14% 10% -4% 3 43% 2 3 30% 3 0 -13% 1 14% 20% 6% 14% 10% -4% Teacher Education Track Dec'09 Dec'09 Change 15 12 -3 3 4 1 20% 33% 13% 1 2 1 7% 9 60% 10 67% 10 67% 5 33% 5 33% 17% 6 50% 6 50% 8 67% 4 33% 1 8% 10% -3 -10% -4 -17% -2 0% -1 0% -4 -25% Liberal Arts & Sciences Division Dec'09 Dec'09 Change 61 69 8 28 39 11 46% 57% 11% 10 16% 20 29% 27 39% 35 51% 26 38% 16 23% 11 16% 18 26% 23 33% 40 58% 29 42% 14 20% 1 0% -2 -3% -4 -6% 5 7% 3 4% -2 -3% Graduates% Minority 50% 64% 14% Graduates Consultant% 7 9 2 Male% Consultant 12 14 2 Male Labor% Dec'09 Dec'09 Change Year Female% Labor Chemical Technician Division /Advisory Committee Total Members Mgt% Gender Mgt Category 4 5 1 29% 36% 7% Liberal Arts & Sciences Division Division District Totals 12/03/2009 29% 30% 1% 1 2 1 21% 9 64% 21% 11 79% 0% 2 15% 2 2 0 6 8 2 14% 4 29% 14% 3 21% 0% -1 -8% 86% 80% -6% 1 1 0 9 December 2009 Advisory Committee Data Summary Comparison of December 2008 to December 2009 Division and District Total Labor Labor% Consultant Consultant% Minority Minority% Female Female% Male Male% Graduates Graduates% Year Gender Mgt% Division /Advisory Committee Total Members Mgt Category 80% 80% 0% 2 2 0 20% 20% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 1 0 10% 10% 0% 5 5 0 50% 50% 0% 5 5 0 50% 50% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% Pre-College Education Division Pre-College Division District Totals Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 10 10 0 8 8 0 12/03/2009 10 December 2009 Advisory Committee Data Summary Comparison of December 2008 to December 2009 Division and District Total Minority% Female Female% Male 7% 7% 0% 1 1 0 7% 7% 0% 2 2 0 14% 14% 0% 1 1 0 7% 7% 0% 14 100% 9 13 93% 8 -1 -7% -1 64% 57% -7% Appliance Technician Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 9 8 -1 7 7 0 88% 88% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 2 25% 3 38% 0 1 13% 2 25% 0 -1 -12% -1 -13% 0 0% 0% 0% 9 113% 8 100% -1 -13% 1 1 0 13% 13% 0% Architectural Technology Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 10 10 0 5 5 0 50% 50% 0% 3 3 0 30% 30% 0% 2 2 0 20% 20% 0% 2 2 0 20% 20% 0% 4 4 0 40% 40% 0% 6 6 0 60% 60% 0% 3 3 0 30% 30% 0% Automobile/ Auto Body Servicing Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 15 19 4 11 58% 14 74% 3 16% 1 2 1 5% 11% 6% 2 2 0 11% 11% 0% 0 1 1 0% 5% 5% 1 1 0 5% 5% 0% 14 74% 18 95% 4 21% 4 4 0 21% 21% 0% Automotive Technology Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 6 6 0 5 5 0 83% 83% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 1 0 17% 17% 0% 1 1 0 17% 17% 0% 1 1 0 17% 17% 0% 5 5 0 83% 83% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% Aviation Mechanics Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 11 11 0 7 7 0 50% 50% 0% 2 2 0 18% 18% 0% 2 2 0 18% 18% 0% 2 2 0 18% 18% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 11 100% 11 100% 0 0% 2 2 0 18% 18% 0% Biomedical Electronics Technology Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 11 13 2 3 2 -1 21% 8 62% 0 14% 1 8% 0 -7% -7 -54% 0 0% 0% 0% 2 4 2 15% 3 23% 31% 2 15% 16% -1 -8% 8 62% 11 85% 3 23% 4 7 3 31% 54% 23% Bricklaying and Masonry Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 7 7 0 3 3 0 20% 21% 1% 3 3 0 43% 43% 0% 1 1 0 14% 14% 0% 1 1 0 14% 14% 0% 1 1 0 14% 14% 0% 6 6 0 86% 86% 0% 4 4 0 57% 57% 0% Carpenters & Cabinetmakers Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 7 7 0 6 6 0 86% 86% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 1 0 14% 14% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 1 0 14% 14% 0% 6 6 0 86% 86% 0% 1 1 0 14% 14% 0% Graduates% Minority 1 1 0 Graduates Consultant% 13 93% 12 86% -1 -7% Male% Consultant 15 14 -1 Mgt% Dec'08 Dec'09 Change Year Mgt Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Division /Advisory Committee Total Members Labor% Gender Labor Category Technology & Applied Sciences Division Division District Totals 12/03/2009 11 December 2009 Advisory Committee Data Summary Comparison of December 2008 to December 2009 Division and District Total 43% 43% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 1 0 Computer Electronics Technology Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 8 5 -3 3 2 -1 38% 4 50% 1 40% 2 40% 1 2% -2 -10% 0 Criminal Justice Law Enforcement Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 13 10 -3 11 85% 9 90% -2 5% 0 0 0 Diesel & Powertrain Servicing Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 11 17 6 7 64% 12 71% 5 7% Electricity - Diploma Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 8 8 0 5 5 0 Electronic Engineering Technology Dec'08 Dec'09 Change Electronic Technology Communication Graduates% Minority 3 3 0 Graduates Consultant% 57% 57% 0% Male% Consultant 4 4 0 Male Labor% 7 7 0 Female% Labor Dec'08 Dec'09 Change Female Mgt% Civil Engineering Technology Minority% Year Mgt Gender Total Members Category 14% 14% 0% 2 2 0 29% 29% 0% 5 5 0 71% 71% 0% 2 2 0 29% 29% 0% 13% 1 13% 1 20% 0 0% 1 7% -1 -13% 0 13% 20% 7% 7 4 -3 88% 80% -8% 3 38% 1 20% -2 -18% 0% 0% 0% 2 15% 2 15% 2 15% 1 10% 1 10% 1 10% -1 -5% -1 -5% -1 -5% 1 9 8 8% 90% 82% 5 4 -1 38% 40% 2% 2 2 0 18% 12% -6% 1 2 1 9% 12% 3% 1 1 0 9% 6% -3% 1 1 0 9% 6% -3% 10 91% 16 94% 6 3% 0 3 3 0% 18% 18% 3 3 0 38% 38% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 2 2 0 25% 25% 0% 3 3 0 38% 38% 0% 5 5 0 63% 63% 0% 2 2 0 25% 25% 0% 11 10 -1 6 60% 4 5 50% 4 -1 -10% 0 40% 40% 0% 1 1 0 10% 10% 0% 3 3 0 30% 30% 0% 2 2 0 20% 20% 0% 9 90% 8 80% -1 -10% 5 5 0 50% 50% 0% Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 4 3 -1 2 67% 1 1 33% 1 -1 -34% 0 33% 33% 0% 1 1 0 33% 33% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 4 133% 2 67% 3 100% 1 33% -1 -33% -1 -34% Electronic Technology Controls Automation Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 8 10 2 5 6 1 50% 60% 10% 3 4 1 30% 40% 10% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 2 2 0 20% 2 20% 20% 1 10% 0% -1 -10% 6 9 3 60% 90% 30% 3 3 0 30% 30% 0% Fire Science/EMS Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 8 10 2 6 6 0 60% 60% 0% 1 3 2 10% 30% 20% 1 1 0 10% 10% 0% 1 1 0 10% 10% 0% 7 9 2 70% 90% 20% 3 5 2 30% 50% 20% Division /Advisory Committee Division District Totals 63% 63% 0% 12/03/2009 1 1 0 10% 10% 0% 12 December 2009 Advisory Committee Data Summary Comparison of December 2008 to December 2009 Division and District Total Male Male% Graduates Graduates% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 4 50% 3 38% 0 1% 3 4% -4 -49% 0 -34% 5 5 0 63% 0% -63% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% Machine Tool & Computer Numerical Control Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 4 4 0 4 100% 0 4 100% 0 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 1 1 0 25% 25% 0% 3 3 0 75% 75% 0% 1 1 0 25% 25% 0% Machine Trades Apprentice Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 4 8 4 1 4 3 13% 50% 37% 2 2 0 25% 25% 0% 1 2 1 13% 1 13% 1 25% 0 0% 3 12% -1 -13% 2 13% 38% 25% 3 5 2 38% 63% 25% 0 1 1 0% 13% 13% Maintenance & Industrial Electrician Apprentice Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 5 9 4 1 3 2 11% 33% 22% 3 4 1 33% 44% 11% 1 2 1 11% 22% 11% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 2 1 11% 22% 11% 4 7 3 44% 78% 34% 1 2 1 11% 22% 11% Mechanical Drafting & Design Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 10 10 0 7 7 0 70% 70% 0% 3 3 0 30% 30% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 2 2 0 20% 20% 0% 8 8 0 80% 80% 0% 4 4 0 40% 40% 0% Painting & Decorating Apprentice Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 6 6 0 1 1 0 17% 17% 0% 3 3 0 50% 50% 0% 2 2 0 33% 33% 0% 1 1 0 17% 17% 0% 1 1 0 17% 17% 0% 5 5 0 83% 83% 0% 2 2 0 33% 33% 0% Preparatory Plumbing Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 9 9 0 6 6 0 67% 67% 0% 1 1 0 11% 11% 0% 1 1 0 11% 11% 0% 1 1 0 11% 11% 0% 1 1 0 11% 11% 0% 8 8 0 89% 89% 0% 1 1 0 11% 11% 0% Sheet Metal Apprentice Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 7 9 2 4 4 0 44% 44% 0% 2 2 0 22% 22% 0% 1 3 2 11% 33% 22% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0 1 1 0% 11% 11% 7 8 1 78% 89% 11% 4 5 1 44% 56% 12% Tool & Die Making Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 6 9 3 4 7 3 44% 78% 34% 2 2 0 22% 22% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 1 0 11% 11% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 6 67% 9 100% 3 33% 3 3 0 33% 33% 0% Division District Totals 12/03/2009 0% 0% 0% Female% Minority 25% 40% 15% Female Consultant% 6 75% 2 3 60% 2 -3 -15% 0 Minority% Consultant 8 5 -3 Labor Dec'08 Dec'09 Change Mgt% Line Mechanic Division /Advisory Committee Mgt Year Labor% Gender Total Members Category 13 December 2009 Advisory Committee Data Summary Comparison of December 2008 to December 2009 Division and District Total Year Mgt Mgt% Labor Labor% Consultant Consultant% Minority Minority% Female Female% Male Male% Graduates Graduates% Gender Total Members Category Welding/ Weld Technician Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 8 8 0 6 6 0 75% 75% 0% 2 2 0 25% 25% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 1 0 13% 13% 0% 7 7 0 88% 88% 0% 4 4 0 50% 50% 0% Technology & Applied Sciences Division Dec'08 308 173 56% 91 30% 37 12% 43 14% 42 14% 266 86% 100 32% Dec'09 252 156 62% 55 22% 28 11% 29 12% 38 15% 217 86% 79 31% Change -56 -17 6% -36 -8% -9 -1% -14 -2% -4 1% -49 0% -21 -1% Division /Advisory Committee * Please note that TAS Division has lost a number of membeships due to the fact that four of their programs have opted to provide their information to the joint apprenticeship and advisory committee only. Division District Totals 12/03/2009 14 December 2009 Advisory Committee Data Summary Comparison of December 2008 to December 2009 Division and District Total Graduates% Graduates Male% Male Female% Female Minority% Minority Consultant% Gender Consultant Labor% Labor Mgt% Year Mgt Division /Advisory Committee Total Members Category Television & Video Production Division Televison & Video Production Division District Totals Dec'08 Dec'09 Change 10 10 0 3 30% 5 50% 2 20% 3 30% 2 20% 8 80% 1 3 30% 5 50% 2 20% 3 30% 2 20% 8 80% 1 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 12/03/2009 10% 10% 0% 15 Advisory Committee Data Summary - by Committee December 2009 Category Advisory Committee Gender Minority Female Male Total Mgt Labor Consultants Grads Accounting 9 7 1 1 1 4 5 1 Air Conditioning Refrigeration 14 12 1 1 2 1 13 8 Anesthesia Technology 9 3 5 1 2 6 3 5 Appliance Technician 8 7 0 1 2 0 8 1 Architectural Technology 10 5 3 2 2 4 6 3 Associate Degree Nursing 7 5 0 2 1 7 0 2 Automobile/auto Body Servicing 19 14* 2* 2* 0 1 18 4 Automotive Technology 6 5 0 1 1 1 5 0 Aviation Mechanics 11 7 2 2 2 0 11 2 Baking Production 11 6 5 0 3 6 5 4 Banking And Finance 11 10 0 1 4 9 2 0 Barber Cosmetologist Apprenticeship 15 11 3 1 8 7 8 4 Barber/cosmetologist 12 10 2 0 8 9 3 6 Biomedical Electronics Technology 13 2 11 0 4 2 11 7 Bricklaying And Masonry 7 3 3 1 1 1 6 4 Business Management 6 4 2 0 1 2 4 4 Cardiovascular Technology 13 5 8 0 2 8 5 4 Carpenters & Cabinetmakers 7 6 0 1 0 1 6 1 Chemical Technician 14 9 4 1 3 3 11 5 Civil Engineering Technology 7 4 3 0 1 2 5 2 Clinical Laboratory Technician Phlebotomy 10 7 2 1 1 7 3 0 Computer Electronics Technology 5 2 2 1 0 1 4 1 Criminal Justice Law Enforcement 10 9 0 1 1 1 9 4 Culinary Arts 11 7 3 1 1 4 7 4 Dental Assistant 10 6 2 2 0 8 2 4 Dental Hygiene 8 4* 2* 1* 1 4 4 3 Dental Laboratory Technology 6 5 1 0 0 1 5 4 Diesel & Powertrain Servicing 17 12* 2* 2* 1 1 16 3 Dietetic Technician/dietary Manager 12 9 2 1 2 8 4 4 Early Childhood Education 14 10 0 4 5 12 2 3 Ecommerce/web Administration 12 10 1 1 1 3 9 3 Electricity - Diploma 8 5 3 0 2 3 5 2 Electronic Engineering Technology 10 5 4 1 3 2 8 5 Electronic Technology Communication 3 1 1 1 0 0 3 1 Electronic Technology Controls Automation 10 6 4 0 2 1 9 3 Environmental Health & Pollution Control Tech 14 6 8 0 2 4 10 4 Fire Science/ems 10 6 3 1 1 1 9 5 Funeral Service 10 10 0 0 1 1 9 6 Graphic Design 11 7 3 1 1 4 7 7 * Category Information Incomplete 12/3/2009 16 Advisory Committee Data Summary - by Committee December 2009 Category Gender Minority Female Male Advisory Committee Total Mgt Labor Consultants Grads Health Unit Coordinator 12 5 7 0 3 11 1 4 Horticulture 10 6 4 0 0 3 7 2 Hotel/hospitality-meeting/event Management 15 13 2 0 4 8 7 3 Human Service Associate 13 5* 4* 3* 6 11 2 4 Information Security Specialist 23 16* 6* 0* 2 3 20 2 Information Technology 22 11 9 2 5 4 18 1 Interior Design 12 8 3 1 1 8 4 4 Interpreter Technician 6 5 0 1 0 4 2 0 Line Mechanic 5 3 2 0 0 1 4 0 Machine Tool & Computer Numerical Control 4 4 0 0 0 1 3 0 Machine Trades Apprentice 8 4 2 2 0 3 5 1 Maintenance & Industrial Electrician Apprentice 9 3 4 2 0 2 7 2 Management Development 12 10 2 0 2 6 6 6 Marketing 10 9 1 0 3 5 5 5 Mechanical Drafting & Design 10 7 3 0 0 2 8 4 Medical Assistant 7 3 4 0 2 7 0 4 Medical Coding 8 3 3 2 1 8 0 3 Medical Interpreter 7 3 3 1 6 5 2 0 Music Occupations 10 6 1 3 3 2 8 1 Nursing Assistant 6 3 3 0 1 6 0 1 Occupational Therapy Assistant 10 2 8 0 1 8 2 7 Office Technology 9 6 3 0 0 9 0 2 Opticianry Science 9 5 4 0 1 4 5 3 Painting & Decorating Apprentice 6 1 3 2 1 1 5 2 Paralegal 3 2 1 0 2 2 1 1 Pharmacy Technician 9 6 3 0 1 6 3 3 Photography 12 10 2 0 1 3 9 5 Physical Therapist Assistant 9 3 3 3 1 7 2 4 Practical Nursing 6 3 2 1 3 4 2 3 Pre-college Education 10 8 2 0 1 5 5 0 Preparatory Plumbing 9 6* 1* 1* 1 1 8 1 Radiography 12 4 7 1 2 8 4 4 Real Estate 10 9 1 0 1 3 7 0 Renal Dialysis Technician 9 4 5 0 4 9 0 9 Respiratory Care 7 4* 2* 0* 1 5 2 4 Retail Management/fashion Marketing 9 9 0 0 2 6 3 5 Sheet Metal Apprentice 9 4 2 3 0 1 8 5 Supply Chain Management 7 6 1 0 1 2 5 2 Surgical Technology 13 4 8 1 3 7 6 6 * Category Information Incomplete 12/3/2009 17 Advisory Committee Data Summary - by Committee December 2009 Category Advisory Committee Gender Minority Female Male Total Mgt Labor Consultants Grads Teacher Education Track 12 4 2 6 6 8 4 1 Television Video Production 