1243 Continuous-Scale Physical Functional Performance Healthy Older Adults: A Validation Study in M. Elaine Cress, PhD, David M. Buchner, MD, Kent A. Questad, PhD, Peter C. Esselinan, MD, Barbara J. delateur, MD, Robert S. Schwartz, MD ABSTRACT. Cress ME, Buchner DM, Questad KA, Esselman PC, deLateur BJ, Schwartz RS. Continuous-scale physical functional performance in healthy older adults: a validation study. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996;77: 1243-50. Objective: The continuous-scale physical functional performance test (CS-PFP) is an original instrument designed to provide a comprehensive, in-depth measure of physical function that reflects abilities in several separate physical domains. It is based on a concept of physical function as the integration of physiological capacity, physical performance, and psychosocial factors. Setting: The test was administered under standard conditions in a hospital facility with a neighborhood setting. The CS-PFP consists of a battery of 1.5 everyday tasks, ranging from easy to demanding, that sample the physical domains of upper and lower body strength, upper body flexibility, balance and coordination, and endurance. Participants are told to work safely but at maximal effort, and physical functional performance was measured as weight, time, or distance. Scores were standardized and scaled 0 to 12. The test yields a total score and separate physical domain scores. Design: The CS-PFP was evaluated using 148 older adults78 community dwellers, 31 long-term care facility residents living independently, and 39 residents with some dependence. Main Outcome Measures: Maximal physical performance assessment included measures of maximal oxygen consumption (Vozmax), isokinetic strength, range of motion, gait, and balance. Psychosocial factors were measured as self-defined health status using the Sickness Impact Profile (SIP), self-perceived function using the Health Survey (SF36), and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL). Results: IADL scores were not significantly different among the groups. Test-retest correlations ranged from .84 to .97 and inter-rater reliability from .92 to .99 for the CS-PFP total and 5 domains. Internal consistency was high (Cronbach’s (Y, .74 to .97). Both total and individual domain CS-PFP scores were significantly different for the three groups of study participants, From the Department of Medicine, Division of Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine (Dr. Cress), the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine (Drs. Questad, Esselman), and the Departdent of Health Services and Community Medicine (Dr. Buchner), University of Washington, Seattle; the Northwest HSR&D Field Program, Seattle Veterans Affairs Medical Center (Dr. Buchner); and the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Johns Hopkins University (Dr. delateur), Baltimore, MD. Submitted for publication November 9, 1995. Accepted in revised form April 17, 1996. Sunoorted bv National Institutes of Health srant 1 R29 AG10267. Centers for Dises;sk Control grant U48-CCUO09654, Natiokl Institutes of Heal& grant 1 R01 AG10853, and National Institutes of Health grant R010943. Presented in part at the 1994 annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Atlanta. GA. No commercial oar& havine a direct tinancial interest in the results of the research supporting this article has or will confer a benefit upon the authors or upon any organization with which the authors are associated. Reprint requests to M. Elaine Cress, PhD, University of Washington, Box 358852, Seattle, WA 98195. 0 1996 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 0003-9993/96/7712-3762$3.00/O increasing with higher levels of independence, supporting construct validity. CS-PFP domain scores were significantly correlated with measures of maximal physical performance (Vozmax, strength, etc) and with physical but not emotional aspects of self-perceived function. Conclusions: The CS-PFP is a valid, reliable measure of physical function, applicable to a wide range of functional levels, and having minimal floor and ceiling effect. The total and physical domains may be used to evaluate, discriminate, and predict physical functional performance for both research and clinical purposes. 0 1996 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation P HYSICAL PERFORMANCE tests have become popular because of research concerns that self-reported function provides insufficient information about the type of impairment and lacks sensitivity to change.’ Many investigators and clinicians find physical performance measures appealing because of their potential for insight into the site and severity of functional impairment, sensitivity to change, and face validity. Several new performance tests have been published in recent years.2-6 With one exception,5 they focus on mobility dysfunction or on people having severe limitations. Our aim was to develop a reliable measure of physical functional performance that was not constrained by ceiling or floor effects, used several physical domains, and applied to a broad spectrum of abilities. A secondary goal was to develop an instrument that provides insight into causes of poor physical functional performance. Although there is no gold standard for the measurement of physical function, several instruments are available to assess factors that contribute to physical function in varying degrees. The Venn diagram in figure 1 represents a conceptual model of the physical and psychological spheres affecting physical function. The physiological capacities of the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and neuromuscular systems are primary determinants of function. In this model, “physiological capacity” refers to the basic cellular and anatomic function such