Document 10799422

Hardy-Weinberg Demo Tutorial
1. Define the Hardy-Weinberg Principle_-________________________________________________
2. 5 conditions of Hardy-Weinberg
a. __________________________________
d. __________________________________
b. __________________________________
e. __________________________________
c. __________________________________
3. What would be the result of non-random mating in a population?
4. Define the terms below IN YOUR OWN WORDS.
a. Bottleneck-__________________________________________________________________________
b. Genetic Drift- _______________________________________________________________________
5. Explain, in your own words, how migration affects allele frequency.
6. Using the link below read the “Introduction”, “graph”, and “conclusion” tabs and then take the quiz. Write
the correct answers to the 3 questions below.
a. _____________________________________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________________________________
7. Go through the tutorial at the link below.
a. Sketch and label 4 graphs showing how different types of natural selection affect a normal bell curve.
I put the titles on the graphs. You must label the axes plot the line.
No Natural Selection
Stabilizing Selection
Directional Selection
b. Write the correct answers to the quiz at the end of this animation below
i. ___________________________________________________________
ii. ___________________________________________________________
iii. ___________________________________________________________
Disruptive Selection
8. Follow the link:
a. Who is Hardy?________________________________________________________________________
b. Who is Weinberg?_____________________________________________________________________
c. “Significance of the Hardy-Weinberg Equation”:
Punnett Squares allow us predict the probability of offspring genotypes. The H-W equation allows us to predict the
probability of __________________________________________
9. Follow the link:
a. Read about the H-W equation
b. Do sample problem 1 and write the answers to the 5 questions below.
i. __________________________________________________________
ii. __________________________________________________________
iii. __________________________________________________________
iv. __________________________________________________________
v. __________________________________________________________
c. Do sample problem 2 and write the answer to the question below.
d. Do sample problem 3 and write the answer to the question below.
e. Do the 2 problems for Allelic Frequencies and Genotypic frequencies and write the answers below.
i. ________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________