OOC News Goals for the USC Aiken Strategic Plan October 2013

October 2013
Page 2
• Strategic Plan Goals
Page 4
• Addressing Goal #1
Page 5
• Family Fund Update
Page 6
• Campus Citizen Janet Joy
Page 7
• Division of Finance &
Administration Updates
Page 8
• Dancing with the Aiken
Page 9
• Campus Connections
Page 10
• Oktoberfest
• Harrison Calendars
benefit scholarships
Page 11
• Pacer Shoppe
• Children’s Center
• Home and Garden Show
Page 12
• Why Should I get a Flu
Page 13
• New Leadership
Page 14
• Tobacco Free Initiative
OOC News
Goals for the USC Aiken Strategic Plan
Based on the work of the Visioning Process and the Task Forces, our new strategic
plan has four goals in support of one vision to move Forward Together for USC
Aiken. This year, each department will develop goals and strategies in support of
our new plan. Look for more information soon on this process.
Goal 1: Provide Distinctive, High Quality Educational Experiences
Goal 2: Enroll, Retain, Develop and Graduate a Diverse Student Body
Goal 3: Develop and manage resources effectively, efficiently and
ethically to support the University’s mission
Goal 4: Create Collaborative Partnerships and Innovative Solutions
to Advance our Community, Region, and State
Objectives and strategies outlined on page 2.
USC Aiken Strategic plan Goals
our objectives and strategies to achieve them
High Quality
Enroll, Retain,
Develop and
a Diverse
Student Body
Objective 1.1: Reinforce quality teaching and learning as the
preeminent activities of this University
• Strategy 1.1.1: Distinguish the university
• Strategy 1.1.2: Foster strategies that
by enhancing and leveraging our liberal arts
result in a more integrated and dynamic
focus on global studies
Objective 1.2: Enhance excellence by implementing and
supporting student engagement and immersive learning both
inside and beyond the classroom
• Strategy 1.2.1: Expand opportunities for
• Strategy 1.2.3: Explore ways to expand
faculty to learn about and implement
and improve upon delivery methods to
innovative approaches to teaching, learning
enhance learning and provide greater
and scholarship
student access
• Strategy 1.2.2: Strengthen opportunities for
immersive learning
Objective 2.1: Recruit a promising and diverse student body
rate that is highly competitive in South
• Strategy 2.1.1: Create new degree programs,
majors, minors, concentrations and
• Strategy 2.1.4: Strengthen and expand the
certificates to complement traditional
integrated marketing and matriculation
programs of study
• Strategy 2.1.2: Ensure strategic growth of
the student body appropriate to our mission • Strategy 2.1.5: Enhance the university’s
reputation as a high-quality residential
• Strategy 2.1.3: Emphasize affordability by
university of choice
providing a quality education at a net-cost
Objective 2.2: Achieve a greater percentage of student
retention, progression, and graduation
• Strategy 2.2.1: Improve and augment
student academic support
• Strategy 2.2.2: Enhance our reputation for
service excellence
• Strategy 2.2.3: Make better use of
technology and available data related to
• Strategy 2.2.4: Align policies and
procedures to support student
Objective 2.3: Develop responsible and socially conscious
graduates who are ready to lead, work and contribute to
their communities
• Strategy 2.3.1: Build on opportunities
for student development in leadership,
teamwork and career-readiness
• Strategy 2.3.2: Increase and coordinate
programming that explores issues of
personal wellness, decision making and
social responsibility of students
Goals 3 and 4 outlined on page 3
Page 2
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Strategic Plan Goals continued from page 2
Develop and
manage resources
efficiently and
ethically to
support the
Objective 3.1: Provide additional support to faculty and staff that
promotes job satisfaction and offers opportunities to better serve
our constituents
• Strategy 3.1.1: Review organization
• Strategy 3.1.2: Recruit, nurture and
structure to enhance the accomplishment of retain a high-quality and diverse faculty
mission and identify campus synergies
and staff
Objective 3.2: Ensure a culture that is committed to ethical
stewardship and that actively incorporates efficiencies and risk
management strategies into its decision making framework
• Strategy 3.2.1: Develop and initiate a
link the budget to strategic goals
process to actively seek out opportunities
• Strategy 3.2.3: Review, strengthen and
for greater efficiency across all functions of
implement emergency preparedness,
the university
disaster recovery and business continuity
• Strategy 3.2.2: Ensure sustainable and
optimal utilization of campus resources that
Objective 3.3: Foster the University’s commitment to excellence
and innovation
• Strategy 3.3.1: Enhance financial security
• Strategy 3.3.3 Employ meaningful
and excellence through intentional