as cardiac ejection fraction, nerve conduction velocity, or muscle strength per cross-sectional area. “Physical performance” is the ability to integrate these physiological systems into coordinated, efficient movements to achieve optimum physical function. For example, lower extremity strength is a measure of physical performance, whereas the ability to walk upstairs represents physical functional performance. “Psychosocial factors’ ’ such as confidence, motivation, perceived ability, depressive symptomology, and social role also influence physical function. “Physical function, ’ ’ then, is the integration of physiological capacity and physical performance capability mediated by psychosocial factors. In this study, maximal physical performance measures were made under standard laboratory conditions at maximal effort. We measured strength as isokinetic torque, cardiovascular fitness as Vo,max, and neurological function as step reaction time and balance time. To measure physical functional performance, we developed Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 77, December 1996 1244 CONTINUOUS-SCALE PHYSICAL an instrument based on ordinary activities of daily life, tested at maximal effort, relying on the patient’s judgment to remain within the bounds of safety and comfort. This new measure, called “continuous scaled physical functional performance” (CS-PFP), utilizes a continuous scale to quantify physical functional performance of the whole body as well as across several physical domains. Physical functional performance was measured under standard conditions in a homelike setting using tasks similar to those required in independent living. We assessed the reliability and validity of the CS-PFP. We hypothesized that persons living independently in the community would have higher physical performance (strength, aerobic capacity, shorter reaction time) than those living in a long-term care facility. Of the latter, we hypothesized that those who expressed some dependency in physical tasks would have lower physical performance than those who did not. We further hypothesized that these differences in maximal physical performance (strength, aerobic capacity, reaction time) would be associated with physical functional performance (CS-PFP). METHODS CS-PFP Instrument Development Fifteen everyday tasks were chosen to represent activities essential to independent living. Common activities were chosen to minimize the effects of learning or strategizing between tests. Each task was simplified to reflect one primary physical domain, minimizing reliance on other domains to accomplish the task. Participants performed real, not simulated, tasks, eg, transferring laundry from an actual washer and dryer. Seven of the 15 final tasks were pilot-tested using 29 participants from each of the 3 living status groups in the study.7 The 1.5 tasks tested ranged from those requiring little strength or endurance to those demanding greater stamina. They were ordered for performance from easiest (personal) to moderate (household) to most difficult (mobility) (fig 2). Participants were asked to pace themselves to complete as many tasks as possible. Tasks were quantified by weight carried and/or time to complete the task, or distance. The instruction for each task was to perform it safely but to work at maximal perceived level, reaching as high as possible, carrying maximal weight, and working as quickly as possible. The average time required to complete the test is 60 minutes (for community dwellers [CD], approximately 45min; for residents of a long-term care facility living independently [LTC/I], approximately 60min; and for residents of a long-term care facility who were defined as dependent [LTUD], approximately 75min). The rate of perceived exertion using the Borg scale (6 Physiological Capacity Performance Psychosocial Factors Fig 1. Venn diagram illustrating nents of physical function. Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol77, the relationships December 1996 among the compo- FUNCTION PERFORMANCE, Fig 2. Distribution distance) Cress of CS-PFP measures by physical domain. (0, no measure; I, weight; q, to 20) and heart rate were also recorded after completion of each task.* Nine judges (1 geriatrician, 1 physiatrist, 2 biomechanists, 1 physical therapist, 1 occupational therapist, 1 physiologist, 1 retirement home administrator/physical therapist, and 1 biomechanist/physical therapist) categorized the tasks into five physical domains (fig 2) using a modified Delphi procedure.’ The judges regarded weight-carried data as providing information about skeletal muscle strength. Time to complete the task was regarded primarily as a reflection of balance and coordination, although in some tasks time was deemed to be a measure of strength. The judges considered distance measured as providing information about flexibility and endurance. Also, the CS-PFP presents a number of tasks to be performed serially because this closely mimics the real demands of everyday physical functions, eg, go shopping, take the bus, cook, wash dishes, etc. The cumulative time of the timed tasks was regarded as one measure of endurance. The CS-PFP tests were administered in a facility with a neighborhood setting. The facility contains a kitchen, dining room, bedroom, grocery store, and bus platform. Distances and procedures were constant from test to test. Participant instructions and measurement protocols were standardized. The following is a brief description of the tasks. (A detailed description of the tasks and procedure dialog is available from the first author.) The distribution of these measures across the physical domains is shown in figure 2. A subscale score is determined for each domain and these scores are averaged to determine the total score. Tasks that are quantified using both