10 3 5 2 3 2 8 1 Tool & Die Making 9 7 2 0 1 0 9 3 Vi-com/computer Graphics 10 6 4 0 0 1 9 4 Welding/weld Tech 8 6 2 0 0 1 7 4 * Category Information Incomplete 12/3/2009 18 Advisory Committee Data Summary - by Division Division Total Members Category Mgt Labor Gender Consultants Minority Female Male Grads Business, Graphic Arts, & Information Technology 276 199 72% 67 24% 9 3% 54 20% 115 42% 161 58% 79 29% Health Occupations 209 106 51% 84 40% 17 8% 40 19% 145 69% 64 31% 87 42% Liberal Arts & Sciences 69 39 57% 11 16% 18 26% 23 33% 14 20% 40 58% 29 42% 5 Pre-college 10 8 80% 2 20% 0 0% 1 10% 5 50% 50% 0 0% Technology & Applied Sciences 252 156 62% 65 26% 28 11% 28 11% 36 14% 216 86% 78 31% Television & Video Production 10 3 30% 5 50% 2 20% 3 30% 2 20% 1 10% TOTAL 826 511 62% 234 28% 74 9% * Category Information Incomplete 8 80% 149 18% 343 42% 483 58% 259 31% 12/3/2009 19 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER, 2009 MEMBERS RECENTLY VAC LEFT COMMITTEE MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED BUSINESS, GRAPHIC ARTS, & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ACCOUNTING 9 members 0 1 grad(s) BAKING PRODUCTION 11 members 4 grad(s) BANKING AND FINANCE 11 members 0 0 0 grad(s) BARBER COSMETOLOGIST APPRENTICESHIP 15 members 4 grad(s) 0 Celia Jackson Secretary of Regulation and Licesnsing DRL (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Yolanda McGowan Secretary of Regulation and Licesnsing DRL (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) BARBER/COSMETOLOGIST 12 members 6 grad(s) BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 6 members 3 4 grad(s) CULINARY ARTS 11 members 0 0 4 grad(s) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of nine members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management 20 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER, 2009 MEMBERS RECENTLY VAC LEFT COMMITTEE eCOMMERCE/WEB ADMINISTRATION 12 members 3 grad(s) 0 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH & POLLUTION CONTROL TECH 15 members 4 grad(s) 0 GRAPHIC DESIGN 0 11 members 0 2 grad(s) HOTEL/HOSPITALITYMEETING/EVENT MANAGEMENT 15 members 3 grad(s) 0 INFORMATION SECURITY SPECIALIST 23 members 2 grad(s) 0 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 0 22 members Greg Kosmeder J.C. Penny IT Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) 7 grad(s) HORTICULTURE 10 members William Kellner J C P Logistics LP Transportation Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED Alan C. Upstrom David J. Frank Landscape Contracting, I Sales Manager (Labor/Nonminority) 1 grad(s) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of nine members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management 21 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER, 2009 MEMBERS RECENTLY VAC LEFT COMMITTEE INTERIOR DESIGN 12 members 0 4 grad(s) MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT 12 members 6 grad(s) 0 MARKETING 0 10 members 6 1 grad(s) PHOTOGRAPHY 12 members 0 5 grad(s) REAL ESTATE 10 members 0 2 grad(s) PARALEGAL 3 members 0 1 grad(s) OFFICE TECHNOLOGY 9 members Pam Janotta Aramark Assidtant Food Service Director (Labor/Nonminority) 5 grad(s) MUSIC OCCUPATIONS 10 members MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED 0 0 grad(s) RETAIL MANAGEMENT/FASHION MARKETING 9 members 5 grad(s) 0 VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of nine members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management 22 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER, 2009 MEMBERS RECENTLY VAC LEFT COMMITTEE SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT 7 members 2 2 grad(s) VI-COM/COMPUTER GRAPHICS 10 members MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED 0 4 grad(s) BUSINESS, GRAPHIC ARTS, & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYDIVISION HEALTH OCCUPATIONS ANESTHESIA TECHNOLOGY 9 members 0 5 grad(s) Sam Ortiz University of Chicago Hospital Anesthesia Technician (Labor/Minority) Julie Mull Columbia St. Mary's Anesthesia Technician (Labor/Nonminority) Robert Schlemm Aurora Medical Center, Racine Staff RN (Labor/Minority) Mary McGavock Elmbrook Memorial Hospital Anesthesia Technician (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) ASSOCIATE DEGREE NURSING 7 members 2 2 grad(s) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of nine members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management 23 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER, 2009 MEMBERS RECENTLY VAC LEFT COMMITTEE CARDIOVASCULAR TECHNOLOGY 13 members 4 grad(s) 0 CLINICAL LABORATORY TECHNICIAN PHLEBOTOMY 10 members 0 grad(s) 0 DENTAL ASSISTANT 0 10 members 1 3 grad(s) DENTAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY 6 members 4 grad(s) 3 DIETETIC TECHNICIAN/DIETARY MANAGER 12 members 5 grad(s) 0 FUNERAL SERVICE 0 10 members 6 grad(s) HEALTH UNIT COORDINATOR 12 members 0 4 grad(s) MEDICAL ASSISTANT 7 members Linda Dreher Jennifer Talatzko-Wurth Arrythmia Center for Southern WisconsWheaton Franciscan All Saints Racine Echocardographer Echocardiographer (Labor/Nonminority) (Labor/Nonminority) 4 grad(s) DENTAL HYGIENE 8 members MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED 2 4 grad(s) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of nine members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management 24 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER, 2009 MEMBERS RECENTLY VAC LEFT COMMITTEE MEDICAL CODING 8 members 2 0 grad(s) NURSING ASSISTANT 6 members 1 3 grad(s) MEDICAL INTERPRETER 7 members 3 1 grad(s) OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY ASSISTANT 10 members 7 grad(s) 0 OPTICIANRY SCIENCE 0 9 members 3 grad(s) PHARMACY TECHNICIAN 9 members MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED 0 3 grad(s) Lou Hefle Newcastle Pharmacy Consultant Pharmacist (Consult/Nonminority) Philip Hsu Community Memorial Hospital Director of Pharmacy (Supervisor/Mgr/Minority) PHYSICAL THERAPIST ASSISTANT 9 members 4 grad(s) 0 VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of nine members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management 25 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER, 2009 MEMBERS RECENTLY VAC LEFT COMMITTEE PRACTICAL NURSING 6 members 2 4 grad(s) SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY 13 members 0 9 grad(s) RESPIRATORY CARE 7 members 0 4 grad(s) RENAL DIALYSIS TECHNICIAN 9 members 3 3 grad(s) RADIOGRAPHY 12 members MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED 0 6 grad(s) HEALTH OCCUPATIONSDIVISION LIBERAL ARTS & SCIENCES CHEMICAL TECHNICIAN 13 members 0 4 grad(s) EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION 14 members 3 grad(s) 0 HUMAN SERVICE ASSOCIATE 0 13 members Michael Katz Molded Dimensions President (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) 4 grad(s) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of nine members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management 26 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER, 2009 MEMBERS RECENTLY VAC LEFT COMMITTEE INTERPRETER TECHNICIAN 6 members 3 0 grad(s) TEACHER EDUCATION TRACK 12 members MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED 0 1 grad(s) LIBERAL ARTS & SCIENCESDIVISION PRE-COLLEGE PRE-COLLEGE EDUCATION 10 members 0 0 grad(s) PRE-COLLEGEDIVISION TECHNOLOGY & APPLIED SCIENCES AIR CONDITIONING REFRIGERATION 14 members 8 grad(s) 0 APPLIANCE TECHNICIAN 1 8 members 1 grad(s) ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY 10 members 3 grad(s) 0 VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of nine members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management 27 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER, 2009 MEMBERS RECENTLY VAC LEFT COMMITTEE AUTOMOBILE/AUTO BODY SERVICING 17 members 4 grad(s) 0 MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED Daniel Kolasinski Concours Mercedes-Benz Service Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) John Fleming American Family Insurance Damage Senior Adjustor (Labor/Nonminority) Ray Pederson Foundation of the WATDA Executive Director (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Eric Sauer Wisconsin Lift Truck Technical Training Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY 6 members 0 grad(s) AVIATION MECHANICS 11 members 3 0 2 grad(s) BIOMEDICAL ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY 13 members 7 grad(s) 0 VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of nine members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management 28 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER, 2009 MEMBERS RECENTLY VAC LEFT COMMITTEE BRICKLAYING AND MASONRY 7 members MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED 2 4 grad(s) CARPENTERS & CABINETMAKERS 7 members 1 grad(s) 2 CIVIL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY 7 members 2 grad(s) 2 COMPUTER ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY 5 members 1 grad(s) 4 CRIMINAL JUSTICE LAW ENFORCEMENT 10 members 4 grad(s) 0 Pamela Hoderman UW Milwaukee Police Lieutenant (Labor/Nonminority) Michael J. Marzion University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Chief of Police (Interim) (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of nine members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management 29 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER, 2009 MEMBERS RECENTLY VAC LEFT COMMITTEE DIESEL & POWERTRAIN SERVICING 17 members 3 grad(s) 0 MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED Ray Pedersen Curtis Block Foundation of the Wis. Auto & Truck DJet Repair Services Executive Director Service Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Jeffrey Tews City of Milwaukee Fleet Operations Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Frank Bednar Milwaukee County Transit System Manager of Administrative Services (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Scott Bartlein Barry Fleet Services, LLc Fleet Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) David Harvey Milwaukee County Transit System Manager of Shop Operations (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of nine members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management 30 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER, 2009 MEMBERS RECENTLY VAC LEFT COMMITTEE MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED Jeff Dowd Foundation of the WATDA Consultant (Consult/Nonminority) Mike Wehr Milwaukee County Transit System Director of Maintenance (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) ELECTRICITY - DIPLOMA 8 members 1 2 grad(s) ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY 10 members 5 grad(s) 0 ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY COMMUNICATION 3 members 1 grad(s) 6 ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CONTROLS AUTOMATION 10 members 3 grad(s) 0 FIRE SCIENCE/EMS 0 10 members John Liegeois Siemens Account Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) 5 grad(s) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of nine members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management 31 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER, 2009 MEMBERS RECENTLY VAC LEFT COMMITTEE LINE MECHANIC 7 members 2 0 grad(s) MACHINE TOOL & COMPUTER NUMERICAL CONTROL 4 members 0 grad(s) 5 MACHINE TRADES APPRENTICE 8 members 1 grad(s) 1 MAINTENANCE & INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIAN APPRENTICE 9 members 2 grad(s) 0 MECHANICAL DRAFTING & DESIGN 10 members 4 grad(s) 0 PAINTING & DECORATING APPRENTICE 6 members 2 grad(s) 3 PREPARATORY PLUMBING 0 9 members 1 grad(s) SHEET METAL APPRENTICE 9 members 0 5 grad(s) TOOL & DIE MAKING 9 members MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED 0 3 grad(s) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of nine members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management 32 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER, 2009 MEMBERS RECENTLY VAC LEFT COMMITTEE WELDING/WELD TECH 8 members MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED 1 4 grad(s) TECHNOLOGY & APPLIED SCIENCESDIVISION TELEVISION & VIDEO PRODUCTION TELEVISION VIDEO PRODUCTION 10 members 1 grad(s) 0 TELEVISION & VIDEO PRODUCTIONDIVISION VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of nine members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management 33 QTRLY REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETINGS Text11: October, November, December DATE TIME LOCATION ADVISORY MEETING 10/1/2009 10:00 AM M210 -- Milwaukee Campus CULINARY ARTS A131 -- North Campus ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH & POLLUTION CONTROL TECH 10/1/2009 10/6/2009 11:30 AM M616 -- Milwaukee Campus MAINTENANCE & INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIAN APPRENTICE 10/7/2009 10:00 AM M612 -- Milwaukee Campus HOTEL/HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT 10/7/2009 8:30 AM 107 -- West Campus REAL ESTATE 10/8/2009 2:00 PM A131 -- North Campus AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY 10/8/2009 11:30 AM M616 -- Milwaukee Campus EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION 10/9/2009 8:30 AM 107 -- West Campus INTERIOR DESIGN 10/9/2009 8:00 AM A200 -- South Campus MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT 10/13/2009 8:30 AM A200E--South Campus eCOMMERCE/WEB ADMINISTRATION 10/13/2009 11:30 AM M612 -- Milwaukee Campus ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CONTROLS & AUTOMATION 10/13/2009 9:00 AM C444B--Milwaukee Campus MUSIC OCCUPATIONS 10/13/2009 5:00 PM M614 -- Milwaukee Campus PHYSICAL THERAPIST ASSISTANT 10/14/2009 7:30 AM M206 -- Milwaukee Campus CARDIOVASCULAR TECHNOLOGY 10/14/2009 2:00 PM C444B--Milwaukee Campus GRAPHIC DESIGN 10/14/2009 8:30 AM M616 -- Milwaukee Campus INTERPRETER TECHNICIAN 10/14/2009 7:00 AM 117 -- West Campus WELDING/WELD TECH 10/15/2009 8:00 AM 117 -- West Campus