CAMERA-MICROCOMPUTER INTERFACE Helen Louise Graham ,>· SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREES OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE and MASTER OF SCIENCE at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June, 1980 Signature of Author . Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, June, 1980 Certified by........ Theszi Cert ified SX'•erv ior by ..,~r• )/'f ............>..... J9 o m..r.zv•,mt Accept Cha' tcadem Gfs isor n, D'epartmental Co&iftro•- ARCHIVES MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUN 20 1980 LIBRAP.ES R C....el n Graduate S1iudents PAGE 1 CAMERA-MICROCOMPUTER INTERFACE by' HELEN LOUISE GRAHAM Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science on May 23, 1980 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degrees of Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Electrical Engineering ABSTRACT A general interface was designed to receive an analog video signal from a Reticon solid state line scanner containing an array of 1723 photodiodes, process the signal, and pass it on to an SBC 80/20 single board computer via an Intel multibus. Processing on the user via control words interface is controlled by board the The user has a choice of eight sent and received on the multibus. levels (for sixteen quantizing three START pulses, CLOCK rates, operation, and gate conversion), four modes of analog to digital of operation make it possible The four modes width and location. 1-bit digital form or in 4-bit digital to record video data in the record the addresses of form for each photodiode, or to or to record the photodiodes where black/white transitions occur, The user also has string lengths of black data and of white data. a choice of three cameras from which to receive data. the different in all been tested has The interface combinations of CLOCK, START, quantizing level, mode of operation, Only one camera was and gate width and location, and works well. for the other two cameras were used in the tests, but connections tested out. Thesis Supervisor: Title: Professor George C. Newton Professor of Electrical Engineering PAGE 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS John Beltz for I wish to express my deep appreciation to directing my thesis project and for guiding and supporting me being my thesis through it and to Professor George C. Newton for advisor. I also wish to thank the following people who have helped me out in a myriad of ways - Dave Bortfeld, Harvey Hook, Bill Weiss, and Larry Larson. PAGE 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS I. . . . . . . . . . . ... 7 . ... 12 GENERAL OPERATION OF THE CAMERA-MICROCOMPUTER INTERFACE .15 INTRODUCTION. II. ..................... SOFTWARE CONTROL VI. . . . . .. . . THE SBC 80/20 IV. V. .. THE RETICON UNIT. III. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . ............... ... . . . . . . . . . . . VI-1. CLOCK, START, CONTROL . ....... VI-2. STROBEO VI-3. PREGATE/DIG VID . . VI-4. A/D . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . VI-5. PIXEL . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . MACR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . .55 . . CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61 . . ...63 . . . . .......... . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . APPENDIX. . . . . . . . . . . . . .68 . . .76 . ...79 . .. .85 . . . . . . .90 . . . . . ... 95 ... . . . .54 . . .................. REFERENCES. . . . . ... 23 . . .............. . . .. .52 STRING LENGTH AND TRANSITION MODES. ... READ ..... VI-IO . . . ........... VI-8. "A" MEMORY ADDRESS CIRCUITRY VI-9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI-6. and VI-7. IX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QAA-QHH . . VIII. . . DETAILED OPERATION OF THE INTERFACE . . VI-0. VII. . . 5 . 111 . . . . . . . . . 112 . . . . . 113 . . . .. . . SCHEMATICS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOARD LAYOUTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 CABLE CONNECTIONS . . GLOSSARY . . . . .................. .... . 113 126 ....... ... 129 PAGE 4 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Fig. II-1 Simplified Schematic of Reticon Line Scanner . . Fig. II-2 Reticon Photodiode Array Geometry. . Fig. IV-1 Camera-Microcomput er Interface --- Block Diagram .22 Fig. V-I Test Program .29 Fig. V-2 Status Control Reg isters (SCR) Fig. V-3 Clock Selections . . Fig. V-4 Port Addresses Use,d and Their Functions. Fig. V-5 A/D Calibration. . . . . . . . . . . Fig. V-6 Sample Outputs . . . . . . . . . Video Signal from Reticon . . . . . . . . . . Chip and Pin Identifiers. . . . . . . . . . . . .31 . . . . . . .31 . . . .. .32 . . . . . .33 . . . . . . .34 . . . . . . . .45 . . . . . . . .53 . . . QAA - Fig. VI-1 Clock, Start, Cont rol. Fig. VI-2 Strobe0. . Fig. VI-3 Pregate/Dig Vid. Fig. VI-4 A/D Mode . . . . Fig. VI-5 Pixel Mode . . . Fig. VI-6 Str.L Mode . . . . 106 Fig. VI-7 Str.L or Tran Mode 107 Fig. VI-8 "A" Memory Address Circuitry . . . . . . . . . . Fig. VI-9 Read . . Fig.VI-10 Macr and Read Sheets 1-11 . . . and Their Content Fig. VI-0 QHH. . . . . . 7 S . . . . . . 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 105 . . . Schematics . 108 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Board U Layout. . . . . . . . 124 Board L Layout. . . . . . . . 125 Cable Connections - J1, J2, a nd J3. . . . . . . . . . . . . Cable Connections - Board-Cab le-Reticon . . . . . Multibus Connections . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 127 128 PAGE 5 I. INTRODUCTION of interest and are two systems have end, To this mechanization. reader and a - a matrix in use process scanning unit. Because of this common proposed that a of specialized hardware the In fact, well as control. between SBC CPU the microprocessor located on the SBC and of to choose the to use, the gate size of which control and 8080A (an via an flexibility, as digital data), Communication of was the systems the four of operation, all four modes and one of explained later. information to connect would be able to the user it conversion of much much greater (for generating 1-bit quantizing level will be a Reticon line START signal, which of three cameras CLOCK rate, the and location, of each the user would allow software and in they each, board computer, would make possible the This Intel multibus. designed a single SBC 80/20, to an Reticon unit inspection software control, interface be general In feature and because of the under systems have these to gun parts inputs to and outputs from at some point, desire reader. thing in common - These four systems have one system. already been built slit width and a tab welder a laser development are direction of greater is moving in the manufacturing process, RCA the during control quality faster and better Now, however, in the inspection. picture tube was done by visual an RCA parts comprising quality control of Until recently, command single-chip 8-bit 80/20 board) and the interface, scan data, scanner status, and interface status between the interface and the SBC Input/output control CPU, would be would be in the form would be stored in special registers on the and development of such an Intel multibus. of control words and via an interface. interface, to be used not four above-mentioned systems, but also The design only by the by future systems, was the proposed thesis project and is the subject of this paper. This paper is being the first. this introduction in Sections II and III, divided into nine sections, Immediately following, PAGE 6 the two main characters, without whose contributions this project would never have been born, are introduced - the Reticon Unit and the SBC 80/20 single board computer. that in Section INTERFACE IV their itself, can at go-between, the brought into the picture software, control the this drama; fashion. this point, Finally, in Section V, and shown how he interactions among the three he is also shown samples them so CAMERA-MICROCOMPUTER last be presented, though, at only in a general, block-diagram the user is Enough is said about can, with characters in of the different kinds of outputs available to him. Section VI (which really should be read before Section V) gets down to the nitty-gritty and gives a blow-by-blow description of the way the interface operates. Each subsection of Section VI deals interface circuitry with a subdivision of the a timing diagram of the same associated with it name. and has (For page numbers of the diagrams, see the List of Illustrations on page 4.) To fully understand Section VI, one may find helpful the accompanying Schematics, Board Layouts, and Cable Connections, and the Glossary, IX. The all of which are Glossary, which (whose names appear with points in the text of not only lists most of the main signals in origin all capital and letters), along and functions, a few the Appendix are two other Between Section VI and abbreviations. Appendix, Section for understanding is helpful the entire paper, this section but their located in the sections - Conclusions (Section VII) and References (Section VIII) - whose titles speak for themselves. Now, before launching into the body of this paper, the reader should take note exceptions, words be found having an in the of With a few are signal names and can Glossary. (2) Usually, but final "/" not always, signals are negative true overbar or a final and signals true. (3) The - A21 and A21/ refer to "/" positive overbar and final "/" are interchangeable the same signal. (1) points. in all capital letters overbar or a without either an the following PAGE 7 II. THE RETICON UNIT The Reticon unit, chosen for its high degree of linearity, as well as for the fact unit solid-state Reticon RL-1728H with that it low power is a small, of consists requirements, solid-state line scanner TTL-compatible and an a RC-100A series circuit; however, other Reticon systems could be used as well. The line scanner contains a row of centers. Each photodiode capacitor, Cd, on which to switch for periodic 1728 silicon photodiodes on 15 um. (see Fig. II-i) has its own storage integrate photocurrent and a multiplex readout via an integrated shift register scanning circuit. CLOC STAR (•5V) Fig. II-1 When the SIMPLIFIED SCHEMATIC OF RETICON LINE SCANNER switch is turned which includes the (dotted line on, once photodiode and its parallel delineates one cell), the cell, during each scan, is storage capacitor charged to 5 volts (since the VIDEO-CP line is virtual ground), and approximately 1.8 pcoul. is stored on its capacitance. the charge on the capacitor The is switch is then turned off, and gradually removed by reverse PAGE 8 This reverse current consists current flowing ih the photodiode. of dark leakage current, which at room temperature amounts to only about I pA photocurrent, which is and thus can be neglected, and The amount of proportional to the light intensity or irradiance. charge removed from the cell during line scan time is the product of the photocurrent and the line scan time. is replaced via the VIDEO-CP line, which amplifier circuit (not shown), when the per scan. one at All 1728 cells function is connected to an cell is sampled, one time are sampled the same way and consecutive fashion a time in This amount of charge at the CLOCK Thus, rate. 1728 cells are tied into the VIDEO-CP line, the VIDEO-CP since all output is a series of 1728 charge pulses each proportional to the light intensity on the corresponding photodiode. The RL-1728H array also has a Each dummy diode is sampled photodiode differentially with its corresponding to eliminate so as row of 1728 dark dummy diodes. switching transients and thus to improve multiplex switches due to the quality of the the video signal. The array geometry is as follows, with the darkened areas representing the bar-shaped photodiodes. F- -b- - M I ,, J" - a = photodiode width = 7 um. b = photodiode spacing = 15 um. c = aperture width = 16 um. Ck I 2 Fig. II-2 The entire RETICON PHOTODIODE ARRAY GEOMETRY aperture is photosensitive, so between photodiodes. some light will fall Photocurrent generated by such light will go PAGE 9 to the nearest diode. the RL-1728H I ine The spectral responsivity and uniformity of scanner are excellent for is the type of light used. required light intensity and scanning speed. One element presence of dark There is, influencing dark current, leakage cancellation diodes, and current, (2) a comprised of fixed to sensing and on noise bandwidth and preamplifier (1) is significant Dark leakage current averages out 0.5 pA per diode at room temperature and 1.8 pcoul. If the dark leakage line scan contribute about time were 1% 40 ms., of the saturated output also affects the dark current, causing it in temperature, shorter. dark current so at is drive and higher Looking at level ratio noise level ratio All less than for unprocessed video and (3) yield the saturation output c harge of should be dummy (depending to be about rise incomplete (2) accounts for 0.5% of the saturated output signal used), but speed is the (1) integrated pattern due t ransients between (3) random pixel noise. for less than 0.1% however, a tradeoff between the choice of scanning w hich is of switching visible light, which in four seconds. signal. current would Temperature to double for every 70 C temperatures scanning dynamic range, the is 200:1, 1000:1, thus would while the times saturated saturated to to rms for unprocessed video. amplifier circuitry needed to operate the RL-1728H line scanner is contained on two printed circuit boards an RC-100A generators, motherboard, a blanking that contains circuit, a clock and start pulse sample-and-hold circuit, and some buffer amplifiers; and an RC-108 array board, that contains a socket for which is package clock the array (in packaged in a with ground this case, 22-lead dual-in-line and polished driver circuits, and a of charge pulses, and boxcar video signal, put out on for one CLOCK period. line scanner, integrated circuits windows), along optical preamplifier. circuit takes the VIDEO-CP output of train the RL-1728H The RC-100A with series the line scanner, which is a converts it to a sampled-and-held P2-N, with each sample being held PAGE 10 The RC-100A motherboard contains with frequency range depending on and the pot. particular frequency an internal clock generator the selection of two capacitors depending on the The range 300 KHZ to 2 MHZ was chosen, as and the only one ranged including 500 from 300 anyway by too slow other clocks generated motherboard clocks KHZ down, KHZ and also provides generated constraint on the up. a pulse All other choices uses and by the interface. for an external clock interface can width between 20 a 50K it was the fastest for most on the external clock is that pulse with setting of be covered The RC-100A input, used. so The the only it be an active high TTL ns. min. and 200 us. max. This allows for square-wave clocks with frequencies ranging from 5 KHZ to 50 MHZ. However, as will be seen later, the interface can handle frequencies only as high as 576 KHZ. and external clock used. choices ranging from 9 The only adjustment To use the internal internal clock out for the needed is KHZ to 576 KHZ jumper El to on P2-C to the interface as in use). must jumper El internal can be the jumper connection to El. clock, one must particular camera interface, one Thus all the To use to E3 E2 and send the RCLOCKx (x stands the CLOCK from the and receive CLOCK from the interface on P2-Z. A similar situation exists motherboard has an external start 4-bit pulses. internal start generator, but pulse generation, E5 for start to be would normally rocker switches set sent in. be jumpered to the count Instead E5 is jumpered to E6, internal start to E4 and the three desired between start rocker switches. is and E4 connector, and then sent to the number of the camera any count, up to The minimum 1736 (min. count as for external operation, RSTARTx (x being the With this arrangement, provides for an elements in the array) and 4096. connected to P2-F, an unused edge interface as RC-100A For pulses; this count could be any number between eight greater than the number of The count of start pulses can be sent while a scan is 4096, 1736, can be put needed so in progress, in use). on the that no is no longer PAGE 11 a constraint because interface circuitry pulse to be generated except during or., countwise, the count minus the number of elements in a START the blanking period (the time between the last element of one scan next scan will not allow and the first element of the of the start pulse generator the array), when BLANK is high, and then only when the computer has finished its processing. BLANK signal, scan time, which is high during is sent via example, set the count where computer scan. P2-D to blanking time and the interface.) at a small number like processing time varies (The low during One might, 3, for for the case considerably from scan to This way a START pulse can be generated as soon as possible after processing is finished, whenever that happens to be, rather than having to wait the maximum amount amount of time likely to be needed for processing before optimum operation, sending another the count should be such doesn't exceed 40 ms. - this integration time plus 50 with a minimum ns. and it envelopes and sent to is because dark current scan time increases as start pulse is used, it must be an active high a maximum period, synchronized that that the For increases. If an external TTL pulse, START pulse. P2-A. pulse width pulse width with the of one CLOCK of less than one negative-going edge one and only one positive In practice, a CLOCK of CLOCK, so transition of CLOCK, START pulse equal one CLOCK period was used successfully. pulse width in width to PAGE 12 III. THE SBC 80/20 The SBC 80/20, a single board complete computer system on a that plugs into an Intel CPU, system clock, memory, I/O interval timer, drivers. card cage. memory, drivers, serial 80/20 was it was selected the standard is a circuit card Included on the board are the non-volatile read-only communications interface, interrupt controller, and The because 6.75x12-inch printed read/write ports and computer made by Intel, for bus control use with system in logic and the use and interface because it was immediately available. The CPU is an 8-bit n-channel MOS 8080A microprocessor with six 8-bit general purpose registers, addressable in pairs, and an counter, so 64K accumulator. 8080A has a 16-bit bytes of memory can be addressed 16-bit stack pointer stack, locatable interfacing The individually or to in memory address any an external portion or I/O, of directly, and a last-in-first-out memory. sixteen program Finally, address and for eight bi-directional data bus lines are provided. Working with generator and generate the 8080A an 8238 system address and ports both control processor on board interrupts from memory or I/0 controller. control signals and external on board or off, Together, to access to the 8224 clock these three memory and SBC 80/20, respond devices, fetch and execute provide a stable is an to WAIT I/O respond to requests from 8080A instructions, and timing reference for all other circuitry in the system. Functioning which interface, of the includes flip-flop, bidirectional the Bus signals. Clock (BCLK/, a taken care bus P1-13) and generates necessary gates addresses of by controller, bus drivers, and circuits Constant bus controller arbitrates The system bus, bus is I/O or onto the address lines Clock a system an bus override that generate (CCLK/, P1-31) requests for use memory command and data onto and of the signals, off of PAGE the data lines of the system bus, synchronously with 13 respect to the Bus Clock. As for memory, the using Intel's memory, write SBC 80/20 2113 has 2K 8-bit words static RAM'S, on of read/ board and sockets for up to 8K 8-bit words of non-volatile read-only memory. If 8708 8308 metal mask EPROM'S and/or each adding of memory, 1K bytes Intel's and ROM'S, both are put four available in the sockets, only 4K 8-bit words of on-board read-only memory capacity provided. can be However, ROM'S, both or 8316 if 2716 EPROM'S Intel's but each adding 2K bytes, are used, then 8K 8-bit words of on-board read-only memory can be provided. When the interface was built, an an 80/20. 80/20-4 functions The 80/20 does, but 80/20-4 was used instead of same way essentially the the it provides 4k 8-bit words of read/write memory by There are other using Intel 2114 memories in place of the 2113's. differences, but they they don't affect won't be mentioned since the functioning of the interface system. The SBC 80/20 has two USART (Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous which is a programmable serial interval timer, 8253 rate generator, three features is but one-shot, as a can be None of wave generator. the interface programmed to these the present time, advantage of may take The interface does, however, make use of controller, which and an communications interface; utilized by the interface at applications of future them. a square 8251 Receiver/Transmitter), which can be programmed as a or as interface lines; an I/O programmable parallel providing 48 devices 8255 programmable peripheral the 8259 operate in to any one of interrupt any of four different modes. The SBC 80/20 RAM address blocks (within the end of the can be assigned the 64K address space) and chosen block. The first will reside at was block arbitrarily, so RAM occupies locations 3000H-3FFFH. four 16K chosen, ROM/EPROM, on the other hand, always begins at memory location zero. I/O port addressing includes the following dedicated ports: PAGE D4 - Power Fail D5 - System Bus Override D6 - LED diagnostic indicator D7 - (not used, but not available to the user) D8-DB - 8259 Interrupt Controller DC-DF - 8253 Interval Timer E4-EB - Two 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface Devices EC-EF - 8251 USART Other ports are available to the user for his own use. 14 PAGE 15 IV. GENERAL OPERATION OF THE CAMERA-MICROCOMPUTER INTERFACE Block Diagram the IV-1, the of CAM2, and CAM3 and will Fig IV-1) Fig. Camera-Microcomputer Interface, on page 23 and to the Glossary on page start with CAM1, to refer to section, the reader may wish While reading this Discussion will 129. the upper left-hand corner of (in SBC 80/20 along trace the flow through to the the right edge. CAM1, three separate Reticon camera CAM2, and CAM3 represent units, all connected to the interface board. The Camera Director, under software control via a status register, broadcasts the START and CLOCK interface RCLOCKx, pulses to only the where x or three three cameras, four outputs is That's the camera. all the chosen (VIDx, CAM's ideal situation. cameras could have their wired together once four signals more than number) outputs are outputs are and Reticon however, two at the same from the three cameras are enabling switches, the enabled, as are invalid if If, enabled. on the the case is initialization procedures, there is no problem signals RSTARTx, outputs enabled they pass through the one camera's the of one VIDEO, BLANK, RSTART, and RCLOCK - no camera's hand, BLANKx, onto In actuality, Since the corresponding outputs time. but allows other during - none of the four is generated. The CLOCK signal sent out to the three cameras is the output of the Clocks Generator and CLOCK Selector, which takes the 9.216 (CCLK/, P1-31) multibus and divides it down to MHZ Clock from the make available seven clock KHZ, 36 KHZ, rates - 576 KHZ, 288 KHZ, 18 KHZ, and 9 KHZ. 144 KHZ, 72 In addition to these, RCLOCK, the Clock signal coming from the designated camera, is also available, so the user has eight clocks from which to choose. to accommodate the existing systems width reader, and gun parts of at least 500 - the matrix reader, slit inspection system require pixel rates KHZ, so the 576 KHZ rate will the laser tab welder This is enough is happy with the 144 KHZ take care of them; rate. The chosen PAGE 16 CLOCK signal, a TTL signal, is an inverted, delayed, level-shifted version of the CMOS signal fB. CLOCK and gB are sent to the Both Control Logic area of the interface. The START signal sent to the area is Control Logic START Generator. The pulses - RSTART, and 60 the output of the which comes from the COMP.START is The 60 HZ START is at a rate of three START the COMP.START interface by sent to the Generator, on the other hand, uses the line voltage to generate a signal, (i.e., and chosen camera, COMP.START, generated by a CPSTART signal Generator whenever to the PRESTART Selector PRESTART Selector chooses among HZ START. the computer. three cameras and also 60 HZ START, every 8.33 ms. 120 HZ). Two other signals coming from the chosen camera are BLANK and VIDEO. low just before the first piece BLANK goes arrives at the interface and high just of VIDEO data after the last piece of VIDEO arrives, so it signals the beginning and end of the scanning VIDEO is the signal period. of interest and is the one processed by the interface. first of all, VIDEO passes, control) circuit that through an AGC adjusts its swings so that ANALOG VID with a 0-+1 volt swing. a 4-Bit signal A/D Converter that a 4-bit digital converts it it is accepted by from a 0-+1 then this Latches. every time of all four latches fourth CLOCK period, these every are stored in one 4-bit Data for each photodiode latch, and i.e., stored Data. volt analog chosen A/D mode (meaning that he wants gray level data), be 4-bit comes out as user has Data will signal, it If the 4-bit to In this formn (automatic gain the four 4-Bit 3-State is stored in a different have received new data, sixteen bits of new data in memory as A/D Data. 4-bit Data coming out of the 4-Bit A/D Converter is also sent to the 4-Bit Magnitude Comparator compares the 4-bit Data to a user and yields a 1-bit VID. the user desires If and Latch. The comparator 4-bit quantizing level chosen by the digital value a 1-bit that gets latched digital video value as DIG for each PAGE 17 photodiode, in which case he will have designated PIXEL mode, then DIG VID will be shifted Every time sixteen into the 16-Bit Shift-and-Store Register. DIG VID consecutive photodiodes) stored there, these values have (corresponding been shifted into the sixteen bits memory as PIXEL Data. Thus PIXEL will be taken to sixteen register and and stored in Data gets stored in memory every sixteen CLOCK periods. DIG VID also passes unit, which state, into a TRANSITION Detector monitors the DIG VID i.e., a transition. and Control signal and signals a If TRAN arrival of a transition will cause mode has change of been chosen, the the address (held in the STR.L or TRAN counters) of the first photodiode after last photodiode a string of photodiodes of the in same state, along with information indicating which camera and which memory were in use and the state of the video signal of the just-completed group of photodiodes, to be stored in four 4-Bit 3-State Latches. These sixteen bits of TRAN Data will then be transferred to memory during the same CLOCK period in which the transition was detected. STR.L mode operates in the same except that instead of storing the in a group it stores the number way that counting for the next during the same CLOCK period as that transition occurs if a counter will be set to 1. does, address of the last photodiode of photodiodes in the then resets the STR.L or TRAN counters to start TRAN mode to zero, so they are ready group. The counters are the occurrence of during group and the next reset TRANSITION so CLOCK period the This makes it possible to give accurate string lengths even when a transition occurs every CLOCK period. Now that we've seen how the let's compare their bits can hold PIXEL four data modes relative advantages. Data for sixteen four photodiodes, TRAN Data for one one string. Thus, changed state every much space to record if the digital Note that sixteen data photodiodes, A/D Data for transition, or STR.L Data for video signal CLOCK period, it would take this in TRAN are generated, mode or in were one that sixteen times as STR.L mode as in PAGE 18 PIXEL mode. If, on the other hand, the digital video signal were to change state less frequently it would record take less than every sixteen CLOCK periods, space to record PIXEL Data. Thus, for frequently, PIXEL mode is more TRAN or STR.L Data digital data economical, than to that changes state spacewise, whereas for digital data that changes state infrequently, either TRAN mode or STR.L mode Data in any of can be is more economical. converted into either however, is of the different - it stands gray-level data, providing, is useful when one wishes to see derived from other two forms. alone as the only as it were, sixteen Data can be converted to any of can't be these three modes A/D mode provider of gray levels, and fine detail. The fact that A/D the other three forms of data but them makes it, perhaps, the most useful single data mode. The sixteen bits of data for A/D mode, for PIXEL mode, and for TRAN or STR.L mode are wired together and to the inputs of the appropriate memories. modes can have For proper operation only one its selector bit in the of the four status register high. There is no protection against the user's setting more than one of these mode selector bits high causing confusion not only on the sixteen data lines, but also elsewhere in the interface circuitry. On the other hand, the selector bits remain at high, in high user might set which case the impedance and no none of the four sixteen data new data would mode lines would be stored in interface memory. The interface memory just mentioned sets of memories any one the "A" Memories and the "B" Memories. scan/process period, having scan data (in the other set during the all of this one of of memories actually consists of two one of its data that was written into the computer. are two sets of controls, the which generate memory addresses, write for the write cycle; and the of memories is four forms) written into it while is having previous scan, read these sets During into it Coordinating Memory Write Controls, pulses, and chip selects Memory Read Controls, which generate PAGE 19 memory addresses, read cycle. At the beginning of each scan/process period the memories switch roles so that during that scan/process period the memories that were written and the memories be written signals, and into during the chip selects last period will that were read from during the into. The for the Mux directs signals Controls and the Memory Write Controls be read read from last period will from the Memory Read to the proper memories for each scan/process period. When the computer wants to it executes an IN (Hexadecimal) on this address read from the interface memories, 86H command, the address and sends i.e., bus. it to The the the same time. The the memories and Transceivers also are read by possible for one its outputs 88H Address Decoder P1-21) to pass it on command. all decodes area, which from the bus controls Memory Read to the data two status At any the rest one time will bus. The registers, which pair of memories or one status enabled; 86H enables the Transceivers to receive receive data from an IN the number Control Logic sets the Controls into action and also data from puts Control Logic receives an I/O Read Command (IORC/, at about it it is only register to have have their outputs disabled, so there can't be contention on the data bus lines. When the computer wishes commands to the interface, Five registers must before the first properly. The to send control information it does so by executing an OUT command. receive control information from the computer scan begins in order for the five registers and the system to function control information hold are: Register 0 - or CLOCK and START Selector bits Register 1 - 4-bit Quantizing Level and 4 Mode Selector bits Register 2 - 8-bit Start Gate Register 3 - 8-bit End Gate Register 5 - Camera Selector bits they PAGE 20 (The Register number corresponds to the second digit of the output port that must be addressed in order to load that first digit being the arbitrarily chosen to load Register executed; 0, for example, base address of 8. an OUT 80H Thus command must be for Register 1, an OUT 81H, etc.) The choices available been register, the discussed. to Registers 0, 1, and Register 2 contains an 5 have already 8-bit Start Gate, corresponding to the upper 8 bits of the 12-bit photodiode address of the first photodiode whose video the user. Similarly, the End Gate the upper 8 bits photodiode of of the interest. with only the PIXEL Data left (in Because the Start multiple of the 16. is of interest to Register 3) corresponds to 12-bit photodiode upper 8 bits of will always be a information address of Gate and End Gate deal 12-bit address, the Thus there won't dangling when the last the last Gate area be any A/D or 16 bits of data are stored in memory. The Photodiode Address Counters feed Detectors (as can be End Gate feed their results than the seen on the Block Diagram), which into the PREGATE Detector and GATE's Generator. PREGATE marks the GATE area; eight bits of into the Start Gate and it remains high as long as the upper the the photodiode address contain Start Gate and smaller than a number larger the End Gate. The GATE's Generator synchronizes PREGATE to CLOCK and generates four GATE's that second, third, and fourth CLOCK follow PREGATE on the first, These pulses thereafter. Memory Write Controls GATE's so that are a given used to the synchronize piece of video data is matched up with the correct photodiode address. At this point, a few words should be said about data that can be stored for each of the four the amount of modes of operation. As mentioned before, during one scan four memories, either the "A" Memories or the "B" Memories, are Since each memory has space for used for recording storing 255 4-bit words scan data. (location 0 is not used), 255 16-bit words may be stored for one scan. means that in PIXEL mode the memories can store a This 1-bit digital PAGE 21 video value for 255 x 16 or 4080 photodiodes. Since the array has only 1728 photodiodes, the whole scan may be stored in PIXEL form. For A/D mode, each address records photodiodes. a 4-bit Thus the photodiodes. designate a group of happy with A/D STR.L modes both these of to 1020 plus the value operate in for 17, memories 1020 each transitions or 255 photodiode groups. of four for only 1020 mode less, as we shall see store one memory one or must else be photodiodes starting from one transition. can A/D photodiodes or use all sixteen data bits at information about modes stored at memories can store A/D Data Data for the first the Start Gate address to store digital Consequently, Gate area sixteen bits later. TRAN and one memory address Thus, information in either of about 255 A/D DATA (MULTIBU ADDRESS DECODER FIG IV-I CAMERA-MICROCOMPUTER INTERFACE --- A Ru] ES Es S gS BLOCK DIAGRAM fT1 PAGE 23 V. SOFTWARE CONTROL Software control will (pages 29 and 30), one of system. During the signals generated by signals are described Those signals be explained by referring the programs their corresponding in check out discussion reference will be the computer in the and/or by interface. 129). along with page 123), outputs (see Fig. V-4 on page 32. These on page computer are listed, Port addresses, L41 the made to several Glossary (starting generated by the and functions, used to to Fig. V-1 (For best understanding, one should read Section VI before Section V.) The boards, "BB," program shown fills the and then scanning is SBC 80/20 other set of V-1 computer reads and processing interface memories during which point with While interface loaded into the the previous scan into the When scanning and locations 3000H-31FFH are reloaded period begins. until the interrupt the user may set of was location 3000H. and another scan/process processing continue interface in motion. in one the data that processing are both completed, the locations 3000H-31FFH storing data memory starting at with "BB"'s initializes memory sets scanning in progress, memories, the SBC 80/20 in Fig display the memory locations 3000H-31FFH to see Scanning and switch is depressed, at contents of the the most SBC 80/20 recent data. (Sample outputs are shown in Fig. V-6, pages 34 through 51.) On lines 16 interrupts I 17, the interrupt and 4. Interrupt and interrupt GATE area and 4 the has been Any time after signal of an may send a PROC.COMP. signal processing the memories. that is the manual indicating that processed and the arrival data 1 interrupt is just this isn't a problem enable switch interrupt, the desired interface memory. request, the computer to switch the memories was set to data in recorded in The scan during which that be finished, but mask stored in and to start the interface data was stored may not yet since no more data can be written into the interface memories, once the gate has been closed PAGE 24 and interrupt 4 scan. sent, until the gate opens again The next scan can't begin, during the next however, until the present scan is finished because the generation of the START pulse to start the next scan can occur only when BLANK is is finished - BLANK goes high at until the next scan begins), the high (i.e., after scanning end of a scan and stays high 'unless a PREBLANK signal, to be explained later, is sent by the computer. To initialize all, sends request; the interface boards, out a sets RESET PC and signal. the computer, RESET PCSYNC low blocking sends an sets COMP.START low; loads the counters with zeros for scanning; GATE's low and all the GATE/'s interrupt the generation START pulses; in preparation first of high, also 4 of any photodiode address resets all the in preparation for scanning; resets the outputs of Control Status Registers 0, 1, and 5 low, blocking of the the selection of the camera, of quantizing level, and MEMA 43SEL, 21SEL, PIXAD. and of low; the mode the start pulse, of operation; and disables the resets counter generating With all Mode Selector bits low, no writing operations can take place, and take place. preparing another with 43SEL and 21SEL low, no read operations can Thus, RESET disables read and write operations, while various scan. counters The 576 KHZ and flip-flops for the way, clock, by the is start of selected by default when RESET is sent. Lines 19-28 hold the instructions for loading the five Status Control Registers - 0, 1, 2, 3, and 5, which must all be loaded at the order time, though this matter. The bit Fig. V-2 ("-" binary shown in don't care), Fig.V-3, page 0 - F2, selects the 31.) are the S3, F1, Reticon start and CLOCK. S2, and are shown in FO comprise signal; SI a 3-bit (CLOCK selections SI - Start Selector COMP.START, a computer-generated start the internal doesn't page 31. Register 0, number, which Control Register are loaded which they configurations for these registers means Starting with in also bits. in $3 are Status selects signal; S2 selects RSTART, selects 60 HZ START, a start PAGE 25 signal generated from the line voltage. three bits must be set high. can be generated. high, meaning On If One and only one of these none is set high, no START pulse the other hand, more than one switch if more than one feeding the same is set output line (STCMOS) is closed, there will be confusion on this line, which is sent to generate the START pulse. In Register I, number that selects conversion of video Q3, Q2, Q1, one of the 4-bit value. The quantizing level names. are the sixteen quantizing digital video value range is shown of voltages a 4-bit binary levels for to a the 1-bit digital corresponding to each in Fig. V-5, page 33. The other four bits STR.L - and QO constitute I - in Register Mode Selector - bits for PIXEL, A/D, TRAN, and the modes of the same As with the Start Selector bits, one and only one of these mode selector bits must be set high. If none is set high, no data will be written into the interface memories. set high, all various strange things, If more than one is undesirable, will happen, what exactly, depending on which specific bits were set high. Registers 2 addresses and 3 hold the delineating the 8-bit Start GATE, or Gate and window, area End Gate for the data. These addresses actually correspond to the upper eight bits of the 12-bit photodiode address, so the GATE area will always be a multiple of sixteen, as mentioned before. In Register 5, bits. CAM3, CAM2, and CAMI are As with the Start and Mode the Camera Selector Selector bits, one and only one of these three Camera Selector bits must be set high. The other 5 bits of Register 5 are no longer being used. Continuing on with the program now that the interface boards are ready for action, a PREBLANK signal possible the generation high, just in case of a Start signal, the BLANK signal interrupts are disabled (line 30) while (GC) is reset to is sent are loaded with setting BLANK GATE powered up low. Next, a Gate Complete test byte 0 (Lines 31 and 32), while locations 3000H-31FFH by (Line 29) to make "BB" the SBC 80/20 memory (Lines 33-46), while PAGE 26 PROC.COMP./ and CPSTART are sent to 48), and while interrupt enabled. The 1 is PROC.COMP./ be done between loads the photodiode address interface (Lines disabled leaving only signal that must the does interrupt 4 the resetting scans to prepare and setting for a new counters with 47 and scan. zeros, switches It the memories, clears all four memory address counters to zero, removes the interrupt 4 high, so, sets PCSYNC high, all is is sent request, and sets PC high. since GATE4/ The and BLANK ready to generate a START pulse. to the interface, and if then a START pulse will next GATE are If not, already CPSTART (Line 48) COMP.START has be generated. CLOCK pulse been selected, a START pulse will be generated when the selected start pulse (either RSTART or 60 HZ START) is generated. this time so still 1 is disabled (lines 49 and 50) at that a scan can't open, Interrupt Interrupt i.e., while be interrupted while the write operations are gate is still going on. 4, only, is enabled. The first sending of step in the processing an OUTRAN signal to the of the previous scan is the interface (line 56) to read from a status register the last memory address written into during the previous scan. number out to needs to instructions on Lines the terminal using a Monitor Since the computer it The now knows how many read, instructions (lines memory via port 3000H. Port 86H it proceeds to SBC do routine called NMOUT. so by executing the data 80/20 memory is read twice this interface memory locations 60-72) for bringing 86H to 57-59 send the from interface starting at location for each interface memory location filled because the multibus has only eight data lines and thus can bring in memory only eight of location the sixteen data at one time. When bits stored at all locations written into during the previous READ COMP./ signal (line 73) already low).and 21SEL to 0 to from are disabled from is during that scan/process period. interface memory scan have been read, a sent to assure that being read from the a given set 43SEL (which the memories just or written is read into anymore PAGE 27 At this point, computer processing is finished, so are disabled and If 74-77). data into will the Gate Complete test byte GC has been set to FF, to NEXT, Preparations line include 30, meaning the writing to resetting GC memory locations 3000H-31FFH prepare to zero, with "BB" of scan went high one CLOCK after high (meaning BLANK a START RSTART, or Selector bit so if BLANK has gone high indicating the end be START is high (it generated when GATE is of a scan), the next generated, depending CPSTART, on which Start is set. 1 and 4 chosen for user finished interrupt 4 time GATE4/ will be If the check on line 76 shows GC has not interrupts 80/20 remove the INT4/ was sent), signal will 60 HZ reloading SBC the memories, counters to 0, By this scan. 0, switch memory address PC high. next PROC COMP. to counters to request, and set for the and sending photodiode address clear all then (GC) checked (lines interface memories has been completed, then the computer jump set the interrupts are enabled been set to FF, then (lines 78-80). (This point interrupts because at this time reading data from the interface is the computer has memories into its on-board memories, so the data in SBC memory locations 3000H-31FFH is the data from one along, the sending of in which case data or Had interrupt interrupt 1 or If no some combination interrupt will cause the computer been enabled all I could have occurred at any time, the user couldn't have predicted "BB" 3000H-31FFH.) scan. of whether he'd find the two 1 has been sent, in locations then interrupt 4 to jump to NEXT (line 30) and proceed as described above. (line 47), 618 computer clock on line 76. Since the monitor After PROC.COMP. has been sent cycles elapse before GC is checked routine NMOUT cycle lasts around 465 ns., this amounts to Using the slowest CLOCK, 9 KHZ, which takes .19 seconds to complete a lapse of has a period of the scan Using the 576 KHZ CLOCK, 1.736 us. since one 425 cycles and 59 takes called on line (of 1728 111 .28 ms. us., it photodiodes). per period, a scan takes about PAGE 28 3 ms. Depending on the gate size, interrupt 4 may or may not have arrived by the time GC is checked. CPSTART signals, in the worst case, (i.e., arrives before GC is tes ted on line interrupt 4 waiting for about 4 ms. apart. and no interrupt 4 in which case there is no enabling of interrupt If a slow CLOCK, such as 9 GATE were used, CPSTART still 76, when 1) occur KHZ, and a narrow (line 48) would be sent while a scan was in progress. Since BLANK is low during scan time, BLANK GATE (which follows it except when PREBLANK is sent) would also be low, blocking the generatio,n of a START computer would continue on to line 0 and The then halt waiting latter however, because still low. occur CPSTA RT scan/process period 76, for either would never if of the BLANK COMP.START would have to send a CPSTART signal . interrupt 4. been only done so chosen, once per while BLANK was it is necessary to add BLANK status bit, as register, that could be sampled by The generated by the rising edge interrupt signal or else a 1 or COMIP.START had To obviate t his type of problem to the interface either an CPSTART. discover that GC was still interrupt generates it anc pulse from in a control the computer to determine when This problem doesn't arrise with RSTART or 60 HZ START because these signals are periodically generated in a continuous fashion. No processing of by the computer however, in this would Instructions of when reading is complete, and of area has after been passed which no interface memory. to be 1, 2, to change the is still 5. Also from that interface, processing. lines 73, included somewhere sending of PROC.COMP. contents of These arrival of scan will the Status registers may in progress, as long (signaled by the more data some inserted between line 74. 3, and memory is done using the do interrupt 4 and the any instructions changed while scanning Anyone wish this nature would Registers 0, Control program. presumably between the arrival would be the data moved to SBC 80/20 be as the GATE interrupt 4), be written into PAGE 29 FIG. V-I TEST PROGRAM ASMSO :F: TEST. ASM MACROFILE ISIS-II LOC 80:8/8085 MACRO ASSEMIELER, OE:J LI NE 'V3. 8 MODULE PAGE SOURCE STATEMENT TEST: 0520 I'NMOUT 8 3900 F2 -:981 3E20 10 11 3905 12 L3: 3100:33 3:983: 2190329 22Fi3F 390E 3EED: 3910 3E04 19 28 -916 1918 3E6C. -:91C 21 22 23 24 2920 3922 DE85 3924 16 17 18 3912 19141 391A 14 15 D381 3926 3928- D::8C 392A 3:928 3E80 !92D 32FF383930 11FF01 !933 21003:8 25 26 27 28 29 30 NEXT:P 31 42 33 34 35 0520H EQU ASEG ORG •3900H DI MVI A, 20H OUT OD8H LXI SP, 3308H LXI H, INT4 SHLD 3FFIH MVI R,.EDH[ OUT OD9H OUT SAH MVI A,H04H OUT 88H MVI A.0H OUT 82H MVI A,6CH OUT 83H MVI A,28H OUT 85H MVI H,88H OUT 81H OUT 8CH DI MVI A..OH STA 38FFH LXI D, 01FFH LXI H,388000H 36 . 3:926 3938 3938 393C 393D 3948 3941 36BB 3E080 23: 1B BA C23639 BB C23639 37 LOOPI: 38 39 48 41 42 43 44 45 . MVI CMP JNZ CMP JNZ M, OBBH R.. OH H D D LOOP1 E LOOPI 47 48 49 50 5:1 52 53 54 OUT OUT MVI OUT MVI OUT MV I OUT 87H 89H A, OEFH OD9H A, 88H 81H A, 20H OD8H INX . 46 3944 D387 3946 D389 3948 3EEF 394A D3D9 394C 3ES88 394E D381 3950 3E20 3952 D:D8 ;SEND OCW2 TO 8259 SNON-SPECIFIC EOI ;SET STACK POINTER AT 3300 ;VECTOR INT4 TO 3990 ;SEND INTERRUPT MASK TO. j ENABLE INTERRUPTS- AND 4 'SEND RESET TO INTERFACE SEND CLOCK AND START SELECTIONS TO INTERFACE SSEND START GATE TO INTERFACE ,SEND END GATE TO INTERFACE ,SEND CAMERA SELECTION ; TO INTERFACE SEND QUANTIZING LEVEL AND ? MODE TO INTERFACE SEND PREBLANK TO INTERFACE ;RESET GATE COMPLETE TEST ; BYTE TO ZERO *DE GETS NUMBER OF MEMORY LOCATIONS TO BE FILLED ;HL GETS STARTING ADDRESS OF MEMORY TO BE FILLED *"BB" WILL BE STORED IN MEMORY SINCREMENT MEMORY ADDRESS SDECREMENT COUNTER j IF REGISTER D IS NOT 0 JUMP TO LOOPI * IF REGISTER E IS NOT 0 THEN REQUIRED NUMBER OF MEMORY LOCATIONS HAVEN'T YET BEEN FILLED.. 50 JUMP TO LOOPI ;SEND PROC.COMP. TO INTERFACE jSEND CPSTART TO INTERFACE .ENABLE INTERRUPT 4 ONLY ;SEND NON-SPECIFIC EOI TO 8259 PAGE 30 ISIS-II LOC 8080/8085 MACRO ASSEMBLER. OBJ. 3954 FB :955 3957 67 2958 CD2005 395B 110030 395E DB86 3960 12 2961 13 3962 DB86 3964 12 3965 12 3966 25 1967 C25E39 396A D38B 296C F3 396D 3AFF38 3970 FEFF CA2A39 3EED 2977 D3D9 3:979 FB 297A 76 3978 C32A39 3975 3990 C5 3991 D5 2992 E5 3993 F5 2994 3996 3999 399A 399B 399C 3599D 3EFF 32FF38 Fi El Di C1 C9 LINE 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 LOOP: 63 64 65 66. 67 68 69 78 71 72 73: 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 . 89 90 INT4: 9±1 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 j 102 ; 103 V3. 0 MODULE PAGE SOURCE STATEMENT El IN 88H MOV H,A CALL NMOUT LXI D, 3000H IN 86H STAX D INX D IN 86H STAX D INX D DCR H JNZ OUT DI LDA CPI JZ MYI OUT EI HLT JMP LOOP 8BH 38FFH OFFH NEXT A,BEDH OD9H NEXT jSEND OUTRAN TO INTERFACE jPUT NUMBER OF MEMORY LOCATIONS TO BE READ FROM IN REGISTER H ;OUTPUT THIS NUMBER TO TERMINAL ;1ST ADDRESS TO WHICH DATA FROM INTERFACE WILL BE MOVED ;READ PORT 86 ;STORE THIS DATA AT ADDRESS HELD IN REGISTERS D AND E INC:REMENT MEMORY ADDRESS ;READ PORT 86 AGAIN ;STORE THIS DATA AT ADDRESS HELD IN REGISTERS D AND E ;INCREMENT MEMORY ADDRESS .DECREMENT NUMBER OF INTERFACE MEMORY ADDRESSES NOT YET READ t AND JUMP TO LOOP IF NOT 0 SSEND READ COMP TO INTERFACE ;DISABLE INTERRUPTS ;CHECK GATE COMPLETE TEST BYTE IF SET TO FF, JUMP TO NEXT ;ENABLE INTERRUPTS I AND 4 jENABLE INTERRUPTS ;WAIT FOR INTERRUPT j THEN JUMP TO NEXT ORG 3990H PUSH B PUSH D PUSH H PUSH PSW MVI A,0FFH STA 38FFH POP PSW POP H POP D POP B RET END TEST PUSH CONTENTS OF REGISTERS ONTO STACK SET GATE COMPLETE TEST BYTE TO FF POP STORED REGISTER CONTENTS FROM STACK BACK INTO PROPER REGISTERS RETURN TO PROGRAM PAGE 31 FIG. V-2 STATUS CONTROL REGISTERS 7 6 SCR 0 F2 5 2 2 Fl FO 4 2 S3 COMP. START 3 2 S2 Si 21 90 2 L7 L6 L5 L4 L3 3 H7 H6 H5 H4 5 CAM3 CAM2 - CLOCK PIXEL A/D STR.L L2 LI LO H3 H2 HI HO - - - - DECIMAL CLOCK SELECTED 0 0 576 KHZ 0 1 1 288 KHZ 0 1 0 2 144 KHZ 0 1 1 3 72 KHZ 1 0 0 36 KHZ 1 0 1 18 KHZ 1 1 0 9 KHZ 1 1 1 RCLOCK Fl FO 0 0 0 2 TRAN SELECTIONS F2 0 1 2 RSTART 60 HZ START 22 FIG. V-3 2 2 23 CAMI (SCR) AND THEIR CONTENTS PAGE 32 FIG. V-4 PORT ADDRESSES USED AND THEIR FUNCTIONS PORT ADDRESS L4 1 OUTPUT ENABLED 80H 0 STROBEO Loads SCR* 0 (U37) with CLOCK and START selections 81H 1 STROBE1 Loads SCR 1 (U9) with 2UANTIZING LEVEL and MODE selections 82H 2 STROBE2 Loads SCR 2 (U39) with START GATE address 83H 3 STROBE3 Loads SCR 3 (U38) with END GATE address 85H 5 STROBE5 Loads SCR 5 (U13) with CAMERA selection 86H 6 MACR Reads 87H 7 PROC.COMP. Prepares Interface new scan 88H 8 OUTRAN Reads SCR 8 (L47) 89H 9 CPSTART Sends a signal to Interface to generate a START signal 8AH 10 RESET Initializes boards READ COMP. Disables the Interface memories read from PREBLANK Enables a START pulse to be generated, in case BLANK powered up low 8BH 8CH 12 *SCR = Status SIGNAL GENERATED FUNCTION Interface memory for or 9 (L48) to find number of Interface memory addresses filled during previous scan Control Register the Interface PAGE 33 Fig. V-5 A/D Calibration Input (my) Lo Hi 000 Output 3 2 1 0 12 0 0 28 82 0 1 93 143 1 0 159 215 1 1 228 282 0 0 297 350 0 1 361 421 1 0 436 487 1 1 496 551 0 0 568 623 0 1 635 689 1 0 704 760 1 1 771 831 0 0 844 899 0 1 908 965 1 0 979 1000 1 1 PAGE 34 SAMPLE OUTPUTS Fig. V-6 SAMPLE # INPUT TO U20-12 START GATE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 U58-3 U58-3 U58-3 U58-3 U58-3 U58-3 U58-3 U58-3 U58-3 U58-7 U58-7 U58-7 U8-7 U8-7 U8-7 U8-7 U8-7 U8-7 U8-7 U8-7 U8-7 U8-7 U8-7 U8-7 U8-7 U8-7 U8-7 U8-7 U8-7 U8-7 U8-7 U8-7 OOH 00H OOH 30H 30H 30H 69H 69H 69H 11H 11H 11H OOH 00H 00H OOH 00H 00H 00H 00OH 00H 00H 00H 00OH 00H 00H 00H1 10H 20H 60H 25H 00H END GATE are shown MODE LEVEL PIXEL TRAM STR.L PIXEL TRAM STR.L PIXEL TRAM STR.L PIXEL TRAM STR.L PIXEL TRAM STR.L PIXEL TRAM STR.L PIXEL PIXEL TRAM STR.L PIXEL TRAM STR.L PIXEL TRAM TRAM TRAM TRAM TRAM A/D 8H 8H 8H 8H 8H 8H 8H 8H 8H 8H 8H 8H 8H 8H 8H 4H 4H 4H 2H AH AH AH CH CH CH EH 8H 8H 8H 8H 8H 8H 6CH 6CH 6CH 32H 32H 32H 74H 74H 74H 29H 29H 29H 6CH 6CH 6CH 6CH 6CH 6CH 6CH 6CH 6CH 6CH 6CH 6CH 6CH 6CH 6CH 6CH 6CH 6CH 45H 6CH In the following discussion are whose specifications QUANTIZING shown samples of the outputs in the table above. It will be noted that three different inputs to U20-12, the Data input to the flip-flop generating DIG VID, were used. For the first nine PAGE 35 samples U58-3, a signal that changes used to show that the interface photodiode. Samples 10, input was U58-7, a 11, and the signal that changes 1-bit from the Reticon as picture of resolution is 12 show various periods, and samples 13 through 32 was U8-7, state each CLOCK period, was good to one outputs when the state every eight CLOCK various outputs when the input digital version of the VIDEO signal coming it scanned across 4 slits of a shadow mask. (A this VIDEO signal is shown on page 45.) For all 32 samples, the 576 KHZ CLOCK and 60 HZ START signals were used. Samples 1, 2, and 3 show outputs for PIXEL, modes, respectively, when photodiode address the START GATE is 000) and photodiode address 6COH, or photodiodes in the 80/20 memory 1728 in GATE 6CH decimal). eights = 214 (decimal) - 00 (corresponding to (corresponding to Since the first GATE area are not recorded and location holds (1728-16)/8 = locations the END TRAN, and STR.L - 3000H-30D5H bits since each SBC of PIXEL D6 (hexadecimal) SBC are filled with "AA" binary) when PIXEL mode is chosen, as shown 16 Data, then 80/20 memory (10101010 in in sample 1. TRAN mode and STR.L mode can store information for as many as 255 transitions bits of data, memory. or strings. For each in the form of 4 hexadecimal The upper 4 bits, 15 I 14 2 I 13 2 I string, 16 digits, are recorded in which comprise hexadecimal digits, give the following 2 transition or the first of the 4 information: 12 2 I II I MEMA (MEMORY BEING WRITTEN INTO) 0 = B MEMORY I = A MEMORY STORE VID (STATE OF DATA) 0 = BLACK 1 = WHITE CAMERA IN USE 00 = NONE 01 = CAMERA I 10 = CAMERA 2 11 = CAMERA 3 The lower 12 bits, or 3 digits, give the photodiode address of the PAGE 36 first photodiode after the length of the string, i.e., transition, for the TRAN mode, or the number of photodiodes in a string of photodiodes of the same state, for STR.L (string length) mode. Looking at sample 2, 3001H information about one can the first find in locations 3000H transition - digit, 6H, or 0110 in binary, indicates 6012H. The first that camera 1 was in use, white data was received, and the "B" memory was written into. digits - last three first - 012H photodiode after give the the hexadecimal address transition, and meaning that The of the the last photodiode in the group for which the state of the video was 1 was O11H. Locations 3002H and 3003H hold information about the second transition - 4013H. in binary, which transition only this time is into don't In this case, the differs from the in the third black. bit, first first the digit digit a scan, so, for the state of the (The camera in use and change during is 4H, or 0100 first data, which memory being written unless one is doing some unusual operation, the first, second, and fourth bits of the first digit don't change sample 2 one will during a see that alternates between being written would have the first Looking on digit of transition data 1 and 0. (Had the "A" into, the alternated between first digit 7H and through to the state 6H and 4H, corresponding data's alternating between memory scan either.) of the memory been the of transition 5H, as in sample data 8. Had camera 2 or camera 3 been used instead of camera 1 the alternation would have been examples of between other pairs of this type are available, digits; unfortunately, no as camera 1 was the only camera used to make samples.) The last 3 digits of TRAN Data in sample 2 increase by I each time - 012H, 013H, 014H, transition occurred point, however, locations recording the fact each CLOCK period. that 31FCH and transition, but rather the GATE area. etc. - duly the information 31FDH, is not the information 255th position, about the information about the final This is because once the at this One should note in that a 255th transition in memory address counters PAGE 37 reach 255 (FFH) they interface memories has transition from the information stay there; thus location information overwritten 255th until the last 255 into it in the in the for every GATE area, whose is what gets transferred to SBC 80/20 memory. Sample 3 shows STR.L Data, the first digit of which is loaded in the same way as last three photodiodes digits give in a Thus, CLOCK period, Note at more economical length, i.e., photodiodes since the the string this point, by of TRAN Data. the string string of mentioned earlier. each the first digit of the the number of same state, as input data was changing state lengths recorded comparing samples 1, is PIXEL mode than However, the are each 2, and 3, 001H. how much either TRAN mode or STR.L mode when transitions are many. Notice should also be made here that the photodiode counters and GATE's miss being synchronized by 1 photodiode. The GATE's go one CLOCK (and thus I photodiode) too late with up and come down respect to the photodiode address counters. very slow functioning of the PREGATE signal, from This is why PIXEL, (0101) CMOS comparators, which generate the which are generated in sample 1, is "A"'s - the leading 0 is missed. 2, the addresses GATE area) looked at in each of i.e., GATE's.) instead of "5"'s 1 off - i.e., is 007H, Parallel coordination among however, is still synchronized - (1010), last 6BFH, not 012H, and the for example, the first string length sample 12. the various This is also why, as of the transitions are should be 011H, (This could be due to in sample the first not 6COH; and why, instead of 008H, the various in data modes, the first photodiode (in a the four data modes is the same photodiode. Samples 4, 5, and 6 differ from samples 1, 2, the GATE area, which, for samples 4, (corresponding to photodiode address 5, and 6, extends 300H, (corresponding to photodiode photodiode address is thus 32 photodiodes wide. not recorded, only 16 are, and and 3 only Since the first or 768) in from 30H to 32H 320H, or 800) and 16 photodiodes are their PIXEL values are recorded in PAGE 38 SBC 80/20 memory locations 3000H and 3001H, as seen in sample 4. Samples 5 and 6 show TRAN and STR.L Data for the same GATE area. Sample 5 shows another last transition arrives (for the memories peculiarity of interface. and advances the memory being written into), the transition data the but the gets recorded at this The address counters GATE falls before address. The computer reads this address as the final memory address filled and so reads whatever happens to be stored there from before. This problem occurs, however, only if the END GATE is less than 6CH. In samples 7, through 74H (i.e., (corresponding The and 9 the GATE photodiode to 1728), photodiode in point. 8, the array, area addresses however, is the so output is same output would designated is 690H-740H). address 16 photodiodes are missed, the way, with so recording last beyond that GATE greater than 6CH, given the same START GATE, 69H. first 6COH of the not recorded appear, by 69H any END Again, the starts at 6AOH. Recording must stop before 6COH is reached, so PIXEL Data for only 32 photodiodes is recorded in sample 7. Samples 8 and 9 give the corresponding TRAN and STR.L Data. Samples 10, the input 11, to U20-12 eight ones. and 12 show PIXEL, TRAN, and STR.L Data when is alternating The GATE area is groups of 11H through 29H eight zeroes (i.e., and photodiode addresses 110H-290H). Samples 13 through 32 coming from the Reticon, 46. The are all as shown peaks correspond to shadow mask. Samples 13, 14, data from in the picture on the locations 15, the VIDEO signal pages 45 and of the slits in the and 32 show PIXEL, TRAN, STR.L, and A/D Data for this VIDEO signal when the quantizing level was 8 and the GATE area OOH-6CH. to store either TRAN in a case such as transitions few. the GATE PIXEL, TRAN, and STR.L seen yet. space is required or STR.L Data than either PIXEL this where been seen before, but we haven't Note how much less area is or A/D Data large and modes of data the have all sample 32, which shows A/D mode data, is one A/D mode, which records gray level data, PAGE 39 gives more detailed information than does PIXEL mode (or either of the other modes), but times as much as it also for PIXEL mode. locations are available data for on the 4 photodiodes, stored, as are needed locat ion, so 510, in interface, Section to or locations are needed. Since only 255 1FE in Two from SBC can be 80/20 memory one interface memory hexadecimal, This can be seen four 16-bit memory 1020 photodiodes IV. store data - and each location holds data from only mentioned locations requires more mei-mory space SBC 80/20 memory in sample 32, where memory locations 3000H through 31FDH are filled. Sarples 16, 17, and 20, 18; 21, show PIXEL, TRAN, and STR.L Data and CH, respectively. outputs thresholds, same tihe samples VIDEO data, in as only high as EH samrple 32, one can see once and never or threshold, quantizing level, enough to reach it and so all was set to reach Data bits were ones, that different to scan corresponding was high On so all PIXEL it, it to be "F"'s. and sample that the VIDEO 16 doesn't output varied held very securely to the fact that be slightly but with different note concerning samples tightly secured in the VIDEO causing data the the EH level lower that the Finally are shown several outputs using the input, As a result, When was set at 2H, no VIDEO in the output in the A/D converter might same VIDEO data as not fact also be due EH.) By looking EH no VIDEO the shadow mask was not as It could A final has an EH be due to the quantizing level scan with but less go below causing all digits from scan to scan, of much it, samcple 32 show this could made. a comparison of the PIXEL Data bits were zeros. was lowe enough mask was is below 3H. at when the quantizing level coming out levels of 4H, AH, that the VIDEO reached got the other hand, in place. 24, and 25 or quantizing levels - EH, 8H, 4H, and 2H. at the A/D Data (The fact and 23, for quantizing Following these from made and 22; in what different through 32 _ 13 place when signal appear gates. the shadow these samples were from the Reticon varied from to be discrepancies modes, corresponding data in the same mode but as well as between between from different scans. PAGE 40 # 1 PIXEL DATA A -) = > 302C 30T OLU 304U Hf i M ) AH H i-: AA Pif AP AA P AA W, AA AA AA AA AA AA Aff AA AA AA A AA AA AA AA AF HA AA AA AA onr H AA AA AA AF AA AA AA z09 AN AF AA FB AA 30A• HH AA AA PA AA 30O3 AA AH AA tBA I_,BFB 309L (-; 30U PP BB BB BB BB Bb BB 130 13 E1 31) I(i B B BB BBbP '110 BB BB LiL bB FBB PBB BB (;d BE, BB BB BB BB pBB 1t3 '1 B11 31 Cl 13tC BE BB 13,3 13131 B1: BB 1313 BB1 13L, 13 t PB F; 3 BB BB BB3 1313 BB 3 1313 1313I '313 8i1 BLB DB Bu 1313 13BB 31i3 iU bB 131L B BF. BB 1313_ 13 Li t; B BE; 1313 1317 1313 BU 32 10 0 31BC, 1313 h1 0F AA 1RiAC n APAA AA 0 A 0n A, (1H~n lc Hii (ý~~Ni (k I 1-i(ý M'i W) 00 fiO W1c AA AA AA A FAA AH AA AA AA AA SAA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA bb AA AA AA AA AA BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB FBB Bb BB BB BB BB t P.UFm BB BB BE BB BB BB BB BB BB FB BB BB AA BB BB BB1 BB B1BBb BB BB BB BI BB BD BB BE BB 1313 BB BB BB B BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB 3BB AA AA AA AA AA AA AA ARt AA AA AA AF AA AA AA AA CAA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA SAA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA PA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA BB BB BB BE; BB PB BE; BB BB BB BB BB BB BB DB BE, BB BB BB BB BE; BB BB BB BB BB BB BE1 BB BB BB 131 BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB 1313 BB BB BB BB BB BB 131 BB BB 17.1 BB BB 131 BB 131131 131 BB BB BB 1313 BB BB BB BB BB 1313 131 131' BB BB BB BH bF BBF BB 131 131 B3B1 BE FB BB 1313 BB BB BB 131 1313 131 BB 17; 1 B B EB 131 BB BE; 131 BB BB BB BB 131 BB 131 BB BE; Bb BB 131 B B BB BB BEB 1313 BE; BB BB 131 BB BB BE; BB 131 131 BB [-B BE: 1513 BB BB BB BB 131 BB 31 AA bB 3200 AA AA (HEXADECIMAL) = 100101010101010 (BINARY) This sa~'mpe snot.:s PIXEL Data for a complete scan, since the START GATE is OTH and the END GATE 6CH, corresponding to photodiode acdresses C00 and 1723, respectively. The first 26 photodiodes in the GATE area are not recorded, so, since each SBC 80/20 mnerory location holds eight bits of PIXEL Data, (1728-16)/8 = 214 = DSH SEC 80/20 memory locations - 3000H through 30D5H - are are filled The rest of the memory locations filled with "AA". with "B3" becCuse before tho interface data was transferred memory locations 3000H-3200H were zll filled with "BB" by the program. PAGE 41 # 2 TRANSITION DATA ... 3000 12 40 1360 CO 301 6bu 1A 40 1E 60 3020 3030 3040 305S 3060 60 60 60 bU 60 22 2A 32 3M 42 40 23 40 2S O033 40 36 40 43 60 60 60 60 60 3070 oU 4H 40 46 60 3080 3096 30AO 30BG 30CO 30DG 30E0 30F0 3100 3116 3120 313G 3140 3156 3160 3176 3180 319b 31A0 31BC 31CO 31Db 31E0 31FU 60 6u 60 6u 60 bU 60 bU 60 60 60 6u 60 60 60 60 60 bO 60 bu 60 bO 61 bl 52 SA 62 6A 72 7A 82 8A 92 9A A2 AA B2 BM C2 CA D2 DO E2 ER F2 FA 02 O 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 41 41 53 60 56 60 63 60 G6 60 73 60 76' 60 83 60 8B 60 93 60 96 60 A3 60 AB 60 63 60 BE 60 C3 CB D3 60 DB 60 E3 60 EB F3 60 FE 03 61 0H 61 ,'012 I0 TI 1 lIi I I 14 1C 24 2C 34 3C 44 4C 54 SC 64 GC 74 7C 84 8C 94 9C A4 AC B4 BC C4 CC D4 DC E4 EC F4 FC 04 OC 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 41 41 15 1u 25 2D 35 3J 45 4D 55 50 65 60 75 7D 85 81 95 9D A5 AD B5 BD C5 CD DS D0 E5 EU F5 FD 05 OD 60 bO 60 60 60 60 60 GU 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 GO 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 61 61 16 1L 26 2L 36 3E 46 4E 56 5E 66 GE 76 7E 86 8E 96 9E AG AE BC BE C6 CE D6 DE E6 EE FG FE 06 OE 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 41 41 17 1F 27 2F 37 3F 47 4F 57 SF 67 6F 77 7F 87 8F 97 9F A7 AF B7 BF C7 CF D7 DF E7 EF F7 FF 07 OF 60 60 60 60 60 60 GO 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 III III iI Sii1 LCAMERA iI A8 BO B8 CO C8 DO D8 EO E8 FO F8 00 61 08 66 CO o 0110 (BINARY) I II MEMORY BEING WRITTEN INTO IL III 18 20 28 30 38 40 48 50 58 60 68 70 78 80 88 90 98 AO 0 = B MEMORY 1 = A MEMORY STATE OF DATA 0 = BLACK = WHITE IN USE 00 = NONE 01 = CAMERA 1 10 = CAMERA 2 11 = CAMERA 3 ADDRESS OF IST PHOTODIODE AFTER TRANSITION 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 19 21 29 31 39 41 49 51 59 61 69 71 79 81 89 91 99 40 40 40 40 Al 40 A9 40 61 40 B9 40 Cl 40 C9 40 D1 40 D9 40 E1 40 E9 40 F1 40 F9 41 01 41 09 &BB31 PAGE 42 # 3 3000 3010 3020 303C 3040 305, 3060 3076 3080 3090 30O 308U 30CU 300D 30EO 30FC 3100 3110 3120 3130 3140 3150 3160 3170 3180 3190 31AO 31BG 31CO 31D0 31EO 31FC 0 04 6U 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 GU 01 0G01 6u 01 60 01 bu U1 60 01 60 ui 60 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 GO 01 bO 01 60 01 6GO 0 60 01 6U 01 60 01 bO 01 6G 01 GU 01 60 01 6l 01 STR.L 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 ,U 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 U1 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 (String Length) DATA O60 01 60 01 GO 01 60 01 GO 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 bU U1 60 01 bU ui 60 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 0G01 GO 01 GO 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 GO 01 60 01 GO 01 60 01 GO 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 Ul 01 uI 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 6O 01 GO 01 GO 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 GO 01 GO 01 60 01 bU U01 60 01 bb Ul GO 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 60 (1 60 01 GO 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 4U 40 4U 40 4U 40 40 40 40 40 4U 40 40 40 4U 40 40 40 40 40 40 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 U1 01 01 01 U1 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 w'*6001 AS FOR TRAN n(SAME _WH II1 MODE) -NUMBER OF PHOTODIODES IN STRING JUST COMPLETED 60 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 GO60 01 60 01 60 01 GO 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 GO 01 0 U 1 GO60 01 GU 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 GO 01 60 01 60 01 G60 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 60 01 40 01 40 01 40 01 40 01 40 01 40 01 40 01 40 01 40. 01 40 01 40 01 40 01 40 01 40 01 40 01 40 01 40 01 40 01 40 01 40 01 40 01 40 01 40 01 40 01 40 01 40 01 40 01 40 01 40 01 40 01 40 01 EB 31 PAGE 43 ALTERNATING 0-1 DATA DIFFERENT GATES - DIFFERENT MODES GATES # 4 30H 32H 3000 AA AA BB BB B BB BB B BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB 01 BB BB EB BE; BB BB B B BB BB BE BB BB BE; # 5 30H PIXEL TRAN 3000 63 12 43 13 63 14 43 15 63 16 43 17 63 18 43 19 32H 3010 6-3 1A 43 1S 63 1C 43 10 63 1E 43 1F 63 20 40 01 3020 BB BB BB BB BB B # 6 30H 32H 74H 74H 301 74H STR.L PIXEL BB BB BB BB B B BB BB BB BB BB BE BB BB BB BE TRAN 3000 76 A2 3010 76 AA 3020 76 B2 3030 76 BA 3040 BB BB # 9 69H BBBB BB BBB 3000 AA AA AA AA BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB # 8 69H BB BB 3000 70 01 50 01 70 01 SO 01 70 01 50 01 70 01 50 01 3010 70 (;1 50 01 70 Ci 50 Ul 70 01 5 01 70 01 50 01 3020 BB BB BB BB BB BBBB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB # 7 69H BBB 56 A3 76 A4 56 A5 76 A6 56 A7 76 A8 56 A9 56 76 AC 56 AD 76 AE 56 AF 76 BO 56 B1 AB 56 B3 76 B4 56 B5 76 B6 56 B7 76 B8 56 B9 56 BB 76 BC 56 BD 76 BE BF 76 CO BE BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB STR.L 60 01 40 01 60 01 40 01 60( 01 40 01 60 C1l 60 01 40 01 60 01 40 01 60 Cl 4B 01 40 01 3040 BB BB BB BB RB BB PB BB BB BB 3000 3010 3020 3030 60 01 40 1l 40 60 01 40 60 0 1 40 BB BB BB 60 01 GO cl 60 01 60 01 BB BB 40 01 40 01 40 01 BE; BB BB BB PAGE 44 DATA = ALTERNATING GROUPS OF EIGHT ONES AND EIGHT ZEROS START GATE = 11 END GATE = 29 # 10 3000 301, 3020 3036 01 FE 01U FE 01 FE Bs BB PIXEL 01 C1 01 BB # 11 FE 01 FE 01 FE 01 FE 01 FE 01 FE 01 FE FE 01 FE 01 FL 01 FE 01 FE 01 FE C1 FE FE 01 FE 01 FE 01 FE 01 FE 01 FE BB BB BEB B B B B BB BB BD EB BE BB B B BB TRAN 3000 41 28 61 30 41 38 3,01U b8 61 /U 41 78 3020 41 A8 61 BO 41 B8 FO 41 F18 3030 41 3040 42 28 62 30 42 38 3050 42. 68 6b 70 4B 18 3060U B8 BB BB BB BR BD # 12 61 61 61 62 62 Gz 61 9G 41 58 9U 41 98 61 DO 41 D8 b 10 42 18 62 50 42 58 bZ 9U EB BB BB BB BB BD BB BB BB BB /'.o 80 CO UU 40 8JU 41 48 41 41 C8 42 GB 42 48 q42FB 61 60 61 AO 61 EO G6220 62 60 BE BB BB BB STR. L 3000 5U 07 70 08 50 08 70 U8 3010 bU US /U 08 50 U8 /1U U' 3020 SU 00 70 08 SO 08 70 08 3030 bu U0 /U Ob so50 08 U u 50 08 /0 08 50 08 LO uU u U0b 5U U8 50 08 70 08 50 08 bu Ub tO U0 50 08 3040 SO 08 70 08 50 08 70 08 50 08 70 08 50 08 3050 sO 08 ?0 Ol 50 08 ?u ub O 00 70 08 BB BB 3060 BR PB FPD RB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB 70 08 0O08 70 08 10 08 70 08 LB1 BEB BB BB PAGE 45 VIDEO SIGNAL FROM RETICON # 13 3000 3010 3020 3030 3040 3050 3060 307U 3080 3090 30AO S0 B 30C0 30D0 30EU0 UU 0U FF UO 00 UD 00 uo 00 FF 00 OU 00 FC 00 CO FF 00 00 3F 00 00 00 FF 00 00 FF CO 00 00 FF 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00C, FF 00 PIXEL C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 FF 00 BR BB BB BB # 14 00 FF 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 0? FF FF FO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF 00 00 00 0C000 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 0U FF FF FF FF 00 00 BBE B BBEBB BB BB FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 FF 80 00 00 FF RB BB FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF RB BB BB FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF BB BB FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF BB BB BB BB FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00 00 O0 FF FF 00 00 00 0.0 CO 00 FF FF BB BE; BB BB FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF BB BB TRAN 3000 40 C6 61 46 42 98 63 OC 44 59 64 DB 46 21 66 9F 3010 BB BB B; BB BB BB BE; BB B BB BB BB BB BB BB B # 15 STR.L 300(0 40 B 60 81 41 53 60 72 41 4E 60 81 41 47 60 7E 301' t,; 1u E6,-P D E: b Bb L H b b bRb B; BE; BB BB E;E BE PAGE 46 VIDEO SIGNAL FROM RETICON # 32 A/D 3000 33 33 33 33 301U 33 33 33 33 3020 333 33 33 33 3030 33 3,_3 33 33 3040 34 34 34 34 305U 44A 44 14444 3060 88 BB =ABAA 3070 LC, CC BC BB 3080 CC CC CC CC 30!9u uC uLL Cc 8C 30A0 44 34 34 34 30BU 34 33 33 30CO 30D0 30EO 30F U 3100 3110 312U 3130L 3140 3150 3160 31/ 3180 319U 31 AO 3180 31CO 3100 31E0 310 3200 33 33 33 33 33 33 ij3 33 34 33 33 JJ 33 3:3 33 33 33 33 33 33' 33 .34 34 34 34 4 44 34 34 56 67 78 78 vuu CL DD DD DD DD ED CC u D DC Cc CC 44 44 34 34 33 33 33 33 34 33 33 33 J3 33 33 33 33 33 33 3J3 33 33. 33 33 33 3J 33 33 j3 ,3333 33 ED 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 44 34 44 /45SSb BB CB BC BC CC Cc CD DC CC BC BB 0 34 44 33 '3" 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33" .3343 33 33 33 33 33 33 .J33 33 3j42 33 33 34 44 44 34 34 44 ý 9n AA sb 18 SAD 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 33 33 44 44 44 AA AB AB BB BC B8 BB BB BB BB BC BC Clc CC CL Cu CCO CC CC CC BC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC /6 55 514 44 44 44 44 34 34 33 33 33 34 34 34 33 34 34 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 '33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 43 33 J3333 34 34 34 33 34 34 33 34 44q 33: 34 34 33 34 33 33 33 33 34 33 34 34 33 34 34 34 44 44 34 34 44 44 44 144 34 44 44q 44 44 44 99 99 AB AB DD Dl)D DUI00 CC BC CC BB CC .CcBi 99 34 44 33 33 33 33 3.3 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 .33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 3.3 33 33 33 34- 43 JJ 33 33 33 33 43 33 33 33 33 34 33 33 33 33 34 34 44 33 33 33 34 44 33 33 34 34 45 BB BB BC BC CD DD CD CC DD DUD DD) DD D1) DD DD DD BB BC CC BC CC CC CC CC 3 99 8 ?