Forensic Science / CSI Semester Review Sheet

Forensic Science / CSI Semester Review Sheet
Things to review for the final
All notes are on my webpage.
If you have lost notes you can/should go there to
(Outlines in Word and PowerPoints are very
1. Introduction Unit
a. Classroom Expectations
b. Classroom Safety
c. The Locard Principle
d. Chp. 1-3 Notes and Crosswords
e. Historical progression of CSI
i. Not exact dates
f. Testimonial vs. Physical evidence
2. Probability
a. Fingerprints- Notes on webpage
i. Minutiae Identification
b. Hair- Notes on webpage
i. How to use a microscope
c. Fibers- Notes on webpage
3. Chemistry
a. Drugs- Notes on webpage
b. Toxicology- Notes on webpage
i. Radon- ppt. on webpage
ii. Carbon Monoxide ppt. on
c. Trace Evidence- Notes on webpage
i. Chromatography
ii. Physical Properties vs.
Chemical Properties
4. Biology
a. Blood- Notes on webpage
i. Blood Spatter Analysis
b. DNA- Notes on webpage
i. Electrophoresis
ii. PCR
iii. RFLP