University of Wisconsin-Stout Policy FACILITY USE

University of Wisconsin-Stout Policy
Policy No. 76-3
Date: 7/14/89
Revised: 3/3/2006
Revised: 1/3/2012
The authority, purpose, priorities and limitations associated with the use of university
facilities by university or non-university groups or individuals are established in the
following five documents:
Wisconsin Statute 16.845
Wisconsin Statute 11.36 (3) & (4)
Wisconsin Administrative Code Chapter UWS 21
UW-Stout Policy #83-35 Alcohol Beverages in Non-Instructional
UW-Stout Policy #82-31 Establishment & Revision of Rate & Fee
The five documents describe in detail the state and UW System terms and conditions for
using university facilities and provide the necessary context for UW-Stout’s policy on
facility use.
2.1 The university's facilities are defined as the publicly owned or leased buildings and
grounds of the State of Wisconsin which are subject to the custody and control of the
UW Board of Regents and UW-Stout.
2.2 A recognized student organization is a group which has been chartered and
registered with the Stout Student Association and the Dean of Students office.
2.3 Administrative or academic units include divisions, schools, departments, or
functional equivalents at UW-Stout.
2.4 Persons or organizations not associated with UW-Stout are those sponsored or
invited by a UW-Stout department or organization in the belief that the meetings or
activities of the non-university groups will serve the university's purposes of instruction,
research or public service.
3.1 Each university facility has been designed for a primary function of instruction,
research, public service or support and the related programming and activities
associated with each. It is the policy of the University of Wisconsin-Stout to preserve
and enhance the primary functions of its facilities through the priorities, the guidelines
established for individual facilities, and procedures established in this document.
3.2 To the extent resources permit, UW-Stout will recognize its commitment to the
requests for facility use by the university community and residents of the state, subject
to the conditions described in this policy and hierarchy of priorities for use of facilities
as listed in Appendix D.
3.3 An official scheduler of each facility will be designated to assure compliance with
the requirements of the state and System documents listed in Section 1. The official
scheduler for each facility will determine appropriateness of facility use requests,
schedule the facility based on established priorities, and determine whether charges
should be assessed for the use of a facility. Requests for facility use require approval
from the official scheduler (see Appendix E).
3.4 Because of the status of the Louis Smith Tainter (LST) House as a National
Historic Place, it is the policy of UW-Stout to limit the use of Louis Smith Tainter.
To assure that the proposed use of any UW-Stout facility will not interfere with or
detract from the university's teaching, research, or public service missions, the official
scheduler will evaluate appropriate use based on the criteria listed in Appendix F.
Any request to use facilities for other than scheduled instruction and research requires
the official scheduler to elicit the information described in Appendix G. Additional
information may be required for certain facilities.
Use of bulletin boards, common exterior windows, and exterior doors in university
buildings is controlled by the building supervisor of each facility. The building
supervisor may designate specific bulletin boards on which authorized groups may post
materials. The building supervisor must also approve any materials, except those that
are part of all-university policies, such as window clings, placed on exterior doors or
windows in common areas.
In addition, each building supervisor may designate locations in buildings where
materials may be distributed if such distribution does not interfere with the normal
operation of the building and services housed in it. See Appendix H for the criteria for
posting or distributing materials.
7.1 Charges for facility use will be assessed as described in Appendix I
7.2 Accounting of Funds Collected
7.2.1 Funds collected through the implementation of this policy are to be placed, as
appropriate, in program revenue facility accounts, or in the Central Facility Utilization
Account if GPR facilities are rented.
7.2.2 Funds from the Central Facility Utilization account will be used in the following
(a) Funds will be credited to the facility from which they are generated.
(b) Direct personnel support charges incurred in the rental will be made against the
(c) Rental receipts from the use of GPR facilities may be used to replace equipment,
repair damages, make renovations, etc., in the facility which generates the rental
income. Requests may not exceed the amount credited to the facility, however.
8.1 The university's Facility Use Policy shall be reviewed every three years by the
Campus Physical Development Committee.
8.2 If a serious challenge of an official scheduler's decision is made, the building
supervisor or division administrator may serve as an appeal agent. Appeals relative to
the policy itself should be directed to the Office of the Vice Chancellor of
Administrative and Student Life Services.