weight and time include: (1) carrying a pan of water a distance of 1 meter; (2) carrying and then pouring from a jug of water into a cup; (3) carrying sandbags in a luggage carry-on bag from a park bench, up a 3-stair public transportation platform and returning to the bench; and (4) distributing groceries into one or two paper bags covered with plastic bags and carrying the groceries a distance of 70 meters, including ascent and descent of the public transportation platform and negotiating a closed door. Tasks that are quantified by time alone include: (1) transferring 7.7kg of laundry and sandbags from the washer to a dryer and then to a basket which is then set on the counter; (2) donning and removing a jacket and a seat-belt; (3) sweeping a set amount of kitty litter into a dustpan from a prescribed area; (4) vacuuming a set amount of oats from a prescribed area of carpet; (5) making a double bed with fitted sheet, comforter, and pillows; (6) climbing a set of stairs; and (7) getting into and out of a bathtub. Tasks that are quantified by distance include: (1) walking as far as possible in 6 minutes; and (2) CONTINUOUS-SCALE PHYSICAL placing and removing a sponge from the highest adjustment of a sliding shelf. Only one task is quantified with weight alone: pulling on a spring scale to simulate the opening of a fire door. Tasks were selected so that the lowest two levels of difficulty were judged by the panel to reflect all physical domains. This was done to gain the most information on individuals who may not have had the stamina to complete all tasks. In addition, tasks were selected so that several tasks contributed to any particular domain score. For example, putting on a jacket, putting on a seat belt, and reaching onto a high shelf all represent upper body flexibility. Tasks reflective of upper body strength and balance and coordination included all three levels of difficulty. Tasks requiring lower body strength were moderate or difficult. Time as a measure of strength. While time to complete a task was usually used as a measure of balance and coordination, in several tasks it is a measure of strength (fig 2). Strength is dependent on the integration of muscular and neurological systems. Isokinetic performance used to measure strength is the optimal integration of the neuromuscular properties (physiological capacity) to generate force (physical performance). The potential for strength training to improve physical performance in older adults is dependent on the inverse relationship between strength (kg) and fatigue (set). The logarithmic relationship between maximum strength and muscular endurance at submaximal tasks was first described by Simonson and later clarified.‘O~ll Consider a person who can lift a maximum of 20kg isotonically and hold it for 1 second. After a progressive resistance exercise program, that person can lift 40kg for 1 second and sustain a 20.kg force for 60sec. This principle also helps to clarify the relationship between strength and time. A weaker person is incapable of sustaining the contraction that allows performance in the most efficient manner. Accommodation strategies that will take longer are used to accomplish the task. For example, in the floor sweeping task, a person with weak back muscles will stand upright, using arm motion to gather me kitty litter into a pile, minimizing the time required to stoop and sweep it into the dustpan. A person with stronger back muscles will accomplish the task in a shorter time by stooping from the beginning and sweeping directly into the dustpan. For the CS-PFP, tasks requiring lower back and trunk strength were classified in the lower body strength domain. For example, transferring laundry, floor sweeping, vacuuming, and making a bed require sustained contraction of the hip extensors throughout the duration of the task. Time as a measure of balance and coordination. For most tasks, the time required also reflected the subject’s level of balance and coordination. For example, once a weight (bag, pan, or basket) is lifted, the time it takes to accomplish the task is dependent on balance and coordination. Physical performance measures of the neuromuscular system (time on the wide balance beam; step reaction time) were significantly associated with time to complete tasks of the CS-PFP. Scales and Measurement Issues Combining measures derived from rating scales or questionnaires is usually easy when the same rating scale is used for each item measured. However, when measures are made using performance parameters such as time or weight, as in this study, the task of combining them into a single scale is not as simple. The most common approach to this problem is to transform the measures of a scale into a standard score. This indicates how far above or below a norm group mean an individual measure is, using standard deviation units. The standard deviation units are then summed to form a scale. Some measures of performance, such as the Jebsen-Taylor Hand Function Test” and FUNCTION PERFORMANCE, 1245 Cress almost all achievement and intelligence tests, use this solution.13 Normative scoring, however, is particularly troublesome when it is applied to direct measures of functional performance. An extremely high or low individual score can skew the entire scale it belongs to, and if a person is unable to perform a task there is no clear way of computing a scale score. To counter these problems for the CS-PFP, all measures of time, weight, and distance were transformed to standard scores with the mean of all persons tested set at 0, using the descriptive statistical procedure of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). This procedure standardized varying units (kg, cm, set) and directions of measurement (lower time scores but higher weight scores generally indicate higher