academic program and support unit
fundraising, grantmanship, stewardship,
reviews that use goal setting, data
friend building and vibrant alumni relations analysis, and enhancement planning to
• Strategy 3.3.2 Support innovation and
ensure continuous improvement
creative approaches to teaching and learning
and Innovative
Solutions to
Advance our
Region, and State
Objective 4.1: Collaborate intentionally with K-16 to build stronger
educational opportunities for the region and state
• Strategy 4.1.1: Serve as a key resource in the
region for the creation of STEM initiatives
in our partner K-16 institutions
• Strategy 4.1.2: Serve as a key resource in
the region for the creation of initiatives
in the arts, humanities, behavioral
and social sciences, wellness, and preprofessional areas with our partner K-16
Objective 4.2: Leverage our intellectual capital to support and
augment a dynamic region and state
• Strategy 4.2.1: Expand and enhance
partnerships in support of economic,
educational and personal development for
the citizens and enterprises in our region
• Strategy 4.2.2: Expand opportunities for
civic engagement
Objective 4.3: Expand our Global Presence through national and
international collaborations
• Strategy 4.3.1: Encourage and support
faculty seeking international research,
teaching, collaborations and exchanges
Page 3
• Strategy 4.3.2: Seek opportunities with
our local business and industry for
national and international internship
experiences and exchanges
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Addressing Goal #1
Great Expectations at the
University of South Carolina Aiken
n 2002, the Association of American Colleges and
Action_final(2).pdf ), as a way of connecting learning. Still
Universities, the nation’s organization with the most wellothers embraced the approach called 7 Revolutions, which
organized and consistent message about the importance of
focused on seven trends (one example: see how Fort Hayes
a liberal arts & sciences curriculum, issued a report entitled
integrated the 7 Revolutions http://www.fhsu.edu/teacherGreat Expectations: A New Vision for Learning as a Nation Goes
scholar/volume2/Surviving_the/page1.html) currently
to College. The report was the result of sustained work over a
shaping the world and used those trends to provide links
number of years that included discussions among the leaders
between disciplines. The question raised during the Visioning
of liberal arts & science universities, corporate and industry,
process was, “Could we do more to create a more cohesive
and higher education policy makers. Great Expectations sets
and intentional general education curriculum that helped
forth a model of education for a new century and calls “for a
students to understand the essential purpose of the value of a
dramatic reorganization of undergraduate education to ensure
broad liberal arts and sciences education?”
that all college aspirants receive not just access to college, but
In addition to recommendations for an intentional “core
an education of lasting value (p. vii).” It offers a compelling
curriculum” that helps students understand how the mastery
sketch of the kind of learning that students would need for a
of knowledge, skills, and understandings in the “core” provide
complex, global, and interconnected world—“ an invigorated
basic intellectual skills at the heart of any major, several
and practical liberal education
task forces also recommended It offers a compelling
as the most empowering form
that USC Aiken be defined
of learning for the twenty first
sketch of the kind of learning by student engagement
century (p. xi).”
pedagogies. Research on
that students would need
According to Judith Ramaly,
engaged learning emerged
the chair of the AAC&U
in the 1980’s and persists
for a complex, global, and
Commission that assembled the
today. With each passing year,
interconnected world
report, “We envisioned students
new approaches to research
who are intentional learners who
into how students learn and
can adapt to new environments, integrate knowledge from
the role of motivation to persistence and learning adds
different sources, and continue learning throughout their lives,
layers and aspects to the construct of student engagement.
thriving because they are empowered through the mastery of
Most recently, research in this topic comes not only from
intellectual and practical skills; informed by knowledge of the
educational fields but comes from brain science, psychology,
natural and social worlds and about the forms of inquiry basic
economic and demographic studies, student persistence
to an understanding of ourselves and the world we inhabit;
studies, and more. Engagement of students in their own
and responsible for their personal actions and willing to work
education happens at USC Aiken through a variety of
toward the public good.”
