Quality Account | June 2014 Page | 1 Contents Page Part One 1.1 Introduction and Statement of Quality 3 1.2 Statement of Accuracy 5 Part Two 2.1 Priorities for 2014/15 6 2.2 Statements of Assurance 9 2.3 What Others Say 11 2.4 Data Quality 12 Part Three 3.1 Review of Quality Performance 13 3.1.1 Patient Safety 13 3.1.2 Patient Experience 16 3.2 Statements from Clinical Commissioning Groups, Healthwatch and Overview & Scrutiny Committees 20 3.3 Feedback 24 Page | 2 Part One 1.1 Introduction and Statement of Quality from UK Managing Director, on behalf of the Board of Directors I am extremely pleased to present Arriva Transport Solutions’ first Quality Account for 2013/14. Arriva Transport Solutions is a leading provider of specialist transport solutions for the health and social care sector, delivering services on behalf of the local NHS. Undertaking 1.4 million patient journeys across the UK a year, our health transport arm operates from 5 control centres, 26 ambulance bases plus additional satellite locations, using a variety of vehicles including seated, stretcher, wheelchair, bariatric ambulances and cars. Established in 2011, Arriva Transport Solutions (ATSL) has had an exciting journey so far. Following Arriva’s acquisition of Ambuline, a private ambulance provider operating in the Midlands for nearly 30 years, Arriva Transport Solutions has grown into a thriving business, employing over 1000 people. In July 2012, ATSL acquired Ambuline Ltd as a wholly owned subsidiary. The Quality Account aims to provide information about the quality of our services, outline where improvements have been made across the business and demonstrate our commitment to remain accountable to not only those who commission our services, but also to the stakeholders and users of our service. Quality is at the heart of what we do at Arriva Transport Solutions and over the last six months we have made some important changes at a senior level within the business to ensure we continue to drive up performance in this area. A dedicated Operations Director and a Director for Governance & Quality, have been appointed to the Board of Directors. These appointments have brought a stronger focus within the organisation to ensure that quality and operational excellence is embedded at every level of the business. We have worked closely with the Commissioning Quality Leads on all aspects of quality and are absolutely committed to delivering an excellent level of service to our patients in a safe and caring environment. We are also strengthening the ways in which we evidence and demonstrate this in line with the NHS. The expanded Governance and Quality team has already implemented a number of changes to ensure more robust and consistent systems are in place to comply with our responsibilities. These have followed a review of our Incident Management System and Complaints Processes and an audit of our infection control policies. Alongside this, we have developed an employee engagement strategy. The strategy includes strong training and development plans to enhance the training levels of our already highly skilled staff and provide a career development pathway for those who wish to progress. The strategy also focusses on rewarding and recognising our people who deliver excellent levels of service as well as increased opportunities for staff to feedback their views on the service we deliver. Page | 3 Our stakeholder communications and engagement programme ensures that we balance the needs of all our key stakeholders, without compromising the needs of one over the other, building mutually beneficial relationships that create value for all stakeholders. By measuring satisfaction levels and gaining patient feedback from our service users, the business can understand and act upon the areas of improvement that it needs to make and can track the progress of these changes. Our patient experience programme helps us to monitor this. This year has been a busy and exciting one for us and we have worked closely with all our NHS commissioners and wider stakeholders to significantly enhance the service we deliver to our patients. Our response times have improved across all our operating areas and we have transported more patients in shorter times than ever before. We are focussed on this continuous improvement and I hope that the Quality Account demonstrates this commitment. We would really value your feedback on this Quality Account. If you have any comments or require any more information please contact Director of Governance & Quality, Paul Willetts on paul.willetts@arriva.co.uk or 0191 520 4226. Jonathan May, UK Managing Director Page | 4 1.2 Statement of Accuracy from Director Of Governance & Quality In preparing our Quality Account, the Director of Governance & Quality has ensured that: the performance information reported in the Quality Account is reliable and accurate; there are proper internal controls over the collection and reporting of the measures of performance included in the Quality Account, and these controls are regularly reviewed to confirm that they are working effectively in practice; the data underpinning the measures of