Appendix A WI Statute 16.845
Appendix B WI Administrative Code Chapter 21
Appendix C WI Statute 11.36 (3) & (4)
Appendix D Priorities for use of facilities
Appendix E Scheduling of Facilities
Appendix F Appropriate Use Criteria
Appendix G Required information for facility use
Appendix H Criteria for posting or distributing materials
Appendix I Determination of Charges
Appendix J Guidelines for the Use of Clock Tower Plaza by Outside Groups
If you have questions or comments, e-mail
Wisconsin Statute 16.845:
“Except as elsewhere expressly prohibited, the managing authority of any facility
owned by the state may permit its use for free discussion of public questions, or for civic, social,
recreational or athletic activities. No such use shall be permitted if it would unduly burden the
managing authority or interfere with the prime use of such facility. The applicant for use shall be
liable to the state for any injury done to its property, for any expense arising out of any such use. All
such sums are to be paid into the general fund and to be credited to the appropriation for the
operation of the facility used. The managing authority may permit such use notwithstanding the fact
that a reasonable admission fee may be charged to the public. Whoever does or attempts to do an act
for which a permit is required under this section without first obtaining the permit may be fined not
more than $100 or imprisoned not more than 30 days or both. This section applies only to those
buildings, facilities, and grounds for which a procedure for obtaining a permit has been established.”
UWS 21.01 Declaration of policy
UWS 21.02 Definitions
UWS 21.03 Use of facilities by organizations associated with an institution
UWS 21.04 Use of facilities by persons or organizations not associated with an
UWS 21.05 Access to public events held at university facilities
UWS 21.06 Institutional procedures
UWS 21.02 Declaration of policy. It is the policy of the board of regents that the facilities of the
university are to be used primarily for purposes of fulfilling the university’s missions of teaching,
research and public service. University facilities are not available for unrestricted use for other
purposes. In order to preserved and enhance the primary functions of university facilities, the board
of regents adopts this chapter to govern the use of university facilities.
History: Cr. Register, December, 1986, No. 372, eff. 1-1-87.
UWS 21.02 Definitions. In this chapter:
1) “Board of regents” or “board” has the meaning given under 3. UWS 1.02.
2) “Chancellor” means the chief executive officer of a university, the university of Wisconsin
centers, or the university extension.
3) “Facilities” or “university facilities” means the publicly owned or leased buildings and
grounds which are subject to the custody and control of the
4) “Institution” has the meaning given under 3. UWS 1.06.
5) “Organization associated with an institution” means that an organization is
an officially recognized staff or student group, or an administrative or
academic unit, or a state agency.
6) “Staff” means all employees of the university of Wisconsin system.
7) “Student” means any person who is registered for study in an institution of
the university of Wisconsin system for the current academic period.
8) “University” has the meaning given under 3. UWS 1.07.
History: Cr. Register, December, 1986, No. 372,eff.1-1-87.
UWS 21.03 Use of facilities by organizations associated with an institution.
1) The chancellor of each institution, or his or her designee, shall permit organizations
associated with that institution to use university facilities for events for staff and
students, if he or she determines that:
a) The proposed use will not interfere with or detract from teaching, research, and
public service missions of the institution; Register, December, 1986, No. 372.
b) The institution has appropriate facilities available for the proposed use; and
c) The organization has complied with institutional procedures adopted under 3. UWS
2) The chancellor of each institution , or his or her designee, may permit organizations
associated with that institution to use university facilities for public events if he or she
determines that:
a) The proposed use will not interfere with or detract from the teaching, research and
public service missions of the institution;
b) The institution has appropriate facilities available for the proposed use; and
c) The organization has complied with institutional procedures adopted under 3. UWS
3) The organizations using university facilities under this section may be required to
reimburse the institution for the costs, if any, incident to the use of the facilities.
4) Organizations using university facilities under this section may be required to pay rental
charges for use of the facilities if the use is revenue producing.
History: Dr. Register, December, 1986, No. 372, eff. 1-1-87.
UWS 21.05Access to public events held at university facilities.
1) It is the policy of the board to ensure maximum access to public events held in university
facilities, consistent with the legally recognized rights and interests of performers, lecturers, artists
and speakers.
Register, December, 1986, No. 372
2) where a person or organization has secured the use of university facilities for a public
event, any contemplated restriction or condition on access to the event must be made known
prior to the event, and must be embodied in a written agreement with the institution, which
agreement shall be open to public inspection. However, such agreements may not deny or
restrict access to university facilities in a manner contrary to other applicable laws or
regulations or on any basis prohibited by law.
History: Cr. Register, December, 1986, No. 372,eff. 1-1-87.
UWS 21.06 Institutional procedures. The chancellor of each institution, in consultation with
appropriate staff and students, shall develop procedures for the administration of this chapter
which shall, at a minimum, include the following:
1) Procedures for securing permission to use university facilities;
2) A schedule of the costs and rental fees, if any, assessed for the use of
facilities; and
3) A description of any institutional limitations concerning the time of availability
and manner of the use of institutional facilities
History: Cr. Register, December, 1986, No. 372, eff. 1-1-87.