strategies. Departments are using a variety of approaches:
During the visioning process that we called “Forward
undergraduate research, critical inquiry-based courses,
Together,” USC Aiken faculty and staff recommended a similar
leadership studies, service-learning, internships, and flipped
approach to the vision outlined in Great Expectations. The
classroom strategies to engage students. In the future, we
desire is to highlight our liberal arts & science mission and
will be collecting information on the types of engagement
emphasize undergraduate teaching and learning excellence,
strategies being utilized so the academic community can more
while making certain that USC Aiken students receive an
readily share best practices.
intentional education that creates empowered learners through
There are many paths toward realizing the visions
engagement. expressed in Great Expectations and our own goals developed
Institutions have implemented the recommendations in
through Forward Together. My hope is that faculty and staff
Great Expectations in various ways that enhanced their existing
will continue to help the university determine the most
strengths, but all are seeking to both engage students in their
effective ways to provide educational coherence, encourage
own learning inside and outside the classroom, and provide
student engagement in learning in and beyond the classroom,
students opportunities to practice what they are learning
and to provide opportunities to increase student motivation,
by engaging the community, their major disciplines, or by
persistence, and achievement. addressing global issues. At select institutions, the focus was
on providing more opportunities for internships, even in those
disciplines that do not typically require internships. Other
institutions turned to current topics, like sustainability (as an
intro to this topic, see: http://www.aashe.org/files/A_Call_to_
Page 4
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Family Fund Update
From the Volunteers
“Each year the Ruth Patrick Science Education
Center staff steps up to the plate and continues to
have a 100% Family Fund participation rate. It has
become a goal of the entire RPSEC staff to be the
1st unit on campus to have 100% participation. I
am proud to work with a group of people that find
it important to give back to USC Aiken. Family is
certainly a word that describes the people working
at the RPSEC.”
John Hutchens
The Office of the Chancellor and the volunteers who
worked on this year’s Family Fund campaign would
like to extend a heartfelt thanks to everyone who
contributed this year. We are especially grateful to
the departments who achieved a 100% participation
rate, which include the Office of Advancement,
Athletics, Chemistry/Physics, Communications,
Education, Enrollment Services, History/Political
Science/Philosophy, Library, Nursing, Psychology, and
Sociology/Geography/Anthropology. We are very
proud of our campus-wide participation rate, which
remains the highest in the Carolina system.
Page 5
“I couldn’t have been more pleased to see the
Psychology Department once again reach 100%
participation in the Family Fund, something we
have accomplished many times. We have four new
first-year faculty in the department and in just their
first month on campus they realized the importance
and impact that donating to the Family Fund has
for our students, faculty and staff, and fundraising.
Psychology faculty, like the others at USC Aiken,
show the commitment, belief in our mission, and
love we have for our campus in many ways, one of
them each year when they reach into their pockets
and give back to the university. The fact that so
many of our campus family make gifts to the
University, on top of their day-to-day efforts, makes
USC Aiken a special place.” Ed Callen
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Congratulations to our Campus Citizen Janet Joy
of the Month
he Campus Citizen of the Month
award is given in recognition of
good citizenship. All faculty, classified
and unclassified staff, and university
partners who have been with the
University for one year and are in good
standing are eligible. The nomination
remains active indefinitely in the
pool of candidates. The nomination
form must be signed by the nominee’s
supervisor and sent to the nominee’s
Vice Chancellor in that unit. The
criteria to be used in the nomination
Janet Joy
• Initiative/Creativity: Exhibits
ingenuity and resourcefulness.
Examples: Improved work
methods, efficiency within the
• Loyalty/Dedication: Willing to
go the “extra mile” without being
• Positive Attitude: Maintains
effective relationships with others
both on and off campus; serves as
role model. Example: Consistently
delivers prompt, friendly service.
• Leadership: Acknowledge those
whose efforts have inspired and
supported the performance and
achievement of others.
Procurement Specialist 1
Congratulations to Janet Joy, Procurement Specialist I in Purchasing,
USC Aiken’s October Campus Citizen of the Month. Thanks to her
efforts, she will receive $20 gift card, a sign for her desk, and a parking
In her nomination, a peer stated that Janet always has a positive and
friendly demeanor, a tremendous amount of patience, and a smile on
her face, all while supporting the purchasing needs of the entire campus. She goes above and beyond in her work, following through and paying
great attention to details. She helps people with purchase requisitions,
working with vendors, and anything else with which they may need
assistance. She answers questions in a timely manner and in an upbeat
In recognition of her expertise and helpful spirit, Janet Joy has been
named Campus Citizen of the Month. Congratulations Janet!
Page 6
Monday Group will
review the nominations
and select each
month’s winner.
Contact Maria
Chandler at
for more information.
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The Division of Finance & Administration introduces
Search Updates
Brian Enter
Senior University Facilities Executive
Campus Catering
Director (Aramark)
Brian has held positions
of increasing responsibility
in engineering and project
management throughout his
career. Most recently, he served
as Supervisor for Mechanical and
Civil Design at Plant Vogtle. Prior
to his time at Plant Vogtle, he
worked as a structural engineer
and bridge engineer in private
firms. Brian earned his Bachelor
of Science degree in Civil and
Environmental Engineering from the University of South
Carolina Columbia. Additionally, Enter holds Professional
Engineering (P.E.) certifications in South Carolina and Georgia.
Brian will come to USC Aiken with a number of projects
in the pipeline, including the Penland Entrance Fountain,
Starbucks in the SAC, and the Pedestrian Bridge. He will join
USC Aiken on October 23, 2013.
Dan Robb
Associate Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management
The University of South
Carolina Aiken has named Mr.
Daniel Robb as its new Associate
Vice Chancellor for Enrollment
Robb, who has most recently
served as Dean of Enrollment
Management at Community
College of Philadelphia and
the Assistant Vice President
for Enrollment Management/
Associate Dean of Admissions at
George Mason University, joined USC Aiken on September 30,
2013. He brings a wealth of higher education experience, having
worked in the field for over 25 years. Robb holds a Master of
Business Administration from the University of Massachusetts,
and a Master of Higher Education Administration from
Columbia University. He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in
political science from the University at Albany – State University
of New York.
Page 7
Campus Executive
Chef (Aramark)
Controller (Due
to incumbent’s
announced retirement)
Advertisement active
Operations – Selected
Project Updates:
Pedestrian Bridge: The SC
Department of Transportation
(DOT) has issued an encroachment
permit related to the bridge and the
plans are processing through DOT’s
final review. Bid date is expected to
be in late October/early November. Completion date will be determined
once bids are awarded.
Penland Fountain: This project
has been bid out and is expected to
be awarded within the next 2 weeks. Intended completion is early spring
Starbucks: Project has been
announced to campus and prebid preparations are being made. Intended completion is early spring
If you have questions about these
or other projects, please contact Joe
Sobieralski at JoeS@usca.edu Click here to return to Table of Contents
Dance Competition to Benefit Local Causes
Returns to the USC Aiken Convocation Center
ancing with the Aiken
Stars returns to the USC
Aiken Convocation Center on
November 21, 2013 at 7pm for
a night of entertainment to
benefit the Medical Clinic of
Aiken County and the Child
Advocacy Center. Tickets are
on sale now online at www.
uscatix.com, by phone 1-866722-8877 and at the USC Aiken
Convocation Center Box Office.
Tickets are $30 and include one
This year’s event will be
emceed by Tom Williams
and Betty Ryberg. Dancers
participating will include Will
Williams, Director of Economic
Development Partnership of
Aiken and Edgefield Counties;
The Reverend Grant Wiseman,
Rector of St. Thaddeus
Episcopal Church; Chuck
Munns, Former President and
CEO of Savannah River Nuclear
Solutions; and Dr. Sandra
Jordan, USC Aiken’s Chancellor.
Prizes will be awarded to the
pair and the group that receive
the most votes. The judges
Page 8
Ahmed Samaha and Aja Vaughn from 2012’s Dancing with the Aiken Stars
contest. This year, Dr. Sandra Jordan will be competing from USC Aiken with
dance partner Chuck Munns.
will award a prize to their favorite among the pairs and groups
performing. Judges for this year’s event include Marie Durrett,
Sallye Rich, Robert Shellhouse and Jesse Colin Young. There will
also be a People’s Choice Award.
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Students from Jadavpur University participate in the campus
connection teleconference at the American Center in Kolkata,
India. On screen are the USC Aiken students participating
Campus Connections
Teleconferencing bridges distance between USC Aiken students
and international peers at Jadavpur University
n September 4th, 2013 some
USC Aiken students had the
unique opportunity to meet and talk
with Indian students from Jadavpur
University in Kolkata, through
teleconferencing. Three USC Aiken
students were chosen to watch the
Bollywood movie Swades: We the
People, a movie that touches on
important cultural aspects of the
Indian society and its pathway to
globalization, and then discussed
some of the main themes with their
peers in India. The three USC Aiken
students who actively participated
in this conversation were Jamie
Clifton, a communications major
and international studies minor
sophomore, Breana Jones, a
communications major senior, and
Patrick Stiebinger, a business major
junior and an international student
Page 9
from Germany. More students
participated as the audience.
