Dear Partners, We would like to inform you about the nomination and applicationprocess for your outgoing students coming to the University of Malta during theacademic year 2015-2016 within the Erasmus+ Programme. Nomination process The nominationprocess is open : - 1st April to 1stJune 2015 for semester 1 and full year students - 1st September to 1stNovember 2015 for semester 2 students The nomination process is compulsory forthe acceptance of Erasmus students at the University of Malta. Home UniversityCoordinators are to send the official nomination by e-mail to the address : The email must include the following details: 1. Name and surname of thenominated students 2. Gender 3. Date of birth 4. Nationality 5. E-mail address 6. Subject area 7. Semester (semester 1 /semester 2 / Full Year) 8. Level of study (Undergraduate/ Master / Doctorate) Students can be nominated only if: - - there is a valid Erasmus+ inter-institutionalagreement for the academic year 2015/16 between the sending institution and aparticular faculty of our institution. - - nominations are in line with the Erasmus+inter-institutional agreement signed between your University and the Universityof Malta, with regards to the area of studies, the level of studies, the numberof students and the number of months. - -they meet language requirements indicated in theErasmus+ interinstitutional agreement. Application process Theapplication deadline: - 1st July 2015 for semester1 and full year students - 1st December 2015 forsemester 2 students Once wereceive the nominations by the Home University, the students are to send thefollowing documents: 1. Enrolment Form: students need to fillin the online enrolment form (linkwill be sent by the International & EU Office after receiving thenomination from the Home University Coordinator). The students need to print acopy of this online enrolment form and attach a recent passport photo to thisform; 2. Health Forms; 3. Photocopy of students’ passport/identity card; 4. Copy of the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC); 5. Copy of the Travel Insurance; 6. OnlineLinguistic Support (OLS) test; 7. Erasmus +Learning Agreement; 8. Faculty of Health Sciences only -Certificate of Police Conduct. When all these requested documentsare completed, they are to be sent altogetherby e-mail as a scanned document to Kindly note that the International & EUOffice cannot process the students’ registration without the online enrolmentform. Confirmationof Acceptance Students' acceptance is conditional to the receipt of all therequired forms mentioned above. Acceptance is also subject to the approval bythe International & EU Office. The International & EU Office will sendthe nominated student(s) an official Letter of Acceptance together with otherinformation. Upon receipt of acceptance letter, students may book their flightand make other arrangements. Students need to send information about flight andaccommodation by e-mail to the respective institutional Erasmus coordinator,either Annhelica Agius or Steve Blondelet at the International & EU Office,once details are confirmed. Language requirements The language of instruction at the Universityof Malta is English, andstudents are expected to be fluent in the English language which will enablethem to successfully complete their Erasmus+ Mobility. No particular concessions are allowed tostudents whose level of English is lower than expected.The students need tohave a B2 level inEnglish Those students who select study units from the EnglishDepartment, need to have a C1level in English. The University of Malta requires that: - the Englishlevel should be indicated in the "LanguageCompetence of the student" section in the Erasmus +Learning Agreement. - the studentsubmits the Online Linguistic Support(OLS) Test. Erasmus + Learning Agreement Prior the students’ arrival at the UoM, they are to selectprovisional modules and submit the Erasmus + Learning Agreement to theirrespective institutional Erasmus Coordinator at the International & EUOffice. Details on available study-units are found in the following website: This Erasmus + LearningAgreement should be approved by the coordinators at their Home University andalso by the Erasmus & Departmental Coordinators at the UoM. The Englishlevel should be indicated in the "Language Competence of the student"section in the Erasmus + Learning Agreement. Academic Calendar Atthe beginning of every academic semester the International & EU Officeorganizes an Orientation Session for the Erasmus students starting theirstudies at the University of Malta. Thestudents are required to attend this Session as it is the bestopportunity for them to ask all the questions that may arise during their firstdays at the University. TheOrientation Sessions for semester 1 and full year students will be held on Tuesday29th and Wednesday 30th September 2015. Anystudent who arrives late risks having their application withdrawn. Visitingstudents are to remain in Malta until the end of their semesterexaminations, and should hand in all their assignments and sit for their examsprior to their departure. (Informationabout the Orientation Session for semester 2 students will be communicated at alater stage). Accommodation Malta offersa variety of accommodation options for students, located around and close tothe University campus, to suit different needs and budgets. Students are freeto choose the lodging which suits them best. Studentsregistered for studies with the University of Malta may opt to live at theUniversity Residence ( or Hotel Kappara ( properties are administered by the University. Bookings,payments and all other arrangements are to be made directly to the twoproperties Welook forward to receiving your nominations and welcoming your students at theUniversity of Malta. Kind regards, Steve Blondelet Steve Blondelet, B.A.(Pub.Rel.),M.A.(Translation),P.G.Cert.(Teaching Sciences) Erasmus Officer-Incoming Students International & EU Office Room 107, Administration Bldg University of Malta Msida MSD 06 Malta Tel: (+356) 2340 3708 Fax: (+356) 21 316941 E-mail: Web: