OOC News W Chancellor Remarks

January 2014
OOC News
Chancellor Remarks
Page 2
• Pinpoint 911
• Campus
Committee News
Page 3
• Campus Citizen
of the Month
Page 4
• Wedding Expo
• Search Updates
Page 5
• Campus Projects
Page 7
• Chancellor
remarks cont’d
• Athletic Updates
elcome to a new year and a new
academic semester. I hope you had
a delightful break and that, in addition to
everything else, you were able to make some
time for a little “R&R.”
There is an old joke about university
chancellors that goes like this: “Due to
the time demands of the job, university
presidents/chancellors first give up
professional writing, then give up reading
in their disciplines, and finally…give up
thinking, altogether!” Well, I’m happy to
report that over the holiday, I had a chance to
do some thinking! In particular, I had time to
think about the history and accomplishments
of this young university. It is so tempting to
get caught up in the demands of the moment
and what has yet to be done, that it is easy
to overlook successes and affirmative efforts
achieved over time. Since my arrival, as I
have begun to know the institution better, I
have developed a deeper and more profound
respect for what has been achieved at USC
Aiken in the relatively brief history of this
university. Under the leadership of former
Chancellors, and due in large measure to
the talent, dedication, and hard work of the
faculty and staff, this university has taken
tremendous strides in regards to providing
student access, educational excellence,
opportunities for undergraduate research, and
connectivity between the academy and the
community. I am in awe of the tremendous
accomplishments that have been made in
only fifty-two and a half years.
From where I sit, this is an institution
that successfully balances excellence
and service, research and teaching, and
innovation with respect for tradition. This
university has never lost site of the primary
goals of educating students and serving the
community. And, this is a university that
continues to refine and strive for the next
level of attainment.
Through the work of the campus,
community, and alumni on our Forward
Together visioning, planning, and task force
deliberations, we are poised to take the next
step in our evolution. I anticipate a busy
semester as we continue to respond to the
recommendations of the task forces and
implement the action steps that will help us
in the attainment of our four goals, which are
explained on page 6.
Continued on Page 6
USC Aiken Implements
PinPoint 911 on Campus
Campus Committee News
Salary Enhancement Planning and
Prioritization Committee Convenes
n an effort to make the University of
South Carolina Aiken a safer campus,
Pinpoint 911 has been installed. In the
past, when 911 calls were made from
campus, only the street address of 471
University Parkway was used to identify the
location of the caller to the 911 operator.
This made it difficult for emergency
responders to know where on campus they
were needed.
In order to provide better service,
especially in emergency situations, Aiken
County requested that USC Aiken name the
streets on campus. If you visit the campus
today you will see the new street signs. The
road names are Scholar Loop, Leadership
Drive, Champion Way, Proud Pacer Drive,
and College Station Drive.
Now that roads on USC Aiken’s campus
have been named, the over 900 phone
extensions on campus have had location
identifiers added for 911 emergency services
system. Now, if a caller on campus dials
911, it will not show just the University’s
main street address. It will also show the
campus road name and the building and
room number from which the call was
made. This will help emergency responders
tremendously as they answer any calls made
on USC Aiken’s campus.
“It is crucial for emergency responders
to be equipped with specific locations in
case of any emergency situation on the USC
Aiken campus,” states Dr. Sandra Jordan,
chancellor. “We want to have a safe and
secure environment for our students as well
as for our faculty and staff. It is through
advances like Pinpoint 911, we are able to
best meet these needs.”
Page 2
nder Goal III of our new
Forward Together Plan is
Strategy 3.1.2: “Recruit, nurture and
retain a high-quality and diverse
faculty and staff.”
One key to successfully recruiting
and retaining a high-quality and
diverse faculty and staff is for USC
Aiken to pay employees a salary
that is equivalent to the averages
paid at institutions with similar
missions and scope in the region.
Throughout the campus there is
recognition that, over time, many
of our salaries have not kept up
with our benchmark institutions.
Finding a way to address salary
range imbalances must be among
our top priorities. To that end,
we are in the process of forming
a Salary Enhancement Planning
and Prioritization Committee. This
advisory Committee’s charge
is, “To provide to the Chancellor
a recommendation, based on
analysis and discussion, of how best
to prioritize future salary increases
at the time funding becomes
available to help achieve salary
parity.” Dr. Lloyd Dawe will
convene and chair this committee
made up of both staff and faculty.
