Cambian Group Quality Accounts 2011/12 Quality Accounts 2011/12 1 Contents Part one About our quality accounts 04 Statement on quality from: Chief Executive 06 Group Clinical Director 08 Chief Operating Officer 10 Part two Quality Standards and Processes 12 Part three Cambian’s Priorities for Improvement 2011/12 16 Part four Cambian’s Priorities for Improvement 2012/13 32 Statements 34 Although our work embraces many specialist disciplines, it is united by a common purpose: to actively enable each and every one of the people in our care to achieve their personal best, however it is defined by them, or for them. 2 Quality Accounts 2011/12 Quality Accounts 2011/12 3 About our quality accounts As one of the UK’s largest independent providers of specialist services in education, mental health rehabilitation and learning disabilities to over 140 public authorities including the NHS, we welcome the opportunity to share information on the quality of our services. The Cambian group is proud to care for over 1,100 people in 65 locations across the UK. Although the account only requires us to report on services provided to the NHS, The Cambian Group takes a holistic approach to quality and, as a learning organisation, encourages and ensures the sharing and cross fertilisation of best practise. To this extent we have also included in our reporting information regarding our specialist education services. How did we produce our Quality Accounts? In producing our Quality Accounts 2010/11 we have used the Department of Health’s Quality Accounts toolkit as our guide. This account is an honest and accurate assessment of the quality of services we provide across the Cambian Group and a summary of the ways in which we aim to improve over the next year. We have consulted with staff, patients, families and commissioners in the process of compiling this report, to ensure that we have presented the information fairly. We believe it reflects a true picture of Cambian as an organisation and of our aspirations for the people in our care. We have included all the mandatory requirements of the account and have identified specific and measurable improvement initiatives in each of our priority areas. 4 Quality Accounts 2011/12 We hope that this account is a useful document that will help patients, families and the public to understand our priorities for delivering quality care to our patients. The information collated for this document will provide the next benchmark for continuous improvement and will help us to provide even better services in future. It will be used to provide key progress reports to our board and our independent governance teams whilst keeping our key stakeholders informed of our progress towards our goals. We welcome feedback from families, patients, staff and commissioners on our services and priorities. Cambian Group is proud to care for over 1,100 people in 65 locations across the UK. If you have any suggestions for the coming year’s Quality Accounts or any queries regarding this document, we would be very pleased to hear from you. Quality Accounts 2011/12 5 Statement on quality from Saleem Asaria Chief Executive At Cambian we welcome this opportunity to scrutinise our services and highlight our commitment to service quality. We believe that an honest and open system of accountability can help us to improve our services and lead to positive solutions and new ideas. Through collating the information for our Quality Accounts 2011/12 we have been able to assess what we have achieved over the past year, reflect on where we could do better and define our priorities for 2012/13. Cambian is committed to robust corporate governance and has developed a wide-ranging system to keep this under review. Regular reviews are undertaken with external specialists and also by the Board of Directors, demonstrating the importance attached to corporate governance issues within the group. Our values Our achievements Cambian is committed to providing the highest standards of care for its patients, students and service users. We want everyone in our care to achieve their personal best, however it is defined by them or for them, and where possible we aim to reduce length of stay through service innovation, specialist therapy, rehabilitation and models of care. We have set out our achievements in 2011/12 against a backdrop of unprecedented change in the world of healthcare provision and an economic climate that to say the least is very challenging. Through policy rightly the aspirations for mental health care continue to be raised at the same time the CQC for very different reasons has taken a long and very hard look at its practices and the industry it inspects. We believe that high quality care can only be achieved where a culture of aspiration and excellence extends throughout the entire organisation and is actively promoted throughout the organization. If high expectations are modelled by senior managers, if staff feel valued and empowered and if continuous improvements are encouraged, a better quality of care is likely to result for the people in our care. The safety of the people we care for is of paramount importance and is central to the provision of high quality care. We never forget that it is a privilege to work in partnership with the NHS, rather than a right, and that care for our patients is the foundation of everything we do. We also have a responsibility to provide value for the NHS without compromising standards, and this is a commitment that we take seriously. 6 Quality Accounts 2011/12 We have embraced these changes as part of our on-going drive for quality, innovation and value. We have continued to invest in high quality services, such as the newly refurbished Cambian Churchill hospital in London, since we believe that investment in well-equipped, attractive services has a positive impact on the well-being of the people in our care and is likely to enhance their journey towards rehabilitation. Our staff members, from psychiatrists and mental health nurses to catering assistants and occupational therapists, have been at the vanguard of improvements to patients’ physical health and well-being through the introduction of healthier menus, healthy eating cookery sessions and a wider choice of sports and engaging physical activities. We have seen continued growth in the company this year, as you will read we have introduced specialist learning disability rehabilitation services which have helped reset the expectations within the sector for people with a learning disability. *all Cambian Hospitals 2010 We are proud of the achievements the group has made in the past year, through gaining ‘outstanding’ ratings from Ofsted for all our special education needs schools and achieving ISO 9001 and NHS Level 2 in Information Governance. As outlined in this document, we have also improved our staff recruitment processes to offer our employee’s enhanced professional development through the introduction of a new e-learning training program. 86%* of discharges are ‘successful’ from our mental health rehabilitation hospitals External validation is an indicator of our success, but we also have to deliver positive outcomes for the people in our care. These can be measured in different ways, from the small daily steps that students in our schools take towards individual goals and achievements to the 86% of discharges being ‘successful’ from our mental health rehabilitation hospitals that result in patients returning to community-based care. However we measure success, our goal is to continue to be a dynamic, innovative organisation, one that drives positive changes, delivers value and raises the benchmark in high quality care. Alongside these aspirations we must never forget that the people in our care are individuals, with differing needs, opinions and aspirations of their own, and that investment in our staff is also an investment in the people we care for. It’s a challenging time in healthcare, but in the coming year our goal is to work in partnership with others to ensure that quality of care is not compromised and that more can be achieved for less. Everyone can play a part, from our service users, patients and students to staff members, families, carers and commissioners. We welcome their ideas, involvement and enthusiasm and hope they will join with us in helping to make the services we offer our clients even better in 2012/13. Quality Accounts 2011/12 7 Statement on quality from Tony Romero Group Clinical director Improvement in patient outcomes is easily claimed but often hard won. Cambian’s Active CareTM model of care was introduced in mental health rehabilitation services to provide a set of objective measures of improvement in a variety of areas, such as medication management, social skills, risk, well-being, physical health, psychopathology, daily living skills and behaviour management. The Active CareTM approach also provides a set of goals for both the individual, patient and staff members to work towards the road to rehabilitation. With the support of a multi-disciplinary team it enables patients to achieve their personal best, whatever their individual circumstances. In 2011/2012 we refined and improved our Active CareTM model, introducing new versions adapted for different patient groups. Our in-house multi-disciplinary teams have drawn on the success achieved in mental health rehabilitation to implement the Active CareTM approach for people with learning disabilities, autism and CAMHS. This step by step approach covers all areas of the individual’s life and also gives patients the support, encouragement and environment needed to achieve progress. We aim to extend this concept further across our services in the coming year. This approach will enable a consistency of care across the whole of Cambian’s services and allows individual progress to be assessed. Measurement is not an end in itself, but forms an important part of a patient’s therapy – if individual achievements, however small, are consistently recorded and acknowledged they can help to improve patients’ sense of well-being and self-worth and contribute to further progress. Cambian’s approach to multi-disciplinary teams also differs from that in other organisations and we have continued to develop the skills and specialisms of our MDTs in 2011/12. Our MDTs are all salaried staff, consultant psychiatrists, specialist doctors in psychiatry, clinical and forensic psychologists, hospital managers, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, therapy coordinators, pharmacists, advocacy advisors, heads of care, registered mental nurses and support workers. We ensure that every discipline is represented on site, with a focus on capability and consistency of approach. Our MDTs work in a genuinely collaborative way, liaising closely with the patient and family members to monitor the effect of therapeutic inputs and to ensure consistency of high quality care. Members of the MDT are also encouraged to challenge, question and review each other’s inputs – regardless of specialism or hierarchy – in order to achieve the best outcomes for patients. In this way, we ensure that every patient has the best chance of acquiring the skills and structure needed for a successful return into the community or into appropriate low cost community-based care. Patients and families are also central to this process, ensuring that patients’ views are taken into account and their rights upheld. Wherever possible our aim is to reduce length of stay for patients, providing value for the National Health Service and a better outcome for individuals and families. 8 Quality Accounts 2011/12 *all Cambian Hospitals 2010 In 2011/2012 we have continued to improve outcomes for our patients and to provide high quality rehabilitation services for the NHS. 86% of discharges have resulted in patients returning to lower cost community based services and the average length of stay across Cambian services has been 18 months. 41% of discharges have been direct to independent living, 22% of people leaving our care have gone to supported living accommodation, 13% have gone on to live semi-independently and 9% have returned to their families. We aim to maintain or improve these outcomes for patients in 2012/13. This year we have continued to work in close partnership with learning organisations, both to contribute to excellence in staff training and the sharing of best practice across healthcare. St Augustine’s hospital in Stoke-on-Trent has welcomed student nurses from Keele and Stafford universities, occupational therapy students from Derby and Coventry and psychology students from Birmingham. Cambian Fairview in Colchester also provided clinical placements for eight student nurses from three different universities. Several of our staff have completed Nursing and Midwifery Council mentoring training and our varied programme of high-profile seminars, conferences and training events has continued this year for our employees, families and partner agencies. 41% * of discharges have been direct to independent living 22% * have gone to supported living accommodation Quality Accounts 2011/12 9 Statement on quality from Mike McQuaid Chief Operations Officer Cambian has continued to invest in robust governance and audit processes in 2011/12, in order to maintain accountability, to challenge practice, to ensure the quality of its services and to engender trust in the patients and families that it serves. The Cambian Group’s proactive governance and audit processes, both internally and externally, help to ensure the safety of all those in its care. Several principles of clinical governance underpin Cambian’s clinical, operational and corporate objectives. These include recognisably high standards of care, transparent responsibility and accountability for those standards and a constant dynamic of improvement. Corporate governance is undertaken in conjunction with external specialist healthcare lawyers to ensure both an independent review and a means of benchmarking Cambian’s performance against industry trends. Corporate governance issues are also regularly reviewed by the Board of Directors, which underlines the importance with which this is viewed. Questionnaires to parents, carers and clients, student feedback through School Councils, patients’ contributions at daily community meetings and family and carer attendance at reviews also inform practice. In 2011/12 Cambian developed and implemented an external whistleblowing process to further support and encourage the focus on quality and transparency within the organisation. Over the past year Cambian’s success has been reflected in its growth, over the last year we have opened 8 services with an increase of 150 beds. This growth is positive both for our patients and staff. It has meant greater choice and flexibility for our service users and their families, with people having the opportunity to be cared for closer to home. The combination of specialist skills and services within the expanded Cambian Group has enabled us to develop unique care packages for our patients, comprising clinical expertise, behavioural and occupational therapy, speech and language programs, educational and vocational curricula and daily living skills. 10 Quality Accounts 2011/12 Our size and strength mean that we can offer better training and career development prospects for our staff. Combined with the sharing of best practice and skill sets across all our specialisms, this has enabled us to further develop our services and provide a better quality of care to our patients. We can now draw on a wider expertise for individuals within our care, providing them with the most appropriate care to meet their needs and helping them to realise their personal best. In a year where the CQC activity has been very robust, we are pleased with the progress we have and continue to make in this regard. We have introduced new services and focused on maintaining the very highest standards we are able across all our services, and that the quality of care across Cambian is consistent. The quality of our services has been endorsed by UK regulatory bodies the Care Quality Commission and Ofsted, making us market leaders both through specialism and size. Points raised in inspections are incorporated into operational and strategic functions to support the on-going commitment to best practice. Cambian also carries out regular benchmarking against guidance and legislation. Internationally-recognised measurable outcomes such as the Global Assessment of Functioning and Therapeutic Crisis Intervention programme are incorporated into Cambian’s Active Care™ multidisciplinary models of psychiatric rehabilitation and specialist education. Our aim has always been to provide outstanding therapeutic environments for patients, where they can learn and can feel valued, safe and secure. We aim to push the boundaries of what is possible and achievable for the people in our care, giving everyone something to aim for, no matter what challenges they face. Our investment in high quality environments and facilities plays a part in this, as does the expertise of our multi-disciplinary teams. Our commitment to service innovation, which has led to developments such as the Active CareTM approach in mental health rehabilitation and Active Learning in specialist education, is also important. In 2011/2012 we have worked towards improving the quality of care, well-being and achievements of the people in our care through the Star Wards initiative in our hospitals and active community involvement programmes in our hospitals and schools. Our commitment to these and other innovations will continue in 2012/2013. As well as providing high quality care and education, it is also essential that an organisation ensures the safety of those in its care. Cambian carries out on-going clinical and organisational risk management for all of its services and ensures that all its facilities are fit for purpose. All staff are CRB checked for their suitability to work with vulnerable clients and policies give clear directives on such matters as Child Protection and use of illegal substances. Any causes for concern are carefully logged and reported so that appropriate action may be taken. significant results, allowing the systematic training of staff and so ensuring that training is up to date and so improving the capability of the organisation. Staff surveys in 2011/12 led to some excellent feedback and to Cambian being awarded Best Companies Accreditation in 2011, in particular for its emphasis on personal growth and team development. Cambian’s specialist education division also continues to meet the requirements of the Investors in People Standard, originally awarded in 2008. High standards in patient care and safety, clinical and corporate governance and staff training and development need continued investment, if excellence is to be maintained. This Quality Account includes some of the areas that Cambian hopes to improve on in 2012/13 in order to provide an even better service for its patients. We aim to push the boundaries of what is possible and achievable for the people in our care We will continue to invest in our patients, staff and buildings. In 2012/13 plans are already underway to open another 6 Cambian services, resulting in the introduction of 117 additional beds. Staff training and career development is an important element of high quality care and patient safety and Cambian’s investment in staff training has continued throughout this year. May 2011 saw the launch of Cambian Achieve, a new e-learning system which has had Quality Accounts 2011/12 11 Quality standards and Processes The COO is the board member with primary responsibility for quality and safety but all board members recognise their responsibility to support and enhance the quality and safety of services in the Group. Business Overview 2 Quality Standards and Processes The Cambian Group is an Independent company providing specialist services funded by the NHS and Local Authorities. The Cambian Group specialises in people with mental health problems, developmental disorders, and neurological or rehabilitation needs, often with complex specialist needs relating to challenging behaviour and physical illness. The Group’s services are divided in to three broad service areas: Healthcare (including Acquired Brain Injury) , Learning Disabilities and Education. These three services work in synergy through organisational structure and reporting up to Board level driving innovation and efficiency. Leadership, Governance and Accountability The Board The operating company board includes the chief executive (CEO), the chief financial officer (CFO), the chief operating officer (COO), the group medical director (GMD), the group human resources director, the group property director, the business development director and is chaired by a representative of the main shareholder. The COO is the board member with primary responsibility for quality and safety but all board members recognise their responsibility to support and enhance the quality and safety of services in the Group. Each board meeting contains a section on quality at which the COO presents an overview of the latest group data, together with any areas of risk identified since the previous meeting. These data are produced from a number of supporting meetings and forums that make up our internal governance process. The Group’s services are divided into three broad service areas: Healthcare, Learning Disabilities and Education. The COO, GMD and CFO work closely together under the leadership of the CEO to ensure that investment is aligned with quality as well as commercial requirements. Cambian’s Clinical and Corporate Governance This operates at three levels from an individual monthly hospital level to quarterly corporate meetings a overview of this process is set out below. All meetings have minutes which are collated and discussed at Group corporate governance meetings. Internal Clinical Governance meetings take place in each hospital every month. Any member of the hospital team is invited to join these meetings. The agenda for the meeting follows the seven pillars of clinical governance: 1. Risk management 2. Clinical effectiveness and research 3. Clinical audit 4. Patient experience and involvement 5. Staffing and staff management 6. Education and training 7. Use of information Decisions made at the meeting are minuted and actioned by the identified individual. 12 Quality Accounts 2011/12 Quality Accounts 2011/12 13 Quality standards and Processes Joint clinical governance meetings take place on alternate months to the internal clinical governance meetings. The tables below map service lines provided by the Cambian Group for the period 2010/11 Risk management should create: safer practices, safer system of work and safer premises. Greater staff awareness of danger and potential liability. Joint Clinical Governance meetings take place on alternate months to the internal clinical governance meetings. The following people attend the joint clinical governance meetings which are hosted at different hospitals across the UK. 1.Registered manager for host hospital 2.Head of care for host hospital 3.Responsible clinician for host hospital 4.Occupational therapist 5.Psychologist 6.Operations team 7.Registered manager and head of care as per zone. The agenda for the meeting again follows the seven pillars of clinical governance. Corporate governance promotes corporate processes and procedures to promote transparency and accountability. It also incorporates the organisation’s strategic response to risk. Corporate Governance is commonly referred to as a system by which organisations are directed and controlled. It is the process by which the company’s objectives and systems are monitored. Corporate governance in its widest sense concerns the relationships and responsibilities between the Board, Management, and other relevant stakeholders within a legal and regulatory framework. At Cambian, the relationships between the Board, Management and shareholders are a matter dealt with by the Board who are responsible for establishing the company’s strategic objectives and commercial strategy. However, these factors are all subject to influence by areas of commercial, regulatory 14 Quality Accounts 2011/12 or trading risk and these will be addressed by establishing a regular (half yearly) review meeting at which such issues can be addressed. A key aspect of Cambian’s corporate governance policy is to have a clear risk management system, both to review the company’s response to adverse incidents and to enable us to learn from previous incidents and near misses. By reviewing these carefully we significantly increase the prospect of being able to track trends and respond to them before they become a significant issue. Risks at present include: The buildings that Cambian owns and occupies, the equipment, medication or other hazardous substances used by Cambian, The people employed by Cambian or visiting it as a patient, resident, visitor or guest, the systems or management of Cambian. Mental Health Rehabilitation Hospitals Learning Disability Rehabilitation Hospitals Male Female Male Female Delfryn House* The Aspens* Cambian Fairview Cambian Fairview Sedgley Lodge and House* Delfryn Lodge The Manor The Views Sherwood St Telio Shear Meadow Walkern Lodge Storthfield Raglan House Chaseways The Fountains* Farm Lodge The Limes* St Augustines* Locked Autism Hospital (Male) Victoria House Cambian Fairview Cambian Churchill Cambian Oaks Learning Disability Day Services ABI Rehabilitation Hospital (Male) Risk management is a process that seeks to harness the information and expertise of the individuals within the organisation and convert this into positive action to reduce the possibility of incurring misfortune or loss. It is a proactive approach which addresses the activities of Cambian, identifies the risks that exist, assesses those for potential frequency and severity, eliminates the risks that can be eliminated. Where it is possible it seeks to reduce the effect of such risk. Cambian Lodge Autism, SLD Schools Asperger Schools Risk Management should create: safer practices, safer system of work and safer premises, greater staff awareness of danger and potential liability. Hill House School** Southlands School Purbeck View School Grateley House School** The Forum School The Wing Centre Sheffield Long Eaton Learning Disability Residential Services CAMHS - Tier 4 (Male) Cambian Willows Specialist Education and Care Services *Hospitals have local community step-down houses **Has associated transition post-19 services Specialist Autism Services Residential Services Broughton House The Fields No.12 High Street The Brambles Elston House The Gables Fairways Quality Accounts 2011/12 15 Cambian’s priorities for Improvement 2011/2012 The Department of Health guidance requires at least three priorities to be identified for improvement. We have chosen five broad areas on which to report, as described below. 3 Cambian’s priorities for Improvement 2011/2012 1.To provide services that comply with regulatory standards as set by the CQC, Health and Safety Executive, Environmental Health, Data Protection, professional regulators and all other regulators impacting on our work including those in Wales. • To achieve ‘clean and green’ CQC ratings for all services • To achieve 100% Outstanding Ofsted inspections • To achieve and maintain ISO 9001-2008 Quality Management System • To deliver high data quality in line with NHS governance toolkit. 2. To provide safe services. • To develop and implement an externally managed whistleblowing policy. 3.To provide welcoming services, giving choice, dignity and high levels of customer service to our clients and patients. • To achieve a patient satisfaction rating of greater that 90% as measured through CPA feedback • To achieve ‘STAR AWARDS’ recognition in each of our applicable services 4.To be a good employer so that staff members are trained, educated and motivated to provide the best available service. • To deliver staff training through an online platform ensuring exceptional quality, consistency, monitoring and evaluation • To roll out a new end to end recruitment process that will raise the benchmark in the quality of staff we employ. 5.To provide clinically effective services ensuring the best possible opportunity for recovery and to evidence our success rates using recognised outcome measures, appropriate to each service line. • To conduct a review of our Active CareTM model for mental health to further clinical effectiveness and outcomes • To achieve Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN) payment framework targets for all patients who fell under contracts where such conditions exist • To develop Active CareTM for acquired brain injury (ABI)/CAMHS/Learning Disability/autism and Learning Disability Day Services patient groups. • To actively promote a strong work ethic across chronic enduring mental health patients. 16 Quality Accounts 2011/12 Quality Accounts 2011/12 17 Cambian’s priorities for Improvement 2011/2012 1 To provide services that comply with regulatory standards as set by the CQC, Health and Safety Executive, Environmental Health, Data Protection, professional regulators and all other regulators impacting on our work Including those in Wales. These activities have all helped complement Cambian’s efforts to provide services that meet and exceed the expectations set by regulators. •To achieve ‘clean and green’ CQC ratings for all services Cambian opened our first hospital in 2004 and has since developed a significant reputation for the quality services that we provide. This has been endorsed by CQC over many years. As we entered this reporting period, the regulatory activity was energised by the activities highlighted at Winterbourne View. This had significant impact on the industry and a renewed focus that Cambian welcomes. The table below summaries the activity findings for Cambian services: Mental Health Services Number of services 12 Number of inspections 13 Number of areas inspected 74 Number of areas standards being met 52 Number of areas identified for improvement 22 Enforcement action 0 Learning Disability Services Number of services 22 Number of inspections 21 Number of areas inspected 109 Number of areas standards being met 77 Number of areas identified for improvement 32 Enforcement action 1 The table above demonstrates the high level of compliance of CQC standards across our services inspected. Where a compliance or improvement action was indicated, progress on the action plans to achieve the standards is tracked and focused to ensure the rapid resolution of any concern, Cambian work collaboratively with host agencies alongside the CQC with such action plans to ensure we have transparency of progress action being taken. Cambian can demonstrate progress to address areas raised by the CQC as concerns. Most notably this can be demonstrated at Walkern Lodge, the only Cambian Service where the CQC took enforcement action. The original CQC visit (Nov 11) was followed by another unannounced inspection by the host authority, Cambian worked together with this authority the local safeguarding team and the CQC. Walkern Lodge was re-inspected in March 2012 and was found to be fully compliant in all areas inspected. With the Corporate Governance and organisational learning that takes place within Cambian we have been able to proactively transfer best practice to all our services and so learn from this enforcement action. Cambian as with all providers, conducts 6 monthly unannounced Regulation 26 visits; these support the CQC focus for quality standards. These were all conducted in 2011/12 and were further supported by some 472 audits across all sites. These focused on a range of activities that included amongst other areas staffing levels, health and safety, infection control, preventing suicide and quality. These activities have all helped complement Cambians efforts to provide services that meet and exceed the expectations set by regulators. •To achieve 100% ‘Outstanding’ Ofsted inspections outings, work experience and activities involving local communities. For over 30 years Cambian has been leading the way in achieving outstanding results and providing high quality education, care and support for children and young adults with autism and Asperger’s. One of our goals for 2011/12 was to maintain an Ofsted ‘outstanding’ rating for all of our specialist education schools and we are very pleased to confirm that this has been achieved. The 2011/12 inspections with overall results are set out in the table below. Ambitious for the people in our care, we continually push the boundaries of autism and Asperger’s to ensure each child is achieving their personal best. Cambian schools provide a full range of therapies and activities to aid learning, improve social and daily living skills and promote personal growth. These include equine therapy, music therapy, art therapy, sports, cooking, life skills, holidays, Quality Accounts 2011/12 Inspection Date Inspection type Overall Effectiveness Including Areas for Development Outcomes for Children and Young People Quality of Care Safeguarding Children and Young People Leadership and Management Equality and Diversity Overall Result Oct 2011 Ofsted Social Care • • • • • • • Dec 2011 Ofsted Interim Social Care • • • • • • • Oct 2011 Ofsted Social Care • • • • • • • Mar 2012 Ofsted Social Care • • • • • • • Nov 2011 Full Ofsted • • • • • • • Feb 2012 Ofsted Social Care • • • • • • • Nov 2011 Full Ofsted/Residential • • • • • • • Teaching • • • • • • • Full Ofsted/Residential • • • • • • • Teaching • • • • • • • Ofsted Social Care Inspection • • • • • • • Children Homes The Forum School Hill House School Purbeck View School Residential Special Schools Southlands School The Wing Centre Grateley House School 18 Most of Cambian’s schools have now had three or more ‘outstanding’ ratings in a row, confirming Cambian’s position as a top-rank provider of specialist education and care for young people with autism. This development also makes Cambian the only Group specialising in autism education to receive the top rating for each of its establishments. Nov 2011 Mar 2012 Quality Accounts 2011/12 19 Cambian’s priorities for Improvement 2011/2012 1 Cambian’s priorities for Improvement 2011/2012 To provide services that comply with regulatory standards as set by the CQC, Health and Safety Executive, Environmental Health, Data Protection, professional regulators and all other regulators impacting on our work Including those in Wales. Kilimanjaro here we come One of our aims in specialist education is to raise our students’ self esteem and to empower them to deal with challenges. To this end, a group of Southlands students and staff are involved in an ambitious project for 2011 which will see them climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Fundraising for the project began in early 2011, with the expedition planned for October 2011. Six Year Ten students and four staff will climb the 6000 metre-high mountain over seven to eight days, achieving the experience of a lifetime. The team has been involved in fitness training this year and has already completed the Three Peaks Challenge in preparation for this exciting event. 