/ 65 54 44 44 33 33 33 33 33 43 33 33 S3 33 33 34 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 43 33 3333 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 3J .Z; 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 33 33 BE 34 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 FD PAGE 47 THRESHOLD = 4H # 16 3000 301L 3020 3030 00 00 55 75 FF FF 00 00 3040 00 00 30S5 Ff FF 30bO0 00 00 3070( UU0 00 3080 00 10 309L -F FF 30AO0 00 00 30B0 00 00 30CO FF FF 30D0 F--DO 30EO BB BB PIXEL 00 FS FF 00 00 FF 00 00 55 FF 00 00 FF 00 BB # 17 00 00 FFT FF FF FF 00 00 00 10 FF FF 00 00 00 75 FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00 BB BB 00 FF 00 00 F5 FF 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF B BB BB 00 FF 00 00 F5 FF 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF BB BB 01 11 FF FF 00 00 000 00 F5 FF FF DC 00 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00 00 00 15 77 FF FF BB BE BB BB TRAN 30001 50 73 70 74 3010 so 50 AS6 70 A7 3020 BO 70 85 71 53 3030 51 71 9C 3040 51 3050 60 72 61 3060 52 68 72 69 307U0 52 /0 72' 71 72 79 3080 52 52 78 3090 52 80 ,2 83 30A0 8E 73 15 308u 54 30o 74 31 54 3E 74 47 30 0 S4 E2 74 E3 30EO 56 10 76 11 30FO 1B3 8BB BEU BB # 18 3000 40 83 3010 40 01 3020 40 01 3030 40 01 3040 40 03 3050 '40 3060 14021 3070 Li 0 01 01 3080 40 01 3090 40 01 30AO0 40 01 3080 40 30CO 40 40 03 30DU 40 30EO v 0 01 01 30FO 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF F -Ff FF FF F5 55 10 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 14 00 15 51 55 55 FF-FF FI- FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Ou 00 00 00 CO 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FS 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 GO OFF00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 BB BEBB BB BB B BB BB BB BB BB 50 AO 70 Al 50 50 A8 70 AS9 50 50 B6 71 4D 51 51 52 54 71 55 51 30 72 31 52 52 52 62 72' 63 52 52 GA 72 6B 52 52 72 72 13 52 52 7A 72 7B 52 84 7;" 85 52 53 3C 73 3D 54 54 32 74 35 54 54 48 74 DD 54 54 E4 74L ES 56 56 12 76 13 56 BB BB BBR 8 . BB A4 70 AS AE 70 AF 50 71 51 5C 71 5D 5E 72 5F 66 72 67 6E 72 6F 76 72 77 7E 72 7F 88 72 8D 2E 74 2F 38 74 3D EO 74 El CO 76 OD0 56 OE 76 OF 14 76 15 56 16 76 AS b2 BB BB BB BB BB BB A2 AA 4E 56 SC 64 GC 74 7C 86 2C 70 IC 71 71 72 72 72 72 72 72 74 A3 50 AD 4F 51 51 57 5D 52 65 6D 52 75 52 7D 52 52 87 2D 54 36 174 37 54 DE 74 DF 54 STR.L GO 01 40 03 40 60 01 40 01 40 U, 600 01 40 01 40 60 01 40 60- 01 40 60 6_, 01 40 ,O 01 40 60 01 40 60 83 40 60 60 01 40 60 01 40 60 01 41 01 40 01 01 40 05 60 01 40 03 60 01 01 60 01 40 01 1C 01 40 01 60 03 01 60 9F 01 60 01 01 60 01 CB 60 01 01 60 01 S160 01 01 60 01 60 03 01 60 03 01 01 60 03 60 01 60 9F 01 27 60 01 60 8F 40 01 60 03 40 G0160 01 40 01 60 01 40 G0 60 01 40 01 60 01 40 c01 60 01 40 01 60 01 40 01 60 01 40 01 60 01 40 5bB60 01 40 01 60 01 40 01 6C 01 40 01 60 01 BB BB BE; BB 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 BB 01 01 01 60 01 BF 60 01 01 60G 01 01 60 01 01 60 01 01 60 01 01 60 05 01 60 01 BB 60 01 01 60 60 05 C11 60 01 01 03 BB BB BB PAGE 48 THRESHOLD = AH 3000 3010 3020 3030 3040 3050 3060 3070 3080 3090 300O 30BO 30CO 30DU 30EO 00 00 FF U0 00 UO 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 CO BB # 20 PIXEL 00 00 OU 0G FF FF CO0O 00 00 FF FF 00 00 O0 06 00 00 FF FF 00 00 GO 0 FF FF O 06 BB BB 00 00 FF 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 FF 00 BB # 21 00 00 FF 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 FF 00 BB 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF EO 00 00 00 00 00 00 Go 06 O0 00 UO 00 O0 O0 bO 06 00 00 O0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6O 06 00 00 60 O0 00 00 00 00 01 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FE 00 CU O0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 O0 0C 00 00 1) 0 G 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 70 Bb BB BB EB BB BB BB B B BB BR BB BB BB BB 00 FF 00 O0 00 FF 00 CO FF 60 00 CO FF BB BB 00 FF 00 00 00 FF 00 06 FF 00 00 00 FF BB BB 00 FF 00 00 00 80 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF B BB TRAN 3000 SO C6 71 44 52 99 73 07 54 57 74 D7 56 1F 76 9A BB BB bBBB8 BB BB BB BB BBBB BB BB B B B 301 # 22 STR.L 3000 50 B4 70 7E 51 55 70 CF 51 4F 70 81 51 47 70 7B BE B BB BB B BB BB BB BR BB BB BB B B B 301 B BB BB BB PAGE 49 THRESHOLD = CH # 23 PIXEL 3000 00 00 00 00 3010 uu U0 GO0 00 3020 FF FF FF FF 3030 UU OU 60O 00 3040 U00 00 00 00 305L uo 01 FF 30b0 UO 00 00 00 30/1 u 0 00 60 00 3080 00 00 00 3091 F[F FF FF 30A0 00 00 00 30BG 00U OU G0 00 30CO 00 00 FF FF 30106 FF OU GO 00 # 24 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 U I. 00 GOu tFF F FF FF FF FF FF FF FF CO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OU 00 Ou Ub UU 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF: FF FF FF FF FF CO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CU 0G0 UO0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF F F FC UU 00 C000 00 GO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 GO 00 00 Go 00 00 00 GO FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 BB BB BB EB BE; B3 BBR BB 00 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF BB TRAN 3000 50 CA 71 43 52 9E 72 9F 52 AO 73 04 54 59 74 D7 3010U b 21 76 99 BB BB Bb B BB B BB BB BB BB BB BE BB 3020 BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB # 25 STR.L 3000 40 B8 60 7A 41 5D 60 63 41 56 60 7E 41 4A 60 78 3010 BB BR B RE BB B B B BB BB BB BR B BB BB BB BB 3020 BB BB BR B B BB BB DD BB RB BB BB BR B BB 8B PAGE 50 PIXEL MODE THRESHOLD SAMPLE # 613 8H - SAME INPUT DATA - DIFFERENT THRESHOLDS )00 uO0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 uf)00 GU 00 00 00t O0 00 00 3020 O0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 UO O L LI 00 00 00 00 00 00 3030 00 00 Gou 00 3040 UO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 30501 00 00 0 Li OC 00 00 CO 00 00 00 00 0CI 0C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0(1GL 00 00 00 UO 0(1 0G 0C 3080 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (00 00 L)G 3.090 O0 00 ,(J0R 0 00 10)00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 U 00 00 (O 30 Hu 00 00 00 00 00 00 CU 00 30CO0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0;00 ( 3000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OU 3010 00 00 00 0 ; FF FF FF F F FF FF FF FO 00 00 3020 FF 00 3,030 00 00 00 00 GO 00 00 00 00 3040 00 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 3050 0( FF FF FF F' FF FF FF 00 00 FF 3060 00) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 00 00 3070 uO 00 00 00 00 P00 00 00 00 00 00 3080 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF 3090 [F F F FF FF FF FF FF FF 80 FF 00 00 30AO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 30CB0 OU 00 00 00 00 cO0 00 00 00 00 00 30CO 00 FF 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF OU UGG # 13 8H # 16 4H # 19 2H 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 O00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF 00 FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF FF FF 3000U 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 00 FF 301 00 [5 FF FF FF FF FFE FF FF FF FF FF 302 ( fF EU FF FF FF FF F5S 55 10 40 00 00 00 3030 00 00 00 00 00 00 0JO 00 00 0 00 00 3040 0 00 10 00 14 00 15 51 55_ 55 F5 F 00 3050. FF FF FF FF FF-F F F F FF Fi- F-FFF 00 30b0( FF 00 00 00 00 00 [F 00 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 3070 UL OU UL 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3080 00 55 75 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 3090t FF FF FF FF FF FF FS 40 O000 00 30nO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0( 00 00 00 30B, 00 00 00 00 Or; 00 00 00 00 30CO FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00 0.000 CO 00 00 FF FF FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 FF 00 00 00 01 11 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 F5 F5 FF FF FF DC 00 00 00 01 0) 00 FF FF FF 00 00 00( 00 00 15 00 77 00 FF FF FF 3000 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 3010 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 3020 3030 3040 3050 3060 30/C 3080 3090 30A0 30B0 30CO FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF* FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FFFF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF F FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FEF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF F FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF PAGE 51 TRAN MODE - SAME DATA FROM RETICON - DIFFERENT GATES GATES # 27 OOH 6CH 30UU 40 C3 61 44 42 9G 63 08 44 55 64 D7 46 1D 6- 9B 301 B B B BE; BB BB BB BBB L B BBBB BB Bb BB B BB BB 3020 BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB # 28 10H 6CH 3000 61 44 '12 96 63 08 44 55 64 D8 46 ID 66 9C BB BB 3011, RB BB B BE B B BE RB Rb B BE BB BB BB BB # 29 20H 6CH 3000 42 98 63 OA 44 57 64 D9 46 1F 66 9D BB BB BB BB 3010 bB BB BB BR BB BB BB BB B BB BB BB BB BB BB BB # 30 60H 6CH 3000 46 IE 66 9D BB BB BB BB BB BB BB 301U BB BB BE BB BB BBBB 8B BR B B BB BB BB BB BB BBBB BB BB * 31 25H 45H 3000 S2 94 73 07 BB BB BB BB BB B BB BBBB BB BB BB 3010 bB BB Bb BB BB BB BE 8B BB BB BE BR BB BB BB BB PAGE 52 VI. DETAILED OPERATION OF THE INTERFACE Now that the general operation of the system and the software related to it have been described, it is time to look at the nuts and in bolts of Appendix. the as shown The discussion is broken each of which parentheses give, system, the immediately following the title sheet system. Numbers in of each subsection numbers of the schematics on which that subsection's circuitry is located. of Section VI, starting on page 100, are one for each subsection. matches its related the down into eleven subsections, deals with one function of the in order of appearance, the schematics in Then, at the end eleven timing diagrams, The Figure number on each timing diagram subsection's number. drawn for a CLOCK rate of 576 KHZ, The diagrams since this is have been the fastest clock rate used, with one exception noted later for Fig. VI-0. A few words development of the of CMOS and the all, of CMOS there were this point Secondly, CMOS memories. going to be Fourthly, some for this interface was to Thirdly, there in the available in was a large stockroom, whereas the called a selection functions available binary counter/divider. the why the mixture the memories available on TTL chips, as, for 7-state ripple-carry about were several reasons chips could hardly have been so few. chips were not There chips available selection of TTL at the hardware systems the CMOS systems. stockroom were variety said Originally the interface was CMOS chips. First of replace were be circuit, since one may wonder TTL logic. designed using choice. should in CMOS example, the 4024 Fifthly, CMOS has lower power requirements than TTL logic. is much slower than TTL CMOS logic, however, timing constraints possible (by made it necessary and this time the stockroom logic, so when made it the stockroom selection of TTL chips was growing at an admirable rate), TTL chips were substituted for CMOS chips. it With such a mixture, is advisable to attach pullup PAGE 53 resistors to TTL outputs that value a TTL value is around 3.4 (Vih) for practice things CMOS chips worked quite they don't appear board when volts) has a input high 3.5 volts. In pullup resistors, for TTL to TTL, regular CMOS so removed, however. the maximum is around 0.4 volts, is is another chips were not aren't a problem since maximum input low voltage for CMOS since minimum of was discovered voltage (Vol) direction, CMOS , whereas the well without on the other hand, output low inputs, since the minimum in all TTL to CMOS connections; those already on this fact The lows, CMOS high output (Voh) may have is around 2.4 volts (though the typical voltage feed 1.5 volts. Going the other story; drivers aren't powerful while the are required enough to drive TTL chips. In the following discussions, the chip and pin identifiers are as follows: IBoard identifier L~hChip number U1-5 t )Pin number U50-A -- Gate identifier (for multiple gate chips) The Board identifier may be "U" or "L," depending chip is on Board U (the upper board, i.e., of the card cage) or on Board in the third slot used). The 124 and 125. and encircled location in actual board. chip number On those included a box cage, the of the schematics on layouts along with corresponding to On the the Board the board not being which a chip is layouts on pages type and the chip's are encircled together, as i.e., of each number the chip schematics, the in the top slot second slot the Board U and Board L indicated on located is L (the lower board, of the card sheet number the one on whether the chip schematic position on identifier for example, is e. the and the A few PAGE 54 oddities appear, such number. P1 as ( indicates a , in which case 33A multibus connection and is the J1, chip J2, and J3 make timing cable connections. VI-O. QAA-QHH In (SH. order 4) sy nchronize to operations features more precise, the CLOCK signal the A and B inputs of register (U15). At a 74LS164 8-bit the beginning of generated elsewhere in the circuit of the shift START/ pulse goes hi gh, 11, to (U18-15 or 2) is parallel-out a scan (L38-8), register (U15-9), which register (U15-3, 4, 5, 6, 10, and fed into serial shift a START/ pulse, feeds the Clear input clears the Q outputs of that 12, and 13) disabling the to zero. Clear input, After the the shift register Clock, U15-8, fed by the 9.216 MHZ multibus Clock, causes the signal at the A an d B QA and all the inputs, i.e., CLOCK, to be shifted into other Q outputs to be shifted one position in the direction from QA to Q H every time it rises. As can be diagram and seen in Fig. VI-0, lower diagra m - 2 for following discussion) follows after CLOCK. QAA (subscripts - 1 respectively, later. follows QBB by 108.5 Thus ns.; CLOCK that can be used in QBB etc. this 1-7 9.216 follows QAA As a result, 9.216 MHZ Clock MHZ Clock by of the periods, 108.5 ns.; QCC is the fastest system because exac:tly eight 9.216 is high and eight while QHH follows QAA high before QAA falls and follows QAA low before QAA rises again. timing details were in most The 576 KHZ CLOCK MHZ Clock pulses occur while the 576 CLOCK it is low. out C LOCK on the first follow QAA QBB-QHH are left for upper set up. It was on this basis that Thus a signal lasting of QHH to the rise of QAA, 108.5 ns. If a much faster CLOCK were used, QAA would rise before QHH fell, so one for example, would last from the fall would have to wait much of a minimum of another CLOCK period PAGE 55 This would throw off any timing involving a until QAA rose again. or vice versa. rise of one signal and a fall of another signal, KHZ CLOCK at the top and a timing with a 576 shows the Fig. VI-0 KHZ are fine. that 576 CLOCKS slower slower CLOCK at the The timing between two rising, or two falling, signals as bottom. the rise of QGG doesn't change, sho-wn between the rise of QBB and regardless of However, the signals between time Timing was in the would occur case. the worst CLOCK as the 576 time for things to settle, Slower CLOCK's would simply allow more but events different in is much shorter than B-2. note that B-I designed for changing of QHH and the rise of QAA, varies directions, as between the fall with the CLOCK rate; same length. and A-2 are the A-I the CLOCK rate. proper sequence. Faster CLOCK's would wreak havoc in the system. VI-l. This section control between There are two of deals the circuit 10, Start signals, 3, 4, 5) coordination with chosen for COMP.START is other possible 11, the computer. the interface and situation when the (SH.'S 2, CLOCK, START, CONTROL Fig.VI-I the Start of shows signal. the generation of which will be described before going on to explain Fig. VI-1 RSTART is simply the Start signal generated by motherboard and described in Section II, START, on the other hand, Not the RC-100A the Reticon Unit. 60 HZ is generated from the 60 HZ line signal. shown on the schematics is the following: 240 K 240 K 60 HZ PAGE 56 J2-14 feeds into a pair of HZ, to vary 1N914 diodes that clamp that signal, 60 between -5.6 volts and +5.6 volts. line another pair of diodes clamp U23-2 and U23-3 to a low of -0.6 uF capacitors give 1.35 ms. ground Vout frequency to by the diode on to a peak of 1.35 ms. volts Thus there (U23-6) every 8.33 be really U24 +0.6 The 27K resistors and the 0.05 a time constant of long pulse at the signal volts. Farther down the 120 HZ. so that ms.,i.e., making Vout the is a is clamped to Data input to the D flip-flop (U29-5) swings between ground and +5 volts. %B, of much higher frequency than 120 HZ, clocks the Q output of U29-A high following the rising edge Q/ output of on the 120 HZ pulse. U29-A goes low removing the Reset U29-1 and U29-12 are both high within 300 ns. from U29-B. of The Thus the rise of OB, causing 60 HZ START (U27-4), the output of the AND gate into which they both feed, to go high within 550 next rise of fB causes U29-12 to ns. of the rise of XB. go low and thus of this rise of VB, 60 HZ START falls. the 60 HZ START envelopes one and (which occurs within within 550 ns. The result of this only one rising edge 250 ns. of the fall of PB), The as is that of CLOCK required by the Reticon for external Start pulses. A note should be made here about for proper functioning of Section VI-0, needs to have a positive pulse at sent out by the circuit, least 868 ns. the Reticon doesn't have that so it has to be put through must RCLOCK also. be taken to feed a one-shot, U48 so long U44. that when long. As seen in the CLOCK The RCLOCK a positive pulse, The negative output the output of U48 is inverted by U36-B to form ýA and then later CLOCK, that CLOCK will have the needed positive pulse width. With this, VI-1 and let us turn to the explanation the circuitry related to it. A RESET/ of timing diagram pulse (L69-12), sent out by the computer to initialize the interface boards, feeds one input input, of L23-A (sh. EOS/ RESET/ pulse (U17-2), is sent 10), a two-input AND gate. is unlikely to be low at since the (The other the same time that a functions set in motion by the PAGE 57 RESET/ pulse progress.) would invalidate So, assuming AND gate, L23-3, the remainder EOS/ (L23-1) feeds the clock of the is high, the input of scan in output of the a D-type flip- flop (L21-3) causing DATA READY/ (L21-6) to go low within 64 ns. of the rising edge of RESET/ and INT4/ (L35A-13) thereafter. The the flip-flop. timing is similar Thus to go low within 35 ns. when EOS/ arrives INT4/ goes low within 101 ns. and clocks of the rising edge of either RESET/ or EOS/, or of the latter of the two signals to rise should remains they both happen to low until 52 ns. max. be low at the after PROC.COMP./ same time, and (L69-2 and L21-1) goes low to clear the flip-flop (L21-A) and to disable INT4/. The RESET/ pulse (L69-12) feeds L33B-C, setting its RESET/. The fall of the other input, output the output of L33B-C low. into low within As with another 24 ns. SSt/ of AND gate, the fall of (U54-2), similarly sets EOS/, SSt/ is not likely to be low at the same time as RESET/ is low. At any rate, the output of the AND gate, ns. of the fall SSt/ or L33B-8, falls within 24 RESET/ and rises within signals are high again. L36-1) BLANK/ of the fall time when both the AND gate output, outputs, PC (L35-5) output, BLANKSET/ of either SSt/ and PCSYNC (L36-6), or of RESET/. high within BLANKSET/ and (L61-4) are the inputs to a NAND gate, L34-A, whose output, BLANK GATE (L34-3), goes high 20 low the of three D-type flip-flops (L35-1, setting the Q (L21-9) to zero and the Q/ 64 ns. of The low appearing at L33B-8, feeds the clear inputs L21-13, and 24 ns. of either and low BLANKSET/ 20 ns. ns. max. after either max. after is high, BLANK both GATE is inputs input goes are high. in the same state While as BLANK, but delayed by 40 ns. max. Another function of RESET/ is to quadruple D-type flip-flop, via its clear the GATE outputs 10, (U43-2, 7, and clear U43, a 74LS175 input (pin 1), causing 15) to go low and the GATE/ outputs (U43-3, 6, 11, and 14) ns. of on the other the fall RESET/ by about of RESET/. 20 ns. RESET, and feeds into within 35 ns. to go high within 25 an OR gate, hand, precedes U28-C, whose PAGE 58 output feeds causing the Reset its Q output of RESET. input of (U31-1) a 4013 D-type to go low within 650 ns. of the rise RESET also directly feeds 4013 D-type (U31-13), flip-flop, U31-10, flip-flop, U31-4, the Reset setting its Q input of another output, COMP.START low within 400 ns. of the rise of RESET. Not shown on resets the the timing outputs of U37, U40, and U41) registers. several 4508 to zero. Three of them - registers whose diagram dual 4-bit These various aspects Thus, sometime between the RESET scanning these three latches must scanning won't (U9, U13, as storage of the scanning pulse and the start of be properly take place other functions that are not shown they don't affect latches loaded from at all. some on this timing diagram because CLOCK, START, or control the computer the RESET has functions. Once all the latches have been loaded and everything for scanning, RESET and U37 - are status control process. computer or fact that latches are used U9, U13, outputs govern is the sends out a PREBLANK is ready pulse (L72-6). Within 40 ns. of the rise of PREBLANK, which feeds the Clock input of a D-type flip-flop (L36-3), BLANKSET/ max. later BLANK GATE (L34-3) goes high, as it must the START/ pulse (L38-8) (J2-43) high and thus so first is scan, i.e., to be generated. is BLANK GATE. during power up, to assure Between GATE will be scans BLANK However, As a result, To avoid such an occurrence, that BLANK in order for before the BLANK usually sits blocking generation of a START/ signal. would take place. (L36-6) goes low; 20 ns. high and low, thus no scanning PREBLANK is sent thus that a START/ signal can be generated. Next, clocks a PROC.COMP. the D-type (L35-5), high flip-flop, within 25 ns. D-type flip-flop Thus PCSYNC (L54-6) is sent. L35-A, setting PC causes PCSYNC is synchronized Its rising edge its Q output, feeds the data input (L21-12), so once PC edge of CLOCK (L21-11) ns. signal goes high the PC of another next rising (L21-9) to go high within 25 to (except during RESET) and PRESTART, as the CLOCK, as are we shall see later. GATE4/ BLANK PAGE 59 GATE (L38-12) isn't doesn't need to sets PC necessarily synchronized be since PREBLANK sets it high. Once PC goes to CLOCK, but it high before PROC.COMP. high, three of the inputs to the 4-input NAND gate, L38-B, are high, and nothing more happens until the fourth input, PRESTART (L38-13) goes high. PRESTART (018-4) may come from - COMP.START, a one of three possible sources computer-generated signal; RSTART, generated by the designated Reticon's motherboard; a signal generated by the interface timing diagram shows the timing CPSTART (L37-8), is used. edge of sets 0B that or 60 HZ START, from the line voltage. output (U31-1) U31-1 Thus when rises within 300 feeds the D input U31-1 goes of another high, the next rising occurs more than 340 ns. after the rise of CPSTART COMP.START high within 300 ns. enabled by a high on its control input, Assuming that U42-A fall COMP.START (U31-13) and falls within of COMP.START. The high on From the rise of the high, a maximum of first flip-flop flip-flop (U31-9), goes low. by the system, as explained a period of 1.736 input us. 150 ns. of the PB (U31-11) of D-type flip-flop, that clocks COM1P.START 940 ns. may elapse before the (U31-1), and 180 ns. COMP.START passes through a 4071 OR gate, U28-C, on its way to the Reset U31-A. is U42-13, and that U42-B and U42-C are both disabled, PRESTART (018-4) goes high within of the rise of The CPSTART feeds the clock input of a 4013 rise of CPSTART. flip-flop (U31-9). signal when a computer-generated signal, D-type flip-flop (U31-3), whose Q ns. of the a thus the data Q output of the input of The fastest CLOCK that in Section VI-0, Thus U31-9 is the second can be used is 576 KHZ, which has low in plenty of time to be clocked through to COMP.START on the next rise of AB after the one that set COMP.START high. COMP.START and All the START signal this derived is done to assure that from it farther down the line are one CLOCK period wide, the apparently optimum START pulse width for the Reticon system. PRESTART (U18-4 and L38-13) NAND gate, L38-B, to go high is the and the last first of the inputs to the to go low, so the PAGE 60 START/ pulse (L33-8) Measured from the within 500 ns. of OB that sets START/ scan underway. is COMP.START first an SSt/ scan is of the first on the timing diagram. scan. GATE This high, is PROC.COMP. is not sent until The first scan is, the second scan at the be generated. by BLANK staying remain high, BLANKSET/ through In normal operation scanning and processing are finished; by SSt/ at the beginning of PROC.COMP. sets them for another START pulse to be sent. therefore, most likely to be invalid, but is fine because BLANK goes high for the first time end of the first scan. From here on BLANK falls at the beginning of each scan and rises at the end of each scan. be seen in the discussion of first rise inverted form of 120 ns. max. after falls, PC rises. Since BLANK/ PCSYNC), low. SS falls. (L61-4) pulses will GATE4/, and is SSt/, an after SS rises and rises Then, within (L21-9) fall and is high during the be the 64 ns. after SSt/ BLANKSET/ (L36-6) scan, BLANK GATE during the gated part of the generated until go high at sent following is low BLANK falls. BLANK GATE have all, GATE4/ and BLANK GATE will PROC.COMP. max. falls 65 ns. GATE4/ also is low No START/ same time that CLOCK of CLOCK after (L35-5) and PCSYNC (L38-12) is scan. SS, As will the "A" memory address circuitry, SS (U51-9) is high for approximately the following the any (L38-10) goes high whether we shall see, remain low until high indicating a readiness If the situation pictured or not. thus PC and PCSYNC, which are cleared the scan, as will thus allowing PREGATE pulse that arrives after GATE4/ scanning and processing are finished other be generated. The only problem caused and BLANK from power up and doesn't rise PC (L35-5) and PCSYNC (L21-9) low, falls 470 ns. of the different when power is turned on, SSt/ until the end (L36-6) high, START/ signal may not However, BLANK usually stays low during low is that in inverted form. inverted to form START, which sets the The scans, however, because BLANK goes high but the rise of OB and rises within next rise of JB. first follows it by 20 ns., once PC (and thus again, gone high. the end of the scan, PC when end of processing for that PAGE 61 scan/process period, and PCSYNC following the first rise of CLOCK after PC goes high. VI-2. STROBEO (5H.'S 11, 10) Much of the functioning of the interface boards by the computer via input and output ports. (MACR) and 88H (OUTRAN), bring 85H, 87H, 89H, 8AH, 8BH, from the ports - 8CH, and 8DH information in the opposite direction, the interface boards. The input ports, 86H information The output boards into the computer. is controlled 8011H, 81H, 82H, 83H, (see page i.e., As an example of interface 32) - carry from the computer to output port functioning, let's look at port 80H operation. The computer instruction to be put on the multibus address 55, 58, and 57) in (P1-68, 67, 70, negative true form. valid on the multibus at of 50 ns. Thus the the same time. and address Details of VI-1O. covered in the off the because to be put on 71, 74, and 73), data and the address are From this time, a minimum becomes active (low). discussion of MACR remain stable a the generation, Section mention the results. bus and rises bus. In the IOWC/ plays the role played by correct the same of when a valid address (i.e., 8) is on the address goes and at goes awtay (high). Suffice it here simply to is 53, 56, the timing for BASE ADR/, READ, BOARD ENABLE/, and falls within 58 ns. digit 69, 72, lines of the multibus minimum of 50 ns. after IOLWC/ 54, the 8080A elapses before the command IOWC/ Also, the data XACK/ are lines (PI-52, 51, in the A register of the multibus data lines in the address 80H its negative true binary form time causes the data also - OUT 8011 - causes s i gnal within 58 ns. generation of IORC/ of its first of is the hex when this BOARD ENABLE/, in MACR generation. interest two-input NAND gate (L33A-C) whose two BASE ADR/ output This is of a inputs are IORC/ and IOWC/. Thus, BOARD ENABLE/ goes low 40 ns. max. after BASE ADR/ and IOWC/ PAGE 62 are both low max. after either of and high 40 ns. XACK/ goes goes high. low from READ, however, remains low because one information 1 13 of and through to the DOUT7-DOUTO (J2-39, 38, 37, 10, where they are stable from A U38, and U39), they were stable only one of data, however, will be strobed into The on the bus. low, five 4508 latches (pins 18 ns. of the time within is 35, 34, 42, and 40) 22 of U9, U13, U37, 18, 20, and 16, 36, inputs of lines, which feed into the Data 4, 6, 8, L63) and on the multibus data lines passes Thus data inputs to B outputs. L62 two bus transceivers passed through these is the NOR of the inputs to IORC/, remains high. gate generating READ (L37-A), (pins ns. after IOWC/ rises. after BASE ADR/ or and rises 63 ns. READ and 931 between 796 IOWC/ goes low Because these signals these latches, as we shall see. of which output indicates by the way. L41-1 feeds (or both) of away, thus assuring Register 0 (U37). falls 20 ns. max. after IOWC/ goes away, the correct None of the them because strobed into by IOWC/. fed also is on remain high.) will The after either data STROBEO goes Register 0 goes data at the Data inputs of that L41 Since the address and data remain on them goes high. away (low) before the 4-line-to-16-line (The 0 output of of L41 digit, 0, (L56-8), rises 20 ns. max. after are both low and minimum of 50 ns. the bus a the second 74154 gate (L56-C), output of this NOR gate, STROBEO IOWC/ and L41-1 a All other outputs a NOR into L41, the enabled (low). demultiplexer, will be pin 1, 80H, are dealing with port Because we strobed was other four latches had they each require a into this data different Strobe pulse for that purpose. Once before the that the STROBEO goes maximum high, a desired data is at and U39) are all ns. may the outputs of Register Output Disable inputs of U13, U37, U38, of 760 each of the five tied low so that these latches are enabled at all times.) 