performance reported in the Quality Account is robust and reliable, conforms to specified data quality standards and prescribed definitions, is subject to appropriate scrutiny and review; and the Quality Account has been prepared in accordance with NHS guidance. The Director Of Governance & Quality confirms to the best of his knowledge and belief that he has complied with these requirements in preparing this Quality Account. This has been confirmed through validation with the Board. Paul Willetts, Director of Governance & Quality Page | 5 Part Two 2.1 Priorities for 2014/15 ATSL’s priorities for improvement in 2014/15 are set out below. Progress on all priorities will be monitored by and reported to the Board of Directors by the Director of Governance & Quality. Priority One – Patient Safety Patient safety is our priority. Adverse incidents have the potential to affect the safety of our staff and all those we come into contact with. Through understanding more about the types of incidents that occur and the trends surrounding them, we can better plan and mitigate risks to avoid such events occurring and therefore improve the quality of service delivered. This involves effective reporting, full analysis of the type of incidents that occur and identifying the trends surrounding them. We have amended this priority in line with feedback provided by NHS Blackpool Clinical Commissioning Group. Our priority To improve the quality and format of information received through our incident management systems that will enable better and consistent analysis of themes and trends. This will influence decision making on policies and processes in order to mitigate risks. Why we have chosen this as a priority The process of identifying, recording, reporting, investigating, and learning from incidents was in need of review and a consistent application of the process across all areas of our service. This will go hand in hand with an awareness campaign to ensure a culture that is aware of its We will achieve this responsibility. by implementing improvements to We appreciate that our incident the number of management incidents/near systems to ensure a misses reported may robust and increase with better consistent process awareness and this for the reporting, is welcomed to recording and enable better investigation of analysis of themes incidents through and trends. the revised framework. Page | 6 Who will be responsible for this Director of Governance & Quality How we will measure this The number and type of incidents will be monitored via detailed analysis of reports through our internal compliance group structure and scrutiny through NHS commission quality groups. Information collected during the first 6 months of the new process will formulate the baseline for measuring our improvements. Logs will be maintained of themes/trends identified along with the mitigation including changes to policy/processes. Priority Two – Clinical Effectiveness Our staff are influential in terms of delivering a quality service and we must ensure we provide them with the right training essential to develop and maintain their skills in the delivery of patient transport services. Staff training is essential to delivering an effective service and to enhance the patient experience. Our priority To enhance our staff training program to include: BTEC Level 2 Customer Services to all frontline ambulance staff VRQ level 2 in Transporting Patients by Road which includes the qualification Ambulance Driving Non-Emergency VRQ Level 2 in Infection Control Page | 7 Why we have chosen Who will be this as a priority responsible for this This will significantly HR Director improve the training levels of our already highly skilled staff and provide a career development pathway for those who wish to progress. This will have a direct impact on staff morale as well as capability and in turn improve the quality of care provided to our patients How we will measure this Compliance with delivery of the enhanced training modules as follows: 100% of new operational staff from July 2014. This will be monitored by comparing the number of new starters to training completion records 50% of existing operational workforce. This will be monitored by comparing the number of existing staff to training completion records Priority Three & Four – Patient Experience ATSL recognises that patient feedback is vital. We aim to deliver a caring, quality service that meets the needs of our patients and stakeholders and contributes to a positive patient experience throughout their health journey. We have introduced a new role of ‘Patient Experience Manager’ with an objective to implement improved processes to capture, review and report feedback that can be used to drive improvements to the patient’s experience. Our priority Why we have chosen this as a priority To increase the Gaining more amount of patient feedback from the feedback we gather users of our service will enable us to focus improvements on the areas that matter the most to patients. To improve patient experience by implementing improvements to our Complaints policy and processes Page | 8 Who will be responsible for this Head of Communications & Engagement Learning from our Director complaints is Governance imperative to Quality improve our patient experience. Improvements to the process will ensure easier identification of themes and trends. How we will measure this Response rate of patient surveys. Feedback trends, positive and negative areas. Response rate and types of feedback gathered through the Patient Feedback smartphone app. of Number and type of & complaints monitored via a complaints dashboard. This will be triangulated with patient survey information. Trends will be identified and monitored through compliance forums to identify areas for improvement. 