DIETETIC TECHNICIAN/DIETARY MANAGER 10/15/2009 12:00 PM Off Campus TOOL & DIE MAKING 10/20/2009 5:30 AM M206 -- Milwaukee Campus DENTAL ASSISTANT 10/21/2009 11:30 AM M614 -- Milwaukee Campus ELECTRICITY - DIPLOMA 10/23/2009 2:30 PM 117 -- West Campus ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY 10/27/2009 11:30 AM M206 -- Milwaukee Campus COMPUTER ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY 10/27/2009 1:00 PM M612 -- Milwaukee Campus MEDICAL INTERPRETER 10/27/2009 10:30 AM M614 -- Milwaukee Campus PHARMACY TECHNICIAN Thursday, December 03, 2009 34 DATE TIME LOCATION ADVISORY MEETING 10/28/2009 7:30 AM M204 -- Milwaukee Campus DENTAL HYGIENE 10/29/2009 4:30 PM M206 -- Milwaukee Campus ANESTHESIA TECHNOLOGY 11/3/2009 11:30 AM M612 -- Milwaukee Campus BIOMEDICAL ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY 11/4/2009 1:00 PM M204 -- Milwaukee Campus RESPIRATORY CARE 11/5/2009 8:30 AM M316 -- Milwaukee Campus MARKETING 11/6/2009 11:30 AM M612 -- Milwaukee Campus CHEMICAL TECHNICIAN 11/6/2009 7:30 AM M612 -- Milwaukee Campus SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY 11/10/2009 8:00 AM A202 -- North Campus ASSOCIATE DEGREE NURSING 11/10/2009 1:00 PM A131 -- North Campus HORTICULTURE 11/10/2009 5:30 AM 117 -- West Campus MEDICAL CODING 11/10/2009 7:30 AM M614 -- Milwaukee Campus OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY ASSISTANT 11/11/2009 8:00 AM M204 -- Milwaukee Campus PRACTICAL NURSING 11/12/2009 8:00 AM E114 -- South Campus MACHINE TOOL & COMPUTER NUMERICAL CONTROL 11/12/2009 5:00 PM M612 -- Milwaukee Campus TEACHER EDUCATION TRACK 11/13/2009 8:30 AM M614 -- Milwaukee Campus ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY COMMUNICATION 11/13/2009 7:30 AM M204 -- Milwaukee Campus NURSING ASSISTANT 11/13/2009 7:45 AM MPTV --E-W Conf TELEVISION & VIDEO PRODUCTION 11/18/2009 8:00 AM M204 -- Milwaukee Campus OPTICIANRY SCIENCE 11/30/2009 11:00 AM M614 -- Milwaukee Campus HEALTH UNIT COORDINATOR 12/1/2009 4:00 PM M204 -- Milwaukee Campus RENAL DIALYSIS TECHNICIAN 12/2/2009 3:00 PM M614 -- Milwaukee Campus CLINICAL LABORATORY TECHNICIAN PHLEBOTOMY 12/2/2009 8:00 AM E114 -- South Campus MACHINE TRADES APPRENTICE 12/2/2009 8:30 AM A200E--South Campus SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT 12/3/2009 3:00 PM 117 -- West Campus FUNERAL SERVICE 12/3/2009 3:00 PM Off Campus LINE MECHANIC Thursday, December 03, 2009 35 2009 Advisory Committee Membership Lists December 2009 Business, Graphic Arts, & Information Technology Division ACCOUNTING: 9 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 1 Labor; 7 Mgt; 4 Female; 5 Male; 1 Minority; 1 Graduate(s) Darren Bornemeier Briggs & Stratton Corp. Wayne C. Breitbarth Chris Daniels Susan Kilby Scott Larson Nancy Lepic Angela Navarrete Jon Neal Yollande Tchouapi M + M Office Interiors, Inc. South Shore Suburban Consortium City Colleges of Chicago Jefferson Wells North Shore Bank Angies Tax Service, LLC The Neal Group, LLC GE Healthcare Director-Internal Audit & SarbanesOxley President Youth Apprenticeship Coordinator Internal Advisor to CFO Finance & Accounting Professional Controller Tax Preparation Owner Global Controller Mgt Male Mgt Consultant Mgt Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Minority Male Male Female Male Female Female Grad Male Female BAKING PRODUCTION: 11 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 5 Labor; 6 Mgt; 6 Female; 5 Male; 3 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Renee Crouse Gloria DeAngelo Ken Heil Julie Hults John Jablonowski Steve Mertz David Piselli David J Schmidt Judy Semrad Kim Stinson Rotasha L. Wade Bakemark USA El Rey Mexican Products, Inc. Sweet Perfections Bake Shoppe Milwaukee Health Department Outpost Natural Foods Breadsmith, Inc. St. John's Communities Wisconsin Bakers Association, Inc Mukego Marketplace Foods Miller Bakery AZIC Homestyle Bakey Sales Reprentative Cake Decorator Owner/Operator Environmental Specialist Coordinator Baker Production Associate Baker/Pastry Chef Executive Director Owner/Vice President General Manager Owner Mgt Labor Mgt Labor Labor Labor Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Female Minority Female Male Female Male Male Minority Male Male Female Female Minority Female Grad Grad Grad Grad BANKING AND FINANCE: 11 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 0 Labor; 10 Mgt; 9 Female; 2 Male; 4 Minority; 0 Graduate(s) Monica Baker CJ Dykstra Gretchen Foltz Jennifer R. Gonzalez Lynette Jarreau Kim Kintop Pat Matthews LaJoy Mitchell Shawn Pulera Cheryl Schneider Dutch Vandervort PyraMax Bank Park Bank Marshall & Isley Corporation Lawrence Agency Riverworks Development Corporation U.S. Bank, N.A. North Milwaukee State Bank Marshall & Ilseey Corp. U.S. Bank US Bank Modern Woodmen Fraternal Financial Business, Graphic Arts, & Information Technology Division Senior Vice President Senior Human Resources Officer Recruiter Recruiting Assistant Financial Coach Manager Asst Vice President Adm/Marketing Recruiter Human Resource Operations Staffing Mgr Managing Partner Mgt Mgt Mgt Consultant Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Minority Minority Minority Minority Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Male Female Male 12/2009 36 2009 Advisory Committee Membership Lists December 2009 Business, Graphic Arts, & Information Technology Division BARBER COSMETOLOGIST APPRENTICESHIP: 15 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 3 Labor; 11 Mgt; 7 Female; 8 Male; 8 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Hafeezah Ahmad BAS and DWD Tony Garnica Elise Garrett Sherrie Hickenbottom Celia Jackson Christopher Ortiz Benito Rodriguez Jr Tasos Hair Studio Martha's Salon Malein Changez Hair Salon Secretary of Regulation and Licesnsing Wisconsin Depart Admiracion Beauty Salon Ronnie's Barbershop A Head of Times Dousman Hair Depot Secretary of Regulation and Licesnsing Wisconsin Depart Jose Barber's Regis Cost Cutters/System Manager Gaulien Smith Berrin Snyder Jont Tyson Gee's Clippers Shorty's Inc. Ricco's Swinging Door Clarence Kelly Ronnie O. Lockett Friedericke Marshell Scott Maule Yolanda McGowan Apprenticeship Training Representative Owner Salon Manager Hair Stylist DRL Consultant Minority Female Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Minority Male Minority Female Grad Female Grad Female Barber Owner/Manager Cometologist Instructor Owner and Manager DRL Labor Mgt Labor Mgt Mgt Minority Male Minority Male Grad Female Male Grad Female Manager Company System Trainer/Training Director Systems Owner-Manager Franchisee Barber Mgt Mgt Minority Male Minority Male Mgt Mgt Labor Minority Male Female Male Mgt Labor Mgt Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Minority Male Female Female Female Minority Male Minority Female Female Minority Female Minority Male Minority Female Minority Female Minority Female BARBER/COSMETOLOGIST: 12 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 10 Mgt; 9 Female; 3 Male; 8 Minority; 6 Graduate(s) Tommy Arnez Debra Brill Melissa Draway Sara Ford Antonio Garner Yoshiette Hamilton Kathy Mallak Vera Payton Mike Shaffer Margie Smith Jeanne Spors Sheniqua Williams Arnez & Co Inc. Plantogen Supercuts Les Ciseaux Salon Gee's Clippers D'Zire Hair Salon K.R. Mallak Supercuts Elite Barber & Beauty Salon Motivating Design 2 LLC Ardmore Salon Super Cuts Manager Owner Educator Area Supervisor Stylist Manager Stylist/Shift Manager Owner Manager/Stylist Owner Manager Owner Manager/Stylist Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad BUSINESS MANAGEMENT: 6 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 4 Mgt; 2 Female; 4 Male; 1 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) David Armstrong Dennis Biel Claudia Dropik Jon Fleming Dieudonne Mananga M&I Marshall and Isley Bank CADBURY Adams Home Care Medical, Inc. Milwaukee World Festival Incorporated Milwaukee Public Schools Annette Zamora Kleentest Business, Graphic Arts, & Information Technology Division VP Special Assets Account Manager Human Resources Manager Event Operations Manager Teacher & Paraprofessional Tech Coordinator A/R Coordinator Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Labor Mgt Male Male Grad Female Grad Male Male Grad Minority Female Grad 12/2009 37 2009 Advisory Committee Membership Lists December 2009 Business, Graphic Arts, & Information Technology Division CULINARY ARTS: 11 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 3 Labor; 7 Mgt; 4 Female; 7 Male; 1 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Knut F Apitz Joseph Bartolotta Julie Hults Pastor Jimenez David Jurena Stella L. Love Joseph Muench Bruce Parker Bob Scheldroup Tracy Spoerl Ann Wegner-LeFort Retiree - No Employer Bartolotta Restaurant Group City of Milwaukee Health Dept. Miller park Sport Service The Soup Market Ponderosa Maxie's Southern Comfort Aurora Health Care Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards Milwaukee World Festival, Inc. Sheridan's Consultant Owner, CEO Environmental Specialist Coordinator Executive Chef Co-Owner/Chef Owner/G.M. Executive Chef Regional Site Manager Field Representative Director of Concessions Pastry Chef Mgt Male Mgt Male Labor Female Labor Male Mgt Male Mgt Minority Female Mgt Male Mgt Male Consultant Male Mgt Female Labor Female Grad Grad Grad Grad eCOMMERCE/WEB ADMINISTRATION: 12 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 1 Labor; 10 Mgt; 3 Female; 9 Male; 1 Minority; 3 Graduate(s) Roxanne Baumann Jason Evans Paul Gueller Scott Isaacs Greg Kosmeder Adonica Randall Eric Rehl Christopher Remington Greg Ryan Ryan Schmidt Eileen Soto Patrick Torhorst WMEP GS Design Hanson Dodge Creative TBD J.C. Penny Connection Strategies Enterprises, Inc. Robert W. Baird Trivera Interactive eCommandos Midwest Airlines eSoto Web Design Quest CE Director OEM Initiative Director, Interactive Services Presentation Layer Developer Consultant IT Manager President Vice President, eBusiness Account Manager President Manager President Vice President Mgt Female Mgt Male Grad Mgt Male Labor Male Mgt Male Mgt Minority Female Mgt Male Mgt Male Consultant Male Mgt Male Mgt Female Grad Mgt Male Grad ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH & POLLUTION CONTROL TECH: 14 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 8 Labor; 6 Mgt; 4 Female; 10 Male; 2 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Tariq Akmut Joseph Baumann David A. Flowers Kenneth G. Fries Synergy Property Mgmt LLC Veolia Natural Water Solutions Control Enviro-Safe Consulting, LLC Todd D. Guse Stephanie Hinz Pat Iwanski Tim Kennedy Veolia Environmental Services Symbiont WDNR Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources S-F Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Milwaukee Riverkeeper Milwaukee Metropolitan & Sewerage District American's Best Quality Coatings Corp. City of Waukesha Milwaukee Health Department David Kliber Cheryl Nenn Christopher J. Schultz Brian Stoddard Nathaniel Tillis Julie Tranetzki Business, Graphic Arts, & Information Technology Division Facilities Manager Facility Manager President Sr.Environmental Health & Safety Manager Environmental Specialist Hydrogeologist Water Supply Specialist Chemist Mgt Labor Mgt Mgt Labor Labor Labor Labor Male Grad Female Female Grad Male President/CEO Riverkeeper Water Quality Senior Project Manager President Wastewater Operator Environmental Health Specialist Mgt Mgt Labor Male Female Male Mgt Labor Labor Minority Male Male Male Male Male Minority Male Grad Female Grad 12/2009 38 2009 Advisory Committee Membership Lists December 2009 Business, Graphic Arts, & Information Technology Division EVENTS MANAGEMENT & PLANNING: 4 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 0 Labor; 4 Mgt; 3 Female; 1 Male; 2 Minority; 1 Graduate(s) LaToya Fason Veronica Guerra Dee Ann Rochester Todd O'Leary Hilton Milwaukee The Pfister Hotel Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Visit Milwaukee Staffing Manager Staffing Manager Special Events Manager Director of Membership Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Minority Female Minority Female Female Grad Male GRAPHIC DESIGN: 11 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 3 Labor; 7 Mgt; 4 Female; 7 Male; 1 Minority; 7 Graduate(s) Gregory Borden Thomas Bruckbauer Michelle DeVorse Jason Evans Michelle Gugin Kristine Jenson Brenda Mraz-Skibinski Doug Murray Michael Proft Mike Rohde Joel Skaja Sr. Designer Attic Design Co G. S. Design MRA Cramer-Krasselt McDill Design Gogolak Communications Group, Inc. White Rice Advertising & PR Makalumedia Inc. GMR Marketing The Roberts Group Inc. Consultant President Principle Web Developer Sr Art Director Senior Designer Human Resource Coord Creative Director Art Director Creative Director Labor Male Consultant Male Mgt Female Mgt Male Labor Female Mgt Female Labor Female Mgt Minority Male Mgt Male Mgt Male Mgt Male Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad HORTICULTURE: 10 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 4 Labor; 6 Mgt; 3 Female; 7 Male; 0 Minority; 2 Graduate(s) James Drzewiecki Bob Gansemer Scott Johnson Susan Johnston Patrice Peltier Susan Radke Scott D. Selby Alan C. Upstrom William Vogel Jim Walczak Ginkgo Leaf Studio LLC Buckley Tree Service Johnson's Nursery Inc. Milwaukee County Parks UW-Extension Boerner Botanical Gardens Lied's Acme Systems, Inc. David J. Frank Landscape Contracting, Inc. Spring Valley Leaf Land Landscape Business, Graphic Arts, & Information Technology Division Landscape Designer General Manager (Mequon Office) Jackson Farm Production Manager Golf Horticulturist/PW III Horticulture Resource Coordinator Landscape Designer Service Tech Sales Manager Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Labor Mgt Labor Labor Male Male Male Female Grad Female Female Grad Male Male CEO Mgt Mgt Male Male 12/2009 39 2009 Advisory Committee Membership Lists December 2009 Business, Graphic Arts, & Information Technology Division HOTEL/HOSPITALITY-MEETING/EVENT MANAGEMENT: 15 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 13 Mgt; 8 Female; 7 Male; 4 Minority; 3 Graduate(s) LaToya Fason Cecelia Fritsche Juanita Godinez Veronica Guerra Carrie A. Hersh PHR Jason Kuechenmeister Matt Martin Nancy Nicolosi Scott Ohzourk Todd O'Leary Scott Richter Dee Ann Rochester Roberta Rowell Anthony D. Smith David Teske Hilton Milwaukee Plaza Hotel/Astor Hotel & Catering Hyatt Regency-Milwaukee The Pfister Hotel Wisconsin Regional Training Partnership Mark Travel Funjet vacations Marcus Hotels and Resorts Hyatt Regency-Milwaukee Best Western Midway Hotel Brookfield Visit Milwaukee Edison-South Corporation Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Hilton Milwaukee City Center Journal Sentinel Inc Staffing Manager Director of Sales HR Coordinator Staffing Manager Director Customer Care Supervisor Corporate Director Recruitment Human Resoures Director Hotel Manager Director of Membership District Manager Special Events Manager PBX Supervisor Comm. Relations and Diversity Director Lutheran Living Services; Lutheran Home Environmental Services Manager & Harwood Place Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Mgt Minority Female Female Grad Minority Female Minority Female Female Male Male Female Male Grad Male Male Female Grad Female Minority Male Male INFORMATION SECURITY SPECIALIST: 23 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 6 Labor; 16 Mgt; 3 Female; 20 Male; 2 Minority; 2 Graduate(s) Mark Chapman Ralph Chapman Mary DeGroot Daryl Duenkel James Dziak Gary Eppinger Richard Garcia Michael Grobschmidt Jill Gruetzmacher Jim Hilby Lee Kadel Kelli Kwiatkowski Adam Lance Jeff Nelson Randy Olson Dave Pom Pierre Porter Andrew Pretzl Chris Schmit Ken Shaurette Chapman Technology Group, Inc. United Government Services, LLC. Inovis St Joseph Community Hospital Fortinet Rockwell Automation, Inc. SBC Jefferson Wells International AE Business Solutions University of Wiscosin Wheaton Franciscan Services, Inc. Wisconsin Physicians Services, Inc. P&H Mining Equipment Compuware Corporation Connection Strategies Enterprises, Inc. Metavante Corporation Compuware Corporation Norlight Telecommunications IFS NA Jefferson Wells International John Tomlinson Tim Van Ryzin Craig Walker Fiserv Inc Harley Davidson Motor, Co. West Bend Mutual Insurance Business, Graphic Arts, & Information Technology Division President Information Security Specialist Regional Technical Manager VP Information Serv/CIO Regional Sales Manager Director Global Security Technical Support - Voice IT/Security Professional Account Mgr Enterprise Project Manager Information Security Analyst Senior Enterprise Security Engineer Network Security Analyst Network Analyst Account Executive Information Security Manager Student Security Administrator I.S. Manager Information Security Solutions Manager Business Process Manager Manager, IT Audit and Control Security Administrator Mgt Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Labor Male Male Female Male Male Male Minority Male Grad Male Female Male Male Female Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Grad Male Mgt Mgt Mgt Male Minority Male Male 12/2009 40 2009 Advisory Committee Membership Lists December 2009 Business, Graphic Arts, & Information Technology Division INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: 22 Members; 2 Consultant(s); 9 Labor; 11 Mgt; 4 Female; 18 Male; 5 Minority; 1 Graduate(s) Daniel E. Browne Eileen Crane Leonard Davis Anand Deshpande Marquel M. Hamilton Jerry Isaacs Jackie Jeray Lee Kadel Joe Kmoch Lawrence Kocourek Phou Luang Jeff Nelson David Oyler Marcos Ramos Scott Seely Scott Selby Paul Sklba Christopher Smith David Therkildsen Joshua Tran Debrah Warner Linda Womack Debtech Network Solution Kohl's Department Store Allen-Bradley Co, Inc GE Rail Services M&M Technical Resources Inc Carroll College Assurant Health Wheaton Franciscan Services, Inc. MPS Marshall School Independent Milwaukee Center for Independence Berbee Markel American Insurance Company Ramos Technologies One Microsoft Way Wheaton Franciscan Services, Inc. Webcom, Inc. Kettle Moraine & Consulting Service, LLC Strong Financial Corporation Meta Vante Manpower Children's Hospital of Wisconsin Technical Analyst Technical Project Lead I T Architect Enterprise Architect Sr Consultant/Trainer Technology Institute Director Software Engineer Info Security Analyst Technology Consultant Consultant Database/Application Developer Network Engineer Software Developer President & CEO Software Design Engineer Manager, Systems Engineering V P Business Development Owner Senior Software Engineer Senior Programmer Analyst Application Manager IS Technical Systems Network/PC Manager Labor Labor Labor Mgt Consultant Mgt Labor Labor Mgt Consultant Labor Labor Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Minority Male Female Male Minority Male Minority Male Male Female Male Male Male Grad Male Male Male Minority Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Female Minority Female Mgt Mgt Mgt Minority Female Grad Male Female Grad INTERIOR DESIGN: 12 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 3 Labor; 8 Mgt; 8 Female; 4 Male; 1 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Aga Artka Jeff Bernstein Monica Birkholz Aga Artka Interior Design Kerns Carpet One/ProSource Wholesale Kahler Slater Inc. Lyn Falk Nancy Miller Jenny S. Rebholz Linda H. Richmond Greg Ross Mark Sekula Kerry Shannon Zorka Stancevic Carole Syse Retailworks, Inc. Form & Function, Inc Jenny S. Rebholz LLC Richmond Interior Design Ross Interiors Facility Engineering Associates Boston Store Furniture Gallery Kahler Slater Inc. Herman Miller Business, Graphic Arts, & Information Technology Division Interior Designer/Owner V P Operations Interior Designer/Senior Facilities Planner/Assoc President Interior Designer Owner Interior Designer Owner Sr. Facility Mgmt Consultant Interior Designer Interior Designer A & D Representative Mgt Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Labor Consultant Female Female Female Female Male Male Male Grad Female Grad Female 12/2009 41 2009 Advisory Committee Membership Lists December 2009 Business, Graphic Arts, & Information Technology Division MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT: 12 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 10 Mgt; 6 Female; 6 Male; 2 Minority; 6 Graduate(s) David Carter Terry Davinroy Georgine Dluzak Ann Heidkamp Pam Janotta Tom Jansen Mary Serocki Kurt Thomas Maurice Thompson John Vavra Barbara Volp Angela Williamson WE Energies Milwaukee Pentair Water Veolia Water Aramark Metso Cessna MGIC Arch Diocese of Milwaukee Guy & O'Neil Heiser Automotive Group US Postal Service Operations Manager Senior Account Executive Performance Improvement Specialist Traning Manager Assidtant Food Service Director Logistics Manager Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Male Male Female Female Female Male Female Male Minority Male Male Female Minority Female Business Processing Analyst Director of Marketing President, CEO Group Publisher Director Sales Representative VP Communications Media Buyer/Planner Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Minority Female Grad Minority Male Grad Male Grad Male Grad Male Minority Female Female Female Grad Senior Director of Marketing Resource Person Mgt Labor V P Human Resources Office Manager Production & Safety Manager Special Projects Manager Manager, Health Resource Management Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad MARKETING: 10 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 1 Labor; 9 Mgt; 5 Female; 5 Male; 3 Minority; 5 Graduate(s) Carolyn Bukiewicz Andre Bynum Giacoma Fallucca Rob Geissler William Hable Markita Jefferson Marie E. Johnson Mary Jo Preston Kathy Schwab David Tietyen Rockwell Automation Bridgeman Companies, Inc. Palermo Villa, Inc. Trade Press Media Group Johnson Controls, Inc. WTMJ, Inc. MPI - Wisconsin Chapter Boelter & Lincoln Marketing Communications Milwaukee Brewers Baseball Club MSOE Female Male MUSIC OCCUPATIONS: 10 Members; 3 Consultant(s); 1 Labor; 6 Mgt; 2 Female; 8 Male; 3 Minority; 1 Graduate(s) Ramie Espanoza Tonya J. Gorst Benjamin Hans Donald Huenefeld Jeannine Rivers David Ruetz Brian Running Bill Sargent Roy E Schneider Christopher White Firebird Recording MMAC Ben Hans Music Studio/Hal Leonard Publishing Menomonee Falls High School Jeannine Rivers Group GZA Geo Environmental, Inc. Running, Brian E Atty at Law Bill Sargent Bands Showcase White House of Music Inc. Business, Graphic Arts, & Information Technology Division President Scholarship Program Manager Musician Labor Minority Male Mgt Minority Female Consultant Male Grad Music Coordinator Musician Attorney Attorney at Law President Musical Contractor President/CEO Consultant Male Mgt Minority Female Mgt Male Mgt Male Consultant Male Mgt Male Mgt Male 12/2009 42 2009 Advisory Committee Membership Lists December 2009 Business, Graphic Arts, & Information Technology Division OFFICE TECHNOLOGY: 9 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 3 Labor; 6 Mgt; 9 Female; 0 Male; 0 Minority; 2 Graduate(s) Ernice Austin Margaret K. Bizjak Phyllis Carr Pat Delmenhorst Teresa Anne Ihde Cindy Johnson Kathleen A. Johnson Kim Kintop Susie Mackie Northwestern Mutual Life Ins Co. Deloitte and Touche Quarles & Brady LLP Interfaith Employment Services Gillick, Wicht, Gillick & Graf Careertrac Prof. Group, Inc. Kohn Law Firm U.S. Bank SEEK, Inc. Senior Specialist Life Ins. Underwriter Administrative Assistant MGR. Secretarial Support Service Director Legal Assistant President & CEO Office Manager Assistant Vice President Service Representative Labor Labor Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Female Female Grad Female Female Female Grad Female Female Female Female Mgt Mgt Labor Minority Male Minority Female Female Grad Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Mgt Female Minority Male Male Male Male Female Male Male Male Male Male Female Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Male Male Male Male Female Male Male Female Female Minority Male PARALEGAL: 3 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 1 Labor; 2 Mgt; 2 Female; 1 Male; 2 Minority; 1 Graduate(s) Charles Clevert, Jr. Ana Maria M. Guzman Peggy Pechulis US District Court of Eastern WI State Public Defender Ryan Kromholz & Manion US District Judge Client Service Specialist Paralegal PHOTOGRAPHY: 12 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 10 Mgt; 3 Female; 9 Male; 1 Minority; 5 Graduate(s) Jackie Allan Richard Beauchamp Jim Buivid David Busch Troy Forrest Lori Foy Nathan Harrmann John Korom Brian Malloy Dan Roberts Mike Schickel Tricia Shay RF Technologies Richard Beauchamp Photography Buivid Photo Design Quad Graphics Kohl's Department Store RDA Milwaukee M Magazine/Conley Media John Korom Photo Brian Malloy Photography RDA Milwaukee Schickel Photo Design Tricia Shay photography Account Executive Owner Owner Sales Manager Creative Director Associate Photographer Staff Photographer Owner Owner Staff Photographer Photographer/Owner Owner Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad REAL ESTATE: 10 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 1 Labor; 9 Mgt; 3 Female; 7 Male; 1 Minority; 0 Graduate(s) Terry Carrick Robert Flanagan Gert Grohmann James Haertel Deanne Halwas David Kolesari James W. Larson Janet E. Rodell Madalene Sherman James Thomas Flanagan Company AGC of Greater Milwaukee Brew City Redevelopment Wells Fargo Bank Milwaukee Homesight Inc Units Mobile Storage Pinewood Creek LP Gatewood Title Services Unknown Business, Graphic Arts, & Information Technology Division Consultant President Safety & Training Assoc Director Loan Officer Home Inspector Owner Real Estate Broker Senior Account Executive Broker 12/2009 43 2009 Advisory Committee Membership Lists December 2009 Business, Graphic Arts, & Information Technology Division RETAIL MANAGEMENT/FASHION MARKETING: 9 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 0 Labor; 9 Mgt; 6 Female; 3 Male; 2 Minority; 5 Graduate(s) Azure Bruce Sharon Geer Lisa Goljenboom Rayshaun Jackson Sandra Katrichis Kaye Miller Jim Sajdak Gina Wurtzel Sarah Weseloh Old Navy Hal's Harley Davidson Boston Store, Inc. Goodwill Industries Boston Store --Brookfield Boston Store, Inc. Stan's-Fit For Your Feet -New BalanceMilwaukee Ann Taylor Goodwill Industries Manager Executive Assistant Manager of Corporate Training Supervisor Assistant Store Manager Director Stores Recruitment President/CEO Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Store Manager Manager Mgt Mgt Minority Female Female Female Minority Male Female Female Male Grad Grad Grad Grad Female Grad Male SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: 7 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 1 Labor; 6 Mgt; 2 Female; 5 Male; 1 Minority; 2 Graduate(s) William Kellner Mike Kotecki Jeff Lauterbach Jim Lorino Matthew Malec Jerline Royal Michelle Savard J C P Logistics LP H K Systems Pro Driver Leasing Miller Brewing Company Rexam PLC Rexnord Industries Harley Davidson Motor, Co. Transportation Manager Sr. Vice President Material Handling Sales Representative Transportation & Logistics Manager Mgr, Quality/Compliance Import Coordinator Adm Support Specialist II Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Male Male Male Male Male Grad Minority Female Female Grad VI-COM/COMPUTER GRAPHICS: 10 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 4 Labor; 6 Mgt; 1 Female; 9 Male; 0 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Jon Chapman Dustin Dupree Jason Evans Mark Irving Brad Krause Josh Rasmussen Mike Roth Jackie Schneider Tom Snyder Matt Wooten R.A. Smith & Associates, Inc. Discovery World G. S. Design iLevel Media Radiancee Media Midland Video Production BVK Johnson Controls Trivera Interactive Planetarium Producer Business, Graphic Arts, & Information Technology Division Visualization Director/Manager Multimedia Developer Principle