The event was held early in
the morning to accommodate the
over nine hour time difference
with Kolkata but that did not
seem to bother our USC Aiken
students. They were very excited,
albeit a little apprehensive, about
the opportunity to meet Indian
peers without traveling thousands
of miles away and it was a really
enriching experience. As Jamie
Clifton explained, “It was an
amazing opportunity to broaden
students’ horizons about cultural
differences and I can’t wait until
we can do this again!” The Indian
students were similarly excited to
share their views about their culture
with our students. Students were
so engaged in the conversation that
after 15 minutes of running over the
scheduled time, we had to agree that
we have to “meet” again soon.
The event in India was held at
the American Center in Kolkata and
it was the result of collaboration
between Dr. Maria Anastasiou,
Director of International Programs,
and her colleague Dr. Iman Lahiri,
Professor at the International
Relations Department at Jadavpur
University. The Director of the
American Center in Kolkata greeted
the students, expressed his great
support of this collaboration, and
urged the organizers to create
more similar opportunities for our
students. Two parties are already
working on more programs and the
USC Aiken International Programs
office is more than happy to help any
professor that would like to be part
of this project.
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Oktoberfest held in Downtown Aiken
n Saturday evening, October
12th, USC Aiken in
partnership with the City of Aiken,
Aiken Downtown Development
Association, and Aiken Young
Professionals hosted Aiken’s
The event, which featured
live music, games, and Germanthemed food, and beverages,
was attended by members of
our community and USC Aiken
students, with a final gate count in
excess of 3,000 individuals. Several
restaurants in the Alley even got
into the spirit of Oktoberfest by
featuring traditional German
menu items that evening. To
encourage student attendance,
the City of Aiken provided trolley
transportation between the
campus and downtown. The
event has received rave reviews
throughout the community and
we plan to participate again next
year. Special thanks to Angel
Miano, Ahmed Samaha, and
Deidre Martin for their leadership
on the Steering Committee and
ein herzliches Dankeschön to our
colleagues who volunteered to assist
during the Oktoberfest.
Artist Jim Harrison’s New Calendar on
Sale At Security Federal Bank Locations
Proceeds to Benefit Scholarship at USC Aiken
enowned South Carolina artist
Jim Harrison has released his
2014 Coca-Cola calendar, which
is now on sale at 10 area Security
Federal Bank locations, to benefit
a scholarship at the University of
South Carolina Aiken.
The calendars being sold are
signed and numbered by Harrison,
featuring a country store on the
cover with the Coca-Cola logo
depicted on the store’s side for
$20 per calendar. Security Federal
Bank locations in Evans, Wagener,
Graniteville, all Aiken branches,
Langley, Clearwater and North
Augusta will sell the calendar
through the end of January.
Proceeds from the calendar sales
will benefit the Anne Harrison
Scholarship at USC Aiken in honor
Page 10
of Jim Harrison’s mother. Harrison,
of Denmark, S.C., has become known
for his paintings chronicling rural
life, whether it is at railroad stations,
churches, one-room school houses,
country stores, covered bridges or farm
buildings. According to his official
website, http://jimharrison.com, he
has more than 100 limited edition
reproductions to his name in his many
years as an artist.
Harrison is a licensed artist of The
Coca-Cola Company and his art and
writings have placed him among the
nation’s foremost chroniclers of earlier
Twentieth Century rural life. Harrison
has had successful one-man shows at
the prominent New York Hammer
Galleries and the San Francisco
Conacher Galleries. His works have
also been included in annual shows at
the prestigious National Academy
Gallery in New York.
Harrison says, “I sincerely try to
put meaning to all of this in hopes
it has some historical value. The
subjects I’m interested in certainly
need to be captured in books and
on canvas. They were an important
part of our past. With my art, what
you see is what you get. I hope that
my paintings need no explanation.
I simply want to communicate my
message to the common man on
the street that claims to have no
knowledge of art but does know
what he likes.”
For more information on
Harrison’s new calendar, e-mail to
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Pacer Shoppe
Children’s Center
Special Events:
Just a reminder that classes
from the Children’s Center will
be trick-or-treating in their
Halloween finest on Thursday,
October 31st at 10 a.m.