Retention, Progression and
Graduation Committee meets
he Steering Committee of the
Retention, Progression, and
Graduation Advisory Committee
has been meeting on a weekly
basis and will soon be scheduling
a joint meeting with the larger RPG
Advisory Committee. Topics of
discussion to date have included
the charge for the committee
(provided by Chancellor Jordan);
sources of relevant RPG data;
enrollment efforts, marketplace
factors, and future enrollment
plans; admissions standards and
processes; current procedures
for following up with students
who do not pre-register for the
next semester; and tying RPG
efforts to the strategic plan.
Special emphasis has been
placed on incorporating the
recommendations of the RPG Task
Forces into the plans developed by
the committee.
Members of the Advisory
Committee announced: In
addition to the Steering Committee
members announced last semester
(co-chairs Charmaine Wilson and
Deb Kladivko, Ed Callen, Monty
Fetterolf, Lloyd Dawe, Dan Robb,
and Stacie Williams), the following
members have been selected
to serve on the RPG Advisory
• Sandy Besley (Business and
• Tara Beziat (Education)
• Eric Carlson (English)
• Corey Feraldi (Career Services)
• Tim Hall (Athletics)
• Chet Longley (Theatre)
• Thayer McGahee (Nursing)
• Mary Claire Millies (BusinessPalmetto College)
• Jeff Priest (Academic Affairs)
• Ahmed Samaha (Student Life)
• Hope Smith-Dunbar (Housing)
• Chris Spires (Computer
• Yillian Zhang (Mathematics)
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Congratulations to our Campus Citizen Alisha O’Banion
of the Month
he Campus Citizen of the Month
award is given in recognition of
good citizenship. All faculty, classified
and unclassified staff, and university
partners who have been with the
University for one year and are in good
standing are eligible. The nomination
remains active indefinitely in the
pool of candidates. The nomination
form must be signed by the nominee’s
supervisor and sent to the nominee’s
Vice Chancellor in that unit. The
criteria to be used in the nomination
Alisha O’Banion
Data Coordinator II
Congratulations to Alisha O’Banion, Data Coordinator II in the
Office of Institutional Effectiveness, USC Aiken’s January Campus
Citizen of the Month. Thanks to her efforts, she will receive a $20 gift
card, a sign for her desk, and a parking spot.
In her nomination, a peer stated Alisha demonstrates exceptional
dedication in the completion of her duties. Working closely with the
Director, she collects data from myriad sources and responds to survey
questions from many external publishers and professional organizations.
Her dedication ensures surveys are completed in a timely manner. Since
taking office, Alisha has tripled the number of external surveys, resulting
in increased exposure of USC Aiken’s excellence to a wider audience.
The job is tedious and requires great attention to detail, yet she carries
out her duties with a positive and uplifting attitude that brings credit
upon herself, the IE office, and USC Aiken.
In recognition of her positive attitude and attention to detail,
Alisha O’Banion has been named Campus Citizen of the Month.
Congratulations Alisha!
Page 3
• Initiative/Creativity: Exhibits
ingenuity and resourcefulness.
Examples: Improved work
methods, efficiency within the
• Loyalty/Dedication: Willing to
go the “extra mile” without being
• Positive Attitude: Maintains
effective relationships with others
both on and off campus; serves as
role model. Example: Consistently
delivers prompt, friendly service.
• Leadership: Acknowledge those
whose efforts have inspired and
supported the performance and
achievement of others.
Monday Group will
review the nominations
and select each
month’s winner.
Contact Maria
Chandler at
for more information.
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Aiken’s Premier Wedding Expo
Fifth Annual Wedding Expo at the
USC Aiken Convocation Center February 23, 2014
iken’s Premier Wedding Expo has
grown through the years, but there
is one thing that has stayed constant
over the years; whether you are newly
engaged, thinking about marriage, know
someone who is planning a wedding, or
just interested in wedding decor, this is
the expo you do not want to miss. Aiken’s
Premier Wedding Expo will be located
at the USC Aiken Convocation Center
Sunday, February 23, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm.
Tickets for this event go on sale Friday,
January 10 and are $10. Tickets are
available now, and can be purchased by
calling 1-877-4AUGTIX and online at www.
For the fifth consecutive year, the
CSRA’s finest wedding retailers, event
planners, caterers, photographers, florists,
and many more will be at the expo
showcasing their expertise to help couples
plan their special day.