100% of our schools have achieved an OFSTED outstanding rating during this reporting period. • To achieve and maintain ISO 9001-2008 Quality Management System As a service provider we place great value on good quality management systems and believe that consistency and conformity in our approach to standards can only be of benefit to the people in our care. A comprehensive approach to measuring outcomes gives us confidence that our services are meeting the needs and expectations of our customers and also supports our drive for continuous improvement. We welcome procedures for independent, rigorous audit of our services. ISO is one such international organisation which facilitates international coordination of industrial standards. It provides globally recognised standards for good management practice and services. For some time, part of Cambian’s learning disability service has merited ISO 9001 for excellence in its quality management systems. In 2010/11 this recognition was extended to learning disability services in the Midlands and to the whole of Cambian’s specialist services in mental health. •To deliver high dataquality in line with NHS governance toolkit Governance requirements At Cambian we understand how vitally important it is to store patients’ information in a safe and secure way. Considerable effort and investment has gone into ensuring that we have robust information management structures and responsibilities in place. Our Information Governance lead manager ensures compliance with NHS requirements. An understanding of and compliance with information governance requirements has also been introduced as part of all staff contracts. The new e-learning online staff training system is now fully operational and contains a mandatory learning module on information governance. This improves on previous staff training and it has in-built mechanisms for ensuring that modules have been both completed and understood. In 2011/12 the Cambian Group successfully achieved level 2 in the NHS operating standards for Information Governance. Cambian is currently identifying a suitable laptop disk encryption tool. This project will result in all laptops being encrypted to NHS Governance and ICO recommended security levels. This project will be concluded by in 2013. Cambian maintains an IG register for all assets and carries out risk assessment on all new solutions, be they hardware or software orientated to ensure that Data protection and Information confidentiality will not be at risk. 2 To provide safe services By the very nature of the services that Cambian provide we care for some of the UK’s most vulnerable people. A safe service is essential for such people and Cambian gives this priority the uttermost attention. Incident Rates Incident reporting is encouraged within Cambian and the comparative rates for each service, month by month, are collected and fed back to clinical teams. Trends are analysed across the organisation as a routine part of the comparison of the performance of individual hospitals, as Cambian largely provides identical services on different site so this type of comparison is very meaningful. The total number of incidents reported in the period was 9.02 per 1,000 occupied bed days. For comparison all NHS Mental Health Trusts returning data to the National Patient Safety Agency showed an average incident rate of 12.00 per 1,000 occupied bed days. These data show that Cambian’s incident report is below what is considered a national average. The next section details only the more serious incidents of a type targeted by the NHS for elimination or marked reduction in incidence. Deaths One patient took their own life unexpectedly whilst an inpatient. This case was reported to the relevant authorities including the coroner. This currently is still subject to a coroner's court and findings. No inpatients committed a homicide during this period. Three other deaths occurred due to natural causes. These were not unexpected because of the nature of the patients’ physical illness but they were nevertheless subject to independent reviews. Non-fatal serious incidents They are defined as incidents that are reportable to the CQC as defined under CQC regulation 18. These include the deaths above. For the reporting period these numbered 228, 10 of these were AWOL incidents. Cambian hospitals have no mixed sex accommodation and therefore all accommodation is gender appropriate. Age inappropriate admissions No patient under 18 was admitted to adult services during the period. Cambian now operates inpatient adolescent beds registered up to the age of 19 and a bed in this service is always available. Gender appropriate accommodation Cambian Hospitals have no mixed sex accommodation and therefore all accommodation is gender appropriate. All patients have their own bedroom (with en -suite facilities) which they can use for quiet time during the day. There are also day rooms and outdoor areas which can be used for socialising in single or mixed sex groups (if this is appropriate). All adult patients sign an agreement on admission to respect others personal space and confidentiality and this is enforced by care and clinical staff. Investment in high quality buildings and facilities also plays a part in patient safety and we will continue to invest in new, improved and refurbished facilities in 2011/12. It is also important to recruit, train and support staff who share our values and passion. The Cambian Board approved a new e-learning training system, called Achieve, in May 2010 which will be fully implemented throughout Cambian by summer 2011. The aim of the new system is to provide consistency in training across all sites and departments and to improve the effectiveness of training for staff at all levels. Achieve is a corporate blended learning programme, Level 2 NHS IG standards successfully attained ISO 9001 standard achieved. 20 Quality Accounts 2011/12 Quality Accounts 2011/12 21 Cambian’s priorities for Improvement 2011/2012 2 To provide safe services based around e-learning, that will integrate bespoke learning content with offline learning opportunities. It will support all staff development at Cambian with consistent quality training, aligned with corporate goals and values. In 2012/13 we will continue to share best practice developments in patient safety and risk assessment with partners, families and other professionals through our extensive seminar and conference programmes, as in 2011/12. For example, we ran two free workshops for parents, carers and social workers in strategies to support young people with autism and Asperger Syndrome in Birmingham and London in October 2011. We also ran workshops on Girls and Asperger Syndrome, on Sex and Relationships for young people with autism and on mental health recovery in 2010 and hosted open days at Cambian Delfryn Lodge, Purbeck View School and Southlands School. • To develop and implement an externally managed whistle-blowing policy Cambian is committed to developing a culture where it is safe and acceptable for all employees to raise genuine concerns about any malpractice and misconduct. Cambian together with external advice of best practice, set up and implemented a refresh of the whistleblowing policy. This was implemented across the organisation; It’s a key part of any member of staffs induction, and through the Cambian Achieve e-learning and is actively advertised through poster campaigns. The type of serious concerns at which this policy is aimed includes: • Suspicions or allegations of abuse or potential harm to the individuals in our care, which for some reason cannot be raised under the normal safeguarding procedure 22 Cambian’s