President Illustrator/Animator/Owner Lead Animator Director of Animation Graphic Specialist President/CEO Milwaukee Public Museum Mgt Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Labor Mgt Labor Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Female Male Male Grad Grad Grad Grad 12/2009 44 2009 Advisory Committee Membership Lists December 2009 Health Occupations Division ANESTHESIA TECHNOLOGY: 9 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 5 Labor; 3 Mgt; 6 Female; 3 Male; 2 Minority; 5 Graduate(s) Barbara Berg James DuCanto Beth Harenda David Heale Lori Keyes Samantha Lamb Rita Luckett Benjamin Magestro Julie Mull Waukesha Memorial Hospital Anesthesiology Associates of Wisconsin St. Francis Hospital Dr's Oxygen Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare All Saints Froedert & Community Health Children Hospital Froedert Memorial Hospital Columbia St. Mary's Anesthesia Technologist Anesthesiologist Clinical Educator Sales Rep/Service Manager Interm Anesthesia Coordinator Anesthesia Technician Anesthesia Technician Manager - Anesthesia Services Anesthesia Technician Labor Female Grad Consultant Male Labor Female Mgt Male Mgt Female Grad Labor Minority Female Grad Labor Minority Female Grad Mgt Male Labor Female Grad ASSOCIATE DEGREE NURSING: 7 Members; 2 Consultant(s); 0 Labor; 5 Mgt; 7 Female; 0 Male; 1 Minority; 2 Graduate(s) Mary Brunn Marjorie Burke VA Medical Center Columbia St. Marys Susan Hughes Jennifer A. Popies Diane Turner Marianne Valcq Patricia McManus Aurora Health Care Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare Aurora Health Care Clement Manor Black Health Coalition of Wisconsin Nurse Consultant RN Education Specialist Clinical Placement Coordin Academic Liaison Clinical Educator Employment Specialist, Team Leader Assistant Director of Nursing Executive Director Consultant Mgt Female Grad Female Mgt Consultant Mgt Mgt Mgt Minority Female Female Female Female Grad Female CARDIOVASCULAR TECHNOLOGY: 13 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 8 Labor; 5 Mgt; 8 Female; 5 Male; 2 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Jennifer Elsner Renee Haynes Stephanie Hillmann Susan Jassak Jessica Kelly Richard Larson Thomas Mahn Christopher Nikolaus Bill Simpson Jenny Smoody Robert Stawicki Jennifer Talatzko-Wurth Beth Thompson Health Occupations Division Waukesha Memorial Hospital St. Luke's Medical Center St. Luke's Medical Center Wheaton Franciscan All Saints Hospital Waukesha Memorial Hospital Abbott Vascular Drs. Reed & Mahn St. Francis Hospital Froedtert Memorial Hospital Waukesha Memorial Hospital RS Healthcare Consulting, LLC Wheaton Franciscan All Saints Racine St. Luke's Medical Center Echocardiographer Echocardiographer Educator Cath Lab Cardiac Procedure Manager Cardiovascular Technician Executive Clinical Specialist Physician Cath Lab Supervisor Manager Registered Nurse Practice Administrator Echocardiographer Lead Sonographer Labor Labor Labor Mgt Labor Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Labor Labor Minority Female Grad Minority Female Grad Female Female Female Grad Male Male Male Male Female Male Female Grad Female 12/2009 45 2009 Advisory Committee Membership Lists December 2009 Health Occupations Division CLINICAL LABORATORY TECHNICIAN PHLEBOTOMY: 10 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 7 Mgt; 7 Female; 3 Male; 1 Minority; 0 Graduate(s) Cindy Alexander Cindy Brown Dynacare Laboratories UW-Milwaukee Jerome L. Gottschall The Blood Center of Southeastern Wisconsin, Inc. City of Milwaukee Health Department Aurora Advanced Healthcare Aurora Sinai Children's Hospital of Wisconsin Senior Technologist Transfusion Service ACL Laboratories Columbia-St Mary's Hospital Steve Gradus, PhD Pat Hurlbut Barbara Lafford Diane Reichert Mike Schanen, MT SBB Christine Schmus Laura M Schnell Manager of Hospital Phlebotomy Program Director/Education Coordinator Vice President-Medical Services Mgt Mgt Female Female Consultant Male Laboratory Director Lab Supervisor MT Medical Technician Dynacare Laboratories Education Coordinator Mgt Mgt Labor Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Male Female Minority Female Female Male Female Female DENTAL ASSISTANT: 10 Members; 2 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 6 Mgt; 8 Female; 2 Male; 0 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Patty Beasly Brenda Boyd Ann Marie Dorn Lark Hakenson Carol Oeder John Prey Sharon Roble Geri Travia RDH Vanessa Ulfig Bruce Winter DDS Forward dental Dental Associates, Ltd Thomas More High School Forward Dental Dental Associates, Ltd. West Bend Dental Center Forward Dental Columbia St. Mary's School-based-oral Health Program Hampton Dental Associates Office Manager Business Development Foreign Language Dept. Chair Dental Assistant Trainer Corporate Clinical Trainer Dentist Dental Assistant Manager Dental Hygienist Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Consultant Consultant Mgt Labor Female Female Female Female Female Grad Male Female Grad Female Grad Dental Assistant Dentist/President Labor Mgt Female Grad Male DENTAL HYGIENE: 8 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 4 Mgt; 4 Female; 4 Male; 1 Minority; 3 Graduate(s) Dr. Joseph Barta Randy R. Ciepluch Mary Louise Gagnon Robert Hafner Estelle A. Keller Michael E. McGinn Amy Rohde Joanne Schmid Owner Family Dental Center Patterson Dental Forward Dental McGinn LaCourt Family Dentistry Dr. Mary Llanas Dentist Dentist None Drs. Larson Martyn, Dr.Hafner Dental Hygienist D.D.S Dental Hygienist Mgt Mgt Male Male Female Grad Mgt Male Labor Minority Female Grad Mgt Male Labor Female Grad Consultant Female DENTAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY: 6 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 1 Labor; 5 Mgt; 1 Female; 5 Male; 0 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Daniel Balmer Paul Conrardy Griff Gundersen Susan Krivichi Gordon Luedtke, C.D.T. Henry Roepke Health Occupations Division NU-ART Dental Lab RETIRED Saber Dental Studio Dental Harmony, LTD Yannis, Inc. Drs Roepke & Weissgerber S C Assistant VP Prosthodontist Laboratory Manager Owner/Technician Lab Manager/Technician Dentist/President Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Male Male Male Female Male Male Grad Grad Grad Grad 12/2009 46 2009 Advisory Committee Membership Lists December 2009 Health Occupations Division DIETETIC TECHNICIAN/DIETARY MANAGER: 12 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 9 Mgt; 8 Female; 4 Male; 2 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Dianna Bartelt Marilyn Bolton Cindy Buchholz CDM Patti Cobb Rich Daehn Matt Furno Yvonne Greer Michael Kopec Patricia Lorbiecki Tracey Medves Dana Mejic Galu Rice Trinity Village Division of Health/Milwaukee Waukesha County Mental Health Center Froedtert Memorial Hospital Benedictine Health System Assistant Food Service Director Consultant, Public Health Nutrition Food Service Director Chief Clinical Dietitian Dir, BHS Nutritional Centers, Excellence Protestant Home Milwaukee President/CEO City of Milwaukee Health Department Nutritionist Coordinator Congregational Home, Inc. Food Service Director Lutheran Living Services Registered Dietitian St Camillus Campus Food Service Director Lutheran Living Services Director of Dining Services Brookfield Rehab & Specialty Care Center Dietary Manager Mgt Consultant Mgt Mgt Mgt Female Grad Female Female Female Male Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Labor Mgt Male Minority Female Male Grad Female Grad Female Grad Female Minority Male General Manager Owner Funeral Director Funeral Director/VP President/Owner Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Male Grad Female Grad Minority Male Grad Male Male President Funeral Director/Owner Funeral Director Executive Director Funeral Director Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Male Male Male Male Male FUNERAL SERVICE: 10 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 0 Labor; 10 Mgt; 1 Female; 9 Male; 1 Minority; 6 Graduate(s) Paul Andrus Cathy Brisk J C Frazier Patrick A Koszuta Mark J Krause Gregory Ledesma Gerald Lynch John G. Maher Scott Peterson Paul A. Schaff Becker Ritter Funeral Home Randle-Dable Funeral Home Northwest Funeral Chapel Prasser-Kleczka Funeral Home Krause Funeral Home & Cremation Services Berndt-Ledesma Funeral Home Whitcomb-Lynch-Albrecht Brett Funeral Home Wiscosnin Funeral Directors Assn Schaff Funeral Home Grad Grad Grad HEALTH UNIT COORDINATOR: 12 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 7 Labor; 5 Mgt; 11 Female; 1 Male; 3 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Judith Bottoni Earnestine Daugherty Mike Dupree Susan Grieshop Donna Kuhns Karen Nowak Candy Pasterski Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare Froedtert Memorial Hospital Froedert Memorial Hospital St. Luke's Medical Center Aurora Health Care-Nursing Operations/Integrations Dept Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital Froedtert Memorial Hospital Levilyn Rovetto Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital Darlene Schweitzer Linda Stase Carol Tomczyk Tuyet Vance Children's Hospital of Wisconsin Aurora Health Care St. Lukes Froedert Memorial Lutheran Hospital Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare Health Occupations Division Health Unit Coordinator - ER Clinical Systems Coordinator Clinical System Coordinator Health Unit Coodinator Clinical System Analyst Associate Labor Labor Labor Labor Mgt Clinical Systems Educator Staff Manager Clinical Systems Communication Department Clinical Systems CommunicatorFloat Pool Health Unit Coordinator Health Unit Coordinator 3 North Clinical Systems Educator - PM Staff HUC Educator Mgt Mgt Female Minority Female Grad Male Grad Female Female Female Female Labor Minority Female Grad Labor Labor Mgt Mgt Female Grad Female Female Minority Female 12/2009 47 2009 Advisory Committee Membership Lists December 2009 Health Occupations Division MEDICAL ASSISTANT: 7 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 4 Labor; 3 Mgt; 7 Female; 0 Male; 2 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Malisa Grall Mary Pipkin Claudia A. Prado Betty Steilen RN Pam Steinborn Lakeshore Medical Medical College of WI Lakeshore Medical Clinic Advanced Healthcare, S.C. Columbia St. Mary's Rosalind M. Turner Milwaukee Health Services, Inc./Issac Coggs Heritage Southside Della Vaughner MA Nurse Manager OB/GYN Clinic BSN, Clinic Manager Resource Coordinator RN Coordinator at Gateway Medical Clinich Nurse Labor Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Female Grad Female Grad Female Female Female Labor Minority Female Grad MA Labor Minority Female Grad MEDICAL CODING: 8 Members; 2 Consultant(s); 3 Labor; 3 Mgt; 8 Female; 0 Male; 1 Minority; 3 Graduate(s) Carmen K Conner RHIA Jill C Faude RHIA CCS Cynthia Kropfl Sheryl Krueger Dix Becky Ruhnau-Gee RHIA CCS Theresa Sardina Pyramid Health Care Solutions Pyramid Healthcare Solutions INC Community Care Organization Froedert & Community Health Children Hospital of Wisconsin Medical Record Coder Lead Coding Coordinator Documentation Review Specialist Compliance Consultant Coding Supervisor Labor Mgt Labor Consultant Consultant Female Female Female Grad Female Grad Female Advanced Healthcare Mgt Female Glenda Watkins Patricia Zeyen Childrens Hospital Health System Pyramid Healthcare Solutions HR Employment Coordinator/ProTech Recruirter Record Processing Supervisor CCA/Outpatient Coder Mgt Labor Minority Female Female Grad Labor Labor Minority Female Minority Female Mgt Consultant Labor Mgt Mgt Minority Minority Minority Minority Mgt Labor Labor Labor Mgt Mgt Female Female Female Grad Female Minority Female Female MEDICAL INTERPRETER: 7 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 3 Labor; 3 Mgt; 5 Female; 2 Male; 6 Minority; 0 Graduate(s) Veronica Chaparro Alison M. Gima Aurora Healthcare SLMC Walker's Point Community Clinic Neitzel Kristin Jaime Leimberg Javier Leiva Luz I. Ortiz-Osburn Cynthia R. Stewart Children's Hospital of Wisconsin Colombia-St. Mary's Healthcare Aurora Healthcare SLMC Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare Columbia St. Mary's Health System Medical Interpreter Administrative Assistant/Medical Interpreter Family Service Manager Language Service Specialist-SPA Medical Interpreter Supervisor Director, Diversity Resources & Language Services Female Male Male Female Female NURSING ASSISTANT: 6 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 3 Labor; 3 Mgt; 6 Female; 0 Male; 1 Minority; 1 Graduate(s) Gina Kelley Aimee Mullins Pam Pierson RN Nancy Tischer Patrice Ulett Jane Wall Health Occupations Division Stowell Associates The Lutheran Home Milwaukee Catholic Home St Johns on the Lake Alexian Village Clement Manor Staff Development Coordinator Staff Development Coord Director of Education D.O.N. Staff Development Coordinator 12/2009 48 2009 Advisory Committee Membership Lists December 2009 Health Occupations Division OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY ASSISTANT: 10 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 8 Labor; 2 Mgt; 8 Female; 2 Male; 1 Minority; 7 Graduate(s) Susann Guillot Sandra Hesselgrave Kathleen S. Homsher Kenneth Ludlow Kristin Mungovan Patrick O'Hearn Lisa Olson Janine Overreem, OTR, MBA Janine Petrie Dominica Stith Wisconsin Lutheran Care Center Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Division Behavioral Health Division Froedtert Hospital Rehab Resources Aegis Therapies-Heritage Square Healthcare Waukesha Memorial Hospital Aurora Rehabilitation Center Shorehaven Adult Day Ctr Dur Space Inc. Activity Specialist C.O.T.A Labor Labor Female Grad Female Grad COTA Occupational Therapist OT Supervisor OTR Labor Labor Mgt Labor Female Grad Male Grad Female Male COTA DIR. Rehabilitation Service Activity Specialist, COTA Activities Coordinator/Supportive Apartment's Labor Mgt Labor Labor Female Grad Female Grad Female Minority Female Grad Mgt Mgt Labor Labor