function). Stan dard scores were converted into a scale of 0 to 12, with the lowest 10% being scored as 1 and the highest 10% scored as 12. Scores between the 10th and 90th percentile were grouped in S-percentile increments that were assigned the numbers 2 through 11. Zero was used for persons unable or refusing to perform a task. The total CS-PFP score is the sum of all standard scores, scaled 0 to 12. The sensitivity of the scales to an exercise intervention is currently being assessed, and is not reported on here. Weighting of the domains. In the CS-PFP, domain scores are obtained by summing the scaled scores for the tasks of each domain (fig 2). The CS-PFP-total is the average of the 5 domain scores. By leaving the domains equally weighted we avoid imposing a bias of importance on any particular physical domain. For a person with Parkinson’s disease, the most important domain may be balance and coordination, whereas for a person with generalized weakness, the strength domains may be more important. An equal weighting system allows this testing procedure to be easily interpreted across clinical circumstances. Study Participants Men and women 70 years of age or older and in relatively good health were recruited from the greater Seattle area. Respondents were screened to exclude persons with unstable cardiovascular or metabolic disease, recent unhealed fractures, disorders with a highly variable course (eg, multiple sclerosis), a pacemaker, a life expectancy of less than 1 year, excessive alcohol intake (more than 2 drinks a day), inability to speak English, inability to follow directions, or inability to keep appointments. Ability to keep a rather complicated appointment schedule in 5 different testing sites in a timely manner and properly dressed was accepted as sufficient evidence of adequate cognitive function to participate in the study. The final sample included 148 participants (26 men; 122 women) from 3 living-status categories: 78 community dwellers, persons living in single-family dwellings, apartments, or condominiums (CD group); 31 residents of a long-term care facility who said they were living independently, eg, without assistance (LTC/I group); and 39 residents of a long-term care facility who had a score of <65 on the physical function scale of the Health Survey SF-36 and were defined as dependent (LTUD group). The study was approved by the university’s and hospital’s Human Subjects Review committees. Maximal Physical Performance Measures Maximal. oxygen consumption. Maximal oxygen consumption (Vo,max) was elicited using a ramp testing protocol on a Medgraphics CPX electronically braked cycle ergometer.a Watts were increased at a fixed rate per minute (8 to 16 watts) to complete the test in 8 to 12min. Expired air was analyzed using Medgraphics zirconia fuel cell O2 and infrared CO* analyzers.” Gas how was measured using a pneumatach and a waveform analyzer. Data were averaged over an g-breath period, and the final report was for every 30 seconds. Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 77, December 1996 1246 CONTINUOUS-SCALE Table 1: Age, Selected Age (vr) i/o, max (mL/ka/min) Biceps peak isometric 90" (Nm) Knee extension isokinetic work 60"/sec Shoulder flexion (") Hip flexion t") Wide balance beam (set) Step reaction time (msec) (Nm) _.. _-.-. SIP total SIP physical dimension SF36aeneral health SF36 physical function SF36 mental health *Significant PHYSICAL Maximal Physical Performance, PERFORMANCE, and Self-Perceived Cress Function Measures Long-Term Care Dependent (X + SD), n = 39 Long-Term Care Independent (X i SD), n = 31 Community DbVl?ller5 IX + SD), n = 4.9 84.65 12.54 15.59 56.47 143.57 72.05 22.7 1196 13.9 15.15 50.80 49.73 74.31 80.51 18.68 21.29 72.64 144.70 66.59 8.01 1100 4.29 4.37 52.87 85.48 74.75 72.29 21.93 27.89 101.35 150.78 67.19 6.33 899 1.54 2.17 61.68 89.72 70.11 k 2 i i 2 k IL 2 2 ? 2 2 5 6.17 4.48 5.96 15.10 21.31 11.5 16.8 220 10.2 12.0 11.3 18.12 14.4 + + k t I t + t t f t t t 6.09 5.16 9.93 17.60 15.01 9.9 2.94 288 4.2 5.6 13.4 9.5 13.6 i t i i I !I 2 i 2 t k ? + 5.17 7.12 14.23 38.36 16.10 12.1 1.90 149 5.4 5.2 12.4 7.2 11.4 All (X + SD), n = 118 77.19 18.41 21.66 76.87 146.42 68.75 12.20 1050 7.28 7.47 55.31 74.15 73.02 + + f k i 2 2 k f e i i t 7.81 7.1 11.7 32.3 18.0 11.4 12.2 250 8.6 10.1 13.2 22.3 13.3 FVFhe 23.25" ,25.52* ‘12.04" 26.29" 1.78 2.54 28.12" 21.53* 16.75" 13.66* 7.9" 109" 1.24 p < .OOOl. A physician continuously monitored the 12-lead Quinton Q650b electrocardiogram (ECG) throughout the test, and heart rates were recorded every 30 seconds. Criteria for test termination included subject fatigue, signs and symptoms of exercise intolerance, ECG changes, and abnormal blood pressure or respiratory response. The test was stopped if the subject showed signs of cardiovascular incompetence in accordance with American College of Sports Medicine guidelinesI Strength. Biceps bracchi isometric strength at 90” elbow flexion and isokinetic knee flexion and extension strength were assessed using a LID0 dynamometer.c Grip strength was assessed on both left and right sides and was reported as the sum of the best of 3 trials on both hands. Good reliability has been previously shown with this age group on LID0 equipmentI Range of motion. Range of motion was determined for hip and shoulder flexion using a goniometer. The standard Thomas technique was used for hip flexion.16 For shoulder flexion the subject stood with the heels placed 8.9cm from the wall and the back against the wall. The hand was rotated 90” in pronation and the arm lifted, supported by the examiner, until the subject’s back ribs started to pull away from the wall. The goniometer distal arm was in correct alignment over the lateral epicondyle, and the goniometer’s proximal arm was aligned with the midline of the thorax.r7 