Agenda FACULTY SENATE MEETING November 18, 2014 Ballroom A, MSC 2:30 – 4:30 P.M. CHAIR: Petre Ghenciu VICE CHAIR: Ana Vande Linde SECRETARY: Kevin Drzakowski PRESENT: Amanda Barnett, Lopa Basu, Michael Bessert, Amanda Brown, Kathleen Deery, David Ding, Kevin Drzakowski, Barb Flom, Bert Fraher, Petre (Nelu) Ghenciu, Gene Gutman, Ted Harris, Anne Kerber, Matthew Kuchta, Virginia Lea, Eun Joo Lee, Leni Marshall, Kate Maury, Brian Oenga, Marlann Patterson, Christine Peterson, John Schultz, Jeffrey Sweat, Kevin W. Tharp, Loretta Thielman, Ana Vande Linde, Keith Wojciechowski ABSENT: Glenda Jones (excused), Adam Kramschuster (excused), Esuvat Mollel, Forrest Schultz, Steve Terry, Cameron Weaver, Dean Wirtanen and Julie Zaloudek (excused) GUESTS: Glendali Rodriguez, Doug Mell and Doug Stevens I. II. III. IV. V. Call to Order (Chair, Nelu Ghenciu) Meeting called to order at 2:30 p.m. Roll Call – Sign Attendance Sheet Minutes of October 28, 2014 Motion to approve: (Vande Linde/Kuchta) Discussion: The program name listed under Administrative Reports should be changed to read, B.S. Digital Marketing Technology, not B.S. Web Technology. Motion passed with five abstentions. Administration Reports 1. Chancellor’s Report. Chancellor Meyer is in another meeting today. 2. Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs’ Report. Associate Vice Chancellor Rodriguez reported. The BFA degree for Game Design and Development in Art will be on the upcoming Board of Regents agenda for approval. The Diversity Leadership Team (DLT) is working on initiatives building on a diversity workshop that took place on campus in October. Approximately150 people attended three workshops with approximately 70 responding to a follow-up survey. The workshop was well received. The Polytechnic Summit’s theme is Innovative Collaborations. UW-Stout will host the Polytechnic Summit in 2015. The date is June 24-26, 2015. More information will be forthcoming to the campus. A steering committee is comprised of Stout representatives, business representatives, and technical school representatives. Planning for this event is ongoing. The Office of International Education Director Search is now underway. The Provost has announced that the decision on the Graduate School leadership model will be made by December 1. Rodriguez is part of a task force examining feedback from across campus on this issue. Information to department chairs has been sent on student assistance for instructors setting up their personal web pages. Announcements 1. Other. The Chancellor is scheduling two town hall meetings in the coming weeks. The dates are: Tuesday, November 25th, 2:30 p.m. and Tuesday, December 9th, 11:15 a.m. The VI. discussion will be informal. Spread the word for all faculty and staff to attend. This is a great opportunity to share thoughts and ideas with Chancellor Meyer. The dates and times will be available in a memo being sent out tomorrow. There will be means to participate online. The Chancellor’s inauguration will take place on April 2nd. Chancellor Meyer wants the inauguration as minimal as possible, but it will be a celebration. More information will be shared as it becomes available. New Business 1. Resolution on Racism and Hate Speech (11/17/14) Virginia Lea drafted a resolution in response to Chancellor Meyer’s email. Motion to approve: (Sweat/Basu) Move to accept the Resolution. Discussion: There seems to be a lack of transparency on campus. There are excellent programs/committees already on campus. Contact the Affirmative Action Committee for feedback. The resolution will show support of our students on campus. Edits were recommended and to shorten the resolution to a brief paragraph. Virginia Lea will make the edits and forward on to Borofka to share with the full senate. Vote. All approved the Resolution with the agreed-upon edits. 2. UW-Stout Online Accreditation Results by Doug Stevens. Stevens presented the United States Distance Learning Association’s (USDLA) certification of UW-Stout. Stout Online applied for the accreditation in order to publicize Stout’s successes in online education and identify areas for improvement. Representatives from the USDLA reviewed Stout’s application and examined Stout’s standards of practice, visiting Stout’s campus. The report from the USDLA is available on Stout Online’s website. The report granted certification for five years to Stout. Renewal is contingent on implementing recommendations from the report. There are approximately 108 recommendations for improvement. Some of the recommendations do not apply to UW-Stout. A subcommittee is responsible for identifying which groups would best be able to respond to the various recommendations. Areas of improvement include required training for online instructors, possible accelerated courses, incentives and compensation for developing online courses and possibly incorporating a standardized piece in the syllabi. A final report will be sent back to the USDLA in February, detailing how we will respond to the recommendations. Stevens presented examples of ways in which campus administrators and offices will be involved in implementing these recommendations. Stevens will forward the electronic presentation to Borofka to share with the full senate as there were technical difficulties in the room’s projector. 3. FOCUS 2020 Feedback for Goal Statements Chair Ghenciu solicited feedback on the three draft goal statements for UW-Stout’s longterm goals which were shared during the Engagement Sessions. Goal 1 – Instructional Models: This goal is broad. The goals need to be measurable. Student evaluations are not consistent by department or college in how they are valued and assessed. Recommended edits to the goal included removing “To” to the second bullet. Goal 2 – Applied Learning: Do students need all three experiences? How do they manage and track the experiences? The goal seems confusing and the two separate points may be better if switched. Will the student be responsible for measuring the outcome, or will the program/department? Encourage equitable inclusion. Goal 3 – Relationships: Remove “centralized” from first bullet and possibly change it to “coordinate”. Discovery Center and STTI are already on-campus, but do they communicate and share what they’re working on? Discovery Center does not align with all majors on campus. Goal 4 – Possible added goal: Do not have any goals addressing the cost structure on campus. Goal of faculty salaries and average of CUPA could be addressed. Possibly including a goal to address the future budget issues of tuition freezes, budget cuts and focus on cost reduction. Growth structure is not consistent with growth of students, programs and faculty instruction. Enrollment has increased, with larger class sizes, etc. Look into ways for additional instruction support on campus. Possibly have administrators teach a section from their discipline. Chair Ghenciu will share comments with the Strategic Planning Group. 4. Banking Relationship Evaluation Committee Member Motion (Vande Linde/Basu) to Appoint Thielman as a representative. All approved. 5. CEHHS Position Statement on Graduate School Leadership. Peterson spoke on the reasons for her college drafting a statement. The statement includes support and concerns for the future leadership. Restructuring the role and responsibilities of the leadership, but not splitting the assignments of the program directors, was recommended. Other colleges might consider writing statements detailing what they wish to see in the graduate college leadership. Feedback to the Provost’s Office on the Graduate School Leadership is due by the end of November. Provost Weissenburger will be making a decision by December 1st. 5. Discussion/Decision Items a. Other. VII. Information Items 1. Other. Department representatives were asked whether academic staff, including emergency hires, can vote in their department meetings. In some departments, academic staff members outnumber faculty members, which may lead to issues where temporary staff members have a greater voice than permanent staff members. Some departments feel this may be excluding instructional academic staff which could be seen as a form of bullying. Chair Ghenciu will communicate with SAS Chair James. This is a possible item for PPC to take on in the future. VIII. Adjournment. Meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m.