Labor Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Male Male Grad Male Minority Female Grad Female Grad Female Male Female Male Staff Pharmacist Pharmacy Technician Supervisor Senior V P Pharmacy Technician Administrative Support Labor Mgt Labor Mgt Male Female Grad Female Grad Female Pharmacist, Asst Dir, Pharmacy Operation District Training Coordinator Pharmacist Pharmacy Technician Director of Pharmacy Mgt Male OPTICIANRY SCIENCE: 9 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 4 Labor; 5 Mgt; 4 Female; 5 Male; 1 Minority; 3 Graduate(s) Brian Alfonsi Glenn Fluegge Paul Geszvain Denise Jackson Rebecca Jahn Teri Kennedy William Poetz Cheryl Verhelst Edmund Wnuczek Family Vision & Contact Lens Fluegge Optical Herslof Contact Lens Services Froedtert Memorial Hospital Premier Vision Wal Mart Vision Centers Optical Consultants Viva International (Retired) Optical Coordinator Owner Contact Lens Technician Ophthalmic Specialist Optician/Technician District Manager Owner Sales Representative Optician PHARMACY TECHNICIAN: 9 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 3 Labor; 6 Mgt; 6 Female; 3 Male; 1 Minority; 3 Graduate(s) Bill Gartenberg Olivera Gligorevic Dione Hurula Rita Kacala John Kolesari Marian Franciscan Center Aurora St. Luke's Medical Center Home Care Medical, Inc. Wheaton Franciscan Health Care All Saints Froedtert Memorial Hospital Jennifer McLarty David Rindfleisch Sharon Skenandore Eunice Walker Walgreens North District Oconomowoc Memorial Hospital Columbia Hospital St. Francis Hospital Health Occupations Division Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Female Male Minority Female Grad Female 12/2009 49 2009 Advisory Committee Membership Lists December 2009 Health Occupations Division PHYSICAL THERAPIST ASSISTANT: 9 Members; 3 Consultant(s); 3 Labor; 3 Mgt; 7 Female; 2 Male; 1 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Nancy Brandon Michael Edwards Sue Hastings Carol Kosobucki Robert Kroll Rita Newton Celeste Rodriguez Michelle Schuh Laura Sims Community Memorial Hospital Waukesha Memorial Hospital Village at Manor Park Curative Care Network Return to Work & Sports Center, Inc PT Work Injury Care Center College of Health Sciences Aurora West Allis Medical Center PTA PT, Mgr, Physical Medicine & Rehab Health Reach Senior PTA President Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Assistant Assistant Dean Manager of Rehab Service-WAMH Labor Female Mgt Male Labor Female Consultant Female Mgt Male Consultant Female Labor Minority Female Consultant Female Mgt Female Grad Grad Grad Grad PRACTICAL NURSING: 6 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 3 Mgt; 4 Female; 2 Male; 3 Minority; 3 Graduate(s) Kevin Butler Joe Coppersmith Vickie Hinds Sybile Mae Kelley Michelle Putz Linda Struhar Paratech Ambulance Froedtert Memorial Hospital Aurora Health Care Acct-Rep RN Patient Care Manager Mt Carmel Clement Manor Dir, Nursing Assistant Admininstrator/Nursing Dir Labor Minority Male Grad Labor Male Grad Mgt Minority Female Consultant Minority Female Grad Mgt Female Mgt Female RADIOGRAPHY: 12 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 7 Labor; 4 Mgt; 8 Female; 4 Male; 2 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Janet Davis Mary Lou Daze Sandy Dobrogowski Angie Fraser Lynn Gilles Sonja Jackson Marlene James Kenneth Lachman Paul Minzlaff Sue Reiter Robert Weisbecker Kevin Wojciechowski Health Occupations Division Froedtert Memorial Hospital Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare Elmbrook Memorial Hospital West Bend Clinic Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare Elmbrook Memorial Hospital Wheaton Franciscan Healthcar St Joseph's Hospital Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare St Joseph's Hospital Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare- St. Francis Hospital Aurora Sinai Medical Center Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare Elmbrook Memorial Hospital Fujifilm Medical Systems USA Inc Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare, St. Joseph's Hospital Delta Medical Systems MRI Technologist Human Resource Representative Labor Labor Minority Female Female Radiographer Radiologic Tech Labor Labor Female Grad Female Grad Radiologist MD Mgt Female Radiology Tech I Labor Director, Imaging Services Mgt Female Radiologic Technologist Dir, Radiology/Cardio Respiratory Labor Mgt Male Male Account Executive Director of Radiology Consultant Mgt Female Male Account Representative Labor Male Minority Female Grad Grad 12/2009 50 2009 Advisory Committee Membership Lists December 2009 Health Occupations Division RENAL DIALYSIS TECHNICIAN: 9 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 5 Labor; 4 Mgt; 9 Female; 0 Male; 4 Minority; 9 Graduate(s) Julia Boyle Alice Bradshaw RN Chandra Jones Raenetta Sabree Mary Schopbach Jennifer Schussler Melannie Sikorski Shenese Wilder Dawn Wollert DaVita Kidney Institute of Wisconsin-NW Kidney Institute of Wisconsin-NW Midwest Dialysis Midwest Dialysis Purity-Brookfield Davita Dialysis-River Center River Center Dialysis Fresenius Medical Care - Centre Point PCT Nurse Manager Renal Dialysis Technician RN RN Renal Dialysis Technician Nurse Manager PLN Clinic Manager Labor Mgt Labor Mgt Labor Labor Mgt Labor Mgt Female Grad Minority Female Grad Minority Female Grad Minority Female Grad Female Grad Female Grad Female Grad Minority Female Grad Female Grad RESPIRATORY CARE: 7 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 4 Mgt; 5 Female; 2 Male; 1 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Rhonda J. Duerst, RRT-NPS, AE-C Brian May Christina Pano Donna Smith Janet Stephens Margaret A. Vissers Cynthia Ziegler Children's Hospital of Wisconsin RCS Clinical Manager Respironics Aurora St.Lukes's Medical Center Home Care Medical, Inc. Froedtert Hospital St Mary's Medical Center Aurora Health Care Diagnostic Sales Representative Education Coordinator Manager, Respiratory Care Services Education Coordinator Respiratory Therspist SleepTech Coordinator Male Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Labor Male Female Minority Female Female Female Female Surgical Technician OP Care & Surgery Supervisor Board of Directors of AST Labor Mgt Labor Labor Minority Male Grad Female Male Grad Male Grad Surgical Technologist RN, Staff Nurse Education Liason of Surgical Surgical Technologist Surgical Tech Director, Surgical Services Surgical Technologist Director of Surgical Service Consultant Labor Female Grad Labor Male Mgt Minority Female Labor Female Grad Labor Female Grad Mgt Female Labor Minority Male Mgt Female Consultant Male Grad Grad Grad Grad SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY: 13 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 8 Labor; 4 Mgt; 7 Female; 6 Male; 3 Minority; 6 Graduate(s) William Arnold Cheri Bell Ronald Blanchard CST Michael Bowen Kelly Getschman Greg Grueneberg Cecelia Guerrero Dana Hahn Laura Jackson Mary O'Connor Reginald Powell Debra Runyan Marvin Wagner DR Health Occupations Division Aurora Sinai Medical Center Columbia St. Mary's - Ozaukee Aurora Health Care Advanced Healthcare (East Mequon Surgery Center) Columbia St. Mary's Zablocki Medical Center St. Luke's Medical Center St Francis Hospital Froedtert Memorial Hospital Children's Hospital of Wisconsin St. Joseph's Regional Medical Center Froedtert Memorial Hospital Medical College of WI 12/2009 51 2009 Advisory Committee Membership Lists December 2009 Liberal Arts & Sciences Division CHEMICAL TECHNICIAN: 14 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 4 Labor; 9 Mgt; 3 Female; 11 Male; 3 Minority; 5 Graduate(s) Julius Adimola Jacqlynn Behnke Dan Casper John H. Engelman Bejamin Feinberg Mary Gross Michael Katz Mark Maller Thomas McLinn PPG Industries Sigma Aldrich Brady Corporation S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc. University Wisconsin-Milwaukee Bostik-Findley, Inc. Molded Dimensions Hexion Specialty Chemiclas Hydrite Chemical Co. Michael Mohs Elizabeth M Stabbe Sammy T. Storm Mark Talkington Chae Yi RBP Chemical Technology Inc. SC Johnson and Son Inc. GE Healthcare Pope Scientific, Inc. Marquette University Chemical Technician Manager, Quality Control Sr Development Chemist Scientist Professor Chemist President Logistics Manager Technician Services Development Chemist Technician Director Business process Consultant Quality Assurance Leader Vice President- Distillation Products Professor Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Mgt Labor Minority Male Grad Female Male Male Male Female Grad Male Male Grad Male Mgt Male Labor Female Grad Mgt Minority Male Grad Mgt Male Consultant Minority Male EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION: 14 Members; 4 Consultant(s); 0 Labor; 10 Mgt; 12 Female; 2 Male; 5 Minority; 3 Graduate(s) Pam Boulton Martha Carter Jackie Conway Laurel Degnitz Autumn Gehri Carol Howard Christopher Mancheski Jack McCommon Wanda J. Montgomery Karen Ordinans Beatrice Riojas Christine Robinson Jeri Rose Ann Terrell UW - Milwaukee Mt. Zion Child Development Center Milestones Program for Children Division of Children & Family Services Wisconsin Early Childhood Association Next Door Foundation Lakeland College-Milwaukee Center Children's Center Director Director Owner/Director Licensing Specialist Program Director Educare Site Director Associate Director, School of Education 4C - Community Coordintated Child Care, Executive Director Inc. CFCP Executive Director Children's Health Alliance of Wisconsin Executive Director Division of Children & Family Services Licensing Supervisor Our Happy Home Discovery Center, Inc Administrator DPI-Community Collaboration Coach: Milwaukee Region Milwaukee Public Schools Director Early Childhood Education Liberal Arts & Sciences Division Consultant Female Mgt Minority Female Mgt Female Consultant Female Consultant Female Mgt Female Mgt Male Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Consultant Mgt Male Minority Female Female Grad Minority Female Minority Female Grad Female Minority Female Grad 12/2009 52 2009 Advisory Committee Membership Lists December 2009 Liberal Arts & Sciences Division HUMAN SERVICE ASSOCIATE: 13 Members; 3 Consultant(s); 4 Labor; 5 Mgt; 11 Female; 2 Male; 6 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Lori A. Boesel Sue Eckhart Shalanya Ellison Sandra LCSW Fair Angie Miller Diane Miller DaRon Mosby Rebecca Reis Impact Justice 2000, Inc. Sherman Park Community Association Loyola Academy (Counsil for Spanish Speaking) The Lutheran Home AJA Counseling Center University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Nakoda Cognitive Behavioral Services, LLC Aids Resource Center of Wisconsin HBSSW, UWM Wisconsin Community Service Bridge United Cerebral Palsy Douglas Stoval Joshua Glover Center Susan Jensen Bevelyn LCSW Johnson Florence Johnson Geri McFadden Intern/Volunteer Corrdinator Program Director Community Organizer Academic Advisor Labor Mgt Labor Social Worker President Academic Professor/Lecturer President/Ceo Labor Female Mgt Female Consultant Minority Female Consultant Minority Female Supervising Housing Case Manager Assistant Dean Assistant Director Respite Care Program Assistant Manager Program Supervisor Mgt Minority Female Grad Consultant Female Mgt Minority Male Grad Mgt Female Labor Female Female Minority Female Grad Female Minority Male Grad INTERPRETER TECHNICIAN: 6 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 0 Labor; 5 Mgt; 4 Female; 2 Male; 0 Minority; 0 Graduate(s) Pam Conine Susan Gordon Jill Kenehan-Krey Joseph N. Riggio Dawn Ruthe Steve Smart University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee UW-Milwaukee Interpreting Solutions, Inc. Wisconsin Telecommunications Relay System Communication Link Professional Interpreting Enterprise Program Coordinator Program Manager/DHH President Customer Service Mgr. Consultant Mgt Mgt Mgt Female Female Female Male Supervisor President Mgt Mgt Female Male TEACHER EDUCATION TRACK: 12 Members; 6 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 4 Mgt; 8 Female; 4 Male; 6 Minority; 1 Graduate(s) Maria Ayala-Smith Linda Gordy Barbara Logan Christopher Mancheski Pat Marcus Tom McGinnity Tina Mcnamara Linda Sklander Pa Vang Stephanie Walters Gary C. Waymire-Cooper Vernon Wilkinson Milwaukee Public Schools Cardinal Stritch University UW - Milwaukee Lakeland College - Milwaukee Center BGC-GM, Davis Branch MTEC Marquette University - College of Education Carroll College UW - Milwaukee Milwaukee Teacher's Education Association University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee UWM Liberal Arts & Sciences Division Staffing Specialist Department Chair Senior Advisor Associate Director Director, Spark Executive Director Director of Undergraduate Advising Consultant Minority Female Mgt Female Consultant Minority Female Consultant Male Mgt Female Mgt Male Consultant Female Associate Director of Admission Outreach Specialist Assistant Executive Director Consultant Female Mgt Minority Female Labor Minority Female Student UWM Student Labor Minority Male Consultant Minority Male Grad 12/2009 53 2009 Advisory Committee Membership Lists December 2009 Pre-college Division PRE-COLLEGE EDUCATION: 10 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 8 Mgt; 5 Female; 5 Male; 1 Minority; 0 Graduate(s) Maria Castillo-Uribe Yolanda Collier Luis Gonzales Tonya Gorst Rueben Harpole Dawn Lauber Vieau School Elmer Winter Career Center, Inc. Milwaukee Police Department Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce Helen Bader Foundation Milwaukee Public Library James Nelson Career Youth Development, Inc. Ken Schmidt Sherrie Tessler Caroline Williams Hope House Hunger Task Force of Milwaukee Milwaukee Public Schools Pre-college Division Principal Director Hispanic Community Liason Scholarship Program Manager Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Male Female Male Minority Female Program Officer Literacy & Extension Services Coordinator Unit Manager/Public