Pink Ribbon Tea with Mrs. Pastides on October 21st. The
bookstore will be selling Mrs. Pastides’ new cookbook.
Merchandise Updates:
New gift items include: Tervis Tumblers with Pacer logo wraps,
Pacer garden flags, various mugs and cups with either Pacer
logo or University logo, Camelback spill proof bottle, smart
iPad case with University logo, University banner, leather
University padfolio and ID holders, and micro mink Sherpa
blanket with University logo.
In the way of clothing we now have glitter USC Aiken t’s,
glitter sweatshirts, hoodies, various children’s clothing,
baseball and basketball t’s, Nike shorts and t’s for men and
women, and alumni t’s and long sleeve and short sleeve t’s
with both the Pacer logo and University logo.
New Merchandise is coming in everyday!
All three classes will take part in
the activity (including infants),
so the group will limit their tour
to a walk around the campus
quad showing off their costumes
and saying “hello!”
There will be approximately 41
children in the group this year.
Please come out for a “smile
break.” If you plan to distribute
candy, PLEASE remember that
we can only have soft candy (no
We hope you will join us and
help make this day special for
our littlest Pacers.
Renovating This Fall?
he Aiken Standard and
Prestige Appliance are
proud to announce the annual
Aiken Home Show coming to
the USC Aiken Convocation
Center this Friday, October
25th from noon to 7pm and
Saturday, October 26th from
Page 11
in remodeling, gardening,
decorating, renovation, and
more. Researching all of the
latest materials and products
available on the market can
be time consuming – The Aiken
Home Show makes that process
easier. Tickets are $5 and
10am to 5pm. The Convocation remain valid both days of the
Center will be transformed
event. Children 12 years of age
with exhibitors showcasing the
and under do not need a ticket.
latest in home and garden
Tickets are on sale now and
products and services. The
may be purchased at the USC
annual Aiken Home Show
Aiken Convocation Center Box
is the place for consumers
to experience what’s new
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Why Should I get a flu shot?
Influenza is a serious disease that can lead
to hospitalization and sometimes even death.
Every flu season is different, and influenza
infection can affect people differently. Even
healthy people can get very sick from the flu
and spread it to others. The Centers for Disease
Control (CDC) recommends an annual flu shot
for everyone over the age of six months.
Along with cooler weather and sunshiny
days, the fall/winter season brings the flu. The
Student Health Center (SHC) can help YOU
avoid the flu in a very simple way....by getting
your FLU SHOT! Many people avoid the shot
because they fear needles, but we are also
frequently asked: Won’t a flu shot give me the
The answer is….NO! A flu shot cannot cause
flu illness. The influenza viruses contained in a
flu shot are inactivated (killed), which means
they cannot cause infection. Flu vaccine
manufacturers kill the viruses used in the
vaccine during the process of making vaccines,
and batches of flu vaccine are tested to make
sure they are safe. In randomized, blinded
studies, where some people get flu shots and
others get salt-water shots, the only differences
in symptoms was increased soreness in the arm
and redness at the injection site among people
who got the flu shot. There were no differences
in terms of body aches, fever, cough, runny
nose or sore throat. http://www.cdc.gov/flu/
SO, stop by the SHC any time between 10:00
a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Monday-Friday to get your
flu vaccine. Cost: $10 for students or $18 for
faculty/staff. We hope to see you very soon.
There are other behaviors that can help
prevent the flu, too:
• Wash your hands often with soap and
water. Wash them for as long as it takes
to sing the Happy Birthday song twice.
• Cover your nose and mouth with a
tissue when you cough or sneeze, and
then throw the tissue in the trash.
• See your healthcare provider
immediately if you have flu symptoms
of : (Fever, headache, extreme
tiredness, dry cough, sore throat,
runny or stuffy nose, muscle aches;
occasionally, stomach symptoms such
as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea) as
you may be a candidate for antiviral
• Stay home if you are sick until you
have been symptom-free without
taking fever-reducing medicine for 24
• Try to avoid close contact with sick
• Eat a healthy diet, exercise and get
plenty of rest.