priorities for Improvement 2011/2012 Quality Accounts 2011/12 3 • Fraud • Financial irregularities • Corruption, bribery or dishonesty • Criminal activities • Serious irregularities such as failing to comply with a legal obligation and creating or ignoring a serious risk to health and safety or the environment. • A deliberate ‘cover up’ of any of the above • Issues that are not being dealt with through clinical governance reviews or other legitimate routes. If the employee is concerned that his/her line manager is involved in the wrongdoing, has failed to make a proper investigation or has failed to report the outcome of the investigations to the Board, he/she should inform a more senior manager, a Director of the organisation or contact the Cambian Whistleblowing Hotline – on 0844 264 0919 who will arrange for another manager to review the investigation carried out, make any necessary enquiries and make his/her own report to a senior person in the company. Any approach to the Director or Hotline will be treated with the strictest confidence and the employee’s identity will not be disclosed without his/her prior consent, unless this is required by law. Evidence of the understanding of this policy can be seen in the CQC reports for the period. To date we have had three calls to this number, each call was followed up in full to the satisfaction of the caller. To provide welcoming services, giving choice, dignity and high levels of customer service to our clients and patients. •To achieve a patient satisfaction rating of greater that 90% as measured through CPA feedback plans, regular patient meetings and forums, advocacy meetings and informal communications with patients and families. We know that when people come to us for care and treatment they are often at their most vulnerable. Our role, in addition to keeping them safe and aiding their rehabilitation, is also to make them feel valued, and to build their feelings of self-esteem and self-worth. Through our everyday interactions, we have to show our patients that they and their views are important and that all our staff members will treat them with dignity and respect. For many of our patients, our hospitals may be a place of sanctuary and somewhere where they feel safe as well as a home and a place of recovery. During this reporting period we achieved a patient satisfaction rating score of greater than 90% in the 26 of our services where this data was reported. Whilst we are pleased with this result, we want to improve on this in the coming year. We aim to communicate these principles to our patients both in the way we interact with them and care for them and also through the environments that we create for them. One of our most important priorities is to invest in attractive buildings, environments, interiors and facilities so that both patients and staff feel that they are valued. We provide a wide range of therapies and activities for our patients, from walking groups, gym sessions, pet therapy, music, computing, life skills, work experience, outings, cookery and healthy eating, to aid their rehabilitation and well-being and promote involvement with local communities. Patient choice extends to meal times, activities and menus as well as to active involvement in their own care plans. Respect for individual religious and cultural preferences and the active involvement of families is also seen as vital. In order to improve the services we offer to our patients, we complete group-wide satisfaction surveys with those patients who are able to participate. Input is gathered through a number of communication channels both formal and informal, including care We achieved a patient satisfaction rating score of greater than 90% in 26 of our services These data were supported by local patient satisfaction surveys and those conducted by independent advocates. In the East of England this was conducted and compiled by representatives of Advent Advocacy. A total of 55 surveys sent out in March 2012 were collected and analysed. Surveys were collected from Cambian Fairview, Walkern Lodge, Shear Meadow, Farm Lodge, Chaseways, The Gables and The Brambles. The results show 89% felt they could complain if they were not happy with the support they received and Overall 87% stated they were satisfied with the service they receive from Cambian. • To achieve ‘STAR AWARDS’ recognition in each of our applicable services Launched in late 2009 and supported by the National Patient Safety Agency, Star Wards, Rethink, the Royal College of Nursing, Royal College of Psychiatrists, The Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health, The British Psychological Society, College of Occupational Therapists, Shift, the National Mental Health Development Unit and the Mental Health Network. Star Awards, founded by Marion Jenner, covers five areas; tackling stigma, promoting recovery and inclusion, commissioning and providing better care, supporting the development of specialist workforce and the promotion of research and development. Quality Accounts 2011/12 23 Cambian’s priorities for Improvement 2011/2012 3 To provide welcoming services, giving choice, dignity and high levels of customer service to our clients and patients. 50% of patients took part in our working practices programme 30% took on a part time job 5% took on a full time job 24 Quality Accounts 2011/12 All Cambian Mental Health Hospitals currently hold and have through 2011/2012 been reaccredited as achieving the Star Awards standard. We are also pleased that where every dimension is met Hospitals are able to achieve “The full Monty award” – Cambian Victoria House, St Augustines, Sedgley, The Aspens, The Fountains, The Limes, Raglan House, Storthfield, Sherwood, St Teilo and Delfryn House and Lodge all hold this accolade. • To actively promote a strong work ethic across chronic enduring mental health patients Chronic mental health problems can lead to feelings of low self-esteem, social isolation and an inability to function well in daily life. These problems in turn can create a vicious circle whereby patients lose motivation and the inclination to engage, resulting in further barriers to rehabilitation. To this end, Cambian aimed to improve patient care in 2011/12 by introducing a strong work ethic amongst patients. This was to be realised through occupational therapy and daily and social skills development, with support for patients’ engagement in vocational training, college courses, work experience and engagement in community activities. Our aim in the first instance was to have 10% of patients undertake and complete a college course or alternatively to take full or part-time employment with a local charity organization and gain therapeutic earnings. What we did Our occupational therapy teams developed a programme that would significantly enhance working practices for patients. Patients who were most likely to benefit or who were at a suitable stage in their rehabilitation, received support to write their CVs and also completed mock interviews. Individual patients were coached to help them with applications and a Support at Work programme was developed. Cambian staff liaised with local employers and charities to maximise opportunities for patients to take on work. What we achieved 50% of patients took part in this programme in 2011/12 with 5% taking on a full time job and no longer needing to claim benefits, and 30% taking on a part-time job. Therapeutic earnings were introduced in some Cambian homes and hospitals, including in homes for people with learning disabilities, with patients working in on-site shops, gardens and beauty salons. This enabled staff members to support patients in developing positive attitudes to work and in experiencing the many benefits of paid work. We are very pleased with these results; however we recognise that if the benefit system in the UK were slightly different then we would have seen a greater number of people taking on employment. Therapeutic earnings were introduced in some Cambian homes and hospitals, including in homes for people with learning disabilities, with patients working in on-site shops, gardens and beauty salons. Quality Accounts 2011/12 25 Cambian’s priorities for Improvement 2011/2012 4 To be a good employer so that staff members are trained, educated and motivated to provide the best available service. •To deliver staff training through an online platform ensuring exceptional quality, consistency, monitoring and evaluation l e In 2010/11 Cambian worked to develop an improved staff training programme, called Achieve. Achieve includes a blend of learning