Forensics Unit 2 Notes - Chapter 5 – Hair I. Form and Structure of Hair a. Must understand form and structure or morphology of hair b. Hair- made of mostly protein polymers- many identical repeating units (natural or synthetic) c. Cuticle- tough, clear outside covering of hair shaft i. Three types 1. Imbricate- looks like broken glass 2. Spinous- looks like staked spines (thin cylinders) 3. Coronal- looks like stacked crowns d. Cortex- middle layer, gives strength and mass i. Keratin-tough protein polymer made up of about 20 amino acids e. Medulla- spongy interior, appears as a canal i. Patterns vary between species 1. Intermittent, Fragmented, Continuous, stacked, absent Intermittent or interruptedFragmentedContinuousStackedAbsent—not present- ii. Medullary Index (MI)- diameter of the medulla and divide it by the diameter of the hair. 1. Medullary index for human hair is generally less than 1/3. 2. For animal hair, it is usually greater than 1/2. f. II. Cross sections- risky to assign racial characteristics to hair however… i. Round- Asian or Native American (straight hair) ii. Oval- European, Mexican and Middle Eastern (wavy to curly hair) iii. Crescent moon- African (kinky hair) g. Roots Use in Forensics a. Association- link between an unknown sample and a known sample b. Questioned- sample of unknown origin i. Hair found on jacket but do not know hose head it cam from c. Exemplar- sample of known origin i. hair was taken from so-and-so’s scalp (victim, suspect…) d. A chemical indicator i. Ingested chemicals are deposited in the cortex e. Many drugs and their metabolites can be detected in just a few millimeters of hair f. Metabolites- a specific product of a substance, formed by chemical processes in the body g. Some analysis may give a false positive b/c hair can absorb chemicals from your surroundings h. False positive- a test result that comes out positive when it should not i. Ex: absorption of smoke from crack does not mean that crack was smoked