2.2 Statements of assurance from the Board Review of Services During 2013/14 Arriva Transport Solutions provided Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services in the following areas: Chesterfield Royal NHS Foundation Trust Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Trust Homerton University Hospital NHS Trust Dudley Sheffield (PTS & GP urgent transport) Rotherham Leicestershire Nottinghamshire Greater Manchester Bath and North East Somerset Swindon Wiltshire Gloucestershire. In July 2012, ATSL acquired Ambuline Ltd as a wholly owned subsidiary and subcontracts some of its Patient Transport services to Ambuline. Arriva Transport Solutions has reviewed all the data available on the quality of care in all these areas. The income generated by the NHS services reviewed in 2013/14 represents 100 per cent of the total income generated from the provision of NHS services by ATSL for 2013/14. Participation in Clinical Audits During 2013/14, no national clinical audits and no national confidential enquiries covered NHS services that ATSL provides. During that period ATSL was not eligible to participate in any national clinical audits or any national confidential enquiries of the national clinical audits. As ATSL was ineligible to participate in any national clinical audits and national confidential enquiries, no data collection was completed during 2013/14, and therefore no cases were submitted for audit or enquiry as a percentage of the number of registered cases required by the terms of the audit or enquiry. As no national clinical audits covered the services provided by ATSL no reports of national clinical audits were able to be reviewed by the provider in 2013/14 and no actions to improve the quality of healthcare provided could be identified. Page | 9 Local Audits ATSL undertakes rolling audits in areas associated with: Infection Prevention and Control Health and safety Care Quality Commission compliance Audit schedules are maintained and reviewed monthly by our compliance teams and reported to the Board by the Director of Governance & Quality. Research Arriva Transport Solutions did not recruit any of its patients receiving NHS services provided or sub-contracted by ATSL in 2013/14 to participate in research approved by a research ethics committee. Use of the CQUIN payment framework A proportion of ATSL’s income in 2013/14 was conditional on achieving quality improvement and innovation goals agreed between ATSL and any person or body they entered into a contract, agreement or arrangement with for the provision of NHS services, through the Commissioning for Quality and Innovation payment framework. These schemes included introduction of the Friends & Family Test and an introduction of a Tablets to Take Out Scheme. Further details of the outcomes from these CQUIN schemes and the agreed goals for Arriva Transport Solutions for 2014/15 are available electronically by emailing arrivatransportsolutions@arriva.co.uk. Page | 10 2.3 What others say about Arriva Transport Solutions Statements from the CQC ATSL is required to register with the Care Quality Commission and its current registration status is for ‘Transport services, triage and medical advice provided remotely.’ ATSL has the following conditions on registration - none The Care Quality Commission has not taken enforcement action against ATSL during 2013/14. ATSL has participated in special reviews or investigations by the Care Quality Commission relating to the following areas during 2013/14: London - Canning Town – 20th March 2014 Manchester – Oldham – 11th February 2014 Birmingham – 6th February 2014 Dudley – 6th February 2014 Nottinghamshire – 7th January 2014. Page | 11 2.4 Data Quality Our Business Information and Systems team will provide monthly data quality reports to help managers monitor and improve reporting and data quality within their teams. Arriva Transport Solutions will be taking the following actions to improve data quality: Review the technology devices that are used to record patient journey times. Once reviewed, additional training will be provided where needed and technological issues will be fixed. Frontline staff will be engaged within this process to assess their requirements. We collect data to enable us to carry out our patient transport service activities and for statutory and contractual reporting purposes. Our organisation will use statistics from this data to understand the activity and ensure our resources are appropriately aligned