opportunities, available online, in the classroom and in the workplace, accessed through a new e-learning portal. It features courses, adapted for different roles within the organisation, which allow staff members to learn at their own pace and speed. To support the Achieve programme Cambian is enhancing the IT infrastructure across the group and giving staff improved access to computers, the internet and learning methods and resources. Training modules were created as part of the programme in areas such as care skills and knowledge, safeguarding, health and safety, infection control, food safety and dealing with concerns at work. In 2012 / 13 additional courses will also be developed to continue to build the capability of Cambian’s workforce. Achieve enables both new, existing staff and managers to track learning and progress over time and ensure that key policies and procedures have been learnt and understood. The new learning materials are both interactive and engaging, and also record individual training achievements. Achieve, launched across the group in May 2011. The recruitment strategy for Support Workers is based upon the maxim of ‘recruiting for values and training for skills’. Over 50% of Support workers (supported by supervision, appraisal and performance management systems) are promoted within the first year and more senior grades such as Assistant Team Managers and Teams Managers are typically promoted from the ranks, hence our bank of Support Workers are viewed as the talent pool for more senior positions in another time period. Over 3,300 staff are active users, to date completing some 26,000 training modules with 76% of staff having completed all their assigned e-learning. This represents approaching 35,000 training hours equivalent 26 Quality Accounts 2011/12 to one module being completed every 12 minutes. This programme was recognized for excellence as a Gold winner, E-learning Awards 2011. •To roll out a new end to end recruitment process that will raise the benchmark in the quality of staff we employ Annually the Cambian Group recruits over 400 new recruits per year and receives over 8,000 applications to fill these positions. The largest requirement is for Support Workers which number 60% of Cambian employees and are the back bone of the care we provide within our organisation. Support Workers are recruited through direct recruit campaigns which funnels candidate applications through our new online Applicant Tracking System (ATS). The Engage System (ATS) is the gateway for candidate applications, with the recruitment message being communicated through a combination of roadside posters, online job postings and a comprehensive print and media campaign. The Engage System facilitates recruitment of staff across the group and ensures that core recruitment processes from initial attraction through screening; interviewing and job offer is as efficient as possible. Importantly it also monitors references and Criminal Recording Bureau checks which need to completed before any job offer is confirmed. The reference checking of new staff is part of the recruitment process and needs to be 100% accurate as staff work with vulnerable children and adults. The reference checking is processed through online Criminal Recording Bureau checking which complete 81% of online CRBs within 10 working days. The Engage System also controls the two week induction training which all new recruits need to complete so that they all of the skills necessary to complete their role. 76% of staff completed all their assigned e-learning 50% of Support Workers* are promoted within the first year 81% of CRBs are completed within 10 working days With the turnover of staff along with the growth programme at Cambian this new initiative ensure that we are able to support services with the staff that they require, and these staff are well vetted and checked prior to joining the organisation ensuring the safety of the people in our care. *supported by supervision, appraisal and performance management systems) Quality Accounts 2011/12 27 Cambian’s priorities for Improvement 2011/2012 5 To provide clinically effective services ensuring the best possible opportunity for recovery and to evidence our success rates using recognised outcome measures, appropriate to each service line. •To conduct a review of our Active CareTM model for mental health to further clinical effectiveness and outcomes In 2010/11 we reviewed our Active Care™ Model for mental health patients. Improvement in mental health is sometimes hard to assess. We believed that a set of objective measures should be used to monitor every aspect of improvement and each area of focus. The unique Active Care™ programme combines intensive rehabilitation therapy with patient centred plans determined by individual needs and allows progress in all areas of life to be measured. The model uses an evidence based approach to measure step-by-step, active inputs from multi-disciplinary teams (MDT) and their influence on recovery and progress. Improvements can be celebrated and consolidated and areas of difficulty can be identified, with new objectives set. At its heart the Active CareTM model aims to reduce patients’ length of stay and make sure that patients are kept safe by reducing risk to themselves and others. 28 Quality Accounts 2011/12 At its heart the Active Care™ model aims to reduce patients’ length of stay and make sure that patients are kept safe by reducing risk to themselves and others. The Active Care™ model aims to help patients to improve their daily living and life skills and their involvement in constructive activities such as volunteering and work. It also aims to assist patients with better medication management and compliance and to reduce rates of relapse and risk. How the Active Care™ model was refined Cambian’s Active Care™ consists of goals, modules and measurement scales for multidisciplinary inputs, including Psychiatry, Occupational Therapy, Psychology and Nursing. The information allows the MDT to reference a patient’s progress in individual areas over time and patients can also see that they are making progress towards rehabilitation. Using the Global Assessment of Functioning as its starting point, the model was developed, tested and refined over several months to ensure that it was fit for purpose. It was also subjected to peer group review by both internal and external specialists. In particular, the occupational therapy tools were further developed and refined for use with mental health patients and the scoring of occupational therapy tools was improved. For example, the Active Care™ now includes measures for road safety and travel capabilities, backed by training, as well as community involvement activities and personal budgeting. Daily Living Skills include help with shopping, laundry, cooking, healthy eating and personal hygiene, with a view to patients achieving the everyday skills they will need for independent living. Cambian Group Psychiatrists and Psychologists collaborated with the Institute of Psychiatry at The Maudsley Hospital and King’s College, London on an academic research project examining social functioning in patients with schizophrenia. The aim of the research was to improve treatment outcomes for patients with schizophrenia. Quality Accounts 2011/12 29 Cambian’s priorities for Improvement 2011/2012 5 To provide clinically effective services ensuring the best possible opportunity for recovery and to evidence our success rates using recognised outcome measures, appropriate to each service line. Results so far In 2011/12 86% of discharges have resulted in patients returning to lower cost community based services and the average length of stay across Cambian services has been 18 months. 