A modern model for successful partnerships
Symposium on Singing and Song
October 1-‐4, 2015
Memorial University
Dr. James Stegall, Director of Choral AcJviJes
Mr. Terry Chasteen, Vocal Area Chair
Western Illinois University
This presentaJon is available for viewing at www.wiu.edu/choirs.
1. Who are we?
2. Philosophy
3. Leadership
4. CommunicaJon
5. RecruiJng
Western Illinois University
Established in 1899, Western Illinois Normal and Training School opened its doors September 23, 1902 to 229 students. Throughout the years, Western
Illinois grew and its name changed from Western Illinois State College to
Western Illinois University on July 5, 1957.
Today, Western Illinois University offers a variety of bachelor's and master's degree programs, pre-‐professional programs, two doctoral degrees, and cerJficate programs to more than 11,000 students.
The School of Music
44 full Jme faculty
3 faculty assistants -‐ collaboraJve pianists
220 undergraduate / graduate students
60 voice principals
3 voice faculty (1 posiJon pending)
2 choral directors
second class-‐ci,zens!
Faculty: A mutual respect among the choral/vocal areas.
Students: All students enrolled in a voice studio receive the
same instrucJon regardless of major.
Technique, Tone Quality, IntonaJon, Breath Support,
Musicianship, PreparaJon, DicJon, and InterpretaJon
• Vocal Performance
• Music EducaJon, voice principal
• Music Business, voice principal
• Music Therapy, voice principal
Student Needs Come First
• Placement in ensembles
• Monitor student’s progress in the studio and ensemble
• Encourage students to become independent learners
– Score preparaJon
– Text translaJons
– InterpreJve markings
• UJlize combined faculty resources
– Other studio teachers
– Choral directors
– Other music faculty
• Faculty talk to each other…ohen!
• Student quesJons and concerns
• Students are keenly aware that the voice and choral area communicate
• A Story…
Singing defined:
Psychophysically, arkul singing is the dynamic (ever changing) act of coordinaJng instantaneously the physical sensaJon of respira2on (the will to breathe) phona2on (the will to uler a sound), resona2on (the will to form a parJcular vowel posiJon), and ar2cula2on (the will to communicate by forming both vowel and consonant) into a disciplined ulerance.
-‐Ralph Appelman, The Science of Vocal Pedagogy
The Italian Technique
Free release of tone, not restricted
Symphonic Blend, the individual is important – Archie Jones
The InternaJonal PhoneJc Alphabet
Awareness of differences for solo and group technique
*International Phonetic Alphabet Symbol Chart with C lose E nglish E quivalent Keywords
Single Vowels
IPA English Equivalent Keyword
IPA English Equivalent Keyword father pasta night day cat haunt nasalized / Gardside suggests wed (open e) ant nasalized / Gardside suggests [ ] boy now no air day (closed e) learn it (open i) see (closed i) obey (closed o) ear ore sure
Triphthongs like the French word fleur
Form [e] in the mouth with rounded lips awful (open o) you (closed u) look (open u) up sofa (unstressed, neutral) form [I] in the mouth and [u] with the lips form [i] in the mouth and [u] with the lips
These consonants have symbols that are identical with their letters used in spelling: b, d, f, g, h, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, v, w, z
IPA English Equivalent Keyword IPA English Equivalent Keyword sing thin she choose thine when you as in Bach (back) vision
George glottal touch as in ich (forward)
Text line in Times New Roman – 14 point
Character spacing at .5
Text: Regina coeli
IPA: r ɛ d ʒ in ɑ ʧɛ li
R’s r
IPA in Doulos Sil – 14 point r for rolled r fl for flipped r am for American r
Pul( chra( es,( ( a( mi( ca( ( me( a,( ( su( a( vis( ( et( ( de( co( ra( ( fi( li( a( ( Je( ru( sa( lem.( pul kr ɑ | ɛ s | ɑ mi k ɑ m ɛ | ɑ su | ɑ vis | ɛ t d ɛ k ɔ r ɑ fi li | ɑ j ɛ ru s ɑ l ɛ m
Thou%art%beautiful,%O%my%love,% % sweet%and%comely%as%Jerusalem,%
( ter( ri( bi( lis( ( ut( ( cas( tro( rum( ( a( ci( es( ( or( di( na( ta.( ( A( ver( te( ( o( cu( los( t ɛ ri bi lis |ut k ɑ str ɔ rum ɑ ʧ i | ɛ s | ɔ r di n ɑ t ɑ ɑ v ɛ r t ɛ ɔ ku l ɔ s terrible%as%an%army%set%in%array.% % Turn%away%thy%eyes%
( tu( os( ( a( ( me,( ( qui( ( a( ( ip( si( ( me( ( a( vo( la( re( ( fe( ce( runt.(
( tu | ɔ s | ɑ m ɛ kwi | ɑ |ip si m ɛ | ɑ v ɔ l ɑ r ɛ f ɛ ʧɛ runt from%me.% % for%they%have%made%me%flee%away.%
PresentaJons: i.e. The Student Chapter of the
American Choral Directors AssociaJon
• Recruit with all ensembles in mind
– University Singers
– Concert Choir (non major)
– Madrigal Singers
– Vocal Jazz Ensemble (acJvity)
– Opera Workshop
– The Voice Studio
• Voice Faculty at On-‐Campus Choral Events
– Honor Reading Chorus (Fall semester)
– Honor Junior High Chorus (Spring Semester)
• Talent Grant AudiJons
(On campus and Acceptd)
Lee, Blain. 1998. The Power Principle: Influence with Honor. New York: Simon and Schuster.
Chandler, Steve. 2005. 100 Ways to Motivate Others: How Great Leaders Can Produce Insane Results Without Driving
People Crazy. Franklin Lakes, NJ: Career Press Inc.
Collins, Jim. 2001. Good to Great: Why some companies make the leap and others don ’ t . New York: HarperCollins
Publishers Inc.
Goleman, Daniel, Richard Boyatzis and Annie McKee. 2002. Primal Leadership: Learning to Lead with Emotional
Intelligence . Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
Hawkins, David R. 2002. Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior . Carlsbad, CA: Hay House Inc.
Juslin, Patrik N. 2008. Five Facets of Musical Expression: A Psychologist ’ s Perspective on Musical Performance.
Psychology of Music 31(3): 273-302.
Maxwell, John C. 2007. Talent is Never Enough. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, Inc.
Palmer, Parker. 1998. The Courage to Teach: Exploring the Inner landscape of a teacher ’ s life .
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Inc.
Thompson, William F., Russo, Frank A., and Quinto, Lena. 2007. Audio-Visual Inegration in Song .
Psychology Press .
Zander, Rosamund, Benjamin Zander. 2002. The Art of Possibility . New York: Penguine Books.
• Western Illinois University hlp://www.wiu.edu/
• Video tour of the Macomb campus.. hlps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDmE4uQFpd8
• AudiJon for the School of Music through ACCEPTD hlps://app.getacceptd.com/wiumusic
• Western Illinois University School of Music hlp://www.wiu.edu/cofac/music/