Gait, balance, and reaction time. Time to walk 9m on a 17-cm-wide balance beam was recorded as a measure of balance.18 Self-selected walking speed was determined over a 40m distance with a 3-m runway and ending strip. To test the ability of the nervous system to respond quickly in shifting the body weight, a device to measure simple step reaction time was built by Diversified Productsd to our specification expressly for this study. The subject stood with weight equally distributed and the right foot on the start pad. The subject was visually cued with an amber “caution” light (randomized in duration from 1 to 4sec) followed by a green “go” light. At the green light the subject stepped forward with the right foot onto the stop pad. Simple reaction time was measured as the total time from the green light signal to the step onto the stop pad. Movement time was measured from the lifting of the foot from the start pad to the placement on the stop pad. Reaction time is the difference between the total or step reaction time and the movement time. Self-Perceived Function Psychosocial factors were measured as self-defined health status using the Sickness Impact Profile (SIP),19 self-perceived function using the Health Survey (SF36),” and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL).*r Both questionnaires were Arch FUNCTION Phys Med Rehabil Vol77, December 1996 administered before CS-PFP testing. These health status questionnaires are valid and reliable instruments.19~20 Validity Construct validity. We reasoned that living status is a reflection of a person’s physical performance capacity (strength, aerobic capacity, and reaction time). We hypothesized that in our population samples, the community dwellers as a group would show greater physical performance capacity and therefore reflect greater physical functional performance than the LTC facility residents. Among the LTC residents we expected the independent participants (LTCYI) to show greater physical performance and physical functional performance than those needing assistance (LTC/D). We performed analysis of variance (ANOVA) to determine the mean differences among the groups in physical performance measures (strength, aerobic, reaction time), physical functional performance (CS-PFP total) and the physical functional domains (Upper body strength, Lower body strength, Upper body flexibility, Balance and coordination, Endurance), and psychosocial factors that included self-report assessment of function and health status (SIP, SF-36, IADL). We reasoned that persons who perceived themselves as having higher function would score higher on the CS-PFP than those who perceived lower function. We compared these measures by calculating bivariate correlations between total CS-PFP scores and subscale scores on the SIP and SF36. The CS-PFP is a performance-based measure of physical function that we hypothesized would not correlate with scales of emotion or mental health. Reliability and Internal Consistency To assess both test-retest and inter-rater reliability, two different raters rated each subject on two different days. A repeatedmeasures ANOVA was used to a analyze for mean differences between raters. Pearson product moment correlations were calculated for all scores using the SPSS Correlation procedure. Internal consistency for four of the CS-PFP subscales (Upper Body Strength, Lower Body Strength, Balance and Coordination, and Endurance) was measured by Cronbach’s (Y, calculated using the SPSS Reliability procedure. A Cronbach’s a! of 0.6 or greater is considered an index that the items in the scale are measuring the same attribute.22 RESULTS Maximal Physical Performance Measures Significant differences were found on all physical performance capacity measures among the three groups of residents. CONTINUOUS-SCALE Table CS-PFP-TOT CS-PFP-UBS CS-PFP-LBS CS-PFP-UBF CS-PFP-B&C CS-PFP-END Biceps strength (Nm) Knee extensor strength (Nm) Shoulder flexion (7 Step-reaction time (set) i/o, max 1L/ min) Hip flexion (“) 2: Correlation Coefficients PHYSICAL Between CS-PFP Scores CS-PFP-UBS CS-PFP-LBS CS-PFP-UBF CS-PFP-B&C CS-PFP-END .93* 1 .oo .98* .94* 1 .oo .91” .79* .83* 1 .oo .93” .76* .89” .82* 1.oo .96* .84* .91* .86” .91* 1 .oo Biceps Strength (Nm) .55* .63* .57* .52* .40* .49* Cress Phvsical 1247 Performance Caoacitv Shoulder Flexion (“1 stepReaction Time kc) i/o, max .68X .71* .69* .62* .53* .63* 23” .23* .I9 .26* .28* .30* -.65* -.62* -.65* -.58* -.57* -.63* .65* .66” -.64* .59* .51* .65” -.I9 -.05 -.I6 -.I3 -.21* .81* .03” -.422” .58* .I4 .I4 -.49* .82* .I0 1.oo -.I8 .I9 .05 -.44x .06 1.00 .07 1 .oo Knee Exrensor Strength (Nm) 1.oo 1.oo CS-PFP upper CS-PFP balance 24 s Maximal 1 .oo Self-Perceived Function As expected, there were significant differences between the groups in physical but not nonphysical domains and in health status. IADL scores did not differ among the groups, and a clear ceiling effect is shown for the LTC/I and community dweller groups (fig 3). Table 1 presents selected scales of selfdefined health status from the SIP and of self-perceived function from the SF36 for the three subject groups. There were significant differences among the three groups on the SIP and SF36 d and Selected I .oo Selected physical characteristics and physical performance capacity measures of participants in the three living status groups are shown in table 1. The three groups were significantly different in all areas shown except shoulder and hip flexion. Differences in strength, vo,max, and balance measures remained significant after correcting for age. All physical domains of the CS-PFP were significantly associated with the 5 physical performance capacity measures (table 2). Except for lower body flexibility, the strongest correlation in all other domains was with the physical characteristic that was intuitively reasonable, eg, CS-PFP upper body strength score is highly correlated with biceps strength (Y = .93). g PERFORMANCE, CS-PFP-TOT Abbreviations: CS-PFP-TOT, CS-PFP total score; CS-PFP-UBS, PFP-UBF, CS-PFP upper body flexibility score; CS-PFP-B&C. *Significant correlation < .05. 