Document 10799228

Criminal Minds Project
Do research to create a presentation that displays the story and life of a famous criminal mind.
1. Name of the “criminal mind”/2 pts
2. Personal History:
a. Where did they grow up?
/2 pts
b. Family History (siblings, schooling …)
/2 pts
3. Crimes committed - Limit details to appropriate classroom content! (pictures etc.)
4. Where did they do crime? (State and/or Country)
/4 pts
5. Arrest
/2 pts
a. Were they caught?
b. If so, how were they caught? or
/2 pts
If not, why not?
/2 pts
c. What forensic evidence was used or
What forensic evidence was missing?
/4 pts
d. What kind of evidence is your answer to the above question?
(testimonial or physical - use Unit 1 notes!)
/4 pts
6. Punishment?
a. What crimes was this person convicted of?
b. Where were they convicted? (Which level of court system?)
/4 pts
c. What is your personal opinion of this punishment? (Do you feel it is fair?)
/2 pts
( 5 sentence well written paragraph of opinion)
/5 pts
7. Creative/Neatness (Font size and color, pictures, own words…)
8. Bibliography (internet URL’s)
/ 3pts
Total ___/ 48pts