41% of discharges have been direct to independent living, 22% of people leaving our care have gone to supported living accommodation, 13% have gone on to live semi-independently and 9% have returned to their families. Staff members have reported that care planning has improved and that patients are more engaged with their therapy. This review is still on-going over a two-year period and therefore concrete statistics are not yet available. We will include these in our priorities for 2011/12. •To achieve Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN) payment framework targets for all patients who fell under contracts where such conditions exist. A proportion of Cambian Group’s income 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2012 was conditional on achieving quality improvement and innovation goals agreed between Cambian Group and any person or body they entered into a contract, for the provision of NHS services, through the Commissioning for Quality and Innovation payment framework. Such measures included >25 hours meaningful activities / week and the submission of the Mental Health Minimum Dataset and outcomes for contracted patients. Where we have an NHS Standard Contract in place and have included CQUIN as part of that contract we have achieved all 100% of all CQUIN’s. •To develop Active Care for ABI/ Learning Disability/autism and Learning Disability Day Services patient groups In 2011/12 Cambian worked on developing and launching five new specialist care and rehabilitation services for patients with an ABI, CAMHS, Learning Disability, autism and Learning Disability day opportunities. This development was based on translating the methodology of Active Care™ to these target services. Each of these have been developed using a multi-disciplinary team approach and they have all been implemented in 2011 / 2012. Our approach This approach was replicated across the other disciplines and the table below sets out the professionals associated with these new services. The following describes the methodology used to develop the ABI service which was a similar approach to the other services: People with ABI have a significant chance of developing some form of mental health problem. Dealing with a mental health issue on top of an ABI can be very complex, especially if the problem goes undiagnosed or untreated. Mental health conditions can be hard to detect amid the effects of an ABI and can dramatically hinder a person’s ability to function well. People with ABI may exhibit a range of challenging behaviours, such as lack of impulse control and aggression. Severe depression or psychosis can also occur and can present a risk to both the patient and others. In 2010/11 Cambian developed a model of care to address the very specific needs of this patient group. This model involves input from a multi-disciplinary team consisting of Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Therapists and Neurologists. The challenge was to adapt Cambian’s Active Care™ model to create outcome measurements for the use of both patients and staff. Professional Inputs Across Cambian Services ABI CAMHS - Tier 4 Learning Disability Autism Psychiatry • • • • Psychology • • • • Occupational Therapy • • • • • Nursing • • • • • SALT • • • • Social Worker • Teacher • Physiotherapy 30 Quality Accounts 2011/12 Best practice in current treatments for ABI were evaluated with a view to developing an Active CareTM model for ABI patients and a specialist multi-disciplinary team was created Cambian’s Medical Director and Heads of Department undertook detailed research into specialist care for patients with an acquired brain injury. Best practice in current treatments for ABI were evaluated with a view to developing an Active Care™ model for ABI patients and a specialist multi-disciplinary team was recruited, this service has now opened and once fully established it will be evaluated in 2012. LD Day Opportunities • Quality Accounts 2011/12 31 Cambian’s priorities for Improvement 2012/2013 After completion of our 2011/2012 accounts as a Board we set out below our focus for our priorities in 2012/2013 4 Cambian’s priorities for Improvement 2012/2013 1. To provide services that comply with regulatory standards as set by the CQC, Health and Safety Executive, Environmental Health, Data Protection, professional regulators and all other regulators impacting on our work Including those in Wales. • To achieve ‘clean and green’ CQC ratings for all services • To maintain ISO 9001-2008 Quality Management System • To deliver high data quality in line with NHS governance toolkit • To develop and advise an external Health and Safety compliance rating system across all our services • To review and further develop our internal audit, registration and governance function. 2.To provide safe services. • To improve the safety of services for the people in our care by reducing serious and untoward incidents • To reduce absconscions from our CAMHS service by 30% • To review and enhance our whistleblowing policy. 3.To provide welcoming services, giving choice, dignity and high levels of customer service to our clients and patients. • To further improve the personalisation of care planning across MH & LD services • To achieve a patient satisfaction rating of greater that 90% as measured through CPA feedback • To achieve ‘STAR AWARDS - Full Monty’ recognition in each of our applicable services and ensure that service users are actively involved in discussions and decisions about their care treatment and how service that we develop are run 32 Quality Accounts 2011/12 • To further develop our customer intimacy strategies across all our services, including building on the improvements that we have seen in surveys and feedback from people in our care, their family carers and funders. 4.To be a good employer so that staff members are trained, educated and motivated to provide the best available service. • To align to the GMC revalidation for all doctors with individualised clinical governance data. To include; the full approval of policies and procedures by June 2012, 75% of appraisers trained by end 2102, 100% of doctors revalidated by end 2012 • To reduce staff turnover across Cambian MDT team • To implement staffing strategies that maximise patient engagement and staff effectiveness • To improve resources planning to ensure that staffing level are commensurate with patient throughput. 5.To provide clinically effective services ensuring the best possible opportunity for recovery and to evidence our success rates using recognised outcome measures, appropriate to each service line. • To review of our outcome metrics so that they are aligned to customer needs, this will include amongst other areas measures on social inclusion • To develop and implement a clinical model to support the recovery and outcome for two services, our CAMHS Tier 4 service and for female mental health rehabilitation patients who have personality disorder • To develop and implement a process to measure progress and outcomes in our autism service. Quality Accounts 2011/12 33 Statements ‘These Quality Accounts contain a wide breadth of both internal and external systems and ‘involvements’ which should serve to generate a high level of safety for your patient and student group, along with measures to improve quality. Careful audit and ‘involvements’ are critical to minimise risk and to ensure systems are operating as they should. Risk cannot unfortunately be eradicated. However you are ahead of many others in the field by having an external, independent chair for the quarterly governance meetings.’ Andrew Parsons Partner of Radcliffes LeBrasseur ‘As the coordinating commissioner for East Midlands PCTs, we have reviewed Cambian’s Quality Accounts and in light of our commissioning experience I can confirm that Cambian Quality Accounts are correct although they have not been fully audited.’ David Gardner Head of Procurement and Contracts, Hardwick Clinical Commissioning Group Jim Connolly Chief Nurse, Hardwick Clinical Commissioning Group I am delighted to have awarded all Cambian Hospitals with Full Monty Star Awards over the recent years. Gaining these awards is testimony to the fantastic work that they do and the results they are able to achieve with mentally ill people. The experience, care and clinical inputs they provide for each person along with their Hospital environments are truly unique, as a service user and a champion I am delighted with the work that they do. Marion Janner, Star Wards 34 Quality Accounts 2011/12 Quality Accounts 2011/12 35 Our Services One of the UK's leading providers of specialist education and care, mental health rehabilitation and learning disabilities. Cambian Group Specialist Services Education and care Mental Health Rehabilitation CAMHS Darlington Learning Disabilities York Blackburn Leeds Doncaster Liverpool Sheffield Mold Stoke-on-Trent Nottingham Peterborough Wolverhampton Birmingham Cambridge Tewkesbury Cardiff Colchester Bristol London Southampton Exeter Bournemouth The Cambian Group Working with over 140 public authorities in the UK to provide specialist services in education, mental health rehabilitation and learning disabilities. The Cambian Group comprises a number of companies which are registered in England and Wales and the Bailiwick of Jersey. The details of those companies in the Cambian Group registered in England and Wales can be found at CAM213 of preparation 10/04/12 Quality Date Accounts 2011/12 36