Quality Accounts 2014/15 —

Quality Accounts
Camden and Islington
NHS Foundation Trust
Easy Read
Your partner in
care & improvement
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Welcome to Camden
and Islington NHS
Foundation Trust’s (C&I)
Quality Accounts for
2014/15. Easy Read
Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust
Easy Read Version /03
What are the Quality Accounts?
Camden & Islington Foundation Trust must produce Quality
Accounts every year. They tell everyone that needs to know
what we are doing to make sure we give good quality care,
and the things we are working to make better.
The Quality Accounts tell people who use our services, families,
carers, staff and others about:
- How we have done in the past year (2014-15)
- What we are doing to make sure we offer good quality care
- What we will be doing better next year (2015-16).
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We measure lots of things to help us know how well we
are doing. Here are some of the most important:
Checking that people have been having the
food they need when they come to hospital.
Making sure people with physical health
problems get a health check every year.
Reporting things that have gone wrong,
or almost gone wrong.
People in hospital have their care plan
reviewed every week.
People who stay in hospital more than 100 days.
People get better in IAPT services.
Patient experience
Supporting carers with a carer’s assessment, advice
and carers’ breaks.
Offering people in hospital at least four activities
a week.
Scores on Patient-Led Assessments of the Clinical
Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust
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How did we do?
We did better than our target.
We did better than our target.
This is the same score as most other trusts in the
country. This is good, but we want to do better.
We haven’t done as well as last year, but we met our
target and will work to improve this next year
This is better than our target.
This is better than last year. Not all of our
services met their target but we are pleased
to have improved.
This is something we will be working hard to
improve over the next year
We did better than our target.
This has changed from last year so we can’t compare. Our results were
good, and we did better than other trusts on food, and on having wellkept buildings.
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What are we doing to improve quality at the moment?
Sign up to
We are joining a national patient safety
campaign that aims to make the NHS the safest
healthcare system in the world.
People who use mental health services smoke
more than other groups of people. This means
they are more likely to die from smoking-related
diseases. From March 2015, there is no smoking
on any of our hospital sites.
Practice Unit
We are developing a new way of working
to make sure that people with psychosis live
longer, happier, healthier lives.
Positive and
Proactive Care
We are using less restrictive interventions.
This means holding people to keep them and
others safe, keeping someone in a safe room
on their own and giving people medication that
helps them to be calm.
Thematic review of
unexpected deaths
After 19 serious incidents between November
2013 and May 2014, we asked someone
independent to look at them to see if there was
anything linking them together. They did not find
that they were linked, but this helped us to learn
from them and to make our services safer.
Quality Assurance
We are looking at our own services, and always
checking they give good quality care.
Patient experience
We are finding out what patients think using
questionnaires on the internet and other surveys.
This year we have found it difficult to reply to
complaints quickly. Next year we will be working
to improve this.
Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust
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What do the Care Quality Commission (CQC) think of
our services?
It is the CQC’s job to make sure we offer good services. They
visited us in May 2014.
They said we are doing well at:
- Keeping people at the heart of what we do
- Involving people in their care and our services
- Having staff that care
They said we need to do better at:
- Keeping people safe from harming themselves with ligatures, and from falling over
- Learning when things go wrong
- Making sure we follow the rules of the Mental Capacity Act
- Making sure people only move to a different ward if they really need to
- Keeping our plans for improving Coral Ward, our ward for people who are most unwell, up to date.
What will C&I be working to improve in 2015-16?
We will work to keep people safe from domestic violence, falls
and things they could hurt themselves with. We will get better at
learning lessons when things go wrong.
We will keep going with our work to help people have good physical
health. We will work to do better at working with GPs and hospitals, and at
helping people using drugs, alcohol or smoking. We will also make sure we
do the things we should under the Mental Capacity Act.
We will make our services better for people by asking what people think,
by supporting people with their medication and by not moving people to
different wards unless they really need it.
Find out more about C&I on our website: www.candi.nhs.uk
The full version of the Quality Account is available for free on the NHS
Choices website www.nhs.uk.