Everyone is invited to attend the
celebration. Come and gain inspiration
from the beautiful flower arrangements and
displays of wedding decor, the gorgeous
dresses and impeccable suits that will be
featured during the David’s Bridal fashion
show, and other advice from various local
wedding specialists.
Enter the amateur cake decorating
contest for a chance to win a KitchenAid
Mixer (limit of 25 contestants). Brand new this
year is the Diamond Dash & Dig. This is an
exciting new feature that begins with finding
clues in the Aiken Standard, Aiken Standard
Facebook page, Aiken’s Premier Wedding
Expo Facebook page, and WJBF Facebook
page that will lead to local businesses where
contestants will pick up toy diamond rings.
The more toy rings they collect the more
times they can enter the contest at The
Expo. We will draw two couples that will
go head to head in a surprise competition
courtesy of Floyd & Greene! The clues will
begin February 1.
Search Updates
Campus Catering Director
Controller (Due to incumbent’s
announced retirement)
Continuing to Accept Applications;
Search Firm now being utilized
Welcome Kevin Crawford!
Page 4
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Campus Projects Progress
employees is in progress. Finishing
construction “punch list” items and
landscaping front of building. Official
Opening is 2/3/14.
Percent Complete:
Design: 100%
Bidding: Awarded
Construction: 95% complete/One
Summary: Horse sculpture has been
installed. The next major milestone is
finishing connections to plumbing and
testing fountain. Expected construction
completion end of January 2014.
Percent Complete:
Design: 90%
Bidding: Not Started
Construction: Not Started
Major Projects
Percent Complete:
Design: 100%
Bidding: Not Started
Construction: Not Started
Summary: Progress on finalizing
bid documents and securing permits
continues while additional funding
($130K) is secured to cover engineering
fees for relocating the bridge structure
to avoid right of way conflicts now and
in the future. USC Campus Planning
and Construction has “rescrubed” the
Page 5
construction cost estimate. Initial review
of the estimate is good and within
budget. Expect this project to go out to
bid on February 6, 2014.
Percent Complete:
Design: 100%
Bidding: Awarded
Construction: 95% complete/ Behind
Summary: Construction documents
have been reviewed by USC Aiken
on 11/18/13 and returned to A/E
to resolved comments. The project
construction is expected to be bid out
before end of year 2013. All material
for Greenhouse has been received and
stored on campus. The drop shipment
area is the parking lot nearest the
Housing Storage Building and behind
Pacer Downs. Schedule is yellow,
because GMK is behind schedule
issuing CDs due to electrical design
issues. Project bidding to commence in
early January 2014.
Projects on Page 6
Summary: Training for Starbucks
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Projects Update cont’d from page 5
Percent Complete:
Design: 100%
Bidding: Awarded
Construction: 100% Complete
Summary: Pizzuti Bros. is the
contractor and construction started
11/12/13. The foundation slab was
poured on 11/15/13. Press box is
set and installed. Cable & data and
electrical for the building is complete.
Need to perform final walk down with
contractor and perform general cleanup.
Minor Projects
Percent Complete:
Design: 100%
Bidding: Awarded
Construction: Not started
Summary: Preconstruction Meeting
held on Nov 12, 2013. USC Aiken
provided updated asbestos survey since
the existing survey was greater than 3
years old. Construction set to begin
around Early February 2014.
Percent Complete:
Design: 100%
Bidding: Re-bidding
Construction: Not started
Summary: The project was bid out,
but not awarded due to a contractual
issue. The project will be rebid in 60
days. Expect to be out to bid beginning
Jan. 2014. Schedule is red due to it
Page 6
being behind schedule due to errors in
the original bid process.
Percent Complete:
Design: 100%
Bidding: Not Started
Construction: Not started
upgraded. Funds are available. SIMS
group has repackaged documents to
send out for bid. Schedule is red because
this project is not getting attention
due to its small size. Need assistance to
get Columbia to put priority on this
Summary: Construction documents
are complete. Budgetary estimate
received from Architect. Need to
allocate funding for construction
(approx. $187K). Cost is yellow
because construction funding source has
not been determined
Percent Complete:
Design: 100%
Bidding: Not Started
Construction: Not started
Percent Complete:
Design: 100%
Bidding: Not Started
Construction: Not started
Summary: The bid package is
assembled. Due to the fact that
students have already registered for
classes (swim classes) for the spring
semester we are going to put off the
repairs until July. Target start date for
construction is beginning of July 2014.
