European Marine Observation and Data Network Central Portal developments Francisco Souza Dias - Simon Claus - Francisco Hernandez cost of ocean observatio n in EU MARITIME AFFAIRS Maria Damanaki, Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (..) the data collected through these observations can only generate knowledge and innovation if Europe's engineers and scientists are able to find, access, assemble and apply them efficiently and rapidly. At present this is often not the case. 3/16 2009: Start EMODnet phase 1: 59 Institutes - Budget €6.45 million 2013: Start EMODnet phase 2: 120 Institutes - Budget €16.3 million Seven lots Lot 1 bathymetry: hydrography– bathymetry (water depth) and topography, underwater features Lot 2 geology: seabed substrata, strata, coastal erosion, geological hazards Lot 3 physical habitats: classification of seabed habitats, based on physical parameters Lot 4 chemistry: concentrations of chemicals (nutrients, contaminants) in water, sediments and biota Lot 5 biology: distribution and abundance of living species Lot 6 physics: temperature, salinity, waves, currents, sea-level, light penetration Lot 7 human activity: Data on the intensity and spatial extent of human activities at sea. 5 EMODnet 5/18/2015 2.3.8. Secretariat The EMODnet secretariat ensures coherence between the groups and are responsible for monitoring the thematic groups, reporting on progress and disseminating information to potential contributors and users. They will develop indicators to determine usage of EMODnet. The secretariat was selected through an open call for tender and became operational at the same time as the thematic groups in 2013 but have a two-year rather than a three-year mandate. The current contract allows a renewal for a further two years. The Flemish Government supports the development of the entry portal and the offices for the EMODnet secretariat. This arrangement is scheduled to continue until 2018. 8 EMODnet 5/18/2015 EMODnet Central Portal – Use cases Be able to get access to the data via WFS (GetFeature) Perform queries over WFS Return output in different formats (list of features per coordinate point, list of points or area, Indexes etc.) Use Case 1: Query products simultaneously Retrieve Data from specified coordinates at a given time or for a time interval Physical Parameters (temperature, salinity) Bathymetry Seabed Substrate Marine Region (ICES, Protected Area) Species Abundance 12 EMODnet 5/18/2015 Future of EMODnet – Marine Knowledge 2020 SUSTAINING IN-SEA OBSERVATIONS IMPROVING AVAILABILITY OF FISHERIES DATA IMPROVING ACCESS TO DATA FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTING IMPROVING ACCESS TO DATA FROM EU RESEARCH PROJECTS IMPROVING INVOLVEMENT OF PRIVATE SECTOR OPTIMISING OBSERVATION NETWORKS 14 EMODnet 5/18/2015