2 FUNCTION 23.5 23 22.5 22 21.5 LTClD N=39 LTCll N=31 CD N=78 Fig 3. Mean IADL scores for community dwellers (CD); residents of congregate care facilities, dependent (LTC/D); and residents of congregate care facilities, independent (LTC/I). (Urnin) Hip flexion (“I body strength score; CS-PFP-LBS, CS-PFP lower body strength score; and coordination score; CS-PFP-END, CS-PFP endurance score. CS- physical scales but not on the SF36 mental health scale. Bivariate correlations on all groups between CS-PFP scores and SIP and SF36 scores are shown in table 3. Although CS-PFP scores were significantly correlated with physical function and overall health status using the SIP and SF36, they were not related to mental and emotional scales of these scales. Reliability and Internal Consistency Inter-rater reliability correlation coefficients for total and individual domains ranged from .92 to significant rater differences on the CS-PFP total or cal domains. Test-retest correlations ranged from (table 4). Cronbach’s (Y ranged from .74 to .97 for total and individual domains indicate good internal (table 4). the CS-PFP .98 with no the 5 physi.85 to .97 the CS-PFP consistency CS-PFP Validity The CS-PFP was capable of distinguishing physical functional performance among the three groups, whereas IADL did not. The dependent group of participants living in LTC facilities did not differ significantly from the independent residents of LTC facilities or the community dwellers on the IADL scale (fig 3). In contrast, all three groups differed significantly in total CS-PFP scores (fig 4A) (F = 24.09, p < .OOOl), as well as in individual CS-PFP physical domain subscores (fig 4B) (F = 73 to 119, p < .OOOl). In each physical domain and the CS-PFP total, CD participants scored higher than LTC/I participants, who scored higher than LTUD participants. The overall effort, as measured by the rate of perceived exertions (RPE) scale, was significantly (F = 12.18; p = .OOOl) less in the community dwellers (RPE = 10.8 2 1.7) than in the LTC groups (RPE: LTC/l = 11.5 + 1.8; LTC/D = 12.48 5 1.4). DISCUSSION The CS-PFP is a unique, valid, and reliable comprehensive test of physical functional performance. Evaluations are administered under standard conditions and quantification is based on continuous scaling. It is useful for measuring higher levels of function without evidence of ceiling effects, as well as accommodating persons who cannot perform individual tasks. Physical functional performance is reported as a total score and in Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol77, December 1996 1248 CONTINUOUS-SCALE Table SF36 TOT CS-PFP-TOT CS-PFP-UBS CS-PFP-LBS CS-PFP-UBF CS-PFP-B&C CS-PFP-END SF36 GH .75” .67X .70* .72* .68* .77* 3: Correlation SF36 MH -.30* p.30” -.26* -.27* -.25* -.37* Coefficients SF36 PF .75* .67 .70* .72* .68* .77* -.I5 -.I2 p.14 -.21* -.I8 -.I1 PHYSICAL Between SF36 RP FUNCTION CS-PFP SF36 VIT -.08 -.06 -.07 -.08 -.I0 -.06 .4a* .42 .42* .49* .43 .51* PERFORMANCE, Scores SIP TOT -.58* -.51* -.53* -.63* -.57* -.59* and Health SIP AM -62” -.53* -.5r3* -.63* -.60* -.64* Cress Status Measures SIP MOB -.52* -.45* -.48” -.54* -.49* -.52* SIP PD SIP BMC -.63* -.55* -.59* -.66* -.61* -.64” -.54* -.47* -.50* p.58” -.54* -.54* SIP REC -.51* -.43* -.48* -.50* -.49* -52” SIP MOOD -.I5 -.I1 -.06 -.I9 -.08 -.19* On the CS-PFP a higher score represents higher function. On the SIP a lower score represents better perceived health. Abbreviations: CS-PFP-TOT, CS-PFP total score; CS-PFP-UBS, CS-PFP upper body strength score; CS-PFP-LBS, CS-PFP lower body strength score; CSPFP-UBF, CS-PFP upper body flexibility score; CS-PFP-B&C, CS-PFP balance and coordination score; CS-PFP-END, CS-PFP endurance score; SF36, Short Form 36 Health Survey: TOT, total; GH, general health; MH, mental health; PF, physical function; RP, role physical; VIT, vitality; SIP, Sickness Impact Profile Health Status: AM, ambulation; MOB, mobility; PD, physical dimension; BMC, body care and movement; REC, recreation; MOOD, mood. * Correlations significant p < .Ol. several physical domains that include upper and lower body strength, endurance, balance, and flexibility. Levels of Function The CS-PFP fills the need for measurement of physical function in people living independently. Although the evaluation is applicable to adults with a broad range of functional levels, it is not intended for people who require assistance with ADL tasks or for those with cognitive impairments. Assessment tools (eg, Functional Independence Measure [FIM]) that quantify the level of assistancea person requires provide crucial information for discharge planning or for assessingprogress of inpatients. Measures of physical function that target ADL limitations requiring assistancedo not lend themselves to timing-based evaluation. For example, if a person requires some assistancedressing, such as getting the arm into the sleeve, the time to complete the task may be more dependent on timing of the assistance given or on cueing than on physical function. For the same reason, the CS-PFP is not intended to measure function in individuals with cognitive impairments or who may require multiple cues to complete a task. Although the CS-PFP is intended for measurement of higher levels of function, the scaling is designed to accommodate people who cannot perform an individual task, minimizing a measurement floor effect. The minimum CS-PFP-total score was 1.3 out of 12, and no one received a score of 0 on any of the domains. Several aspects of the testing process contribute to