Wisconsin Statute 11.36 (3) and (4):
3) Every person who has charged or control in a building, office or room occupied for any
purpose by this state or any political subdivision thereof shall prohibit the entry of
any person into that building, office or room for the purpose of making or receiving a
No person may enter or remain in any building, office or room occupied for any purpose by the
state or any political subdivision thereof or send or direct a letter or other notice thereto for the
purpose of requesting or collecting a contribution.
Appendix D
Because the priorities for use of UW-Stout facilities vary according to the type of facility, the
university has established the following hierarchy of priorities for use of most facilities. The
number listed under each facility indicates the level of priority given to the activity or user
group, with "1" being the highest priority and "6" being the lowest.
Instructional Space
1 – Officially scheduled lectures and labs
2 – Open labs and independent study
3 – Educational programs such as conferences and workshops
4 – Campus organizations
5 – Persons or organizations not associated with UW-Stout
Harvey Hall Auditorium
1 – Speech and drama instruction
2 – Plays and speech activities that are part of university program
3 – Other instruction
4 – University activities
5 – Activities of persons or organizations not associated with UW-Stout
Student Center/Price Commons/North Point Dining
1 – Dining Services functions in assigned dining service areas
2 – University-recognized student groups and organizations
3 – University and administrative groups and/or organizations
4 – Non-recognized student groups
5 – Persons or organizations not associated with UW-Stout
Recreation/Athletic Complex
1 – Physical Education classes
2 – Varsity games and practices
3 – University Recreation
4 – Administrative/Faculty/Student events
5 – Other events affiliated with Stout
6 – Persons/Groups not affiliated with Stout
*Priorities may vary for individual facilities within Recreation/Athletic Complex.
See Specific facility guidelines:
Housing and Residence Life Facilities
1 – User fee students under contract for us of residence halls
2- University recognized student groups and organizations
3- University and administrative groups and/or organizations
4 – Persons or organizations not associated with UW-Stout
Louis Smith Tainter House
1 – Administrative functions of Stout University Foundation and Stout Alumni Association
2 – Special guests of UW-Stout
3 – Visiting alumni
4 – Promotional activities of Stout Foundation
University Grounds
1 – Normal traffic and lounging
2 – Recreational Activities
3 – Instruction-related activities
4 – Other activities
Appendix E
Under authority delegated by the building supervisor of a given facility, official schedulers are
authorized to schedule the facilities listed on the left, using the priorities established in Appendix G.
Official schedulers are the individuals who hold the titles listed on the right.
Official Scheduler
Registrar (in consultation with appropriate
department administrator and building
Registrar’s office
Harvey Hall Auditorium
Chair of Speech Communication, Foreign
Languages, Theatre and Music Department
Student Center/ Price Commons/ Tainter
University Conference Coordinator
Recreation/Athletic Complex
Recreation/Athletic Complex Manager
Academic Year-Individual Residence
Hall Directors
Hall Directors
Summer-North and Red Cedar Halls
University Conference Coordinator
Other Halls
Louis Smith Tainter House
LST Office Manager
University Grounds
University Conference Coordinator
Clock Tower Plaza
See Appendix J for Guidelines and Criteria
Facilities should be scheduled during normal operating hours whenever possible. Activities
scheduled during times when the facility is not ordinarily open or staffed require special coordinative
efforts with appropriate Physical Plant and Security, Police & Parking Services personnel. The
official scheduler is responsible for contacting Physical Plant or Security, Police & Parking Services
to arrange for needed staff.
For questions about scheduling any facility not listed above or for referral to the appropriate
scheduler, contact the University Conference Coordinator.
Appendix F
Facilities are most appropriately used by organizations associated with the university for
activities of students or staff, or secondly, for public events. The LST House is an exception:
Regular meetings or social functions of campus committees or groups are not appropriate for
Louis Smith Tainter.
The type of facility must be suitable for the requested use whether the user is a university or a
non-university group.
The amount of space requested must be reasonable for the requested need.
Neither the timing nor duration of the activity in the requested facility can conflict with the
university's primary mission.
Certain facilities are not appropriate for scheduled use beyond their primary function for
reasons of safety or security. Examples include the General Services Building,
Administration Building, University Services Building, Library Learning Center, Heating
Plant, and administrative areas of Bowman Hall and academic buildings.
Appendix G
The following information is required for facility use:
Facility requested, date, beginning and ending time
Name of organization, contact person's name, phone number
Signature of individual requesting facility
Signature of official sponsoring-organization or department representative when appropriate
Approval signature of official scheduler
Any applicable fees or charges
Certificate of insurance
Acknowledgement of sponsorship/Invitation
Set up requirements
Personnel support requirements
Food or alcohol needs (Exclusive Pouring Rights)
Appendix H
Distribution is prohibited if a building does not have an area that can
accommodate the distributed materials. Materials may be distributed outside
buildings and around the campus so long as this activity does not interfere with
the orderly operation of the university. Time limits for posted materials may vary
by building.