Relations Director Executive Director Executive Director Coordinator of Guidance and Career Education Labor Mgt Male Female Mgt Female Mgt Mgt Mgt Male Male Female 12/2009 54 2009 Advisory Committee Membership Lists December 2009 Technology & Applied Sciences Division AIR CONDITIONING REFRIGERATION: 14 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 1 Labor; 12 Mgt; 1 Female; 13 Male; 2 Minority; 8 Graduate(s) Harris Becker Joe Davis John Dietz Ken Hart Royal Johnson Ray Kinney Susan Klein Jeff Kurtzweil Greg Milewski Frank Pagliaro Steve Savee Fred Schulz Marshall Shaver Alex Weisheim Total Comfort of Wisconsin Milwaukee County Parks Hyatt Regency Milwaukee Mechanical Contractors Corp Basset Mechanical Vilter Manufacturing Corp Gustave A. Larson Co. Sinai Semaritan Medical Center Auer Steel Johnson Controls, Inc Gustave A Larson Enervation, Inc Lennox Industries Auer Steel VP ESD Service Technician Director of Engineering Project Manager General Manager Refrigeration Products Group Director Director of Human Resources Maintenance Supervisor Engineering Manager Distributor Development Manager Engineer President Field Technical Consultant Service Manager Mgt Male Labor Minority Male Mgt Male Mgt Male Mgt Minority Female Mgt Male Mgt Male Mgt Male Mgt Male Mgt Male Mgt Male Consultant Male Mgt Male Mgt Male Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad APPLIANCE TECHNICIAN: 8 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 0 Labor; 7 Mgt; 0 Female; 8 Male; 2 Minority; 1 Graduate(s) Dee Berghauer Kevin Cokain Burgess Ewing Dave Lardinois Les Leibsle Clay Masters Chris Polk Doug Schmid Arctic Appliance Akrit Sales and Services Sears Owner Best Buy Appliance Masters Sears American TV & Appliance Manager Service Manager Technical Manager Consultant Service and Installation Manager Owner Technical Manager Eastern Regional Manager Mgt Male Mgt Male Mgt Minority Male Consultant Male Mgt Male Mgt Male Mgt Minority Male Mgt Male Grad ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY: 10 Members; 2 Consultant(s); 3 Labor; 5 Mgt; 4 Female; 6 Male; 2 Minority; 3 Graduate(s) Amir Adam Heather Anthony Richard DeLisle Brenda J. Fritsch Jesse R Greenlee Rose Hilbert William Hiltner John Peine Thomas F. Tarkowski Patricia Westphal Assisted Living Concepts Kelmann Corporation Constructive Solutions, Inc Fritsch Design LLC Wisconsin Housing & Economic Development Authority Kahler Slater Architects, Inc. Owner Peine Design Architects Write Word Ltd Builders Hardware & Hollow Metals, Inc Technology & Applied Sciences Division Architect Estimator President Architectural Designer Community Relations Officer Labor Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Architect, CAD Leader Architect Architect, AIA Specifications Consultant Project Manager Mgt Mgt Consultant Consultant Labor Minority Male Female Grad Male Grad Female Minority Male Female Male Male Male Female Grad 12/2009 55 2009 Advisory Committee Membership Lists December 2009 Technology & Applied Sciences Division AUTOMOBILE/AUTO BODY SERVICING: 19 Members; 2 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 14 Mgt; 1 Female; 18 Male; 0 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Scott Fisler Scott Fisler John Fleming John Fleming John Fleming Dan Kolasinski Daniel Kolasinski Daniel Kolasinski Brian Monroe Ray Pedersen Ray Pedersen Ray Pederson Greg Robb Eric Sauer Charles Schweda Chuck Schweda Kim Wachs Harold Zimdars Harold V Zimdars Don Jacobs Auto Group Don Jacobs Automotive American Family Insurance American Family Insurance American Family Insurance Concours Motors Concours Mercedes-Benz Concours Mercedes-Benz ABRA Autobody & Glass Foundation of the Wis. Auto & Truck Dealers Fdn of WATDA Foundation of the WATDA Affordable Auto Body Carstar Wisconsin Lift Truck Falls Auto Tech Falls Tire and Auto Wisconsin Lift Truck Zimdars Motors, Inc. Zimdars Motors, Inc Service Director Fixed Operations Manager Part Damage Senior Appraseor Mgt Labor Mgt Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Consultant Mgt Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Consultant Mgt Male Male Male Male Male Male Female Male Male Grad Technical Advisor Midwest Bus. Ctr. Service Manager - Midwest Market Service Manager Executive Director Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Male Male Male Male Training Center Super Service Manager Consultant Minority Female Mgt Male Damage Senior Adjustor Service Manager Service Manager Sales Mgr/Marketing & Quality Ctrl Executive Director Executive Director Executive Director Owner Technical Training Manager Service Manager HR Supervisor Retired President Grad Grad Grad AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY: 6 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 0 Labor; 5 Mgt; 1 Female; 5 Male; 1 Minority; 0 Graduate(s) Richard M. Baldry Rick Elliott Paul Ignatowski Ray Pedersen Julie Sherwood Tim Stachowiak DaimlerChrysler Corp Ford Motor Company Schmit Bros Dodge Foundation of the Wis. Auto & Truck Dealers DaimlerChrysler Corp Schlossmanns Honda City AVIATION MECHANICS: 11 Members; 2 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 7 Mgt; 0 Female; 11 Male; 2 Minority; 2 Graduate(s) Larry Coleman Lee Corneliuson John M Dorcey Larry Gamble Dan Kallay Rex Kessler Cessna Citation - Milwaukee Briggs & Stratton Corp. WI Dept of Transporation USAF Reserves Northwestern Mutual Life Ins Co. Aircraft Maintenance Facility Steve Moyer Greg Paczkowski Dan Paffhausen Steve Riding Max Siraj Skyway Airlines Altria Northwest Airlines Federal Aviation Administration Midwest Express Airlines Technology & Applied Sciences Division Manager Pilot Aviation Consultant Squadron Maintenance Officer Chief Pilot Director, Maint Midwest Express Airline Maintenance Director Chief of Maintenance Maintenance Manager Coordinator, Reliability/Aircraft Maint Consultant Male Labor Male Labor Minority Male Mgt Male Mgt Male Mgt Male Mgt Mgt Mgt Consultant Mgt Minority Male Male Male Male Male Grad Grad 12/2009 56 2009 Advisory Committee Membership Lists December 2009 Technology & Applied Sciences Division BIOMEDICAL ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY: 13 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 11 Labor; 2 Mgt; 2 Female; 11 Male; 4 Minority; 7 Graduate(s) Jovo Acamovic Jeremy Behrendt Eric Berland Anthony Boyd Chris Kendziera Jeremy Kingsbury Tamu M. Lee Mark Reitz David Roth Ann Rovito Jeffrey Stein Terry White Etienne J. Williams Froedtert Memorial Hospital GE OEC Healthcare Midwest Dialysis Columbia - St. Mary's ProHealth Care Froedtert Memorial Hospital Aurora Sinai Medical Center Froedert Hospital Froedtert Memorial Hospital Childrens Hospital of WI Elmbrook Memorial Hospital Waukesha Memorial Hospital WFHC-All Saints Sr. Biomedical Tech Sales GE OEC Healthcare Biomedocag Technician Clinical Engineering Senior Biomedical Technician Clinical Imaging Specialist II Biomedical Technician Clinical Imaging Manager Clinical Imanaging Supervisor Clinical Engineer Sr Biomedical Technician Biomed Tech Senior Imaging Specialist Labor Mgt Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Mgt Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Minority Minority Minority Minority Male Male Male Male Male Male Female Male Male Female Male Male Male Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad BRICKLAYING AND MASONRY: 7 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 3 Labor; 3 Mgt; 1 Female; 6 Male; 1 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Kay Haishuk Kevin Hamm Pete Kallin Kenneth McLaren Gerald Prager Willie Taylor Raymond Wersel Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards Lloyd Hamm Masonry, LLC Fred Kinateder Masonry Bricklayers Union Ed Prager & Sons, Inc. C D Smith Contruction Bill Dentinger, Inc. Field Representative President Field Supervisor Local #8 Vice President Mason Foreman Consultant Female Mgt Male Mgt Male Labor Male Mgt Male Labor Minority Male Labor Male Grad Grad Grad Grad CARPENTERS & CABINETMAKERS: 7 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 0 Labor; 6 Mgt; 1 Female; 6 Male; 0 Minority; 1 Graduate(s) Diane Ausavich Bill Hicks Stanley Kujawa Gary Millard Dan Schmidt Thomas M. Weiher, CR/CKBR Joe Weisling Carl Krueger Contractor Inc Cream City Construction Craftsman Woodwork Wooden Thumb, Inc. Bob Anderson Builders Carmel Builders, Inc. Southwest WI Carpentry Training Center Cleaning Division Administration President President CEO Estimator/Supervisor President Training Director Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Consultant Female Male Male Grad Male Male Male Male CIVIL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY: 7 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 3 Labor; 4 Mgt; 2 Female; 5 Male; 1 Minority; 2 Graduate(s) Ross Kroeger Brian R. Lehman Marcia Lindholm Steve Maierle Steven Roncke Richard K. Wagner Jennifer Wright City of Port Washington Ch2M Hill City of Milwaukee HNTB Corporation R.A. Smith & Associates, Inc. JSD Professional Services, Inc. Milwaukee Metro Sewerage Dist Technology & Applied Sciences Division GIS Coordinator/Engineering Tech Structural Designer/Group Leader Civil Engineer Senior Director, Engineering Tech Services Vice President Sr. Project Manager Labor Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Labor Mgt Male Male Grad Female Male Male Grad Male Minority Female 12/2009 57 2009 Advisory Committee Membership Lists December 2009 Technology & Applied Sciences Division COMPUTER ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY: 5 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 2 Mgt; 1 Female; 4 Male; 0 Minority; 1 Graduate(s) Anthony Farrell Kenneth Jaeger Janet Knotts Michael Luisa Patrick Matthews Aur Computer Service Milwaukee PC H2IT Marquette University Children's Hospital Owner Operations Manager Systems Engineer Av. Maint. Engineer Mgt Mgt Consultant Labor Labor Male Male Female Male Male Grad CRIMINAL JUSTICE LAW ENFORCEMENT: 10 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 0 Labor; 9 Mgt; 1 Female; 9 Male; 1 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Thomas Bauer Ronald Bollhoffer David Buntrock Thomas Czaja Ramon Galaviz Robert Halliburton Michael J. Marzion Frank Springob Stan Stojkovic Ann M. Wellens Oak Creek Police Dept The Waekenhut Corp Mequon Police Department Fox Point Police Dept Milwaukee Police Dept Kohl's Corporation University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Greenfield Police Dept. U W Milwaukee South Milwaukee Police Department Chief Chief of Security Captain Police Chief Deputy Inspector Chief of Security Chief of Police (Interim) Chief of Police Criminal Justice Coordinator Chief of Police Mgt Male Mgt Male Mgt Male Mgt Male Mgt Minority Male Mgt Male Mgt Male Mgt Male Consultant Male Mgt Female Grad Grad Grad Grad DIESEL & POWERTRAIN SERVICING: 17 Members; 2 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 12 Mgt; 1 Female; 16 Male; 1 Minority; 3 Graduate(s) Scott Bartlein Scott Bartlein Frank Bednar Curtis Block Jeff Darod Kutch Dick Jeff Dowd Russell Gorlewski David Harvey Scott Koenig Ken Stuettgen Jeff Tews Jeffrey Tews Jack Vander Giessen Michael Wehr Mike Wehr John Wochos Barry Trucking, Inc Barry Fleet Services, LLc Milwaukee County Transit System Jet Repair Services Wisconsin Automobile & Truck Dealers Association Jet Repair Services Foundation of the WATDA Schneider Trucking Milwaukee County Transit System Milwaukee Truck Sales Mack Trucks, Inc Dept of Public Works City of Milwaukee Meritor Automotive Milwaukee County Transit Milwaukee County Transit System Cummins Great Lakes Technology & Applied Sciences Division Fleet Manager Fleet Manager Manager of Administrative Services Service Manager AYES Coordinator Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Consultant Parts Manager Consultant Mgt Minority Female Consultant Male Male Mgt Male Mgt Male Mgt Male Labor Male Mgt Male Grad Mgt Male Labor Male Mgt Male Mgt Male Manager of Shop Operations Service Manager District Service Manager Vehicle/Equip Specialist Fleet Operations Manager District Service Manager Maintenance Director Director of Maintenance Manager, Service Male Male Male Male Male Grad Grad 12/2009 58 2009 Advisory Committee Membership Lists December 2009 Technology & Applied Sciences Division ELECTRICITY - DIPLOMA: 8 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 3 Labor; 5 Mgt; 3 Female; 5 Male; 2 Minority; 2 Graduate(s) Michael Chetney Robert Engler Sylvia J. Habermehl Patricia Horn Henry Hurt Chuck Smith Pamela Thiessenhusen Rich Zakszewski JATC/Electrical Engler Electric Habermehl Electric, Inc. MQ Electric Inc. Hurt Electric Current Electric City of Milwaukee DNS Graybar Electric Training Director President President President MQ Electric Owner Contractor Estimator Quates Dept Manager Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Labor Mgt Male Grad Male Female Female Minority Male Male Minority Female Grad Male ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY: 10 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 4 Labor; 5 Mgt; 2 Female; 8 Male; 3 Minority; 5 Graduate(s) James A. Cera Ed Chandler, PhD Mee X. Her Xuan H. Mai Christine Ozburn David Polka Johnson Controls, Incorporated MSOE LS Research, LLC ABB Incorporated GE Healthcare ABB Incorporated Thomas Shircel Robert Strangeway Brian Wedward Daphne M. Wilson Rockwell Automation MSOE Johnson Controls Incorporated Zoe Engineering LLC Engineering Assistant EET Program Director Engineering Tech Senior Test Technician Technician Technical Training & Development Manager Engineering Programming Manager Professor & Program Advisor Sytems Team Leader President Labor Male Consultant Male Labor Minority Male Labor Minority Male Labor Female Mgt Male Grad Grad Grad Grad Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Male Grad Male Male Minority Female Mgt Male Consultant Labor Male Male ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY COMMUNICATION: 3 