to provide a quality service. Access to credible information will ensure this is effective. Data is handled in accordance with strict information security controls. NHS Number and General Medical Practice Code Validity Information ATSL did not submit records during 2013/14 to the Secondary Uses service for inclusion in the Hospital Episode Statistics which are included in the latest published data. Information Governance Toolkit attainment levels Arriva Transport Solutions’ Information Governance Assessment Report overall score for 2013/14 was 66% and was graded satisfactory Clinical Coding error rate ATSL was not subject to the Payment by Results clinical coding audit during 2013/14 by the Audit Commission. Page | 12 Part Three 3.1 Review of Quality Performance The review of quality performance contained within our first quality account represents statistics pertaining to the organisation as a whole. Through the implementation of improved and consistent recording and reporting methods and by working closely with our stakeholders, we will ensure that our review of quality performance in future quality accounts is broken down further to include regions and other priorities. We are committed to present the information in an agreed manner that is clear and meaningful to the reader. 3.1.1 Patient Safety Health & Safety Arriva Transport Solutions recognises and accepts its responsibilities under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, applicable regulations and all other relevant legislation to undertake all reasonable steps to protect the health safety and welfare of staff, patients and members of the public. The Managing Director assumes overall responsibility for health & safety and delegates to each operational Head of Service administration and implementation of all policies and procedures within their area of responsibility. Arriva Transport Solutions will ensure that: Health & Safety issues and considerations are adequately resourced. An appropriate organisational structure is established that supports a safety culture and management of risk throughout the business operations with full engagement of employees. A systematic approach is employed to the identification of risk and the implementation of suitable and sufficient control measures to manage and minimise those risks. It provides adequate arrangements for local and organisational learning from all incidents, accidents and near misses identified within the business. Page 13 of 24 Arriva Transport Solutions Limited Registered in England 00878006 Registered office: Admiral Way Doxford International Business Park Sunderland SR3 3XP A subsidiary of Arriva plc Arriva Transport Solutions requires its employees to: Take all reasonable steps to protect their own safety and the safety of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions. Co-operate fully with management in all aspects of health & safety policy and procedure, this shall include all employees, volunteers and salaried staff. To follow all work instructions, safety rules and regulations as directed by Arriva Transport Solutions. Not to interfere with any piece of equipment provided for health, safety or welfare of themselves or others. Undertake any health & safety training provided as appropriate for their role Report any incidents, hazardous conditions or near misses immediately to their immediate supervisor. In 2013/14 ATSL made the following statutory submissions to the HSE under RIDDOR: RIDDOR Reports Total no of PTS Journeys 2013/14 Apr 2013 May 2013 Jun 2013 Jul 2013 Aug 2013 Sep 2013 Oct 2013 Nov 2013 Dec 2013 Jan 2014 Feb 2014 Mar 2014 0 1 0 2 1 2 0 0 0 2 4 2 73617 76281 71213 82872 78113 78118 85434 80745 91336 102499 92888 96551 The majority of RIDDOR reports we have made relate to notification of an over 7-day absence of an employee following an injury. Incidents An ‘incident’ is an event or circumstance which resulted in unnecessary damage, loss or harm to a patient, staff member, visitor or member of the public. Staff are encouraged to report all incidents, whether major or minor. Incidents are investigated to resolve the immediate issues and recorded/reported to the Quality teams to identify themes and trends that need to be addressed through changes in policies and/or procedures. ATSL also complies with the requirements under the NHS Serious Incident Management Framework. During the first part of 2014, a revised incident management framework was implemented across ATSL, which included a revised policy as well as supporting documentation and a range of reporting forms. Prior to implementation this was subject to internal and external consultation. Page 14 of 24 Arriva Transport Solutions Limited Registered in England 00878006 Registered office: Admiral Way Doxford International Business Park Sunderland SR3 3XP A subsidiary of Arriva plc All incidents are now consistently logged across all business areas and reported monthly through the production of a monthly summary per contract area. Through understanding more about the types of incidents that occur and the trends surrounding them, we can better plan and risk-assess our service to minimise