Posted or distributed materials may not promote the sale or consumption of
alcohol, whether implied or stated.
The university assumes no obligation or responsibility for the content of materials
distributed on its campus and reminds those who distribute materials to be aware
of applicable laws regarding libel, defamation, obscenity, or fair labor relations.
Questions about banners, sidewalk chalking, or exterior posting of materials
should be directed to the University Conference Coordinator.
Application of window clings and other materials to exterior doors and to
windows in common areas must be authorized by the building supervisor and
must not significantly restrict visibility or otherwise affect safety.
Questions about posting and designated posting areas within buildings should be directed to the
individual building supervisor (see Policy 82-33 rev. for listing of building supervisors).
Appendix I
Events which relate specifically to classroom instruction and/or university administrative
operations will ordinarily be allowed to use state-funded facilities without facility use charge.
Self-sustaining (program revenue) facilities generally are not to be used for specific
classroom functions. However, set-up, clean-up, and other special charges may be assessed.
Events relating specifically to the purpose of a recognized student organization or university
department will not result in charges unless set-up, clean-up, staffing, special charges, and/or
off-hours are involved. Scheduled events which do not relate to specific program purposes
may result in rental or other charges.
Sponsored non-university groups will be charged. When the activity is defined as a
community service by the facility's official scheduler, a division administrator or the
chancellor, these fees may be adjusted or waived.
Rental, set-up, and other appropriate charges will be assessed when, for the purpose of using
university facilities, University Department or recognized student organization acts as a
representative for a non-university organization or individual.
Activities which require above-normal staffing for maintenance, security, or other purposes
during or outside of regular operating hours will be charged. However, direct pay to any
university staff member from the renter is not permitted.
Rental Charges and Costs Incident to Facility Use
Academic Building and Facilities: A basic rate will be charged at an hourly rate to cover
incidental costs (i.e. heat, electricity, water, etc.). Physical Plant is responsible for the rate
development and approval in accordance with UW-Stout Policy #82-31 on determination of
rates and fees.
A special facilities rate, plus the basic rate, will be charged hourly to cover costs associated
with special facilities such as laboratories, auditoriums, physical education and athletic
facilities. The special facilities rate will be developed by personnel in charge of a given
facility and approved by the Vice Chancellor for Administrative and Student Life Services
and the Chancellor.
The rates charged for use of UW-Stout facilities will include such costs as heat, electricity,
insurance, and water, as well as reimbursement of all costs incident to use of a facility such
as set-up, clean-up, security, damages, or moving equipment from one facility to another.
Activities which require above-normal staffing for any purpose during or outside of regular
operating hours will be charged the average current rate for the employee classification,
including overtime and fringe benefits, for each additional staff needed. Direct pay to any
university staff member is prohibited.
A deposit may be required to reserve facilities.
Appendix J
1. The process for reserving the Clock Tower Plaza will follow the established reservations process
used for other facilities on campus, through the Memorial Student Center Reservations Center.
2. Groups and organizations wishing to use the Clock Tower Plaza must write a letter on the
organization’s stationery to the University Conference Coordinator with the following information:
a) name and description of the event; b) time and date; c) any special needs such as electricity or
physical plant setups.
3. The University Conference Coordinator will provide the engager information on
guidelines/requirements for use of the Clock Tower Plaza; and will review the formal request to
determine if it meets the requirements set forth in Chapter UWS 21 of the Wisconsin Administrative
Code (Use of University Facilities).
4. Normally, use of this facility will be for non-profit and community organizations. However,
commercial use will be permitted on a limited basis if it is clearly in the interest of the university to
do so.
5. Any questions of legality, appropriateness, etc., will be referred to the University Communications
Director (and the Special Assistant to the Chancellor, if necessary) by the University Conference
Coordinator. The University Communications Director will make contact with appropriate
agencies/departments (such as System Legal) when needed.
6. If electricity or physical plant set up is required, see Appendix I for determination of charges.
7. Non-university organizations sponsoring events at this facility must carry their own casualty and
liability insurance, and must comply with all federal and state statutes, city ordinances,
administrative rules and university policies that apply to the event. Sale or promotion of alcoholic
products is prohibited. Further, groups and organizations using this facility must comply with the
contractual obligation the university has with Pepsi Cola for exclusive pouring rights. Sponsors of the
event will be required to sign a liability waiver, and, in some cases, provide a certificate of insurance.
8. Response to the request will be in writing from the University Conference Coordinator. If the
request is granted, the coordinator will provide copies of the approval to the Vice Chancellor for
Administrative and Student Life Services; the University Communications Director; the Special
Assistant to the Chancellor; the Director of Physical Plant; the Buildings and Grounds Supervisor;
the Executive Director of Health and Safety; and the Director of University Police.