minimizing a ceiling effect: instruction to work at maximal effort, performance of several tasks serially, evaluation of several physical domains, and continuous scaling. People are asked to work at their functional capacity as quickly as they can or carrying the maximum amount of weight within the limits of comfort and safety. They are required to judge their ability and rest if they need to in order to complete all tasks. People who are stronger can carry more weight, work faster, and cover more distance. Using continuous scales of time, weight, and distance, as well as providing additional weight for carrying tasks, challenges stronger participants, reducing the possibility of reaching a cap on the highest score attained. Of the possible total scale of 12, the maximum score achieved was 10.6, and no one scored 12 on any domain. Assessing total body physical functional performance may also help to minimize the ceiling effect. By taking Table 4: Reliability Physical Upper body Upper body Lower body Balance and Endurance CS-PFP total and Internal Domain strength flexibility strength coordination *All correlations Arch Phys Med Correlation of the CS-PFP Test-Retest* Cronbach-a* .92 .97 .98 .99 .95 .98 significant Rehabil Consistency Inter-rater* .95 .85 .94 .96 .93 .97 p < .Ol. Vol77, December 1996 .87 .74 .83 .91 .86 .97 several physical systems (cardiorespiratory, neuromuscular) into account, the test assessesthe integration of total body physical functional performance, rather than relying on only one or two nerformance scores (eg. ~ -. tandem walk, sit-to-stand) to represent overall physical function. A LTC/D N=39 upper I3 bodv stre&th LTC/I N=31 upper body flexibility CD N=78 balance endurance lower body & strength coordination Fig 4. (A) Mean CS-PFP total scores for community dwellers (CD); residents of congregate care facilities, dependent (LTC/D); and residents of congregate care facilities, independent (LTC/I). Significant differences were found between groups within each domain (F = 24.09). (B) Mean CS-PFP domain scores for community dwellers (CD, N = 78 101); residents of congregate care facilities, dependent (LTC/D, N = 39 [WI; and residents of congregate care facilities, independent fLTC/I, N = 31 [@I. Significant differences were found between groups within each domain (F = 73 to 119). CONTINUOUS-SCALE PHYSICAL The ideal subject sample for testing this instrument would include some people with high muscular strength and low cardiovascular endurance, and visa versa; however, in untrained people, physical characteristics generally decline in concert with age. We are currently testing the training response of the individual domains to different physical interventions. Continuous Scaling By using a continuous scale for the CS-PFP we can examine relationships between CS-PFP scores and measures of physical performance capacity. Our data show a high degree of correlation between CS-PFP physical domain scores and related physical performance capacity measures (table 2). Each task was simplified to reduce the influence of more than one domain. For instance, when putting on a jacket the subject is asked to pull it together but not zip it up, in order to minimize interference of sight, dexterity, and abdominal girth. Selecting tasks and administering them to reflect the dominant physical trait involved in performance contributes to the significant correlation between the physical performance and physical functional performance measures (table 2) and the high degree of internal consistency within the domains (table 4). FUNCTION PERFORMANCE, 1249 Cress domain contributes to an individuals CS-PFP total score can provide insight into intervention strategies. Although we hypothesized a physical domain for lower body flexibility, our final set of tasks did not include any tasks for which hip flexibility was the primary physical characteristic required for performance. We initially expected that getting in and out of a bathtub would be dependent primarily on lower body flexibility. However, this task is primarily a reflection of the balance between leg strength and hip flexibility, and therefore it did not correlate primarily with degrees of hip flexion. This was the only task not performed by all of the participants. Those participants who could not perform it (n = 12; 9%) had significantly less hip flexion and knee extension strength than the other participants. Ten (83%) of the 12 participants who could not perform the bath tub task had musculoskeletal limitations (arthritis, low back pain, or a pulled muscle). Only one stated that fear of falling was a consideration for not performing the task. All other tasks were completed by all participants. Other tasks requiring hip flexibility and less reliant on strength, such as picking up scarves or closing a Velcro strap around a shoe being worn by the subject, might have provided more insight into lower body flexibility as a physical domain of function. Standard Conditions It is recognized in the laboratory sciences that testing under standard conditions minimizes variance and enhances the ability to detect significant differences. However, many functional assessment tools lack adequate sensitivity to detect differences that may in part be due to ordinal rather than interval scaling but may also result from the variable conditions under which tests are administered. Physical Domains The development of tests to assess function (eg, IADL, ADL) has emphasized quick administration (< 10min) in a physician’s office (nonstandard conditions) using a test that does not require specific training to administer.23 Yet a need for more accurate and comprehensive tests has grown with the increased scope of disability and number of patients with disabilities. Many measures of function include domains other than the physical, eg, social, cognitive, and communicative domains (SF36, FIM), which are important aspects of overall function. However, we suggest that upper and lower body physical function and all other physical domains cannot be adequately assessed in 10min. They demand an in-depth assessment that carefully segregates the various domains of physical function. The need for a physiological approach to functional tests is eloquently argued by Fried et al.’ Serial presentation of the tasks provides greater insight into physical function than do short tests because it simulates normal conditions. To function comfortably in the continuum of life, a person must be able to complete many tasks, such as personal care, shopping, cooking, and cleaning, with energy and time remaining for recreation. The data yielded by a comprehensive physical function test have critical and wide-ranging implications for the care of the patient. Such data are needed to determine home care or chore worker needs, types of physical intervention, eligibility for financial assistance, and the safety of home placement. Maximal physical performance (strength, Vo,max, etc) contribute uniquely to physical domains. Isometric arm strength explains 40% (Y = .63) of the CS-PFP-upper body strength domain, whereas it explains 30% (Y = 55) of overall physical functional performance (table 2). Maximal leg strength and Vo2max, on the other hand, both explained similar amounts of the variance (42% and 46%, respectively) for the CS-PFP-total. How each Living Status We have established that the CS-PFP has the precision to detect differences in physical function among three groups of participants, demonstrating the instrument’s construct validity. The maximum IADL score of 24 was attained by all CD and LTC/I residents, and those participants who were residents of a congregate care facility and dependent (LTC/D) indicated some IADL functional deficits (mean score 22.5) but there were no significant differences among the groups. Direct observation of physical functional performance using the CS-PFP total score indicates that our participants represent three distinct groups physically: community dwellers (CD) have the highest functional level, LTC/I residents retain 80% of the function of the CD, and LTC/D residents have 45% of the function of the CD (fig 4A). Participants’ ages ranged from the youngest in the CD group to the oldest in the LTC/D group (table 1). Age is associated with many aspects of health that may also affect function, eg, multiple illnesses, loss of lean muscle mass, loss of strength, depression. Significant differences remain among the three groups, on both CS-PFP total scores (fig 4A) and scores within the physical domains (fig 4B) after correcting for age. This is strong evidence that physical function is a more important determinant of living status than age. In other words, just because a person is older does not mean that he or she will be physically dependent, but rather that strength, endurance, balance and coordination, and flexibility are better predictors of living status than age. In addition, the community dwellers worked at a significantly higher level of physical functional performance with significantly less effort (RPE = 10.8), between very light and fairly light. As all of the participants functioned within their prescribed social roles, they were nondisabled according to the Nagi model of disability.” For diagnostic and intervention purposes, however, physical changes need to be recognized at the impairment level before they begin to affect social roles, ie, become disabilities. The CS-PFP may be useful for the individual who is completing an inpatient rehabilitation program and is soon to be discharged to home. In such a case, the CS-PFP may be able to predict success in the home environment and indicate areas where assistance or home modification may be required. Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol77, December 1996 1250 CONTINUOUS-SCALE Self-Perceived PHYSICAL Function CS-PFP total scores correlated significantly with scales of self-defined health status, the SIP and self-perceived physical function, the SF36 (table 3). This indicates that the CS-PFP is tapping some of the same characteristics as the other two assessments.Equally important is the evidence that the CS-PFP discriminates the physical aspects of function from other aspects such as emotion or mental health (SIP mood and SF36 mental health Y = -.15; p = 0.1). These findings support other work that has found that physical disability does not necessarily relate to social disability.25 CONCLUSION The CS-PFF is a unique, valid, and reliable test of physical functional performance. For persons without cognitive impairment the CS-PFP offers a continuously scaled instrument that measures whole-body physical functional performance, comprising 5 physical domains that reflect upper and lower body strength, upper body flexibility, balance and coordination, and endurance. Three groups of seniors were not significantly different in dependence on the IADL scale; however, they did differ significantly in CS-PFP total scores, CS-PFP domain scores, maximal physical performance, and health status scores, indicating construct validity. Each physical domain of the CS-PFP was significantly correlated with the physical performance measure it reflects, further demonstrating construct validity. Measures of self-perceived physical function were significantly correlated with CS-PFP scores, and measures of nonphysical domains were not. The CS-PFP does not show a floor effect for older adults without ADL deficiencies or a ceiling effect in highly active community dwellers. 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Loredan Biomedical Corporation, Davis, CA. Diversified Products, 2625 Himes #9, Pueblo, CO 81004.