0. elapse (Note latches (U9, the outputs of PAGE 63 VI-3. PREGATE/DIG VID (SH.'S 2, 3, 1, 4) To indicate the start of a new scan, BLANK (J2-43), which is sent out by the chosen Reticon's RC stays low for the duration of 100A board, goes low; the scan. BLANK feeds input of a 4013 D-type flip-flop (U50-5) whose Clock is CLOCK output (U18-2), whose Q output (U50-2) is SCAN. following the feeds the BLANK2X. input (U50-3) is SCAN/, and whose Q/ of another falls and SCAN 4013 D-type is again CLOCK rises. SCAN/ flip-flop (U50-9), and whose Q output (U50-13) is BLANK2X falls within 300 ns. of the second rise of CLOCK following second input the data Within 300 ns. of the first rise of CLOCK fall of BLANK, SCAN/ data input whose Clock (U50-1) it then the fall rise of BLANK. of CLOCK Between following BLANK2X, which are two of the the the first fall rise and of BLANK, the SCAN and inputs to U51-A, a 4073 three-input AND gate, are high and thus gate ýB through to the output where it appears as SS (U51-9). (U36-B), delayed 110 Because fB is ns. max. by it, inverted by a 4069 inverter and then is delayed 110 or 140 ns. max. by a 4050 buffer/converter (U18-A) to form CLOCK, the fall of 0B occurs rise of $B 250 ns. 220 ns. max. before the rise max. before the (U51-A) then delays the passage of the that the positive at which point It should be high, followed the second CLOCK all noted that at the end of after the first by BLANK2X. CLOCK 4073 so Within 300 ns. of the second falls, BLANK2X falls SS The coincides, timewise, blocking the more SS pulses until the beginning generation of any scan. CLOCK. gB a maximum of 250 ns. SS pulse generated almost with the negative portion of CLOCK. CLOCK rise, fall of of CLOCK and the of the next the scan BLANK goes by SCAN/ (U50-1) Thus BLANK, SCAN/, and after and BLANK2X are high when the next scan starts. Three 74LS191 synchronous 4-bit up/down counters and U62) serve as photodiode loaded with zeros within 74 address counters. ns. of the fall (U58, U61, Their outputs are of either RESET/ PAGE 64 (L69-12) or of PROC.COMP./ (L69-2), both inputs of the counters (pin 11 of Thus the gate (U70-C). start of a scan. inputs (pins 4) fall of SCAN/ go low, which occurs or 410 ns. max. the (the fastest second CLOCK, counting 1.736 us), with the so within This via an AND zero before CLOCK of the the first KHZ, having address counters BLANK CLOCK the arrival of used, 576 CLOCK after the their G 110 ns. max. is well before the photodiode second to after the rise of of BLANK. of reset the Load enabled for counting until following the fall period U58, U61, and U62) counters are They are not of which feed falls. a start Since the counters' Down/Up inputs (pins 5) are tied to ground, the counters will only count up. address will This being the be 0, the second continue until SCAN/ case, the 1, and rises, following first photodiode so forth. Counting will the first CLOCK after BLANK rises. The outputs of the photodiode (pins 7, 6, 2, and 3 of U58, U61, after CLOCK rises. The address, PA11I-PA4, are fed 4-bit magnitude U67 compare L7-LO and U62), upper eight (U39-5, 7, 11, 17, 19, address, then U67-5, the A>B set U65-7, the smaller than A<B output, goes high. high, meaning the photodiode address inverters (U17-B buffer/converter (U68-E), U47-C high. the Start U64 and photodiode address If U67-5 and U65-7 Gate U65 is are both is between the Start Gate and the End Gate, then the output of the AND gate delay address with End Gate address, and the if the high the End Gate address. (U47-B), U65-7 via a 4050 U66 and the photodiode address with H7-HO and 23), 19, 21, pair of 4063 larger than the Start Gate output, compare the upper eight bits of photodiode U66 and U67). and 23), 21, If the photodiode address is 17, this of the photodiode address. (U38-5, 7, 9, 11, bits of comparators (U64 and U65; 9, are stable 36 ns. max. into the A inputs of two the upper eight bits PAI1-PAO address counters, into which they feed buffer/converter (U68-C) and two 74LS04 and C) and will go high. The other input to U67-5 via This sets one a 4050 input to U47-C is high when either BLANK2X PAGE 65 (U50-13), via a 4050 buffer/converter, or SCANt/ (U68-10) is low forcing the output of the NAND gate into which they feed (U7-C) go high. Thus PREGATE (U47-8) will address is between the Start either SCANt/ Gate and the (U63-10) or BLANK2X condition assures go high when that PREGATE will go scan, regardless of whether the End The need for this will be seen noted, also, that the designated Gate area is low. low at long as This latter the end of each Gate has been reached or not. later. first the photodiode End Gate, as (U50-13) to At this point seventeen it should be photodiodes will not be seen, the in the first sixteen because only the upper eight bits of the photodiode address are considered in the generation of PREGATE and the seventeenth because the GATE opens one CLOCK late. Turning to timing, from the rise of CLOCK that causes the photodiode address to fall between the Start Gate and the End Gate for the first time may elapse. to the rise of PREGATE, a maximum of 2514 ns. any CLOCK slower than 397.77 With is 2514 ns., (With a faster CLOCK, PREGATE may PREGATE will go high KHZ, whose period before the next CLOCK rises. not rise until after the next CLOCK rises, though the typical delay time is only 1257 ns., which is well within the period of the fastest CLOCK, period is 1.736 us.) 576 A similar delay occurs between KHZ, whose the rise of CLOCK and the fall of PREGATE resulting from that CLOCK, when the fall fall of U65-7. of PREGATE is set low than the is due to the by the rise of rise of SCANt/), However, if PREGATE BLANK2X (which occurs one CLOCK later this will after CLOCK happen 454 ns. rises. PREGATE feeds flip-flops aboard the Data the first a 74LS175, quadruple D-type RESET/ feeds the Clear GATE2, GATE3, and input of input (43-1) of four flip-flops, (U43). causing the Q outputs - GATE4 (U43- 2, 7, 10, and 15) - to the Q/ outputs - GATE1/, GATE2/, GATE3/, and GATE4/ and 14) - to go high within 35 PREGATE (U43-4) goes high, the Q ns. of the fall output of the D-type GATEI, go low and (U43-3, 6, 11, of RESET/. When first flip-flop, PAGE 66 on third rises second, and the first, 10, and GATE4 (U43-7, GATE2, GATE3, CLOCK. max. after the next rise of follows PREGATE 30 ns. (U43-2), GATEI this point it thereafter. At fall at the end of the scan. and follow GATE1 15) respectively, of CLOCK, PREGATE must becomes apparent why EOS (U16-3), the output of an AND (U16-A), fed by GATE3/ and GATE4, goes high within 24 ns. of gate, the rise of GATE3/ and falls within 24 ns. of and GATE4 don't fall, If GATE3 consequently, neither is setting all or if RESET/ arrives low simultaneously, then the GATE's the fall of GATE4. generated and, EOS is never and 8). STROBE8 or STROBE9 (U16-6 by one of these three signals, any operation triggered Thus or by the falling edge of one of the GATE's, or by the rising edge of one of the GATE/'S never occurs. GATE's are generated, let's look Now that we've seen how the at what happens to sent out by the video signal First of all, as many as three video signals may arrive at board. board - the interface VIDI (J1-32) They each enter one of VID2 (J1-40), VID3 (JI-38), 3, 2, and 1, from cameras respectively. but only the one from the 4066 bilateral switches (L4-A, B, or C), the camera designated be will CAM3, CAM2, and designators - three designators enter input signal swings on control swings CAM1 (U13 pins 13, VID3, VID2, inputs (L4-13, which VID3, VID2, of -5 to +5 and VID1, and 5, through. only one of the 11, switches (L4-2, 3, and 9) are wired and 9 of volts to then sends and 6) of the and VID1 5, 7, and For feed. proper three camera 9). These a 4054 level signal swings of 0 which converts them from shifter (L8), volts to allowed be a high on functioning there can into the Reticon 100A to +5 match the signal them on to the three bilateral switches outputs of The together, so these if more than one switch is enabled, the output, VIDEO, has a fight on its hands. Assuming that only one video switch video signal all, L2-1, from the designated camera. through an AGC (automatic that renders ANALOG is enabled, VIDEO is the VIDEO passes, first of gain control) circuit, starting at VID (L10-15), a signal that swings PAGE 67 between 0 and +1 volt and thus Analog In input to Conversions take the ADC-SH4B 4-bit input A/D converter (U21). time, when BLANK is low to a D-type flip-flop (U20-2), While BLANK/ is high, START CONVERT, the Q output of the flip-flop (U20-5) rises within 45 ns. within 25 ns. of the rise of the fall of inverted by inverter (U5-A) (U70-D) on its way signal in the range allowed for the place only during scan and BLANK/ (U35-6), the Data is high. falls QAA. 20 conforming to the 20 (U20-1) ns. and so that the 40 ns. after ns. min. - 40 ns. max. in 11 ns. is low, i.e., after QEE falls. relationship to it rises, CLOCK, a be the one thus input (U21-6). from 45 ns. of 400 ns. after QAA falls Depending upon when BLANK goes low conversion could first CLOCK after BLANK falls. of interest will START CONVERT digital conversion takes a maximum and occurs while CLOCK until an AND gate positive pulse width required by the ADC-SH4B for its Start Convert The analog to i.e., START CONVERT is and delayed by it and by to Clear falls between The rise of of QAA/, occur before the Nevertheless, the first conversion occurring when the first CLOCK, after BLANK falls, goes low. The outputs 15), next which are of the valid from 11 QAA falls, clocked D ADC-SH4B converter are fed latch (U3-4, ns. max. after QEE falls into the 7, 13, (U21-9, 11, Data inputs of and 14). The 4042 follows the output of NAND gate U71-D and thus falls of the fall of QFF and rises within The Polarity input of the latch is low the Q when the 4042 Clock (U3-2, 10, and 1) - 11, 220 ns. and that follow the 20 ns. (U3-6) valid until the which is until the of the fall the next fall of quad Clock (U3-5) within 40 ns. meaning that DI4, DI3, DI2, and DI1 inputs after a maximum delay of of the is latched by at the inputs is The latch outputs are 4042 Clock Since A/D inputs of U3 from QAA, a 4042 is tied low outputs - next 4042 Clock falls. valid at until the fall of QHH. when the 4042 Clock rises data 450 ns. and of the latched (until the 4042 Clock falls again). valid within 13, and remain data from U21, 11 ns. after the rise of QEE falls the 4042 PAGE 68 Clock, 20 ns. max. after min. data setup QHH falls, requirement), (easily meeting the the outputs of U3 - 50 ns. DI4, DI3, D12, and DI1 - are valid from 490 ns. max. after the fall of QFF, or 56 ns. max. after the rise of the next QBB, until some time after the the 4-bit digital video signal or A/D next QFF falls. DI4, DI3, DI2, and DII, 4063 4-bit magnitude comparator signal, enter a chosen 4-bit quantizing level. are compared with a previously the quantizing level value, then low. Thus U8-7 is less than the 4-bit (the is if a 576 KHZ CLOCK is used). U8-7 feeds is clocked by Thus 60 ns. max. after the next QHH falls the value of transferred to (U20-9). takes video signal. comparing inputs is 1250 ns. of a D-type flip-flop (U20-12) that the Data input QHH/. falls U8-7 is after QFF falls (or by about the is valid 1740 ns. max. time the next QFF otherwise digital version of the Since the propagation delay time for max, U8-7 As place can be at a Q the output of seen on time when changing, but when a change of If digital video signal high; A<B output) goes U8 is the 1-bit (US), where they the the timing the 4042 flip-flop as DIG diagram, this (U3) outputs U8-7 VID transfer could be state has not yet affected the 4063 (US) outputs. In sum, whatever In input ANALOG VID signal is present at the Analog A/D converter when START CONVERT of the ADC-SH4B 4-bit arrives will be available in 4-bit the 4042 latch (U3) as DI4-DI1 digital form at the outputs of from 56 ns. after the first rise of QBB after START CONVERT until the following fall of be available in 1-bit digital flip-flop as DIG form at VID from 40 ns. QFF and will the Q output of after the second rise the U20-B of QHH/ after START CONVERT until the first rise of QHH/ thereafter. VI-4. A/D A/D mode (SH.'S 4, 6, 9, 7, 8) stores the 4-bit digital video value generated by PAGE 69 the ADC-SH4B A/D converter (U21) eight 1822 for each photodiode memories (256-word by memories) occupying locations used at a time static random-access four memories to record scan data and since for one scan. overwritten, except at memory address LSI L25-L32. Since not used, a total of 255x4 or be stored 4-bit is no chance the last memory circuitry causes are memory address 0 is 1020 4-bit digital There in one of the video values can that data address (# 255), the memory will be since the address counters to stop counting when they reach 255 (the four memories used together being addressed together). The 4-bit digital video signal the 4042 latch until QFF falls and inputs of the and 11 (U3) as DI4-DI1 from at the same 56 ns. max. after time is U12, and U26). A/D (U9-19) must For A/D mode be high selectors - PIXEL (U9-17), TRAN As long as A/D is high, A/Dt/ and being determined by rise of clock available at the inputs of QBB, i.e., of 200 ns. 270 A/Dt of U6, a transferred for the which 4076 74LS195 inputs are to its outputs 4076's. Since the of the 4076's from 56 ns. ns. before QEE rises, the 4076 4-bit by the data is after the rise data setup time is satisfied. i.e., (U18-6), high when mode (U9-23) -low. That 4076 whose Data When A/D mode is chosen, A/D period, 12, At any given time, however, outputs the data DI4-DI1, QEE, the other three data inputs enabled, parallel-access shift register. enabled has 13, their Output Disable inputs (pins I has its the 14, operations to (U9-21), AND STR.L. and 2 of U30, U25, U12, and U26) low. of the 4076's the the data (U35-4) is low, enabling the outputs of the four 4076's by setting only one QBB rises available at four 4076 4-bit D-type registers (pins of U30, U25, function, is available at the outputs of long before BLANK falls the Data input to BLANK/ (35-6) goes flip-flop (U1-6), 74LS195 shift is set high during the blanking and BLANK/ rises,so that Ul, a D-type flip-flop, high setting and consequently register (U6-9), low. the Q/ output the Shift/Load will be of the input of Shift/Load (U6-9) the goes low PAGE 70 145 ns. max. after BLANK falls and rises 45 ns. max. after the 195 CLOCK (U6-10) rises; flip-flop (Ul), (U6-9) high. 195 CLOCK setting (U5-4), its Q/ output inverted, (U1-6) Thus Shift/Load stays low 144 ns. after BLANK falls. same time time that Shift/Load goes low 195 CLEAR goes low is after GATE2/, GATE3, the NAND gate 195 CLOCK 195 CLEAR (U6-1), on the BLANK rises and stays Thus 195 for loading. and QBB are all into which they feed low until CLEAR goes away at the end D and thus Shift/Load until the first pulse (U7-6) arrives and then goes high. other hand, goes low 89 ns. after clears the about the The only other of the scan, 44 high, forcing ns. max. the output of (U32-A) to go low; 195 CLEAR then rises 44 ns. max. after any one of these three signals falls. 195 CLEAR goes away as Shift/Load goes low for load mode, but both occur a long time before 195 CLOCK rises to parallel load the outputs and then to set Shift/Load high for shift mode. is asynchronous synchronous and and direct, follow but shifting the positive and transition 195 CLEAR loading of 195 are CLOCK (U6-10). low Shortly after BLANK goes low, Shift/Load goes until high PREGATE goes transition that causes B, C, and D (U6-4, 5, 6, and 7) feeds the Gi Clock PREGATE and 4076-A will that rises. 4076-A has the inputs - A, into 14, their 13, and Since A/Dt/, which of GATE1, its inputs enabled its register when QEE, may be a rise of QEE rise of began, both Data enabling the data at 4076 output simply be replaced by rises between CLOCK inputs of all four 4076's (pin 9 of U30, There the rise 195 is inverted by U5-6 to form was set low before the scan clocked into the input, loaded QB, QC, and QD - (U6-15, Disable inputs to 4076-A are low, to be be input for 4076-A (U30-10). Data Disable U25, U12, and U26), of - to QA (U6-15), which is loaded low, the G2 Data Disable a positive the data at the Parallel Data corresponding outputs - QA, 12). generating low and stays but the inputs the 4076 between the rise data gated through that gated through by the QEE GATE1 and the entire the rise of time from the GATE2. rise of PAGE 71 PREGATE until the result the last the rise of GATE2. rise of QBB following 4076-A before data clocked into its G2 input goes inputs corresponds to the data high disabling the As a from the first photodiode after the Start Gate. The QB, low, so their inverted forms, 12) are loaded which feed (U5-8, high. 13, 10, and and 12), three 4076's data will Thus be 4076-C when 4076-A, 4076-B, and being clocked into blocked from are and U26), U25, U12, (U6-14, inputs of the other the G2 Data Disable 10 of (pin of the 74LS195, QC, and QD outputs QEE goes high. the rise of PREGATE clocked U6, serial as a D-type flip-flop. in the outputs of U6 parallel closed ring that beginning of the scan form a through the outputs shift register acts QD (U6-12) feeds the J-K/ pair so that the loaded into inputs 3) are K/ inputs (U6-2 and that the first stage of the tied together so four way is clear for QBB to clock the The J and U6. shifts through shortly after Shift/Load having gone high When GATE2 rises, in the at the fashion shifts sequentially QD. direction from QA to This way there is always one of the outputs (QA, QB, QC, or' QD) that and, consequently, one of high and three that are low, G2 Data Disable inputs that data, three and that Once QBB rises, clocking in data. chosen G2 rise. to fall and 89 ns. disabling it other three G2's to ns. before QEE, max.). minimum data data input positions (pins the latest, 56 ns. after QBB the 4076 setup time Clock, rises, requirement CLOCK pulse, and therefore of the rate; the narrowest pulse for the other three QEE rises (the minimum data input disable setup time is only 180 ns. at from 235 ns. min. before QEE rises 4076's to disable their inputs before 13, and 12), 4076's for the data and allows 237 ns. min. Data is ready at the 4076 those in takes 95 ns. max. max. for the This enables the chosen 4076 to clock in the the 4076's is low, enabling that 4076 to clock are high, is is rises. so the met. The 15, 14, This is 270 4076's 200 ns. width of the QEE pulse, depends on the CLOCK is 868 ns. (corresponding to a CLOCK PAGE 72 min. meets the 4076's 120 ns. rate of 576 KHZ), which generously clock width requirement. the outputs - The data clocked into 4076-A arrives at Q2, after QEE rises and 4, 5, and 6) 600 ns. max. Q3, and Q4 (U30-3, Q1, stays there until another QEE clocks data into this chip (four QEE clocks later). The first QBB to rise after GATE2 rises causes a shift outputs of QB U6. (U6-14) is while QA, now high, (U6-15, 13, and 12) are low. Thus 4076-B enabled and so when QEE rises next the data at QC, and QD data inputs its inputs is The other three 4076's have their clocked through to the outputs. data has its in the inputs disabled. The second QBB to rise after GATE2 rises causes another shift in the being clocked the third Similarly, disabled. QBB into 4076-C their data inputs three 4076's remain unchanged, while the other being resulting in data U6 outputs, enables 4076-D to receive data. At this point each of the 4076's is holding a 4-bit digital video signal Data feeds A3 and these eight 17) the Data inputs of B3; 4076-C A2 and the outputs of B2; and 4076-D Al Since their CS2 (chip select) inputs chip enable mode, the responsibility for left to the other write cycle, the CS1/ chip select A3 (L27), B2 (L30), and B1 A2 (L29), and (L32)) input loaded is counter, and (L52-11) During the enabled at the the outputs of into four memories (either Al (L31) or B4 (L26), B3 (L28), within controlled by L52, a 74LS191 its surrounding each scan feeds START/ pulse sent out to initiate Load the proper simultaneously. When the memories are synchronous up/down CSI/. A/D, values at or the four 4076's can be, and are, loaded A4 (L25), input, inputs of four memories are Thus the four 4-bit, same time. B4; 4076-B and BI. enabling the proper memories for reading and writing at times is to the its outputs Memories A4 and 1822 1822 memories all have tied high, i.e., sends 1822 memories - inputs of a different pair of 4076-A feed (pin Each 4076 value. 