such events. The number of incidents recorded by ATSL in 2013/14 were: New Incidents Reported Total no of PTS Journeys 2013/14 Apr 2013 13 May 2013 9 Jun 2013 11 Jul 2013 28 Aug 2013 24 Sep 2013 15 Oct 2013 30 Nov 2013 20 Dec 2013 23 Jan 2014 33 Feb 2014 28 Mar 2014 33 73617 76281 71213 82872 78113 78118 85434 80745 91336 102499 92888 96551 The highest number of incidents relate to vehicle accidents. Near Misses Near misses are where an incident has been avoided either by good fortune or due to the intervention of staff. The number of near misses recorded by ATSL in 2013/14 were: New Near Misses Reported Total no of PTS Journeys 2013/14 Apr 2013 0 May 2013 3 Jun 2013 3 Jul 2013 5 Aug 2013 2 Sep 2013 3 Oct 2013 2 Nov 2013 0 Dec 2013 4 Jan 2014 7 Feb 2014 12 Mar 2014 21 73617 76281 71213 82872 78113 78118 85434 80745 91336 102499 92888 96551 Clinical Effectiveness Arriva Transport Solutions recognises the need to provide effective training to all its employees prior to exposure into the healthcare environment and during the course of employment. As part of our induction programme, new employees are inducted into the Company over a period of two weeks where specific developmental training is undertaken. Every new Patient Transport Services (PTS) Care Assistant will be provided with a mentor to enable them to be supported as they become accustomed to working within Arriva Transport Solutions. Page 15 of 24 Arriva Transport Solutions Limited Registered in England 00878006 Registered office: Admiral Way Doxford International Business Park Sunderland SR3 3XP A subsidiary of Arriva plc All PTS employees are provided with annual mandatory training to ensure their skills are current and they are competent to undertake the work activities. In addition, periodic reviews are used to identify training needs, which are then formulated into an employee’s personal development plan (PDP). In order to enhance personal contribution to the business, it may be appropriate for some individuals to undertake extracurricular Developmental Training and/or Further Education. The developmental criteria will be determined following recruitment or their 1-2-1 objective meeting which may result in the formulation of a personal development plan. 3.1.2 Patient Experience Complaints ATSL is committed in getting patient feedback from all sources and through varied channels and we actively encourage this. Where we receive commendations, those comments are passed to the team members and are acknowledged by the Heads of Service for the good work. ATSL provided around 1 million journeys for patients in 2013/14 taking them to their NHS treatment centres in a timely manner, in a safe and caring environment. Sometimes we get things wrong and this is where we strive to improve. Through our dedicated Patient Experience Team we ensure that those experiences are raised and listened to. Complaints, concerns, comments and compliments are all handled through the central Patient Experience Team and acted upon according to the level of concern. Patient advisors will contact the patient as soon as they receive a concern. Through the complaints process patients will be given timeframes and clear guidance to whom and how their complaint will be handled. After resolution, Patient Advisors contact patients to ask for feedback and whether the complaint answered all points. Internally actions will be taken from each complaint from individual feedback to staff training. The actions and learning will also be included in the complaint reply. Monthly, complaint reports are circulated internally and shared with commissioners. Trends and themes are also discussed on a monthly basis in each regional area with focus on service delivery. All contacts from patients are recorded and managed accordingly and are broken down within the reporting tools. Page 16 of 24 Arriva Transport Solutions Limited Registered in England 00878006 Registered office: Admiral Way Doxford International Business Park Sunderland SR3 3XP A subsidiary of Arriva plc The number of patient contacts relating to complaints, concerns, comments and compliments in 2013/14 are as follows: New Contacts Reported Total no of PTS Journeys 2013/14 Apr 2013 240 May 2013 187 Jun 2013 190 Jul 2013 214 Aug 2013 225 Sep 2013 129 Oct 2013 144 Nov 2013 159 Dec 2013 198 Jan 2014 266 Feb 2014 210 Mar 2014 182 73617 76281 71213 82872 78113 78118 85434 80745 91336 102499 92888 96551 Patient Surveys This year robust procedures were introduced to capture patient experience information from patients and record and analyse the data on a regular basis. This has enabled the organisation to understand how it is performing from a patient perspective, report this to commissioners and to shape services with the involvement of patients and their relatives. In some contract areas, it also incorporated the newly introduced NHS friends and family test, which is mandated across many NHS trusts and is current best practice within the NHS. The following methods were used to capture feedback; • • Postcards with freepost capability – given out by drivers and within hospital discharge lounges (these are barcoded to identify which area they have been distributed in) Online survey on the website. The patient feedback survey programme is scheduled to take place on varied frequency depending on the individual requirements of each contract area and can vary from annual, bi-annual and quarterly. In line with the Department of Health patient experience framework, the satisfaction levels of patients were measured across the areas of: Comfort Care and safety Patient communication. The surveys were undertaken by an independent organisation specialising in patient surveys on behalf of the NHS. Satisfaction levels are high amongst patients, based on an 11 percent response rate overall. Results are summarised below: Page 17 of 24 Arriva Transport Solutions Limited Registered in England 00878006 Registered office: Admiral Way Doxford International Business Park Sunderland SR3 3XP A subsidiary of Arriva plc Recurring themes for satisfaction • • • • • • • • • • • • Compassionate and caring staff. Patients felt secure and a clean and secure environment. Careful driving by staff. Staff attitude was pleasant and helpful. Taking to right place and staying with us, accompanying from door of home to ambulance. Made to feel important. Cheerful, helpful, pleasant, attentive, good communication, reactive and responsive. Constantly asking/checking on me. Showed patience. Friendly/polite/helpful. Listened, nothing was irrelevant. Felt at ease. Page 18 of 24 Arriva Transport Solutions Limited Registered in England 00878006 Registered office: Admiral Way Doxford International Business Park Sunderland SR3 3XP A subsidiary of Arriva plc Recurring themes for dissatisfaction • • • Bumpiness and noise in vehicles. Use of taxis. No escort allowed. Page 19 of 24 Arriva Transport Solutions Limited Registered in England 00878006 Registered office: Admiral Way Doxford International Business Park Sunderland SR3 3XP A subsidiary of Arriva plc 3.2 Statements from Clinical Commissioning Groups, Healthwatch and Overview & Scrutiny Committees We acknowledge that in the production of our first Quality Account we had not provided the required time for feedback and we would like to thank those stakeholders who have responded so far. Where feedback has been received it is included below and where possible this year’s account has been amended. This has not been possible in all cases, however we will ensure that our consultation with relevant stakeholders is undertaken much earlier next year and any comments received are used to benefit next year’s account. Any comments that are received this year after the date of submission will also be considered for next year’s account. What NHS Blackpool Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) said: NHS Blackpool Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) manages the Greater Manchester (GM) contract on behalf of the commissioning body (NHS Tameside and Glossop CCG), and the other eleven CCGs in GM, and as such welcomes the opportunity to review the 2013-14 Arriva Transport Solutions Ltd (ATSL) Quality Account. This statement is made by NHS Blackpool CCG on behalf of the twelve GM CCGs. Unfortunately we have not had sufficient time for all CCGs to review and provide comments as we have been given 3 days as opposed to 30 to provide this commentary. While ATSL is only required to produce one Quality Account covering all contracts, in future it would be beneficial for contract specific data to be included. This would make the Quality Accounts more meaningful to service users at a local level (for example the issues raised through patient surveys, complaints and incidents.) Commissioners have the following comments in relation to the priorities identified for 201415: Priority One – Patient Safety - Commissioners would like to see an increase in patient safety incidents reported, as this demonstrates a safety aware culture. Priority Three and Four –Patient Experience – Plans for dissemination of the learning from patient experience has not been specified by ATSL. In future Commissioners would like to see more detail about how they will be sharing learning from patient feedback. Commissioners will be reviewing and monitoring this in 2014-15. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) carried out an inspection of the GM area during the year and we are pleased with the assurance that ATSL was compliant with the five care standards assessed as part of the inspection. Performance concerns have been raised with ATSL in relation to achievement of some quality standards within the contract. An improvement plan has been produced and Page 20 of 24 Arriva Transport Solutions Limited Registered in England 00878006 Registered office: Admiral Way Doxford International Business Park Sunderland SR3 3XP A subsidiary of Arriva plc monitored, which has resulted in significant improvement. Commissioners acknowledge the work undertaken by ATSL in achieving these improvements in performance, as well as their commitment to continuously improve. Commissioners will closely monitor the 2014-15 plans to ensure all standards are achieved and maintained. For incident reporting, it would be helpful for future Quality