Bidding to begin around April 2014.
New Projects
Summary: USC Campus Planning
& Construction are preparing the front
end documents for bidding. JLA has
completed the technical specifications
and drawings. Columbia needs to
transfer money to fund account.
Schedule is red because this project is
not getting attention due to its small
size. Need assistance to get Columbia to
put priority on this project.
Percent Complete:
Design: 100%
Bidding: Not Started
Construction: Not started
Summary: The original bid package
included the Science, B&E, Penland
and H&SS buildings, but only the
Science and B&E buildings were
Softball Concession Roof
Replacement: Generated project #
for this work. Est. design fees are $11k.
Estimated construction cost is $61k.
Funding will be from DM.
Wedding Garden (In-house)
Landscape architect is currently
finalizing documents. Plans have been
reviewed by Deidre Martin and Judith
Goodwin. Maintenance is preparing
take-offs and cost estimates. Expect to
have final construction documents early
If you have questions about
these or other projects,
please contact Brian Enter at
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“Chancellor Remarks” continued from Page 1
Goal 1: Provide Distinctive, High Quality Educational Experiences
Goal 2: Enroll, Retain, Develop and Graduate a Diverse Student Body
Goal 3: Develop and Manage Resources Effectively, Efficiently, and
Ethically to Support the University’s Mission
Goal 4: Create Collaborative Partnerships and Innovative Solutions to
Advance our Community, Region, and State.
During our spring budget planning
process, which will include a public
presentation on unit priorities, all requests
for new or increased support will be
measured against our need to advance
the institutional goals. Additionally, in
the fall 2014 semester, we will publish a
dashboard indicating how well we are doing
as a university toward goal attainment. I
have no doubt that by focusing on the
four goals and working together we can
achieve uncommon results. Our desire to
enhance operating budgets and salaries;
increase student enrollment, retention,
and completion; fully leverage our liberal
arts and science mission; expand our
curriculum options; heighten our levels
of excellence and reputation; diversify our
campus population; and increase relevance
through strategic partnerships--are no more
audacious than earlier goals. It was a bold
and fearless college that dared to become
a baccalaureate university, move out of
Banksia to a real campus, add residence halls
and student co-curricula programing, join
the NCAA and Peachbelt Conference, add
graduate programs, achieve top rankings,
earn accreditation of our professional
programs, attract Magellan Scholars, and
build partnerships with our community.
This is an institution that has a history of
dreaming big….and will continue to be
audacious and to courageously seek the best
for our students, our campus, and for the
community that supports USC Aiken. I
look forward to working with you and for
you this semester as we pursue our goals and
support student achievement.
I hope you have a productive and
rewarding semester!
Athletics Update
Men’s basketball is currently
ranked #13 in the latest NCAA D-II
Bennett Rankings. Other Peach
Belt schools ranked in the top 30
include Montevallo at #17 and
GRU- Augusta at #25.
The USC Aiken men’s basketball
team also had two major
accomplishments over the last
few games. On Dec. 21, senior
Ronald Zimmerman scored his
1,000th career point in the road
win at King University in Bristol, Tn.
(Zimmerman was also selected
Page 7
the PBC Men’s Basketball Player
of the Week for the week ending
December 15). Head coach Vince
Alexander reached a career
milestone, winning his 250th game
in his career on Jan. 4 against
Columbus State. For Alexander,
161 of those victories have come
on the sidelines at USC Aiken. The
USC Aiken baseball team has
garnered national recognition in
two collegiate baseball preseason
polls that have been released
through Jan. 6. Head coach Kenny
Thomas and his squad are No. 2 in
the initial CollegeBaseballLineup.
com poll while the team is No. 14 in
the preseason Collegiate Baseball
Newspaper poll. The team opens
its season Feb. 1 against Lincoln
Memorial. In the latest Golf World/
Nike Golf Coaches’ Poll, the USC
Aiken squad is No. 2. The Pacers
pick up their portion of the spring
schedule Feb. 10-11 at the Matlock
Invitational hosted by Florida
Southern in Lakeland, Fl. The team
wrapped up its fall season with one
tournament win, two second-place
efforts and a 13th-place finish.
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