24 ns. max. The circuitry. into this Since 191's Load is PAGE 73 (L52-7, 6, 2, and 3) go low asynchronous, the Q outputs of the 191 74 ns. max. after START/ goes low, and PIXAD (L51-3) falls 140 ns. max. after START/ for falls (unless, of course, PIXAD other reasons). PIXAD feeds the Data is already low input of a D-type rise of QBB flip-flop (L35-12), so when PIXAD goes (arriving at L35-11) causes the Q/ output of the flip-flop (L35-8) to go high (L52-11) within 25 ns. max. to go high within 49 Q/ (L35-8) max. later. ns. low. will flip-flop (L70-9). computer, it presets counting. Q and (L52-14) the G RESET/ pulse is (via L70-10) thus the G input (L52-4) to which is set high before of QCC immediately following the rise disables the Thus to the A/D, goes so the follows the inverse of GATE1 the counter, of GATE 1 does not clock the enable d until after in fact , enab les Once GATEI falls, the (L52-14) and 191 Clock The rise then QEE the QCC's next QCC rises and 191 counter (L52). Counting, for gate (L53-B). (L52-6 of QEE, the scan b egins, counter isn't while GATE2 is high. gets through high. plenty of (L52) because the of QEE. that occur Q A/Dt and GATE1 time before QEE ri ses. by 74 ns. max., the rise the or the rise of CLOCK (causing a chan ge of state in GATE1) 191 counter rise buffered v ersion of just a Data input to the flip-flop (L70-12) by 44 ns. max., causing the following the first go low by go high disabling are high. after A/D is low, so the sent out flip-flop via L70-11, after both high just 24 ns. (enable) input (L52-5) is tied which clocks the A/Dt, is high). it is enabled. the flip-flop G will 191 is controlled by the Q output of a D-type When a (L70-9) and of the 191 occur until The Down/Up input (L52-4) to the 835 ns. before QCC rises and thus counter will only count up when The G input Load input (assuming that START/ to the Clock input No counting (L52-4) goes output and the is high a minimum of gates QCC through low the next One A/D mode, input, The other two and 2) is monitored L53-5, by a is held high as long inputs (L53-3 and 4) go high go high. three-input AND This happens when as A/Dt is when QC and QB the count of 3 is PAGE 74 reached. At that time the high making one input of output of is The other held low because PIXELt (L24-6), to be low causing, of that AND gate (L19-8) through If, high, L51-1 PIXELt were some error, held low because in turn, the output of to be low and thus also (L19-11) the AND gate into which it feeds still be goes inputs to the AND gate L19-C, is low causing the output one of the L51-1. (L53-6) gate (L51-2) high. the XOR input to the XOR gate (L51-1) the AND gate would be low and 7) would QA and QD (L52-3 gates into which they feed, L53-12 forcing the outputs of the AND and L19-8, to be low, thus forcing the next AND gate to have a low output, L19-11. L51-1 L19-11 is high, causing 101 feeds L51-1. QCC that clocked the PIXAD feeds the Data via L35-11 by is clocked high, the Q/ input of D-type QBB. Since PIXAD, at this (L35-8) goes low enabling the 191 output outputs, QA-QD (L52-3, 2, 6, and to the 191 though PIXAD has Clock input gone low, until the next to Q (L35-9) stored of QDD in arrives at thus a and low, even L35-11 high to Q/ rise of QBB, QCC to pass through to the 191 (L52-14). While PIXAD counters QBB high within 25 ns. of the Q/ (L35-8) goes Clock input (L35-8) remains Q/ thus opening the gate for the next rise into the 191 resulting in PIXAD going low 7), (L52-14). low through gate the (L35-8). to be loaded ns. of the rise of QBB, and blocking the passage of QCC within 141 to flip-flop L35-12 which the rise of (L52-11), which causes zeros Load input 191 counter, L52, just before the rise of QDD. to 3, i.e., time, is is low and L51-2 this happening within to go high, PIXAD (L51-3) ns. of the rise of the Thus is high, rise of to the are advanced memory. which lasts, four 4-bit TRANSAD (L51-4) will values digital video be low during the address the memory next QBB, the and the approximately, from any scans done in PIXEL or A/D mode, unless the STR. L. or the TRAN selector bit (U9-23 and 21) PIXAD (L51-5) whose inputs were somehow were both they feed set high, then would go high. If TRANSAD (L51-4) and the output low blocking of the XOR gate any writing into PAGE 75 memory. Assuming, however, that TRANSAD is low, high, L51-6 goes high enabling the be generated. MADCLKW/ falls MADCLKW/ and WRITE/ 20 ns. rises 40 ns. max. after QFF rises. its way to the Count Up counter, let's say L65-5. 73 ns. order for one Count The eight AA7-AAO (pins the Count (L65-4 and 7, 6, 2, the 1, "A" and 3 of Up input 131 ns. and L65) (L65-5) rises. into the A7-AO (pins 7, 6, L31). L29, and - counters ) - feed memories - in be high.) memory address L49 and L65 L25, L27, 2, 3, and 4 of lines are stable and 3 of L49 L49-4) are tied high because eight address inputs of the four "A" 5, 21, memory address cascaded 74LS193 input to count the other must outputs of rises and is delayed 18 ns. on of the (pins 7, 6, 2, pulses to after QEE MADCLKW/ The outputs max. after (The Count Down inputs max. input of the appropriate 4-bit synchronous counters are valid when PIXAD goes These address after QFF rises and remain so until just after the next QFF rises. pulse (L50-12) falls within Meanwhile, the WRITE/ the fall of QCC and rises within 20 ns. of the 74LS257 quad 2-line-to-I-line data selector, L43, low 58 falls (when PIXAD ns. after before setup time; overall its circuitry, for A/D 0, 1, 2, which 3,..." function of least 305 rise at most - all recovery time the 73LS191 counter, L52, and "0, 1, 2, 3, mode operation, fourth amply satisfying become unstable, lines 450 1822 memories. and load data into occurs every at least low for at ns. min write these being requirements of the Thus the stay after QFF write pulse width; and the address the 50 generously satisfying 38 ns. max. lines are stable, the 250 ns. min. 800 ns. delays WRITE/ by Thus, these R/W's fall the memory address satisfying least is high). The forcing these R/W inputs to go L31) QCC falls and high ns. min. address the 200 ns., L29, and ns. max. after fall of QFF.- the R/W inputs of the "A" memories 18 ns. and sends it as R/WA to (pin 20 of L25, L27, 40 ns. of count. fourth latch to be loaded, are valid is to count memory on the count The outputs of of 4076-D, 3 the 58 ns. max. after QBB rises, PAGE 76 which leaves 51 ns. min. before QCC rises and thus before R/W falls. The become valid three, before those valid data two, and of the 4076-D. will memories (pins least 51 outputs of have 15, one 13, 11, the Data Since R/WA is inputs for at least satisfying the memories. at inputs of and 9 of L25, ns. 250 ns. min. R/WA falls, all four L29, and "A" L31) at until about 720 ns. after R/WA least 305 ns. 356 L27, 4076-C respectively, by the time that ns. and will remain there rises. 4076-B, and CLOCK periods, Thus, been at 4076-A, 51 to 109 ns. wide, the before R/WA data is at the rises, more data-in-width-effective of R/WA rises about 720 ns. at the Data inputs of the 1822's, than the 1822 before the data goes unstable thus satisfying the 50 ns. min. data-in-hold time required by the 1822's. Looking at the timing diagram, one can see that the outputs of 4076-A become valid during the latter half of the period during is 0, outputs of which the count at the outputs of the 191 4076-B during count 1, and the outputs of 4076-C and 4076-D during count 2 and of count 3, respectively. the count 3 period that the (L52) It is during four 4076's the latter part have their data recorded in memory. VI-5. PIXEL From the know that the of the CONVERT (SH.'S 4, 6, 7) discussion of analog video signal ADC-SH4B 4-bit pulse available as PREGATE and A/D arrives at DIG VID present at converter the Start (U11-2) of one of bus registers (U11 Convert DIG VID and U10). inputs of Analog In input input the START (U21-6) second rise is of QHH/ is fed into the Data two cascaded 4094 8-stage shift-and-store These registers (U9-17), the selector bit for pixel mode, Output Enable the generation, we (U21-31) when (U20-9) following the after that same START CONVERT pulse. input DIG VID operate when PIXEL is high. the two 4094's (pins 1 and The Strobe and 15 of U10 and PAGE 77 U11) are tied to PIXEL. shift register has Strobe input shift a storage latch associated with of a 4094 register stage register location. high, data in 4094. Each of the eight stages of a 4094 serial is high, as in is transferred When the in each its associated storage to Output Enable input of the storage register appears at the of the 4094 follow When the pixel mode, data When both the Strobe and the Output the outputs it. a 4094 is outputs of the Enable inputs are high, the shift register data, after a delay. Shifting takes when GATE2, one place of the in the two 4094's inputs to NAND U11) (U10 and gate (U7-A), is only high, allowing the rise of the other input to the NAND gate, QBB, (which is and then reinverted by inverted by the NAND gate (U52-F) ), to reach and U11) within the Clock a maximum delay of QBB delayed, rises, the 4094's (pins within 840 ns., latest, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, i.e., register. 13, 12, and 11 subsequent make, After sixteen shifts sixteen data bits at their outputs, Q outputs of U10 and U11) rises or, at the shift register (U11-9) upper order shift the two registers to of 4094 Clock, fall of QBB. of the lower order Data input of the thus cascading Once the by 880 ns. max. after QBB 12 ns. after the first feeds the 40 ns. inverter (pin 3 of U10 the shifted data appears at the The Serial output shift inputs of the 4094's an register (U10-2), in effect, one 16-bit of these two registers, the i.e., the 1-bit digital video values of sixteen consecutive photodiodes, are loaded into memory. The 74LS191 synchronous counter (L52) and its support circuitry govern the loading of the 1822 memories for pixel mode in much the same way as they do for A/D mode, as described two major differences. First, 40 ns. rises following max. after QEE having been set clock the GATE3 is high. the fall 191 of GATE2. counter Thus the (L52) are Second, PIXAD (L51-3) (L52-4) goes low the rise of high between scans) and rises 25 QEE rises following in fact the G enable input earlier, but with GATE2 (PIXEL ns. max. after QCC pulses that those appearing while goes high when the count of PAGE 78 15 is reached by the 191 counter, the count of 15 instead of the count is reached, QD, QC, and QB (L52-7, of 3. 6, and 2) are high setting the inputs of the three-input AND gate (L53-1, 13) and thus also the output (L52-3) and PIXELt of that AND gate (L53-12) (L24-6) are also high setting the two-input AND gate (L19-9 and 10) output (L19-8). two-input AND At to go (L51-1). The other high and gate feeding and 13) inputs are thus also input to high. QA inputs to the the next high causing one input to it, L53-B, is held inputs, A/Dt, which must be low while PIXEL stage the output the XOR to the XOR gate (L51-2) into 2, and high and, subsequently, also the point the gate (L19-12 (L19-11) the AND this When gate is low because low by one of its is high, in order for the system to function p,roperly in pixel mode. As can be seen on t he timing diagram, PIXAD goes high shortly after the count of 15 is counter L52, just as clocked into As seen be_fore in rise transfers (L52-11) to go goes low, (L35-9) on PIXAD the Data low causing the Load input loading of forcing the counter (L52-7, 6, 2, the QCC pulse (L52-14). The load operation causes PIXAD from reaching of QBB, Q/ (L35-8) the input Thus the to the counter zeros into the and 3). and the next rise from of a D-type flip-flop. outputs of the the next 191 the A/D mode discussion, the next the high (L35-12) to the Q output Q/ output (L35-8) of the it went high after the count of 3 was reached in A/D mode. of QBB the outputs counter's Q blocking of Clock to go low so input that at will go high removing the load enable and reopening the gate through which QCC must pass to reach the counter counter (L52) long as The Clock input (L52-14). counts "0, 1, ... As a 15, result of all 0, 1,..., this, the 15,..." for as it is enabled. clocking of the memory generation of the R/W pulses to cause 1822 memories is the same as when PIXAD is high. one clock period address counters data to be written for A/D mode, i.e., The L52 circuitry starts later for pixel mode and the into the happening only and ends operation than it does for A/D mode PAGE 79 because DIG VID is ready approximately one clock period later than the corresponding 4-bit digital video signal data coming out of the 4042 (U3). Data is ready at the outputs of the 4094's, (pins 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 13, 12, and 11 of U11 and U10), and thus at the Data inputs of the 1822 memories, 12 ns. after the R/W falls 58 ns. max. after QCC QFF falls. The from 12 ns. ns., fall of QBB, at the latest. falls and rises 38 ns. max. after data-in-width-effective extends, after QBB falls until at the QFF falls, which is least, about 314 and meets the minimum of 250 ns. required by the 1822's. The data becomes unstable after QBB rises, meaning it is stable around 400 ns. after the R/W pulse goes away and therefore satisfies the 1822's 50 ns. min. data-in-hold time. VI-6. AND VI-7. STRING LENGTH AND TRANSITION MODES (SH.'S 4, 10, In order for string Control Register PIXEL, A/D, U9 must to result, the Q low within to be a 19, and 21) low. (U9-23) When D-type flip-flop after START/ Status high and the START/ input of a two-input AND the output, TRCLEAR (U47-11), (U34-13) to output of this flip-flop, 64 ns. recorded, with STR.L. is generated, it enters one gate (U47-12) causing input data be loaded and TRAN (U9-17, pulse (L38-8) Clear length 5, 7, 9) go and thus the low. As a TRANSITION (U34-9), goes TRANSAD (U72-6), the goes low; output of an AND gate fed by TRANSITION, follows TRANSITION low by 24 ns., feeds into an AND gate (U72-A) causing to go low within and within another 24 ns. its output (U72-12) 110 ns. the delayed, buffered version, STROBE (U68-4), which feeds the Strobe inputs of two 4508 low on latches (pins TRANSAD feeds output (U70-6) to NAND gate (U71-6) another NAND gate 2 and 14 of U40 and U41), into another AND go low and SLOAD1, to go high. The to go low. gate (U70-B) the output low on (U71-A) setting its output The causing its of the following TRANSAD feeds into (U71-3) high within PAGE 80 20 ns. and within another 140 ns. setting its version, OD (U68-2), which feeds the two 4508's Output Disable (pins 3 and 15 of U40 and U41), passes through LOAD (U72-8), another AND gate low of U46, 40 ns. of a before thereafter. QBB (U34-3) the As a result, 2, 6, and 7 of U46, U69, output However, when DIG opposite states, feeds 2). the XOR into As long within 102 ns. state into DIG VID. of gate, to its that fall of TRCLK 157 the Q as they are in TRCLK ns. output it and Clock output, QHH that is low. STORE VID/ of input of a D-type the flip-flop's TRANSITION clocked the remains high, the same (U56-3), goes high clocking the high at (U34-12) through Data STORE VID/ are the two inputs TRCLK, which feeds the Data input least through to VID changes state, making flip-flop (U34-11), (U34-2), the settled at clock it DIG VID and of does so between the rise of and is rises to XOR gate (U56-1 and state, 191 of three 74LS191 U69, and U57). it It D-type flip-flop, (U34-5) as STORE VID/. to an output, used to generate string length When DIG VID changes state, input The START/ pulse low within 74 ns. of the fall of START/. DIG VID (U20-9) is the signal QHH/ and inputs of the (U72-C) setting its the Q outputs of these counters (pins 3, data. high. and thus also the Load inputs synchronous counters (pin 11 and U57) are all delayed, buffered (U34-9), change of for sure, from 17 ns. max. after DIG VID changes state, (or 77 ns. max. after QHH falls) until STORE VID/ changes state to agree after QBB rises. which is greater by the 74LS74 Therefore TRCLK is ns. wide, pulse width required flip-flop (U34). cleared by a low on TRCLEAR, which of the flip-flop (U34-13). max. after START/ falls. falls again and a minimum of 130 than the 25 ns. min. Clock TRANSITION is Clear input with DIG VID, 40 ns. max. high TRANSITION falls 64 TRCLEAR goes It also goes low 64 ns. 44 ns. max. after QGG ns. max. after START/ falls and feeds the low 24 ns. max. after QFF falls. Thus 104 ns. max. after QFF falls. TRANSITION rises 102 ns. max. after QHH falls, which could be PAGE 81 before or after CLOCK after CLOCK rises. (U9-21), but (U72-5) is is high. output of the three-input AND gate, both TRANSITION latest, the same fed by the output of an (U9-23) or TRAN Assuming U56-6 so before the scan began), (having been set max. a three-input AND which is high if either STR.L. not both of them, 30 ns. rise at about two inputs (U72-3 and 4) of The third input XOR gate (U56-6) GATE3 rises TRANSITION and GATE3 time and feed into gate (U72-B). (U18-2) rises. is high TRANSAD (U72-6), the goes high within 24 ns. after and GATE3 have gone high, which will be, at the by 54 ns. after QAA rises. TRANSAD, in its high state, gates through the signals causing the 1822 memories to be written into. before, TRANSAD is inverted by a First of all, as mentioned NAND gate (U71-A) and delayed by a 4050 buffer/converter (U68-A) to form OD, which feeds the Output Disable inputs of two 4508's (pins 3 and 15 of U40 and U41). result, OD goes low within within 160 ns. of As a 160 ns. of the rise of TRANSAD and high the fall of TRANSAD. Data is available at the outputs of these 4508's from 180 ns. max. after OD falls until ns. max. after OD rises, or from until 340 180 340 ns. max. after TRANSAD rises ns. max. after TRANSAD falls. Thus the outputs of the 4508's are enabled from 466 ns. max. after QHH falls until 468 ns. max. after QFF falls. Secondly, when (U72-A) to go high max. after TRANSAD is The through a 4050 output of feeds the Strobe inputs and 14 of U40 and U41). falls 184 ns. max. after QEE pulse width required by the 4508's. the outputs of the 4508's of 10 ns. before QGG rises. gate pointed the two 4508's out to form (pins 2 ns. max. after QCC rises. Thus STROBE is the 140 ns. minimum Strobe The delay time from Strobe to is 260 ns. max. is at the outputs of the 4508's AND rises until 44 ns. U72-A, as STROBE goes high 164 approximately 237 ns. wide, satisfying by enables the buffer/converter (U68-B) STROBE, which rises and it from 24 ns. max. after QCC QEE rises. earlier, passes high Therefore, strobed data by 424 ns. after QCC rises, i.e., PAGE 82 The data feeding the Data 10, 16, 18, 20, and 22 of inputs of the 4508's (pins 4, 6, 8, U40 and U41) are available outputs of the 74LS191 counters (pins 7, and U57) within 36 ns. of the counters to count, as input(s) (pin (pin 5 4 of U46, of U46, U69, 6, 2, and 3 of U46, U69, rise of CLOCK, which long as 191 LOAD (U72-8) U69, and U57) and U57) are tied from the low. is causes these high and the G The Down/Up inputs low so that the counters only count up. Thirdly, a high controls the on TRANSAD enables a HNAND loading of the counters (U46, U69, and TRANSAD and STR. L. are both high, SLOAD1, (U71-B) goes low 88 68 ns. QDD falls. low within SLOAD2, the 20 ns. max. U57). the output of ns. max. after QAA falls and max. after U71-C, goes gate (U71-B) that When NAND gate stays low until output of NAND gate rise of GATE2/ and of the stays low until 20 ns. max. after GATE2/ falls (assuming STR.L. high). SLOAD2 is low SLOADI only when fall of GATE3. when mostly during SLOAD1 occurs between the fall of (U72-C), with the while GATE2 is low, the other two inputs to one exception just mentioned, GATE2 and the It takes a maximum of 50 191 LOAD (U72-8), 11 of which feeds U46, U69, and U57), the AND gate are high. high, loading of the counters (U46, is controlled by SLOAD1. counters (pin and overlaps The START/ pulse occurs before the scan begins, so SLOAD1 goes time that non-scan time U69, and U57) ns. the Load inputs goes low Thus, from the of Q outputs are in flux from some time after the after QAA falls. 191 LOAD stays falls, so since no CLOCK's arrive while 191 high), the Q outputs of the three 191 the until the outputs (pins 3, 2, 6, and 7 of U46, U69, and U57) are valid. 162 ns. max. is Q The fall of QAA until low until after QDD LOAD is low (and GATE2 counters (and thus the Data inputs of the 4508's) are stable from 162 ns,. max. after QAA falls until the next CLOCK rises. During a CLOCK period in which TRANSITION goes high, the data to be written into the 1822 memories U46, U69, and U57 and thus at is valid at the Q outputs of the Data inputs of the latches (U40 PAGE 83 and U41) from 36 ns. max. QAA falls. The STROBE pulse arrives and falls strobed after CLOCK rises until 184 ns. max. into the 164 ns. max. after QCC rises after QEE 4508's is shortly after rises. at their Thus the data Data inputs to be over 380 ns. before STROBE arrives (the required data setup time for the 4508's is only 50 ns.) and stays until low (no hold time is is strobed required into the about 250 ns. after by the 4508's). U40 and U41, and STROBE goes Thus, correct that data data remains stable until the next STROBE pulse arrives. (See Fig. VI-7.) Fourthly, when TRANSAD XOR gate, L51-B, goes high, it sets the high, (assuming that PIXAD is be during string length mode of MADCLKW/ ns. max. after QAA rises, low, or, at low, as it should operations), enabling the generation (L71-8) and of WRITE/ after TRANSAD goes output of the (L50-12). high, or, at and stays high until the latest, by 37 L51-6 goes the latest, by 17 ns. 71 ns. after TRANSAD goes ns. after QGG falls. high, approximately, from the high 17 Thus L51-6 rise of QBB to the fall is of QGG and thus is high when needed to gate through the signals that generate MADCLKW/ (from the rise of QEE to the rise of signals that generate WRITE/ (from the fall QFF). In the discussion of A/D mode, is high, the address lines of stable from 131 QFF) and of QCC to the fall of it is shown that, when L51-6 the appropriate 1822 ns. max. after QFF the memories are rises until the next rise of QFF, and the R/W pulse goes low from 58 ns. after QCC falls until 38 ns. Valid data max. after QFF falls. inputs from the 4508 ns. before QGG latches (U40 and U41), rises. after QHH falls until after QDD rises, at the latest. the rise at the 1822 Data latest, by 10 the The 4508 outputs are enabled 468 ns. after QFF falls, Thus the data at the 1822 Data the next rise least 760 ns. before R/W falls data-in-width-effective time 400 ns. after R/W so from 32 ns. QBB rises, at inputs of QBB, from 466 ns. i.e., the latest, until 34 ns. after of QGG until valid about is at is valid from it is (thus meeting the 250 ns. required by the 1822's) rises (thus meeting the valid at minimum and remains 1822's 50 PAGE 84 ns. minimum data-in-hold time requirement). So, in U69, U46, string length data U57 - are loaded with and After GATE2 goes high the counters CLOCK U46, as the in O's at the start counters (U58, count state, sets in it in the in these three motion the string), and MEMA - (1 bit value of STORE DIG VID VID and U57), that the the this way, if a following a transferred to state of the length data respectively) and data of the "A" or "B" by the time VID/, length the first recorded is the new making data being 1's the camera counts 1; CLOCK period 1, as it should 1 photodiode, which would change state each CLOCK period, in would be recorded for the string other three bits which camera is being 2-bit camera are enabled) transition occurs during mode - changes U69, and U57) are loaded with O's so DIG VID were to The STORE string (once the counters which case a whole series of the DIG 12-bit count along with a This makes possible a resolution of lengths. VID latches, U40 and U41, load, the string length be needed if DIG STORE VID is used because The counters (U46, first CLOCK When indicating which memory bank - is already match recorded. be. counters. information is strobed into the U62). to the same photodiode as indicating the state of the into). is being written the bit and so that machinery to record the counters (U46, U69, number, STORE VID (1 U61, starting to count VID signal being acted upon corresponds does the of a scan. start counting, using the same photodiode address U69 and U57 are delayed counters - mode, the synchronous of information stored number, a 2 bit number specifying used (U40-4 and 6 coming from MEMA (U40-10 from L20-8 for string via J2-5) U28-3 and 4, - are set before the scan and don't change during the scan. TRAN mode (transition mode) functions STR.L mode (string length mode) does, counters (U46, time a only at U69, and U57) are transition occurs. the start of BLANK2X falls. This the same way that with the exception that not reloaded with Instead, a scan and then they are loaded start way they contain the the zeroes every with zeroes counting as soon as photodiode address for PAGE 85 the current DIG VID signal so address stored is i.e., the that when a transition that of the first address of the first itself. The other four data bits, and the states of STORE VID occurs the photodiode in the new group, photodiode after the transition indicating the camera selection and of MEMA, are the same as for string length data mode. VI-8. "A" MEMORY ADDRESS CIRCUITRY The timing diagram shows (SH.'S 11, 7, 8, 2, 3, 10, three scan/process periods, i.e., the time between two successive PROC.COMP. signals sent out computer, and many scans. input to a part of a midst of The rising edge of PROC.COMP. feeds L20-11, the Clock (L20-12), to switch states. MEMA high into MEMB (L20-9), thus causing MEMA and MEMB and MEMB low, in which case the "A" memories will be into during the first period shown. counters - L49 counters) - and L65 low it also to be cleared within 35 PROC.COMP./ causes the "A" memory address (two 74LS193 outputs of these counters to set is also the The first PROC.COMP. on the timing diagram sets When PROC.COMP. rises, all by the taken from the D flip-flop, clocking MEMA (L20-8), which Data input written fourth period, 9) ns. via pin 14 of the (L44-9) rise of The Q and L65) are PROC.COMP. Meanwhile input of the L44-B flip-flop high, thus Load inputs of the "A" memory address up/down of these counters. (pins 3,2,6, and 7 of L49 falls enabling the Preset its output synchronous 4-bit removing the low counters (pin 11 from the of L49 and L65). Next, the computer sends out feeds into a NAND gate, L67-B. MEMB (L20-9), consequently is low the Output latch (L47-3 and 15) latch. at this an OUTRAN pulse (L54-12), which The other input to this NAND gate, time, so Disable inputs remain high the to the output L67-6, 4508 dual and 4-bit disabling the outputs of the L47 PAGE 86 The START PROC.COMP. pulse, sent signal has set to the Reticon some time after things up for a new scan, on the timing diagram, but the is not shown its existence is implied by the lows on the BLANK signal. Once BLANK goes low, the positive portion of $B (U48-3) occurring soonest after through a 4073 three-input pulse, U51-9. falls 250 Because %B ns. before maximum delay of rises 220 ns. SS negative portion of CLOCK. two-input Reset inputs of a CLOCK rises AND gate, U51-A, CLOCK rises 250 a 4081 the first to generate ns. before and because U51-A can coincides, approximately, SS and of the latch (L47-5, 7, 9, 11, 19, 21, 430 ns. of the rise of SS (or of the fall have a inputs to L68-4, feeds the inputs follow 17, and with the MEMA (L20-8) are the 4508 latch (L47-pins 1 and 13). and the Reset the SS CLOCK falls AND gate, L68-B, whose output, already high, L68-4 is gated Since MEMA SS. is The outputs and 23) are low within of CLOCK). Now that the outputs of the "A" memory address counters (pins 3,2,6, and 7 of L49 latch (pins 5, 7, all and L65) and the 9, 11, 17, is ready for scanning. counter (L65) to count 19, 21, outputs of the and 23 of COUNT A (L43-4) up via L65-5, the dual 4-bit L47) are all low, causes the lower order Count Up input. The Count Down inputs (pin 4 of L49 and L65) are tied high because the Count Up pulses can cause the counters Down inputs feeds the are high. The Carry Count Up input, L49 into L65. output, pin only if the Count 12, of 5, of counter L49, input of MEMB With counter L65 thus cascading (The Carry output produces a pulse to the Count Up tion exists.) pin to count equal in width its own counter when an overflow condi- low, the Select to 2-line-to-l-line data selector (L43-1) input a 74LS257 quad is low causing the A inputs to be passed through to the outputs. Thus COUNT A (L43-4) MADCLKW/ (L71-8), after QFF rises and falls 38 rising 38 ns. max. ns. max. after QEE falls. of L49 and L65) The counter outputs (pins 3,2,6, and 7 are stable within 73 ns. which feeds L65-5, and thus within 111 and stay stable until follows of the rise of COUNT A, ns. of the rise just after the next QFF rises. of QFF , PAGE 87 On the timing pulse, but it diagram could receive as many the particular mode (U17-2) in use 44 ns. falls is hig h, ST ROBE8 goes low. max. (L47-5, 7, 9, 11, of STROBE8. Within 30 ns. of the third 17, 19, and The data latched rise s one after GATE4 (U43-15) falls. inputs of is 4-bit the dual the outputs of the latch 23) within 260 r1s. in When EOS/ (U 17-2) goes high as Data is at 21, falls. GATE3 (U4 3-10) GATE3 falls an d the Strobe latch (pins 2 and 14 of L4 7). one gate for STR OBE8 (U16-6) feeds receives only as occur while the max. after 44 ns. period later, i.e., MEMA (U16-4) is high. (L65-5) after PREGA TE (U47-8) falls, rise of CLOCK EOS/ COUNT A the last "A" of the rise memory address into which data was written during that particular scan. Nothing else PROC.COMP. happens until signal. As the computer before, the outputs of address counters (pins 3,2,6, and 7 of another the "A" memory L49 and L65) are low within 35 ns. of the rise of PROC.COMP. (L54-6 and pin and the memories switched within 40 serids out ns. 14 of L49 and L65) Now MEMA (L68-5) is low, so the SS signal generated at the beginning of the scan is blocked from passing through the AND gate latch (L47). (Instead SS (L67-4) the is high , outputs of the L47 emory address counters NAND gate, L67-B, will go - reset the L48.) sent out from low enabling holding into during the previous scan, so this is the data and 23) within 200 ns. of the rise of high 395 ns. of the approximately (P1-57, 58, timing as the data 55, 56, 120 70, rise of OUTRAN. ns. after 53, 54, described for MACR 51, the and 69, 72, 71, OUTRAN multibus 19, 52) are written into) 74, and (L54-12) goes address stable (the generation - Section (the last memory address 17, OUTRAN (L54-12) and on the data lines of the multibus (P1-68, 67, 73) within the the last memory that appears at the outputs of the latch (L47-5, 7, 9, 11, 21, MEMB latch via the Output Disable inputs (pins 3 and The latch outputs are still address written L68- A to though, so when OUTRAN (L67-5) is computer, the 15 of L47). s passed throu gh the "B" latch connected to (L68-B) to reset the dual 4-bit VI-10). is valid lines same Thus on the PAGE 88 multibus data lines from 515 ns. max. after lines are stable (with, of course, OUTRAN) until READ just after IORC/ (L37-12) falls the multibus address the proper address to generate (P1-21 and L37-1) blocking the passage rises, of i.e., when data through the 74LS242 bus transceivers (L62 and L63) onto the data bus lines. In order L27, to move the data L29, and L31) the computer number of in the "A" during the last scan to the must send memory address stored two MACR read filled, i.e., when the OUTRAN pulse was sent SBC 80/20 memory, signals (L54-8) twice as many memory locations filled, address of this number having out. the last for every MACR signals as the been read No adjustment of this number is necessary because the first address used was case the memories (L25, 1, not 0, in which location filled equals the total number of memory locations filled. Within 21 starts ns. of the rise following 43SEL Because only address during the last of MEMB (L43-1), COUNT (L43-3 01 of from L20-5) the and "A" memories scan, OUTRAN read A4, A3, A2, and described in Al MACR generation, L54-8) sets 43SEL order address pulse Since sets 43SEL a (L25, was written into computer will in location 01 L27, the first (L65) 43SEL and A3 memories undergoes low. L29, and MACR pulse of the L31). As (L20-3 from (L20-5 and L43-3) high and thus pulses the lower counter counters to 01. the A4 memories thus goes 01 and thus the send two MACR pulses to read the data stored A (L43-4) and negative doesn't advance the 21SEL "A" in high. instead L49 and L65; of of second MACR Because the 43SEL positive second MACR pulse what it the other two "A" address location 01 The advance the counters, the 01 of memory is read. (L70-5) transition, counters, the data in location the is high, the data (L25 and L27) low transition needed to setting does is cause memories, A2 and Al (L29 and L31), to be read and put out onto the data bus. The next PROC.COMP. that MEMA outputs of (L20-8) is sent high and out again switches MEMB (L20-9) the memory address counters the memories so low and clears the (pins 3,2,6,and 7 of L49 PAGE 89 and L65). the "A" MEMB (L67-4) is memory address high, so SS (L68-6) outputs (L47-5, circuitry; MEMA, is 7, low,so OUTRAN (L67-5) 11, 17, 19, on the other hand, L68-B to reset passed through 9, doesn't affect 21, and 23) is the latch low. This scan/process period, the third one shown on the timing diagram, is like the first, counters (L49 that except and L65) it reach shows what happens their maximum when the count of 255 (FF in the counters (pins 3, 2, 6, and hexadecimal). When all of the Q outputs of 7 of L49 and has been equal L65) are high, meaning the count of reached, the in width (L49-5), to the (which is (L65-5) of the Carry output Count Up also equal (L49-12) sends input in width lower order counter). feeds the Clock 255 (FF of that to the This same (L44-9) to go low within 40 the Load the two counters (pin pulse counter, Count Up input of a D flip-flop (L44-11); inputs to out a Carry output causes the Q output in hex) input (L49-12) its rising edge ns. and likewise 11 of L49 and L65). These Load inputs remain low from 40 ns. max. after Carry (L49-12) rises until computer. outputs the next PROC.COMP. signal Within 40 ns. PROC.COMIP./ the 74LS193's, is independent of of (L44-10), which L49 and the count counters reach removes the low from L65) by presetting the until a a count of 255 (FF PROC.COMP. signal STROBE8 pulse (U16-6 and L47-2 and number 255 (FF hex) the low, the Q setting MEMA hex), the Load inputs Q output they arrives. In 14) pulses, so of the D Thus, once the are held at that the meantime the is generated to strobe the into the dual 4-bit latch, L47. The next PROC.COMP. memory by of Load and the fall of flip-flop (L44-9) high, are blocked from counting. number out of when these Load inputs go any count pulses arriving between the fall 11 sent (pins 3, 2, 6, and 7 of L49 and L65) are loaded with ones. Load , for (pin is low and MEMB address counters pulse arrives, switches the high, and to zero. therafter, enables the outputs of the memories by sets the Q outputs of the "A" The OJUTAN latch pulse, sent (047-5, 7, 9, 11, soon 17, PAGE 90 19, 21, and 23), as described earlier for the second scan/process period, so the number 255 (FF hex) is taken in by the computer. This covers the counter circuitry. addresses to memory "A" memory address It generating alternates into between during one scan/process be read from during the next way as the "A" times. circuitry memory That is, is generating memory address from, address counter when the "A" addresses to counter circuitry and vice scan/process essentially independently memory address be written The two of each other, in the circuitry, but is generating versa. memory period and The "B" memory address counter circuitry functions opposite read basic functioning of the be written addresses to period.same put out on the data bus and counter into, the addresses to circuitries under the at "B" be operate direction of the 74LS257 data selector, L43. VI-9. READ (SH.'S 11, 7, 8, 3, 9) During initialization procedures, a sent out by the computer. Within MEMB (L20-9) is high and MEMA (L20-5) and 21SEL (L70-5) finished with whatever PROC.COMP. signal scan. 40 ns. after RESET/ (L20-8) are both to start (L54-6) to set things and L31) will MEMA memories (L26, two successive it is sends out a in motion to start another (L20-11) rises, MEMB is low is high, so the "A" memories into them during scan/process period PROC.COMP. signals), the first, what would be read be the information written being the while the L28, L30, and L32) will be read from. any scan other than memories would the computer have data written scan/process period (a time between When Sometime therafter a START pulse will be generated L29, the coming goes low, Within 64 ns. 43SEL processing it needs to do, the scanning routine. (L25, L27, is low. low. Within 40 ns. after PROC.COMP. and MEMA high. RESET/ pulse (L69-12) is "B" If this were out of the "B" into them during the PAGE 91 previous scan/process period. However, since scan, the "B" memories have garbage in this is them, so that the first is what will be read. When the computer has finished reading from the "B" memories, it will send out a READ COMP/ signal L33B-A, will clear 43SEL and 21SEL has finished to 0. signal, L20-B flip-flop, to do, which, among causing MEMB and MEMA MEMB high written into and the "A" memories read from. are written into low. is covered Now in it will send out other things, will clock making and MEMA via AND gate Then after the computer whatever processing it has another PROC.COMIP. the (L69-4) which, to switch the "B" the A/D states, memories will be The way the memories mode description. Of interest now is how the memories are read. The PROC.COMP./ flip-flops (L44-A memory address pulse presets and B), the Q thus disabling counters (pin 11 of At the end memories were L49, L65, L64, and of the previous having data written location into 4508 written latch L47. switched the memories, out an OUTRAN signal into L47 at the into into them and making MEMB high. Now (L54-12) to read the and OUTRAN Since feed - MEMB L67-B - is already low, and, the 4508 latch (pins 3 19, 21, 180 ns. max. later. a PROC.COMP. memory address strobed low, enabling the Q outputs (L47-5, knows how many memory addresses to be latched the computer sends and 15 of L47) multibus data lines and sent to was force the output of the NAND consequently, the Output Disable inputs of and 23) the "A" when MEMA data was latched, end of the previous scan. which MEMB and causing the memory address of high, the positive OUTRAN pulse will gate L66), scan cycle, when in the "A" memories Since that of the 0 via their Clear inputs into high, STROBE8 (U16-6) was generated the last two D-type the Load inputs PROC.COMP. clears these same counters to (pin 14). outputs of 7, 9, 11, 17, These outputs are put on the the computer, so the computer now it has to read. For every memory address to be read, the computer must do two reads because at each memory address there are sixteen bits of PAGE 92 data (four data bits in each of the four "A" memories) to be read, whereas the receive multibus has only eight data. Each time the data lines via which computer wants to memories it sends out a MACR pulse (L54-8). was set COMP/ (L69-4) high when READ PROC.COMP. was sent, 43SEL feeds feeds the the Data and L70-3), 43SEL goes high the 43SEL/ (L20-6), which Data input goes high clocking these flip-flops read from cleared 43SEL to input of flip-flop it can of 0 before flip-flop L70-A. Thus L20-A. when MACR via their Clock inputs (L20-3 within 25 ns. and 21SEL stays low. The next MACR pulse sets 43SEL low and 21SEL high. Each MACR pulse after that changes the state of and 21SEL i.e., are in opposite until READ COMP/ is 43SEL and of 21SEL. states throughout the sent (at Thus 43SEL reading period, the end of the reading) to set them both low. GG (L33A-6), the output high from 20 ns. max. after falls until rises. of a NAND gate, is a one of 20 ns. max. after ns. its inputs, GATE1/ (L33A-4), its other input, GATE2/ (L33A-5), max. after GATEI GATE2 falls, thus and L32) rises until 64 ns. enabling the four "B" memories for this period of time. MEMA, low, forcing the output of the NAND (L34-11), high. Since GGA gate is one of (L60-8) will follow L71-12. (L20-5), MEMB on the other ns. max. after the MEMB from the start of. is high within MACRd rises within the inputs to both L60-A and falls the scan. all signals falls. 43SEL rises within 40 ns. high and within 25 of the next rise 140 ns. of the rise of MACR and falls L50-B to rise and 184 ns. max. after MACR rises MACR falls. follow L50-6 and first of these 3 110 ns. of the fall of MACR. three inputs to hand, is L50-6 goes low 20 ns. max. after ns. of the rise of MACR and falls of MACR. L28, L30, into which it feeds, GGA (L20-9), and MACRd (L24-15) are goes high 20 max. after (L26, L60-C, two two-input AND gates, A43/ (L60-3) will 43SEL is With MEMB high, GGB (L34-8) goes low setting B43/ and B21/ low from 64 A21/ signal that Thus MACRd is the last of the the first to fall. Thus A43/ and rises 154 ns. max. after PAGE 93 A21/ 21SEL (L60-8) follows L71-12, which goes low 20 ns. max. after (L70-5), MEMB (L20-9), and MACRd 21SEL were high at the rise MACR. this time, A21/ of MACR and At would fall would rise 154 ns. this point, Thus the A4 and however, 21SEL 240 ns. max. fall of so A21/ are is high. enabled and the A2 after the L50-6 rises, L58-2 L58-2. Thus OD43A falls 470 ns. rises after MACR these two after MACR rises, and falls 60 which is falls. first of L58-2 rises 60 ns. max. after L50-6 falls, which is 220 ns. max. max. after ns. max. after max, after MACR and L58-2 are inputs to to NAND gate L22-A falls. ns. is low, If disabled. OD43A (L22-3) goes low 250 ns. and rises 184 max. after the A3 memories (L25 and L27) and Al memories (L29 and L31) both high (L24-15) are all high. 190 ns. max. after rises, whereas MACR MACR falls before max. after MACR rises and rises 250 ns. max. after MACR falls. OD21A (L22-11) both high. goes L58-6 can low 250 ns. max. after L58-6 and MACR are go high only when 21SEL and MEMB are high, in which case OD21A would fall 470 ns. max. after the rise of MACR and would rise 250 ns. this point, 21SEL max. after the is L58-4 of its inputs, remain MEMA (L50-9), low forcing OD43B (L22-4) one of its Since, at is low, OD21A remains high. OD43B (L22-4) and OD21B (L22-10) because one fall of MACR. inputs, MEMA, (L71-3), high. is low. high. is low. L71-6 is L50-8 As is high a result, high because Consequently, L58-8 is low forcing OD21B (L22-10) high. At any L50-B, L50-C, one time of the L71-A, and L71-B - the Output Disables that only one is low. Therefore only OD43A, OD21A, OD43B, and OD21B - is is the one generated by the gates - three-input NAND one of low, and one low NAND gate among the four just listed. MEMB (L43-1) is high, so 2-line-to-l-line data selector the B (L43-3, 6, 10, through to the outputs (L43-4, 7, 9, (L43-15) is tied low inputs of the enabling the and 12). outputs at and 74LS257 quad 13) are passed The G enable input all times. Thus PAGE 94 43SEL through to COUNT A (L43-4), is passed memory address counter, L65, at pin signal sent out counters (L49, scan. 43SEL The by first MACR (L20-5), which outputs to set all four memory a low-to-high in turn causes the lower be stable. 1. It Once the (L49 and L65) are involved, in the PROC.COMP. address to 0 before the beginning of the pulse causes counter, L65, to count up to clocks the "A" 5. Recall that the computer L65, L64, and L66) which transition in "A" memory address takes 38 ns. max. for the L65 count is above 15 both counters which case the longest the outputs are settled is 73 ns. delay until Thus, for the worst case, the Q outputs of the "A" memory address counters (pins 3, 2, 6, and 7 of L49 and L65) are stable, and 1822 "A" memories (pins L29, and L31), 116 likewise the address 7, 6, 5, 21, inputs 1, 2, 3, and ns. max. after MACR rises and 4 of to the L25, L27, remain so until 43SEL rises again. Again, since MEMB (L43-1) is high R/W (L43-7) input and thus remains high (read mode). after MACR rises and rises falls 470 ns. max. MACR falls. elapse before From the From the A43/ to valid is 450 ns. i.e., 670 ns. after the A4 max. or 634 ns. max. and A3 after the A4 and A3 memory 14, and 16 of L25 and L27) are valid, at the 12, The outputs remain valid until after OD43A rises, which falls, until 20 ns. may the A4 and or 566 the time outputs are valid, 670 ns. after MACR rises. 20 ns. min. 200 ns. three of these conditions for valid outputs Since all 10, maximum of 450 ns., OD43A ns. max. after The access time from when is max. MACR falls. memory outputs are valid, fall of met before the outputs (pins latest, rises. OD43A a lines are stable memory outputs are must be 154 ns. max. after fall of the A4 and A3 A3 memory address MACR rises. falls 184 ns. after MACR rises and rises 250 ns. max. after MACR MACR rises. A43/ follows the 2B min. after A43/ is 270 ns. max. rises, which is after MACR 174 ns. max. after MACR falls, or until the memory address changes, which isn't until after 43SEL rises again. max. after MACR falls. The earliest of these So the outputs of the A4 is 174 ns. and A3 memories PAGE 95 are valid from 670 ns. max. after MACR rises until about max. after MACR falls, or, to be -sure, until MACR falls. discussion of MACR generation (the next section), 174 ns. From the one can see that the multibus timing requirements are satisfied. One read being the computer. 21SEL high. The "A" memory address This time the are on the "A" put out on their outputs A43/ and OD43A will remain high and A21/ and OD21A will A43/ and OD43A, respectively, did with Meanwhile, B21/, which feed L28, be before. six memories having same timing with L26, lines as Al memories will have the pulse. low and counters don't change, so the memory address data in the A2 and bus lines, the other disabled. sent out by Within 40 ns. of the rise of MACR, 43SEL is same addresses the data finished, the next MACR pulse is respect to as long as the CS1/ respect to the or inputs of L30, and L32), will enabled, while OD43B GATE1 the present MACR remain low keeping L28, 843/ and (pin 19 of those memories and OD21B, the Output Disable "B" memories (pin 18 of L26, last MACR GATE2 is high, the "B" memories pulse as inputs to the L30, and L32), will remain high disabling the outputs of these memories. When the "A" sent to memories have been read, a READ reset 43SEL circuitry and 21SEL has. finished low. writing Then, as into the "B" COMP/ pulse is soon as the scan memories and the computer has finished processing data from the "A" memories (data from the previous scan), a PROC.COMP. pulse is sent to switch the memories in preparation for a new memories will Thus A43/, OD43B, be written OD43A, A21/, During this scan the "A" scan. into and and OD21A the "B" will 821/, and OD21B, respectively. memories read trade roles with from. B43/, These alternating roles can be seen on the Read timing diagram. VI-lO. MACR MACR (L54-8) (SH.'S is 11, 7, 9, 10) generated when the computer executes a PAGE 96 command to read port binary form is HLLLLHHL. multibus address (P1-52, 86H. 51, lines 54, hexadecimal number, However, addresses 56, respectively, which are 55, true form. 58, and -11, 13, 15, 17, 57) on the Thus ADR7/-ADRO/ receive LHHHHLLH, a 74LS241 octal 8, 6, 4, and is tied low and the OEb all eight outputs (L40-9, whose are put out sent on to the inputs of input to the buffer (L40-1) high so that is a in negative 53, 3-state buffer (L40 86H 2). The OEa/ input (L40-19) 7, 5, 3, 12, 14, 16, and 18) are always enabled. Once the negative true binary 86 is on the decoded by (L38-6), address lines, the 8, which is a 4-input goes low 86 when the valid address is it sets the GI and G2 low enabling the chip. decoded by within 71 ns. after L41 causing the address, 86, The digit 6 of the PMACR/ (L41-7) is stable on other L41 outputs remain high.) PMACR/ ns. after the address is stable on the bus, may take that BASE ADR/ 74154 4-line-to-16-line decoder/demultiplexer 19 of L41) is ns. of the base address, is whose output, When BASE ADR/ goes low, chip enables of the (pins 18 and NAND gate (L38-A) within 58 stable on the bus. number form of the hexadecimal number to go the bus. may not go low however, low (All until 85 because it long for the output to be enabled via the strobes GI and G2 (L41-18 and 19). PMACR/ stays low until 71 ns. max. after the address (86H) on the bus goes away. The multibus manual points out that minimum of 50 ns. after IORC/ into which it feeds inputs of this shift goes low, the output of the NAND gate (L33A-C) goes high removing the Clear from the register, L57. Both Data register, Dsa and Dsb (L57-1 and 2), are tied that when the transiton of the bus and goes the address on the bus goes away. 74LS164 8-bit parallel-out serial shift high so (P1-21) goes low a after the address is valid on high a minimum of 50 ns. before Within 20 ns. IORC/ Clear input the Clock input, which (L57-9) is high is the 9.216iMHZ the positive clock, will cause a high to be shifted into QA (L57-3) and all other Q outputs to QA shift one position in the direction from toward QH. PAGE 97 Following this procedure, QH will go ns. to 895 follows QH ns. after Clear (L57-13) by (L57-9) goes feeds the inverter (L59-1), is low. enable input low a maximum of 58 ns. after the (L59-5) to high address low 796 within the IORC/ (P1-21) 23 ns. According goes away. ns. after multibus' 0 63 ns. after ns. - 100 ns. multibus 50 ns. min. Thus XACK/ goes IORC/ IORC/ goes later XACK/ to goes low ns. - 10 ms. acknowledge delay and rises the multibus. remains valid on the bus and 931 ns. after BASE ADR/ goes is on goes high, and in this case IORC/, the multibus) low 40 (L38-6) or after the command, adhering to the 0 74LS368 3-state and 915 ns. after IORC/ goes impedance. specifications, the address from between BOARD ENABLE/ 16 ns. of when QH goes high. either BASE ADR/ ENABLE/ (L33A-11) goes of the (L59-5) is low long before QH (L57-13) XACK/ (L59-5) goes low within high BOARD long as is on the multibus, whereas goes high, which happens between 780 40 ns. after XACK/ IORC/ goes low a minimum of 50 Either way, BOARD ENABLE/ (L33A-11) low. high. BOARD ENABLE/ goes BASE ADR/ and IORC/ are both low. address , as 16 ns. max. (L33A-11), which ns. after the high anywhere from about 760 (thus time allowed by rises (thus staying allowed acknowledge hold time). READ (L37-12) goes high 20 ns. max. after BASE ADR/ (L37-2 and 13) are both IORC/ (L37-1) and low and falls 20 ns. max. after either one of these signals rises. READ/ (L39-10) form of READ (L37-12), delayed by 20 ns. max. is the inverted Thus READ/ goes low 40 ns. max. after IORC/ (P1-21) and BASE ADR/ (L38-6) are both low and high 40 ns. max. after one of these signals goes high. MACR (L54-8) READ/ are low. goes high 20 ns. PMACR/ goes low as max. after long as 85 ns. address lines are stable and READ/ within 40 ns. BASE ADR/ are both low. 58 ns. IORC/ goes both PMACR/ and after the bus of when IORC/ and low 50 ns. min. and BASE ADR/ max. after the bus address lines are stable, so the rise of MACR will be, perhaps, around are stable, unless IORC/ 118 ns. after the bus address lines goes low later than BASE ADR/, in which PAGE 98 case MACR will rise 60 ns. max. after IORC/ falls. within 60 ns. after the rise of IORC/, the MACR will first of fall the three signals to go away. 43SEL (L20-5) max. after routine rises 25 ns. after the next for the MACR rises duration of MACR rises and falls 40 ns. and repeats the reading this rise cycle. and fall 21SEL (L70-5) follows the same timing as 43SEL, but one MACR pulse later. and 21SEL are always 43SEL in opposite states while reading is going on. Between reading cycles 43SEL and 21SEL are both low. When MEMB (L20-9) and 43SEL are fall 154 ns. after MACR rises and both high, A43/ (L60-3) will rise 184 ns. after MACR falls. When MEMB and 21SEL are both high, A21/ (L60-8) will of A43/, timing as just mentioned but with Otherwise the same A43/ and (L60-6) and B21/ A21/ remain high. (L60-11) (If follow the MEMB fall instead for A43/. is low, timing just B43/ mentioned for A43/ AND A21/.) Shortly L50-6, goes after L50-6 high gating causing OD43A (L22-3) MACR rises and the read the timing Disable, to go low. which L50-6 descri bed ODxxx, will go either 0 D43A alternate going low as memories OD43A falls 670 x4 and x3 and for 0D43A. Thus a MACR and OD21A or the computer memories ns. max. after only in Similarly, when (L22-11) will fall and only read. one Output During 0D43B and xl it's rise with one OD21B will alternates between x2 and of pulse (L22-1) after MACR falls, but low during reading period, inverted form the MACR goes low. to go low, OD21A just L22-2, the through part of rises 250 ns. max. cycle in L71-12's turn goes low (x being reading A or B, whichever memory bank is being read.) The outputs of A4 an d A3 (pins 10, 12, 14, and 16 of L27) are valid within 450 ns. max. of the fall of A43/, after MACR rises; within max. after the rise address lines are 200 ns. address lines are stable. or 604 ns. the fall of OD43A, or 870 ns. of MACR; an d 450 ns. max. stable, or L25 and 541 ns. max. from when the 1822 after the multibus Thus the A4 and A3 outputs are valid by PAGE 99 870 ns. after MACR rises, or about 930 ns. after IORC/ falls. takes a maximum of 195 ns. for the data to get memory outputs to the multibus data lines, which data (in (L62 and negative true form, due L63), quad It from the A4 and A3 thus have valid to passage through the 74LS242's inverting bus transceivers) on them by 1125 ns. max. after IORC/ falls. Valid data remains at the outputs of the A4 until 20 ns. min. after OD43A rises, or until falls. 20 ns. min. after However, data transceivers (L62 and L63) 13 of L62 and READ falls. from 1125 ns. which is shortly the computer. after IORC/ or 204 through the ns. after 74LS242 quad to the bus only when READ L63) is high and is Thus the valid or 270 ns. after MACR falls; A43/ rises, is allowed and A3 memories invalid from data is MACR bus (pins 1 and 25 ns. max. after on the multibus falls, essentially until after IORC/ rises, so correct data data lines READ falls, is read into PAGE 100 9.216 MHZ CLOCK, ij....... I.......... QAA, QBB, QCCI QDDI QEEI QFFI QGG, QHH I 1 CLOCKz C U P I" I QAA 2 ]I 1.- QBB 2 , @ I --b I -- QCC 2 QDD 2 ---- 1 ~-~-~------- • 1 I I I ! QEE 1 2 .. QHH I I QFF 2 QGG2 I I I i I- 2 Fig. VI-O | QAA- QHH CLOCK RESET I- PREBLANK c-1 -1 I I I1 PROC COMP 1 PC I CPSTART I I F- COMP START] .... .... • | m BLANK -1 ci-j 1 1 PCSYNC I I m m GATE4 -·I IJ "1, I" L~J I BLANK GATE PRESTART I-1 F START I UL I _j-~----I -U--I L-F- LI S INTV/ i I I I LJ I-I CLOCK, START, CONTROL Fig. VI-I CLOCK, START, CONTROL I_ PAGE 102 BUS ADDRESS BUS DATA ,J I IOWC/ BASE ADR I I READ BOARD ENABLE I XACK/ __ U37 DATA IN 1 . STROBEO 1 U37 OUTPUTS M DATA VALI Fig. VI-2 STROBEO BLANK -13 CLOCK BLANK2X ss PREGATE GATEI GATE2 GATE3 . GATE4 EOS r ANALOGVID STAR CONVERT R n, n c n , n ------ ADC OUT 4042 CLOCK | | A U U U U U I 4042 OUT U I U U U U U U I I 4063 OUT A I DIG VID m DATA VALID I Fig. VI- 3 B t PREGATE / DIG VID I C I L > " BLANK CLOCK... . ........ ....... ... PREGATE GATEF--- GATES IGA'3• f GE GATE2- 4042 OUT 195 S/L 195 CLEAR _J I 195 CLOCK 4076-A G2 I I 4076-8 2? 4076-C 2 40716-0 G2 J 4076 CLOCK 4076-A OUT 4076-B OUT 4076-C OUT 40760 OUT I L52 LOAD L52 G L52 CLOCK .. . .... PIXAD 1802 ADDRESS R/W DATA VALID --- SIGNA,- DISABLED Fig. VI-4 A/D MODE i BLANK -l 4 • CLOCK QCC I QEE QHH PREGATE GATEI GATE2 LASTIN GATE AREA AREA FIRST II WATE DIG VIDo - +==+•em" 4094 OCUT I - 4094 OUT - M =- - -- - L52 LOAD L52 G J 1 0 L52.CLOC K............ I I 14Q . .... MXAD 0 1822 ADRESS O R/W U I DATA VALID ... SIGNAL DISABLED Fig. VI-5 PIXEL MODE U STR.L I PROC.COMPe I START CLOCK GATE2 GATE3 I DIG VID I I I STORE VID I l TRCLKf Kl TRCLEAR I] U U U TRANSITION I TRANSAD J U SLOADI U SLOAD2 n l I J U U U U I 191 LOAD I 191 OUT UT o : l _ .. .. . _. n STROBE oo !l - 4508 OUT - fl rl - ! - MADCLKW 0 I2 1822 ADMLJ 3 WRITE I DATA VALID Fig. VI-6 STR. L MODE 4 L PAGE 107 CLOCK I QAA __J QBB @ - I II II -I QCC II QDD 1 I QEE OFF I = 1 QGG OHH b I --- | F- STORE VID U40-41 DATA IL __r I STROBE -- n 1 00 VL. . 1822 DATA IN 1822 ADDREI R/WA M DATA VALID I I Fig. VI-7 STR.L. or TRAN. MODE PROC.CO9P MEMA MEMB i-I. m-" j1-~ 1~ 1 ............... I ,I L I 1 I I 1 OUTRAN ADl OUTRAN CLOCK R I /.-. i i BLANK GATE4 1. .~----· GATE4 ,,~c I, ilLj~~ L L I I L49-65 LOAD J I I I L49-65CLEI COUNT A L49-65 OUT 0 I o I 0 254 0 255 L4T RESET L L47 OD STROE8 I L4I STOIET 0 255 I0 SATA L41 ,TPITS % OI BATA US M DATA VALID Fig. VI-8 "A" MEMORY ADDRESS CIRCUITRY RESET "LJ PROC.COWP MEMA L "U U 1 MEMB I GA . I L f CCB ~~I . l FO MACR nnn~~~- r -- 'k | READ CONP 43SEL 21SEL Li A21 843 821 MADCLKW WRITE A MEN ADR B MEN ADR R/WA R/WB OD43A S OD21A 00438 00D218 DATA ON BU 112 0 1 1 41I ~~i I 1 11 II l DATA VALID II I I 2 I 1 1 a I II II II Fig. VI-9 I I READ II II II PAGE 110 BUS ADDRESS BASE ADR 1I L41-7 F I I W q | r it, IORC/ I I r BOARD ENABLEl I I I II L i L I XACK/ I I L F I 1 READ I_ MACR 43SEL 21SEL I-t r m I I. • It Ii OD43A r 1r -~~ 0021B - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 1822 ADDRESS DATA ON BUS -- I - 1822 OUTPUTS VALID FROM GIVEN SIGNAL DATA VALID Fig. V I 10 MA CR and READ - PAGE 111 CONCLUSIONS VII. very well and does, The Camera-Microcomputer Interface works as has been pointed out deal great as flexibility, of shortcoming of the interface, at concerned, is estate -- appear, since boards, partly there This already in Register 5 on board, whon its two unused positions feature will be new version - (Direct Memory in ones use on is being were needed), and a corresponding example, Status Register Status Control board of Access) capability designed, work of applications programs. with a Control functions could be taken over by the done by hardware on the present version for a 0). One microprocessor with to do interface. new greatly enhance the provided, however, that will the the for example, having to use when only two-input used (leaving, real elements on partly due to simplification of the design without in chips of progress to of having to design limited variety of chips available (as, reduction major is not as difficult as it superfluous are many due to the constraint three-input NOR gotes amount rather large Thus designs are two boards. The control. as far as future users are least reduce it to a one-board version. may as well of a its occupation with a provide the user in this paper, some of DMA the processing Meanwhile, as the new is being done on the development PAGE VIII. 112 REFERENCES Peatman, John B. New York, Microcomnurtr-Basrd D-sign. McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1977 Wickes, William E. logic Dosiqcn with Integratod Circuits. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1968 Manuals published by Intel Corporation, Santa Clara California: MCS-80 Usnr's Mrnual 8080/80F5 Ass•,rblv Lanquage Program'nin q Manual System 80/20-4 Microcorinuter Hardware Reference Manual 8080 Microcornouter Sy__tepm IJser's Manual Intel Multibus Int.rf•acing by Thomas Rolander a-]1 (0 -+IV) 220 OL4 7 ANALOC i ID 4 7K 3 I -5v +SV ii JI JI J2 JI J2 JI J2 JI SHEET 1 BOARD L .1I m LAI SHEET 2 BOARD U S14 4 ,.5v a T @ I I[L 11 A9 a B 038A • I 4508- 3 008 B HI 2't28 HO 3 31 I 5 4063.- I LOM C P~IO ON/up I 12 4 A 13 A6 ca OiA D DOUTO D2A 0 03A', 003 DIB si 028 2 DOUT DOUT DOUT4 DoDr DOUT2 DOUT. 031 . z2 DOUTO 024 i H3 ' 4N ' i Sk So Il R ODA00s ) 14A L191 STqO0E3 151 (J Vol S06 s p 3 A 0 I 74LSO ;,4 K21 SCAI r ' 74L DCIA R'CK 0CC D ® o r LOAD ON/UP 0o G 74LS91II A k 1r"~ R~ ~~ PA Fo-'o' 1468L4S P - P At 4063 10 & 1211 3 2 74LSIT55 I I IrA pcrAmn!1 ---- - 0 CC - ($I W) (512) - . 4L S0 is T I A RIPCI T 1i 23 2 LOAD Cc DA/VPOf 9 I45GLSSI NC4 O A If PA A... PAC '• vsseac 5 4063 5 VD (So2) CLICK A SCAllrNT GATE ""o -c " ,LEAR GATE4 .13 - ! .--- - R IsLED 1A 41 S4 CLAR II I _ýAýl I 00B 302 IIlaDA 420 4508IS 30 018J,I A~ I00A j 5,IOT J3 12 -- aý OT DOA 12 74L$ CKODA 40 CAE QT DIA DIA DOUT5 1A0 0 L no0 GIA s,s.R,a, oacon, DOUT5 L5 o I Ss L 10 1 4063 Ao 11 80 io 065L2 DoB DOT L2 Qoq 0184508- 2 DII DOUTt B zo LI al 20BDOUTi ,LI 6 ,0 Is ts 038 O038 22 DOUTQ DOUTO 2822O 028 LO 1 II Si SoRA Rill OD ODI F· Z11ruPEZ I i -r .. .STOE . sOUT SHEET 3 SHEET 3 UUAKU U At J2 "' '' (Si)i Ulm31 SHEET 4 BOARD U (II 4)1 DI4 1 I I Ii DI3 1 i I I I I DI2 ., 14I 13 2I OilEE 6 QEE I 11 Of 02 03 4 3 0 1 4 iJil"CU il " 'llJ AD 5 r Jý 4A/ E "G2 N I 9I 16l AI 71 / I I_I I I I I I I -4 1 15 6 61 02n 3 5 N' RESET " GII02A!a l Q06 II I I - -- _ ] Ii I. 1. I I I.. I • I 14 13 12 11I SD2 03 040I 03 4 SnT I I I 2 II 1 E02 ! - " - - 1 SET 4076-A G3 s/I ' /A .... II SIiT i I r II - II' CLOCK 0Q 2 RESET4076C 03 I x I I 14 I 1312 II 02 03 04 COCK 5 vSS 04 GI G2 M M "-fm 3 02 Kt ESE4076-0 0 04 vSS G1Q2N M in"111I I 111 Q8 VDD I I '- -- iII J2 07 12 wlJ w29 MtI? 04 Q3 6 S#4) F] PIXEL M1I M9 02 5 15 OUTPUT 01 4 ENABLE 21 V5S ÷•V 4094 II DO0 015 AS 4) (S$1 5) N5 28 DATA DIGVII .• 07 12 I 14 -51,l V, 13 12 3 CWC6 04 03 6 . ., STROBE 02 5 U4 11 OUTPUT 01 ENABLE OS ill (SI I Ipr Cl I 51 AID a6 7 U2 40 4,,% l l 3t5V 4 IA 6A/DT 2 8JA AkD i LAN- I I PIR 3 cI 4tS7 IA 6 -ism) ,"CATE2 I .2 , I1 66 151 12 A U5 u16 ,,II 0 U 32 SI? r 9 ,I' J" 734LS913 ,I AR l LEAR I I I L/, ,12 1 4 I4 ('SOO 9 5 I 12 t T4 u U5 F SHEET 6 CLR 4 •J2 I I B BOARD U Cr;J II O 11O3HS S 133HS z. SSA I AS( HS) OCA 360609 IndlooS 6 3 8(9' ,\gc 91 0O g10 i :l wS; + S) N1 IN O1 IS 6 38013 1 SS AS.g 00 DZ r\ All 9F - r - -----00 9 A 0 93 w 1 p dn jjno3 S j611 S0901Ova r 9- I i· S Id 9L1591 S Vo l. IIi~ 9: C 0'6 I13 *IC. AS~ dILLA LoV HlSC 'El -------9 91------ ;, LS o.S 12 ngoo i0 "111103 no,0 ~ I IL AS) :AIO vo ,g 100 al Ife31OVS10 l I DI r100 903 6 5 .]S3) I (01 4S) v .)SIa I910119 S 391IVSl9 6 12,1= LlrIOc t 35n1rio rr AC Cz 1110 s ;v S150 o Flo )ll( I-C , ZinC AsiC 2'--- 961 561w A '0 CG --7 I 7SA 910 via v( (!: v WS9 S'S IN (-1IrP S, 3 in InAc ED 1 -0 dIOC 30LO, a i CpVV' '9 I'i 7 7 "I LL _ILI A. I '--'-----i---'-- --L; v s11 1009 9 01o ag SAC 9 Eat 0' ASVV------ -tttfttt "' ",IT 3V IF i;P s, ; ca~rnc ~ m m i II ) Ai9M A135. 1, 6 606C RmS• -I t'• 0I 90.s "IF- I11111 ! (6AS) ·····- -- ~~ilIT0I'9C 1 I SINItfl q1 lL ji 7J O,ISua Ilk of drC) )"bd dC V = A'AS 23 7 43A A)43j AIIA I L I I , I I I I I 1 AiM .5 i A I AA AA4 I I_- 'I CS c 00 o Ais, 1'" 1q/ S 1-fl- I I I A: 31 A,41AC 47 46 A544 A342 A 1 T i I I 1 I I I I II I I I I I . . . i I III rl I I t + I II I I I I I 1 lIli iii I"""' I I I I I 1 I 11 I II s3 )04 - : 4'1 f I I lII1 :ITI ,1II I I I I ~ 0i I A4l 1 3 42 A•I A v I I 2i I I 1II 1 I rf~t~tt~f I * III I :11 I 3l AI2 ill| G --l "4C .•. r 11ii Ii r r 110 I) P1 [52 ; t : go I I ~T1T11 I I |r • • ;; ;; ; r ! : : · - :. : ; ; ; - - l : j1IjTil 1~ii r ! ;, : - ; ;· ;r ; : :- : : : ; • s AfiA5 #2 AI A3 Ad Dcv AO T 1 I I I Ili I II IT I I I 1 1 lil I I iii:Lf 1' .AIM "" ,,,~,.,, · · " · · -I ii SiI -I -I - - ' : : : : : 1-iii: : : : : ; ; ---1 1 -- • ; -- ::- ; ; : : : l I ' l I-l h : I III II I I : : ' Jil - : ' · ' · l ' ' ' ' · ' - · - - --- ,· i II1 I T I I1 1 I I lI tt---1111111 .- : : - : : : ~ : : _-: : ; : ~ . , ~ ; : : : : ; ; : 1::: ; : ; ; r liiitfff fttttt--tttttttt- 15 rII lii •A .I 1 I I G * 4t -"' I! 3o A4 2? A0,2A . 47 AS m . i4 AL . L Tr11 II I 1 : MW -- S, I~--t-@-----, A845 A4 1 ~ OD CS2 es? csi ;ce *71 D:: 4 46151'l A5 1 Adkl 1 I I WEW 14434 71· - 5 I ii~i--·-tt-t---I 41 CS? 02 1 Aif toC 'a 3 ___. 5 3 Cs: - 11 ., iiii . . . I III. CA A . . .. . 1 1A ,1 III At dA3 AS A2 AC .. . . . . . . . .- - I~fIHIIfIIFhHIWL . . .. . ------------1, 5j 2A 3A 4 1.II 1 1 1 1 6 L7 46 AS 5 1 4 143 12 A AC V0 . : -9 11 Rio RiB (SH) 8) -FU (SH 7) D00438(SH 7) t CS I I CS2 IT 00D • I I I I I I I I i t I I- A? *6 45A1d -I I :- 42 A AC - 1822 MEW-83 002 01D2 W,10 I311 R/ I ) 20 mE - D2 002 012 002 011 Rw 201 R7 -?lT(SH i) . . .... VO 1B (SHT " IZUU btn H ! l I l I I I4A~Il IS 15 i 1822 I I SS D04 00V I O I I 001n S i CSI CS2 0 I 1 i 11 J I , 144 .04V 1822 . C13 )03 021 DO I II ".: 11 1 D:4 -012 ,1 l._1 211_L III I VSS 003 -34 223 . . . I . . I. : l I I I CA1 A52 00 2 | SHEETS BOARD L 45V D USS RESET' 4L08A ish 111) 74LS74 A READY DATA DATA READY l PROC COmP L330 IINT4 3 IT4/ J3 JI SHEET 10 BOARD L " rn BOARD L PAGE 124 LU1 I- rwL1 2-· L~§IZ j"6f j C) ;~-z ;9H i~~7P1 7NS ~ri~bŽJ - i LY co 0 ~Elug; ~LSLIS7.,L rKJLQ-t f~o·i \) ti r34-c's-+oj~ )6 G I 4: i cL flu Krs. Fv/5~+1J l 6L± ,~ z t-7-------~ o j /i / 57 to 9T1 ~F7 r aS ,io--/ fHS9 L~iy-j C\JC 7 IIIs r~7jjj--~--- @ 90 t I tL2Z~ K)l 2i a i S-5NT r_ © cJ /iiŽ+ t· ".r, rt~ ~-- -- ,~?, I , ~~/5?;1CLl r--'7- r-7H iss I-rjH 3', ,I i·/~\, Ic: 96:' ~5 I~ C)j I59. £.,t,;~ri ~l TE- BSL, t. - T t. J v'z"Ij l t c- /b-s7-J (! LafPt· IkJc LLJ c) PAGE 125 ix w SLne _ o!H3 IS tZ]bL st 57+7L CQH o~ 4 75L -7c i ·- J 'RO"7+i7 T2]J ml. -0 ,7qL 1ý 1 in cyL 71 0 < .- Tbzj C 75, 71 &ID 0 ••ol-T -- , t-4 L, L- L2 L t> N-- r;2 I sf ilI ;-'c ol j 7] 'j~ 5j •£__ i.. Ir-\ &d w !Ih) L•, CABLE CONNECTIONS J1 (BD.2 - EXT.*) PIN SIGNAL NAME 1 -+15 V 2 -- -15 V 3 -- GND 4 -RCLOCK3 5 -RCLOCK1 6 -RCLOCI:2 7 -60 HZ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 -- RSTART1 -- RSTART2 -- RSTART3 -- BLANKI1 J2 (BD.2 - -- BLANK3 BLANK2 -- VID1 -- VID3 10 -- VID2 39 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 -49 50 -- START CLOCK BD.1) PIN SIGNAL NAME 1 -RESET 2 -576 KHZ 3 -GATEI/ 4 -GATE2/ 5 -MEMA 6 -- CPSTART 7 8 -- 2HH 9 -- TRANSAD 10 -- STROBE1 11 -GATE2 12 -PIXEL 13 -START 14 -60 HZ 15 -113 16 -CLOCK 17 -r11 18 -M2 19 -MO 20 -SS 21 -M7 22 -- M6 23 -- -- 38 PAGE 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 -------------------- M4 M5 M11 M10 J3 (BD.2 - BD.1) PIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 SIGNAL NAME -- QBB -------- 2CC MEMB QEE STROBEO STROBE2 STROBE3 2FF/ -- STROBE8 -- STROBE9 -- START/ -- 2FF ----- EOS/ PRESTART GATE4/ SSt/ ------ PROC.COMP./ RESET/ A/Dt STROBE5 GATEI r8 --47 -48 -49 -- M9 M15 ANALOG VID M14 M13 M12 DOUT2 DOUT3 DOUT4 DOUT5 DOUT6 DOUT7 DOUTO RSTART DOUT1 BLANK: RCLOCK CAM3 CAM2 GND CAMl +15 V 50 -- -15 --- 126 V *RETICON UNIT, POWER SUPPLIES, and 60 HZ LINE BOARD - CABLE - RETICON SIGNAL NAME BLANK START CLOCK VIDEO GND from from from from PAGE 127 CONNECTIONS CABLE RETICON RETICON RETICON RETICON START to RETICON CLOCK to RETICON 60 HZ *RC-100A EDGE CONNECTOR PINS **LINE VOLTAGE DOESN'T GO TO RETICON RETICON' P2-D P2-B P2-C P2-N P2 1-22 P2-E P2-A P2-Z mx Multibus Connections PAGE (COMPONENT SIDE) PIN POWER SUPPLIES BUS CONTROLS INTERRUPTS ADDRESS DATA POWER SUPPLIES MNEMONIC (CIRCUIT SIDE) DESCRIPTION PIN MNEMONIC 1 3 5 7 9 11 GND +5V +5V +12V -5V GND Signal GND +5VDC +5VDC +12VDC -5VDC Signal GND 2 4 6 8 10 12 GND 13 15 17 19 21 23 BCLK/ BPRN BUSY/ MRDC/ IORC/ XACK/ Bus Clock Bus Pri. In Bus Busy Mem Read Cmd 1/O Read Cmd XFER Acknow 14 16 18 20 22 24 INIT / BPROI BREQI MWTC/ IOWCI INH1/ 25 AACKI Advance Acknow 26 INH2/ 28 30 32 34 27 29 31 33 CCLK! INTAI Constant Clk Intr Acknow 35 37 39 41 INT61 INT4/ INT2/ INTO/ Parallel Interrupt Requests 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 ADRE/ ADRC/ ADRA/ ADR8I ADR6/ ADR41 ADR2/ ADR01 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 DATE/ DATCI DATA/ DAT81 DAT6/ DAT4/ DAT21 DATO1 128 Address Bus Data Bus +5V +5V +12V -SV GND 36 38 40 42 INT71 INT5! INT31 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 ADRF/ ADRD/ ADRBI ADR9/ ADR7/ ADR5/ ADR3/ ADRIl 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 DATFI DATDI DATBI DATS/ DAT7/ DATS/ DAT31 DAT1 / DESCRIPTION Sig GND +5VDC +5VDC +12VDC -5VDC Signal GND Initialize Bus Pri. Out Bus Request Mem Write Cmd II/O Write Cmd Inhibit 1 disable RAM Inhibit 2 disable PROM or ROM Parallel Interrupt Requests INT1 I Address Bus Data Bus GND Signal GND GND Signal GND -12V +5V +5V GND -12VDC +5VDC +5VDC Signal GND -12V +5V 45V GND -12VDC +5VDC +5VDC Signal GND -- Copied from the SBS 80/20-4 Hardware Manual PAGE 129 GLOSSARY In the following definitions, a "/" is used in place of the overbar that appears in the schematics. In cases where a signal is used in both negative true and positive true forms, only one form, usually the positive true form, is defined. Imbedded blanks in signal names are not significant - CAMI and CAM I refer to the same signal. Finally, the information appearing in parentheses immediately following the signal name indicates, in most cases, the point of origin of that signal. AACK/ (L59-3) - Advanced acknowledge signal, sent on bus to CPU in response to memory read or memory write command. AA7-AAO (pins 7,6,2,3 of L49 and L65) - "A" memory address AB7-ABO (pins 7,6,2,3 of L64 and L66) - "B" memory address ADR7/-ADRO/ (P1-52,51,54,53,56,55,58,57) - 8 bus address with ADR7/ being the most significant bit (MSB) ANALOG VID (L10-15) - 0-+1 volt boxcar video signal A/D (U9-19) - Selector bit for A/D (or 4-bit A/Dt/ (U35-4) - lines, data) mode TTL version of A/D/ A21/ (L60-8) - Chip Enable for memories A2 and Al A43/ (L60-3) - Chip Enable for memories A4 and A3 (L25 and L27) BASE ADR/ BCLK/ (L38-6) - Low when address) is 8 (P1-13) - upper digit (L29 and L31) on address bus (base Bus clock, asynchronous to CPU clock BLANK (J2-43) - Reticon signal that is low from just before the 1st piece of VIDEO data is sent out until just after the last is sent out and is high during the blanking period BLANK GATE (L34-3) - high when all be generated is ready for a START pulse to BLANKSET/ (L36-6) - set low by PREBLANK to assure that BLANK GATE is high when needed to generate a START pulse BLANKx (J1-26,22,20) - BLANK signal coming from camera x BLANK2X (U50-13) - Follows BLANK, 2 CLOCK periods later PAGE 130 BOARD ENABLE/ (L33A-11) B21/ (L60-11) B43/ (L60-6) - - - Allows AACK/ or XACK/ onto the multibus Chip Enable for memories B2 and B1 (L30 and L32) Chip Enable for memories B4 and B3 (L26 and L28) CAMX (U13-5,7,9) - Selector bit for camera x (P1-31) Constant Clock, 9.216 multibus by SBC 80/20 board CCLK/ MHZ signal sent out on Clock - Any clock input or clock generated CLOCK (U18-2,5) - Basic clock for the photodiode array and for the interface CO7MP.START (U31-13) - Computer-generated Start signal COUNT A (L43-4) - Clock for the "A" memory address counters COUNT B (L43-9) - Clock for the "B" memory address counters CPSTART (L37-8) - Computer signal used to generate COMP.START CPU - Central processor unit DATA READY/ (L21-6) - Enables INT4/ to be sent as soon as data in the GATE area has been stored in interface memory DIG VID (U20-9) - 1-bit digital video data signal DIN7-DINO (L42-3,5,7,9,11,14 and L24-3,5) - Data being sent to the data bus (and thus to the CPU) from the interface DI4-DI1 (U3-2,10,11,1) - 4-bit, or A/D, data DOUT7-DOUTO (J2-39,38,37,36,35,34,42,40) - Data being sent to the interface from the CPU via the data bus END GATE - L7-LO - Upper eight bits of the marking the end of the GATE area photodiode address EOS (U16-3) - Positive pulse generated when the GATE area has been passed, should really be EOG (for End of Gate) ES (U51-6) - End-of-Scan - Positive pulse generated just after the end of the scan PAGE GATEx (U43-2,7,10,15) - Follows PREGATE, on thereafter 131 the xth rise of CLOCK area That portion of the photodiode array whose output is to be processed by the interface; START GATE and END GATE delimit the GATE area GATE GG (L33A-6) - High as long as either GATEI GGA (L34-8) GGB (L34-11) or GATE2 is high Low when "A" memories being written into - Low when "B" memories being written into H7-HO (U38-5,7,9,11,17,19,21,23) - END GATE INT4/ (L35A-13) - Set low when data in stored in interface memory and SBC 80/20 memory IORC/ (P1-21) - I/O Read Command - Bus signal that is low when the address of an input port is on the address bus ICO!C/ (P1-22) I/O Write Command Bus signal that is low when the address of an output port is on the address bus and corresponding data is on the data bus the GATE area has been is ready for transfer to L7-LO (U39-5,7,9,11,17,19,21,23) - START GATE MACR (L54-8) Signal sent out by the computer when it wants to read interface memory - serves as the Clock for the Memory Address Counters during the Read cycle MACRd (L24-15) - Delayed version of MACR MADCLKW/ (L71-8) - Memory Address Counter Clock for the Write cyle MEMA (L20-8) - High when "A" memories being written into MEMB (L20-9) - High when "B" memories being written into MUX (L43) - Quad 2-line-to-1-line multiplexer M15-MO (J2-29,31,32,33,25,26,28,27,21,22,24,23,15,18,17,19) data inputs to the interface memories 16 OD (U68-2) - Output Disable input for U40 and U41 latches OUTRAN (L54-12) - Signal sent out by the computer to read the number of interface memory addresses filled during the PAGE 132 last scan OD21A (L22-11) - Output Disable input and L31) for memories A2 and Al (L29 OD21B (L22-10) - Output Disable input and L32) for memories B2 and B1 (L30 OD43A (L22-3) - Output Disable and L27) input for memories A4 and A3 (L25 OD43B (L22-4) - Output Disable and L28) input for memories B4 and B3 (L26 PA1I-PAO (pins 7,6,2,3 of U62, U61, used to generate PREGATE U58) - PC (L35-5) - Process Complete flip-flop is sent out by the computer - Set Photodiode Address, high when PROC.COMP PCSYNC (L21-9) - PC synchronized to CLOCK PIXAD (L51-3) - High when PIXEL or A/D data ready to be, process of being, written into interface memory PIXEL (U9-17) - Selector mode bit for PIXEL (or 1-bit or in digital data) PIXELt (L24-6) - TTL level version of PIXEL PMACR/ (L41-7) - "PREMACR" - goes low to generate MACR PREBLANK (L72-6) - Signal sent out by the computer to set BLANK GATE high to assure, in turn, that a START signal can be generated PREGATE (U47-8) - Signal that is high as long as the upper eight bits of the photodiode address are larger than the START GATE and smaller than the END GATE Start PRESTART (U18-4) - Signal selected by user from the 3 signals to become START farther down the line PROC.COMP signal sent out by the (L54-6) - Process Complete have been both processing and scanning computer, when completed, to prepare the interface for a new scan that follow the CLOCK QAA-QHH (U15-3,4,5,6,10,11,12,13) - Signals signal 1 to 8 9.216 MHZ Clocks later, respectively 03-QO (U9-5,7,9,11) - 4-bit quantizing level, chosen by the user PAGE 133 and used to convert A/D data to 1-bit PIXEL data READ (L37-12) - Signal that is high when the (receiving data) from the interface RESET (L37-6) - Signal sent out interface boards computer by the computer to is reading initialize the RCLOCKx (J1-4,6,8) - Internal Clock signal coming from camera x RSTARTx (J1-16,12,10) - Internal Start signal coming from camera x R/IJA (L43-7) - Read/Write signal that are being written into R/WB (L43-12) - Read/Write signal memories are being written SCAN/ (U50-1) SCANt/ is low when the "A" memories that into is low when the "B" - Follbws BLANK on next CLOCK (U68-10) - TTL version of SCAN/ SCR - Status Control Register SLOADI and SLOAD2 (U71-6,8) - Signals that control the loading of the string length counters (U46, U69, U57) with zeros between scans and at the end of each string SS (U51-9) SSt/ - Positive pulse generated scan just after the start of a (U54-2) - TTL version of SS/ Start - Any start signal other than (START) START (L69-10) - the one sent to Positive Start signal the cameras sent out to the cameras START CONVERT (U20-5) Narrow positive pulse sent to the A/D converter to start the conversion of the video coming from the Reticon camera (in the form of ANALOG VID) from a boxcar signal to 4-bit, or A/D, data START GATE - H7-HO - upper eight address in the GATE area bits of the first photodiode STCMOS (U1S-5) - CMOS version of PRESTART STORE VID (U34-6) - holds the state of the data of the string at the time that STR.L or TRAN mode data is written into PAGE 134 interface memory STR.L (U9-23) - Selector bit for STR.L (string length data) mode STROBE (U68-4) - Signal to strobe U40 and U41 STROBEx TRAN TRAN or STR.L data into latches (L56-8,6,12; L55-8,12;) Computer-generated signal to load data into SCRx, where x is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 5; and (U16-6,8) interface-generated signal last to load memory address written into, into latch L47 or L48, where x is 8 or 9, respectively (U9-21) - Selector bit for TRAN (transition data) mode TRANSAD (U72-6) - Signal that goes high to generate store STR.L or TRAN data in interface memory signals to TRANSITION transition (U34-9) - Signal that goes high when a occurs TRCLEAR (U34-13) - Signal that TRCLK (U56-3) - Signal that occurs resets TRANSITION to zero sets TRANSITION high when a transition uF - Microfarad um - Micron us - Microsecond VIDEO (L4-2,3,9) - Boxcar video signal (from the camera) to be processed by the interface VIDEO-CP (page 7) - Charge-pulse array video output of designated the photodiode VIDx (J1-38,40,32) - Boxcar video signal coming from camera x W4ITE/ (L50-12) - Signal used to generate R/WA or R/WB to allow data to be written into interface memory "A" or interface memory "B," respectively XACK/ /A (L59-5) - Transfer acknowledge signal sent to the CPU on the multibus to indicate the completion of an I/O Read or Write operation (U36-4) - Delayed, inverted version of XB PAGE 135 &B (U48-3) - Selected CMOS Clock, used to generate the TTL CLOCK 191 LOAD (U72-8) - Signal that controls the loading or TRAN counters (U46, U69, and U57) of the STR.L 195 CLEAR (U16-11) - Signal used to clear U6, thus disabling data from being loaded into latches U30, U25, U12, and U26 195 CLOCK (U7-6) - Clock for U6 21SEL (L70-5) - Signal that goes high when either memories A2 and Al or memories B2 and B1 are being read from 43SEL (L20-5) - Signal that goes high when either memories A4 and A3 or memories B4 and B3 are being read from 60 HZ START (U27-4) - Start signal 9.216 MHZ (P1-31) CLock sent multibus as CCLK/ generated from the line voltage out by the SBC 80/20 on the