Multifactorial Traits Chapter 7 (pp. 137-154) I.

Multifactorial Traits
Chapter 7 (pp. 137-154)
Genes and the Environment Mold most Traits
a. Polygenic Trait-activities of more than one gene not necessarily equal
b. Multifactorial Trait-influence by the environment as well as genetics
Can a polygenic trait also be multifactorial?__YES______
c. A multifactorial trait is is continuously varying only if it is also __polygenic______________
d. 3 Examples of Multifactorial Traits
i. Fingerprints_______________________
1. Genes
2. Prenatal Development Weeks 6-13
ii. _Height___________________________
1. Genes
2. Diet
iii. __Eye Color________________________
1. Explain in your own words Figure 7.4-5 Eye colors in Humans come from 2 genes with 2
alleles each, creates a bell curve because midrange colors have more combns. of alleles
e. _Skin Color-____
i. Explain in your own words Figure 7.5-_A model of 3 genes with 2 alleles each contribute to skin
color. Midrange colors have more possible combinations leading to a bell curve.___
5 Methods of Investigating Multifactorial Traits
a. __Empiric Risk_____i. How? predictions of recurrence based on the trait’s incidence in a specific population
b. __Heritability___i. How?___ The percentage of the phenotypic variation for a particular trait that is due to genes in a
certain population at a certain time._
c. ___Adopted Individuals_i. How? Used to study the environmental influence due to similar environments but not similar genes
d. ___Twins___i. How? Identical genes and Concordance- the percentage of twins in which both express a trait_
ii. MZ Twins- Monozygotic (Identical)
iii. DZ Twins- Dizygotic (Fraternal)
e. __Association Studies______i. How? Looks for traits that may be linked_____________________
ii. SNP Mapping-_Single Nucleotide polymorphism- single base sites that differ among individuals.
…track large populations for SNPs
Some Multifactorial Traits
a. _Heart Health____
b. _Body Weight____
i. Leptin-A protein hormone that fat cells secrete when eating that suppresses appetite and increases
c. Fingerprint Patterns
d. Height
e. Eye Color
Skin Color
g. Hair Color
Genetics of Behavior
Chapter 8 (pp155-170)
Genes contribute to most Behavioral Traits
a. 1 in _1,000______individuals is affected by behavior disorders.
b. Behavioral disorders are commonly affected by__Genes___and __Environment_______.
c. In your own words, explain how behavior is connected with genetics. __Genes control the distribution of
neurotransmitters which are the chemical messengers that connect nerve cells __
Eating Disorders
a. _15___-__21__% of individuals with anorexia die from the disorder. Highest of any psychiatric disorder
a. Narcolepsy-_daytime sleepiness and a tendency to fall asleep very rapidly, several times a day_____
b. Cataplexy-_short episodes of muscle weakness leading to collapse ___
a. (Environment or Genetics) have a greater influence on IQ
b. Why do genetic contributions to intelligence become more prominent with age?
____People become more able to control their environment so genes become more apparent_________
Drug Addiction
a. Tolerance-_the need to take more drugs to achieve the same effects__________________
b. Dependance-__the onset of withdrawal symptoms what a person ceases taking the drug___
Mood Disorders
a. MDD-__major depressive disorder –lethargic, sad, no longer enjoys certain activities_______
b. Bipolar Disorder-___depression alternates with mania (hyperactive, restless and excited)___
Schizophrenia- (blue box pg.166) _a debilitating loss of the ability to organize thoughts and perceptions which
leads to withdrawal from reality___
a. Environmental or Genetic (Explain)-_both environmental factors can increase the risk of developing the
condition (the flu during second trimester of pregnancy)_________
b. Environmental risk factors- 1.___Maternal malnutrition__________2._Borna virus__________ 3._oxygen
deprivation____________4._Obsteric or birth complication_5.___Psycoactive drug use (PCP)__
6.__Traumatic brain injury_7.__Herpes infection at time of birth____