For additional flu information,
you can visit the CDC website
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Leadership USC Aiken: Creating Career and Community Leaders
The Office of Career Services and
the Office of Student Life proudly
sponsors the Leadership USC Aiken:
Creating Career and Community
Leaders Certificate program. The
Leadership USC Aiken: Creating Career
& Community Leaders Certificate
program will offer participants a unique
academic and co-curricular leadership
experience founded upon the
principles of a liberal arts education.
The program will provide:
• A comprehensive leadership
experience built upon the
cornerstones of citizenship,
service, career preparation,
and leadership
• Outstanding experiences
which will make our
participants more marketable
in the competitive work place.
• An opportunity to develop
a network of outstanding
leaders who will contribute
to the University and their
communities by being active
and responsible citizens
Participants will:
• Learn skills that will make
them effective leaders in their
community and their profession
by participating in both civic
and workplace activities.
• Understand how to transfer skills
(i.e. communication, critical
thinking, problem solving,
etc.) developed through
their academic courses and
collegiate experiences into
Page 13
career positions in a post
graduate work place by
observing these skills in real
world settings.
• Understand the dynamics
of an organization’s culture
through observing and
reflecting on how decisions are
made, how work is structured,
how power is shared, how
colleagues interact, how an
organization’s mission/vision
are implemented, and to what
degree accountability and
feedback are present in the
• Gain a greater understanding
of their own personal identities
and how their identities shape
their leadership and career
• Have a variety of experiences
which will increase their
readiness to transition into a
professional work setting.
• Learn how to effectively
articulate their set of practical
skills and tools on a resume,
portfolio and in interviews.
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Tobacco-free Initiative discussions begin
USC Aiken has been awarded a grant to engage the USC Aiken community in the discussion,
development and proposal of a Tobacco Free Policy. As a part of this grant, a Tobacco Free Task Force has
been established with the following charge:
• to evaluate the current policies on Tobacco at USC Aiken
• review and implement a survey to determine the attitudes surrounding tobacco at USC Aiken
• create a Tobacco Free Policy that is to be given to Chancellor Jordan.
• The grant does not stipulate that USC Aiken must adopt this policy. That decision will be made at the
cabinet level.
Tobacco Free Initiative History
The USC system was awarded a Tobacco
Free Engagement Grant. This grant is to start the
engagement process moving towards a Tobacco
Free Environment.
Since July 2013 the USC System schools have
selected a representative on their campuses
to chair the Tobacco Free Task Force. These
representatives have been coming together for a
monthly conference call to discuss aspects of the
Tobacco Free initiative.
USC Aiken has invited individuals to be a part of
the USC Aiken Tobacco Task Force and will begin
to have regular meetings beginning in September
The goal of the Tobacco Free Grant is to
evaluate the current policies on Tobacco at USC
Aiken, review and implement a survey to determine
the attitudes surrounding tobacco at USC Aiken
and ultimately create a Tobacco Free Policy that is
to be given to Chancellor Jordan. The grant does
not stipulate that USC Aiken must adopt this policy.
That decision will be made at the cabinet level.
The grant has a year time line in place which is
roughly outlined to the right.
Time Line:
• May 2013 – MOU signed
• July 5, 2013 – Progress Report Due
• July 1, 2013 - Faculty/Staff Survey being sent
out via USCA List Serve on Wellness Activities
and interest in Physical Activity, Nutrition and
Tobacco Task Force
• August 2013 – Committee recommendations
sent to the Chancellor
• September 2013 – First Committee Meeting
• October 5, 2013 – Progress Report Due
• Committee meetings in progress; Assessment
reviewed and chosen ; Tobacco Vision and
implementation time line created
• January 5, 2014 – Progress Report Due
• Assessment completed and analyzed;
Engagement of campus partners; Town halls
• May 2014 - Policy recommendation
forwarded to the Chancellor
Time Commitment:
Meetings: 1.25 hours twice a month
Research and Review of materials: Varies each
month: 2-4 hours a month depending on which
areas need information gathered.
Tobacco-Free Committee Members
Mila Padgett, Chair
Len Engle, Facilities Mgt
Ahmed Samaha, Student Life
Maria Chandler, Human Resources
Carmen Williams, Advancement
Brandon Aiken, Athletics
Tim Lintner, Faculty
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Hope Smith-Dunbar, Residence Life
Cindy Gelinas, Counseling Center
Ross Philbeck, Student Life
Douglas Higbee, Faculty
Sam LaMunion, Student, SGA President
Terell Douglas Williams, Student, Residence Life
Jesse Seilern, Student, Athlete
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