Accounts if the incidents are split for patient and staff incidents, common themes, what percentage resulted in harm, including severe harm or death, and include lessons learned and actions taken. Similarly for complaints it would be useful to include common themes of complaints, lessons learned and what actions ATSL have implemented. In January 2014 Arriva worked with nine Healthwatch organisations in GM, on a survey of non-emergency Patient Transport Service users within the region. The results were published in June 2014 and Commissioners will monitor delivery of the actions ATSL have committed to implement to address the issues identified within the survey. During 2013/14 ATSL has worked with individual CCGs and Acute Trusts. They have also worked with the GM CCGs collectively, and Commissioners would like to see these relationships continue to develop during 2014/15, in order to facilitate further service improvements. Page 21 of 24 Arriva Transport Solutions Limited Registered in England 00878006 Registered office: Admiral Way Doxford International Business Park Sunderland SR3 3XP A subsidiary of Arriva plc What Healthwatch organisations said in Wiltshire, Swindon, and Bath and North East Somerset (BANES): This statement is submitted on behalf of the local Healthwatch organisations in Wiltshire, Swindon, and Bath and North East Somerset (BANES). The contract for non-emergency transport in these areas was won by ATSL and the service started in December 2013. Local Healthwatch were established on 1 April 2013 to promote the voice of patients and the wider public in respect to health and social care services. As such local Healthwatch welcome the opportunity to comment on the Quality Account for ATSL but were only given a few days in which to do so. It is important that local Healthwatch is provided with the minimum period of time to comment on future Quality Accounts in order to make the most of the opportunity to reflect the views and experiences of service users. The Quality Account fails to reflect the difficulties the service faced in Wiltshire, Swindon, and BANES particularly in the first few months of the service. Local Healthwatch organisations received high numbers of queries, comments and concerns about a number of issues including: - Difficulties with using the telephone interface - Inappropriate vehicles being assigned for transfer of some patients - Failure to collect patients (either from home or from hospital) - Long waiting times for transport to arrive (sometimes resulting in delayed discharge which result in operational issues for the hospital) - Where the service is outsourced to local taxi firms, some experiences of poor customer service - Operational impact on reception staff in hospital departments which have high levels of day patients having to spend disproportionate amount of time trying to arrange transport to the detriment of patient interface and other duties These comments and concerns have been shared with ATSL and a number of meetings have taken place with local Healthwatch which have provided ATSL with the opportunity to explain its improvement plans. Local Healthwatch recognise that the original contract specification included inaccurate information about volume and type of patient journeys because there was no central booking facility or oversight at a Clinical Commissioning Group level. Page 22 of 24 Arriva Transport Solutions Limited Registered in England 00878006 Registered office: Admiral Way Doxford International Business Park Sunderland SR3 3XP A subsidiary of Arriva plc Healthwatch notes that there was a substantial but unexplained increase in the number of near misses reported (page 15) in February and March 2014. The Quality Account does not differentiate between complaints and compliments on page 17. It would have helpful if it had. Since the monthly passenger figures increased substantially during 2013/4 but complaints and compliments did not, we can only assume that people dissatisfied with the new service from 1 December did not make formal complaints. Healthwatch believes that ATSL has worked hard to implement the improvement plan and the quality of the service has improved though we continue to hear from patients whose journeys have been unsatisfactory. Local Healthwatch will be monitoring the position carefully throughout 2014/15 by continuing to listen to local people who use the service and sharing this important information with ATSL so that it can continue to improve the service. Page 23 of 24 Arriva Transport Solutions Limited Registered in England 00878006 Registered office: Admiral Way Doxford International Business Park Sunderland SR3 3XP A subsidiary of Arriva plc 3.3 How to provide feedback on the account We would really value your feedback on this Quality Account. If you have any comments or require any more information please contact Director of Governance & Quality, Paul Willetts on willettsp.ambuline@arriva.co.uk or 0191 520 4226. Page 24 of 24 Arriva Transport Solutions Limited Registered in England 00878006 Registered office: Admiral Way Doxford International Business Park Sunderland SR3 3XP A subsidiary of Arriva plc