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 1 Labor; 1 Mgt; 0 Female; 3 Male; 0 Minority; 1 Graduate(s) Kent Aschenbrenner Journal Broadcast Group, Incorporated Michael Larsen Michael Younger Agilent Technologies G E Medical Systems Director of Engineering, Eastern Region Field Engineer Electrical Engineer Grad ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CONTROLS AUTOMATION: 10 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 4 Labor; 6 Mgt; 1 Female; 9 Male; 2 Minority; 3 Graduate(s) Stefan Hochstatter Mark R. Krueger Kaonou Latham Mike Leinfelder John Liegeois John Liegeois Thomas Shircel Bradley J. Stokke Brian Wedward Carver Wynn Johnson Controls Incorporated Veolia Water Telsmith, Incorporated Rockwell Automation Siemens Siemens Rockwell Automation WEM Automation Johnson Controls Incorporated Johnson Control Technology & Applied Sciences Division Lead Controls Technician Systems Analyst Elect. Product Engineer Applications Engineer Account Manager Account Manager Project Electrical Engineer Systems Engineer Systems Team Leader National Field Coordinator Labor Mgt Labor Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Mgt Male Male Minority Female Male Grad Male Male Male Grad Male Male Minority Male Grad 12/2009 59 2009 Advisory Committee Membership Lists December 2009 Technology & Applied Sciences Division FIRE SCIENCE/EMS: 10 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 3 Labor; 6 Mgt; 1 Female; 9 Male; 1 Minority; 5 Graduate(s) Lloyd Bertram James S. Chojnacki Franklin Fire Department PPG Industries Douglas A. Holton Peter J Holzhauer Steve Hook Frederick T. Hornby II James Martins Mark D. Mitchell Kenneth J. Sternig Deb Weber Milwaukee Fire Dept. Elmbrook Hospital West Allis Fire Dept Bell Ambulance, Inc. Franklin Fire Department Port Washington Fire Department Milwaukee County Milwaukee Fire Department Assistant Chief Environmental Health & Safety Associate Chief MD Chief ALS Operations Director Chief Chief Educational Coordinator Battalion Chief Labor Labor Male Male Grad Grad Mgt Minority Male Consultant Male Mgt Male Grad Mgt Male Mgt Male Grad Mgt Male Mgt Male Labor Female Grad LINE MECHANIC: 5 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 3 Mgt; 1 Female; 4 Male; 0 Minority; 0 Graduate(s) Tim Behling James Charboneau Jan Hamann Mike Lewin Mark Schmoller Time Warner Cable WE Energies Pieper Electric IBEW Local 2150 WE Energies Director, Training & Development Electric Operations Manager Bench Administrator Business Rep Senior Training Specialist Mgt Mgt Labor Labor Mgt Male Male Female Male Male Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Male Male Female Male Consultant Female Mgt Consultant Mgt Male Female Female Mgt Labor Mgt Male Male Male Labor Male MACHINE TOOL & COMPUTER NUMERICAL CONTROL: 4 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 0 Labor; 4 Mgt; 1 Female; 3 Male; 0 Minority; 0 Graduate(s) Rory Gintert Daniel Johnson Susan Richards Mary VanAckeran Gosiger Wisconsin Gosiger/Haas Factory Outlet National Technologies P&H Mining Equipment President Sales Engineer Controller/HR Mgr Manufacturing Support Supervisor MACHINE TRADES APPRENTICE: 8 Members; 2 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 4 Mgt; 3 Female; 5 Male; 0 Minority; 1 Graduate(s) Sandy Brietzman Todd Dunnam Kay Haishuk Kim Kozlik State of Wisconsin - Department of Workforce Development Milwaukee Forge Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards Ladish Forging Art Laabs Ken Peters Al Sanders Ladish Forging Harley Davidson Max Weiss Company, Incorporated Mark Schuster Harley-Davidson Motor Company Technology & Applied Sciences Division BAS - Apprenticeship Training Representative Human Resource Manager District Representative Human Resources Supervisor Employee Relations General Foreman Maintenance Lead Position Fabrication and Quality Assurance Manager Apprentice Machinist Grad 12/2009 60 2009 Advisory Committee Membership Lists December 2009 Technology & Applied Sciences Division MAINTENANCE & INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIAN APPRENTICE: 9 Members; 2 Consultant(s); 4 Labor; 3 Mgt; 2 Female; 7 Male; 0 Minority; 2 Graduate(s) Sandy Brietzman Wayne Buroker Brett Gomber Kay Haishuk Scott Ingersoll Thomas Pechacek Ryan Smith Robert Stone Mark Wieseke Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards c/o Gateway Tech Harley Davidson Motor, Co. P&H Mining Equipment Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards WE-Engergies City of Milwaukee-DPW/ISD Harley-Davidson WE-Energies/Local 2150 Master Lock Field Representative Consultant Female Electrician Maintenance Manager Field Representative Supervisor Electrical Services Op. Manager Electrician Power Plant Electrician Labor Mgt Consultant Mgt Mgt Labor Labor Labor Male Male Female Male Male Grad Male Male Male Grad Mgt Labor Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Male Female Male Male Male Male Male Male Female Male MECHANICAL DRAFTING & DESIGN: 10 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 3 Labor; 7 Mgt; 2 Female; 8 Male; 0 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Jack Boblick Donna Burey Rick Correll Tom Furman Doug Genneich Norm Kopp Tom Servais Henry Skip Lynn Debra Smith Bill Stilley Motive Equipment P&H Mining Equipment Bucyrus International, Inc. Ladish Foryings Ladish Co, Inc. P & H Mining Equipment Astronautics Corporation Rexnord Industries LLC MSOE Astronautics Corp President Design Technician Computer Graphics Administrator Chief Design Engineer Facilities Mechanical Engineer Supervisor, Technical Design Supervisor Senior Engineer Mechanical Engineer Design Engineer Grad Grad Grad Grad PAINTING & DECORATING APPRENTICE: 6 Members; 2 Consultant(s); 3 Labor; 1 Mgt; 1 Female; 5 Male; 1 Minority; 2 Graduate(s) Hafeezah Ahmad Adam Holmes John T Jorgensen Robert A Owsianowski Rick Schriener Charles Schwiesow Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards IUPAT DC7 JATC/Painters Union Local 781 Local 781 Porta-Painting, Inc District Representative Training Coordinator Secretary/Treasurer Drywall Finisher Business Agent President Consultant Minority Female Labor Male Consultant Male Grad Labor Male Labor Male Grad Mgt Male PREPARATORY PLUMBING: 9 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 1 Labor; 6 Mgt; 1 Female; 8 Male; 1 Minority; 1 Graduate(s) Hafeezah Ahmad Kenneth Dziubek Robert L. Faust Scott Hamilton Chris Horner Nicholas P. Meer Paul Price Jr. Scott Redman Dale Zahn Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards Ideal Plumbing, Heating & A/C Faust Company, Inc. Plumbers Local 75 Horner Plumbing Alpine Plumbing Best Price Plumbing (Self Employed) Plumbers Local 75 Alpine Plumbing Inc Technology & Applied Sciences Division Apprenticeship Training Rep. Supervisor/Master Plumber President Training Director Vice President Owner Owner Senior Project Manager Consultant Minority Female Mgt Male Mgt Male Labor Male Mgt Male Mgt Male Mgt Male Male Mgt Male Grad 12/2009 61 2009 Advisory Committee Membership Lists December 2009 Technology & Applied Sciences Division SHEET METAL APPRENTICE: 9 Members; 3 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 4 Mgt; 1 Female; 8 Male; 0 Minority; 5 Graduate(s) Bill Bulloch Ken Groescher Jr. William Hoepner Peter Lentz Mike Mamayek Michael Mooney Kurt Nickel Barbara Robakowski Dan Rogers WCTC Butters-Fetting Co Inc. Sheet Metal Union #18 Plumbing Mechanical Sheet Metal Contractors Alliance Inc Illingworth Corporation Sheet Metal Workers L.U. #18 Sheet Metal Union JACT Bureau of Apprenticeship Brendan Mechanical Systems Project Manager Business Agent Executive Director Business Representative Sheet Metal Workers JATC Coord Apprentice Training Representative Consultant Mgt Labor Consultant Male Male Male Male Mgt Labor Mgt Consultant Mgt Male Male Male Female Male Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad TOOL & DIE MAKING: 9 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 7 Mgt; 0 Female; 9 Male; 1 Minority; 3 Graduate(s) Grant Armbruster Jim Krueger Ron Loos David Mather Robert Oldenburg Don Olson Anthony Rainy Fritz Reich A.J. Schweda Mazak Quality Tool & Die Johnson Wax Oldenburg Metal Tech, Inc. Masterlock Master Lock Reich Tool & Design, Inc Concept Machine Tool Retired Service Manager President - Owner Technologist Specialist President Tool & Die Maker UAW Local 469 VP/Designer Sales Manager - Die Mold Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Labor Mgt Mgt Male Male Male Male Male Male Minority Male Male Male Grad Grad Grad WELDING/WELD TECH: 8 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 6 Mgt; 1 Female; 7 Male; 0 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Karen Gilgenbach Airgas, Inc. Bryan Hackbarth P & H Mining Equipment Richard Hanson Mike Kersey Brion Kluge Tom Kullinger Jeff Noruk Michael Porfilio Local 8 Iron Workers Lincoln Electric Co Consultant Logeman Brothers Company Servo Robot Corporation Anderson Laboratories Technology & Applied Sciences Division Regional Automation Product Manager Welding Engineer/CWI/CWE/CRAWT Apprentice Coordinator Technical Representative Welding Engineer Manufacturing Engineer President Director of Operations Labor Female Labor Male Grad Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Male Male Male Male Male Male Grad Grad Grad 12/2009 62 2009 Advisory Committee Membership Lists December 2009 Television & Video Production Division TELEVISION VIDEO PRODUCTION: 10 Members; 2 Consultant(s); 5 Labor; 3 Mgt; 2 Female; 8 Male; 3 Minority; 1 Graduate(s) Gary Alvarado Kent Aschenbrenner Tom Askin Karen Birk Raul Galvan Dave Grooman Carlos Gutierrez Dennis Majewski Katie Pinkowski Jon Pray Time Warner Cable WTMJ, Inc. WITI-TV Rough Writer Milwaukee Public TV MATA Time Warner Cable Gogolak Communications Group, Inc. WTMJ, Inc. Marquette University Television & Video Production Division Producer/Director Director, Engineering Services Engineering Supervisor Writer Production Manager Producer/Director Recruiter President Director Associate VP Labor Minority Male Mgt Male Grad Labor Male Consultant Female Mgt Minority Male Labor Male Mgt Minority Male Labor Male Labor Female Consultant Male 12/2009 63 Attachment ESIR – 5 DRAFT MATC Vision/Mission/Principles Statements Vision - MATC is a premier, comprehensive college that provides excellence in education to enrich, empower and transform lives in our community. Mission - As a public, two-year comprehensive college, MATC offers quality educational opportunities and services to its diverse, metropolitan community by collaborating with partners to advance the lives of its students. The AQIP Principles: Learning: People: Focus: A Learning-centered environment Respect for and willingness to invest in people Mission & vision driven by students’ and other stakeholders needs Agility: Ability, flexibility, and responsiveness to changing needs and conditions Integrity: Integrity and responsible institutional citizenship Collaboration: Collaboration and a shared institutional focus Involvement: Broad based involvement of stakeholders to encourage better decisions Attachment ESIR ‐ 6 Child Care Update December 2009 Carol Seaman, Director, MATC Child Care Services Site Criteria FT teaching staff PT teaching staff No. of classrooms No. of student children regularly enrolled No. of staff/faculty children regularly enrolled No. of community children regularly enrolled No. of Occasional Use^ student children enrolled No. of Occasional Use^ staff/faculty enrolled No. of Occasional Use^ community children enrolled No. of student child requests for January 2010 No. of staff/faculty child requests for January 2010 No. of community child requests for January 2010 No. of student teachers assigned Fall 2009 Mequon Milwaukee Oak Creek West Allis Total 4 2* 4 24 2 0 6 1 0 3 0 0 6 10 9 6 65 6 5 12 0 4 56 2 12 22 4 3 4 51 0 0 13 0 0 34 0 0 11 4 3 4 37 0 0 10 0 0 4 0 0 11 22 17 18 177 8 5 41 1 4 97 2 12 50 * 1 part time employee is off until June 2010 for a child‐rearing leave ^ NOTE: Occasional Use applies to school‐age child care that is offered on public/parochial school closure days or when parents who utilize other child care providers need care when their regular providers are unable to meet their needs. Occasional Use care is sold on a space‐available, daily basis. Student Teacher Hours Summer‐‐Milwaukee Campus Center Fall‐‐All Campus Centers FY09 FY10 744 hrs. 2862 hrs. 1008 hrs. 2768 hrs. Difference Percentage 264 hrs. 94 hrs 35.48% ↑ 3.28% ↓ Grant Activities CCAMPIS: Current grant runs through 9/30/10; MATC was awarded a new CCAMPIS grant for the period of 2010 ‐ 2014. Services include 1:1 conferencing for student parents; extra child care hours for tutoring or study time; parent education. This semester, 100 student children are receiving additional services through the grant. Early Reading First: Meeting on 12/09/09 at 3:00 p.m. with Dr. Maura Moyle of Marquette University, School of Health Sciences, Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology; initial request is for a partnership/collaboration with the MATC‐‐Milwaukee Campus Center to provide reading and speech opportunities, primarily for low‐income children and families. Enrollment (Fall and Spring) Student enrollment has grown at all four campus child care centers. Oak Creek has experienced a higher increase than Mequon or West Allis, probably given the larger number of programs at Oak Creek and the types of educational offerings at the Oak Creek campus which are attracting a significant number of displaced workers. The Milwaukee center, as the only 12‐month program, continues to receive inquiries from student families as well as community parents. The number of families on Wisconsin Shares funding has increased throughout the District. Student parents on Food Stamps are being referred to the MATC PACE program to expedite their applications for child care funding. The PACE program has been extremely helpful in navigating the social service system.